The Greater Magickal Angels: Instant Access To 133 Angelic Powers - Brand Damon 2015

The Greater Magickal Angels: Instant Access To 133 Angelic Powers - Brand Damon 2015

The Power of Angels

The angels in this book can be contacted easily, and give you access to over a hundred powers that can improve your life. If you want to bring about safe, effective changes through magick, this is the best place to start.

The angels in this book can help you to develop and attract love, find harmony, increase fame, find strength, break through adversity, sleep well, heal yourself and obtain clear thought. There are angelic powers that enable you to invent, discover new methods, improve your business and find new supporters. You can free yourself of enemies and increase the loyalty of friends and lovers. The power to improve prosperity, win awards, write well, be stable, reduce anxiety, learn easily, understand in new ways and dominate strong personalities is at your hand. The angels can help you to excite new passion, discover more about yourself and see the past, present and future with clarity. Whether you are seeking fame, money, wisdom or peace, the angelic powers can help you to improve your life in the ways that matter to you most.

The Greater Magickal Angels follows on from the popular Magickal Angels, but is a complete magickal system in its own right. In the first book, I introduced readers to 24 angels from a group of 72 angels known as The Angels of The Shemhamphorasch. Although you can still buy Magickal Angels and work with those angels, you do not need to buy that book. You can start working with the Greater Angels immediately and everything you need is included here.

Although the same ritual technique from Magickal Angels is repeated here exactly, the remaining 48 angels are revealed in this text, and they have powers that are quite different from those found in the first book. The powers revealed here are sometimes more subtle and precise, as well as being richer and more complex. That is why I refer to these as the ’greater’ angels. It doesn’t mean that they are necessarily better, but when used wisely they can have more far-reaching and long-lasting effects. Often, getting a magickal result requires a subtle, cunning and well-planned approach that occurs in stages. The angels in this book will help with your greater plans.

This does mean that you will need to spend time choosing the right angels for solving your problems. I will go into this subject in detail, and learning to choose the right angels should be considered a vital part of your occult work (even if you’ve already read Magickal Angels).

This system has been developed over thirty years by a group of occultists known as The Gallery of Magick, with our aim being to create magick that works regardless of your religion or beliefs. Hebrew words are used, along with Latin Psalms, because these are keys to angel magick. This does not make the magick Jewish or Christian. Aspects of those religious structures have been incorporated into the magick, because they are shortcuts to angelic contact. There are other keys we could have used, but the long tradition of using these verses and names has given us an extremely potent system. This magick is used by people of many religious backgrounds, and by atheists, and by those who just sense there is something magickal going on out there.

The angels will respond to any strong desire, and help you bring about change in the world. This book contains secrets that enable angelic contact to occur rapidly.

It is vital that you read the instructions thoroughly and take the work seriously. Although I encourage a playful confidence with magick, you should consider every magickal act a pact with reality. You are asking for magick to bring you a new reality, and you should be prepared to accept that reality. Magick performed as a test to ’see if it works’ will probably not work. You should find out what it is you want to change in your life, ensure that you understand the instructions in this book fully, and then commit to making that change by your own actions and with

the power of magick empowering your efforts.

This book also goes much further than Magickal Angels, by including a method for empowering the talismans and sigils that are used in the books. This works even if you’re using the sigils on a computer screen or other device. There is also more information on how to choose an angel, as well as details on communicating more directly with angels and developing relationships with them through your magick, and a section on performing angel magick for other people. If you are serious about angelic work, this book can take your efforts to a much higher level.

The following pages will give you all the information you need to get angel magick working. If you want to know why it works and get a deeper understanding of the process and how it was developed, as well as having access to the first 24 angels I described, then feel free to read Magickal Angels. You should note, however, that you do not need to buy Magickal Angels to benefit from this book. Everything you need is here.

How To Use This Book

In Part One I will set out the exact ritual required to contact the angels. For readers of Magickal Angels, this first section is almost identical to the technique described in the first book, so you can skip to the second part. There is a little more detail on pronunciation, so if that interests you, study that chapter. If you have not read Magickal Angels before, it is essential that you study this first part of the book in detail, as it is the core technique required for angelic contact.

Part Two of the book contains the 48 sigils of the Greater Angels, along with a list of their powers and abilities. This is the essence of the book.

Part Three will discuss advanced ideas that were not covered in Magickal Angels. It is recommended that all readers study this section before performing a ritual, to ensure the maximum chance of obtaining the desired results.

Part One: The Contact Ritual

This section of the book is repeated from Magickal Angels, and shows you exactly how to use ritual to contact an angel. If you are new to angelic work, study this carefully.

As this information has already been published, it has been slightly abridged to keep it absolutely practical. The most important thing is to do magick with confidence, enjoyment and trust.

In this ritual you will use the power of imaginary lightning to contact angels and get them to work for you. Electricity is a force that makes our brains and bodies function, and it is the same force that thunders and flashes from the heavens.

To use the power of lightning all you need to do is imagine a bolt of lightning striking you when you say an angel’s name. Ideally, you should imagine a blue light thundering down from above, striking you and returning to the heavens.

When you come to the part of the book that describes the ritual in detail you will see the * symbol, and that shows when you need to imagine a lightning bolt. Most of the best magickal secrets are astonishingly simple, and they can sound so simple that you may dismiss them. You may be worried that your imagination is not clear enough. Do not worry about these things. Simply imagine a bolt of lightning striking you and connecting you to the angel you are naming.

If, for example, you are asked to call out to Raziel, you will say RAH-ZEE-ELL*, and as you call the name you picture lightning coming down from the clouds, striking you and returning to heaven. Imagine that it forges a connection between yourself and the angel. In the real-world lighting strikes the ground and then returns to the sky in an instant, so this is what you should imagine.

If you want an angel to hear your request, you should sing. You’ve heard about choirs of angels? This is the language they speak. Your singing voice is always heard by an angel. For a full explanation see Magickal Angels.

If you sing an angel’s name the results can be astonishing. You don’t need to sing well, or even sing a particular tune. You don’t need to sing loudly or impressively. All you need to do is make the angelic name sound as though it is being sung. One note will do, but you can make it more impressive if you have a naturally strong voice.

When you come to pronounce a name that requires singing, you will see this symbol*. This is the same symbol for picturing a lightning strike. So, when you see * after a name, know that the name should be sung, while picturing the lightning bolt.

If, for example, you are asked to say RAH-ZEE-ELL *, then you should picture the bolt of lightning while singing the name RAH-ZEE-ELL.

It can take some practice to get this right, because you are doing more than one thing at once, but do not worry about getting this perfectly right. Your intent is far, far more important than perfection.

If you require privacy, and cannot sing out loud, then call the name in your mind, but imagine that it is being sung loudly, to the ends of the universe.

Preparing For Contact

Depending upon which angel you call, you will need one of the following Shem Talismans.

You will notice a small ring of numbers on the inner circle. Later in the book, you will find that each angel has a Magick Number listed with its name. Use the Talisman that contains your chosen angel’s Magick Number.

To create the above talismans for your own use, you have a couple of options. If you have the physical print version of the book, you can photocopy the talismans, cut them out and you are ready to go.

Alternatively, you can print out the templates (shown below), and write in the required names by hand. To get the talisman templates, go to this webpage:

Even if you have the physical book, you may prefer to use this method of writing in the names, as some people report it gives them a stronger sense of connection to the final talisman. This is a matter of personal preference.

Print out the templates and then write in the words listed below each template on the following pages, until they resemble the talismans shown above. You do not need to use ornate handwriting, but make it clear enough that you can read the words. You should also draw in the tiny dots that join the words to the triangles, as shown in the images above.

Please note that the words you write on this Talisman will not match with the angel’s name. That is how it’s meant to be. So for Elemiah, whose magickal number is 4, the word on the talisman is Tau.

This is what the blank template for Shem Talisman 1 looks like.

The Words you write for Shem Talisman 1 are as follows:

  • 1. Eschereye

  • 2. Iehova

  • 3. Messias

  • 4. Tau

  • 5. Iah

  • 6. He

  • 7. Vau

  • 8. ElohimZidkenu

  • 9. Va

  • 10. ElohimGibor

  • 11. Eloy

  • 12. Schamas

  • 13. Arbaothioth

  • 14. Albelben et Veruach Hakadoschel

  • 15. Melech

  • 16. Animasticum

  • 17. Ima

  • 18. Saday

  • 19. Iesus

  • 20. Abim

  • 21. Acim

  • 22. Capu

  • 23. Inoschim

  • 24. Ischa

  • 25. Anaday

  • 26. Iaraphim

  • 27. Ragiam

  • 28. Acloy

  • 29. Zirophim

  • 30. Keth

  • 31. Cether

  • 32. Ey Ley

  • 33. Adonay

  • 34. AmpressaDeus

  • 35. Xel

  • 36. Malchuth

This is what the blank template for Shem Talisman 1 looks like.

The Words you write for Shem Talisman 2 are as follows:

  • 37. Emetzur

  • 38. Elion

  • 39. Ecly

  • 40. Caphujnon

  • 41. Rasch

  • 42. Aschoim

  • 43. Hacheriaatus

  • 44. Schaday

  • 45. Iodvauh

  • 46. Toon

  • 47. Oon

  • 48. Hu

  • 49. Tanton

  • 50. Esch

  • 51. Becolharetoschim

  • 52. Na

  • 53. Dakipheolam

  • 54. Kalbath

  • 55. Salac

  • 56. Elohe

  • 57. Eloha

  • 58. Elohim Sabaoth

  • 59. Esszerechie

  • 60. Oriston

  • 61. Primevmaton

  • 62. Hy

  • 63. Ha

  • 64. Shaday Otheos

  • 65. Elohim Kim ElohaEhad

  • 66. Rachel Bisch Alam

  • 67. Theos Megalem

  • 68. Paraclytus

  • 69. Maschlilie

  • 70. Eloy Bischlam ilashlam

  • 71. Eliehenmaz Bazkuku

  • 72. Iesus Iehua ame nisch Eye

Crafting Your Request

For each angel you will find a descriptive outline of the powers and skills of that particular angel, but I have not written down the request you should make to the angel, because it is far more powerful to write your own request and then read it out during the ritual.

You may feel that talking directly to the angel - without anything written down - is more appealing, and that can work. When you are starting out, however, I suggest writing down something that is clear, precise and not too long. You do not need to spend fifteen minutes explaining to the angel why you want some extra money. You only need to ask.

When I describe the Master Ritual later in this book I use the example of a struggling musician who wants more success. As such, she has chosen Lauviah (pronounced LEE-ARV-YAH), because two of Lauviah’s powers are described as The Power to Create Music and The Power To Perform Music. Those are ideal for a musician whose priority is to compose new work and perform it well.

Step 1: Opening the call

Your call should always begin with: ’I call on Thee, powerful LEE-ARV-YAH (or whichever angel you are calling), who has power to...’, and then you add the angels powers as you see them.

Based on what you have read in this book, and what you are seeking, come up with a phrase that sums up the angel’s powers. Again, don’t worry about getting this right. Perfection is not required. By naming the powers yourself, you are asking the angel to use these powers.

In this example, the struggling musician might say, ’I call on Thee, powerful LEE-ARV-YAH, who has power to bring me the ability to write beautiful new music and perform it well.’

You could just as easily write, ’I call on Thee, powerful LEE-ARV-YAH, who has power to help musicians.’ You could even say, ’I call on Thee, powerful LEE-ARV-YAH, who has power improve my music.’

I could have included samples for every angel, but it does not work as well that way. It works best when you write your own call.

