Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine Protectress - Baal Kadmon 2017

Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine Protectress - Baal Kadmon 2017


I dedicate this book to St Expedite and to the Great Goddess Durga, who has been by my side.


Durga is a very special goddess. When I first encountered her, I was a little hesitant, but I knew deep down I needed to work with her. From 2014-2015, she has guided me. Every so often, I am guided to work with one specific deity for a prolonged period of time. It was Durga's turn then.

She is by far one of the most beloved of the Hindu Goddesses. She is fiercely loyal and will pull out all the stops when she is protecting her own. She is, in many ways, a gentler version of Kali, but not quite as gentle as Parvati or Lakshmi.

Durga's name means "Impassable and invincible”. The name is derived from the Sanskrit word for fortress, Durg. She has several forms. In this book, we will deal with her nine forms, also known as Navadurga or literally 'Nine Forms of Goddess Durga" Each one has a purpose and we will perform nine rituals, one for each form.

Her essence is very much immanent in the world. She has a transcendent and limitless quality, yet she is very present and accessible.

Although "milder" than Kali, Durga will still challenge you in ways that are just right for you to get the lesson and learn. When I worked with her, there were time when I was stubborn, she was able to push me to get me back on track. Seldom will she push you too hard, but it can be uncomfortable. Kali on the other hand will shove you right into the fire.

Her mantras are often recited when people need protection and security.

In this book, we will tap into her nine names for the following purposes:

Devi Shailputri - In this form, she is associated with the Root Chakra and therefore, we will use her to attain more grounding in this world. This will impact your finances and other related issues.

Devi Brahmacharini - In this form, we will use her to attain occult and spiritual knowledge.

Devi Chandraghanta - In this form, we will call upon her for protection.

Devi Kushmanda - In this form we will call upon her to bestow upon us health.

Devi Skandamata - In this form, we will use her to conquer our enemies.

Devi Katyayani - In this form, we will use her to get rid of negative spiritual entities that may be haunting you.

Devi Kalaratri - This is similar to Katyayani, but much fiercer in her energy. We will use her to gain fearlessness and courage.

Devi Mahagauri - We will use her to fulfill any desires you have.

Devi Siddidhatri - We will use her to enhance our magickal practice, no matter what tradition. Reciting her mantra in this form, is of immense value to your entire magickal practice.

Each of these rituals will have special mantras associated with them. I will transliterate them as we go. I would also like to mention that these Mantras are not very common or well known, yet they are the most powerful of her mantras.

We have a lot to cover, now let us proceed.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have

Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


Maa Durga

As mentioned earlier, she is known by several names. She can also be called by the overarching name for all the Goddesses, Shakti and Devi. She, like Kali is fierce and somewhat wild, but just a slightly less intense energy than Kali. Durga is mostly associated with protection and the destruction of evil. She is a warrior goddess and protects her own. Her protection extends to all things, not just physical, but also spiritual. She is often carrying weapons and riding on a lion. Despite this rather mundane description, she is also the very fabric of the universe and she emanates this through one of her nine names. We will call upon her in this form as well. She is one of the backbones of the Shaktism tradition of Hinduism, which I will discuss in the following chapters. Keep this in mind since it is very important to understanding her influence within the Hindu tradition.

The root of her name, DURG can be traced back to POST-Vedic texts such as the Ramayana and the Mahabarata. In one of these texts, it is indicated that an Asura or I guess one could say a demigod demon became impervious to the powers of the God. However, DURGA rises and destroys him.

Although we are used to seeing her in one way, her power and image evolved over a very long time. She is most equated with an ancient Goddess of the Mountains and evidence of this was found amongst dwelling at the Himalayan Mountains.

As stated earlier, her iconography usually portrays her with weapons and riding on a lion. The weapons are not like the other weapons often found with other goddesses. Rather, her weapons are mostly those that MALE gods

are usually brandishing. Some of these include, arrows, bows, a javelin, a shield and a noose. Aside from their protective qualities, these weapons also have spiritual significance such as devotion, prayer, self-awareness and selfexamination and happiness to name a few.

She is, indeed, a diverse goddess and we will tap into that diversity. In the next chapters, we will discuss the concept of the divine feminine in early Hinduism and then a particular ideological movement that focuses solely on the divine feminine as the source of all things.

Durga In Select Texts

The divine feminine in Hinduism can be traced to the inception of the Hindu Canon. In the Rig Veda, there is a hymn to the primordial Goddess. The Hymn is called the Devi Sukta also known as the Ambhrani Sukta . I will present an abridged version here.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and

dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

- Devi Sukta, Rigveda 10.125.3 -10.125.8

Isn’t that a wonderful hymn? I found it to be of great use before I recite my Durga mantras at times. In this book, we will use it as an introduction to every ritual. Those are primordial words and we will bring them into our rituals.

