Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe - Baal Kadmon 2015

Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe - Baal Kadmon 2015


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Excerpted from VASHIKARAN MAGICK with some alterations.

When one thinks of Mantras one tends to think of the most famous mantra; OM. Om being the symbol on the cover of this book. OM is, the primordial mantra; it is a seed mantras, a mantra that the divine used to create all of the universe. It is no coincidence that many other mantras start with OM. It charges them with power.

The very word Mantra indicates what it is. It is originally in Sanskrit and is comprised of two words. MAN which is the root word for the "MIND" and TRA the root word for "Instrument". It is literally an instrument of the mind. It is said that ancient gurus and sages had the ability to hear the primordial sounds of the universe as well as the root sounds and vibrations of the gods ( SEED MANTRAS). They realized these sounds are the very sounds of creation. These very sounds that are at the core of everything, even the divine itself. Modern Quantum physics backs this with the idea of String theory. The theory suggests that the very core of the universe is composed of strings that vibrate a certain frequency. We are not talking atoms but sub, sub , sub atomic...the core of it all. The core vibratory energies of all there is and will ever be.

The original Mantras were composed in Sanskrit. Sanskrit letters contain energetic principles that when pronounced produce changes in the surrounding energy field . The first Mantras ever composed can be found in the Vedas. The Vedas are the most sacred texts of the Hindu faith and some would say the most ancient texts known to man.

The use and function of a mantra as well as their structure varies from tradition to tradition. We often think that Hinduism is one homogenous religion, however, it is incredibly rich and diverse. Probably the most diverse religion in the world. In all traditions, mantras play a role, but some place added importance to them. For example, in the Mysterious Hindu Tantric traditions the Mantra itself contains the very essence of A God or Goddess. Almost as if the Mantra itself was the very name of the deity. So when they are recited, they immediately invoke the power of that deity.

In some schools, Mantras are given specific meaning and are attached to human aspirations such as to gain peace, love and what have you. In other traditions they do not mean anything. But rather their very sound conveys certain energies. Essentially, a Mantra may not have any translatable meaning but rather is used to invoke a certain energy to be experienced.

In this book, we will be dealing with one of these schools of thought; we are using them more for the energy they represent and how to tap into them to harness the root powers of the Universe.

What Are Seed Mantras?

Seed Mantras, also known as Bija or Beej Mantras are root sounds in the Sanskrit language. They are, as their name implies, the root energetic sounds behind the entire universe. These Seed Mantras are the vehicle of power that when used properly, can change the entire vibration of your life.

The Vedic / Sanskrit language in which we find the Seed mantras , is derived from a very ancient language comprised of all the seed mantras. As I stated in the previous chapter, the mantra OM is a single syllable seed or root mantra. Mantras in and of themselves are very powerful and should always be used with respect and with your full attention. I created this book in such a way that it will be easy for you to maintain focus on the mantras.

The Seed mantras that will follow are the core sounds, these sounds have embedded into them the universal creative energies. They are potential power and do not have attributes such as " good and evil". These sounds transcend those human labels. However, it does not mean they cannot be used for both " good and evil". As I stated in other books, the universal energies are like electricity. It will manifest in the way it is guided. Example, Plug in your computer and your lamp and you will see they are using the same electricity, but it is manifesting differently in each object based on its intended use. If you stick your tongue in an electric socket you will quickly learn that electricity will light you up as well.

The same when you use these mantras. Mantras do not have morality issues, they are not biased; they are simply energies waiting to be guided and guide them we shall.

In the next chapter. we will go through a description of the seed mantras we will be using in this book.

In this chapter I will go into each seed mantra we will be using and then, we will chant them.

Seed mantras:

AIM:Pronounced (AIM, like ready Aim Fire) This Mantra is the seed sound of creativity and intellect. This is a very powerful mantra and can literally change your brain so it opens itself to expanded creativity, enhanced learning ability as well as peace of mind. This is a perfect mantra for students. If you have a complex topic you want to study, this is the mantra to chant.

