The Magick of Saint Expedite: Tap into the Truly Miraculous Power of Saint Expedite - Baal Kadmon 2015

The Magick of Saint Expedite: Tap into the Truly Miraculous Power of Saint Expedite - Baal Kadmon 2015


From all the saints to work with, Saint Expedite is the most responsive. It is for this reason I am writing this book with great enthusiasm. Saint Expedite works very quickly. He is always ready to help. He has helped thousands upon thousands of people overcome financial hardships. If you do an Internet search, you will find thousands upon thousands of testimonials about him. He truly is a miracle worker. (I will provide various links at the end of this book.)

Saint Expedite works so well that I felt compelled to publish a work about this great Saint and provide you with all the information you will need to tap into his miraculous power. On a personal level, whenever I have been in financial binds, Saint Expedite always came through. ALWAYS! He comes through for thousands of others every day, all over the world. No matter what your personal belief is, he will work for you too.

Saint Expedite has a rich history in the magickal community, especially Hoodoo and Voodoo communities. Working with Saint Expedite is in a real sense performing Saint Magick, which is a backbone of the Hoodoo Magickal Tradition.

In this book, we will cover who Saint Expedite is and how to tap into his power. Before that, however, we will discuss, in brief, Saint Magick.

Saint Magick -The Hoodoo Connection

(Excerpted from Mary Magick)

What is Hoodoo?

Hoodoo is known by many names, most popularly as " Conjure" or "Rootworking." It is considered to a folk magickal tradition that weaves European, Native American and West African elements together. Hoodoo is believed to originate in Mississippi and was formulated by the slaves working on the plantations at the time. In time, it spread throughout the region. You can find the hub of Hoodoo in New Orleans. The beauty of Hoodoo is that it is syncretic; it evolves and incorporates many otherwise disparate spiritual traditions together. Despite this, there is a clear presence of Christian Saints in its spiritual practices. At first, the Africans who were harshly brought here as slaves still believed in traditional West African spirituality that was mostly nature-based, but also had a concept of a supreme creator with a pantheon of lesser-known, but highly venerated deities. This tradition had a heavy reliance on charms and spells. In time, as Christianity seeped into the overall population, much, but NOT all, of the old beliefs were replaced. What was not replaced, was incorporated with the new Christian beliefs. A belief that was truly impacted by Christianity was the clear idea of good and evil. This would later inform the magickal spells that would develop in Hoodoo.

As the ideas melded further, everything became cast in the light of Hoodoo. God became a Hoodoo doctor and created the universe through magick. Moses the liberator of the Israelites in the book of Exodus was considered a

Conjurer because he used intention and divine power to produce the miracles that he did. In many ways, all of us who practice magick are Hoodoo Doctors aren't we?

In the Hoodoo tradition, the Bible took on a new role. It was not just a holy book anymore, but a book of magick or "Conjure." Especially the Psalms, which formed the basis for a rich magickal tradition. I will cover Psalms Magick in another book. In general, the Bible became essentially a talisman unto its own.

Like all Practitioners of Magick of all traditions, the point of Magick is to bring something into being via supernatural means. Something that will improve either our own lives or the lives of others.

We will now discuss the great Saint Expedite.

Saint Expedite - The Miracle Worker

Saint Expedite, also known as Expeditus was born in Armenia. It is not clear when he was born, but it is known that he died a Martyr in 303 A.D in Melitene Turkey.

According to Catholic traditions, Saint Expedite was a Roman Centurion who was based out in Armenia. He was initially a pagan, but later converted to Christianity; as many Roman Soldiers did. His conversion was to eventually lead to his death during the Diocletian Persecution of Christians in 303 A.D. Before his conversion, it is said that the devil came to him in a form of a crow and encouraged him to put off his conversion until the following day. Saint Expedite refused and crushed the bird under his feet and killed it. He thus declared, " I will be Christian today!" This is important to make note of because the typical iconography of Saint Expedite depicts him stomping on a bird that is saying "CRAS" which means "tomorrow" in Latin. Saint Expedite then lifts a cross with the word " Hodie" engraved in it. Hodie being the word for "Today."

Here is a popular image depicting this:

This fact also gives him the reputation as working very quickly on people's requests. He doesn't wait. He works on them TODAY.

Saint Expedite was declared a martyr in 1781, in Italy, where his cult survived in Turin since the Middle Ages. He was called upon for his rapid response when settling legal issues and financial troubles. He is still quite popular in Europe and very much so in Latin America. On April 19th, Saint Expedite’s feast day, Sao Paolo, Brazil erupts in celebration.

As with so many mysterious saintly figures, the stories behind Saint Expedite are shrouded in mystery.

As with all mysteries, they are often accompanied by many folk stories. Many revolve around him. Some have said that the term Expeditus is not actually his real name but a misnomer.

