Space Clearing - Denise Linn 2000

Space Clearing - Denise Linn 2000


very space has energy. Your home is not only a composite of materials assembled for shelter. Every cubic centimeter of it, whether solid or seemingly empty space, is composed of infinite energy. When you enter a space that makes you immediately feei light or uplifted, or walk into a room where the atmosphere eaves you feeling depleted and drained, you are responding to the energy of the environment. If you notice tension and heaviness in a room after an argument has taken place, you are experiencing a residual energy that can linger in a room long after the argument has ended.

Sometimes energy in a home or office can become stagnant and dull. When this is the case, you may feel tired and listless, or become agitated and angry. However, learning a few simple techniques to cleanse the energy of your home can produce a remarkable and positive influence on the way you fee!, and on every aspect of your life.

For the last 30 years, I have practiced the art of cleansing and harmonizing home energy, a skill which I named "Space Clearing;" some people call it "home healing," "smudging" or "home harmonizing." No matter what name is used, present-day Space Clearing techniques have their source in ancent techniques practiced throughout human history. The methods and tools have varied from one culture to another, out the intent has been the same - to create greater harmony and balance.

Native Americans used drums, rattles and burning herbs in their rituals, while the Chinese used gongs, chanting, and incense. In medieval Europe, salt and prayers cleared energy, and in the Middle East smoldering resins such as frankincense and myrrh were used to invite blessings into a home.

These forgotten ceremonies that brought vitality to human structures generations ago are once again being used to instill peace and equilibrium in today's homes and businesses. Many people are finding that these ancient rituals can be adapted very successfully for modern day use, and most important, they are discovering that they work.

Traditional western businesses are hiring professional Space Ciearers because they have found that doing so increases their sales and productivity. Some of the largest real estate firms are now using the services of Space Ciearers in order to dramatically accelerate property sales. Land management corporations are employing Space Ciearers to perform blessings on and before they build housing developments. People who had never hearo of Space Clearing a year ago are now ringing bells, burning sage, and chanting mantras because they have found that their homes feei better as a result.

Space Clearing can have an enormous imoact on every aspect of your fe. When you call for blessings and assistance from the unseen realm of Spirit, untold magic and joy can fill your heart so that your house becomes a home *or your soul.




Rebirth of an Ancient


he shaman slowly reaches forward to light the incense. As smoke fills the air, he begins a sonorous chant. The rising and falling of his voice seems to undulate throughout the room. Wave after wave of low humming tones flow from him, resonating into every niche and corner of the space.

The soft beating of a drum accompanies his chant as he stands to face each of the four directions, asking for blessings for the home and all its occupants. In each direction he prays to the Creator for good health, prosperity, and love for all. The smoke settles. The drumming subsides. Everyone smiles. Good fortune will reign in this home.

For thousands of years, in ancient civilizations and native cultures throughout the world, sacred ceremonies have been performed to instill beneficial energy into living spaces. Although many of these traditions have withered in the climate of a technological world, arising from the deep wisdom of the earth comes the rebirth of Space Clearing. Forgotten ceremonies that once brought vitality to human structures generations ago are now being used to establish or bring peace and equilibrium in today's homes and businesses with remarkable results. Homes that felt sluggish or depressing become vibrant and uplifting after a Space Clearing. Stores and offices that have been cleared often report an increase in sales and morale. A room that is cleansed feels at once lighter and brighter - and even people not sensitive to energy remark how great they feel.

Space Clearing today can provide keys to inviting the natural world into our homes. It can reveal the

spiritual possibilities lying dormant in our surroundings, dispel negative energy, and call Spirit and love into our homes and businesses. A home that has been purified not only feels better but sometimes, in seemly mystical ways, health improves, relationships deepen and prosperity expands. Ancient people understood the power of cleansing and blessing their homes and living structures, and this is why Space Clearing was such an important part of their everyday life.

The journey to understanding Space Clearing (and learning how it can make a difference in your home) lies in the realm of energy. Our homes are not just inanimate physical structures. They are receptacles for vibrating unseen energy fields which respond to human thought and intention. In this book I have sought to unravel some of the mysteries of energy and Space Clearing to show you how, when it has been cleared, the house becomes an environment of spiritual revival and inner poise.

When Space Clearing is needed

Space Clearing can be done at any time, yet there are particular moments when it is especially important to clear and bless your environment. The type of clearing that you do will depend on the history of the space and what has occurred there. For example, after a sickness or death of a loved one, the energy of a home often becomes sluggish and heavy, or yin in nature. To dispel the listless energy and restore balance in the area, clearing techniques that are vibrant and quick moving are required - these are yang in nature. Drums and gongs are excellent tools to use in such a case. On the other hand, if the energy of your space feels

agitated, the use of yin techniques and tools, such as a softly chanted mantra or a crystal singing bowl, can smooth and soothe the energy to create tranquillity and calm.

Before construction of a new home

In ancient traditions, it was considered a sacrilege to begin the construction of a building before clearing and consecrating the land. Anecdotal evidence supports the validity of this belief, as homes built on battle sites or hallowed ground have often been plagued with continuous problems. Simply taking the time to connect and communicate with the earth, clearing the land of residual energy and offering blessings can make an enormous difference in the fortunes of all the occupants of a home. Blessings for the land forge a symbolic link between the house and the life-giving earth it rests upon. The occupants of the home will reap the benefits of living in this location.

Before moving into a home

In many cultures it was unthinkable to move into a home before it had been Space Cleared and blessed. Homes which have not been freed of energies sometimes continue to foster patterns of behavior related to the fortunes of the previous occupants.

For example, it is not uncommon for a business to go bankrupt in a building that has seen a previous bankruptcy. Although this may be attributed to a bad location, it is more likely that the negative energy generated by the previous misfortune creates a template for failure. Even if the previous homeowners were healthy, prosperous and happy, it is still wise to clear the space so you are free to create your own traditions and space in your new home or business. You will then be surrounded by your own energy rather than someone else's.

After misfortune

A+ter illness, divorce, death or misfortune, it is absolutely essential that you Space Clear your home. Doing this facilitates a timely release of pain, suffering, sorrow, and discomfort, so that you can begin anew. It will literally help to "clear the air" of stagnant, unhealthy, negative, or unhappy energy. You should also Space Clear your home after arguments, home accidents or the departure of an unpleasant visitor.

Any time you need a lift

Space Clearing is also effective any time you need a lift in life. Have you been feeling sluggish or lackluster? If so, this would be an excellent time to perform a Space Clearing ceremony. Although a complete clearing involves an entire home or office, even the simple act of lighting a candle, misting a room or ringing a bell will have a positive effect on how you feel, if it is done with the intent of transforming the energy in your environment. You may want to do a light Space Clearing every morning to start your day with crisp, clear energy. Simply walk

ing around each major room in your home ringing a bell, lighting incense at an altar, or wafting the smoke of burning sage with a feather in the morning hours can set a template of clarity for the rest of the day.

Before a celebration or rite of passage

Space Clearing before bringing a new baby home, the arrival of an honored guest, or a rite of passage such as a marriage ceremony in the home, sets a template of clarity and light. It creates a perfect environment for generating fresh new beginnings.

The best times to Space Ciear

Annual spring clearing

At least once a year, it is valuable to cleanse and purify the energy of your home. This will "set" the energy for the coming year. Ideally this complete clearing is done either at the winter solstice or in very early spring. Both times are auspicious for new beginnings. In the springtime, as new life abounds, clarify your goals and dreams for that coming year and then thoroughly purify your home and office top to bottom to create a powerful template for the coming year. Your Space Clearing ritual creates an energy that will continue to feed and nourish your home for the coming year.

The most auspicious time of day

Space Clearing can be done at any time of day or night; however, the early morning hours (especially after a waxing full moon the night before) offer the freshest and most potent energy. Opening windows and allowing morning sunshine to stream in during a clearing can invite beneficial vibrant energy into a dwelling. In Eastern European traditions, Space Clearings are often done at night during the dark of the moon. In these countries it is believed that disturbing or negative home energy is at an ebb at that time, so in theory it is easier to set a new energy in place.






hen you cleanse and purify the energy in your home, it is transformed into a sanctuary - a retreat from the discord of the world, a place of refuge and protection. It becomes an anchoring point from which you

venture out into the world and a welcoming abode for your return. A home that has been cleansed and blessed becomes somewhere you feel safe enough to be yourself, a place to embrace your joy

and explore your pain. Space Clearing can turn every part of your home into a sanctuary of sacred space that nurtures the soul.

There are four steps in Space Clearing: Preparation, Purification, Invocation, and Preservation. Each step, taken with care and love, can contribute to bringing balance into your home and creating a powerful integration of your outer and inner life. The ceremonies and tools described later in this book can be adapted to these steps.

Step 1 Preparation

The success of any journey depends on the care and attention given to preparations made at its outset. There is immense power in beginnings for as the seed is nurtured, so grows the tree. Taking the time to prepare yourself, your tools and the space you are clearing will dictate how powerful the transformation will be.


The strength of your Space Clearing depends on your ability to intuitively sense energy, clarify your intention, and project your will into a space.

Developing your Space Clearing intuition

Your intuition is the key that will open the door into the revealing world of energy in your home or business. One way to develop your intuition is to spend time being absolutely still in nature. Only

when you learn to silence your thoughts can your inner voices be heard, and this is easier in a natural environment. All Space Clearing has its roots in shamanism, and shamanism has its basis in a deep attunement to the natural cycles of nature. So to develop your intuition, spend time out of doors. Lie down on the earth. Feel her energy radiate through your body. Look up to the heavens. Watch the clouds as they form and make new shapes above you. Notice any signs or messages in what you see. Doing this exercise helps you to develop your intuition for perceiving the hidden messages you will find inside houses and offices.

Sensing energy

One of the skills necessary for Space Clearing is the ability to sense energy fields. When you have developed this awareness, you will be able to sense when energy is out of balance in a room and what

changes must be made in order to restore harmony. To develop this skill, walk around the periphery of a space very slowly with one hand extended. Notice places where you feel a difference - your arm may feel heavy or light, warm or cold. There may be places that seem to feel sticky and others that feel smooth. This is not your imagination. You are sensing energy. The secret is to slow down, still your mind, and trust what you are perceiving.

Clarifying your intention

Where intention goes, energy flows. Before you begin any Space Clearing it is essential that you become very certain about what you hope to accomplish in a dwelling. The clarity and vigor of your intention will determine the direction and focus of the clearing. If your intention is to create a calming energy, this is what will occur. If you resolve that your Space Clearing will bring a dynamic vitality to a household that has been stagnant, then this will be the outcome.

Projecting your will

The more chi (inner energy) that you have, the more powerful your Space Clearing will be. When your chi is flowing, you can project your intention into a space magnificently and gracefully. To develop your chi you might consider practicing meditation or taking tai chi or yoga classes. An exercise to activate this unseen, yet very real, inner life force is to imagine that you have a ball of energy in your hands. Slowly move this energy ball around. After a while you should feel an increasing sensation in your palms. This is your chi increasing. Then, to

project your will into a space, imagine that your body is a sacred vessel and that vast loving energies of the universe are pouring through your hands into your home.

Protecting yourself

There is a mystical dimension within each of us wherein dwells the entire universe. It is a domain where you are not separate from the mountains, clouds or great seas. Ancient sages and visionaries have spoken of this dimension with awe and reverence. On a very deep level, there is nothing that is separate from you, so there is no need to protect yourself because everything is "you." It is not uncommon to enter this state when Space Clearing, in which case you do not need protection.

However, as it is not always possible to maintain this feeling of unity and oneness with the space around you, you may want to imagine yourself surrounded by a golden sphere of sacred space. This will provide you with a personal protective shield while you are working. You may also want to wear a religious or spiritual amulet while you work, or perhaps put a small amount of salt in your pockets - this is grounding and offers you protection while you work.

Cleansing yourself

Before you purify and bless a dwelling, it is essential that you cleanse yourself. If possible, bathe or shower, and wash your hair. If you can't wash your hair, then at least stroke water over the top of your head. Traditionally, cleansing of the top of the head allows for an unclouded connection between you

and Spirit. Your clothes should be clean, carefully chosen, and appropriate for the occasion (not casual, everyday clothes). For beginners, pastel clear shades or even white are often best because of the reflective nature of light colors.

Your state of mind

It is important when you do any Space Clearing that you feel mentally and emotionally balanced. If you feel any apprehension or fear about it, you should postpone your clearing until you feel confident and relaxed. If you are pregnant or menstruating, you need to tune in to yourself to see if your energy is right for a Space Clearing. A woman's moon time and pregnancy are times when her energy naturally turns inward. When doing Space Clearing you need to project energy outward. The Space Clearing techniques described in this book are completely safe for everyday use in your home. However, you should not attempt advanced techniques, such as the release of an earthbound spirit, without the assistance of a qualified professional.


The tools that you use for Space Clearing are only a vehicle for your intention and prayers. By themselves, they cannot sanctify a home. Your bell, drum, or gong serves only as a focal point for you to direct energy into a space.

