A Сomplete Book on Gems & Stones - Shastri Rakesh, Joshi J.S. 2003

A Сomplete Book on Gems & Stones - Shastri Rakesh, Joshi J.S. 2003


Gems and other stones were known to our ancestors even in ancient times. Our great saints, the Aryans, were aware of their efficacy to human beings. There is a reference to them in the oldest book written by man. Rig Veda. The great and ancient astrologer, Varahmihir. conducted deep study of gems and their influence on the lives of human beings. Books like Brihat Samhita, Bhava Prakash, Ayurveda Prakash, Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya also throw tons of light on the value of gems; so do the ancient Puranas.

Maharishi Charak says in his book that the divine therapy, besides reciting mantras., wearing medicinal talismen, offering oblation to fire, serving animals and human beings on earth, atonements, respecting elders, also consists of wearing gems.

In India patronage to wearing gems comes from members of the royal families, nobles and other rich persons. It was they who popularised the act of wearing gems. Today gems are wom the world over by people of all religions, languages and communities.

Our saints had come to know that colour casts its shadow on everything in the universe. They were also aware of the fact that various planets moving around the sun had their influence on men and women on the earth. When radiation is applied to gem stones, they are found to be nature's store house of energy and produce positive vibrations against negative vibrations that are malefic in nature. Gem stones release positive power and neutralise negative power of planets. They act like antenna of a T.V.



Wave lengths


Wave lengths



















This book tells how wearing various gems, semi-precious stones, lockets, rings, talisman influence lives on the planet earth by nullifying evil influence of planetary configurations. It also throws light on the relationship of Astrology with gems and beings


Scientists also believe that ever)' human body has a fixed ratio of the seven colours of the rays coming out of the planets and when one of the colours loses its potency the person falls ill. Naturopaths also follow the same principle and fill up water in bottles of a particular colour to cure the diseased person.

It is not only the planetary configurations that affect the lives on the earth but events like eclipse and rising and setting of planets also guide the destiny of human beings. Human beings suffer from physical, mental and spiritual ways. Gems help by transmitting planetary rays into the body of the sufferer. They do not allow the negative rays of the planets filter through them and only benefic rays are allowed to enter the body. They thus act as a shield and guard against the evil influences of planets. When radiation is applied to gem stones, they record the following wave lengths.




Wave length






Pearl (white)




Coral (red)

Red coral



Sapphire (yellow)





Yellow sappire







Blue sapphire

Blue sappire







Cat’s eyes

Cat’s eye


The gems to be worn must be suitable, of proper size, weight and hardness and are to be worn on a suitable period of the transit of planets after offering prayers and giving alms. One can wear them as talisman or amulet.

Gems are in fact minerals and found in mines in various forms. They are formed because of certain physical and chemical changes inside the crest due to heat and pressure. They chiefly contain carbon, barium, aluminium, calcium, zinc, tin, hydrogen, phosphorus, magnise, potassium, sodium, iron, etc. Gems are stones, but they are costly precious stones. Some of the gems are divine. They are available because of some ascetic’s penance and through his divine power. Mythological books are full of their references of Swamantak Mani. Kousthubh Mani and Chintamani Pearl. The last ones are formed when rain drops get dry in air. Some ancient astrologers believed that some divine gems or pearls drop from sky but they are taken away by dames before they reach the earth. We often hear that during the constellation of swati, if rain drops fall upon oyster-shells, they tum into pearl.

Gems are known to have not only curative power, they bring in prosperity in one’s life, improve health, raise one's status in society and bring in name and fame by driving away the evil influence of planets.

Horoscope of a person prepared on the basis of one’s birth time can throw light on the various aspects of his/her life the nature, age, prospects, etc. And if there are afflictions, they can be countered effectively by prayer or other astral remedies like wearing gemstones.

Modem science will have nothing of it but Ayurveda and, for that matter, Astrology, considers that one falls ill not only because of bacteria but also due to his/her karmas, i.e. sins committed in the previous birth having their repercussions during the present life in the form of diseases or ill luck. Gems have great attributes of curing diseases. In Ayurveda and Unani system of medicines gems are burnt and used in powder form. In the homeopathy system of medicines, gems are used to prepare mother tincture.


Ch. No.


1. Gems—their history is too old


2. Gems—their types


3. Varahamihir on gems


4. More gems


5. How gems affect human lives?


6. Where are jew els formed?


7. Famous gem mines in the world


8. World famous diamonds


9. Role of colours in human lives


10. What colours signify?


11. Birth numbers, colours and suitable gems


12. Birthday gems based on Zodiac signs


13. Stars and gemstones


14. Numbers and gemstones


15. Numerology and gems


16. First letter of names and gems recommended



  • 17. Aspicious times for wearing gems98

  • 18. Consecration before wearing stones100

  • 19. Influence of planets109

  • 20. Therapeutic use of gems130

  • 21. Rudraksh beads169

Gems their history is too ofd

Gems have been known to man for thousands of years, not only in India but other countries like Greece. According to Agni Puran, when the great demon Vatrasur attacked the heaven and drove away gods from there, Lord Vishnu advised the god-king Indra to go and beseech bones from the selfnegating saint. Maharishi Daddhichi. The story* goes that the saint forsook his own life and it was with his bones that the gods prepared a weapon (Vajra) to kill the demon. It is said when the weapon was used against Vatrasur and hit him, it broke his body into pieces and those pieces fell upon the earth and later got transformed into various gems. Diamond is supposed to have originated from saga's bones.

According to Hindu mythology there is one more version. When the nectar was taken out of the sea, demons possessed it and ran away with it and gods chased them. In the melle that followed, some of the nectar drops fell upon the earth. Later those drops were transformed into precious stones. Hindu mythology speaks of yet another source of gems. It is said therein that once the demon king Bali was approached by the god-king Indra, dressed up as an innocent Brahmin and seeking an animal for atonement. Indra pleaded with king Bali to become an animal so that he could offer him in sacrifice to complete his yagna. Now Bali knew that he could not be killed because of a boon he had already acquired. So he playfully agreed to Indra's request. Indra knew about the boon

and so he struck at his head rather than Bali’s body with his Vajra and blew away the demon king’s body to pieces. Those pieces got scattered all over the earth and it is said that from his bones were formed Diamonds, from teeth Pearls, from his blood Ruby, from gall bladder Emerald, from eyes Blue Sapphires, from heart bright blue Lapis Lajuli, from bone marrow Zircon, from nails Cats Eye. from fat Rock-Crystal, from semen Bheeshma, from his flesh coral and from his skin Yellow Sapphire.

It is further said that out of those stones Rahu preferred to take away Zircon and Ketu Lapis Lajuli. Sun took away Ruby, Moon liked Pearls, Mars Coral, Mercury Emeralds, Jupiter Yellow Sapphire, Venus Diamonds and Saturn Blue Sapphire.

Varahamihira, the ancient astrologer, also writes about the demon-king Bali and gems and jewels.

In ancient times people faithfully believed that the various gems were formed out of the body of the demon-king Bali after he was struck by Vajra.

Diamonds came out from the forehead of demon king.

Pearls were made from his head.

Rubies were produced from the blood .

Emeralds were created from bile juice.

Corals were formed from the blood drops falling into sea.

Yellow sapphires-These were produced of his flesh.

Blue sapphires- Eye balls developed into them.

Moon-stones were formed from other parts of the eyes.

Cat’s eye were created from the sacred thread.

Bheeshshma Pashshaan-These were created from the semen drops.

Lapis Lajuli were created from hair.

Touch-stones They were created as the chest dropped on the ground.

Crystals They were created out of the sweat drops.

Bheeshsmaks-They were formed as the head was severed.

Ghreeta Mani-These were made from the belly of the demon.

There is also reference of gems in Vishnu Purana, which is supposed to have been written about 200 years before Christ. India was even known to export diamonds and other quality jewels, gems and precious stones many hundred years before Romans started doing so. The Peacock Throne of the Mughal emperors in India, which was decorated with gold, diamonds and and* pearls, was so well-known that the Persian king invaded ndia and took it away to his land along with other pearls and diamonds. The ’Blue Hope Diamond' was found in south Golconda and is now lying in Smithsonian institute in the US.

Gems were equally known and popular in the West. The great empress Cleopatra was supposed to have welcomed the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, in a hall which was furnished with choiest jewelsand gems. One famous writer from Greece who lived in 287 before Christ had written a book on diamonds and precious stones. Another Roman writer Pliny, who lived between 62 and 113 A.D., in his famous book. Natural History, has written in great detail about gems. According to him merchants from Rome. Greece and other parts of the world assembled in a port in Egypt and bought and sold jewels and other precious stones.

In the 13th century Marcopolo toured a number of countries Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), India, China and

Burma and has written that gems and other treasures were traded in those countries.

One French merchant who dealt in jewels visited a number of countries including India, Iran and Turkey. He went as far as Golkunda in deep South (now Andhra Pradesh) and visited the mines there. He has given a vivid account of his travels. According to him as many as one lakh workers were engaged in mining in Golkunda.

Golkunda mines produced diamonds in large numbers in the 17th century and attracted world’s attention and did large business. But now those mines are closed as Krishna and Godavari rivers no more provide diamonds. At present diamonds are found in India in the pits of Panna. They are providing diamonds weighing about ten lakh carat. But experts who are on the job are of the opinion that the pits can offer diamonds two or three-fold more than what we are getting at present.

Now diamond mines have been discovered in Brazil (South America), South Africa, Australia, British Gyana, Conga and Belgium. Brazil discovered its diamond mines around 1975. One of it has the credit to produce the largest diamond piece, weighing 3085 carat, in the world. South Africa discovered its mines around 1867. Brazil and South Africa today are the leading nations trading in diamonds, thereby pushing India in a tight comer.

gems-their types

In Hindu mythology there are hundred types of gems worn by gods but out of them the following 84 are important to human beings.

Amongst them, nine-Ruby, Pearl. Coral, Emerald, Yellow or White Sapphire (Pukhraj), Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Gomedha and Cat's Eye-occupy foremost positions.

Five of them-Ruby, Pearl, Diamond, Emerald and Blue Sapphire—are termed as most superior gems and classed as semi-precious stones.

The eighty-four gems are:

  • 1. Ruby or Maanaikya: This is of red colour and is a costly precious stone. Ruby is found generally in rosy, blackish and skylike colours. Sun favours this gem. It has to be more than 24 ratti in weight.

  • 2. Diamond: This is also a costly stone and is found in yellow, white, red, rosy, blue, pink colours. This is a gem for Venus.

  • 3. Blue Sapphire: This gem is found in ordinary or dark light blue colours. This is for Saturn.

  • 4. Emerald: This is of bottle green colour and of tarnish white colour. It is Mercury's favourite.

  • 5. Cat 's Eye: This is yellowish or blackish in colour like that of cat. Inside this stone is visible a shining band

which moves when the stone is turned. Because of the quality it is also known as Sutra Mani. This is to please Kctu.

  • 6. Coral; Generally Corals are found in red and light red colours. White Corals are also available. It invites power of Mars

  • 7. Pearl: This is of white light pink, yellow or black colour. Rosy coloured pearls are also seen. It attracts Moon’s favour.

  • 8. Yellow sapphire: This is found in yellow, both dark and light, white and blue colours. Actually the one having blue colour becomes Blue Sapphire. It is also called Pushparage This is Jupiter’s favourite.

  • 9. Turquoise: This is found in sky colour with a greenish tinge.

  • 10. Gomedha or Neelam: It is like red coloured smoke. Its colour may be of honey or that of urine of the cow. This is Rahu's favourite.

  • 11. Lalrhi This has the colour of the rose petal or deep pink

  • 12. Opal This is found in all colours. The one with white colour has also slight sparklings of other colours. It is a soft stone, a semi-gem of pearl.

  • 13. Peridot: This has a very light green parrot like colour. It is used in place of Pearl.

  • 14. Tourmaline This is a soft stone and is available in red. green, brown and white colours. This is a very effective semi-gem stone and has many qualities.

  • 15. Spinel Ruby This is found in darkish and yellowish red colour.

  • 16. Topa: This is also called Citrine. This is found in light golden colour. But golden Topaz looks very attractive. It can be used in place of Yellow Sapphire. It is a favourite of Jupiter.

  • 17. Amethyst This is of light or dark violet colour. It is used to please Saturn.

  • 18. Gold Stone: This is found in orange red, red colour with spots of golden colour. This is a very soft and weak stone. It is also called Sangsitara

  • 19. Rock Crystal: This is of shining white colour. If cut finely it looks like white Topaz. It is transparent.

  • 20. Moon Stone: This has the colour of a white cloud or as the tooth of the cow. Inside the stone there is a glistening band which rolls when the stone is turned.

  • 21. Romni This is a soft gem of dark red colour with a blackish tinge.

  • 22. Garnet. This is of blackish red colour. It is used in place of Ruby.

  • 23. Ludhya: This is of deep red colour. It is a semi-gein of Ruby.

  • 24. Maryam: This is of shining white colour.

  • 25. Loadstone: This is also called Chakmak stone. This is of white colour tending to be blackish and produce fire when rubbed together.

  • 26. Sindooria. This is of light rosy colour or pink with white tinge. It can be used in place of Corals.

  • 27. Neeli: This is a soft stone and looks like Blue Sapphire.

  • 28. Smoky Quartz: This is of smoky light golden colour. It can be used for Blue Sapphires.

  • 29. Aquamarine: This is a gem of light green colour. It is mistaken for Emerald. Aquamarine is more transparent than Emerald and is much less expensive.

  • 30. Jade: This is of green colour but without brilliance or lustre. It is a very cheap stone and is hard.

  • 31. Bloodstone: This is of green colour with blood like red spots on it. It is a semi-gem of Emerald with often red spots.

  • 32. Baanshi: This is a soft stone of green colour.

  • 33. Durvenajf This has the colour of unripe paddy. It can be polished.

  • 34. Tursava: It is a soft stone of yellowish red or pink colour.

  • 35. Ahwa This is a stone of pink with spot in it.

  • 36. Savore: This is a stone of green colour with a brown stripe on it. It is Emerald group.

  • 37. Lapis Lazuli This is a soft stone of blue colour. In ancient times in the Western countries this was recognised as Blue Sapphire.

  • 38. Kudurat: This is of black colour with dots of yellowish and whitish colour.

  • 39. Child: This is a stone black in colour with a stripe of gold like colour. It is a semi-gem.

  • 40. Suleimani (Onxy) It is a gem of black colour with a white stripe on it

  • 41. Alaimani: It is of grey colour; belongs to the Suleimani family.

  • 42. Jajemani: It also belongs to the Suleimani family. It is of grey colour with a white stripe on it

  • 43. White Jade: This is a white stone with the hue of graphs and other colours.

  • 44. Laroo This is a kind of marwar stone.

  • 45. Marwar: This semi-gem of Coral is found in three colours-bamboo like, red and white.

  • 46. Kidney Stone This is of light green colour like that of pista.

  • 47. Halan: This is a stone of rosy colour. The colour rolls when the stone is moved.

  • 48. Seejri: This is a stone of white colour giving the impression of tree on its body.

  • 49. Kasauti: This is of black colour and is used for testing the purity of gold.

  • 50. Darchana It is of the colour of cinnamon.

  • 51. Haqiq-al-bahar This comes out from watery places. The colour of this stone is yellowish green. Necklaces are generally made of iL

  • 52. Mubenjaif: This is a stone of white colour with hair-thin black line or lines.

  • 53. Amber (Kahruba): This is of dull whitish colour or red.

  • 54. Jhana: This is a very soft moon stone. A touch of water destroys the stone.

  • 55. Sang-Basri: This is used for making surma (a medicinal grey powder) for eyes. It is a favourite of Saturn.

  • 56. Daantla This is of yellow colour, looks like old couchshells.

  • 57. Makhra: This is a black stone with an impression of spider’s web on iL It is used to appease Saturn.

  • 58. Sangeeya: This is of white colour like conch-shell.

  • 59. Gouri: This is also available in various colours and forms, generally used by mendicants. It has white stripe. This is used for making measuring weights for the jewellers.

  • 60. Seeya: This is of the black colour used for making statues.

  • 61. Somaack This is of red colour with a yellowish tinge. There are rosy coloured sprinklings on it. This is used for making mortars in which medicines are grinded.

  • 62. Goodri: Now-a-days this is a favourite stone in Muslim religion. It is of grey colour.

  • 63. Kamla: This is of whitish green colour.

  • 64. Cyphery: Its colour is like a mixture of green and sky blue; it is a gem of Saturn.

  • 65. Hareed: It is grayish black. It is used for making rosaries.

  • 66. Hawas: This is of green colour with a golden tinge. It is used as medicine.

  • 67. Seengli: This belongs to the Ruby family, but it is much softer and inexpensive. This is of red colour inclined to blackishness.

  • 68. Dhedi: This is of black colour used for making cups and saucers, etc. Idols and garlands are also made of it.

  • 69. Agate (Hakeek): This is found in various colours. It is a very inexpensive but lasting stone. It is considered very auspicious. It is also used as a birth stone.

  • 70. Moosa White dusty colour, used for making bowls

  • 71. Pandhan: Black with greenish tingo, used for making toys.

  • 72. Amleeya: It is of pink and blackish colour used for making mortars.

  • 73. Door: It is of pale brown colour like catechu, used for making mortars.

  • 74. Liliar: It is of black colour used for making mortars

  • 75. Khaaraa It is of black colour with green shades and is used for making mortars.

  • 76. Paaraa Jahar It has the colour of a white bamboo. It has great medical properties in healing wounds.

  • 77. Gypsum: It is of dusty colour like clay. It is used in making dolls.

  • 78. Paras: If it touches iron, it is fumed into gold. This is a rare stone and nobody has acquired it.

  • 79. Zahar Mohra Greenish in colour, it is believed that if poison is put in a cup made of this mineral, it loses its evil effect.

  • 80. Ravaat This is found in red and blue colours, but red one is important. It is used to lower temperature if fixed in arm pit.

  • 81. Sohan Makhkhi: Looks like while clay. It is considered useful for urinary troubles.

  • 82. Hazral-e-oodh: Black in colour, it is used for making medicines for eyes in the Unani system of medicine. It appeases Saturn.

  • 83. Surma: It is of black colour. Its powder is applied in eyelids.

  • 84. Godanta (Cow s teeth): Found in cow teeth colour with yellowish tinge. It is used to appease Rahu.

According to Indian gemmology all these have been recognised as such.

It is possible that many of them may be known in various countries by different names.

From amongst the eighty-four gem stones mentioned above, all are not related to the planets. The main gem stones suitable for use for remedial purposes for planetary affliction are nine-Ruby. Pearl, Coral. Yellow Sapphire, Emerald. Diamond. Blue Sapphire, Gomedha and Cat’s Eye.

The stones that can be used for planetary afflictions because of their colour, lustre and the beliefs, durability, hardness about them are as follows: Topaz, Spinel, Turquoise, Moonstone. Garnet, Neeli, Aquamarine, Jade, Blood Stone. Lapis-Lazuli and Agate.

^Oarahamiftir on gems

Ancient books have given details of all the gems, but Varahamihir, one of the greatest ancient scholars, in Ratna Dipika, has mentioned only 22 types of gems. They are given below:


Azure Stone Blue Sapphire Cat’s Eye Coral Diamond Jyoti Rasa Opal




Methodist Blood Stone Brahama Man Conch Crystal Emerald Moon Stone Pearl

Ruby Saogandhrika

Yellow Sapphire

Some important gems according to the saint:

Diamond: Diamonds found on the banks of Vena river were of the purest kind. Those mined in Koushala had the lustre of the Sirisa flower, those from Saurashtra had a reddish lustre, those from Saupara country were dark in colour, those from the Himalayan regions were slightly reddish, those from Matanga country had pale-white colour, those from Kalinga were yellowish, and those from Paundra were black.

It is difficult now to locate all these places with the above names, but it does prove that mines of gemstones were in existence in India in ancient times.

According to many ancient religious books Diamonds are presided over by gods.

A white hexagonal Diamond is presided over by Indra, a dark one of the shape of the snake’s mouth by Yama, one with the bluish yellow colour by Vishnu, one having the colour of kamikara flower by Varuna, a triangular one of the colour of tiger's eye by fire, one having the shape of barley com and the hue of Ashoka flower by Vayu.

Diamonds have been divided caste-wise also. White Diamonds are auspicious for Brahmins, red-yellow ones for Khatriya, those of whitish yellow colour by Vaishyas and those with dark colour for Shudras.

A Diamond is believed to be beneficial to its owner, if it cannot be cut by any other substance, is light, cleaves through water like a ray of light and does not change its lustre to lightening.

The Diamonds that show scratches, are mixed with coloured substances and have double facets are burnt.

Perforated, discoloured, lustreless, covered with bubbles, split at the points and oblong in shape are treated as inauspicious.

Ruby: According to Varahamihir Rubies are bom of sulphur, kurvinda and crystal. Those got out of sulphur exhibit the lustre of bees, lily or rose apple. Those that are got from kuruvinda are of pale lustre and mixed with mineral substances, and those from crystal are multi-coloured, lustrous and pure.

The general qualities of all excellent Rubies are lustre

with rays, purity, smoothness, sparkle, heaviness, fine shape, brilliance within and existing bright redness.

Stones are defective if they are of dull lustre, full of scratches, mixed with mineral substances, broken, not attractive and mixed with gravel.

The Ruby obtained from the head of a serpent which has the hue of a bee or peacock’s neck and which shines like the flame of a lamp is of inestimable value.

Anyone who wears such Ruby will be a multi-millionaire; he will never be defeated anywhere and will lead a royal life. Ruby is the most wonderful gem.

Pearl: Pearls are from conch shells, serpents, elephants, pearl oysters, clouds, bamboos, whales and hogs; the best one is the one which comes out from pearl-oyster.

Eight types of Pearls have been mentioned by Varahamihir : (1) Simhalaka, (2) Parloka, (3) Saurash* a. (4) Tamrapami river, (5) Parusava, (6) a northern country, (7) Pandya Vataka and (8) the Himalayas.

The Pearls from Simhalaka were glossy, multi-shaped, swanwhite and large and bright, those from Parloka were blackish, white or yellow and were uneven, those from Saurashtra were neither big nor too small and with the lustre of butter; those from Tamrapami river were white with a slight red tinge, those from Parusava were lustrous, clear, heavy and very valuable and of superior quality, those from the northern country' were rough, black and white, of good size and brilliance, those from Pandya-vataka were like the necm fruit and very small in size and those from Himalayas were light, curdlike in appearance, large and double-shaped.

Dark Pearl is for Visltnu, one like the moon for Indra; yellow' for Varuna; black for Yama; red for Vayu and one

having the brilliance of smokeless fire or the lustre of lotus for Agni.

Very valuable and lustrous like moon was the Pearl bom of the root of elephant’s tusks.

The Pearl obtained from whales resembled a fish’s eye, was large, pure and of great value.

It was said that the Pearl was produced in the clouds of seventh layer of the wind in the sky in the manner of hail stones. Such pearls never reached the earth. A Pearl got from the serpents is valuable. It destroyed all misfortunes and enemies and enhanced reputation.

The Pearl from bamboo was flat and uneven, and that from conch was round, lustrous, and moonlike.

All the above categories of Pearls were considered to be extremely valuable and were believed to bestow popularity, wealth, renown on the wearers, and were destroyers of grief and diseases.

Emerald: It is said that an Emerald of the hue of parrot's wings, bamboo leaves, banana trunk and of good quality with smoothness and purity was highly beneficial to people when they wore it at ceremonies performed in honour of gods. Some of them are used as birth stones.

JXpre gems

Apart from the earlier mentioned eighty-four gems and precious stones, there are a few more gems being used the world over.

Alexandrite: This stone was discovered in Ural mountain in Russia in 1830 and named after Caesar Alexander II who was the ruler there at that time. This unique stone changes colour; it shines like cinders in candle light and looks green during day time. An auspicious stone, it is used in talisman and amulets.

Apatite: This soft stone is transparent and is used often in place of Blue Sapphire.

Anglesite: The soft, yellowish semi-jewel belongs to Yellow Sapphire group and is considered auspicious.

Albite: Belonging to Moonstone group, it looks like a Diamond.

Adamantive: Belonging to the Diamond group, it is found in blue, yellow and green tinges.

Aventurine quartz: Red, grey and light yellow coloured, it is used in place of Rubis. It has also medicinal value.

Adularia: This transparent stone sometimes is used for Diamonds; was discovered in Switzerland’s Adulaar locality.

Amazonite: Found first from the Amazon river of America, these stones are of light green or light blue colour.

Azurite: These gems belong to the Opal group and act in lieu of the joint influences of Emerald and Blue Sapphire; green stripes run in the middle of these gems which are violet in colour.

Aragonite: These are available in yellow, grey and blue colours with broad stripes across the body. It belongs to the category of Akeek stones.

Almandine: Belonging to the Garnet category, it exudes flashes of red and yellow used in place of Rubies. It can also be used as a medicine.

Brazillianite: A product of mines in Brazil, this gem is transparent and yellow in colour.

Berillonite: A semi-jewel of Diamonds, it is colourless and transparent.

Bronzite: Containing iron, it is generally found in red or honey or gray/black colours.

Baryet: It is grey, yellow and in many colours.

Blue Topaz: Blue in colour, it is also wom in place of Blue Sapphire.

Blue Zircon: It is used in place of Blue Sapphire.

Benitoite: It is a copy of Blue Sapphire.

Chrysocolla: An Opal group stone, it is green in colour. Citrine: This stone is used in place of Yellow Sapphire. Celestine: Generally colourless, it is sometimes found with milky white, yellow, orange and blue tinges. This stone is hard. It is also used in place of Diamonds.

Casseterite: A transparent colourless stone, it is hard and used in place of Diamonds.

Cal site: A product of the mines of marble and lime, it is colourless and a semi-precious stone.

Carnelian: It is translucent and is available in Brazil and European countries in red and orange colours. It can be used for Coral.

Chrysophrase: This stone is translucent and apple green in colour; is mainly used in Greece.

Dematoid: Mainly found in Ural mountains, it has light green tinge. It has a golden glaze around it.

Danburite: It is generally or sometimes found with yellowish tinge. Many use it in place of Yellow Sapphire.

Diopside: This stone contains iron and magnesium. It looks bottle green in colour.

Dumortierite: Found in the US or France, it is one of the rock-crystal group of stones. It is a semi-gem of Turquoise.

Dolomite: Generally colourless stone, though a yellowish shadow comes out of it. It is found in the mines of Italy.

Dumortiorite: A semi-gem of Turquoise.

Epidote: A transparent, deep yellow, grey and green stone, mostly found in France, Austria and Russia.

Fire Agate: It looks like living cinders. It can be wom in place of Corals.

Green Zircon: Belonging to the Zircon group of stones, it is used in place of Emeralds.

Green Garnet: A semi-precious stone, it is mostly bsed in garlands.

Green Sapphire: A dark green, hard stone of the Sapphire group.

Goshenite: A colourless jewel; it has glaze.

Green Topaz: This soft stone can be cut to any shape

Helidor: Worn in place of Yellow Sapphire, it is also soft and cut to sizes and shapes.

Hessonite: It is used in place of Zircon.

Hawk’s Eye Quartz: Belonging to the Cat’s Eye group, it is used often by men who deal in occult science to attract people.

Ivory: The engraved artefacts made of animal tusks of teeth or bones are called Ivory. According to legends, some animals are capable of wielding miraculous powers. Hence these gems are used for researches according to the tenets of the tantra.

lolite: These jewels are deep sky blue or violet in colour. They are also called water sapphire. It is a semi-jewel for Saturn.

Jasper: It has deep, multi-coloured stripes and spots on the body.

Jadeite: This hard, costly stone is for making weapons and instruments. In the US. it is used for treatment of kidneys.