The story takes place in France, 1781; a shipment of relics arrived; many were unidentified. However, on the box containing his statute, the word "Expedite" was marked on it. Some believed it simply meant that the package was to be expedited to its final location; whereas others believed that was the name of the Saint whose statue was contained in the package. When Nuns at the Denfret-Rochereau Catacombs in Paris saw this, they prayed to this "unknown" Saint, and the prayers were all answered. Word of this quickly spread and the miracles of Saint Expedite would spread throughout the Catholic world and beyond.

Another version of this story takes place far from France, but in New Orleans. In this version, (no doubt influenced by the French story since the French colonized New Orleans) a shipment of relics arrived at the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As with the French story, one package had no other

marking except the term " Expedit." And thus, he was known to the locals as Saint Expedite. New Orleans, like Brazil still venerates Saint Expedite to this day. He is very prominent in Creole Folklore there.

Other pockets of veneration exist, such as in Chile and the French Island of Reunion. In Chile, he is known as "San Expedito," it is said that a devotee arrived in Chile with his statute. She asked local priests to erect a church to him. Eventually, the church was built and to this day, he is worshiped and is very popular in Chile. In Chile, they say a special prayer to Saint Expedite:

A thousand hymns to glorious Expeditus,

Who shed his blood in Armenia,

Whose name was written in heaven, And gained the laurel of martyrdom.

—Hymn to Saint Expeditus

Source: Vilagran, Angel Rodnguez. "San Expedite". El Angel de la Web

Although we will not use this prayer in our rituals, it can't hurt to keep it in mind. It is quite beautiful.

In the Reunion Islands, like the other stories speak of a package of relics with the name Expedite on it. However, in Reunion it seems that worshiping Saint Expedite publicly is considered a taboo, but that doesn't stop people from secretly worshiping him since it appears small shrines to him are still maintained.

As you can see, not much is known about his life, but one thing is for sure. He listens to prayers. Although one can simply pray to him, his Novena card is found in many Churches, there does seem to be a consensus as to the best way to call upon him. In the next chapter, I will discuss the most popular ways to call upon him. After that, I will discuss more in-depth on how to call upon him.

Saint Expedite Magick - The Basics

What You will need to call upon Saint Expedite.

  • 1. A Statue or printed image of him. A Novena Card works too. I have this statute of Saint Expedite:

12" Inch Saint Expedite Figurine

Alternatively, you can use Novena cards. This is the one I have on one of my altars.

Holy Prayer Cards For the Prayer to Saint Expedite In English

  • 2. A 7-day - Red Candle - Any 7-day Red Candle will do.

  • 3. A glass of water

All these will be placed on the Altar. I will show you how to set up the altar momentarily.

In general, the best day to call upon Saint Expedite is on Wednesday since it is the day of Mercury who was the messenger God in the Roman Pantheon.


When he grants your request, You MUST give him an offering. If you don't, he can take away everything he has given you and then some. You can give one or all of these offerings to Saint Expedite when he completes your favor. However, the last item is A MUST.

Most common offerings are:

5 pennies. I give 5 quarters; it just seems right to me.

5 pieces of pound cake. Any brand will do, but some folk legends say Sarah Lee's is best. I for one use any I can find. I like using the Small hand sized cakes.

A Red Rose

A Glass of Red Wine

And perhaps most importantly, you MUST announce to the world that Saint Expedite helped you. If you have a blog, you can do it there. You can also create a YouTube video as well since others have done this too, as a way to show thanks. I simply announce it on the up and coming tribute page which I created for the Saint, it is a brand-new site as of June 2019.

If you would also like me to perform the ritual for you, you can find information at

Please note, there is limited availability, so please book when a slot is open.

My personal preference when thanking Saint Expedite:

I offer him 5 quarters, which I then give to charity after a few days of letting them stay on the altar.

I offer 5 pieces of pound cake. After a few days, I take the pound cake, break it up into crumbs inside of a plastic bag and go to the park and offer it to nature by sprinkling it on the ground.

And that is pretty much all there is to it.


When he responds to your request, you may place the offerings in the middle of the altar between the 3 items above. It is not mandatory to have the candle lit when you make the offering, only during the ritual itself.

As you can see, it is not complicated; just a few things are required of you. In the next chapter, we will essentially be doing the same ritual, but with different prayers.

Saint Expedite Magick - The Ritual Introduction

In the upcoming chapter, I will go through rituals to Saint Expedite. Each ritual will be its own chapter. The rituals are pretty much the same, but we will be using different prayers for each one. The prayers being used are not my own. I have quoted them verbatim from various sources. You may also say your own prayers as well. My latest ritual used my own prayer. In either case, all of them work. I would pick the one that most resonates with you.

You will notice that many of the prayers seem rather demanding, this is okay; it is part of the tradition. You may temper these prayers if you like.