Choosing a Space Clearing tool

Choosing a tool for Space Clearing is very personal. One individual might fall in love with the frame

drum and find that every time they hear its sound, they can sense energy more perceptively. Someone else might find that burning incense resins, such as frankincense and myrrh, creates a powerful shift of consciousness in a space. The best Space Clearing tool is the one to which you feel most attracted. How much you pay for it or where it came from does not matter as much as your love for it. A tool that is loved will be a powerful ally in your quest to bring harmony into living spaces.

Empowering your Space Clearing tools

To empower your Space Clearing tool, hold it close to your body and visualize it becoming an extension of your body and soul. When you and your Space Clearing instruments are thus attuned to each other, a special kind of alchemy is created which will strengthen every Space Clearing ceremony that you perform.

Giving your Space Clearing tool a name further facilitates its effectiveness. Naming is a powerful and magical act. In ancient cultures an instrument used for ceremonies was always revered and named. Words structure reality and whenever you name something you develop a much more intimate connection with it. Mentally addressing your Space Clearing tool by its name, before you use it, will automatically call forth stronger, more resonant energy.

Cleansing your Space Clearing tools

Before and after Space Clearing, cleanse all the objects that you use. For example, if you use quartz crystals, place them in the sun, or run clear cold


water over them so they are purified. A drum, bell or feather can be held in the smoke, over smoldering sage leaves or cedar needles, for cleansing. Shake out altar cloths and wash incense burners. Then place your Space Clearing things somewhere special where they will stay clean. This is important because it keeps a freshness and vitality around them.


The most powerful Space Clearing occurs in a place that has been physically cleaned and cleared of clutter. Clutter clearing is modern day alchemy. It is one of the fastest ways to transform your life and shift energy in a space. Clutter is any accumulation of things that impede the flow of energy in your home. Anything that you don't use or love can be considered clutter. As a suggestion, before any major Space Clearing of your home, go through each room removing as much clutter as possible. Get rid of piles of magazines you will never read. Transplant or throw away plants that are dying or dead. Repair or throw out anything that has been broken for a long time or has parts missing. In addition, do a thorough cleaning. Vacuum the rugs, mop the floors, wash the windows. Open the windows wide to allow sunshine and fresh air to fill your home. All this will contribute to making the Space Clearing more potent.


Preparation on the day

  • 1 On the morn ng of your c ear ng mec tare for 12 minutes on the task before you. To do th s, st quietly I ose yoiAt eyes and visua ze your home space as being joyous, sh mmen ng, and ght.

  • 2 Dr nk o enty of water, preferaby spring water rather than from the tap. It is vita that you are properly hydrated before, dur ng, and after the Scare Gear ng The water wi he p transport energy through your body and wi he o re ease any unneeded energy that you may have taken on during the clearing.

  • 3 C eans^ yourself. Pay partfcu ar attention to the Top of your heed.

  • 4 Put food away in cupboards, t s best not to leave ooen canta ners of food out our ng the c earing as they may absorb seme of the energy being c eared

  • 5 T^dy and cl ean the soace thoroughly, * *.n is has no* a ready been done.

  • 6 It is best to remove jewelry, particularly rings and orace ets. Tnese can subtly imoece your ability to sense energy.

8 Focus your intent bn on tne resw ts you cesi fa *or the home the occupants and yourse *

9 Prepare * owe* offerings (see cage 42 F owe's are often used ir> Space C earing ceremou es oecause they bring, a fee 'ng of freshness and are thought to cal forth blessings of the angels. Traditions y, flowers used for Soace C ear ng shou d be p c<eo * rst thing m rhe morning as the sun e just rising. Each flower shou c be p eked with care and thanks should be given to the plant for ts g ft.

n Hindu traditions the fragrance o* the * owers Useo *m o ess ng ceremonies show d not oe nhe eo when they are picked. It s sa d that the f 'st scent ah exit d oe reserved xor lone Creator. If you are not so fortunate to have a garde0, or r s winter time then stone-bought flowers are fine Us~a , the best *of flower on enogs are carnet ons ca endulas, and mar go os because o* their comoact shape and durability.

10 Ma<e sure anima s are out of the soace. The wage ng ta of a fnenc y dog can send Soace G earing too s dying!

11 Set uo your 3 ess ng Altar see page 36) with your Soace Clearing toos and altar objects

7 Ta < to other members of the househo o about me r ntenton far ves ano the home that they hope to am eve iihrough me Soace C ea'ng.

12 Offer oraye's at tne 3 ess ng A *ar for the success of your Soace C’eanng ceremony.

Step 2 Purification

me second step in Space Cleanng s purification t s during th s stage that you re ease negativity and c ear out o d energy. Here is how you do th s

1 At the comp etion o*' your prayers, p ace any toots you wil be using on a sma I tray ca ed a 3 essitig Tray so you can take them sa*'e!y with you from mom to room. For examp e, if you p an to use a be1!, a chime a bow z~ salt, and a sma g ass-enc osed votive cand e for your Space C eanng ceremon es, o ate a these terns on your tray. Any kind of tray s suitab e so ong as t provides a stab e surface ~zr your c ear ng terns a to is easy to carry.

2 P ace the 3 ess ng Tray in the ama that you are going to c ean TTTen stand at the entrance o* the room and take a few minutes to become attuned to the soace Rad ate your intention nto the room and send pra\e'S to the Creator T'or guicatoe and assistance.

3 Sensitize your hands Breathe s owly ar a deepy Sense the emrg? oT' the space. Circ e the foom with your nancs ecenceo, or use any z' your senses to perceive the energy I'uom

4 Using tne too s) that you ha.e chosen gradual y O'eac up the stagnant energy As a general rule, circle the room clockwise in the ■northern hemisphere ato counter-filotkv. se in the southern hem sphere, u~ ess .z^r intuit on d reefs you otherwise. (In Mecca pilgrims go counter-c ockwise arou^o their sacred stone enshrined r the Kaaoa Buddhists v.a < c ockw’se around stupas. Genera y t’s goon to work your way from the bottom fioors of a Ou ding to the too f oc's as tn s d 'acts tne energy upwards.

5 After you ha.e cleared each room, smooth the ene.rgy of the soace To do th s rut your hamd gently around the periphery of the room, just as though you were petting a cat, until you sense that t fee s sett eo ano smooth.

6 Remember to silence your mind, and go slowly witn each step of the Soace C earing ~h:s a ows yo~. to perceive subt e energy flows.


Step 3 Invocation

”ne n /ocation stage n a Soace C ear ng ceremony enta s ca ng on a g^er ’or ass stance, support, and nsp ration for f ng a iving space th b ess ngs. * you th of the purif cat on stage of Space Clearing as be ng <e washing a dirty vase, the nvocation stage can be compared to p ac ng beaut fu fresh f o.vers n the vase. Here are the steps for this:

  • 1 V\ nen you ^ave f - shed c earing a room, magme that t s ’ ed g^t and love wh e ask ng for support and gu dance from the sp ritua rea ms. You can pray silently or aloud to do this.

  • 2 Stand n tne door and make the s gn of a figure e ght the sign of nfmlty with your hand or your Space C ear ~g too to sea the energy n the

room and complete your c ear ng. The sign can be e ther nor zonta or vertical.

  • 3 When you have Space Geared a the rooms, c eanse and b ess earn nousehold "'erv'oer s is

essent a t a gns the ' energy w Xh the newly cleanseo energy of the home.

  • 4 Return to the B ess ~g Altar. Offer thanks ano as< for good forme for me r'ory'e a^c a ts occupants and vis tors. Tnis is the most mportant asoect of the c ear ”g and must oe oo^e w Tm reverer'ce, resoect, and devotion. Tne ength of t ~e that th s takes ^ay vary. Usua ly the comp et 0” B ess ~g Ceremony lasts for about '0 m nutes, but t ^ay ast longer cepe^o ng on ndividua ’’eeds.

  • 5 .Vasn your hands w s cool water a the way to the e bows. Shake a ’ev. t ~es before you dry your hands.






Step 4 Preservation

Once you have pur;*ec a space and then btessed t, s valuab e to preserve the wonderfu energy that p”u have created. Here are a few method^:

  • 1 You might want to "p ant a prayer. Tc do th s write a prayer or o ess ng on a p ece of paper curing your comp etion at the B essing A tar and oury t in a tavonte plant. Every time frie p ant s watered the prayer wi be symbe ca ly energ zeo. You might also draw a symbp or write a spec a word on a stone either to p ace by the mont door or by a p ant. P ating a figurine of an angel, an object morn the Blessing A tar or some other representat on o^ the divine realms in a special place can a so he p to preserve the beaut ful, c’eared energy.

  • 2 Everyone - you and a I members of the househo d - shou d oathe \Yitnih six hours after the Space Clearing. Doing th s not on y c eanses the body; t also symbo ca y refreshes the so rit and helps preserve the energy you have created. Bathing in sa t water is espec a y benef cia . To create a sa t bath, dissolve Zlo 1225g ofl fegu ar salt1 or Epsom sa Is to the bath waten f no baihRib is ava iable, rub your boll/ with salt before showering, ending th a cold rinse





Blessing Altar

The purpose of the Blessing Altar

Creating a Blessing Altar for your Space Clearing ritual provides a spiritual backdrop so that every action has meaning and power. The ceremonies performed within this sacred space deepen the overall effect of your Space Clearing. To create a Blessing Altar, arrange the objects that you will be use in your clearing rites on an altar cloth. This temporary altar serves as a beginning point and ending

point for your ceremony. It has three purposes, and is perhaps the single most important aspect of Space Clearing. First, it initiates energy for the clearing. It is here that you call upon spiritual assistance and support. Secondly, it acts as a center point to radiate a protective, loving energy throughout the home during the entire Space Clearing. Finally, the Blessing Altar integrates the new energy that is generated by your clearing ceremony.


Beginnings are important, and the initiation of any Space Clearing is a sacred time. If you start clearing a house or office without first taking the proper steps, your ceremonies will not be as profound and powerful as they could have been. Your Blessing Altar is the place where you begin your ritual, open your heart, and call for spiritual guidance. Angels, spirit guides and guardians, ancestors, and totem allies respond and send beneficial healing energy when prayers are sent straight from the heart.


The Blessing Altar creates a vortex of energy for the clearing. It becomes a sacred center from which you can draw energy as you work throughout the home. It also helps anchor and strengthen you.

Every object on the altar, as well as the placement of these objects, is meaningful. How you organize the altar creates a template for the rest of your ceremony and so the overall intention for your Space Clearing should be reflected in your Blessing Altar. For example, if your intention is to bring more love into a home, you may want to use a pink altar


Each object here helps call loving energy into a home. The rose color of the altar cloth symbolizes warmth and affection. Spring flowers bring a feeling of freshness, vitality, and new hope for love. The shells in the mandala represent clarity of emotions. The sage and salt is for purification of any blockages to love and romance. The bell and white feathers are to invoke love and romance into the home. The two small bowls of salt and rice are for grounding and abundance.

cloth adorned with a mandala made of rose quartz pebbles. Fragrant rose petals sprinkled on the altar, pastel pink candles, an oil burner with ylang ylang, rose, or neroli essential oil would all help to generate the energy of your clearing, since all these objects are symbols of love.


The completion ceremony performed at the Blessing Altar is as significant as the ceremony at the beginning, because it integrates the energy in the home. If a Space Clearing is done without grounding and integration then disruption and turmoil can occur afterwards.

Space Clearing without integration can be compared to the process of continually stirring up a stagnant pond: the water will appear disrupted and murky. Space Clearing can stir up old energy and it can make an environment feel disturbed and agitated afterwards. However, when energy is integrated at the conclusion of a Space Clearing, churned up energy in the home is smoothed into gentle flowing energy. It becomes like a stream of fresh water gently flowing into a stagnant pond, which eventually turns clear, without turmoil. Similarly, a grounded Space Clearing creates clarity and harmony throughout the home without undue disruption.

The completion ceremony at the Blessing Altar grounds the energy of the home and prevents a sense of upheaval afterwards. Without this integration, it is not uncommon for repressed energy to rise to the surface. For example, if a couple are

harboring deep, festering anger and resentment, Space Clearing can result in turmoil and even loud arguments after the clearing unless there is a grounding. Space Clearing removes stagnant energy, which may be suppressing negative energy, so the process can be like lancing a boil. Old issues can rise to the surface after an ungrounded Space Clearing. However, when there is an integration ceremony at the Blessing Altar, a home will be filled with clearer, more balanced energy. This way hidden issues can rise to the surface in a safer and more harmonious manner, rather than through upheaval.

A Space Clearing without integration can sometimes also cause problems in the house itself, such as water pipes breaking or fuses blowing out. To avoid emotional or physical disruptions after a Space Clearing, please spend time at your Blessing Altar sereneiy sending forth prayers for the home and its occupants.


The objects in this Blessing Altar are dedicated to instilling a peaceful energy into a home during a Space Clearing. The deep blue of the altar cloth represents peace and serenity. The quartz crystals on the right are for clarity and equanimity. The fluorite eggs on the left are for clearing and equanimity, the cornflowers symbolize calmness, and the Buddha is for inner peace. The chime and feather are for clearing and invoking a feeling of tranquillity, and the swirl of shells represents the great spiraling life-force energy of the Creator.

