Old Witchcraft Secrets - Bob 2023

Old Witchcraft Secrets - Bob 2023

Chapter I. Introduction

First of all, let me thank you for enrolling in this amazing group. It is an honor for me to teach you these wonderful things.

But first of all let’s make some light here...what’s the big difference between magic and magick?

The term magic is used to describe the power to "change the world", the present and the future of persons, and nature. The "k" in Magick was added by Aleister Crowley to differentiate this kind of magic from stage magic and other illusions...

What is Magick for real?

Magick is the art and science of causing change, whether internal or external, in conformity with the Will. You must know that there is no ONE correct system of magick, as there are an infinite number of ways in which to accomplish one thing. Reality is Infinite and all things are interconnected.

If you're looking to learn the real essence behind developing serious skill in magick, then you must know that Magick is a psychic skill that involves conscious use of energy to cause change in conformity with the Will.

Magick isn't learned solely from a book, Magick is learned through practice. I encourage you to read and do everything that you learn from this book and gifts. This way you'll get better understanding for what witchcraft holds and you'll get the wished results. You can easily print this book to read it wherever you like.

Chapter II. Getting started

Book of Shadows

Before the invention of books, written knowledge was kept on scrolls. There was places such the library at Alexandria, Egypt where was said to contain over half a million scrolls of knowledge collected from all of the known world. In most of man's history the majority of people could not read or write. Consequently, books were imbued with a mystique by the majority of people, representing knowledge that was hidden to those who could not decipher the writings. That which was most likely to be written down was the most important knowledge, which to early man was spiritual wisdom.

The earliest form of the modern Witch's Book of Shadows we encounter is the book of magical formulas and recipes kept by the Cunning Men and Wise Women of Britain.

We can trace the beginning of modern magical books to the Greek philosopher Iamblichus, who developed the concept of 'theurgy,' a belief that by performing ritual acts, man could invoke spiritual powers to aid him on his quest for spiritual truth and regeneration.

Followers of Iamblichus developed a body of literature consisting of magical rituals from various cultures, ranging from the high magic of the spiritual alchemical Great Work to the low magic of summoning spirits to find treasure or heal illness.

The modern Book of Shadows originated with the modern Witchcraft religion of Wicca. Today, the term Book of Shadows has been adopted to mean the personal magical workbook of anyone who claims to be a Witch.

Sometimes it is helpful to keep a diary of your magical experiments and research. Such a diary should include the date, perhaps even some astrological data (or anything else you think may have a relationship to what you are doing). This is also a good time to begin recording your dreams -- at least the important ones -- in a dream diary. Your dreams can tell you a great deal about yourself, and may sometimes reveal premonitions. Dreams are personal...and don't fall for the commercial 'dream book'.

But the true most important use of such a book is that you can track what spells have the biggest impact in your life. You can know (if you write your own spell - read “How to Customize Spells” first) what spells work for you and what don’t. If you know someone older than you that practices witchcraft.try to borrow his/hers Book of Shadows. You will get precious information about spells and rituals.


The primary function of ritual is to worship---to celebrate and to connect with the divine. Don’t try do perform a ritual unless you're working a precise spell. You see.the gods aren't going to care whether your altar cloth is an old sheet or an intricately embroidered cloth, as long as it's clean and you have the right the energy.

(It's wonderful to have coordinated altar supplies and make everything "just so," but if you have to substitute in order to make things right then do so.)

It's also important to use your common sense in the spiritual realm. Don't start invoking fire and water goddesses in the same breath or the same ritual. Don't joke around with ritual objects---they are sacred, even if the ritual is lighthearted.

When invoking deities you should know something about them. When you raise magickal energy, have a focus for it---if you let it drift, you're going to get yourself into trouble, because magickal energy seeks out that which needs to be done, voids that need to be filled.

Before you start, always plan your actions. Extrapolate on what "could" happen and adjust that which needs adjusting. Sometimes bad things could happen and it’s better to be prepared. Your goal is to enjoy your rituals, to have fun celebrating the holidays, to show respect and reverences.

Basic Parts of a Ritual

Usually we think of ritual as bearing on active magick, although certainly, it can also affect passive magick. Most often the change achieved is subjective (it may be subtle) and in the physical world. Outsiders may put them down to coincidence, but the effects are very real. Magical goals for a ritual should not be taken lightly.

The successful practice of magick depends upon strong belief. The simplest ritual of them all must be belief itself. If you can believe in your desired results strongly enough, that act is a magical ritual which will achieve your results.

Often rituals are more formal than the above, but any full magick ritual must always reduce to these stages:

1) visualization;

2) prayer;

3) ritual.

Sometimes a ritual must be repeated every day for a while to achieve difficult results or to overcome weak belief.


It is said that your mind follows your attention. Wherever you direct your attention, there will your thoughts go too. By directing attention to a specific place or purpose you *focus* mental energy upon it. I know that for many people is difficult to visualize some goal, but...

If you don’t know how to effective visualize your goal...use this incredible simple and quick formula:

Picture your goal clearly in your mind. The more definite and specific your idea of what it, is the better. Picture yourself having it or doing it. Visualize it as vividly and as intensely as you can and hold it in your thoughts for a few moments.

Use this every time you want to accomplish something. (Did you know that all famous sports champions use this technique? Nobody knows exactly why it works...but what matters is that it works.)


Here is an short example of prayer:

I thank Gaia for the power she have given me

A channel for her love is what I be.

I return to her the gift she had given me.

I thank her for the power she lent to me for this working.


You’ll find in the next chapters many witchcraft rituals for protection, money, love, happiness and health. Here is the first one:

Magick Circle Revealed

The circle is the sacred space in which magick is worked, where you can meet with the Goddess and God. The word "circle" may be misleading, though, because actually what you are creating is a sphere that encompasses all participants and the altar.

The magick circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies.

There are many ways to create a sacred space. It is more a result of the focusing of will than of the props and special effects.

First, you need to purify your self. It is common to take a bath, anointing yourself with oils. Relax yourself...meditation offers great help.

Set up your altar. An altar should have the following tools upon it:

1. Two candles, preferably one white and one black for balance;

2. Pentacle, necessary to consecrate tools upon;

3. Athame, sacred knife for ceremonial use;

4. White handled knife for cutting branches, herbs, etc...;

5. Cauldron or a small earthen bowl for mixing things;

6. Bowl of water, a bowl of salt;

7. Incense holder and incense;

Those are basic tools...some people use bells, for ringing in the ritual and ringing out the ritual. Some have statues of the gods on their altar or other representations of the gods (horn for god, chalice for female, etc.), and some have more candles, colors representing the work they wish to do. You can also have other things on your altar...i have many stones and crystals on mine, seashells, fresh flowers, a picture of a dear friend of mine, feathers, trinkets from my past, poems written to the gods, my Book of Shadows, etc.

IMPORTANT. All this additional ’tools’ have a meaning for me and for the others like me. Through time and practice I’ve discovered that some objects have a special ’energy’ that makes me comfortable and helps me. Think about this....and decorate your altar with the objects that you feel

they have a special ’energy’. You’ll get a better energy yourself and your spell results will be amazing.

After that you need to combine the five elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Let's see how it's done:

Light the incenses and say: Element of Air I call you now, attend me. Fill chalice with water or wine and say: Element of Water I call you now, attend me.

Hold some salt and say: Element of Earth I call you now, attend me. Pick up a red candle and say: Element of Fire I call you now, attend me.

The Element of Spirit may be your God or Goddess. Together these elements create our sacred space.

Basic Magick Circle Invocation of God or Goddess:

Oh, great Goddess/God/Name

I ask you as your child To open me to your mystic light, And allow me to channel your power through me.

I pray to watch over me and my circle And be with me in my sacred right.

Place the objects with their correspondent direction(fire - South, water -West, earth - North, air - East).

Now, that you have the tools of creation you may use them to create your sacred space - a place of balance between our world and the divine world. Pick up the athame and trace the circle clockwise. This is your sacred area. Visualize energy - your will - running out of your hand and through the tip of the athame creating a protective sphere of energy.

When ending the ritual and closing the circle approach the altar and say:

God/Goddess/Name, source of all,

I thank you

For Your Presence, For Your Circle, Blessed Be!

The Magick Circle Ritual is one of most important rituals in magick. Use it each time you cast a spell.

Magick Pentagram Revealed

The Pentagram is a five-sided star, usually made with a single continuous line, with the points equally spaced. It is often depicted within a circle. This is one of several geometric star designs representing the mysteries of creation and redemption, the soul of man in its relationship with the Universal Spirit. Magickally, such diagrams are considered efficacious in rites and rituals of evocation and transformation.

The older word 'pentacle' has been replaced over time by the less precise 'pentagram.' Today, the pentacle refers to an engraved copper disk engraved with a pentagram used by Witches to represent the element earth in the magick circle; this follows Eliphas Levi's original illustration of the tarot suit of coins, which he called pentacles, as coins engraved with pentagrams.

The pentacle should not be confused with the pantacle. The pantacle is a many-pointed star design created by a magician to summarize his or her magickal attainment, and is unique for each individual. The pantacle is also usually an engraved copper disk and is also used in the magick circle to represent the element of earth. Both the pentacle and the pantacle are used on the altar for consecrations, and at times may even replace the altar.

By the Middle Ages, the pentagram had become a general symbol of spiritual wisdom and truth, and it was marked on doorways and windows to keep evil out of the house. There is evidence that the old village witches made use of the pentagram, which they called the Witches' Foot.

One of the last major developments in the use of the pentagram came when Alphonse Constant (Eliphas Levi) introduced the upright and inverted use of the pentagram. Levi used the upright pentagram to represent the race of man created by God, while he used the inverted pentagram to represent the demonic race created by the Angel Samael and Lilith. Lesser Ritual of The Pentagram

One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals of magick is called the banishing ritual, or lesser ritual of the pentagram. The banishing ritual is helpful in psychic protection and healing because it forms a protective barrier against evil forces. The psychic barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired (constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones.

The banishing ritual is an essential first step in almost any formal full magick ceremony. The ritual requires that you use a ceremonial knife, wand to "draw" the pentagram in the air above your head.

Also, you will be chanting ('vibrating') Eh-Ei-He.

Holding your magical weapon extend your arm out straight in front of you. In this ritual you will use the full sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in the air. Follow the description below by beginning at the lower left and sweeping your magical weapon up toward the right, etc. as shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or elbow. While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually the star as vibrant white, floating in the space before you. You are projecting energy to do this, and the result will be a gleaming 5-pointed star floating in the air. Visualize this as vividly as you can. Now you will energize it further by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and vibrating "Eh-Ei-He".

One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off psychic attack -- that is, when another is attempting to harm you, cause sickness, accidents, bad dreams or to force you to do something against your will.

The Mystical Pentagram Technique for Self-Awareness

The Mystical Pentagram is a technique which will enhance psychic selfawareness. Practiced on a daily basis it will produce surprising individual results.

To begin, you will need a table of correspondences such as "777" by Aleister Crowley. Look up the names of the gods and goddesses and pick a name for each element(air, fire, water, earth, spirit) which when chanted 'feels' right for you.(if you feel relaxed, comfortable and generally positive you would know that a name would be in tune with my inner self.) Once you have found the five names you are ready to proceed.

Use the techniques for meditation from “Self Self Hypnosis and Meditation Practical-Handbook”. Visualize the five psychic centers. Memorize their positions so that you become familiar with the positions.

Visualize a brilliant white light forming a circle above your head in the spirit center. Mentally draw a white light pentagram within the circle of light. This should be an invoking pentagram.

Next see a shaft of white light radiate down through your head stopping at your throat. See a circle of white light begin to form and pulsate. Mentally draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light and vocally vibrate your chosen name for the air center. Continue to stimulate this center for at least five minutes.

Repeat this procedure for your torso(fire), stomach area(water), feet(earth).

When all of the energy centers have been stimulated, direct the light energy from the spirit center to the earth center. As you exhale see the light travel from the top of your head down through your body to the bottom of your feet. As you inhale see the energy travel from your feet up through your body up to the top of your head, the spirit center. This circulation should be persisted for at least seven minutes. See the energy cleanse and vitalize every part of your being and expand your awareness to cosmic consciousness.

Continue to repeat this technique each day you will begin to see and feel a change in your psychic awareness and a marked improvement in your health. Don't become discouraged if you don't achieve results immediately. This technique produces very positive effects but they are cumulative in nature.

Artificial Elementals

An artificial elemental is useful for certain tasks:

1) invisible watcher and observer, telling you what it sees;

2) psychic guard; 3) it can be used in healing;

Producing your own artificial elemental is fairly easy. You must assume that the act has produced results, even if you do not immediately observe them.

An artificial elemental is basically a thought form which has been strengthened with emotion. Refer to the aura color chart and decide what color to make the elemental. Then decide on a shape or outline.

A simple circle or cloud is a good place to start. With this in mind you can use ritual to create your elemental. Creative visualization is good for this. Visualize it glowing before you.

Formal ritual usually involves the invocation (ritually calling up) of a god or goddess, spirit, or other entity. In this sense, magick is somewhat similar to pagan religion and witchcraft.

However, we consider magick ritual a technique, not a religion. Sometimes the invocation of an entity creates an artificial elemental.

Communicate with your elemental with telepathy by talking to it or with creative visualization. Your artificial elemental is closely linked to you and your subconscious attitudes. It will generally not do things you think it cannot do. Results relate to effort and belief.

Do not use artificial elementals for any kind of aversive magick at this point; they can be nasty little critters to get rid of. Should you have to eliminate one of them which you created in error, you must re-absorb it back into yourself through your will or in some cases you can 'exorcise' it.

Chapter III.How to Cast Spells

How to make spells work

There are some things that you should know in order to make your spells work.

What we have been calling 'magick' is actually a continuous process. Since your subconscious never rests, your environment is continually being shifted into line with your model. This is true whether you study magick or not. For most people, these effects are usually very subtle, and they are probably not aware of them.

Your mind follows your attention. Wherever you direct your attention, there will go your thoughts too. By directing attention to a specific place or purpose you *focus* mental energy upon it.

Balance is important in magick. Vary the entities invoked in order to keep your personality in balance.

A ritual may produce side-effects, usually something similar to, though not exactly the desired goal. If the true goal is delayed (as sometimes happens) we may see the side effects first.

Like everything else, magick follows the 'law of results'. This means that results require effort of some kind. And if you don't work hard enough at it you don't get results. Difficult goals have greater resistance (magical inertia) to overcome. If the ritual doesn't produce the desired results there is a good chance that the reason for the failure is within us. Be certain there is no contradiction between your model and your magical goals.

A peculiar quality of magick is time displacement. Results of a ritual are not usually instantaneous. There is often a delay of 12 hours or more. Difficult tasks or weakly performed ritual are more likely to be delayed.


Much has been made of the astrological influences of magick. In candle magick the moon phase are the most important.

New Moon - If the goal you desire is one of a new beginning or a "start", the best time to do this is during a New Moon (this is when the moon is dark in the sky). While many do not like to work with a New Moon, I have come to discover it's one of my favorite times to work. This is the time I can to tie up loose ends, smudge the house, seal and protect. This is also a great moon to work with when you need to retreat a little bit and revive yourself. As it is the moon of "hidden knowledge" this would be an opportune time to try to ferret out information that you feel you need to know. Although the darkness in the sky is startling during a new moon, it is often associated with dormancy. We know the moon is still there, even though her reflection may be hidden. I prefer to think often of some of the darker sides of the Goddess or the darker Goddesses themselves.

Waxing Moon: While the moon is slowly filling in from a crescent on it's way to full is the best time for work that "increases". I find this an excellent time to do financial, job, attraction or anything else that needs "increasing" in volume or intensity.

Full Moon: The full beauty of a full moon night is enough to make you gasp. Ideally, this is the time for things to come to full fruition. I like to think that the Goddess can hear you better on a full moon, but seriously, whether culminating an "increase" to end on the full moon, or starting a "decrease" to begin on the full moon to decline on the course of a waning moon, the full moon has an advantage because it seems like our invocations and focus are all in high gear.