Kunjite: It can be used for Diamond. It is available in pink, yellow, light green and grey colours.

Kornerupine: It is mostly found in green or pink colours.

Labrodorite: This stone is available from the mines of Finland, Norway and Russia.

Liddicoalite: It may be used in place of Navaratna.

Melnite: It can be wom in place of Diamond.

Morganite: It is pink or violet in colour and has a very charming shine and can be wom in place of Rubies.

Phenakite: A hard, colourless, transparent stone, found mostly in Greece and creates the illusion of being the rockcrystal stone.

Pink Sapphire: Mostly found in the mines of Sri Lanka, Myanmar and the African countries. The jewel is of high quality.

Prehnite: It is a semi-jewel of Yellow Sapphire group, often found in oily yellow and green colours.

Phosphophylite: It is a precious stone with brilliant shine; formed in Germany and the United States. Can be used for Diamond and Emeralds.

Pink Topaz: This Topaz family member can be used in place of Yellow Sapphire and Emerald.

Rhododine: A smooth stone in pink colour and often used as Coral.

Rose Quartz: It is often used in place of Rubies.

Serpentine: It gives the illusion of being Jade or Onyx, which are all green and transparent. It can be used in place of Emeralds. It is basically magnesium silicate.

Sinhalite: A semi-jewel of Yellow Sapphire; also available in yellow, grey and light green colour.

Stautolite: It is found in grey and black colours. Can be used in place of Zircon and Blue Sapphire. It is highly effective.

Scheelite: It is a glittering jewel, often looks like a yellow Topaz and many times like a transparent colourless gem.

Spodumene: Generally found in pink, grey and yellowcolours. Its transparent ray is charming. It can be used in place of Ruby.

Sard: With red colour, it can be worn in place of Emerald.

Sard-Onyx: It is available in red, grey colour and is very soft on which sculpting is possible. Many artistic drawing and designs have been engraved on this stone.

Scapolite: A colourless stone generally. It is also called Wemerite. It is found in pinkish grey and blue colours and can be used in place of Blue Sapphires

Sillimanite: It is found in the US and can be worn in place of Blue Sapphires.

Spehalerite: It is a transparent jewel which emits shines like Diamonds. Generally yellow, it is sometimes used for Yellow Sapphire.

Spinel: This stone is found in many colours, red, pink, yellow, blue, dark grey and black. It is not found in India.

Sodalite: It is a jewel with high degree of sodium in it. It is found in deep blue and violet colours and can be used in place of Blue Sapphires.

Shell: This was used as currency for buying and selling goods in ancient times.

Tugtupite: Belonging to the Tourmaline group of jewels, it is found in two colours so far-light white and pink.

Taaffeite: A rare jewel, it is as costly as Diamond.

Titanite: It can be worn in place of Yellow Sapphire.

Uvarovite: Belonging to Garnet group, it looks black outwardly but when chiselled, green coloured jewels come out of its blocks. It can be used in place of Emeralds.

Yellow Turmoline: A very soft jewel which gets scratches very easily. It is the silicate and borate of alumina and iron. It has many colours.

Zoisite: Found in the mines of Tanzania and other parts of east Africa, it is generally found in blue and violet colours; often produces the illusion of Sapphire group of gems, which it does not belong to.

(How gems affect human fivesQ

Gems have curative power. They have elemental power to pour in fortune, too. by driving away evil impact of planets, Some of them have magical powers to heal, to make life happier by gearing up prosperity, status, knowledge, good health and name and fame.

Westerners believe that amber (a yellowish translucent fossilized resin gotten from dead trees and used in jeweller}') cures rheumatism. For them jewels have been made of the tear drops of a Greek god. Germans make their infants wear garlands of ambers around their necks. In Turkey there exists the belief that jewels destroy germs. In Greece they believe that if they drink in cups made of amethyst, it does not make them intoxicated. Romans used chains made of Coral pieces to nullify evil effects of planets. In Greece woman wear Blue Sapphires to avoid impure things entering their minds.

All one has to do it to chose the correct gem and wear it at the appropriate time after completing necessary rituals.

Sun-rays have seven colours which influence human life in many ways. There is close relationship between colour and light. The living beings in the world and others take up their colours from the seven colours of the Sun. T he planets are also seven in number: so are the days in a week and also the prominent gems from which are produced many other semijewels or semi-precious stones.

For example ultra-violet rays of the Sun do harm human body. If a person wears a piece of Ruby on his/her person, the Ruby would keep those rays oft' from the human body and thus the human arteries and veins would function normally. Like sun, planets also send rays which affect human life on earth. Gem and jewels have been worn from ancient times, not only for make-up or to display wealth but also as a means to cure ailments.

The ancient Ayurvedacharyas used gems in the form of ashes and powder to treat human beings. Likewise, astrologers have been taking into account the powers of gems. Varaha-mihira. the great astrologer of his time, has recognised the miraculous affect of gems and jewels. It is mentioned in ancient books that if one wears a favourable gem, he reaps benefits. But if an unfavourable gem is worn, it brings in bad days.

Here are brief accounts of how each gem stone (arranged alphabetically for the converience of the readers) helps:

Alexandrite: This costly gem is available in various shades of green and looks dark in artificial light. It can give the wearer good luck, prosperity and magical powers. Particular gainers are those who are conducting research like scientists, mathematicians, atomic scientists and explorers. It will protect the wearer from following useless pursuits and his energies will be properly channelised and fruitfully utilised. But those who cannot hold on to their own judgements and arc easily swayed by the influence of others or those who are afraid to defy social conventions for fear of criticism should not w’car it. It makes the wearer bold, adventurous or helps him take bold decisions.

Amethyst (neelamani): This purple or violet-coloured transparent stone wards off the tendency in persons to switch over from one activity’ to another, protects the wearer from

sudden and unexpected happenings, dangers of witchcraft and evil spirits. It imparts financial stability and teaches to manage financial affairs. It is also good for managers, computer scientists and financial experts, particularly those engaged in major or big enterprises. It is beneficial for those who were bom in the month of January or February of any year and for Pisces (those born between February 21 and March 20), particularly those who may wish to obtain professional advancement and long life. They would develop magnetic personality and would be able to win over the opposite sex with ease, with the use of this gem. They would acquire happiness and undying love and affection, and protection from excessive indulgences like intoxication, temptations to go in for excessive involvements, drugging, etc. Scientists, technocrats, mathematicians and research scholars would have greater powers of concentration, seriousness of purpose and sustained work. Promotions, transfer to suitable place, too, can be acquired by the wearer within a few months of the use of this gem. Those dealing with fashion garments, beauty parlours, travel and tourism, and public relation jobs can hope to achieve instant success through the use of this gem. Men with birth number 3 and those with birth number 4 or 8 too would find sudden boom in their financial fortunes as also position and prestige, if they can acquire and use this gem. This gem is also good for the physical well-being of the wearers and is good for those who may wish to give up drinking and wish to lead a simple and healthy life. Aquarians are advised to wear it and also Capricomians. Recommended maximum weight: 10 carats

Amber (traimani): This gem stone is generally red or yellow. But sometimes they are found in green and blue Amber colour. It is lighter and softer than Pearl. It glitters like dewdrops in the bright sunlight. It is worn by those who seek good luck, financial stability and to ward off danger from









Other Gem and Stones
















witchcraft. The gem is also used for curing many chronic ailments.

But the wearer must not indulge in luxuries and temptations. It relieves the wearer of tensions and is good for those interested in nobler types of deeds and social and humanitarian causes. It should be kept away from heat or sun.

It is very useful for those who often have to meet challenging and frustrating atmosphere. It is good for those involved in political life and those wishing to have governmental patronage. It is good for those having birth numbers 1 or 9. ]t is good for persons bom between 21 st July and 20th August.

Agate (Haqiq) (Sulemani Pathar): This gem bestowing intelligence, will-power, wisdom and eloquence of speech is either grey white, red or muddy. Red is ruled by Mars, yellow by Sun and white by Jupiter. It protects the wearer from being cheated. It gives strength to heart, protects against infections, fevers and risks of traffic obstacles. Particularly helpful it is to those in service and professions. It ensures a successful and smooth career. Those engaged in farming, agriculture and horticulture are the biggest beneficiaries.

It also cures body pains and pain in legs. Those bom between 21st July and 22nd August are suggested to wear it.

An inexpensive stone, it is wom for good luck. It cures headaches, wind trouble and acidity and bestows extra sexual and muscular powers. It can also be worn by those who are interested in spiritual attainments. It nullifies the ill affects of curses of others and keeps the wearers protected from secret plots often hatched by others through jealousies and rivalries. It is particularly good for elderly persons (beyond 60) wishing to lead active and fruitful lives. It should be preferably wom on Sundays after prayers. Muslims can wear it after Friday

prayers and after offering food and alms to the poor. It is very popular with Muslim saints as it enhances their power to do good to others.

Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a variety of beryl and possesses largely the property of Emerald. It appears in various shades of blue and greenish blue. Some of them are transparent. It is ruled by Venus and Mars. It goes well for a tender skin and can be wom with considerable success for girls who are in the age group of 15-18. It is also recommended for devout Hindus and others who may be inclined towards humanitarian and spiritual aspects of life and want to probe deeper into mysteries of nature. It is ideal for Leos and those bom on 3rd. 12th, 21st or 30 of a month (birth number 3) or for Pisces or for those in whose cases Jupiter is well placed in the ascendant in their natal charts. It would also reduce tensions/stresses in relationships, strengthen emotional ties and can protect the wearer in cases where others may exploit or play on their kind-heartedness or generosity. It is highly beneficial for those engaged in teaching and research, banking, medicine, humanitarian causes, travel and tourism, film industry, sailors and navigators and those interested in getting benefit from overseas connections. Those who have ego problems and cannot control their temper it is a must. The use of this gem resolves the marital problems of many young couples, whose life otherwise was not worth living.

Beryl: Good for those whose birth number is 6, it is found in different colours-emerald green, rose, red, yellow and orange. It helps the wearer to enjoy life filled with love and affection. This is used after immersing it in holy waters for a fewr hours. It gives boost to the personal charm of the wearer and increases his/her acceptability in social circles.

Bufonite: Bufonite is helpful when snake or other poisonous reptiles bite a person.

Bezoar or Beza: The Bezoar is a gemstone which was invariably used in the olden times to protect the wearers from plague, infection, poison and serious affections and dangers.

Bloodstone: It is a dark green gem with red spots all over the body. It is considered particularly lucky for Ariens, Scorpions or those having birth number 9. It is good for general well-being and for financial experts — those in the field of insurance, banking, stocks and shares and financial manipulations. It produces daring nature, courage and mental alertness to them. It is supposed to cure wounds and bleeding, safeguards general and functional health, and guards the wearer against deception and foul play.

Cat’s Eye (Lasonia): It was a yellow or blackish radiance with a silver streak. It is also found in black and white, pale blue and light red shades. In light it looks like the eye of a cat. It clears hindrances and wards off evil effects of witchcrafts. It acts quickly and restores lost wealth. Poverty of the wearer vanishes. It saves him from enemies. It does well to those who do not have well-placed Ketu in their birth charts. The malefic effects of Ketu is loss of reputation and increase in jealousies and rivalries as a result of the man’s popularity. Use of the stone must ease matters and safeguard him from scandals and loss of reputation. It is essential for those who are having birth numbers 2 and 7, or those who are governed by the planet Moon to wear it. This stone removes fear of impending hardships and cures allergies or skin disorders. It can also be worn by those whose Sun is degraded in their birth charts or for those of birth numbers 1 and 8. The stone acts as a shield for the wearer against losses in business thereby ensuring financial stability. Rich and wealthy persons can wear it as it will act not only as a guardian of its owner’s wealth but will lead to further accumulation of riches. This stone works well if Ketu (Dragon’s tail) is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house from Venus in the chart. It gives comforts. If Ketu (Dragon's

tail) is in lagna. use of this stone will prove to be beneficial in all these cases. The stone acts as guardian of the wealth of the wearer. It protects the wearer from all kinds of misfortunes. If this stone is of a good quality, it can take the person to the top. It can reduce the impact of ailments like heart trouble and haemorrhage, increase knowledge, longevity and strength and cure chronic and incurable diseases. The gem protects from mishaps, accidental risks and hidden enemies.

Warnings: Persons bom in 4, 13, 28. 9, 18. 27th day of any month should not wear it.

Coral (Monga): Though not a precious stone, it is taken to be one of the Nevratnas. It is of bright red colour but is available in lighter shades too. It is also found sometimes in white and yellow colours. It is not a mineral but is mostly composed of calcium secreted from sea water. This famous gem is generally found in Mediterranean waters. Other deposits are found off' the costs of Spain, Erance, Sardinia, Corsica, Secily and the Coral Sea. Red Sea and the Persian Gulf offers bright Australian red coral. North-west coasts of Africa and the seas around Japan also contain it. The richest yields of it come from Algerian and Tunisian coasts.

Any Coral to be effective must be:

  • 1. round or oval.

  • 2. opaque with red pigments of cinnabar.

  • 3. should emit a lovely splendour and is smooth without a hole.

The opaque gemstone is most effective for radiating powerful emotions through absorption of red radiation from visible light spectrum. Use of this gem in gold keeps away several diseases, particularly tropical fevers, chickenpox, jaundice, fistula, impotency and ailments pertaining to blood. It is also most effective in healing ailments like anaemia.

general debility, weakness, lassitude. body pains, allergies, inflammations, cough and cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. It helps to improve marital life. Children suffering from malnutrition or slow development may also improve and become intelligent. Abortion or miscarriage or other prenatal complications can be prevented, provided the gem is used after three months of pregnancy. At times, nightmares or threats from spirits or witchcraft can be warded off. The gem also protects wearers from lightning and thunder and traffic accidents. Those with birth number 9 would get quick results, as it would provide them with extra energies, financial stability, reduction of tensions, easing of litigation, and legal issues. The gem may grant land and property. It will give strength and willingness to meet challenges and critical situations. It should be wom on a Tuesday within one hour of sunrise.

Warning: Those who were bom on 2, 11, 20, 29, 5, 14, 23, 7, 15, 25. 8, 17 and 26th day of any month should not wear coral.

Chrysoberyl: Chrysoberyl is an aluminate of beryllium. It is found generally in green and yellow colours. It is connected with nobler actions, and those who always think of doing good to others. Holy people and those anxious to seek spiritual attainments are advised to use iL The wearer acquires extraordinary powers and gets name and fame in a short time. It is highly recommended for those who are suffering from allergies, asthma, chest infection or respiratory system.

Corundum: This precious blue-colour gem belongs to the Ruby and Sapphires family. Sapphires have the powers to bestow general happiness and divine favours. These rare gems have crystal lining in their atomic structure. In light, they look like sparkling stars. The purer variety of corundum does not have any colour. The gem should be atleast 3 carat in weight.

Carnelian (Rattatus): Of red colour, this gem clears the voice of the wearer and helps to give him peace of mind, tranquillity, and harmony. It is also used in ailments of the nose, particularly nose bleeding tumors. Speakers and orators get good results when they wear it. It can be used for keeping good health, wealth and curing typhoid and yellow fever.

Diamond: The word is derived from the Greek word adamas unconquerable. This universally known precious stone holds a unique position because of several remarkable properties. Chemically it is like an ordinary lamp black, nothing more than carbon in its pure form. It has many varieties, the finenest one being colourless. Blue white is a fine colour although most of the stones are yellowish or brownish. The colourless with a blue tinge or which throws blue and red rays and is without black dots is supposed to be the most auspicious. But if there is filth in the middle or comers, it should be treated as inauspicious. Similarly black dots or red dot or drop is considered inauspicious.

According to some ancient books Diamond is said to be of three kinds-male. female and eunuch.

The male is the best, female medium and the eunuch is to be avoided. Another opinion is that according to its structural beauty and radiance, etc, the diamond is of four kinds-Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. The diamond which has eight or six angles and if reflected on water displays seven colours of the rainbow, that which is light in weight but looks large, that which is round but explicitly exhibits all its eight facets, that which is without lines or dots is a ’male diamond’. The Diamond which is round and long, has dots and lines but has other qualities of the male diamond is called ’female diamond’. The diamond which has only three angles and the angles are turned, that which is round, large and heavy in weight is known as ’eunuch diamond’.

The Diamond with a red or yellow hue is said to be very beneficial and auspicious for kings, political leaders and administrators holding high positions.

The diamond with the white hue is suitable for those engaged in religious, social and spiritual work. The diamond of yellow colour bestows success and prosperity to industrialists, businessmen, financiers, etc. The one with the black hue is suitable for those who are engaged in inferior kind of jobs or professions. Women who want to be blessed with sons should wear an unblemished white diamond with a slight black hue.

Cheap and defective diamonds can have adverse effect ailments and tension, etc.

It is said that wearer of a Brahmin diamond is bom again as a Brahmin upto seven births. He becomes proficient in religious scriptures and earns great respect and regards from others. The owner of Kshatriya diamond becomes a brave warrior, able diplomat, political leader or administrator and achieves great success in his career of sphere. The businessman who wears a Vaishya Diamond becomes w'calthy and respected and enjoys all luxuries of life.

The wearer of Shudra diamond becomes wise, successful and wealthy and is helpful to others.

A defective or blemished diamond causes great harm to its Wearer. The white diamond with the shape of island, destroys wealth and happiness, the one with red island like impression destroys the cattle belonging to the wearer and the one with the black yava destroys wealth. Other defects in diamond disturb mental peace and bring disasters and diseases.

Diamond is worn for longevity and financial progress in life. It blesses the wearer with children, intelligence, name and fame and fortune. It has also curative power; it cures

diseases of kidney and reproductive organs and drives away evil spirits and effects of evil eye.

It gives great benefit to the one whose Venus is well placed in their birth chart or in whose horoscope Venus is the lord of lagna. Those bom on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month should wear it. Diamonds are more beneficial to those bom in zodiac sign Gemini (those bom between May 22 and J tine 21). Artists like dancers, singers, those taking part in dramas get popularity and gain materially if they wear diamond. It has an intoxicating effect on music lovers and they start dancing. Men and woman bom in Taurus lagna and Aries and Leos can also benefit by wearing this precious gem. It strengthens their resolve to carry out their plans. It bestows the wearers who often waver in taking decisions, willingness to execute objectives. Constant wearing of Diamond also enable the wearers to do good deeds, meriting commendation and acclaim. It also provides a state of spiritual ecstasy and enables them to meet challenges boldly in life. It can be worn with success by those facing litigations, court cases, etc. provided the cause is just. Ladies wearing the gem maintain their slimness and stay beautiful.

Diamonds bring in fidelity, loyality, good nature and innocence. Those who are constantly thinking of the opposite sex can ward off evil influences and make them sincere lovers and faithful to the loved ones.

Powder of diamonds are used as medicines and are used for curing heart ailments, sex weaknesses and diabetes. If worn by a pregnant woman, it ensures safe delivery.

Friday is the day when Diamond should be worn, within one hour of sunrise.

Warning: Diamond should not be worn by those who were bom on 1, 10, 19, 28, 3, 12, 21, 30, 2, 18, 27th day of any month.

Emerald (Panna): This transparent, very costly and rare gem stone and is radiant and beautiful and beryllium. Aquamarine and golden beryl are all beryls also, chemically of same composition. The best quality Emerald is deep velvet green or grass green in colour. The vitreous lustre of a good stone gives a beautiful appearance. This gem retains the colour in artificial light. It sprays bright rays and is without spots. The flows of Emerald are brightness like mica, thick water, depression, cracks, double colours, no lustre, black or yellow spots with rough surface. Such an Emerald can cause injuries to the wearer, unhappiness from parental side and distress.

The stone is wom for Mercury in the little finger on the right hand and allows cold radiation to be absorbed by the user, enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions like liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Defects of memory, stammering, harshness in voice, students having poor IQ, women at delivery bed fearing complication, men in business, writers, printers/publishers, dealers of scientific instruments will find Emerald beneficial. It is also beneficial in the case of (i) Erythroblastosis Fostalis (RH group) (ii) Depressive Psychosis (iii) Pchadsophernia (psychological disorder) (iv) Dyspepsia (v) Hyperacidity (vi) Flatulence (vii) Hepatitis (viii) Bronchitis (ix) Stomatitis. It is strongly recommended for those with birth number 6.

It enhances intellectual brilliance and prevents losses in business by enhancing wealth and property. It protects the wearer from snake bites, evil spirits and effect of evil eyes. It blesses the wearer with children and cures eye. But it should not be wom by those suffering from allergic tendencies, skin disorders or epilepsy. Apart from those whose Mercury is weak, it can be profitably wom by those governed by the solar signs Gemini or Virgo. It is particularly good for those connected with hospitals, and those dealing with chemical

industry, poetry, factories and research, public relations jobs, business executives, management experts, medical and surgical equipment and Instruments, equipment for survey, diplomats, peacemakers, arbitrators, auctioneers, those engaged in communications, and those who want to travel fast. It makes the users adaptable and gives strength to make the most of the difficult and challenging situations. It helps the user to maintain unquestioned integrity and identity of character.

It should be preferably worn on Wednesdays, within one hour of sunrise.

Garnet: This cheaper stone is available in deep red and blackish-red colour. The wearer of Garnet gets success in battle or court cases. It gives him/her fortune, name and fame and energy to the body and controls bleeding and depression. It is worn in place of Ruby. It is also called Cape Ruby, Arizena Ruby and Bohemian Garnet. Generally this stone is free from flaws. It provides fortune to those bom in the month of January or those who have their birth numbers as 1 or 9. Ladies having a delicate health should wear it to improve their health. The gem protects the wearer from nightmares and untoward happenings. Ancient Egyptians used it as an antidote for snake bites and food poisoning. It also gives considerable advantage to those under stress. Ladies having birth numbers 4 or 8 or those who suffer from body pains and headaches should wear it around the neck. Politicians, surgeons, defence personnel and those in services get advantage by wearing it.

Gomed (Hessonite): Found in almost all colours-red, blue, green, yellow, brown and other shades-this attractive gem offers semi-precious protection to the wearer from enemies and bestows health, wealth and prosperity. It acts as a protective shield to him while hunting wild animals or fighting in the battle field. But a defective stone can prove

dangerous. The stone with red colour affects health and the one with the mixture of mica destroys wealth. From a distance the gem reflects the colour of urine of the cow. It is used with impressive results for ailments like wind and acidity. The stone leads to improvement in finances, health and happiness. It is strongly recommended for those involved in active politics or those having Rahu in their tenth house in the birth chart. It is recommended for those engaged in legal profession. It should also be worn by all those who may be interested in spiritual advancement, particularly during the Rahu Dasa It is also good for those suffering from allergies, skin disorders, piles, epilepsy, infection of eyes, cold, fatigue, insomnia. BP, heart ailments and infection in the upper part of body. It is an insurance cover against poverty. It is a recommended stone for persons of birth number 4 and should be worn in silver on the middle finger, two hours after sunset on Saturdays after Puja. But Gomed should not be worn by those who were bom on 2, 12, 3,20, 30. 7, 16,25, 8,26, 9,18, 27 and 17th of any month.

Jade: Of green colour, or light cream, yellow cream or muddy black, but without lustre, this gem was very popular among the Chinese in ancient times. It is of two types. Jadeite and Nephrite. The former is the silicate of sodium and aluminium and the latter is silicate of calcium and magnisium. It can be fruitfully used as protection against accidents, diseases, witchcraft and epilepsy. It gives strength to lungs, heart and vocal organs. It is recommended for those who have allergies and skin disorders. It is supposed to give long life and a peaceful end to the wearer.

Jasper: This senii-prccious opaque gemstone of a muddy red, brown, yellow and green colour is good for those who want to multiply money very fast. It is also beneficial for those who want to gain in horse racing and speculation of all types. It is also recommended for patients suffering from prolonged

and mysterious ailments. It protects the wearer from insect bites, drowning and accidental injuries. It raises the intelligence level of the wearer and is particularly meant for those who want to remain alert all the time of the day and night.

Jet: Jet stone is an inexpensive gemstone and is available in black colour. It is supposed to cure snake bites. It was mined in the U.K. in 1500 B.C. It is a very hard variety of coal and has dull lustre on broken surface. It is associated with magical and mystical power. This stone is generally wom around the neck.

Kidney Stone: Light green in colour and non-transparent, this gem is particularly good for those who suffer from kidney ailments or urinary infections.

Lodestone: This gemstone leads to heightned mental faculties and enables the wearer to foretell future events.

Lapiz Lazuli: Lapiz Lazuli is a soft, opaque gemstone of dark blue colour. This stone is ruled by Venus and Saturn. It represents tenderness, sympathy and love. Its use is recommended for those whose birth numbers are 3,4,6,8 or 9 or for those who are bom under the solar sign Taurus. It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in music, art, dance, drama, etc. It is helpful to those who believe in subtle values. Persons using this gem will win over others through love. They seek peace and harmony. It is known to protect wearers from depressing outlook and from intermittent fevers and eye infections. The gem is good for general prosperity and happiness. This gem should not be used by those suffering from sugar or those who have enough fat in their bodies. It also heals liver and stomach problems. This stone can act as a substitute for Blue Sapphire.

Labradorite: This gem stone in deep blue and purple colours has a white streak like Moonstone. It protects the

wearer against ailments like spondylitis, body pains, arthritis, etc.

It is highly recommended for those whose birth number is 8. It precludes the possibility of delays due to adverse influence of Saturn. It also protects the wearers against drowning.

Moon Stone: A gem of cheaper variety and a substitute for Pearl, this gem is found in white cloud colour. It looks like the moon. Sometimes it is found in reddish brown, blue, black or rose colour. There is a shining band inside which rolls when the stone is turn. Those bom in July and those who have stomach upsets must use it. It relieves tension and nervous disorders. It has the mystical power of reconciling lovers who have fallan off. It is good for those needing greater concentration in studies/research, those having problems of marriage or marital happiness, those suffering from heart ailments, gynaecological problems, epilepsy, mental ailments, those who cannot control tempers or who get excited quickly and for general peace. It is good for those dealing with research projects, accountancy, banking, navigation, judiciary and engineering. Moon Stone is strongly recommended for children who are not keeping good health and are poor in studies or growth. The stone should be worn on Mondays and be of weight between 5 and 7 rattis. It should be worn either in lockets or on the little or the 4th finger.

Malachite: It is dark bluish in colour with black or green strips on it. This is generally used to attain greater success in life and to cross over hurdles. This is particularly favourable for those engaged in business activity and for financial prosperity, but it also make the wearer a bit extravagant and it is likely that he may flaunt his wealth. But it is very good to attain success and happiness in all spheres of life. It is ruled by Mercury and Venus and gives good sleep and drives away evil spirits.

Melanite: It is a black variety of Garnet. It protects the wearer from dangers from unexpected sources. It can be wom by sailors and fishermen on the high seas.

Ophite: This has mystic power. It enables one to see visions and hear the voices of the invisible.

Oilvine: This stone brings good luck and cheer to wearers and protects them from unpleasant influences, evil thoughts and temptations, melancholy outlook, evil passions, deceit and cruelty.

Onyx (Sulemani Haqiq): Suitable for lovers, it is of green colour, having alternate bands of black and white. It is good for general happiness and prosperity and is also supposed to curve nightmares, fantasies and vision. It effectively wards off evil eye and ensures conjugal happiness. It can be used by those who are engaged in hard work. Politicians can use it to influence their adversaries and win them over with ease.

Opal: This beautiful shining and expensive gem stone is very popular for jewellery. This green gem is generally prescribed as a birth stone. It is found in different colours like black, red, yellow and white. Black opals are rare but white ones are common. This stone changes colours often. It bestows beauty, power and financial prosperity. Those who are bom in October should wear it. It will make their personal and family life congenial. It helps in winning litigation and gives greater stability in life. It is used by astrologers and occultists to foretell future of their clients.