Step 2: The Summary

After this opening call you should summarize what it is that you want, stating, ’It is my will.’ and then summarizing your desire in a short sentence.

Here, an ideal statement would be, ’It is my will to compose great music and perform it beautifully.’

Do not write, ’It is my will to create great music by finding a good chorus for the Energy Road song, and by improving my finger-picking technique on the banjo.’ Although there are times when you may want to target your magick as directly as this, for a general request you should be more general. Give the magick room to work by letting the result come about in a more general way. You should get more pleasant surprises if you are willing to let the results come in unexpected ways.

There will be more on this subject later, but be careful of limiting your magick by being too specific. If, of course, the whole aim of your ritual is to obtain an exceptionally specific result, such as ’It is my will to complete the Energy Road song so I can record my album,’ then say exactly that. But when you are seeking general success in an area, phrase it so that you give the angel room to surprise you. When you leave the magick open, angels have more ways to bring you the result you want. Unexpected results that give you what you want are often the best results.

Step 3: Sending Out Feelings

You now write, ’I ask that you go forth and... ’ Here you state what you want in a little more detail, and instead of focusing on how you want the result to manifest, you focus on how the manifestation will make you feel.

In this example you might say, ’I ask that you go forth and bring me inspiration to create great music. I ask that you go forth and give me the power to perform my music better than ever before.’

Whatever you write should create a positive emotional reaction in you, and a sense of how exciting that result would be.

Step 4: The Moment of Alchemy

Once you have stated your desire, you should make a statement about the change you want to occur. Magick is a process of alchemy, where you and your circumstances change.

Rather than focusing purely on the positive, magick works best when you focus on the discomfort you feel at the outset, and then imagine how those feelings will change when the magick works.

You are not pleading with the angel or trying to justify your actions. You are showing where you have been and where you are going, and how the magick will benefit you.

Do not try to sound worthy or to justify your actions. Concentrate on honestly explaining your feelings, with brief, clear sentences.

In this example, our struggling musician might now say, ’I love music and believe I have talent, but I am having trouble breaking through to a new level. I ask for enough talent to enable me to create music easily, and to perform it in a way that makes people love hearing it. I ask for this transformation, and I feel the change you can bring, as I become a great musician.’

Note how this states the past problem, and acknowledges what it will feel like to have the transformation take place. When you actually say the words during the ritual you should remember your pain or discomfort or anger at the current situation, and as you continue talking, feel the relief that the magick will bring. This moment of emotional alchemy is absolutely essential for the success of the ritual.

Step 5: The Promise

In the next section you need to show that you will be involved with the magick, and that you are offering to contribute to the process. This will vary depending on what you are asking. If you are asking for protection from an enemy, there may not be much you can do other than remain as confident and calm as possible. That will do. In most cases, however, you will get a general sense of what you can do to help the situation. Again, don’t be too specific here. Our musician should not make a list of promises about how many hours she will work for, or suggest

any timeline. Instead, something like this would work. ’I will do my work as a musician, with great commitment and joy, and I let go of all hope and confusion, for I know that you can bring me what I need.’

Notice that as well as offering to get involved, this statement also shows the intention to believe in the magick. Make this promise even if you have doubts about the magick. The intention to let go of fear, doubt, confusion and even hope, while knowing that the angel will help, can lead to you opening up to magickal results.

Step 6: Closing Your Request

The final part of your request should always be the same.

’I seal this request with the word of power: ANAPHAXETON (ANNA-FAX-EAT-ON). As you angels have come in peace, go in peace. It is done.’

Writing a good, clear request, using these steps, will lead to effective magick. Once again, don’t overthink this and spend weeks crafting the perfect request. Angels listen if you say nothing more than, ’Help me out of my misery’. But if you want the best and most direct results, then wording your request as described is the best approach.

Practice and Pronunciation

The rituals in this book contain many names, sounds and phrases that will not be familiar to you. The words are sometimes English, Latin, Hebrew, and there are some words with obscure origins. Everything can be pronounced in several ways, depending on how you interpret the original language, your native language, age, education and your local accent. I have included a phonetic pronunciation beneath the words in BOLD CAPITALS. This is the pronunciation that will work.

I receive letters every day from people worrying about pronunciation, but the books are absolutely pronunciation proof. The important letters and words are already included in the angelic sigil, so even if you pronounce everything incorrectly, it will work.

However, the pronunciation is quite simple. You just say the words in capitals as though they are English.

So where it says Kosu harim silah va'anafeha arz-El, you will see the words KOH-SUE HAR-IM SIL-AH VA-ANNA-FEHA ARE-ZELL in capitals. The capitalised words are a pronunciation guide, showing you exactly how to say the words.

So KOH sounds like the word oh with a k in front of it.

SUE is the same as the word sue.

HAR is like hard without the d.

IM is like dim without the d.

And so on. As you can see, it’s quite easy to get these sounds right. There are a few sounds that confuse people, from time to time.

One is VA, or any word that ends with an A. In this case, think of it as the word van without the n.

Words that end with H sometimes confuse people. An example of this is VAH. This sounds like the word Pa, but with a v instead of a p.

This shows you the clear difference between VA and VAH. Apply this approach to all the pronunciations and you’ll find it easy to get them right.

The pronunciation contained in this book is not always conventional or even consistent, but has been carefully researched and tested to get results. You can trust that it will work, whatever your accent or style of speaking.

About one percent of readers have asked for audio recordings to make it clear what the words should sound like, but I do not feel these would help. The way a New York woman pronounces these words would be different to the way a man from London would say them. We have provided English approximations of the words that have worked for people we know all over the world. They work, and most importantly, you should remember that the sigils make the book Pronunciation Proof. The words, names and phrases appear visually in the book, so even if you get the pronunciation wrong, it doesn’t matter - your brain has absorbed the words visually, and this will enable you to make angelic contact.

I know that people worry about pronunciation, but there is no need to, and it is better to speak with confidence than to aim for perfection. Let the words vibrate from the base of your lungs, rising through your throat and out of your mouth as though you are speaking them to the horizon. Ideally, they should not be whispered, but allowed to resonate in your throat as they pass out of you, especially when the words are sung. You don’t need to sing the whole ritual, but if you feel the urge to, there’s no reason why you can’t.

Letting the words vibrate may not always be possible, as mentioned earlier, if you require privacy. If you cannot say the words out loud, whispering is better than nothing. If you must perform the work in silence, you can say the words in your head. If you do whisper or perform the work silently, make it feel as though you are calling to the ends of the universe.

For each angel there is also an Invocation Chant. This is a Latin phrase associated with the angel, taken from a psalm. If you Google these angels, you will probably find a variety of alternative psalm verses used to invoke these angels. To explain why we use these verses, and not the more popular ones, would mean going into the full history of how we found our primary sources. That is not the purpose of this book. What can be said is that we have avoided some of the more modern choices, and some of the mistakes reproduced in recent books, and looked to the difficult-to-obtain texts to find the best verses, in the best form of Latin, with a useable pronunciation. After extensive testing, and communicating with the angels, we know these verses will work.

Using The Sigils

During the Master Ritual you will have the Shem Talisman on your left, and the angel’s sigil on your right. You can use a printed copy of the angelic sigil, or just place your iPad or other tablet device on your right. You can even use a laptop or computer screen.

This is an example of a sigil:

The lines in the exact center are the angelic seal for the particular angel you are calling. In this sigil, the seal looks like this:

If you are viewing this in color, you will see that the angelic seal in the center is colored red. If you are able to print the sigil with colored ink, or use it on a device that shows color, that is ideal. If not, then simply know that the angelic seal in the center can be thought of as red. You can imagine it as red if you like. Do not worry that the magick will fail if you don’t use red. When we first developed this sigil we didn’t use colors for over a decade. This is a refinement that can help, but it’s an optional extra rather than an essential part of the working.

The rest of the symbol is made up of divine words of power and phrases that protect you and make the magick effective, while naming the angel in Hebrew and with an angelic script. The invocation chant encircles the central square.

During the ritual, you should look at this sigil just before calling the angel’s name. In particular, look at the angel’s seal at the very center. You do not need to stare or focus too hard. Simply be aware of the shape and that will help establish contact.

Eleven Days of Angelic Contact

Begin your working on a Thursday and continue the working for eleven days, so that the last time you perform the ritual is on a Sunday.

If you miss a day, due to unforeseen circumstances, do not try to catch up, but simply continue as before and finish on a Sunday. If you miss a day because you were lazy or lost interest, start again on the following Thursday, refining the ritual if need be.

Any time of day is fine, although some people say the hour before sunrise is best.

Contact is made from the moment you begin, and results may come about within minutes, hours or days, but continue the working for the full eleven days even when result show early.

The Master Ritual

This chapter explains the Master Ritual used to contact and communicate with angels. In this example we will use the angel Lauviah, being called to help a musician be more creative and to perform more successfully. You will see that there are various instructions, and certain things you have to say and do.

When you perform the ritual for yourself, ensure that you fully understand the instructions explained in the Crafting YOur Request chapter, or results will be limited.

This example is used to familiarize you with the ritual, but these instructions and wordings are simplified and listed clearly in Appendix A: The Master Ritual Simplified, so you can construct a ritual for each angel yourself.

Note that each time you see this symbol *, this is a moment where you perform the magickal lightning strike described in the earlier chapter, as well as singing the angelic name.

Find a time and place where you will not be disturbed.

Face East, with a small table before you, or kneel and use the floor.

Choose the Shem Talisman that contains your angel’s magick number. Place the talisman before you, on your left. Rotate the talisman so that your chosen number is pointing away from you, to the East. In this case, we have chosen Lauviah, whose magick number is 17. Place the angelic sigil you have chosen on your right

In this case, the arrangement would look like this:

Or, if you’re using an iPad or other tablet it would look like this:


This is the beginning. I open the way.

Reach forward and make a gesture as though opening drapes or curtains, parting them so you can pass through.


I call on the inner planes to witness. I state my purpose thus.




Picture the following images as clearly as you can as you say:

I pass through the arch of stone.

I walk through a field of golden corn.

I am warmed by fire of the sun.

I am cooled by water of the ocean.

I am steady on the firm earth.

I breathe a sweet breeze.

I feel the weight of the earth beneath me.

Ask these questions of yourself, out loud, but do not attempt to answer them in any way:

I ask, how did I come to be at peace?

I ask, how did I let go of fear?

I ask, how did I learn to manifest my dreams?

Imagine an orange glow on your left. Imagine a purple glow on your right. Imagine these lights for just a few moments


I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel (ARE-ZELL)*, who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my endeavors.

Kosu harim silah va'anafeha arz-El (KOH-SUE HAR-IM SIL-AH VA-ANNA-FEHA ARE-ZELL)




I call on Thee, Mighty Raziel (RAH-ZEE-ELL*), who stands in the East to make me

heard by the secret angels of the universe.


Specie tua et pulchritudine tua intende, prospere procede, et regna, propter veritatem, et mansuetudinem, et justitiam, et deducet te mirabiliter dextera tua.








Oh mighty Raziel (RAH-ZEE-ELL*), let my voice be heard by the great angel Lauviah (LEE-ARV-YAH*) I seal this request with the word of power

Anaphaxeton (ANNA-FAX-EAT-ON).

Make The Invocation Chant:





Glance at the sigil and Sing the Angel’s name three times:


Speak Your Request To The Angel:

I call on Thee, powerful LEE-ARV-YAH *, who has power to bring me the ability to write beautiful new music and perform it well

It is my will to compose great music and perform it beautifully.

I ask that you go forth and bring me inspiration to create great music. I ask that you go forth and give me the power to perform my music better than ever before.

