Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial - Baal Kadmon 2016

Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial - Baal Kadmon 2016


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WARNING: Please read this warning before you proceed to call upon Shiva

Shiva is not for everyone, for some, his energy can be overwhelming.

Meaning, when you use his Mantra you are invoking a powerful primordial energy.

Recite with care.

The Primordial Dancer

Shiva, is one of the most mysterious Gods of the Hindu pantheon. His essence can be found in all things, yet his tranquil, yet fierce energy can seem out of reach for some. His images often depict him in a meditative state or in his most common form, the Nataraja or the one who dances within the circular fires that represent creation and dissolution.

He is by far one of the most ancient of the Hindu Gods, there are hints of him in the Vedas, and this form is often called “Proto-Shiva.” In his current incarnation he is part of the Hindu Trinity that is comprised of the Gods Brahma and Vishnu.

Shiva’s name means "the auspicious one”. He is also known as “Shambhu” (Benign), “Mahesha” (Great Lord) and “Mahadeva” (Great God). . He has several forms. In his peaceful form he is often depicted with his consort Parvati, as the cosmic dancer (Nataraja) and as a mendicant beggar aka Dalit. Shiva is the God of creation, destruction and regeneration, it is for this reason his mantras are so powerful, they are multipurpose and can serve the magician in any way he or she sees fit.

Although most deities that I work with are feminine in nature, Shiva is one of the only exceptions. Shiva, although male is an exception because unlike the other Gods of the pantheon, Shiva is the ONLY one who is considered to be an equal and complementary partner to the divine feminine.

He has been my patron for decades, I even have a tattoo of his image on my back. He is very close to me.

His essence is very much considered transcendent and limitless. He is the primal and raw soul of the universe. It is for this reason he is the patron God of Meditation and Yoga, two domains that are often used in magick and the assumption of transcendent power.

Often Shiva is also associated with unbridled sexuality, eccentricity and nirvanic states. He has all these within himself. He is no doubt a figure that would be interpreted in the west as the embodiment of all that is evil, sinful and dark. This

reputation is not helped by the fact that many of his followers are known to perform actions that are often shocking and even downright lewd. They do this not because they are degenerates, but because they are trying to prove a cosmic point. In many ways, Shiva is the God of the outcasts.

Shiva will challenge you in ways other Gods will not. He will force you to go deep into your nature. If you are not introspective, Shiva will and can be a nightmare for you. He will force you to break open and I assure you, if you are forced to break open, it will not be pleasant.

His mantras are often recited when people need help. All problems you may have, be they physical, mental or spiritual he can help you.

Here is an example of one of His most popular Mantras: Like most of the Gods and Goddesses, there are several Mantras for each deity. This one, however, is the most popular. It is in many ways a “catch-all.”

The Mantra:

Om Namah Shivaya

Loosely Defined as ’I offer to Siva a respectful invocation of His Name.” Pronounced: OM NA-MA SHE-VA-YA

We will discuss his some of his many mantras later in this book. Now let us continue on to the History of This great God.

Shiva Through The Ages

By unknown Indus Valley Civilization sealmaker from Mohenjodaro archaeological site [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Shiva has an ancient and rich history; in this chapter, we will cover it very briefly. As I state in my other books, I strongly believe that knowing history is vital for a magician, this is the reason I make sure to always dedicate a large portion of my books to history, this book will be no exception. Since this is mantra centric book I won’t go into his history too deeply, I will just skim the surface.

Although we associate Shiva mostly with India, there is evidence that his worship was far more wide spread and much older than previously thought. Some have found prehistoric rock carvings in India dating as far back as 10,000 B.C.

Carvings found more specifically at the Bhimbetka rock shelters, an archeological site known for its copious Paleolithic discoveries. The engravings show Shiva’s

trident and in his famous Nataraj pose. The most compelling of these early Shiva depictions is the one that opens this chapter. It is of a figure in lotus position with horns. This image is known as the “Proto-Shiva.” His iconography evolved overtime to such an extent that Ancient Greek texts referred to Shiva as the “Indian Dionysius.” These early days of Shiva are hard to decipher with 100% accuracy, therefore I am going to focus on what we know of Shiva starting from the Vedic Tradition onward.