Pearl: This beautiful gem is the product of mollusk, a shell fish. Although of organic origin, it is composed principally of mineral matter-the pearl oyster belongs to the mussel family. It possesses a byssus, similar to a bundle of threads by which it is able to attach itself to rocks or other sub-marine objects. There are generally two spawning seasons each year, when millions of young oyster are liberated. Only

those that fall on the rocks reach a fishable age, though all bivalves are capable of producing pearl. It is these oysters which produce the precious pearls. This has been regarded as most auspicious stone since early times.

The lustre of Pearls varies with the nature of layers and different ocean beds seem to yield Pearls of characteristic tints. Colours may be white, black, yellow, blue, salmon pink, red, brown, green, etc. The rosy sheen is considered the best and is most expensive. Pearls having this sheen almost exclusively come from the Persian Gulf.

The lustre of Pearls is nacreous which means resembling mother-of-pearl, a lustre due to minute undulations of the edges of alternate layers of carbonate of lime and its membrane. The lustre of some pearls exists only on the surface. The outer surface of others may be dull and the inner lustrous. Cracks in its skin, a thin line on the body of the Pearl, an appearance like a joint, mole on the Pearl, lustreless spots like those of small pox. with spots, one with earth inside it, one with wood like material in its middle is unauspicious and should not be used.

Pearls with a yellow lustre brings wealth. Red colour makes one intelligent. White Pearl gives fame and name and blue Pearl gives good future and evil influences of planets end.

Pearls help in reducing tensions, stomach upsets and family discards. If worn by ladies round the neck, it will preserve their chastity, Pearls’ influence over heart, blood, mind and eyes is quite strong. It increases the self-confidence of the wearer, improves his/her mental faculties and promotes cordial atmosphere around. Those who seek great concentration in studies or work are greatly benefitted by wearing Pearls. People bom under the sign of Cancer and on 7th, 16"' and 25th day of any month and with birth number 2

must wear Pearls. Childless couples and ladies who are having menstrual disorders may use Pearls with great advantage. The gemstone should be used in silver or any white metal and worn on the little finger on Mondays. Pearl stone can be combined with Emerald or Peridot or Tourmaline.

Wearing of defective Pearl brings troubles. Pearl is likely to cause leprosy to the wearer. If in any Pearl there is a spot or a sign that appears like the eye of a fish, the wearer suffers loss of children. The Pearl which is devoid of lustre is said to shorten life. A Pearl which looks like a Coral is harbinger of poverty. The Pearl which is flat brings a bad name to the wearer. The Pearl which is long instead of being round makes the wearer foolish and an idiot. If a side of the Pearl is broken the wearer of such stone suffers the loss of his livelihood. If any part of the Pearl instead of being round takes the shape of a bird, the wearer of this stone may loose all his wealth and earnings. Pearl should not be worn by those bom on 3. 12. 21, 30, 8 and 17 day of any month.

Peridot: Made of magnesium silicate and iron, this gemstone constitutes a group of minerals and only its olivine varieties are being used as gem stones. It is a transparent, olive or bottle green stone. Some of them have yellow, brown or grey shades. But only greenish colour is used in jewellery. Those with darker shade are called Olivines and those with yellowish green or bottle green are known as Chrysolites. It is ruled by Sun. It leads to quick marriage and a happy married life. It protects the wearer from insect bite. This is very beneficial in case the wearer has Mercury' in retrogression in his/her birth chart.

Perth: This gem of yellow colour is good for curing gout, arthritis and spondylitis. It is effective in asthma and diabetes.

Quartz: This is the most widely distributed varieties of all gem stones. It is silica (oxide of silicon). It comes in various

colours like black, yellow, brown and smoky grey. It has a number of varieties like rock crystal. smoke quartz, a citrine and Amethyst. It is good for saints as it has spiritual, medicinal and supernatural qualities, which delight those who are interested in occult science. Astrologers and palmists of renown as well as philosophers and spiritualists use this gem to their considerable advantage. It is also effective in eye infections, stomach ailments, stomach ulcer, throat infections, giddiness and blood poisoning.

The chatoyant stones under this category are Cat's Eye. Tiger’s Eye. etc.

Rock crystal: This has been known in India from times immemorial. This is a colourless semi-precious stone found in large quantity. When cut and polished it comes out as a beautiful stone, though it lacks ’fire’. It is a substitute for Diamond but is not found to be very effective.

Citrine: This is generally known as Quartz or Topaz. This is really a yellow Quartz with peculiar internal structure, the colour being due probably to a trace of ferric oxide. Natural stones are not very common and most of the ’atrine’ in lire market are as a result of heating smoky Quartz. Although it is softer and much softer and much cheaper than Yellow Sapphire, when cut and polished it looks flawless and very much like Yellow Sapphire. Its lustre lasts for a very long time. It is a very useful substitute for Yellow Sapphire and Topaz.

Amethyst: This is the beautiful violet-coloured variety of Quartz and probably the most valuable of the different species. Amethyst works as a very effective substitute for Blue Sapphire. The darker the colour, the more effective it is.

Ruhy: One who wears a Ruby which is unblemished, that is. which is smooth in touch, clean, of good colour and water, has lustre, brilliance and radiance, is blessed with children.

acquires wealth and property, becomes prosperous and accumulates precious gems.

He is protected from fear, afflictions, sorrow and disasters. He becomes fully virile and his will-power and spirit are strengthened. He occupies a high and respected position in society.

Ruby is also of four castes. The Brahmin Ruby is of rosy colour. The Kshatriya Ruby is red like a red lotus flower. The Vaishya Ruby has the colour of the seeds of pomegranate or pigeon’s blood. The Shudra Ruby has a blackish or bluish hue and has no radiance.

This costly stone is worn for Sun. which emits cosmic rays and infra-red radiation. It rules over bones, cures indigestion, fevers and stomach pains. It is particularly recommended for occultists, artists, architectures, legal experts, etc. Those belonging to solar sign Virgo and who have single birth numbers I to 4 (bom on 1,10, 19,28,4, 13, 22 and 31 of any month) should put on this gemstone. It should be worn on gold on the ring finger on Sundays within one hour of sunrise after puja (with 3 to 5 raltis weight). The stone particularly favours those who are in key positions.

A blemished and defective Ruby brings many troubles for the wearer. If the stone is dull, the wearer's brother gets into distress. The milky stone destroys the cattle. Double coloured stone causes distress to the wearer and his father. The stone with a red sign causes quarrels and disputes.

Smoky stone attracts attack of lightening. The stone with four spots creates fear from wounds and weapons and if it is dusty in colour it is the cause of stomach disorders and childlessness. If there are white, black or honey coloured sprinklings on the stone, the native is defamed and there is less of longevity, wealth and comforts. It is also believed that

if the stone loses its colour, the wearer is about to become victim of some distress or disaster.

It regains its colour when the trouble is averted or is over. It is also said that Ruby fades in colour by being put close to any poisonous substance. If there is a depression on the stone, the wearer suffers from ill health and loses vitality and stamina. If the stone is full of flaws of any kind it may bring death.

Yellow Sapphire: This expensive stone is of light yellow colour. It reflects righteousness, piety and truthfulness of the wearers. This gem is ruled by Jupiter and it is worn to get blessings of the planet. It is recommended for economic prosperity and is particularly good for those engaged in business or industry'. This gem should be wom by those who are desirous to be blessed with children, or those interested in nobler aspects of life and in the occult, charity, spiritual motivation, yoga, meditation and religious preachings. It gives the wearer wisdom, good health, property; name and fame and protects him from evil spirits.

It should preferably be wom on a Thursday within an hour of the sunrise on the index finger. Its use with Pearl on gold loo gives powerful results. If the Jupiter in the horoscope receives the aspect of Saturn or if there is conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in the birth chart, this gem with a blue tinge will help. It is the recommended stone for persons of birth number 3, as it will bless them with all round happiness and prosperity, good health, benevolence and longevity. It will also protect the wearer from dangers during long voyages. It is particularly good for those born under the solar sign Sagittarius, but in order to be most effective it should be of light yellow colour and transparent. A pinkish-orange sapphire is known as ’'Padparadscher" and is the most expensive.

A stone with cracks invites threats of theft. The one without lustre and transparency creates enemies and causes

disharmony in the family. Blemished gem stones are the cause of many troubles. Milky stone invites injuries to the body. The one with a web causes stomach disorders. The stone with black and white colours is harmful for the cattle of the wearer. The one with red dots on it destroys wealth. The stone with a depression causes anxiety and disturbs peace of mind.

Blue Sapphire: This gem should always be worn after giving it a trial. If it suits the wearer it removes his poverty and gives the wearer almost everything a man could desire, namely, health, wealth, longevity, happiness, prosperity, name and fame. It also restores lost wealth and property. As the name denotes, it is of blue colour. The gem is associated with the planet Saturn. It is an expensive stone. But one should wear it after consulting a therapist, astrologer and numerolo-gist. It gives relief to heart patients and protects the wearer against accidents and dangers of fire and natural calamities. It removes hassles and irritants, agonies and frustration in life. Sapphires are placed in different categories. The Brahmin class is blue or white with a bluish hue. The Kshatriya class i.s raddish with bluish hue. The Vaishya class is white with dark blue tinge. The Shudra class is blue with a blackish hue. A blemished Sapphire brings in trouble. If it is having white lines, it affects wearer’s eyes. Milky hue causes poverty. Cracks in stone may cause accidents and a double coloured one may bring in enmity. Non-transparent may affect the wearer's near relations. If Sapphire changes its colour, it warns the wearer of a threat of attack to him/her or a conspirary against him/her. It has been noticed that the stone comes back to its original colour after the calamity is avoided or passed.

There is a substitute for Blue Sapphire and that cheaper stone is called Kathela. It can be worn when there is a conjunction of Satum-mars or Saturn-Rahu in the birth chart. It should be 3 to 3.5 carats in weight for domestic peace and financial prosperity. It helps in preventing vomiting, nautia.

headache, vertigo, abscess, eye infections, allergies and tensions. The wearers of the stone would be attached and faithful to his/her family members. This stone should be worn on Saturday two hours and forty minutes before sunset. It can be also worn during Pashya Nakshatra or eclipses after distributing alms to the poor and doing puja. Experts opion that Blue Sapphire should be wom on the second finger and the weight should be atleast 5 carat. To achieve improvement in fertility, Blue Sapphire can be combined with Tourmaline of green colour.

White Sapphire: This is yet another precious stone which is white. This brings all-round financial prosperity and happiness. The wearer becomes systematic and methodical and upright in facing the problems of life. He would develop maturity in his dealings with people who would repose confidence in him.

Sardonic: This semi-precious stone, bluish or blackish in colour, imparts to the wearer, specially those bom in months of January, February or August, assertiveness, protects him/ her from poisonous animal bites and infections. It makes those who are in public relations successful by influencing people. Lawyers, actors and orators do well if they wear this gem stone.

Stone of Memphis: This stone, if wom, would protect the person from any mishap.

Spire!: A double oxide of magnisium and aluminium, this is a transparent gem with red, darkish or yellowish hue. It is precious. It is mistaken often for Ruby because of its colour. The gem shields a person against unforeseen losses and gives monetary profit.

Sun Stone: Those who are having their birth number as 1 or 4 should wear this pink rose colour stone.

Topaz: Initially found in Red Sea, it draws it name from it. Although not at all expensive, it is highly effective. This is found in light yellow colour (The smoky is the best ). But there are many varieties of Topaz. Most of them are colourless stones, some yellow, some sherry in colour. True Topaz is a rarer commodity. It is blue-silicate of aluminium and natural crystals occur in a prismatic form with pyramid termination. Yellow Topaz is a good substitute for Yellow Sapphire. If worn by Gemini people, Librans or scorpions, it will lessen or remove risk of injury or attack. It should be worn by those who have to handle machines. Mental derangements, madness, suicidal tendency in man can be cured by wearing the gem. It also brings in domestic bless. Ruled by Sun, it helps in toning down negative thoughts that one carries for others and cools down tempers.

Turquoise (Firoza): Generally this stone is available in blue- green to apple green colour. This opaque stone of appreciable value is scare in sky blue colour. Il is of a complex composition-hydrous phosphate of alumina coloured by a copper compound because of its containing some water. It should be spared from being immersed in water. The stone is supposed to have occult powers to protect the wearer against evils. It changes its colour if the wearer is to get some disaster. It removes eye troubles if eyes are touched by it. Originally found in Turkey, the stone is good for persons with numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 and 8. It is sought by those who seek spiritual enlightenment.

Tourmaline: This stone is silicate and borate of aluminia, magnesia and iron. It is found in a variety of colours because of its composition. Those in red and pink are called Rubellite, black is named Schori, green is named Brazilian Emerald, blue is Brazilian Sapphire, .violet red is Siberite, yellow or yellow green is Ceylonese Peridot and colourless is Achorite. Some of the stones are green externally and red internally

and vice-versa; some are red at one end and green or black at the other. This stone should be worn in silver by those who desire to improve their financial position and status in society or by students or those appearing in competitive examinations. The red, white, green, yellow, and blue colours can be substituted by Ruby, Diamonds. Emeralds. Yellow Sapphire and Blue Sapphire.

Tiger’s Eye: This is a fibrous quartzs of golden yellow to bluish colour which gives chatoyant effects when properly cut and polished. This gem stone is used as substitute for Cat’s Eye. The stone is found in abundance in Africa. It has white, grey, red or wood colour. It bestows to the wearer drive, especially to those whose birth number is 2 or 7. The stone gives extra energy and stamine to the wearer and keeps him tension free.

Zircon: Also called American Diamond, this attractive stone, which looks like the colour of urine of the cow, has a wide range of colours-red. blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, etc. It looks like Diamond. The stone has a hard and brilliant lustre and is greatly beneficial to those whose Rahu is placed in the ascendant. The stone is recommended for those bom in April whom it will bestow prestige, popularity in society and specially with the opposite sex. It will bring in prosperity, position, prestige and honours. Il promotes sound sleep and makes one happy. The gem stone which shows a light blackish hue from a distance, is rough, without radiance, is flat bodied, is full of layers and looks like a yellow piece of glass, is unauspicious and should not be used.

(Wficre are Jevvefs Jormcd(2

No doubt mother earth bears in her womb precious jewels and gems and those jewels which have divine powers are beyond the reach of the common human being. The jewels derived from the metamorphic rocks are actually the ones that are hard to procure and are precious. The chemical sources of getting gems and jewels are man-made. They are not only easily available but comparatively cheaper.

The metamorphic jewels are always found in the form of large stone slabs. These jewels and gems are formed deep under the fourth or the fifth layer of the earth's strata. Buried for thousands of years in the nature's womb, in the deep gravels of earth, these jewels and gems go on changing their colours and shades in a continuous process. Many times, when the earth's womb boils up to throw up the volcanic lavas, these gems and jewels resurface and some of the liquid lava gradually turns up to form the most sought-after gems and the jewels also. But that is a very long process. This metamorphic wealth can be found from three sources, (i) metamorphic rock, (ii) igneous rock and (iii) sedimentary rock.

The metamorphic rock: This is the self-changing high quality stone stratum and the gems take shape as the nature's bounty. These are believed to form into gems and jewels after the continual process wherein the hard rocky stratum works as the base on which the pressures of earth's upper strata and heat automatically works. To cite an example when a heap of

mud or that of soft soil turns into hard slabs, a large part of it is turned into Garnets. In the same way lime stones develop into marbles. Similarly, a slab of hard transferable carbon turns into a marvellous rock of Diamond from unbearable heat and limestone may gel converted into Ruby if subjected to continuous heal and pressure.

It is estimated that it takes more than 7.000 years or more for a slab of coal to turn into a rock of diamond. All these precious jewels take thousands of years. Emerald taking about 7.000 to 8.000 years to be formed, the Yellow Sapphires some 6.000 years and mud and soft soil blocks more than 3.000 years to become Garnet blocks. This very Garnet may turn into Ruby if it gets heated for another thousand years or so.

Igneous rock: Their sources are underground pits, meteorites fallen from the sky and the lava following the eruption of volcanoes. These pieces cool down with the passage of time and become gems. Most of them get turned into powder but the remaining ones become real gems.

Sedimentary rock: These rocks are formed when animals, creatures, trees, plants, logs, etc gradually drift down the earth's strata and are affected by nature’s changing seasons and onslaughts and ultimately turn into hard rocks; some of them turn into jewels and gems. They are light, smooth and glowing. Tourmalines. Opals. Cat's Eye. Moon Stones, Peridots and Lapis Lajulis are made thus.

Besides mines, seas also provide us jewels. In fact gems were in existence even before man was born. But in today's world, gems and jewels are being made artificially. But most of them are meant only for decoration. They do not have the efficacy to nullify the evil effect of planets or remove illness. In Mumbia and Panna district of Madhya Pradesh (in India), there have developed many industries which are engaged in cutting and polishing diamonds and other precious stones.

Cutting of gems was being carried out even in olden times (in 14th century B.C.).

France, Holland and Belgium are famous world over in cutting and polishing diamonds.

famous gem mines in the vvorfcf

Gem mines are located almost in every part of the world. Particularly mines of Quartz and Gamet are found almost in every country of the world. It is the general belief that gem mines existed even before human beings took form. These gems are in a way stones but one cannot call all of them stones. There is a difference between stones and some gems. They are actually precious stones which influence the destiny of the user. Ofcourse this theory exists only in the East. For the West gems are articles only to be used for adoration.

There are some precious stones like Diamond and Emerald which are found at a few places as their preparation needs special heat pressure and geological standard.

Below is a list of the countries and the gems which are found there.

Australia-Diamond, Opal, Sapphire and Pearl

Afghanistan- Ruby, Aquamarine

Brazil-Diamond, Emerald, Aqraserin, Garnet, Opel, Topaz, Frerizi-Berial, Lapis Lajuli, Tourmaline

Botswana-Diamond •



China Pearl, Peridot




India-Diamond, Lapis lajuli. Garnet


Kenya-Ruby, Diamond, Tourmaline

Madagascar-Aquamarine, Tourmaline

Myanmar-Ruby. Peridot




Russia-Diamond, Aquamarine, Lapis Lajuli. Topaz. Garnet

Sri Lanka-Topaz, Sapphire. Lapis Lajuli

Thailand-Ruby, Sapphire

USA-Tourmaline. Peridot. Sapphire

Zambia-Emerald, Diamond


(Worfcfs famous diamonds

Although diamonds are found in many countries, some of them stand above all for their weight, shine, abnormal beauty, efficacy eternally, lesser availability and divinity. Let us discuss them one by one.

Kohinoor: This 186-carat diamond once belonged to Raja Ranjil Singh of Punjab. It was purchased by the Shah of Iran in 1739 from the raja with the help of the Britishers who had started spreading their wings in India then. Later it was procured by the East India Co. which presented it to the queen of England It was later fixed in the crown of Queen Mary. At present it is in the custody of London Tower.

Shah: This 88.7-carat weighing diamond was also procured from Indian mine. It was very lightly polished. It changed hands many times and ultimately reached the Shah of Iran and was retained by him for a long period. In 1829 the Shall presented it to Tsar Nicholas the First. At present it is lying in Kremlin (Moscow).

Kulinon: This 530.20-carat weighing diamond was cut. trimmed and polished from the 3106-carat weighing diamond, perhaps the weighest diamond so far taken out. It has got its name from Sir Thomas Kulinon, the chairman of the mine company. This diamond adorns London Tower at the present. It is also called Star of Africa.

Florantine: This 137.27-carat diamond was acquired by the Madisi family of Florence in 1657, nobody knows from whom. In the 18th century it adorned the crown of Habsburge. Later it was used as a pin. It got lost during the First World War.

Sansi: This diamond weighs 55 carat. Charles the Brawe adorned it in 1490. Later Senyore, the French ambassador posted in Turkey, purchased it. In 1906 the piece went to the Aster family of England.

Nasak: This diamond was looted by the Britishers from the Shiv Temple in Nasik in 1818. Then it weighed 43.38 carat. It was trimmed. At present it is owned by some rich American. -

Tifani: This diamond was procured from the Kimbarli mines of South Africa. When it was taken out, it weighed 287.42 carat. After trimming it weighed 128.51 carat. One New York jeweller by the name Tifani bought it and remoulded it into 52 square pieces.

Dresden: It was acquired from a mine in India. This 41-carat diamond was bought by Duke Augusta in 1700. It is at present in the Green Hall of Dresden.

Hope: One banker H.T. Hope purchased this 44.50-carat piece and today it is with the Smith Seniyan Association of the U.S.

Q^ofe oj colours in human fives

Gemstones have colours and it is a fact that colours play an important part in our lives. They affect our health, moods, our living style, happiness, etc. The foremost need is to find out what colour suits a person according to this his/her chart. And once that has been known, one can chose the colour of his clothes, curtains, sofa, walls, etc.

it is generally experienced in life that bright colours produce happiness and enthusiasm in a person while dull colours cause negative effect and make him dull and morose. They suit only serious minded persons who are indifferent to luxuries of life and comforts of living.

Colours react in different ways on different persons. Some particular colours may cause tension to some but the same colour may give relief to the other person. But some colours give pleasure and happiness or encouragement to almost everybody. They enthuse gaiety, warmth, joy, love and affection, harmony and encouragement to struggle in life and reach a place of comfort and luxury.

Each colour is associated symbolically with something. Take the example of white colour. It stands for peace, purity, nobility and innocence. Black colour denotes sympathy for the aggrieved. Yellow stands for warmth and light blue and green for repose and peace. Red colour signifies vigour, energy, youthfulness and dash.

Even in ancient times it was believed that colours have a close relationship with human ailments and their curves. Today science and psychology acknowledge that colour does affect our mental state. What more, more than fifty per cent of the physical ailments find their roots in one's mental state. On the very basis astrologers recommend various gem stones to cure ailments based on their colours.

Colours are linked to our emotional, physical, mental and even spiritual side. Specific reactions to different colours have an abstract power to influence and govern our destiny as every colour gels a certain response from an individual. To be successful in life, to acquire name and fame, power and wealth, these colours have to be in tune with or in the same wavelength witli the nature of the individual

Astrology tells us that the sun signs are divided into four categories fiery’ (fire), earthy (earth), airy (air) and watery’ (water). All of the four signs have their own characteristics and they are influenced by the planets and their movements in different manners. Their ill effect can be removed or neutralised through proper use of astral method, one of them being the correct use of colours and gems.

This practice of treatment of diseases is now universal. In die Capital itself of this country there existed a very well-known hospital where patients of even Cancer were being treated with the use of colour and light.

In modem times colour therapy is being widely used. Given below are a few examples of its use:

There have been instances when premature children used to get afflicted widi jaundice. In such cases their blood had got to be replaced by a fresh one. The latest therapy is to penetrate blue light into the body.

In the state-of-the-art operation theaters ultravoilet rays of the sun are used to clean the air.

The colour therapy has proved quite useful in skin diseases. Blue and purple colour of skin indicates lack of oxygen in blood or diseases of heart or lung.

The yellow colour of the skin indicates lack of B,, vitamin. Similarly, dark red skin shows the presence of too much carbon mono-oxide in the body.

The famous scientists Samyon and Valentine Kirliyan have already proved that there exists a universal energy force around us and that there is one more body close to our physical body which can be seen with efforts. Our saints and seers were very well aware of the existence of that body.

It was the Theosophical Society of India that attached greatest importance to colours. According to the society that astral body is surrounded by a bright cover which displays different colours. Those colours, if one can see them, reveal the attributes of the physical body.

Briefly the colours of the astral body can be divided into five parts.

  • 1. Light blue (denoting higher stage of spiritualism), purple (love and spirit of sacrifice), sky blue (high thinking and spirit of sacrifice), dark blue (selfishness).

  • 2. Blue-green (religious feeling mixed up with fear) yellow (great intelligence), bright (top intelligence), blackish yellow (poor intelligence), orange (pride).

  • 3. Green (sympathy), light purple (love for humanity), rosy (selfless attachment), blackish rosy (attachment with some aim).

  • 4. Bright green (nature of self-assessment), dark red-brown (jealousy), blackish green (cunning), dull brown (hopelessness, powerless).

  • 5. Dark yellow (selfishness), dull red (greed), blackish red (desire for physical pleasure), black (malice).

Zodiac signs and gems and colours recommended for use




Aries (Bom between March 21 and April 20)

Cat’s Eye. Diamond. Coral, Zircon Sapphire

Red, chocolate, purple, reddish white


Taurus (Bom between April 21 to May 21)

Diamond. Emerald, Turquoise

Blue, navy blue, pink, red, white

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)

Pearl, Emerald, moonstone, Opal, Agate

Brown, green, blue, yellow, white, pink, orange, lavender, scarlet


(June 22 to July 23) Leo (July 24 to Aug.


Pearl. Ruby, sapphire

Diamond, Ruby, Peridot, Sapphire, Moonstone

Green, sea green, sky blue, navy blue, white grey, golden, cream

Golden yellow, white, crimson, red

(Aug. 24 to Sept.


Agate, • Topaz, Sapphire, Jade

Purple, blue, blackish yellow

Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct.


Diamond. Sapphire, Moonstone, Opal, Alexanderite

Orange, yellow, blue, pink

Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov.


Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec.

Topaz, Peridot

Zircon. Turquoise

Yellow, brown, red, pink, blue, violet, orange

Violet, blue, purple, mauve






Ruby, Sapphire.

Brown, violet, pur-

(Dec. 23 to Jan. 20)


pie. cinnamon, grey, black, white


Tourmaline. Opal.

Black, white, blue,

(Jan. 21 to Feb. 19)


violet, brown

Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20)

Bloodstone. Emerald

Mauve, green, blue, pink, purple, mauve

<What colours signijy^

Although it sounds unbelievable, yet colours and numbers have close relations with each other. They are complementary to each other. A correct combination of the two can bring about peace, prosperity and happiness to the wearer. Men and women often experience that they are happy and peaceful in a particular environment. Similarly their moods are influenced by the colour of walls of rooms and the colour of furniture. Generally light colours bring about peace to mind and are helpful in giving us sound sleep while dark colours cause unnecessary tension and a disturbed sleep.

It was because of close relations between the two that ancient saints insisted on the use of particular colours and right types of gems. In modem times, too, numerology attaches major significance to numbers. In astro-numerology different solar signs have been allocated certain colours and numbers.

We will discuss in brief here some salient features of some of the main colours.

White: This colour signifies purity and ambition, a pure mind with authority. Those who wear this colour are systematic in work, prefer to be perfect, active and eager to complete the work on time. Such people may make a mark in the political sphere and learn a lot from the experiences of others. They are well sought after by the opposite sex members. They acquire patience, perseverance and zeal to

work hard. They carry concern for the downtrodden and shed ego.

Persons having numbers 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 should prefer white colour besides those who are learned professionals.

Those who have made white colour as part of their personality acquire self-discipline, and will have brilliant ideas to use their talent and think positively. If they can combine white with colours like green, black and maroon, they might get additional marital happiness, more faith on the Almighty and easily attract the attention of the tribe of the fair sex.

Green: Persons who are fond of green colour prefer to live a happy life. They are mentally alert, quick in all matters, make progress in life, are sympathetic towards others and give importance to adjustment. They remain energetic, adjusting to circumstances, prefer change and a peaceful life.

Orange: This colour signifies renunciation and a stage might come in one's life, if they continue to regularly wear the colour, when they develop a philosophical outlook. Such people have the maxim: simple living and high thinking. Constant use of the colour would purify the wearer's mind, intellect and control his mind. They would speak the language of love and dedicate themselves for the noble causes and service to the human being.