Waning Moon: When the moon is slowly crescent bit by bit into the new moon, this is an excellent time to work on banishing or getting things out of your life that you need let go of and leave behind. Again, if it's taking you longer to let go of things or get rid of situations in your life that have outlived their usefulness.

Often, a situation might arise which must be dealt with immediately, and cannot wait until the appropriate lunar phase. Listen to your instinct, and act when you must.

Chapter IV. Astral Projection Revealed

The word 'astral' comes from the Latin astrum (star) indicating that we are employing our light or star bodies in this type of travel. As humans we have more than just the physical and astral bodies. In fact we have many different bodies known as 'subtle bodies' - the etheric body shows health, is what most aura readers see; the astral body to which astral consciousness is projected.

For the beginning it’s best to mention that Astral Projection is also called OBE (Out of Body Experience).

Many people try to induce OBE without success because they don't know what to do. In this book I’ll show you exactly what to do...so pay attention. Your subconscious takes you out of your body every night. With practice you can use this to your advantage: You can train your subconscious to "wake you up" after it has left the body.

The best time to attempt an OBE is in the morning, after you have woken up naturally. Give your body plenty of rest. The trick is to make your body tired enough to stay in a relaxed state, but not too tired. The body should be well rested but relaxed and the mind must be alert.

Here is a step-by-step technique. Follow the steps, start practicing and you’ll finally have an OBE.


Relaxation is important because if you aren't relaxed, you'll have too much consciousness focused in your body. Ideally, your physical body should be completely relaxed in every respect during practice. I recommend practicing relaxation every day until you can completely relax your physical body in a few minutes.

Systematically tighten each muscle and make it tense until there is a slight fatigue, then let go and feel the muscle relax. After you've relaxed every muscle, start over and check every muscle again.

While you're relaxing, pretend as vividly as you can that you do not have your left arm; as if it's been cut off and you can't feel it. When the sensation of having no arm becomes quite real to you, that arm is very relaxed. Next, pretend that your other arm does not exist. After that start with your legs.

Next, relax your face completely. Here's one way to relax your face: With your eyes closed, stare deeper and deeper into the blackness, while very slowly tightening your eyebrows and rolling your eyes up slightly until your eyebrow muscles become tired. Then completely relax your facial muscles for about 15 seconds. Repeat the process again until your eyebrow muscles are tired again, and relax again for another 15 seconds. Repeat this process about six or seven times. Completely relax your whole body again and then try to make your mind blank and relaxed too. The vibrations may even come at this point, making the rest of the process unnecessary! After you're completely relaxed, pay no more attention to your body.

Focus Your Mind There are five key points to focusing your mind for OBE induction: state of mind, realism, motion, receptivity and passivity.

When you are trying to leave your body the most important thing is your state of mind. The best state of mind is one in which you are a quiet, completely passive, single-minded observer. Realism is about of the degree of focus. This world seems real to us because we are so focused here. You should learn to focus outside your body to such a degree that it all becomes real. Focus your mind into that single thread of consciousness. Motion concerns the swaying motion you feel within your body. I start an inner "swaying" sensation in my imagination that later becomes quite real. Then I use the momentum of the swaying to propel myself out of my body. Pretend that your body is gently swaying back and forth, or left to right in a regular motion. Try to make this swaying feeling as vivid as possible.

Receptivity. This receptive state of mind is important in calling or inducing the vibrations. You should learn to make yourself receptive to whatever comes during practice.

In this passive state, your mind does not wander. You are not emotional. You are not analytical either. You are merely an observer. Visualization is important in many OBE techniques and this passive state of mind makes it easier to visualize images a long time without your mind "wandering." In this passive state, you can initiate actions (like the visualizations) without responding to them. You fall asleep by becoming interested in, and responding to your own thoughts and visualizations. If you can initiate that state and keep your consciousness out of that dream-trap, you can retain your consciousness after it leaves your body. You just want to become a passive observer.

I've talked before about needing to suspend a certain portion of your consciousness to leave your body. Suspend the portion that has a vested interest in what's happening.

Slow your thoughts and bring yourself into that passive and receptive state of mind. Clear your mind of all thoughts. If you don't have a method try the following: With your eyes closed, pretend that you're looking for something that might appear directly in front of you. Just quietly watch your mental viewing screen. Stare into the blackness. Edge of Consciousness

The next step is "edge of consciousness," exploring the border between waking and sleeping. Allow yourself to start falling asleep, but then "catch" yourself and rouse yourself again and make sure you're fully conscious. Let yourself start to fall asleep again, this time allowing yourself to get a little closer toward sleep, then rouse yourself again. Do this several times until your body is very relaxed and your mind is in that "passive" framework that I discussed.

Visualize an object

Next, visualize a small object, such as a small cube, about six feet directly in front of your face. Visualize this as clearly as you can. Don't continue until you can see this object clearly in your mind's eye.

Sway the Object a Small Amount

Then begin to move the object back and forth. At first, visualize only a tiny amount of movement, as if the object is merely slowly swaying toward you and away from you.

Keep the object swaying constantly. Don't let it stop moving. Keeping the object in motion will help to stabilize the image in your mind and give it more realism.

Increase the Amount of Swaying

Slowly increase the distance the object sways. Keep swinging the image back and forth toward you, each time bringing it a bit closer to you. As you do this, the image may seem to become more real. Make sure your visualization has a sense of perspective and depth. Each time the object comes closer, it should look bigger. Each time the object pulls away, it should look smaller. Remember, you must also keep that passive state of mind during the entire exercise.

Sway Opposite To The Object

Try to feel as if you are swaying in the opposite direction as the object. Imagine the object has a strong gravity that affects your swaying. As the object swings closer to you, you are pulled toward it. As it swings away from you, you sway back to your original position within your body. As the object gets closer and closer with each swing, feel its gravity pull you more and more in its direction.

Grab The Object And Let It Pull You Out

After the image becomes very vivid, when it swings close to you, "grab" onto the image with your mind. As the image swings away, your consciousness will follow it and will be consciously pulled away from your body.

At this point you will be out of your body. Then you can "let go" of that state of mind, expand your consciousness and you will be very wide awake and very alert. You are then free to explore the nonphysical world!

It is important to examine your consciousness during the experience to make sure that you are not dreaming. During the experience, ask yourself, "Is this really happening, or is it a dream?" After you return to your body recall how conscious you were during the experience.

Learning to leave your body is something that takes a lot of time, practice and patience. Don't expect results over night. This chapter has a lot of information to absorb at once. You may spend several attempts just trying to remember all the subtleties involved. The good news is, the first OBE is the hardest. Once you've had an OBE, it's easier to induce more.

Chapter V. Aura Revealed

The human body is actually composed of seven distinct elements. The first three (solid, liquid and gas) form the physical body. The fourth, is known as the Etheric body and interpenetrates the physical body extends beyond the confines of the physical body by about one inch. Next is the Astral body which extends beyond the etheric body by several inches. Beyond the astral body are the Mental and Spiritual bodies. Because of their elasticity, and the speed at which they function, it is impossible to define the physical limits of these last two elements.

Everything has an aura, both animate and inanimate material, but auras are best detected in humans. Speculation is because of brain activity.

The aura is also referred to as odic force. This is seen in early Christian art from the 5th to the 16th centuries. A glow was depicted around the heads of people who were supposed to be very holy, which was referred to as the halo or gloria. Another example of this was the ring of flames around the heads of the Moslem prophets. Another possible explanation for the phenomena is Psycholuminescence, the control of photons and thus of light. This might explain tales of halos, auras, mysterious lights, and similar phenomena Also, headdresses of priest, kings and queen symbolize auras. According to ancient Hindu medicine the aura can be revitalized by prana, a vital force which exists throughout the universe.

The color I show on the chart have a meaning and create a response in nature (useful if you plan to create an artificial elemental or do healing). Surrounding yourself with a particular color will tend to produce the specific psychological effect described in the chart. That quality of color is useful in magick ritual.



Dark gray


Pale gray




Muddy gray


Dull rust




Bright red

anger and force

Dirty red

passion and sensuality

Dull red

selfish love


unselfish love



Orange cloud


Bright orange

noble indignation




low intellect

Earthly yellow

selfish thought


high intellect

Bright gold

logical thinking




deceit, jealously

Emerald green

sympathy or empathy





Light blue

noble spiritual devotion

Dark blue

religious feeling


spiritual (psychic & spiritual) faculty



Under the right conditions, it is possible to observe (by clairvoyance) a colored light around other people. This is known as the 'aura'.

It is possible to improve your natural ability with clairvoyance through practice.

If you don’t know other techniques here’s a simple one:

A good start might be to look around you, then close your eyes and try to picture your surroundings. Let the vividness of color and form burn into you, until everything takes on a veritable glow. Try to capture that glow when you close your eyes now and picture your surroundings. It's just a simple step to extend what you see with your eyes closed into what you remember seeing in the next room, in the next building, the next city, even the other side of the world. (Don't expect perfect results, especially at first.)

Chapter VI. Dragon Magick

In all forms of magick, the cosmos and everything in it are deemed to be made up of four elements, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Most do not know of the Fifth element, that of spirit or the Deities, which rules as a balance. In Dragon Magick, specific dragons rule these elements and help us through their powers when called.

Fire and Air are male (positive) energies while Water and Earth are female (negative) energies. Male and female dragons may appear to represent any element, however. In the world of Dragon Magick, each element has assigned traditional rulers and boundaries to their realms. Do remember that these Dragons possess form and force, and can influence our personalities as well as magickal procedures. Each element and its dragon has certain qualities, natures, moods, and magickal purposes; each has positive and negative traits which much be dealt with.


Air governs the eastern quarter of the circle and of the universe. Its Dragon ruler is Sairys. Its color is pure yellow and is thought to be warm and moist. Positive aspects are: sunrise, spring, incense, wand, bell, clouds, breezes, breath, optimism, joy, intelligence, mental quickness, renewing. Negative associations are: frivolity, gossip fickleness, inattention, bragging, forgetfulness, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and the like.


Rules the south quarter of the circle. Its Dragon ruler is Fafnir who oversees the Dragons of Fire and the sunbeams. Its color is pure red and is warm and dry. Fire is: noon, summer, the dagger and sword, candles, incense burner, the sun, blood, laser surgery, enthusiasm, activity, change, passion, courage, daring, will power & leadership. Negative associations are: hate, jealousy, fear, anger, war, ego, conflicts, lightning, volcanoes.


Water governs the western quarter of the circle. Its Dragon ruler is Naelyan who oversees the Dragons of the sea, springs, lakes, ponds and rivers. Its color is pure blue; and it is cold and moist. Positive aspects are: sunset, autumn, the water chalice, compassion, peacefulness, forgiveness, love, intuition, calmness, peace of mind. Negative aspects include: floods, rainstorms, whirlpools, laziness, indifference, instability, lack of emotional control, insecurity.


Earth rules the northern quarter of the circle. Its Dragon ruler is Grael who oversees the Dragons of mountains, land, minerals, gems, and moonbeams. Its colors are clear and dark green and is cold and dry. Positive aspects are: midnight, winter, the wine chalice, ritual salt, dragon bowl, gem bowl, dragon mirror, gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, stability, prosperity, thoroughness, purpose in life. Negative aspects are: rigidity, unwilingness to change or see another side of a problem, stubbornness, lack of conscience, vacillation, earthquakes and slides.


The white, black and "special" dragons rule the center of the circle and balance all the other elements into a cool even grey tone of Magick. Through invocation of these dragons of light and darkness, the Magick User is able to mix a blend of elements that will bring forth the desired manifestation. Some would scoff at the idea of a Dragon of Light, mixing energies with a Chaos Dragon or any other "darkly aligned" Dragon.

Ritual of Invoking

Feel the power of Air entering body with sword outstretched. When the flow stops go to the South. Hold up the Dragon Pentacle again, draw an Pentagram with the Sword, say:

From Fafnir Ruler Of Dragons Of The South, Comes Cleansing Fire From Dragon Mouth

Note: Feel the power of Fire entering body and when it stops go to the next direction. Repeat the process of Holding up the Dragon Pentacle and drawing a invoking pentagram for each of the directions. Go to the West, say:

From Naelyan Ruler Of Dragons Of The West,

Comes The Power Of Water Draw into the body the power of Water.

Go to the North and say:

From Grael Ruler Of Dragons Of The North, The Power Of Earth Does Now Come Forth

Draw into oneself the power of Earth. When it stops return to the Altar, lay aside the Sword and Dragon Pentacle. Add the appropriate herbal incense to the incense burner according to the ritual you are performing. At this point insert the appropriate chants and workings for the particular spell working or meditation to be performed. If there is a problem that is unsolvable by physical means or by magic then now is also the time to ask the Dragons for advice on how to solve it.

The Dragons are able to give new insight into ways of solving it. Continue to feel their power and direction as their directions are written down. When finished with the spell working, tap staff three times and chant:

I Thank You, Dragons Old And Wise, Of Earth And Fire, Water, Skies, For Sharing Wisdom Here With Me. As We Will, So Shall It Be Always approach the Dragons as Equals not as a force to be ordered or conquered.

Set the Wine Chalice on the Pentacle. Circle it three times with the wand, say: Cup Of Power, Cup Of Might,

Dragon Magick, Be Here This Night

Drink the Wine (apple cider or grape juice may be substituted if unable to drink wine), saving back some to be poured outside on the ground later as an offering to the Dragons. If it is not possible to pour the offering outside then leave it on the Altar for about an hour, after closing your ritual. Now is the an excellent time to chant and use free-form dancing and invite the Dragons to share in the raised energy and joy of being a Magician. Talk to them about hopes and dreams, listen to see if they have suggestions or words of encouragement. This is an opportunity for close friendships to be forged.

Closing the Ritual

To close the ritual, take the sword and go to each of the directions draw a banishing pentagram and say the appropriate words for that direction Banishing Pentagram

To the East, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The East, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour To the South, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The South, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour To the West, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The West, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour To the North, say

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The North, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour

Return to the Altar. Raise both arms, say:

Farewell To You,

O Dragons Fair,

Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.

Together We Make Magick Well

By Power Deep and Dragon Spell.

In Peace Go Now.

Return Once More To Teach Me

Magick and Ancient Lore. Cut the circle with a backward sweep of the Sword across the boundary line. Extinguish the candles. Clear the Altar of all tools except any offerings to the Dragons if unable to pour outside. This ritual is the basis of any and all rituals of Dragon Magick. Any specific spell workings need to be placed within this framework at the appropriate times. This ritual is for exactly what it states calling the Dragon or Dragons to project their presence with such clarity that there is no question of knowing that they are here.

A greater reason for calling a Dragon into stronger presence is the stronger the aura vibrations of such a creature within the circle the stronger the ritual and power sent into your motivation for the ritual. When you use the Dragon call and feel the presence of one or more Dragons it is important that they are treated with respect. Take time to get acquainted with them before asking their help.

Ritual of Calling

Notes: Perform during bright noon or the waxing Moon for increasing magick, with the Full Moon being strongest; during evening hours or the waning Moon for decreasing magick, with the New Moon being the strongest. Use this ritual in conjunction with any spell working.

This ceremony is primarily used to summon the Dragon for a manifestation whether it be the rare physical type or, more likely the sharpening of the inner sight.

Supplies: Pentacle disk; Dragon pentacle; water chalice with a little fresh water in it; dish of salt; wine chalice; black (left) and white (right) altar candles; sword; wand; incense burner; appropriate incense; dragon's blood and mugwort; dragon mirror; gong or bell; staff; paper and pen to write down any messages.

