The Power of Runes: Ancient Symbolism for Personal Guidance and Self-Transformation - Damen Sarina 2014

The Power of Runes: Ancient Symbolism for Personal Guidance and Self-Transformation - Damen Sarina 2014


"The north wind made the Vikings." - Scandinavian Proverb

"The Power of the Runes - Ancient Symbolism for Personal Guidance and SelfTransformation" is my second book on the captivating subject of runic symbolism and divination. My first book, "Rune Divination and their Viking Origins" was a limited edition, published in 1997 without an ISBN, and released as part of a set, along with handmade runes.

Over the years, clients have suggested I re-release my original rune book, but instead, I decided to put together a new comprehensive rune reference, including insights and information gained since writing my original handbook on rune interpretation; a book which would be useful to novice and advanced runecasters alike, containing information on traditional and modern rune usage and symbolism.

With a fascination for my Viking heritage, and my love of J.R.R. Tolkien's - "The Lord of the Rings" which I first read in my teens, it may not seem surprising that I

developed a passion for runic lore. However, it was not until I received a gift of "The Power of the Runes" by Richard Blum, some years later, that my enthusiasm for rune history and rune-casting was well and truly sparked.

I hope you enjoy "The Power of Runes - Ancient Symbolism for Personal Guidance and Self-Transformation", and find it a beneficial guide on your journey to develop your knowledge and skills in the intriguing field of runic symbolism and rune-casting.

*Image - Public Domain: Sigurd Saga Rune Stone



Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen; The wolf lives in the forest.


Dross comes from bad iron;

The reindeers often races over the frozen snow.


Giant causes anguish to women; Misfortune makes few men cheerful.


Estuary is the way of most journeys; But a scabbard is of sword.


Riding is said to be the worst thing for horses; Reginn forged the finest sword


Ulcer is fatal to children; Death makes a corpse pale.


Hail is the coldest of grain; Christ created the world of old.


Constraint gives scant choice; A naked man is chilled by the frost.


Ice, we call the broad bridge; The blind man must be led.


Plenty is a boon to men;

I say that Frodi was generous


Sun is the light of the world; I bow to the divine decree.


Tyr is a one-handed god; Often has the smith to blow.


Birch has the greenest leaves of any shrub; Loki was fortunate in his deceit.


Man is an augmentation of the dust; Great is the claw of the hawk.


A waterfall is a River which falls from a mountain-side; But ornaments are of gold.


Yew is the greenest of trees in winter; It is won't to crackle when it burns.

Source for original text and translation: "Runic and Heroic Poems" by Bruce Dickins, published in 1915 - public domain.


From a traditional and historical standpoint, rune-casters were not known to incorporate the tarot, zodiac, crystals, or other personal guidance modalities into their runic practices; but it is clear, on thorough investigation into these different approaches, that there are obvious connections and similarities. If you are interested in enhancing your spiritual skills and understanding, this chart will be invaluable in your rune-casting and self-awareness work. This table shows which runes correspond to traits assigned to each zodiac sign and various planetary aspects, tarot cards, and crystals, and can be used to determine when guidance received by two or more modalities have been repeated, or emphasized. It can also be used to reveal answers relating to specific star signs, or determine a suitable personal amulet rune or crystal.

If your question relates to determining the star sign of a particular person, take a slow, calming breath, focus, and draw a rune. This table will reveal the star sign associated with the rune you have drawn, and may provide you with the answer you are seeking. To choose a suitable personal rune or crystal, select the runic symbol or crystal associated with your star sign. Alternatively, centre yourself, focussing and stilling your mind and body, and draw a rune with your left hand. The rune symbol drawn can be used as an amulet, or wear the crystal associated with this particular rune.

































Rose Quartz.








Lapis Lazuli




Snowflake Obsidian














High Priestess








Wheel of Fortune






Tiger’s Eye




Earth Mother

















Smoky Quartz











Transit of Planetar>r Bodies



This handy overview provides a quick reference for each rune symbol, name, pronunciation, character sound, and upright, reversed and merkstave meanings.

Detailed descriptions and meanings can be found

for each rune in their respective rune meaning chapters.








I (Fa

?ehi y-W E


ho J

F (fl)

Cattle domesticated , Wealth


Abundancei. Success, Hope, Money

Loss, Challenges related to Money, Possessions

I (Ooc




U (00)

Wild Ox

Strength, Vitality, Hero, Magnetism

Weakness, Cowardice, Overbearing, Inflexible

Th ciijooi

mis r-ee



TH (tfpm)

god Thor, Giants of Norse Mythology

Change, Catalyst, Masculine Energy

Mistrust. Risk, Not holding to principles

A (Awj






A (ball)

Ancestral god, Oditi

Insight, Wisdom, Gratitude, Harmony

Illusion, Vanity, Boredom, Lack of Purpose

R (Ry





R (rise)

Chariot, physical journey

Journey, Progress, Positive Choices, Harmony


Choices or Behaviour, Imbalance

K (kan




K (cane)

Torch. Light, Passion

Knowledge, Magnetic At traction, Life Force, Inspired

Blocked. Unimaginative, III Health. Break Up

C (ga

Jebo y-bo


G (give)

Gift, Talent, Sacrifice

Generosity, Gift, Abilities. Relationships Physical and Spiritual

Loneliness, Greed, Clingy. Resentful, Isolated

\\ (wc

iinjo on-vo) 3

V or W (veil or way)

Joy, Wish granted, Reward

Happiness, Recognition. Wish Granted, Empathy. Peace

Lacking SelfControl, Overwhelmed, Sadness

Hj (haw-j

igals jaw-


IZ laws)

H (hail)

Hail. Projectiles, Cataclysmic Changes

Power of Nature. Severe Weather, Finalization.


Loss of Power, Difficulties, Loss. Emotional Upset

Nauthi (now-thc

z se)

N (on)

Need, Necessities

Willpower, Delays, Personal Development, Determination

Lack, Emotional Needs not Met, Limiting Routine

— •

... - —

— •


Isa i-sav



I (keep)

Ice. Stagnation.


Stalemate, Negative Thinking or Attitude, Finer Blocks, Reflection

Focussed on Self to the exclusion of others needs, Plotting. Mistrust


J era e-av



Y (yes)

One Year, Harvest, Completion. Cycle

Reaping Rewards, Likelihood of Accomplishment, Cycle Completed

Incorrect Timing, Reversal of Circumstances, Challenges



hwa j-wa T



Y (you)

Yew Tree, Sacred Tree, Harnessing Spiritual


Growing Self-Awareness, Inner-Strength, Purposeful

Self-Doubt, Indecisive, Dissatisfaction

P( (per

irthn h-rc


P (pot)

Cup, Feminine

Power, Fate

Feminine Power, Mysterious Divine, Intuitive Understanding

Disconnected to Feminine Energy. Lack of Empathy





Z (zoo)

Elk, Protection, Survival, Defence

Spiritual or Physical Protection, Higher Purpose, Healer

Lacking Understanding of Guidance, Fanaticism, Distrati on

S( (so-v

nvilc ee-li



S (sit)

Sun, Victory

Success, Glowing Health, Connection to the Divine

Wasting Time and Energy, Empty Success or Goals, Self-Absorbed

T (tee

iwaz i-wa


T (toggle)

Tiw or Tyr—th e Sky god. Battles and Laws, Justice. Balance

Recognition, Important Status, Justice, Legal Success

Lacking Enthusiasm or Motivation, Feeling Taken for Granted or Unimportant

Bei (bear-

kan korn E



B (band)

Birch Tree, Ber-chta—Birch goddess, Goddess of Spring

Beginning, New Life or Growth. Freedom, Abundance

Feeling Controlled or Lack of Freedom, Obstacles on Path

El (a?


-was M



E (egg)

Horse, Two Horses, Mystical Horse

Teamwork, Advancement, Travel, Spiritual Progress

Disharmony, Restlessness, Indecisive

Mi (mor

Hina n-na 1*1



M (man)

Man, Human, Humankind

Wholeness, Reliance or Assistance, Compassion, Personal Potential

Detachment or Isolation, Denial, Lack of Active Compassion

I (lai

-agu 1-gOO


i ze)

L (letter)

Water. Lake, Birth, Birth of a Venture

Transformation, Water Healing or Power, New Start, Travel Over Water

Stagnancy, Confusion, Worrying, Lack of Direction

Ii ('eee

igwa ng-w

z aaz)

NG (linger)

Ing—Earth god. Power Increasing

Family Bonds, Male Fertility, Connection to All Life, Nature, Inner Strength

Dull Routine, Revitalization Needed. Efforts Without Result

I (tha

)aga vv-ga (X

I uze)

D (dodge)

Dawn, Daylight, Day, Balance of Opposites and Contrast

Hope, Ready to Start Again. Opportunity, Harmony

Feeling Having Reached Limit, Ending, Loss







() (bold)

Ancestral Connections, Hereditary Property', Possessions, Inheritance, Land.

Family, Traditions

Inheritance, Traditions, Family, Real Estate, Prosperity Shared,

Lack of Funds, Power Struggles, Feeling Unrewarded by Efforts, Spiritual Lessons

Blankinfinity (Modem addition to the nine set) As it has no character, it is not a nine in its traditional sense.)

No correspond ing letter or sound

Infinity, The Divine, Potential, Awareness, No Limits (Traditional runes encompass the energy of die Norse gods particularly Odin, not die recently added Blank/ Infinity Rune)

Divine. Potential. Radiance, Limitless, Infinity, Spirit, Spiritual Gilts. Insight. Awareness, Self-Mastery-, Endiu-siasm, Adventure, Guidance,

Although this rune has no reverse or merkstave, it may be read as fear of the divine, unseen, spirituality, belief, death, greater awareness, or fear of fear itself.


Wealth source of discord among kinsmen and fire of the sea and path of the serpent.

Shower lamentation of the clouds and ruin of the hay-harvest and abomination of the shepherd.

Giant torture of women and cliff-dweller and husband of a giantess.

God aged Gautr and prince of AsgarQr and lord of Valhalla.

Riding joy of the horsemen and speedy journey and toil of the steed.

Ulcer disease fatal to children and painful spot and abode of mortification.

Hail cold grain and shower of sleet and sickness of serpents.

Constraint grief of the bond-maid and state of oppression and toilsome work.

Ice bark of rivers and roof of the wave and destruction of the doomed.

Plenty boon to men and good summer and thriving crops.

Sun shield of the clouds and shining ray and destroyer of ice.


god with one hand and leavings of the wolf and prince of temples.

Birch leafy twig and little tree and fresh young shrub.

Man delight of man and augmentation of the earth and adorner of ships.

Water eddying stream and broad geysir and land of the fish.


bent bow and brittle iron and giant of the arrow.

The English translation of the "Icelandic Rune Poem", was sourced from "Runic and Heroic Poems" by Bruce Dickins, 1915. All sixteen runes of the Younger Futhark are mentioned in the Icelandic Rune Poem, believed to have been written in the 8th or 9th century. The poem and rune image are from the public domain.


We live in a technology-driven society, so why does this ancient alphabet still fascinate and inspire us? Runes may simply look like angular characters, but this set of symbols is a means of unveiling deeper insights, and providing guidance for personal revelation. Whether we use runes for our own self-growth and understanding, or rune-cast to provide direction for someone else, the runes are a highly effective way to tune into our intuition, assist personal development, and nurture self-awareness.

In Old Norse, the word "rune" means letter or inscription, but runes also derive their name from the archaic Goth word, "runa" meaning mystery or secret; and true to their original meaning, runes are indeed mysterious, with even their exact origins, still a matter of intense debate among experts.

Runic characters were used in ancient times to identify personal items, but were also marked on possessions and landmarks to convey powerful transformative energies and protective magic. Since runes were originally carved into objects with hard surfaces, not written, runes were designed as simple, linear characters, making these signs easier for rune-makers to engrave.

When runes were first created, these symbols were used singularly, or as a small group of several characters, rather than to write sentences. However, over time, as the use of runes became more widespread, runic characters were grouped together to write complex messages in a variety of languages.

While each letter in our alphabet has a sound, but no individual meaning, except for "a" and "I", each rune not only possesses a sound, but also conveys a distinct meaning. For example, the first three runes of the Elder Futhark, the earliest of the ancient rune alphabets, are actually three archaic German words: Fehu (F) meaning "cattle", Uruz (U) referring to "aurochs" - large wild Eurasian oxen now extinct, and Thurisaz (TH) denoting "giant". Each runic symbol also has a magical significance, their meanings aligned to the Norse gods of Northern Europe, and worn as charms, and used in spell casting and spiritual guidance.

Different rune-casters take varying approaches to determining the messages communicated by the runes. Some read all runes as upright, no matter what position they fall; others read runes as either upright or reversed, while the remainder see runes as having three potential positions - upright, reversed, or merkstave, and read the subsequent variations in their messages.

To the uninitiated, runes may simply look like linear characters, but to runecasters, and all those that seek the wisdom of runic symbolism, runes are the messengers of self-transformation.


Humankind has been making intentional marks to communicate ideas of personal or tribal significance for over forty thousand years. Ancient images depicting hunters, hand prints, animals, and beings painted on rock walls, were not thought to be records of day-to-day events, but believed to have been created to encompass magical properties and convey mystical stories; pictorial imagery used by our ancestors to invoke the power of nature and the gods.

Around thirty thousand years ago, people of the early Palaeolithic era began marking walls, stones, bone, and wood, with straight lines, or telemarks, to keep track of passing seasons and suitable times for planting crops. Since each line represented one, as human society developed and became more complex, the use of telemarks became too cumbersome, and eventually a new method was developed by the Babylonians. Instead of a single line, a small clay cone was used to represent one, a clay sphere indicated ten, and a large cone was used to denote sixty.

Approximately 3500BC, *a new form of writing and numeracy was invented by the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia. Scribes used a simple reed implement to

press marks into clay tablets; a single indent represented one, a "v" on its side meant ten, and a combination of these marks was used to form other numbers. Written words consisted of pictorial representations, and together with numerical values, these inscriptions were used to create basic records of taxes and crops. Over time, Sumerian pictographic writing became symbols, or ideograms, and each symbol was eventually matched with a spoken sound. This phonetic writing, known as cuneiform, was used to express complex concepts and information on a wide variety of subjects including astronomy, commercial ventures, daily events, and literature.