Red: This colour stands for boldness, bravery, power, energy and authority. Those who prefer to wear red colour love to live a life of and order and discipline. They are fond of leading an adventurous life-hunting, exploring, navigating and mountaineering. Persons of birth numbers 4 and 8 should wear this colour in combination with white. But this colour also denotes rashness, confusion and haughtiness. It is also the colour for quarrels, strifes, wars, destruction, fire and fury. The colour is useful for the newly married ladies as it imparts unending energy, force and vigour. But people with mental

ailments or suffering from insomnia or hypertension should not use it.

Blue: This is a colour for those who are fond of good and beautiful thing in life. The wearer of this colour acquires philosophical outlook in life. The colour is associated with Venus, the planet of love and affection. Those who have interest in occult science and faith in God mostly prefer it. The colour makes one sometime easy going and generous in many matters even at personal cost and raises his nobler qualities. Il keeps him cool. Such a person is a lover of beauty, nature, music, dance, drama, poetry, etc. This colour may induce sleep and rest and make the wearer calm. The person is fond of luxuries. He is soft spoken and gentle and generous to the fair sex. Light blue colour is linked with Jupiter which is the planet of joy and happiness. Such a person likes peace and harmony. To them domestic harmony is foremost. They are closely attached to homes and its people. They are good mixers and impress other with their manners. They get easily attached to those they come into contact with, but even minor irritants in personal relations and ties disturb them beyond measure. They should combine white or grey colour in case they find that they are unable to resist temptations of life.

Blue colour is good for investments and financial stability. Financial institutions are advised to use blue or grey colour on exteriors. That will help them to draw more business and multiply their assets and profits. A combination of red and black is also considered to be good for success. It is also an ideal combination for young ladies in public relation jobs to attract people's attention. It can also give benefit to those engaged in show business, entertainment, hotels, fashions, etc.

Yellow: The colour indicates strength, wisdom, creative intelligence, wealth, happiness and prosperity. It is linked with a lot of good fortune and easy flow of money. The colour bestows ample opportunities to fair sex to acquire objectives

with greater confidence, especially in personal matters. The colour produces an optimistic and righteous approach in life and the wearers will formulate nobles ideas, be ambitious, bold and generous, honest and truthful and engage himself in charities. They will acquire social acceptability and become popular. They would devote extra energies to the development of intellectual and literary talents. The use of this colour in the case of females has often prevented misunderstanding and irritants in marital life. When used in combination with blue, white, lemon or pale blue, it will improve the wearer’s happiness and financial prospect in the long run. A combination of yellow and green is particularly favourable for success in financial matters. A combination of green, yellow, maroon and black is highly recommended for those who may have cut off family ties but are wanting to restore those ties. Ladies who are fond of this colour will be desirous of indulging in conversations and will have the ability to impress others in social circles.

Black: The black colour represents faithfulness, discipline, devotion, sincerity and hard work. Those who prefer this colour are serious minded and totally given up to hard work. They go up the ladder in life by hard work, their ability and intelligence. But the progress is slow although steady. They have great faith in the Creator and prefer to face challenges in life. The wearer of black colour can have some relaxation from their otherwise serious and busy life if they can combine this with white and dark brown colour. Persons wearing black colour have a soft heart for the poor, the meek, the sick and the oppressed. They are justice loving. In old age they are inclined towards religion and philosophy and give up luxuries of life.

Grey: Grey colour is preferred by those who are serious-minded and who believe in observing strict discipline, hard work and attainment of perfection. It also bestows qualities of caution and mental alertness which can save the wearer

against deception and foul play. It is good for those who may be haunted by the evil spirits or bad dreams. If one fears imaginary mishaps, use of grey colour in combination with white or black or blue can give added confidence in love and life. It is also preferable for those who want to specialise in fields like engineering, research, architecture, town planning and big business magnates.

Brown: This colour is associated with intellectual pursuits, depth of vision and creative faculties. All those who have to work in professional and educational fields must wear this.

If one wears it with white or yellow, it can lead to success after initial set-backs. This is also the colour for research scholars and those who have a flair for writing. For those who have their birth number as 4 or 8 must wear it.

Planets and Colours

Different planets are associated with different colours as the following chart will show:

Saturn-black, grey, brown and indigo


- Red, scarlet


- Purple, violet and mauve


- Yellow, orange and golden


- Lemon, light blue, silver white


- Green


- Reddish grey


- Brown and multi-coloured


- White, green


- Streaked and mixed


- Lavender


- Multi-coloured

^Qirth numbers, cofours and suitabfe gems

Planets are always on the move and our destiny is also changing accordingly. Some of the planets cause malefic effects on us on particular moves. The use of gems is, therefore, recommended to nullify that effect. Just as each of us falls under one of the twelve zodiac signs according to Astrology, people bom on different dates have different likes, dislikes, moods and fortunes. It has been now established that numbers and planets have a relation among them.

Here is a chart to chose suitable colours and wear gems accordingly for persons having different birth numbers.

Birth Nos.




Diamond, Ruby

gold, cream, white


Moon stone, Pearl

white, pink


Yellow Sapphire

blue, orange, purple, mauve



black, silver, blue, red, white


Diamond, Emerald

white, grey, pale green


Emerald, Diamond, Turquoise

blue, lavender, greenish blue, pink, rose


Moon stone, Pearl.

Cat's Eye

white, blue, pale green red, purple, raddish white


Black Diamond, black Pearl, black Moon stone

navy blue, black, white, grey


Coral, Ruby

red, pink, crimson, violet

^irthday gems based on ^odiac signs

Gemstones are worn as a talisman or amulet to nullify or reduce the ill effect of adverse stars. Each zodiac sign (they are 12 in number) has been assigned a gem which is supposed to be lucky for the person of that particular sign. The following are the details:

Aries (Mesha): The first sign of zodiac has its ruler Mars. If Mars is afflicted or posted in a negative place in one's horoscope, he/she should wear Red Coral. That will improve his/her position. Red Coral will promote mental strength and glands in the body will function properly.

Taurus (Rishabha): This sign is ruled by Venus and its gem is Diamond. If Venus is debilitated or placed in enemy's house or in a negative position, it will cause negative results. Diamond may reduce the ill effect of that and bring in wealth, name, fame and prosperity.

Gemini (Mithun): Its ruler is Mercury and gem is Emerald. Use of this stone will ward off ill effects if Mercury is afflicted or not well placed. Besides, it will protect the nervous system and help in education and profession.

Cancer (Karka): This sign has Moon as its ruler and its gem is Pearl. Moon's placement in energy house or debilitation may affect the health of the mother of the person, may cause

dull mind, gas trouble and asthmatic ailments. Pearl may reduce those troubles to a great extent and even bring about success in financial matters.

Leo (Singha): Ruler is Sun and gem Ruby. Sun's debilitation or being placed in enemy house or negative place may lead to heart problems, pecuniary hardships, office problems, etc. Ruby will nullify many of the problems.

Virgo (Kanya): The sign has its ruler Mercury and gem stone Emerald. The stone will bring about order in the digestive system and make the subject well-informed on all matters.

Libra (Tula): Its ruler is Venus and gem Diamond. The wearing of Diamond will bring in enough riches and cause promotion.

Scorpio ( Vrichika): This eighth zodiac sign has Mars as its ruler and Red Coral its gem. Red Coral, if wom. will nullify' the effect of any negative placement of Mars. On the oilier hand, the wearer will improve his financial position and his heart and mind also get strengthened.

Sagittarius (Dhanur): Its ruler is Jupiter and gem Yellow Sapphire. If Jupiter is not placed in a favourable place or in its own house and debilitated. Yellow Sapphire will nullify its ill effects, bring name and fame to the wearer and get rid off diseases.

Capricon (Makar): The ruler here is Saturn and gem Blue Sapphire. Saturn, if afflicted or posted in a negative position, will cause unfavourable results. Blue Sapphire will reduce the ill effects and make the wearer active mentally and physically. He may acquire success in landed and property cases and get unexpected money.

Aquarius (Kumbha): Ruler is Saturn and gem Blue

Sapphire, in this case. The gem will bring about success in life and prosperity.

Pisces (Meena): Ruler of this sign is Jupiter and gem is Yellow Sapphire. The gem will bring in good fortune.

Recommended gems for persons bom on English months:





Garnet or Cinnamon

brings in constancy



causes success


Blood stone

gives courage


Diamond or Cat's eye



Emerald or Jade



Pearl or Agate



Ruby or Green Sapphire



Peridot or Sardonyx



Blue Sapphire



Opal or Moon Stone

sweet dreams


Topaz or Peridot

love (tone)


Turquoise or Zircon


Gems recommended for particular planets and the mediums to be used for them:

Planets  Mediums



Mars............................................Gold or Copper





Rahu............................................Five metals

Ketu............................................Four metals

Birthday atones

Sunday ...................................... Ruby

Monday................. — Pearl





Saturday......................................Blue Sapphire

Stars and gemstones

Western concept

Dates of birth

Zodiac sign

Gems recommended

From April 15 to May I4


Red Coral

From May 15 to June 14



From June 15 to July 14



From July 15 to August 14



From August 15 to September 14



From September 15 to October 14



From October 15 to November 14



From November 15 to December 14


Red Coral

From December 15 to January 14


Yellow Sapphire

From January 15 to February 14


Blue Sapphire

From February 15 to March 14



From March 15 to April 14


Cat's Eye

Besides selecting gem stones according to zodiac signs, one can choose them according to stars. There are twenty-seven stars and each one of them is governed by a particular planet.

Ashwini (Triangulum): Planet Ketu rules over this and the gem for Ketu is Cat's eye. It should be of blood red colour. Cat's Eye will make the wearer shed diseases and make him wealthy and popular among men.

Bharani (Albhootain): This star is governed by Venus and the gem for Venus is Diamond. Use of Diamond will bring in prosperity and happiness.

Kriattika (Plaedes): The ruler of this star is Sun and its gem is Ruby. Its use will result in good health, end of enmity and success in financial deals.

Rohini (Eldebaren): The ruler of Rohini is Moon and the gem for Moon is white Pearl. Persons bom under this star can wear Pearl to achieve position, wealth and success in life.

Mrigashira (Orian Baild): The ruler of this star is Mars. The gem of Mars is Coral. Wearing of red Coral will bring peace of mind, purity of heart, boldness and help in controlling anger and passions.

Ardra (Vetalguese): The ruler of this star is Rahu and its gem is Gomeda. Persons bom under this star can wear Gomeda for getting fortune. It also bestows intelligence, fame, success in all ventures and peace of mind and self-confidence.

Punarvasu (Polux): The lord of this star is Jupiter. The gem for Jupiter is Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj). It brings good luck, gives success, fulfillment of desires, healthy body and mind and makes one rich.

Pushyami (Prescpee): Its lord is Saturn and gem is Blue Sapphire. Persons born under Pushya star can wear Blue Sapphire and get success. It brings in money, riches, prosperity, fame, name, house, property, conveyance and luxuries, peace of mind and spiritual inclination.

Ashelsha (Scickle): The lord of this star is Mercury and its gem is Emerald. Persons bom under this star should wear Emerald to gel success. They will get good rewards for their talent and get happiness and fortune. The gems washes away their sins.

Maughaa (Regulus): The star is ruled by Ketu. Its gem is Cat’s Eye. Persons bom under this star should wear Cat's Eye to get name and fame. They turn spiritual and God-fearing.

Poorva Phalguni (Danebola): Its lord is Venus. Persons bom under this star should wear Diamond to get success. The gem will give them status, happy family life, luxuries and property. Business will go up many fold and they get charm and beauty.

Uttara Phalguni (Danebola): Its ruler is Sun. The gem for this star is Ruby. Persons bom under Uttara Phalguni can wear Ruby to get luck. It will bestow upon them health, wealth, happiness, status and success.

Hasta (Karbus): The planet of this star is Moon. Its gem is White Pearl. Hasta-bom should wear White Pearl as their lucky gem. By doing so, they get peace of mind, creativity, longevity, good health, success, riches, name and fame.

Chitra (Spyka): The lord of Chitra is Mars and gem is Coral. Red Coral will get them get luck, good health, wisdom, spirituality, success, position and domestic harmony,

Swati (Arkchoorus): The lord of this star is Rahu and its gem Gomeda. So, Swati-bom person should wear Gomeda to get success in their business or profession. It also can weird off any adverse effect of evil eye and black magic and would make a person active, raise his status and give him wealth.

Vishakha (Libra): Its Lord is Jupiter and gem Yellow Sapphire, Vishakha-bom should wear Yellow Sapphire to get luck. It would also bestow royal honour, prestige and health.

Anuradha (Alyklean): Its lord is Saturn. Its gem is the Blue Sapphire. So Anuradha-bom persons should wear Blue Sapphire for a happy life. It bestows happiness, prosperity and also wisdom.

Jyeshta (Enteris): The ruler of this star is Mercury and the gem of Mercury is Emerald. So Jyeshta-bom persons should wear Emerald as (heir lucky gem. It would help them to improve their behaviour and conduct, cool them down and they will be able to enjoy happy life.

Mool (Ash-Sahullah): The ruler of this star is Ketu and the gem Cat's Eye. So Mool-bom persons should wear Cat's Eye as their lucky gem. It will keep them calm and peaceful. They will get help from relatives and friends and win over enemies.

Poorvashada (On-nice): The ruler of this star is Venus and the gem Diamond. So such persons should wear Diamond as their lucky gem. By doing so, they would have wealth, comfort, house, vehicle, landed property, etc.

Uttarshshaarhaa (Al-Baldah): The ruler of this star is Sun and the gem Ruby. Hence those bom under this star should wear Ruby. It will bring wealth and result in a prosperous life.

Shravana (Altepar): The ow ner of this star is Moon and the gem Pearl. Persons bom under this star should wear White Pearl. They will have a worth-living life.

Dhanishta (Delphinus): The ruler of this star is Mars and the gem Red Coral. So the Dhanishta-born persons should wear Red Coral to have success in all their ventures. They will rise in profession and the gem will protect them from dangers and accidents.

Shatabhishshaa (Sad-al-Malika): The owner of this star is Rahu and the gem Gomeda. So persons bom under this star should wear Gomeda. It will ensure success in life, good health, and a happy life and strength to win over estranged relatives.

Poorvabhadrapada (Pangasol): The owner of this star is Jupiter and the gem the Yellow Sapphire. So such persons should wear Yellow Sapphire as their lucky gem. That would get them back their lost prosperity, children's welfare, promotion in service, professional success, and happiness.

Uttarabhadra: The ruler of this star is Saturn and the gem of Saturn is Blue Sapphire. So Uttarabhadra-bom persons should wear Blue Sapphire. It brings success in the profession or business, acquisition of building and landed property, name, fame and respect in society.

Revati: The owner of this star is Mercury and the gem of Mercury is Emerald. Hence, Revati-bom persons should wear Emerald as their lucky gem which will give them comforts, get them property and success in profession.

(^{um&ers and gemstones

In lhe previous chapters readers were told as to how to chose gemstones according to their zodiac signs or stars. There is yet another way of selecting them on the basis of numbers. This is. according to knowledgeable persons, more accurate as planets work on numbers very powerfully.

The following arc the details:

Ashwini: The gem for Ashwini-bom person is Cat's eye. but according to zodiac division or Rasi, it is Red Coral. Therefore Ashwini-bom persons with 1,3,9 numbers should put on Red Coral and those with 2, 5. 6. 7 and 8 numbers should wear Cal's eye. Those who have their number as 4 should wear only Gomeda.

Bharani: The gem for Bharani-bom persons according to stars is Diamond, but according to zodiac house or Rasi it is Red Coral. Therefore those who have their numbers 1,3,9 should wear Red Coral but those with 2,4, 5,6, 7, 8 numbers should put on Diamond to get benefit from the gemstone.

Kritikaa: According to the star, its gem is Ruby but according to Rasi it is Red Coral. Those with numbers 1,3.6 and 9 should wear Red Coral and those with 2, 4, 5 and 7 should get Ruby. Those who have their numbers as 8, should wear only Aquamarine.

Rohini: According to its ruling star, the gem is White Pearl, but for rasi it is Diamond. Therefore, those who are

bom under Rohini nakshtra and have their birth numbers as 1,9.2,4,7 should put on White Pearl while those having 5,6 and 8 numbers should wear Diamond. Those having 3 as their number should wear Topaz to derive best advantage.

Mrigashira: According to the ruling star of this nakshtra, the gem is Red Coral, but according to rasi it is diamond or Emerald. Therefore those bom under this who have their numbers as 2,4, 5,6,8 and 9 should wear Diamond and those having 1, 3, 9 numbers should use Red Coral.

Avdra: Star gem is Gomeda for Avdra-bom persons. But according to rasi it is Emerald. Those whose birth number are 1,2,4, 5,6 can put in Gomeda while those with nos. 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 7 can wear Emerald. But those with numbers 3 and 9 should wear only their birth stone.

Punarvasu: The gem for Punarvasu-born persons is Yellow Sapphire, but according to rasi, it is Emerald. Such persons whose birth numbers are 1,3,9 should wear Yellow Sapphire while those with 2,4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 numbers should put on Emerald to improve their lot.

Pushya: The gem for Pushya-born persons is Blue Sapphire, if judged by stars, but according to rasi it is White Pearl. Therefore those whose birth numbers are 1,2,4, 7 and 9 should wear Pearl and those with numbers 5,6 and 8 should wear Blue Sapphire. Those with number 3 should not use any of them but put on their birth stone.

Ashlesha: The gem for Ashlesha-bom person, according to star, is Emerald but White Pearl according to rasi. Therefore those with numbers 1,2,7 and 9 should wear Pearl and with numbers 4, 5, 6 and 8 should have Emerald to get benefit. Those with number 3 should wear only their birth stone.

Makha or Maughaa: The gem for Makha-bom persons is Cat's Eye, but based on rasi it is Ruby. Those who have

their number as 1, 3, 4 and 9 should go in for Ruby while those with birth numbers 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 should put on Cat's Eye to extract maximum benefits.

Poorva Phalguni: According to the star the gem is Diamond, but according to rasi it is Ruby. Poorva Phalguni-bom persons bom with 1,3,9 numbers should wear Ruby as their lucky gem but those with 2,4,5,6,7 8,9 numbers should wear Diamond to improve their lot.

Uttara Phalguni: According to star its gem is Ruby. According to rasi also it is Ruby. So the Uttara Phalguni-bom should wear Ruby. But 8 and 6 bom should avoid Ruby and wear their birth stone.

Hasta: According to the star the gem is Pearl and according to the rasi it is Emerald. Persons bom on 2, 7, 9 can wear Pearl while persons bom on 1,4, 5,6,7,8 can have Emerald. The number 3 bom person should avoid both and wear their birth stone.

Chitra: The gem for Chitra is Coral. But according to rasi it is Emerald/Diamond. The 1,3,9 bom Chitra persons can wear Red Coral while those having 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 bom can wear Emerald/Diamond.

Swati: According to star, the gem is Gomeda, but according to rasi it is Diamond. The 1, 4 bom can wear Gomeda while 2, 5,6,7, 8,9 can wear Diamond for success. The 3 bom should wear only Birth Stone.

Vishakha: According to the star, the gem is Yellow Sapphire, but according to the rasi it is Diamond. The 1,3,9 bom persons can wear Yellow Sapphire, or Coral while the 2, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 bom persons can wear Diamond.

Anuradha: According to the star the gem is Blue Sapphire, but according to the rasi it is Red Coral. So persons

bom on 1,3,9 can wear Red Coral and persons bom on 5,6, 7,8 can wear Blue Sapphire. The 2 and 4—bom persons should avoid both, and wear only their birth stone

Jyeshta: According to the star the gem is Emerald. According to the rasi it is Red Coral. So persons bom on 1.3, 9 can wear Red Coral, whereas 2. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8 bom persons can wear Emerald for success in life.

Moola: According to the star the gem is Cat's Eye. according to the rasi it is Yellow Sapphire. Persons bom on 1,3,9 can wear Yellow Sapphire and those bom on 2.5, b. 7, 8 can wear Cat's Eye for good health and prosperity I he number 4 should avoid both, and wear Gonieda.

Purvashada: According to star, the gem is Diamond, but according to rasi it is Yellow Sapphire. Persons bom on 1.3, 9 can wear Yellow Sapphire and persons bom on 2,4. 5. 6, 7, 8 can wear Diamond.

Uttarashada: According to the star, the gem is Ruby, but according to rasi it is Blue Sapphire. Persons bom on 1,3,4, 9 can wear Ruby whereas persons bom on 2, 5. 6, 7, 8 can wear Blue Sapphire for prosperity and success.

Shravana: According to the star the gem is White Pearl. But according to the rasi it is Blue Sapphire. Persons bom on 1, 2,4,9 can wear White Pearl whereas persons bom on 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 can wear Blue Sapphire.

Dhanishta: According to the star the gem is Red Coral and according to rasi it is Blue Sapphire. Persons bom on 1, 3, 9 can wear Red Coral while those with 5, 6, 7, 8 numbers can wear Blue Sapphire. Those with numbers 2 and 4 should wear only their birth stone.

Shatabhishha: According to the star, the gem is Gomeda, but according to the rasi it is Blue Sapphire. So persons bom

on 1,2,4 can wear Gomeda and persons bom on 5,6,7,8 can wear Blue Sapphire. The 3,9 bom should avoid wearing any one of them and wear only their birth stones.

Uttarabhadra: According to the star the gem is Blue Sapphire and according to the rasi it is Yellow Sapphire. Persons bom on 1, 3, 9 can wear Yellow Sapphire whereas persons bom on can wear Blue Sapphire. But persons bom on 2 and 4 should wear only their birth stones.

Rcvati: Going by the star, the gem is Emerald, but according to rasi, it is Yellow Sapphire. Persons bom with birth numbers 2, 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8 should wear Emerald and those bom on 1, 3 and 9 dates should have Yellow Sapphire.

QXutnerofogy and gems

Gemstones can also be chosen with the help of numerology on the basis of the date on which a person was bom, on the month of birth and the total value of name number.

Date: All those persons who are bom on dates I, 10, 19 and 28 are governed by the Sun. Therefore they should wear Ruby, Garnet, Red Coral, Amber, Golden Topaz or Peridot. The stone would give strength to the Sun and the wearer would get his lot improved.

Those who were bom on 2, 11, 20 and 29 of any month are ruled by Moon. It is advisible for them to wear Moon stone. Pearl or Jade. That would give them mental peace and a sound sleep besides their blood circulation improving.

Persons bom on 3, 12, or 21 of any month are governed by Jupiter. They should put on Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline or Emerald to enhance intelligence and comforts of life. The stone would also lessen disorders of chest and lungs of the native.

Those whose dates of birth happened to be 4,13,22 or 31 (irrespective of the months) should wear Diamond, Zircon, White Coral, Gomeda or Hessonite Garnet to get energy, power, financial stability, progress and get rid off knee problem.

Persons bom on 5,14,23 should wear Emerald, Diamond, White Sapphire, Green Tourmaline, Green Onyx to enhance

writing skill, get gains in business and speculation, happiness and financial stability. Diseases of liver, lungs or nerves are controlled within limit by wearing any one of them.

Persons whose dates of birth fall on 6. 15 and 24 of any month are advised to wear Ruby, Red Coral, Turquoise, Diamond, white Tourmaline to attain prosperity and harmony at home, co-operation from others and be popular among people.

Persons bom on 7.16.25 of any month should wear White Pearl, Cat's Eye or Tiger Eye to be gainful in health, wealth and spiritual field. Professionals like music composers, actors, scientists and researchers are especially gainers by wearing one of them.

Persons bom on 8.17.26 of any month should wear Lapis Lazuli or Blue Sapphire and Blue Tourmaline, to improve health, energy, fortune and profits. The gem would take care of delay, obstacles and poverty.

Persons whose birthdays happen to fall on 9, 18 or 27 should wear Red Coral or Ruby or Red Jasper or Red Tourmaline to control anger, to get boldness, healing and strength. The stone is supposed to lessen problems of kidney, piles and fever.

Like dates of one’s birth, the month on which he/she was bom has also its effect on the person. And accordingly he or she has to decide on the gemstones. Here are the details:

Persons bom between January 15 and February 14 are governed by Saturn. In order to be happy, have luck, free from the diseases of bile, joint pains and nervousness, they should wear either Blue Sapphire or Emerald.

Those who were bom between February 15 and March 14 are also governed by the planet Saturn. They should also wear Blue Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli or Amethyst to have riches

and honour or better status in society. Wearing one of them would help them in lessening their kidney problem.

Persons whose birthday falls between March 15 and April 14 are ruled by Jupiter. They are, therefore, advised to wear Yellow Sapphire. Golden Topaz. Yellow Topaz or Amlthyst. They would gain in courage and get rid ofTfickle-mindedness and insomnia

Persons born between April 15 and May 14 are governed by the planet Mars. They would get energy, dominance over others and good luck and get rid off eye, ear, teeth and infection problems to a great extent ifthey wear Red Coral, Red Jasper, Red Tourmaline or Garnet.

Venus rules the destiny of those who arc bom between May and June 14. Such persons should wear Diamond or Turquoise or white Zircon. That would bestow' luxuries of life to them and they would become prosperous and generous. To some extent they would be relieved of respiratory problems.

Those bom between June 15 and July 14 are subject to governance by Mercury. And they should wear Emerald, Aquamarine, Onyx or Green Tourmaline to earn profit in business and improve their luck.

Persons bom between July 15 and August 14 are ruled by Moon. They will get success in arts, speculation and occupation if they wear Pearl, Moon Stone or Jade.

Those whose birthdays fall between the period August 15 and September 14 are ruled by Sun. They should wear Ruby or golden Topaz or Amber to get honour, favour from the State and improve financial status.

Persons bom between September 15 to October 14 are ruled by Mercury. They should wear Emerald or Green Tourmaline or Aquamarine to have a steady growth and reduce nervousness.

Those who were bom between October 15 and November 14 are governed by Venus. They arc advised to wear Diamond or Turquoise to acquire charm, energy and a luxurious life style and also to reduce skin and blood problems.

Persons bom between November 15 and December 14 are ruled by Mars. Red Coral or Red Jasper or Cornelian are the stones recommended for them to get energy, courage, property and luck.

Finally persons bom between December 15 and January 15 are ruled by the planet Jupiter. The gemstones for them are Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Jasper or Yellow Tourmaline.

The science oj numerology says that each letter represents some value.

Yet another method to determine the suitability of a particular gemstone is based on the value of each letter. For finding out the exact day in any month whose vibrations will be favourable, one has to work out the occult number produced by the letters of the name. This process is ancient and based on Chaldean and Hebrew alphabet. In this the total value of all the letters is added to form a single digit.

Each letter has a value as mentioned below;

A= 1

G = 3

N = 5

1 = 4

B = 2

H = 5

0 = 7

V = 6

C = 3

i and J = 1

P = 8

V = 6

D = 4

K = 2


W = 6

E = 5


R = 2

X = 5

F = 8

M = 4

S = 3

Y= 1

and Z = 7

To give an example, suppose the name of a person is George Lloyd. The total value of each letter will be as follows

357235 = 25

33714 = 18

} 25 +18 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7

Therefore, he should wear a stone for ’7' number.

yirst fetter of names and gems recommended (based on ’Indian concept)

First letters

Lords of




I. choo. che, cho, la, lee, la.



loo, ley, low, aa


2. ee, oo, ey. o, vaa, vee, voo.



vey. vo


3. kaa, kee, koo, ghau, ddau.



chhau, ke, ko, haa


4. haa, hoo, hey. ho, ddaa.



ddee, ddoo, ddey, ddo


5. maa, mee, moo, mey, mo,



ttaa, ttee, ttoo, ttey.


6. tta, paa, pee, po, poo. pey.



shshau, nnhau, tthau,


7. raa, ree, too, rcy, ro, thaa,



thee, thoo, tey


8. tho, naa, nee, noo, ney, no.



yaa, yee, yuo


yey, yo, bhaa, bhee, bhoo.


r Yellow

dhau, phaa. ddaa, bhey


* Sapphire

10. bho, jaa, jee, khee, khoo.


