Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells - Chamberlain Lisa 2015

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells - Chamberlain Lisa 2015


Since the beginning of recorded history, people have delighted in the beauty of naturally occurring crystals found deep in the Earth.

The ancient peoples of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Japan, India, and South and Central America used crystals not just in amulets and other jewelry, but also in religious art, weaponry, and healing.

Over the past several decades, the popularity of crystals in healing and the magical arts has seen a resurgence.

This guide explores the use of crystals from the perspective of Wiccans and other Witches, but you need not consider yourself a Wiccan or a Witch to benefit from the energetic power of crystals and stones.

This guide provides an overview of the many uses of crystals in healing and magic and the underlying principles of the Universal forces that make it all work.

You’ll learn about the physical makeup of these amazing pieces of the Earth, and how their unique energetic vibrations can help you consciously shape the reality of your daily life on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes.

You’ll be introduced to 13 of the most popular and accessible crystals and stones and their primary uses, as well as instructions on how to care for and charge them.

Finally, you’ll find several spells and magical workings centered around crystals, providing a variety of magical solutions to everyday issues. Remember that with any kind of magic, repeated practice is what leads to success. So be persistent as you work to incorporate your new knowledge, and be sure to let the crystals and stones guide you in your process, as they make wonderful guides on the spiritual path.

Blessed Be!

· Part One : Gifts from the Earth

A History of Crystal and Stone

The magical power of stone has been recognized by people all over the world from as far back as 11,000 years ago, when the oldest known stone temple was built at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey.

The famous sites of Stonehenge, Newgrange, and other monuments in Europe and beyond are further testaments to our long history of relationship with this most fundamental building block provided by the Earth.

Stone’s ability to shelter our early ancestors surely had something to do with the importance it held in the spiritual lives of the communities who built these mysterious structures. To this day, cairns—or piles of stones—are still used as landmarks on trails and coastlines, as well as memorials to the deceased and tributes to the unseen spirits of the natural world. Then there is the widespread tradition of making, carrying, and/or giving away “wishing stones,” which are small enough to be carried in pockets and often have words like “love,” “peace,” and “luck” carved into them.

But there are certain treasures sourced from the Earth that hold particular power for contemporary spiritual seekers, including Wiccans and other Pagans.

Generally found inside larger masses of rock under the Earth’s surface, crystals and other mineral stones are used in magic for everything from protection to divination to manifesting wealth and love.

This magical relationship with crystals and other stones also has a long history.

Quartz crystals were used as talismans by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans alike. Aboriginal people in the American Southwest have revered the powers of turquoise since the time of the Aztecs. Indeed, throughout time, in any culture where minerals and crystals were accessible, they were incorporated into the daily lives of those who knew to recognize their powers.

Those powers include healing, which is what crystals are best known for in the wider contemporary “New Age” culture.

Alternative healing modalities incorporate crystals and other stones in a variety of ways. Chakra balancing is one major use for crystals, and some practitioners of Reiki, acupuncture, color therapy, and other energy healing techniques incorporate crystals into their work.

Crystals work on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes to effect positive change, rather than conventional medicine with its focus on the physical plane alone, so they are considered to be more holistic in their transformative effects than, say, an aspirin taken for a headache. There is a wide variety of information available about the healing powers of crystals, for physical and spiritual imbalances of all kinds.

Because healing—physical, emotional, and spiritual—is often a goal of magic, there is quite a bit of overlap between what alternative healers know about crystals and stones, and what Witches know. Furthermore, it might be argued that crystals and stones are more suited for healing magic than nonnatural objects, such as candles (though magic for healing can certainly involve candles or any other object).

Because of this overlap, the word “healing” will show up often in this guide, and much of the information about the magical uses of specific crystals will include their use in healing. However, this information is in no way intended to replace that which a trained practitioner in the alternative healing modalities would provide, and should not be used in place of needed medical treatment of any kind.

The focus of this guide is on the use of crystals and stones in magic, and will therefore pay more attention to the emotional and spiritual elements of their unique and special powers.

Of course, in Wiccan tradition, the use of crystals goes well beyond healing.

Indeed, they are often involved in many facets of spiritual and magical practice. One common use for crystals and stones is to mark the sacred circle before ritual begins—whether the ritual is performed by a solitary Witch or a coven. They are also used to honor deities, with specific stones sacred to particular gods and goddesses. In keeping with centuries of tradition, they are still used in amulets, talismans, and other “good luck” charms, as well as for scrying and protection.

Some magical tools, such as wands and pentacles, are decorated with crystals, and they can also be used to improve the energy of any indoor or outdoor space.

Finally, crystals and stones can be powerful components of spellwork, which is the focus of this guide. Before getting into any further detail, however, it’s helpful to take a brief look at the terminology associated with crystals and other stones in order to get a better understanding of the physical makeup of these mysterious gifts from the Earth.

Crystal, Stone, or Rock? What’s the Difference?

Many sources, including this guide, will use the terms “crystal” and “stone” interchangeably.

This is because the technical differences between the two, in terms of their physical makeup, isn’t really significant when it comes to magic.

Actually, the more appropriate term in many cases is “mineral,” as opposed to “crystal,” since not every stone associated with healing and magic has the kind of orderly molecular structure that characterizes a “true” crystal.

To make things even more complicated, there are a few substances, such as amber, that don’t qualify as either mineral or crystal but are considered to be powerful “stones” nonetheless.

Although it’s not strictly necessary to understand the physical properties of these different substances from a scientific perspective, it can be helpful to know a little bit about why there are different terms, and what makes crystals and other stones more potentially useful in magic than other, more “ordinary” pieces of the Earth.

Minerals are defined as any inorganic substance that is formed naturally in the Earth’s underground geological processes, through the interaction of heat, pressure, and fluid. Every mineral occurs in a solid state at normal Earth temperatures and has a specific chemical composition. Gold, silver and copper are perhaps the most commonly recognized minerals. Minerals occur in a very wide variety of shapes and colors, and may be found as a single specimen, or in a mixture with other minerals. Almost all of the stones involved in magic and healing are composed of single minerals. Some of the most popular are hematite, malachite, and turquoise.

Many minerals have a specific molecular structure that forms a regular pattern, creating the flat surfaces and interesting geometric forms we tend to think of when we hear the word “crystal.” Probably the most common type of crystal that people are familiar with is clear quartz, which is what true “crystal balls” are made from, and is used in watches, clocks, and many other electronic devices. Other forms of quartz—especially rose quartz and amethyst, are commonly available and useful for a wide variety of magical and healing purposes.

Any given solid piece of the Earth containing more than one single mineral is called a stone, or, alternatively, a rock. These two terms are essentially interchangeable, although “rock” tends to bring to mind more drab, less interesting objects than the word “stone.” Rocks may be made of two or more minerals as well as organic substances, and they don’t have a consistent chemical composition. Chunks of single minerals may be found in rocks, though it’s more common to find microscopic grains of minerals instead.

Some of the substances used in magic and healing are technically stones— such as lapis lazuli, which is a mixture of lazurite and diopside. This may be one reason for the interchangeability of “stones” and “crystals” among magical practitioners. You won’t find too many people, however, who will lump crystals in with “rocks,” as the connotations just aren’t the same.

As mentioned above, there are further exceptions to the “rules” of categorization when it comes to some stones.

Amber is actually fossilized resin from ancient trees, and jet comes from fossilized decaying wood. Then there’s a geode, which is a cavity in a spherical rock that is lined with crystals or other minerals. The most commonly available geodes tend to be lined with amethyst quartz.

Finally, some sources will use the term “gemstones” to refer to both crystals and other minerals. This term is not rooted in science or magic, but is instead a category of particularly attractive and often rare minerals used in jewelry. Some minerals used in healing and magic, such as garnet and fluorite, are also considered gemstones. The more expensive gemstones, like diamond and emerald, are less commonly used in magic due to their cost.

Those interested in learning more about crystals and other stones, from both geological and physical healing disciplines, will find plenty of information available in print and online, but this knowledge isn’t required for those seeking to draw on the magical properties of crystals and other stones.

As with any other form of magic, intuition and intention are the driving factors for transforming your reality through the use of crystals.

However, it is helpful to know their basic magical associations and emotional and spiritual healing properties, as well as whether they are projective or receptive—key qualities that determine their most effective uses in healing and magic.

These aspects of crystals and stones will be covered below, but first let’s take a look at how these natural wonders make excellent tools of magic.

How Does Crystal Magic Work?

Crystal magic, like any other form of magic, is essentially the art of directing a specific intention into the Universe at the spiritual level in order to effect change on the material plane.

While crystal spellwork may make use of other tools, such as candles, herbs, charms, chants, etc., the main “ingredient” of this kind of magic will be one or more crystals or other mineral stones.

Crystals are a unique magical tool in that they occur in nature and are not made by human hands like candles, cauldrons, athames and wands.

They can be polished and carved into beautiful shapes, but are just as effective when left “raw” in their original state.

Although crystals and stones are made of inorganic matter, many healers who work with them believe them to be “alive,” capable of communicating their ancient wisdom with us if we are open and receptive to their messages.

Even scientists speak of the process of crystal formation as “growing,” since crystals start out small and then increase in size as new atoms are added to their structures under the Earth’s surface.

The shape, size, and color of a given crystal’s formation will depend on the temperature, location, and presence of other minerals, as part of an ancient and ongoing dynamic process of creation. If you’ve ever held a crystal and looked at it closely from several angles, turning it over and over in your hand, you’ve most likely felt the mysterious sense of wonder they evoke. They seem to speak silently of the infinite, creative, living power of the Earth.

Wiccans and other Witches understand that the power of crystals and stones is also in essence the same power inherent in other natural phenomena, such as the wind or a flowing river. All matter, visible and invisible, is essentially energy, and all energy is interconnected.

This core concept is found in both metaphysics and quantum physics, and while the exact ways in which energy communicates and ultimately transforms reality remain a mystery, we can use the power of our intentions in conjunction with the power of crystals to harness this interconnectedness of the Universe, both on the material and the spiritual plane.

Certain crystals, such as quartz and tourmaline, actually exhibit one aspect of their power through what scientists call the piezoelectric effect.

When mechanical pressure is applied to these stones, such as through squeezing them or tapping them with a hammer, the stones give off an observable electric charge.

It’s this piezoelectricity that helps a quartz watch keep time.