RITUAL 1 - To Remedy Dire Financial Needs


Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Setup the altar and light the candle.

2. Say the following prayer:

"I call forth the power and the presence of St. Expedite in my time of financial trouble. I offer my body, heart, mind and soul upon your altar of light. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance.

Bring to me ____________ (Clearly express what you want and ask him to

find a way to get it to you.)

My financial need is urgent. Be my Light and Guide in this situation so that I may live with peace, love, prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.


Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request.

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please

allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first


RITUAL 2 - To Remedy General Economic Problems


Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Set up the altar and light the candle.

2. Say the following prayer:

I come before you, Saint Expedite,

to remedy economic problems in my work and my home,

and to ask for your powerful support.

Saint Expedite, protect my income,

that I may obtain sufficient money for necessities, and tranquility and joy will reign in my house.

By your grace, Blessed Saint,

I request and pray that I will achieve my desire.

____________ (Clearly express what you want and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

And I will give thanks for your glorious intercession.


Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request.

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first



Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Set up the altar and light the candle.



2. Say the following prayer:

Saint Expedite, you lay in rest.

I come to you and ask that this wish be granted,

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

Expedite now what I ask of you.

Expedite now what I want of you, this very second.

Don't waste another day.

Grant me what I ask for.

I know your power. I know you because of your work.

I know you can help me.

Do this for me and I will spread your name with love and honor so that it will be invoked again and again.

Expedite this wish with speed, love, honor, and goodness.

Glory to you, Saint Expedite! "

Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request.

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first


RITUAL 4 - For Very Urgent Needs


Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Set up the altar and light the candle



2. Say the following prayer:

"Our dear martyr and protector, Saint Expedite,

You who know what is necessary and what is urgently needed.

I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity, that by your grace my request will be granted.

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

May I receive your blessings and favors.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first serve.

RITUAL 5 - For Extra Quick Action


Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Set up the altar and light the candle.

"Saint Expedite,

Noble Roman youth, martyr,

You who quickly bring things to pass,

You who never delays. I come to you in need.

____________ (Clearly express what you want and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

Do this for me, Saint Expedite, and when it is accomplished,

I will as rapidly reply with an offering to you.

(State your vow or promise)

Be quick, Saint Expedite!

Grant my wish before your candle burns out, and I will glorify your name. Amen."

Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request.

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first


RITUAL 6 - For Protection


Start this on a Wednesday if possible.

1. Set up the altar and light the candle

2. Say the following prayer:

" St. Expedite honored by the gratitude of those who have invoked thee at the last hour and for pressing cases. We pray thee to obtain from the all-powerful goodness of God, by the intercession of Mary Immaculate, today, or such a day the grace we solicit with all submission to the Divine Will."

Prayer Sources:

Now make sure to state what you will give him in return for your request.

This ritual should be done once a day for 7 days at the very least. Please allow the candle to burn through. Please make sure you do not leave candles burning unattended. Safety is always the priority.

If you would like this ritual done on your behalf, please go to

Please note that I only accommodate five requests per ritual cycle. Sometimes the cycles are weekly and sometimes every other week. It is first come, first serve.

Tips & Advice - Please Read

In this chapter I will give you some general advice that will help enhance your rituals, and give you additional information.

  • 1. Some websites recommend that when you place his image/s on the altar, you should turn it upside down, supposedly this makes Saint Expedite work faster. I WILL TELL YOU NOW, DO NOT DO THIS, IT'S VERY DISRESPECTFUL.

  • 2. If at all possible, do celebrate his feast day on April 19th. It's a nice way to show reverence. If you need a reminder, go to and sign up for the Saint Expedite Newsletter.

  • 3. You may use incense in your rituals is you like. Any kind will do.

  • 4. Do Not do the ritual naked, at least cover your midsection.

  • 5. Focus on one request at a time.

  • 8. Do not ask Saint Expedite to do anything evil or harmful. HE WILL TURN IT ON YOU.


  • 10. Announce to the world, either on the site I provided or other sites that Saint Expedite has fulfilled your request.

  • 11. It is possible that Saint Expedite will not fulfill a given request. In the event that this is the case. DO NOT offer him an offering. He is a spirit of give and take. If you did not get benefit, do not give an offering.

  • 12. It is possible it may take him more than a week to fulfill your request. Please be patient.


This concludes Volume 2 of the Magick Of the Saints Series: The Magick of Saint Expedite. As you have seen, working with Saint Expedite is quite simple. There is no pomp and circumstance, no expensive ritual garments and paraphernalia, no odd and impossible herbs to obtain, no directions to turn to, no contrived and pompous terminology and phrases. Just pure, honest Magick using Saint Expedite. I am filled with utmost confidence that once you have performed one of these rituals, you will enter a magickal partnership with the blessed Saint. I would also like to say that the prayers mentioned are examples, if you like, you may use your own wording. In fact, I encourage you to do so.

