The Neuronomicon - Harris N.J. 2018

The Neuronomicon - Harris N.J. 2018


The Neuronomicon represents the first genuine advance in the technology of magick in 100 years, and is possibly the most powerful grimoire currently available in the West without clearance from the government. The essence of its model originates with mind-scientists working in secretive military programs concerned with the development of psychic abilities such as remote viewing and influence. I am indebted to all those involved in leaking this information, and to those who joined me in experimenting with the theory and merging it with traditional magick.

I have drawn from several decades of experience, during which I have learned directly from initiates of many paths; from my origins in the hereditary witchcraft of Essex1 through to the ceremonial magick of the Western Tradition, Tantra (Buddhist and Hindu), Haitian Voudon, the metisage of Voudon / Makaya / Orissa / Obeah practised at street level in cities such as Bristol, London, New Orleans, and New York, as well as many other sources of knowledge encountered along the way. I have also experimented

1 See my work Witcha: A Book of Cunning (Mandrake of Oxford, 2005, out of print on author's insistence), my appearance in the National Geographic documentary, Taboo: Witchcraft (2004), and The Devil's Door; Initiation Into Infernal Witchcraft (Peacock Angel Publishing, 2013). See also the chapter Infernal Witchcraft in Book Three of this current work.

extensively with an advanced version of the AudioVisual Synthesiser 'mind machines' originally developed in the CIA funded psychic experiments of Project Stargate. Finally, for reasons discussed elsewhere, I have communicated with a number of therapists and survivors dealing with the fallout of MK Ultra style mind control programmes. All of these streams have informed the current of The Neuronomicon.

While many chapters cover material familiar to any magician, such as the casting of the circle or the disciplines of meditation, their relation to the emerging paradigm brings startling implications. This is the reason I have approached the subject through what are likely to be familiar symbol systems, rather than the obscurer mysteries. The deeper one's knowledge of these areas, the deeper the implications, given adequate meditation. Just as one may be familiar with every individual number employed in mathematics, this does not imply mastery of the discipline, and even with mastery there are always more discoveries to be made.

The techniques and concepts discussed herein are discussed using the terminology of psychology, neurology, neurolinguistic programming, quantum physics, and information science. As modern practitioners we are less and less allowed the luxury of belief untroubled by intellectual analysis. One may not seek the mysteries without intuition, yet similarly one may not seek them without logic, empiricism, and rationality; to do so invites delusion and obsession. The practice of magick requires, as Crowley

recognised, “the method of science and the aim of religion.”

There are many who believe magick and science to be the antithesis of each other; such is a misunderstanding based on an incomplete knowledge of either. In centuries past the two were indistinguishable - it is well known, for example, that the origins of chemistry lie in alchemy. In our modern day the most advanced sciences are once again becoming increasingly indistinguishable from magick. We have discovered that our holographic reality is dependent on the one thing science has yet to explain and understand; consciousness. Our most advanced scientists have postulated the theory that consciousness consists of information, which itself exists beyond the confines of the space-time continuum.

For the longest time magick has been assumed to be either 'acausal', or else caused by such things as 'spirits', the existence of which cannot be proven -hence the apparent dichotomy with science. In fact there is a cause, as can now be measured and recorded, just as it can be shown that this cause remains the same regardless of what beliefs or paradigms the magician may choose to invest in. That cause is consciousness - something which may now be measured, and effected through technology.

Magick is a bit like computer programming; it does not matter if one believes the computer works because of gods, spirits, aliens, or any other reason - it still works when you turn it on; hence lesser sorcerers have assumed that belief itself is arbitrary - or even

that belief 'shapes reality'. It is only if one intends to control others by means of a cult that such beliefs have any advantage. In contrast, if one intends to fix, improve upon, or hack the programming such errornous belief becomes a clear disadvantage. This grimoire is intended for all those who wish to know how the programming codes of magick 'really work'.

I have classed these operations as neuromancy, a term borrowed from the science-fiction of William Gibson. Nevertheless, the conceptual tools may be applied by any magician, regardless of the tradition or 'current' they align with, if any. There are reasons I have consciously borrowed from popular culture; my aim is to employ language the reader is likely to be familiar with, but does not alienate with presumptions of belief. As far as possible I have presented the techniques of sorcery stripped of cultural significators. What I have not done is developed a new system of magick, or syncretised an eclectic belief system. Instead I have explored the commonalities between the various traditions to show that, whilst the language and symbols may vary, their approach is essentially the same; correlating also with modern advances in the mind sciences. Since these are not different 'belief systems' in the first place (except in the sense of language) there is no need for syncretisation.

I also speak of the Invisibles; a term some might recognise from Grant Morrison's graphic novel, which he in turn borrowed from Voudon. This is not to imply any one cultural bias over another. In referring to the Mystery of the Red Ray, for example, I mean that

force that manifests as Ganesh, Mercury, Hermes, Nabu, Thoth, Exu, Simbi-Makaya, or Odin, among other masques, who is cross culturally found at the crossroads, is master of magick, and who teaches through trickery. The irony is that les Invisibles - the lwa or 'laws' of Voudon - have no problem wearing masques and names from popular culture. These are the elusive powers and aspects of the collective unconscious otherwise referred to as the archetypes; a term Jung adopted after the Archons of the Gnostics, in whose esoteric philosophy he found great inspiration. Others have performed sorcery evoking the 'shadows' of the archetypes as the Elder Gods of the Cthulhu mythos, served Ghede / Saturn beneath the masque of Darth (Daath) Vader, or have invoked the divine trickster as Bugs Bunny (Br'er Rabbit being none other than the African mystery called Anansi).

The source of all these mysteries I call the Greater Mind, implying what might otherwise be called Siva, Bhodi-Mind, Obatala, Oludamare, All Father, or 'God'; although the implications are less that of a personal deity than of an impersonal consciousness behind all manifestation. As Albert Einstein put it, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a Spirit is involved in the laws of the Universe - a Spirit vastly superior to that of man”.

That 'magical energy' called chi by the Chinese, prana by the Hindu of India, ashe in Voudon, ond within the Northern Tradition, pneuma by the ancient Greeks, by the Alchemists as Azoth, called also vril in modern Theosophy, known to Wilhelm Reich as orgone and to

Von Reichenbach as odyle, I refer to simply as the Force; although our results may not be as dramatic as the Jedi, the meaning is essentially the same.

In this same manner I refer to to what the Hindu call Maya, the Buddhists call Samsara, and the heathens called the Web of Wyrd, as the Matrix; implying an illusory universe dependent, like the programming of a computer, upon a binary code (i.e. duality), and itself the product of consciousness. As Maxwell Planck put it, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

As a Hindu monk once said to me, all religions and spiritual systems are ultimately maps with which to navigate Maya (Matrix), without which the seeker may easily get lost in endless possibility, or suffer any of the countless pitfalls that threaten the unwary. Yet there will always be those who insist on striking out on their own, learning from their successes and errors along the way. Such a journey is bound to be filled with hidden wonders, but also many painful lessons; yet it is only ever by straying from the beaten track that you will find the path direct.

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Book Three: Context provides some background to the practice of magick generally, giving comparisons between the techniques and beliefs of various traditions, and discussing the origins of the genuine left hand path cross culturally in 'spiritual / political

dissent'. I have also included some chapters concerning government mind control and its involvement with magick. These are not some conspiracy theory, but something I have direct experience of; the reader is referred to my work Beast Wing 666: Ritual Abuse in the UK. While this ongoing personal situation is beyond the scope of The Neuronomicon, it has to be said that this knowledge did not come easily, or without considerable personal cost. That I am still here, carrying on the 'good fight', is something my enemies could never have expected. That I am gradually, against all the odds, actually 'winning' (there are no winners is a situation like this) is testament not only to my magick, but to the integrity of my truth.

Nevertheless, there will inevitably be many unable to accept the information in this book, and who will respond with 'knee jerk' conditioned reflex - just as they have been programmed to. There will be much they have previously accepted as truth they will have to question. The misinformation contradicted by this work will have been received first, enforced through repetition, and widely accepted. Not only will this book threaten their sense of self, but also their sense of confirmation by society. When any falsehood becomes widely accepted in such a fashion it becomes almost impossible for an individual to perceive otherwise. Whenever our beliefs are contradicted at such a level we experience cognitive dissonance; this elicits a neurological response identical to that provoked by actual, physical threat. We see this most often when someone becomes irrationally obstinate

during an argument. At such times our brains are not functioning at their optimum.

There will also be those who do accept this information, along with its implications for society, whose entire world view will be turned upon its head. Most will not be grateful. Only a few will resonate with this work, putting theory into practice and testing it against reality. They are likely to have a natural inclination towards meditation and to already practice some form of magick or psychic discipline. Perhaps they will also have experiences revealing the dark underbelly of our 'occulture', and rather than bury their heads in denial are engaged in finding solutions. It is to these few that The Neuronomicon is ultimately intended. I am glad it found you.


“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a Spirit is involved in the laws of the Universe - a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

  • - Albert Einstein

“Mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of your whole and unbroken movement.”

  • - David Bohm

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

  • - Maxwell Planck

“All is mind: the universe is mental.”

  • - The Kybalion, Three Initiates

“Absolutely mental: don't blame me.”’

  • - The Neuralion, Animi Imperio, IC0N, 360°

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“Out of the past comes this new thing.”

- Austin Osman Spare

The beliefs and symbol systems traditionally employed in magick are not in any way arbitrary. Rather, the following models represent the evolution of a conceptual technology, from the dawn of time until the modern day. Just as our sciences, representing a progressive accumulation of knowledge, have steadily become more esoteric with time, so have the technologies of magick become steadily more scientific.

The essential paradigms of magick are as follows;

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Sympathetic Magick

This is the principle that people or events may be remotely effected through objects having sympathy with them. The paradigm may be further subcategorised as imitative magick and the law of contact and contagion.

The first is the principle of 'like attracting like'. Material objects are employed which bear some resemblance to the intent of the magick, such as plants, stones, or animal parts whose names or appearance bear association with the intent. For example, in traditional witchcraft Mandrake roots have power due to their resemblance to the human form. This is the principle presumably applied in prehistoric cave paintings of successful hunts, or where an effigy is made resembling the victim which

is then tortured with pins and burned with candles. Modern sorcerers may also use photographs and sound recordings to similar effect.

The common understanding that sympathetic magick of this kind works through the naive superstition of the victim, who supposedly dies through fear, falls down at this point; it still works, indeed works even more efficiently, if done in secret. Similarly, how could a cave painting of a successful hunt have been effective magick if the animals were not superstitious?

The law of similarity also includes such things as omens, and divination by sortilage; gaining insights through the fall of a handful of bones, or Tarot cards, or to be (p)reminded of certain principles through the flight of birds, shapes in the clouds, or tea-leaves at the bottom of a cup.

The second is the law of contact and contagion; the principle of the 'magical link', such as the use of a target's hair, nail-clippings, or footprints. It is the idea that an object that once belonged to someone may be used as a channel to reach them through magick; anything that might conceivably provide a DNA sample may effect the target's DNA in 'magical sympathy'. It is common wisdom that such links are all the more effective if given voluntarily. This principle also works in reverse, for example when a witch binds a man to her by feeding him a meal secretly containing her own menstrual blood. Another case is when a thief is cursed using the object they have stolen as the link.

The principle is observed also by physicists in the

phenomena of quantum entanglement and the theory of morphic resonance.

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The reader will already be comfortable with the concept of energy. We all know that when we do not eat our energy is low. We know that many of our household items rely on electrical energy, even if nobody is really sure what electrical energy actually is. We know that energy may be chemical, kinetic, or potential, and that it changes between these states but never vanishes.

As with sympathetic magick the origins of the energy paradigm are prehistoric; there are many cave paintings depicting the flow of energy. The energies that circulate through the body will be familiar to anyone who has ever taken up a martial art, or an interest in oriental healing methods. Mystics agree that this same energy flows through our landscape. Common 'occultural language' includes many terms for energy in the esoteric sense; most of us know what 'vibes' are, or what an 'aura' is, even if we are adamant that we have never seen or experienced them.

The physiological energy centres within the body are recognised by most occult schools, being known most commonly in the modern day through the Tantric yoga system of 'chakras', which awaken the Kundalini. In the traditional witchcraft of England this same power was raised with the Saracen's Kiss, called also the Osculum Infame. Parallels to this

chakra system may also be found in Buddhism, the Middle Pillar of Kabala, and the 'Gnostic Vowels' of the German Ordo Franternitas Saturni. This magical energy, which flows through the body and along the spine, is also in the blood and breath.

The magician typically empowers their spells by charging them with this Force. This may be released from, or channelled through, the body by many methods, such as the use of the blasting rod, or the manos cernutos. The most immediate and easy method is to rub the hands together vigorously to produce heat, then stretch the palms over the spell to be empowered.

Modern science has expanded its theories of energy to include information. The relation between information and energy is illustrated by the fact that computers need cooling systems, and that the deletion of information from the hard drive produces heat. Energy as information is also central to the study of black holes, being the only known conditions where the otherwise consistent laws of physics break down and energy / information simply cease to exist, and through which scientists have come to the realisation that our universe may be holographic.

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The belief in spirits has also persisted since prehistory. The earliest forms of spiritism were likely to have been animist, recognising all nature as conscious. This eventually gave rise to paganism,

embodying humanity's principal concerns as the gods. It then declined into monotheism, recognising only one God while declaring everyone else's to be demons or - in the case of Catholicism - absorbing them as saints. It declined further into atheism, upon which the most advanced modern sciences appear to be back-tracking.

In the days of paganism, these personified laws were called gods. During the reign of monotheism, these same principles became the angels, saints, prophets, and demons. In this day we are often embarrassed to talk about such things as spirits and gods, since these ’primitive’ beliefs have supposedly been proved superstition. Instead, we speak about the functions of the mind to produce material (such as art, or dreams) as manifestations of the archetypes.

We might further designate the manifestations of these psychegens to result directly from certain functions of the brain; that is to say, they have a basis in neurology and pre-exist any one of us as individuals. It is ironic, then, that the psychologist Carl Jung, who originated the concept of the archetype, observed in his privately circulated work Seven Sermons to the Dead, “.. All things considered, all theses metapsychic phenomena would be explained better by the hypothesis of spirits than by any qualities and peculiarities of the unconscious.. in the long run the spirit hypothesis yields better results in practice than any other.”