< Blue

khey, kho. gaa, gee


l Sapphire

11. goo, gey, go. saa. see. loo,


t Blue

ley. low. aa


I Sapphire

12. dhee, dhoo, thaw, jhaw.


r Yellow

bhaw, dhey, chaa, chee



More often than not, we find that people are not aware of their birth day. Then how are they to choose their lucky gem! For them there is also a way out. They can decide the lucky gem on the basis of the first letter of their names because of first letter of a name points to the star the person is ruled by.

Che, Chu, Cho, La: According to these letters the star is Ashwini and the lord of the star is Ketu. Thus, the gem to be worn by these persons is Cat's Eye or Tiger Eye. By wearing Cat's Eye such person can get better position in life, financial stability, happiness, multiply profits, get success in education and research, etc.

Lee, Lu, Le, Lo: According to these letters the star is Bharani, Lord Venus and the gem is Diamond/Turquoise. By wearing a Diamond or Turquoise one can get promotion, luxuries, intelligence, a happy married life, children, conveyance and property.

A, E, U, Y: According to these letters the star is Krittika, lord is Sun and the gem is Ruby, Star Ruby or Garnet. By wearing one of these such a person whose name starts with A. E, U, Y can have success in whatever one does, get support from superiors and win legal cases.

O, Va, Vce, Voo: According to these letters die star is Rohini, Brahma the lord and the gem is Pearl, Moon Stone or Jade. By wearing it one can get lost property, enemies turn into friends and he/she would also get name, fame and popularity.

Ve, Vo, Ki: According to these letters the star is Mrigashira. the lord Mars and the gem is Red Coral, Red Cornelian or Red Tourmaline. By wearing these one can get oratorial skill, prosperity, boldness and acquires firmness in taking decisions. These also protect one from all sorts of accidents and weapons.

Ku, Ghuu, Dau, Ka, Ja, Cha: According to these letters the star is Ardra, lord Rahu and the gem Gomeda/Hessonite. Garnet or Jaichint. By wearing these one can get a clear mind, and progress. One would come out of a bad company, bad habits and get control over short temper. Success is ensured in the occupation one is pursuing.

Key, Ko, Hau, Hi: According to these letters, the star is Punarvasu, lord Jupiter and the gem Yellow Sapphire, Golden Topaz, Yellow Topaz or Amethyst. By wearing one of these one becomes intelligent, acquires health, good position in life and a happy family life.

Hau, Hi, Ho, Daa: These letters belong to (he star Pushyami. Ils gems are Blue Sapphire, Amethyst Tapis Lazuli. Blue Tourmaline or Star Sapphire. Through these one can acquire attention, property, good character and position. Health problems connected to ’vata’ come down. Obstacles and disappointments in life get reduced.

Dee, Doo, De, Dou: These letters belong to the star Aslesha. Its gems are Emerald, Aquamarine, Green Tourmaline, Green Onyx and Malachite. By wearing these one gets mental peace, pursue higher education, get happiness and success. Health problems and nervousness will be considerably reduced.

Ma, Moo, Mow, Mu, Mee: These letters belong to Maughaa. Its gems are Cat’s Eye and Tiger Eye. By wearing these one can get wealth, luxuries, a happy life, acquires intelligence, property and success in all ventures. One is also inclined towards spiritualism.

Mo, Taa, Tto, Tu: These letters belong to the star Puna Phalguni. Its gems are Diamond, Turquoise, Spathic, White Tourmaline and Zircon. By putting one of them, one can get oratorial skill, luxuries, attention, quick marriage in life, boldness and happiness.

Bhey, Bhow, Bhaa: These letters belong to the star Uttara Phalguni. The gems are Ruby, Star Ruby, Garnet, Peridot and Golden Topaz. One can achieve a charming personality, win friends and get support from his superiors. There is abundant flow of money, luxuries and one gets property also.

Poo, Sha, No, Ta: These letters belong to the star Hasta. Its gems are Moon Stone. Pearl or Jade. One can achieve mental peace, good health, longevity and affection from family members. Lung problems are solved and one gets a strong mind, status and abundant money.

Re, Ree: These letters belong to the star Chitra. The lord of the star is Mars and gems are Red Coral. Red Jasper, Cornelian or Red Tourmaline. By having these on the body one can achieve success in legal cases, job, marriage, money and success in business. They would protect one from dangers from fire and electricity.

Ru, Rey, Roo, Taa: These letters belong to the star Swati. Its lord is Rahu and gems are Gomeda/Hessonite Garnet and Jaichint. By wearing these one can achieve success in legal cases. These also bestow good health and status, remove obstacles and disappointments and make one prosperous.

Thi, The, Thoo, Thow: These letters belong to Vishakha star. Its lord is Jupiter and gems are Yellow Sapphire. Amethyst, Yellow Zircon, Yellow Tourmaline and Yellow Topaz. They bestow the wearer God's grace, children, good wife, property, intelligence and happiness.

Nee, Ni, Noo, Ney: These letters belong to the star Anuradha. Its gems are Blue Sapphire. Lapiz Lasuli, Blue Zircon. Blue Tourmaline or Star Sapphire. By wearing any of these one can get the power of attracting others like a magnet, and make progress in life. They also bring in peace of mind and quick success in all ventures

Now, Ya, Yeo, Yuoo: The star of these letters is Jyeshta. I .ord is Mercury and gems are Emerald/Aquamarine/Green Onyx/Green Tourmaline and Green Jade. These bring success, happiness, skill to make decisions and implement them. These also help in controlling all types of nervous problems.

Bhcy, Bhaa, Bhae: These letters belong to the Moola star. Its gem is Cat's Eye. Through this one can achieve property and ward off evil spirits and bad company. It will help him get rid of chronic diseases and ensure financial position.

Bhoo, Dhaa, Dhaa: These letters belong to the star Purvashada. Its gems are Diamond. Spathic. Turquoise. White Tourmaline or American Diamond. By wearing these one can get house, conveyance, Jewels, property, happy married life and children. These also help in getting rid off diseases.

Bhow, Jow, Jee, Jow: These letters belong to Uttarashada. Its gems are Ruby, Star Ruby, Peridot, Golden Topaz, or Garnet. One can get support from superiors, friends and relatives on wearing them. They would gel favours from government and would be happy and get property.

Khec, Khey, Khow: These letters belong to the star Shravana. Its gems are White Pearl. Jade or Moon Stone. By wearing them one can achieve mental peace and a lot of wealth. They would make one bold and attract help and support of the opposite sex.

Gaa, Gi, Gu, Gee: According to these letters the star is Dhanishta and its gems are Red Coral, Red Tourmaline. Red Jasper or Red Cornelian. These can hep one become calm. These give physical and mental strength to the wearer, property, name, fame and wealth.

Gow, Saa, Si, Soo: According to these letters the star is Shatabhisha. lord Rahu and the gems are Gomeda, I lessonite Garnet or Jaichint. If one wears one of these stones he can get

success in legal and property cases. Ihese also help in coming out of all subjugation and lead a happy life. Health, wealth, happiness and respect from others is also ensured.

Sey, Sow, Daw, Dhi: According to these letters the star is Poon abhadra, lord Jupiter and the gems are Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Tourmaline, Yellow Topaz, Golden Topaz, Yellow Jasper and Yellow Cornelian. These bestow God’s grace, good children and spouse. One would get landed property and financial stability.

Doe, Thaw, Jhau: These letters belong to the star Uttar Bhadrapada. The gems for this are Blue Sapphire, Blue Tourmaline. Lapiz Lazuli, Lolit, Blue Zircon, Blue Topaz and Star Sapphire. These bring name and fame and help in removing obstacles and disappointments. One may also gel property and good health.

Dey, Dow, Chaa, Chee: fhesc letters belong to the star Revati. Its gems are Emerald, Aquamarine. Green Onyx, Green Tourmaline and Green Jade. By wearing these one can have intelligence, wisdom, children, financial stability, literary skills and happiness.

Auspicious times Jor wearing gems

Moon Stone: This stone or white Pearl should be worn when Moon is in Taurus. It should be fixed on a silver ring and put on a Monday.

Red Coral: It should be put into person When Mars is in Capricorn or Aries. The metal used for it should be either gold or copper. The ring or locket should be wom on a Tuesday.

Emerald: The auspicious time for wearing this gem is when mercury is in Virgo. It should be fixed on a gold ring and wom on a Wednesday.

Diamond: This gemstone should be wom when Venus is in Taurus or Pisces. The ring should be made of silver or platinum. Friday is the day for it to be wom.

Yellow Sapphire: This stone should be wom when Jupiter is in Cancer. The metal in which it is set should be gold and the day Thursday.

Cat’s Eye: Auspicious time for wearing this gemstone is when Ketu is in Sagittarius. The ring should be of silver or steel and it should be wom on a Wednesday or Saturday.

Blue Sapphire: This gem is wom during the transit of Saturn into Libra. The metal used for the ring should be of silver or steel and it should be wom on a Saturday.

Gomeda: The period for wearing this precious stone is

when Rahu is in Gemini. It should be fixed on a gold ring and the day should be Wednesday.

Ruby: It should be put on when the Sun is in Aries or Leo. Set in a gold ring, it should be wom on a Sunday.

The following table will help the readers in determining which metal should be used, the weight of the stone, the finger in which it should be wom, the auspicious day and the time for wearing the ring regarding some leading stones:



Weight (in carats)



Red Coral




Thursday (13-30 to 15:00)





Wednesday 12 to 13:30






(7:30 to 9:00)






(16:30 to 18:00)







(10:30 to 12:00)

Dark Red Coral





(13:00 to 15:00)






(15:00 to 16:30)

Blue Sapphire





(09:00 to 13:00)

Yellow Sapphire



1st or



(15.00 to 16.30)






(noon or midnight)

Cats" Eye





(noon or midnight)

Consecration bejore wearing stones

It is by now well known that a particular gemstone is worn on a particular day and at a particular time. That is not all. Certain rituals have got to be gone through to ’awaken’ the power of the planet which rules the gemstone. This is done to make it give off its vibrations or emanations from its material body in a faster manner. Besides the particular days, metals in which the stone is set is equally important as they are related to the planets and the stars.

Let us discuss the process one by one:

Ruby: The rituals for wearing Ruby should be carried out on a Sunday during the transit when sun is in Aries or Leo between 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. or 12 noon and 1 p.m.

Collect wheat, dhoop sticks, yellow flowers, a piece of red silk cloth and ’prasad' made of wheat. Wash the ring in water, apply sandal and place it on the red cloth. Bum dhoop sticks and offer yellow flowers and ’prasad’ to the ring reciting ’mantra’ for the Sun which is the king of the planets. Persons bom in the months of July and/or on a Sunday or on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th day of any month are benefited greatly if they put Ruby on their person.

The gem must be bought only on a Sunday and kept wrapped up in a cloth for a week. If nothing untoward happens

during the period, then it should be worn next Sunday after consecration.

The ritual for wearing on a Ruby should be during the auspicious moments of Ravipushya which happens once in a constellation year or during a Pushya Star constellation or on a Sunday.

rhe stone is no doubt very expensive and if one cannot purchase it, then he should tie around the arm on a Sunday the roots of Vilva Vriksha after washing them with pure water or milk and wrapping them in a piece of pink thread.

Mantra for invoking the Sun:

Udayang thang mahateja tejasyee abhayapradahal doomirakshasugamanang Sooryam avahavyamham.

Recite the above mentioned ’mantra’ 108 times


Ashwa Dwajaaya Vidhmahe Paasha Hasthaaya Dheemahi Tanno Surya Prachodayath

Pearl (Mukta, Shashiratna, Chandraratna, or Shashipriya): Moon is the king of the constellation and its gem is white Pearl. Like moon. Pearl too gives peace of mind and contentment.

Natives bom in June or on the 2nd, 11 th, 20th or 29th of any month should wear it to have a successful life.

The rituals for wearing Pearl should be done on Monday. It should be purchased also on a Monday and kept wrapped in a white silk cloth till the next Monday. The consecration process should be carried out during Pushya constellation, Sompushya or during amritasiddhi yoga on a Monday (Chandra I lore) between 6 am. and 7 am. or 8 p m. and 9 p.m.

If Pearl is not available, a piece of Kimi tree stem can be tied in a white thread and wom around the neck.

Have one plate, rice, curd, Jasmine flowers, a ’kalash’, photo of Shankar and Parvati and ’prasad’.

Pour curd in the ’kalash’ and place the ring in it. “Kalash’ should be adorned with sandal, turmeric. Spread rice in it, close the lid of the ’kalash’ with a plate and place the photo on it. Do ’archana’ of Parvati with Jasmine flowers. Thereafter do ’archana’ of Moon with rice. The ’prasad’ should be ’milk kheer’. Put on the ring and offer milk and sugar £andy to the poor.

Mantra for invoking the Moon:

Padma Dwajaaya Vidhamahe Hema Roopaya Dheemahi Tanno Soma Prachodayath

Emerald (Gaoortyat, Haridraratnag, Marakat, or soumya): 'fhis gemstone (one of the 5 gems) is favoured by Mercury, the prince among planets, ensuring intelligence and success in education and career.

For those who are bom under the sign Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces, also bom on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month, this precious stone brings long life, fame, family happiness and public honour.

The rituals for purification of Emerald should be done on a Pyshya constellation day or Ravi Puishya or Gurupushya or during Raviyaga hours on a Wednesday between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

One will require one plate, one steel ’kalash’, rice, sandal, kumkum, betel leaves, coconut, green cloth, flower garland, milk, sugar, camphor, rose water, ’prasad’ of sweets and cardamom to do the ’puja’.

Spread rice over a plate. Apply sandal-3 lines each, five times, one beside the other in the middle line. Put the ’kalash' over rice plate and pour milk into the 'kalash' mixed with sugar, saffron, cardamom, camphor and rose water. Put the Emerald ring in the milk. Place 5 betel leaves on the ’kalash’. Place green cloth, garland and ’prasad’ and invoke Lakshmi ’mantra’ 324 times.

Then wear the ring. Distribute green gram to the needy after the ’puja’.

Mantra for invoking Mercury:

Ouuumm brang breeng broung budhhya namah


Maha Devaicha Vidhmahe

Vishnu Patnaicha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayath

Red Coral: This gemstone is the favourite of Mars, the army chief of the planets. The persons bom under Aries and Scorpio signs are greatly benefitted if they wear this stone. Persons bom under Cancer, Leo, Capricorn or Pisces may also be in an advantageous position if they wear it. Those bom in the month of January and those bom on 9, 18 and 27 should also wear it.

The ritual should be carried out cn a Tuesday or a Thursday or a Sunday during Mars Hora, i.e..

Tuesday-6 a.m. to 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Thursday-7 a.m. to 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Sunday-5 a.m. to 6 a.m. or 12 noon to I p.m.

or during Pushya constellation.

Collect a plate made of copper, tuar dal, flowers of red colour, honey, raagi and silk cloths of red colour.

Spread red silk cloth with tuar dal on it. Put the plate over the dal. Place another red silk piece on it and spread tuar dal here also. Wash the coral ring, apply sandal and kumkum to it and tie 3, 6 or 9 pieces of red flower to the ring with a red thread.

The process beginning on a Tuesday should be done continuously for 9 times, i.e. on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. Put on the ring on the 9th day. Use honey as ’prasad'. Donate masoor dal in a red cloth.

Mantra to invoke the planet Mars:

Dhoomaketu namaagni, samidhaa, khair, phal supari mangola yantra dakshiney bhoumang sthupayami


Veera Dwajaaya Vidhmahe Vigna Hastaaya Dheemahi Tanno B how ma Prochodayath

Diamond: Also called Heerak, Heer, Sridoor, Pavi and Kulish. Diamond is the king of gems and jewals. Persons bom in Taurus and Libra sign have Diamond as their main gem. Natives bom in the month of April and those bom on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month get their happiness boosted if they wear Diamond. This gem is a favourite of Venus.

Before Diamond ring or emulate is worn, pooja has got to be carried out on a Friday during the ’shukra Hora', i.e. between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. It should be worn when Venus is in Taurus or in Pisces.

Before the rituals are carried out, one has to collect blue silk cloth in a triangular shape, one plate (also in a triangular shape), rajma, sandal, kumkum, 5 different types of flowers, 5 types of fruits, 5 types of sweets, 30 betel leaves, 5 cloth pieces, camphor, 5 packets of betelnuts and pieces of turmeric.

Spread rajma on the triangular-shaped plate; put blue cloth; keep over it the ring and apply kumkum and sandal to it. Invoke Lakshmi mantra 108 times and thereafter Shukra mantra (108 times). This process has to be repeated 5 times with 5 types of flowers. Thereafter offer sweets and fruits and then put on the ring. Distribute betel leaves, turmeric pieces, betelnuts, flowers, fruits, sweets and cloth pieces to five ladies.

Lakshmi mantra:

Maha Devaicha Vidhmahe

Vishnu Patnaicha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayath

Mantra for Venus:

Paridhahsha balihasthha kamandoloo dharapradaha Poorvopatreyti shukrashchau praachyang shukrang nidhaapayet

Yellow Sapphire (Sanskrit name Pushparaag, Guru Ratna, Gurpriya, Peetaman) is the gem of the divine guru Jupiter and bestows benefit to all and looks after the welfare of the wearer. It induces him to be religious. This is the gem for persons bom under Sagittarus and Pisces signs. For Gemini and Virgo-boms it ensures choiceable marriages and for Leo, Scorpio, Aries and Cancer-boms it imparts luck. November-born persons and those bom on 3rd. 12th, 11th and 20th of any month, if wear it, might find it greatly beneficial.

Before wearing the gemstone, one has to perform rituals on a Thursday during the Hora of guru, i.e. between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. It is wom when Jupiter is in Cancer.

To conduct the ritual one must have a yellow coloured cloth, some marigold flowers, as usual kumkum and sandal, gram and “kheer' made of jaggery and moong dal.

Put gram over yellow cloth, apply sandal and kumkum to the ring and put it on dal. Take 3 flowers and recite Lalita sahastranama and guru ’mantra’ 108 time. Offer prasad and then wear the ring and distribute gram.

Mantra to invoke Jupiter:

Vrishabha Dwajaaya vidhmahe

Gumi Hasthaaya Dheemahi Tamo Guruh Prachodayath

Blue Sapphire (Neelam): It^ other names are: Neelamani, Indraneel, Neela Ratna and Nelashma. The gemstone is a favourite of the planet Saturn. Il is observed that Saturn has a very' powerful influence on destiny. It turns pauper into a millionaire and vice-versa. Therefore it is very imperative to put on this stone after careful consultations with astrologers.

It is recommended for Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Libra-sign persons. Persons bom on the 8th. 17th or 26th of any month should get benefit by wearing it.

Before putting on a ring ’puja’ should be performed on a Saturday between 6 a.m. and 7 a,m. or 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

To conduct the ritual one has to have an iron plate, some black ’tils’, sandal, kumkum, steel lamp, blue flowers, eight pieces of cloth in black colour.

To begin with light the lamp, spread til over the plate, apply sandal and kumkum on the washed ring and place it on the plate. Recite 108 times ’mantra’ with blue flowers and offer thereafter til and black cloth to 8 persons. Then go to Shani temple and repeat rituals there and then put on the ring. *

Mantra to invoke Saturn:

Krishaadnggey Krishnavarnhashehau

Krishnaa jinadhara sthathaa ।

Shouromanda gatishaiba shanhimavha yamyahamm.  ’

Cat’s Eye (Lahsuniya in Hindi and Vaidurya or vidooraja or Vidalaksha in Sanskrit); This gemstone is a favourite of Cauda Dreconis (Ketu) who was a demon and whose body was severed by Lord Vishnu's 'chakra* and the torso is smeared in profuse blood. It is recommended for those bom on the 7th, 11th or 25th of a month. Its lord is said to be Varun (Neptune).

In order to please the planet, ’pooja’ should be performed on a Wednesday between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. or between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.

One has to arrange for a snake idol, a plate of brass, red cloth, gram, sandal, kumkum, curd and some sugar.

Have red cloth spread over brass plate.This ritual is done in front of the snake idol. Purify the ring, apply sandal and kumkum to it and put it over the cloth. Now recite ’mantra’ 108 times. That over, offer curd and wear the ring. Offer sugar to the needy.

Mantra to invoke Ketu:

Ashwa Dwajaaya Vidhmahe, Shoola Hasthaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Ketu Prachodayath

Hcassonite (Gomeda): This gemstone is a favourite of Rahu. Its Sanskrit name is Gomedak, Pingasphatik or Rahu Ratna or Tamomani. It is not supposed to have any figure. Heassonite is said to be the colour of Rahu. It is a very dangerous planet. It has no particular choice of gem or jewel of its own. According to one school those who are bom in -August have Gomeda as their stone. Some say it suits those who have been bom between February 15 and March 15. It is also recommended for those who were bom on 4th. 13th. 22nd or 31 st day of any month.

The time for consecration of heassonite is during the constellation of Rabi Pushya or Guru Pushya or between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. or between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on a Wednesday.

One has to arrange for some black urad dal, brown clothes, sandal, kumkum, 22 coins of same denomination, 16 flowers, rice (yellow in colour), ’prasad’ made from milk and plantain and a snake “murti’.

Spread brown cloth before the idol of snake, spread dal on it, cover it with another piece of brown cloth. Again spread dal on it. Clean the ring and apply sandal and kumkum to it. Take one flower and tie it round the ring with a red thread. Place the ring over the dal. Place all 22 coins and 16 flowers around it. Take yellow rice and recite “mantra’ 108 times, offer ’prasad’. Cut the cloth into 17 pieces and on every piece place one part of dal. Place one coin and then tie them into bundles and denote them to the needy. Put the remaining 5 coins in your own box.

Mantra to invoke Rahu:

Naaga Dwajaaya Vidhmahe Padma Aasthaaya Dheemahi Tanno Rahu Prachodayath.


QnJIuence oj pfanets

Everybody wants to know die progress of his life and his or her future. One way to know it is through Astrology.

In Astrology if Mars is exalted in Capricorn it becomes most powerful. Same is the case if it is in Aries.

Mars is the planet of active force, courage and energy. People who are dull, blunt and indolent can be greatly benefited by wearing Red Coral in a gold ring on anamika.

The beneficial rays of Mars also help in the early settlement of marriage of one’s daughter. The essential requirement of capturing the magical influence of Mars is to prepare the ring only when Mars will be in Capricorn or in Aries, during gochara movement. Mars acquires considerable strength and power when it is positioned in Capricorn (its exalted sign) and also in Aries.

Its strength and power can be tapped and captured if Red Coral is fitted in gold, copper or silver and wom during the period when it will be in Capricorn or in Aries, and if the ring is wom on Tuesday morning. If the ring is made in this way, it produces a magical charm which can be used for success in examination, early settlement of marriage of one’s daughter, and also for getting a new job.

Mercury governs intellect and wisdom in a person. Its gem is Emerald. Mercury is exalted in Virgo. If Emerald is

fitted in gold and worn during the time when Mercury is in Virgo it could capture and tap the magical powers of Mercury.

Combined use of Emerald and Red Coral on madhyama and anamika fingers, respectively will work like magic for success in examination and competition.

Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces and it also becomes powerful when it is in Taurus. Taurus and Pisces are the favourite signs of Venus. She acquires considerable strength and power when posited in these two signs. Her magical influence can be captured and tapped if her gem, the diamond, is fitted in a platinum ring during that time. Venus is the planet of pleasures. So its gem, diamond, is essential for gaining earthly pleasures in life.

Jupiter is the planet of success. The beneficial rays of Jupiter are also necessary for acquiring earthly pleasures in life. Its gem is Yellow Sapphire and its metal is tin or gold. The essential requirement is that Yellow Sapphire is to be fitted in a gold ring only during the time when Jupiter will be posited in Cancer. The ring then captures the magical powers of Jupiter. Combined use of diamond and Yellow Sapphire on madhyama and anamkika, respectively will work like magic.

Cat’s Eye has the power to give life to a closed or dead business. Cat’s Eye is the gem for Ketu who is exalted in Sagittarius. If the gem is fitted in a steel or gold ring during the time when Ketu will be in Sagittarius, it will capture and tap the magical powers of Ketu. Ketu is supposed to acquire considerable strength and power when it comes in Sagittarius. Jupiter is the planet of success and its gem is Yellow Sapphire. Its beneficial rays arc also essential for getting success in business.

The Moon is called the mother of all human beings on earth. A mother naturally protects her child in every respect.

Moon Stone is the gem of the Moon and this is called the lifesaver and life-giver.

The Moon governs the first seven years of a man’s life. If your child wears a Moon Stone, he will be free from all diseases. But during winter months, the Moon Slone should be removed and Red Coral used. The Moon is exalted in Taurus.

If white pearl or Moon Stone is fitted into a silver ring during the time when the Moon wilt be in Taurus, it can capture and tap the magical powers of the Moon most effectively. If you wear a white pearl fitted in silver when the Moon is well-aspected by Jupiter (the planet of success), you will be happy, cheerful and honoured by others; it will lead to safe journeys; wealth will increase and health will be good.

Some astrologers hold the view that man cah master planetary' forces by concentrating on their characteristic symbols. The influence of a planet can be magically captured through the use of things which are directly linked with a planet. For example, by using Red Coral, red cloth, red thread and number 9. you can tap the magical forces of Mars. Rays of Mars are essential to gain success in examination, for curing high fevers and also for early marriage in life.

By using black cloth, black thread, black pearl and number 8, one can tap the magical influence of Satum. Beneficial rays of Satum are essential for higher studies and research work as Satum gives perfection and sophistication in every field of work. Without its blessing, higher studies would not be possible. Its gem is Blue Sapphire and this is required to be fitted in lead or silver and worn during the time when Satum will be at Libra (its exalted sign). It will then be possible to capture the magical powers of Saturn most effectively.

The other way for attracting planetary influences in an effective way is to wear the gem on the day and in the hour of the appropriate planet.

Sunday is ruled by Sun, Monday by Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter. Friday by Venus and Saturday by Saturn.

The planet which rules the day has its sway only in the first hour after sun rise and the succeeding hours of day are ruled by the other planets in the following order: (1) Sun, (2) Venus, (3) Mercury, (4) Moon, (5) Saturn, (6) Jupiter and (7) Mars.

It is said that good and evil forces are embedded in the womb of time. There is a good time to sow and a good time to reap. This is the main point for consideration. Otherwise evil influences will mar or destroy all your projects. The Moon thus plays a vital role in fixing auspicious times and her transits on auspicious places. As the Moon governs the mind and mental structure, her transits to malefic houses and over malefic planets will naturally disturb one’s mind and thus affect projects. A waning Moon is unfavourable for starting any good project. Avoid doing any good work when the Moon is almost obscure. Nothing should be attempted when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun. as that position causes all projects to fail. But black magicians or sorcerers prefer to perform their activities only when the Moon is on the wane. Waning Moon favours their activities as they always try to do evil. A waxing Moon is always favourable for doing any good work.

Some astrologers opine that planetary spirits can be summoned or planetary influences can be attracted by the use of’images’ which are real or mentally created to express the planet’s nature. The most popular image of the Sun is drawn by a highly spirited man driving a chariot drawn by seven horses. These seven horses represent the seven prime colours of the solar spectrum, i.e. VIBGYOR. The image of the Moon is depicted by a fine young man driving a chariot drawn by






PLATE IN ROCK CRYSTAL (16th century)





















five horses. These five horses represent our five senses. Though the Moon is called the queen of the universe, no picture of her in the capacity of the queen of the universe is available from our ancient scripts. The image of Mercury is depicted by a spirited young man with four hands sitting on the back of a lion and so on. It is said that by concentrating one's attention on the popular images of the planets, one can capture and tap the magical influences of the planets in removing suffering. This can be done also by meditating on the images of the planets.