The above truly captures much of her essence, in fact it captures Shakti in general.

Durga can also be found in other texts as well, and in them, a bit more directly. In the Mundaka Upanishads, she has been referred to as Kali herself. In it she is referred to as “Terrible, Yet Swift as thought”. In other texts she makes more of a showing, such as in the Devi-Bhagavata Purana , Markandeva Purana, Devi Upanishad and the Shakta Upanishads. In many of these texts, she is also referred to as the Atman itself, the ground of all being. In modern day, she is featured quite extensively in the school of Shaktism, which is devoted entirely to the devotion of the Goddess and all Goddess emanations. I will cover that in the next chapter.


Before we get into the forms of Druga, I would like to give some background on something called Shaktism since this is the frame work in which the divine feminine can be understood within Hinduism.

Shaktism is an aspect of the Hindu tradition, some would say it is actually a sect or denomination within Hinduism. I guess one could see it like that. I for one see it as much larger and all-encompassing than just a denomination. Shaktism permeates the entire Hindu tradition.

The core of Shaktism involves the veneration and worship of the “Devi” the goddess mother. As with most religions of humanity, the divine mother can be traced back to the dawn of time. Shaktism itself can be traced in Indian history some 20,000 years ago; during the Indian Paleolithic era. Her influence was pervasive and only slightly waned during the Vedic period some 18,000 years later, although, ironically, some of the best Shaktism literature comes from this period. That is a very long stretch, more than any goddess worship of any tradition from what I can tell. Even the ancient Egyptians started much later than the Paleolithic.

Even though Shaktism waned at first, it remerged during a time period called The Age of Gupta, 300-700 A.D. During this time, many of the texts that mention Durga are published, in these texts the divine feminine and the worship of Shakti began to coalesce. The various goddesses and their diverse theological and mythic elements came together. Thus, the true birth of Shaktism took place. In the next chapter, we will discuss the Nine Forms of the Goddess Durga.

Durga’s Nine Forms And Attributes

As I stated in the previous chapters, Durga has other forms, the ones I will mention here are not as common in the west. Yet, they are the most powerful ones.

I will briefly elucidate on each one here:

Devi Shailputri :

This form is the first of the nine forms of Durga. Her name literally means, Daughter of the Mountain. The mountain in question is the Himalayas. This is a most fitting name since she is very powerful. She is one of the only goddesses that embodies the entire energy of the universe. This energy is most often described within the context of the Hindu Trinity which is comprised of the Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This literally means she encompasses everything.

She is most associated with the Root Chakra and her energy slows moves up to the crown. Since she is first rooted in the Root chakras, her very energy and essence is that of our earthly existence. We will use her to attain more grounding in this world. This will impact your finances and other related issues.

Devi Brahmacharini : This name means a devoted female student. She is usually adorned in white and holding prayer beads. Her name is comprised of two Sanskrit roots that also indicate her true power. Brahma, which means the universal self or absolute reality as well as sacred knowledge. Charini means to engage with or pursuing. Thus, through her we can pursue sacred and occult knowledge. In this form, we will use her to attain occult and

spiritual knowledge.

Devi Chandraghanta -

Goddess Chandraghanta is considered the married form of the Mother Goddess, married to Shiva that is. After getting married to Shiva, She adorns a half moon on her head, the word for moon is Chandra and that is where she gets he root of her name.

As this form, she is known to give unto her supplicant’s courage, bravery and grace. She is also known to help alleviate suffering, in this form, we will call upon her for protection from dangers and suffering.

Devi Kushmanda - It is said that this aspect created the world just by her smile. She is also known to have liberated the sun’s energies. Thus, her name.

She is known to bestow esoteric knowledge to her followers. She can also bestow health. In this form, we will call upon her to bestow upon us health and wellbeing.

Devi Skandamata - Her name is actually derived from the God of war Skanda. This form is incredibly powerful and can bestow all manner of requests to her supplicants. She is also known to, in the process of bestowing upon them great things, also to protect them from enemies. She is a fierce fighter and warrior. In this form, we will use her to conquer our enemies.

Devi Katyayani - It is said that she was born out of the anger of the Gods and it was through this anger she was known to destroy demons and dark energies. In this form, we will use her to get rid of negative spiritual entities that may be haunting you. She is very powerful.