Nevertheless, the existence of 'spirits' in postEnlightenment culture is simply denied, while those who claim to interact with them are perceived as the

victims of delusion and mental disorder. There is, therefore, an extreme sensitivity towards this kind of experience, most often leading to repression and marginalisation. However, this is also what has made these same experiences attractive and fascinating to those who have developed a sense of cultural criticism and resistance to dominant values.

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Another aspect of our scientific age is the quest to understand ourselves and the nature of consciousness. To this end we have developed the disciplines of psychology, psychiatry, and neurology. These may also provide the modern practitioner with a language by which to understand and perform magick.

Many psychological phenomena, such as those of hysteria or schizophrenia, were originally attributed to the workings of spirits and witches. This meant, of course, that witches and spirits would also be called upon to bring an end to such disturbances. It may well be that the apparent victims were mentally ill, and that this had nothing to do with any kind of secret influence. However, I have many times been called to the aid of the mentally ill using magick. The methods I have used have brought at least temporary relief, and have never been ineffective. This is more than may be said for many forms of modern psychiatry, relying as they do on a theory of brain chemistry, for which there is no evidence whatsoever.

The mechanisms of magick may be described by the

activity of the subconscious mind. Its symbol systems are effective because they appeal to these deeper realms of consciousness, bypassing awareness and ego identification in much the same way as hypnosis or subliminal mind control. This may take the form of a glyph, gesture, barbaric invocation, and a great diversity of other forms, or any combination of them. The symbol is concentrated upon during trance, or while the mind is otherwise open to suggestion; during quiescent meditation, sexual release, exhaustion, intoxication, or when inspiration takes possession in any of the arts. This creates a kind of synthetic neurosis, which works through consciousness to create change in the self, or in the external world, through generating what Jung referred to as synchronicity.

It is easy for us to understand that objective events in the outside world may have an effect on our subjective inner consciousness. What is much harder to understand is how subjective inner events may have an effect on our objective outer world. As some of our most advanced scientists are just beginning to comprehend, “Mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of your whole and unbroken movement” (David Bohm). This is no revelation to magicians, of course; as it says in The Kybalion, “All is mind: the universe is mental.” The paradigm we call here psychism has given rise to a number of government funded experiments such as Project Stargate and Project Jedi. It includes all those abilities regarded as psychic, such as remote viewing and influence, telepathy, psychokenesis, or even

simply that some people have hunches that more often than not prove to be true.

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That part of our brains that processes everything we think of as 'I', our sense of individuated consciousness, lies in the frontal cortex. The rest of the brain, whose structure is shared with most similarly conscious animals, is in constant communication with the electromagnetic field of the planet. Together with the discovery of mirror neurons this has profound implications for our concepts of self, identity, and the will. The 'I' is a product of its environment, and effectively a very small node of information processing within a wider field of consciousness we might call the Greater Mind.

In the microcosm, mind consists of its contents, which expresses itself as information. Similarly with the Greater Mind, which in turn gives generation to the Matrix; the illusion of space-time and our experience of reality. Yet information itself, while it may seat itself to a medium such as a storage device or human brain, does not consist of mass or energy; therefore consciousness is not bound by the spacetime continuum. As mystics have been saying all along, the ego is an illusion; yet this is not an abstract metaphysical opinion based on personal prejudice - it is hard science supported by mounting empirical evidence.

Mind scientists such as Dr. Michael Persinger and

Stanley Koren have employed these discoveries in experiments with the CIA's top remote viewers, such as the infamous Ingo Swann. Their research has presented empirical evidence that psychic abilities are most readily accessed during the dominance of Theta brain-frequency - at around 7Hz; the same resonance as the planet. They have even developed technology capable of boosting such abilities, or negating them.

Furthermore, the observations of quantum physicists suggest that 'the observer' plays a role in bringing the 'matrix of matter' into existence. In this sense the search for God is over; we have found it in the least likely place it could ever have hidden - ourselves. Yet this is not the solipsistic self deification of the so called Left Hand Path, as it has been widely misrepresented in occulture. Rather, it is the recognition that we are all God, collectively, and have been all along; for we are each a part of the Greater Mind. To the hardcore atheist, there is nothing to believe in but the 'self', and 'God' is the delusion, yet the combined scientific evidence of neurology and quantum physics suggests the very opposite to be true.

Is it not also a meaningful coincidence that a universal magical symbol for consciousness may be found in the butterfly - and that this symbol should then become associated with both mind control and Chaos theory? It is no great revelation to magicians that a butterfly, or perhaps a mind, could send out ripples that eventually - through simple 'cause and effect' - result in a hurricane on the other side of the planet. The smallest of actions can have the furthest reaching consequences; we are none of us ever

insignificant and powerless, if only we would know it.

All magick is based upon a singular understanding that may be expressed in countless ways - as it says in The Zohar, “the Infinite extends without end”. This understanding is expressed in Hinduism as Maya, in Buddhism as Samsara, by the heathens as the Web of Wyrd, by modern science as the holographic universe, and in this current work as the Matrix. The principle asserts that there is no truth anywhere that is not balanced by an equal yet utterly contradictory truth. Only perspective and circumstance determine what seems to be true at any given time. We cannot perceive two contradictory truths, or process contradictory information, without becoming entangled with apparent paradox and cognitive dissonance.

The Matrix of consciousness arranges all things into dualities; a binary code where the is becomes defined as either / or; something is (as rationality dictates) either true or false, while all physical matter is (as the alchemists observed) either heavy or light, soft or hard, wet or dry, hot or cold, or (as quantum physicist have observed) a particle or a wave, and so on.

The essence of all magick is the act of communication, the exchange of information, whether from neuron to neuron, subconscious and conscious, servitor and the mysteries, star to star, or from me to you. Just as words and symbols define the content of mind, the charakteres and voces magicks of magick provide the programming codes of the Matrix. While divination includes all methods of extracting nonlocalised information from the data-pool of the

Greater Mind, enchantment includes all those methods of hacking the Matrix.

Make no mistake - magick is a dangerous enterprise and should never be entered into lightly..

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“Ten is the number of the Ineffable Sephiroth [Circuits], ten and not eight. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception.”

  • - Sepher Yetzirah; The Book of Formation

“Tim Leary's theory went lary; he only got as far as Daath.”

  • - Animi Imperio, The Book of Information

The modern Kabala was formed sometime around the 13th century, yet its archetypal origins as the axis mundi or 'world tree' are prehistoric and universal. The same essential charaktere occurs in the magick of ancient Babylon, Egypt, the African Diaspora, Asia, among the Celts and Northern Europeans, and in all shamanic cultures. It is not strictly correct to attribute the system to Hebrew origin; various Jewish sects, such as the Caraites, reject the doctrine as pagan even today. However, magical tradition has expressed great sympathy with it.

Practical Kabala teaches that all humans are endowed with mystical insights and magical (i.e psychic) powers, which they may develop during their lifetimes. Traditionally, the discipline encompasses astrology, the creation of amulets and talismatia, and many other aspects of 'the Arte'. It is also, and has always been intended to be, a precise model of human consciousness in relation to Cosmos.

The Kabalists conceived of Ain, a time when there was only unfathomable Chaos; a period of Repose and the abscence of manifestation, when the Negative reigned supreme. From this proceeded Ain Soph, the

First Emanation, unbound and limitless. Condensing further there appeared next Ain Soph Aur, meaning Limitless Light; the energy from which all matter (the Matrix) is ultimately formed.

This model is in keeping with modern physics, and our current understanding of how the universe evolved. All things, animate or inanimate, consist of light. The material plane exists within the 49th octave of vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Below this range are barely visible radiant heat, then invisible infrared, television and radiowaves, sound and brainwaves; above it is barely visible ultraviolet, then the invisible frequencies of chemicals and perfumes, followed by x-rays, gamma rays, radium rays and unknown cosmic rays. The idea that any of us are seperate from the light is an illusion. Light has no beginning and no end; it is eternal.

Furthermore, the research of quantum physicist Ilya Prigogene suggests that ordered structures spontaneously arise from Chaos, with stability maintained until some conflict within, or upon, the structure occurs. Structure then spontaneously reoccurs, modified according to the nature of the conflict encountered. Out of Chaos (Repose) comes Order (Manifestation), Out of Order.. sorry for the inconvenience.

The central charaktere of Kabala is the Otz Chaim (Tree of Life) consisting of ten Sephiroth, or 'Circuits', arranged in a balanced geometric formation wherein all opposites are resolved. Each contains the entire tree, the way an acorn contains an oak, or any detail of a fractal contains the entire pattern. Each is

associated with an archetype or 'intelligence', the lower seven being most commonly associated with the major planetary forces of astrology. The three remaining, at the apex of the diagram, are considered transcendent and 'above the Abyss'; aspects of the Greater Mind itself.

According to Kabalist philosophy human consciousness originates within the Limitless Light (the Greater Mind), refracting through the 10 ineffable circuits, picking up the characteristics and attributes ('colours') of personality, finally manifesting in the material world (the Matrix). Having been spawned, it exists at first in the realm of Atziluth, a state of nonawareness, corresponding to elemental fire. As it descends towards matter it draws manifestation around itself to create the aetheric body or 'programming code', which is called the realm of Briah, elemental air. This gradually develops into Yetzirah, elemental water, bringing a mental and emotional awareness, and finally into Assiah, elemental earth, the physical body. The purpose of consciousness is to evolve; to mature spiritually. This process leads us back through the circuits in various stages of development until once again attaining At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind.

The planetary arrangement of The Neuronomicon varies from that commonly given in books of magick, most of which repeat Crowley's Liber 777. There are various scales of attribution, each with their own rationale; all are correct within context. The rationale behind the order given here is based upon the development and evolution of the human brain, and

may be considered The Neuromancer's Scale.

  • 1. Malkuth: Biosurvival Circuit

First developed in the earliest evolution of the invertebrate brain. Imprinted during infancy. Concerned with suckling, cuddling, and the binary either / or program (approach and accept / flight and refusal) locking consciousness into the Matrix of space and time. Dysfunctions at this level of imprinting effect the development of the entire personality, often manifesting as addictions; from drugs through to gambling, sexual addiction, or binge eating. Situated in the 'dwarf brain'. Stimulated in adults by opiates.

  • 2. Yesod: Emotional / Territorial Circuit

First developed in early vertebrates. Imprinted during the 'toddling' stage. Concerned with aggression / submission / cooperation. Stimulated in adults by alcohol.

  • 3. Hod: Symbolic / Semantic Circuit

First developed as hominids began to differentiate from other primates. Imprinted during childhood by symbol systems and interaction with other humans and their artifacts. Concerned with calculation, prediction, intention, and problem solving. Stimulated in adults by caffeine, amphetamine, and cocaine.

  • 4. Netzach: Domestic / Sociosexual Circuit First developed in Stone Age tribal society. Imprinted during puberty. Concerned with hedonism, reproduction, parenting, social networks, morality etc. Stimulated in adults by marijuana, and during orgasmic coupling.

  • 5. Tiphareth: Neurosomantic Circuit Probably developed around 2000 BC or earlier, with the first civilisations. It is at this point that surviving literature first makes reference to a sense of 'I', so that one 'feels' love rather that is 'visited by' it, and the rear right hemisphere of the brain became less active. Concerned with introspection and neurosomantic feedback. Situated in the frontal cortex. Stimulated by marijuana, MDMA, and meditation.

  • 6. Geburah: Neuromantic Circuit

Probably first developed around 500 BC. Concerned with deconditioning, self reprogramming, cybernetic consciousness, psychic (magical) abilities, hacking the Matrix. Stimulated by entheogens, and through advanced meditation.

  • 7. Hesed: Neurogenetic - Morphegenetic Circuit Probably developed in the early first millenium. Concerned with the collective unconscious, memories of previous incarnations, and communion with the

Higher Self or 'Holy Guardian Angel'. Stimulated by entheogens combined with advanced meditation, and possibly at the moment of death.

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  • 0. Daath: Atavistic - Praeterhuman Circuits

The circuit that is not a circuit, or 'short circuit', leading to the reverse side of the circuit board. In traditional magick it is the dark counterpart of Tiphareth and the shadow of Kether against the Infinite Light; commonly associated with the entrance to the Tunnels of Set / Typhon, the Black Sun, and the Anti-Christ.

As the Greater Mind consists of light, giving rise to the Matrix of all phenomena, its opposite consists of darkness and antimatter. This 'Anti-Cosmos' also has its ten emanations, each further distanced from the higher circuits, and progressively more dangerous. First are Tohu, the Formless Ones, and Bohu, the Void, then comes ChShK, the primordial Chaos, and the Seven Hells. These are those demonic forces referred to in Kabalist doctrine as the Qulipoth, by the Tantrics as the lower chakras, in Goetic tradition as the Infernal hierarchy, and in this work as the shadows of the seven archetypes.

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Above the Abyss: Transcendent Circuits

Extraterrestrial psychoatomic quantum non-local circuits concerned with consciousness beyond the

confines of the space / time continuum. Stimulated by heroic doses of entheogens combined with extremely advanced meditation. Experience of these circuits may not be translated into linear, rational language. They may be approximated as; 8. Binah (the Matrix). 9. Hokhmah (the Greater Mind). 10. Kether (the Crown; The First Emanation; the paradoxical nonevent outside space / time).

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A comprehension of the following symbols will also be of benefit;

The Lightning Strike

Upon the charaktere of the Kabala the Lightning Strike traces a path from the tenth to first circuits in sequence, representing the dynamic force of At-One-Ment. In traditional doctrine it is identified with the illuminating moment in Creation when God (the Greater Mind) declared 'Let there be Light'.

We may also correspond the Lighting Flash with heightened cerebral activity, particularly the Gamma frequencies; a subject we shall explore in more depth, and as representative of the relationship between the illusion of 'I', its source in the Greater Mind, and the spontaneous but fleeting experience of At-One-Ment.

The Serpent of Knowledge

The serpent, in shedding its skin, is an archetypal

symbol of reincarnation, self renewal, and the processes of initiation. Identified in tradition as the serpent in the garden of Eden, the Serpent of Knowledge travels from Malkuth to Kether, touching each of the 22 'paths' (connections between the circuits) in sequenc, corresponding also with the path of the Kundalini serpent through the seven chakras, and the powers of the Voudon serpent mysteries. We may also correspond the Serpent of Knowledge to the cerebral-spinal system, and as representative of the evolution of consciousness on the path of return to the Greater Mind.