Creating your Blessing Altar

The care that goes into a Blessing Altar can positively impact an entire home. Carefully chosen objects placed on your altar in a deliberate and conscious way can create a mystic center of powerful energy that ripples in ail directions. The first step is to become clear about your overall intention for the entre house. Decide what altar objects would best

symbolize this. Your intuition will be your guioe in your selection. Listed here and on the next few pages are some of the qualities commonly associated with various objects. These lists are a guide to get you started and are by no means complete. Symbols and their interpretations vary widely from culture to culture around the world. Use what works for you.

The color of your altar cloth and altar objects

Color impacts us physically, emotionally and spiritually, and your response to light is deeply ingrained in your nervous system. Because consciousness is so closely related to the spectrum of light, the color of your altar cloth will dramat'ca y affect the energy of your Space Clearing. Here are some color associations to consider:

I BLACK visionary, introspection, germinating, silence, and stillness SB BLUE inner peace, inspiration, creativity, patience, spiritual understanding, faith, and devotion GREEN balance, harmony, peace, nope,

growth, and healing

enthusiasm, and community calming, soothing, and comforting BB RED strength, courage, steadfastness, health, vigor, passion, and

ORANGE optimism, expansiveness, emotional balance, confidence, seli-mot vation, PINK love and softness PURPLE spiritual perspective, intuition,

sensuality. Revitalizing and stimulating, red can assist in overcoming inertia, depression, ’’ear or me^ancnoly.

YELLOW heightened expression, freedom, joy, clarity of thought, organization, attention to detail.

WHITE purity, ciar ity, and transformat on


The purple altar cloth and amethyst crystal wands symbolize spirituality the turquoise for opening the heart and crown chakras, the sea salt and incense resins provide sp ritual cleansing, the rice is for spiritual abundance, the white shells and flower represent spiritual purity, and the candle is for inner light.

Flower offerings

• o', er orten ngs are a s r'c e e egant express or of o.e beaur., and Sc rit - a^o a perfect way lb sea me energy of each room 2 me .ou have c ea-ea a room, ea. e a * o /.er c ering "" a c ace here t "cc be d stubbed o. ceoc e cr ar ms s.

To make a flower (/*’enng, c ace a sma votive car' o e . ' a . co’"' ~ — .a co" .a "e'S .owe ce’ .e'

o* a ' eat-resistanf plate saucer, or os’_ ake ca'e oever co ght a candle so near to • ammab e materials that thea. m ght catch ~ re — 'rangie me f c.’.ers around the candle Use colors and 'lowers that are sOCrOCrs.E lO .Cur OVcGg ’ C,r\ Io ”O^> g g CE c 1 i, ^g*Cc cgCJ O’ O*"c Ci . c^G ose t to spdhkte ho y water see Chapter Six gently over the other ' one's n the o~enrg YoL can a sc place a stick o' ncense - the canc e wax. or n an ncense hoder, next to the oUering. oea . these offerings shoulc be eft na the map? roor^s o'me oorre after a Scace C ear *or ait east 24 hours.

" ese o er *" gs a e a sb a a. c* g . ng o~ar'ks to . ~ _ edtor ano . e ip l guardacii o" the' o.~ and ass stance and they fionoi; the tour: sacred elements. Incense honors the Sp of the - ' f iowers ac<r'o.’. edge the Sc rit o* me Earth me car-c e 'ec-resents the Spmt of Frr^ and the ho . water venerate the Scm c' .'.ate' When .ot>' offer rgs "ate ic ^ed t e pu _ Oi” etu t e lO atu “ .*. □

prayer o thanks.

Stones and gemstones on your Blessing Altar

Polished stones and gemstones have been used on altars since the earliest times. It was felt that each type of stone or gem could elicit a particular and unique kind of energy. Some activated healing, others were used for soothing and relaxing, while others were used to evoke vitality. Using specially chosen stones or metals on your Blessing Altar can quicken the specific kind of energy associated with them. Here are some qualities generally associated with common gems and stones:

ADVENTURINE healing AGATE success, happiness AMBER protection, healing AMETHYST compassion, clairvoyance AQUAMARINE harmony BLOODSTONE healing, physical strengthening CARNELIAN physical grounding CITRINE mental clarity EMERALD spiritual healing FLUORITE mental attunement, calming GARNET physical strength, assertiveness JADE healing, wisdom LAPIS spirituality, intuition, royalty MALACHITE psychic power, healing, cleansing MOONSTONE emotional balancing, lunar qualities OBSIDIAN grounding OPAL emotional clarity PERIDOT mental and physical healing, rejuvenation

QUARTZ CRYSTAL spiritual attunement RUBY strength, health, and spiritual passion SAPPHIRE devotion,

spirituality SELENITE dreaming skills, intuition, meditation TOPAZ expansion, knowledge TOURMALINE purification, healing TURQUOISE healing, balancing

NATURAL STONES that you gather from special locations can be sources of healing energy for Space Clearing. Similarly, a stone given to you by someone special to you will contain the energy of that connection. Placing these stones on your Blessing Altar is one way of implanting ' their energy into the space.

Plant and flower offerings

On altars throughout the world, you will find offerings of fruit, flowers, and grains. These are traditionally used because they represent the bounty brought forth from Mother Earth. A glowing orange, a small bowl of rice, a beautiful arrangement of bright flowers - all of these things add richness, beauty, and a feeling of abundance to the Blessing Altar, as well as anywhere else they are placed in the home. They call in these qualities for your clearing, and can secure them into the energy of the home once your ceremony is complete. Flowers and plants are a wonderful way of generating energy for your Space Clearing. Here are a few varieties you can use and their associated qualities:


CHRYSANTHEMUM introspection, meditation, longevity DAFFODIL childlike joy, laughter DAISY innocence, happiness IRIS delicate sensuality LILY purity, perfection LILY OF THE VALLEY springtime, new life MARIGOLD joy, longevity ROSE love

SUNFLOWER optimism, joy TULIP vitality, sensual love

Fruits and grains

VIOLET tenderness, trust

APPLE health, vitality CORN harvest, abundance, fertility, blessing

GRAINS prosperity, renewal MUSTARD SEED faith

PEACH immortality, marriage, tenderness

POMEGRANATE fertility, unity of diversity RICE good fortune

WHEAT abundance, harvest intuition


Other offerings

When you are choosing items for your Blessing Altar it is valuable to keep in mind the meaning that each item can bring to the overall energy of the home. Here are just a few of some commonly used offerings and their meanings:

ASHES purification, regeneration


TOTEMS call forth spiritual assistance



WATER (HOLY WATER) cleansing and purifying

FIRE (CANDLES) transforming


SHELLS feminine energy, power of the sea and the moon

WINE blood of life, eternal life

WREATHS cycle of life

Essential oils and i license

An essential oil burner or a burning stick of incense can deepen the energy on a Blessing Altar.

Here is a list of a few natural essential oils and the energy they can contribute to your Space Clearing

BERGAMOT uplifting, yet calming CEDAR WOOD relaxing CHAMOMILE soothing, calming

EUCALYPTUS invigorating, cleansing, tonifying FENNEL relaxing, warming, calming FiR NEEDLE refreshing, cleansing FRANKINCENSE calming, helps release fear, spiritual clarity GERANIUM balancing mood swings harmonizing JUNIPER purifying, stimulating LAVENDER calming, soothing, relaxing LEMON uplifting, refreshing, mental alertness LEMON GRASS stimulating, cleansing, tonifying LIME invigorating, refreshing MYRRH strengthening, inspiring NEROLI stress reducing, calming ORANGE uplifting, refreshing

PATCHOULI inspiring, sensuous PINE refreshing, cleansing, stimulating PEPPERMINT stimulating, cleansing, refreshing, invigorating ROSE emotionally soothing, loving ROSEMARY stimulating, cleansing, invigorating SAGE cleansing, purifying SANDALWOOD spiritual attunement, helps release fear THYME stimulating, strengthening, activating YLANG YLANG soothing, sensuous

Prayers at the Blessing Altar


The best blessings come from your heart. When you

call upon assistance from tne divine realms, it will come. A simple prayer, straight from the heart, can prompt a wonderful sacred energy to fill you and the space trat you are clearing. The words you use are less important than your intent. At the beginning of your Space Clearing you can either arrange your Space Clearing tools and altar objects in silence, or you can say a blessing for each item on your Blessing Altar. For example, as you place an offering bowl filled with rice on your altar cloth, you might say, "I dedicate this offering of rice to abundance and prosperity for this home."

After you have arranged tne Blessing Altar, take a moment to center your thoughts. Then, either in silence or aloud, state your intention ano ask for blessings for the home. An example of a prayer might be:

I dedicate this Space Clearing to love, joy, and good health. May harmony and peace embrace all the members of this family and may all who enter this place find comfort here. I humbly ask for spiritual guidance during this

Space Clearing.

Creator, spiritual guardians and angels, thank you for the loving assistance that was given to us during this Space Clearing. Thank you for the peace and joy that is now flowing into this home. May the effects of this clearing and blessing continue for the months ahead, and may the wonderful, positive energy that has been instilled in this home bring comfort and rejuvenation to all.

--1 i



Sacred Sound

ound has the mystical ability to restore harmony in objects, people, and environments. The results obtained are real and lasting. For this reason, sound has been highly valued for Space Clearing for thousands of years. In ancient cultures, sound was traditionally used to shift energy and to allow access to altered states of consciousness. In monasteries and temples throughout history, sacred sound has been used to create hallowed ground. Healers, shamans, priestesses and priests have also employed sound for healing, purification, and blessing rituals. You can use these same techniques to harmonize your home; however, you will find it valuable if you first understand the spiritual nature of sound.

An early creation myth of our planet states that all life began with primordial sound. As the sound spiraled round and round, it combined with matter to create the varying forms of animate and inanimate life on earth, and each form was imbued with its own sound. These ancient beliefs are consistent with the principles of modern physics which state that all atoms and molecules are in a constant state of movement, thus creating a resonance which can be described as a kind of sound vibration. It's as if each atom is singing its own unique song, which combines with the sounds of other atoms to create a collective harmonic.

When shamans speak of the "song of the grasses," they are referring to the fact that they can actually perceive all the silent - but very real - harmonic vibrations created in nature. They understand that there are two aspects of sound: audible sound and silent sound. Audible sound can touch our emotions

and even create a physical vibration that can shatter glass. However, the most powerful sounds are those that are unheard. These can also be some of the most beautiful. Both audible and silent sounds are used in Space Clearing.

The energy of both of these kinds of sound surrounds you continuously. Each flower, stone, river -in fact, every single thing around us - has its own vibration. Even man-made objects have their own sound. The oak dresser, the antique rug, and the glass vase all have their unique sound vibrations. And when the vibration of a person, place, or thing is out of synchronization with its own innate rhythm, the result is discord. When sound is used as a Space Clearing tool, it can bring everything in a room back into harmony.

If you ring a bell or clap in a room that is out of balance, the sound will seem dull and muffled. After the negative energy of the room has been cleared, you can hear the difference: sounds will be crisper, sharper, and much clearer. When you use a musical instrument to cleanse the energy of an environment, the sounds created actually "tune" every board, brick, wall, and object within that environment.

Sound creates geometric forms. Photographs taken of fine powder placed on a membrane, while varying sounds are played, show the powder arranging itself into beautiful mandala-like formations and symbols. Changes in pitch and tone even cause some patterns to spiral in geometric configurations resembling kaleidoscopic images. The sounds created in Space Clearing utilize the energy imprints of these shapes, orchestrating a kind of synchronization and resonance that attunes the entire area.

Clearing a room using sound

Any musical instrument can be effective in Space Clearing. Your own voice, the clapping of your hands, a simple reed flute, or an instrument you have made yourself can all be used. The single most important consideration is the personal connection you feel to the instrument you have chosen. A tool that is loved will emanate a strong and vibrant energy. A tool that means nothing to you, or one that is treated carelessly will not be as effective, no matter how much it cost or where it came from.

Sound alone cannot harmonize the energy in a room. It is the magical combination of sound, empowered by your intention, that creates a miraculous shift of energy. Effective Space Clearing happens when your heart is open and your intention is clear - only then can you project your energy through your tool.

Before your clearing, hold your instrument close to you and imagine your energy merging with its spirit. Enter into the realm where it becomes a part of you. As you create a sound, shift your consciousness so you can feel it resonate inside you. Imagine sound radiating out from you to fill the room, tuning each corner and object. You are the conductor and every object in the room is being harmonized under your direction.

When using sound, it can be helpful to employ a range of sizes of the same instrument. For example, if you are using bells, you can begin with a large bell to break up the heavy, stagnant energy, and then move to a small bell to refine and distil fresh new energy. You might circle the room once with the larger bell and then again with the smaller, higher-pitched bell.





Clearing individuals using

Shamans have used sound for balancing and healing people's energy fields since prehistoric times. After you have cleared the energy of a home or office using sound, it is also va uable to attune the energy oT' the people who will oe using the newly c eared space, so that their energy is aligned with it. This can be done with the individual in a sitting, standing, or supine position, depending on the persona’ oreterences and comfort concerns of the person being cleared.