Quartz and certain other crystals also exhibit pyroelectricity, meaning that they release an electric charge when exposed to a change in temperature.

Some healers who use crystals theorize that the stones’ healing abilities stem from their piezoelectric and pyroelectric qualities, but in reality only a few of the crystals most often used in healing and magic are known to exhibit these effects.

Nonetheless, every crystal emits its own subtle energy that then interacts with the energy fields of everything around it. Therefore, every crystal responds to the energy flowing through the human body, and when used appropriately helps to balance that flow and restore it to optimal conditions for good health.

Another way to view this concept of energy is through the Hermetic principle of the Law of Vibration, which states that all matter is in constant motion, even though most of it appears to be perfectly still.

At the subatomic level, everything is moving and therefore interacting with everything else. The rate, or frequency, at which any particular piece of matter is vibrating will determine how we perceive it with our senses, as well as how its energy interacts with ours.

Each crystal vibrates at its own precise frequency, which is determined by its physical makeup, and will affect other matter, such as the human body, in a particular way through these vibrations. The frequency of a particular crystal will also resonate with the frequencies of a particular condition or situation in life that we wish to change or manifest. For example, rose quartz resonates with the frequencies of friendship and love, and is therefore used in spellwork for these aims.

Colors are also vibrations of light, and resonate with different aspects of our existence (such as love, health, and money matters) according to their specific vibrations. The color of a stone will therefore often have a correspondence with particular magical aims.

Pink, the color of rose quartz, is a color with a harmonizing, loving vibration. The color and the physical makeup of this kind of quartz combine to make it a powerful force for drawing love into your life. Likewise, the color green has a vibrational resonance with abundance. Therefore, some green stones, such as bloodstone, are particularly good for spellwork involving matters of prosperity.

However, traditional color associations such as those used in candle magic are not always a key factor in crystal-centered magic. For example, citrine and pyrite, both primarily yellow in color, are highly associated with prosperity and wealth.

Finally, one more way to view the basic makeup of all matter in the Universe is as information, or consciousness.

The Hermetic principle of the Law of Mentalism states that at the basic level, everything is mental, that all of creation stems from the Universal mind. Since thought is energy, the power of thought can shape our reality. It has been established that positive thoughts raise the frequency of one’s energetic vibration, while negative thoughts lower it.

We can harness this power of thought and use it to send our intentions out into the universe through the energy field of the crystals we choose to work with. In this way, crystals and stones are conduits of energy. They can both bring healing energy to us, and send our positive energy to the spiritual realm to manifest real change in our lives.

Understanding what crystals are and why they make such great magical tools is the first step toward learning how to use them to manifest positive change in your life.

If you’re reading this guide, you may already have one or more crystals in your possession, or you may just be simply feeling drawn to learn more about them.

In order to work crystal magic, you’ll need at least one, though a good handful of a few different types is ideal.

In the next section, you’ll find tips on choosing and caring for your crystals, as well as exercises and ideas for building a relationship with them for effective use in magic. We’ll also take a closer look at 13 common crystals and stones and their magical uses. If you’re undecided as to what kind of crystal to begin with, this information can help you narrow down your choices.

· Part Two : Getting Acquainted with Crystals and Stones

Where to Start

The process of acquiring your own crystals and stones can seem daunting at first.

Many beginners to crystal magic think they need to go out and buy a big collection of various stones all at once. This can be especially tempting if you’re lucky enough to live near a shop that specializes in these fascinating objects!

However, this approach is generally not recommended, since it takes time to get to know each and every stone that comes into your life. Bringing home 12 new stones all at once may end up being more energetically overwhelming than rewarding, so feel free to start small.

If you haven’t already, start looking for shops in your area that may carry crystals.

Many Wiccan-related shops have collections of small stones—both raw and polished—that are common in magical workings.

Other “New Age” stores often carry a variety as well, and may also offer larger crystals and geodes.

There are also some shops entirely devoted to crystals and other minerals, where you can find an astounding variety of stones from around the globe in every shape and size imaginable.

If you’re not able to find any sources of crystals in your area, there are plenty of online retailers out there. With some research, you can have your first magical stones on their way to you in no time!

Crystals on a Budget

Once you start looking at commercially available crystals, the options can be dizzying.

Many shops sell beautifully carved stone pieces, such as hearts carved from rose quartz, or intricate animal figurines carved from softer stones. You’ll also likely find several varieties of polished crystal points. These pieces can make for wonderful talismans, and crystal points are good tools for directing energy in very specific directions, but it is not necessary to spend money on these “fancier” items to create successful magic.

As mentioned above, a stone in its raw, even “unglamorous” form is every bit as magical as a carved and polished piece.

Furthermore, larger pieces can easily run into the hundreds of dollars, depending on the type of stone, so don’t be overly concerned about size. Most smaller stones are available for around 5 dollars or less, so if you keep it small and simple, you can get more variety for your budget.

You need to invest time and energy and attention to work successful magic, but you definitely don’t need to invest more money than you can afford. Make it a goal to acquire one or two stones at first, and then add gradually to your collection as you see fit.

The quality of your connection to your stones will affect the outcome of any magical workings you do with them, so it’s worth taking this process slowly, one or two stones at a time.

Choosing and being Chosen

Many who work magic with crystals and stones will tell say that the stones choose you, rather than the other way around.

When you buy from a brick-and-mortar shop, you may be the one making the selection, but you are likely to be drawn to particular stones without necessarily “thinking” about it. You may feel pulled strongly toward a certain color, or type of stone. Sometimes the choice becomes suddenly obvious, while at other times, you may need to hold a few different stones for awhile to get a feel for which one would be best for you.

Place the stone in the palm of your dominant hand, then place your other palm on top. Hold the stone gently—don’t squeeze, and take a deep breath.

Take a moment to scan your physical body and your emotional energy. How do you feel at your center? If you have a positive feeling, this may be the stone for you. If you have any kind of negative feeling, then it is not.

Stones aren’t harmful in and of themselves and don’t give off “negative” energy, but if it’s really not a good fit, they may let you know it rather strongly.

Of course, if you’re purchasing crystals from an online business, you don’t have the luxury of physically examining your choices. However, you can often contact the proprietors with any questions you may have. You might even let them know whether you’re just beginning to work with crystals, your intended purpose for them, or anything else you feel would help you make more informed choices about the number and type of stones you’d like to acquire.

You can also work some magic to help ensure the right stones are sent to you. Light a candle and speak your intentions. You might even direct your words at the stones themselves.

It’s important to note that buying from stores isn’t the only way to acquire crystals.

Great finds have been made at yard sales and flea markets, and you might also do some research into your area to see what kinds of minerals might be discovered in your area. This will depend on where you live, but it’s not unheard of to find a good specimen of crystal or other mineral in a stream bed or literally in your own backyard.

You can, of course, work some magic to call stones into your life. Be sure to thank the Universe and any deities or other allies you work with when the stone appears.

Sometimes, friends who also work with stones may pass one along to you. When this happens, you’ll know you’ve been chosen by the stone without any effort on your part!

Speaking of stones coming and going, you may also become aware that a particular crystal or stone in your possession is ready to move on. You may just get a strange feeling about it or feel uncomfortable when you look at it. This is often a sign that the stone is ready to go to somewhere else, or even be returned to the Earth.

However, if this happens with a stone you’re not very familiar with, do some research first to find out what its healing and magical qualities are.

Sometimes, the stone wants to teach you something about bringing an aspect of your life back into balance. Alternatively, you may learn that the stone could be helpful to someone you know, for a particular reason, and then you’ll know who to give it to.

As you build, and sometimes reduce, your collection of crystals and stones, beware of what some call “spiritual hoarding.”

If your space becomes cluttered with stones and other magical objects, you will actually be reducing the beneficial effects of having them in your possession. So be open to letting go of a few of your treasures from time to time. Gift them to friends, return them to the Earth, or leave them outside somewhere for someone else to find.

You can also work banishing magic with crystals that are then buried somewhere away from your home (a spell for this can be found in the Spellwork section, below.)

Getting to Know Your New Crystals

Once you’ve brought your new stone into your home, you’ll want to take some steps to integrate it into your life. It won’t do much for you to simply place it on a shelf and ignore it.

First, you’ll need to clean and clear it of any unwanted energy—the sooner, the better.

Then, before using it in any healing or spellwork, spend some time “getting to know” your new magical “friend.” Doing so will increase the power of the work you do with your crystals and stones.

Cleaning and Clearing

If you were able to spend some time holding different stones as you were making your selection in the shop, then you realize that countless others may have held the very stone you’ve brought into your home. Even if this isn’t the case, the stone has most likely been handled by several people throughout the process of being mined and then transported from its place of origin.

The energies of these people can be thought of almost as spiritual “germs.”

While these traces of energy are most likely not harmful to you, they do need to be removed in order to clear the way for charging the stone with your own energy.

This is a crucial first step!

Below are a few different methods for cleaning and clearing your stones. One is not necessarily more effective than the other, but some methods are not recommended for particular stones, depending on their level of hardness and their physical makeup. You may feel drawn to a particular method, or you may wish to experiment to find what’s best for you.

Perhaps the simplest way to clean a crystal or stone is with water.

In a pinch, you can just hold the stone under running tap water for several seconds, visualizing any and all unwanted energy being washed away down the drain. This is not the most environmentally friendly method, however, so it might be best reserved for when you’re just removing dust, which can be done much more quickly.

Note that for a few minerals—such as mica—water is actually destructive, so if you’re unsure whether to get it wet, do some research first. A small brush is a good alternative for dust removal, particularly with a geode or other stone with a complex texture.

For energetic clearing, a great alternative to tap water is a natural source of running water. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a river or stream, you can place the stones in a mesh bag or hold them carefully in your hands as you thank the water for carrying away the unwanted energy.

You can also fill a bowl with purified water and set the stones in it for a few hours.

Some people like to add sea salt to the water first, particularly for cleaning and clearing quartz crystal, but this is another potential stressor for many stones. Selenite, for example, actually deteriorates in salt water. Again, look up any stones you’re unsure about and avoid leaving any stones in salt water for more than a few hours.

Another way to use nature’s elemental gifts to clean crystals is leaving them in sunlight for several hours.