The Pillar of Equilibrium

This is the middle pillar of the Kabala in a line directly between Malkuth and Kether, representing the archetypal axis mundi around which all existence revolves, connecting our world to those above and below; such as the stang of witchcraft, the world tree Yggdrasil, the poto mitan at the centre of Voudon ceremony, the omphalos of Siva, the Asherah of ancient Babylon, or the altar in any religion or magical tradition. We may correspond the middle pillar to the corpus collusum running along the centre of the brain, between the 'dwarf brain' and amygdala to the frontal cortex, and its function of regulating right to left brain activity.

The Twin Pillars

The twin pillars correspond with the left and right

hemispheres of the brain. That running on the right hand side of the Kabala between Hod and Binah is called the Pillar of Severity. That on the left, between Netzach and Hokmah, is the Pillar of Mercy. These represent the mutual interdependence of all dual manifestation; the binary code of the Matrix. The Self passes between these pillars, their paths leading to the Eternal Sanctuary we have called At-One-Ment.

The Triple Pillars

All three pillars together represent the 'sacred trinity'; the negation of the binary code and the transcendence of duality, complete integrated consciousness, and the perception of immediate reality; At-One-Ment.

Jacob's Ladder

The diagram of the Kabala extends above and below into infinity; Kether being the first circuit of a second 'tree' extending like roots, with its highest circuit corresponding to Malkuth, extending downwards into the shadow circuits; the same realms of darkness discussed above with regards to Daath, corresponding to the chthonic archetypes.

A third 'tree' above, corresponding to the transcendent archetypes; those powers known cross culturally as 'the Ael' (Babylonian / Hebrew meaning 'Beings of Light'), Aelves (Germanic, meaning 'being of light), Angels, Aliens, etc.

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“Magick is the art of causing changes in consciousness according to will.”

- Dion Fortune, Psychic Self Defence

Consciousness is a vibration, with more evolved minds having a higher frequency; ask any shaman, mystic or neurologist. Magical philosophy has been aware of this for Aeons, while modern science has proven it. We may now observe these frequencies as they occur in different areas of the brain, as well as how they change according to environment and our reactions.

The human brain consists of billions of neurons which communicate through electrical signals. The combination of these neurons firing at once produces a considerable charge within the brain which may be measured using sensitive equipment such as an electroencephalogram, which reads electrical activity across the scalp. The combinations of electrical activity within the brain are referred to as brainwaves due to their cyclic ’wave like’ pattern. Our brains regulate by emitting tiny electrochemical impulses at various frequencies measured in cycles per second (Hz). Each has unique characteristics associated with different states of consciousness.

Magick may be considered as an ancient technology of self directed mind control. The spiritual significance of these practices are entirely subjective.

It is not necessary to adopt alien philosophies or religions in order to benefit from them; they may also be considered in terms of the mind sciences. This is not to reduce magical phenomena to mere psychological trickery but to expand our understanding and definition of consciousness. Magick awakens latent psychic faculties of the human mind; different rituals lower or raise brain activity, triggering different states. The casting of the circle, for example, is a physically acted form of the Eastern mandala intended to close down intrusive thoughts, emotions and ’personal demons’ in preparation for focused mental activity. The various conjurations, from the evocation of spirits to astral travel, or the casting of spells or augury, are techniques that direct the entirely human psychic abilities of the subconscious and supraconscious mind.

The disciplines of magick are analogous to physical training for the brain; its natural neuroplasticity meaning it can be trained to develop new skills and abilities. Again, it is not necessary to descend into obscurantist occult philosophies in order to benefit from these abilities; they may also be considered in terms of the mind sciences, even if most of the correlating research is only to be found in leaked military psy-ops reports.

< A Infra Low (- 0.5Hz) - Slow Cortical Potentials The basic cortical rhythms underlying all brain activity, playing a major role in brain timing and network function. Infra Low frequencies are

extremely hard to detect and few scientific studies are available concerning them. A brain profile showing dominant Infra-Low frequencies would suggest deep coma, or brain death.

A Delta (0.5 to 3 Hz)

Dominant during quiescent meditation and deep stage 3 Non-REM sleep, also known as Slow Wave Sleep, and all stage 4 spectral activity. They are present in all mammals, with females generally having stronger frequencies and men showing a greater reduction with age. Delta waves suspend external awareness and seem to be an essential ’shut down’ allowing for healing and regeneration. They are often dominant in people who have had traumatic experiences or worked in therapeutic environments, and have been observed in 40-50% of acute schizophrenics. Disruptions in Delta activity have also been observed during intoxication and delirium.

In magical / religious pantheons these lowest frequencies of consciousness are often personified as beings of darkness; demons, dwarves, or giants (Nephilim / Old Ones / Titans / Etin), or as atavistic / divine tricksters, such as Ganesh or Exu. Delta frequencies correspond to the 1st and lowest world of Atziluth in Kabbalist philosophy.

In the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy and practice the ’deep dreamless sleep’ associated with Delta brainwaves is considered among the most advanced states of Yogic consciousness. If one can remain aware during dreamless sleep a mystical state

is achieved known as jagrat sushupti; awareness of the no-mind.

0 Theta (3 to 8 Hz)

Dominant during REM dreaming sleep, magical trance, and the entheogenic experience. Theta waves suspend physical awareness and are essential in learning and memory. Theta waves are associated with dreams, nightmares, ’personal demons’ and psychological blockages. They have also been associated with intuition, vivid imagery, subconscious information, and psychic abilities such as telepathy and remote viewing; the optimum frequencies for which appear around 7.83 Hz; matching the electromagnetic pulse of the planet Earth (Schumann resonance).

It is an odd coincidence that the brain state connecting us to the world of archetypes should be at around 7 Hz; for seven has always been considered by adepts as the hidden key to the mysteries.

Theta frequencies correspond to the 2nd world of Beriah in Kabalist philosophy.

A Alpha (8 to 12 Hz)

Dominant during some forms of meditation and during quietly flowing thoughts. Alpha is the resting frequency of the brain and is associated with the sense of being ’present in the now’. They are essential to mind / body integration, coordination, and learning. Providing the bridge between Theta and Beta, Alpha

waves are essential to those activities allowing access to information from the subconscious, such as recalling dreams or ’trips’, or the implanting of subconscious information, as with hypnotic suggestion or sigil magick.

The corresponding gods / goddesses / spirits often take part animal / human anthropomorphic form. They may be said to personify the ’bridge’ between Theta and Beta consciousness. Alpha frequencies correspond to the 3rd world of Yetzirah in Kabalist philosophy.

B Beta (12 to 38 Hz)

Dominant during normal waking consciousness when the mind is focused on cognitive awareness and directed outside the self. Beta waves dominate when we are alert, attentive, and engaged. They may be further subdivided into three bands;

Beta 1 / Low Beta (12 to 15 Hz) is ’fast idle’, generated when musing on a problem or solution.

Beta 2 / Beta (15 to 22 Hz) is high engagement or active problem solving.

Beta 3 / High Beta (22 to 38 Hz) is complex thought, integrating new experiences, high anxiety, hypervigilance or extreme excitement. Continual high frequency processing is not energy efficient and may cause cognitive malfunction.

Many people spend almost their entire waking lives in Beta dominant consciousness and are uncomfortable whenever they experience moments of personal insight or loss of self. Beta frequencies

correspond to the 4th world of Asiyah in Kabalist philosophy.

r Gamma (38 to 42 Hz)

Gamma frequencies were initially dismissed as neural background noise until 2004 when researchers discovered they were activated in Tibetan monks during meditation on the higher virtues of altruism and universal love. They have also been found to be more present in extremely intelligent people, suggesting a scientifically provable link between intelligence, altruism, and spiritual evolution.

Not easily detected due to their extremely low amplitude, they are associated with peak performance, expanded consciousness, spiritual emergence, and, in extreme cases, the experience of deity and / or extraterrestrials. They are above the frequency of neural firing and their origins remain a mystery, although it seems likely they originate from the area of brain corresponding to the crown chakra. It is speculated that they modulate perception and consciousness, simultaneously processing activity from different areas of the brain.

The corresponding archetypes of Gamma consciousness are often personified as beings of Light (El / Ael / Aelf / Angels / Aliens). Gamma brain frequencies correspond to the transcendent Adam Kadmon in Kabbalist philosophy.

r > Hyper-Gamma (42 Hz+)

Even less is known about these highest frequencies of human consciousness. Hyper-Gamma frequencies are thought to have significance to the synthesis and translation of immediate sensory information in relation to information stored in the neural system. They are thought by some researchers to relate to our mind’s ability to overcome cognitive dissonance and resistance to change.

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Altered States & Neuromancy; It is important to understand that brainwaves are all simultaneously present and function together like the frequencies of music. Consciousness is the developing harmony of these interacting frequencies. If the brain was a band, Delta would be the drummer providing the essential underlying rhythm that keeps everything in time, Theta would be the pulsing bass, Alpha would be the guitarist, and Beta would be the vocalist, while SubDelta would be the roadies and Gamma the manager. To apply a more traditionally ’magical’ metaphor, the five brain states work together like the five cardinal powers (earth, air, fire, water and spirit / aether) to complete the human soul. Just as there are spirits associated with each element, so too are there states of consciousness these spirits may be said to personify, representing different aspects of our own selves; from etin to elves, or from demons to angels, depending on the pantheon. These different aspects are dominant at different times depending on the frequencies of the

brain, each pertaining to a different dimension of human experience.

During normal waking state Beta waves tend to be dominant, often in combination with strong Delta signals during automatic tasks that require little concentration. Most people are Beta dominant during almost their whole waking lives; we live in a Beta dominant culture, and only consider something ’real’ if it can be observed and measured during Beta dominant consciousness.

During quiescent meditation both Alpha and Theta dominate; magical training consists primarily of mastering the ability to access these states. Deeper trance leads into Delta, when the mind is silent. These frequencies provide among the most essential keys to enchantment, divination, evocation, and accessing the Greater Mind. Meditation upon, or invocation of, higher consciousness activates Gamma frequencies and the condition of At-One-Ment.

During group magical ritual Beta is also present; Delta during mental quiescence, Theta providing insight and creative imagination, Alpha bridging the gap between subconscious and conscious, with Beta providing the conscious processing of thought and action.

Goetic ritual - the summoning of lower frequency ’spirits’ and their binding a higher purpose, is achieved through a medium accessing Theta and Delta frequencies, while their binding and commanding is achieved during Gamma dominant consciousness. This is why the grimoires instruct that the summoner must be ’pure of heart’ and spend many

days preparing with prayer (i.e. meditation on the higher virtues). Without this preparation the magician risks being overcome by the entities (states of consciousness) they seek to control - becoming instead enslaved by their own ’inner demons’ and egoistic obsessions.

Our brainwave profile and our experience of the world are inseparable; to change one is to trigger changes in the other. It is often easy to understand that the external objective world may trigger changes in the internal subjective working of the brain, as are observed and recorded by the mind sciences. It is much harder to comprehend how a change in our internal workings may trigger changes in the external world; magick.

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“.. Each grain of Sand,

Every Stone on the Land,

Each rock and each hill,

Each fountain and rill,

Mountain, hill, earth and sea,

Cloud, Meteor, and Star

Are Men Seen Afar.”

- William Blake

Those places most known for inspiring mystics, where there are reported sightings of UFOs, are known in folk lore for encounters with fairy, or were held sacred by our ancestors - such as Stone Henge in the UK, or the sacred ground of the original inhabitants of America - have been shown to align in a network of 'Ley lines' across the surface of the planet. These too are of significance; the attainment to Theta and the Schumann resonance might be considered the very ultimate in Earth magick.

Geophysicists have shown a correlation between a startling number of sacred sites globally to the tectonic plates across the surface of our planet. That friction occurs across these plates is apparent to us through the phenomenon of earthquakes. What is less apparent is that it can also create a low level electrical field, capable of altering the frequencies of human consciousness in a similar manner to Dr. Persinger's psychic boosting God helmet, the microwave psy-ops

weaponry currently being developed by our military, or HAARP. A field generating strong Theta would reasonably cause visions, whereas Gamma would produce experiences of bright lights and a sense of all encompassing awe. It should therefore be no great surprise that orders of the establishment work hard to maintain control of such sites, or else have attempted to destroy them.

Paul Deveraux, editor of The Ley Hunter earth mysteries journal, proposed a similar hypothesis in the 1980s; the appearance of glowing lights he attributed to plasma, further reasoning that this plasma could itself effect brain activity if encountered at close quarters. While the electromagnetic emissions of the tectonic plates themselves has been proven, Deveraux's earth lights hypothesis is a lot harder to verify as it would involve having the right equipment available at the precise moment of the 'earth lights' phenomena; however, there is no reason to assume he is wrong, especially in 'light' of what has been proven since he first expressed his theory.

It logically follows that if there are nodes in the planet's electrical field that produce Theta and Gamma experience in humans there must also be 'black sites' that produce Alpha, Delta and lower. Perhaps this could offer a rational correlation with hauntings and other phenomena.

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Crop Circles

With regard to the phenomenon of crop circles, I have

spoken face to face with members of both Team Satan and Team 666; competing 'sides' in military operations testing the limits of stealth and group coordination. I have been shown photographs, taken from helicopter, of a vast number of crop circles created by these two teams alone. The persons I spoke to were also 'stoners' well versed in the symbolic codes of magick; including what has been fashionably called 'sigils'. The crop circles were magical charakteres created with an intent; not only have the establishment gained control of our sacred sites, military psy-ops are performing sigil magick in our food.. The situation is as intolerable as it is absurd.

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“We are as the refracted Light of a schizophrenic God.”

- Baba Dirt (New York street sorcerer)

When we speak of the archetypes we are not referring to something that requires human faith or ’invested belief’ to exist. Although their personification is achieved through human imagination, the sea is still the sea and the moon the moon, each with their own natural laws, whether we personify them or not. Those laws may be temporarily bent, but they will always return to their nature. We might leave footprints in the sand, even build fantastic castles, but the tide will always wash them away. There is nobody who can command the tide, however many sacrifices they give. However, one may come to learn the nature of these laws, that one may live in harmony with them.