The Vedas are the foundational texts of Hinduism. Although Hinduism itself is very broad in its belief systems, one thing they all have in common are the Vedas. In the Vedic literature, there is a God named Rudra. He appears rather minor since in the Rig Veda only 3 of the 1,028 hymns are dedicated to him. However, he is considered to be very fierce. Shiva too is mentioned in the Vedas but more as a description of “Auspiciousness and kindness.” As one gets deeper into the Vedas, Rudra’s more nurturing nature emerges and is entwined with Shiva. Suddenly Shiva becomes an aspect of Rudra. They become Rudra-Shiva in many ways. In post-Vedic texts the Combining of Rudra and Shiva becomes more apparent. The Rudra moniker is dropped and he simply is known as Shiva. Within him contains all aspects of Rudra. So in many ways Shiva Transcends Rudra’s aspects but includes them as well. In most polytheistic traditions you will find this “transcend and include” phenomena. The earlier aspects get subsumed BUT not eradicated completely from the original aspect. In the following several chapters we will discuss some more intimate details about Shiva and then we will proceed to the mantras and the rituals.

Shiva’s Various Forms And Attributes

As I stated in the previous chapter, Shiva has other forms, some common and some not as much. One is called Aghora, which is his form that resides at cremation grounds. Second is Ishana which often displays itself as Shiva Lingam, which I will discuss in a separate chapter. Third form is Tat Purusha in which he is meditating. Fourth is Varna Deva aka the eternal Shiva and fifth Braddha Rudra which is the wrathful aspects we discussed in the last chapter. The most popular form is that of the Nataraj in which Shiva does that dance of regeneration and destruction of the universe. As he dances he is in complete and rapturous bliss which to me is very touching. As he creates and destroys the universe he is in bliss. Try to fathom that for a moment. This might come as a surprise to some, but another form of Shiva is that of the Monkey God Hanuman. One day I will write a book on Hanuman mantras, this manifestation deserves its own text. The ones above are some of the more common ones, there are other forms of Shiva as well. Now let’s look at some of the physical attributes of Shiva.

Here are a few of the main attributes:

  • • Shiva is often holding the trident that represents the three Gunas which are discussed in Ayurveda. They are Sattva: Subtle Essence, Rajas: Activity and Tamas: Inertia.

  • • He is often depicted with snakes, this shows that he is beyond the power of death. It also represents a fully developed Kundalini energy which is often depicted as a snake.

  • • Shiva is often depicted with a two-sided drum. The sound of the drum maintains the rhythm of the universe and has the sound of the primordial seed mantra OM in which all of creation comes in and out of being to.

  • • Often Shiva is riding a white bull named Nandi which means “joyful”.

  • • Shiva is often depicted as sitting on a tiger skin or wearing a tiger skin. The

tiger is symbolic of the mind.

  • • Mount Kailasa in the Himalayas is supposedly the abode for which Shiva resides.

There you have it. In the next chapter, we will discuss Shiva relations to the other Gods of the Pantheon.

His Relationship to Other Gods

Shiva has an interesting interaction with the Gods. In many ways it is human-like but divine at the same time. Shiva was apparently married twice. His first wife was Sati and his second, Parvati. Since both are emanations of the Divine Shakti, they are also known as Durga, Kali, Uma, Gauri, Annapurna and the most famous of all, Shakti. He has two sons, Ganesh is one of them, and he is by far the most popular one. I will be releasing a book about him in the near future. His other son is the lesser known Kartikeya.

From his two wives, it is Parvati that seems to be the most energetically synergistic. They are often depicted in happy, intimate embrace. Their love making was said to be so powerful that the sweat of their interaction fell into the ashes of the God Kama. This sweat was so full of intensity, he was resurrected. The love making intensity also frightened and shook the other gods and the entire universe.

I love looking at the Statue of Shiva and Parvati, that is true love energy. They are also known to discuss the great vedic philosophy with one another. Both are perfect in their knowledge. It is for this reason they are together, they are exactly two sides to the universe, male and female energy in its purest and rawest forms. When Shiva does the dance of destruction, Parvati does the dance of creation and balances out his raw nature. Their union is truly magickal and one that may even inform our own relationships.