I love music and believe I have talent, but I am having trouble breaking through to a new level. I ask for enough talent to enable me to create music easily, and to perform it in a way that makes people love hearing it.

I ask for this transformation, and I feel the change you can bring, as I become a great musician.

I will do my work as a musician, with great commitment and joy, and I let go of all hope and confusion, for I know that you can bring me what I need.

I seal this request with the word of power: ANAPHAXETON (ANNA-FAX-EAT-ON).

As you angels have come in peace, go in peace. It is done.

Creating Your Ritual

In summary, these are the steps you should take.

Prepare your Shem Talismans. (To charge them, see Part Three)

Decide what you want and which angel to use. (See Part Three for help with this.)

Charge your chosen sigil or sigils. (See Part Three).

Get everything ready to begin your working on a Thursday.

Write down your request. You may find it beneficial to write out the entire ritual.

Face East. Place the Shem Talisman on your left, with the correct Magick Number facing forward to the East. Place the chosen angelic sigil on your right.

Perform the Master Ritual, using the imagination techniques you have learned, empowering the work with feelings, as you read out your request.

Perform the ritual once a day for eleven days, at any time you like, completing the working on a Sunday.

Let go and know that it is done and that results will come.

Do all you can to make the result come about, opening the doors to magickal manifestation, without lusting for results.


Part Two: The Forty-Eight Greater Angels of Power

The following pages give you all the names, pronunciations, numbers, sigils and chants you need, along with a list of all the angels’ powers.

You will notice that many of the names appear similar, or even identical, when written in English. There are, for example, two angels called Lauviah. How can you tell them apart? Each angel has a different magickal number, a different sigil, a different Hebrew spelling, a different pronunciation and a different list of powers.

Although the similarity of the names may be confusing at times, you will come to recognize the individual angels and their powers as you read about them.

The Powers of Elemiah

The Power To Stop Mental Torment

When you find that you are unable to relax or recover from a problem that leaves you anxious and preoccupied, this angel can bring relief. It can also ease pain after loss of loved one, and make it easier to get through a bad breakup, or the loss of a job.

The Power To Discover New Methods

When we do things the same way, year after year, it is only to be expected that we will get the same results. This angel can give you the power to discover new ways of doing things. This is best used when you already have a method for something in place, but want to find a better way. A lawyer, for example, may use this angel to find a new way to prepare for a case. A student might look for better ways to learn. If you work in business or sales you might look for new methods of getting a good response from customers.

The Power To Travel Safely

Many angels protect you when travelling, but this angel is best used when you are the leader of a group or family. It will ensure that whatever problems occur during your journey, you will be able to guide those you lead, with all being protected until the journey is over. Complete the working on the last Sunday before your journey commences.

Elemiah is pronounced: ELL-EM-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 4

Invocation Chant: Convertere Domine et eripe animam meam salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:







The Powers of Mahasiah

The Power To Bring Peace

Using the power of this angel you can bring peace to a particular location, such as a workplace, a home or even an entire street. When people are in conflict in a specific area, ask this angel to subdue anger and aggression in that place.

The Power To Learn Like A Genius

Whether you’re studying for an exam, learning a new skill or simply developing your personal skills, this angel can make you learn with the same abilities as a genius. This angel is also useful when you are learning a complex physical skill, such as learning to drive, sail, or fly an airplane.

The Power To Overcome Disease

If you have a long term illness, this angel can help you cope with the symptoms, and some say it can help reverse the effects of the illness. This should not be used for injuries or short term illnesses such as flu, but for illnesses that have affected you for months and show no sign of improvement.

Mahasiah is pronounced: MAH-HA-SEE-YAH

Magick Number: 5

Invocation Chant: Exquisivi Dominum, et exaudivit me, et ex omnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:









The Power To Drive Away Evil

There are many forms of evil in the world, and most are human, but if you live or work in a place that is plagued by evil spirits, this angel can drive them away. It will even work to protect you from demons, if somebody has cursed you using demonic powers.

The Power To Create A Strong Voice

This is one of those powers that many people will ignore, but it remains one of the most useful. Although it has clear use for politicians, public speakers and actors, it can be used by anybody to give their voice more presence. This means you are more likely to be heard when you speak, and so long as you choose your words carefully, this can make many doors open for you.

The Power To Control Growth In Nature

If you grow plants, or work with crops, this angel can help to ensure that you will get good results from your efforts.

Cahetel is pronounced: CAH-HET-ELL

Magick Number: 8

Invocation Chant: Venite adoremus et procidamus et ploremus ante Dominum qui fecit nos

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:









The Power To Heal Disease

To say that an angel can cure disease is a mighty claim, and one that risks giving people false hope, but Aladiah has a reputation for helping people with bone and joint problems. If you have long-term problem that you want to ease, or a recent injury that you want to heal, call on Aladiah to ease your suffering.

The Power To Overcome Negativity

If you are surrounded by negative people, or negative responses to your work, call on this angel. Close relationships often succumb to excessive negativity, and this angel can ease the friction between a couple. If you find that your own responses to the world are negative, the angel can help you to see situations with more clarity.

The Power To Understand Science

This angel is used to get a deep understanding of a scientific subject. If you are studying a complex scientific subject, this angel can help you to understand new information and remember it with clarity. It is particularly useful for science that has clear practical applications, such as medical science.

Aladiah is pronounced: AL-ARD-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 10

Invocation Chant: Fiat misericordia tua Domine super nos quemadmodum speravimus in te

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Find True Followers

Not everybody needs a fanbase, but many people do, especially now that even cafes and parking lots have their own online presence. If you have a public profile of any kind, and need followers or friends, this is the angel to call upon. If you require support or votes in any kind of campaign, this angel can help. The angel works best when you are looking for sincere followers who will help and get involved, rather than large numbers of casual followers.

The Power To Overcome Enemies

This angel can overcome many enemies, but is best suited at calming the jealous. If somebody you know is damaging your life through jealously, call on this angel to calm the situation. Rather than punishing your enemy or putting fear in their heart, this angel works by making the other person less jealous of you. They may even lose interest in your affairs completely.

The Power To Find Fame Through Talent

If you have a talent that is recognized by a small group, but you struggle to achieve wider recognition, call on this angel. It’s important that your talent has already been acknowledged by a few people (other than friends or family) before you call on the angel. This is ideal for a struggling writer, for example, who has published a few stories but remains relatively unknown. It is best used when you are about to launch a new project into the world, but it can be used at any time to help increase your chances of being recognized more widely.

The Power To Influence The Famous

If you ever need to influence somebody of great fame or renown, call on this angel. Lauviah can influence the thoughts and actions of those who are well known. This doesn’t just apply to movie stars - you can use this angel to influence politicians, leaders of companies and other public figures. You should only use this angel when you have already established some form of contact with the person in question.

Lauviah is pronounced: LA-VEE-YAH

Magick Number: 11

Invocation Chant: Vivit Dominus et benedictus Deus meus et exaltatur Deus salutis meae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Overcome Adversity

Some angels help you endure adversity, but this angel helps you stop it. When you are faced with an adverse situation, the angel can help you to escape from it, or bring it to a halt, and you should make it clear which option you prefer when writing your request. If, for example, you are experiencing stress at work, you should make it clear that you want the stress to be relieved, not that you want to leave your job. Unless you do want to leave your job. This angel has immense power, and can be used against all kinds of adversity, from a difficult divorce to difficult legal problems.

The Power To Make Enemies Into Friends

There are some people that you cannot remove from your life, but who make you miserable. Whether they attack you directly or not, if such people make you miserable, you can call on this angel to make them friendlier.

The Power To Find Mystical Answers In Dreams

When you want the answer to a question, call on this angel to give you prophetic dreams. You can seek answers about your future, your self, your true nature and desires, or the best path to take.

Hahaiah is pronounced: HA-HA-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 12

Invocation Chant: Ut quid Domine recessisti longe despicis in opportunitatibus in tribulatione

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Save A Just Cause

If you are fighting a cause that you believe to be just - whether it is a public protest or a campaign to raise funds - call on this angel when it feels like defeat is near. The angel will give new energy and impetus to your cause.

The Power To Avoid Injustice During A Trial

If you need to avoid injustice during court proceedings, call on this angel. If you are guilty in any way, do not call on this angel, because it will ensure justice is done.

The Power To Reveal Enemies

Knowing your enemy can be the key to defeating them. If you sense that you are being attacked, slandered or undermined, call on this angel to reveal those who are against you. Your enemy may be revealed through dream, intuition, or when your enemy makes a clear declaration, or even by forcing your enemy to make a revealing error.

Mebahel is pronounced: MEB-AH-ELL

Magick Number: 14

Invocation Chant: Et factus est Dominus refugium pauperi adjutor in opportunitatibus in tribulatione

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Bring Peace To Your Home

This angel works best to make your home peaceful when the disruption comes from within the home (rather than due to troublesome neighbors). If there are ongoing arguments, disputes and fights within your home, or just a bad atmosphere, this is the angel you should call on to bring peace.

The Power To Improve Magickal Power

Hariel can increase the energy you put into all your magickal workings. You should call on the angel to improve your magickal power generally, and watch your abilities increase over the coming year.

The Power To Discover A Peaceful Pathway

We are constantly facing choices about which way to go with our lives. Sometimes you want success and money at any cost. At other times, all you want is peace. If you are seeking a period of time where life is more peaceful, without it actually wrecking your career or reputation, ask this angel to show you the way. You may discover new opportunities or simply get an intuition about how best to proceed.

Hariel is pronounced: HA-REE-ELL

Magick Number: 15

Invocation Chant: Et factus est mihi Dominus in refugium et Deus meus in adjutorium spei meae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Stop Traitors

Wherever you work closely with other people, there is the potential for betrayal. This can occur within an organization, a group of friends or in business. If you suspect that a traitor is in your midst, this angel will reveal the truth. The traitor may do something that reveals the truth, or you may get a strong intuition, or a message in a dream that reveals how this person is undermining your life.

The Power To Stop Oppressors

If somebody is holding you back, or oppressing your ability to express the life you want to lead, this angel can take that person’s power away. This angel can be used in domestic situations, or in large scale corporations, against individuals or large groups of people.

The Power To Acquire Dignity and Prosperity

Any angel that promises prosperity is hugely appealing to magickal workers, but be aware that this angel works by bringing prosperity through improved dignity. In other words, the angel will make you appear more dignified and appealing to people, so that you are more likely to be hired, be awarded a position or have your business become more popular. For this angel to work, you must be somebody who interacts with people in the place where you make money. It is ideal for everybody from retail workers and laborers to people who speak to large groups, but is not ideal for people who work remotely, such as those who run an online business.

Hakamiah is pronounced: HAK-ARM-EE-AH

Magick Number: 16

Invocation Chant: Domine Deus salutis meae in die clamavi et nocte coram te

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Create Music

This angel helps musicians to create their own compositions. You may find that you discover new ways of composing music, or it could be that your skills and intuition combine so that you make greater creative choices.

The Power To Perform Music

Whether you perform music for pleasure or profit, this angel can ensure that you give an inspired performance. It can be used by performers recording in a studio, but the most dramatic effects are seen when used for live performance.

The Power To Overcome Sorrow and Torment

If you are struggling to get over a particular sadness, or if you are plagued by a memory that refuses to go away, call on this angel to ease your anguish.

The Power To Invent and Design With Genius

Whether you’re designing buildings, apps or book covers, this angel can give you the inspiration to create in a new way. The angel works most effectively if you already have some competence or skill in an area of invention, and pushes you to create, invent and design like a genius.