Devi Kalaratri - This is similar to Katyayani, but much fiercer in her energy. She bestows fearlessness in all who call upon her. We will use her for this

purpose. To gain courage. She is considered the fiercest of all of Druga’s forms. She may even be fiercer than Kali in this from.

Devi Mahagauri - In this form, she is, in many ways, all-purpose in her approach and is known to fulfill all the desires of her supplicants. She is also considered to be the most beautiful in the universe. We will use her mantra for the attainment of desires.

Devi Siddidhatri - She is considered so pure that she has no form in some texts. Her very name means supernatural power and thus We will use her to enhance our magickal practice, no matter what tradition. Reciting her mantra in this form, is of immense value to your entire magickal practice.

What You Will Need For Durga Mantra Rituals

Before we proceed, here is a list of things you can use to enhance your magick (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE ITEMS IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY, THEY SIMPLY ENHANCE YOUR RITUAL)

  • 1. A "picture" or statue if Durga. I have this one Durga Statue.

  • 2. The following Incense: Durga Incense (Any incense will do, I just prefer this one)

  • Black Candles

  • 4. A secure plate or candle holder to hold the candles. Since the ones I recommend vary in size you can use a make or brand of your choosing. Just make sure to find one that will hold these candles and will allow for safety (NEVER LEAVE CANDLES BURNING UNATTENDED)



Let me now explain the rationale behind the objects above.

  • 1. The Statue: This is to focus your attention. I find it helps me " feel" Durga’s presence when I do a ritual to her.

  • 2. Durga Incense: This Incense is a wonderful sacred fragrance.

  • 3. Candles: (Please note you can buy any kind of candle you like, they don't have to be chimes or votive. I just happen to like the ones I provided here)

Red Chime Candles: This color is quite powerful

Gold Candles: Many occultists will tell you to use green for finances, but this has been a long-held misconception. The only reason why people have said to use green is because it's the color of money. The thing is, it’s only the color of money in the USA and maybe a few notes here and there of other nations. They don't call the dollar " greenback" for nothing. Green is not a color that is truly indicative money. Gold is though, Gold is UNIVERSALLY known to be a signifier of wealth both in ancient times and present. If you have been using Green for your money rituals, now you know to use gold instead. It is much more effective.

White Candles: White is for purity.

Silver candles: This is the color of wisdom as well as for magickal powers.

Blue Candles: This will be used for health.

Black Candles: These candles will be used to conquer your enemies and repel evil spiritual entities.

TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS: These beads are very helpful for keeping track of your mantra recitations.

Below you will find 9 rituals, very simple but powerful ones. Each ritual should be done on the designated days I specify. One of the very few things I do agree with in terms of conventional occult wisdom is that days of the week do have power and that's because there are verifiable spiritual influences.

Here are the issues we will be doing magick for:

  • • For Grounding, this may include financial as well.

  • • For Occult and Spiritual Knowledge.

  • • For Protection.

  • • For Health.

  • • For the Conquering of enemies.

  • • For the repulsion of evil spirits.

  • • For Courage in the Face of Adversity.

  • • For General Wish fulfillment.

  • • For the Enhancement of Magickal Practice.

I will walk you through each ritual step by step... Let us now call upon the great Nine Forms of Durga.

Introduction To The Rituals

Below you will find 9 rituals, very simple but powerful ones. Each ritual is done on a specific day.

Here are the rituals we will be performing:

  • • For Grounding, this may include financial as well.

  • • For Occult and Spiritual Knowledge.

  • • For Protection.

  • • For Health.

  • • For the Conquering of enemies.

  • • For the repulsion of evil spirits

  • • For Courage in the Face of Adversity.

  • • For General Wish fulfillment.

  • • For the Enhancement of Magickal Practice.

For Grounding - Devi Shailputri

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Monday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the black and Gold candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about your need for Grounding, it can be a specific intention or a general one.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Occult & Spiritual Knowledge - Devi Brahmacharini

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Tuesday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the silver candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the

hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about your need for occult and spiritual knowledge. Why Do you want it?