Although it is widely held that the Sumerians were the first to invent a highly developed and structured method of writing, capable of communicating the depth and variety of human experience and thought, many academics believe that hieroglyphics, another pictographic means of writing developed by the Egyptians, was invented at the same time as cuneiform, but evolved entirely separately. Hieroglyphics were used and understood, primarily by the educated, middle and ruling class, scribes, traders, priests and religious hierarchy. Ancient Egyptians used objects from their everyday life to create their hieroglyphic pictographs, a rod stood for one, a cattle hobble was used for ten, coiled rope meant one hundred, and a lotus flower represented one thousand.

Semitic-speaking peoples who worked for the ancient Egyptians as miners and labourers, had no written language, but by 1900BC, inspired by Egypt's hieroglyphics, began developing a unique alphabet based on what was familiar in their own lives. Each letter was a simplified representation of an everyday item, with the object's spoken name, becoming the letter's sound. For example, in Semitic, the ox was known as "alph". A simplified representation of the ox's head became the letter "A", we know and use today, with the muzzle of the ox pointing upwards and the horns pointing downwards. The palm of the hand, known in Semitic as "kappu", became the letter "k", and a house plant, or "betu", became the letter "b". Water in Semitic was "mayyama". or "mem", which became the

letter "m"; a character whose appearance still evokes the idea of ripples on water, and the symbol of an eye, or "en", became our letter "o". Semitic languages with which we are still familiar include Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic. Phoenicians, Semitic-speaking sea-faring traders, spread this new alphabet via their trade routes and commercial activities throughout the Mediterranean, and into Asia.

The Greeks, who had close trading ties with the Phoenicians, were quick to adopt this new form of writing. Since Semitic languages omit some or all vowels, by the 8th century BC, the Greeks had adapted the Semitic alphabet to suit their own language, changing some characters from consonants to vowels, and eventually adding new vowel symbols. Greek, in time, became the foundation of modern alphabetic writing in Europe.

Etruscan alphabets developed from the Greek Alphabet, formulated by Greek colonists living in Italy, with the earliest example of this form of writing, dating back to the mid 6th century BC. Latin alphabets were also developed from the Greek Alphabet. The Romans wrote in Latin using only twenty-three characters, all upper case, only including the letters K, X, Y, or Z when writing words of Greek origin. Eventually, the Romans included letters from other alphabets, J (not the J we are familiar with today, but a version of I), U which was a variant of V, and W which was another version of V, a double-V.

Our modern alphabet has experienced major changes as recently as the 15th century, when the letter "i" was first used as a vowel, although this usage only became commonplace by the middle of the 17th century; at approximately the same time, the letter J was first used as a consonant.

* Recent carbon dating of Meso-American writing from Olmec, Mexico, revealed that ancient South Americans also developed a comprehensive system of writing

around the same time as the Sumerians. Writing in China developed slightly later than cuneiform, but completely independently.

*Image - Public Domain: Cuneiform inscribed into a clay tablet


Myth attributes the origins of runes to the Norse god Odin. Legend describes how Odin hung himself from the World Tree, Yggdrasil, speared himself, and for nine days and nights, Odin travelled to and from the edge of death; a painful, mystical journey of self-sacrifice and self-awareness on which he discovered the runes. Odin then taught the goddess Freya, the wisdom of the runes, who eventually passed on the knowledge of rune symbolism to Heimdall, god of the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall later taught runic characters and mystical lore to humanity

Runic inscriptions have been found on weaponry, boulders, manuscripts, jewellery, and other personal objects. Runes were in common use up until the Middle Ages, with runic carvings found as far north as Iceland, and as far south as England. Although runes were used by the Vikings, earliest runic inscriptions predate the Viking tribes.

Rune inscriptions were originally written in varying directions, right to left, or left to right. In some instances, runes were carved "boustrophedon", meaning "oxturning", writing that changes direction with every line, right to left, then left to

right, like an ox ploughing a field. Eventually, due to Roman influence, runes were only written from left to right.

Experts in rune history have differing theories on runic origins and development. Some believe runes originated from Latin, Turkish, or Etruscan languages. Other rune enthusiasts have theorized that runes were developed from Old Italic, or Greek. However, this seems highly unlikely for two main reasons. Firstly, Old Italic evolved from Etruscan, an ancient Greek alphabet which evolved from the Semitic alphabet, disseminated by the Phoenicians. Old Italic, Greek, and the Semitic alphabet, all commence with the characters, Alpha and Beta. These two characters are distinctly absent from all early runic inscriptions and the Elder Futhark. Secondly, runic symbols represent archaic German words; for example, Uruz is ancient German for a wild Eurasian ox, or auroch.

The most widely-accepted theory of early runic history, and what appears most reasonable according to current available evidence, is that runes developed around 100AD amongst the Germanic tribes living north of the Black Sea in Northern Europe; the common ancestors of the Vikings, Angles, Saxons, and Normans, who shared the same language, but spoke different dialects. The rune alphabet developed separately from other languages, evolving from earlier symbols called, “Hallristninga”. Early Bronze Age rock carvings, found mostly in Sweden, display these pre-runic symbols, some of which also appear in later runic alphabets. However the meanings of these earlier signs have been forgotten, but it is believed that they were used for magical or divination purposes. A passage written by the Roman historian, Tacitus, in his volume "Germania", dated 98AD, appears to support this theory of rune origins and use. He described how the Germanic peoples cut small pieces from nut-bearing trees, marked each strip with a different sign; then their priests would draw three strips and read these signs to provide guidance. Since Tacitus would have been familiar with the characters of the Greek, Latin, and Etruscan alphabets, he

would not have referred to the symbols used by the Germanic tribes as merely "signs" if he had recognized the characters inscribed on the strips of wood.

Pre-Runes or Hallristninga

Public Domain Image: Andreaze

By 300 AD, the peoples of Scandinavia used the runic alphabet exclusively for written communication. Between 400 - 600AD, three Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded Britain, introducing the rune alphabet to the peoples of the newly conquered lands, and by 800AD, runic characters were in common use in most of northern, western, and central Europe. The Vikings were also responsible for introducing the runes to parts of eastern and northern Europe, as well as Greenland, Iceland, and Russia. The runic alphabet remained in popular use in Britain until the 11th century. Runes were used to write a diverse range of languages, including German, English, Russian, Scandinavian, and Semitic languages.

The earliest known runic alphabet is the Elder Futhark. It is made up of twenty-four characters, and its name derived from the first six letters of this runic alphabet - F (Fehu) U (Uruz) Th (Thurisaz) A (Ansuz) R (Raidho) K (Kenaz). When the Anglo-Saxons eventually developed their own language, English, they created their own runic alphabet, "Futhorc", containing between twenty-six and thirty-one characters. When the Vikings also formulated their own language, they too, devised their own version of the runic alphabet. The Vikings' "Young

Futhork", also known as the "Younger Futhark", had only sixteen letters, and was used up until the 17th century in Northern Europe, particularly in Denmark and Sweden. Although there are many variants of the rune alphabet, these three are the best known, with the Elder Futhark, currently the most popular for selfdevelopment practices.

Though there are those today who firmly believe runes were only used for written communication, the majority of runic experts agree that these symbols were used for much more than simply conveying mundane messages. Rune inscriptions were a means of marking ownership of personal items, but since each runic symbol had a special relationship with a Norse god or goddess, and held traits associated with that deity, to etch a runic symbol upon your possessions, was to call upon that divine entity for their powers of protection and strength. In the eyes of the ancients, these symbols of the gods would make their weaponry more powerful, or imbue their shield with a heightened power to protect them in battle. An ancient poem, "Havamal", from the "Poetic Edda", a collection of Old Norse poems, includes an account of Odin describing the magical properties of runes. When carving runic characters, Vikings favoured green branches from fruitbearing trees, particularly the elm or yew, convinced that this wood, still charged with the life force and mystical energy, would make their runes best suited for divination and magical purposes.

Eventually, as the Roman Empire spread across Europe, runes lost popularity and Latin became the preferred language, and Roman writing became the favoured script. By the Middle Ages, when most of the European population had adopted Christianity, pagans were persecuted, and anything associated with paganism, including rune use was outlawed. Ultimately, only a few people remained who could read and interpret runic characters and their meanings, and it was not until Ralph Blum's, "The Book of Runes" was released in the 1980's that the general populace was reintroduced to rune wisdom and insight.

For more details on rune history and use, see: What are Runes? and the Elder


*In November 1898, a slab with runic writing, now known as the "Kensington Runestone" was found in Minnesota in the United States. The runestone had runic script on both sides, and it reads: "Eight Gotalanders and 22 Northmen on an acquisition journey from Vinland far to the west. We had a camp by two shelters, one day's journey north from this stone. We were fishing one day. After we came home, found 10 men red from blood and dead. Ave Maria save us from evil. There are 10 men by the inland sea to look after our ships, fourteen days' journey from this island. Year 1362."

If this Runestone is genuine, not only does it alter what we know of Viking history, but it also puts into dispute, who actually discovered America. There continues to be disagreements about the authenticity of this stone, but many rune and old Norse scholars believe it to be genuine, particularly when taken into account that King Magnus of Sweden sent an expedition of twenty-two Northmen to Greenland in 1355, and the party never returned.


Fehu (Fay-Who) Upright and Inverted



Rune-casters take different approaches to reading the runes. There are those that consider all runes should be read as upright, others take into account whether a rune is upright or reversed, while others read runes as upright, reversed, or merkstave.

Merkstave or Murkstave, means "dark stick". As merkstave's meaning implies, a rune drawn sideways or slightly off centre, conveys a more challenging, darker interpretation of the rune drawn, but not necessarily the opposite of the rune's upright position. The reversed or merkstave rune indicates that the energies conveyed may be blocked, lessened, or distorted.

Nine runes of the Elder Futhark have no reversed position, appearing the same upright or inverted. These same runes, although having no reverse position, can lay sideways or off-centre, traditionally known as merkstave, or "in opposition",

while the remaining fifteen runes of the Elder Futhark can be drawn upright, reversed, or merkstave.

It is your personal choice as a rune-caster, whether or not to include merkstave interpretations in your readings.


Bind Rune - Aegishjaimur - "Helm of Awe" or "Helm of Terror", represents protection and irresistibility in battle.

Algiz is the primary runic symbol used to create this bind rune.

From the time when runes first appeared, these distinctive symbols have been used for more than simply writing messages or conveying ownership. Runes were considered so closely aligned with the forces of nature, and the power of the gods of the ancient peoples who used them, they were believed to possess magical properties, and employed for divination, spiritual, and physical protection, spell-casting, and inviting good fortune: Experts in the practice of rune magic and divination were called "Rune Masters". The following line by a Viking poet, reveals just how seriously the Norsemen took the supernatural powers of the runes: "Let no man carve runes to cast a spell, save first he learns to read them well."

Symbols have meanings, but many are also believed to encompass the power of their meaning. For example, the symbol of the four-leaf clover not only means good luck, but people who carry this symbol, do so, to draw from the clover's perceived power to attract fortune's favours. Another familiar symbol used, not

only to represent an image, but to convey the power of that sign, is the eagle. This majestic bird is considered to represent courage and mastery, and many tribes and armies throughout history, would mark the image of the eagle on their banners, totems, and objects, to align themselves with the triumphant qualities associated with this impressive bird. In the same way, a rune was used, not only as a symbol of power, but a way of accessing and wielding that power. By marking objects with a particular rune, ancient peoples would call upon the powers of the associated deity from the pantheon of Norse gods and goddesses, for protection, or to attract a desired outcome. Viking warriors called "Berserkers" were known to inscribe the rune symbol Tyr, the god of war, on their weaponry and shields, to aid them in battle.

Gibu Auja meaning good luck, combining Gebo and Ansuz

Those using runes for esoteric purposes, draw upon the rune's aligned deity and powers in a variety of ways, such as wearing rune jewellery, marking runic symbols on doors or windows, etching runes on candles, tattooing or painting these signs on their body or possessions, inscribing runes on paper or material to carry with them, sewing runic symbols on their clothes, or placing rune stones in the corners of rooms or on window sills.

Although every character in the rune alphabet may be used for magick, special runic symbols can also be created for mystical purposes. By joining together two or more runes, a new character called a "Bind Rune" is formed; a rune that "binds" and magnifies the qualities of the symbols used. Bind runes are

fashioned and utilized for specific functions, such as improving one's health, protection in battle, or bring the wearer an improved sense of peace.

If you choose to wear a bind rune based on your own initials, it is best not to depict the characters in reverse, to ensure that the bind rune's meaning and power remains aligned to the positive.


The Elder Futhark, the oldest known runic alphabet, is made up of twenty-four runic characters. The following chapters detail the meanings of each rune symbol of the Elder Futhark in upright, reversed, and merkstave position, as well as their traditional and modern interpretations.

Although the Blank Rune, or Infinity Rune, is not a traditional rune, it has been included for those rune-casters, who either wish to use the Blank Rune as part of their runic practices, or despite choosing not to use this piece, have access to a comprehensive explanation of the Infinity Rune and its application.

See Elder Futhark and Aettir for more information.


The oldest known rune alphabet is the "Elder Futhark", or "urnordiska runor", believed to have originated around 100AD. The name, "Futhark", is composed from the first six runic letters of this runic alphabet - Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido and Kenaz. Containing twenty-four runes, the Elder Futhark is currently the runic alphabet most widely used for personal development and guidance.

Rune-casters divide the Elder Futhark into three groups of eight runes, or Aett (Aettir - plural). Each Aett is assigned based on their divinatory and mystical properties, and named after the first rune in that particular grouping. The rune "Fehu", begins the first Aett; this group is named "Freya's Clan". The second Aett commences with the rune "Hagalaz"; this group is called "Heimdall's Clan" or "Hagal's Clan". The third Aett begins with the rune "Tiwaz", also known as "Tyr"; this group is named"Tyr's Clan".

FIRST AETT - FREYA'S CLAN - Represents the Life Cycle and Practical Matters










Hagalaz Nauthiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowilo

THIRD AETT - TIWAZ OR TYR'S CLAN - Represents Internal Forces - Mind, Will, Spirit

Tiwaz Berkano Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala


Norse Pronunciation: Fay-Who

Sound and Corresponding Letter: F

Symbolizes: Domesticated Cattle (representing possessions), Wealth, Items that can be bought and sold

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: ownership, possessions, winnings, earnings, fortune, luck, ambition satisfied, increasing income, financial stability, financial improvement, rewards received, increase in possessions, abundance, hope, success, happiness, improved social life, vitality, fertility, harvest, transformation, change, wealth, love fulfilled

Inverted or Merkstave: lack, frustration, loss, negativity, worry; money or possessions given away or lost, missing the mark, disharmony, restriction, obstacles or challenges related to money, possessions, or recognition

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles the letter F - vertical line extends above the two shorter lines

Fehu is considered the rune of wealth. If you have asked a question related to finances, Fehu provides a positive sign of future accomplishment, and a satisfying result. Success and improvement in your financial matters are likely, but you are also being guided to help, sharing what has been gained through your efforts to make a positive difference to the lives of others. Fehu is an excellent indicator that more money will be coming your way, or your improved approach to handing money will ensure a better financial future. It also indicates a fortunate period in your life, and the possibility of a windfall, dividend, or bonus.