Lauviah is pronounced: LEE-ARV-YAH

Magick Number: 17

Invocation Chant: Domine Dominus noster quam admirabile est nomen tuum in universa terra

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:







The Power To Avoid Enemies

There are times when you want to defeat or overcome an enemy, and other times when it is wiser to work in the background, out of sight, so that you can overcome the enemy at a later time. If you need this power, Caliel can make sure you do not encounter your enemies while you make your plans. This works even if you are unsure who your enemies are.

The Power To Become Less Visible

Sometimes you want to lie low, and not be noticed by others. If you feel the need to disappear from the world for a while, call on this angel to make you less visible. This works on a physical level (so people will not see you clearly), and prevents people from thinking about you or remembering you. Tell the angel how long you want the effect to last. If you change your mind and want it to end sooner, perform the ritual for one day (on any day), but change your request, asking the angel to reverse your request.

The Power To Confuse Enemies

This power works best against those who say false things about you, or people who try to distract you from your life and work. When your enemies think about you, they will experience confusion, making them unwilling to fight you, and making it easier for you to defeat them.

Caliel is pronounced: CAL-EE-ELL

Magick Number: 18

Invocation Chant: Judica me secundum justitiam tuam Domine Deus meus et non supergaudeant mihi

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:







The Power To Generate Love In Another

This angel can make a person that likes you love you, but this is not an angel of seduction; this magick only works when there is potential for love. If you feel love for somebody, this angel helps the person you desire sense your love. When there is any potential for a relationship, this effect of sensing your love can move the person to feel more love for you.

The Power To Be Loved By Friends And Enemies

If you feel that your friends are lukewarm toward you, or take you for granted, call on this angel to gain their love. The angel will not make friends love you more than they did before, but it will make them remember and feel the love they have for you. When used on enemies, it will cause the other person to be confused by the change in their feelings.

The Power To Make Good Decisions

This probably doesn’t sound like a spectacular power, but it is one of the most important in the book. We make thousands of small decisions every day, but sometimes we are faced with difficult choices. When you are struggling to decide on the next course of action, this angel can help you to sense your own true will and get a sense for how the future will manifest.

The Power To Obtain Good Memory and Intelligence

For anybody struggling with memory, this angel is an excellent way to recover your faculties. This angel is also good when you are learning a new subject. It is good at creating long-term understanding, so it should be used when you are learning rather than at the last minute before an exam.

Leuviah is pronounced: LEE-VOO-YAH

Magick Number: 19

Invocation Chant: Expectans expectavi Dominum et intendit mihi

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Find Balance

How often do we hear people saying that they have no balance in their life. Usually this is because people are overworked and not able to spend enough time with family, but it can also occur for other reasons. If you feel that your life lacks balance, and you want to discover a long-term solution call on this angel to open up new opportunities that will bring more balance into your life.

The Power To Experience Joy

Even when things are going well you may find that you feel down or unimpressed with the world. If you want to enjoy the life you are already living, and throw off your doubts and fears, this angel will help you to live in the moment.

The Power to Find A Spiritual Path

When magick begins to work, you may find yourself wondering whether or not you deserve these results. This is a common reaction, and many people stop working magick after a few positive results, because they feel they have an unfair advantage. An alternative solution is to know that magick is part of your spiritual journey. Call on this angel to give you insights into where you should go from here.

Pahaliah is pronounced: PA-HAL-EE-AH

Magick Number: 20

Invocation Chant: Et nomen Domini invocavi o Domine libera animam meam

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Stop Slander

Gossip can be harmless but when it turns to slander, the effects on your life can be extremely negative. This angel can stop slander, even if you’re not sure who is telling stories about you. In legal terms, slander refers to people telling untruths about you, but this angel will also stop people from repeating true stories about you if they are damaging to your reputation.

The Power To Subdue Negativity

If you are feeling negative about life in general, or a specific area of your life, this angel will work to ease your negative thoughts. Sometimes, negative thoughts are beneficial as they help you to make reasoned judgments. When negativity becomes habitual, though, it can lead to you missing opportunities. The angel works by brightening your mood, and can even remove the cause of your negative mood, whether you know what the cause is or not.

The Power To Make Calculations

If you ever work with numbers, this angel can make you an expert. Pilots, engineers and scientists will find it easier to make accurate mental calculations using the power of this angel. If you are a student who struggles with math, the angel can make your work easier. Call on this angel for eleven days, and the effects can last for many years.

Nelekael is pronounced: NELL-EK-AH-ELL

Magick Number: 21

Invocation Chant: Ego autem in te speravi Domine dixi Deus meus es tu in manibus tuis sortes meae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Travel Safely

Many angels give you the power to travel safely, but this one is especially useful if you are travelling through an area with many weapons. This can be used by soldiers and civilians travelling in war zones.

The Power To Defend Against Weapons

This power is similar to that above, but is aimed specifically at people who are in danger from weapons when they are not travelling. This is more useful if you live or work in an area where weapons are carried, or where weapons are commonly being used illegally.

To Heal Illness and Injury

This angel can heal illness and injury, so long as you have the energy to perform the ritual. It is not useful when you are bedridden or weak. If you have an illness or injury that irritates you, or makes life difficult, this angel can ease your distress. The best results come when the illness or injury was acquired within recent weeks.

Melahel is pronounced: MEH-LAH-ELL

Magick Number: 23

Invocation Chant: Dominus custodiat introitum tuum et exitum tuum ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Repel Thieves

Whether you want to protect your home from burglary, your self from being mugged or your business from thieves, this angel can bring you the protection you need. Call on the angel for eleven days, and the effects last for over a year.

The Power To Repel Pests

This is a power that I thought might be irrelevant in the modern world, until a friend reported a rat problem to me a few years ago. The building where she lived was infested with rats. Despite the fact that the people who owned the building should have dealt with the rats, they didn’t do an effective job. By calling on this angel, the building was freed of rats. If there are pests in the area, this angel can protect your house before they get in. If your house is infested, use modern methods first, but if those methods fail, call on this angel to be free of any pest.

The Power To Develop Magick

This power will help you to work out what magick to use to get the result you want. If you know the end result you want, tell the angel and ask for understanding of the magick you will need to use. As you read and study magick, it will become clear to you what methods you should use. You will also get an idea of when to use the particular rituals and techniques, and in what order. This is useful when you have a complex, long-term goal that needs a many-pronged magickal approach.

Hahuiah is pronounced: HA-VEE-AH

Magick Number: 24

Invocation Chant: Beneplacitum est Domino super timentes eum et in eis qui sperant super misericordiam ejus

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Get a Fair Judgment

This angel won’t get you out of trouble if you’re guilty, but if you want a fair judgment in any matter, this is a powerful angel to have on your side. It can work in legal cases, but also if you’re ever being judged in a work environment or even a competition for an award.

The Power To Obtain Wealth Through Knowledge

For people who work in industries such as trading stocks, or investing, this is the angel of choice as it can reveal knowledge that is not widely known, through intuition.

The Power To Arrange Trade Agreements

If you work in an industry that requires trade agreements, this angel will help. You might work in a market, and be looking for a good deal from a wholesaler, or you might work in a large corporation that’s seeking to make good overseas deals. Wherever agreements need to be made about trade, this angel will bring you excellent results.

The Power To Make Political Agreements

You don’t have to be a politician to benefit from this angel, although many politicians do. This power can also be used in any situation that could be considered ’political’. If you’re ever discussing matters with a committee, a board of directors, or any other group, this angel can help you to get the group to make decisions that are in accordance with your will.

Haaiah is pronounced: HA-AH-YAH

Magick Number: 26

Invocation Chant: Clamavi in toto corde meo exaudi me Domine justificationes tuas requiram

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Write Well

The power of this angel is useful when writing essays for school, blog posts or books. It ensures that you write in a way that communicates your ideas with flair and precision. You can ask the angel to improve your writing skills generally, or aim the working at a specific project.

The Power To Find Fame Through Writing

If you find that you are able to write well, this angel can make your work more popular. If you are looking for an agent or publisher, this is not the best angel to use. This angel works best when there is already an outlet for your writing in place. Whether that is a blog, ebook or a traditional print book that’s sold in the major bookshops, this angel will help make your writing more popular.

The Power To Spread Knowledge

If you want to spread knowledge, through writing, this angel will make your work easier. You may be launching a local protest, spreading news about a product, or even advertising your own services. So long as the knowledge you are sharing is true - as far as you know - this angel will help find outlets for your writing.

Yerathel is pronounced: YEAH-RAH-THEL

Magick Number: 27

Invocation Chant: Eripe me Domine ab homine malo a viro iniquo eripe me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Protect Against Disease

If there is an outbreak of disease where you live, or if you work in a hospital (or similar location) this angel can provide excellent protection against infection.

The Power To Maintain Health

People who practice gratitude notice their health on a daily basis, but many people say they only appreciate their health when they get sick. Preventative medicine is often the best medicine, so I recommend calling on this angel to maintain your health every few years. Only make this request when you feel in good health.

The Power To Protect Against Adverse Forces

This power is aimed at protecting you from natural disasters and other events that occur seemingly at random, rather than protecting you from conditions caused by enemies. Calling on an angel will not prevent a natural disaster, but it can help you weather the storm. This power is used by people who live in earthquake zones or areas that suffer from cyclones and flooding, to reduce the adversity experienced during those events. It is best to use this as a preventative measure, because performing an 11-day ritual when there’s a nearby forest fire isn’t much use. Once you’ve performed the ritual for prevention, however, you can call on the angel directly in an emergency. Simply gaze at the sigil, call for the angel and ask for protection - it only takes a moment to do so. (Only take the time to do this if it is genuinely safe to do so. If it’s wiser to get in your car and escape, do that rather than the ritual.) If you live in an area that is prone to these disasters, perform the full ritual once every three years.

Seeiah is pronounced: SEE-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 28

Invocation Chant: Deus ne elongeris a me Deus meus in auxilium meum respice

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Powers of Reiyel

The Power To Protect Against Hidden Enemies

Some enemies go to great lengths to disguise themselves. If you feel that you are being attacked by an unknown person or group, call on this angel to protect you from their actions.

The Power To Discover Secret Information

There are times when you need to know information that is hidden. This angel can reveal the plans of competitors, the secret thoughts of those close to you, and any other secret information that you feel would be valuable. In some cases the information will appear, out of the blue, or you will stumble across it. In other cases you may receive a message in a dream, or get a strong intuition that guides you to know the secret.

Reiyel is pronounced: RAY-EE-ELL

Magick Number: 29

Invocation Chant: Ecce enim Deus adjuvat me et Dominus susceptor est animae meae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Protect Against The Unfair

There may be people in your life who treat you unfairly, but it is not practical or desirable to move them out of your life. Whether this is somebody you love, or somebody you merely tolerate due to circumstances, you can call on this angel to protect you against the actions of the unfair person.

The Power To Empower Artists

If you are involved in the arts, this angel can empower your life. The angel will work to improve your skills, but will also work to ensure that you are in control of your artistic career, rather than being controlled by others. When you are seeking to network, form good business connections and get your work recognized, it is good to have this angel on your side to ensure that you remain in control of your creative work.

Vasariah is pronounced: VASS-ARE-YAH

Magick Number: 32

Invocation Chant: Quia rectum est verbum Domini et omnia opera ejus in fide

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Halt Anger

When you have to spend time around an angry person, this angel can be called to reduce that person’s anger. This is useful in difficult situations, such as a divorce, or when people are being pushed to extremes by difficult circumstances. It should not be seen as a cure for anger, however. If the person you are dealing with is naturally angry, this angel will only subdue them for a few weeks at a time. If you suffer from angry outbursts yourself, call on the angel to reduce your temper, and the results can last for many years.