Use the Basic Dragon Ritual up to the insertion point of necessary chants for specific Spell workings. Hold the sword in power hand and staff in the other while standing facing the altar and tap the staff three times on the floor while holding the sword pointed at the Dragon Pentacle. Chant in tones that vibrate body:

Come Draconis! By Your All-consuming Breath, I summon you. (tap staff three times)

By Your Piercing Gaze, I Summon You (tap staff three times)

By Your Mighty Strength, I Summon You

(tap staff three times)

By Your Wisdom Ancient and Cunning, I Summon You

(tap staff three times)

By Your Magick Deep and Old, I Summon You

(tap staff three times)

Come, Draconis, To My Call!

Once done summoning the Dragons it will be possible to feel power being sent from all directions by the half-seen Dragons. Listen for any messages the dragons may have. The Dragons' presence can be felt by a sudden temperature change, prickly feeling between the shoulder blades, unusual currents of air, and other phenomena. If the Dragons are pleased with the Magician they often sound a deep vibrating rumble, almost like a Giant Cat's Purr.

This is the ritual I use for blessing and consecrating my ritual tools. It is best performed on the Night of the Full moon or at Bright Moon although it can be performed at any time that I wish my Dragon co-magicians to add their power and blessing to any other tools I might acquire. I also use this ritual to purify my tools.

For this ritual I find these tools most useful: Dragon Pentacle, Pentacle Disk, Incense Burner, Wine Chalice, Water Chalice, Salt Dish, Sword and Wand.

Note: If a item is missing remember it is possible to use regular household items until other items are acquired. It is important that I believe that these items are extensions of my Magick and I know that my Dragon Companions understand and will help me acquire those items that befit me. If I don't have wine for my ritual I substitute apple cider, grape juice, fruit juice or even soda for this ritual or even any other rituals for that matter.

Setting up my ritual area:

I place my altar in the center of my ritual area so that I can face East. I light my two altar candles (Black on the left and White on the right to balance the Energies). I play soft music in the background usually only instrumental, but other kinds depending on what draws me. The playing of soft music in the background serves to purposes:

Sets Mood Masks Minor Noise

Now that my ritual area is set up I am ready to cast my circle, before doing so I make sure I have everything that I need for the Ritual I am about to perform because it is highly recommended that once my circle is cast I do not leave it. I also realize and so do my Dragons that there are times that I must leave the Cast Circle . Dragon Power is totally different and unpredictable .If I am frivolous and half-hearted in my practice of Dragon Magick it can even be dangerous.

Casting my circle:

I begin by going to the East and with the forefinger of my power hand I draw my magickal circle on the ground by pointing to the ground and picturing a great flame coming from it .With that flame I move clockwise around my ritual area and end by overlapping in the East. While drawing the circle I say:

By Dragon Power, This Circle Is Sealed

Ritual of Blessing:

Return to altar and place a small amount of Frankincense on the burning charcoal in the incense burner, point forefinger to burner and say:

By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Lift up the burner and carry it around the edge of cast Circle clockwise beginning and ending in the East. Return burner to the altar and slowly pass the Pentacle Disk through the incense smoke and say:

Element of Spirit, By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Lay the Pentacle Disk upon altar and place Salt Dish upon it. With forefinger of power hand circle the dish three times clockwise and say:

Out Of The Darkness Of Earth And Sea Comes The Blessed Salt, By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified Sprinkle a few grains of Salt on all four corners of the altar this purifies it and can be done at any time during ritual or as a cleansing if someone has messed about with the altar. Once altar is purified pick up Dragon Pentacle pass it slowly through the incense smoke and say:

Element Of Spirit By Dragon Power I Call You Purified

With Dragon Pentacle in Power Hand go to Eastern Quarter face East and say:

Dragons Of Air Behold My Symbol and Ally

Move clockwise to the South, hold up the Dragon Pentacle, say:

Dragons Of Fire Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Go to the West, hold up the Dragon Pentacle, say:

Dragons Of Water Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Finish by going North, hold up the Dragon Pentacle, say:

Dragons of Earth Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Return to the altar, lay aside the Dragon Pentacle and take up the Sword. Touch it briefly to the Pentacle Disk, pass through incense smoke, say:

Sword Of Fire, O name of Sword By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Hold Sword a few moments before Dragon Pentacle. Put Sword down pick up the Dagger ,touch it to Pentacle Disk, pass through incense smoke, say:

DaggerOf Fire, O name of Dagger By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Hold Dagger a few moments before Dragon Pentacle. For each tool I set it briefly on the Pentacle Disk, pass it through the incense smoke, when finished with the Call, hold tool before Dragon Pentacle before returning it to altar. Water Chalice:

Chalice Of Water By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Wine Chalice:

Chalice Of Earth By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Here is the Dragon Blood Recipe:

Dragon Blood Recipe

15 parts alcohol, 1 part dragon’s blood resin and 1 part gum Arabic. Dissolve in alcohol, then filter and bottle. Chapter VII. Spells

Here are the “hearth-attack” spells I’ve been telling you about. Pick one and try it.

Love Spells

Any spell you do must be followed through by actions if the spell is to be successful. Whatever is needed to find love, go do it after you cast the love spell. Also remember, if you are not open to love, no love spell can work.

Love Spell #1:

"Faery dust with magickal wind send the Fates to do as I bid. Bring us together with love and trust. Make it his/her will, this you must for if it is so and we cannot be, then make us friends eternally. By the powers of the universe and the spirits that guide me I send this out to the universe to do as it will. So Mote It Be!"

Love Spell #2:

You will need: l pink candle, 1 white candle, Cinnamon and a moonstone (optional).

Charge the candles with love. Hold them in your hands and pour loving energies into them. Don't picture a certain person, just see yourself happy and with somebody. Place the candles on the alter, the pink one to the left and the white one to the right. Cast a circle and light the candles. If you have a moonstone, place it on the alter between the two candles. Invite the Goddess to join you, if you haven't already done so, for you will be needing Her help. Next, sprinkle the cinnamon in a figure-eight pattern around the two candles. As you sprinkle the cinnamon, speak these words aloud:

"Oh, Great Goddess of the light,

Bring me happiness, true and bright! May a new love so true come to me! As I will it, so mote it be!" Thank the Goddess and close the circle. Either let the candles burn out, or snuff them out.

Love Spell #3:

You will need a pink ribbon, a mirror, some honey, pen, paper, and a candle. Burn some sweet smelling incense...heather or violet is perfect for this. Pass the ribbon through the smoke three times saying:

"Ribbon be thou the bearer of love.

Ribbon be thou the bearer of happiness."

Now put a dab of honey on the ribbon and then on your tongue. As you taste the honey, say:

"Honey, bring me the sweetness of love."

Repeat three times. Now hold up the mirror and look into it. See yourself reflected there. Now say this three times:

"I am Goddess and Goddess is me.

She is beautiful. So Mote It Be."

Now dab a bit of honey on the candle and wrap the ribbon around it. Hold it between your hands as you say (again three times) :

"From ribbon to candle

The magic shall go

From candle to astral

The flame makes it so."

Remove the ribbon and light the candle. Let the candle burn down. While it is burning you will be writing what you want in a partner on a piece of paper. Be specific...say "likes kittens but hates frogs" if that is what you want. Don't specify any person. It will backfire badly. When you have finished your list (and you can make mistakes and scratch out or start over), fold the list three times. Tie it up with the pink ribbon. Snuff out the candle if it is still burning. Put the list between your mattress and your box springs. Each night for the next week you must look at yourself in the mirror and repeat the mirror charm. "I am Goddess and Goddess is me. She is beautiful. So Mote It Be."

At the end of the week, you can stop the mirror charm or continue it. That is your choice. Your spell will bring you love within 7 weeks.

Love Spell #4:

Needed: A red candle, Piece of red or pink paper, Red Ink pen or Doves, Blood Ink.

Light the Red candle. On the paper write your full name. Under your name write the person's name you are attracted to, their birthday then your own. Draw a heart around the information then write the names and birthdays again directly on top of the heart. Do this 3 times. Don't worry if it looks like scribble. Fold the paper small and burn it in the flame of the candle. As it burns say...

"Light the flame bright, the fire

Red is the color of desire."

Repeat 3 times. This must be done each night for 9 consecutive nights.

Love Spell #5 (love charm):

Put the following things in a drawstring bag: 1 Rose Quartz, 1 Pink Feather, and 1/5 Cup of Clove.

Get one pink candle to burn while your chanting the spell. Now light the candle and chant the following words.

"Love shall come to me by the powers of three, by my will so shall it be!" At this time anoint the bag with holy water and say,

"The bag is sealed and the charm is made."

Love Spell #6:

A spell to draw two people closer together.

Take two pink petals from a Rose. Write on one the male lover, and on the other petal the female lover (or if gay write the different names on the two petals as above). Take an apple, and slice it through, so that you can clearly see the five-pointed Pentagram of the seed capsules. Take the two Rose petals and putting them together, place them on the bottom half of the apple. Place the top half of the apple on to the petals so that the apple is whole again.

Now tie a red cord first one way across the apple binding the two halves together saying:

"I bind this man to this woman until the Goddess deems otherwise." Now tie a green cord ninety degrees from the red cord and say:

"I bind this woman to this man until the Goddess deems otherwise."

These words can be set in rhyme (which makes the spell stronger) and helps you not to forget it.

Now place the apple in a dry cupboard, where it won't be disturbed such as a wardrobe or something similar.

Each full Moon, bring the apple out (unobserved by anyone) and place in the full rays of the Moon for at least an hour, then put the apple back where you had put it first.

You may say something whilst it is in the Moon's Light to aid the spell of attraction and binding of the two souls.

Love Spell #7:

You can bring your lover to you by asking the Fairy Queen, Diana to call upon her daughter, Aradia for aid. Choose the first Thursday following a New Moon and plan to stay awake all night to think only of your lover. At dawn on Friday, call your beloved to you when the Moon is still visible and the Sun is just rising, saying:

"Good and beautiful Diana, I have faithfully worshiped you; now help me! Call your daughter Aradia and send her to fetch my love to me. Fill our souls with the joy of lovemaking. Thank you great Fairy Queen and fair Aradia."

Dogs are sacred to Diana, so if the tryst must be kept a secret, your lover may come disguised as a dog, shape-shifting into human form only when you are alone.

Love Spell #8:

Timing: Perform on a Friday during the waxing moon. Supplies: 6 rose petals, 1 teaspoon of lavender, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, rose quartz, 6-inch square of pink cloth, green ribbon (floss or yarn will do), an inch of red ribbon, needle and thread, a penny.

Place the petals, rose quartz, lavender, cinnamon, red ribbon, and penny in the center of the cloth square. Gather the edges of the fabric together and hold the pouch close to your heart. Then say:

"Venus, Queen of love, divine Bring the love to me that's mine. Perfect, he (she) and perfect, me Together we are meant to be. Venus, Queen of love, so warm Bring my love to me, without harm. Let nothing keep us now apart, Bring perfect love to fill my heart."

Still holding the pouch against your heart, fill it with loving energy. Secure the pouch with the green ribbon to seal the spell. Carry it on your person and sleep with it under your pillow. When the lover comes to you, bury the pouch under a tree.

Love Spell #9:

To attract love you need one pink candle, one teaspoon of ground almonds (happiness), one teaspoon of rose water (to represent love). On a night leading up the full moon, light the candle and relax. Sprinkle the almonds and rose water around the base of the candle and say the following:

"Candle pink, warn with fire, bring to me the love I desire.

With these almonds around the flame, Cupid's arrow will take aim.

With this scent of fragrant rose, I bring this love spell to a close."

Gaze into the flame for a moment. You may see an image of your new love. Let the candle burn out. Wait at least one lunar month before repeating.

Love Spell #10:

Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As you do this, say:

"By the power of three,

So make it be." ...each time you go through the flame. Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl, mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess. Then carry the shell with you in a pocket or purse at all times.

Love Spell #11:

Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As you do this, say:

"By the power of three,

So make it be."

...each time you go through the flame. Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl, mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess. Then carry the shell with you in a pocket or purse at all times.

Love Spell #12:

You will need: A mirror, 1 Pink candle (friendship, romance), 1 Red Candle (passion, lust).

In a place that is fire-safe & comfortable for sitting a while, place the mirror with a candle on each side. Light the candles...turn down, or off, any artificial light. Now, sit down in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Sit comfortably, and relaxed. Notice all your good qualities...focus on them...then say aloud how wonderful this feature(eyes, for ex.) are. Notice their shape, and color, speak of them aloud...do this with all your best features. Smile at yourself :)

Tell yourself, how wonderful you are...state all the positive aspects of your personality, (your humor, your willingness to help others, etc) name all the beautiful traits, that make you special...speak of them aloud, and with confidence. Now comes the really hard part...hopefully, with practice, and by doing the above things, this will be easier to do! Say these words or whatever suits you: "I am beautiful (or handsome) on the outside

I am wonderful within

I am special unto myself, So let the love come in!

Negative thoughts, they vanish

I now toss them out

Negative feelings, be banished, to let my love shine out!"

Repeat this, at least 5 times per sitting. And do at least, once a day - you may re use the candles, but please do not blow them out! (Some say that it is an insult, to the air & fire elements) Use a snuffer or wet your fingers, and pinch them out. As you get more used to doing this spell, you may repeat these words, or any words that you chose (spells are great, when made personal...

Also - to make an attraction charm to wear, simply find a chain with a pendant that suits you, and drape over the mirror while doing your spell...or wear it, so it is in sight, as you do your spell. The charm gains strength, as you continue to work the spell. This spell works! In time you will see a noticeable difference in the number of people who approach you.

Love Spell #13:

Take three cords or strings of various, pleasing colors that make you think of love & passion - such as pink, red and purple - and braid them tightly together while thinking of your hearts desire.

Firmly tie a knot in the middle of the braid while thinking of your need for love. Next, tie another knot, and another, until you have tied seven knots. Wear or carry the cord with you until you find your love.

After that, keep the cord in a safe place, or give to one of the elements burn and scatter the ashes in the ocean or in a stream.

Love Spell #14:

This spell is to bring back an ex-lover:

You will need: 2 white candles, a photo of your lover or friend, a photo of yourself smiling, a chamomile teabag, a piece of blue material. To bring back an ex-lover or end an argument between friends.

Perform this spell at 8 o'clock in the evening.

At exactly 8 o'clock light the candles and take a few deep relaxing breaths. Visualize a peaceful scene. Now hold in your hand the picture of your ex lover or friend and repeat this chant:

"With the light of the flame I'll light your desire,

When I speak your name

You'll feel the glow from my fire.

The spell has been cast--So be it!"

Say his or her name slowly 3 times and then put your picture face down on top of his or her picture so that the 2 images are together. Wrap up the pictures, along with the chamomile tea bag in the blue cloth. Put the package in a safe place. To make sure your ex lover or friend gets the message, light the candles and repeat his or her name 3 times each evening at 8 o'clock.

Love Spell #15:

There are any number of ways to do this spell. You can drip water (preferably Full Moon Water) on photos of you and your beloved. You can set a candle in a bowl of water and allow it to burn until the water extinguishes it. You also may want to use Come To Me oil and/or incense for the spell. However you do it, visualize your beloved arriving from afar to find your love!

"Sacred water flow from me

To draw him ever near

As endless rivers run to sea

His path to me is clear.

A love that's true once here he'll find

And know his journey's end.

And in his heart and soul and mind He'll know our lives should blend."

Love Spell #16: To be performed on New Moon.

For this spell you will need 9 red carnations.

Place your red carnations in a clear glass vase of water. Add 4 drops of red food coloring to the water.

Cup your hands around the flowers and inhale deeply the scent of the carnations. Say:

"Flowers red

I see you

Touch you

Smell you

Bring me love as tangible as you."

Love Spell #17:

You will need: a pink candle, rose quartz, rose oil, a specially-charged heart pendant, and a cockle shell.

Perform during the waxing moon. Anoint the candle and your forehead each with one drop of rose oil. Light the candle, state your wish, and pass the pendant and rose quartz through the flame. Place both of those inside the shell overnight. Extinguish the candle. Repeat for nine nights. Then wear the pendant and carry the rose quartz in your pocket for one moon cycle.

