Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding - Baal Kadmon 2015

Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding - Baal Kadmon 2015

Since Jinn are not devils and demons, the only corollaries, we can come up with from the western traditions are beings such as fairies, goblins and even extraterrestrials. All those nature spirits and element als are considered Jinns to some. Whether fairies or extraterrestrials are, in fact, Jinn is not for me to say because I don't really know. When I interact with Earth spirits, I do not have a predefined notions of what they are, they are earth spirits. As far as aliens are concerned, I have to believe, just on a statistical basis that we aren't alone in this universe, but in the end, it is up to the reader to determine this.

The Jinn, like humans have genders, although they can shape shift into anything they want. The male counterpart is called “Jinni," and the female is “Jinniyah." So far, in my own practice, I THINK 1 have been encountering Jinni; it's not always easy to tell unfortunately. 1 could have very well been working with Jinniyah. In the end, it does not really matter.

As I mentioned. Jinn and humans live very much side-by-side. Supposedly, they also might outnumber us as well. A saying ascribed to Mohammed, the founder of Islam states, "God divided the jinn and the humans into ten parts. One part makes up the human race, and the other nine parts is made up of the Jinn." What this tells me is that they are everywhere. And after my experience with them, 1 believe it.

Marriage between Humans and the Jinn

As odd as this might sound, there are accounts of Jinn and Humans marrying,

Stories abound and quite common ones at that that Men have married Jinniyah and women marrying Jinni. The Islamic theologian Lbn Taymiyyah 1263-1328 reports" Humans and Jinn have gotten married and have had children as a result of their marriage". This, 1 am sure you can imagine is not condoned in Islam nor is marriage of any spirit to a human in any religion, for that matter; at least not in such a direct manner.

The Mortality of Jinn

Jinn, like humans do die, regarding how long they live is not quite clear. They mirror us in so many ways perhaps they could have similar lifespans or perhaps slightly longer. Our life span is based on certain genetic and environmental conditions. Since the Jinn do not have bodies such as ours perhaps they have some kind of “ethereal’’ genetic code in which epigenetic factors trigger “spiritual diseases”. One thing is clear though, they do get sick and die. How this is possible is yet unknown.

Where do the Jinn reside?

Folklore mentions that Jinn tend to live in places that are either “unclean” or abandoned. Such as bathrooms, cemeteries, and ruins. How they actually live in these places is not known since they have elaborate communities and it would seem difficult that they would live in such places. My theory is that they may “Haunt” these places, but live on earth but in a parallel dimension. This harkens back to certain earth spirits, although they might live in the forest or the rivers, they clearly do not live in the physical aspects of the forest and river but in some otherwise unseen dimension within our own and within those very aspects of nature to which they are most connected to.

What Kind of Abilities do the Jinn have?

The Jinn have a vast array of powers we do not have. What we seek to have they already have. One of which is the ability to move at speeds that can only be comparable to the speed of light, or at least fast enough that as the Quran said "A twinkle of an eye". In the Quran, chapter 27: 39-40 recounts of the King Solomon’s interaction with a specific Jinn. It appears Solomon needed something quickly and this Jinn promised him it would be done with great speed.

As I mentioned earlier, they are adept at shapeshifting into any form they please. They seems to love appearing as a black dog, but have been known to manifest as cats, donkeys, and camels amongst other animals such as a snake. But what is interesting is that when they come as a snake, they might be "good" Jinn". It is said that Jinns who embrace Islam often show up as snakes and that Mohammed forbad the killing of snakes because of this. There is one caveat though, if the snake did not leave your path or your home after pronouncing Allah 3 times, then it is bad jinn. It is only then can you kill it. They have myriad other powers such as bestowing favors of all kinds unto mankind. We will touch upon that later in the book.

D o the J inn have Free will?

The Jinn according to Islamic lore have free will and can make their own choices and need to Eve with those choices. Especially choices of religion. This baffled me the most. Jinn can actually be Muslim, Jewish Christian etc. Since the Quran is the holy book of Islam it is easy to understand that it would say that Jinns should embrace Islam but they can also embrace other religions. Within the Quran it states that the Jinn too have spiritual messengers that either lead them stray or lead them on the right path. Quran 6:130 states "you assembly of jinn and mankind! Did not there come to you Messengers from amongst you, reciting unto you My verses and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They will say: IVe bear witness against ourselves. It was the life of this world that deceived them. And they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers”

Clearly they too have similar beliefs. The Quran goes on to quote Jinn directly in Quran 72:11 “There are among us some that are righteous, and some the contrary; we are groups having different ways (religious sects)’\ It certainly can’t get clearer than that. Interestingly enough, the devil or ibliss who was a Jinn himself has powers over Jinn who not only taunt humans but taunt other Jinn. There are parallel heavens and hells for humans and Jinn In which they are rewarded or punished for their misdeeds. It’s within this free will that makes it interesting to work with them. We will cover that, but before we do, let me describe the various different type of Jinn.