The Power To Inspire Faithfulness

When you are concerned that your partner may be unfaithful, or is considering being unfaithful, this angel can remind them of their true feelings. If your partner still loves you, then temptation will be removed and the disloyalty will come to an end. If you are feeling a temptation to be disloyal, but still want to be faithful, you can call on the angel to inspire loyalty in yourself. This can help you resist temptation while you work on your relationship.

Lehahiah is pronounced: LEH-HA-HEE-YAH

Magick Number: 34

Invocation Chant: Speret Israhel in Domino ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Ensure A Good Inheritance

This angel can be called upon to ensure that you receive a good inheritance. This will not produce an inheritance out of the blue, but if you are expecting and entitled to an inheritance, it will ensure that you are given a generous share. Although this may seem like a greedy and selfish power, it is used by the wise to ensure that they are not tricked out of an inheritance. In many families there are people who try to get wills made out in their favor. This angel can prevent any injustice being done to you. It is best performed when you know a will is being prepared. If a will has already been prepared, you can still perform the magick and the angel can inspire a change to be made to the will.

The Power To Bring Peace To A Family

Families should be loving but are often at war. When these arguments get out of control, family members can estrange themselves and become enemies for life. Before it gets to that point, call on this angel to bring peace. If your family has already suffered great disruption, you can call on the angel to heal and reunite the family.

The Power To Ensure Friendly Sharing

When anything is being divided between a group of people, this angel can ensure that you get a generous share. This can be useful if somebody you know is planning to share wealth, winnings, property or anything else of value. Although these circumstances are rare, when they come about it is good to know that this angel will work miracles to ensure you are seen as a worthy recipient.

Chavakiah is pronounced: CAV-AK-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 35

Invocation Chant: Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus vocem orationis meae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Keep A Job

Make sure you genuinely want to keep your job before calling on this angel. If your job is under threat, or if you are facing difficult circumstances, then job security is something you will crave. This power should not be used casually, though, because it may prevent you from being promoted or getting a better job. When you call on the angel, your request should make it clear that you want to keep your job for a set length of time. If you change your mind when another opportunity comes up, call the angel again, just once, and ask for the job protection to be removed. If the set length of time runs out, and you still fear for your job, you will need to repeat the ritual from another 11 days. An ideal way to work this is to ask the angel for a year of protection. That way, you can cancel the angel’s power if there’s a new opportunity, and you don’t have to repeat the ritual too often.

The Power To Maintain A Career

This angel can help you to maintain your current level of career success. If you are afraid that your career could suffer, or that financial losses are around the corner, this angel can help you to get through difficult times. Be aware, however, that the angel will not encourage great growth in your career during this period of protection. As such, you should only use it when you fear there is a risk to your career. If new opportunities arise, and you see a potential for growth, you can cancel the protection by calling the angel once, and asking for the protection to be ceased.

Menadel is pronounced: MEN-ADD-ELL

Magick Number: 36

Invocation Chant: Domine dilexi decorem domus tuae et locum habitationis gloriae tuae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Create Good Fiction

There are many angels that help with good writing, but this angel is the one you call when you want to write good fiction. You can ask for a general improvement in your story-writing ability, or aim the magick at a specific project.

The Power To Create Art and Music

This angel gives you inspiration but also helps you find the opportunities that will enable your art to be shared and seen. This angel does not always ensure that you will make money from your increased popularity, but it will ensure that you work creatively and get your work seen. This is especially useful at an early point in your creative career.

The Power To Make Wise People Communicate

This sounds like quite an obscure power, but you may find there are occasions in your life when you need other people to communicate in order to get a result that suits you. Imagine, for example, that you are a writer and you want your agent to talk to a particular publisher. This angel could help to get the two parties talking. Although this seems like a power that may not be required often, it is one that I have used extensively and has helped me in many situations. Communication is the key to successful business, and yet even the wise will often shy away from communication with certain people. When you want a communication breakthrough, this is the power to call.

Aniel is pronounced: ANNE-EE-ELL

Magick Number: 37

Invocation Chant: Deus converte nos et ostende faciem tuam et salvi erimus

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Improve Wisdom

It’s never a bad idea to improve your wisdom, but you may feel compelled to call on this angel if you are repeatedly making bad decisions. Haamiah will help to make you think wisely and consider all options, so that you make fewer bad decisions. Some people only need to perform this ritual once in a lifetime to feel a significant change in their level of wisdom, but others repeat it every few years.

The Power To Improve Physical Health

When you are trying to improve your fitness or health, use this angel to support you. The angel will not increase your willpower, so it’s up to you to put in the effort, but if you are dieting, exercising or working on any aspect of your health you can expect better results with the help of this angel.

Haamiah is pronounced: HA-AH-ME-YAH

Magick Number: 38

Invocation Chant: Quoniam tu es Domine spes mea Altissimum posuisti refugium tuum

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Cure An Illness

When an illness has come on suddenly, this angel can help you to recover more rapidly than usual. If you have the energy to perform this ritual for yourself, it will work well and will increase your energy levels, but you may find you use it more often for somebody else, because performing any magick when you are ill can be difficult. It works best on relatively minor and short-term illnesses, rather than life-threatening diseases.

The Power To Regenerate Energy

When you are exhausted or burnt out, it can be almost impossible to recover, because you never get the time or space to recover. This angel works in two ways. Firstly, it bends time so that you are able to get extra benefit from even short rest periods. Secondly, it will boost your energy levels, making recovery faster.

The Power To Obtain The Love of a Parent

There are many people who feel they are not loved by their parent. Often, this is a misperception, but in many cases it is the truth. If you feel that a parent judges you, looks down on you or sees you in a negative way, you can call on this angel’s power. The angel will remind your parent of an extremely deep love, and you will notice rapid changes in your relationship.

Rehael is pronounced: REH-HA-ELL

Magick Number: 39

Invocation Chant: Audivit Dominus et misertus est mei Dominus factus est adjutor meus

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Free Somebody From Enemies

This power is useful when you want to free another person from a situation where they are being bullied, persecuted or otherwise oppressed.

The Power To Improve Psychic Ability

Calling on this angel can help you to improve your overall intuition. If you are actively trying to enhance or develop psychic abilities, the angel will assist. If you are working with various magickal entities, and wish to make more direct contact, Yeiazel can help you become more aware of responses from other spirits.

The Power To Get Writing Published

There are many places to get your writing published in the modern world, without having to go through the ’gatekeepers’ of the publishing industry, but many people would like to see their work published by a famous newspaper or book publisher. If you write for this sort of market, this angel can help open that pathway to publication.

Yeiazel is pronounced: YAY-EE-AZ-ELL

Magick Number: 40

Invocation Chant: Ut quid Domine repellis orationem meam avertis faciem tuam a me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Stop Enemies

This power is used not only to stop enemies from harming you, but from having power over others. When you want to bring a cruel person to a halt, and prevent them from bullying and harassing yourself and others, this angel will make that person lack the strength of will to attack.

The Power To Strengthen Inner Nature

If you find that you feel distant from yourself, or that you lack inner strength, or feel ashamed of who you are, call on this angel. You will gain more self-esteem, more self-respect and the strength to express your personality without a sense of shame.

Hahahel is pronounced: HA-HA-ELL

Magick Number: 41

Invocation Chant: Domine libera animam meam a labiis iniquis et a lingua dolosa

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Help Politicians

If you work in politics, you can call on this angel for help with any aspect of your work. This angel can also be used by a politician’s supporters and campaigners, to increase popularity or get a message across.

The Power To Influence Politicians

When you need a politician on your side, or want to change a politician’s opinion to aid your cause, call on this angel. You are unlikely to change a politician’s core beliefs, but you can make them more open-minded about subjects that matter to you.

The Power To Influence The Powerful

This angel will give you the power to influence the thoughts, feelings and decisions of anybody who has more power than you in a given situation. The key word here is ’influence’. You are not taking complete control of another person’s will, but influencing their thoughts and feelings to bend their decisions in the direction of your choosing.

Mikael is pronounced: MICK-A-ELL

Magick Number: 42

Invocation Chant: Dominus custodiat te ab omni malo et custodiat animam tuam Dominus

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:







The Power To Ease The Mind

At the end of a long project, or when you have worried about something for a long time, this angel can ease your mental anguish. This angel is also useful for reducing anxiety in social situations, and can be used by people who suffer from social anxiety to obtain a calm confidence.

The Power To Manifest Objects

If there is a material object you desire greatly, you can call on this angel to lead you to that object. If you are looking to buy a car, the angel will guide you to the best possible car at the best price. If you want a house, in a good area, you will be guided to find the best house. You will still have to pay for these material objects (so be grateful there is plenty of money magick in the world), but this remains an extremely effective power. When you are seeking to manifest something physical with the best conditions for the fairest price, this angel brings fast results.

The Power To Improve Business Matters

When your business needs to change for the better, call on this angel for guidance, and to support the efforts you make to improve your business. The angel is particularly effective at getting you a better deal, a better price or better conditions when dealing with others.

Yelahiah is pronounced: YELL-AH-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 44

Invocation Chant: Voluntaria oris mei beneplacita fac Domine et judicia tua doce me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Uncover A Curse

If you suspect that you have been cursed, this angel will reveal details of the curse, while rendering the curse ineffective. At the same time, the person who has cursed you will become aware of your power and afraid to curse you again. You will feel the curse begin to lift soon after starting the ritual, and then you will experience moments of intuition and fragments of dream that let you know where the curse came from.

The Power To Recover Your Rights

If you feel that your rights have been taken away from you, in any situation, this angel can get them back for you. This works in legal situations, but even in areas such as the ’rights’ you have within your family or at work.

The Power To Improve Education

This angel will find ways to give you access to better education, and make you more receptive to learning. If you need to develop yourself and your education, before taking the next step in your career, call on this angel. If you want more education, but are uncertain of what form of study suits you, this angel can guide you to choose the right subject, course and even the best place to study.

Sealiah is pronounced: SAH-AH-LEE-YAH

Magick Number: 45

Invocation Chant: Si dicebam motus est pes meus misericordia tua Domine adjuvabit me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Create Love

While some angels can open hearts and expand love, this angel can create love where there is none. This does not work if you are merely attracted to somebody, but if you love somebody and they do not love you in return, this angel can stir feelings in their heart. This angel can also be used in a relationship where you feel that the other person is afraid of loving you or unwilling to make a commitment. This angel will not pull anybody away from their true will, but will gladly generate new feelings to assist in your loving ventures, so long as your feelings are completely sincere.

The Power To See The Past, Present and Future

You can call on this angel to uncover lost memories, to see the present more clearly and to get an idea of what is coming in the future. Your requests can be general or extremely specific and limited to a particular subject. You may see a series of signs or omens that hint at the future, but you should also experience brief flashes of memory, images of the future and a growing sense of your current reality. Many answers will come to you in dreams.

The Power To Discover More About Your Self

Some of the greatest powers in this book are the ones that can be overlooked. It’s easy to spend decades in the wrong career, with the wrong partner, doing things that make you unhappy, because momentum carries you along and denies you self-knowledge. Calling on this angel will give you a deep insight into who you really are and what you really want. The discoveries may be quite a revelation, so be prepared to experience transformation.

Asaliah is pronounced: AS-AL-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 47

Invocation Chant: Quam magnificata sunt opera tua Domine nimis profundae factae sunt cogitationes tuae

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:








The Power To Create Peace In A Marriage

Marriages, or other long-term relationships, can easily fall into patterns of bickering, blaming and arguing that conceal genuine love. This angel will remove the petty barriers that create friction in your relationship, and let you both experience love. The angel can even help when a relationship has become filled with spite and anger.