Love Spell #18:

You will need: Yellow candles, Yellow or white thread, Needle, Picture of yourself, Picture of intended, Magnet or lodestone

On a night during the Waxing Moon, and preferably when the moon is in the phase of Gemini (for communication) gather the above ingredients and go to a place where you can be alone for at least 30 minutes.

Light the candles and hold the pictures within your hands and chant this charm: "Image of me, Image of you, Coming together, Forming two"

As you say this, cut the images so the two of you are not part of the original photos any longer. The pictures are then sewn together with the needle and thread.

The new photo is then placed on your altar, and atop should be placed a lodestone or magnet to draw the two of you together.

On the Full Moon of that month, light a yellow candle and place the charm underneath the candle to work your magick. Say this to release the spell: "A picture of you, a picture of me, A picture of us, together shall be. Come, if you will, to be with me, This is my will, so mote it be."

Now that the magickal part is done, you must work the mundane part. Write or call and ask to meet them. If they are not receptive to your offer, try again another time. This spell is not meant to force the person to do anything they aren't willing to do so just let them know that your offer is always open.

Love Spell #19:

Go outside or to a window where you can see the Moon clearly in the sky. Close your eyes and visualize the person you desire. Say this:

"If you love me, let me know.

At this plea, may your love show."

Next time you see the person, take note of any new behavior they may exhibit. If the person seems to talk or look at you more often than usual, see this as a sign that he feels love for you. However, be careful with this spell. You must be sure he has feelings for you in the first place for the spell to succeed.

Love Spell #20:

Note: This spell designed to be worked on someone you desire who also desires you but is shy in expressing his/her feelings.

Timing: Perform this spell on a Friday night with a waxing moon Supplies: 3 hairs from the head of the person, a candle in the shape of phallus (for a man) or a womb (for a woman), the candle can be red for sex and passion, or green for love and affection, olive oil, plain piece of paper.


If you make your own candle, wait until Friday to prepare the wax. Then add the three hairs to the soft wax as you mold the candle with your hands. However, if you bought the candle already made... just soften the wax a little with a lighter and then embedded the hairs in it.

On a Friday night with a waxing moon, take the candle into your hands and think hard on the relationship you desired to have with your loved one. See yourself with this person in the present, doing all you desire to do.

Now anoint the candle with olive oil, using sensuous, caressing motion, as you were attending your lover. Never stop imagining how it is when you are together.

Finally, light the candle and pray that your lover will come to you. Write your lover's name three times on a plain piece of paper, and burn it in the flaming wick. While the paper burns, chant the name of your lover out loud three times. Blow out the candle. Now be patient and wait for your lover to respond.

Love Spell #21(Getting Rid of an Unwanted Love):

We all have a person who loves us when we can't return the affection. The type of person who won't leave us alone, this spell will get rid of that person.

For this you will need a few things. First you will need a red candle, a black candle, and a white candle. The red candle represents an end, the black candle represents new beginning and renewal, and the white candle symbolizes purity. Next, you will need a wooden stick, a piece of chalk, a metal bowl, and a ribbon. Set up the candles in a triangle, it doesn't matter which is at the top. Place the metal bowl in the middle, place the ribbon in the bowl and the stick on top if it.

When everything is set up, light the candles in this order: white, red, black. As you do say this:

"This is pure and true I cannot love (name)

An end to this affection

An end to this love

Move on from me

Find a love of your own."

When the candles are lit, hold the stick over them one at a time repeating what you said as you lit them. Next, take the piece of chalk and draw a circle around the middle of it. Name one side of the stick after yourself and the other after the person you wish to repel. Break the stick in two in the middle where you drew the circle. Next, place the stick back in the bowl and remove the ribbon as you do.

Hold the ribbon in your hand and hold it over each of the candles repeating what you said before. Next, Hold the ribbon between your hands pulling it taunt. Hold the center over the flame of the red candle. When the ribbon breaks, hold one end of each ribbon over the other two candles, when they catch fire, place the pieces in the bowl with the stick. Watch the pieces burn and think of a separation between you and the person your named.

When the fire goes out, take the ashes and draw a heart on each of the three candles. Take what is left of the stick and draw a line down the middle of each of the hearts. This should separate you from the person who love you without return. If it doesn't, repeat the process on a full moon to increase the power of the spell.

Love Spell #22:

Items Needed: A Small Pot, Basil Seeds, Soil from your loved-ones track. Sow the seeds in a small pot thinking loving thoughts about your love. Put the pot in a warm place and water them frequently. Keep them in a warm safe place. Eventually the person will start to show feelings for you and the spell has worked!

Do not let the plants die, for with them, so will the love if it is not yet firmly rooted.

Love Spell #23: Timing: Moon( Waxing), Day( Mondays and Fridays).

Color, Candles: Pink for Friendship, gold for happiness, light blue for understanding, red for true love.

Incense: Any love one.

Start by aligning the candles up left to right, Pink, Gold, Light Blue, Red. Place the incense so the smoke from the incense is flowing though the candles.

Before you light each candle look at the Moon to acknowledge the Goddess.

Concentrate your emotions on the Chant:

"May it be real,

as I think it's true love I feel.

with this blow, let my feelings flow.

If it reaches the red, it's him I shall Wed."

Say the chant and, starting from the pink end, blow out each candle. With a bit of help the relationship will last.

Love Spell #24:

This spell is to "cure" a broken heart. After a break-up, on a full moon, go outside underneath the radiant light. Light some black, red, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Say:

"As you leave my life,

I leave behind my pain.

As you burn to dust,

So does all my hurt.

As I leave you in my past,

I leave with you my sorrow." Let the candles burn down completely. Take the remains off your property and bury them. Turn around and don't look back! Now follow with a renewal or healing ritual.

Love Spell #25:

Materials: Rose incense, pink candle, Three strings (colors depending on the type of person you are hoping for, Like I used red for love and passion, green for luck, and orange for attraction, but really just use whatever colors feel right to you)

After casting your circle, light the candle and the incense and envision the love you would like to attract. Picture them physically, and say in your mind our out loud certain personality traits.

If you truly want to envision a specific person, BE SURE to say something along the lines of "if we truly are meant to be" during the next part of the spell, other wise you are royally breaking the rules. Take the three strings and braid them together. As you do this, keep picturing your love, and perhaps chant something as well. I find that the chant is best when personalized, otherwise it is less from the heart.

Also, make sure to braid the strings as nicely as possible, don't be sloppy. When you are finished, you will have a braided cord. Tie nine knots in it. If you already tied one to start the braid, only tie eight, so you end up with only nine knots total. Tie the cord around your ankle.

By the time the cord falls off, you should meet your true love.

Love Spell #26:

Anoint a red candle with a Love-drawing oil & burn a Love-drawing incense. Recite this incantation 3 times each night as the candle burns for about 10-15 minutes:

"I am possessed by burning love for this man/woman

Let this man/woman yearn for me, desire me,

Let his/her desire burn for me!

Let this love come forth from the spirit & enter him/her

Let him/her desire me as nothing has been desired before!

I love him/her, I want him/her

He/she must feel this same desire for me! O spirit of the air,

Let him/her burn with love for me."

Do this for 5 nights in a row. Bury the remains in your front yard.

Love Spell #27:

Materials required: One bottle of red wine, Tablespoon of rosemary herb, Two cinnamon sticks, One vanilla pod, Photo.

This spell is to be used to spice up an already existing happy and loving relationship. It should be worked at the waxing to full Moon.

For those who are unable to drink alcohol, substitute it with Grape Juice.

Gather the Vanilla Pod, cinnamon, and rosemary herb together. Tip some of the wine into a glass, this is to allow room in the bottle for the herbs. Hold up the picture of you and your partner, think back to when the photo was taken. Relive and visualize the happy feelings you felt at that time, and realize how your love for each other has matured and like the red wine.

Place the herbs into the bottle and repeat the followings words:

"Entwined as one we shall be,

Pure love for ever, Just you and me.

From this chalice we drink this wine,

Imbued with passion, Till the end of time."

When your partner comes home drink the wine together. Don't forget to use your best glasses.

Love Spell #28:

For those who have been disappointed in love. If yours is a story of always attracting the wrong person and your heart has been broken once too often, this spell is for you. It will heal the wounds of past mistakes and prepare the ground for a new beginning in your love life. You will need: Pansy seeds, a small terracotta pot or window box, earth and a small trowel, paper with your name written on it, some of your nail filings.

The pansy (or heart's ease) has long been the favorite of those whose hearts need healing. Eros is said to have released his arrow, and where it fell, the pretty-faced flower sprang up in bright colors. Grow yours to put sorrow behind you and prepare for a happier future.

This spell is best performed on St. Valentine's Day, May Day, Midsummer, or Lammas.

Plant your seeds lovingly on one of the days mentioned, first putting the piece of paper with your name on it into the earth. Water the seeds and scatter your nail filings on top. Tend your plant with car, and when the first flower blooms, pick it on a waning moon and press it on a favorite book of poetry. Keep it with you always to attract love.

Chose a mainly yellow flower if you want an intellectual match, rich purple if you seek passion, or soft blue if you long for a love that is simple, yet true.

Love Spell #29:

It should be performed during the full moon.

You will need: a pink candle, Love oil (if you don't have love oil, Lavender oil will work just as well), Paper (to write spell on), Matches, Burning pot, a picture of the one you are doing the spell for.

Take the pink candle and starting at the middle, rub the love oil to the top. Then again from the middle rub the love oil to the bottom. Place the candle into a holder and light it while saying the Love request. Speak the request again while you burn the paper the spell is written on. Say it once more while you burn the picture. If you choose not to burn a picture say the spell a third time anyway. Allow the candle to burn down and out of it's own accord.

The ashes are to be thrown outside to the wind to aid in carrying your message. Love Request:

"North South East West,

Lady Venus I request,

Send my perfect love to me, As is my will, so mote it be."

Love Spell #30(Reverse Love Spell):

Get a cup full of rose petals, and a half a cup of mandrake.

Boil the roses, take out the water and put it in a vase or glass that you can cork up. Dry the rose petals (in a Microwave is fine) and on a night where the moon wanes very close to new... Light a large fire, cast a circle (or whatever cleansing you do), and when read pour the mandrake and dried rose over a fire.

Speak into the night:

"I call to the storms I call to the breeze

To scourge the ground and bend the trees

I summon Morgana and Aine to take my love, away from me.

May he find love, true and pure, but with him, no longer shall I endure

For my own good if harming none

Ash'te Savant the spell is done!"

Leave an offering of some of the water for the Sidhe.

Mix ash from the fire in the rest of the water, cork and bury. Binding is a good idea. If you ever want him to return, break the spell and call him.

Love Spell #31:

On the first night of the new moon (or anytime during the waxing moon) take a warm bath in this special love potion:

3 drops rose oil 3 drops lavender oil 3 drops patchouli Petals of one white, one red, and one pink rose

Place candles around the bath: 1 red, 1 white, 1 pink. Play music that soothes you turn out the lights except of the candles and soak in the bath...picture wounds mending, hurts fading...then feel the love you have...concentrate on letting that warm feeling fill you.

Do this until you feel like getting out of the bath :) Don't use this bath for anything other than a healing soak.

If you can get your lover to join you in the bath...all the merrier ;) but if not, just concentrate on the healing feelings for you both. Next time you kiss this person think of all the warm thoughts you had in your bath...if possible play the song and have the 3 candles lit and wear the 3 oils as a scent on your skin.

Love Spell #32 (Spell For Attraction):

Needed: green paper, vandal root, graveyard dirt

Write your name and the intended's name on the paper, put the vandal root and graveyard dirt in the centre of the paper, wrap it up and leave it under your bed.

Another root spell similar to this one is to anoint a High John root with oil of the same. Take a piece of parchment paper inscribed with the name of the one you are trying to control. The paper is first soaked in controlling oil & dried then wrapped around the root and tied up with a purple ribbon and carried on ones person.

Love Spell #33(Soul Mate Love Spell):

This ritual is intended to draw a partner who is best suited to you at this time in your life, or one who is "meant" for you. It is supposedly "failsafe", but remember, you must take responsibility for any results and consequences.

You will need: a clear mind and focused goal, special paper such as hemp, cotton, real parchment, whatever you deem special, a ritual writing instrument such as quill, fountain pen, favorite ball-point, etc. in whatever color ink desired, moon incense, charcoal or a small ritual fire

Timing: any time, preferably after dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible with this working for many reasons; the nature of the work, and the full moon energy contained in the moon incense which is an incense of Increase or drawing.

Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the following:

"If there be a perfect match, this work tonight will surely catch. the perfect one who is meant to be, shall find His/Her way home to me. In perfect love and perfect trust, I send this out, but not from lust, This spell will guide us to unite, free will remains with us tonight."

When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it three times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a Tablespoon) of the incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.

Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the C.O.P., reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done.

OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many Witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents.

For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.

Love Spell #34(Spell to Attract Friends and Lovers): Tools: 3 Red floating candles, Rose or other love incense, The odd red candle

This spell is done on the three nights running up to and including to middle day of the full moon and if at all possible it should be done during the planetary hour of Venus.

Start by running yourself a nice warm bath as it is running light the red non-floating candles and place them around the room. Light the incense turn the lights out and get in the bath once ready. Now light the candles and let them float around the bath.

If you are able cast a circle around the bath, this helps to keep the energy in but it will work with out it.

As the candles float around the bath watch the flames mingle together in a red haze. Feel the flames energy wash through the water and feel it enter your body.

Visualize your perfect partner/loads of friends - see yourself being really happy. As the fire's power passes into you chant:

"Flame of love burn so bright

Grant my spell I cast tonight."

Take the candles out of the water, relax in the bath and when you are ready get out and let yourself dry naturally.

Repeat two more times using the same floating candles.

And on the third night bury the floating candles in the garden and say:

"In the ground this love I sow

Allow this wondrous love to grow."

Love Spell #35:

This is a simple and easy Love Spell that takes no time at all. You do not need a lot of ingredients and they will not be hard to hunt down. This spell will make you much more desirable to the opposite sex and is sure to raise your confidence. Materials: 1 pink candle, 1 bottle of 100% Virgin Olive oil, something to light the candle.

Process: Take the candle and place it on a table or your altar. Now take the olive oil and rub on to the candle starting in the middle and going up, then starting in the middle going down. While purifying the candle with the oil, you want to recharge the candle with love and desire, so visualize love and channel all your emotion into the candle. After the oil is finished, take a knife and carve what it is you want into the candle.

After finished writing in the candle, simply light it and concentrate on love and throw as much emotion (love) into the flame of the candle as possible, you may even want to add words if you wish. Sit and do this until the candle has burnt out. Make sure you are comfortable and won't be bothered. The more you feel sexy, the more this spell will work for you! Once the candle has burned out, the spell is finished.

Love Spell #36(The Perfect Soulmate Spell):

Take a shower or bath, put on some white clothing, take a stick (or your wand) and some glitter outside where you can see the stars (the best time is a new moon). Clear your mind. Pick up the stick, dip one end into the glitter then raise the stick towards your chosen star and say:

"With these magic words

I begin my spell.

Hear me now,

O mystic star, Hear me well Let your magic light Send me the love of my life. The spell has been cast So be it."

Your glitter is now magically energized, and you should sprinkle some near your front door. You can even take some glitter out with you and sprinkle it here and there.

Your perfect mate should be brought to you.

Love Spell #37(To Keep A Love): An old Gypsy spell stressing, like many Gypsy spells, the importance of hair. If you intend to cast it, you must do so in the wane of the moon, in the last quarter, and in secret.

The intertwined hair used in this spell must never be unraveled lest the spell be broken!

You will need: 3 lengths of red cotton 6 inches in length, 3 or 4 strands of your lovers' hair, an equal amount of your own hair

By the light of the waning moon place all hairs together so that they are intermingled, and tie with three lovers' knots (full bows) using the red cotton.