To clear a person's energy using sound, take your bell, singing bowl, gong, drum, tuning fork, or other sound instrument and create sounds as you move the instrumenr up and down the body. Make sum no loud sounds are made next to the ears as this can be uncomfortable. As you work, listen carefully to the sounds you are making. If you find any place where the sound seems more muffled or where you sense that energy is stuck, continue to concentrate sound in that area of the body until you feel the e°ergy shift. If the person is lying down, you can magnify the energy o*' the sound by positioning stones or gems on the body in relation to the seven chakras

You can also pace stones, shells, or flowers in a ring around the oerson to create a cmcle of protective and healing energy. This will enhance the energy created by the sound work you are doing.



  • 1 On the r oor above the head.

  • 2 On the center of the forehead.

  • 3 On the throat.

  • 4 On the center of the chest.

  • 5 On tne diaphragm.

  • 6 On the center of the abcorren.

  • 7 On the Toor at tne base of the spine, or on the pubic bone


Space C earing instruments


Decorating your bell with flowers

In many traditions, the bell is honored by adorning it with flowers. Tibetan and Balinese bells have openings at the top through which you can intertwine flowers. Decorating your bell with flowers also adds the delicate energy of the flowers to your Space Clearing. On your Blessing Altar you may want to have a stand -for your bell and this can be decorated with flowers as well.

In other traditions, the ringing of metal was thought to drive away harmful spirits and negative energy. Hebrew rabbis rang bells before entering the most sacred aieas of a temple to keep negativity at bay. In Medieval Europe, church bells were rung not only to call people to worship but to dispel dark forces. At the same time that sacred bells were crafted and used in Europe, they were also being rung in the temples, monasteries, and ceremonies of Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, India, and Africa. In Buddhist cultures, the sound of the bell was an offering to Buddha, while Egyptian drawings on tomb walls also show priests ringing bells to bestow blessings.

Balinese bells

There are many different types of bells. Balinese bells are often used for Space Clearing because of their superior tone. Perhaps part of the power of these remarkable bells comes from the fact that their creation is synchronized with the phases of the moon; prayers and blessings to the gods are offered at each step of the process. Making a bell can take two months or longer, and on the auspicious day when it is finally completed a beautiful consecration ceremony calls life into the newborn bell.

Tibetan bells

Tibetan bells (ghanta) are excellent tools for Space Clearing. Although originally made in Tibet, since the Chinese took control of the region in the 18th century these highly symbolic bells have been made in India and Nepal by Tibetan refugees. Every part of a Tibetan bell is richly laden with meaning.

The bell always comes with a small metal object called a dorje which represents the male principle, power and salvation. The bell itself represents the feminine principle, wisdom and the great void. Using the ghanta and the dorje together is thought to restore balance in a room because they represent yin and yang, the two opposing, yet harmonious, forces in the universe. Their combination creates an inner mystical unity, a balance of the two primordial creative forces of life.

Sometimes, frightening faces are imprinted on the surface of Tibetan bells. These images of gods and goddesses are intended to dispel forces of evil and darkness. On the top of the bell is a mandala of eight lotus leaves symbolizing the voices of the gods. Aloncphe bottom edge of the bell are images of 51 dorjes, representing 51 challenges that can be resolved by the ringing of the bell. Traditionally a lama would ring the bell while doing mudras (ritualistic gestures) with the dorje, which represented the dance of the gods. A Tibetan bell can also be played in the same manner as a singing bowl by circling a wooden mallet around its circumference (see page 59).

Other bells

The history and folklore surrounding bells could fill an entire book, and beautiful bells are made all around the world. Their sounds and the metals from which they are fashioned vary according to the traditions of their origin. Any bell can be used for Space Clearing if you feel a sense of connection with it and love its sound. Use your intuition to find the bell that is right for you.


Tingshaws, or prayer chimes, are two small cymbals attached by a leather thong. Tibetan in origin, they have been used by Buddhist monks as well as in shamanistic traditions. Like Tibetan bells they are often decorated with symbolic patterns that affect the energy of the sound. Tingshaws are excellent for breaking up stagnant energy because they create a sharp piercing sound when struck at right angles to each other. They can also be used for smoothing the energy afterwards - dangle them by their cord and gently tap them together to produce a sound.


Harmony balls, sometimes called Druid balls or Mayan balls, are small metal balls filled with tiny metal beads that roll around inside to create a magical chiming sound. These are excellent for smoothing the energy of a space after Space Clearing. Cup the harmony balls in your hands and imagine they are filled with blessings for the entire household. Then take one in each hand and imagine that you are sprinkling stardust and light into the space as you shake them throughout the room. Magic!


Many manufacturers of wind chimes also make hand-held chimes for meditation or Space Clearing

use (see page 56). Because of the focused precision of their sound, these are excellent to use in a bedroom, especially after an illness or if a couple hasn't been getting along. They are also great to use if you have been feeling unfocused and muddled in life, because they bring an energy of pure clarity and direct focus. When you use these chimes, you can sweep the walls (and the bed) in long, flowing movements. Long sweeping movements with chimes are also effective for clearing yourself or another person after Space Clearing.


Whenever you use tuning forks you are producing pure musical resonance based on mathematical proportions known as Pythagorean tunings. These tones reflect the sonic ratios inherent in nature. The sound from tuning forks creates an archetypal resonance that results in a re-patterning of form and spirit. Tuning forks are remarkable for clearing wooden antiques or solid objects. Antiques often hold residual energy which may be negative in nature, so it is very important to clear them. Strike the tuning fork on your hand and then take the end of the fork and place it on the antique. You will hear the sound as it vibrates and travels along the grain of the wood. Continue to place the tuning fork on various places on the antique until you sense that the sound is clear. When choosing a tuning fork, listen to each one first to decide which one you are the most attuned to - this will be the best note for you to use for Space Clearing.


The use of s °g ng oo.\ s and gongs in Asia dates back to more than 3,000 years ago. Over time it was o sco .ered that d fferent meta s created c fferi-ent Energies in the sounds. The mixture of seven

specific metals - gold, silver, nickel, copper, iron, zinc, and antimony - was believed to create a unique and powerful energy. Many bells, gongs and singing bowls, especially in Tibet, were therefore created out of this combination of metals.

Some of the older gongs and singing bowls (those made before the Chinese takeover of Tibet) are said to contain iron ore extracted from meteorites.

Gongs come in the form of hanging gongs or bowl-shaped gongs, and are known for the sounds that seem to linger in the air long after they are struck. They are very powerful tools for creating sacred space.

Bowl gongs

As their name suggests, these gongs are shaped like a bowl. They range in size from 2-36 inches (10-90 cm) across. The resounding intensity that can be created when the wooden mallet strikes the rim is remarkable. It can feel as if it is vibrating deep into your core. Bowl gongs have a penetrating sound

that lingers in the air long after they are struck. Tibetan bowl gongs contain the seven metals mentioned above and can be used as singing bowls as well as gongs. Chinese bowl gongs do not function as singing bowls, but they are the most durable of all the gongs and can usually retain their tone even after being dropped. Bowl gongs from Japan tend to be smaller than the Tibetan or Chinese gongs and therefore are excellent for travel. They create a very pure, clear tone.

Hanging gongs

Hanging gongs are used in temples throughout Asia as a call to worship. It is believed that if your spirit can truly follow the sound of the gong, you will reach God. Shaped like a large platter, hanging gongs usually range from 12-24 inches (30-60 cm) in diameter. The vigor and expanse of the sounds they create can clear a room instantly. Their ability to immediately break up and clear large amounts of negative energy make them perfect for using in very large spaces, such as an office complex or a warehouse.

Because many of these types of gongs are large, heavy, and difficult to move about, they do not adapt easily to the clearing of smaller rooms, although you can hang a large gong from a stand and place it at the Blessing Altar. You can use a small hanging gong in the center of the rooms you clear by holding it by its cord, striking it and then swinging it back and forth to send the sound in all directions through the room. In a very large open space, you can even swing the gong in circles over your head.

Clearing a room with a bowl gong

Place the bow' in your palm (if it is a small gong, p a ce its small cushion in your palm with the gong resting on top of t). Whenever yo^ enter a new room, strike the gong three times with your mallet to cec are your intention Wa < around the periphery of the room strx ng once wherever you fee it is needed or whenever the sound fades. Continue to move the sound throughout the soace unt it fee s clear.


P cture tne fo owing to he p appreciate the effectiveness of a sing ng bowl. The monk cradles the arge meta bow in his hand. His fingers rest gen-tiy on the co o, smooth surface as the weight of the bow lies heavy orl his calm. Focused and ce berate, he strikes the rim with a wooden beater and slowly begins to circle ts edge. A deep reverberating hum begins to build, powerfully and majestically. His eyes cose. Hs breathing becomes slow and deep. Sound fills him until he experiences disappearing into the sound. R pp es of soilnd undulate through him and f the room. Softly ayiiAg down the ma let. he sits Quietly until the soufid becomes a whisper., then st Iness. Slowly opening his eyes, he looks at the soace around him. The entire room seems to glisten w th energy ano ight.

Tibetan singing bows, sometimes ca ed Hima ayan bowls, come from T bet, Nepal or northern India and have an outstanding ability to purify the energy in a home. These remarkab e Objects can create a sound v brat on so powerful it can fee as *

the walls are coming down. The vibratfon of the sounc seems to reach deep inside your soul. Some western doctors now use sing ng bowls with cancer patiehts because they have found the sounds oro-duced ca° have an impact on diseased cels. Whan used forspiritua purposes, the sound of the s ng ng bowl can also project powerful energy forms.

A exandra David-Nee , an intrepid French adventurer who spent 14 years exp or ng Tibet in the early 1900s, described an event in a remote amaseny when she saw flashes of light coming out of a singing bowl played by a ama The holy man said the sound from the singing bowl could create shapes and even spiatuai beings. He declared that one's thoughts and intention cou d travel on the sound of the singing bowl to create man festations of energy.

How to make your bowl sing

Hold your gong c ose to your heart. Imagine f ing t with love and heart energy until you fee as though you are merging with ts spirit When you am ready to play, hold the bow in one hand. Keep your fingers free ffom the sides of the gong, or they will interfere with its sound. Gently tap the ecge of the rim with the beater this s said to "wake up the bowl), and then slowly begin to circle the gong ih an easy manner.1 (joing quickly does ret produce a better sound. Press firmly and evenly against the rim. you press too lightly the sick will vibrate aga nst the rim and cause a rattling sound Aliow the tone to ncrease in intensify f there is an unpleasant sound of wood on meta , you can cover the part of your ma et that touches

the metal with a strong smooth tape. With large singing bowls, sometimes rubbing the stick back and forth on a small section of the rim creates a more pleasing sound than circling the entire rim.

Clearing a room with a singing bowl

Slowly and carefully circle the room, holding the bowl in one hand while you are "singing" it with the other hand. Allow your entire body to be involved so that it becomes an extension of the singing bowl. Let your awareness travel on the sound to every part of the room. Visualize filling the space with vitality, light, and heartfelt energy. If there is a place where the sound seems dull or where the energy seems stagnant, continue singing the bowl in that area until the sound is clear and bright.

Choosing a gong or singing bowl

Don't be concerned about the beauty or symmetry of a gong or bowl when you first look at it. Regardless of its outward appearance, the gong that is meant to be yours will seem to emanate a unique inner beauty. Take the gong and hold it close to your heart chakra and gently strike it. If it is truly yours it will seem to resonate through your entire body.

When choosing a metal gong, some people prefer a hand-hammered one to a machine-made, symmetrical one. Although hand-hammered gongs are usually older, the sound and spirit of a new gong can equal an old one's. It is a matter of personal preference. Most metal gongs are sold by weight, so heavier ones will be more costly.

When you buy a singing bowl, it will usually come with a beater. This wooden mallet should be heavy and smooth, as the denser the wood and the smoother the surface, the better the tone produced in the bowl. You may also want to buy an additional beater covered with felt or leather so you can strike your gong rather than circling it. Different mallets will bring out different sounds from your gong or singing bowl, so you may find it useful to have a selection.


Crystals have been used for spiritual practices for thousands of years, and have the ability to transmit information and energy (one reason why they are used in quartz radios). Quartz crystal singing bowls have a special ability to harmonize the subtle energy of light in a room. The energy they produce is almost alchemical in nature and can dramatically raise the consciousness of a space. Crystal bowls are best used where the energy of a space is already pristine and refined, such as in a meditation room or healing center. They are less effective for clearing very dense, heavy energy.

Crystal singing bowls range in size from 6-20 inches (15-50 cm) in diameter, and different sizes produce different tones. When selecting a bowl, let your intuition guide you to one that is best for you.

These ethereal-looking singing bowls can be played by gently tapping them with a padded wooden mallet to create a pure bell-like sound. You can also circle the circumference of the bowl with a rubber-coated mallet until it begins to sing. Be care-

ful not to allow the vibration to become too intense for too long, as this can crack the crystal. The spiraling movement of the sound creates mystic spirals in the energy of the room. Because of their delicate nature, crystal singing bowls are usually played at a Blessing Altar rather than carried around the room. Alternatively, you can place the bowl carefully in the center of each room and play it there.

To feel the mystic power of a crystal singing bowl, cradle it in your hand with the weight of the bowl on your extended palm. Focused and deliberate, strike the rim with a wooden beater and slowly begin to circle its edge. A deep reverberating hum will begin to build. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become slow and deep. Feel the sound fill you. Imagine that you are disappearing into it. Sense ripples of sound undulating through you and filling the room. Softly put down the mallet and sit quietly until the sound becomes a whisper - then stillness. Open your eyes, and look at the space around you. The entire room should seem to glisten with energy and light.