Nevertheless, it also remains true that all pantheons reflect, and are reflections of, human psychology. Such is not denied in magical philosophy; to say the archetypes reside within the collective unconscious of all humankind is just the same as the Voudusant saying the lwa reside in the Waters Beneath the Earth, or for Kabalist philosophers to speak of the Female Mind. Since all pantheons concern human nature we can also expect them to correspond cross culturally. All have seven major archetypes, and in all traditions these have been attributed to days of the week; in

English these are Sun, Moon, Tyr, Woden, Thor, Freya, and Saturn, while in European languages they are named after the Roman gods, and in India after the seven equivalent Hindu gods. In Christian mythology these are the seven days in which God created the world, just as in Hindu Tantrism there are seven chakras in the body where the gods 'reside'. There are also seven planets in classical astrology, seven ineffable circuits below the Abyss, seven Archons in the theology of the Gnostics, seven Archangels attending the throne of God, and seven 'souls' in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. There are countless other examples.

It is only to the Beta dominant Western mind that the various polytheistic pantheons appear to be different systems of belief; such misconsception is nothing less than mistaking the map(s) for the landscape. Among Theta dominant cultures, such as magical societies, all these correlations become apparent as describing the same experiential phenomena. The Voudusant, for example, would see no problem with placing an icon to Ganesh on their altar to Legba, or of Kali on an altar to Ezili Dantor, or even Darth Vader on an altar to Ghede, and would not consider this 'paradigm shifting'. Many modern spiritists are initiated into more than one path, such as both Obeah and Kabala, yet do not consider themselves 'dual faithed'. In pagan Europe the gods were also understood to wear different masks and names for different cultures while beneath them remaining the same mysteries. Consider the following from the 10th century poem, The Song of Solomon & Saturn;

“Once there lived a man

Mercury was his name

He was greatly fanciful And cunning in deed.. ..The heathens throned him The highest of gods And at the crossroads To give him gifts..

..And he is called Odin

When his name is in Danish.”

All these traditions are as different languages but the subject matter is the same; the seven rays refracted from the Light of the Greater Mind, often symbolised in gematria by the number 777 and directly experienced during Theta (7 Hz) consciousness. Esoteric philosophies assign the archetypes to the seven colours of the visible spectrum, each ray containing various shades providing the different aspects of the gods in any pantheon. Although we cannot expect a perfect concordance of symbolism, the seven rays of the archetypes correspond to the seven planetary forces as follows;

The Red Ray

God forms; Mercury, Hermes, Azoth, Odin, Legba / Ayizan, Exu, Ganesh, Thoth, Ea, Nabu, O-Kuni-Nushi, etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Malkuth.

Magick; Invoked to open the ways to deeper consciousness / the archetypes and for magick

generally. Operations pertaining to communication, lessons taught through trickery, initiation, and the 'Genius'.

[Note: Most traditional Kabalist correspondences since The Golden Dawn attribute the Mercurial forces to orange and Martial forces to red. Cross culturally these 'gods' are all actually associated with the colour red; for example the altars of Exu, Legba, Ganesh, and Odin are all red, rather than orange.]

The Orange Ray

God forms; Mars, Aries, Tyr, Ogun, Ashur, Athena, Mangala, Minerva, Nergal, Neith, Quirinus, Sekhmet, Septu, etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Yesod.

Magick; Invoked for magical combat, war, justice, or matters surrounding male sexuality and libido.

[Note: Most traditional Kabalist correspondences attribute the Martial forces to red and the Mercurial forces to orange. The alternative attributions are given here to align the system with the chakras of the subtle anatomy. However, during most ritual formulae, be they witchcraft, Tantra or Voudon, the colour red will be used for both the Mercurial and Martial forces].

The Yellow Ray

God forms; Sol, Christ / Lucifer, Legba (in Solar aspect), Apollo, Vishnu, Krishna, Baal, Balder, Braddha Rudra, Helios, Horus, Mithras, Mitra, Ra, Shamash, Surya, Utu, Auf, Amaterasu, All Father etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Hod.

Magick; Invoked for matters of self development, self reprogramming, the ego, and integration with the 'Self'.

The Green Ray

God forms; Venus, Aphrodite, Frigg, Erzulie, Shakti, Tara, Ashtoreth, Baalith, Benzaiten, Braddha R Ishana Rudra Shiva, Chandra, Cupid, Eros, Ishtar, Lakshmi, Ossun, Qetesh, etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Netzach.

Magick; Invoked for enchantments of love, friendship, compassion, or to attract some other principle.

The Blue Ray

God forms; Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Chango, Panchavaktra Shiva, Marduk, Asi-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone, Brihaspati, Donar, Kami-Nari, Lei-Kung, Susanopo, etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Geburah.

Magick; Invoked for wealth, satisfaction, widom, happiness, and expansiveness.

[Note: Some systems, such as the Hoodoo of Louisiana, designate money magick to the colour green - this is to invoke the law of attraction, the 'love of money'.]

The Indigo Ray

God forms; Luna, Diana, Aradia, Hekate (Kaos), Freyja, LaSiren, Yamaya, Artemis, Inanna, Baalith, Bendis, Khonsu, Selene, Sin, Soma, Tanit, Terah, Tsuki-Yomi, etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Tiphareth.

Magick; Invoked for matters surrounding the female libido, and for divination.

The Violet Ray

God forms; Saturn, Thanatos, Charon, Chronos, Ghede, Anubis, Ardhanarishiva, Disir, Dis Pater, Duametef, Februus, Hades, Hapy, Hathor, Hella, Libitina, Merteseger, Mesta, Nephythys, Ninurta, Orcus, Osiris, Rudra, Wepwawet, Yama etc.

Kabalistic Attribution; Hesed.

Magick; Invoked for matters of sex and death.

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Shadows of the Archetypes

“The Seven ascend in the mountains of the West, The Seven descend in the mountains of the East, Their throne is the depths of the underworld.

They are the instruments of the wrath of the gods, Disturbing the high road, they await in ambush, The foes! The foes!

Seven they are! Seven they are! Seven they are!”

- Ancient Babylonian incantation

Each of the archetypes also has its shadow, which

may be recognised as the reverse aspect of the same principle (as with the qlippoth upon the Kabala, or the shadow circuits of the subtle anatomy) or as a demon with its own 'path'. Just as the archetypes are at the roots of human consciousness, so do these demons take their forms from the raw matter of the human psyche, often manifesting as psychological or physical illness. Just as the archetypes embody evolution toward At-One-Ment, so do their shadows represent degeneration and entropy.

The archetypes of Chaos have been blamed by religions for all the evils of mankind; yet, as the wise know, just as we ourselves are the reflection of the archetypes, so too are we of their reverse aspects. That which we deny in ourselves become the shadow, known universally in all mythologies as it is in modern psychology; most commonly perceived not within ourselves but through its illusory projection on to others. Magick is a path of contemplation and self-actualisation; through those rituals of the shadow we are fulfilling that first and most singular obligation engraved upon the entrance to the Mystery Schools of Delphi; Gnothi Seaton - Know Thyself, which might equally be translated as Become Thyself.

There are those who choose to align solely with the shadows, making Pacts with them directly; the epitome of the so called Left Hand Path. Such individuals often descend into madness, die through drug addiction, or otherwise suffer from hypertrophied egoism and self defeating arrogance. While great powers do sometimes result from such dealings, even material success, their servants are in

great danger simply from falling prey to ill conceived desires. Pulled every way by their lusts, all the while believing they are doing their True Will, they eventually fall prey to the very demons they initially gained favour with. Their eventual demise is often extremely ugly; call no-one successful until they are dead.

There are also those who align with both the archetypes of Chaos and Wisdom; a kind of grey magick referred to in some traditions as 'working with both hands'. The negative demons are commanded and bound by the positive forces of the archetypes, as we see in the employment of angelic names to bind and command the demons of Goetia. Such requires an extremely balanced consciousness if disaster is to be avoided.

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Transcendent Archetypes

The Akkadian 'Ilu', Babylonian 'Ellu', Old Welsh 'Ellu', Old Irish 'Aillil', Anglo-Saxon 'Aelf', English 'Elf', and perhaps even our modern term 'alien', may all be interpreted to mean 'beings of light', while the entities described by these terms may all be understood to be more evolved, or vibrating at a higher frequency, than mortal humans.

The implication of 'being of light' implies the higher, transcendent circuits, and the Gamma brainwave frequencies. Where the lower circuits corresponding to demonic intelligences and the Delta frequencies may be considered less evolved aspects of

consciousness, the transcendent archetypes represent the supraconscious. Just as the magician may commune with the lower aspects of their own consciousness through working with the 'shadows', they may similarly commune with the higher, supraconscious aspects through working with the 'beings of light'.

Understanding that the experience of the higher transcendent circuits may not be translated into linear, dualistic either / or based human language, we may also understand that what we call here the 'transcendent archetypes' are similarly beyond translation. Therefore no single belief system may successfully explain the experience of them; whether we call them angels, elves, or aliens. As with the archetypes generally, all masks are equally true and equally false; what is behind the mask is beyond or limited human comprehension.

If the lower Theta frequencies connect us to the planet Earth, might it not also be the case that the Gamma frequencies (the source of which remains a mystery, since they are beyond the frequencies of neurons) connect us to the higher cosmic rays?

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The 7 Rays of Self

Whereas the contents of the personal unconscious are acquired during our lifetime, the contents of the collective unconscious consists of archetypes present from the beginning, relating to our deepest instincts. The nature of any individual's character depends on

which of the archetypes has the strongest influence upon them, deep at the roots of their consciousness.

For example, we might attribute a person of Saturnine nature to the violet ray, as this is the atmosphere they naturally radiate. This is the reason why pagan worshippers were drawn to the service of one god/dess over another. It is what is meant in Voudon when they speak about the Master of the Head. It has also been called the Dxmon. Genius, and the Holy Guardian Angel. In terms of Jungian psychology it is the archetype with the strongest influence over a person's psyche; in this case the trickster archetype of sex and death.

To either side of this archetype there are two more, which add their tint the primary ray, presenting their influence upon an individual's character. For example let us imagine our Saturnine friend, whom we have attributed to the violet ray, is also a red-head with a quick temper and strong libido; we might attribute this to the influence of the orange (martial) ray. Perhaps they also follow their heart while remaining faithful in love, which we might attribute to the green ray.

These two secondary influences also have two more rays to either side of them. For example, the influence of the orange ray upon our friend might in turn be coloured by the red and the blue. One, plus two, plus four, brings us to seven; each individual is subject, to a greater or lesser degree, to the influence of all seven of the archetype rays.

Where any pantheon expands beyond seven, as most indeed do (for example there are thousands of ’gods’

in Hinduism, just as there are lwa in Voodoun) we are still considering many different aspects / avatars of these same seven archetypes. For example, consider that in the Germanic pantheon Odin and Loki are brothers; two aspects of the same archetype, just as Christ and Lucifer are both described in The Bible as 'son of the morning'. The rays may refract further to become three shades of the same colour; consider that Artemis has three faces corresponding to the waxing, full, and waning phases of the moon. There are also three Morae, just as there are three aspects of Mary at the crucifixion, three Fates, and three Wyrd Sisters. In the Voudon of Haiti there are similarly three Erzulie corresponding to Rada and Petro (the orthodox initiatory paths), and Makaya (the self-initiating sorcerer or 'bokor').

Consider also the image of an old man with a long white beard exists in all cultures to represent Wisdom. Anywhere in the world, in any age, a dream of such a figure would be interpreted this way; in Jungian terms it is a singular archetype. Yet almost any time we encounter this figure in religious iconography there are three of him; consider the three Magi that visit Christ at his birth, identified in Voudon with three Simbi, the three Pure Ones that transcend the Taoist pantheon, or the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as reflected in the three transcendent circuits of the Kabala and the subtle anatomy.

The ability to discern these genuine patterns of the cosmos and consciousness leads to Wisdom, whereas mere apophenia leads only to delusion and failure. Since the archetypes are experienced by all humans in

similar ways we can think of these commonalities as objectively real, even if our experiences of them are internal. We learn from this observation and, while expressing creativity, are not arrogant enough to think we can invent new gods according to whim as many a lesser sorcerer has assumed. The archetypes are those forces at the roots of human consciousness called in pagan times as gods, or laws, and while they have been defined after man's own image we cannot say they originate with us any more than we can say the opposite. Perhaps the reality is beyond cause and effect, outside the circuits of time.

We experience the seven archetypes most profoundly when the brain is in Theta, around 7Hz - the Schumann resonance, being also the frequency of Earth itself. The implication is that the human brain is a finite processing system within the Greater Mind; the collective consciousness of every human on the planet, living or dead. Yet if our brain attempted to process the entirety of this potentially infinite data pool - all at once - it would crash far more dramatically and permanently than any computer. Just as the mystics say we cannot look upon God directly, we cannot process the Greater Mind, therefore the archetypes act as intermediary sub-systems; they are as the refracted Light.

Of further relevance here is the research of Julian Janes, as expressed in his cumbersomely titled The Origins of Consciousness & the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Janes draws attention to the fact that there is a specific point in human history - around the time when the Babylonian and Greek Empires first

encountered one another - where we first started to make reference to internal subjective processes; for example, to feel love, rather than be visited by it. His theory expresses the idea that the human brain evolved alongside the language we used to describe the experience of consciousness; by thinking of ourselves differently we evolved to think in different ways, changing the very structure of the brain.

The right rear hemisphere of the brain is now dormant in most modern humans whereas, according to Janes' theory, it was originally active. If it is stimulated with electricity the subject ceases to experience internal dialogue and instead experiences voices as if originating outside of the self, and which the subject has no choice but to obey. For example, rather than thinking, “I would quite like a cup of tea”, you would hear a god like voice commanding you to put the kettle on, and would be incapable of acting otherwise.

James reasons that in those times when we most believed in gods, when our language contained no concepts to describe internal reasoning or emotion, we experienced these voices all the time. Perhaps we also felt the presence of these voices, as with experiments with the God helmet. Similarly, we did not experience internal dialogue as we do now. If a citizen of ancient Babylon walked past a statue of Enki, and glanced at the writing upon its plinth, they would experience the god talking to them. Similarly, instead of reading the pages in this book, understanding the words by hearing them in your head, you would instead look at this page and hear

these words just as if they were being read aloud to you. It would be as if there were a spirit in this book which was communicating to you directly. Which, of course, there is.