Fehu is advising you to consider carefully the responsibilities and implications attached to achieving your major goals. Your life will change enormously with the accomplishment of your aspirations, and preparation and forethought will be required to help you make the necessary transition.

If you have drawn Fehu without a specific question in mind, you are being encouraged to take action to achieve your dreams, or if you have not yet set yourself a specific goal, decide on the target you need to set yourself. Consider a variety of possible strategies to reach your objective, and get to work on your goal, but without anxiety, pushing yourself too hard, or scattering your energies.

If you have asked a relationship-related question, Fehu indicates a "thumbs up" and the prospect of a happy result.

Fehu may also indicate the completion of a project, and the beginning of a new stage in your life. Appreciate and enjoy what you have already accomplished, and consider taking some time out to rest and restore yourself after your considerable efforts.

This rune advises you not to focus on the accumulation of your successes or wealth, but what you have learned, and who you have become as a consequence of your journey. Your rewards are meant, not only to benefit you, but others who may need assistance or direction.

Although this rune is associated predominantly with wealth, property, love, and achievement, Fehu is also aligned with creative expression. If your question is related to any form of creativity, including music, visual arts, drama, films, as a career, or leisure pursuit, Fehu signifies a period in which you will effectively tap into your inspiration and creative flair with excellent results, discovering joyful, new ways to express yourself. It may also mean recognition for your artistic, creative, or musical talent.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an inverted letter F - vertical line extends below the two shorter lines

In this symbol's inverted or merkstave position, Fehu announces a period of caution. New investments, or conditions, may be risky, and it may be advisable to consider waiting until a more opportune time, or better offer arises. It also suggests that you pay careful attention to details to limit the possible pitfalls. Consider what lies beneath the surface, and the importance of timing. Be mindful of what is happening in your life, events, people, and trends, and tread carefully. It may also warn of money problems, loss, or disagreements.

Drawing Fehu inverted or merkstave, this rune is reminding you that your life is meant to be more than simply trying to accumulate money and possessions. For a happier, balanced life, recognize when enough is enough, and appreciate when your genuine needs are being met. Strive for your goals, but don't let that stop you from enjoying life today.

Fehu also contains the message that life is not a competition with others, but ourselves; bettering ourselves, each and every day.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Ooo - Rooze

Sound and Corresponding Letter: U - oo as in "book"

Symbolizes: Auroch, Wild Ox

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: vitality, strength, unfettered, rough diamond, quickness, physical strength, fitness, good health, vigour, increasing energy, action, bravery, hero, persistence, sudden improvements, assertiveness, manhood, womanhood, understanding, speedy travel, masculinity, sexual attraction, magnetism, desire, wisdom

Reversed or Merkstave: compulsive, overly stubborn, dominating, ignorance, physical attraction or desire rather than enduring love, infatuation, weakness, anger, violent, cowardice, fearful, cold, mean-spirited

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles a leaning angular arch

Uruz is the rune of health, vigour, and healing. Based on the wild ox, this runic symbol represents the power and strength of manhood and womanhood, and an individual's understanding of what it means to fulfil their particular role in the mystery of life and living. Uruz can often indicate the tide of fortune is beginning to flow in your direction.

Symbolizing growth and transformation, Uruz indicates your life is due to shift in momentous ways. It conveys great potency, perseverance and stamina, signifying new beginnings, and the ending of unnecessary or limiting factors in your life.

Drawing Uruz upright, your physical strength and fitness is being accentuated. If you have been working on your health and fitness levels, this rune provides a positive indication that you are on the right track. However, if you have been coming up with a variety of reasons to put off applying yourself to an appropriate health program, or continuing to make less than sensible food choices and eating habits, Uruz is instructing you to get started with a better regimen today, no more excuses. This rune denotes a period of self-care and the accompanying rewards of strength and resolve. It can also represent a highly muscular and strongly built man, or a man who has power within the community.

On a mystical level, Uruz relates to the Universe within, inner potential, or dealing with the unknown. It also points to a phase in which important decisions will need to be made, a time to exercise your free will and choice. Uruz also confirms that

you possess the knowledge and ability to overcome the obstacles you are currently experiencing, and have a strong spirit capable of triumph.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.



Inverted or Merkstave Resembles an inverted angular arch

If you have drawn Uruz inverted or merkstave, you are being asked to reflect carefully on your current circumstances, or difficulties, as you may be failing to take advantage of potential opportunities which your situation could provide through a consequent change in direction or perspective. You may not be seeing the positive concealed within the problems being faced.

Uruz, in reversed or merkstave, may also signify that your energy levels are low, and you may be feeling overworked or stressed. You are being guided to improve your health and fitness, and reduce the tension in your body and mind through effective coping strategies and relaxation techniques.

You may be unwilling to take the plunge into new territory, or start a new venture. Do not let fear hinder your potential for success or self-fulfilment.

This rune warns you not to be weak-willed. Recognize you have courage and strength, and do what is needed to improve your situation, or help someone else to find their bravery and fortitude.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Thoor-ee-saws

Sound and Corresponding Letters: TH as in "thorn"

Symbolizes: Giant, Giants of Norse Mythology, god Thor, Chaos, Transformation, Thorn

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: change, capacity to stand your ground, reaction to conflict, battle, defence, transformation, fighting back, male sexuality, willpower, catalyst, cleansing, restorative fire, energy, masculine strength or force, protection, survival

Inverted or Merkstave: mistrust, lies, dishonesty, risk, spite, not holding to principles, frightened, powerless, inhibited

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Vertical line with a triangle on the right, attached midway

Thurisaz is symbolized by a thorn. In nature, thorns evolved to provide a plant with protection; so if you have drawn Thurisaz, you are being guided to set boundaries, or ensure others take notice of the boundaries you may have already set, in order to be treated with the respect and appreciation you deserve. Remain adaptable and open, but do not let others take advantage of your sensitivity or generosity.

Drawing Thurisaz signals that you are ready to open yourself up to a greater awareness, and evolve into higher thinking and expression. You are equipped to access your potential and discover the powerful Self that lies within. You may be tested, which could reveal your weaknesses, but in order to move beyond your vulnerabilities, situations that make you feel fearful need to be faced, to conquer and transform them.

Thurisaz represents transition; be still and reflect, before passing into a new stage. By contemplating the previous ill-considered choices, or obstructive patterns, lessons can be learnt, and there will be no need to repeat them. When you have developed an understanding of your past, and your part in creating it, this insight will help you avoid attracting, or creating, similar difficulties. Thurisaz advises caution. Intuitive and practical thought are required, and once all factors have been considered, you will be ready to move forward. This symbol is also reminding you of the importance of searching for the appropriate guidance and support. Do not feel you have to deal with problems alone. There are those who will help you, if you seek them out.

Choosing Thurisaz may also indicate a strong physical attraction. To discover whether this magnetic pull is mutual, and capable of developing into something more than just attraction, reflect on the meanings of other runes in the same spread.

If you are experiencing difficult circumstances, Thurisaz indicates this challenging situation could provide fertile ground for fresh opportunities and a chance to expand into new areas.

Thurisaz also symbolizes protection and defence from negative energies, and signifies the hope of attracting more fortunate circumstances.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Vertical line with a triangle on the left, attached midway

If you have drawn Thurisaz reserved or merkstave, you will experience a major period of personal development. Your life will also become significantly busier. Although you will need to tap into extra energy reserves to get everything done, the vitality and perseverance required to realize your dreams will be forthcoming.

Listen to the advice of others, or learn from their experiences, rather than repeating similar mistakes due to holding on to out-dated behaviours and attitudes. Consider your health and lifestyle, ensuring that you are taking enough time to relax and rejuvenate.

Beware of someone who is not being completely open with you. Avoid impulsiveness, and consider carefully before making your next decision and acting upon it. This is a phase for thoughtful and informed decisions.

Do not let fear overtake you, otherwise your challenges may seem too big to handle. You are stronger than you think. Give yourself credit and the positive encouragement you require, and you will deal with anything that life has in store for you. Good times will follow times of difficulty.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Awn - sooze

Sound and Corresponding Letter: A as in "ball"

Symbolizes: Ancestral god, Odin, A god, divinity

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: insight, knowledge, wisdom, self-mastery, inspiration, spiritual message, signals, vision, enthusiasm, power, understanding, harmony, improved health, truth, gratitude, blessings, balance, divine power

Inverted or Merkstave: illusion, misunderstanding, vulnerable, boredom, vanity, selfishness, being manipulated by others, lack of purpose

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles capital letter F

Ansuz is the rune of the Norse ancestral gods. It denotes gaining wisdom, divine inspiration, and knowledge. This runic symbol is also an extremely positive sign for teachers, or those involved in spiritual or religious occupations. Ansuz also conveys the message to follow your conscience and stay true to yourself.

Ansuz is also considered to be "the rune of signals", giving a positive indication for anything associated with writing, speaking, journalism, singing, or any action related to communication. Also a favourable sign for those involved in studies and examinations, Ansuz announces a phase of inspiration, and an exceptional time to immerse yourself in poetry, art, theatre, or other intellectual pursuits.

An opportunity for increased power and status is on the way. It is an excellent time to take on a more significant work role or make an idea, a reality. Someone in authority may give you the chance to learn new skills or assume a new role. A favourable rune for those beginning a new career or business, Ansuz reveals that your continued efforts will eventually put you in an improved position. It also signifies your positive attitude and approach will bring about a change in circumstances, full of potential for great results. In regards to a particular situation that has been causing you concern, a happy transformation is on the way,

A fresh energy will be introduced by a new person or circumstance. Surprising, new bonds will be drawn into your life. Ansuz often also indicates a phase of increased family solidarity.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles an inverted letter capital F

Drawn reversed or merkstave, Ansuz represents a lack of clarity, inhibitions, wasted action or journey. Change your strategies, or attitude, to remove the barriers, and try again. Beware of interference which could block, or influence, the outcome. Ansuz warns someone may be deceitful, so do not believe everything you hear or read.

Be prudent in your meetings and interactions with others, otherwise a resultant misunderstanding could cause further problems. Be careful of what you share or communicate to others, or misusing your power or influence.

Ansuz, reversed or merkstave, indicates you may not have been listening to your guidance or inspiration, and this has been working against you. Listen to your still inner voice, accept where you are today, plan for where you would like your life to head, and you will take back the power to create a favourable outcome.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Rye-doh

Sound and Corresponding Letter: R as in "rise"

Symbolizes: Chariot, Wagon, Physical Journey, Long Journey

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: journey, holiday, travel, progress, advancement, change of scenery, seeing the bigger picture, reunion, positive choices, revelling in existence, optimism, union, inner harmony, modes of transport

Inverted or Merkstave: irrational choices or behaviour, lacking common sense, injustice, inflexible, crisis, turmoil, major ending, passing over, disassociation, cold, detached, ending, clearing away

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular capital letter R

An extremely positive symbol, Raido is particularly fortunate when drawn in relation to questions associated with relationships, reunions, communication, or travel of any kind. When Raidho makes an appearance, change is on its way, affecting more than one area of your life.

The rune of physical journeys, Raidho indicates a trip, holiday, regular travel for work or relationships, or relocation of either home or work. It assures you, that by being sensible and making the necessary preparations, your journey will be safe and beneficial. This rune also conveys the message that you are entering a cycle in which you will feel stronger, in control of your energies, and heading in the direction of your own choosing.

If life has been predictable in a particular relationship or living arrangements, be prepared for necessary changes. If you have something important to tell someone, this is the time to share your story, guidance, question, understanding, or insight, but be tactful and compassionate in your communication.

Drawing Raidho is a particularly good sign if you have been suffering setbacks in achieving your goals. Things will get moving now.

If you are in the middle of legal proceedings, dealings are likely to have a just result.

Raidho is an extremely encouraging omen for those in the process of selfimprovement and healing.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an inverted angular capital letter R

When drawn reversed or merkstave, Raidho advises you to pay careful attention to personal relationships and the type of communication taking place. Diplomacy, honesty, and sensitivity are required. Relationships may be tested, and a relationship which has been strained for quite some time, may be at risk of ending. There could also be blocks in certain sectors of your life; though Raidho encourages you to keep your sense of optimism, balance, and humour for the best outcome.

Raidho is showing you that opportunities are not likely to be lost, only postponed, or detoured. Someone may be trying to upset your plans, or there will be unexpected delays, or unplanned journeys. In any case, make sure you are well-informed about your destination to avoid getting lost, or putting yourself in a situation in which you will have to deal with difficult people, or the authorities.

Drawing Raidho merkstave or inverted, also signifies that current challenges have the potential to provide important life lessons.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Kane-awze

Sound and Corresponding Letter: K sound as in "cane"

Symbolizes: Torch, Beacon, Passion, Source of Light, Fire

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: knowledge, magnetic attraction, passion, motivated, unleashes skills, creativity, revelation, inspired, technical expertise, focussed power, restoration, life force, the power of nature, master of own destiny, focussed creation, physical attraction, physical intimacy, openness, vitality, transforms energy, enhanced artistic and creative expression

Inverted or Merkstave: exposed, break up, lack of stability, blocked, rigidity, unimaginative, lacking spontaneity, ill health, fanaticism, hopelessness, delusion See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular capital C

Kenaz is the rune of fire and passion. You may find yourself drawn to a special someone; an association that has great potential for friendship or romance. For those in an established relationship, you may find yourself enjoying the rekindling of this union's initial spark.

If you have asked a relationship-related question, drawing Kenaz is an excellent omen. It shows both parties are beginning to open up, sharing more closely and deeply, or on the verge of finding a better way of communicating. Kenaz also reveals that outdated habits within the relationship are now being shed, allowing for greater understanding. It is a perfect time for giving and receiving, and exchanging your special wishes and dreams.

Kenaz reveals a renewed clarity and awareness. It indicates the ability to open oneself up to possibilities, and a readiness to receive new information and wisdom. It signals growing illumination and insight. If you have been dealing with difficulties, you will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Selecting Kenaz is particularly positive for artisans, and those involved in creative endeavours or careers. Your creative energy and inspiration is being highlighted so do not hold back; channel your ideas and creativity into a project with sensational results.