The Different Classes of Jinn

In this chapter I will discuss the 5 major types of Jinn. These 5 are the most common. There are more however, but they are mostly from Local legends and folklore.


Pronounced as eff-freet and means Kto rub with dust” in Arabic. Some say it is in fact a persona name after the root word Afritan which means " to create” I believe Afritan is the proper definition.

This class of Jinn is knowing to be very intelligent and are usually rising within societies very much like humans. The Effrit tend to haunt subterranean places and caves. They can manifest as either demonic or as good natured. They are effective in magick but you must be careful because they are often known for being conniving and manipulative. They know human nature a bit too well and know how to pushbuttons, But they are also great at getting things done and when you ask them to do something, they are often quite effective. In the Quran, it is said that King Solomon is said used this class of Jinn to do various tasks for him. We will cover that in the next chapter.


Pronounced as Ma-Rid. This means “ Rebellious” in Arabic.

This class is often depicted as being rather large and have a very imposing presence. This was the class of Jinn that Aladdin supposedly worked with in the 1001 Arabian Nights. They tend to respond best with rituals that involve bodies of water or water in general. They are wishful-fulfilling Genies.


Pronounced as Ghoul. In Arabic this name means " To Seize”

This class of Jinn is generally trouble and as their name suggest have monstrous personalities and do not have a decent, good natured bone in their "bodies”. They Love places like graveyards and are not fond of humanity and are very hard to control. They can inflict serious harm. We will not be calling on them in this book. It is just too dangerous even for the most adept magician.


Pronounced Ve-Ta-La. Could not find an exact definition of the name.

This class of Jinn are interesting for many reasons. They seem to be a class of being that was borrowed from the ancient Indian traditions and can be found in the Yogini Tantras. They are supposedly vampiric in nature. They are said to possess humans who have recently deceased. This possession halts the decay process so in a sense the body becomes a kind of walking dead. A Zombie as it were, but will look alive and well. They are also superb shape shifters and use that ability often. To those they have rapport with, they bestow psychic abilities of all sorts. They are considered somewhat neutral in temperament. They can appear both good and bad to the person looking to control them.


Pronounced Sea-LA. Could not find an exact definition of the name.

This class of Jinn is "safest” to work with since they tend to be look more favorably to humans, They are considered rare but that is not been my experience with them. They seem to readily come when called. If they decide to manifest in front of the magician they often show as female. Since they didn’t actually manifest in front of me, I cannot say if this is true.

They are considered to be the best of the shape shifting Jinn, Their intelligent is unrivaled amongst the Jinn classes and there for more can be expected of them. As 1 mentioned, they like to interact with us and therefore they will cross the veil without much hesitation. Despite this, you still need to be respectful and on your guard. But not because they have ill intent, it is just that, well, they are Jinn after all and can unintentionally cause harm... they can get overinvolved as it were.

According to Jinn theology, the Jinn are ruled over by 7 Jinn kings that also corresponds to the 7 days of the week. This is important to note since we will be using the essence of these kings to create more powerful rituals.

The Kings are:

Sunday: Al-Mudhlb

Monday: Murrah al-Abyad Abu al-Harith

Tuesday: Abu Mihriz (or Abu Ya'qub) Al-Ahmar

Wednesday: Barqan Abu al-'Adja'yb

Thursday: Shamhurish

Friday: Abu Hasan Zoba’ah

Saturday: Abu Nuh Maimun

In the next chapter, I will give a brief overview of King Solomon’s use of the Jinn.

King Solomon and the Jinn

Solomon and the Demons

It is said that King Solomon had great powers over the Jinn and angels for that matter but it also known that Solomon gained his vast wisdom by calling upon these forces. This was a rich ancient tradition that went even further back than Jesus and Eves quite vibrantly in Islam. The reason we know this is because Jesus makes an interesting if not somewhat veiled reference to Solomon's power. Mathew 12:42’’ The queen of Sheba will also stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is he re-but you refuse to listen."