Place the hair in a secret place and do not allow anyone to untie the cotton or lose the hair or the spell will be broken!

Love Spell #39(To Start a Hot Love Affair):

This is an extremely potent spell, the object is to make a person burn with desire for you. After you have "kindled" the flame... it's up to you to keep it that way!

You will need: 1 blue candle eight inches long, 7 pieces of paper each 3 inches x 1 inch, 1 pen, 1 kitchen knife

Write the full name of the person on each piece of paper. Fold each one lengthwise twice only, so you now have 7 pieces of paper 3 inches long x 1/4 inch wide. Cut seven equally spaced notches in the blue candle. Take one of your folded pieces of paper and light one end with a match. Light the candle with this flame and allow the paper to burn up totally in the candles flame. While you are burning the paper you must repeat, over and over, the words....

"Dani help me...

Liber help me."

Allow the candle to burn down to the first notch then extinguish the flame. Repeat this process at the same time each day, for a total of seven days.

Love Spell #40(To Maintain Unconditional Love): Every Full Moon light a white (blessing) and a pink (happiness) and black candle in gratitude to the Fates. View the Moon before you light them, then say:

The kind Fates have blessed my home,

The kind Fates have blessed my heart,

The kind Fates have blessed my loved ones,

I offer thanks with a humble heart.

I thank the Goddess for my life,

I thank the Goddess for my love.

I thank the Goddess for continued blessings already on their way.

Blessed be.

Also burn some high-quality incense. Do this each month to make your good fortune last.

Love Spell #41(to see if he/she loves you):

Needed: red rose petals (just a couple), a cauldron, mortar and pestal, rain OR blessed water (recipe for blessed water in the 'Blessing' page.


Cast your circle. Once you are in the circle, crunch your petals with the mortar and pestal while visualizing the person that you are asking about. Once the petals are crunched, fill your cauldron with rain or blessed water. While holding the crushed rose petals in your hands, look at your reflection in the cauldron's water, saying:

"Roses are red, Violets are blue.

You like/love me, Or is it true?

Talk to me, Please let me know.

If you hold affection, Let it show.

Is it a rumor, Or is it true.

'Do you I know You?'

Roses are red, Violets are blue,

You like/love me, Or is it true?"

Place the crushed rose petals into a pouch/small container to carry it around with you. Release the Circle. Protection Spells

Here are the spells that keep you, your home and family protected from evil and unfortunate situations.

Protection Spell #1:

Make a sachet to wear around your neck. The color should be blue or purple but make it a color you can live with.

On the night of a full moon, blend these herbs together: amber, juniper, dill, vervain, st. john's wort, lavendar by crushing them together with a mortar and pestle.

Leaving them in the vessel, hold them up to catch the light of the full moon and say:

"Moon of night in fullness shine bless this rite protection mine"

Then without touching it fill your pouch and wear it whenever you feel threatened. It also works if you keep it in your pocket.

Protection Spell #2:

This spell is most effective when done a day after the full moon. Take a piece of silk, some silk thread (if available) in green or pink, some herbs of the following kind (but you don't need all): Juniper, Mugwort, Rosemary, Basil, Horehound, Trefoil, St. John's Wort, Vervain, Mandrake and one acorn or a twig of oak or a twig or rowan.

I always feel it is best if the herbs are worked by hand but because of the harmful properties of some of the oils of these plants, if not dried I recommend a mortal and pestle only. Grind the herbs into a rough mixture, they do not need to be too fine.

Prepare you room or space for this protective working. If this is to be personal, the amount of herbs need only be small but preparation more extensive. If this is to protect a house, boat, car, etc. then more herbs are needed and a further ritual but quick and benign looking ritual needs to be performed.

Directions: Prepare your altar. Draw a bath to the temperature you prefer. In this bath, use some purification, exorcism or dragon's blood bath salts.

While you take this bath, feel the protection water gives begin to seep into yourself. Then feel the protection earth gives through the salts seep into your very bones. When finished the bath, dry yourself and anoint yourself with some oil containing rosemary, geranium, or frankincense.

Light a charcoal briquette and burn as incense some frankincense, myrrh, or dragon's blood. While the smoke curls, create the sachet. Place the herbs in the cloth and sew the sides together as best as you can to prevent the substance leaking.

Now while you sew it together, chant out loud or silently

"I bind this charm to protect me well".

Once done, face each direction and say

"Element of the empower my charm

To protect me against all harm."

Then when you return to the east say

"I have created this charm to protect me against all harm.

It's power has been created and now let it's work be done."

Now keep this charm on you at all times!

Protection Spell #3:

Take a mason jar and put pins, needles, razor blades, cactus spines, rose thorns, broken glass, etc. in it. Prick your finger and let at least 3 drops of your blood into jar (this binds the jar to you). While making the bottle concentrate your thoughts on what you are doing.

Urinate in the bottle and seal it well. Dig a hole and put it in it and say:

'Lord of Life, Lady of Light - Join me here for this rite I have made this bottle for my protection(according to ancient ways and tradition.)

Direct all harm sent my way - To this grave I make today.

Return it three fold to the send - And let my life ever be better

Open my ears to hear and my eyes to see As I will, So Mote It Be!'

Bury the bottle but don't break it...you can write down your prayer or incantation and wrap it around the bottle before burial.

Protection Spell #4(house protection):

You need: Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also), Yellow 8" Taper Candle

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.

Prepare your work area by setting up the tools you will need While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work.

Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind.

After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle. Light some incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

This candle represents protection over my home.

Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

As the light of this flame grows, I can feel the light and positive energy around me. As this candle burns, my house is blessed with light and love. Negative energy is being banished. Negative thoughts will be left outside the doors and windows-never to be a part of my home

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Keep visualizing the yellow ball of light and protection around your home. Envision your god’s blessing each corner of the outside and inside of your home. See yourself blessing every corner, inside and out, of your home. Feel the peace and love. When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say: As the flame of the candle is extinguished--evil and negativity around me is extinguished and blow out the candle. Repeat this for two more nights.

On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, bury the wax in the earth as close to your front door as possible.

Protection Spell #5(breaking a spell):

Get yourself an old cooking pot, place a black candle in the center, fill the pot with water until it is 2" below the wick of the candle. Light the candle and say

"If truly hexed or cursed I am, let it break with quench of flame".

Then stare into the flame and see all the negative energy being drawn into it. When the candle burns down to the water level, and the flame sputters out, say, "So mote it!".

Dig a hole and empty the water into it. Now bury the candle. It is done.

Protection Spell #6(protection ball):

Take an old Christmas Tree ornament and remove the metal hanger top. Most of these ornaments are mass produced with cheap paint on the outside that soaks off in warm water, overnight( they are usually a silver color underneath) or use a silver colored ball. Next, rinse out the ball with a salt water solution. Now, get yourself a spool of red thread and some patchouli oil. Cut the thread in 3" strands.

Carefully insert the strands through the opening of the ball. Continue inserting strands until the ball is nearly full. Put in 3 or 4 drops of the patchouli oil and replace the metal hanger cap.

Now hang the ball in your room, preferably as close to the door as possible. As you hang the ball, say:

"Symbol of the Moon, Symbol of the Lady Divine, Reject all negativity, Defend this room, me and mine." Protection Spell #7(Releasing Negative Energy Spell):

Time: During the seven days of the Full of the Moon.

When and Where: Outside, Barefoot, facing East.

Clothing white cotton.

Bathe and meditate while using this breathing method. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When through, visualize the negative energy flowing out through the drain.

Go outside and face East. Place the left arm straight down to the side. Palm flat against the body. Right arm straight out and palm side up. Bring up until the Full Moon rests on your palm as a crystal ball would rest. Meditate again using the Ohm meditation as you would a musical scale. When you are still and feeling the energy. Repeat the following:

“O Great Mother Goddess and Father God

You who are all yet nothing.

Beyond explanation and understanding.

I ask thee to grant my request this night.

I ask that you take the negativity that was sent to me

And send it swirling into the Universe.

Let it be sent back to the sender three fold

And as a lesson of what is right and wrong.

Let the residual energy be sent to me three fold

With loving, caring healing positive energy.

I ask that you grant this request.

I also thank Thee for your kindness and caring attention.

I ask this in the power of three

So Mote it Be!”

Protection Spell #8: "Elements of the Sun, Elements of the Day, Come this way, Powers of night and day, I summon thee, I call upon thee, to Protect me, So Shall it Be." Protection Spell #9(Spell to Break the Powers of a Spell):

If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in the cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candles must be tall enough to extend a few inches above the cauldron's rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two should remain above the water. Deeply breathe, meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame.

Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle's flame. (Yes, the power against you) As the candle burns down, it's flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed.

Break your visualization of the spell's power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle.

Protection Spell #10(dispell negative energy)

Take a small clear crystal, an acorn, some rosemary and mandrake and a bit of green silk or cotton. It doesn't need to be a big piece. Cast your circle and creating a pouch from the herbs, bless them with each element saying:

"While this dewlls within, there will be protection without.

Cleanse and charge this charm, element of against all who wish me ill!"

Now hang this somewhere not too obviously, like hiding it in a corner or over a window. This will protect you until next Samhain when you should burn it in the sacred fire, crystal and all. If it is not too tainted, the fire will just cleanse the crystal and you'll be able to retrieve it from the ashes but I always recommend just getting a new one. Health Spells

Here are the health spells. Use them frequently to improve your health constantly. Pick one and use it.

Health Spell #1(spell for being healthy):

Obtain a vial (about 100mL) of water from a steadily flowing river and put aside. Light two blue candles and place at the north and south points of a circle. Light two white candles and place at the east and west points of the same circle. Scatter freshly picked lavender and crushed leaves of an iceberg rose evenly around the perimeter of the circle and sit within it, facing the north point. Cross arms loosely over the chest and focus your awareness on the breath entering your body and slowly spreading through it. Return your focus slowly to your environment and extinguish the candles using the river water, kneeling before each as you do so, in the order north-west-east-south.

Health Spell #2(for headache):

Lavender is known for being a relaxing herb, and can help one get rid of headaches.

Light several small lavender scented candles and dim the lights.

Rub a few drops of lavender oil on your temples and place a warm, moist washcloth on your forehead.

Lie down in a cool place surrounded by the candles. Imagine your head feeling light and free of pressure.

The headache leaving your body.

After a few minutes your headache should be relieved.

Health Spell #3(to quit smoking):

You Will Need: 1 cigarette, 1 lighter

First, you need to really want to quit smoking. Also, it helps if you have some kind of "assistance" such as a program or something to help you out. Also, if the main reason you smoke it because of stress (like most of us do) then make sure you have a lot of your stuff taken care of so that there is as little stress as possible. Also for withdrawals, try Chammomile Tea.

Go outside, at night. Light up the smoke and inhale. Savor it. Enjoy it. And then, aggressively snap it in half, throw it on the ground and stomp it out, saying these words: "Herba Malefica; Adura, Adedo, Ademo".

Health Spell #4(for the nature):

You will need: Rocks, shells, flowers, Blue candle, incense

Arrange Seashells on a secluded beach to form a magick circle at least five feet in diameter.(If you do not have access to a beach, you may perform this spell in a forest or secluded garden using stones, branches and/or flowers to form circle).

Kneel in the Center of the circle, facing the

ocean(or sky). Light a blue candle and a stick of incense(your choice) and place them before you. Raise your arms high with palms up in a traditional witch's prayer position, and recite the following chant:

With smoke and flame

This spell’s begun.

O Goddess of the stars,

Moon and the Sun,

Let the healing power begin.

Let the earth be whole again.

The Earth is my mother

And I am her child.

The Earth is my lover

Free and wild.

Heal on the outside, heal within,

Land and sea, fire and wind.

With love sincere I chant this prayer

To make mankind begin to care.

Let every sister and every brother

Heal the wounds of the great Earth mother Let the healing power begin, Let the Earth be whole again.

Heal on the outside, heal within, Land and sea, fire and wind.

So Mote It Be!

Health Spell #5(breaking a bad habit):

Meditate during the waning moon.

Light a pink candle for self-love; anoint it with the oil of your choice. Next light a brown candle.

Engrave the number of pounds you want to lose on it, then visualize banishing the excess weight. Runes can be carved on it if you wish. Incense can be burned; visualize the smoke carrying away the excess poundage. Adapt the spell to your own personal needs.

Health Spell #6(breaking a bad habit):

Begin this working any time during the waning moon. Set aside thirty minutes each day to focus yourself and perform this working. The components of this working have been selected for their attributes in several areas such as healing, purification and memory enhancement. This spell is performed over a period of three nights.


A quiet space

3 candles - one for each night tapers or votives:

choose your color: popular choices would include black for banishing the habit, orange for change, red for courage, white for general use, etc.

Salt - sea salt or other available salt, about 1 Tablespoon Rosemary herb - Rosemarinus officinalis - a small handful or about 1/2 oz.

Parchment - or a small piece of quality paper about 4" X 4"

Your favorite writing instrument for rituals.

A small cloth pouch or bag this can be any color and you could match it to the color you choose for your candles. Frankincense resin - Boswellia carterii - about 1 Tablespoon

A censer, cauldron, or heat proof dish with a small amount of sand or gravel placed in the bottom

Three Self- ignighting charcoals - the type used for incense, not the kind used for outdoor barbeques which contain toxins.

Arrange all of the spell components near you - don't forget to bring something to light the candle and charcoal with and make sure that the incense won't trip your smoke detector! What a shock that would be to your focus! Light the charcoal and place it in the censor.

Sit quietly for a few minutes to focus on what you desire to achieve with this working. You may choose to erect a "circle of protection" or "circle of power" at this time if that is your standard procedure.

Using your favorite writing instrument and the parchment, write down a few key words that describe the habit you wish to rid yourself of. Here are some examples:

If you wish to release your anger or frustration about a current situation, so you could write something like: "I will not let this get to me, I hereby set my anger free".

If you wish to release yourself from eating sugar snacks each afternoon, you might draw a picture of a piece of candy with an X over it. This is the time to use your creativity and make the working an extension of your energy by personalizing it. Your words do not have to rhyme, your picture does not have to be artistically rendered, it does not have to make sense to anyone else but you.

Light one of the three candles, and re-focus your intent. While you are lighting the candle you may choose to say your favorite words for Fire blessing or something like,

"The Fire within me is strong. I have the courage and desire to change." Place the parchment in the cloth pouch.

Place the Rosemary and Frankincense in the pouch while keeping your focus on your intent. Turn the pouch over several times to mix everything, then reach in and remove a large pinch of the resin and herb mixture (not the parchment). Place the mixture you removed on the charcoal to burn and take several deep, steady breaths. You may wish to say your favorite words for Air blessing or something like, "With each breath, I know that I can change."

Add the Salt to the pouch. Keep focusing on your intent. Again, you may choose to say your favorite words for Earth blessing or something like, "I have the strength of the Earth. I have the will to change."

Sit quietly for a few more minutes and consider different ways you help yourself to alter your behavior. You will find that many new ideas will arise in your mind that you previously had not thought of.

Allow the candle to burn down in a safe place and keep the pouch with you. You can place it under your pillow or at your bedside while you sleep. On the second night of the spell, light another charcoal and place it in the censor. Light the next candle. Hold the cloth pouch in both hands and take several deep, slow breaths. Focus your intent to alter your behavior. Try to keep your focus for as long as possible. If you were not perfect in changing your behavior since last night, do not feel guilty or frustrated.

Change takes time and the spell isn't over until the habit is transformed. Reach into the pouch and remove a large pinch of the herb, resin, and salt mixture. Place it on the burning charcoal. At this time you may wish to confirm your intent by saying something like, "As I will it, so mote it be!" or "So be it!" Let the candle burn down in a safe place.

On the third night. Light the last candle and the last charcoal. Repeat the procedure from the second night except this time, remove the remainder of the resin, herb & salt mixture, AND the parchment from the pouch.