The Shiva Lingam and its Significance

As I stated in a previous chapter, Shiva has several attributes. One of the most popular is the “Lingam.” It is found in nearly every Hindu temple and home that has an altar to Shiva. The Lingam is shaped like a phallus and represents the creative masculine energy of Shiva. This is not phallic worship as we have come to know it in occult literature, rather it is a sign of Shiva’s true limitless power. Within the Lingam form, at the base of it is the Yoni aka Vagina. The Yoni too is a symbol of creative energy and thus they are incorporated in one symbol. This further illustrates Shiva’s and Shakti’s ultimate union. When one meditates and uses this symbol during Rituals, one gains understanding that the ultimate ground of all creation is divine union and love. It is for this reason I have incorporated it in the rituals.

Hindu Texts Dedicated To Shiva

There are several texts dedicated to Shiva and named after him as well. I will just skim the surface since this book is not a comprehensive history on Shiva, but I think it is good to get an idea of what is out there.

We have the Shaiva Upanishads which is a group of about 14 texts that are considered “Minor Upanishads.” I say minor because they are not as popular as the main Upanishads such as the Chandogya, Kena and Katha Upanishads etc. The Upanishads as a whole are, I guess you could say like the Talmud of the Hindu religion. It offers commentary and insight not only on the Vedas, the main Hindu text, but also has many stories and elucidative teachings on Hindu religion.

The Shaiva Upanishads were constructed over a period of time, scholars say from the 1st Millennium BC right to the 17th century A.D. That is a very long time. Although they are considered minor, they contain very spiritual information. It goes into some depth as to the nature of Shiva and equates him with the steady transcended nature of Brahman and the Atman aka soul or self. It also contains various rituals and symbolic explanations.

Then we have the Shaiva Puranas. These are more popularly known, as the Linga and Shiva Puranas. These texts are a bit more approachable and explain the various aspects of Shiva. These aspects are explained various mythological teachings, cosmological teaching and the like.

Then we have the tantric literature. This in many ways is like the Kabbalah or mystery teaching of Hinduism as it relates to Shiva. These texts were composed over the 8th century right through the 11th century. Surely not as ancient as the prior texts we discussed but in many ways just as holy, if not more so. In the Shiva Agamas (this is not one text but a series of texts). Some of the Agamas states that the world is a duality or Dvaita in which Shiva is separate from creation. Whereas, other Agamas teach the exact opposite and teach monism or Advaita. We have about 10 Agama texts that are dualistic and over 60 that are monistic in nature. This seems like a contradiction, but that is how Tantric

teachings often present themselves. Like most mystical systems there is a lot of apparently self-contradictory teachings, but that is where the magick is. Your work on this planet is complete when you transcend them.

There are, of course other texts but they pale in comparison to the above. If you want a full account of Shiva, the texts I covered in this chapter will keep you busy for decades.

Shiva Mantras

In this book we will cover 12 Mantras specifically to Shiva and his various names he is known to have. As a general warning, please do not take these mantras lightly. You are about to call upon a force that is very transformative and may not be suitable for everyone. If you are not ready for this, please do not proceed until you are. Mantras in and of themselves are very powerful and should always be used with respect and with your full attention. I created this book in such a way that it will be easy for you to maintain focus on the mantras. In this chapter I will just go over them and then in the next chapter we will use them in rituals.



Pronounced 'OM NA-MA SHIV-AYA'

This Mantra is his general mantra that is in many ways a catch all. In this book we will use it for protection



Pronounced: ’OM SHAM-BA-VEY NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, To the God who exists for our Happiness.”

This mantra is used to bring you happiness in your life and uplifted spirit.



Pronounced: ’OM SHAN-KAR-AYA NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, To the source of prosperity.”

This mantra is used to bring you prosperity in any way that you require it.




Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to Rudra sustainer of the world.”

This mantra is used for the fulfillment of wishes.



Pronounced: ’OM OOG-RAYA NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to Shiva whose very presence is overwhelming.”

This mantra is used for the subduing of enemies as well as protection from them.



Pronounced: ’OM KAMA-RA-YE NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to Shiva whose is passion.”