Kenaz symbolizes a flaming torch or fire, and as such, also signifies renewed enthusiasm and innovative thinking. There will be a restoration of your self

confidence, and strengthening of your personal resolve. If fervour for something, or someone, has waned, this rune indicates a renewed eagerness is likely. Kenaz may also denote developing a passion for a particular interest, activity, or important cause; a passion that could become a lifelong journey of purpose.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an angular capital C pointing backwards

When you have drawn this rune inverted or merkstave, Kenaz is guiding you to change and adapt; otherwise an important relationship, or association, may be adversely affected. One or both parties in this union, may be holding back, blocking lines of communication, or withholding intimacy, which is risking the relationship. This lack of connection and appreciation requires immediate attention and healing, if the relationship is to last the distance.

Release what is no longer working, in order to enjoy a re-invigorated, successful life. Look within, and decide what is truly important, to make real progress. There is an imbalance in your energy flow, revealed either by a loss of enthusiasm, obsessive passion, or too much energy channelled into a particular goal or activity, leaving nothing for other important parts of your life, including certain significant people.

Do not let "dark thinking" disconnect you from others, or stop you enjoying life. Attend to your thoughts, health, fitness, and put time aside each day for leisure and personal interests to relax and unwind. Take care of yourself. There is only one you, and you are valuable.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Gay-boo or Yee-boo

Sound and Corresponding Letter: G as in "give" or Y as in "yellow"

Symbolizes: Gift, Talent, Sacrifice to the gods,

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: rewards, sacrifice, gift, exchange, contracts, agreements, negotiation, relationship, partnership, abundance, appreciation, balancing energy, generosity, strengthening of bonds and marriages, good luck, mutual giving, connection between the spiritual and physical dimensions, unselfish giving, unconditional offering of self or abilities

Inverted or Merkstave: martyr complex, loneliness, duty, obligation, greed, overly dependent, extortion, corruption, isolation, miserliness, hoarding, clutter, lack of charity

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles the letter X

Gebo is the rune of gifts and talents. It is a positive sign of rewards, recognition, awards, presents, and a chance to shine. Gebo is also a symbol of charity, and generosity with no strings attached.

If you have asked a relationship question, Gebo is a favourable indicator revealing a period of harmonious interactions, or a mutual willingness to create an improved dynamic between two people. Gebo represents positive relationships, or better times ahead for a particular bond; a relationship blessed by personal freedom, but reliable and steadfast. If a union has been strained, this rune signals that harmony can be achieved through negotiation, compromise, and consideration, but some effort and patience will be required.

Gebo signifies accord and balance, the receiving of a gift, or a lucky break. Open yourself up to the generosity and support of others. If you are involved in charitable work, or volunteering your time and energy for the benefit of others, selecting Gebo can be viewed as an excellent sign. Your efforts will uplift the spirits of others. If you have been undecided with what to do with your spare time, Gebo is asking you to make an affirmative difference to the lives of others. This is an opportune phase to explore and develop your gifts. Act with intention and focus to achieve superior results. You may uncover a hidden talent, or eventually win recognition for your abilities.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles the letter X

If Gebo is drawn merkstave, emotional issues may be causing problems in a romance, friendship, or business relationship. A fresh approach, forgiveness, and improved communication may be the solution. It signifies a need to deal with past hurts and disagreements.

You, or your partner, may need to be more careful with money, or energy. Do not throw your money around, and avoid giving to those who may be untrustworthy, or do not value what you are offering them. Someone may be taking your generosity for granted, or draining your resources while wasting their own potential and abilities. It may indicate a need to help them stand on their own two feet, assisting them with your guidance and example, but not your bank balance, giving them a chance to better themselves.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Woon-yo

Sound and Corresponding Letters: V as in "veil" or W as in "way"

Symbolizes: Joy, Wish Granted, Comfort, Reward, Glory, Playfulness

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: happiness, joy, pleasure, comfort, stability, prosperity, success, harmonious conditions, spiritual reward, self-awareness, recognition, wishes granted, connection with like-minded, friendship, increasing peace and calmness, empathy, light

Inverted or Merkstave: overwhelmed, overcome, lacking in self-control, anger, frenzy, reckless, rage, addiction, obsessive behaviour, sadness, uncontrollable behaviour, isolation, personal test

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular letter P

Wunjo is the rune of wishes and joy. It conveys a message of peace, love, innocence, playfulness, and fun.

Drawing this rune promises harmony and improved physical health. It also denotes a favourable cycle to establish new relationships, or nurture existing connections. Get ready to reap the rewards of your previous efforts, either in relationships, work, or achievement of your goals.

Enjoy the present, rather than worrying about what has passed, or what the future may hold. Wunjo signals a period of joy, or joyous outcomes. Starting a new project is also favoured.

Wunjo signifies delight, personal growth, and growing spiritual light. There will be increased understanding and awareness; and energy which may have been blocked, will be freed. You are now ready to make real progress.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles an inverted angular letter P

When drawn reversed or merkstave, Wunjo indicates fear and anxiety may be slowing down the process of achieving your goals, or hindering you from enjoying your life. Fortunately, it also signifies, the only genuine block at present, is your mindset. If you do not let negative thinking and worry stand in your way, your path to happiness and achievement is clear. Wunjo reversed or merkstave, also warns that problems may result from impatience, fear, or inflexibility.

Avoid losing your values or identity within a relationship, or as a result of your professional duties. Defining healthy boundaries at home, and at work, is required, and necessary.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.



Norse Pronunciation: Haw-gaw-laws

Sound and Corresponding Letter: H as in "hail"

Symbolizes: Hail, Hailing Projectiles in Battle, Cataclysmic Changes,

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: invention, awakening, strong or destructive forces, freedom, the power of nature, powerful or destructive weather, hail, liberation, the force of the subconscious, challenges, tests, finalization, inner awareness, finding solutions to problems, transformation

Merkstave: disruption, loss, suffering, pain, loss of power, illness, challenge, difficulty, conflict, turmoil

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles a capital letter H

Hagalaz is the rune of rapid, often turbulent, changes. It represents shifts that can bring about new, significant insights and perspectives, followed by a promise of improvement. This rune of transformation reveals there may be events or situations beyond your control, but these circumstances will help direct you into a new way of living. From this challenging experience, you will become more adaptable, resourceful, and wise.

Representing the colossal power of nature, Hagalaz may be calling you to spend time in a natural setting, or reflect upon your connection to all things, contemplating life's meaning and the purpose of your existence.

The problems you have been dealing with, may have been outside your control, but this does not mean you are powerless; in fact, far from it. By accepting things as they are, you can create effective, new strategies to move forward in your life. Let go of the thoughts and behaviours which are no longer useful, and by doing so, allow yourself to live a more authentic existence.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles a capital letter H on its side

Prepare and plan your next step carefully, to avoid major complications. By dealing with your situation with an informed and well-considered approach, your efforts will have a greater chance of eventual success, or sense of satisfaction.

Hagalaz merkstave, also indicates negative payoffs; not getting the results you had hoped for, or achieving a dream, but not feeling satisfied with its accomplishment. Despite this situation not providing the result you had wished for, it does signify the outcome can provide a vital life lesson, and the chance to start afresh with enhanced insight and wisdom.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Now-these

Sound and Corresponding Letter: N

Symbolizes: Need, Necessities

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: restriction, delays, challenges leading to courage, strength and determination: self-reliance, conflict, distress, willpower, inner strength, purification, the necessity to overcome obstacles, patience required, personal development

Inverted or Merkstave: freedom withheld, hard work, routine, pain, treadmill, lack, financial need, emotional lack, emptiness, restrictions

See Modern Interpretations- Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles a tilted cross

Nauthiz is the rune of requirements and need. When you have drawn this symbol, you are being guided to determine what you genuinely require to feel a sense of satisfaction, acknowledge what good already exists in your life, and make the most of your personal potential.

Selecting Nauthiz may also point to barriers, constraints, or difficulties on your path. The obstacles may be emotional, intellectual, or physical. It may simply be a case of "writers block", procrastination, or continuing to rely on excuses that are masquerading as reasons, to not do what is needed to begin, or finish, a goal. Sometimes these blocks are delays or limitations, providing the lesson of patience, directing you to reflect, plan, and get on with other tasks while allowing the blocks to dissipate, or be resolved. Concentrate on the vital things in your life, and avoid wasting your energy, or allowing the trivial to distract you. Despite obstacles on your path, Nauthiz also reveals that long term goals can be achieved, and that you possess the strength to overcome any current limitations.

If you have been feeling stressed or overwhelmed, Nauthiz is guiding you to use this feeling as a catalyst for growing self-awareness. Reflect on what and why you are tense, and decide how to adjust your life and attitude to transmute the negative into positive. Although it may take a while before you see results, this different perspective will eventually provide you with a positive shift in your life.

Be careful with your health. Try not to overdo things, and pay attention to your eating regimen, nutrition, adequate sleep, and incorporate daily, joyful activities. Nauthiz signifies that persistence and self-belief will eventually win out; however,

first, you will need to deal with setbacks or challenges that will test your resolve. Prioritize self-care, and the restoration of your inner calm and personal harmony through right word, thought, and deed.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles a tilted cross.

When drawn inverted or merkstave, Nauthiz is advising you, that even though you are capable and adaptable, consider carefully present influences and conditions before making an important decision, or taking action.

Your faith in yourself is being tested. Stick to your principles despite the pressures to give up, and continue believing in yourself and your abilities. Eventually, circumstances will change, allowing progress towards success, overcoming emotional or physical barriers. Reflect on the direction in which you are travelling, it may be a path that could cause further complications and difficulties in your life. Be aware of possessive or inappropriate behaviour, either yours or someone close to you. Painful challenges may be met with a sense of wisdom and humour, giving you the opportunity to direct your life towards a more productive, joyous path.

If you have been feeling weighed down by outside influences, this cycle will help you to accept what you cannot change, see the light in the darkness, and assist you to turn the negative into positive. There may be some tension within a particular relationship, organization, or group of which you are a member. Stick to your standards, but be diplomatic in your communications for the greatest chance for advancement. You have the strength and resilience to navigate these issues successfully.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Ee-saw

Sound and Corresponding Letter: I - "ee" as in "keep"

Symbolizes: Ice, Stagnation, Rest

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: inner blocks, obstacles, negative thinking or attitude, harbouring grudges, stalemate, time to reflect, icy reception, strengthens the meanings of the runes placed near this symbol in a runic spread

Merkstave: megalomaniac, egotistical, lack of vision, mistrust, betrayal, untrustworthy, plots, underhandedness

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles the number one

Isa is the rune of ice. It signifies the personal search for greater symmetry and stability, but also warns of circumstances, or behaviours, that could cause temporary stagnation, or inner blocks. Drawing Isa indicates the need for reflection, aiming to understand the choices you have already made that got you where you are today, and deciding on effective, fresh strategies to deal with delays and obstacles in your life.

You are being guided to cultivate self-discipline, a tactic which will assist you in the achievement of your goals. However, if you have been very strict on yourself, or others, Isa is instructing you to let go, lighten up, enjoy yourself, and your relationships. In relationships, things may have cooled off, or you may need to work at rekindling the warmth and closeness.

Isa also signifies power in stillness and quietness, directing you to put a little time aside each day, to fill your inner well with tranquillity and gratitude. By following Isa's guidance, your capacity to deal with problems and setbacks will be strengthened, helping you to outlast any challenges you may need to face.

When things are frozen solid, it is time to wait; but not to give up. When the ice has thawed, you will be ready to take the next step.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles the number 1, on its side or off-centre

When you have drawn this rune merkstave, Isa is guiding you to assert your strength and will. Do not let yourself be controlled or manipulated by others. Believe in yourself. You have the power to see your way through, whatever the circumstances, to a brighter day.

Drawn Merkstave, Isa warns of possible unreliability or disloyalty. If you have been hiding something important, or living contrary to your principles, Isa is advising you to do the right thing. Review your relationship and decide what you must do to repair it, or consider whether you want this association to continue.

If a venture, or aspiration, has been plagued with delays, it may be not the best time to move forward. Reconsider your plan and get advice from the appropriate sources. Remember, some things take longer than we expect, but dreams can still come true; or perhaps in time, a new dream, maybe even a better dream, can take its place.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Yare-awe

Sound and Corresponding Letters: Y as in "yes" or J as in "jaw"

Symbolizes: One Year, Harvest, Completion, Cycle

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: reward for previous effort, fruitful season, phase of peace and happiness, action after dormancy, harvest, prosperity, expectations, hopes, prosperous outcome, likelihood of accomplishment, physical and spiritual universe, cyclic progression, phase, continual change, fertility

Merkstave: tumultuous change, reversal of circumstances, incorrect timing, difficulties, the need to come up with solutions, learning through challenges

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles two interlocking V's - one pointing right and one pointing left .

Jera is the rune of a completed cycle, and the prize claimed at the end of this period, payment for your consistent effort and patience. Although traditionally associated with the phase of one year, Jera may refer to any amount of time required, before you reap your reward.

Drawing Jera indicates new growth and favourable improvements. If you want to begin a new venture or prepare for a momentous change in your life, Jera signals this is the best moment to act. If you are willing to put in the hard work needed, you will feel satisfied with the results.

Resolve what has not yet been dealt with, or finalize something that has gone on far longer than it should have. If you have not made amends with someone, or paid off an old debt, then Jera is advising you to do what is needed now, clearing out the old, making way for the new. Focus on completion and resolution of important projects. Your hard work will be rewarded, but first, endurance and persistence will be required.

Your mind will be fertile ground for ideas and inspiration. You are on the verge of achieving your goal, or meeting someone who will help you make your aspirations a reality.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles two interlocking V's - one pointing downwards and one pointing upwards

If you have drawn Jera Merkstave, you are being advised not to rush. You may be in a hurry to see a project finished, but for the finest results, you must be prepared to wait a little longer, do more work, or focus on other tasks that can be accomplished in the meantime. Jera may also indicate that your venture will have seasonal benefits rather than consistent rewards.