Place the mixture and the parchment on the charcoal. Set the pouch aside and focus on your intent while you watch your parchment/mixture burn. You may wish to help the parchment along by touching it to the candle flame and then dropping it into the censor. Again, you may wish to confirm your intent by saying something like, "It is so!" or "So mote it be!"

Health Spell #7(Spell to help you eat less and become healthy):

Time -Sunset on a Waning Moon- (full to new moon)

Tools: yellow candle with holder, rose petals, lavender oil, small garnets, carnelian or turquoise stone, small jar with lid or plastic bag that seals, picture of yourself healthy.

Charge yellow candle with desired goal and place in holder . As you light the candle, visualize yourself passing on second helpings of food, small portions on your plate and looking healthy and physically fit.

Charge rose petals, oil and stones. Sprinkle petals around candle, again visualize your goal. Place the charged garnet stones and a few drops of oil into the jar or bag. As you do this visualize again.

Then pick up the petals and place them into the jar or bag also. Seal the jar or bag and say:

"By this jar/bag of powered oil,

petals and stones,

it will bring me courage and help me meet my goal to not eat or snack as much and become healthier."

Visualize yourself becoming healthier and moving the weight on the scale to the left. Carry this jar or bag with you and sniff charged items before eating.

Rub the charged carnelian or turquoise on the picture of yourself then rub onto your body while visualizing yourself become the you in the picture.


"In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects. So mote it be!"

Carry the stone with you and rub it when you have the urge to snack or eat too much.

Hang the picture up in your kitchen to view.

Allow the candle to burn for another hour then snuff it out and put away. Burn it whenever you need the moral support.

Health Spell #8(surprising weight loss spell):

You need two things: jasmine essence, and a quartz crystal. Jasmine is the flower of femininity. (I am supposing this magic to be directed to a woman -- of course men do want to lose weight too. If this is the case, choose an essence such as Patchouli or Vanilla). It is the flower of senses, of pleasure, of physical attraction.

The best suited therefore to bring you back in touch with the pleasure of being in your skin, of looking and feeling attractive, the feeling that exudes naturally from a healthy and balanced body. In fact all the responsibility for weight problems resides somewhere in the body's loss of its ability to stay balanced.

Deficiencies on the emotional or mental plane are interfering with the body's natural wisdom. When its balance is impaired its happiness is lost. Through jasmine you may magically evoke that lost sensuous joyfulness. With the crystal quartz you focus your energies on the issue at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.

Begin the process during the day, when the moon is full. Cleanse and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Place the jasmine flowers or essence and also the quartz crystal in front of you together with the symbols of the elements.

As you call the powers a different element will present itself to you, according to where the imbalance is in you. That will of course change the shape of the incantation. In this example I will use the element air --on the basis of this example you can work out the different variations.

So air is in this case the element which speaks, the power which will help you with this magic. Words belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and relax deeply to ask your subconscious to give you a word -- the key word for this magic. For a few minutes you are sitting with your eyes closed, thinking of nothing. When you sense your mind beginning to wander astray, touch the quartz -- its magical powers will help immediately to focus your attention again. Soon the key word will form itself in your conscious mind: in this example it is "independence". It does not matter that you understand why this particular word should be your key word. Certainly a reason is there, your unconscious has its own deep wisdom -but it is not important that you should be consciously aware of its motives. Every night, from the full moon to the black moon, you will rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your naked body. While doing this, let the key word "independence" stay in your mind. As you revel in the fragrance of the jasmine, relaxing, images will come to your mind, suggestions as to how to expand on the independence in your life. Maybe you will have a vision on yourself learning a foreign language. Following these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you want it to work you will have to find a way.

The quartz will help you with that. If you find yourself saying "I have too much to do, I cannot possibly fit this in, I never was good at languages anyway." etc., touch the crystal and feel its energy for a few seconds. it will immediately give you clarity and firmness of purpose, and you will be able to see what you need to do, and have the determination to do it. Every night, before going to sleep, rub the essence on your body, and experiment with your key word. Keep the crystal with you at all times for this period -- to touch it whenever you feel that you need to do so.

Thanks to the magic of the flower, of the crystal, and of the key word given to you by the power air, a deep change will start in this period. A change which will enable you to regain your natural balance, and the grace and beauty that go with it.

Health Spell #9(simple weight loss spell):

Stand in front of a mirror and put your hands on your stomach. Chant these words with feeling:

“Goddess hear my plead,

Make me the weight I want to heed,

This size is to big for me,

A size (size you want to be) I want to be, So Mote It Be”

Health Spell #10( Herb Jar to Enhance your powers physically and mentally):

Fill one jar with the following:

Cinnamon [for dream Magick]

Nutmeg [for good luck]

Allspice [healing]

Ginger [lunar Magick]

Basil [protection]

Fennel seeds [spiritual healing] Garlic [spiritual purification]

Marjoram [protection]

Sage [spiritual purification]

Cloves [protection]

Mustard seed [protection]

Before you do any scrying or any kind or psychic work, inhale the scent deeply and shake the jar gently.

Health Spell #11(To lose your troubles and get rid of stress):

Take a handful of earth and gaze into it.

Put all your troubles and thoughts of distress into it.

State exactly what it is that's troubling you.

When finished, throw the dirt behind you and walk away without turning around to look at it.

Also works with rocks.

Health Spell #12(spell for sleeping):

Place a sachet of lavender on your pillow and say over it before you go to sleep:

"Peace be mine in this sleeping time dreams be sweet allow me sleep."

Health Spell #13(Get rid of Depression Spell):

Tools you will need are: Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also), Yellow 8" Taper Candle.

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to uplift your energy and overcome depression. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use. While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work. Imagine how good it feels to be happy. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind!

Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light your incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

"This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself" Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

"As I light this candle, the veil of darkness

that is ever present in my mind is lifting.

The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows.

Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire.

As this candle burns, my spirits are lifting and the negative energy is washing away.

I will be happy, my life will be peaceful.

I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free!"

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Meditate on how good if feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting.

When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say:

"As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind" and blow out the candle.

Repeat this for two more nights.

On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled-throw away the leftover wax into to trash and envision your depression being thrown away with the wax. You will overcome your depression!

Health Spell #14(positive action spell):

Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end.

At the time of the full moon, cast a circle or just shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on your working area (if possible. If this is not possible, just visualize the moon while anointing the candle).

Place the white candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil. Cast the circle if you wish. Call the Goddess if it feels right. Now, anoint the candle. Should you wish, you can use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell itself. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words:

"Tonight the moon, tomorrow the sun.

Let this power build til my will be done.

Candle burn down to send my will.

This spell be cast, for good, not ill."

And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon

Money Spells

Impressive money spells ready to be used. Pick one now and try it.

Money Spell #1(To Gain wealth):

This is an old habit in India to become wealthy and is very simple:

Get a coin(nickle or dime). Take the coin and bless it by fire (heat it in a flame), bless it by wind (blow on it), then water (drop it in water that you have empowered and purified), then earth- bury it next to your front door.

Money Spell #2:

Time: full moon Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.

While doing this say:

"Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth soon.

Please, fill my hands with silver and gold. " Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.

Money Spell #3:

Tools needed:

1 green candle, 1 non-burnable candle holder, 1 shiny penny, 3 green ( jade, malachite, adventurine, or a combination) attraction stones, Anointing Oil ( patchouli, clove, peppermint, frankincense, etc).

On a Friday night, during the waxing moon, anoint the green candle with the oil. Starting at the mid-point and anointing in a docile upward motion to the wick, say:

"Lend power to my prayer

to the Lord and Lady", 3 times.

Starting at the mid-point again anoint the candle in a docile downward motion towards the base, repeating the charge. Put the candle in the holder and place in the center of your alter. Place the penny in front of the candle holder, about 1-1/2" away. Place the three stones around the candle holder, one to right, one to left, and one to center (between holder and penny).

Chant 3 times:

"Money, money come to me, $_____is what I need.

If it harm none, this gift I seek, for even

I ask not with greed.

And in days to come it shall help many, multiply, now, this shiny penny."

Now light the green candle and stare into the flame. Visualize the money coming to you from all directions. See yourself using the money to advance your education. See yourself graduating and accepting your diploma from this selected high school. Keep visualizing all the good that will come from this.

When the candle has burned down completely, bury it somewhere in fertile soil on your property. Then carry the penny around with you.

Money Spell #4: Tools:

Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also), Green 8" Taper Candle, Pen, Paper, Heat-resistant bowl

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.

This spell is used to create tangible prosperity. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle. While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work. Envision what it is that will make you prosperous. For this spells' purpose, we will use money as an example.

Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind.

After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light some protection incense. Envision a large, green ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your energy into the candle.

On a small piece of paper, write down what it is that you want (money, etc.). Place this piece of paper under the candle holder. Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

"This candle represents the prosperity that will come to me".

Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

"As the light of this flame grows, I can see prosperity around me."

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Envision what you will look like and feel like when your prosperity comes. See yourself holding the money, feel the texture of it.

"As the flame of the candle dissipates with time-prosperity will be mine" and blow out the candle. Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, burn the piece of paper with your written words on it and place the ashes into a bowl. After the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, combine the ashes and wax together and bury it in the earth as close to your home as possible.

Money Spell #5:

Spell to Gain Money:

Ingredients: pine needle, water;

Tools: cauldron, cauldron spoon, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, green candle

Cast the circle. Light the green candle. Drop the quarter, dim, and nickel into the water while saying:

"Silver is the color, color of the quarter, nickel, and dime.

Give me wealth, wealth to help my time."

Drop the pine needle into the cauldron and stir the cauldron with the cauldron spoon while saying:

"The mix will make it multiply, with a blink of my eye.

Leave the spirit be, and let it set free."

Take the candle and hold it over the cauldron so that seven drops of candle wax falls into the cauldron.

Release the circle.

Money Spell #6:

You need: green candle, a glass, small bowl or saucer, some coins

Place the green candle in a small glass and place the glass in a small bowl or saucer. Place coins in the bowl neatly around the candle and glass. Bright new coins are best, the highest value you can spare e.g pounds. Light the candle and say:

"Money flow, money grow Money shine, money mine."

Say it three times and leave the candle to burn out. Let it burn until there is nothing left. For safety you should snuff out the candle if you go to bed, but make sure you light it again when you are in. Amulet for Getting a Job

To help your chances, fill a green flannel bag with gravel root on a night when the moon is waxing.

Pass the bag through the rising smoke of a candle and/or incense (use a green or gold candle and any of the following herbs as a scent/incense: acacia, basil, bayberry, birthroot, luckyhand root, queen of the meadow, and say as you do so:

"By the four ancient elements I do consecrate this amulet and dedicate it as a tool of positive magick."

Now consecrate it to the four elemental/directional spirits, saying: "Ancient gods of the air, and all elemental spirits of the east, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the fire, and all elemental spirits of the sout, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the water, and all elemental spirits of the west, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the earth, and all elemental spirits of the north, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light."

If you have tools to represent the elements and hold the bag up to the different directions you are praying to, it is a good idea but not necessary. Finish off by blessing the goddess by saying something like:

"Blessed be in the name of the goddess and in the name of her consort. So mote it be."

Make sure you have it with you whenever you go on a job interview or fill out an application.

Money Spell #8(fast money for education): Materials: Goddess Candle, God Candle, Incense (Angelica, Sandalwood, or Lotus), Green Candle, Good Luck Oil (Patchouli, Frankincense), Black Candle, Banishing Oil (Lavender, Pine, Juniper), and a Petitioner Candle (color represents you)

Place Goddess candle upper left center on alter. Place the God candle upper right center. Place the petitioner left center beneath the Goddess candle. Place the green and black candles right center beneath the God candle. Light God/dess candles.

Light the incense. Anoint the black candle with banishing oil, starting at mid-point and working in a docile upwards motion and say (3x):

"I charge this candle to attract and absorb,

All negative forces working against my true will, Remove all obstacles as I go forward, Leaving success my wish to fulfill".

Start at mid-point again and in a docile downward motion anoint the candle

while repeating the charge 3x. Anoint the green candle with the good luck oil, saying (3x):

" I charge this candle to bring to me, good luck, success, and prosperity, As it burns, a beacon bright, Shall all good forces join my rite".

You don't need to anoint the Petitioner candle. Since this candle is representing you, focus strongly on, your educational goal. See yourself on the first day of school. Light the candle saying:

"This candle represents (name), let it be a beacon for all positive forces and energies. The flame represents the fire in (name)'s heart, burning bright with the ambition and desire to achieve a better formal education." Concentrate, directing your power to the Petitioner candle.

It is receiving energy from both you and the green candle. After 10 minutes of visualizing the good forces and energies flowing from the green candle to the Petitioner candle, extinguish the three candles, (Petitioner, then the green, then the black). Repeat this spell everyday, moving the green candle closer (approx. 1/2") to the petitioner candle. The spell is complete when the two touch. Other Useful Spells

Change your eye color

First Spell:

Make sure its night when you perform this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink candles.

Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell only. Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes.

Then picture the color you want. And then Chant:

" Become Of Me ", Three times... repeat the process two times and you will see changes through the day.

Second Spell:

You'll need: 1 pink rose, 1 large red candle.


"This is to touch (touch rose)

This is to be (put hand above candle)

Shape and form for all to see,

By the powers of 3 times 3 (put hands over eyes)

As I will it, so shall it be"...

Full Moon Wishing Spell:

At night, when the moon is full go outside with a glass of juice. Look up at the moon and tell her exactly what you desire (do this in full detail and don’t leave anything out). When you are done, lift you glass in toast to the moon and say:

“Mother Goddess, look and see This goblet that i offer Thee It is Yours for all You do Gracious One of silver hue”.

Pour the juice on the ground and know that your wish will be granted.

Spell to remember a past life: Items needed: 1 white candle, 1 mirror;

Sit in front of the mirror, turn off the lights, and light the candle. Set the candle next to the mirror so the light from it can hit your face, but so you will not see the candle in the mirror. After this is done, look into your eyes and say:

“Oracle of lunar light,

Send me the second sight.”

Stare into your eyes and do not blink. Your reflection will dissolve and another will appear. Try to look at the face, body, clothing and surroundings. After you do this you will have emotions you can not explain. Don't worry they go away in a few minuets.

Psychic Dream Spell

Tools: 1 bottle, piece of silver string, sage, piece of paper (white), blue pen, water

Directions: Fill the bottle with water. Add the piece of silver string (silver is psychic color). Chant:

"Silver string, weave my psychic dreams"

Then with the blue pen (blue is a memory color) on a white piece of paper write the Rune of Travel.

Chant: "Blue rune, help me remember my travels in the astral."

Put the paper and sage (purification herb) in the bottle.

Chant: "Sage keep pure these psychic things."

Close the bottle and say: "By the Free Will of All and harm to none, this spell is done. So Mote It Be!"

Place the bottle where it can be seen before you go to sleep each night.

Spell To Protect You Whilst Traveling

Sew a small white bag out of cotton and in it place some Shoestring Root incense, hang this in your vehicle, or carry in your pocket for protection whilst traveling. Lost and Found Spell

To find whatever is lost, chant the following:

Guiding Angles,

I ask your charity,

lend me your focus and your clarity,

Bring me to the (name of what is lost) at this time, Restoring me that and my peace of mind.

With harm to none,

This spell be done.

Let it be not reversed,

Or placed unto me as any curse.

May all astrological correspondences

Be correct for this working.

As I will it, so mote it be.

You should find what you are looking for in a few minutes to a week.

How-To Become Calm and Centered

Make your magic more effective by building emotional and psychic intensity and focusing clearly on your goal.

Here's how:


A very smooth, rounded stone, smaller than your fist: and some soothing taped music.

The Spell:

(Beginners' Note: It is recommended that you perform this spell in the context of a fully cast circle and Quarters. Take this spell seriously, and it will open the door into the effectiveness of your future studies.)