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Brahmacharinyai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Protection - Devi Chandraghanta

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Friday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the Red candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about your need for protection, it can be a general need or for a specific situation.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Chandraghantayai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Health - Devi Kushmanda

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Sunday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the Blue candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about your need for health, it can be a general need or for a specific health situation.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Conquering Enemies - Devi Skandamata

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Wednesday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the Black candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the

hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about your enemy or enemies and why you need to conquer them.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Repulsion of Evil Spirits - Devi Katyayani

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Thursday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the white and Black candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

  • I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the

hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about the negative entity that is haunting you. Do you know for certain you are being haunted by one? How so? Think about it so as to set the intention.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Katyayanyai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it


I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have

Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Courage - Devi Kalaratri

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Saturday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the Red and Black candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and Think about the need for courage, it can either be a general request or for a specific situation.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Kalaratryai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For Wish Fulfillment - Devi Mahagauri

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Thursday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the Gold and Silver candles and light them.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and make the wish you feel that you would like to come true.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days

after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have

Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


For The Enhancement of Magick - Devi Siddidhatri

Please setup a place in your abode that you can dedicate to this ritual. If you have an altar, that is superb but if you don't, any place in your home where the ritual can be performed is good too.

On a Sunday

  • 1. Place the picture or statue of Durga at the Center.

  • 2. To the left of the image, place the silver candle and light it.

  • 3. In the back or to the right, please light the incense.

  • 4. Say the following passage from the Rig Veda.

“I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, - each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the

hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.”

  • 5. Sit quietly and think about your need to enhance your magickal practice and what that means to you.

  • 6. Say This Durga Mantra 108 times minimum.

Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah


  • 7. Now look at the image or statue intently and feel her presence resonate with you. You may notice that the image takes up your entire visual field. Sit with that for as long as you wish.

  • 8. When you are satisfied, you may let the candles and incense burn to completion. (Please be sure not to leave them unattended. If you need to leave your abode, you may extinguish them and ignite them upon your return.)

Thus, concludes this ritual. You may leave the statue on the altar or put it away.

I do suggest you recite this mantra at least 108 times every day for 40 days after performing the initial ritual or until you get what you desire.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations in this book, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:


How to Enhance Your Durga Mantra Practice - Achieving Siddhi

(Excerpted from Vashikaran Magick ) Now that you have learned the mantras, I want to add some additional information here that will really up the effectiveness of these mantras and any mantra practice for that matter. As you saw, all the mantras were chanted a minimum of 108 times. When doing so, you compound the energy upon itself and then it produces results. It’s like a charge builds up and eventually fires, producing the goal. This is generally how mantras work and often once the result is achieved, the energy dissipates and that will be the end of the ritual. But what if you could ALWAYS embody the energy of the mantra? There is a way and It is called Siddhi.

Siddhi, in Sanskrit means “perfection" "accomplishment" and "Attainment" of magical abilities. When one achieves Siddhi with a particular mantra they acquire the actual energy of that mantra. So for example, the Main Attraction Seed Mantra is "Kleem". If you recite this 10,000 times in one sitting, you will have mastered the energy of this mantra and your attraction abilities will be enhanced and things will come naturally to you. After you achieve Siddhi, you will be unstoppable, with every recitation of the mantra after Siddhi you are a true and effective magician. Some schools of thought say that you do not need to do all 10,000 in one sitting but over 40 days. Follow your intuition on whether you want to do these chants in one sitting or several.

In saying this, if you want to enhance any of these mantras, I suggest chanting them 1,000 to 10,000 times in one sitting. I know this sounds like a lot, but once you get into the groove with the mantra the recitation will move very quickly. To keep track of this, I suggest you use Mala beads. I

personally use this brand: TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION 108 BEADS

It has 108 beads; 108 is a sacred number and common in Hindu chanting. Although some of the mantras in this book require fewer than 108 recitations; I highly suggest you chant a mantra at least 108 times a day. With these Mala Beads, it will be easy to keep track. If you do 10 rounds of 108 recitations, you will be on your way to achieving Siddhi. You can, of course use any mala beads or create your own.

A Note on Mantra Pronunciation

As with most of my mantra magick titles, I have MP3 audios you can purchase if you are interested in learning how to pronounce the mantras in this book. The mantra Audio accompaniment for this book has each of the mantras in this book recited 108 times. These audios are often helpful, but are not a requirement.

If you feel you need help with Mantra pronunciations, I have Audios you may find useful. Please go to:



What you have learned here is VERY powerful and I suggest you use Durga’s energy with Profound respect. These mantras are like electricity, the energy will flow in the direction of the intended output. In saying that, please be firm in your intentions and make absolutely sure what you want is truly what you want.

As they say, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

Want to Enhance Your Rituals?

I am not one to promote myself. I like to keep things low-key, but I created a new service that has proven to enhance your rituals and your state of mind and I am very excited about it. As many of you may know, I use Brainwave Entrainment Audios to enhance my writing, my rituals and a lot more. I have been using brainwave products since the 80s. I am using one now as I write this.