No auspicious work should be undertaken when Mars is in the 8th house or Venus in the 6th as these positions arc highly injurious. This is especially effective in case of fixing marriage time. Mars and Rahu are too evil when in 2nd. 8th and 9th houses from the Moon sign during gochara movement. So no auspicious work should be undertaken during that period.

People sometimes become ill or depressed due to overwork and this is because of the fact that ’thought and study’ belong to Saturn who rules the melancholy temperament and is antagonistic to the vital forces of life and youth. Overworked students, patients and elderly people whose vital forces are on the wane should try to lure powerful influences from the favourable planets-Jupiter, Venus and Mars. This can be done by wearing gems for them.

To gain health and happiness, for instance, an image of Venus-a picture of a beautiful young girl dressed in white or yellow and holding flowers and apples-may be kept in one’s bedroom. You can bring down her magical influence even by meditating on it every morning. But the best way to get planetary blessings is to meditate on the image of goddess Durga (Mahamaya) and to offer prayers to her. Prayer is the greatest power available to the individual in solving his/her personal problems. A sincere prayer is unfailing in its effects.

It is said that actual power is generated by prayer. Prayer is the mightiest power in the world.

There are some important points which are worth noting with regard to the position of planets in different houses at one’s birth-chart.

There will be brisk activity in the affairs of the house occupied by Mars (the planet of activity) and probably there will be disagreements, disputes and loss through them. If Mars is posited in the 2nd house, the native may earn sufficient money, but at the same time he may also have to incur heavy losses.

If Jupiter (the planet of expansion) is in the first house, you may put on weight in the years ahead and if Satum is in the 6th house (sources of gain) people who owe you money will be reluctant to pay up.

There will be minor changes in the affairs of the house occupied by the Moon, because the Moon rules over petty fluctuations. Suppose she is in the 4th house, native may not change his residence too frequently and moreover there is every possibility that he may acquire a new house of his own.

Good aspects to the Moon-the ruler of women—will improve your relations with women. Adverse aspects to Mercury in your horoscope, may cause you to be absentminded, make clerical mistakes, give people the wrong change or say the wrong things.

A planet is said to possess maximum power when it comes in the ascendant or 1 Oth house during transit. In order to attract and summon greater magical influence of the planets, rings should be made during that time.

The Sun

Sun is the parent of the solar system. So it represents the father. The Sun and Moon are considered sovereigns. The

Sun is signifies for royality or high position in any administration. It stands as a symbol of spirit.

The Sun is constructive and creative, it offers us the power of resistance and vitality and governs the inspiration and expiration, i.e. the breath of life. The Sun gives the force and selfwill and makes one determined and decisive.

The sun rules the heart. It also represents the right eye in men and left eye in women. The mouth, spleen, throat and brain are also indicated by the Sun. According to Astrology, affliction of the Sun by malefic planets causes low or high blood pressure, haemorrhage, and cardiac thrombosis. The constitution will be overheated and bilious. The Sun also denotes cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the face, loss of speech, sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, bile complaints, epilepsy, sun-stroke, scorches and diseases in the head. The Sun gives activity and authority, cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, optimism, brilliance, sterling qualities and character and success in worldly affairs.

When the Sun is afflicted the native is likely to suffer from diseases mentioned above and there will be deficiency in other good significations of the Sun.

Ruby is the stone of the Sun and wearing of a Ruby will protect the native from the harmful effects of Sun’s afflictions. But one thing must be carefully kept in mind that persons belonging to Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces ascendants should not wear a Ruby or any of its substitutes as the Sun would be lord of the lords of inauspicious houses, viz., the 12th, the 8th and the 6th, respectively. If the Sun is in his own sign in any of these houses then the natives of these ascendants can, however, wear the Sun’s stone if absolutely necessary.

The Moon

According to ancient saints the Moon represents mind and the mother. The Moon is nocturnal, changeable, cold, moist,

and receptive. The Moon governs over impregnation, conception, birth of child, the animal instinct, the union and the embryo. It also rules the infant stage of a person and has powerful influence on lives. Afflicted Moon at the time of birth causes ailments frequently and does not allow for proper growth. Stomach will be upset and frequent vomiting reduces vitality.

Diseases given by an afflicted Moon are eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, beriberi, cold, cough, colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, peritonia, throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, complications due to excess of drinks, dyspepsia, dysentery, nervous debility, cancer and typhoid. It also causes cold and fever, indecision, lack of mental balance, a desire to lie and spread false rumours and suffering from anxiety. If Mars afflicts the Moon, the native becomes impulsive, rash and reckless. He also becomes of a loose moral character. Affliction by Saturn causes depression, despondency, pessimism and lack of concentration.

White Pearl is the gemstone to be used for protection from the consequences of the affliction of the Moon or its ill placement and weakness in a birth chart. Pearl is every useful for mental and lung disorders.


Mars has much to do with one’s ambition and desires. An unaffected Mars bestows one with quick mental activity and extraordinary muscular strength, great organizing ability, power for practical execution, independent spirit, force of character, strong determination, ambition to come out successful in the material field and leadership in all pursuits. If Mars is afflicted the native becomes reckless, lavish, extravagant, criminal, thief, pervert in sexual life and fanatic in religion or philosophy.

Diseases from which one suffers on account of Mars becoming evil by lordship, occupation or by affliction by a malefic, may be acute fevers, plague, small pox, chicken pox, measles, inflammatory complaints, burns, rapture of capillaries, fistula, wounds, cuts, brain fever, haemorrhage, typhoid, ulcer in intestines, hernia, erysipelas, malaria, abortions, bleeding, boils, carbuncles, appendicitis, muscular rheumatism, septic poisoning, tetanus, etc.

Red Coral is the gem stone to be used to enhance the good characteristics and qualities of Mars in the native and to protect him from the evil consequences from the afflicted Mars.

But the gem stone for Mars (or any planet) should not be used when it is the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house and does not own simultaneously an angular (central) or triangular (triton) house or is in his own sign in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. This principle will apply for use of gemstones for all planets and should be carefully kept in mind.


Mercury is a variable, convertible, vacillating and dualistic planet. Mercury rules over the solar plexus and the central nervous system. He gives the native intelligence, capacity to analyse, retentive power and reproductive ability. He gives curiosity to master occult sciences, but he is not steady enough to complete a project. Mercury, when afflicted, makes the person phrenetic. Also, an afflicted Mercury makes the native a cheat, liar and gambler. An afflicted Mercury becomes the cause of the following diseases: vertigo, lethargy, giddiness in the head, madness, brain troubles, tuberculosis, stammering, defects of memory, dry coughs, abundance of spittle, gout of hand and feet, leprosy, cancer, diseases of stomach and skin, etc. The native will become perverted, eccentric, unprincipled, inconstant and boastful. Mercury in dignity makes the native proficient in mathematics, engineering, accounts, corres

pondence, etc. If he will take up things seriously, he will achieve success in all his enterprises.

The gemstone to neutralise the evil effects of Mercury and to enhance good qualities is Emerald.


Jupiter is the significator of children, wealth, government or king’s favours and the grace of God (Dhanakaraka, Santanakaraka, Rajya-kripakaraka and Deva-kripakaraka). Jupiter is also significator of husband in a woman’s horoscope.

If Jupiter is a functional as well as a natural benefic in a birth chart, is dignified, is without any affliction and occupies the first, fifth or the ninth house or a Kendra, the life of native will be full of happiness and he will be blessed with children, wealth, name, fame, success and honour.

Jupiter is a fiery, noble, benevolent, fruitful, jovial, buoyant, optimistic, expansive, positive and dignified planet.

The higher attributes of the mind and the uplift of soul are governed by Jupiter.

Jupiter rules over liver, tumours, circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body.

If Jupiter is afflicted, the native will not be a moderate but an extremist. He will be overgenerous, extravagant and even lavish.

Over-optimism, false hopes, carelessness, debts, dispute, failure in speculation, gambling and pressure from creditors, worry through children, childlessness, vanity, default and infamy, gluttony and unusual girth, are also the results of an afflicted and badly placed Jupiter.

The diseases that may be caused by afflicted are liver complaints, dropsy, jaundice, flatulence, dyspepsia, abcess.

disorders of pancreas, skin troubles, cerebral congestion, catarrh and carbuncles.

The gem stone to be used to protect from the ill effects of an afflicted and inauspiciously placed Jupiter, and to enhance the beneficial influences of a well placed Jupiter in the birth chart is Yellow Sapphire.


According to Indian astrology Venus governs the gentle and refined attributes. Strong Venus in a chart is a testimony that native wiff have attraction to the other sex early in his life. Venus can bestow on one all comforts enabling one to lead a pleasant life in this world. Venus is significator for wife and conjugal life in a man’s horoscope.

If Venus is afflicted the marriage may be delayed or the married life may be disturbed.

Venus governs eyes, generative system, throat, chin, cheeks, kidneys, etc.

Venus is also, after Jupiter, a wealth-giving planet. As already stated above, a dignified and unafflicted Venus brings wealth and all kinds of comforts to the native.

The diseases caused by an afflicted and inauspiciously placed Venus are: diseases of ovaries, that of the eyes, irregularity in the catamenia, mucous diseases, Bright’s disease, cysts, swelling, gout, anaemia, and other complications due to over-indulgence in sex, amusements, drinking, eating and venereal diseases.

The gemstone to be used to neutralise its evil effects of an afflicted and inauspiciously placed Venus in a birth chart is Diamond.


Saturn is a barren, dry, binding, cold, constant, defensive, hard, nervous and secretive planet.

Saturn can cause delay, it can deny, it will disappoint. Disharmony, dispute, difficulty, despondency, dejection and differences are the outcomes of an evil Satum.

Plodding, persevering, patiently working, prudence, frugality, economy, saving, endurance, industry', thrift, power to keep secrets, stability, self control, sense of duty, etc. are attributed to a beneficial Satum. Lazy, lethargic, idle persons are bom under the influence of a malefic Satum.

Diseases caused by Satum are impediments of the troubles of the teeth, right ear, fevers and pains caused by cold, leprosy, consumption, black jaundice, gout, deafness, insanity, stammering, dumbness, colic, paralysis, depression, diseases caused by anxiety. The gemstone for Satum is Blue Sapphire.


Rahu causes cholera, rheumatism, dysentry, nasty diseases of mind and body and causes a tendency to commit suicide. Gomedh is the gem stone for Rahu; it can prevents its evil effects.


Ketu causes diseases of the skin, pimples, colic pains, dropsy, abscesses, paralysis, ring worm, small pox and accidents.

Persons who have no birth charts or birth date can select gemstones for themselves on the basis of significations of the planets and thus they can save themselves from the evil effects of these planets. The gem stone for Ketu is Cat’s Eye.

Moon’s position

If Moon is afflicted by Satum or Rahu in a birth-chart, life becomes hell.

The constellation in which the Moon is posited at your birth-chart is known as your birth-star. This birth-star plays an important role in shaping your fate and destiny. The birth

star gives diseases according to its nature. Everyone will not suffer from the same diseases. It varies according to one’s birth-star. One may be very prone to stomach troubles and the other to heart troubles. Nature of diseases, one will be liable to suffer, can be easily determined from his birth-star. It is possible for you to identify the diseases you are liable to suffer all through your life from the nature of your birth-star. The number given just below the Moon in your birth-chart is the number of your birth-star. There are 27 such stars. They are;







Roh ini-4















Poorvabhad rapada-25






The nature of the Moon is such that she will protect you all through life if you strengthen her hands by wearing gems for her. That is why the Moon Stone is called a life-saver and life-giver. It is said that the Moon governs the first seven years of a man’s life. This means that the Moon controls all children and her strong influence during childhood can be easily felt. The Moon, if heavily afflicted by Saturn or Rahu in the 6th or 8th house, may cause the death of the child. If one is bom during the eclipse of the Moon, there is hardly any chance for his survival.


A complete book on gems

According to Indian Astrology each planet governs three stars:




- Kartikai-3, Uttarsnada-21, Uttar-phalguni-12.



- Rohini-4, Hastam-13, Srabana-22.

- Mrigasira-5, Chitra-14, Dhanistha-23.



- Aslesha-9, Jestha-18, Rebathi-27.

- Punarvasu-7, Vishakam-16, Purvabhadrapada-25.


- Bharani-2, Purvaphalguni-11, Purvashada-20.


- Pushyam-8, Anuradha-17, Uttarbhadrrapada-26.



- Adra-6, Swati-15, Satavisha-24.

- Magham-10, Moolam-19, Aswini-1.

It is said by our ancient saints that if one strengthens the arms of the ruling planet of birth-star, one will be free from all diseases and will possess sound health and happiness in life. The best way to strengthen its arms is to wear gems for the ruling planet of your birth-star. This is considered best for gaining health and happiness in life.

Usually three stars occupy each sign of the zodiac:




- Aswini-1, Bharani-2, Kartikai-3.

- Kartikai-3, Rohini-4, Mrigasira-5.

- Mrigasira-5, Adra-6, Punarvasu-7.


- Punarvasu-7, Pushyam-8, Aslesha-9.

Influence of planets



- Magham-10. Purbaphalguni-11, Uttarphalguni-12.


- Uttarphalguni-12, Hastam-13, Chitra-14.


- Chitra-14, Swati-15, Vishakam-16.


- Vishakam-16, Anuradha-17, Jestha-



- Moolam-19, Purvashada-20, Uttarshada-21.


- Uttarshada-21, Sravana-22, Dhanistha-23.


- Dhanistha-23, Sathavisha-24, Poorvabhadrapada-25.


- Poorvabhadrapada-25, Uttarbhadrapada-26, Revathi-27.

The birth-star, therefore, plays an important part in one's life. From it, it can be ascertained in which position of planet one was bom.

The period of dasas are as follows:

Sun--6 yrs;

Moon-10 yrs;

Mars-7 yrs;

Rahu 18 yrs.

Jupiter-16 yrs.

Saturn-19 yrs.

Mercury-17 yrs.

Ketu-7 yrs.

Venus-20 yrs.

Nature of stars

  • (1) Aswini (Ruler-Kctu) Aries-0' to 13-12’. Diseases to be suffered all through life:

Injury in the head, confusion in the brain, dizziness, thrombosis, nose-bleeding, fainting, epilepsy, neuralgia, insomnia, meningitis, intestinal and stomach troubles.

First son will be sickly or even may die, avaricious, extravagant, dispute with brothers, fond of ornaments, two wives, service in factory of government departments.

  • (2) Bharani (Ruler-Venus) Aries-13-20’ to 25-40'

Brain-troubles, headache, meningitis, insomnia, high fevers.

.Aspiring, amorous, fond of sports, amusements, show, display, judge, lawyer.

  • (3) Kartikai (Ruler-Sun) Arics-24-40’ to 30’ Taurus-0’ to 10’.

Fevers, meningitis, throat-troubles, nose-bleeding, quinsey, gout, pimples, brain-troubles.

Good and robust health, energetic, argumentative ability, popular and prosperous, attraction to others’ wives, loss of 3rd child.

  • (4) Rohini (Ruler-Moon) Taurus-10’ to 23-20’.

Sore-throat, cough and cold, eye-troub'es, ailments of legs and feet, apoplexy, menstrual trouble

Good nature, pleasant manners, fond of music, art and literature, enjoys the company of opposite sex, sweet-tongued, flamboyant, many sons.

  • (5) Mrigasira (Ruler-Mars) Taurus—23-20’ to 30’ and Gemini-0’ to 6-40’.

Throat-troubles, fevers, adenoids, nose-bleeding, goitre, polypus, arms fracture, disorders of secret parts, gout.

Unhappy conjugal life, quick-witted, fluent, danger of accidents, magnetic, industrious and wealthy.

  • (6) Adra (Ruler-Rahu) Gemini-6-40’ to 20’.

Throat troubles, mumps, ear-troubles, red eyes, urinary troubles, gout.

Active, fond of company of others’ wives, sweet tongued, danger of accidents.

  • (7) Punarvasu (Rulcr-Jupiter) Gemini-20’ to 30’. Cancer 0’ to 3-2’.

Bronchitis, dropsy, stomach-troubles, dyspepsia, lungtroubles, headache, pains in the body and eye troubles.

Sharp intellect, honest, good memory, sincere, reliable devagana, fond of business, afraid of girls.

  • (8) Pushyam (Ruler-Saturn) Cancer—3-20’ to 16-40’.

Consumption, gastric ulcer, respirator}' troubles, gallstones, obstruction in the bowels, eczema, jaundice, pyorrhoea.

Prudent, sober, economical, careful, attentive, troubles through children.

  • (9) Aslesha (Rulcr-Mercury) Cancer-16-40’ to 30’.

Stomach, diseases of legs and knees, hysteria, dropsy, jaundice, neurosis.

Harsh speech, versatile, witty, can imitate others, rakhasgana, finding fault with others, jealous, clever.

  • (10) Makam (Ruler-Ketu) Leo-0’ to 13-20’.

Heart troubles, gravel in kidneys, backache, fainting, spinal meningitis.

Defensive, forceful, proud, unhappy conjugal life.

  • (11) Poorvaphalguni (Ruler-Venus) Leo-13-20’ to 26.

Heart troubles, diseases of legs and ankles, blood-pressure, gout, sciatica, operation, lumbago.

Generous, cautious, honest, fond of sweets, over-sexy, fond of company of others' wives, fond of eating.

  • (12) Uttarphalguni (Ruler-Sun) Virgo-0' to 10’.

Intestinal and bowel disorders, sore-throat, gout.

First child-daughter, tactful, mother longlived, separation from children in old age, more than one wife, loss of money through women.

  • (13) Hastam (Ruler-Moon) Virgo-10’ to 23-20’

Stomach troubles, Vit-B deficiency, eye-troubles, gout, worms, dysentery, neuralgia, jaundice, skin-troubles.

Loss of third child, astrologer, magician, industrious, prudent, thievish.

  • (14) Chitra (Ruler-Mars) Virgo-23-20’ to 30’.

Bowel disorders, fevers, worms, wounds from animals, skin troubles.

Bold and courageous, troubles through first son, quarrelsome.

  • (15) Swati (Rulcr-Rahu) Libra-6-40’ to 20’.

Urinary troubles, eczema, skin troubles, leprosy, toothache.

Loose temper, extravagant, fond of luxuries, troubles through children, clever in speech.

  • (16) Visakam (Ruler-Jupiter) Libra-20' to 30’.

Skin eruption, renal abscess, diabetes, kidney trouble, headache, fevers.

Ungrateful, talented, laith in God, broad-minded, short-tempered, troubles in getting higher education, loss of first wife.

  • (17) Anuradha (Ruler-Satum) Scorpio-3-20' to 16-44’.

Menstrual troubles with severe pain and poor bleeding, constipation, piles, nasal-catarrh, sore throat, hip-bone fracture, stomach troubles.

Fond of travel, grave, cruel, vindictive, dishonest, troubles through children.

  • (18) Jyestha (Ruler-Mercury) Scorpio-16-40’ to 30’.

Bleeding piles, Leucorrhoca, fistula, bowel disorders, pain in arms and shoulders.

Bold, ingenius, witty, poisonous tongue, will not have many friends, energetic.

  • (19) Moohim (Ruler-Kelu) Sagittarius-0’ to 13-20’.

Rheumatism sciatica, lumbago, hip diseases, pulmonary troubles.

Noble, honest and God-fearing.

  • (20) Poorvashada (Ruler-Venus) Sagittarius-13-20' to 26-40’.

Diabetes, sciatica, gout, lung-disorders, lumbago, hip-knee disorders.

Over-liberal and broad-minded, optimistic.

  • (21) Uttarshada (Ruler-Sun) Sagittarius-26-40’ to 30’.

Eye-troubles, disorders of limbs, consumption, gout, toothache.

Religious-minded, few sons, many daughters, fond of travel, cheerful.

  • (22) Sravana (Ruler-Moon) Capricorn-10' to 23-20’.

Skin troubles, gout, stomach troubles, heart troubles, consumption.

Fond of astrology, God-fearing, sweet-natured.

  • (23) Dhanistha (Ruler-Mars) Capricom-23-20’ to 30’ Aquarius 0’ to 6-40’.

Diseases of leg-bones, cough and cold, heart troubles, fainting, respiratory diseases, indigestion.

Quarrelsome, short-tempered, sincere, important, unhappy conjugal life, sexually weak, separation from wife.

  • (24) Satabhisha (Rulcr-Rahu) Aquarius-6-40’ to 20’. Heart-trouble, gout, arthritis, high-blood pressure, fracture of hip bones, palpitation, eye-troubles.

Lazy, fond of leisure, cruel, angry, sickly wife, troubles in old age.

  • (25) Poon abhadrapada (Rukr-Jupiter) Aquarius-20’ to 30’ Pisces 0, 3-20’.

Diseases of private parts, eye-troubles, small-pox, heart troubles, low blood pressure, dropsy.

Short-tempered, honest and sincere.

  • (26) Uttarbhadrapada (Ruler-Saturn) Pisces-3-20’ to 16-40’.

Toothache, fevers, small-pox, rheumatism, stomach disorders, consumption, dropsy.

Troubles through children, sickly wife, desire to help the poor and invalid.

  • (27) Rehathi (Ruler-Mercury) Pisccs-16-40’ to 30’.

Stomach disorders, gout, cramps, deafness, ear-diseases, dysentery', tooth-troubles, feet-disorders.

Clever, licentious, religious.

Evil houses

The house 6th. 8th, 12th are called evil houses or dusthanas.

Planets posited therein are weakened and lose their power and strength considerably.

Venus in the 6th and 8th becomes too weak and makes the native also feeble and weak. If the native does not wear white coral he can’t proceed.

The Moon in the 6th and 8th becomes dangerously evil. If you do not wear white pearl, you can’t move.

Mercury also becomes too weak when posited in 6th, 8th, 12th house and requires to be strengthened.

Similarly, Mars and Rahu in 2nd, 8th, 9th houses cause too many troubles in life. The Sun or Ketu in 5th, 7th, 8th houses causes anxiety. Benches in the 3rd and 6th also give tremendous trouble.

To seek protection from such evil results one has to wear gems to acquire sound health and happiness in life.


O^herapeutic use oj gems

The negative impact of cosmic rays of each planet affect lives on earth adversely. If some planets are placed at the birth time in horoscope negatively, they produce adverse effect. By wearing gemstones belonging to those planets the malefic rays coming from those planets get filtered and thus their effect is nullified.

We discuss below some important diseases and the gems to cure them:


It is a condition of over-acidity resulting from abnormal and excessive production of acid in the body, often accompanied by poor elimination. The most common symptoms of this ailment are rapid breathing, headache, debility and a characteristic sweetish odour to the breath. This condition occurs in advanced diabetes or prolonged diarrhoea, in which the body loses sodium bicarbonate. Patients with severe acidosis may gasp for breath, go into a coma and even die. This is because the carbon dioxide content of the blood regulates the breathing process. When Jupiter is afflicted at birth-chart by Saturn, Ketu or Venus or the Moon at Cancer or Virgo, this disease appears. Jupiter is the main planet as it controls the liver.

Wear Emerald ring in 5 rattis on middle finger and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis on ring finger.

Moon Stone in 6 rattis on small finger may be used as additional gem in acute cases.


Combination of Rahu and Mars in the ascendant or 2nd house causes frequent accidents and injuries. Saturn on ascendant causes injuries through falls. Mars on the ascendant causes cuts and injuries to the head and bloodshed. Mars afflicting the luminaries by square or opposition is a sure sign of danger of accidents.

Mars or Saturn in the 3rd house causes accidents by rail or road or during short travels and if it is in the 5th house, at pleasure parties. Red Coral or white Pearl has the power to avert accidents.


This is a skin disorder. Eruption of pimples is known as Acne. Seborrhea affects the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin and sometimes even eye. Older people are common victims of this disease. It appears when Venus or Ketu is heavily afflicted in Aries, Libra or Capricorn. Use white Coral in 7 to 9 rattis on mahyama along with l^pis Lazuli in 2 rattis on kanistha.


Certain foods which produce excessive heat in the system, produce allergy if taken by those who have Mars in any one of the houses mentioned above. The best remedy for this type of disease is to use cold stones like lime Moonstone, Yellow Sapphire, Blue Sapphire and Emerald to make the body cool. The parts of the body in which allergic reactions most often show up are the skin, bronchial tree, nose and digestive system. Common allergic disorders are hives (urticaria), eczema, hay fever, drug rashes, bronchial asthma and headache. Some allergies are apparently hereditary and others arc acquired. Even minute quantities of an allergen can set off a violent reaction.

The way to prevent allergy is to identify the offending allergen and avoid it.


This is commonly associated with the chills and fever sensations produced by malaria. Metallic fumes and poisons also can produce similar symptoms.

Mars is responsible for producing this trouble. Absence of red rays in the body causes this disease. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis on anamika of the right hand or a copper ring, red thread or red cloth around the right hand.


It means stoppage of menstruation or a missed period. This may be due to pregnancy or disease and especially due to hormone imbalance. Excessive fatigue and worry can also cause temporary amenorrhoea. It is caused by Saturn as his nature is to obstruct and to contract everything in the body. The nature of Mars is to clear away all bodily filth and waste products, etc. Use Red Coral or copper ring, red cloth or thread on tire left hand.    •


Enlargement of the lymphoid tissue in the throat and back of the nose is a condition known as adenoids. Children often have enlarged adenoids which may block the nasal passageways causing mouth breathing and encouraging colds, sinus infection and ear infections. Mars during transit while passing through Taurus, Scorpio or Libra may cause this disease. It is purely a Mars disease. Use Red Coral in 5 rattis on anamika.


It means a partial or total loss of memory' and forgetfulness of past experience. It is attended by an inability to remember

words. Morbid changes in brain tissues are usually responsible for this condition. The most common cause is when the Sun is afflicted by Mercury in Aries or when Mercury is afflicted by the Sun in Aries. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis and Emerald in 6 rattis, jointly.


When there is sharp reduction in the number of red corpuscles or of red colouring matter in the blood, the condition is commonly known as anemia. It is usually caused by loss of blood through haemorrhage or due to disease or damage in the bonemarrow. When the Sun is afflicted by Saturn, this condition appears. Also when Rahu or Ketu is in Taurus. Leo or Aquarius, or when Jupiter is afflicted by Mars in Leo, anemia appears. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis.


The rupture of a blood-vessel in the brain is commonly known as apoplexy or stroke. It is also known as cerebral haemorrhage or cerebro-vascular accident It is usually marked by unconsciousness followed by paralysis. The Sun ill-aspected by Jupiter or Rahu in Aries gives rise to apoplexy. The sign Aries is of the head and brain. So any affliction of this sign causes apoplexy. When Jupiter is afflicted by malefics in Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo, this disease manifests itself. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis.


It is the swelling or inflammation of the wormshaped appendix, a small finger like projection from the large bowel. It indicates severe pain in the belly. The basic treatment for appendicitis is surgery, i.e. removal of the diseased appendix. Mars is the chief causative planet for appendicitis. Mars, if

afflicted by Satum or Rahu in Virgo or Scorpio, may give rise to this disease. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.


It is caused through inflammation of the joints with severe pain. It is metabolic disease in which the body fails to get rid of uric acid. Astrologically, the planet Satum is the chief malefic agent in the development of arthritis, especially when he is posited in the 6th house and is ill-aspected by Mars.

The 10th house of the zodiac, ie. Capricorn rules over the knee-joints. Rahu or Satum here causes deformities and cramps in knees and arthritis. The 9th house of the zodiac, i.e. Sagittarius governs the hips and thighs. Satum or Rahu causes gout, rheumatism, sciatica, etc. Mercury here causes the same trouble. Use Red Coral in 9 rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis.