Dum/Doom:Pronounced (DOME) This mantra is generally used for protection. This Mantra is very popular since it is the root mantra for the Goddess Durga in the Hindu tradition. She is the Goddess of Protection. By using this mantra you are invoking a very powerful protective energy. This mantra is especially good if you want to increase yourself discipline and self- control. I use this mantra regularly to keep myself on point when I feel I am lacking self-control.

Gam/Gum:pronounced ( GUM, like chewing gum) Gum is the seed mantra for the Hindu God Ganesh. He is worshiped throughout India as the God who removes obstacles in life. If you have an obstacle in your life, whether physical or spiritual, reciting this mantra will help clear it away.

Hleem:Pronounced (H-leem sound) Is derived from the seed Hreem. It is, however softer energetically. It is used to bring an inner state of stillness. It can also be used to elicit a state of mindfulness before you speak. Often we can find ourselves about to saying something harsh, this mantra can help you become more mindful when you are in a heated situation. In turn, this mantra can be used to stop negativity in general.

Hoom:Pronounced (whom)This is a very important Sanskrit mantra in the Hindu tradition. This is a fiery mantra and thus has an energy potential that can both harm as well as protect. This mantra inspires and creates passion and vitality and can be used for both good and evil. In its positive aspects, it can bring divine protection and is very powerful in destroying negativity. This is a wonderful mantra to create a protective atmosphere in your home.

Hreem:Pronounced ( like cream but with H instead of C) This powerful Mantra is known to have a captivating magical force. This is one of the most important mantras because it helps us rise above our delusions and ignorance which tr aps us from seeing life as it really is. Life is divine and due to our many distractions, we forget this. Hreem can help you liberate your consciousness. This is an incredibly powerful mantra and should be used with a positive intention.

Kleem:pronounced ( like Cream, but with a KL instead of CR) This mantra is a very well known and powerful mantra used to attract spiritual and material abundance in your life. With Kleem you can attract love, friendship, peace of mind. People have used Kleem to attract sobriety and a clear mental state. If you have a specific intention in mind, chanting Kleem will help you resonate with that intention and manifest it in your life.

Kreem:Pronounced as Cream)At first, I was hesitant to add this Seed Syll ablebut I realized this course would not be complete without it. Kreem is associated with a very powerful Goddess in the Hindu tradition by the name of Kali. Kali has been misrepresented in the west as evil, but she is not evil in

anyway. She is fierce. Meaning, when you use this mantra you are invoking a fierce energy. If you have a very critical issue in your life that you cannot seem to solve, or a bad habit you want to break and you have not been successful at breaking it. Using Kreem will help you break it very quickly. However, I must warn you, Kreem is not subtle. The results can be rather dramatic, but it will ALWAYS be for your own good. Recite with care.

OM: Pronounced as OM or AUM, long O) Is the most popular of the Seed Mantras. You may have chanted this yourself at some point in your life, either through a yoga practice or in meditation. Om is the primal sound. By chanting this mantra, you are attuning yourself to your true nature. If you want a deeper bond with source, this Mantra will assist you in achieving this state.

Saw/ Sauh:Pronounced ( SAW like SAW) This is a wonderful mantra if you suffer from anxiety or depression. This mantra brings divine energy into your heart which elicit a calming happy energy into the nervous system.

Shreem:Pronounced ( Shreeem) The Shreem prosperity mantra is a powerful tool that you can use to reshape how you attract and manage your prosperity. In the various cultures that make up the tapestry of human experience, we are constantly bombarded with mixed messages regarding what prosperity is. On one hand, we are inundated with how corrupt rich people are and that living a life of lack is in some way a noble existence.

On the other hand, we are told that abundance is a sign of being in tune with spirit and that lack is a sign of an imbal ance. By Chanting this Mantra, you will attune yourself to prosperity and breakthrough any limiting beliefs you may have about money and prosperity.

Treem:Pronounced ( as Tree, but with an M at the end)This mantra is extremely beneficial if you find yourself facing difficult and hostile situations in your life. It can enhance the aspects in you that are most associated with fearlessness, courage and daring. If you need to break out of your comfort zone, this mantra can help you gain this courage. Kreem can also help you gain these qualities but in a more direct way.