I have created hyper-specific Brainwave audios geared to specific spiritual entities. For example, if you call upon the demon, King Paimon, I have a specific audio for him. If you work with the Hindus Goddess Lakshmi, I have a Brainwave Audio for her as well.

Please visit: www.occultmindscapes.com

I am adding Audios every week and will have something for everyone and for every tradition. I am only charging $3.95 per audio MP3 download, with steep discounts for multiple purchases.

I think you will LOVE them. My beta testers loved them and I am confident you will find them useful as well.

Other Books By The Author

Organized by date of publication from most recent:

Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine Protectress

The Talmud - An Occultist Introduction

The Path of the Pendulum

Chod Practice Demystified: Severing the Ties That Bind (Baal on Buddhism

Book 2)

Asherah - The Queen of Heaven

Dependent Origination for the Layman

The Watchers And Their Ways

Rabbi Isaac Luria: The Lion of the Kabbalah (Jewish Mystics Book 1)

Circe's Wand: Empowerment | Enchantment | Magick

Ganesha Mantra Magick:Calling Upon The God of New Beginnings

Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial

Tefillin Magick: Using Tefillin For Magickal Purposes (Jewish Magick Book 1)

Jesus Magick (Bible Magick Book 2)

The Magickal Moment Of Now: The Inner Mind of the Advanced Magician

The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand

Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)

The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon

Mahavidya Mantra Magick: Tap Into the 10 Goddesses of Power

Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding

Magick And The Bible: Is Magick Compatible With The Bible? (Bible

Magick Book 1)

The Magickal Rites of Prosperity: Using Different Methods To Magickally Manifest Wealth

Lakshmi Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Goddess Lakshmi for Wealth and Abundance In All Areas of Life

Tarot Magick: Harness the Magickal Power of the Tarot

The Quantum Magician: Enhancing Your Magick With A Parallel Life

Tibetan Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Power Of Tibetan Mantras

The 42 Letter Name of God: The Mystical Name Of Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 6)

Tara Mantra Magick: How To Use The Power Of The Goddess Tara

Vedic Magick: Using Ancient Vedic Spells To Attain Wealth

The Daemonic Companion: Creating Daemonic Entities To Do Your Will

Tap Into The Power Of The Chant: Attaining Supernatural Abilities Using Mantras (Supernatural Attainments Series

72 Demons Of The Name: Calling Upon The Great Demons Of The Name (Sacred Names Book 5)

Moldavite Magick: Tap Into The Stone Of Transformation Using Mantras (Crystal Mantra Magick Book 1)

Ouija Board Magick - Archangels Edition: Communicate And Harness The

Power Of The Great Archangels

Chakra Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Magick Of Your Chakras (Mantra

Magick Series Book 4)

Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe (Mantra Magick Series Book 3)

The Magick Of Saint Expedite: Tap Into The Truly Miraculous Power Of

Saint Expedite (Magick Of The Saints Book 2)

Kali Mantra Magick: Summoning The Dark Powers of Kali Ma (Mantra

Magick Series Book 2)

Mary Magick: Calling Forth The Divine Mother For Help (Magick Of The Saints Book 1)

Vashikaran Magick: Learn The Dark Mantras Of Subjugation (Mantra

Magick Series Book 1)

The Hidden Names Of Genesis: Tap Into The Hidden Power Of

Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 4)

The 99 Names Of Allah: Acquiring the 99 Divine Qualities of God (Sacred Names Book 3)

The 72 Angels Of The Name: Calling On the 72 Angels of God (Sacred Names)

The 72 Names of God: The 72 Keys To Transformation (Sacred Names Book


About Baal Kadmon

Baal Kadmon is an Author, and Occultist based out of New York City. In addition to the Occult, he is a Religious Scholar, Philosopher and a Historian specializing in Ancient History, Late Antiquity and Medieval History. He has studied and speaks Israeli Hebrew • Classical Hebrew • Ugaritic language • Arabic • Judeo-Aramaic • Syriac (language) • Ancient Greek and Classical Latin.

Baal first discovered his occult calling when he was very young. It was only in his teens, when on a trip to the Middle East that he heeded the call. Several teachers and many decades later he felt ready to share what he has learned.

His teachings are unconventional to say the least. He includes in-depth history in almost all the books he writes, in addition to rituals. He shatters the beloved and idolatrously held notions most occultists hold dear. His pared-down approach to magick is refreshing and is very much needed in a field that is mired by self-important magicians who place more importance on pomp and circumstance rather than on magick. What you learn from Baal is straight forward, with no frills. Magick is about bringing about change or a desired result; Magick is a natural birthright.. .There is no need to complicate it.



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