Although undeveloped at the time of Jame's initial research, Persinger and Koren's God helmet experiments similarly stimulate these same areas of the right rear hemisphere, with their subjects also reporting feeling a convincing sense of ghostly or extraterrestrial presence. Most disturbingly, modern V2K ('voice to skull' synthetic telepathy) psy-ops weaponry targetting the right rear hemisphere can literally act as a remote control on the human brain.


The oldest known magical charakteres are prehistoric cave paintings and rock carvings. These are the ideatic images of the Greater Mind which become visible during shamanic trance as glowing vortices and matrices of energy. The shamanic rituals of prehistoric cave dwellers involved entheogenic sacraments; for example, the presence of ergot has been found in the bellies of Iron Age bog people recovered from the peat bogs of Northern Europe. Often the paint used to create these images was itself made from hallucinogenic ingredients, in particular the red.

The ideatic images themselves may be likened to information flow diagrams, with the information being consciousness itself. Many of the symbols are universal, having their origins within the neurology of the brain, appearing again and again cross culturally. They resonate so powerfully with the deeper mind we actually have a measurable physiological response to them.

Common symbols from prehistoric caves and mounds

The origins of the written word lie with the first Magi-Priests in Sumeria, around 3000 BC, and the cuneiform script. These began as pictographic

symbols representing various sacred principles which became simplified over time until they became barely recognisable.

All alphabets began similarly. Each charaktere begins as an entire concept, as with the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. These were then abstracted, providing us with charakteres remarkably similar to the ideatic images found of prehistoric cave art.


A B C/K D E f


The history of the alphabet as we know it began around a millennium later. The first pure alphabet was developed by the Semetic workers of Egypt, based upon the principles of hieroglyphics.

It is from this that both Greek and Roman alphabets were inspired. The Greek symbol for Theta, for example, is the simplified and abstracted image of a skull.

The ideatic charakteres of magical tradition are combined to create new meanings - as may be seen from the construction of the planetary charakteres of astrology from the signs of the elements;



In rune magick the symbols are combined in the same was to create 'bind runes'. Other examples include the way various symbols and pictographs are combined to create the symbols of Alchemy, the talismatia of Buddhist Tantra, the lamen of The Goetia, or the veve of Voudon ceremony.

Our own vulgate alphabet, rooted as it is in these ancient symbol systems, is no less magical. It may be employed in very much the same way as any other charakteres, as Austin Spare’s method of sigil magick demonstrates. The Declaration of Will is written as a sentence, then turned into an abstract charaktere by combining and simplifying the letters as follows;

The method has been repeated ad-infinitum, especially with regards to the ill informed fad known as 'Chaos magic'. Consequently many people think the word sigil applies only to charakteres created this way, as if it is a new and separate system of magick, or some kind of advance in the technology. The etymology traces through the Latin sigillum, meaning signature, and originally implying the charaktere of a spirit. There are countless ways sigils may be created, and many magical alphabets are traditionally employed, such as Hebrew, Greek, Cornelius Agrippa's Passing the River, John Dee's Enochian Script, Masonic codes, or the employment of Kamea (magical squares) to trace out words and phrases translated by gematria.

Passing the River

(the alphabet of Cornelius Agrippa)

19th Century Masonic Code










JU PI I LK - 54

















24] 7








5 |n






























1 1












AIMS- 175

EHEnJCEQ □ ED □ EQ] ID □ □ □EJEtDEJE EEDQEEEE S3 tn ib n n ed e □ □□EHE2H □ nnDSDDE

MFRC I RY - 260



bedebhede E23EE3EE3E1EE3 □□edebcee (Ena S3 EDO BED □33EE3EE □BDOJEDna

U S4-36*

The Planetary Kamea

whereby words reduced by gematria are translated into the lamen of spirits or sigils of intent - see Book Two: Mathesis..

The Alphabet of Desire

Over time the working magician will compose a storehouse of charakteres through which desires and concepts unique to their own practice are expressed. These may be drawn from tradition, consciously created ideographs, or divined by means of automatic drawing, astral travel, or dreams. Rituals may also be devised whereby entire symbol systems may be conceived and earthed.

The purpose is to construct a personal alphabet of sentient charakteres through which to communicate with the archetypes and the Greater Mind. Having originated beyond the realms of the Visible, these may prove especially effective for enchantment and divination. Each must be unique, their forms and attributions kept secret.

A 0 A


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

  • - The Bible

“In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word; and the Word is God.”

  • - The Vedas

“In any case, belief has little to do with the power of words. Nobody believes the Bible is literally the word of God any more. But those stories still shaped the world we live in. The same can be said, of course, of the Koran, the Upanishads and many other stories. Whoever controls the narrative controls society. Kings, tyrants and dictators have all known this. The word authority itself means he who authors the story.”

  • - Nathan Mortlock, The Dangerous Author

Consciousness consists of the virus medium of information. Words and images form the essential content of all our thoughts and ideas; our memories and sense of self, our beliefs, hopes, fears and expectations of the future, the ordering of experience and perception - as the magician will be aware through attempts to silence the mind during meditation. The 'is' of self identification through language leads to the illusion that we 'are' our programming, locking us into the either / or binary

coding of the Matrix.

Imagine language as a spectrum, running from conscious articulation through to the unconscious utterances of glossolalia, back further to the vocal experiments of an infant, and further still to the grunting of primates. Just as the evolution of the species may be recapitulated in the DNA, so may the phonemes of language be traced to the atavistic memes at the roots of consciousness. These sounds form the basic commands to which we are preconditioned to respond, even before birth. They do not even need to make sense - consider the popularity of Lady Ga-Ga. Those who control the word and the image control the world, as they can manipulate thought on a mass scale.

Consider the internet; the matrix extending our own nervous system and projecting these control commands to us. The hypnotic screen fits in our pockets and follows us wherever we are, triangulating our position and recording our responses. The ubiquitous mind-control weapon feeds us constant images of sex and death - the core binary commands to which we are biologically programmed to respond. Continued exposure to any phenomenon leads to habituation; we learn to perceive the entire world as a double-bind, becoming further trapped in the either / or mimetic program.

Another example is the employment of trigger words and phrases in the programming of mind control slaves, as has been widely disclosed by survivors of MK Ultra and Project Monarch. The principle is employed in trauma-based mind control having been

first observed by psychiatrists in trauma patients and survivors of abusive relationships. A behavioural feed-back loop is conditioned so that when the target experiences fear they attempt escape to a habituated place of safety - their handler, the cult, or self harming behaviour - which itself becomes a source of more anxiety and fear; as R. D. Laing put it, “.. like someone with their hand on a hot plate, pressing down harder rather than pulling away.”

In modern psy-ops the power of language and words is employed in mimetic warfare; propaganda, such as mainstream news, advertising, politics and many other forms of social engineering, as well as military intelligence shills who pose as normal civilians on all forms of social media. The employment of words to create intentional shifts in consciousness is firmly rooted in the ancient practice of magick.

The pursuit of neuromancy involves the decoding of our own programming language; the images, memes and trigger-words that have power over or for us. It is to learn how our conditioned responses are used to control us, and how information can be used as a means of self-liberation. This forms part of the ultimate aim towards which all true magick is directed; complete integration and the attainment of At-One-Ment.


The root of our English word 'enchantment' is found in the Latin incantare, meaning to 'utter an incantation' or cast a spell, typically, but not necessarily, invoking of the archetypes. The term was loaned into English around 1300 AD; the corresponding native term being 'cunning', from the Germanic root kenning, also implying the knowledge and art of words. The words incantare and enchantment also imply singing, chanting, and intoning; consider the spirit songs of shamanism, the rune-song of the vardlokkur (warlocks), the Carmen and Goes of ancient Greece, the sonorous incantations of ceremonial magick, or the Lingage de Guinen in which the hymns of Voudon are sung, understood only by initiates and the lwa.

The sources of these 'magick words' are various. They may be drawn from tradition or created through ingenuity. Commonly in enchantment the Declaration of Will is abstracted through the rearrangement of its syllables, making a word or phrase unrecognisable to the conscious mind. Syllables that are repeated may be omitted to prevent the result being too cumbersome. This provides the voces magicks that are the basis of spell-casting. For example;

This is my will to destroy my enemies utterly.

Rearranged may become;


Voces magicks may also be created by methods such as notaricon. In this, a word is considered to exist as an abbreviation, with each letter being the initial of another word; or else the first and last letters are detached and formed into new words. Many of the seemingly nonsensical words of power found in the traditional grimoires were arrived at by similar methods. For example, the Hebrew system of Atbash, which we shall explore further in later chapters, may be applied with our common alphabet if the vowels are treated separately; B becomes Z, and visa versa, while A becomes U.

A=U, E=O, I=I, O=E, U=A

B=Z , C=Y , D=X , F=W , G=V , H=T , J=S , K=R , L=Q, M=P , N=N , P= M, Q= L, R=K , S=J , T= H , V=G, W=F , X=D , Y=C , Z=B

Entire incantations may be constructed this way. For example;

Walker on the road of dust, bringer of vexation: Bring no vexation to us for we are the same, servants of the Greater Mind.

By 'Vulgate Atbash' becomes;



Similarly, the formula Avgad replaces each charaktere by the next. The same principle may be applied to our vulgate alphabet thus;

A=E, E=I, I=O, O=U, U=A

B=C, C=D, D=F, F=G, G=H, H=J, J=K, L=M, M=N, N=P, P=Q, Q=R, R=S, S=T, T=V, V=W, W=X, X=Y, Y=Z, Z=B

For example;

Much suffering Mother of Mysteries; turn our sorrows into joy and soften the hearts of evil men.

By 'Vulgate Avgad' becomes;


Voces magicks may also be divined during trance by methods such as glossolalia ('talking in tongues'; a technique we shall explore in further depth); the magician calls out long streams of random phonetics whilst otherwise concentrating on the desired outcome - perhaps through visualisation, or focusing on some representation or charaktere. Alien words and phrases arise from the unconscious and the Greater Mind, which may be recorded by an assistant or some device.

Voces magicks may be employed by various means,

among the most common being their repetition as a mantra (Sanskrit, meaning 'code of command'). Neuroscientists have observed the phenomenon of habituation; the neural response to the repetition of stimulus dampens sensory input and inhibits the activity of the cerebral cortex. This response is mediated by the reticular activating system, a cluster of cells at the brainstem which serve to censor sensory input so that only meaningful stimuli reach the cerebral cortex and hence conscious awareness; principles also employed in subliminal mind control. In many ways the the use of mantras is a form of deliberate self hypnosis. Any method that produces a silencing of the mind might be similarly employed, such as throwing all attention into intoning the voces magicks during meditation, or declaring them at the moment of intense orgasm or other peak experience.

A 0 A


The charging of sacraments (entheogenic or otherwise), spells, or talisman is commonly achieved through the combination of voces magicks and ritual gesture; for example passing objects through incense smoke, or sprinkling consecrated water. The magician adopts symbolic postures or gestures during ritual, as with the asana and mudra of Eastern mysticism, or the protracted movements of Tai-Chi. Revivalists of Germanic tradition stipulate a similar system of hand and body postures formed a part of runa. From witchcraft we have the mano cernutos (Devil's horns) made with the hand to send the sorcerer's will. The sign of blessing and adoption of the physical posture of the pentagram, as in the Circle of Enchantment explored in Book Two, are also examples. The practitioner may develop their own magical passes by acting out a desire As-If it has already been attained, then reducing the actions to a simple abstract gesture. This is then repeated, over and over, as a route to trance, reduced to a posture and held in stillness, or employed as part of larger ritual.

The gesture of 'raising the hands', as with prayer, originates with the Magi-Priests of ancient Babylon. It may be similarly employed in magick. Rather than supplicating before the distant and transcendent, the neuromancer meditates directly upon the concept of unrefracted Light; this naturally produces Gamma states.

When addressing the shadows, being the archetypes of the black ray, the magician should turn their back and never offer any gesture that might be interpreted as giving service. These are the lower aspects of the self it is necessary to work with if (re)integration is to be attained, yet the magician must be wary of succumbing to their impulses. In the traditional grimoires, these are the demons to be bound and commanded through higher powers. In terms of neuromancy they are the manifestations of the Delta chthonic mind, to be mastered through the integrating consciousness of Gamma.

The magician may also manipulate the Force within their subtle anatomy by a combination of gestures. For example, slowly raising the arms to either side of the body then lowering the hands around the solar plexus circuit, rubbing the belly to store accumulated Force. This may then be released by rubbing the hands together vigorously, producing the sensation of heat, and projected towards its target - such as a spell or talisman.

A 0 A


“Magic in its earliest form is often referred to as the Arte. I believe this is completely literal. I believe that magic is art and that art, whether it be writing, music, sculpture, or any other form is literally magic. Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words, or images, to achieve changes in consciousness.”

- Alan Moore

The knowledge of symbolism, and the manners in which symbols may be combined to suggest new meanings, is central to all the disciplines of the arts. If the magician is so inclined, a spell might take the form of a collage, a piece of music, or any other expression that communicates clearly to the imagination. The same principles might also be observed in art that has not consciously be made as an act of magick; observe how often, for example, the colour purple in the stage sets or costumes of theatre, or in any block buster film or TV drama, precede the death of a major character.

A talisman is any symbolic object created to resonate in harmony with some principal, or ray of the archetypes. The essential concept also embraces objects such as the flags or seals of countries, or the logos of corporations; their intention being to bring certain associations to consciousness. Any object of art intended to have a subliminal effect on the viewer,

or to provoke a conditioned response, might also be included.

In traditional magick, talismans are created from symbolic materials in forms representative of the Declaration of Will; for example a working of the yellow ray might be made as a gold ring bearing solar charakteres, which is cast on a Sunday. A talisman may also take the form of Lamen from the grimoires, the veve of Voudon, a runic spell from the Galdrbok, or countless other forms.

Traditionally, sorcerers have employed passages from sacred texts, such as the Upanishads, the Voluspa, or The Bible, as a component of talismatia. Any passage that has significant meaning might be similarly employed, such as inspirational quotes from films or other media. This book may be considered a Talisman; the words and images it contains have been arranged to inspire the reader with integrity, and as an offering to the archetypes.