Singing bowls and water

One remarkable way to use a singing bowl (metal or crystal) is to fill it part way with water. Ideally use holy water (see Chapter Six). This combines the energy and power of sound with the purifying quality of the Spirit of Water. When you circle the bowl with your mallet, the water will vibrate in small concentric patterns. Eventually small waves



meet each other and tiny sparkling droplets jump up off the surface of the water making tiny fountains. You can keep adding water until you reach a pitch that feels right. This is a wonderful cleansing way to harmonize the energy in a room, and if you save the water from the bowl, you can use it later in a water cleansing ceremony. If the bowl is metal dry it thoroughly or it will have water stains.


Any instrument can be used for Space Clearing. A piano or harp played with a focused intention to clear a space can do a magnificent job, but an obvious limitation of large instruments is that you cannot carry them from room to room. However, with a strong intention a piano can clear an entire small wooden house as the sound penetrates through the wood. A flute, whether made of silver, wood or reed, is very well suited for Space Clearing. As with any tool, the most important elements are your focused attention and the attunement of your body to the spirit of the tool.

Anything that makes a pleasant, soothing, or even amusing sound can be effectively used in Space Clearing. Little "squeakies," the kind of toys made for babies or animals, although not technically musical instruments are nonetheless excellent for dispelling heavy or overly serious energy. They bring a spirit of laughter to a space and are very good for children's rooms or anywhere that you want to instill an atmosphere of fun and lighthearted joy. Laughter can also be an extraordinarily effective Space Clearing tool.


You have no Space Ciearing too s with you, and you need a quick fix right now? No problem. Use your hands! Walk around the circumference of the room with one hand extended to sense the energy. Any place where the energy fee s stuck, give three swift claps. Sense the energy and then clap aga n to see if the energy nas changed. The sou^d shou d be crisper and brighter the second time. Once the area is clear, take your hand and smooth the energy, and then continue round the room.


One of the most sacred ^ses o* the human .o ce s for c earing and bess~g a soace. Since ancient times, when sages and mystics understood the great power o- .voros, chants have been cheated to combine the powerfu mea^ ng of a wo”d with a par cular v bratkr of a sound, indeed, chanting s such a powerfu tool simply because t combines sou°d . bration with sacred words You can follow this tradition by repetitively chanting words that have a spec a mean ~g for you. For examp e, you could chant the word "home" over and over aga n in your Space C earing with the intention that each of the occupants of your household wil feel at home with themselves whereve" they are.



One of the best-known examples of chanting is the use of the mantra, "Om." This powerful Sanskrit word signifies the sound of the Divine and the

totality of all life. It is believed that this sound has the ability to release suffering and create profound transformation. To make this sound, simply relax, breathe, and gently exhale the sound "Ah-Ohhhh-Mmmm." Let yourself merge with the sound until you sense that you are filling the space around you. Go slowly. Allow the sound to find its own octave and rhythm.

Om mani padme hum

Pronounced "Ah-Ohhh-Mmm Mah-Nee Pad-May Hum," this Sanskrit mantra is translated as "the jewel in the lotus." It is believed that this combination of sound links you directly to the Creator, empowers anything that you do, and can activate compassion and love both within and around you.

OM The totality of all of life.

MANI The jewel symbolizing that which is of most precious value.

PADME The lotus rising out of darkness into the light as it moves up through the muddy pond. A symbol of awakening wisdom.

HUM This word awakens consciousness.

Because this mantra has the power to awaken spiritual forces within any space, it is an excellent way to end and begin any Space Clearing.


Although there are over 400 Native American tribes in the United States, each with their own traditions and language, there is a mantra-like chant that is used in all tribes. This word, " hey-ya,"

calls Spirit, and is similar in sound and meaning to words used in other earth-based cultures around the world. A repetitive chant of "hey-ya" before, during, and after your Space Clearing can dispel stuck energy and call the natural forces of the earth into balance in a dwelling. The emphasis is on the "hey" with a forcible amount of air being projected as you say it.


Toning is the creation of tones or vowel-like sounds without the structure of a chant. It is a primal sound resonating through your entire body, and can be extraordinarily powerful. To tone, reach deep inside yourself to find your primal sound. It is that most essential sound within you, the quintessential expression of who you are.

One way to find your sound is to go up and down the musical scale, humming until you find a note that seems to resonate through your entire body. Once you have found this, stand in the middle of the room, open your mouth, and allow this single note to flow out from your body to fill the entire space. As you tone, you may find that the pitch of your sound spontaneously changes. Sometimes a room will respond to a lower note first, and then later you may find yourself using higher notes as the vibratory energy of the room rises. You will know when the space has been toned because it will feel balanced and calm. You can also tone an individual object in a room. Do this by bringing your mouth close to the item, and cup your hands by your mouth to direct the sound.

Tibetan prayer wheel

Mystica' swirling Tibetan prayer wheels send out prayers of peace to the four corners of the universe These wonderfu tools, which were once only used in Tibetan monasteries as a way to send blessings to the world, are now being used by Space C earers. At the top of an ornate y decorat

ed wooden handle rests a metal c, nder which contains thousands of hana-or'ntea prayers. Every sw rl of the wheel fiends these prayers into the home. Spinning the orayer whee as you chant is a very effect .e way of deepening the power o* the chant. These are a so exce ent to use when b ess-^g the and around a home.


Sometimes music can be a helpful adjunct to Space Clearing. A very soothing melody, ambient music, or a sacred chanting CD or tape can form a powerful backdrop to the clearing that you are doing. It can help you remain focused while you work, and can even help balance the energy in an unoccupied room. However, there are times when music can distract your ability to sense energy fields, so it is important to be aware of whether the music is enhancing or detracting from your Space Clearing. You should be guided by your intuition to decide what is best


Drumming speaks to us directly of the basic rhythm of life. It re-creates that primordial pulse of life first known in the womb. In ancient times, drumming was used to sanctify and cleanse homes before moving in, and after sickness or death. Tibetan, Japanese, African, Chinese, Indonesian, Middle Eastern, Innuit, Saami, and Native American

cultures all have used the drum to bring harmony. The beating of a drum can align a living space to the universal tempo within all things.

Types of drum

The most common type of drum for Space Clearing is the frame drum, which is a hand-held drum about 12-15 inches (30-38 cm) in diameter. However, other kinds of drum, such as the African drum carried by a strap over the shoulders, can also be used.

Click sticks

In Australian aborigine tradition, click sticks are substituted for the drum. The rhythmic sound of

click sticks produces the same shifts of energy as the sound of a drum. It is easy to make your own click sticks (also sometimes called clap sticks) from wooden dowels or any two sticks you find in nature. You can use them plain or you can sand them until they are smooth and then decorate them. They can be painted or carved with symbols that are sacred to you. The most important thing is

the sound, which should be sharp and crisp.

How to use drums for Space Clearing

Different rhythms will produce different effects on you and the space you are clearing. Insteao of deciding what tempo you want to use, let your drum tell you what to do! It will dictate the cadence, strength of beat and even which part of the drum surface to strike as you allow its energy to flow through you.

To begin, hold your drum close to your heart and imagine that you are breathing life into it. Hold an intention of your desire for your clearing. Then rub your hand around the surface of the drum to warm and greet it. If no rhythm emerges immediately, begin with a two-beat. This is the same rhythm as a heartbeat and will allow you to enter into a deeper state of consciousness where you can sense subtle energy.

As you start to walk around the perimeter of the room, notice any differences in the sound of the drum. If there are places where the sound is dull, pay attention to those areas, and keep drumming until the sound is clearer. Often, varied rhythms will spontaneously occur as you enter different areas of a room. You will intuitively find the exact rhythms that are needed for each part of the room.

Irish drums (bodhrans) can be used both for toning as well as rhythmic cadence. They have a magnificent ability to amplify the sound of your toning or chanting into a space. To use the bodhran in this way, hold it close to your mouth without actually touching it. Cup your hand against your mouth directing the sound to the drum skin and begin to tone. The skin of the drum will vibrate with your sound, radiating the sound into the room.


Care of your drum

Drums should be stored in a dry area out of direct sunlight. The tension of the head of the drum will fluctuate in response to weather conditions: the humidity and heat in the air. If you live in a damp climate and your drum sounds a bit flat, this is natural. You may need to warm it gently in front of a fire or over a lamp, taking care not to burn the skin. If your drum sounds like a tin can, it may be too dry In this case you can lightly mist it with water until the tone you desire is obtained. A drum should be kept in a place of honor, either hung securely on a wall, stored in a beautiful bag or case, or placed with its face up


Rattles are an excellent complement to the use of a drum in your Space Clearing ceremonies. While a drum is perfect for breaking up accumulated energy, the rattle is good for smoothing energy afterwards. It operates on the same principles as the drum but is more smoothing in nature. You can make your own rattles from plastic eggs which are usually sold around Easter. Fill them with seed beads (tiny decorative beads used in craft work). Close the eggs securely, and then decorate or paint them with patterns and colors that feel right to you. With these simple tools you can smooth the creases out of any space.





Alchemy of Air and Fire

M ire ano smoke have been used in religious rites since the dawn o* time, and today they link our lives to those of our ancient ancestors. A candle's flame and the gentle plume o* smoke rising T'rom a Sick of incense into the air are universal symbols of our connection to Spirit, archetypes recognized by people around the world.

Althoucji different tribes and cultures may disagree about which herbs ano lituals are best, nevertheless there is an abunoance of similarities between the surface which transcend any differences. Fire burns away impurities, botn physcai and spiritual, while the trail of incense smo<e carries prayers and supplications to the heavens. This duo has been used for thousands of years to purify and transform energy, to help peopie to enter an altered state of consciousness, and for the healing of bodies and minds. When you use the tools of fire and smoice in your Space Clearing work, you are embar<:ng on an ancient tradition that can create a haven of balance, harmony, a^d hea Ing.


Since earl est times, man nas oeen fascinated by f ire. An essentia, ally in the struggle for survival, fire has sustained us, body and soul, f-om the beginning. Sma1 wonder then that art, religion, oance, myth, and poetry have celebrated the amazing phenomenon of fire throughout the ages. Ceremon:es using fire are some of the most oow-erful for instantly clearing the energy of an environment. Fire consumes, transfflms, and destroys, even as it cears the way for the new. It is primal;

pure energy, oassion, transcendence, and inspiration.

When you begin your Space Clearing, place a canoie on the Blessing Altar and Keep it burning throughout your ceremony. The light and e energy from tnis candle will be at the heart of all you do and will he'p you to manifest your indention. Before you start, take a moment to let your hands absorb the warmth of the candles halo. Cup your fingers around the light and draw its spirit to your oody. Focus on your intention for the cearlng. Brush the fire energy over your head and body with light, quick movements to cleanse your aura.

You can purify the energy of your tools by holding them above the candle's flame (be sure not to hold tnem so dose that they catch fire or become overheated). As you pass each tool through the purifying energy of the fire's warmth, let your intention center on your purpose for the clearing and the part that the tool will play in it.

You can a:so light a small votive cano e in eacn room you clear. Allowing it to burn to extinction will ceepen ano set the energy that you have created there. An alternative option is to piace a small votive in the center of a flower offering in each room (see page 42). Doing th s combines the power of the f re's purifying energy with the gent e and beautiful energy of the flowers.

To turn an ordinary votive cand e into an aromatherapy candle, light it and wait until the nas become partially I quef’ea. Then blow it out and aod a few droos of a° essenta oil to the liquid wax. A How it to cool before putt ng t away to use at your clearing. Tnis is an inexpensive alternat ;e to more costly aromathetapy products.

<e ’o _se ca^o es /. "e''e.e' ooss o e '’steao of petroleum-based paraffin ca-ces. - though they are more expens .e a^o car so^e-tmes be o ffeu t to octa n, the. -a.e = nevnarkab y pdne energy and h gh-frequency . bcat'on ~be de -cate o'o^a t"e e" t ,,.r'z’~ f'e. o^r' o^^gs to a 'oo"'a t''c go oe” c a't. o'a""ce'•~0''e. ="o f e ■'esr' e^o'o. ge^a'ateo o. ooe" * e os o* "e'cs a-c ■ o/.e's



.'.c'o ..'. o c* t^e °"ost co"’ o" ''e'os ~seo *or f s purpose are sage and cecar, both of ” eh ate .eg. potent purifiers. Sage s cegi! arl . used throughout the .'.o'o as a pcwerii ant dote to the eoerg? ' eft by "ess.

Smudge bundles

portion of a plant. It is essential to leave most of the plant so it continues to stay healthy. Also, offer a gift in return for what you are taking. In some traditions, a bit of hair or some cornmeal is offered to the plant and the soil while a prayer of thanksgiving is said. Herbs gathered in this way have a remarkable and unique power.

Loose herbs and pieces of resin

Sage and cedar in leaf form, frankincense, myrrh, and other resinous materials can also be used for smudging. To do this they must be burned in a fireproof bowl which is large enough to contain at least several inches of soil, sand or salt. The fireproof bowl must also be placed on some fireproof surface in the unlikely event that the heat causes it to crack.