Although these Seed Mantras are used for specific purposes, you may use them in all areas of your life. They will have a very beneficial influence on you.

These mantras work at the very core. Please approach them with care. If you are not ready for energetic shifts, this practice is not for you.

Seed Mantra Rituals

Before we proceed, here is a list of thing you can use to enhance your magick (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE ITEMS IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY, THEY SIMPLY ENHANCE YOUR RITUAL)

  • 1. Any Incense you desire

  • 2. The following Candles:Black Candles ( I just happen to like these but you can get any candles you like)

  • 3. A secure pl ate or candle holder to hold the candles. Since the ones I recommend vary in size you can use the a make or brand of your choosing. Just make sure to find one that will hold these candles and will allow for safety(NEVER LEAVE CANDLES BURNING UNATTENDED)


  • 5. TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS If you do not get anything else on this list , I HIGHLY recommend meditation Beads. The reason for this is that we will reciting these mantras 108 times. Might sound like a lot but it goes by very quickly.

Let me now explain the rationale behind the objects above.

  • 1. Incense, this just creates a pleasant atmosphere. Incense has a way to make the surroundings holy.

  • 2. Candles: (Please note you can buy any kind of candle you like, they don't have to be chimes or votive. I just happen to like the ones I provided here)

Red Chime Candles: This color is quite powerful

Gold Candles: This candle will be used for the ritual on financial assistance . Many occultists will tell you to use green, but this has been a long-held misconception. The only reason why people have said to use green is because it's the color of money. The thing is, its only the color of money in the USA and maybe a few notes here and there of other nations. They don't call the dollar " greenback" for nothing. Green is not a color that is truly indicative money. Gold is though, Gold is UNIVERSALLY known to be a signifier of wealth both in ancient times and present. If you have been using Green for your money rituals, now you know to use gold instead. It is much more effective.

White Candles: White is for purity

Silver candles: This is the color of wisdom as well as for magickal powers.

Blue Candles: This will be used for health and to get unstuck

Black Candles: These candles will be used to conquer your enemies and repel evil spiritual entities.

  • 3. TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS: If you do not get anything else on this list , I HIGHLY recommend meditation Beads. The reason for this is that we will reciting these mantras 108 times. Might sound like a lot but it goes by very quickly.

Below you will find 12 rituals, very simple but powerful ones. Each ritual can be done at anytime.

I will walk you through each ritual step by step... In order for these to work, please perform only 2-3 rituals a day for 40 days . The ritual/s may work right away, but 40 days is the amount of time most people find brings great results. For me, It does not take 40 days and I suspect you will also notice results quickly.


This Mantra is the seed sound of creativity and intellect. This is a very powerful mantra and can literally change your brain so it opens itself to expanded creativity, enhanced learning ability as well as peace of mind. This is a perfect mantra for students. If you have a complex topic you want to study, this is the mantra to chant. Remember, you can use this mantra for any issue involving artistic ability, learning, memory etc. The tapping session below is just an example of a possible use for this mantra.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the Silver candle in the middle of your altar and light it.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your desire for wisdom be it spiritual or mundane.

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: AIM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will have invited pure creative energy into your life.

Dum/Doom Mantra Session

This mantra is generally used for protection. This Mantra is very popular since it is the root mantra for the Goddess Durga in the Hindu tradition. She is the Goddess of Protection. By using this mantra you are invoking a very powerful protective energy. This mantra is especially good if you want to increase yourself discipline and self-control. I use this mantra regularly to keep myself on point when I feel I am lacking self-control.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the Black and White candles in the middle of your altar and light them.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need for protection or the cessation of a bad habit.

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: DOOM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will have invited security and protection into your life.

Gam/Gum Mantra Session

Gum is the seed mantra for the Hindu God Ganesh. He is worshiped throughout India as the God who removes obstacles in life. If you have an obstacle in your life, whether physical or spiritual, reciting this mantra will help clear it away. I use it regularly when I feel stuck. It really does work very well.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the blue candle in the middle of your altar and light it.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to get unstuck in life

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: GUM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now attract clarity in your life.