It is a very serious disease. The bronchial tubes arc narrowed by spasmodic contractions and they secrete an excess of mucous which makes breathing difficult. The patient wheezes and coughs.

Satum is the chief planet which causes this trouble. Satum is responsible for all sorts of chronic and lingering diseases. When Satum afflicts the 4th house from the ascendant of Leo, the person becomes liable for asthmatic complaints. The Moon in Gemini or Leo at birth-chart gives asthmatic complaints. It is practically an incurable disease. It is a hereditary disease. Mercury also plays an important part here as he governs the brain-nerves. Use Emerald in 6 rattis, Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis. Moonstone in 6 rattis may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.


It is one of the most common complaints. Its causes are very difficult to identify. It is also caused by deep-seated

mental stress. Standing or sitting in a peculiar position all day at work is one of the common causes of backache.

Straining the back by sudden twisting jerking, lifting of heavy weights, etc also may bring about backache. Satum gives all sorts of pain, sorrow and misery. The sign Libra rules over our back. So any affliction of this sign by any malefics may give rise to this disease. Use Red Coral in 9 rattis and Yellow Sapphire.


It usually refers to loss of hair or absence of hair on the head. It is practically an incurable disease. No hair tonic or treatments can restore hair on the head. Baldness is hereditary. Satum is the chief planet which controls the growth of hair. It is true that gems also cannot restore hair on the head. It is said that Emerald has the power to give life to hair-roots. Combined use of Blue Sapphire and Emerald may be found to be very useful.


It is a condition of general discomfort, popularly attributed to an excess of bile in the system. It is a kind of liver trouble. Jupiter controls the liver; Mercury governs abdominal nerves. Mars in Cancer causes biliousness. The Moon in Virgo afflicted by Satum gives this trouble. Use Blue Sapphire and Emerald or Moon Stone and white Coral.

Bladder trouble

The bladder is a collapsible balloon like sac composed of smooth muscle and lined with a smooth membrane. It is the reservoir for urine.

It is situated in the front part of the pelvic cavity. Bladder trouble is usually indicated by di faculties or abnormalities in passing urine. Excessive urine output may be taken as an

indication of diabetes. Scantly urination or suppression of urine may cause serious kidney trouble. Painful urination may indicate stones in the bladder, or enlargement of the prostate gland. Too frequent urination may be the result of mental anxiety. Urine should flow easily, regularly and painlessly. In case of any abnormalities, expert medical opinion may be sought. The signs Libra and Scorpio rule over urinary system. Mars in Scorpio afflicted by any malefics may give rise to bladder trouble. Malefics in the 7th or 8th house may also give rise to this disease. Red Coral in 9 rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis or white Coral in 9 rattis and Moon Stone should be used.

Bleeding wounds

Any haemorrhage is bleeding. It is caused by cuts, wounds and accidents. Bleeding from any body opening- mouth, nose, lungs, nipples, anus, ears is a danger signal, and demands prompt medical attention. Mars is responsible for all sorts of bleeding, cuts, wounds and accidents. Use Red Coral.


It may be temporary or permanent. The causes are infections and degenerative diseases of the eye and accidents to the eye. The 2nd and 12th houses from the ascendant govern the right and left eyes, respectively. The Sun controls the right eye and the Moon the left eye. Any affliction to these two planets by Saturn in the 2nd or 12th house may give rise to eye trouble. The signs Taurus and Pisces also rule over the right and left eye, respectively. Although this is practically incurable, still use Ruby and white Pearl.


A simple boil has a single core and may be no more than a pimple. More serious is a mass of boils, close together and with several cores called a carbuncle. People with diabetes

and kidney trouble are especially subject to repeated attacks of boils. Bad blood does not cause them. Boils are more or less painful. Boils should not be indiscriminately pinched or squeczed-specially those on the face or in the ear. It is caused by excessive heat in the body. Mars is the chief planet which causes this trouble. Mars during transit when passing through fiery signs may cause this trouble. Use Moonstone in 6 rattis or Lapis Lazuli in 4 rattis.

Bone diseases

Inflammation of the bone is known as osteomyelitis. It commonly affects the hip bone and shin bone. It is a childhood disease. It is usually accompanied by high fever, severe pain, swelling of the limb and delirium. Use Ruby for this.

Brain fever

It is a fever in which the meninges are mainly attacked. It is caused by inflammation of the meningeal membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. The early symptoms include headache, fever, vomiting and delirium. Later symptoms are severe headache, muscle rigidity, stiff neck and arched neck. It is caused by a germ which is transmitted by droplet infection from the nose and throat of patients. The Sun and Mars rule over the head and brain and the sign Aries governs our brain. So the planets Sun and Mars are responsible for this disease. The Moon comes into the picture when vomiting arises. Any affliction to these three planets in Aries or in the evil houses 6, 8, 12th may give rise to meningitis. Jupiter in Aries gives dizziness, swoons and congestion of the brain. Ketu in Leo gives spinal meningitis and thrombosis. Rahu in Aries causes shooting pains in the head, inflammation of the covering and membranes of the brain and paralysis of the facial nerves. Ketu in Aries causes brain troubles and delusions. Saturn in Aries also causes brain disorders and cerebral troubles. Mars in Aries, if heavily afflicted, gives brain-fever, rupture of blood

vessels in the brain cerebral congestion and inflammation of the eyes. Mercury in Aries, if heavily afflicted, gives headaches, insomnia and nervous affections of the head and brain. Use Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire and Emerald, or Emerald, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire.

Brain tumours

Brain tumour is the growth of new and unwanted tissue in the brain. The common symptoms are headache, dizziness, uncontrolled vomiting, etc. As the tumour enlarges, it tends to build up pressure inside the skull which causes blindness, insanity, loss of functions of other parts of the body and senses. The sign Aries governs our brain. Mercury plays an important part here as it rules over our brain nerves. Any affliction of Mercury will cause disturbance in the brain. Venus governs the glands and Venus in Aries gives brain-tumours. Mars in Aries, if heavily afflicted, gives brain tumours but when it is in Libra or Scorpio, boils, tumours and abscesses appear in the lower part of the body. Similar is the case with Sun. Rahu in Aries gives shooting pains in the head; Saturn or Ketu in Aries also produces brain troubles. Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral.


It is a kind of lung disease which is caused by the inflammation of bronchia) tubes. It may result from breathing in irritating gases, fumes or dust and from exposure to cold. It generally occurs during the winter months or during a change of season. A thick purulent fluid is often raised from the lungs by coughing.

Sometimes dry coughs may also occur. Young children run the greatest risk of bronchitis. Acute bronchitis usually begins with frequent bouts of coughing, more severe at night that bring in chest pains. Other symptoms are fever and difficult breathing. It is purely a Mars disease. Mars or the

Sun during transit or gochara movement when coming into Gemini, L>eo or Aquarius, if afflicted by Saturn or Rahu, causes bronchitis. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis on anamika or taijani. Side by side, medicines should be taken as gems are used only as a second line of defence against any disease.


It may result from the application of too much heat or fire to the skin. Scalds are caused by hot liquids or vapours. Any extensive bums covering a large area are serious. Shock and infection dangerously accompany large or deep bums. Mars is the chief planet for causing all sorts of wounds, cuts and accidents, when heavily afflicted by Saturn or Rahu in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th houses. The combination of Mars and Rahu in the 3rd house causes bums or accidents while travelling, in the 5th house in cinema or pleasure parties, in the 4th at home, and in the 9th while proceeding on a long journey. Wearing of Red Coral in 9 rattis helps quick healing. Red cloth or a red thread may also be used for speedy recovery.


Actually cancer is characterised by the abnormal, uncontrolled and lawless growth of body cells.

There are many planetary combinations which cause cancer in the human body. If the moon is afflicted by the three malefics in any sign, the native may be attacked with cancer. ' If evil relationship exists between Jupiter and Saturn in a birthchart, the native may have an attack of cancer. Conjunction of Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter in any sign may develop cancer. Conjunction of Jupiter, Ketu and Venus in any sign may also cause cancer. Mars if posited in the 6th and in dual signs may produce cancer. Ketu is called the shadowy planet of chaos and confusion. Ketu gives all sorts of mysterious, complicated and chronic diseases. If Ketu afflicts the Moon along with some other malefics, the native may have cancer. This is the

most important affliction. Conjunction of the moon, Ketu and Saturn, the Moon, Ketu and Mars and the Moon, Rahu and Saturn may also cause cancer.

Saturn controls and rules over these two vital parts of the body. His gem-stone is light Blue Sapphire. This stone, light Blue Sapphire, has miraculous and wonderful healing powers. This gem-stone, if worn in madhyama of the right hand, keeps your body in perfectly good condition. But the main difficulty is that this stone is too cold and should not be wom singly. Some precautions should be taken before wearing it. A red thread should be wom around your waist and a copper ring wom in your first finger, and a Red Coral ring in anamika or third finger, light Blue Sapphire 4 rattis and Red Coral 8 rattis in summer months and light Blue Sapphire rattis and Red Coral 6 rattis in winter months.


This is the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule. Light then fails to reach the retina in sufficient quantity to stimulate vision. It causes diminished vision. The victim cannot see objects properly.

Older people are the main victims of this disease. Surgical operation is the only treatment. When it is ripe for operation, the crystalline lens can be safely removed. The operation is swift, painless and almost always successful. With the opacity gone, usual vision is restored by wearing thick lenses in front of the eye.

The 2nd and 12th signs of the Zodiac rule over the right and left eyes, respectively. The second sign Taurus is ruled by Venus and the 12th sign Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, the Venus or Jupiter if posited in the evil houses 6, 8, 12th alongwith the lagna lord may cause cataract. It is said that the Sun governs the right eye and the moon the left eye. So when these two planets are afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house from

the ascendant it may give cataract. Mercury' governs the sight. Mercury, if afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house, may produce this trouble. It is said that Emerald has the power to improve eyesight and white Pearl has the power to restore eyesight. Ruby is the most powerful gem for all sorts of eye troubles, but it can be used only during the attack. Its constant use is not desirable as it is too hot. It is desirable to use Red Coral in place of Ruby.

Cerebral haemorrhage

It refers to bleeding in the brain, resulting in a stroke or apoplexy. Apoplexy is a stroke resulting from a damaged blood-vessel in the brain and marked by unconsciousness, usually followed by paralysis.

Bleeding is generally caused by breaking a blood-vessel in the brain. High blood pressure may usually evoke cerebral haemorrhage. The sign Aries governs the brain. Any affliction of this sign by any malefics may cause this trouble. The chief planets are Mars, Rahu, Satum and Sun. Red Coral, Emerald and Moonstone may be helpful.


It is a common childhood disease caused by a specific virus. It is usually a mild discomfort and a skin eruption. Little raised pimples come out on the skin. Some of these turn into small blisters which break in a few hours, leaving a dry crust. This disease lasts only about a week. It is certainly a contagious disease. It is said that one attack confers immunity to the body. Mars is the chief planet which causes this trouble. Use Red Coral, red cloth, a red tliread or a copper ring.


It is an acute, communicable disease, caused by the comma-shaped cholera vibrio. In mild cases, diarrhoea may be the chief and only symptom. In acute cases, extreme

diarrhoea (rice-water stools) is accompanied by great dehydration with thirst, vomiting, pain and cramps in the abdomen, prostration and unconsciousness. When Mars comes into Cancer, one suffers from stomach troubles. Mars gets debilitated in Cancer. Mars in Virgo also causes cholera. Jupiter in Virgo gives serious liver troubles. Mars gets debilitated in Cancer. Mars in Virgo also causes cholera. Jupiter in Virgo gives serious liver troubles. The signs Cancer and Virgo govern out stomach. Any affliction of these two signs will upset the stomach. The 5lh house in a birth-chart governs our stomach. Any affliction of this house will give rise to stomach disorders. Use Emerald in 6 rattis and Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver is the largest glad in the body. The liver weighs from 3 to 4 pounds and is situated in the right part of the abdomen. It acts as a factory, warehouse and detoxifying station. It manufactures and secretes bile which is essential to the process of digesting food. Cirrhosis of the liver is also called hardening of the liver.

In cirrhosis of the liver, the normal functioning of cells is replaced by harder, fibrous tissue. The liver increases in size due to an accumulation of water in it and occupies a greater part of the abdomen, giving it a protruded appearance

The 5th house in a horoscope governs our stomach but lite 6th house of the zodiac, i.e. Virgo rules over the liver. The lord of the 6th house is Mercury which is chiefly responsible for this trouble. If Mercury or Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn or Ketu in Cancer or Virgo, the native suffers from this trouble. Conjunction of Ketu and Saturn, Ketu and the Sun in the 5th house gives rise Io this trouble. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. Moonstone in 6 rattis may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.

Common cold

It is certainly the most common infection that affects almost everyone at one time or the other. The cold has several medical names, viz., corya, catarrh, upper respiratory inflection, rhintis and nasopharyngitis. It is caused by the Moon and Satum. Climatic changes are also responsible for this trouble. Use only Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis. Use also red cloth, red thread, copper ring.


Pink eye is the symptom of conjunctivitis along with irritation and pain. It is highly communicable and contagious. Excess of red rays in the body causes this trouble. It is caused by the planets Sun and Mars. The Sun or Mars in Taurus or Pisces may cause this trouble. Excessive heat in the body may give rise to conjunctivitis. Use Moonstone in 6 rattis.


It is the inability to have a bowel movement. It is a symptom and not a disease. Il causes weariness, headache, vomiting, etc. However, accumulation of waste products in the lower reaches of the bowel will cause self-poisoning. Satum is responsible for all obstructions and contractions in the body. It obstructs free bowel movements when in affliction. But Mars removes all waste-products and cleans it by driving away from the body. Mars also causes frequent bowel movements (diarrhoea). Satum in Cancer and Virgo in the 6th house causes serious constipation. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread or a copper ring. This will provide appropriate relief.


Diabetes is perhaps the pleasantest of all chronic diseases. It is not painful, disfiguring, depressing, or contagious. People

still die of diabetes, but it is no longer considered a dreadful or fatal disease.

Two or three malefic planets if posited in watery signs, i.e. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces usually cause diabetes. This is the chief planetary affliction which is solely and chiefly responsible for causing diabetes. The sixth house from the ascendant controls the kidneys. Two or three malefics in the 6th house may develop diabetes.

Libra has a good control over kidneys. Two or three malefics here may encourage diabetes. Libra is the 7th house of the zodiac. It controls the urinary system. So if two or three malefics are posited in Libra or in the 7th house, the native may be attacked by diabetes. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. If they are afflicted by fiery planets like Mars or the Sun in watery signs, the native may be attacked with diabetes. If the 6th lord is posited in the 8th or the 8th lord in the 6th, the native may develop diabetes.

Moonga should be adorned in the middle finger.


It is one of the common diseases that gives us trouble very often. In summer months, everyone suffers from diarrhoea. Usual symptoms of this disease are loose bowels or frequent bowel movements alongwith stomach-ache. The causes are numerous, such as over-eating, food poisoning, emotional stress, absence of any physical activity, change of weather and eating stale food. When Mars comes in Cancer or Virgo during gochara movement, everyone suffers from diarrhoea. Malefics in Cancer or Virgo may give rise to this trouble. The 41h and 6th house of the zodiac govern our stomach. So any affliction of these two houses will produce stomach troubles. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.

Digestive disorders

The digestive system consists of a long tube about 24 to 36 feet long, winding through the body from the mouth to the emus. Any disorder of this system will result in diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. The Sun governs the gastric glands which secrete digestive juices and in the absence of clear rays of the Sun, our digestion suffers. The Sun is the chief planet for digestion, and its rays are essential for proper and good digestion. During the rainy season, when the sky remains cloudy, digestive disorders invade our body. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.

Diseases of the blood

There are a great many diseases popularly called blood diseases. They are syphilis, anaemia, leukeamia, laeukopenia, etc. Saturn and Mars together in 1st, 6th, 12th houses give rise to this trouble, the Sun in the 7th house from the position of Saturn or Mars causes this trouble. When the lord of the 2nd house is conjoined with Mars, blood diseases appear. Mars in 6th, 7th, 1 Oth house from the lord of the 2nd house also gives this trouble. Mars in the 2nd or in the 8th house gives blood disorders. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire, or Moonstone.

Diseases of the feet

Saturn is the chief planet which causes foot disorders. Common foot troubles are coms, callouses, bunions, blisters, chilblains, ringworm, excessive sweating, etc. The feet are also subject to fracture, dislocations, sprains, bruises and strains, often as a result of athletic injuries. Saturn or Venus in the 6th house may give rise to this trouble. Malefics in Pisces also cause this trouble. Rahu or Ketu in the 1st house and Saturn in the 7th house give this trouble. Malefics in Aquarius and Capricorn cause foot troubles. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis.

Diseases of the nose

The nose is subject to malformation, accident, infection, new growths and other damages. 1 here may be a running nose, the stuffed-up nose, the red nose, the bloody nose, and the mis-happen nose. A running nose is the first sign of the commqn cold. The stuffed-up nose is an inability to breathe effectively through the nose. A red nose is the result of chronic inflamination of the nostrils, chronic indigestion. Nosebleed (epistaxis) is usually the result of violence. The Moon in the 6th house or Saturn in the 8th house or a combination of Mars, Saturn or Rahu in Taurus may give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral in 7 to 9 rattis.


Inability to withhold the flow of urine is known as dribbling. It is a sign of bladder trouble or kidney trouble. The signs Libra and Scorpio rule over the kidney and bladder. Venus governs kidneys, bladder and generative system. Mars governs the external sex organs. When any one of these two planets are afflicted in Libra or Scorpio, bladder troubles may arise. Use White Coral or Red Coral.


It is the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues. It is now associated with the disorders of the heart, bloodvessels or kidneys. Swollen ankles and a swollen abdomen are common symptoms of dropsy. Jupiter afflicted in Cancer or Pisces causes dropsy. Ketu heavily afflicted in Cancer or Pisces gives dropsy. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.


It is a kind of stomach disorder characterised by abdominal pain, belly-ache, diarrhoea, bloody-stools. mucusfilled stools, etc. it is called amebae (amebic dysentery ) and bacteria

(barcillary dysentery). It denotes irritation of bowels and pain in the stomach with Sequent bowel movements. Mercury plays an important role in causing this disease. Mars when coming into Cancer or Virgo causes this trouble. The 4th and 6th houses of the zodiac rule over our stomach. Any affliction of these two houses by malefics will give rise to this trouble. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.


The most common form of ear-trouble is the accumulation of wax in the ear w hich causes deafness, earache, ringing in the ear. The planet Saturn governs the ear and Mercury rules over ear nerves. The 3rd and 11th houses of the zodiac, i.e. Gemini and Aquarius govern our right and left ears, respectively. Of the five senses, Saturn governs hearing. When Mercury cr Saturn is afflicted in the 3rd or 11th house, the native may suffer from this disease. Mercury in the 6th and Venus in the 10th house cause deafness of right ear. Use Emerald and Red Coral.

Eczema .

It is a non-infectious skin disease characterised by inflammation, itching and scaliness. Its causes are foodallergy, exposure to toxic chemicals and mechanical irritants. Venus governs the skin and when she is afflicted in Libra, or Capricorn, the native suffers from this trouble. Jupiter in Capricorn may also give rise to eczema. Use White coral and Yellow Sapphire.


Bed wetting is called enuresis. It is the involuntary discharge of urine while sleeping. In children, the condition is due to psychological factors; it is often an unconscious attack against rejection and lack of tender loving care. The permanent cure lies in improving the parent-child relationship. Enuresis

in adults results from bladder trouble or damage to the part of the nervous system that controls bladder function. Use Red Coral and Emerald.


It is characterised by sudden disturbances of brain function. The patient frequently goes into violent fits or convulsions. It also results in temporary loss of consciousness. It is not a hereditary' disease. The chief causes of this are brain injury, diseases in other organs reacting upon the brain, emotional disturbances and alcoholic excesses. The sign Aries governs the brain. Mars controls the brain. Mercury the brain nerves and Moon the mind and mental structure. Any affliction of these planets in Aries by Rahu or Saturn may give rise to this trouble. Ketu in evil aspect to the Moon or Mercury in Aries gives rise to this trouble. Use Emerald and Moon Stone. Red Coral may be used if necessary.


It is a body temperature above normal body temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit (taken orally). Fever is a sign of disease accompanied by other signs, viz, a more rapid pulse, changes in breathing, a feeling of chill, nausea, diarrhoea and headache. In high fever, unconsciousness or delirium may take place. Fever may be of several types: malarial-fever, meningitis, typhoid, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, yellow fever, etc. Mars gives all fevers and inflammations in the body. Absence of red rays causes fever. Anyhow, red rays are required to be injected into the body. This can be done by the use of red cloth, red thread, or a copper ring. Use Red Coral.


The most common types of fistula are vesico-vaginal fistula between the bladder and the vagina, sometimes the result of childbirth injury, arteriovenous fistula, an abnormal

connection between an artery and a vein caused by either a congenital malformation or a wound to the artery, a salivary fistula through which saliva dribbles out on the cheek instead of going into the mouth. Mars is the main planet which causes this disease. Use Red Coral and Moonstone.


It arises due to the death of body tissue over an area large enough to be visible. When the circulation of blood to a part of the body is so damaged that the tissues can no longer get nourishment or dispose of their waste products, the result is gangrene. Dry gangrene occurs in older people. Saturn is the main planet which causes this trouble. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread and a copper ring.

Gastric ulcer

A peptic ulcer is a breach or erosion in the inner linings and, rarely, the entire wall of the stomach or the duodenum. A true stomach ulcer is called a gastric ulcer, the others are duodenal ulcers. From the standpoint of symptoms and treatment, they are pretty much alike. The causes of gastric ulcer are anxiety, worry, nervous tension, irregular eating, alcohol, spicy dishes, heavy pressures of work, etc. An excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach eats away sites of ulcer causing pain and other complications. Saturn or Ketu, if afflicted in Cancer or Virgo, causes gastric ulcer. The Sun or Ketu in the 5th house from the ascendant if afflicted by Mars gives rise to this trouble. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire on the middle and 3rd finger, respectively. Moonstone may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.


It is a serious disease of unknown cause, begins in the fluids encased in the eyeball. The pressure that these fluids exert against other parts of the eye increases, suddenly or

gradually. If this pressure is not relieved, it may take the eyeball hard, damage the retina and even destroy fibres of the optic, in this disease, glasses do no good. Women are more likely to suffer from glaucoma than men. The Sun and the Moon if afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house by Satum or Rahu, the native may suffer from this disease. Use Red Coral and WTiite Pearl.

Goiter (Hypertrophy)

Enlargement of the thyroid gland or excess growth of cells is commonly known as goiter. It is caused by deficiency of iodine in the food. Venus if afflicted in Taurus or in the 6th house causes this trouble. Use White Coral and Moonstone.


It is a venereal disease and is caused by a specific microbe, the gonococcus spread by illicit sexual intercourse. The only source of gonorrehal infection is discharge from lesions of the mucous membranes or lymph nodes of persons currently afflicted. The usual symptoms are burning and pain during urination, discomfort in the urinary region and the discharge of a few drops of pus from the open end of the penis. In women, the symptoms are yellowish vaginal discharge and a painful swelling or abscess of the glands at the mouth of the vulva. Mars in the 7th or 8th house if heavily afflicted by malefics causes this trouble. Use Red Coral in 9 rattis and Moonstone.

Gout or rheumatism

Gout is a form of arthritis which may affect both the joints and ankles making them suddenly painful, red and tender. It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to get rid of uric acid. The excess uric acid may crystallise in various parts of the body.

These chalky deposits called tophi can be found in the ear lobes, elbows, skin (about the finger nail) and in the cartilage inside joints. Preventing attacks require cutting down on food

and weight and avoiding protein foods that foster the formulation of uric acid. Jupiter in lagna and Satum in the 7th house cause gout. Satum is the main planet which causes gout. Satum in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius. Capricorn or Pisces causes this trouble. Satum in 1st, 5th, 7th, 12th house also causes gout. Mars in the 10th house afflicted by Satum may give this trouble. Conjunction of Satum and Rahu in the 2nd or 3rd produces gout. Use Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire.


It is probably the most commonest complaint which vexes us. The causes are numerous. Some are anxiety, injuries to the head or other parts of the body, epilepsy, liver troubles, kidney troubles, eye troubles, sinus infection, fever, etc. Eye trouble is a frequent cause of headache. Exertion or fatigue may also cause headache. The main planet is Mercury which controls the bram nerves.

Other planets are Mars and Saturn. The sign Aries governs our brain, head and forehead. Any affliction of this sign by malefics will give rise to this trouble. Use Emerald and Moonstone.

Heart diseases

There are at least 20 kinds of organic heart diseases that usually affect the heart muscles, the valves of the heart or its inner or outer lining. There are also a number of functional disorders of the heart. The most common type of heart diseases are high blood pressure (hypertension) and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis). A hear attack is usually a case of coronary thrombosis. Heart failure happens when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently to all parts of the body. Rheumatic fever is a kind of heart disease. The 4th house from the ascendant rules over our heart. The signs Cancer and Leo control over heart. The planets involved in causing

heart disease are the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Rahu. The Moon governs the heart, Mercury the nerves, Mars the blood and brain, the Sun the brain and heart. Any three planets in Leo or Aquarius if heavily afflicted will give heart trouble. The Sun in Cancer, Aquarius or Pisces causes heartache. The Moon in Gemini or Leo gives heart disease. When the lagna is in a watery sign and lord of the lagna occupies a dusthana, i.e. 6th, 8th, 12th position, the native gets heart attack. When the sign Leo or Aquarius and the 4th house from the ascendant are afflicted by Mars. Rahu or Saturn, the native gets heart trouble. Saturn governs breathing and if he afflicts the sign Leo or Aquarius the native gets heart trouble. Use Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire. Red Coral may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.


Inflammation of the liver is called hepatitis. This is a virus infection. Jupiter and Mercury are the main planets responsible for this trouble. Use Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. Moonstone may be used as an additional gem.


It is caused due to an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that closes the glottis-a breathing tube from the throat-at the moment of breathing in. Rahu in Taurus afflicted by malefics or the Sun in Cancer afflicted by Rahu may give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread.


The protrusion of a loop or part of the intestine through an abnormal hole in the abdominal wall is called hernia. Sometimes a loop of bowel protrudes into the scrotum. It is usually caused by weakness or absence of muscles, ligaments and other connecting tissue that should hold organs in their place. A most rare type is the protrusion of the stomach and

other parts of the upper abdomen into the lungs through a hole in the diaphragm muscle which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Venus is Scorpio or in the 6th house afflicted by Satum or Mars in Virgo receiving the evil rays of Satum may give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.

High blood pressure

Now-a-days high blood pressure takes away many valuable human lives. It is considered as the highest killer. It is consistent elevation of the pressure of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries and other blood vessels. It may be diagnosed when after repeated examinations, blood pressure measurements continue to stand above the normal range.

Astrologically the Sun and Mars rule over the heart. Jupiter governs our lungs. Satum and Mercury control over heart and brain nerves. The Moon governs the mind, mental structure, breast and chest. The signs Gemini, Cancer and Leo govern our lungs, chest and heart, respectively. It is said that any three planets if posited in Leo or Aquarius, the native will invariably suffer from serious type of heart troubles. Gemini has control over the lungs, respiratory system, bronchial tubes and nervous system. Malefics here in Gemini cause heart trouble, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, consumption, pleurisy and so on. Mars in Gemini gives bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia. Mercury in Gemini gives bronchitis and defects in the respiratory system. Satum in Gemini gives pneumonia, consumption, bronchitis and pleurisy. Jupiter in Gemini gives pleurisy, blood disorders and lung affliction.