Sit while holding the stone and listening to the music in a quiet room at home, or in the outdoors if the weather is nice. Breathe deeply and rhythmically. Begin inhaling through your mouth, then exhaling through your nostrils with a long, steady humming note. With each exhalation, make the note smoother and draw it out longer. Breathe your tension and anxiety into the stone. When you feel calm and centered, put the stone on the ground, open the circle and walk away. The stone will dissipate the tension into the Earth to be transmuted; if you wish, you can retrieve the stone in a day or two for later use.

Levitation Spell

The following is a modern Witch's flying ointment recipe. It is safer to use and much easier to concoct:

1/4 cup lard 1/2 tsp clove oil 1 tsp chimney soot 1/4 tsp dried cinquefoil 1/4 tsp dried mug wort 1/4 tsp dried thistle 1/4 dried vervain 1/2 tsp benzoin tincture

Using a mortar and pestle, crush the dried herbs until almost powdered. In a small cauldron or saucepan, heat the lard over a low flame until it is melted completely. Add the herbs, the clove oil and chimney soot to the lard base and mix well.

Add the benzoin as a natural preservative, stir together clockwise and then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Strain it through cheesecloth into a small heat resistant container and then allow it to cool. Store it in your refrigerator or in a cool dark place until it is ready to be used.

On a night of the Full Moon, anoint your temples and Third Eye with a small amount of the flying ointment prior to astral projection or dream magick.

Weather spells

The most effective means of razing winds, especially for sailing, is to carry a knotted string, usually with 3 knots which are gradually loosened as stronger winds are desired.

To bring rain: beat a broom upon the river and then shake it at the sky

To stop rain or storm: Bury a cup, preferably metal or bass, in order to stop heavy rain and bring fair weather.

Gather oak leaves in a man's shirt and when its full hang it on a tree; a wind springs up directly that drives all rain away, and keeps the weather fair.

To raise a storm:

Dip a rag into water and beat it 3 times on a stone:

" I knock this rag upon this stone

To raise the wind in the devil's name

It shall not lye till I please again"

Rain Spell:

Directions: Go outside and look at the clouds. You should say:

"Ancient Gods and Goddesses,

I invoke thee.

Waters from the sky,

Let it be."

I command thee now to thee all.

Listen to my desire,

Rain fall!"

Dream Spell- To dream of a certain person

1 Chunk of Amethyst 3 Rose petals 1 Lock of Hair 1 piece of daisy Root 1 Drop Rose or Patchouli Oil (optional) 1 Pink Candle (melted so wax binds all togeather)

Take the amethyst, rose pedals, lock of hair, daisy root, and empower all of them with what you want them to do (in this case being dream magick of a lover or friend).

Place the amethyst next to your bed, atop it lay the rose petals, hair (the person of whom you wish to dream of) and the daisy root. If you wish you may top it all off with rose or patchouli oil, and melted pink wax! NOTE: To be done during the new moon, right before bed. While laying down before going to sleep, keep the thought of the person in mind.

Get rid of Anger Spell

Visualize a circle of light around yourself Cup a black stone in your hands and raise it to your forehead & then your heart, each time say these words:

“With this stone anger be gone water bind it no one find it.” Concentrate and project all your anger into the stone; with all your might throw it into a lake, stream, river, or the ocean.

Spell for Healing a Pet

This is pretty basic:

Mix some healing oil, using:

6 drops Lavender oil

6 drops Camphor oil

6 drops Rosemary oil

1/2 ounce base oil (apricot kernel, jojoba, grape seed, even olive oil)

Annoint a black candle, a red candle and a brown candle with this healing oil. The black is for absorption of the negativity (the illness), the red is for strength and health, and the brown is an "astral" or "significator" candle for the animal.

Place the brown candle between the black and red candles, and make a ring of stones around the set-up, using stones or crystals that you associate with healing (amethyst, quartz, agate...you choose whichever type or combination of types).

Place some of the oil in your hands, and begin to rub them together, generating heat and energy. When you feel that you've built a small "bundle" of healing energy, place your hands on your pet, stroking it and giving it the healing energy you've built, making sure to concentrate on any areas where you feel or sense the illness.

Focus on the candles, continuing to maintain contact with your pet, and visualize the strength from the red candle pouring into the brown candle, and pushing all the sickness into the black candle. Attune with the Goddess, and when you've got a good grip on the visualizations above (and the animal!), say:

"Goddess, with your healing touch Bless this animal we love so much. God, with beasts as your domain, Remove the sickness, heal the pain. So mote it be!"

Continue the stroking and energy flow until you feel that the spell is done, then allow the animal plenty of time to rest and heal. Obviously, if you wish to perform this spell in a cast circle, that's your choice.

If you wish to continue the spell for a number of days (I'd suggest at least 3 days), and your pet has a special place where it rests or "lives" (such as a cage, etc.), ring this area, if possible, with the stones, place a red candle on one side of the area and a black candle on the other (annointed with the healing oil); focus on the red candle and project its energy into area with your pet, visualizing the illness being pushed out the other side, since there's no room for it, and into the black candle. Rub the oil onto your hands and stroke it into/onto the animal's body as often as you feel necessary.

Spell To Become Closer To Your Cat

Preparation: Work with brown candles. Take the following herbs and empower each with its meaning and becoming closer to your pet/familiar in mind.

Catnip-Helps create a bond between you Vervain-For Peace and Protection Gardernia-For Spirituality Saffron-For Strength Love Seed-For Friendship Passion Flower-For Friendship

Working: Take 1/2 of the empowered herbs and wrap in a small square of brown cloth and tie it off with a brown cord or string. Take the other half and make a smaller sachet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day. You can tie the pet's sachet on while meditating. After those four days take all the herbs and burn as incense while sharing a meal with your pet.

Ground yourself, then sit or lie on the ground. Let your mind be led to the animal. Make mind contact(it's best if you can see the animal or you are within sight of it's home). Let your mind go out and touch the other form of life. Blend with it; sense the surroundings, smell the smells; hear the sounds; be aware of the temperatures. Once you have blended, introduce yourself. Explain why you want to communicate with the animal.

Chapter VIII. How to Get Rid Of Bad Spirits

Of those things that are called ghosts, there are five broad categories, only one of which may correctly be called ghosts. The proper way of getting rid of manifestations in each category differs somewhat, as is to be expected, because each has it's different origin or source.

The first category is made up of chthonic (or geomagnetic) entities, variably called fairies, djinn, black dogs, etc. Some but not all manifestations called cold spots or hot spots fall into this category as well.

Because these phenomena are tied in to geomagnetic activity, they are all quite established, and any effort to get rid of them will only cause more problems than it will solve. What we see when something manifests is a result of the interface of this energy with our brains.

In a sense, they are not really there. The brain has to translate such signals into data that can be read by our sense perceptions. To do this, the mind must turn to its "library" of folklore, expectations, and experiential templates to create a form that is not too incompatible with local cultural beliefs in certain preternatural entities.

To illustrate my point, imagine the likelihood that an Irish farmer is going to encounter Aisha Qandisha, a Morrocan chthonic entity. It's very unlikely, but many countries do have equivalent characters in their folklore that will determine the nature of their experience of those entities. Even cultural trends, such as secularization and the advent of new technologies, will affect how we see these things. Many UFO and ET sightings fit into this category. For another mechanism that affects our perception, look below to the Deity category. As for the likelihood of exterminating these "ghosts", well, perish any thoughts you have of ridding your property of these things. Be assured that most (but not all) of them are quite harmless, other than being frightening, they manifest rarely, and they are easy enough to avoid when they do show up. If you simply cannot tolerate these presence it is you who must move away from them, as they were there long before you were.

The next category deals with Qliphothic entities. These were brought into existence by people dabbling in black magic practices such as necromancy, sex magick, elemental magick, channeling, etc. They are also the agents that are employed in curses. These entities are free-agent "ghosts" which tend to have no will of their own. They can be commanded to carry out missions, but once created or empowered, they are difficult to get rid of. This is why sorcerers who dabble with these energies are frequently plagued with bad luck. Other names for Qliphoth are "magickal child" and "daemon". They do not tend to take a visible form but can be felt or "sensed". When not employed, they tend to hover around the last place where they were used, or return to their sender, vampirizing vital energy from whoever is near-by.

Some people who think they have been cursed have simply attracted a stray "magickal parasite". Those who participate in seances, or play with Ouija boards are most at risk for attracting such strays. Qliphothic entities can be exorcised, but it is not easy, and the process is somewhat harrowing.

Over time, if neglected, unemployed, and lacking someone to "siphon" energy from, they will eventually fade away completely.

Of the poltergeist category, I will only say a little. The moving and/or flying objects are often a result of psychic turbulence emanating from adolescent females with raging hormones. The phenomenon also manifests sometimes in the presence of adult women during menstruation.

In the case of virgin girls, the cure for poltergeists is patience, as this problem goes away once the hormonal levels stabilize. For adult women, the Chinese herb formula Tang Kwei Jin or something similar may cure it. The Deity (or "Holy Ghost") category is more problematic. Often it will happen that religious feelings result when a person is moved to awe by a manifestation from one or more of the other categories. The character of that awe is the product of what I dare to call a pathological condition. To explain what I mean by that, I'll give a brief discussion of Memetics.

Memetics is the study or observation of memes, which are linguistic "germs", that is to say, "viruses" encoded in and transmitted through language. Most or all concepts of a god are transmitted through written or spoken words, and thereafter all manifestations natural or supernatural are seen as emanating from the will of that "god". The brain has become reprogrammed by that thought-virus to perpetuate and spread the virus to others, just as real viruses do to DNA. DNA is one kind of code, words are another.

The most powerful Deity Virus is the YHWH virus, and all of its mutations. It has endured by adapting to ever-changing demands put upon its host brains, and has even managed to influence the character of other Deity Viruses. The only way to cure an individual of an active Deity Virus is by Heroic Deprogramming, a process as brutal and harrowing to the patient as chemotherapy is to a cancer patient, and as with the latter example, likely as ineffectual, with the possibility of an eventual reinfection.

Finally, the ghost (or haunt) category. This is the true ghost. It is a localized residual traumatic psychic imprint left on the geomagnetic grid and confined to a specific area no bigger than 1-3 miles and no smaller than 1 square foot. This can manifest in many ways, such as spectres, voices, floating lights, tactile sensations, cold or hot spots, the appearance of moving objects, etc. Sometimes difficult to distinguish from many chthonic manifestations or poltergeists, it takes a sensitive and experienced ghost hunter to tell them apart.

The easiest way to make the distinction is to treat any such manifestation as a ghost, and if it fails to go away, it is likely one of the other types. The method of "busting” these ghosts relies on effectively de-anchoring them from the geomagnetic grid. When effectively de-anchored, they will inevitably fall back into the "void of potentiality", what some people refer to as "the source" or "the light". De-anchoring them requires courage and a willingness to accept that a mistake could cost you your life or sanity.

Historically, the most fearless and effective ghost hunters have been Taoist magicians, who for many centuries have been refining the art. Taoist magicians are immune to the Deity Viruses, and for that reason have been free from distraction to carry out their work. Applying the principles of Geomancy (feng shui - Note: I’ll discuss these principles in a further update or if you find your self in urgent situation, give me an email and I’ll reply to you as soon as possible) as well as other more esoteric arts, they can easily rid a space of ghosts, and (temporarily) even chthonic entities. I may venture to say that the Taoist approach, if it is mastered, can readily eliminate or prevent manifestations from all five categories.

Further, a Taoist magician can create or redirect these manifestations to serve good or not-so-good purposes. The modern ghost hunter must have a familiarity with the Taoist principles, as well as various more recent findings, such as the "law of the trapezoid". A thorough familiarity with occultism and folklore is expected, and a hightened sensitivity to subtle ambient cues (intuition). Training in shamanism (primitive spirit-retrieval art) would do you much good, too.

An apprenticeship is highly recommended, as it is good to observe and learn the experience of a seasoned hunter. However, I will concede that some individuals may be gifted. I nevertheless advise younger ghost hunters to work in pairs just in case there are problems.

The uniform of the professional ghost-hunter is not about cut and color, but conductivity.

The ghost hunter must be well-grounded, because when approaching ghosts, you need to be equally installed in the "grid" the better to perceive them. Your footwear must be solid leather, tops, soles, and insoles, and very sturdy. No plastic, rubber, or artificial fibers. Socks should be 100% wool. No artificial fibers in your clothing either. No zippers, only buttons or buckles. Glasses or shades must be of real glass with wire or metal rims. No electronic items are to be on your person. Chronometers, if worn, should be wind-up, and kept in a pocket, rather than on the wrist. If you use any instruments to measure radiation or EM levels, put them down before approaching your quarry.

These things interfere greatly with your effectiveness. Do not wear or use crystals or any gems or precious stones unless you are 100% confident about the practical effects of bringing such things into your work. There are circumstances whereby a crystal could potentially make your quarry stronger than you. Once you have identified your ghost, moving or stationary, and ascertained that it is of the simple haunt category, you must with confidence stride right up to it and (depending on your training) either walk into it, stand on it, or take it in your arms. Momentarily, its place on the grid is also yours, and a window of opportunity opens up to de-anchor it. The Taoist approach is to open up a passage within oneself into the void whereto the ghost will quickly be drawn. If you screw up this part, guess what: You and that ghost now share the same body until you can regain your balance enough to try voiding it again.

In this practice, fear is your enemy, not ghosts. Disciplined control of your rate of breath and heart beat should be automatic, as absolute equilibrium and serenity are essential to your capacity to time everything perfectly. It is difficult to anticipate what kind of sensations will be felt at the moment of contact, although it's safe to say that it's never pleasant. It may happen sometimes that you've misidentified your ghost and find yourself trying to void a chthonic critter. Well, all I can say is good luck to you.

Some have succeeded. This is where your training really comes in handy. I've seen many failures, dead or insane from a bad encounter. If you have doubts about, go the safe route and try some feng shui on it instead. It's perfectly okay to throw your hands up and admit that you can't handle something.

In some countries, professional ghost-hunters are welcome and appreciated parts of a community as they are often by trade also shamans, healers and wise counselors. However, here in the Western hemisphere the true professional ghost-hunters work underground. Absolutely shunning media attention, they get clients solely by word-of-mouth, and will literally "enforce" the secrecy clause in their contracts (and not in court, mind you). It is too easy to create a media circus around these things, and the next thing you know, there are laws, licenses, mailorder schools, and fee regulations. We don't want that, and thus the strict protection of our art.

Most high-profile ghost-hunters that one sees in books, magazines, and on television, are not of this discipline, but are merely common attentions-starved thrill-seekers who simply want to see ghosts and document them, but lack the means to remove them. In conclusion, I would like to comment that these five categories are only categories for the convenience of classification. In reality, there are hybrids as well as certain anomalies which lie outside these five that I have named.

Chapter IX. Glossary

Ethics Related to Witchcraft

Don't manipulate others and force them to do things against their will. It's not worth the consequences (I didn't believe there would be any until I experienced a few myself). There is so much free energy and so many free resources that it is virtually unnecessary to manipulate (e.g. bend others to your will without giving them a choice) in order to obtain your goals. If you're ever in doubt as to whether you should do something to or for someone, just imagine how you'd feel if someone did the same thing to you without giving you a choice.

Don't use magick as a form of escapism from physical reality. You'll only end up living in and hoping for a fantasy future that never comes. Plan for the future, learn from the past, but LIVE in the present and don't neglect the physical realm. Support your magickal workings with physical action to ensure good results. The physical realm is a great mirror for reflecting your personal internal problems and issues back to yourself (through social interactions).

If you're not successful with human interaction in the physical realm, and you're not successful with establishing a comfortable (to you) physical existence for yourself through normal means, then how can you expect to become a successful magickian?