Hleem Mantra Session

Hleem Is derived from the seed Hreem. It is, however softer energetically. It is used to bring an inner state of stillness. It can also be used to bring about a state of mindfulness before you speak. Often we can find ourselves about to saying something harsh, this mantra can help you become more mindful when you are in a heated situation. In turn, this mantra can be used to stop negativity in general. In the tapping session below, we will use it to gain more mindfulness in the face of negativity.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the black and red candles in the middle of your altar and light them.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to get your mind under control

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: HLEEM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now acquire mindful and peaceful energy that will help you make wiser decision in the face of turmoil.

Hoom Mantra Session

This is a very important Sanskrit mantra in the Hindu tradition. This is a fiery mantra and thus has an energy potential that can both harm as well as protect. This mantra inspires and creates passion and vitality and can be used for both good and evil. In its positive aspects, it can bring divine protection and is very powerful in destroying negativity. This is a wonderful mantra to create a protective atmosphere in your home.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the Red and Black candles in the middle of your altar and light them.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to reset your life

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: HOOM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now attract passion and energy into your life. A good mantra to reset your energy and life

Hreem Mantra Session

This powerful Mantra is known to have a captivating magical force. This is one of the most important mantras because it helps us rise above our delusions and ignorance which traps us from seeing life as it really is. Life is divine and due to our many distractions, we forget this. Hreem can help you liberate your consciousness. This is an incredibly powerful mantra and should be used with a positive intention.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the Red candle in the middle of your altar and light it.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to acquire and master magick

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: HREEM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now attract magickal abilities.

Kleem Mantra Session

This mantra is a very well known and powerful mantra used to attract spiritual and material abundance in your life. With Kleem you can attract love, friendship, peace of mind. People have used Kleem to attract sobriety and a clear mental state. If you have a specific intention in mind, chanting Kleem will help you resonate with that intention and manifest it in your life. I will provide an example of how this mantra can be used to attract love into your life.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Place the candle color of your choice in the middle, preferably corresponding to the thing or event you want to attract. If you do not know the color, please use White.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to attract or manifest _______

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: KLEEM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now be primed to attract what you desire.

Kreem Mantra Session

Kreem is associated with a very powerful Goddess in the Hindu tradition by the name of Kali. Kali has been misrepresented in the west as being evil, but she is not evil in any way. She is fierce. Meaning, when you use this mantra you are invoking a fierce energy. If you have a very critical issue in your life that you cannot seem to solve, or a bad habit you want to break and you have not been successful at breaking it.

Using Kreem will help you break it very quickly. However, I must warn you, Kreem is not subtle. The results can be rather dramatic, but it will ALWAYS be for your own good. Recite with care. This is an ALL PURPOSE Mantra because it is so powerful.

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

  • 1. Light a black candle in addition to the candle color of your choice in the middle, preferably corresponding to the thing or event you want to attract. If you do not know the color, please use White.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to attract or manifest or change with dramatic results_______

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: KREEM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now be primed to attract what you desire, but please be careful, you might get what you ask for.


OM Is the most popular of the Seed Mantras. You may have chanted this yourself at some point in your life, either through a yoga practice or in meditation. Om is the primal sound. By chanting this mantra, you are attuning yourself to your true nature. If you want a deeper bond with source, this Mantra will assist you in achieving this state.

  • 1. Place the Silver candle in the middle of your altar and light it.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about your need to connect with your true divine nature

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: AUM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now start resonating with the divine.

Saw/ Sauh Mantra session

This is a wonderful mantra if you suffer from anxiety or depression. This mantra brings divine energy into your heart which elicit a calming happy energy into the nervous system.

  • 1. Place the blue and white candles in the middle of your altar and light them.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and take a deep breath and relax into the sound of the mantra

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: SAW

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now start to cool the anxious mind.

Shreem Mantra Session

The Shreem prosperity mantra is a powerful tool that you can use to reshape how you attract and manage your prosperity. In the various cultures that make up the tapestry of human experience, we are constantly bombarded with mixed messages regarding what prosperity is. On one hand, we are inundated with how corrupt rich people are and that living a life of lack is in some way a noble existence. On the other hand, we are told that abundance is a sign of being in tune with spirit and that lack is a sign of an imbalance. By Chanting this Mantra, you will attune yourself to prosperity and breakthrough any limiting beliefs you may have about money and prosperity.