First, light a small charcoal tablet or briquette with a candle or lighter and place it in the bowl. It is essential to use metal tongs when lighting the charcoal because it will become extremely hot very quickly. In addition, the part of the tongs in contact with your hands must be insulated with fabric or leather, because they too will become hot from the charcoal. The charcoal sometimes emits large sparks when you are lighting it, so be sure you light it in a safe place away from anything that could catch fire from a stray spark.

Once the charcoal tablet is burning in the fireproof bowl, you can place herbs or resinous incense on it with the tongs. Usually this creates a volume of smoke. Carefully carry the bowl into each room so that the smoke fills every corner of the home. Hold the thought that the smoke puri

fies and blesses everything that it touches. It's important to be aware of smoke detectors, so switch these off or avoid moving .under them while you are going from room to room.

Once you are complete with your ceremony, lift the charcoal briquette out of the bowl with your metal tongs and extinguish it in a container of water. A charcoal briquette and smoldering herbs can both appear to be out, but have been known to spontaneously re-ignite hours later, so caution about this is essential.

When you are burning loose herbs, it is best to let them burn simply by fanning them with a feather or fan. Do this carefully as movement can cause the smoldering leaves to fly out of the bowl, trailing embers into the room and thus creating a potential fire hazard.



Incense is a powerful ancient tool for Space Clearing. It has been universally used for large and small rituals, from the high mass of the Catholic church to the private use of incense on a personal altar. The smell of incense in a room can transform its mood and atmosphere, creating a sense of magic, and a connection to inner wisdom. In past times it was used before moving into a new home, and to disinfect a room after sickness or a death. Priests and priestesses burned incense before sacred ceremonies as a way to clear the space and invoke the gods.

The energy of incense varies with the place of its origin, the manner in which it is made, and its ingredients. It is important to use the purest quality incense you can obtain and afford, and to use incense that is made from natural rather than synthetic materials.

Incense is commonly made from various parts of plants, woods, tree resins, seeds, leaves, and evergreen needles. Each culture has its own special varieties - frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, patchouli, cinnamon, cedar, and sage are some of the best known. Sticks, cones, leaves, resins, needles, pellets, and tablets - the forms which incense comes in are multitudinous. It can be fun to experiment with different kinds to see which you prefer and which ones work the best for the clearing work that you do. Here then is a brief glimpse into the dazzling, diverse world of incense. The ones listed below are only a tiny fraction of the varieties available from many cultures.

Indian incense

India is known as the Mother of Fragrances, so-called because of the incredible wealth of scents that are such a vital part of its culture. Probably the single most important incense out of all these myriad fragrances is sandalwood. Considered vital for the optimal passage of a soul from one life to the next, Ayurvedic medicine lists it as a remedy for many ailments. Sandalwood is excellent for bringing relaxation and peace into a home. Other Indian scents include elemi, common myrrh, benzoin, patchouli, and dammar.

Japanese incense

The Japanese have developed their practice of "listening to incense" over thousands of years. Elevated to the status of a great art form, an elaborate ceremony for savoring the pleasures of scent is called Koh-do, which translates as "the journey of the fragrance."

Although most of the ingredients of Japanese incense are not native to the country and are imported, the subtle blends and meticulous attention paid to the manufacture have made Japanese incense among the finest in the world. The most important source of scents in Koh culture is aloes wood, sometimes referred to as agar wood. Ancient records describe a piece of aloes wood washing up on the shore of Awaji island in the 6th century. The villagers did not recognize it as anything special and burned it along with other driftwood. But its fragrance was so startlingly lovely that it was taken and presented as a gift to the Empress. Since that time, aloes wood has been

considered highly valuable for its enchanting aroma. Other common ingredients of Japanese incense include cinnamon, sandalwood, cloves, Japanese anise, and camphor.

Native American incense

Underlying the Native American use of plants for incense is the belief in the living spirit within all things. As the incense is burned, it is believed that the inherent wisdom within the plant is imparted to the person burning it. If the individual doing the Space Clearing has an open heart, secrets will be shared about what is good for her people, and what is needed for healing the dwelling. Thanks should be humbly offered to the spirit of the sage or cedar for gifts received. This is the Native American way of respect and harmony.

The smoke of the incense is also thought to carry prayers to Great Spirit, and is a channel for blessings to flow back to the earth. Thus the circle is completed. In a traditional Native American Space Clearing ceremony, sacred herbs are burned in a shell or piece of earthenware which is first offered to the sacred Four Directions: East, South, West, and North, before being used in the ritual. In this way the connection between people, the earth, and the spirits is honored. Tobacco, sage, sweet grass, cedar, and juniper are some of the herbs most commonly used for Native American incense ceremonies.

Middle Eastern incense resins

Steeped in mystery and historical significance, one of the most powerful cleansing resins is frankin

cense. The tree it comes from grows in rocky desert (in a narrow strip of land only 9 miles long) that contains the exact minerals that give frankincense its delicate fragrance. This remarkable resin has unprecedented healing properties. It acts as a disinfectant that has been shown to kill bacteria and heal wounds. It is believed to have been used in temples, churches, and mosques because it reduced the risk of infection and disease when many people gathered together for services.

Some people develop an aversion to frankincense because it reminds them of church. This is

unfortunate because it is one of the strongest substances on our planet for cleansing a space. In addition, it can open subtle energy channels for spiritual and even cosmic energy to pour into an environment. Used in combination with myrrh (which was considered to have "feminine" energy while frankincense was considered "masculine") you have a most powerful combination to clear and bless a dwelling.

Before doing a Space Clearing it is valuable to cleanse yourself with smoke. To do this, light the herbs, smudge bundle, or resins and then cup your hands into the smoke and "wash" the smoke over your ears saying to yourself, "So that I may hear the truth." Over your closed eyes, "So that I may see the truth." Over your throat, "So that I may speak the truth" and over your chest, "So that my heart is opened during this Space Clearing."


Beautiful companion of fire and smoke, the amazing feather - a symbol of power, grace, and freedom - has been a favorite tool of shamans since the beginning of human history. Because the quill of the feather is an open tube, many cultures have believed that it serves as a channel for energy and prayers. Energy moves through the body of a per

son, through the quill and is ultimately channeled directly to the Creator. A multitude of blessings flows in return from this ultimate source back down through the center of the feather and into the heart of the one holding it.

Because of its delicate attunement to the finer aspects of energy, feathers are useful for all phases of Space Clearing, from the initial assessment to the clearing and balancing of energy. Many people

Every feather has its own unique energy, and knowing the qualities of each bird that it comes from will let you use them to best advantage in your clearing. Please note that governments often have very specific legal restrictions regulating the possession of bird feathers. These laws are intended to protect species which might otherwise become extinct. Out of respect for these creatures and our environment, it is essential that you first check what regulations relate to possession and use of feathers in your area. The following is a list of just a few feathers and their attributes. When you are trying to decide if a particular feather is right for you, tune into its energy. Let your intuition tell you what is best.

EAGLE AND HAWK Soaring and powerful, these invoke the energy of the sun.

GOOSE Geese mate for life, and live in highly socialized flocks, so their feathers are linked to loyalty and family ties

OWL An owl feather invokes the energy of the moon and is associated with wisdom and ancient mysteries.

RAVEN Linked to the inner life and secret realms, this has a powerful and ancient energy.

TURKEY An excellent feather for Space Clearing. In native tradition, it is considered to be the "giveaway bird," because it gives its life for the benefit of others. This energy will greatly enhance your work as you provide the service of Space Clearing for the benefit of those around you.

have found that it is easier to assess the energy of a room, object, or person using a feather than with their hands alone This is because the subtle nature of the feather's own energy makes it able to tune into the finest shifts of energy in the environment. The feather allows you to tune into levels of awareness which may have previously been inaccessible to you. If your intention is clearly focused, with a single feather you can clear an entire home.

Caring for feathers

Keep the feathers you use for Space Clearing in a cherished place. Treating your feathers with the respect they deserve enhances their effectiveness. You will want to "feed" your feathers by occasionally dusting them with a bit of cornmeal and then flicking it off. Doing this symbolically feeds the spirit of the bird from which the feather came, and replenishes the feather's energy.

Many birds have insect parasites which may be present in feathers. If left untreated, these mites will eventually eat your feathers away and destroy their beauty and usefulness. Storing your feathers in an airtight box in the freezer will prevent this, as will storing them in cedar, sage, borax, or tobacco.

Types of feathers for Space Clearing

There are three traditional forms of feathers for Space Clearing: single feathers, feather fans, and wings. A single unadorned feather is an excellent tool for Space Clearing. You can also decorate a feather by wrapping the exposed end of the quill with leather or cloth. This in turn can be decorated with beads and strips of leather.

A feather fan is usually made from several feathers gathered together and secured with a piece of leather or a wooden base. The feather fan has a wider surface for moving energy throughout a room. Like single feathers, fans can also be made very beautiful with a variety of decorative methods, from painting and beading to exquisite embroidery and leather work.

When you are using an entire wing from a bird, it will usually be from a goose or turkey, as these

are more easily obtained. Occasionally you may come across a raven or owl wing, although of course whenever you are working with wings from wild birds, the above noted restrictions must be respected. It is also very important to make sure that the wing has been properly cured and treated for insect infestation before use. Wings move air and energy in a very powerful way, as well as being beautiful They call to mind angelic energy, and are associated with angels.

Using feathers with smoke

A traditional and highly effective way to clear a room is to combine the movements of the feather with the use of smoke. This is one of the most powerful ways to balance the energy of any room. The natural channeling powers of the feather, combined with the healing spiritual properties of the burning incense or herbs, can create a sense of sacred space in a very deep and immediate way.

To clear a room or a person with a feather and smoke, hold a bowl containing sand and the smoking herbs/incense in your non-dominant hand. Make sure that the bowl is deep enough to prevent any sparks flying out of it into the room. You must also make sure that the bowl contains enough sand so that it does not become so hot that it burns your hand. Use the feather in your dominant hand to move the smoke over the body of a person or throughout a room. Use the same movements as described above - small, flicking motions followed by long sweeping ones. The beauty of the plumes of smoke being moved about in this way can be very healing.

Cleansing your aura with smoke

Place a bowl of smoking herbs or incense on a table, and then draw the smoke to your body with a feather or your cupped hands to cleanse and purify your aura before beginning your clearing. Clear your mind and focus clearly on your intention as you draw the smoke down the body.

Clearing a person's aura with a feather

When using a feather to clear your own energy or that of someone else, you will want to begin by holding the feather next to your heart, and imagine yourself merging with the spirit of the bird from which it came. As you become one, together you will work to achieve the magic of the clearing.

Start by using short flicking movements, going from head to toe over the entire body of the individual. Whenever you sense that there is stagnant energy in a place (this will feel "sticky" or somehow just "wrong" as you move the feather along), then concentrate your efforts there with short quick movements to break up the stagnant energy. Once you feel the energy beginning to move, switch to long strokes of the feather to smooth out the energy and increase its balanced flow.

Clearing a room with feathers

The same principles apply to clearing a room with a feather as to a person. Begin with short, flicking movements as you circle the room in a clockwise direction (in the northern hemisphere - go counterclockwise in the southern). Wherever you sense a pooling of stagnant energy, chop into it with the feather to break it up. Then make your motions

with the feather longer, slower, and more fluid to encourage the influx of a healthy flow of balanced, calm energy into the room.


One powerful Space Clearing ceremony that utilizes the alchemy of air is the shamanistic technique of "breathing a room," which is sometimes called the "Breath of God." To use this potent technique, imagine that you are breathing in life force energy with every breath. Then, as you slowly move about a room, if you find an area which seems murky or full of stagnant energy, you can use a series of short, quick breaths blown out through your mouth directly at the area that feels stuck. Once you have broken up the stagnant energy in this way, you can use long, out-flowing breaths to smooth and refine the energy. Your hands follow the movement of air created by your breathing to enhance the effectiveness of this Space Clearing technique.


In some cultures, fans made of bamboo, wood, paper or woven grasses were used for Space Clearing. If you are unable to obtain feathers or choose not to use them, fans can be employed in the same manner. In ancient China, women used fans to avert negative energies, and with a subtle twist of the wrist flicked away negative energy. To use this type of fan for Space Clearing, use swift concise movements.



Holy Water

oly water is a purveyor of a mysterious force - an emissary for the power of the Creator. It is a symbol of cleansing and purity, and contains sacred life force energy. Holy water powerfully and instantly cleanses negative energy, and calls forth blessings and protection. Long recognized for its amazing powers of renewal and transformation in

cultures around the world, holy water has been an integral part of Space Clearing ceremonies. Even in modern culture the spiritual cleansing properties of water are still acknowledged. For example, in some Catholic homes, a font near the front door is filled with holy water. Visitors dip their fingers into this and then flick the water into the room as a way of consecrating the energy there.

Holy water for Space Clearing

You can obtain holy water from a shrine or temple, or you can create your own. The potency of your holy water will vary with the source of the water, how it is made, and who makes it. The more sacred the stream or place from which it is obtained, the greater the water's strength. For example, water obtained from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury has wonderful and unique qualities. Additionally, the more powerful the intent, prayers, and mantras used when preparing the water, the more mystical it becomes. And, most important, the more spiritually attuned the person who blesses it, the greater the sanctity of the water.