Although Jesus is mentioning that he is of greater wisdom than Solomon, he still mentioned Solomon because he knows that Solomon was considered the wisest person on earth. This, of course, can be gleaned from reading the Old Testament book of kings, as well as the Jewish literature books Ecclesiastes, Lamentations and Proverbs that are often ascribed to Solomon. There is, however another passage that is a bit more direct in the book of "The Testament of Solomon" which is an Old Testament pseudepi graphic al book is littered with direct references that Solomon used Jinn to build the temple as well as using them for other purposes. Although in those books they often refer to them as demons. This book is in the

public domain and can be readily found online by searching the title. It is the above mentioned book that the greater keys of Solomon and other magickal texts were eventually derived. There is another text that references Solomon's use of Jinn. The Apocalypse of Adam, which is a Gnostic Gospel found in the Cache of Gnostic gospels in Nad Hammadi, contains references to a legend in which Solomon sends out his Jinn minions to seek a virgin who ran away from him. This text may perhaps be the earliest mentioning that Solomon controlled Jinns and made them his servants and slaves. The above leads me to believe that even Jesus knew of the fact that Solomon has this kind of control over demons and angels. And by saying "...a greater one than Solomon is here../ he was stating that he too has this power. We actually know that he did. Jesus is found controlling demons as many as 25 referenced to him "casting* them out. He clearly had this power as well.

But I digress, Solomon not only controlled the Jinn, they actually were ever present and around him all the time, they were also part of his army. He placed them in bondage and kept them inline as the Quran states “ And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts, of jinn and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks” (Quran 27:17)

Since this book is about magick I won't go that in-depth about Solomon and his history with Jinn, but if you are interested the Quran is one of the best places to find this information. J would also suggest the aforementioned of “The Testament of Solomon”, the Old Testament pseudepigraphical book for many direct references to Solomon’s control over these entities.

The Most Famous Jinn - Satan/Iblis

As stated the Islamic conception of Satan is named Iblis, he is not a devil, demon or an angel for that matter. In this they differ quite a bit from the other western traditions. What Iblis was, was a Jinn. Like the story of "Lucifer” Iblis was a fervent and most loyal and most god fearing spiritual entity in heaven. He was so holy and devote that he used to hold court with the angels. It takes a very rare spiritual being to have the ability to live in the angelic realms and not be an actual angel.

To Iblis dismay, he was about to be tested. God decided to make Adam. He made him out of clay, a substance that Iblis thought was beneath him. Iblis in his curiosity decided to see what this clay figurine was all about. Since Iblis was not made of a dense material he was able to flow inside this clay body. This was, of course before God had placed a soul in Adam.

When God finally placed a soul into Adam, he asked the angels and Iblis to bow down before Adam not in worship but out of respect for Adam and by extension Gods creation abilities. All bowed with the exception of Iblis. (I am sure this sounds awfully familiar). Iblis refused to bow down because he felt that Adam was beneath him ...Even by Gods command... Well, as it goes, when you disobey God, you get in trouble. But in all fairness, God did give Iblis a chance to make things right. Iblis continued to stand his ground. This resulted in Iblis being cursed until the day of judgement. When he realized the gravity of his curse he asked God for a favor. This seems rather odd of him to ask God for anything after essentially spitting in his face. Iblis asks that God give leniency until the final day of resurrection. God grants this to him. Then Iblis in another act of insolence vowed that he would lead all of humanity astray. Not only does he vow this, he swears by the name of God. And god, very reminiscent of the book of Job, challenges Iblis to do this. "Go ahead and lead them astray”. And that he did... Iblis from that moment on be came the great Satan and adversary to humankind.

Up next, my experiences with the Jinn and after that, we will discuss ways to call upon the Jinn.

My Personal Experiences with Jinn

When I started to work with the Jinn I figured this would be no different than working with other entities. I figured even if they are not exactly demons or angels or spirts of the dead, it would be the energy that I was already familiar with to some degree. Well, 1 was very wrong, if anything, these entities were more "in your face*’ than anything I worked with in my occult experience.

I used Jinn for the following purposes

1: Psychic / Telepathic ability

2. For Financial purposes (This was amazing)

The reason I only used them for 2 things is because 1 figured in order to get a feel for them 1 didn’t want to bog down myself with many requests. It’s also the reason I didn't use other magick while using them. The rituals you will learn in the book are all rituals I used for those purposes above. HOWEVER, they can be used for other purposes as well and that is what I will present here. 1 will, of course, us e the above 2 purposes as examples as well.

For my first ritual on Psychic abilities.

All of the rituals worked but this one was a bit more off-putting than, the others and that was because this particular Jinn really messed with my head. Despite being an occultist for decades I was not used to the level of paranormal activity I experienced with this Jinn. But before 1 get into that, let me tell you how this worked for me.