Avoid a pessimistic attitude which may obstruct your desired outcome. Drawing Jera merkstave, may signify that your life has become a treadmill, and although routine is important, if life becomes extremely predictable, it becomes limiting and enslaving, and the enthusiasm for the wonderful potential life holds, dwindles. Continue to work on your goals, but consider restructuring your daily regimen, making time every day to relax and enjoy your closest relationships. Merely existing is not living. Make the most of your life while you are lucky enough to be here.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronounciation: Eye-wasz (Also Ihwaz)

Sound and Corresponding Letters: Y as in "you" or I as in bride

Symbolizes: Yew Tree, Sacred Tree, Harnessing Spiritual Power

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: dependability, protection, strength, reliability, trust, self-awareness, persistence, sense of purpose, ready to achieve, motivation, steady focus, spiritual energy, spiritual channel

Merkstave: dissatisfaction, confusion, inner frailty, feeling incapable, weakness, self-doubt, indecisive, lack of belief in oneself, energy blocks, imbalance

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles a tilted letter Z

Do not think small, consider the bigger perspective. Eihwaz marks a phase of personal growth, and greater understanding and self-awareness are within reach. You will be feeling a growing sense of motivation to put time and effort into developing your spiritual insight and talents. Tuition, workshops, and wide reading on significant topics are highlighted. You are making progress towards your major goal, even though you may feel you are moving too slowly. Patience may be required, but you have the ability and character to achieve a positive result. Eihwaz also marks a cycle in which you will feel the urge to offer your talents to an organization or business, or seek out others who share a passion for the same cause or activity.

Eihwaz is the rune of defence against evil, or ill-intentions, of others. Spiritual protection is helping defend you from those trying to make your life difficult.

It is time to end negative conditions by deciding upon the best steps to take, and acting upon them. Careful consideration, foresight, and perseverance will be necessary. Your adaptability will help you through a testing situation. Have faith in your own vision, and when you believe the time is right, you will find the inner strength to act you upon your convictions.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.



Resembles a tilted letter Z

If you have drawn Eihwaz Merkstave, you may be experiencing a period of indecisiveness or stagnancy. It may indicate a sense of lacking purpose or meaning, feeling unappreciated, or inactivity, causing tension and restlessness.

Eihwaz advises you not to act before everything has "fallen into place", or not until you have made all the necessary, well-considered preparations.

Your current situation, if handled thoughtfully and carefully, will bring you greater clarity.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Perth-row

Sound and Corresponding Letter: P as in "pot"

Symbolizes: Cup, Feminine Power, Fate,

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: feminine power, secret, mysterious, hidden, occult, secret knowledge, initiation, uncertainty, destiny, intuition, feminine mysteries and fertility, productivity, creativity, friendship, happiness, personal transformation, divinity, intuitive understanding, pregnancy, sensitivity, gentleness, strength through compassion

Reversed or Merkstave: disconnected to the feminine energy or understanding, stalemate, stagnation, loneliness, detachment, separation, weakness, addiction, lack of compassion or empathy, cycles out of balance

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles a flask on its side - pointing right

Perthro is the rune of destiny and the power of feminine energy. Symbolically, this rune is linked to the phoenix, and bears good tidings, particularly if you wish to give something another try. Perthro signifies mystical rebirth, spiritual growth, greater mystical understanding and inspiration.

Happy surprises and positive changes are in store. Delays will be swept aside, previous efforts are likely to be rewarded, and unexpected benefits received. Financial speculation is also indicated.

Perthro is an extremely favourable sign for women, signalling a period of personal empowerment, readiness to embark on a venture, or the enjoyment of a sense of increased freedom.

For men having drawn Perthro, you are being guided to embrace your "feminineside", cultivating your sensitivity and intuition, and expressing the depth of your emotions.

Perthro also denotes secrets, or something mysterious, but the answers, and the truth, will be made available if you are prepared to reflect and delve a little more deeply.

A positive rune when drawn regarding health, showing that illnesses will be healed, an improvement in your memory, or a new way of managing a health issue will lead to an enhanced quality of life.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles a flask on its side - pointing left.

If you have drawn Perthro reversed or merkstave, your expectations of others, or a situation, are not likely to be met. Avoid scattering your energies, or allowing people or circumstances, to exhaust you. Try to remain calm, balanced, and optimistic, and eventually the necessary help will present itself.

Secrets may be revealed, secrets that someone would have preferred to have kept hidden.

Avoid being over-sensitive or over-emotional as it may cloud your thinking, causing you to over-react, when a more reasoned approach will create a better outcome.

Do not allow distractions, or over-indulgence in pleasures, overwhelm your life, robbing you of what is truly important. Avoid allowing outside influences, or frivolous activities, hinder you from making the most of your talents or pursuing your dreams. You have the ability, but persistence and determination are also required to reach your goal.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.



Norse Pronunciation: All-yeese

Sound and Corresponding Letters: Z as in "zoo" or S as in "raisin"

Symbolizes: Elk, Protection, Defence, Survival, Self-Preservation

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: defence, shield, protection, survival, fortress, guardian, sacred space, psychic protection, realization, self-awareness, higher purpose, healer, spiritual leadership, principled, instinctive, showing the way, success through persistence and individuality, reward earned

Inverted or Merkstave: misunderstanding, spiritually-confused, fanaticism, distraction or disconnection from the important, warning, underlying difficulties, lacking understanding, self-righteousness

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular trident pointing upwards

Algiz is the rune of protection. A symbolic representation of elk horns, this runic character represents defence against people, and situations, that threaten us. Algiz also indicates a period of optimism.

You possess the inner strength to cope with your current circumstances, but first, you must tap into your inner reserves of courage and self-belief. Consider your decisions and actions carefully. You may be tempted to act rashly, but through sensible choices and a sense of responsibility, you can avoid hazards and defend yourself from potential problems.

For those with creative or musical talent, Algiz is an excellent sign, signalling the development of your abilities. Others will notice you possess what it takes to be successful in your creative or musical field. Algiz may also signify that you need to be creative and innovative in order to solve your present issues. Think outside your usual way of dealing with problems and difficult people. By adopting a fresh approach, and being open to the useful guidance from others, a constructive result is likely. Channelling your creative energy will lead to a favourable shift in your life.

Drawing Algiz signifies a connection to the animal kingdom, or the spirits of animals. If a beloved pet has passed away, or about to, this symbol signifies the significant bond you share; a tie so strong, that it will not be severed by death. Algiz is an extremely favourable sign for those involved in animal welfare, animal

healing, protection of nature, or activities related to respect and communication with animals, or the spirits of animals.

You are being encouraged to keep emotions in check, and focus on what is really being offered, maintaining an objective rather than subjective view. Algiz often heralds new opportunities and challenges. Doors are opening, but with these offers, there may be obstacles, and in order to achieve the best outcome, you need to face these conditions with calmness and a resolute manner.

Algiz, like Eihwaz, is often worn as a symbol of protection to ward off negative and evil forces.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an angular trident pointing downwards

When you have drawn this rune inverted or merkstave, Algiz is guiding you to look after yourself, care for your body, or simply put more time aside to take it easy and enjoy life. Avoid allowing others to take from you, more than is reasonable or healthy. Do not let others press your buttons or allow others to take advantage of your giving nature - either emotionally or financially.

Impulsive, ill-considered choices and actions may cause problems. Take the necessary time to think carefully, and then act. If you lack the knowledge to make the best choice, get help from someone who has required expertise. Be patient for a little longer before taking on large responsibilities or projects. Review your situation to ensure you are not being mislead, or placing yourself in risky, vulnerable position.

Drawing Algiz inverted or merkstave, may indicate that you are feeling unable to handle current circumstances or potential changes. Only be cultivating the belief that you can cope with whatever comes your way, will you be prepared to take the next step.

Algiz announces a crucial phase to connect with the divine. Allocate a small part of your daily schedule for activities such as prayer, meditation, tranquil walking in nature, yoga, tai chi, or qigong, and you will begin to feel stronger and safer.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: So-vee-low

Sound and Corresponding Letter: S as in "sit"

Symbolizes: Sun, Victory

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: honour, recognition, success, goals accomplished, vitality, invigorated, energy, attuned, open to positive change, spiritual guidance, aligned with higher self, victory, good health, harmonious, wholeness, purification, light, spiritual light, life-giving or life-changing force, connection to the divine

Merkstave: incorrect guidance, wasting time and energy, unproductive, goals not worth pursuing, empty success, loss, naive, narcissism, lack of focus, downcast, not an opportune time, out of step, reaping the consequences, retreat

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles a lightning strike

Sowilo is the rune of the sun shining, giving you a positive message that victory is at hand. A powerful rune signifying wholeness, balance, and assistance of the universal life force, this symbol represents the sun’s energy and a lightning strike, and the associated meaning, a flash of inspiration. Sowilo also represents growing inner light, understanding, and being open to spiritual wisdom and the divine. Signalling a period of hope and growing awareness, Sowilo indicates that a favourable outcome is within reach.

Drawing this runic symbol denotes warmth and kindness. Whether you are the giver or receiver, this force for good will encourage vital changes.

Sowilo is a beneficial rune, signifying an opportune time to restore and replenish your body, mind, and spirit. You may also be feeling more energetic, or ready to start a new fitness schedule. Enthusiasm about a fresh set of opportunities or ideas will push you forward, advancing your life towards positive, reinvigorating conditions. If you are feeling overworked or overwhelmed, Sowilo is advising you to rest and relax before burnout, and consequent ill health, could force you to take time out to heal.

Sowilo heralds good health, vitality, and fortunate changes, and advises you to take advantage of this shift with the full enthusiasm of life.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles a lightning strike - top line pointing left

If you have drawn this rune Merkstave, Sowilo is guiding you not to let selfishness or self-centredness, either your own or someone else's, block, or hinder, the path you are meant to take. You may be holding back your emotions, or finding it difficult to show the warmth and depth of your feelings. Express your consideration and compassion, and offer your time and services to others in need.

Avoid focussing on what did not go to plan, and point your thoughts towards a more positive, constructive direction.

Do not let yourself be swayed or influenced by a charming, magnetic personality; not everything that glitters is gold. Someone may be trying to convince you of something that may not be all that they say it is.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Tea-waz

Sound and Corresponding Letter: T as in "toggle"

Symbolizes: Tiw or Tyr - the sky god and god of battles and laws, Justice, Balance, War

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: position of power, important status, recognition, honour, fame, success, triumph in legal matters, self-awareness, justice, awareness of one's own strengths, sensible choices, analytical approach

Inverted or Merkstave: energy blockages, being taken for granted, injustice, giving too much to others, passion lacking, imbalance, mental block, lack of enthusiasm, inability to convey one's thoughts or feelings, disconnection

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Invertedfor more information.


Resembles an upright arrow

Tiwaz is the rune of justice, harmony, and the Spiritual Warrior. When you have drawn this runic symbol, Tiwaz is encouraging you to exercise tolerance and endurance, and cultivate your inner balance. For your path to become clear, you must first look within. Drawing Tiwaz, signifies the development of your selfdiscipline and self-mastery: Being true to yourself, and sticking to your principles, is particularly vital now. You may be called upon to give up something in order to gain something better. By concentrating on positive thoughts and energy, you can prevail over difficult conditions and present opposition, and eventually achieve your goal.

Tiwaz is also the sign of masculine energy, representing the strength and ability to triumph over adversity. It denotes a significant cycle of motivation, persistence, and enough courage to get the results for which you have hoped. It points to a flurry of activity, emphasizing the significance of maintaining your internal accord to avoid tension and restlessness, which could hinder your progress on major objectives. If you have drawn Tiwaz in regards to a question about a particular venture, this rune advises the need for perseverance and patience.

Selecting Tiwaz can also signify a new love relationship or business association. If your question is related to your emotional life, Tiwaz indicates an important karmic or spiritual bond, and a relationship that holds great potential to achieve connected goals.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles a downward pointing arrow

Drawing Tiwaz reversed or merkstave, warns against hasty or ill-timed actions. Guard against wasting your energy by doing too many things at once, or not investing consistent efforts into realistic goals.

Do not let a lack of self-belief, anger, or uncontrolled fear, rule your thoughts and affect your behaviour. Your path may currently be obstructed by focusing too much on the little things rather than seeing the bigger picture. There is no perfect time, and if you have waited a long time to act, maybe it is fear, rather than your current circumstances, that is holding you back. Tiwaz is guiding you to break through the worry and negative thinking, fulfil your potential, and strive for your dreams.

Tiwaz advices you to focus your attention on what is positive and harmonious in your life, rather than trying to achieve justice, or closure, at any cost. Work consistently on your goals, remaining true to your standards, and consider the needs of others as well as your own, to achieve an outcome better than expected. Ensure that your motives, or the motives of others with whom you are closely associated, are in alignment with your purpose and values.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Bear-korn-oh

Sound and Corresponding Letter: B as in "band"

Symbolizes: birch tree, birch twig, Berchta - birch goddess, Mother Goddess, goddess of Spring,

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: fertility, beginning, birth, new venture, personal development, freedom, spring, renewal, romantic chemistry, new love, prosperity, successful ventures, new life, growth

Inverted or Merkstave: relationship issues, concern for loved ones, feeling dominated or controlled, loss of freedom, difficulty conceiving, lacking focus, loss

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular capital B

Berkano is the rune of the Earth Mother and Mother Goddess. It signifies growth and fruitfulness, and the ability to accomplish your work through steady effort. This runic symbol emphasizes your enormous potential, and that you are ready to blossom and flourish. Berkano supports new beginnings, and anything connected to the environment, love affairs, and family matters. It also signals that exciting circumstances, or relationship, may be on offer.

Drawing Berkano is an excellent sign if you are considering beginning a family, currently pregnant, or starting a garden, crop, or venture connected to the growing plants or trees. It also signals a favourable time in which to be creative, innovative, or inventive.

Berkano is guiding you to tap into your feminine side, expressing your sensitivity, caring nature, and intuitive abilities. It heralds a period of inspiration, new ideas, inventions, flashes of insight, and an opportune phase to develop and channel your healing aptitude. Berkano may also indicate an upcoming celebration or reason to celebrate.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an angular capital letter B facing backwards

When drawn reversed or merkstave, Berkano advises you to pay attention to the conditions that are currently stifling your growth, or blocking your path. Consider whether the necessary preparations have been made to achieve your major goals. If you have done all that is needed to move in the direction of your dreams, and find yourself coming up against insurmountable obstacles, it may not be that your goal is unachievable; it may simply be that the timing is not yet right. Do not give up on your aspiration, but consider your strategy, and your timing; even a rethink of your goal could be helpful, before you take the next step.

Drawing Berkano inverted or merkstave may indicate that your family is going through a challenging time, or that you need to spend more quality time with one or more family members. Those trying to start a family may be experiencing infertility or pregnancy issues, but this may only be a delay rather than a lasting problem. Anxious or worrying thoughts could be reducing your energy levels, happiness, and closeness in your relationships, possibly leading to arguments. To improve interactions, be open with your warmest, deepest feelings.