Sunlight both cleans and charges stones at the same time, nicely simplifying the process! If you can leave them outside, this is ideal, but placing them in a window sill also works well. You may want to repeat this for two or three days, until your crystals are absolutely sparkling. This is particularly good for red, orange, and yellow stones such as carnelian and citrine.

However, be aware that some stones will fade in direct sunlight over time— particularly transparent, colored crystals like rose quartz, amethyst, and fluorite. It’s also not recommended to leave very clear quartz crystal—such as in a crystal ball—in very bright or hot sunlight, as there is a slight risk of the concentrated heat igniting a fire.

A safe bet all around for all stones is moonlight. Again, outdoors is ideal, but a windowsill is also quite effective.

Nights of the New and Full Moon are wonderfully magical times to clean, clear, and charge the stones, as the light of the Moon performs all three functions. Be sure to leave them for the entire night. You may even want to repeat the process for additional nights, depending on how the stones feel to you in the morning.

The element of Earth can be used either literally or figuratively by burying the stones in your yard for several days, or in a bowl of soil, salt or rice. Rice is more gentle than salt, so use your best judgement according to the type of stone. Be sure to discard the rice or salt afterward, as it will have absorbed the unwanted energy—it often appears somewhat “dirty” after the clearing is over.

If you’re burying the stones outdoors, be sure to mark the spot so you’ll be able to find them again! Many Witches recommend leaving them in the Earth for a full moon cycle for extra powerful cleansing and charging.

Finally, you can use the element of Air by burning sage or other purifying herbs and passing the stones through the smoke.

Incense in a burner can do in a pinch, though it’s ideal if you can use more traditional incense, using charcoal and a fireproof dish, or a sage bundle. Visualize the unwanted energy dissipating in the smoke, leaving the crystal clean and bright, renewed and ready to be charged with your personal magical energy.

Cleaning and clearing your stones is not a one-time activity—you’ll need to do this periodically.

It’s generally recommended, for example, to clear a stone that was used in a spell before using it in another, particularly if the purposes of the spells are different.

It’s also important to note that crystals and stones do get dusty, particularly when they sit in one place for long periods of time. If a stone is looking dull in color, or if it’s been in one place for so long that you don’t even “see” it anymore when you scan the area, then it’s time to give it some attention through cleaning and clearing.


As a general “rule,” magical tools need charging before use in ritual and spellwork, whether you’re working with a candle, a pentacle, or any other object.

Crystals and stones are particularly fun to charge because they are essentially “batteries” that truly store and then release energy.

Some Witches will say that certain stones actually concentrate the personal energy you charge them with, so that the power is even stronger when you use them in spellwork.

Of course, spellwork isn’t the only reason to charge your stones with your own positive energy. You may charge them for use in spiritual and emotional healing, which doesn’t necessarily require a formal spell. For example, clean, clear, and charge a piece of bloodstone for increased physical strength, and it will boost the stone’s natural ability to help with this purpose. You might also charge a stone that you plan to use simply for enhancing your space, such as a large geode or piece of rose quartz.

As mentioned above, sunlight, moonlight, and the soil of the earth are natural chargers for crystals and stones, and can be handy as “one-step” methods for both cleaning and charging. Other ways to charge your stones include laying them on a larger quartz or amethyst cluster, setting them near a chime or bell and then ringing it, and sprinkling them with flower petals or herbs. Rose petals and honeysuckle are particularly good for this, along with rosemary, sage, and thyme.

Many Witches like to match the charging method with either the elemental energy of the stone.

For example, the sun is great for stones with Fire energy, such as amber and garnet while burying hematite or jasper in soil can amplify their Earth energies. Place amethyst or sodalite outdoors on a windy day to take advantage of their elemental resonance with Air.

Alternatively, you can match the charging method with your purpose for working with the stone. Soil is good for working to attract Earth energies like strength and balance. Moonlight works well for psychic and spiritual enhancement. As you learn more about your particular stones, strengthen your intuition, and experiment with different methods, you’ll develop the practices that serve you best.

For maximum effectiveness, it’s best to charge crystals right after cleaning and clearing them, when their energetic state is essentially a blank slate, uninfluenced by the energy in the surrounding environment.

However, when using a stone in spellwork, it’s recommended to charge it specifically for the purpose you’re working the spell for, even if you’ve previously charged it using one of the methods above or one of your own devising.

To do this, you can simply hold the stone in your dominant, or “power” hand, think about your goal, and visualize all of your magical energy flowing through your arm, into your hand, and into the stone. Hold this visualization until you feel intuitively that the stone is fully charged. Try to do this as close to the spellwork as possible for the strongest results.

Incorporating Crystals into Your Life

So you’ve acquired a new crystal, and cleaned, cleared, and charged it.

Now what?

It’s very unlikely to just start working magic in your life without any effort on your part.

In order to learn to use the energy of this gift from the Earth, you need to get acquainted with it. This can be accomplished through a variety of different practices. Start where your intuition tells you to, and don’t be afraid to experiment.

After awhile, you’ll develop your own ways of relating to your crystals and stones, and they will become simply part of your daily life.

The first way of getting to know your crystal is to simply hold it in your hands, as you may have done when selecting it from the shop. Sit with it for a few minutes with your eyes closed, and just notice the sensations in your body and mind as they arise. If you have a regular meditation practice, incorporate crystals into it by either holding them or placing them near you as you meditate. Some stones are particularly well-suited for meditation, such as ametrine and just about any variety of quartz. These stones can help you clear your mind as you strengthen your connection with them.

Another easy way to develop a relationship with your crystals is to place them strategically in your living space. Many Witches keep crystals on their altars or elsewhere in their sacred space, and you can also simply place them in areas of your home that feel energetically “flat” or are otherwise in need of “sprucing up.” You can find plenty of information on crystal placement using a feng shui approach, and/or experiment on your own.

Some Witches prefer to keep their magical stones in a soft velvet or silk pouch, keeping them only for use in ritual and spellwork. This does keep the stones protected from exposure and any unwanted energy in their surrounding environment.

However, if you can, try to leave your crystals in plain view, at least for awhile after you’ve acquired them. The more you see them, the more you remember them, which helps you keep growing your connection with them.

You may still wish to keep a select few stones put away for spellwork only, but if you have none in your immediate environment, it can be easy to forget that you have any at all, which can lead to missed opportunities to enhance your life.

Finally, wear and carry your crystals as much as possible. Many crystal retailers sell wire pendants that you can place your favorite stone in, and of course many stones are available as jewelry in the first place.

You can also keep crystals and stones in your pockets, your purse, anywhere that keeps them close to your body at all times.

Be careful not to scratch them—many stones are actually quite softer than you might imagine, so avoid carrying stones in the same pocket as your keys or any other object that can damage the surface. Cloth pouches are also handy for this reason, and are also usually available where crystals and stones are sold.

Projective and Receptive Energies

One particularly helpful tip for becoming more adept at tuning in to your crystals is to know whether their particular energies are projective or receptive.

Like the concept of yin and yang in Chinese philosophy, these two seemingly opposite types of energy are fundamental to the makeup of the Universe, and each serves equally important purposes in healing and spellwork.

Just as we do magical work with the energies of night and day, sun and moon, God and Goddess, and other forces of polar opposites, the particular type of energy a stone brings is significant to the spell being worked.

Learning to feel these energies physically helps you strengthen your relationships with your crystals, and gain a more instinctive sense of which stones best serve any given purpose.

Projective Stones

Projective energies can be likened to the yang energy of the Chinese system.

These are masculine energies, often characterized as being or feeling strong, bright, physical, active, electric, and hot. The colors of projective stones tend to be associated with strong sunlight—red, yellow, orange and gold. They often emit a “charged” feeling, which can range from subtle to quite “buzzy,” depending on the type of stone and the level of receptivity of the person holding it.

Projective stones are ideal for magic involving healing and protection from negative energy. They are associated with the masculine Elements of Fire and Air, making them also good choices for working for vitality, courage, and intellectual power.

Projective stones affect the conscious mind, and are great to carry with you when you’re feeling a need for strength, determination, will power, or selfconfidence. Some popular projective stones include amber, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, garnet, red jasper, onyx, and tiger’s eye.

Receptive Stones

Receptive energies can be said to correspond with the yin energy of the Chinese system, and are described as feminine energies, which may be experienced as calm, inward, spiritual, passive, magnetic, and cold.

Colors of receptive stones are cooler colors, such as green, blue, purple, silver, and grey. (Pink stones, although they are toward the beginning of the color spectrum, are also generally receptive, as the color is more calming than energizing when compared to red or orange.)

Holding a receptive stone in your hand is almost guaranteed to make you feel calmer, as if the stone is absorbing anxiety from your body. As with projective stones, this effect will vary from stone to stone and person to person.

Associated with the feminine Elements of Earth and Water, receptive stones are great for meditation and emotional and physical grounding, as well as promoting psychic abilities.

They are good for working on the subconscious mind, and may be used in spellwork for love, compassion, peace, and spiritual development. Some receptive stones include jade, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, opal, rose quartz, and turquoise.

Some Exceptions

There are, of course, a few exceptions to the neat division between projective and receptive energies.

Quartz crystal can exhibit both, depending on what it’s being used for, and because it’s a highly “programmable” stone, the user can choose which kind of energy to draw on prior to charging it for spellwork. Some Witches attribute this dual quality to amethyst, opal and cross stone, as well.

Furthermore, stones that are black in color may be projective or receptive, depending on their type.

As you practice holding and attuning to crystals and stones, you will become more adept at noting which kind of energy you’re interacting with.

· Part Thr ee: Thirteen Crystals

Popular and Versatile Crystals for Use in Magic

The Earth has produced a truly stunning variety of crystals and other mineral stones, many, many of which are wonderful tools in healing and magic.

Below is an introduction to 13 of the most popular and versatile stones used in various magical traditions around the world. Think of this group of stones as a sort of “Witch’s starter kit” for crystal magic!

Remember, there’s no need to go out and buy one of each kind of stone all at once, but, if you find yourself overwhelmed by the choices when you do seek to acquire a stone or two, you can use this list to help make a decision.

Here, you’ll find information on each stone’s appearance, key energetic properties, and common magical uses.

Quartz Crystal

The most abundant and arguably the most versatile crystal on the planet, quartz is the one most people associate with the word “crystal.”

Usually clear, but also opaque white, quartz is used in many magical and non-magical objects including clocks, computers, prisms, crystal spheres and wands.