This mantra is used to attract love into your life, mainly romantic love.




Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to the lord who destroyed the three demonic cities”

This mantra is used for protection against evil spirits.



Pronounced: ’OM SAR-VAG-YAYA NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to the lord, the knower of all things.”

This mantra is used for the attainment of wisdom.



Pronounced: ’OM SOM-AYA NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to moon glow of mystical vision.”

This mantra is used for the attainment of mystical wisdom and insight. Mainly occult knowledge.



Pronounced: ’OM HA-RA-YE NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to Shiva who destroyed every bondage.”

This mantra is used to help you break through any mental blocks you might have.



Pronounced: ’OM TARA-KAYA NA-MA-HA’

Loosely Defined as “Salutations, to the liberator of humankind.”

This mantra is used to help you attain spiritual liberation in whatever form that is meaningful for you.


Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam,Urvarukmiv Bandhanat, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat


VERY Loosely Defined as “We Meditate on the Three-eyed reality

Which permeates and nourishes all like a perfume.

May we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality;

Even as the melon is severed from bondage to the nectar.”

This mantra is used to help you attain physical, mental and emotional health. I know the mantra seems not to relate to the ritual but I assure you this mantra is used for the stated purpose AND it actually has other beneficial effects. This mantra is known as the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.

Although these Mantras seem rather specific, they can be used in all manner of rituals to Shiva. Shiva, in many ways is a God you can use for almost anything. He can handle and provide anything you ask of him. In the next Chapter we will discuss what you need for Shiva magick.

What You Will Need For Shiva Rituals

Before we proceed, here is a list of thing you can use to enhance your magick (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE ITEMS IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY, THEY SIMPLY ENHANCE YOUR RITUAL)

  • 1. A "picture" or statue if Shiva. I have this one Hindu God Lord Shiva in Meditation Bronze Finish Figurine Sculpture Statue

  • 2. Shiva Lingam: I use this one: Shiva Lingam Five inches

  • 3. The following Incense: Lord Shiva Incense (Any incense will do, I just

prefer this one)

  • 4. Black Candles

  • 5. A secure plate or candle holder to hold the candles. Since the ones I recommend vary in size you can use any make or brand of your choosing. Just make sure to find one that will hold these candles and will allow for safety (NEVER LEAVE CANDLES BURNING UNATTENDED)



Let me now explain the rationale behind the objects above.

  • 1. The Statue and the Lingam: This is to focus your attention. I find it helps me “feel" Shiva’s presence when I do a ritual to her.

  • 2. Lord Shiva Incense: This Incense is a wonderful sacred fragrance.

  • 3. Candles: (Please note you can buy any kind of candle you like, they don't have to be chimes or votive. I just happen to like the ones I provided here)

Red Chime Candles: This color is quite powerful

Gold Candles: This candle will be used for the ritual on financial assistance. Many occultists will tell you to use green, but this has been a long-held misconception. The only reason why people have said to use green is because it's

the color of money. The thing is, it’s only the color of money in the USA and maybe a few notes here and there of other nations. They don't call the dollar “greenback" for nothing. Green is not a color that is truly indicative money. Gold is though, Gold is UNIVERSALLY known to be a signifier of wealth both in ancient times and present. If you have been using Green for your money rituals, now you know to use gold instead. It is much more effective.

White Candles: White is for purity

Silver candles: This is the color of wisdom as well as for magickal powers.

Blue Candles: This will be used for health

Black Candles: These candles will be used to conquer your enemies and repel evil spiritual entities.

TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS: These beads are very helpful for keeping track of your mantra recitations.

In the following Chapters, we will go through all 12 rituals. Each ritual will have its own chapter.

Introduction To The Rituals

Below you will find 12 rituals, very simple but powerful ones. Each ritual can be done at any time.

Here are the rituals we will be performing:

  • • For Protection

  • • For The Attainment Of Happiness

  • • For Financial Assistance And Prosperity

  • • For The Fulfillment Of Wishes

  • • For The Subjugation Of Enemies

  • • To Find Romantic Love

  • • For The Repulsion Of Evil Spirits

  • • For The Attainment Of Wisdom

  • • For The Attainment Of Occult Knowledge And Understanding

  • • For the Removal Of Mental Blocks

  • • For Spiritual Liberation

  • • To Attain Physical Healing

I will walk you through each ritual step by step... Let us now call upon Shiva the great Primordial lord.