Please note that it is okay for you to perform these rituals. It is not a sin and never will be. It is a divine and sacred art and will be forevermore.

About The Author

Baal Kadmon is an Author, Occultist, and Meditation teacher based out of New York City. In addition to the Occult, he is a Scholar of Religion Philosopher, and Historian specializing in Ancient History, Late Antiquity and Medieval History. He has studied and speaks Israeli Hebrew, Classical Hebrew, Ugaritic language, Arabic, Judeo-Aramaic, Syriac (language), Ancient Greek and Classical Latin.

Baal first discovered his occult calling when he was very young. It was only in his teens, when on a trip to the Middle East that he heeded the call. Several teachers and many decades later he felt ready to share what he had learned.

His teachings are unconventional to say the least. In addition to rituals, he includes in depth history in almost all the books he writes. He shatters the beloved and idolatrously held notions most occultists hold dear. His pared-down approach to Magick and Meditation is refreshing and is very much needed in a field that is mired by self-important magicians and teachers who place more importance on pomp and circumstance, than on Magick and Meditation. What you learn from Baal is straight-forward, with no frills. There is no need to complicate things.

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Books By The Author

Organized by date of publication from most recent:

Devils, Demons and Ghosts in the Hebrew Tradition: Romancing the Sitra


Melchizedek Unmasked

Belial: A History

Surya Mantra Magick (Mantra Magick Series Book 13)

Tiamat Unveiled (Mesopotamian Magick Book 3)

Pazuzu Rising (Mesopotamian Magick Book 2)



Chod Practice Demystified: Severing the Ties That Bind (Baal on Buddhism Book 2)

The Talmud: An Occultist Introduction

The Path of the Pendulum: An Unconventional Approach

Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine Protectress

Asherah: The Queen of Heaven (Canaanite Magick Book 1)

Dependent Origination for the Layman (Baal on Buddhism Book 1)

The Watchers And Their Ways

Rabbi Isaac Luria: The Lion of the Kabbalah (Jewish Mystics Book 1)

Circe’s Wand: Empowerment, Enchantment, Magick

Ganesha Mantra Magick: Calling Upon the God of New Beginnings

Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial

Tefillin Magick: Using Tefillin For Magickal Purposes (Jewish Magick Book 1)

Jesus Magick (Bible Magick Book 2)

The Magickal Moment Of Now: The Inner Mind of the Advanced Magician

The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand

Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)

The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon

Mahavidya Mantra Magick: Tap Into the 10 Goddesses of Power

Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding

Magick And The Bible: Is Magick Compatible With The Bible? (Bible

Magick Book 1)

The Magickal Rites of Prosperity: Using Different Methods To Magickally Manifest Wealth

Lakshmi Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Goddess Lakshmi for Wealth and

Abundance In All Areas of Life

Tarot Magick: Harness the Magickal Power of the Tarot

The Quantum Magician: Enhancing Your Magick With A Parallel Life

Tibetan Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Power Of Tibetan Mantras

The 42 Letter Name of God: The Mystical Name Of Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 6)

Tara Mantra Magick: How To Use The Power Of The Goddess Tara

Vedic Magick: Using Ancient Vedic Spells To Attain Wealth

The Daemonic Companion: Creating Daemonic Entities To Do Your Will

Tap Into The Power Of The Chant: Attaining Supernatural Abilities Using Mantras (Supernatural Attainments Series

72 Demons Of The Name: Calling Upon The Great Demons Of The Name (Sacred Names Book 5)

Moldavite Magick: Tap Into The Stone Of Transformation Using Mantras (Crystal Mantra Magick Book 1)

Ouija Board Magick - Archangels Edition: Communicate And Harness The

Power Of The Great Archangels

Chakra Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Magick Of Your Chakras (Mantra

Magick Series Book 4)

Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe (Mantra Magick Series Book 3)

The Magick Of Saint Expedite: Tap Into The Truly Miraculous Power Of

Saint Expedite (Magick Of The Saints Book 2)

Kali Mantra Magick: Summoning The Dark Powers of Kali Ma (Mantra

Magick Series Book 2)

Mary Magick: Calling Forth The Divine Mother For Help (Magick Of The

Saints Book 1)

Vashikaran Magick: Learn The Dark Mantras Of Subjugation (Mantra

Magick Series Book 1)

The Hidden Names Of Genesis: Tap Into The Hidden Power Of

Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 4)

The 99 Names Of Allah: Acquiring the 99 Divine Qualities of God (Sacred Names Book 3)

The 72 Angels Of The Name: Calling On the 72 Angels of God (Sacred Names)

The 72 Names of God: The 72 Keys To Transformation (Sacred Names Book 1)

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