You can make excellent holy water for your Space Clearing, if you prepare it carefully and with love. If possible, obtain your water from a natural source, such as a freshwater spring. This is one of the very best places to obtain water for Space Clearing as the water comes directly from the depths of Mother Earth. However, if you do not have easy access to a spring, you can use water

which has been bottled at such a place. Any natural spring water that is "bottled at source" can be used, but it is better if the water you purchase comes in glass, not plastic, bottles. It is useful to note where the water came from, as it will retain energy imprints of this place. You can also use rainwater, but wait until it has been raining for a while as pollutants will be present in the first hour of the rain. Rainwater carries the lofty energy of the skies.

Once you have obtained your water, you need to "charge" it so that it is infused with robust energy for Space Clearing. Water gathered directly from a spring does not always need to be charged, because it still has the vibrant energy of the natural world in its essence. But bottled water does need to be renewed. You can do this in one of the following ways - the method you use depends on the project you have at hand. Bear in mind that water used for Space Clearing should be put in a glass or ceramic (not metal) bowl, as this can influence the energy of the water.


SOLAR-CHARGED WATER To capture the energy of the sun, place a bowl of water in the morning sunshine. Make sure the rays of light actually penetrate the surface of the water. Placing the bowl outdoors is preferable to a sunny window ledge, because the wind and essence of the outdoors will infuse it with extra vitality. It usually takes at least three hours for the water to become fully charged in this way. Solar water has a very yang', exuberant, sociable energy. It is wonderful to use when you want to add life and vigor to any environment.

LUNAR-CHARGED WATER Leave your bowl of water outdoors on a clear, moonlit night in order to infuse it with lunar essence. Lunar-charged water has a very gentle, healing nature which makes it particularly useful for Space Clearing after illness. It is also excellent for creating a restful energy in bedrooms and places of meditation. It is conducive to good dreams and incubating creative ideas.

STELLAR WATER Leaving water out to absorb energy from the stars on a clear night will give it a very special energy which is full of joy and magic. Star energy is at its most intense on nights with no or very little moon. The water that is instilled with star energy is wonderful for helping make dreams come true and bringing more rapture into life.


Fiower essences to empower holy water

Another way to energize your water is by adding essences from nature, such as from flowers, gems, and shells. These essences imbue the spiritual properties of nature into the water. Research has shown that water has a "memory.'' This means that the essence of the spiritual properties of a flower, for example, can become imprinted into water. This is a type of vibrational alchemy.

Flower essences contain the pure spiritual essence of each individual flower. They are created by picking a fiower at its peak in the early morning hours, and floating it in pure spring water while the sun shines on it. This is done in a meditative state to invite the energy of the flower into the water. Although you can create your own flower essences, usually the highest quality vibrational flower

To bnng calmness and peace into a



brings quietness, wisdom

calming, soothing, good for a home that feels downtrodden

calming, quiet energy

soothes tension and stress

minimizes fear and dread

gentleness, tranquillity, poise, and grace

essences are those that have been created by people who have dedicated their life to this work. Bach Flower Essences, California Flower Essences, Australian Bush Essences, Perelandra Essences, and Alaskan Flower Essences are all companies of good reputation. I particularly like the Alaskan Flower and Environmental Essences because the Alaskan air is so clean and the land is so unpolluted.

When you add a few drops of flower essence to your holy water, it infuses it with the qualities of the flower. This kind of water can create a delicate web of energy which is very healing and conducive to inviting joy and love into a home. The flower essences you use will depend on the kind of energy you want to create. The following is a partial list of some essences and their qualities

home ft

To awaken mental clarity and focus in a home BLACKBERRY manifesting, directing action, decisiveness CERATO brings confidence and helps with decisions CLEMATIS dispels lethargy and ignites focus PEPPERMINT increases alertness

ROSEMARY releases mental fog

SHASTA DAISY focus and synthesis of ideas

To cleanse old patterns out of a home (e.g. after a divorce or trauma) CAYENNE FIREWEED GORSE RESCUE REMEDY SAGEBRUSH

STAR OF BETHLEHEM clears residues of tension from past experience

breaking free of the old, catalyst for change

the best essence for releasing old patterns and attracting new restorative energy positive faith in overcoming difficulties

balances energy after trauma, argument, or illness

releases old habits that are no longer appropriate

To create a protective shield around a home




psychic protection for the home dispels negative influences strengthening, excellent for protection

To ignite energy and vitality

INDIAN PAINTBRUSH stimulates creativity

PEPPERMINT alert and vital



reawakens vigor and new life vitality, lively interest in all things

To summon spiritual awakening

ANGEL'S TRUMPET deeply soothing and peaceful, spiritual initiation ANGELICA open to guidance from the divine realms

BLACK-EYED SUSAN awakens consciousness

IRIS   spiritual integration

LOTUS  opens spiritual consciousness that has been restricted


Spiraling water strengthens ts energy. Ho o the water n yoit container and spira t round and round. You can twir the container, use a cean fiiiger, or take a wooden sooo'' or st ck to sp ra t. Th s empowers the water. Water f owing in nature nature y moves in spire ing patterns. These sc ra movements replenish the water's energy and ncrease is eleclomagnetic current. Still water or water flowing out of sWa ght p pes does not have this via essence, but you can restore t with a gentle swirffiig.


The most important aspect of enBrg z ng holly water s through your prayers and reverence. Ho ding your right hand over the container of water, with your eft hand held upwards palm facing1 the heavens, magme iglht entering into your eft and pouring out of your r ght hand nto the water. As you co this, add your prayers or mantras that the water be made sacked. This should be done n the early morning when the earth energy s freshest Cqptinue until

you fee that the water has been saturated wth Sp rit Know that every mo ecuie of the water is now infused with the power of your prayers and your intention, and that whatever this water touches will be transformed.

Hoy water needs to oe treatad and handled v. th respect t must be kept in a clean conta ner that has only been used for holy water. It s best to purchase a conta ner for ths purpose, although you can use any g ass or ceramk container or cowl that has been thoroughly ^leaned and ded catec for use with holy water. It dhould be stored in a place of honor such as on youfc home altan

As you begin your Space C ear ng, you may want to invoke the Spirit o* Water to help yc^ in your work. To du this, place a bowl of holy water on your B ess ng Altar. Take a few moments to still your mind and toy connect with the So rit of Water. Imagine a beautifu cascade of mountain water fa ling gown steep stones to ah alpine va ey full of de cate wild flowers, Tthis cal s upon the Sc rit of Water to bring the renewing energy of a cascading wateHa I into your Space C earing.

Be ow is an examp e of a prayer you cou d use to consecrate water:

May the Creator within all things fill this water with blessings ano peace May the water bring purification, healing, and love to this home ano all who dwell here. So oe it.

Casting Holy Water

One way to use holy water for Space Clearing is to dip a leaf, flower, or small branch in the water and then flick it into the space. In some ancient traditions, the shaman would carry a bowl of water in one hand. With his other hand, he carried a branch of herbs or a small sprig from an evergreen tree. This he would dip into the consecrated water and vigorously flick the end of the branch around the room, so that small drops of water were dispersed throughout the air.

To use this method, walk around the periphery of the room. Wherever you sense energy that is stagnant or negative, dip your small twig, flower, or stem into the water, and lightly but firmly cast the water into the area. If energy is really stuck then flick the branch seven times, wait a moment to sense if the energy has cleared, and if not, then flick seven times again. This method of flicking seven times is traditional in many cultures. Don't saturate an area - just a few drops is enough.

The plant or tree sprig you choose to use will subtly alter the effects of your clearing. Here is a partial list of some options you can try. You can also use your intuition to discover many others.

PINE BRANCH Excellent for clearing very heavy or negative energy. Extremely purifying and cleansing. Good for clearing after illness or depression, or when someone is feeling stuck in their life.

CEDAR BRANCH Shares most of the positive aspects of pine, but is somewhat softer in energy. Excellent for clearing spiritual energies.

LEMON VERBENA BRANCH Excellent for shifting the energy in a room quickly and for clearing negative energy following an argument. Increases mental clarity and perception. Leaves a vibrant, refreshing energy.

ROSEMARY Purifying and revitalizing, vibrant and emotionally warming, this is always a good choice.

ROSE FLOWER Good for working with very gentle energy, and for creating a delicate haven of love and affection.

DAISY FLOWER Especially good for clearing children's rooms and rooms devoted to sociability. A delicate tool best used to create environments filled with joy.


Mjsting a room /. nstantiy cear out stagnant emotions energies /. ^ ch have accumulated there This is oecause regat .e emotions actua , eave a < "c o' e ectr ca charge hanging n the a rh ch s rapicy cieared through the use o* charged, essence-enriched /.ate'sprayeo ghty throughout the room during a Space Ceanno An adcfitioaa benefit o* this method s that t a healthy, '■egat.e-oo environment n the area when you are *n shea. Negat .e ons ,ncrease ^e^ta a er-^ess ano up energy ~hey are datura . found next to wateda s and ''pine 'crests n nature, as v.e as at the shoffe. '.1 stog s a way of re-creat ng these re'Teshmg environments through Space C ear ng.

.Vhen choos ng a /.ater spr'tzer to use for m st-ng, the finer the spray created, the bettec There are many sma beautM cottes that can be obtained that wort .er /.e The oea^r of the mister s actua y an mpohant adjunct to ts fufM-ton, because t helps to consecrate the ritua Se ect one wh ch s cftmfortajb e to hd d and has an easy-to-use spray mechar s°~

T^e solution you use for misting n Space Clearing /, be efireeby related to .uur mention. You .7 usua y ack! a *e/. drops of a fewer essence or even essert a o to t^e charged water n your cotte The ones you use .•. be a determ n no factor n toe resu ts you gain, sc cons der cerefu y 3ut don't fee overwhelmed Your ntuitfon s often ^o'e .a“aoe than extens ve know edee. lust et co and trust that /ou be —’        J

Qr'c’ir' tC' exact j f~e best essences or essentia o s fof a padc_ ar c ee' ng

As th the * c< ng method c rc e each room a coC'' .'. se motion t" .c.r m sz~r Dor t soa<,-t^ °g Just send ght puffs-of mist nto the air .■ you sense' that ’n needs cear .'st "'c s oart c^ ar . _se*_ *or st^ato^s /.-e'e negat <e emotions are et t"e heart c' .'.'’at s wrong th the energy Doing this ^ind c Space C ear "g produces mroed ate resu ts roo^ fee ghter, fresher, dearer, and more posit e


t s .a uable to complete .our Space1 tearing by deans ng the auras of yoorse' and a the house-ho d nhab tants C leaf ng a home w thdut a so resetting the energy of the people w'no /ethers s ke .'.asr ng a yovr clothes but then forgett ng to bathe your ooc? Us ^g /.eter for dearng the energy of the oeoc e /. no .e - a space esceca . helps mem to attune to the homes '■e/. energ es



Healing Earth



iewed from outer space, the Earth shines like a blue jewel set against a sea of jet black darkness. The swirling clouds of her delicate atmosphere drift in spirals of white, marking the orb like delicate veins on marble. The wonders of this planet were intu

itively sensed by our ancestors, who worshipped her as the Mother Goddess, the foundation of life.

When you connect with the Spirit of the Earth in your Space Clearing, you are grounding your home to a primeval and powerful force for healing. The passage of the seasons, and the daily rhythms of our existence, are all lived in accordance with the cycles of the Earth. Her soil, her forests, her rocks and mountains, her plains and vegetation are the bounty that nourishes us body and soul.

Salt for Space Clearing

Salt is a gift from the Earth that has special significance for Space Clearing. Known throughout time for its remarkable purifying properties, salt in the ocean acts as an antiseptic to destroy bacteria. The ancient practice of tossing salt over the left shoulder to avert bad luck is based on the traditional use of salt to dispel negative energy. Because of its unique virtues, salt is one of the most essential elements in your repertoire of Space Clearing tools.

in performing purification for your own home, it is best to obtain natural salt, either sea salt or rock salt which has not been iodized. Which type of salt you choose will depend on your overall intention for the clearing. Sea salt will call forth the powers of the sea, which are especially conducive to cleansing and emotional healing. Rock salt on the other hand is associated with the powers of the Earth, and is very useful for achieving a sense of balance and grounding. These differences are very subtle, so use of either kind of salt will have a similar effect overall.


There are several ways you can use salt in a Space Clearing ceremony. Placing a bowl of salt on your Blessing Altar while you are Space Clearing will help to ground and neutralize any negative energy you encounter as you work. You can also take a small bowl of salt and place it in the center of each room while you are clearing it. Or you can sprinkle salt throughout each room. Pay particular attention to the corners where stagnant energy tends to gather.

Salt sprinkled during a clearing should be left for 24 hours before it is swept up in order to allow enough time for it to absorb all of the negative energy. And salt used in Space Clearing should NEVER be eaten. It should be used only once and then rinsed down the sink followed by plenty of cold running water. Salt is used more than anything else in the world for Space Clearing. It is a universal purifier.