Quartz is actually the original source of the word “crystal,” which comes from the Greek “krystallos,” meaning “clear ice.” The Greeks believed that clear quartz crystal was ice that the deities had made from celestial water that could never be melted.

Clear quartz is a supreme aid in concentration, fostering intellectual clarity, new ideas, and strengthened focus. It increases awareness, helps with memory and filters out external distractions.

Interestingly, it is both helpful for sleep and for raising energy, as it has a somewhat hypnotic quality but also contains the full spectrum of light, which is seen when it’s used as a prism.

Quartz is a great purifier, helping to eliminate negativity and restore positive energy in a person or in one’s surroundings. It’s useful in meditation and clearing out inner turmoil, replacing it with positive feelings and affirmations. It assists with perseverance and patience, bringing a sense of purpose and harmony to those who work with its energy.

Clear quartz is a very versatile stone, easy to “program” (or charge) with magical intention for any positive purpose. It stores and concentrates the energy, retaining it for use in healing and magic at a later time.

This crystal serves to amplify the power of your intentions, as well as the power of other stones used along with it in ritual. It is particularly well-suited for communication with spirit guides, building psychic ability, communication with animals and plants, and recalling past lives. Many people use quartz in workings connected to strengthening intuition and spiritual development. It also works well for attracting love and prosperity.

Wearing or carrying a clear quartz crystal helps keep personal energy strong and positive, and the mind and heart open to guidance from the higher realms. It dispels negative energy from others in your environment. Placing quartz in the bath is a good way to unwind and clear your mind when facing confusing events.

Key words: Clarity, Transformation, Manifestation

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Rose Quartz

A pink variety of quartz crystal, Rose quartz is universally associated with love and relationships, including friendship.

In Greek legend, this stone was brought to the people of Earth by Eros, the god of love, in hopes of inspiring love among them and dissipating the anger that caused them to remain lonely and apart. It has been used in love talismans since ancient times, often carved into hearts and given as a gift to a loved one.

Rose quartz can vary slightly in appearance, from translucent to opaque pink, and the brightness of the color can depend on the amount of sun exposure the crystal has experienced. However, even the palest of these stones has great power.

Rose quartz has a nurturing energy and is good for recovering from emotional upset. It strengthens compassion and the ability to forgive others for past wrongs, which is necessary for inner peace and for attracting positive, healthy relationships. It promotes the ability to accept yourself just as you are, and to accept other just as they are.

Rose quartz is good for spellwork devoted to all things love-related, including the love of friendship, whether you’re working to bring new love into your life, or heal from old relationship issues. It’s also helpful for grounding yourself after spellwork or divination.

Placed by the bed, it promotes the restoration of trust and harmony, and is great for both children and adults as a sleep crystal. Place one under a child’s pillow to relieve nightmares and/or fear of the dark. Rose quartz is also a good crystal to have near your computer, as it helps prevent eye fatigue and resulting headaches. Adding it to a magical bath promotes feelings of overall well-being and release from emotional troubles.

Key words: Love, Self-awareness, Balance, Transformation

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth


Another form of quartz crystal, amethyst is considered by many to be the most beautiful of magical stones.

It ranges in color from pale lavender to deep, very dark purple, and may be transparent or opaque. The color is created by the presence of manganese in clear quartz, and the variation in hue is caused by additional amounts of iron.

Amethyst frequently occurs in geodes, where it’s not uncommon to see amethyst and clear quartz points clustered together.

In ancient Greece, amethyst was considered the “stone of sobriety,” believed to help reduce the intoxicating effects of wine, and to this day is used in working to break addictions, as well as other unwanted habits and patterns. This is because amethyst has a very high vibration that helps people connect to their spiritual selves and find the balance between healthy indulgences and unhealthy overindulgence.

It is a stone of contentment, aiding in meditation and attaining higher states of consciousness and transforming negative energy into positive energy. It also helps enhance perception, on both intellectual and intuitive levels, and increases psychic ability.

In magic, amethyst is wonderful for clearing sacred space and maintaining a positive atmosphere anywhere it is placed. It is useful for healing rituals related to addiction of all kinds, both physical and emotional (such as difficulty removing oneself from toxic relationships). It increases luck and prosperity by curbing the tendency to overspend, as well as promoting motivation. It’s a good stone for creativity and any projects requiring imaginative thinking and focus. Amethyst has been used traditionally in Wiccan magic for dispelling illusion and to bring about psychic healing.

Wearing or carrying amethyst creates a protective shield against negative energies in your environment. Like rose quartz, amethyst near the computer can help relieve eye strain, and it’s also a good stone to keep under your pillow for peaceful dreams.

Unpolished amethyst is a good charger for other crystals, as well as a healing energy for plants—place it in areas where plants don’t tend to thrive to purify the energy and enhance their growth.

Key words: Transformation, Higher Guidance, Protection

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air


Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz, usually transparent and ranging in color from pale yellow to gold, but is sometimes found as an almost-brown honey color.

It has been known as “the Sun Stone” due to its bright color and often sparkling appearance, but the name “citrine” comes from the French word for “lemon.”

It is said that citrine never absorbs or accumulates negative energy, but instead “zaps” it up and releases it as positive energy. This is true for both physical and subtle energy levels, so that citrine can brighten up a space and/or a mood simply through its ability to transform negativity into positivity.

With its sunny, endlessly positive energy, citrine is a great energizer and motivator, strengthening your connection to yourself and your ability to manifest your desires. It promotes clarity of thought, enhanced creativity, and encourages self-expression, helping you to visualize your goals clearly and bring them “into the daylight.” It raises self-esteem and self-confidence, clearing the path for more direct action toward your goals. Citrine helps overcome fear and depression and encourages new approaches to problems and enthusiasm for new experiences.

Citrine is also good for helping to overcome negativity associated with having been ill-used by another person, either through direct manipulation or more subtle means. It can be hard sometimes to know whether some acquaintances are positive influences in our lives. Citrine can help illuminate which of your associations are worth keeping, and which to let go. It can do this for your own thoughts as well, by clearing out negative or unnecessary mental “chatter” to help you realign with your inner wisdom.

It reduces sensitivity to criticism and helps you let go of the past, clearing the way for new, positive thoughts and experiences.

Citrine is excellent in spellwork for manifesting and maintaining wealth. It is sometimes known as the “Merchant’s Stone” and kept near the cash register of many businesses. It’s also good for issues of communication in interpersonal relationships, and clearing and blocking negative energies from people around you.

Wear or carry citrine as a general protection against negativity, as a way to attract money or guard against excessive spending, and in any situation where you need to feel secure and confident.

Key Words: Clarity, Manifestation, Clearing, Willpower

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air


Moonstone is named for its opaque, silver and white sheen reminiscent of the moon, although it can be found in a variety of colors beyond white— especially blue, gray, peach, and a multicolored variety called “Rainbow Moonstone.”

Associated with the element of Water, it has a feminine quality that helps you tap into your inner wisdom and psychic abilities.

It is also known as the “Traveler’s Stone” and has long been a talisman of safe journeys, though these journeys may be inward, soul-searching travels just as much as physical journeys to a far-away location.

This stone’s affinity with the Moon makes it ideal for connecting to the regular cycles of and natural rhythms of life, reminding us that there is a time for all things, and that allowing for right timing is often better than trying to force things to happen on our preferred schedules.

It has a calming energy that reminds us to stay in the present moment and open up to the joy available to us when we let go of the chatter of the mind and listen to the heart instead. In a culture where we feel pressured to “know the answers” and “be in control” of our circumstances, moonstone helps us relax into the mysteries of the future, developing our intuition and staying open to possibilities we can’t see yet with our rational minds.

In Wiccan magic, moonstone has been used to increase psychic abilities and clairvoyance, relieve stress and foster compassion, and for ritual worship of triple moon-goddesses. It’s also a good stone for spellwork related to female reproductive health and childbirth, as well as erotic love and kundalini energies.

Although it is ultra-feminine in its energy, it is not just a woman’s stone—it helps men tune into their own feminine side and encourages them to open up to more creative thinking and emotional balance. It’s also another good stone for encouraging restful sleep, particularly in children, and especially when on a trip away from home.

It is still worn as a talisman when traveling, particularly at night and/or on journeys over water. Some people keep a moonstone in the glove compartment of their car, and it is said to be good protection against road


Key Words: Clarity, Higher Guidance, Intuition

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Element: Water


With its rich red-orange-to-orange coloring, Carnelian was known to the ancient Egyptians as “the setting sun.” Single pieces of this stone can actually include several shades between red-orange and golden yellow, and are sometimes streaked with white.

Used in Egyptian magic as protection against the evil eye, it was also carried by the Romans for protection and courage. Carnelian’s energy is bold and joyful, encouraging and empowering, making it a great stone for any situation in which you need a strong boost of positive personal power.

Carnelian also has a grounding influence, helping to anchor us in the present moment and therefore make better use of the high-level energy it provides. It can calm anger and replace it with new enthusiasm for life.

Its energy is good for endurance, motivation, courage, and passion—traits that bring success in whatever endeavor you’re hoping to succeed in. It helps overcome procrastination and helps you move from the dreaming/planning phase of a project to the action required to get it done.

Creative types can benefit from carnelian’s ability to move past creative blocks and manifest one’s inner vision in the outer world, particularly when one’s “inner critic” is the main obstacle. Carnelian helps those struggling with indecision to make a choice and act on it, bringing them closer to achieving their goals.

Wiccans have long recognized carnelian’s assistance with grounding and aligning with one’s spiritual guides, and it makes a good talisman against “psychic attack,” or negative thoughts projected by others. It’s also good for spellwork related to love and to invigorating a relationship with new sexual passion.

As a motivator and activator, it is said to attract prosperity and is good for money-making ventures. Some use it to guard their homes from theft, storms, fires, or other damage. It is also known as the “Singer’s Stone,” and can promote confidence in people performing on stage. Most often, however, it’s worn to enhance desire, passion, and love.

Key words: Grounding, Self-awareness, Creativity, Vitality

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire


Also called heliotrope, bloodstone is a deep, earthy green stone, usually speckled with bright-to-brownish red and sometimes gold. The green may also occur as greenish-blue to greenish-black, and may be translucent or opaque, depending on where it is found.