The Power To Excite Physical Love

When there is already some love present in a relationship, this angel can help to take things to a much more exciting physical level. It can bring more pleasure to both parties. If you want increased passion and sensuality, this angel will help introduce a heartfelt lust that gives you the opportunity to express your love physically.

Mihael is pronounced: ME-HA-ELL

Magick Number: 48

Invocation Chant: Notum fecit Dominus salutare suum in conspectu gentium revelavit justitiam suam

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Know Another’s Thoughts

When you want to know what somebody thinks about a particular situation, this angel can help you to know their thoughts. This works when you know the person in question and see them on a regular basis. The angel gives you the power to see through their words and sense the truth behind their words. You may also get flashes of insight into their deeper thoughts and feelings on the subject.

The Power To Calm An Aggressive Situation

This angel works most effectively when aimed at one specific aggressive situation. If, for example, you have an ongoing problem with an aggressive neighbor, the angel will subdue that person. If there is one house on your street that attracts trouble and lawlessness, the angel can remove those people from your life or calm them down. Wherever you experience regular aggression, the angel can bring calm.

The Power To Make Somebody Humble

If you live or work with somebody who has a huge ego it can affect your mood and the quality of your work and relationship. This angel can make an egotistical person humble.

The Power To Dominate Strong Personalities

Strong personalities are a good thing, and if you want to thrive in life you will probably need to be surrounded by people with strong personalities at times. There will be occasions, though, where you need to influence these people, and influencing somebody who is very sure of themselves can be difficult. Call on this angel to give you the power to dominate somebody with a strong personality, so that they hear you, respond to you and are willing to let you take the lead in a situation.

Vehuel is pronounced: VAY-WHO-ELL

Magick Number: 49

Invocation Chant: Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis et magnitudinis ejus non est finis

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Handle Complex Projects

When you take on a complex project, there is a risk of being overwhelmed. Call on this angel to give you the confidence and clarity of mind to handle a situation that challenges you. The greatest power of this angel is to help you hold the whole project in your mind clearly. This is why it is useful to novelists, architects, managers, wedding planners or anybody who needs to remember a thousand details at one time. If you are ever faced with a task that seems more complex than you can handle, trust that this angel will help you through to the end.

The Power To Improve Clarity of Thought

Whatever you are working on, this angel can help bring greater clarity to your thoughts. If you find that you are feeling muddled, confused or overwhelmed, this angel will help you see the whole situation so that you can make better judgments about how to make decisions.

Hahasiah is pronounced: HA-HA-SEE-YAH

Magick Number: 51

Invocation Chant: Sit gloria Domini in saeculum laetabitur Dominus in operibus suis

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Weaken An Enemy

When you know that you are being attacked by somebody, directly or subtly, this angel will gladly weaken your enemy. Some angels can stop an enemy in their tracks, so why would you want to weaken an enemy? Sometimes, it is better if other people witness you getting the better of an enemy. If you are being bullied in the workplace and the bully just leaves, people may think of you as weak (even though the bullying was never your problem). If you weaken your enemy, people will see that you have overcome the obstacle and will respect you more. The other time to use this angel is when you are being attacked by a particularly vicious or fearsome enemy - use this angel to first weaken your enemy, and then use other angels to bring about the enemy’s defeat.

The Power To Research Well

We have so much access to information that it is difficult to research well. To learn a new skill, to understand your business or to develop your career, you need to research constantly. Call on this angel to give you the power to research well, and your research abilities will be more focused and creative for many years.

Imamiah is pronounced: IM-AM-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 52

Invocation Chant: Confitebor Domino secundum justitiam ejus et psallam nomini Domini Altissimi

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Bring Stability

When there is chaos in any area of your life, this angel can bring stability. You can even use this angel in advance, when you suspect that a coming situation may be chaotic, to ensure that it remains stable.

The Power To Bring Fame to Artists And Writers

This angel can help to bring recognition to your artistic work, even in the early stages of your career. When you put your work out there, call on this angel to assist you in being found, recognized and appreciated.

Nithael is pronounced: NITH-AH-ELL

Magick Number: 54

Invocation Chant: Dominus in caelo paravit sedem suam et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Win Awards

This angel will not help you win the lottery or other games of chance, but if you are ever trying to win an award on merit, this angel can have astonishing results. I have seen this angel used by poets, filmmakers, artists, and singers to ensure that they get nominated for awards and then go on to win them.

The Power To Help Another

All the angelic powers in this book can be used to help others, but this power enables you to offer a gift to somebody you love or care about. It is not used to solve problems, but to give that person something that will make them happier. Leave it to the angel to decide what that person will receive. This power is useful when you feel that you owe a debt to somebody but have no way to pay them directly.

Mebahiah is pronounced: MEB-AH-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 55

Invocation Chant: Tu autem Domine in aeternum permanes et memoriale tuum in generationem et generationem

Invocation Pronunciation:







The Power To Improve Prosperity

When your earnings start to increase, call on this angel to keep up your financial momentum. This is not an angel to call on when you are in poverty, but when you find that your circumstances have started to improve, this angel will ensure that money flows into your life to create a steady improvement in your overall prosperity.

The Power To Ease Anxiety

Many angels can ease the mind, but this angel works best when there is a particular concern that is making you anxious. If you are worried about an upcoming audition, interview, public appearance or any other occasion, call on this angel. If you don’t have time to complete the ritual before the occasion in question, that doesn’t matter -begin the ritual on a Thursday and you will feel your anxiety ease immediately. If the event passes before you have completed eleven days, make sure you continue with the ritual to the final Sunday even when the event has passed, but instead of making a request simply thank the angel.

Nemamiah is pronounced: NEM-AM-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 57

Invocation Chant: Qui timent Dominum speraverunt in Domino adjutor eorum et protector eorum est

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Heal Sorrow

When you have an emotional pain that lingers, especially if it is caused by the loss of a loved one, this angel can heal your sorrow. If you suffer from regret, this angel can help you to move on and focus on the present and the future.

The Power To Work With Metal

This is quite an obscure power that may not be of use to most readers, but this angel is loved by those who trade in metal ores, or anybody who crafts metallic jewelry. The angel is able to ensure you obtain metals at good prices, and for those who work directly with metal it ensures that your work is skillful. The angel has been used by mechanics to improve their metal working skills.

Yeialel is pronounced: YAY-EE-AL-ELL

Magick Number: 58

Invocation Chant: Et anima mea turbata est valde sed tu Domine usque quo

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Improve Fertility

Health magick of any kind runs the risk of offering false hope, but many angels have been employed to assist with fertility for countless years. As with all things medical, you should seek conventional help before turning to magick, but if you want to add magickal power to your efforts, this is the angel to call.

The Power To Influence Business People

There are many reasons you may wish to influence somebody who works in business. If you work in business, there are competitors and allies you could influence. Your living space may be affected by noise or other disruptions from a local business, and the best way to influence somebody to change their ways may be with magick. There are countless creative ways to use this power, to make more money or just make the peace.

The Power To Influence The Press

Whether you a trying to hide a story, get facts corrected, or get the press to give you some publicity, the ability to influence the press should never be underestimated. In the modern world, the press refers to blogs, websites and all other spaces where professionals write - as well as traditional print newspapers. This angel works best when you are trying to influence professional writers, rather than amateurs.

Harahel is pronounced: HA-RAH-ELL

Magick Number: 59

Invocation Chant: A solis ortu usque ad occasum laudabile nomen Domini

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Be Free of Bullies

It’s often difficult to tell when you are being bullied, and at other times it is obvious. If you feel that somebody is treating you unfairly and trying to control you, through threats, insults or more subtle bullying, this angel can free you from that bully. Be aware that this angel tends to remove bullies from your life, so if you simply want to subdue or calm a bully you may want to call on a different angel. Mitzrael will find ways to get bullies to move away from you, so they are no longer a concern.

The Power To Heal an Uneasy Spirit

If you find yourself feeling anxious for no obvious reason, or disappointed when things are going well, you can call on this angel to lift your spirit. If a coming task seems overwhelming, this angel can also help to prepare you for what’s ahead.

The Power To Improve Your Loyalty To Another

Even in good relationships it may happen that you meet somebody who stirs your interest, and tempts you away from your current partner. This angel will help to keep you focused on the love you have for your current partner.

Mitzrael is pronounced: MIZ-RAH-ELL

Magick Number: 60

Invocation Chant: Justus Dominus in omnibus viis suis et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Bring Business Success

This angel will not make a bad business thrive, but if you are making efforts to start a business or improve an existing business, do not miss the opportunities provided by Damabiah. This angel being success by guiding your actions and uncovering opportunities that you may not have seen, helping you make wise decisions that get your business to thrive.

The Power To Uncover Business Ideas

If you are already in business you may be seeking a new direction, or you may be looking to start a new business. If you need ideas to set your business aside from the competition, this angel will help. You will find that new ideas come to you more easily, and you will get a better sense of an idea’s long-term potential. Without new ideas, business dies, so this is an extremely potent angelic power.

Damabiah is pronounced: DAM-AH-BEE-YAH

Magick Number: 65

Invocation Chant: Convertere Domine usque quo et deprecabilis esto super servos tuos

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:




The Power To Find Lost Items

This angel can recover items thought to be lost, in seemingly miraculous ways. When calling on this angel, somebody else may bring the lost item to you, but it may also be up to you to find what has gone missing. Trust your intuition, and if you get any hunches, follow them. Once the item is found, you should still continue the ritual for the required number of days, but instead of asking for the item to be found, simply replace your request with thanks to the angel.

The Power To Obtain Clear Thought

When your mind is feeling confused or slow, when you are overwhelmed with options, call on this angel to clear your thoughts. The angel can be used simply to reset your normal state of mind after an ordeal, or to keep your thoughts clear during a stressful or demanding time.

The Power To Sleep Well

If you do not sleep well, call on this angel to help. Your sleep may improve immediately, or you may get nudges from your intuition, suggesting changes you can make that would aid your sleep. If you experience nightmares, this angel can bring them to a stop.

Manakel is pronounced: MEN-AK-ELL

Magick Number: 66

Invocation Chant: Ne derelinquas me Domine Deus meus ne discesseris a me

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





The Power To Increase Fame

When you already have some degree of fame, this angel can increase your fame dramatically. You do not need to be famous in the sense of a celebrity. So long as you are well-known within certain circles, you can use this angel. Many public speakers, performers, writers and others use this angel to increase the number of people who know about them. Note that this angel works to increase fame by making you more well known, but it will not necessarily make you more liked. Consider this when wording your request, and phrase it carefully, to ensure you get positive fame rather than notoriety. Unless notoriety is what you want.

The Power To Stay Strong During Adversity

There are some situations we simply can’t prevent. When a relative or friend is dying of incurable disease, when we are forced to move home, when a relationship breaks down beyond repair - this is when you call on Eiael. If you are faced with unavoidable adversity, this angel will give you the strength to get through the coming weeks and months without being damaged or exhausted.

The Power To Break Free When Stuck

There are many times when people say they feel ’stuck’, because their life or relationships are not developing as hoped, or because they simply don’t know what to do next. In magickal terms, you want to ’open the road’. This means that you call on the angel to reveal a variety of new possibilities so that you can break free from feeling stuck.