We all want to develop better psychic and telepathic powers so I figured this was an easy one to try. It worked very well. Every single day I experienced some kind of telepathic power. It would display itself as a hushed voice in my right ear and sometimes as a nudge. Sometimes it was relevant to what I wanted to know and other times not. For example, I walked into a local bookstore just when they were opening. 1 went up to the history section (huge history buff here). Suddenly I hear in my ear, my name, but not just my name but it was really loud. I turned around and no one was there, NOT A SOUL. 1 really truly heard it. I thought I was losing my mind, but this happened the day after my first ritual so I thought it must be the Jinn. As the adrenaline rush subsided I decided to sit down and read for a bit. Then 1 saw someone walk in my direction. I immediately felt that I knew quite a bit about this person. Mind you, 1 did not know this person. He sits at my table. The Table is suitable for 2 people facing one another. He left his bag on the table and went to get a book. 1 thought 'he is getting a book written by the Dalai Lama'. Well, that's exactly what he got and mind you, this is a big store and this department contained many topics. As he proceeded to read he let out a sigh. I don't usually make conversation that easily in public places but I felt compelled to say “Interdependent origination is a tough topic isn't?" 1 figured I couldn't lose with that, it would either hit the nail on the head or create conversation about Tibetan Buddhism. He looked at me for a second and said 41 How did you know that’s what I was thinking about?” I just told him that 1 read the book (I didn’t). I couldn’t tell him a Jinn was whispering in my ear lol. I'd be in a padded cell. I had a few other incidences and then suddenly the telepathic power seemed to wane. In fact, I felt off, not so much depressed but sort of foggy. That was nothing though. What transpired over the next few days was truly unnerving.

Every night for about 3 nights, weird things would occur. For one, my dog, she was terrified. For those 3 nights she quivered and kept looking into this one comer. Poor girl. 1 didn't see anything myself, but she was petrified and would run under my desk shaking like a leaf. This girl is a Pitty and is generally brave but she wasn’t for those nights. On top of that, stuff was falling over all the time. I’d hear bumps and thuds throughout the night. One night, with several witnesses present, the top shelf of one of my book cases literally came crashing down and the books scat-

tered all around the living room. The top shelf is where 1 keep the smaller books so it wasn’t the weight. On the third night 1 had just about enough. I went for a walk with my dog and when I got back, my statue of the Goddess Tara that is at the base of my bed was on the floor facedown. 1 didn’t witness the fall but I KNOW it was not on the floor when I left.

At this point I had enough and I rebuked the Jinn and told it to stop doing that. It worked, the noises and events stopped. My dog was back to normal. It is then when I learned that Jinn will listen if you use some force. So that concluded that experience. 1 may use Jinn again for this purpose, but I think I am going to wait a bit. I might need to get tougher next time.

My Second ritual involving finances

I thought that financial magick with Jinn would yield some very tangible results. Like the first experience, the insight was either in my right ear or a nudge.

First encounter: I was taking a walk in NYC just taking it all in. Despite beingborn there and living there 6 months out of the year, I am still taken by it all. NYC is great for occultists by the way, for the most part many of us are introverted so in a sea of people, it is easy to be in your own space. It's ironic how that works. Back to my experience. As 1 was walking down 10th avenue 1 heard in my ear “the next grocery store that sells lotto tickets’". That's all I got. It didn’t say go in or anything. Just "the next grocery store that sells lotto tickets”. After my first encounter with Jinn, I figured it was a good idea to listen. So I go in and they of course have every conceivable lotto game. From scratch-offs, to regular 6 number lotto games. I am not really into gambling, it has never been my thing. But 1 had to buy something, 1 didn't want to look like some freak just walking into the store staring at the lotto games. I looked at the counter where he kept some 5 hour energy (An energy drink) and similar knockoffs as well as some unsavory concoctions to enhance sexual experience. Personally, I would never buy a liquid concoction with a woman and a tiger on it. Doesn’t seem that appealing. So, On top of the counter sat one “Win $2500 a week for life" scratch off ticket. It was all alone there. I asked him if I could buy it and a second one. He said he only had that one. Apparently, when they runout of these kinds of cards, instead of keeping it on the roller that they come on, they just take it and leave it at the counter. So 1 bought it, 5 dollars. One of the cheaper scratch offs from what I saw, some are $20. I felt rather embarrassed to scratch it in front of the guy so 1 decided to do so when 1 got home.