Bloodstone gets its name from a myth about the crucifixion of Christ—that some of Christ’s blood fell on some green jasper stones. Some specimens may almost entirely lack the red inclusions, but holding bloodstone up to bright light can reveal colors not seen in ordinary light.

Bloodstone is a powerful crystal for blasting through negative, distracting, or excessive emotions in order to get to the truth of a situation. It helps to calm the mind and dispel confusion for better decision-making. Its energy is practical, strong, and grounding, and good for helping you return to the present moment after too much worry about the future or regret about the past. This makes it a good stone for heightening intuition, as we can only really hear our inner wisdom when we are still and centered in the present.

Bloodstone has been used in magic to reduce emotional and mental stress, stimulate kundalini energy, and psychic healing. It is also used in rituals to honor the Goddess and for seeking information about past lives from dreams.

Many use bloodstone as an aid in banishing negative energy, as well as in weather magic—drawing on the power of a strong wind or rainstorm to increase strength and courage or wash away unwanted habits or patterns. It’s good for fertility and attracting money, and excellent for manifesting healing of all kinds.

Wear or carry it to increase mental clarity and calm the mind, and for strength when adjusting to change. As a booster of energy levels, bloodstone is also good for physical endurance, and makes a good luck charm for those involved in sports competitions.

Key words: Clearing, Protection, Vitality

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire


For nearly 6,000 years, jade has been a prized stone used in tools, ritual artifacts, and jewelry from ancient Britain to Central and South America to New Zealand and China.

This stone is normally green and mostly opaque, though it can be somewhat translucent and sometimes occur in shades of white, gray, and pink. It has traditionally been a symbol of tranquility, truthfulness, wisdom, and luck.

On the emotional and spiritual planes, jade is a great stone for helping you to tap into your authentic self—the self that knows what is best for you underneath all the emotional chaos that may be occurring during a difficult or confusing time. It helps with self-trust, and with clearing away past emotional experiences that cloud your ability to see the present circumstances objectively. It also helps you to be your real self in your interactions with others, rather than trying to present yourself in a way that you think will be pleasing to them.

For these reasons, jade has a very calming energy, and is excellent help for unsettling situations in your life. It also leads to the ability to create better circumstances—in terms of relationships, health, wealth, and new opportunities—because you’re aligning your goals with your authentic self. It can also help make difficult tasks feel easier to accomplish, increasing your sense of peace around work.

Jade is used in magical workings for protection and eliminating negativity, and tapping into our innate wisdom and courage. It is used as a “dream stone” to bring insight from the spiritual realms by placing it on the forehead at the location of the “third eye.” Keeping it under your pillow can help you remember your dreams better.

As a green stone, the color of prosperity, jade can also be used in spellwork for abundance, and it supports the growth of plants. It supports new love, and harmony in business relationships as well as within the family.

Some people keep a piece or two of jade in their workplace to keep away unwanted negativity from coworkers. Keep a piece in your pocket to help recharge your energy and keep your immune system in good shape.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Planet: Neptune

Element: Water

Lapis Lazuli

Also known as lazurite, and sometimes shortened to just “lapis,” this beautiful stone is found in many shades from pale blue to deep, nearly indigo blue, and often has white streaks and gold inflections.

It was extremely valuable to the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, connected to the divine through its association with the blue of the sky. Lapis is associated with truth, communication, and connection to higher wisdom.

Energetically, lapis lazuli is good for lifting depression and restoring a sense of inner peace. Like jade, it is a stone of self-knowledge and helps you reflect on how your perceptions and beliefs shape your decisions. It stimulates intuition and motivation, making it easier to manifest circumstances that we desire and that are for our highest good.

For people who are consciously tending their spiritual journey, this stone helps maintain connection with the higher self and access to inspiration from the spiritual plane. Lapis also works on the intellectual level, activating our desire for knowledge and understanding and helping us to integrate new knowledge, as well as enhancing memory.

As a stone of truth, lapis helps you communicate honestly and effectively, both with others and with yourself. This property makes it a great stone for aid in written communication as well. Holding a piece of lapis to the third eye or in your hand while meditating can help you increase your ability to quickly register what your truth is and give you the confidence to express it.

Wiccans have used lapis to increase psychic abilities and establish clear contact with their higher selves. This stone is also great for workings to strengthen love relationships and friendships, and restoring balance and harmony between our egos and our deeper selves. It’s an ideal stone for spellwork done outdoors under the night sky, and for receiving prophetic information in dreams.

Wear or carry lapis when approaching communication of all kinds, whether a meaningful conversation between friends, or a public speaking occasion. It can also protect against negative words or thoughts from others, returning that energy to its source.

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air


Another stone revered by the ancients, malachite was used by the Greeks and Romans for ornaments, jewelry, and even in powdered form for eyeshadow. (This last use turned out to be a bad idea, since malachite is toxic and should never be used in powdered form. Polished malachite pieces are the safest bet.)

Malachite is an opaque stone of deep, rich green with lighter green circular bands that cause many pieces to appear to have an eye. For this reason, the stone was believed in the Middle Ages to ward off negativity and enhance visionary abilities.

Malachite is considered a “Stone of Transformation,” fostering spiritual growth during times of great change, or inspiring us to make important changes and take emotional risks. Its energy can help you break unwanted patterns that restrict your growth, such as avoiding social situations due to shyness or self-consciousness.

This stone helps build emotional courage and clarity, by helping us learn to recognize and then release old emotional wounds, especially those suffered in childhood. It helps with fear of confrontation, encourages expression of feelings, and promotes healthy, positive relationships and empathy for others.

Malachite is good for protection magic, particularly for people who get easily overwhelmed by the congestion of psychic energy in crowded places. It’s good for all travel situations, and particularly aids in fear of flying. It absorbs negative energy, so holding it in the palm of your hand during difficult or frightening situations can bring immediate relief—but be sure to clean and clear it often if you use it for this purpose.

As a green stone, it can be used in any prosperity spell, and is also good in workings for healing emotional wounds. In the workplace, it helps dispel energetic toxins from fluorescent lighting, electrical equipment, and unwanted noise.

Key Words: Self-awareness, Healing, Clarity, Protection

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a beautiful stone of light to dark brown with gold highlights and dark brown to black banding, which, when polished, resembles the shimmering stripes of a tiger and creates a similar “eye” effect to that of malachite.

As an “eye stone,” it was regarded by the ancient Egyptians and Romans as a stone of protection as well as “second sight,” allowing its wearer to see beyond the physical limits of doors and walls.

The energy of tiger’s eye is excellent for soothing and resolving emotional turmoil, as it helps you observe emotional patterns from a more distanced, objective standpoint. Witnessing the larger picture of a situation, including the viewpoints and circumstances of others involved, helps facilitate the release of emotions that may be blocking your ability to leave the situation behind and evolve into higher levels of consciousness.

Tiger’s eye is helpful in this regard for its ability to help you separate fantasy (which arises from emotion) from the reality of the situation. This energy is also good for helping you gather focus and renewed energy when pursuing a goal, especially one that is relatively long-term and complex. It promotes courage, strength, and the ability to see things with true optimism.

Magical uses for tiger’s eye include invigorating overall energy and physical health, as well as spellwork for courage and self-confidence. It’s good in rituals related to emotional clarity and for protection and grounding. As a “reality” stone, it is also a prosperity stone—its grounding properties help curb temptations toward gambling or other impulsive spending, and improve the ability to attract wealth through practicality and focus.

Many people carry tiger’s eye for good luck, as well as increased psychic “radar” to cut through any deceptions or illusions created by others.

Additionally, this stone has been used by those with affinities for tigers and other big cats as a prayer stone for their conservation and well-being in the wild as well as in sanctuaries.

Key Words: Clarity, Balance, Vitality

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Leo

Planet: Sun

Element: Earth and Fire


One of the exceptions to the “rule” defining crystals and stones, jet is not technically a mineral, but is actually a type of fossilized driftwood that decayed under extreme pressure to become a form similar to coal. It is surprisingly light in weight and warms quickly in the palm of your hand.

Jet was mined as early as 1500 B.C., and was used in pendants and as beads in ancient times. It was believed to protect against illness and attacks from personal enemies.

As a stone of transmutation—having begun as one substance and ended as another, jet is a helpful stone for transitions. Its energy appeals to mental cloudiness, helping you ground and center in order to see clearly your best possible approach to changing circumstances.

When the future is unknown, it can be hard to maintain clarity of focus, as we become uncomfortable being unable to see exactly what’s ahead. Jet helps clear the fog of this anxiety and sets us up to stay open to positive possibilities. This stone absorbs energy from negative thinking, and as such should be cleaned often if used for this purpose. It’s also a great meditation stone, aiding in increasing spiritual awareness and healing from grief and sorrow.

Jet is considered one of the most protective magical stones, used for guarding a home against negative energies, and to banish unwanted spirits. It has been traditionally used to protect against damage from thunderstorms, and worn by the wives of sailors to protect their husbands at sea. It is used in spellwork to guard against nightmares, violence, and psychic vampires.

Some Witches place it on their altars to increase the effectiveness of whatever magic they’re working. As a black stone working on the mental level, it’s good for increased psychic awareness, as well as divination.

Key Words: Clarity, Grounding, Transformation, Wisdom

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth


Hematite is a silvery dark gray stone, very shiny when polished and widely used today in jewelry, such as bracelets and anklets, to help soothe the symptoms of arthritis.

It gets its name from the Greek word for “blood,” because the stone turns red in powdered form. This characteristic is hinted at in another name for the stone, “iron rose.” In fact, the powdered form of hematite was used as one of the earliest pigments in ancient cave paintings.

Hematite’s calming, grounding energy can be experienced as noticeably “heavy,” and it is one of the easiest stones to sense immediately upon holding it. It draws focus away from the mind and into the body, helping you stay connected to the earth and in the present moment. Once we are grounded and centered, it’s easier to handle tasks that require mental organization, such as mathematics and logical thinking. Hematite decreases negativity, further helping to integrate mind, body, and spirit, and enhances self-confidence and self-esteem.

Magically, hematite is used for protection, divination, and psychic awareness. It can be placed in the corners of a room, or even in the corners of a yard, to protect the space from negativity. It’s good for grounding during spiritual work, keeping you connected to the Earth plane during your astral journey so that reintegrating into consensual reality is an easier, smoother process. Many Witches use hematite in spellwork related to confidence and willpower, and solving complex problems. As a divination tool, you can hold a large piece of hematite near a candle and watch the images created by the flame’s reflection in the surface.