Do not lose your sense of individuality, and avoid being swayed by the superficial. Look deeper to find the answer you require, and the guidance for the direction you need to take, will be revealed.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Ay-was

Sound and Corresponding Letter: E as in 'egg'

Symbolizes: Horse, Two Horses, Mystical Horse

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: transportation, vehicle, progress, steady development, harmonious associations, trust, teamwork, reliability, appreciation, well-matched relationship or marriage, inner journeys, travel, horse, horses, shifting energies

Inverted or Merkstave: restlessness, desire for change, disharmony, indecisiveness, loss of direction

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles a capital letter M

Ehwaz is the rune of the mystical horse, transporting the spirit on its eternal journey. Selecting this runic symbol is an excellent omen if you are preparing to travel, move house, relocate your business, revamp your lifestyle, or change your mindset. Also a positive sign for those whose work involves vehicles or horse welfare.

When you have drawn Ehwaz, it can also represent an inner journey, searching inward for answers, and the development of spiritual harmony and peace. Ehwaz rune denotes a period of improving conditions, the cultivation of one's inner spirit, and a pending transition sanctioned by the universal energies.

Ehwaz gives you the go-ahead if you are planning to seek higher education or greater wisdom. As a rune of progress and beneficial change, Ehwaz also signifies gradual improvement in a business, project, or relationship.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave Resembles an inverted capital letter M

When drawn inverted or merkstave, Ehwaz warns that you may be running around in circles, trying to check out too many possibilities, or trying to be too many things to too many people. Just wait a while, relax, and allow the Universe to make the most valuable opportunities clearer to you before acting.

Be prepared for sudden changes, long journeys, or a series of shorter trips.

Problems may arise related to travel or modes of transport.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Morn-nawz

Sound and Corresponding Letter: M as in "man"

Symbolizes: Man; Humankind, Human

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: one person, humanity, interconnectedness, self, respect for others, your attitude towards others, someone's attitude towards you, relationships, friendly relations; friends and enemies; awareness, intelligence, wisdom, prudence, intuition, Universal Spirit, personal potential, supporting others, asking for assistance from others, co-operation, charity, compassion in action, reliance, assistance, wholeness

Inverted or Merkstave: caution, underhandedness, others withdraw their support, feeling down, loss, bereavement, being taken for granted, betrayed, misunderstanding, denial, not seeing the truth, rose-coloured glasses, lying to oneself, surrender, lack of compassion, apathy, sense of entitlement, animosity See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.



Resembles a capital letter M - two connecting lines

Mannaz is the rune of the individual and humanity, or as the traditionalists prefer to refer to this symbol - the rune of "Man". It also symbolizes the inner self. Drawing this rune upright, Mannaz reveals your willingness to change and adapt, but also encourages you to remain humble, and avoid carelessness.

Mannaz signals that your journey of self-discovery will bring you rewards and understanding beyond your current vision. Get to work on major projects, applying your expertise, talents, and interests. Drawing Mannaz in regards to a question about an association, or meeting, can be taken as a positive sign.

This runic symbol is reminding you of the huge impact you have on the lives of others, and what you say and do, and even what you do not do, will have a flow-on effect. Co-operation with others is being highlighted, indicating a harmonious time to bring couples or groups together. Mannaz also signifies an opportune cycle to act on your urge to assist others, involving yourself in study, paid positions, or voluntary work, to help people or animals.

Mannaz also denotes new social contacts and leisure activity. You will attract the goodwill of others. It emphasizes improved interactions, and an excellent outcome for those whose work, or study, is associated with language or communication skills.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an inverted capital letter M with two connecting lines

Mannaz reversed or merkstave, advises you not to force contact or communication, for to do so will bring about the opposite outcome of what you had intended. Wait until a better time, and be diplomatic in your approach. You are being encouraged to break old habits and look for new ways to deal with present problems or blockages.

Drawing this rune can indicate personal self-esteem issues, or difficulties caused by someone else's low self-esteem, or denial. Be kinder to yourself. Do not dwell on your negative traits, but see them as a guide to what needs to be healed, focussing on what is light and positive within. Avoid dwelling on pessimistic thoughts and worry which have been obstructing favourable results. Through contemplation and meditation, bring yourself back to the present moment, and enjoy all that is good in your life today.

If you have drawn Mannaz inverted or merkstave, you could be isolating yourself, if not outwardly, inwardly, through emotional detachment. You are being guided to reconnect with others, or establish new friendships and relationships. Mannaz inverted or merkstave, warns against selfish behaviour, or playing the victim. If you are not happy with the way things are, take sensible, well-considered steps to improve your life. You have the power; you just need to recognize it, and use it.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Laa-gooze

Sound and Corresponding Letter: L as in "letter"

Symbolizes: Water, Lake, Birth, Birth of a Venture

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: renewal, vitality, rebirth; flow, healing power of water, transformation, blossoming, moon, energy, natural processes of life, psychic abilities, spiritual processes, imagination, creativity, subconscious, prophetic dreams, mysterious, secrets revealed, life goals, life after death, travel across water, success through travel

Inverted or Merkstave: feeling judged, decision-making, denial, avoidance, worry, sadness, anxiety about possible judgement, emotional upheaval, feeling down, ill health, issues related to anger, feeling stagnant, fear, running around in circles, confusion, lack of responsibility or direction

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles an angular shepherd's crook

Laguz is the rune of water and birth, representing the start of life or new project. A powerful runic symbol linked to emotions, the subconscious, dream symbols, fertility of nature, and creativity. Drawing Laguz can be considered an especially positive sign if you have asked for guidance in relation to water-connected activities or ventures.

Laguz is advising you to prioritize, and restructure your strategies. Applying selfdiscipline and self-mastery is also highlighted, particularly if you have been a little lax, or working outside the guidance of your inner wisdom.

Drawing Laguz signals enhanced intuition, inspiration, and growing awareness conveyed by dreams and spiritual sources. It also indicates physical and spiritual purification, and greater clarity of vision and insight. Laguz heralds a stage in which you will find yourself re-evaluating your life, spending time developing your inner self, spiritual side, and intuitive abilities.

You are being guided to become more aware of your emotional needs and the emotional needs of others. Work on creating a greater balance in your relationships, including your relationship with yourself. Surround yourself with caring people, and objects of sentimental connection, to enhance feelings of security and warmth. If you have asked a relationship question and drawn Laguz, it indicates promising bonds already exist in your life, or are on their way.

This is an opportune phase to remove blockages on your path, make significant improvements, work on personal development, and achieve major goals. Laguz may also signify success through a purchase or investment.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.



Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles an inverted angular shepherd's crook

If drawn reversed or merkstave, Laguz warns that you may be ignoring words of wisdom from qualified sources, or your inner guidance. It also advises you to beware of temptation, lured off course by a devious person or offer.

You may be feeling the urge to deny or escape your current issues, rather than facing them, but this will not serve you well. Guard against greed or frivolous use of money, and remain true to your values and conscience.

Choosing Laguz inverted or merkstave, may indicate you are blocking yourself emotionally, keeping your emotions isolated, feelings locked away, or associating with someone who is emotionally-unavailable.

Laguz may also indicate fear, or negative thinking, creating a state of stagnation or procrastination. This runic symbol offers the advice that life IS change, and change can help cultivate adaptability, and open the door to new possibilities. By trying to stop necessary change, we can also block out possible success, or adventure that makes life inspiring and uplifting. What is the point of a life if we merely choose to exist, rather than LIVE! Growth, success, and fulfilment only happen when we venture outside our comfort zone.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Eeeng-waaz

Sound and Corresponding Letters: NG as in "linger"

Symbolizes: Ing - the earth god, Power Increasing

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: personal growth, male fertility, rewards for effort, nature, connection to others, appreciation of all living beings; bounty, home, family bonds, love, simplicity, enjoying the simple things in life, sharing the same values, inner strength, warmth, affection, freedom, resolution, starting afresh, self-awareness, greater understanding, tranquillity, contentment

Merkstave: stagnation, restless, uncertainty, feeling powerless, efforts without result, treadmill, dull routine, revitalization is needed

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.


Resembles two crosses attached vertically

You are ready to take a vital step in the direction of success. New beginnings initiated at this time are likely to have fortunate results. Projects already begun, will be completed to your satisfaction. Ingwaz signifies increasing power and general improvement. It also represents physical love, intimacy, or creativity.

A successful resolution to a problem that has been hampering you, can now be found. If delays have been troubling you, Ingwaz advises that a difficult issue must be dealt with now, in order to move forward, for a brighter period to finally begin.

Ingwaz is also linked to the power of the moon and its qualities, signifying heightened feelings, strengthening of bonds, and increased intuitive abilities. Ingwaz indicates happiness and desirable outcomes, if you are intending to begin a creative career, project, or start a family. As Ingwaz also relates to fertility, drawing this rune points to a significant, productive period in your life.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles two crosses attached horizontally

Drawing Ingwaz merkstave, marks a phase of great importance, a milestone in your life, or someone close to you. It also indicates a period of a major ending or significant beginning.

Ingwaz may signify that you have been denying your true feelings or principles. Focus on what your inner guidance is telling you, rather than doing what you think you should do, or feel others expect of you.

Do not let the time and effort you channel into developing yourself, or improving your position in life, become a selfish cause. Follow your path, stay true to your values, and help others along the way.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Thaw-gauze

Sound and Corresponding Letters: D as in "dodge"

Symbolizes: Dawn, Day, Daylight, Balance of Opposites and Contrast

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: awareness, hope, security, balance, harmony, new stage, release, breakthrough, inspiration, awakening, clarity, insight, willpower, transformation through personal choices, vision, opportunity, commencement, prime time for a new endeavour, ready to start again, lucky chances, synchronicity

Merkstave: ending, loss, relationship ending, lack of hope, misunderstanding, inability to see the truth or the desire not to, ending up where you began, limitation, reaching your limit

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Merkstave for more information.

_ <  X/vv7! --


Resembles an angular number eight on its side

Dagaz is the rune of infinite balance and dynamism between universal opposites. It is the energy of cosmic manifestation, and represents the spirit's journey travelling from darkness and negativity, to light, positivity, and awareness.

Drawing Dagaz reveals that what you did not understand will now be made clear. It indicates an opening up of your mind and spirit to greater inspiration and revelation, accompanied by a change in attitude and approach. Premonitions, sudden flashes of insight, and increased spiritual understanding are also heralded by this runic symbol.

Daguz represents a phase of spontaneity, restlessness, and possible impulsiveness. A major breakthrough will be achieved. Set your goals high and strive for them, for you are likely to accomplish more than you had originally hoped. It also indicates a phase of major personal transformation. If followed by the Blank Rune, Dagaz may signify someone's passing, significant spiritual revelation, or mystical experience.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Resembles an angular number eight

If you have drawn Dagaz merkstave, radical change is on the horizon, and it will test your adaptability, teaching you vital life lessons.

To find the necessary solution to a current problem, you may need to review your attitude to a particular person or issue. This new understanding will help improve your circumstances and provide the foundation for a better life.

Change is imminent, but be prepared for it. Do not let fear stand in your way because these changes will eventually bring wisdom and insight.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Norse Pronunciation: Oath-awe-law

Sound and Corresponding Letter: O (long) as in "bold"

Symbolizes: Ancestral Connections, Hereditary Property, Possession, Inheritance, Land, Family, Traditions

Traditional Meanings:

Upright: inheritance, ancestral possessions, spiritual connection to the land, collective prosperity, home, shared possessions, ancestral property, inherited property, spiritual inheritance, abundance, group structure, tribal order, experience, morality, spiritual values, integrity, guided by traditions or principles, spiritual journey, prosperity shared

Inverted or Merkstave: power imbalance within the group, restrictions caused by injustice, difficulty making ends meet, societal disharmony, power struggles, disorder, prejudice, outside the recognized group, fringe-dweller, unrewarded for efforts, spiritual lessons; difficulties stemming from negative behaviour or treatment, exclusivism, bigotry

See Modern Interpretations - Upright and Inverted for more information.


Resembles a tilted square attached to a V facing downwards

Othala is the rune of ancestral land, family unity, and home, encouraging respect for traditions, ancestors, and what has come before.

If you have asked a question related to inheritance or family, drawing Othala provides a favourable omen. Stability and prosperity are likely now. Harmony will connect loved ones, or progress will be made through nurturing a better relationship with family members. Othala announces the opportunity to receive benefits from your family, or those unrelated people you consider family. You are being advised to review outmoded relationships and situations, and avoid stubbornness when dealing with others, as an adaptable attitude and approach will achieve the desired outcome. Othala also carries the message to look for new paths of growth and understanding, and that you may be the recipient of an inheritance or the generosity of others.

Othala signals increasing calmness and acceptance of circumstances, bringing a new appreciation of what is good in your life. Teamwork and cooperation are highlighted, particularly among family, or friends who are considered family. Important decisions need to be made, but seek out informed guidance from others first, before making up your mind.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


Inverted or Merkstave

Resembles a tilted square, attached to a V facing upwards

Drawing Othala inverted or merkstave, you are being guided to depart from old attitudes and restrictions imposed by stagnant belief systems. It is imperative to go with the flow, but keep a sense of direction in mind. Do not let yourself be bound by traditions that are no longer relevant or beneficial, but avoid acting hastily. Preparation is needed, and careful consideration to choose the best time for an advantageous outcome.

Othala may signify feeling disconnected from family, traditions, or the past. It may also denote feelings of isolation, either emotionally or physically, and the need to remedy this situation by actively reconnecting with others, or moving to a closer location. Open your heart to new special bonds, and nurture relationships that are already in your life. If you have been feeling frustrated, or under pressure, Othala is advising you to unwind and repair yourself, in order to deal with your circumstances more effectively.

If you have selected Othala inverted or merkstave, it may indicate legal issues, or situations, if not handled carefully, could lead to legal problems.

See Traditional Meanings for more information.


In ancient times, the only blank rune in a rune-caster's pouch, was a spare, kept in case a rune was lost and needed to be replaced. Since a rune is a symbol, a piece with no marking, cannot in the traditional sense, be called a "rune": It is like naming a blank sheet paper, a blank word.