I went home and started to scratch off the numbers to see if any matched any prizes. Well, I did win money, 1 won my 5 dollars back... BUT here is where the miracle happens, I went downstairs to the local bodega (Spanish Grocery store) and decided to cash in the ticket. 1 felt a bit silly that 1 bought a 5 dollar ticket to only win 5. Then that nudge came to buy another ticket but this time from my local store. So I bought another ticket with the 5 1 won. That one I scratched right in the store and, well, I won $ 250.1 had to look several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. No, it was as clear as day. I won $250. If I didn’t hear that initial Jinn on 10th avenue I wouldn’t have even thought about the lotto tickets. So that was very nice 1 have to say. I cashed it right there. They can cash up to 600 from what 1 understand, any more than that and you need to go to the lotto office. So that was very nice. I spent the money buying books and gave some away.

Second encounter: This was certainly not as striking as the first one, but still quite amazing. I tend to walk a lot and again in NYC. I was walking to Eataly a place owned by famed Chef Mario Batali (sp?). I tend to walk from my place along the same avenues in order to cut through faster. But this time, that Jinn Nudge had me take a circuitous route. It took me through 8th avenue. I usually stay on 6th. Anyway, I listen and as I get to west 34th street 1 looked down and there is a 10 dollar bill. I quickly pick it up. 8th is always packed and so you need to move fast. I figured that was nice. I continue my walk, but this time I figure ill go onto 6th now, I thought that the Jinn was finished. Apparently he/she was not. [felt that nudge to stay on 8th for just a bit longer. Finally, I am on the street that I need to be, in order to get to Eataly I need to walk east towards 5th avenue. So I walk and about a block from my destination, there is another 10 dollar bill. I mean really, what are the chances? I have walked the mean streets of NYC since I was a kid and never had such consecutive monetary finds. Sure, I’ll see pennies and occasionally a quarter, but two, 10 dollar bills within 10-15 minutes of each other? Seemed a bit too coincidental if you ask me. So Now I had an extra $20 in my pocket for Eataly. $20 will get you a fork at Eataly, but it was $201 didn’t have before.

After that, I figured I had learned enough about the Jinn energy and felt it was time to write this book. Unlike the first Jinn ritual I performed, this one didn’t come with all the noises and scary events. The Jinn did its thing and it was done. I am sure, if I had spent more time with the financial ritual, it could yield more. 1 will soon; I am curious to see how far this can go.

I did not get into every single thing that has happened but these examples are the ones that truly stood out. They may not sound like that much, but that is only because I did not want to push it too far just yet. In either case, the above is pretty interesting. I would loveto knowhowthejinn work for you. In the next 2 chapters we go into what you need for your rituals and then 7 rituals to the Jinn. Onward!

What You Will Need

If you have read my other books you know that 1 am not one for many ritual paraphernalia. 1 mainly itemizes them be cause I think they can help focus your energy, but other than that I don’t feel they are necessary. Although in some cases they are very much needed and in this case, what I itemize below is essential for calling on the Jinn. Just as a side note, please do not believe that you can bind Jinn to just anything. They are very particular. The below will be a good guide as to what you will need. Luckily, they are not expensive and can be purchased online.

Candles: I used white and black candles for my rituals, I just found I was drawn to use them, do not have any other reason than that. 1 did not feel the need to use the usual color candles such as red and gold etc. You may if you like. The candles I used I purchased on amazon special for these rituals. Here are the ones I purchased. 1 bought 3 of each. 1 didn't use them all but figured I'd get a few more just in case 1 went through them. You can of course use any white orblack candles you like.

White Candle: Richland"- 3" X 3” Hand Poured White Pillar Candle

Black Candle: Richland110 3” X 3” Hand Poured Black Pillar Candle

Incense; I am a big fan of incense, I have incense burning all the time. I am especially fond of frankincense and Myrrh. This brand is very good 100 Incense Sticks - Frankincense &. Myrrh by True Goddess Fragrances

A Mirror; if you can get a mirror like the one below, that would be great, you can put it on your altar. If you don’t have an altar you can use a mirror in your bathroom as well. Although this is not the exact mirror I have, something like this is very useful. Any vanity mirror will do really. If you could use it just for the Jinn rituals that would be preferred. Danielle D179 Midnight Matte Soft Touch Rectangular Mirror, Black

Crystals: This is absolutely essential for binding the Jinn. Although any authentic crystals will do, these are the most powerful and are thought to be the best conduit for Jinn energy. If you can get them embedded into rings or pendants that would be even better. But if you can't, tumbled stones will do. PLEASE NOTE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE CRYSTALS YOU CAN USE A RING OR PIECE OF JEW-LERY THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.