Eiael is pronounced: AY-AH-ELL

Magick Number: 67

Invocation Chant: Delectare in Domino et dabit tibi petitiones cordis tui

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Recover From Disease

Although you can use this angel when you are unwell, the best results come when you have already begun to recover. When a long recovery is expected, this angel will speed up the recovery considerably.

The Power To Increase Love

This angel can increase feelings of genuine love. You should not use this to generate passion or exciting love, but to increase warm, ongoing love within a family, or in a relationship. It is best to use this angel when there is already love there, but you want the love to increase. This can help relationships to last, and families to be peaceful. It can also be used within strained friendships, to ensure that each party remembers the love they have for one another.

Habuiah is pronounced: HA-BOO-EE-YAH

Magick Number: 68

Invocation Chant: Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus quoniam in saeculum misericordia ejus

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:






The Power To Recover

There are times when you may feel you need a break from life, but you don’t have the time or space to recover. Call on this angel. Sometimes the angel will respond by creating a space in your life for you to recover, and at others times it will simply give you more strength to recover from within.

The Power To Find Inner Harmony

People sometimes seek inner harmony when everything is falling apart around them. Others seek inner harmony when everything they desire is falling into place, because they recognize this is also a time to appreciate and enjoy the results that have been obtained. This angel can bring you inner harmony, which means you will find peace and stability in your emotions, whatever is happening in the world around you.

Jabamiah is pronounced: YAB-AH-ME-AH

Magick Number: 70

Invocation Chant: In principio creavit Deus Caelum et terram

Invocation Chant Pronunciation:





Part Three: The Greater Powers

Empowering The Talismans and Sigils

Talismans and sigils work whether or not you ’charge’ them psychically, but many people find they get better results if they activate the images with magickal energy.

If you own Wealth Magick you can charge the talismans with the Orante Gesture that is described in that book, but that method should not be used for charging the sigils. As such, I wanted this book to contain a technique that can be used to charge the shem talismans as well as the angelic sigils.

The following technique even works on electronic versions of the talismans and sigils - so long as you see the sigil while it is being charged, it will remain charged when used on a different device. So you could charge the sigil in the print book, and then use the sigil in the ebook and you will get results. Or you could charge the sigil on your laptop, and it will work on an iPad. This is because when you charge a sigil you are actually taking it within yourself, and binding yourself to the angelic energy.

This technique is fairly simple, although it does require some use of your imagination. Do not worry if you are unable to visualize clearly. We all have different qualities of imagination, and however you imagine is right for you, so it will work.

You should charge both shem talismans first, and then you can charge each sigil when you know you will be using it at some point in the future. You can perform this charging ritual just moments before you perform the main ritual, or months in advance, and the effect will remain as strong.

Whether you are charging a sigil or shem talisman the process is the same, although to make the following description simpler, I will refer only to the charging of an angelic sigil.

Find a quiet place where you can relax and get comfortable, without being disturbed. Let your eyes pass over the sigil, scanning over the shapes and lines, and even the letters. But look at the letters as though they are merely shapes. Do not try to read them or understand them.

After doing this for a few moments, take a breath and imagine the sun, and feel its mighty power. Imagine the sun shrinking down and, as it shrinks it moves towards your chest. It settles in your heart as a tiny, brilliant star. Remain aware of this brilliant star within you and gaze at the sigil. Now imagine that the sky above you is filled with powerful storm clouds, ready to strike lightning. Look at the sigil again and imagine that the image moves into your heart. You can actually imagine the sigil rising from the book and moving into your heart. If you find it difficult to picture this, simply know that the sigil is moving within you. When you feel that the sigil has reached your heart, imagine a bolt of lightning descending from the heavens and striking the sigil in your heart. You may feel a pleasant physical sensation as the sigil ignites. You may feel nothing. Whatever you feel, the work is done and the image has been empowered within you.

To come back to reality, let your gaze pass over the sigil once more. Simply look at it, but as you do, know that your eyes are tracing over lines and shapes that are now contained within your heart. You are already connected to the angel before you even attempt to make contact.

Although this ritual can take as long as five minutes, it can be over in seconds, and that is fine.

The most important aspect of this ritual is that you perform it with serious commitment, but then you should not worry about whether you did it well enough or whether it worked. By performing this ritual, and inviting the sigil into your heart, you made it work. Nobody else is judging its effectiveness, so there is no need to worry about

whether the angels will think you’ve done a good enough job. This is personal magick, and you have chosen to connect yourself to the sigil, and that is all that matters.

The Act of Choosing

How do you choose the best angel to work with? The first thing to do is know what you really want. Many people immediately think they want more money, and do magick to solve that problem. If you take the time to think about what you really want, it may be something unexpected. I have often had people come to me for magickal help, and after some thought they’ve realized that what they really want is more love, peace or creativity.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more money. If you want to be more successful, or if you want your business to thrive, the angels will be willing to help. The angels do not judge or determine whether or not your cause is worthy. All they look at is the nature of your desire. If your desire is heartfelt, and comes from a genuine longing for change, the angels will give you what you want.

The best results, of course, come when you choose the right angels for the job, and sometimes that will mean breaking your problem down into stages. Imagine you are being attacked by a cruel enemy. You may want to perform an 11 day-ritual to weaken that enemy. You could then perform an 11-day ritual to ensure that you are seen by other people in a good light. You could follow this up with a ritual to stop your enemy completely, with another ritual to ensure you recover from any damage that was done. Although this may seem long-winded, taking a lot of time to achieve, it is the best way to get results when faced with a large or enduring problem.

If you are trying to build business success, you should look at all the angelic powers that can assist you, and develop a plan for using them in succession, to gradually build your success. This is more effective than just doing one prosperity ritual and hoping for the best.

With that said, sometimes all you need is one well-chosen angel and you will get the job done.

Sometimes, people want to use more than one angel at once. If there is a real emergency and you need help from several angels at once, you can do this, but consider that it might be better to put your trust in one angel, than to blast the problem with magick because you’re afraid it won’t work.

If you do use more than one angel on a single problem at the same time, you should perform the ritual with your request for one angel, finish it, and then repeat the entire process for the next angel on the same day. This is quite time consuming, but works better than cramming several sigils onto your table and making a mass of requests to several angels at once. Ideally, you should break your problem down into smaller stages, and work on each stage in sequence.

I explained this to a group of people late last year, and there were a few groans of disappointment. People just wanted to do all the magick at once. Doing four eleven-day rituals was going to take months, they said. I agreed, but pointed out that months of good magick is better than one attempt that fails because it has not been well thought out. So you are free to use several angels at the same time, on the same problem, or on different problems, but make sure you have thought deeply about your problem and the results you want.

Before you choose your angel, you should know that the powers described in this book are not the same powers you might find listed elsewhere. Traditionally, these angels are ascribed many powers that may differ from those listed in these books. These angels have been known for a long, long time, and there are many different ways of using them. You can look online and find all sorts of 'abilities' that are attributed to them. You can track down the oldest source texts and see that the descriptions are quite different. You can buy lots of modern books that will say different things altogether. And then when you evoke the angels, you find out something else entirely. The

powers listed in this book are taken from decades of direct work with these angels, with our initial work being based on the best source text we could find (which is not widely available online). That doesn't mean you can't try using the angels to achieve results that aren’t listed here, but when starting out, the listed powers give you a good insight into the angel’s general nature.

You should, however, spend some time reading through the powers, and then there is a brief ritual you can perform to sense the angel’s powers more directly.

If an angel interests you, gaze at the sigil for a while, and let your focus rest on the angel’s seal. This is the collection of lines that are at the very center of the sigil. You can think of this as a gateway to the angel. When you look at those lines you are not looking at shapes, but looking through into another space where the angel resides. When you have let your eyes settle on the image, consider your problem or the challenge you face, and try to imagine this angel helping you. Imagine what might happen if you called on this angel. Do not try to direct your thoughts, but allow feelings to arise. You may get the slightest sensation, or feel an immense rush of power. The scale of the feeling is not important. What matters is the quality of the feeling- if the angel feels like it might be able to help, you have made your choice. If you feel nothing immediately, allow some time to pass and gaze again. You may find that you get a better intuition about each angel as you continue to gaze at the sigils.

When performing magick, it is not your job to decide how the result will manifest. Although angelic magick can be more direct and precise than most magick, you still need to leave room for manifestation to occur. So if you want to silence an enemy, you don’t need to specify how they will be silenced. You shouldn’t ask the angel to make sure the enemy leaves town, because that’s too specific. Instead, make your request sincerely, and let the angel handle the details.

Angelic Communication

Many people want to sense an angel’s presence. This is understandable, but it is not required for the magick to work. Some people perform the magick and feel an instant connection to the angels. Others work with angels for decades and never sense their presence, but still get everything they need.

If you want to communicate with angels directly, and build a relationship with them, all you have to do is ask. This works best when you have already achieved a magickal result from the angel. By doing some work together, that manifests in reality, you have connected with the angel in a way that is extremely powerful.

Once you have obtained a result, you simply change your request, making the statement that you want to communicate with the angel, sense its presence and work with it in an ongoing way. You do not need to pray, beg, plead or promise anything for this contact to take place. Simply perform an 11-day ritual, asking the angel to make contact. During those eleven days you may see signs - such as feathers, or angelic names. You may feel direct and immediate contact. Many people say they hear a rush of air, or feel like a wing has passed over them. Others feel warmth and light. You might only feel the slightest sense of another consciousness. Ultimately, this sense of consciousness is what you’re looking for. You are not communicating with a puppet or drawing or imagined being - you should remember that angels are conscious beings with distinctive personalities and voices.

After asking to make contact with the angel, you can then gaze at the angel’s sigil at any time that you want to make contact. Sing the angel’s name three times, and allow the angel to make itself known.

Do not strive too hard to make contact. I often think back to a time when I was trying to obtain lucid dreams, and I purchased a dream machine that would monitor my eye movements, and flash lights in my eyes while I slept. It was meant to trigger lucid dreams. I slept with that thing strapped around my head for months, and nothing happened. When I finally gave up and swore I’d never use it again I had a beautiful, crystal clear lucid dream. I had given up, and the result I wanted came about. It is the same with angelic contact. If you strive, you can push results away. If you know that the contact has already been made the moment you look at the sigil and sing the angel’s name, then you merely have to wait for the conversation to start.

Once you establish this sort of relationship with an angel, where it will appear when called directly, you can ask for guidance regarding its powers and how it can help you. You may hear a voice, get a sense of understanding or even see the angel before you. Every experience is different, and if you only get a hint of an angel’s presence, do not be disappointed. Equally, if you see an angel standing before you, do not be afraid.

Making contact with angels is a hit and miss affair, and results depend on your state of mind, your needs, the magickal work you’ve done and many other factors. You may find that contact comes easily and often, or is an occasional gift. When you do make contact though, even for a moment, you will know that it is worthwhile.

Getting Involved With Your Magick

To get magick working you need to do two things. You need to keep working in the real-world to make the results come about, and you need to let go of lust for result. This chapter will look at the real-world work, and the next chapter will look at lust for result.

I had a friend who said that if magick requires people to put in real-world effort, it was probably just the real-world effort that made a difference. I used to think the same, but I have seen astonishing things happen when you put in a little more work.

When you perform magick, you are making a pact with reality. You are asking reality to promise you a result, and you are promising to live with that result.

If you are serious about getting a result, you should do everything you can to make the result come about. The more effort you put into a situation in the real world, the more the magick works. The beautiful thing about this is that if you double your efforts, magick works ten times harder for you. If you triple your efforts, magick works a hundred times harder. These aren’t exact numbers, but you get the idea.