Of course, it’s also great for preparing for magic. If you’re wanting to do some spellwork but are unable to get yourself in the right “mental space,” try meditating while holding or wearing hematite for several minutes to calm the energy of the distracted mind.

Key Words: Grounding, Protection, Clearing, Stability

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Aries

Planet: Saturn

Element: Fire, Earth, Water

Choosing and Using Crystals in Spellwork

As noted above, this introductory list represents just a few of the wide variety of crystals and stones available for use in healing and magic. They have been chosen because of their popularity for use in magic in particular, and their relatively wide availability.

In order to provide opportunities to deepen your acquaintance with some of these stones, the spellwork in the following section draws exclusively from this list.

However, as you set out to bring new crystals into your life, always go with your intuition. If a stone not on this list calls to you, then by all means, listen!

Likewise, if you’re looking for a particular stone, like jade for example, but don’t feel connected to any of the available jade stones in the shop, it may not be time for you to work with jade—or the jade for you may be elsewhere.

It’s also possible to make substitutions in many of the spells, since it’s often the case that a handful of stones are equally suitable to any given purpose. This is especially important to remember if you’re on a budget that doesn’t have room for a new crystal. Remember, magic should never be a cause for financial stress—in fact, it should be a means of creating more abundance!

The next section will introduce you to a few different types of crystal magic, from simple “charge and carry” spells to using crystals in ritual baths, and joining the power of crystals with magically charged candles and herbs.

Because of the mineral and energetic nature of crystals, some of the spellwork requires caution, so be sure to read instructions carefully!

Remember also to spend some time with the stone(s) you plan to work with in your magic. The power of spellwork is much more effective when you have a strong connection to the tools you work with, and this is especially true when working with these natural gifts from the Earth. So approach this work with reverence for the living energies of crystals, and, just as importantly, have fun!

· Part Fou r: Crystal Spellwork

Introduction to Crystal Spellwork

As mentioned in the first section of this guide, Wiccans and other Witches use crystals in their magical and spiritual work in a variety of ways.

They may be used in the creation of ritual tools, such as using a crystal point as the end of a wand or bejeweling the handle of an athame, to keep the energy of sacred space in balance, or to amplify spellwork simply with their presence.

Below, you’ll find a few of the various ways crystals can be used as direct agents in magical work. There are traditional-style spells involving one or more charged crystals along with other spell ingredients and spoken incantations, as well as more “hands-on” work with crystal charms, and even magically charged drinking water!

But before trying any of the workings below, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Preparing for Crystal Magic

Generally, the instructions below assume that you have already cleaned, cleared, and charged your crystals for use in magical work. Remember that charging is best done right after clearing, and this process is best done as close to the actual spellwork as possible.

However, since many of the most effective methods for clearing and charging take a few to several hours, planning ahead will be important. Most of the workings below involve an additional charging for the specific purpose of the work, though you may be able to “double up” and streamline this step if you’ve just cleared the crystal before using it in your spellwork.

It’s always important to remember to believe in and respect the effects of magic. If you are in a state of doubt about the effectiveness of a particular spell, you are almost certainly weakening, if not obliterating, the potential power of the work being done.

If you are unclear about your purpose when performing the work, you may get unexpected and / or inconvenient results. For example, you might work a spell for increased abundance, and then receive a promotion at your job that you really don’t actually want due to the extra pressure.

That’s why it’s always best to add two “conditions” to any spellwork: with harm to none and for the good of all.

Specifying your intention in this way ensures the best possible results. “Harm to none” means that no negative effects will befall anyone inadvertently as a result of the Universe realigning reality to meet your request, while “for the good of all” ensures that what you’re asking for is also truly in your best interest, as well as the best interests of anyone else who may be involved in your situation.

Of course, it is definitely ill-advised to perform spellwork that would attempt to harm or even manipulate another person. The three-fold law of Witchcraft states than any work you do will come back to you three times over, so make sure you’re working for positive results only!

Even so-called “love spells” performed with a specific person in mind often tend to backfire, blocking rather than creating a connection between the spell caster and the object of his or her desire. In fact, it’s best to avoid working

magic on another person’s behalf without first obtaining permission.

Finally, be sure to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for magic.

Spells worked in a hurry without sufficient time to get in the right frame of mind are unlikely to be successful. Take time beforehand to clear your mind of any mundane distractions. Try meditating, taking a hot bath, doing some yoga, or any other way to wind down that you prefer.

Likewise, avoid working spells when you are emotionally agitated— particularly if you are angry or upset. Take some deep breaths and wait until you’ve calmed down. If you’re not mentally and emotionally clear, then you’re not spiritually clear either, and this will have a weakening effect on your personal magical power.

If you’re new to spellwork, you may find that any noticeable effects from magical workings are subtle at best. It takes time to learn how to truly connect with yourself as a power source and to focus that energy effectively as you send it out into the Universe. Don’t be discouraged! All practitioners of magic have to spend time developing and strengthening their skills. So practice, persist, and don’t be afraid to experiment with these and any other magical workings to see what works best for you.

And of course, you can always invent your own spells! The ideas below can provide you with a template as you branch out on your own path of magical discovery.

Simple Charge and Carry Talismans

One of the easiest and most portable ways to work crystal magic is to charge a small stone with a particular intention and then keep it with you in a pocket or locket as you go about your day.

The energy of the crystal itself combines with the magical energy of your intention to reinforce the manifestation of your desire. In addition, your awareness of the charmed stone on your person helps remind you that the Universe is realigning itself to conform to your request.

This type of spell is particularly useful for work concerning emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual challenges, such as boosting your courage when facing a daunting task or situation. However, you can also charge a stone for longer-term goals, such as attracting prosperity or warding off sources of chronic negativity.

One note of caution: if you carry stones in your pocket, be sure not to carry keys or any other sharp objects in the same pocket, as many of the stones used in magic can scratch easily.

It’s also best to avoid carrying polished and raw stones together—particularly raw crystal points, which can definitely scratch the softer polished variety!

Of course, you can wrap polished stones in a soft cloth to avoid these risks, though some argue that this creates an unnecessary extra barrier between the stone’s energy and your body. This may or may not be the case for you, however, so do what feels right for your circumstances.

Finally, try to avoid carrying cell phones and other wireless devices with magically charged crystals, as it’s possible that the emissions from these gadgets can interfere, however slightly, with the stone’s energy field.

You will need:

· • 1 white, black, or purple candle—these are good colors for charging stones, but use a different color if you prefer.

· • 1 or more amethyst and/or clear quartz crystal pieces—these crystals are excellent charge “boosters,” but are not strictly necessary, so if you don’t have either crystal, you can still charge your talisman stone with your own energy.

1 stone to charge and carry—see individual talisman instructions, below.

Place the amethyst and/or quartz, if using, in front of the candle and light the wick.

Hold your talisman stone in both hands.

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.

Visualize yourself achieving the effect that you want the talisman to recreate later (see individual instructions below for examples).

Using words of affirmation will help solidify the visualization, which is the expression of your intention for the talisman.

When you sense that the stone has been programmed with the energy you’re seeking to draw on later, place the stone near the amethyst/clear quartz and leave it with the candle burning for at least one hour.

Then it’s ready to take with you wherever you go, whenever you need it!

A Talisman for Courage

Crystal: carnelian (can also use tiger’s eye)

The perceived need for courage most often relates to specific situations, whether it’s a job interview, a first date, or embarking on a new journey in life.

As you hold the carnelian in your hands, visualize the circumstances that you need courage for.

Now imagine yourself filled with bright orange light, radiating it outward like sunlight in all directions.

Hold this light in your imagination as you see yourself triumphing in the situation.

Say an affirmation out loud, such as:

“I stand in the fire of courage and walk bravely into [name situation here].

So let it be.”

A Talisman for Balancing Energy

Crystal: jade (can also use malachite)

Whether it’s mood swings, exhaustion, restlessness, or all three at once, sometimes we just can’t get into a good place both physically and emotionally.

For this visualization, hold the jade and imagine yourself filled with deep, soft, healing green light from head to toe.

Don’t think about any of the reasons for why you’re feeling out of balance, as this will just reinforce the energy of distress. Simply focus on feeling calm and at peace.

When you’re ready to place the jade near the candle, say:

“I am balanced and healed from all disturbances. So let it be.”

A Talisman for Protection

Crystal: bloodstone (can also use jet)

When energy imbalances tend to be tied to a particular person or situation you encounter regularly, a protection stone can literally shield you from the negativity that may otherwise wreak havoc on your senses.

Hold the bloodstone (or other stone with protective properties) and see yourself filled with and surrounded by white light.

See how this light blinds and blocks any energy that is not positive and welcome.

Say something like:

“I am made of radiant white light, connected to the core of Universal love.”

Note: because crystals used in protection usually absorb negative energy, it’s a good idea to clear and recharge them more often than you might with those used in, say, a love or prosperity spell.

Some stones absorb negativity at a faster rate than others, and some people and situations are more powerfully negative than others, so there’s no hard and fast rule about when and how often, but pay attention to any stones you use for protection, and you’ll start to get a feel for when it’s time to clear them.

Crystal Elixirs

Crystal elixirs, sometimes referred to as “essences,” are made by infusing water with the vibrations of a particular crystal or stone. They are used for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing as well as magic.

The most common way of using them is by drinking the water, but they can also be used topically on the skin or added to bath water.

These simple, magical potions work through the body’s direct absorption of the vibrations of the crystal, creating an alignment between your own energy and that of the stone chosen for the particular purpose.

WARNING: Some crystals and stones are highly toxic, and should never be used in elixirs. Amazonite, azurite, cinnabar, emerald, malachite, and pyrite are just a few examples of minerals containing toxins that can leach into the water.

There are also some stones that will actually begin to dissolve in water, such as selenite and kunzite. (In fact, as a general rule, stones with names ending in “ite” are problematic when they come into contact with water).

If you are considering substitutions for the elixir spells below, or branching out to create your own, this is not the time to simply “go with your gut.” It is very important to do thorough research on any stone you’re considering for use in an elixir.

It’s also recommended to use polished stones rather than raw, since there is even less likelihood of any unwanted mineral traces leaching into the water.