The Blank "Rune", also known as the Infinity Rune, Odin's Rune, and the Wyrd Rune, was introduced by Ralph Blum in his popular volume, "The Book of Runes", first published in 1982. Many traditional rune-casters are opposed to the concept of the Blank Rune, and advise that it should never be used in divination and guidance. Though the Infinity Rune is unpopular with many traditional runecasters, there is no doubt that Ralph Blum's book is the major reason for the reemergence of rune-casting in modern times, after being all but forgotten since the Middle Ages; and so, Blum certainly deserves acknowledgement and respect for his groundbreaking work in the field of runic symbolism, whether we love the Blank Rune or despise it.

While the rune traditionalists have a valid point that the Blank Rune has no historical value, I have found this rune a highly useful and insightful addition to rune divination. The Infinity Rune serves a purpose similar to the Tarot's Fool Card, the Mah Jong's Heaven card, and blank cards provided by a range of oracle decks.

For those who feel most comfortable sticking strictly to the letter of tradition, keep the Infinity Rune as a spare. For the rest of us, the Blank Rune is a beneficial and complimentary inclusion, providing a special perspective and understanding. The world has changed greatly since runes were first devised, hence it seems reasonable, even sensible, to adapt runic guidance and divination to suit the modern world, while still honouring its origins and its purpose.

See Blank Rune Interpretation for more information.


Blank Rune - Infinity Rune - Odin's Rune - Wyrd Rune No Inverted or Merkstave

Symbolizes: Infinity, Potential, Awareness, No Limits, Divinity, Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, Insight, Self-Mastery, Enthusiasm, Adventure, Guidance

Like the Fool of the Tarot, the Blank Rune represents every possible expression of existence, the seen and the unseen. the Manifest and Unmanifest. It is the blank slate upon which anything may be imagined and written. The Blank Rune also emphasizes the message of any runic symbol placed next to it in a rune spread.

The Blank Rune is a deeply spiritual and divine "rune", reminding us that we start from nothing and return to "nothing", and in between we create our lives which we must later relinquish to start again. It tells us to take a leap of faith to move from the known to the unknown, to not let fear of what we are unsure of, block our path. It is the sign of infinity, the void, the power of oneness and nothingness. It is the beginning and the end, the moment of the creation and the completion of all things.

Although this "rune" cannot be drawn inverse or merkstave, it may be read on occasion as being the fear of: - the divine, unseen, belief, spirituality, death, greater awareness, truth, or fear itself.

For more information on the Infinity Rune see: Blank Rune - To Use or Not to Use


Rune-casting, using runes for personal guidance and divination, is believed to be as old as the runes themselves. With each rune expressing the attributes of a powerful Norse deity and the forces of nature, ancient peoples believed that these runic symbols possessed the capacity to provide special insight into the spiritual path of individuals, tribes, and nations.

The Vikings, like many people in earlier times, believed their lives were "fated"; that the gods dictated when they would be born, whether they would be rich or poor, and when they would die. However, contrary to this belief, they also believed that an individual's incorrect choices and actions could displease the gods, losing the deity’s favour, dooming them to suffer the consequences. So in actuality, the ancients held two perspectives on the future, part fated and part resulting from a person's free will. Rune-casting helped the Vikings, and others in the past who used runes for divination and guidance, to see their path, what was meant to be, and which personal choices and strategies could bring about a

different result. Rune-casting was a way of understanding themselves and their part in the larger mechanism of existence.

Every rune-caster has their favourite rune spreads, but whether you consider yourself a strict adherent to traditional rune-casting or prefer a more personal, current approach, most rune-casters believe that spreads devised by the individual rune-caster themselves, can be as effective and relevant as any spread used in antiquity.

The following chapters provide a selection of useful layouts that are easy to learn and simple to apply; however, once you become familiar with each rune's meaning, and comfortable with these spreads, you will be ready to design your own layouts, if you feel inspired to do so.

When rune-casting, or doing a reading of any type, keep in mind, the future is affected by your choices, attitude, and behaviour, as well as the circumstances that impact upon you and your life. You have some power over how the future turns out, in your life, and the world in general. We have a responsibility to ourselves, and others, to make well-considered and compassionate choices for the best outcome. We are all in this together.

* Word on rune pouch, is "LOVE" in runic script.


Traditional rune sets were usually made from wood, taken from a green branch of a nut-bearing tree, usually elm, yew, or birch. Even though these types of wood were popular with ancient rune-makers of the Northern Hemisphere, there is no need to feel limited in your choice of material from which to make your runes. There are those who have made beautiful rune sets from fir, pine, even drift wood.

In the past, runes have also been made from bone, but it is not recommended. This may be a merging modalities, but the advice from Feng Shui is still relevant: According to this ancient Eastern wisdom, any object associated with an animal's death is imbued with negative energy, and since it is important to only have positive energy, and the life force, associated with our rune sets, I would suggest making your runes from other materials with favourable, energetic imprints, such as smooth river or ocean stones, tumbled stones, crystals, fired clay, or as previously mentioned, wood. Cardboard or paper may also be used, however runes made from these materials will not last, but can be easily replaced when necessary. For those currently without rune sets, I have created an easy to download and print pdf rune set, available to you at no cost, and perfect to use

while you develop your rune-casting abilities. Download your printable rune set here

If you prefer to purchase your set of runes rather than make your own, there are also many superb rune sets available in various stores and online.


Picking the best storage for your runes is one of personal choice. Although most rune-casters keep their runes in a dedicated pouch or bag, a decorative bowl, box, beautiful scarf, or piece of material, will do just as well. However, for a paper or cardboard rune set, a special bowl or box is recommended.


  • 1. First, consider carefully what you wish to ask. Keep your question simple but clear. It may be a general guidance question. For example - "Will my love-life improve in the next six months?" Or a specific question - "What sort of career would best suit my nature and bring a sense of satisfaction?" (The answer given by the runes will not state "electrician" or "teacher", but the traits conveyed by the rune may tell you what skills or personality characteristics will be necessary if this career is chosen.)

  • 2. Close your eyes, and take a slow, relaxing breath. Concentrate on the question, not the desired answer, and draw the required number of runes from the pouch, or container, with your left hand. Open your eyes and lay the rune pieces down in the chosen runic spread e.g. circle, straight line, arch, in the order in which the runes were selected.

Some rune-casters use a rune mat, or material, with a circle drawn upon it, on which to place their rune layouts. When the rune is drawn and placed outside the circle, it is not read. If no runes fall within the circle, the answer is not likely to be forthcoming at this time.

  • 3. Beginning with the first rune selected, consider your "gut" or instinctive responses to this rune, as well as the known meanings and interpretations. If the rune has fallen blank side up, some rune-casters believe this means that the answer may not be available at this time, or that there are difficulties surrounding this issue. Other rune-casters simply turn the blank side over to expose the rune's symbol, and read it in the position the rune has been revealed: The latter is my personal preference.

  • 4. Consider the meaning of each rune separately, and their relationship to the question asked. If the rune layout is based on a past, present, and future format, contemplate how these runes relate to these time periods as well as your question.

If you have drawn more than one rune for this question, consider how the meanings of the various runes link together to provide a coherent "sentence" or message, providing guidance and an answer to your question.

Sometimes the answer may not be clear immediately. In this case, write down the names of the runes drawn, and underneath their names, write the meanings of the rune, relevant to the question. This is especially useful when still learning how to use the runes as it will help you remember the meanings of each symbol. Now look at the thread of meaning and relevance that connects each rune. For example, if you have asked a question about finances, and you have drawn runes, or rune positions, that all relate to challenges or difficulties, it is giving you a clear message that the financial sector of your life needs some extra attention and caution. If the runes drawn, and the rune positions, are related to harvest, abundance, and achievement, then the message is pointing to success and financial well-being. If writing down your runes and their meanings, does not provide an immediate understanding of the runic message, allow yourself some extra time to reflect on the rune spread. You may need to leave the runes, do something else, and come back to the runes later to see the message with greater clarity. Or perhaps, contemplate your question a little longer, then draw

one more rune to add to the spread, providing extra information to help uncover the runic message.

At times, only one of the runes drawn will convey the message, expressing a resounding yes or definite no, while the rest of the runes selected simply provide the finer details.

Allow yourself to enjoy the process of rune-casting, and over time, as you become more experienced and familiar with each rune, you will find the answers provided by runic symbolism will become clearer, often bringing incredible insight. As with all modalities of divination and guidance, it is easier to read for others, especially people we do not know, because we can remain objective, but when reading for ourselves, we may interpret the message incorrectly because there is a personal interest in a desired outcome. However, rune-casting is one of the few methods of guidance, in which you can receive a clear message reading for yourself, as long as you first take the necessary time to relax and clear your mind, and allow the messages to come to you, rather than forcing the meanings to suit your fears or hopes.


Since runes first appeared, this ancient Germanic alphabet was used for a variety of purposes - marking ownership, inscribing boulders and cliff walls, message writing, magick, self-development, spiritual guidance, and divination. However, not all present day rune-casters are in agreement as to the mystical uses of runic symbolism.

While most people with a deep understanding of the runes use these ancient characters as an oracle with prophetic qualities as well as a tool for selfawareness and spiritual guidance; rune-casters who hold strictly to orthodox religious beliefs, prefer to see runes as without spiritual traits and capacity, viewing the runes as a means to look into the mind, rather than into the spirit. For all other rune-casters, this ancient alphabet is used for seeking within and to see the path ahead, because the Universe is not only outside us, it is also within us.

* Image: Wiki commons - Runestone Hagby Mojebro Uppland, Sweden


As a rune-caster, it is crucial to become familiar with a few different rune layouts, simple spreads and the more complex. Five rune spreads have been included that can provide an excellent foundation for your runic practice. Over time, as your proficiency in rune-casting develops, you may feel inspired to develop your own layouts.

Begin with simple spreads, one or three rune arrangements. In most cases, these small layouts can provide insightful guidance for a variety of questions. One rune layouts are particularly useful for “yes or no questions”. If you use a spread with only a few runes, and the answer seems unclear, choosing one more rune will often provide the clarity you require. Spreads that have five or more runes are excellent for long range forecasts and guidance, a general overview, or covering a number of areas in your life in one spread such as career, love, finances, and spiritual direction.

Whether you are reading for yourself, or someone else, commence every session of rune-casting by relaxing your body and mind. Get comfortable, whether you are seated at a table or on the floor, close your eyes for a moment and take a slow, deep breath out, and then a slow, deep breath in, letting go of any tension in your body. Burning incense or aromatic oils, and playing relaxing

music can also help to provide the necessary ambience and tranquillity for a clear message and understanding. Allow yourself plenty of time to develop your rune-casting skills and you will be amazed at the insightful guidance the runes will provide for you, and for those you assist with your readings.


The One Rune Layout is an excellent spread for the novice rune caster. It is useful for providing a simple, clear message, or yes or no response. If the answer is not clear, and you were completely focussed while selecting your rune, this lack of clarity may simply mean that the answer to that question will not be revealed at this time.

Yes or No Question

Yes  No Not Yet

If you ask the runes a “yes or no question”, make sure you are centred and focused on the question, not the answer you want, when you draw out your rune. Close your eyes and place your left hand in the pouch, or container, thinking of your question. Then select the rune and place it in front of you on the table or ground. Open your eyes and if the rune is blank side up, you can either take that as a sign that the answer is not currently forthcoming, or simply turn it over and read it, according to the position it falls when revealed.

Upright is generally taken as "yes", reverse as "no", and sideways meaning "maybe" or "not yet".

When asking a “yes or no question”, also take into consideration the meaning of the specific rune chosen. For example, if you ask a question related to finance,

choosing Fehu upright will give you an extremely positive answer; however, if you ask the same finance-related question, but draw Hagalaz, although the answer is yes, there will obviously be delays or problems to be overcome despite the answer being yes.


The Three Rune Layout is another simple rune spread which usually provides a clear answer. Always read this layout from right to left.

Rune 1: Past relating to this question, the state of mind of the person asking the question, or current goals and hopes

Rune 2: Obstacles, challenges, or help received in relation to this issue

Rune 3: Outcome based on current choices, attitudes, and approach

  • A) Seat yourself in a comfortable position.

  • B) Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, stilling your mind and body which each slow deep breath out, then in.

  • C) When you feel centred and relaxed, consider the specific issue or question, and place your left hand in the rune pouch or container, and draw out one rune, placing the rune on the table or ground, keeping your eyes closed.

  • D) Now choose the next rune, placing it to the left of the first rune, and then select the third and last rune.

  • E) Open your eyes and look at the runes. If the first rune on the right is blank side up, turn it over and read this symbol according to its position, - upright, inverted, or merkstave. Consider this response in regards to the past relating to this question, issue, or person for whom you are rune-casting.

  • F) Read the second rune drawn and consider this symbol according to its individual meaning and position, and in relation to known or possible obstacles, challenges, or help received regarding this issue.

  • G) Finally, read the third rune, and read it according to its specific meaning and position and what this means in regards to the outcome. It is important to remember that the result is based on your current attitudes, choices, and strategy, and therefore, if you do not like the revealed outcome, it may be time to reconsider your attitude and approach to achieve a better result.


To help you explore the uses and application of the “Three Rune Layout”, two examples have been included below. All runes in these examples appear in the upright position, and even though both examples contain the same runes, since the runes are positioned differently in the layout, the runic symbols provide different guidance.

Depending on the question asked, and the issue for which these runes were drawn, decide on the rune meanings which appear to be associated with that particular topic. A selection of runic meanings have been noted beside each rune in both examples, but for detailed explanations of each rune, please refer to the relevant rune sections.

The question associated with these two rune layout examples is: "Will the current challenges in my life be resolved, and will my life improve in the next twelve months?"

It is crucial to remember that if these runes are drawn in the same order as these examples, and even associated with a similar question, the guidance may be different depending on the person you are reading for, their current situation, attitude, and approach to life. To be an effective rune-caster, it is imperative to be sensitive to the moment and the present requirements of the person for whom you are reading. We are not a pawn of fate. Some things are meant to happen, but our mindset and method will have an effect on the outcome. If whoever you

are reading for does not like the message received, it may be a sign for this person to rethink their strategy and outlook to create a happier result.

Example 1: Runes pictured in the layout at the top of this page

Rune 1: (right) Wunjo: Wishes, harmony, enjoy the moment, happiness, positivity

Rune 2: (middle) Perthro: Destiny, feminine energy, happy surprises, healing Rune 3: (left) Algiz: Protection, inner strength, optimism, talents, connection to the spirit of animals and nature.


Rune 1: Despite having a variety of hopes and wishes, this person feels that their life is still lacking. They are generally a happy, positive person, but challenges, either recent or current, have caused them to react in a less than positive way.