For Protection

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the white candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and Think about your need for protection

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced 'OM NA-MA SHIV-AYA'

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Attainment Of Happiness

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the white and red candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and Think about happiness and what it means to you and why you want it.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM SHAM-BA-VEY NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For Financial Assistance And Prosperity

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the gold candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about the kind of prosperity you wish to attain in your life, it doesn’t always need to be money.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM SHAN-KAR-AYA NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Fulfillment Of Wishes

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the gold and silver candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about a desire you really want to have fulfilled, feel the emotion behind it.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.



  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Subjugation Of Enemies

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the black and red candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your enemy and what they have done or can do to you and what you want to have done to them.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM OOG-RAYA NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

To Find Romantic Love

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the red candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to find love either with a new person or someone specific.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM KAMA-RA-YE NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Repulsion Of Evil Spirits

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the black candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to be rid of a haunting or spiritual entity that you perceive as being malevolent.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.



  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Attainment Of Wisdom

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the silver candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to acquire knowledge and wisdom, it can be of anything.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM SAR-VAG-YAYA NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For The Attainment Of Occult Knowledge And Understanding

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the silver candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to acquire occult knowledge and wisdom specifically, it could be to gain insight into a difficult concept etc.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM SOM-AYA NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For the Removal Of Mental Blocks

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the blue candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to acquire have a clearer mind and how you need to clear any emotional blocks you may have.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM HA-RA-YE NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

For Spiritual Liberation

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the blue and white candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to feel spiritually free and pure. I know that is rather abstract but I have a feeling you know what I mean.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.


Pronounced: ’OM TARA-KAYA NA-MA-HA’

  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away, please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to

http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

To Attain Physical Healing

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the picture of statue of Shiva at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the blue and white candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Hold the Lingam in your hands or on your lap. Have it physically touch you in some way.

  • 4. Sit quietly and think about your desire to attain healing, it can be for anything physical, emotional and mental.

  • 5. Say the Shiva Mantra 108 times.

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam,Urvarukmiv Bandhanat, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat



  • 6. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel his presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 7. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away,

please do the same for the Lingam. I often leave the Lingam on my altar as a reminder of the ritual and its intention.

You will not need to do this ritual again. HOWEVER, I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

I have created a mantra audio for this mantra. Please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/ shiva-mantras

How to Enhance Your Shiva Mantra Practice -Achieving Siddhi

(Excerpted from Vashikaran Magick ) Now that you have learned the mantras, I want to add some additional information here that will really up the effectiveness of these mantras and any mantra practice for that matter. As you saw, most of the mantras can be recited a few times and some, many more times. When doing so, you compound the energy upon itself and then it produces results. Its like a charge builds up and eventually fires, producing the goal. This is generally how mantras work and often once the result is achieved, the energy dissipates and that will be the end of the ritual. But what if you could ALWAYS embody the energy of the mantra? There is a way and It is called Siddhi.

Siddhi, in Sanskrit means “perfection" "accomplishment" and "Attainment" of magical abilities. When one achieves Siddhi with a particular mantra they acquire the actual energy of that mantra. So for example, the Main Attraction Seed Mantra is "Kleem". If you recite this 10,000 times in one sitting, you will have mastered the energy of this mantra and your attraction abilities will be enhanced and things will come naturally to you. After you achieve Siddhi, you will be unstoppable, with every recitation of the mantra after Siddhi you are a true and effective magician. Some schools of thought say that you do not need to do all 10,000 in one sitting but over 40 days. Follow your intuition on whether you want to do these chants in one sitting or several.