Simple Elixirs

The instructions below are for creating a simple elixir to be used within a day or two. For longer-lasting elixirs, you’ll need to use a preservative—usually brandy, vodka, or distilled vinegar.

The advantage of taking this extra step is that you can use the elixir multiple times over an extended period of time—just a few drops will usually suit most purposes.

For the sake of keeping it simple, this step is not included below, but it can be easily researched online if you want to take your work with elixirs to the next level.

It should also be noted here that there are methods for charging water with toxic stones that don’t involve placing the stone directly in the water.

However, the elixirs below involve only crystals that are known to be safe for use in this manner.

You will need:

· • Spring water or purified water (tap water will do in a pinch, but it’s best to at least use a Brita or other type of filter, if possible)

· • Clear glass bowl (a drinking glass is an appropriate substitute)

· • Clear lid or plastic wrap (optional)

· • The crystal or stone of your choice

· • 3 to 5 quartz crystals (optional)

First, place the cleared and charged stone in the bowl, focusing on your magical intention for the elixir. Slowly pour the water over the stone, using at least enough water to make one glass, but not much more.

Next, allow the crystal’s vibrations to charge the water. This can take from just a couple of hours or overnight, depending on how you choose to do it.

Many Witches like to use sunlight, leaving the elixir in the windowsill or even outside, in full sun, for 2 to 4 hours. This method doesn’t work on cloudy days, however, and isn’t recommended for stones that fade in sunlight, such as colored quartzes and fluorite.

Moonlight is a good alternative, provided that some amount of moonlight shines directly on the water for at least 2 hours. If you use moonlight, leave the elixir out overnight and retrieve it before dawn. Cover outdoor elixirs with a clear lid or plastic wrap to keep out bugs.

In addition, you can use quartz crystals, placed around the elixir, to strengthen the vibrational quality of the water, but this is entirely up to you.

It’s also possible to simply leave the elixir indoors overnight, either covered or in the refrigerator. The stone will release its vibrations into the water whether or not sunlight or moonlight are involved—it’s just nice to have the added enhancement of natural light.

So if neither sunlight nor moonlight is a possibility for you, don’t let that stop you. And if you can use quartz crystals around the elixir, as mentioned above, this can definitely raise the quality of the charged water.

Once the elixir is charged, pour the water into a drinking glass or a jar— preferably not made of plastic or metal—and catch the stone in your hand before it tumbles out into the new container.

Thank the stone for its energy and its presence in your life.

Your elixir will be good for 24 hours or so.

A Citrine Empowerment Elixir

With its capacity to energize and increase motivation, citrine makes for an excellent elixir to boost self-confidence and willpower.

Try this spell particularly if you’re struggling with sluggishness, procrastination, or anxiety about work or school, or if you’ve been feeling to be in a rut in your overall life.

As you place the citrine and pour the water, visualize how you will feel when your particular challenge has been overcome, and welcome in a feeling of excitement about the future.

Because citrine is such a “sun stone,” this elixir truly is best when charged outdoors, but if this isn’t possible, you can place it under bright light (not too near the lightbulb) or near a lit candle next for a few hours.

As you prepare to drink the elixir, take a deep breath, calm your mind, and state the outcome you wish to manifest. You might say, for example:

“I now activate my power to triumph over this challenge and stand in confidence about the future.”

Then take a drink, and thank the citrine for its empowering energies.

You may wish to continue sipping the full elixir over the next few hours, sprinkle some on your skin, or add it to bathwater.

However you choose to use it, be present and remember your goal each time you interact with the charged water.

Spiritual Energy Amethyst Elixir

When the hectic details of everyday life are causing you to feel disconnected from the spiritual and psychic realms, this elixir helps raise your vibration above the mundane level and get back on track with your higher self.

For best results, try charging this elixir with moonlight, and/or place pieces of moonstone around the water while charging.

When you’re ready to drink the elixir, center and ground yourself, holding the glass with both hands.

Take a few deep breaths, and speak your intention to the Universe. You might say:

“Thank you, spirit of amethyst, for opening my path to communication with Divine Self. I am ready to receive any guidance waiting for me on the higher plane.”

Take a sip, and then spend several minutes in meditation, continuing to hold the elixir in both hands.

You will eventually feel at peace, released from mental clutter and able to tap into your authentic inner wisdom.

Crystal Bath Spells

Using crystals in the bath is a great way to create an energy adjustment for the body, mind, and soul.

Similar to the way elixirs work, the vibrations of the crystals infuses the water with their balancing energies. Clear quartz and rose quartz are safe, popular crystals to use in this way.

If you’re wishing to experiment with other crystals and stones, remember to research them first, as some stones will dissolve in water, and may be toxic to the skin.

Also, be sure to rinse and recharge stones after using them in the bath.

Quartz Crystal Clarity Bath

Clear quartz is a wonderful stone to work with when you’re facing a tough decision or confusing situation.

Its energies promote the dispelling of illusion caused by conscious and unconscious emotional attachments.

Feel free to repeat this ritual bath as often as you wish, as it can work wonders for dilemmas both large and small.

You will need:

· • 1 or more clear quartz crystals

· • Sea salt

· • 1 white candle

· • Several small amethysts (optional)

Run the bath until the tub is at least halfway full.

Place the clear quartz crystal(s) in the water, asking for guidance regarding your situation as you do so.

Place the amethysts, if using, around the edges of the tub.

When the bath is ready, light the white candle, turn off any artificial lighting in the bathroom, and climb in.

Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes and allow your mind and body to relax.

Don’t worry if you don’t come up with an answer or solution while you’re in the water! You may need to “sleep on it” for a night or more before the resolution to your issue makes itself apparent.

Love and Harmony Bath

Rose quartz both attracts and promotes love of all kinds, whether it involves close friendship, romance, or family relationships.

Try this ritual bath whenever you feel the need for a boost of positive, loving vibrations in your life.

If you’re looking to attract a romantic partner or improve an existing romantic relationship, you may wish to use a red candle, but pink will do the trick in all situations involving love.

The lavender oil helps dissipate anxiety and negative emotions, clearing the way for more harmonic energy in your life.

You will need:

· • 1 or more rose quartz crystals

· • 1 pink or red candle

· • Lavender essential oil

Run the bath until the tub is at least halfway full.

Place the rose quartz in the water, visualizing the result you desire, whether it’s improved communication between yourself and a friend or family member, or a healthy, loving romantic relationship.

When the bath is full, add 3 to 5 drops of the lavender oil to the water.

Light the candle, turn off any artificial lighting in the bathroom, and climb in.

Conjure up the feeling you want to have in your heart when your desired result is manifested.

Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

If you can, remain in the tub while draining the water, as the energy of the rose quartz tends to have a stronger effect that way.

Crystal and Candle Spells

Crystals and candles make great partners in magic, symbolizing the elements of earth and fire.

This type of crystal magic also allows for more flexibility when it comes to creating your own variations, as you can use any kind of stone you like without worrying about toxicity or water damage.

Here are three simple spells to start off with:

A Citrine Prosperity Spell

Citrine is an ideal stone for prosperity work, as its bright, sunny energy helps you retain the optimism needed to make room for new wealth in your life.

After working this spell, place the crystals somewhere prominent in your home or office for a week or so, to remind you of the positive intention you’ve sent out into the Universe.

You will need:

· • 4 citrine crystals

· • 1 green candle

Arrange the crystals in a circle around the candle.

Touch each one with your power hand and directly charge it for the purposes of prosperity. You might say something like:

“I now charge this crystal with the power to connect with the source of infinite wealth.”

After charging each crystal, close your eyes and visualize how you will feel when there are no money concerns to trouble you, all your bills are paid, and you have plenty left over to enjoy life with. When you have a strong sense of this feeling, light the candle and say:

“I manifest prosperity in my daily life, having all that I need and more.”

Leave the crystals in place until the candle burns out on its own.

Conflict Resolution Spell

At the heart of any conflict is a need to communicate clearly, honestly, and with compassion.

In this spell, each person involved in the conflict is represented by a lapis lazuli stone, the stone of truth, communication, and connection to higher self.

Because you have at least one other person in mind when working this spell, you must be careful to remain positive, or at the very least, neutral, in your thoughts about them.

Don’t mistake the spell as one that gives you control over another’s thoughts or behavior. Instead, focus on the peaceful outcome of having your conflict resolved.

You will need:

· • 2 (or more) lapis lazuli stones (depending on how many people are involved)

· • 1 blue candle

Take a few moments to ground and center yourself.

Hold each lapis stone individually in your hands for a minute, and visualize yourself letting go of any feelings you may be harboring about the conflict.

When you feel ready, place the stones on either side of the candle (make a circle if using more than 2). As you place each stone, say:

“May peace, light, and truth radiate from this gift of the Earth.”

Light the candle and say:

“This conflict is now resolved, for the good of all and harm to none. So let it be.”

You may wish to carry one of the stones in your pocket for awhile, especially the next time you interact with the person(s) involved in the conflict.

Spell for Blessing a New Home

Amethyst is a wonderful “feel good” crystal when it comes to creating a positively charged atmosphere in the home.

While this spell is particularly good for blessing a place you’ve just moved into, it can also be used to create a new sacred space within your home no matter how long you’ve lived in it.

In fact, you can even try it after remodeling or significantly rearranging the furniture in your home, to put the finishing energetic touches on the renewal you’ve manifested.

You will need:

· • 1 or more amethyst quartz crystals

· • 1 white candle

· • Essential oil of lemon or myrrh (optional)

If using essential oil, place a drop on each piece of amethyst.

Next, place the crystal(s) next to the candle.

Visualize white light suffusing the entirety of your house (or the space within your house that you’re designating as sacred space).

Say words of affirmation such as:

“This space is a blessing point of sacred energy. Within these walls are happiness, prosperity, and well-being. So let it be.”

Light the candle and allow it to burn out on its own.

Keep the amethyst(s) somewhere prominent in your home or sacred space, as they will continue to emit positive vibrations.

Crystal and Herb Spells

Joining crystals with sacred herbs in spellwork is a great way to amplify the power of each of these Earth-given magical tools.

A Grounding and Centering Jar

After a busy day, it can seem hard to take the time to ground and center enough to perform successful spellwork. Many a Witch has put off spellwork that would be beneficial simply because getting in the right frame of mind seems like so much work!