  • 1. Place the Gold candle in the middle of your altar and light it.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and ponder on what it is you need to attract in terms of material possessions

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: SHREEM

  • 5. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. You will now start to attract the material possessions you desire.

Treem Mantra Session

This mantra is extremely beneficial if you find yourself facing difficult and hostile situations in your life. It can enhance the aspects in you that are most associated with fearlessness, courage and daring. If you need to break out of your comfort zone, this mantra can help you gain this courage. Kreem can also help you gain these qualities but in a more direct way.

  • 1. Place the black and red candles in the middle of your altar and light them.

  • 2. In the back, please light the incense.

  • 3. Sit quietly and think about the event or situation you need to face with courage

  • 4. Say the following Mantra 108 times: TREEM

6. When you are satisfied, you may let the candle/s and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguishing them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus concludes this ritual. Say this mantra wherever and whenever you need courage..

How to Enhance Your Seed Mantra Practice - Achieving Siddhi

(Excerpted from Vashikaran Magick ) Now that you have learned the mantras, I want to add some additional information here that will really up the effectiveness of these mantras and any mantra practice for that matter. As you saw, most of the mantras can be recited a few times and some, many more times. When doing so, you compound the energy upon itself and then it produces results. Its like a charge builds up and eventually fires, producing the goal. This is generally how mantras work and often once the result is achieved, the energy dissipates and that will be the end of the ritual. But what if you could ALWAYS embody the energy of the mantra? There is a way and It is called Siddhi.

Siddhi, in Sanskrit means " perfection" "accomplishment" and "Attainment" of magical abilities. When one achieves Siddhi with a particular mantra they acquire the actual energy of that mantra. So for example, the Main Attraction Seed Mantra is "Kleem". If you recite this 10,000 times in one sitting, you will have mastered the energy of this mantra and your attraction abilities will be enhanced and things will come naturally to you. After you achieve Siddhi, you will be unstoppable, with every recitation of the mantra after Siddhi you are a true and effective magician. Some schools of thought say that you do not need to do all 10,000 in one sitting but over 40 days. Follow your intuition on whether you want to do these chants in one sitting or several.

In saying this, if you want to enhance any of these mantras, I suggest chanting them 1,000 to 10,000 times in one sitting. I know this sounds like a lot, but once you get into the groove with the mantra the recitation will move very quickly. To keep track of this, I suggest you use Mala beads. I personally use this brand: TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS

It has 108 beads; 108 is a sacred number and common in Hindu chanting. Although some of the mantras in this book require fewer than 108 recitation; I highly suggest you chant a mantra at least 108 times a day. With these Mala Beads, it will be easy to keep track. If you do 10 rounds of 108 recitations, you will be on your way to achieving Siddhi. You can, of course use any mala beads or create your own.


What you have learned here are the very root sounds of the universe. You can do anything with these sounds. These mantras are like electricity, the energy will flow in the direction of the intended output. In saying that please be firm in your intentions and make absolutely sure what you want is truly what you want.

As they say, be careful what you ask for , you just might get it.

Other Books By The Author

The Mantra Magick Series:


Kali Mantra Magick: Summoning The Dark Powers of Kali Ma

The Scared Names Series:





Magick Of the Saints Series

Mary Magick: Calling Forth The Divine Mother For Help

The Magick of Saint Expedite: Tap Into the Truly Miraculous Power of Saint Expedite


Disclaimer: By law, I need to add this statement.

This volume of "Mantra Magick" is for educational purposes only and does not claim to prevent or cure any disease . The advice and methods in this book should not be construed as financial ,medical or psychological treatment. Please seek advice from a professional if you have serious financial, medical or psychological issues.

By purchasing , reading and or listening to this book, you understand that results are not guaranteed. In light of this, you understand that in the event that this book or audio does not work or causes harm in any area of your life, you agree that you do not hold Baal Kadmon, Amazon, its employees or affiliates liable for any damages you may experience or incur.

The Text and or Audio in this series are copyrighted 2015

About Author