Help only those who are willing to help themselves. I know this one sounds selfish, but it avoids wasting time and energy on people who want you to do all the work while they sit back and allow you to spoon-feed them. Such individuals usually don't want to change or fix the root of their problem (which is usually in themselves). They only want a quick fix that will allow them to remain the same. That is why I prefer only to help those who are at least willing to help themselves (even if they're not in a position to do so). Ultimately, regardless of whatever direction you decide to pursue from here, you'll have to figure out a way to put all this stuff together into One system- YOUR OWN. The solitary non-traditionalist would have an advantage here, having been developing his own personal system and ways of viewing reality all along (although in many cases such views are eclectic and often not compatible with mainstream magick systems).

List of All


Black- Banishing, Crone Magik, Mourning, Loss, Meditation, Feminine Divine, Absorbing and banishing negativity, Sahmain.

Blue- Peace, Healing, Tranquility, Truth, Sleep, Prophetic Dreams, Friendship,Physical Protection, Hope.

Brown- Animal Magik, Home, Locate Lost Object, Grounding.

Gold- Solar Deities, Honor Gods.

Grey- Neutral.

Green- Beauty, Employment, Fertility, Healing, Success, Good Luck, Prosperity, Money, Masculine Divine.

Orange- Creativity, Attraction, Stimulate Energy, Legal Matters, Success, New Home, Intelligence, Mental Clarity.

Pink- Love, Honor, Friendship, Fidelity, Femininity

Purple- Psychic Ability, Wisdom, Spirituality, Success, Independence, Spiritual Growth, Power, Healing, Feminine Divine.

Red- Lust, Strength, Courage, Power, Health, Energy, Vitality, Love, Will Power.

Silver-Remove Negativity, Encourage Stability, Psychic Protection, Honor Goddess, Telepathy, Clairvoyance.

White- Meditation, Healing, Truth, Peace, Spiritual Strength, Lunar Magik, Purity, Protection, Happiness, Masculine Divine.

Yellow- Charm, Confidence, Attraction, Wisdom, Visions, Psychic Powers, Mental Powers, New Home.


Blue Berry - Burn to keep unwanted influences away from your home and property

Blue Roses- Specially crafted to honor the Goddess in all her aspects Carnations - A sweet floral scent traditionally used for healing Cherry - Sacred to Venus, this blend will attract and stimulate love Cinnamon - Use to gain wealth and success

Coconut - Burn for protection and purification

Copal - Sacred to the Mayan and Aztecs, this blend is suitable for honoring the Gods

Frankincense - Draw upon the energy of the sun to create sacred space, consecrate objects, and stimulate positive vibrations

Honeysuckle - Burn for good health, luck, and psychic power

Jasmine - For luck in general, especially in matters relating to love

Lotus - For inner peace and outer harmony, to aid in meditation and open the mind's eye

Musk - Burn for courage and vitality, or to grow sensual passion

Myrrh -An ancient incense for protection, healing, purification and spirituality

Passionflower - For peace of mind, this sweet scent will soothe troubles and aid in sleep

Patchouli Patchouli - An earthy scent used in money and attraction spells Pine - Burn for strength, and to reverse negative energies

Rose - For love magick, and to return calm energies to the home Sandalwood -A delicious all purpose scent used to heal and protect, also for purification

Spice - A fiery scent to be charged for any magick

Spirit - Raise your personal vibration, attract spirit guides and honor your personal deity

Strawberry - For love, luck and friendship

Tangerine - A solar aroma used to attract prosperity

Temple - A devotional incense for the altar during ritual

Vanilla - Stimulate amorous appetites and enhance memory

Mystic Blends (OILS)

Ancient Wisdom- with Solomon Seal root to encourage in intuitive wisdom.

Attraction- with Cinnamon bark to draw good spirits, love and luck.

Clear Mind- with Lemon Verbena to clear the mind for the insight and problem solving.

Fire of Passion-with Patchouly leaf to potently increase desire and passion.

Garden of Delight- with Jasmine blossoms to strengthen the sexual chakra.

Good Luck- with Squill root to increase good fortune.

Healing- with Peppermint to amplify the healing.

Inspiration-with Clove to promote positive thoughts forms. Lodestone- with Lodestone chips to enhance magnetism in any situation. Love Drawing- with Red Rose petals to draw love and affection.

Meditation- with Myrrh to heighten and enhance the meditative state. Money Drawing- with Frankincense to attract material gain Peace- with Cardamon pods to promote peaceful conditions.

Prosperity- with Allspice to promote abundance in all areas.

Protection- with Rue leaves to develop immunity to negative vibrations. Psychic Power - with Mugwort to focus psychic energy and gain visions. Purification- with Vetivert for spiritual cleansing and purification.

Spirit Guide- with Acacia flower to aid in spirit guide communication. Success- with Orris root to strengthen endeavors and overcome obstacles.

Herbal Blends

Almond Musk -with Natural Almond Slices. A sensuous, herbal musk, lightly brightened with almond.

Coco Rose - with Red Rose Petals. Blended oils of Coconut and Rose, fluent and sweet.

Honey Rose -with Red Rose Petals. A lively floral combination of Honeysuckle and Rose.

Jasmine Rose - with Jasmine Blossoms. A classic and elegant blend of Jasmine and Rose.

Lavender Bouquet - with French Lavender Buds, Lavender and Gardenia. Luxurious and fresh.

Lotus & Tulips - with sliced Lotus Root. A sweet and exotic blend. Patchouly Musk - with Patchouly Leaf, full bodied and earthy.

Spicey Musk - with Cinnamon Bark. A bright, woody combination.

Sweet Patchouly - with Patchouly Leaf. Warm, rich patchouly with a pleasing vanilla overtone.

Vanilla Orange - with Orange Blossom Petals. Joyful and fresh with a subdued and comforting sweetness.

Pure Fragrance Oils:

Amber - Success, Good Fortune

Anise - Peaceful Sleep, Youthfulness

Bergamot - Money, Success

Cinnamon - Attraction, Speed

Coconut - Purification, Peace, Intuition

Frankincense - Purification, Luck

Frank & Myrrh - Protection, Purification, Spirituality Gardenia - Love, Peace Heliotrope - Healing, Wealth Honeysuckle - Money, Psychic Powers Jasmine - Spiritual Love

Lavender - Healing, Peace, Love

Lily - Protection Lilac- Protection

Lotus -Protection, Healing, Spirituality

Magnolia - Fidelity

Patchouly - Love, Money, Fertility

Peach -Love, Fertility

Peppermint - Healing, Luck

Rose - Love, Healing, Beauty

Sage - Wisdom, Purification

Ylang Ylang - Opportunity, Peace

Vanilla - Love, Lust Violet- Love, Healing, Peace

Wisteria - Mental Powers

Sandalwood - Protection, Purification, Spirituality


Beayty -Amber, Cat's Eye, Jasper, Opal, Zircon

Courage -Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian Diamond, Tiger's Eye

Divination -Azurite, Flint, Hematite, Jet, Moonstone, Amethyst, Sodallite Obsidian

Dreams - Amethyst, Charoite, Sugilite, Flourite

Friendship - Pink Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Turquoise

Grounding - Hematite, Kunzite, Obsidian, Jet, Salt, Black Tourmaline Healing -Agate, Amber, Adventurine, Calcite, Coral, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Jade, Malachite

Longevity - Agate, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood

Love-Alexandrite, Amber, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Lepidolite, Pearl, Moonstone, Rose Quartz

Magickal Power - Bloodstone, Malachite, Ruby, Flourite

Meditation - Geodes, Sapphire, Sodalite

Mental Ability- Adventurine, Emerald, Zircon

Prosperity - Adventurine, Calcite, Emerald, Jade, Peridot, Staurolite, Malachite, Green Tourmaline

Peace - Aquamarine, Lepidolite, Rhodonite, Blue Tourmaline Physical Energy - Beryl, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Red Zircon, Citrine Protection -Agate, Calcite, Apache Tear, Lapis, Mica, Obsidian, Topaz, Clear quartz Psychic Ability - Amethyst, Sodalite, Chaurolite, Lapis, Holey Stones Sexual Energy - Carnelian, Sunstone, Citrine, Jasper

Spirituality - Lepidolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Lapis, Moonstone

Wisdom - Sugilite, Chrysocolla, Sodalite

Enchantment - Flourite, Amethyst, Sugilite

Goddess - Moonstone, Chrysocolla

God - Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone

Useful Terms and Words Explained

Altar - A surface, usually flat, that is set aside exclusively for magickal workings and is used as a focus of power.

Anointing Oil - A skin-safe, scented oil that is dabbed on the body (at chosen pulse points or on the forehead) in order to purify and individual mentally and spiritually.

Blue Moon -When there are two Full Moons in one calendar month, the second is called a Blue Moon.

Calling the Quarters - Verbal or symbolic acknowledgement of the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire Water) in a ritual environment.

Casting a Circle - Creating a mental magickal bubble that encloses the ritual area or an individual (as in protective magick). The circle enhances one's ability to focus, raise power, and contain that power until the person directing the ritual is ready to release the energy.

Cauldron - An iron pot, of any size, used to prepare ritual magicks, herbals, infusions, and so on. The cauldron is a symbol of the womb and the birth process, the ability to transform oneself into a more spiritual individual.

Centering - A meditation exercise designed to produce feelings of total calm and one-ness with the universe. It should be preceded by grounding.

Chalice - A cup, made from a variety of materials, that represents the Goddess. It is a symbol of potential.

Clan - Any number of covens who have agreed to follow the same kinds of rules, which spring from one central governing source. A clan has a single leader, and within the democratic clan governing system he or she had the power to veto proposals or actions of the group.

Correspondence -An item that has a magickal association.

Correspondences include: days, planets, stars, monthly Moons, angels, herbs, deities, oils, colors, Zodiac signs, hours, magickal alphabets, divinatory tools such as the Tarot, I-Ching, runes, etc., and many more. If you stick with your magickal training you will eventually learn all, or most, of these correspondences by heart.

Coven - A small group of people who work together in magick, ritual, and religious activities within the Craft. The traditional number for a coven was thirteen, but covens can be as large as twenty or as few as three individuals.

Crescent Moon - Sacred symbol of the Goddess. Used for Sabbats, women's healing and invocations.

Daily Devotions - The practice of acknowledging Deity in your life once or twice a day.

Deity (or Divinity) -Your understanding of a divine spiritual form: Spirit, God/dess or similar.

Deosil - Moving in a clockwise direction.

Divination -To foretell the future or check on past or current circumstances by using one's connection to Spirit, one's mind, and a chosen tool (Tarot cards, scrying, I-Ching, runes, astrology, cowry shells, and so on.) Drawing Down the Moon - To connect with Spirit by drawing the power of the Moon into the body, mind, and spirit, usually during a ritual or rite. A way of honoring the Goddess.

Eclipse -When one heavenly body obscures another for a short period of time, creating a temporary veil or shadow. For example, a Solar (Sun) eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blotting out some or all of the Sun's light.

Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Witches believe also in a fifth element - Spirit.

Empowering -Also called "loading". This means to fill an object with divine energy for a specific magickal purpose or manifestation.

Equal-armed Cross - A cross symbol with equally sized arms, used to seal a magickal working.

Esbat - The monthly meeting of Witches to celebrate the Full or New Moon. Most Witches use the term "Circle," rather than Esbat, and many groups meet more than once a month. The meeting is much like the weekly celebrations you might have at a church. A Witch who works alone can hold an Esbat whenever, and as often as he or she would like. A solitary Esbat can last from fifteen minutes to over an hour. How you plan your ritual is up to you.

God/Goddess -Blanket titles for the universal male and female energy celebrated by the Witches. Together, their combined power equals Spirit. Grounding - A meditation exercise that allows the mind to focus in a positive way on a specific visualization. To sink excel energy into the Earth or to calm rampant energy in the body. Grounding should be followed by centering.

Holy Water - Blessed, purified water for use in ritual. Salt or an herb may be added to the water as part of its ritual purification process. Water taken from a thunderstorm will react differently than water taken from the tap. Witches learn what various types of water can be used for.

Invocation - To call Spirit into a circle, ritual, rite or magickal working. Lady - Title of honor for the Goddess.

Lord - Title of honor for the God.

Magick - The art and science of focusing your will and emotions to effect change both in the world around you and in the world within you. In itself, magick is neither good nor evil, positive nor negative. It is the use of the power that determines what kind of path it will take.

Meditations - Mental, stress-relieving exercises used to draw body, mind, and spirit into a single focus, in order to enhance the quality of life. Daily meditation practices help to promote a healthier outlook on life. Daily meditation practices help to promote a healthier outlook on life and can facilitate healing in the sick.

Moon Void of Course - An astrological term. At the end of each passage of the Moon through a sign (usually every two or three days) the Moon leaves behind her last aspect (sharing energy with another planet) and prepares to enter a new sign. At this point she is said to be "Void of Course" -- that is, without a course, or direction. This stage lasts from a few hours to a few days, during which strange things can happen. Avoid making major decisions or planning important events.

Pentacle - A magickal symbol consisting of a pentagram - a five-pointed star -- pointing upward and enclosed by a circle. Worshipped by the ancients, its meaning is "life" or "health". It is worn as a symbol of a Witch's belief and used in magickal workings and ceremonies. Each point on the star relates to the five magickal Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. The Pentacle has never indicated anything evil, and if a person uses a pentacle and does nasty things it is a sure sign that they haven't a clue what they are doing.

Phases of the Moon - The stages of our Moon's journey around the Earth. One complete orbit of the Moon around the Earth is called a lunar cycle and takes just under a month. During its journey the Moon passes from New to Full and back to New, going through various stages in between, such as a Crescent Moon. There are eight Moon phases or stages (spread across four quarters) per cycle, and thirteen lunar cycles per year.

Planetary Hour - Also called a magickal hour. Divisions of night and day that are guided by astrological influences and the energies of the various planets. Most serious Craft books and astrological texts carry this information.

Quarters of the Moon -- Astronomical measurement of the Moon's cycle as it journeys around the Earth. The first and second quarters encompass the stages from New to Full Moon, while the third and fourth quarters represent the journey back from Full to New.

Sabbat -- A Witchcraft ceremony of honor acknowledging the eight segments of the Wiccan year, the cycle of the seasons, and the influence of Spirit in our lives. There are eight Sabbats, also called High Holy Days. Sacred Space - An area cleansed by the four elements and used for religious purposes. You can also create sacred space around your bed if you have trouble sleeping, are in a sick room, and so on.

Sacred Spiral - A Wiccan symbol that represents "coming into being" death and rebirth and the cycle of life. Single and double spirals were among the most sacred signs of Neolithic Europe, and the spiral still plays an important part in magickal workings.

Scrying Mirror - A mirror used for divination purposes. It is painted black on one side and dipped or painted with an herbal wash to enhance the power of its reflective surface. The mirror may also feature magickal sigils. Sigil --A type of symbol. A magickally oriented seal, sign, glyph (sculptured character or symbol) or other device used in a magickal working. The most powerful sigils are those that you create yourself. Sigils can be used on letters, packages, clothing, paper, or tucked in your pocket.

"So Mote It Be" - A much-used expression in WitchCraft. "Mote" means "must" in Old English, so the expression is saying: "As I will, it must be done."

Spell - A kind of prayer, spoken or unspoken, that may also use a variety of physical tools (herbs, string, candles, and so on) to help the practitioner's mind to focus on their desire.

Spirit - Your personal concept of God/dess -- the energy-force that "runs" the universe.

Talisman - An object - a gemstone, a drawing, whatever - that has been magickally charged and is then carried in order to help the bearer in some way. The charging of the talisman is most important; it can be discharged under running water. The word "talisman" is said to come from the Arabic words talis ma, or "magick writing". Talismans work under planetary influences.

Widdershins - Moving in a counter-clockwise direction. Word from Bob

This book ends here, but I’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you more tips at: bob@oldwitchcraft.com.

I’d like you to also read those amazing gifts that I’ve given you. Take notes. Print them. Practice everything that you have learned and become a powerful wizard or witch that truly has the power to make miraculous things.