This spellcraft can become something of a “shortcut,” helping you get to a place of calm and quiet more quickly.

Try meditating with it in your hands for a few moments before preparing for magical work, or anytime you just need a “time out” during your day.

Of course, you must be well grounded and centered when creating and blessing the jar in order for it to continue to give that grounding energy back to you!

You will need:

· • 1 clear glass empty spice jar (or other small jar) with lid

· • 1 tablespoon dried sage

· • 1 tablespoon dried lavender

· • 1 tablespoon dried sandalwood or patchouli

· • 3 pieces of hematite

· • Mortar and pestle (If you don’t have one, you can use a bowl and spoon.)

Place each herb in the mortar and pestle, affirming with each that its purpose is to ground and center you. You can say something like:

“Sage, thank you for grounding and centering me from within this jar. Blessed Be.”

Do the same with the lavender and the sandalwood or patchouli.

Gently mix the herbs together, and pour them into the jar.

Then, sit and hold the hematite in the palms of your hands and spend several minutes deepening your sense of being grounded and centered.

Place them gently in the jar and close the lid.

Hold the jar in your hands and say:

“From now on, this jar returns me to the Earth and to my center. Blessed Be.”

You may wish to keep the jar on your altar or in your sacred space.

For extra help with grounding and centering, remove the lid from time to time and inhale the scent of the herbs.

A Three-Herbs Love Charm

Magical properties of lavender, hibiscus, and basil all include love.

This can be for attracting new love or renewing love in an existing relationship, but either way, be sure you’re focusing on how you want to feel, and not on controlling the feelings or behavior of another person.

You will need:

· • Dried lavender

· • Dried hibiscus

· • Dried basil

· • 1 small rose quartz crystal

· • Small square of white, pink, red, or violet soft cloth (silk or velvet is ideal)

· • White, pink, red, or violet ribbon

Hold the rose quartz in your hands and charge it with loving vibrations by meditating on how you want to feel when your goal is manifested.

Lay out the cloth and gently lay the crystal on it.

Sprinkle a pinch of each of the herbs onto the crystal.

As you sprinkle each herb, name it and affirm its purpose. You might say:

“With this lavender I manifest love in my life.”

Fold the cloth over the rose quartz and wrap it gently until you can tie the ribbon around the charm.

Carry it with you in your purse or pocket and/or put it under your pillow at night.

Buried Crystal Spells

These spells use the power of Earth even more directly, by returning the crystals to their source.

Raw stones are ideal for this type of magical work, since there are no traces of chemical additives between the surface of the stone and the soil, but polished stones are also fine to use.

The strength of your focused intention is more important than whether the crystal is raw or polished.

A Crystal Money Spell

When you have a specific need and aren’t sure how it will be met, this spell can be quite successful. Whether you’re facing a costly repair to your car, or an unexpected shortfall that jeopardizes your ability to cover the bills, draw on the power of your favorite money-attracting stone for help.

Don’t forget to mark the place where you bury the stone so that you can find it again!

You will need:

i 1 carnelian, jade, or other prosperity stone of your choice

· • Pencil and small piece of paper

· • 1 green candle

Light the candle, and then write your name and your need on the piece of paper—both the amount of money needed, and the purpose. (For example, “$500.00 for the car repair.”)

Don’t write “I need,” as you’re working to transform from a place of need into a place of having.

Fold it several times, and set the stone on top of it, saying:

“Universe, thank you for all you provide. With this [name the stone], I call the solution to my need into my life.”

Leave the stone on top of the paper until the candle burns out.

Bury the stone and paper in your yard. (If this is not possible, a potted plant will work.)

Leave it until your money need is met.

Once it is, be sure to unearth the crystal and paper and give thanks to the Universe! Doing so will help you increase your magical power for future spellwork.

A Bad Habit Banishing Spell

While the main work of getting rid of an unwanted habit is up to you, magic can certainly create a very helpful boost of willpower and favorable circumstances.

Bloodstone and jet are two excellent choices for this banishing spell, but always work with your instincts and your relationship with your crystals.

You won’t be retrieving this one, so make sure to use a stone you can part with!

You will need:

· • 1 bloodstone, jet, or other banishing stone of your choice

· • Pencil and small piece of paper

· • 1 black candle

Light the candle, and then write the habit you want to break on the piece of paper.

Hold the stone in your palms and spend several minutes visualizing your life without this habit—how you will feel on a daily basis and the benefits you will receive. Conjure up a feeling of freedom, relief, and joy.

Then tear the paper up into small pieces, gather them into a pile, and set the stone on top of the pile until the candle burns down.

Take the stone to a location far from your home—preferably somewhere you rarely, if ever, find yourself in. This could be a park across town, or, ideally, a wooded or otherwise rural location.

Bury the stone in the earth.

When you’re finished, brush the dirt from your hands vigorously over the spot where the stone is buried and say:

“I now release the habit of ________ to the past, where it will always


Then walk away without looking back.

Calling a Crystal into Your Life

If you’ve been unable to acquire any crystals or stones, or if you’re feeling that you’d like to bring more into your life, try asking the Universe directly to help you connect with the right stone(s) for you.

This is a good spell to work prior to making online orders for crystals.

You will need:

· • 1 white candle

· • Sea salt (the crystalline structure of sea salt adds a magical boost to your intention.)

Sprinkle salt in a circle around the candle while saying:

“With this sacred salt of Earth, I ask the right crystal to come into my life.”

Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by beautiful, sparkling crystals of every color.

Take a few deep breaths, then light the candle and say:

“It is so. Blessed Be.”


These are just a few ways in which crystals can be used in spellwork.

As you grow in your practice of magic, you will no doubt discover new types of magical workings involving crystals and stones, both on your own and with the help of other resources.

Below you’ll find some additional sources to explore, as well as a Table of Correspondence outlining the main magical properties of the crystals described in this guide.

While listening to your intuition is key when learning any type of magic, it’s also especially important to listen to your crystals and stones, as they will often seek to guide you on your path to spiritual wisdom. As mentioned above, crystals are living creations from deep inside the Earth, so always respect their energy and power, and take good care of them!

Continue to hold them, meditate with them, and treasure them for as long as they remain with you.

The spells included in this guide are ideal for a beginner: they’ll help you gain confidence working with crystals, so you can start your own journey, and begin experimenting with your own spells.

It can take time to see results with magic—but this is no different to any other skill you learn. Magic is dependent on your intention, so if you believe deep down the spell won’t work, you’re putting conflicting messages out there into the universe. If you aren’t experiencing the results you were hoping for, ask yourself if you truly believe your magic will work.

As with my other spell book, Candle Magic, I’ve tried to make this book as accessible as possible. Whether you consider yourself to be Wiccan, Witch, or you’re just someone with an interest in Witchcraft and Magic, I hope you find this book useful.

As I repeat in all my books: With Wicca, there is no right or wrong. The content of this guide is based on my own personal interpretations of the topic at hand. Will this differ from other authors? Absolutely, and that’s fine with me! There are no right or wrong answers. In fact, I whole heartedly recommend you take on board as much information as possible when you’re starting out. Will you find some of the information conflicting? Perhaps, but this will allow you to single out the ideas that resonate with you—the ideas will find you.

Read around as much as possible, consider everything you’re told, but don’t feel compelled to follow one author over another. When you find something that resonates with you, you’ll know it’s the right idea for you to take on board on your personal journey.

Actually, there is one thing that all (good) Wiccan authors should agree on: Magic should only be practiced with genuinely positive intentions. Magic really can have an immensely positive impact on your life, but that should never come at the expense of others.

Before practicing any type of magic, think about how your spellwork could affect others. Never practice magic on another person’s behalf without their permission. Always seek the best possible outcome—for others, but don’t forget about yourself!

When your spellwork comes from a good place, you’ll see only good results —the results that can have a truly positive impact on your life.

I will leave you with that thought, as it is now time for you to continue your own journey, and to begin practicing some of the techniques outlined in this book.

If you aren’t seeing results immediately, don’t get too frustrated. Keep practicing, keep putting your positive intentions out into the Universe, and it will happen.

I sincerely hoped you enjoyed learning about crystal magic with me, as it is a topic close to my heart. I wish you all the best on your magical adventures, and hope it is a wonderful addition to your life!

Thank you one more time for reading.

Blessed Be.

Tables of Correspondence

Included here are very brief sample table of correspondence. Be sure to research further, however—there are countless tables of correspondence with much more detailed information than is presented in this brief guide.

Sample Tables of Correspondence: Crystals and Stones



Magical Uses



Sharpens mental focus and intuition, clears sacred space


Green with flecks of red/gold

Promotes physical healing, fertility, and abundance



Wards off negative energies, inspires courage



Aids self-confidence, renewal, useful dreams


Silver/gray/shiny black

Strengthens willpower and confidence, helps with problem solving


Green with flecks of red/gold

Promotes emotional balance, harmony, wisdom, protects from negativity



Supports transitions through grounding and centering, protects from negativity

Lapis Lazuli

Blue/dark blue

Helps with altered consciousness, meditation, divination


Green with bands of dark green and black

Supports spiritual growth and emotional courage, helpful during big change


White/pale blue

Supports intuition and wisdom, psychic receptivity, creativity

Quartz Crystal


Promotes healing, clarity, spiritual development

Rose Quartz


Promotes emotional healing, love and friendship

Tiger’s Eye

Brown/tan/gold with bands of black

Protection, energy

Suggestions for Further Reading

These days, there’s a wide variety of available resources on crystals and their use in healing and magic.

This brief list covers the most popular resources from widely accepted authorities on crystals. The first four books listed below are focused on magic in the Wicca and Witchcraft traditions, while the final two offer expanded information on the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties of crystals and stones.

Of course, there are countless websites devoted to this fascinating topic, but as with any other magic-related topic, be wary of accepting any one source as an ultimate authority, especially when it comes to potentially toxic crystals.

Read widely, use your best judgement, and enjoy learning more about the incredible power that crystals and stones have to offer.

Kardia Zoe, Wicca: A Beginner’s Guide to Casting Spells: Herbal, Crystal and Candle Magic (2015)

D.J. Conway, Crystal Enchantments: A Complete Guide to Stones and their Magical Properties (2000)

Scott Cunningham, Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic (2002)

Ember Grant, The Book of Crystal Spells: Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals ... and Even Sand (2013)

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (2003)

Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation (2011)