A traditional Eastern way to use salt for Space Clearing is to mix it with equal parts of rice to toss throughout a space. Additionally, in some traditions it has sacred ash mixed into it. Sacred ash consists of blessings which have been written (sometimes in special calligraphy) on paper and then ceremonially burned and added to the rice/salt mixture The ash contains the essence of the prayers. You may want to write your own prayers and blessings on a p,ece of paper, burn it and mix the ashes with your rice and salt.


Clear quartz crystal, another gift from the Earth, is composed of silicon dioxide. Like salt, quartz is one of the Earth's most common and olentiful minerals. Used in Soace Clearing, quartz crystals can act as generators of energy. Because crystals can be cata

lysts for human consc ousness, they possess the ability to distill, magnify and transmit your intention into a room. By placing a quartz crystal on your Blessing Altar, you will be aole to deepen and radiate the energy field that you have created there. Natural faceted crystals can aiso be used as "wands" to implant sacred symbols into a room or to direct energy. To do this, hold an intention of a particular sacred symbol or ideal in your mind while directing the crystal in a particular place in a room (see "mystic symbols" on page 121). You can aiso simply outline the symbol in the air with the wand.

Cleansing your Space Clearing crystals

Regularly cleansing your clear quartz will keep it vitalized. This should oe done after every clearing, or it will eventually iose its vibrancy. Here are several ways to cleanse your crystals.

SOLAR CLEANSING Place your crystal where the rays of the sun will directly fall on it. Leave it there for 3-4 hours. Then wrap it in black or dark purple silk to keep the energy intact.

SALT WATER CLEANSING Combine at least 1 cup of water with half a cup of salt. Embed your crystal in the salt before it begins to dissolve, and let it soak in the solution for at least 24 hours.

EUCALYPTUS OIL CLEANSING Holding your crystal in your hand, rub eucalyptus oil over its entire surface. As you apply the oil, begin at the base (this is the bottom or fiat surface of the crystal) and work up to the top facet (the tip or apex of the crystal where all the sides come together).

Sacred dance for Space Clearing

Dance is an ancient way of celebrating our connection to the Earth. As the feet touch the ground, the body reaches for the heavens, thus establishing a sacred link between Mother Earth and Grandfather Sky. Your body can be one of the most exquisite and wondrous tools for Space Clearing. It can become your holy instrument to channel energy and light into a space. Tai chi or yoga classes can help you learn to use your body in a graceful way for channeling energy, but are not vital. Such classes can help you to get in touch with your physical form and understand how to sense and respond to energy with your body, but you can also simply use your intuition to find those poses and movements which are most expressive of Spirit for you.

To clear a space using your body, begin by standing at the entrance with your hands in a prayer position. Take a deep breath and exhale. Allow your awareness to expand so that you feel that you are filling every part of the room. Then step beyond your mind and all linear thought processes. Slowly allow your "body wisdom" to take over and begin to dance. Move, sway, flow. You might find your arms moving in a spontaneous spiraling movement in one area, and a soft pushing motion in another. Let your body become a sacred vessel for universal awareness to surge through the room. When you sense that the energy is balanced and complete, draw the sign of infinity in the air (a horizontal figure eight) to seal it in.


When using your body as your Space Clearing tool you might consider the use of mudras (devotional hand gestures) to deepen the energy you are creating. The Sanskrit word "mudra" means "to seal." These graceful movements of the hands can be used to bless and seal the energy in a room.

Mudras have enjoyed a rich history since their emergence in Egypt. Following their early beginnings, the esoteric use of sacred hand gestures swept through the ancient world, and were used in Greece, Persia, India, China, and Japan. Particular hand gestures were used to actualize deep inner states. They allowed for an alignment of mind, body, and soul.

Today we can use mudras to implant and seal healing qualities into a living space. One simple mudra is performed by placing your hands in a prayer position in front of your heart chakra, the center of your chest. Imagine that heart energy is filling your hands and then allow them to move this loving energy into the room. Another mudra is performed by placing your left hand in your right palm with your thumbs touching. Cup them together in front of the center of your abdomen and imagine that you are filling your hands with light from this area of your body (which is called the tanden or hara). This creates very powerful grounding energy. Now lift your hands and send

th s energy nto the room. Chien when you are "dancing a room," you w form spontaneous mudras wifh your arms and hands. A deep wisdom s' Hing you at that time and each hand gesture s calling a needed energy into the room.

To deepen the effect of your nmudras you may want to consider decorating your hands and feet with henna or felt markers. This time-honored pract ce s ca ed mehnd and the des gns he p tc activate your energy Ycu can either obtain a mehndi kit, have yourself decorated professiona y, or Earefu y create your own designs.

research has uncovered evidence suggesting that the ancient Ch nese and Egyptians a so used dows-ng. Tne *'st writter) descriptions of dowsing appeared in tne M dd e Ages A though there are many schoo s of thought regard ng why dows ng s successful, practitioners of th s anc ent a" a agree cr one po nt: it works.

Many ce eve that dowsing works because dowsers subcpnsciotisly tune nto the stream of wisdom ava able at the eve of tne ool active unconscious of a people. The dowser receives nformation from ths source, causing muscles tc twitcfl, wh ch n turn causes the pendulum tc


swing In other words the bony of the dowser becomes a rece ving station to access the energy

The art o* dows ng has been used for thoiaands of

flows of -me space around them. The dowsing) too

yeah to indicate energy fields. Prehistoric rock paintngs in Algeria depict early dowsers, and

acts as a foca point, or amo he; fdr the nfO'-matidn rece .eu

You can use pendulums in your Space Clearing to detect energy fields as well as for clearing energy. Any weight attached to the end of a cord or chain can be used for pendulum dowsing. If you are purchasing a pendulum, find one that both looks and feels good to you. Before you begin to work with your pendulum, you will need to energize it. You can do this by holding your hands over it and imaging that light is radiating out of your hands into the pendulum. Energizing your pendulum usually improves the way it* works for you.

To use your pendulum for Space Clearing, hold its cord or chain firmly between your thumb and index finger several inches from the pendulum - a comfortable range is usually between 3-12 inches (roughly 10-30 cm), so that it can swing freely and smoothly. Go through each room in your home, allowing the pendulum to swing in small circles. Anywhere that it begins to swing in wider circles can indicate the need for clearing Allow the pendulum to spiral in that area until it begins to swing in small circles again. This indicates that the energy in that area has been cleared.





Since the beginning of time, people have used symbols to express feelings of connection to Spirit, to the Earth, and to the multitude of life around us. You can implant the energy of a mystic symbol in a room, thus sealing the energy that you have created there. To do this, either outline the symbol in the air with your fingers or a wand, or else visualize it. When using your fingers, use your index finger and middle finger together. You can also draw the outlines of the symbol in the air using an elongated crystal or a wand. This will further imprint the energy of the symbol in the atmosphere of the environment.

Any symbol that has significance for you can be effectively used to seal the energy of a room. Use your intuition to discover which ones suit you best.You may find the following symbols useful: TO EXPAND ENERGY IN A ROOM Make a spiral Starting at the center and working outward.

TO PROTECT ENERGY IN A ROOM The five-pointed star (pentagram), the six-pointed star (the seal of So'omon), and the cross are all excellent to use CLOSING THE CIRCLE OF ENERGY Make a circle on each wall, and say, "The circle is now complete." SEALING LOVE INTO A ROOM Visualize or draw in the air the shape of a heart. Tb s is a contemporary symbol that is simple, but powerful.

GROUNDING AND REVITALIZING A HOME Draw a tree in the air, complete with roots and branches. By doing this you are planting the energy of the sacred Tree of Life in the home and this symbol will continue to ground and replenish the energy.


A Sacred Act

II life is energy. Physicists acknowledge that the atoms and molecules in all things are in constant motion. They declare what ancient mystics have always known - that beneath the surface of physical objects, energy swirls into form, dissolves,

and coalesces once again. The world is in a constant dance of fluid patterns of ebbing and flowing energy. Underlying this motion is a cosmic order, an innate harmony in all life. However, as huge changes in technology have occurred, we have lost this fundamental balance in our lives.

The re-emergence of the ancient wisdom of Space Clearing is an organic and natural way to reclaim balance and harmony in our homes and in our lives. As you step into this sacred tradition you begin to experience that every object in your home affects your energy in a different way. The more you open up your heart and inner awareness to the realm of energy, the more you will hear the voice of everything in your surroundings. As you refine your ability to sense energy, you will notice when your home is out of balance, and you will intuitively know what is needed to restore harmony. This is an intuitive art, and like any art, the more you practice, the more refined your skills will become.

There is great power in small sacred acts. When you listen to your own inner wisdom, you will

know what you need to do. When you Space Clear a home and call forth blessings for the people who live there, this is a sacred act. You are generating an energy field that will travel in ripples beyond the boundaries of the home into the universe around you, bringing a sense of grace, beauty, and love to all in ways that you may never be aware of.

When you clear and bless your home or business, this generates an extraordinary energy that radiates in all directions, positively influencing the surrounding area. Human beings are one small part of something grand and infinite, and even more wonderful than we can ever imagine. Though we are not often aware of it, when we open our hearts to the promptings of Spirit, this creates an energy that has an enormous impact on the universe around us. People you don't know and may never know will be influenced by what you do. Whenever you Space Clear you are making a difference in the world.

As you begin to understand the profound nature of Space Clearing, you will tap into an immense current of love, harmony, and profound cower which assists us to be part of something much bigger than our individual identities. Space Clearing can help you connect with a divine force that can offer protection, purification, and blessings for your home, and ultimately for the world.

Space Clearing Resources


Native Journeys

112 Auburn Road, Hawthorne 3122, Victoria tel: +61 (0)3 98 18 88 10 fax: +61 (0)3 98 18 88 09 Handmade drums, rattles, sage, feathers, resins, charcoal, tingshaws, Tibetan bells, abalone shells, didgeridoos, Native American flutes, Space Clearing candles, click sticks, and essential oils. Call or write for catalog.

In Essence

3 Abbott Street, Fairfield 3078, Victoria tel: +61 (0)3 94 86 96 88 Excellent quality oils.

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Essential Energies, 54 Clifton Street, Richmond 3121, Victoria Flower essences.


Tisserand Aromatherapy Products

Newtown Road, Hove, Sussex BN3 ZRS tel: +44 (0)1273 325666 fax: +44 (0)1273 208444 Essential oils. Available by mail order and from major healthfood stores.

Bach Flower Remedies Dr. Edward Bach Centre, Mount Vernon, Sotwell, Wallingford, Oxon tel: +44 (0)1491 839489

Windhorse Imports

PO Box 7, Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR3 5SF tel: +44 (0)1497 821116 email: Authentic and traditional tools, including drums, incense, offering bowls, prayer wheels, Tibetan bells, singing bowls, and tingshaws. Available by mail order.

Esoterica & The Feng Shui Shop 5a Devonshire Road, London W4 2EU tel: +44 (0)20 8994 1414 fax: +44 (0)20 8994 0123 A selection of crystals, incense, and smudge sticks.


9-11 Monmouth Street, London WC2H 9DA tel: +44 (0)20 7240 3688 A selection of crystals, incense, smudge sticks, Tibetan bells, and Tibetan bowls.


54 Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8AN tel: +44 (0)20 7692 6261 fax: +44 (0)20 7692 5765 A selection of drums, rattles, and crystal shakers.

Wilde Ones 283 Kings Road, London SW3 5EW tel: +44 (0)20 7351 7851 fax: +44 (0)20 7352 3844 email: A selection of crystals, crystal singing bowls, drums, feather fans,

incense, pendulums, rattles, Tibetan bells, Tibetan bowls, and tingshaws.

World Tree Mend Us 17 Station Parade, Kew, Surrey TW9 3PE tel: +44 (0)20 8332 0162 A selection of crystals, pendulums, and stones.


Lifetree Aromatix 3949 Longbridge Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Superb quality oils specially formulated by John Steele.

Information packet & order form can be obtained for $2.50.

Alaska Flower Essence Project PO Box 1369, Homer, Alaska 99603-1369 tel (toll free in USA & Canada): 1-800-545-9309 tel (overseas): 1-907-235-2188 Outstanding Space Clearing combinations.

Perelandra Flower Essences P.O. Box 3603, Warrenon, VA 20188

tel (toll free in USA & Canada): 1-800-960-8806 tel (overseas):

+ 1 (540) 937 2153 fax: +1 (540) 937 3360 General supplies.

Mystic Trader 1334 Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 tel (toll free in USA & Cananda):

1 800-634-9057 tel (overseas): + 1 (503) 357 1566 fax: +1 (503) 357 1669 General supplies.

Nueva Luz

P.O. Box 31011, Santa Fe, NM 87594 tel: +1 (505) 986 9163 fax: +1 (505) 455 1258

Exquisite ceremonial smudging feather fans.

Karen Kingston Balinese bells and other tools.

David and Denise Linn PO Box 75657, Seattle, Washington 98125-0657 A selection of frame drums.


Courses and Training:

Denise conducts Space Clearing and Feng Shui training and professional certification courses in United States and occasionally overseas. For information write to:

Denise Linn Seminars Interior Alignment'

Professional Certification Course P.O. Box 75657, Seattle, Washington 98125-0657


Denise has personally trained professional Space Clearers who currently practice in 15 countries. For the name of a consultant in your area write to the above address.