Sunstone: You can find them on amazon. 1 got my crystals from a local store. Sunstone Healing Crystal

Quartz: You can find them on amazon. I got my crystals from a local store. 7 pcs Tumble Polished Crystal Stones, Clear Quartz, Size 1/2 to 1 Inch, TS71

Bloodstone: You can find them on amazon. 1 got my crystals from a local store. Blood Stone High Grade Tumbles

Agate: You can find them on amazon. I got my crystals from a local store. Fire Agate Tumble Stone(25-30mm) Single Stone

Amethyst: You can find them on amazon. I got my crystals from a local store. Amethyst Tumble Stone (1 5-20mm) 5 Pack

Moonstone: You can And them on amazon. 1 got my crystals from a local store. Moonstone Tumble Stone (2O-25mm) - 20 Pack

Black Onyx: You can find them on amazon. 1 got my crystals from a local store.

Crystal Allies Materials: 1 /21b Bulk Tumbled Black Onyx Stones from Brazil -Large 1" Polished Natural Crystals for Reiki Crystal Healing -Wholesale Lot4

That is all you will need. Before you buy any crystals please take a look at the rituals first, if you only want to do one ritual for one purpose you will not need every stone, just the stone for your particular ritual... Let us now move on to the rituals.

The 7 Jinn Rituals

We have finally gotten to the chapter we have all been waiting for.. .The rituals.

Before 1 go into this, please note that A Jinn, as I mentioned is a being based on free will and it too is free like we are so keep in mind that Jinn are not to be bound indefinitely. Use them for a purpose like 1 have and then let them go. If you try to keep them indefinitely you will pay a price. What price that will be, f do not know...You have been warned.

Here is what we will be calling on the Jinn to assist us with:

  • 1. For Healing

  • 2. Psychic Powers

  • 3. Protection against Psychic and physical attacks.

  • 4. Mind expansion, gaining insight be it spiritual or mundane,

  • 5. General Finaneial Ritual

  • 6. To find love or lust

  • 7. To conquer your enemies (be careful with this one)

You will see that the rituals are very much similar. This is by design. Even if a particular ritual doe sn’t apply to you, please read the text for it. I add extra insight to each ritual th at can help you.

Calling On a Jinn for Healing

As I stated earlier, the Jinn have access to energy and power we do not have access to. This gives them not only the sight to see what we cannot see, but the ability to manipulate nature in ways we only read about in Sci-fi novels. Although they may have a hard time healing themselves, they are able to give us insight into healing ourselves. This healing can come as an outright healing or a nudge for you to get a special kind of help from a doctor. This is why you must keep an open mind when you use a Jinn. They may or may not heal your ills outright. But they may give you a nudge in the right direction so you can find the help you need. From my experience, they nudge and their nudges are unmistakable. With that, let us proceed with our first ritual.

Since we have a few items to account for, let me show you how to setup your altar or table. This setup will be the same with every rituals. Despite that, I will state the following for each ritual.

Altar Setup




  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. 1 say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about the health issue you want resolution for.

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Sunday as follows:

"Ch great Jinn King Al-Mudhib ( ALmoodheeb) I ask and demand of you that you send one of your supplicants to my aide. That they assist me in the healing of. In the name of the Great King Solomon who bound you. Send your emissary my way.

  • 6. Pick up the Sunstone or your jewelry. Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say “By the power of Al-Mudhib ( Al-mood-heeb) I bind you this stone to help me heal

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you Can’t see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. Then say “You are bound by me, by this stone to heal me of.

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the sunstone with you wherever you go until you get what you asked for.

  • 14. When the Jinn answers you, you can Let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an open mind, your answer may come in ways you aren’t expecting.

Calling on Jinn for Psychic Powers

We all hope want psychic powers. We all want to know want to know what others are thinking and. to know what the future holds for us. The Jinn we will call here can help us. This is the ritual I used for my need for psychic power [mentioned in the last chapter

Altar Setup





  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. 1 say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about the psychic power you want. If there is a specific power you want, please keep this in mind.

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Monday as follows:

“Oh great Jinn Murrah aLAbyad Abu al-Harith (Moora- Al Abyad-Aboo-AlHarit) I ask and demand of you that you send one of your supplicants to be my guide and voice. That they assist me in enhancing my telepathic and psychic powers. In the name of the Great King Solomon who bound you. Send your emissary my way. Do not tarry.

  • 6. Pickup the Quartz or your jewelry. Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say “By the power of Moor a- Al Abyad -Aboo- Al Harit I bind you this stone to help me attain psychic powers.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The Erst name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. The ns ay “You are bound by me, by this Quartz stone to provide me with the abilities I request.

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Quartz with you wherever you go until you get what you asked for.