Singly they are not so bad. But two or three malefics in Gemini would certainly cause serious health troubles like asthma, consumption, pleurisy, bronchitis, etc. Conjunction of the Moon and Ketu in Gemini is very dangerous as it gives asthma, hypertension, consumption, etc. Conjunction of the

Moon and Saturn is also a dangerous combination.

The 4th house from the ascendant also rules over our heart. Mars if afflicted in the 4th house by other malefics gives hypertension. Singly Mars is not very bad but when conjoined with Saturn or Rahu in the 4th house, it becomes virulent and causes serious types of hypertension. The lagna stands for self and body. Two or three malefics in the ascendant may cause hypertension. The 7th house also gives prolonged sickness as the planets posited in the 7th house directly aspect the lagna.

Therefore, malefics in the 7th house give heavy and long periods of sickness. The sign Cancer governs our chest and stomach. Malefics here give heart and stomach troubles. Satum in Cancer causes asthmatic complaints. Mars in Cancer gives gastric fever, typhoid, enteric fever and bilious complaints. Singly they are not so bad, but when conjoined with one or two other malefics, they usually become virulent and cause much trouble.

Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Cancer is very dangerous as this union damages the heart as well as stomach. The native would invariably suffer either from gastric ulcer or from hypertension. Conjunction of the Moon and Ketu in Cancer is also dangerous. Leo causes ailments through inharmonious living and generally disturbs the heart and blood. Usually it governs the heart. Satum in Leo causes organic weakness of the heart and Satum in Aries gives cerebral troubles. Mars in Leo gives palpitation of the heart and hypertension. Venus in Leo also causes heart troubles. Mercury in Leo gives palpitation and spasms of the heart. Rahu or Ketu in Leo also causes serious heart troubles.

Rahu in Aries gives spasmodic pains in the head and inflammation of the coverings and membranes of the brain. Singly they are not so bad, but conjoined with one or two

other malefics, they become virulent and would invariably damage the heart and cause hypertension. So the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, or Mars and Rahu in Leo would invariably give hypertension.

Thus two or three strong malefics in Gemini. Cancer, Leo or Aquarius directly aspect Leo and thus damage the heart and cause heart troubles. So two or three malefics in Aquarius is a sure indication of getting high blood pressure. Consult astrologer in this case.


This is the accumulation of fluids in the serotal sac causing it to swell. In infant and children, it usually goes away. In adults it can be treated by the simple operation of removing the accumulated fluid through a hollow needle. Hydroceles sometimes disappear and return. It is sometimes mistaken for a hemia or rupture and then diagnosis may become difficult. A hemia usually changes size with changes in body position but a hydrocele stays about the same size. The sign Scorpio rules over the sex organs. The 7th or 8th house from the ascendant governs our private parts. Malefics in the 8th or 2nd house or in Scorpio cause this trouble. Mars and Venus are the two planets which cause this trouble, if heavily afflicted by Rahu or Saturn. Use Red Coral and Moonstone.


It means frequent fits and faintings. It is one of the many forms of mental illness, commonly known as neurosis which includes shouting, wildly weeping and fainting. The three mental rules are the Moon. Mercury and Saturn. The signs Gemini. Virgo and Aquarius rule over our mind and mental structure. The 3rd and 9th houses from the ascendant govern our mind and mental structure. Even the simple association of Rahu or Saturn with the Moon or Mercury may give rise to this trouble. When the Moon occupies either signs of Saturn

or Capricorn or Aquarius, the native will suffer from hysteria. Use Red Coral and Moonstone.


It is the inability of the male to have an erection of the penis. It may be caused by nerve injuries, excessive indulgence in sexual activities in early life, or excessive alcoholic addiction. The 8th houses of the zodiac, i.e. Scorpio and the 7th house from the ascendant govern our private parts. Malefics in the 7th or 8th house from the ascendant may give rise to this trouble. Mars or Venus if afflicted by Saturn or Rahu can make a man impotent. Use Red and White Coral. Yellow Sapphire may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.


It is a virus disease affecting the respiratory, nervous and gastro-intestinal system. It is the first stage of pneumonia. If it causes brain inflammation, it will become fatal. The symptoms are headache, fatigue, severe pain in the body, drowsiness, chills and fever, a dry cough and painful eyes. It is purely a Mars disease. Mars coming in Cancer or Leo causes this trouble. It usually occurs during change of season, and especially during the winter months. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.


It is a mental disease. It is the exaggeration of personal behaviour to the point where it strikes other people as queer, old, abnormal or dangerous. It represents the individual’s failure to resolve emotional conflicts in his conscious mind and his unconscious choice of behaviour patterns that he feels will protect him. Mental illness is a reaction against and an escape from inner pain and conflict.

Temporary distortions of some mental faculties such as memory and power of concentration frequently occur. The causes are brain damage, stress and strain, anxiety and worry, etc. It arises when the Sun or the Moon in the 1 st, 5th, 9th houses of a birth-chart are afflicted by Saturn or Rahu. The Moon and Rahu in the 8th or 12th house afflicted by Mars may cause lunacy. Any affliction by Rahu or Saturn to the Moon or Mercury in any house will cause lunacy. Mercury in the 6th, 8th, 12th house if afflicted by Rahu or Satum may give rise to insanity. Use Emerald, Red Coral and Moonstone.


Jaundice was formerly defined simply as the condition brought about by staining of the skin, whites of the eyes and tissues with bile pigment. The modem conception regards excess of bile pigment in the circulating blood as the essential point, the staining of the tissues being secondary. Jaundice in the blood may disappear and yet the skin, whites of the eyes and tissues remain yellow for many days.

Astrologically, Jupiter is the chief karaka planet for jaundice. The 5th house of the Zodiac is Virgo and its ruler is Mercury. Mercury if afflicted by 2/3 malefics gives this trouble.

The 5th house from the ascendant rules over our stomach. Ketu is the planet of chaos and confusion. He gives all sorts of mysterious diseases. Ketu if posited in the 5th house and afflicted by 2/3 malefics confers this disease.

The sign Cancer also governs our stomach as it is a watery sign. Its ruler is the Moon. The Moon if afflicted by malefics in 4th, 5th, 7th causes this trouble. Mars or Satum if posited in Cancer causes liver troubles. If Rahu or Ketu is posited in the 7th, the native suffers from jaundice.

Many planets govern our stomach. The Sun controls the glands, Mercury the nerves, Jupiter the liner, Satum the spleen

and intestinal nerves. Mars the muscles of stomach and the Moon our stomach. But when compared with Saturn in strength, all other planets become feeble. Use Blue Sapphire (light) in 5 rattis in madhyama and Red Coral (7/8 rattis) on right arm will help.


Leprosy is an ancient and awesome disease. Rahu is the chief planet which causes this disease. Position of Rahu in 3rd, 6th, 12th house is enough to render the native liable for leprosy. It is said that Ketu also in similar positions is capable of manifesting this disease. The well-known kustha yoga is formed when the lord of lagna is conjoined with Mars and Mercury in the 4th or 12th houses. The kustha yoga is also formed when Jupiter occupies the 6th house along with Saturn and the Moon. If Venus and Mars are in the 7th, aspect by Ketu or Saturn, a virulent form of leprosy may appear. A person will contact leprosy in his 20th year if the Moon and Jupiter are in the 6th house. Use Gomedh and Red Coral jointly or Gomedh and White Coral.


Leucoderma is a chromic skin manifested as areas of depigmentation. Any portion of the skin or scalp may be involved. White patches, multiple or single, tend to increase in size and are more prominent because of their contrast with surrounding and normal skin. Spread is slow over many years. Causation is conjectural. It is not usually observed prior to puberty but children are also not exempt.

The condition is rarely associated with any general pathological change. There would appear to be no connexion with adrenal, pituitary or ovarian diseases.

The white patches are due to a chemical substance called •’Melanin”. It is found in various regions of the body, perhaps

most abundantly in the skin. Melanin is found in everybody’s skin. Where there is an excess of melanin in the skin, leucoderma appears. There is no disturbance of nutrition, sensation or function within either the hyper-pigmented or depigmented skin.

Astrologically, there are many planetary combinations which produce leucoderma to the native. If the combination of the Moon, Mars and Satum is placed in Aries or Taurus, the native may be attacked with leucoderma. If Satum is placed in the 12th house, Mars in the 2nd. the Moon in the ascendant and the Sun in the 7th, the native be attacked with this disease. The lord of the ascendant or the Moon and Mars if afflicted by Rahu or Ketu produce leucoderma. Combination of the lord of the ascendant, the Moon and Mercury if afflicted by Rahu or Ketu may give leucoderma. Venus governs our skin and facial beauty. Venus if posited in the ascendant makes the native beautiful, good looking, fair complexioned, etc.

Venus if debilitated or afflicted by malefics in a watery sign or posited in her enemy’s sign, gives leucoderma. This gives severe affliction. Some astrologers opine that Mercury also rules over our skin. He gives all sorts of skin diseases. Mercury if posited in his enemy’s sign or debilitated and afflicted by 2/3 malefics may cause leucoderma. The Moon and Venus if conjoined in a watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) may give leucoderma.

In such cases, the native is required to wear two stones, viz., 1. Diamond !4 of a ratti and 2. Emerald in 4 rattis on madhyama. Light Blue Sapphire can also be used.


Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease. The characteristic symptoms of malaria are shivering, chills, high fever and profuse sweating, often accompanied by headache, nausea, mental confusion and extreme thirst. The attacks are periodic.

The attacks may come daily, every other day or at intervals of four days. Because the parasite attacks the red blood cells. Anemia and enlargement of the spleen are common consequences. The anopheles mosquito is the main carrier of this disease. The treatment of malaria depended for centuries on the quinine contained in the bark of certain trees. Atabrine, quinacrinc, primaquine, chloroquine are widely used as remedy for malarial fever. Mars in Leo causes malaria. Mercury in Leo afflicted by Satum also causes the same disease. Use Red Coral and Moonstone.


It is a childhood disease which is also infectious. It is one of the most contagious diseases known. It is of greatest risk to children between 6 months to 5 years of age. It is said measles catches from measles; that is from exposure to the oral or nasal discharge of an individual who has the disease. The incubation period of measles is from 7 to 14 days. The usual symptoms are the nose runs, the eyes turn red and watery, a hard dry cough with fever. Pneumonia, bronchitis and ear abscesses often come just after the rash appears in most cases. Mars is the main planet which causes this disease. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread and a copper ring.

Menstrual disorders

Menstruation normally occurs every 28 days counted from the first day of the menstrual flow. A truly missed period may indicate pregnancy, but it is always not so. The cycle may be upset by disease or physical shock or emotional excitement. The Moon is the main planet which governs the uterus, ovary, and fallopian tubes.

Mars is responsible for starting the flow by causing breakage of the uterine tissue but the actual flow and its duration is controlled by the Moon. The Sun comes next when the conception takes place. Generally the onset of the menses

occurs when Mars during transit aspects the Moon-sign which is quite enough to excite the flow. Both delivery of the child and menstrual flow are controlled by the Moon. The moon is all-in-all in a female horoscope. She governs the breasts, stomach, mind, mental structure, reproductive and sex organs, marriage relationship, conjugal happiness and child's health. So a single gem, White Pearl in 10/12 rattis, is sufficient to give sound health. In case of profuse bleeding, use Red Coral, as an additional gem.

Mental illness

Mental illness means temporary distortions of mental faculties such as memory and power of concentration. It docs not mean real and permanent deterioration of the intellect. Mental illness is not mental deficiency but temporary dislocation of menial faculties and losing one’s grip. Many people who suffer from mental illness are far above normal in intelligence. The Moon. Mercury and Satum are the three main rulers. The 3rd and 9th houses from the ascendant are the mental signs. The signs Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius also rule over our mind and mental structure. Any affliction of these signs and houses by malefics will give rise to mental disturbances. Even simple association of Satum or Rahu with the Moon causes mental ailments. When Mars afflicts the Sun or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, the native will invariably suffer from lunacy. Use Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire. Red Coral may be required in acute cases.


It is loss of muscle function usually due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles. The impairment of function may be minor or extreme; temporary or permanent. It is usually caused by a stroke, polio, paralysis, muscular distrophy, etc. Here the chief planets are Mercury who governs the nerves and Satum, which causes paralysis.

The gems to be used are Red Coral and Emerald. Moonstone may be used as an additional gem.


Haemorrhoids or piles are swollen or varicose veins situated just inside or outside or across the walls of the anus. The presence of bleeding piles is usually observed just after a bowel movement. It sometimes accompanied by an itching sensation around the anus. Its causes are numerous-constipation, over-weight, sedentary’ living habits and liver troubles. The 7th and 8th house from the ascendant govern sexual parts anus, rectum. The sign Scorpio controls our anus and rectum. Malefics in the 7th and 8th. if heavily afflicted, give piles. Mars in the 8th gives bleeding piles. Satum or Rahu in the 8th gives blind piles, Ketu in the 12th gives bleeding piles. Use Red or White coral along with Moonstone.


Pleurisy is caused by inflammation and infection of the pleura, the membrane enveloping the lungs and lining the chest cavity. It is a primary complication of tuberculosis. It may arise suddenly and linger on for a long time. The usual symptoms are sharp pains in the lungs followed by chills, fever, dry cough and difficult breathing. The signs Gemini and Leo govern our lungs. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini or Leo afflicted by Satum or Rahu give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire. Emerald may be used at night.


Inflammation of the lungs is known as pneumonia. If both the lungs are involved, it is called double pneumonia. It appears specially in the winter months and any change ol weather causes this trouble. The usual symptoms are shivering chills, high and rising fever, sharp pains in the chest, a painful

cough and bloodflecked sputum. The Sun, Jupiter or Mars during transit when coming in Gemini, Leo or Aquarius if afflicted by malefics may give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire. White Coral may be used as an additional gem if necessary.


It is a virus disease and is also called variola. The usual symptoms are high fever, pain, presence of small pits or pockmarks on the skin, particularly on the face. The incubation period for smallpox is from 2 to 3 weeks after exposure. It is a Mars disease. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread and a copper ring.


This is a venereal disease and is also called bad blood. This is caused by sexual intercourse with a syphilitic person. It is spread by direct contact with infected people. It is a very dangerous disease. The 7th or 8th house from the ascendant governs our private parts. Mars and Venus if heavily afflicted in any one of these houses may give rise to this trouble. Use Red and White Coral.


It is commonly known as consumption, phthisis, white plague. It is an infectious disease caused by the tubercular bacillus. Once the tubercle bacillus enters the body, it may settle in any part bones, joints, bladder, spine, lungs, kidneys and glands. But in most cases, the affected parts are the lungs. Surgery is essential in this disease in order to remove the affected part. The Moon. Satum or Jupiter in Leo, Gemini or Aquarius heavily afflicted by Mars or Ketu may give rise to this trouble. Use Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire. White Pearl may be used as an additional gem in acute cases.

Typhoid fever

It is an enteric or intestinal fever. The common sites of attack are the spleen and bowels. The usual symptoms are high fever, splitting headache, rose-red splotches on the skin, extreme prostration, bloody stools, diarrhoea and dysentery. But the main symptom is acute diarrhoea with fever. Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are responsible for causing this trouble. Mars or Jupiter when comes in Cancer or Virgo if heavily afflicted by Mercury or Ketu may give rise to this trouble. Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire and Moonstone.

Whooping cough

It is a serious childhood disease. The infecting microbe is a bacillus. The source of infection is discharge of other infected children. The incubation period is normally one week but unfortunately this disease can linger on upto two months. Use Red Coral, red cloth, red thread and a copper ring.

As age advances, spontaneous deterioration of all parts of the body mechanism will occur. Gems can provide permanent recovery and may keep everybody young.

Gems are generally used as a second line of defence against any disease.

During the winter months, most old people suffer from respiratory trouble. The force of the heart is gradually diminished, with the result that it pumps less blood with each beat. Bronchial and pulmonary infections are a common cause of death in elderly people.

However, pulmonary tuberculosis has been brought under control. Autopsy and chronic bronchitis are still taking away many lives.

Chronic bronchitis kills more old people than pulmonary tuberculosis, lobar pneumonia, etc. This is more common in males than in females. The heart is under the control of several

planets. The most important ones are the Sun, Moon. Mars, Jupiter, Satum and Mercury.

Combined use of Red Coral, Emerald and White Pearl will be found useful here. Sometimes Blue Sapphire is also required.


In old age, kidneys become weak and the formation of urine is somewhat less. Frequency of micturition, especially at night, may be due to hypersensitiveness of the urinary bladder or prostrate enlargement in the case of males.

There may be occasional dribbling, i.e. inability to withold the flow of urine. It is a sign of bladder trouble. Bladder trouble is usually indicated by abnormalities in passing urine, especially frequency, urgency and pain.

Infection and inflammation of the bladder are generally associated with infection in other parts of the urinary system. Two planets. Mars and Venus, generally govern the kidneys and the urinary system. Combined use of Red Coral, White Coral (both 4 rattis) and Blue Sapphire in 3 rattis will be of great help to the victim.

Muscular system

Due to loss of weight, the efficiency of the skeletal muscles gradually diminishes after 50 years. The efficiency of the voluntary as well as involuntary muscles also is gradually diminished as age advances. Astrologically. Mercury controls and governs the entire nervous system. Satum also plays an important role in ruling over the nervous system. Mars governs the muscles in our body. So in old age, combined use of Red Coral in 4 rattis on anamika. Emerald in 5 rattis on madhyama and Blue Sapphire in 3 rattis on kanista would give wonderful results.

Older people also suffer from partial deafness or loss of hearing. The most common form of ear trouble is the

accumulation of wax in the ear which causes burning, pain and deafness.

Saturn governs the ear and the Blue Sapphire may be used to remove deafness.

Blue Sapphire should be used along with Red Coral.

Diseases and gems in nctshell


Kalkelu (Neelam), Blue Sapphire.

Amethyst plus White Sapphire.

Allergies Anaemia Appendicitis Arthritis Asthma

Cat’s Eye, Gomed, Chrysoberyl

Yellow Sapphire plus Red Coral

Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire

Red Coral + Labradorite

(i) Chrysobery l (ii) Emerald in gold plus Yellow Sapphire plus Moonstone in silver (iii) White Pearl

Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Blood circulation Bladder Ailments

Body Pains

Brain Tumours Bronchitis

Garnet. Ruby, Blue Sapphire, Ruby. Emerald

Heart and indigestion. Ruby, Garnet

Red Coral (A/oonga) and Yellow Sapphire

Garnet, Blue Sapphire

(i) Gomedand Emerald (ii) Emerald

Emerald in copper or Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire

Breast Cancer

Gomed and Emerald, Red Coral in copper plus Emerald and Blue Sapphire


Cold, Sinus



Depressive Psychosis


Gomed in copper plus Cat’s Eye


Cat’s Eye, Kidney Stone (Dana farang)

Blue Sapphire

Emerald and Moonstone

White coral, White Sapphire. Emerald

Dyspepsia Dental problem



Red Coral, Lapis Lazuli

Emerald, Yellow Sapphire and Pearl or

Moonstone in silver

Erythroblastosis Foetails

(Rh Group Incompatibility) Emerald

Eyesight ailments

Eczema Fantasies





White Coral plus Yellow Sapphire


Pearl, Cat’s Eye


Emerald in gold plus Blue Sapphire preferably in punchadhatu ( metals)

Giddiness Gout Haemorrhage Heart ailments

Pearl, Quartz


Cat’s Eye

Blue Sapphire, Turquoise, Ruby or

Emerald or Diamond

Headaches Hernia Hyperacidity Hysteria

Blue Sapphire, Turquoise, Jade

Red Coral in copper plus Yellow Sapphire

In gold Emerald

i) Amethyst and topaz

ii) Red Coral plus Yellow Sapphire (S rattis each in gold). In acute cases additional Moonstone 6 rattis in silver

Headaches, wind acidity


Infections, General






Sapphire, Emerald plus Yellow Sapphire Moonstone or Emerald or Yellow Sapphire.


Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire in gold. Amethyst

Jaundice, liver disorder Yellow Sapphire

Kidney ailment

(i) Jade (ii) Red Coral in copper plus Yellow Sapphire in gold (iii) Emerald or rock crystal


Leprosy (Initial stage) Menstrual Disorders

Mental ailments


Nervous disorder

Osteosclerosis otitis media



Ruby (in copper)

Amethyst and White Pearl or Moonstone

Pearl or Moonstone. Topaz (golden)

Topaz and Pearl

Emerald, Peridot, Jade

Ruby in gold

(i) Amethyst (ii) Emerald plus blue Sapphire (iii) Red Coral and Emerald in gold


Pleurisy Pyorrhoea Sinus Schizophrenia Septicemia

Skin diseases Spondylitis Stomach ulcers or Stomach disorders Stomatitis Tuberculosis Throat infections

Vatha Vertigo Urinary disorder

Gomed Wariam stone + Pearl


Gomed in silver or white metal

Coral in copper or gold

Emerald (psychological disorders)

Quartz (Blood Poisoning) Cat’s Eye, Coral, gomeda Labradorite

Moonstone or Pearl Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Emerald


Cora' and Blue Sapphire in Gold

(i) Quartz (ii) yellow Sapphire

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Pearl. Diamond. Emerald. Red Coral. Topaz




Q^udraksfi beads

Rudrakshas have not only medicinal use, they have religious value. They have been created by none else than Lord Shiva. As the name suggests Rudra stands for the Lord and akshya means eyes. Rudraksha is a tree which bears fruits of various colours-red, black and mixed. The trees are generally found in Nepal. Malaysia and the countries of north Asia. The trees are of medium or dwarf size and the fruit is called ’Rudraksh’. Rudraksh is found to be similar to walnut shell. When the cover is broken or cut. Rudraksh is found inside. After the fruits dry up. they develop strips all around their masses. These have one and more faces. Faces are natural lines found across Rudraksh. Every Rudraksh has a specific purpose.

Our religious books have mentioned the immense importance of the fruit. Garlands made of Rudrakshas are supposed to be highly auspicious and sacred.

Rudrakshas are bome with various mouths—varying from one mouth to 14 mouths. When two Rudrakshas get attached to each other, that is called Gouri-Shankar, i.e. Lord Shiva and Parvati joined. That is a rare phenomenon.

A bead is the right instrument for offering prayers to God. The bead of the holy Rudraksha is suitable for the purpose.

Importance of Rudraksh

This rosary is very auspicious and takes the wearer close to the Almighty. According to Hindu mythology, the use of

Rudraksha rosary means that Lord Shiva would give his choicest blessings upon the wearer. It has significant effect on our body, mind and soul and can be used for propitiation of advice on planetary configurations.

It is said that once there was a daitya named Tripurasur who was unconquerable. Brahma. Vishnu, and other deities were tired of him as they were being harassed by him. Finally they approached Lord Shiva and requested him to help them to get rid of him. Lord Shiva thought of using a special fireweapon named Aghor. This weapon destroyed everything. It is believed that it was like an atom explosion. Lord Shiva used that weapon to destroy Tripurasur. During the use of this weapon, Lord Shiva could not open his eyes and when he opened them they became watery, and a few drops of water dropped on earth. These drops later appeared in the shape of trees and the fruits of 38 types appeared which are now called Rudrakshas. Lord Shiva is known as Rudra and his tears are named Ashak. Hence the name Rudrakshas. Of these Rudraksha. 12 types have been assigned to Sun. 10 to five and 16 to Moon.

Various faces

It is believed that the smaller the size of Rudrakshas, the more auspicious is it.

One-faced Rudraksha is rare and is considered to be Lord Shiva himself. On this, the figures of Shiva Linga, Serpent, Om, trishul and other auspicious marks are not found. The use of this Rudraksha around the neck blesses the wearer with authority, wealth and comforts and luxuries of life. The sadhaka will have darshan of his deity. It bestows supernatural powers and enables him to do good deeds and attain salvation It is good for heart ailments also.

The two-faced Rudraksha beads are believed to be of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Its use blesses the wearer with the blessings

of both deities. For Shiva bhakti this is termed the best. To end tamsic habits this is greatly beneficial. The use of this is also good for concentration and peace of mind and upliftment of spiritual nature. Pregnant ladies should wear it around their waist or arm for the successful birth of a child. One Rudraksha may be kept under the pillow. It is also very useful for vashikaran to attract someone to your fold. The sins of the wearer are condoned by wearing this.

The three-faced Rudraksha keeps one free from all types of bad luck. Its use is best for wealth and education. A fever is cured by its use after three days. Persons born in Aries. Leo and Saggitarius ascendants must wear this. The wearer becomes fiery as fire.

The four-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Brahma. Its use blesses a person with wealth and good health. One becomes spiritual and achieves the goal in life. Its use increases the intellect and power of speech. This is also used in Vashi Karan Akarshan (attraction) and for sexual purpose. If one boils it in milk and takes the milk for 20 days, it stimulates the mind and removes worries.

The five-faced Rudraksha is believed to be more auspicious and is ascribed to Panch Brahma, and the use of same leads to the blessings of Lord Shiva. It indicates Moksha and fulfillment of all desires and keeps the wearer away from diseases. To remove constipation, one should place one bead on the umbilical and should count up to 108 and then again count 108 in reverse manner for 21 days and keep the bead in a temple. It is known as Sarv Kalyankari and Mangal Data.

The six-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Kartika, son of Lord Shiva and he is supposed to exist in those fruits. The male should use it on the right arm. Its use blesses the wearer with all comforts of life. It is specially useful to attain siddhi (supernatural powers) and success in business. It is also useful

for curing hysteria, epileptic fits and other diseases that afflict ladies. The seven-faced Rudraksha is termed as Aanat and its lords are Sapta Rishis. Its use blesses the native with sex power, respect, wealth and spiritual power.

The eight-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Ganesha. It blesses all comforts of life and removes sins arising from having illicit relations with women.

The nine-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Bhairon, Yam and Kapil Muni. It should be used on the left arm during Navaratras for getting blessing from Durga. The wearer enjoys wealth and family comforts, children’s welfare and fulfillment of all hopes.

The ten-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Lord Vishnu himself The user is protected from the malefic influence of all planets, evil effects of souls and becomes bold. In tantrik rites, it carries special importance. The person who wears it is safe from all tantrik attacks, and Akai Mritiyu.

The eleven-faced bead is ascribed to Lord Indra. It is believed to be highly powerful, possessing eleven strengths of eleven deities. It should be kept in the house at the place of puja and in the cash box. It is specially useful for ladies, as it blesses them with a husband whose lifespan is long and one who is progressive and wealthy. It is said that after purification, if a lady wears it, she is surely blessed with a son.

The twelve-faced Rudraksha is ascribed to Lord Vishnu. If wom in the ears, all disorders are quelled. Its wear and use indicates comforts, employment and blessings of all the deities. The fear of thieves and fire and other obstacles is removed. It is the best to absolve sins and is called Adirya Rudraksha. Its rosary consists of 32 beads, which is equal to the number of teeth.

The thirteen-faced Rudraksha. if available and used, is very auspicious. It is ascribed to Vishva Devas. The user gains

Moksha, fulfils all his desires, ambitions and is endowed with good health, wealth, property and comforts of life. It gives many types of siddhis and one can attract anybody.

The fourteen-faced Rudraksha is very rare and is ascribed to Lord Shiva himself. It cures diseases, bestows all comforts of life and a high position, status and better luck in politics. If boiled in milk and drunk for 20 days, the man gets relief from all worries. It also removes evil effects of Satum. and ensures victory over enemies. It should be worn on the head.


A Famous Stories of Akbar & Birbal

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  • • Prophecies of Nostradamus (Events to come after 1991)

  • • Dictionary of Dreams

  • • The Original Book of Cherio on zodiacal Influence


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The first reference of gemstones is found in the oldest book ever written - Rig Veda. Later a number of books like Brihat Samhita, Bhave Prakash, Rasa Ratna Samuchcha wise written on the subject which threw new light on their value. Puranas also speak of them.

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