In saying this, if you want to enhance any of these mantras, I suggest chanting them 1,000 to 10,000 times in one sitting. I know this sounds like a lot, but once you get into the groove with the mantra the recitation will move very quickly. To keep track of this, I suggest you use Mala beads. I personally use this brand: TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS

It has 108 beads; 108 is a sacred number and common in Hindu chanting. Although some of the mantras in this book require fewer than 108 recitation; I highly suggest you chant a mantra at least 108 times a day. With these Mala

Beads, it will be easy to keep track. If you do 10 rounds of 108 recitations, you will be on your way to achieving Siddhi. You can, of course use any mala beads or create your own.

A Note On Mantra Pronunciation

As with most of my mantra magick titles, I have MP3 audios you can purchase if you are interesting in learning how to pronounce the mantras in this book. The mantra Audio accompaniment for this book has each of the mantra sin this book recited 108 times. These audios are often helpful, but are not a requirement.

To get a copy, please go to http ://baalkadmon. com/product/shiva-mantras


What you have learned here is VERY powerful and I suggest you use Shiva’s energy with Great care. These mantras are like electricity, the energy will flow in the direction of the intended output. In saying that please be firm in your intentions and make absolutely sure what you want is truly what you want.

As they say, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

Other Books By The Author

Organized by date of publication from most recent:

Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial

Tefillin Magick: Using Tefillin For Magickal Purposes (Jewish Magick Book 1)

Jesus Magick (Bible Magick Book 2)

The Magickal Moment Of Now: The Inner Mind of the Advanced Magician

The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)

The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon

Mahavidya Mantra Magick: Tap Into the 10 Goddesses of Power

Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding

Magick And The Bible: Is Magick Compatible With The Bible? (Bible Magick

Book 1)

The Magickal Rites of Prosperity: Using Different Methods To Magickally

Manifest Wealth

Lakshmi Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Goddess Lakshmi for Wealth and Abundance In All Areas of Life

Tarot Magick: Harness the Magickal Power of the Tarot

The Quantum Magician: Enhancing Your Magick With A Parallel Life

Tibetan Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Power Of Tibetan Mantras

The 42 Letter Name of God: The Mystical Name Of Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 6)

Tara Mantra Magick: How To Use The Power Of The Goddess Tara

Vedic Magick: Using Ancient Vedic Spells To Attain Wealth

The Daemonic Companion: Creating Daemonic Entities To Do Your Will

Tap Into The Power Of The Chant: Attaining Supernatural Abilities Using

Mantras (Supernatural Attainments Series

72 Demons Of The Name: Calling Upon The Great Demons Of The Name (Sacred Names Book 5)

Moldavite Magick: Tap Into The Stone Of Transformation Using Mantras (Crystal

Mantra Magick Book 1)

Ouija Board Magick - Archangels Edition: Communicate And Harness The Power

Of The Great Archangels

Chakra Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Magick Of Your Chakras (Mantra Magick Series Book 4)

Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe (Mantra Magick Series Book 3)

The Magick Of Saint Expedite: Tap Into The Truly Miraculous Power Of Saint

Expedite (Magick Of The Saints Book 2)

Kali Mantra Magick: Summoning The Dark Powers of Kali Ma (Mantra Magick Series Book 2)

Mary Magick: Calling Forth The Divine Mother For Help (Magick Of The Saints

Book 1)

Vashikaran Magick: Learn The Dark Mantras Of Subjugation (Mantra Magick Series Book 1)

The Hidden Names Of Genesis: Tap Into The Hidden Power Of Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 4)

The 99 Names Of Allah: Acquiring the 99 Divine Qualities of God (Sacred Names

Book 3)

The 72 Angels Of The Name: Calling On the 72 Angels of God (Sacred Names)

The 72 Names of God: The 72 Keys To Transformation (Sacred Names Book 1)

About Author

Baal first discovered his occult gifts when he was very young. It was only in his teens when on a trip to the Middle East that he felt compelled to learn about what has been haunting him since childhood. Several teachers and many decades later he felt read to share what he has learned.

His teaching are unconventional to say the least. He shatters the beloved and idolatrously held notions most occultists hold dear. His pared-down approach to magick is a refreshing and is much-needed in a field that is mired by self-important magicians who place more important on pomp and circumstance rather than on magick. What you learn from Baal is straight forward with no frills. Magick is about bringing about change or a desired result, Magick is a natural birthright...There is no need to complicate it. Don't you agree?

If you have any questions please feel free to visit Baal at