  • 14. When the Jinn answers you, you can let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an open mind that you might hear a whisper in your ear/s or a nudge. Heed it.

Calling on Jinn for Protection against Psychic and Physical Attacks.

There will always be people who want to harm us. Either they are jealous of us or they are simply the kind of person who just likes to bring harm unto people. In either case, these people may employ magickal devices and even physical ones to harm us. This ritual for Jinn help will repel them. Just be sure you want to do this. Despite the fact that you will have control of this Jinn, it might do something rash. Make sure this is the ritual you need to repel you attackers. If you don’t care what the outcome will be, by all means employ this Jinn.

Altar Setup


Black candle white camexe


  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. I say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about the psychic protection you need against your attackers. If it is physical attackers think about them as well.

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Tuesday as follows:

°Oh great King of the Jinn Abu Mlhriz (or Abu Ya'qub) Al-Ahmar (Aboo-meh-hreez Al ah-mar) 1 ask and demand of you that you send one of your supplicants to protect me from my enemies. That they assist me in repelling those who wish to harm me in the flesh and in spirit. In the name of the Great King Solomon who bound you. Send your emissary my way. Do not tarry, 1 need assistance NOW.

  • 6. Pick up the Bloodstone or your jewelry Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say "By the power of Aboo-meh-hreez Al ah-mar I bind you to protect me from my enemies.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The Erst name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. Then say “You are bound by me, by this Bloodstone to provide me the protection I need.

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Bloodstone with you wherever you go until you feel you are adequately protected.

  • 14. Wh en the Jinn answers you, you c an let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an open mind that you might hear a whisper in your ear/s or a nudge. It might save your life.

Jinn Ritual for Mind expansion, gaining insight be it spiritual or mundane.

I have yet to meet a person who does not have issues they need to resolve. Many of these issues seem almost impossible to figure out. For many of us, issues follow us throughout our lives. Whether it be issues of worthiness, inadequacy, self-confidence and even addiction. Often we want to gain insight into these issues but it alludes us. This ritual will help. This can help with mundane issues as well all the way to lofty issues in the spiritual realm. In general, this ritual is for gaining insight. Let us begin.

Altar Setup




  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. I say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about the issue you need to gain insight on

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Wednesday as follows:

"Oh great King of the Jinn Barqan Abu al-'Adja'yb ( Bar-can- Aboo - Ab-ja-yib). I ask and demand of you that you send one of your elect to give me the guidance I need. Give me the same attention you have given King Solomon. So may it be.

  • 6. Pick up the Agate oi your jewelry. Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say "By the power of Bar-can- Aboo - Ab-ja-yib I bind you to me.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. Then say “You are bound by me, by this Agate to provide me the insight I so desire and need.

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Agate with you wherever you go until you feel you have gained the insight you needed.

  • 14. When the Jinn answers you, you can let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an open mind that you might hear the insight you need.

Jinn Ritual for Finances

As you probably know this world is unlivable without adequate finances. It seems that most people are struggling. This ritual can help you. As you read in a previous chapter this ritual worked for me and I didn’t even give it the full attention I could give it. 1 can only imagine how much more powerful it would be if one were to use this exclusively. Here is what I used to experience what I have.

Altar Setup




  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. I say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about how you would like your financial issue to be resolved. It may not resolve exactly as you wish. He open to alternatives.

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Thursday as follows:

“Oh great King of the Jinn Shamhurish ( Sham-Who-rish) I ask and demand of you that you send one of your swiftness supplicants to help with my financial issue. Help me as you have helped the great king Solomon.

  • 6. Pick up the Amethyst or your jewelry Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say “By the power of Sham-Who-rish I bind you to this stone.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn,

  • 11. Then say "You are bound by me, by this Amethyst to provide me the insight and or the means to help in my financial issue,

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Amethyst with you wherever you go until you feel you feel you are satisfied with your results.

  • 14. When the Jinn answers you, you can let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an open mind and ponder what you hear from the Jinn. For all you know, the idea could be the one to change your financial life.

Jinn Ritual for Love and Lust

Let’s face it, we all desire love and we all desire sex. Some want a deep and abiding relationship and some just want a fling. The Jinn involved in this ritual can give you either of those or both. 1 will supply the wording for both the pursuit of love and lust. Let us summon it, shall we?

Altar Setup


BlaCk CanDlE white candle



  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. 1 say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about what you want. Is it love or just lust?