The magician might similarly employ any image with appropriate resonance; artistic impressions, references to popular culture, or irrational combinations; for example a Talisman for general success might consist of a collaged picture of Obeah-Man Kenobi and the inspirational quote, “May the Farce be with you.”

A formal Declaration of Will is made dedicating the talisman to its particular purpose. This may include restrictions so that it will only function under certain circumstances; for example it may be activated, or deactivated, in reaction to events. It may also act as a direct channel to the archetypes, or provide the

fetishe seating a thought form. The words spoken over a Talisman during its construction, and the actions performed during ritual, all work towards providing its power through mental association.

Representations of the archetypes, such as paintings or statues, may be employed as the focus of meditation and ritual. In this manner the archetypes and shadows of the Greater Mind are externalised, personified, and either served or bound; even if the neuromancer's comprehension of them is esoteric rather than religious, nor deemed purely imaginary, at least as the term is understood in Beta dominant culture.

If the magician has artistic abilities they may turn these to the service of the archetypes by creating devotional art. Of all the sacrifices that may gain their favour human creativity is the highest. The objects themselves may be ritually consecrated (made sacred) and charged with Force so as to create a link between the material dimension and the astral realm of the archetypes.

Firstly, the icon should be symbolically brought to life. This may be achieved through the magician, and any assistants, activating the seven circuits of the subtle anatomy first within themselves, then projecting consciousness through each circuit to enliven those within the icon, thus forming a subtle anatomy for the archetype to inhabit. This is what is called in Voudon 'seating' a spirit.

Having been consecrated, the icon is addressed As-If it is inhabited by the archetype. Over successive rituals the icon will accrue significance, providing a

link between the so-called physical and psychic dimensions of experience. The archetypes are very much a part of the human psyche, existent independently of any one consciousness, in the 'waters' that are the dreams of the Greater Mind. Prayers are offered, progressively identifying the icon with the archetype, shadow, or other spirit, to be seated. Suitable herbs, stones, or other corresponding items may be attached, concealed within, or otherwise sacrificed.

The magician may create any number of such icons to act as focus during ritual, or to gain the favour of the archetypes. It is common among spiritists to have many small shrines around the home, which may be tended on their corresponding days (for example, an altar to the red ray might be tended to every Wednesday, an altar to the blue ray on Thursday, green on Friday, violet on Saturday, yellow on Sunday, and so on).

The third type of 'art magick' we shall consider here is that which is intended to induce extraordinary experiences which may be interpreted as having spiritual qualities. This has particular significance in the fields of performance or body art; some of the ingredients of extreme art performances, such as pain or bloodletting, or narratives of death and rebirth, have also been traditionally associated with shamanism and initiatory experiences; ritual as art, and art as ritual.

Finally, there are those artistic works resulting from communion with the archetypal forces, with the Genius, or as a result of visionary or mystical

experiences. Just as we may create art for the purposes of magick, so too may we perform magick for the purposes of art; Arte for art's sake.

A 0 A


“I get the impression you are a loyal friend who can be relied upon in times of difficulty. You know you have considerable unused capacity that you have yet to turn to your advantage. Although fair minded, you are also more ambitious than your friends and colleagues realize. You can also be something of a perfectionist, and this can sometimes annoy the people close to you. Is that right?

You are good at seeing both sides of an argument rather than jumping to conclusions, and like to gather all the facts before making a decision. Although you enjoy change and variety, you also appreciate routine and stability. Much of the time you give the impression of being strong, but deep down you sometimes worry what the future will bring. Right now, you are facing a significant decision, or have recently experienced a large change in your life, and that is why you have come to me.”

- 'Barnham' statements for a cold reading.

Divination is humankind's attempt to peer beneath the circuit-board of the Matrix in search of hidden (occult) connections. The Greater Mind, often also called the collective unconscious, thinks in symbols and images such as we experience in dream. It is also from this region of consciousness that humankind has gained its most profound mystical insights, and where we encounter the archetypes. The wise magician will always perform divination before and after any major

working. It is a far more important skill than spellcasting or conjuration - for without wisdom any power gained will prove self destructive.

The word 'divination' implies the asking of divinity; its essence, as with all genuine magick, is the quest for wisdom. Most religions cross culturally include some form of divination through which the archetypes (gods / personified natural laws / deeper aspects of self) may be approached for guidance; although the practice often degenerates with exoteric traditions into mere prayer with no true meditative qualities - and hence no response. Similarly in popular occulture divination has become among the most debased of the magical arts, having been reduced from the knowledge and communion of the Greater Mind to mere fortune-telling and parlour trickery. Furthermore, certain contemporary magical leaders have offered some of the worst advice possible.

Divination in Greek is manteia; hence the suffix '-mancy' is employed in technical descriptions of divination; e.g.; onieromany, cartomancy, necromancy, and our modern term neuromancy. The tools and techniques are various, yet the principle remains the same; trance is employed to commune with the archetypes and the Greater Mind, unlocking the mysteries of consciousness itself.

It is natural for consciousness, existing and persisting in time, to concern itself with the future. For this reason, we associate the art of divination with the discernment of that which is yet to come. For the professional sorcerer in service to a patron it is in

most cases this ability they are being paid for; be it predicting the stock-market, locating diamonds, or reading Tarot for dissatisfied housewives at the local market.

It is worth recognising the grey area between divination and spell-casting. When we seek to divine the flow of probability we may in fact, to some degree, be defining it. A simple Tarot reading, for example, might also be interpreted as a kind of random spell; a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whilst many people consider fortune telling to be harmless fun, many adepts agree that it may be the most recklessly dangerous of all the magical arts. Historically, sorcerers who consistently foresaw doom (failing crops, death during childbirth, invasion by foreign forces etc.) were often held responsible for everything they predicted, and were made to suffer accordingly. Similarly, they would also be held responsible if they failed to predict such misfortune. The professional diviner is advised to pay heed.

For all our talk of prediction, knowledge of the future is acquired in one way only; through knowledge of the past - which is to say, through the attainment of wisdom. Consider how much more knowledge regarding matters of love a woman has at 80 than she does as a girl of 15. To anyone with such experience in life it is no great mystery how the young are brought together, or indeed how they are separated. There would be no dishonesty if our hypothetical older woman made her wisdom available to the young. If she was cunning, and owned a pack of Tarot cards, why should she not earn

a few shillings for doing so? To the young, who invariably believe their feelings are unique and that nobody has ever loved as they do, such wisdom will most certainly seem like magick.

Yet the wisdom that may be attained in one lifetime is immeasurably small compared to that available to the Greater Mind. This is why the magician invokes before divination; the archetypes are the ancestry of all humanity, existing within the collective subconscious. Of all these invocations the most crucial is that referred to as the Higher Self, Holy Guardian Angel, or Genius.

If the relationship between the magician and the Greater Mind has integrity, such ritual methods of divination become less necessary. The magician may be inspired by the movements of the clouds, the patterns of traffic, or the conversation of passing strangers, much as anyone might be reminded of the past by synchronistic events - except that the magician is preminded of events yet to come. Occult knowledge arises spontaneously from the Greater Mind; what begins as the instinct of congruity evolves to become direct prescience. The magician simply knows.

A 0 A

The various techniques of divination may be usefully subcategorised as skrying, gematria, and sortilage, with potentially infinite variations of each.

The reader is advised to spend great efforts in developing the skills of meditation, contemplation

and divination before moving on to attain the manipulative powers of enchantment; building a secure foundation for their inner temple. Perform one operation at the beginning of each morning, predicting the day to come, for at least one year. All results should be recorded faithfully in the Magical Diary, together with notes on any factors that may be influencing the results. In this manner the accuracy of the divinations may be judged over time and systematically improved upon; such will be of infinitely more value than the interpretations provided by any book or teacher.

Some important questions that should be asked periodically, regardless of the magician's tradition or the masques the archetypes wear for them, include;

* Are you willing to help me with this magick?

* Are you pleased with my service to you?

* What are my successes and failures in serving you?

* How would you improve me that I may increase in power and wisdom to serve you better?

* What is your opinion of this ritual I have composed in your honour?

* Is there anything else you would choose to tell me?

Divination & Neuromancy; Any method of implanting subliminal commands, triggering mental associations, or otherwise effecting consciousness, might reasonably be adapted to divination (see also Book One: Psychic Technology, and Book Three: Mind Control Technology).

A 0 A


Enchantment - the ability to cause change in accordance with the will - is undoubtedly an aspect of magick that draws many people to the practice; having, of all the disciplines, the most appeal to hubris and ego. Consequently it has also been the most written about, with the majority of published materials being misleading, reckless and irresponsible. Magick may destroy lives if practised for immodest and dishonourable purposes. This is particularly so under two specific circumstances; trying to get something for nothing, and acts of malefica.

The value of any act may only be judged by its results - no matter what the original intent. All actions have consequences, and all consequences are actions of their own. For this reason the wise magician, rather than attempting to coerce and control others, will conjure changes within their own consciousness.

Practical considerations for successful enchantment include;

A 0 A

Declaration of Will

The most crucial ingredient in any act of magick is a well defined intent. This in itself is a powerful act of self-programming, even without any further acts of

magick; the better defined our intentions are, and the clearer our mental image of their potential, the greater our chances of attainment. State your will clearly and succinctly in a single sentence or word.

Also an important factor is probability. Although occasionally the most outrageous results may be achieved, casting for the implausible may only go so far as making them highly unlikely, or at best merely improbable. Magick may theoretically be employed for anything at all, but only if approached from the right angle.

The declaration should always be divined upon regarding its wisdom. It may sometimes be the case that an immediate desire will have unforeseen effects in the longer term, or there may be other factors of which we are unaware of that may effect the situation.

The formulated Declaration of Will should be included in the structure of the enchantment to be cast. It should be stated clearly at the beginning of the ritual, and if in a group strongly affirmed by all present.

The Declaration of Will also provides the basis for magical gestures, voces magicks, charakteres, litanies, ritual theatre, music, or any artistic expression that engages the imagination and communicates the message to the Greater Mind.

The following considerations apply in formulating an effective Declaration of Will;

  • * The intent should be large enough to provide motivation, and probable enough to be


  • * State what is desired in the positive, rather than what is not desired, as the unconscious mind cannot process negations; i.e. declare your intent for health rather than not being sick.

  • * Goals are more likely to be achieved if placed in an appropriate context; when, where, and with whom?

  • * If possible the statement should be sensory specific; state what you will see, hear, or feel when the outcome is attained.

  • * Consider also the consequences of attainment. Will you lose what you have in order to get what you want? Are you willing to accept this loss?

A 0 A


“A million to one chances happen nine times out of ten.”

  • - Terry Pratchett

The common wisdom among magicians is that acts of enchantment work to alter the probability of events; something likely to happen can be given a push,

while something wildly improbable can at best be made slightly more likely. Therefore the novice is commonly advised to begin with simple spells that do not tax probability too highly. This means, of course, that they are more likely to cast enchantments for events that would happen anyway. The more likely the events enchanted for, the higher the success rate the novice may believe they have; yet in reality they are achieving no results at all.

Being human, with limited brain processing capabilities, and existing in a world where all influencing potentials could never be known, calculated, or factored, we can often mislead ourselves with our subjective estimations of probability. A classic example is when someone telephones us just as we were thinking about them, which often seems spooky - even though we are far more likely to think of someone there is a need to communicate with, or are in regular communication with, than someone we have not spoken to or thought about in years. It would be far less probable to never be telephoned by anybody we just happened to be thinking about. Another example is how surprised we are if we go to the pub on our birthday and find someone else there is also celebrating theirs - yet there are only 365 days in a year, which factored against the number of people in the average pub means it is actually extremely unlikely this would never happen.

Similarly with other events in life where we might give ourselves the impression that someone 'out there' is looking out for us, or has it in for us, where we not

only misjudge probability, we also attribute an imagined agency. It is upon such delusions that religions are founded.

The one probability we must never forget, not only in devising our Declaration of Will but also when considering our supposed results, is that we in fact enchanted for something that would have happened anyway, and our self assumed agency is nothing more that egoistic hubris.

A 0 A


Timing is of crucial importance in magick. As events unfold before us in the illusion of Time, the future becomes more unpredictable as it gains distance. It is for this reason that prediction is often most accurate when applied to shorter distances of time, and why the more unlikely of enchantments tend to take the longest amount of time to manifest results.

Timing may also be symbolic in itself. The traditional grimoires give instructions regarding the days and hours most auspicious for the performance of rituals for various intents, usually based upon the astrological planetary forces; a ritual for Justice, for example, might be performed on a Tuesday - the day of Tyr, being the Anglo-Saxon masque of the orange ray, called in most European languages after the Roman god Mars. Similarly in witchcraft lore, and folk traditions cross-culturally, there are auspicious days such as the Sabbats; a ritual of the green ray, for example, might be performed on May Day, or of the

violet on All Saint's Night.

Finally, enchantments take time to gain results - the more unlikely the intention, the longer it may take to acquire. For example, it is not impossible for most people to get rich, if they really wish to, but they must remain dedicated to the task not just effectively but for long enough. They must also be willing, of course, to make the necessary sacrifices, often resulting in a far greater poverty than lack of money.

A 0 A


The reason why the magical supply stores make a living from their coloured candles, astrological incenses, Tarot cards, embroidered robes, carved wands and ju-jus is that these objects appeal to the imagination. Equally this is the reason such artefacts can sometimes have 'psychic worth'. Yet the most powerful magical objects are always the wax dolls, weapons, and fetishe we create through our own art; a skilled craftsman is often also a powerful magician. Through the disciplines of visualisation and astral projection the magician may perform acts of magick with no recourse to physical objects at all; imagination alone is enough.

A 0 A


To worry about the results of a spell is to draw it up from the depths and expose it to the petty, mundane

mind and all the self conflicts of the ego. Once an enchantment has been cast it should ideally not be thought of again. The principle is to create a synthetic subconscious complex which will act upon us, and thus effect our environment, in the manner of a subliminal command.

A simple trick that will aid the magician in this otherwise implausible task of deliberately forgetting is to speak aloud, any time a working threatens to surface in thought, the words, “Does not matter, need not be.”