Rune 2: By embracing their feminine side, (usually relates to intuition, sensitivity, kindness, quiet time, e.g. relaxation, tranquil activities, meditation), this person will start to feel a sense of improving wholeness and healing. An alternative interpretation, a woman will be of great assistance, helping this person to improve their current situation, either through support or advice.

Rune 3: A happy outcome is revealed. This person is on a path to enjoying life more, spending time in a natural setting, or developing their talents or skills related to a hobby or profession.

Example 2:

Rune 1: (right) Algiz: Protection, Inner strength, optimism, talents, connection to the spirit of animals and nature

Rune 2: (middle) Perthro: Destiny, feminine energy, happy surprises, healing

Rune 3: (left) Wunjo: Wishes, harmony, enjoy the moment, happiness, positivity


Rune 1: This person has been working hard on developing their abilities, but feeling a lack of reward for their efforts.

Rune 2: A positive change is on the way. By continuing to invest time in their abilities, but also taking time out to replenish their mind and body, life will take a turn for the better.

Rune 3: What they have been hoping for will happen. If they have been eager for recognition for their talents, they will eventually get their wish.

The above two examples are only guidelines, and should not restrict or alter your personal approach and interpretations while rune-casting, either for yourself or for others.

While practising your rune-casting skills, consider the same examples, but see how the guidance is changed if one, or more, of the runes is in reverse or merkstave, instead of in the upright position. Another way to practise your runecasting is to change the question posed to another issue, and use these rune layout examples to provide an interpretation and answer.


The Standing Stone Layout is a simple rune spread to give you a clear message as to the past, present and future. You also have the option of adding one more rune to each level, so the past, present and future levels have three runes, giving greater depth to the runic message.

This rune spread can be used for a general look at someone's life, or focus on a specific topic or issue such as health, finances, career, family, success, or lovelife. Draw the runes starting with Rune 1: Past Right 2: Past Left; Rune 3: Present Right; Rune 4: Present Left Rune 5: Future Right; Rune 6: Future Left

This spread is read from right to left, starting at the bottom and working your way up; starting with the past, then the present, and finishing with the runes related to the future.

Example of the (Six Runes) Standing Stone Layout

Refer to the runes pictured in the spread above, for this “Standing Stone Layout” example. All runes are in the upright position. For this example, a question related to career and finances was chosen - "Will my career (or business) become more successful, and my finances improve, in the next six to twelve months?"

Rune 1: Past Right - Kenaz: - passion, light, knowledge, attraction, inspiration, creativity

Rune 2: Past Left - Jera: - harvest, one year, reward, change, prosperity, happiness

Rune 3: Present Right - Tiwaz: - success, honour, recognition, justice, selfmastery

Rune 4: Present Left - Raidho: - journey, holiday, progress, inner harmony, positive choices, optimistic attitude

Rune 5: Future Right - Wunjo: - wishes, harmony; enjoy the moment, happiness, positivity

Rune 6: Future Left - Mannaz: - personal potential, relationships, charity, compassion, wisdom, intelligence, assertiveness

Example Guidance:

Past: (Kenaz and Jera): In the past, a creative, innovative approach was applied to your work sector, or your job relied on creative ability or inspirational ideas. Although you would have seen some rewards for your efforts in the past, you were aware that it would take a certain period of time before you would achieve substantial monetary rewards and recognition for your efforts.

Present: (Tiwaz and Raidho): You are now starting to see genuine improvements in your career and financial situation, with enough extra money to

put aside to enjoy a well-deserved holiday. You are in a positive state of mind, and are still moving towards even greater success.

Future: (Wunjo and Mannaz): The future reveals the fulfilment of a wish related to your career and finances, not due to luck, but your prior efforts, positive attitude, and approach. Your chosen field of work will provide you will feelings of satisfaction and enough money to feel comfortable. You will also feel moved to help those who are less fortunate. Overall, these runes indicate an extremely positive direction and an outcome of notable success, fulfilment, and sense of purpose.

To modify this spread to create a NINE RUNE STANDING STONE LAYOUT:

Rune 1: Past Right;

Rune 2: Past Middle

Rune 3: Past Left

Rune 4: Present Right

Rune 5: Present Middle

Rune 6: Present Left Rune: 7: Future Right Rune 8: Future Middle Rune 9: Future Left


Although slightly more complex than other runic spread options already covered, this layout is straightforward and user-friendly. This runic spread can be used to provide a general view of someone's life, or to focus on a specific question, topic, or issue such as health, finances, career, family, success, or love-life.

Unlike previous examples, this rune spread is drawn and read from left to right, beginning with the Client Rune.

Rune 1: Client Rune - Represents the person for whom this rune-casting is being done. If you are reading for yourself, this rune represents you.

Rune 2. Past Rune

Rune 3: Transition Rune - Past to Now

Rune 4: Transition Rune - Past to Now

(Past to Now Transition runes are to be read separately and in combination) Rune 5: Now Rune

Rune 6: Transition Rune - Now to Future

Rune 7: Transition Rune - Now to Future

(Now to Future Transition Runes are to be read separately, and in combination) Rune 8: Future Rune

Rune 9: Outcome Rune

Example of Nine Rune Arch Layout used as a general reading

Rune 1: Client Rune - Thurisaz: - change, transformation, fighting back, will power, masculine force, standing your ground, catalyst, cleansing

Rune 2: Past Rune - Hagalaz: - challenges, finding a solution to a problem, finalization, power of nature, transformation, cataclysmic changes,

Rune 3: Transition - Past to Now - Ingwaz: - rewards, harvest, family, bonds, warmth and affection, contentment, home, personal growth, connection to others Rune 4: Transition Past to Now - Algiz: - protection, inner strength, optimism, talents, connection to the spirit of animals and nature

Rune 5: Now Rune - Perthro: - destiny, feminine energy, happy surprises, healing

Rune 6: Transition - Now to Future - Isa: - lack of vision, egotistical, mistrust, plots, underhandedness,

Rune 7: Transition - Now to Future - Nauthiz: - needs, necessities, determination, self-reliance, will power, delays

Rune 8: Future Rune - Mannaz: - personal potential, relationships, charity, compassion, wisdom, intelligence

Rune 9: Outcome Rune - Laguz: - poor judgement, decision making, worry, fear, lack of responsibility, lack of direction


Rune 1: Client Rune - You are going through a period of massive change. There will be challenges, but you will take advantage of all the positive elements in this cycle of transformation, changing everything that needs to be altered, but remaining true to yourself and principles, while moving forward into this new phase in your life.

Rune 2: Past Rune: You have been dealing with the same difficulties that you are faced with today, and for some time, trying what seemed like every possible option to come up with a successful solution; but it is only now you have the experience and insight to deal more effectively with these same challenges.

Rune 3: Transition - Past to Now - Despite your previous difficulties, your positive and affectionate approach, has given you the strength to keep going despite the obstacles. You have made time to nurture and enjoy your bonds with those special in your life, and your closest ties have brought you happiness and fulfilment, even if some areas of your life have not yet brought you the achievement you may have hoped for.

Rune 4: Transition - Past to Now: You are a person of integrity and willpower, and have talents, some discovered and others yet to be revealed. You also enjoy a special connection with nature, your pets, or the appreciation and respect of animals in general; a bond that brings you happiness, peace and joy.

Rune 5: Now Rune - Your intuitive side and urge to make a difference in the world is starting to come to the fore. It is a time of happiness, and a strong healing energy has entered your life, either helping to heal you, or you have been tapping into this energy to help others.

Rune 6: Transition - Now to Future - As your talents become more evident to yourself and others, do not let this distract you from your path, or allow yourself to feel you are better than others. It is also important, to grow slowly and steadily

in the direction of your goals, rather than rushing headlong because of a desire for fame or wealth.

Rune 7: Transition - Now to Future - You have a great deal of determination, and willing to push yourself with as much effort needed to achieve your goals. There will be delays, however, do not let these hindrances frustrate or anger you. These obstacles will give you the time to reflect on your journey so far, in order to be prepared for the next step, when the road to success once again, opens up. While things are slow, concentrate on other areas of your life that can be cultivated, and enjoy your special relationships.

Rune 8: Future Rune - You will reach your goal and find a sense of achievement. This accomplishment, or time of improved circumstances, will bring you greater insight, using what you have learnt to help others. There will be a strong urge to channel time and resources into ethical organizations or charitable causes.

Rune 9: Outcome Rune - When you have reached your goal, do not become careless, egotistical, or lose your authentic self, otherwise your accomplishment, or time of satisfaction, will be short-lived. For the best outcome, it is important to build upon all the good you have done, and do not let others talk you into a deal that would take what is rightfully yours, rewards that were achieved through your hard work and principled efforts.

Alternative: Seven Rune Arch Layout

Rune 1: Client Rune

Rune 2: Past Rune

Rune 3: Transition Rune - Past to Now

Rune 4: Now Rune

Rune 5: Now to Future Rune

Rune 6: Future Rune

Rune 7: Outcome Rune


The “Season Rune Layout” is an excellent spread for a general reading, or to explore a particular question or topic such as health, success, love-life, family, finances or career.

Client Rune: Represents the person for whom you are reading. If you are reading for yourself, this rune signifies you. If you are rune-casting for someone else, this rune represents the person for whom you are reading. The Client Rune describes how the questioner is feeling, or current outside influences affecting the questioner.

Autumn - Outside Influences, Authority, Business and Career

Winter - Lessons, Challenges, Changes, and Transitions

Spring - Inner Qualities, Talents and Gifts, Insights, Revelations, Identity

Summer - Opportunities, Finances, Love Life, Home Environment, Travel Outcome - What will result from current choices, personal attitudes, actions, and external influences.

Refer to the runes pictured above, for the “Season Rune Layout” example. All runes appear in the upright position.

Rune 1: Client Rune - Ehwaz: - transport, horses, harmonious associations, travel, inner journey, well-matched relationship or marriage, trust, teamwork Rune 2: Autumn Rune - Isa:- inner blocks, obstacles, negative thinking or attitude, reflection, stalemate,

Rune 3: Winter Rune - Laguz:- renewal, healing, intuition, prophetic dreams, success through investment or purchase, dreams, goals, growth, secrets revealed, life after death

Rune 4: Spring Rune - Raidho: - journey, holiday, progress, inner harmony, positive choices, optimistic attitude

Rune 5: Summer Rune - Fehu: - ownership, possessions, fortune, good luck, increasing income, financial stability, improved social life, happiness

Rune 6: Outcome Rune - Jera: - harvest, reward, one year, change, prosperity, satisfaction, contentment, fulfilment,

Season Layout: This example was applied to a general overview of career and life path.


Rune 1: Client Rune - You are in a good place in your life. Harmony exists in your closest relationship, and you inspire trust with whom you associate. The present favours journeys, holidays, and anything related to transport or the welfare of horses.

Runes 2: Autumn Runes - An authority figure, in the work or study environment, may be causing you stress. It is advisable to work on solutions

to your current, or potential problems, rather than focusing on the difficulties themselves. Avoid letting negative-thinking affect your normally positive approach to life.

Rune 3: Winter Rune - You are being guided to tap into your intuition. You may experience prophetic or important symbolic dreams, or find your sixth sense is becoming heightened. It is an opportune time to strive for your major and minor goals. If you have been experiencing ill health, an improved sense of well-being is close at hand, the result of better self-care and rest.

Rune 4: Spring Rune - Your naturally positive nature makes you ideally-suited to make others feel good about themselves. This would make you an excellent teacher, mentor, trainer, counsellor, therapist, or coach. You also have a love of travel and learning about new people and places.

Rune 5: Summer Rune - You are coming into an excellent time for improving your financial position; a period of good fortune, perfect for fostering your personal success and happiness.

Rune 6: Outcome Rune - The outcome looks bright and positive. It may take a little while for your goals and hopes to eventuate, but by tapping into your strengths, and dealing with your current challenges in an assertive and productive way, the future is paved with prosperity, fulfilment, and a sense of satisfaction.


No other form of writing is quite like the mysterious and powerful runes.

Like the archaic I Ching oracle, the linear markings of runic symbolism are associated with the majestic powers of nature, and can be used to guide and prophesize.

Similar to the hieroglyphic writing of ancient Egypt, runic characters are associated with the gods, each rune conveying its own distinct, divine-inspired meaning and message.

However, unlike any other writing system, the runic alphabet encompasses all these qualities and a variety of possible applications. The runic alphabet can not only be used to write simple and complex messages, runes embrace the traits of both the natural world and the spiritual realm. Runic symbols can be used as an oracle for divination, and a tool for growing self-awareness and spiritual guidance: But unlike any other writing system, runes can mark objects, people, and places with the symbols of Old Norse deities, imbuing them with the power and protection of the gods.

Although the exact origins of the runes remain uncertain, these mystical symbols certainly provide modern society with some insight into the lives and beliefs of

the ancient people who designed and used this ancient alphabet, and offers us an effective and fascinating instrument for enhancing our self-awareness, spiritual understanding, and guidance.

Whether you choose to use this runic information for educational and reference purposes, or decide to develop your rune-casting abilities for personal development or professional reasons, "The Power of Runes" will help you nurture an in depth understanding of runic symbolism, and give you the means and knowledge to see into the possibilities and potential of your present and future. May your journey be blessed with happiness, success, and meaningfulness.


Sarina Damen is an accredited teacher with tertiary qualifications incorporating ancient history, philosophy, psychology, and aesthetics. She has worked in the field of spiritual counselling, life coaching, and personal development for over twenty-five years, having taught herself palmistry at age ten after a life-changing out-of-body experience. Sarina has several published books on personal development, spirituality, runic lore, and holistic living, including "The Source of Life", "Rune Divination and their Viking Origins", and "One Page Wisdom".

She has appeared on major television and radio networks, including ABC, B105, 4EB, 4ZZZ, Channel 7, 9, 10. She has also had extensive print media coverage in newspapers and magazines including Insight Magazine, Positive Living Magazine, Supernature Magazine, Sunday Mail, Courier Mail, and Quest Newspapers. Sarina has also worked as a columnist for two spiritual magazines, presented lectures on the public stage of the Mind, Body, and Spirit Festival, and featured in a pilot for a spiritual television series. She has also presented seminars and workshops on meditation, motivation, self-awareness, personal development, dream interpretation, rune-casting, divination, relaxation, and self esteem.

Sarina Damen is also the founder of a not-for-profit venture that focuses on education, creativity, personal growth, human rights, animal welfare, and environmental protection.

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Author's name: Sarina Damen - in runic script