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Friday as follows:

"Oh great King of the Jinn Abu Hasan Zoba'ah ( Aboo Hasan* Zo-ba-ha) I ask and demand of you that you send one of your Servant to bring me the love of another human to cherish, let me find the Love as Solomon found his love in Queen Sheba" ....Or for Lust "Oh great King of the Jinn Abu Hasan Zoba'ah ( Aboo Hasan- Zo-ba-ha) I ask and demand of you that you send one of your Servant to bring me the lustful consort of my choosing, let him/her bring me excitement and pleasure at my calling"

  • 6. Pick up the Moonstone or your jewelry Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say " By the power of Aboo Ha san- Zo-ba-ha I bind yo u to this stone so that you will find the lover of my desire.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can't see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound,

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. Then say “You are bound by me, by this Moonstone to do as I please."

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Moonstone with you wherever you go until you feel you feel you are satisfied with your results.

  • 14. When the Jinn answers you, you can let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please keep an eye out for flirtations and the like. If you are using online dating, if you feel the urge to contact someone DO SO. That could very well be A Jinn nudge.

Jinn Ritual to Conquer Your Enemies

Before I proceed I’d like to give fair warning. The Jinn are not always subtle. If you have an enemy you want to conquer be careful. The Jinn may harm this person or persons irreparably and may even cause a fatality. You have been warned.

Altar Setup


Black candls white cahdle


  • 1. Preferably you will be in a dark room. 1 say this because the smoke of the incense and the candle flames will allow you to see the Jinn if they appear to you. They did not appear to me, but they might to you.

  • 2. Light the candles and the incense.

  • 3. Site quietly for a moment and think about your enemy and how you want to thwart them ( PLEASE BECAREFUL HERE)

  • 4. Commit in your mind that you will follow the guidance you receive.

  • 5. Call upon the Jinn King ruling over Saturday as follows:

“Oh great King of the Jinn Abu Nuh Maimun ( Aboo Nuh MY-Moon). Send forth your Jinn to subjugate and conquer my enemy/ies. As Solomon had his enemies conquered. Do for me as you have done for him.

  • 6. Pick up the Onyx or your jewelry. Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror.

  • 7. Then say “By the power of Aboo Nuh MY-Moon I bind you to this stone so that wherever I may go, my enemies will flee.

  • 8. Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.

  • 9. If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound*

  • 10. If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.

  • 11. The n say " You are bound by me, by this Onyx toe onquer tho se who wish me ill."

  • 12. When you feel you have sat with this Jinn you may extinguish the candles and incense.

  • 13. Make sure to carry the Onyx with you wherever you go, especially if these places are inhabited by your foes.

  • 14. WhentheJ inn an s wer s you, you c an let it go. We will cover that in the next chapter.

  • 15. Please take heed, the Jinn might harm you enemies badly. If you see they are suffering beyond what they deserve PLEASE release the Jinn from his obligation. I will get into releasing the Jinn in the next chapter.

There you have it, 7 rituals involving the Jinn, You can, of course use them for whatever it is you like. Just be sure to use the appropriate day and the king that rules that day so the ritual will be effective. Also mention Solomon since he was known to be the most effective controller of Jinn AND they had the highest respect for him and his memory. It might all sound silly but it works. Give it a try... If you dare>

Releasing the Jinn

Now that you have completed the rituals and the Jinn have fulfilled your wishes you MUST release it. This isn’t like a Daemon you create, this is a being with its own free will. If you do not release it, it can cause you much harm. You may also want to release the Jinn if it gets a bit out of hand. If it does, try to rebuke it first and tell it to stop, but if it does not listen, you must release it.

To release a Jinn you must do the following.

  • 1. Implore the King of the Jinn that you used to callback his Jinn servant that helped you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Whatever words you come up with is fine. I used very simple words my self.

  • 2. If you used a crystal, go outdoors and bury it or throw it in a body of water. Say to yourself " I release You Jinn from my service, go and do no harm*. ( This is exactly what 1 sad by the way)

  • 3. If you can’t find a place to bury it then THROW IT AWAY, make sure the crystal is not near your abode. You will still need to say the above.

  • 4. If you used a piece of jewelry, still say the above and wrap the jewelry in any cloth and store it away for 3 0 days. You must let the energy slowly dissipate before you wear that piece again.

That is all you need to do to release a Jinn. Please be aware that the Jinn might still "hang” around for a while and cause minor mischief, if they do, rebuke it. It will quickly go on its way. It has no reason to linger. That is what I had to do as I mentioned earlier. If you feel that you want this Jinn to stay with you, you may ask it directly to stay, do not force it though. It must stay by its own free will. It is not unheard of for the Jinn to stay upon request. Personally, I am uncomfortable with that notion...To each his or her own 1 guess.