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The purposes of the magical trances are various. Dream-like states harmonise individuated consciousness with the Greater Mind and the collective unconscious; when Theta brainwaves are strongest. Dominant Theta trances are those of dreaming, astral projection, remote influence, work within the astral temple, and attendance of the Sabbat. The deeper trances, registering as Delta, are more valuable to self-reprogramming, healing, and harming. Dominant Delta trances are those of mental silence. Higher states of consciousness, registering as Gamma, harmonise the brain's functions over-all; At-One-Ment.

Trance may be achieved by many means, from quiescent meditation to ecstatic excitation, though the extremes of emotion (such as fear, anger, or mystical devotion) or sensation (such as pleasure, pain, or

sexual stimulation and release). It may also be heightened or deepened through the use of entheogens, as are normally associated with shamanism, or through mind control technology.

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Enchantment & Neuromancy; Any method of implanting subliminal commands, triggering mental associations, or otherwise effecting consciousness, might reasonably be adapted to imprint enchantments (see also Book One: Psychic Technology, and Book Three: Mind Control Technology).

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Trance may also be attained by means of excitation and the extremes of any emotion; be it attraction, repulsion, love, hate, sorrow, happiness, or the pure ecstasy of creation and destruction. Other examples include drumming, singing, physical exertion, pain, arousal, and orgasm. When consciousness is whipped up in such a fashion an inner vacuity results.

Much of the success of exoteric religion relies on its ability to engage at an emotional level and the manipulation of such responses to engender faith. Their main instrument of control in this sense is the emotion of guilt; based in the larger part on fear of punishment, which is rarely the same thing as recognising responsibility. The magician has no need of such crippling self delusions; those who repress their desires succeed in doing so only because their desires are weak enough to be repressed. The ultimate aim of At-One-Ment is never achieved by those with no passions at all.

As with more quiescent methods, excitation is curbed and governed toward communion with the archetypes and the Greater Mind. Ritual may also aim at arousing, accentuating, and heightening emotive response and channelling the Force. The more disciplined the magician is in meditation the better they may also direct their excitation in acts of magick, rather than simply being overcome by the dissolution itself.

Magical ritual need not always be somber, pompous ceremony. Consider the example of Voudon, with its drums, songs of invocation, sacred dance, costume, and brightly decked temples covered with art depicting the lwa (archetypes). Although reglimen (the Haitian term meaning 'ritual discipline') is strict among the celebrants, they still know how to have a good time. Similarly the rituals of Tantra are rarely boring affairs with everyone sitting around chanting and nothing much happening. Consider also the records of the Inquisition, and later witchcraft persecutions, with their ubiquitous accusations of midnight revelry and communion with spirits. Modern magicians often engage in ritual dances complete with a temple DJ sensitive to the requirements of ritual, the music chosen specifically for its correspondence to the archetypes. The Invisibles like to party as much as anyone..


“Possession is 9/10ths of the lwa.”

- Papa Legba (personal communication).

The rites of invocation are those concluding in the magician entering trance and inviting the archetypes to possess them; displacing mundane consciousness and being directed by the impulses of the subconscious. The purpose of such rituals are usually to gain additional power for purposes of spell casting or divination, or to achieve a temporary condition of At-One-Ment. The experience of possession itself is often cathartic, providing inspiration and heightened psychic ability through the loss of inhibition.

Quiescent meditation may be directed toward possession, as with vajrachakra Buddhism and Hindu Tantra, where the practitioner identifies with the archetypes through visualisation and progressive stages of ritual. More ecstatic methods are also employed; most commonly drumming, dancing, chanting, singing, prayers and sacrifice, costume, props, and intoxicating sacraments, which may, if the ritual is properly orchestrated, all build toward directed magical trance.

The experience of possession is extremely rare for most of us living in the West during the 21st Century. It is entirely inconsistent with our normal drives to stay in control. Our expectations as to how to behave have been built up over a lifetime, and surrendering to passions of any kind is rarely socially acceptable or sanctioned. The act of 'letting go' and allowing our sense of self to be overcome by something 'other' is extremely difficult and sometimes terrifying.

A medium's first experience may have far reaching effects, acting as a powerful agent of change in their life. It may occur gradually and easily, or it may be sudden and sometimes even painful. At other times it may be as a rush of ecstasy - in the original sense of the word, meaning 'outside the self'.

The invocations of the solitary magician rely on sudden bursts of enthusiasm, and more often an experience of the archetypes 'passing through', with possession being fleeting; a practice often referred to as 'channelling', whereby messages from the psychic realms are brought through, or when a medium enters trance during a seance and passes on messages from the 'other side'. More sustained possession, such as typified in Voudon ritual, is rarely a private matter; being more easily achieved in group through the interaction of all participants, and is context derived. Such rituals are common to most (so called) shamanic societies from Australasia through Africa to America, and featured in ancient Egypt and Babylon, with much evidence suggesting the earliest Kabalist magick was directed towards such phenomena. Other examples include the Delphic oracles of ancient Greece, the seidr trance-workers of the Vikings, the Witches' Sabbath of medieval Europe, and St. Paul's experience on the road to Damascus.

To a rational outsider the bizarre behaviour exhibited by the possessed may seem childish, even ludicrous. To all appearances some kind of improvised role-play is taking place with the actor(s) so immersed they have forgotten who they really are. The participants are in a kind of waking dream; embracing reality

through imagination. The possessed are open to signals from, and act as a conduit to, the Greater Mind (collective unconscious). Magick performed under such a possession will therefore be more powerful than the lesser trances of more intellectually based formulae.

To an outsider it would also seem that permission to act in this way is sanctioned and indulged by the rest of the group, who have all been whipped up into this shared delusion. Again, there would be an element of truth in such a perception. It is often much easier for a group to get carried away than it is for any individual acting alone. To illustrate this effect, consider the following experiment; while alone, pretend to be a monkey. Leap around the room with your arms outstretched making appropriate sounds. Keep this up for a full five minute. Next, perform the same experiment with a group of (preferably rather drunk) friends. While alone you will find it does not take long before self-doubt, boredom, distraction, and ironically (considering the solitary nature of the experiment) embarrassment work together to bring an end to the experiment - continuing for the full five minutes takes determination. In a group the opposite is true, and the game may easily continue for more than five minutes - indeed the more carried away the group gets the less they will be aware of time at all.

This is not to say that the rites of invocation are mere make believe, although the theatrical aspects may easily be faked (and often are by lesser magicians). Directed towards trance they provide an extremely powerful tool of magick. While the experience of

communion with the archetypes is subjective, the results may often manifest in the objective 'real' world. Whether this implies that the archetypes themselves are 'real' (i.e. gods, or some extraterrestrial influence), or whether invocation offers merely a 'sleight of mind' trick that activates the individual's own psychic abilities, is a conundrum to be addressed through the magician's own meditations. It is not our aim here to answer questions of religion.

A very powerful approach to possession may be found in the cults of Voudon, Tantra, and 'shamanic' witchcraft, only possible or desirable within the context of their cultus. Such practices are often scorned by Western sorcerers as dangerous, because all manner of supposedly vampiric or simply delusional impressions may come to the medium. However, most traditions require the medium to have some relationship with the Gatekeeper (the Red Ray of the Archetypes), only allowing sanctioned possession by the spirits regularly served in the temple's rituals.

Although the root mystery (psychegen) remains consistent, this Gatekeeper has many names and forms; it is the Asarluhi of Mesopotamia, the Mercury of the Greeks, the Hermes of Rome, the Thoth of ancient Egypt, the Germanic tribes called him Odin, to the Hindu he is Ganesh, in Japan he is OkuniNushi, in Voudon he is Papa Legba and his servant SimbiMakaya, in Candomble he is Exu, sometimes even wearing the masques of the Devil (Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer) and / or Christ (as with the seances of the Spiritualist Church). In

neuromancy, it corresponds with the corpus callosum regulating communication between the left and right hemispheres, the 'dwarf brain' at the junction of the cerebral-spinal system, and the red ray of the archetypes. It is this archetype that permits all travel between our world and the other dimensions, and without its permission the magician may gain no communion. It is therefore essential to keep a good relationship with it. In all pantheons it is recognised as childlike, often teaching through playing tricks, and woe betide anyone it needs to teach a painful lesson. Service to it is essential to initiation, whether into a cultus or as a self determined path. It is this archetype also responsible for those spontaneous initiations that lead an individual to the practice of magick.

These possession traditions require decades of training from childhood, with often traumatic rites of initiation. Initiates of the harsher cults are often induced into what might otherwise be called Dissociative Identity Disorder; far more likely in the West to manifest as a problem than as any desired condition. It is possible the unjustifiable 'mindsplitting' experiments of MK Ultra were inspired through observing such practices, especially those intended to produce Theta (psychic) agents; for which we are beginning to see some very serious backlash from survivors.

The formulae of invocation are various, and there is no need to submit ourselves or others to trauma. The intention of invocation is to become absolutely obsessed by the archetypes. Anything that might

reasonably aid in this should, if practical, be employed; nothing succeeds here like excess. If working in a temple all furnishings should be of a nature pertaining to the archetype; for example in an invocation of Saturn the altar should be decked in violet and black, with black candles, symbols of death all around. A sacrifice of incense might include Juniper of Pine, Assodilius, black Poppy seeds, Henbane, and Mandrake. If working outside the magician might take themselves to a graveyard at midnight, or some other place that draws the mind to darkness and morbidity. As far as possible everything the magician sees, smells, touches, tastes, or otherwise senses should draw their mind toward the invocation. An incantation (esoteric prayer) to the archetype should be offered.

As with all group ritual a well defined context, clearly understood by all participants, is essential. If expectations conflict the desired results will not be achieved. It is essential that the medium has at least some previous knowledge of the archetype invoked and the knowledge they pertain to. It is extremely unlikely that possession will occur if such preparations are not made. This becomes especially relevant when working with those archetypes whose masques possess specialist knowledge. Even in the most powerful societies it would be entirely unusual, for example, if Papa Loco - or some other spirit of natural pharmacology - to manifest through someone with no knowledge of bush medicine. Although it is entirely possible for a medium to become possessed by a spirit of which nothing at all is known such a

possession is unlikely to be sustained for long and will be harder to control. While occasionally valuable, the opening of the psyche to unknown influence is generally inadvisable.

Perhaps the simplest ritual formula of invocation is to compose a ritual in three stages of progressive self identification. In the first stage, the circle is cast and a declaration made addressing the archetype in third person. Perhaps a myth or tale concerning the archetype is recited. The second stage is to address the archetype directly, making declarations concerning the abilities and characteristics of the archetype in second person and bidding them to enter the circle and making whatever request(s) are appropriate, such as with the offering of esoteric prayer. In the third and final stage the magician identifies with the archetype as entirely as possible, speaking in first person and 'representing' with every gesture and utterance. All other participants indulge this identification, addressing the magician only as the archetype being invoked.

The natural resistance between the mundane ego and the impulses of the Greater Mind provide a mixed blessing to the medium. Although there must be the discipline to finally submit, the longer one fights off the onset of possession the more powerful it will finally be. It is a little like being brought close to orgasm again and again, then finally releasing all inhibition; the result is far more powerful than if orgasm were hurried after.

At the conclusion of the ritual the 'Licence to Depart' is given. All items relating to the invocation, such as

displayed charakteres, should be removed. If incense were employed, a more neutral banishing incense or air freshening aerosol should be used to change the atmosphere. It is not uncommon that the archetype invoked will be reluctant to leave, or that return to mundane consciousness is gradual. Relating the experience to the accumulation of tension we can understand how this should best be dealt with. Exhaustion and collapse are their own forms of exorcism, although the stamina of the possessed may often be well beyond the normal.

If necessary the possessed medium should be captured and lustrations administered of cold water. Once a return to normal consciousness is apparent the medium should be asked their real name, and questions triggering the recall of their normal identity (their address, or any other details of their life). The ritual should conclude with a full banishing; preferably involving some form of bright light (visualised or actual). A more complete return to mundane consciousness may also be achieved by following the ritual with normal mundane activities, such as going for a curry and a couple of pints down the pub.

If trance has been deep the medium will have no recollection of the possession; it will be buried in their subconscious and should remain there if the magick is to be effective. If the ritual resulted in a lesser trance of 'passing through' the medium should actively forget the experience; whenever it threatens to arise in the mind brush the thought aside whilst speaking aloud; “I cannot remember and it is not


Other participants of the ritual should not engage in conversation that will bring these memories to the medium's mundane consciousness. The medium should not be held in any way responsible for what is said or done by the archetypes during possession. There are very practical reasons why such talk is entirely taboo within possession cultures.

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Possession & Neuromancy; During possession trance brain activity remains normal, distributed across the brain, yet does not appear to reach the frontal cortex -where the illusion of 'self' as individuated from the Greater Mind is generated.

Other times when the brain leaves the frontal cortex 'out of the loop' include primitive survival responses; for example, the shape of a snake on the path ahead will cause most people, and indeed animals, to automatically leap out of the way without thinking first. It seems likely that extremely traumatic experiences may similarly provoke survival responses that bypass the frontal cortex. Effective possession mediums are often survivors of trauma and naturally dissociative under certain conditions. There is also a direct relationship between the CIA's interest in the possession cults of Haiti and the 'alters' of mind controlled slaves suffering deliberately caused dissociative identity disorder; see also Book Three: MK Ultra, and the chapter concerning Voudon.

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“Ti zozo, gwan coco, boo! Gwan zozo, ti coco, hooray!”

(Small dick, big cunt, boo! Big dick, small cunt, hooray!)

  • - Traditional Haitian call to Ghede (the violet ray)

“If sex isn't magical, you're not doing it right.”

  • - A Wise Magician

Eros was the first born of Chaos (according to Homer); it springs from nowhere, unexplainable, subject to no law. Even the other gods fear him, for while they may be deathless, and beyond the reach of his dark twin Thanatos, they are nevertheless subject to love and desire. Indeed through the influence of Eros they may be drawn into the flesh and mortal incarnation; as with the mythical couplings of humans and gods, and the sacred rites of the Hieros Gamos.

The power of Eros may ignite between any gender, through self-love, among many people at once, or in any combination of infinitely diverse expressions. It is clear there are direct links between spiritual power and sexuality; thus sorcerers may reasonably be expected to have heightened libido, yet also to channel libidinal energies in a disciplined manner rather than succumbing to every impulsive sexual urge.