I should say that sometimes, extra effort isn’t required, for certain types of working. If you’re doing a ritual from Magickal Cashbook, for example, then you’re trying to make money appear out of the blue. There’s not much you can do in the real world other than let go of your lust for result and allow the manifestation to occur in whatever way it wants.

On the other hand, if you’re doing a working to increase sales in your shop, for example, there’s plenty you could do to help. When you’re doing magick to increase sales, this is the time to start making changes to your advertising, to your shop’s layout, to the products you stock or whatever else occurs to you. If you work for an employer, and you want a promotion or a better job, there are hundreds of ways to increase your abilities and potential, rather than sitting back and hoping. By stirring up the potential for change, you give magick many more ways to manifest. This is especially true when performing angelic magick.

This doesn’t just mean working harder, but breaking a goal down into several stages. If you want to become a painter, then you should do magick to improve your skills, do magick to get people to like your work, do magick to get your first exhibition and sales, and then do magick to improve your popularity. This is better than just doing one ritual to make you a famous artist.

I know a lot of actors, and although some have a small degree of fame, most of the actors I know are 'jobbing' actors, who work in theatre and smaller TV productions. That's where most of the work is, and to make a living at that level is seen as a major achievement. I’m proud of them and they are fairly proud of themselves. Most actors never even make it that far, so it’s a good result. Many of these actors got where they are by using magick. But they used far more than magick. Every one of them had trained, rehearsed, auditioned and trained again, for years, ensuring they were the best possible actors they could be. They made sure they were in the right place at the right time, and they ensured that every moment they had spare was spent on seeing theatre shows, networking and getting involved with the acting scene. By being prepared, they were making sure they could respond when the magick kicked in. It doesn’t always happen that way.

I've had many actors ask me for help, and my first advice to them is to move to LA, New York, Vancouver, London or a similar city. Once they are willing to do that, magick can work wonders. If they try to do magick in a

town where there's no acting work, though, then it's probably a waste of time. It may seem like harsh advice, but this is what I mean by commitment. (If your ambition is only local, then I support that, but many people dream of Hollywood and hope they’ll be discovered in a small English village.)

I knew an actor who desperately wanted to succeed, but he wanted the success first and the learning and hard work afterwards. This may sound like insanity, but you’d be surprised at how often this approach is the case. People start bands without learning to play guitar. People write novels without reading enough novels to know how they’re written. People want to be wealthy without understanding how money works or even how to spend it well.

This actor came to me for magickal advice, and I said I'd give him what he needed when he'd done everything else that he could do to get the job. To get the role he wanted he needed several new acting skills and a certain physique - so I told him to get out there and do the hard work, and then we could use magick when it mattered. If you do magick without doing the real-world work, it's wasted magick, I said.

Unfortunately, he didn’t listen to me. He used the magick that he already knew (from many years of being friends with me) to get an audition. And he worked hard at getting that audition. Against the odds, he managed to get an audition. That was a stunning piece of magickal work, because he didn’t even have an agent. He used magick to achieve the impossible. But it was a mistake. When he got to the audition, he didn’t have the right skills or physique and was not the best actor he could be. He failed the audition.

Magick can give you what you want, but you need to make sure you are ready for the result and ready to respond to the result.

Making a pact means doing your share of the work. If you’re trying to avoid an enemy, you shouldn’t do magick to avoid the enemy and then confront your enemy at their front door. If you’re doing magick to increase business success, make sure you’re ready to respond to new developments.

When you get involved with the result you want to see, the angels see your sincerity and respond with magick.

The Art of Letting Go

When you perform magick, you are advised not to lust for results. Putting in real-world effort is important, but letting go of results is vital for them to manifest. To let go of the magickal result, you need to show a little confidence in your magick. This means that you don’t constantly check up on the magick or count the days since you finished your ritual. The less you rush the magick, the faster it works.

This doesn’t mean you have to believe or pray or hope for the magick to work, but it means you have to act as though you expect the result to manifest. This expectation should have the same level of calm that you feel when stepping out of your house to get into your car. You don’t hope that you car is there, or pray that it hasn’t been stolen. You expect it to be there. So you grab your keys and head to the car because you assume it will be there. For some people, when they perform magick, they head to the car without picking up their keys, so to speak.

All you’re trying to achieve is a casual confidence that magick works. This is why I suggest to beginners that they work on attracting small changes. When people use some basic protection magick, or attract a small amount of money, they see a result, and their confidence increases. Building on this, they are soon able to work miracles. All it requires is a casual state of mind.

To achieve this state of mind, you should perform the magick with confidence and serious intent, but when the magick is done, know that you have handed the magick over to another power. It’s that simple. Whatever entity you have summoned will do the work. You need to remember this. You have asked the angel to help, and you have done so in a state of magickal authority. The least you can do is act as though you expect the angel to do what it has been asked to do.

Of course, if you have a burning desire, it’s difficult to forget about the result you want, but rather than worrying about the magick or how it may manifest, think about what you can do to make the result come about. When you find yourself pondering the magick, simply let yourself feel pleasure as though the result has already been obtained. It’s mental trickery, but it goes a long way to unlocking the inner blockages that hold back the magick.

The magick I present in my books is so powerful that some people report results within seconds. At other times, great patience is required. Whatever happens, keep working on the problem in the real-world, and know that magick will find a way.

Remember that you are handing the problem over to the angels, at the same time as committing to work on the problem in the real world. When doing magick, focus on your magick. When working in the real world, focus on the real world and let the magick take care of itself.

Doing Magick For Others

When you discover that magick works, you may find that you want to perform magick for others. You can do so, without even asking for their permission, but you should take great care when doing so.

If somebody is ill, there is little harm in performing a ritual to make them well. All you need to do is guide your request to the angel, asking for healing for the other named party. You can communicate how they have suffered, and how the magick will help them, but you should also mention how good it will make you feel if the magick works. Do not try to be pious. The angels just want to know what you really feel. If helping somebody is going to make you feel good, let the angels know.

This technique can be applied to any angelic power. You can use the powers to increase the prosperity of those you care about, protect loved ones from enemies, or keep somebody’s job safe. You should be cautious, though, because what you think somebody wants may not be what they want. Somebody may swear blind that they want their spouse to leave the house, but what they really want is more love. Somebody may tell you they are desperate for a new job, but what they really want is an early retirement.

If you are certain you know what the person wants, you can go ahead and perform the magick, but you should add this statement to your request, ’In accordance with the will of...’ Here you name the person you are trying to help. This means that the magick will only work if it fits in with the deepest desires of the person you are trying to help.

The other option is to ask the person in question if they want magickal help, but this is rarely wise. Many people are horrified by the thought of magick, even angelic magick, and others may be insulted by your offer of help. Your initial delight in the power to help others can be soured with a few reactive words. At other times, people will be overjoyed that you made the offer. Take the time to consider the person you know carefully, before discussing magick with them.

There are great benefits in performing magick for others. You can perform these rituals alongside your own, and this helps you to build relationships with more angels. The more magick you do - when the need is sincere -the better you become at doing magick.

Appendix A: The Master Ritual Simplified

Face East.

Place the correct angelic talisman before you, on your left, with its Magick Number facing East.

Place the angelic sigil you have chosen on your right.

This is the beginning. I open the way.

Reach forward and make a gesture as though opening drapes or curtains, parting them so you can pass through.

I call on the inner planes to witness. I state my purpose thus.




I pass through the arch of stone.

I walk through a field of golden corn.

I am warmed by fire of the sun.

I am cooled by water of the ocean.

I am steady on the firm earth.

I breathe a sweet breeze.

I feel the weight of the earth beneath me.

I ask, how did I come to be at peace?

I ask, how did I let go of fear?

I ask, how did I learn to manifest my dreams?

Imagine an orange glow like sunset on your left. Imagine a purple glow on your right.

I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel (ARE-ZELL) *, who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my endeavours.

Kosu harim silah va'anafeha arz-El (KOH-SUE HAR-IM SIL-AH VA-ANNA-FEHA ARE-ZELL) ARE-ZELL*, ARE-ZELL*, ARE-ZELL*



I call on Thee, Mighty Raziel (RAH-ZEE-ELL*), who stands in the East to make me heard by the secret angels of the universe.








Oh mighty Raziel (RAH-ZEE-ELL*), let my voice be heard by the great angel _________ *

I seal this request with the word of power

Anaphaexton (ANNA-FAX-EAT-ON).

Make The Invocation Chant

Glance at the sigil and Sing the Angel’s name three times:*

Speak Your Request To The Angel:

I call on Thee, powerful*, who.....

It is my will to......

I seal this request with the words of power: Anaphaxeton (ANNA-FAX-EAT-ON)

As you angels have come in peace, go in peace. It is done.

When The Magick Works

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The Gallery of Magick blog contains advice, updated on a regular basis. There are many articles on the site that can help to get your magick working.

You can read countless success stories here:

Comments on the blog/website may take a few days to be approved, so if you comment, please be patient before your comment or question appears. Sometimes, comments are closed due to time pressure.

I can be contacted at both of the above sites if you have any questions about the magick in this book, but please note that I am often busy and may not be able to reply immediately. Sometimes there may be long delays.

Your patience is appreciated. Before asking a question, please make sure you read the FAQ first, along with the articles on the website, as most questions are answered there.

Unfortunately I do not have time to answer general questions about life or magick, but I am happy to answer questions about the magick in this book, and give advice where needed.

I’m afraid I will not answer questions about pronunciation because the best possible phonetic pronunciations are included here. Please see articles on the website concerning pronunciation, and remember that the sigils make the book Pronunciation Proof. If you are concerned about a particular word, Google the pronunciation and make your own decision, but rest assured that what’s written here will work.

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Damon Brand

Words of Power

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Magickal Protection

’This saved my son’s life. Only just got this book today and I performed the rituals and two hours later my son survived an attempted robbery at gunpoint. Not a hair on him was harmed. I own all the other books and the magick really works fast. I am so grateful for this.’

’Adding The Sword Banishing and Master Protection Ritual has made all the difference in my workings. Things are coming together much faster and it is more enjoyable.’

’Saved me from a bad car crash. There is no doubt about it, the Angels from the rituals in this jewel of a book will protect you physically. You may not realize how extremely valuable that is until you are in serious jeopardy and wish that someone would come through to help you. If you are on the fence about buying this book, do yourself a GREAT FAVOR and JUST BUY IT. Do the Sword Ritual & Master Ritual and get the attention of these Holy Angels, because believe me when I say that you want them there for you during your time of need. The Master Ritual also has brought the requested peace and harmony into my life.’

Magickal Angels

  • # 1 Best-seller in Amazon’s Occult and Magic categories

’While Damon's previous books were more focused in on certain outcomes, Magickal Angels describes angels to help you with a wide variety of outcomes you might want. Really terrific stuff.’

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’Another great book by Damon Brand. I have every other book by this author, because all the methods described actually work. This book introduced me to many new Angelical beings and I am excited to work with them all. It covers how to get basically everything you could ever want.’

Magickal Cashbook

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’Great read. This book had a Lot to offer and it is written very well. I give it 5 stars. I think anyone that reads this book will enjoy it.’

’Using lust and sex in magick is certainly not new, but Damon brings it to us beginners in a very accessible way. His style is easygoing and relaxed, without losing sight of the material he is teaching. Definitely recommended if you are into practical goal-driven magick!’

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’After having much magickal success with Damon's other books, there is no way that I would pass this one up. The way he explains/instructs is very down to earth and easy to understand, yet his knowledge and expertise cannot go unnoticed. He provides practical advice for you to do in the real world which goes hand in hand with the magick. The magick he shares WORKS!!!!’

Damon Brand

Damon Brand