Gnostic philosophy and modern psychology agree that the human psyche is most powerfully motivated by the twin forces of Thanatos (death) and Eros (sex). These drives provide momentum and meaning to mortal existence. However unconscious, their influence upon us gives colour to our every decision; all attraction to and repulsion from phenomena and experience. So too have Thanatos and Eros been recognised as the twin routes to magical trance.

The potentials of sexuality are the most profound in relation to our mortal existence. For this reason it was a central concern of the Mystery Schools. Yet while the pagan temples celebrated the diverse sexuality of both their subjects and the archetypes, monotheism sought to restrict and enslave it. The sexual outsider has been persecuted since the days of the Old Testament. God commands we “go forth and multiply”, and any man or woman who sought to avoid marriage was committing a sin punishable by death.

Even the most cursory glance at the records of the Inquisition show that the most abhorrent crime commonly attributed to heretical sects was that of sensuality; specifically the employment of sex in their rituals. Such accusations were made against the Gnostics, Cathars, Templars, and the witch cults -whose Sabbats are depicted in the literature of the times as veritable drug fuelled orgies. Consider also that the earliest use of the word 'pervert' was in a theological context; it meant to put the cart before the horse; the reversal of sanctioned values, in this context meaning the coercion, persuading, and

placating of the gods rather than obedience to them.

Those who are awakened to sexual love will naturally be changed by the experience. Such knowledge is extremely dangerous to the status quo. As Adolf Hitler observed in Mien Kampf, his manual for mass mind control, “If you want to control a people you must first control their sexuality.” Thus, if you wish to liberate and empower a people you must first free them from the cultural bondage upon their sexuality.

In the modern age many people are left unsure as to their sexuality, and this lies at the root of many of the world's greatest problems. The blame lies firmly with monotheism, whose mores our culture has inherited, and the exploitation of sexuality within postindustrial culture. Consider also how sex and arousal are employed in advertising, and in mind control programs such as MK Ultra.

Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of the psyche; as a tool of magick it is phenomenal. At the moment of orgasm the mind becomes temporarily silenced. Additionally, the Force is present in all the fluids of the body, but is most concentrated in the sexual emissions. The sorcerer may transfer the Force through their fluids to anoint and feed certain spells, amulets, or talisman. Where a thought form is evoked through sexual magick it is referred to as a Magical Child. The oceanic bliss of post-orgasm satiety may also be directed towards divination.

Sexual relationships and pacts may be made with the archetypes, as with the work of the Incubus (incubated erotic fantasy / dream), or the marriage of

a Voudon servitor to the lwa. Consummation is most commonly achieved through skrying vision during masturbation, perhaps employing certain sacred objects such as the satyrica signa (being a hollow 'ritual dildo' containing similar sigils representing the intended outcome), offering the sexual release of the Force in loving sacrifice. As with the previously mentioned rites of Hieros Gamos the archetypes may also work through possession trance and descend into flesh.

Sex magick for enchantment may be achieved by many means; the magician Pascal Beverly Randolph was known to favour the technique of visualising the fulfilment of magical intent upon the point of orgasm. Austin Osman Spare wrote of the formula of the Earthenware Virgin, where an air tight jar containing a sigilised Declaration of Will is 'impregnated', then buried in the ground like a seed, while the charging of sigils generally through sexual orgasm is widely reported as a powerful technique of enchantment.

The formulae of sex magick are especially powerful, and hence also dangerous. They should only be employed wisely; consider that any desire conjured for during sexual trance may become attached to the unconscious impulses. Thus sex magick to gain material goods may inspire an unhealthy fetishism for certain objects. If sex magick is applied to cursing a hated enemy the 'splashback' effect on the sorcerer may be extremely unwholesome.

Additionally, conjurations - even sex magick - may sometimes fail for unforeseen reasons (lust for result being one of them), causing the impulses to become

imprinted with associations of dysfunction and impotence. The reader is advised to limit the use of such profound formulae to rites of At-One-Ment.

The sexual fluids, when properly ingested, have psychoactive properties. Such provides the key to the sexual symbolism of the true Rosicrucians; the rose and cross, and the dew of the cross. This dew was considered by the alchemists (most notably Cornelius Agrippa) as the most powerful solvent of gold; the cross in alchemy being also the synonym of Illumination, the three arms being a charaktere made from the combination of the three letters LVX (Light). This LVX is the menstruum of the red dragon, and properly digested produces gold. Hence the Rosicrucians are those who employed dew to digest LVX with the object of rejuvenation, wisdom, and finding the Philosopher's Stone (At-One-Ment).

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“Then I opened my mouth, and lo! There was reached unto me a full cup, which were full as it were with water, but the colour of it was like fire. And I took it and drank, and when I had drank my heart poured forth understanding, wisdom grew in my breast, and my spirit retained its memory.”

  • - IV Ezra 14:39

“To fall in Hell or see Angelic

You'll need a pinch of psychedelic.”

  • - Albert Hoffman

The use of entheogenic drugs contravenes the laws of most of the Western world, their irresponsible use can be extremely damaging or even fatal, and it is certainly not my intention to direct the reader to indulge in harmful activity. Nevertheless, entheogens have played a major role in the traditions of magick; arguably, the experiences they offer constitute our most powerful tool of initiation.

Under conditions induced by entheogenic sacraments, words and sounds may become visible and even tangible. Combined with disciplined meditation entheogens serve to enliven the inner vision, providing easy access to the astral realm of the archetypes. Awareness of sensory input is greatly heightened; magical art and ritual music prove extremely valuable in directing the experience. The knowledge of magick, and the iconography of consciousness, provides the map by which such experiences may be comprehended and directed.

There is evidence that entheogenic substances were present in the rituals of prehistoric cave dwellers;

consider the 'mushroom shaman' of Tassilli, Algeria, painted 8,000 years ago. The presence of ergot has been found in the bellies of Iron Age bog people recovered from the peat bogs of Northern Europe.

Scholars believe the Kykeon, being the sacrament of the Rites of Eleusis, was a beverage made from ergot. This same wine may have been the sacrament of the cults of Dionysus. Baring in mind how unpleasant and often deadly ergot poisoning is, such sacraments were quite sensibly kept an initiatory secret, thus preventing the unwise from meddling.

In medieval Europe ergot was known as St. Anthony's fire, implying the demonic visions it often brings. In Germany it was known as the wolf's tooth, expressing its connection to the phenomena of the were-wolf; atavistic magick. Experiences of shapeshifting are not uncommon with ergot, or indeed its modern safer derivative LSD

The Gnostics certainly employed psychoactive substances in their observances; consider the Holy Food described in the Prayer of Thanksgiving among the Nag Hammadi scrolls; described as 'having no blood in it' and inspiring Illumination. The Book of Enoch tells of a golden ointment by which men may be transported to Heaven. A similar ointment is mentioned in The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin. Various passages in The Bible tell of sages being given scrolls by angels which they are directed to eat, resulting in profound visions; most notably Revelations.

In the heathen traditions of Dark Age northern Europe we find the shamanic practices of the seidr ,

whose sacrament Alu (the original ale) is known to have included entheogenic mushrooms. The flying ointments of European witchcraft, described in a number of grimoires, give details of magical ointments and potions with entheogenic ingredients. Additionally, there is the association between witches, toads, and 'toad stool' mushrooms.

Many experiments of the alchemists, who were concerned with transforming base matter (the self) into gold (Illumination), involved the imbibing of entheogens. Consider the alchemical trinity of Earth (Salt), Mercury, and Sulphur; which may be likened to the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas -recognised in modern physics. By this analogy we may consider that most famous formula solve et coaguli in relation to the entheogenic experience. Salt is 'earthed' consciousness, which moves through dissolution of the ego into the Mercury state. Where there is reluctance in this process the results are often a hellish initiatory ordeal; hence the attribution of Sulphur. This is as true with alchemy as with modern chemomancy, yet where the initiate is prepared through the disciplines of meditation the results are quite different.

Contemporary examples include the continued ritual employment of mescalin and yage by Peruvian shaman, the sacred mushrooms of the Tung shaman, the Soma of the Tantrics, and the Iboga rites of the Bwiti. However, the use of entheogens remains taboo within the majority of Western tradition. The main objection is that while they may indeed provide a short cut to At-One-Ment they may also lead to


Entheogens work on the brain's chemistry, particularly serotonin, dramatically increasing Theta brainwaves whilst decreasing Beta; hence language becomes difficult during intense peak hallucinatory experiences. The mind is particularly open and impressionable during such conditions. This is why the CIA were so interested in LSD during the initial development of MK Ultra. Much of the acid at Height Ashbury was distributed through Project Chaos, with nearly all the most famous psychedelic rock bands of the period being children from families directly linked to military intelligence, as was most of the recording industry; Jimmy Hendrix's manager, for example, was also CIA The UK were also involved., with alleged connections between MK Ultra and The Beatles, David Bowie, Hawkwind, Psychic TV, and other acid gurus commonly portrayed as rebels, yet who are nothing of the kind. Timothy 'tune in drop out' Leary was also known for his affiliations with the CIA, and went on record as stating the CIA invented the hippy movement.

The lesser known Iboga is a root found in central Africa, where it is used in the shamanic rituals of the Bwiti religion. The initiatory dose is said to allow access not just to memories of this incarnation, but also of previous lives; the word Iboga itself translates as 'ancestor'. Iboga, and its derivative ibogaine, was similarly studied by the CIA during the 1950s, and in America was made a Schedule 1 drug at around the same time as LSD was made illegal, while here in the UK it remains 'unscheduled'. During the 1960s it was

found to be an effective tool in tackling all manner of addictions, but its use in this respect has been banned in much of Europe due to some subjects committing suicide or accidentally overdosing after treatment. Although classed as a psychedelic, the experience the drug brings is more one of access to memories, with hallucinations being in the form of memory flashes. Experimental data has yet to be gathered (or at least leaked) concerning the effects of Iboga in recovering repressed memories, such as are exploited in trauma based mind control, but personal experience suggests it may prove extremely useful. Perhaps this is the real reason it was made illegal in the USA around the same time as the original MK Ultra project was being initialised.

Held in high regard among the growing 'shamanic' and 'psychedelic' communities in the West, ayhuaska, called also yage, and its close relative DMT, are generally considered far more powerful in their effects than LSD, offering an experience that some have described as 'astral bungee jumping'. They also work directly on the amygdala, the circuit of the brain that discerns fact from falsehood, resulting in particularly convincing experiences which are stored in the brain as objectively real events rather than mere waking dreams. This makes them particularly effective weapons for mind control, and for exploitative Peruvian shaman to make a quick buck out of tourists in search of religious experience. Whilst providing a powerful tool for selfreprogramming, the dangers of obsession and delusion should never be underestimated. They are

extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.

In the UK and Europe there is currently a growing psychedelics movement; it is my personal knowledge that certain voices currently making themselves heard in this movement, and who have published various well known texts relating to both entheogens and magick, are also involved in mind control and ritual child abuse. I cannot publish their names here for legal reasons, but offer what warnings (and curses) as I am able. That one such individual writes openly about smoking DMT to commune with Baphomet, has links to convicted 'occult' paedophiles operating in the same area of the UK where they reside and work, has had serious allegations made against them (which the police refused to investigate), and has been outed by numerous whistle-blowers and activists, yet maintains their professional position as a sex educator working with vulnerable and traumatised children, should give some indication of the cover-up in place to protect them.

Also treated as a sacrament by Hindu, Rastafari, and Obeah (at least, those local to myself) is that weed said to have been found growing on King Solomon's tomb. It was also from the term Hashishim, meaning 'hashish eater', that we gain our word assassin; after the initiates of Hassan ibn Sabbah. While the legal status of marijuana seems to be shifting dramatically in some areas of the western world, an overview of the reasons cited as to why it was ever illegal in the first place - such as 'causing the races to intermingle' - shows how absurd such laws were and are. The truth is that marijuana has huge medicinal properties,

being far more effective - for example - in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy than any other drug available, lawfully or otherwise, as well as being safer and having no ill side effects. It is non-addictive and overdose is not possible; the only known fatality from marijuana is from a crate of it landing on someone's head. Survivors of government level mind control such as Project Monarch almost universally agree that marijuana undermines conditioning and programming - while slaves are often encouraged to drink, and to take cocaine or heroin, they are forbidden to use marijuana. As with most entheogens it appears the real reason for its illegality it that it causes people to think; to look within themselves rather than seek leadership from outside. It is also the case that hemp may be used as a source of oil, from which plastics may be made; its illegality has therefore also had a negative impact on our environment.

Marijuana also appears to be the only substance with its own unique system of responses within the brain. All other drugs merely stimulate the brain chemistry to replicate effects that could, at least potentially, be effected by other means, whereas marijuana stimulates the production of anandamide, which is only ever produced in the brain in reaction to the intake of T.H.C. The implication that our brains actually evolved a system for marijuana implies we have been using it since pre-history; it may even have been partly responsible for the advanced language and symbol using consciousness of Homo Sapiens, giving us the edge over our Neanderthal neighbours.

Entheogens & Neuromancy: That entheogens can heighten consciousness is not merely personal opinion, or some abstract conviction; it is scientific fact. Studies have shown that entheogens can increase the strength of the brain's electromagnetic field. To quote Professor Anil Seth, Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, Sussex University, “Since this measure has already shown its value as a measure of ’conscious level’, we can say that the psychedelic state appears as a higher ’level’ of consciousness than normal.”

I would add that since the presence of electric fields can effect consciousness, this may also provide the key to understanding the phenomena of 'sympathetic tripping', and other psychic phenomena such a telepathy, commonly experienced by those experimenting with entheogens.

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There are various ways technology can augment psychic ability. Among the simplest is the recorded loop, such as an appropriate phrase or voces magicae, creating a similar consciousness shift to the employment of mantras. Any device that plays music can be employed in magick; music is among our most ancient technologies for altering consciousness, hence its role in much ritual, the trances commonly experienced in dance culture, and the mass mind control of pop muzak.

A simple device originating with parapsychological experiments is the 'ganze field mask'; essentially two half ping-pong balls placed over the eyes, upon which are shone a red light. Habituation to the lack of visual stimuli creates a rapid shift in consciousness, commonly resulting in hallucinations.

Just as there are electromagnetic fields that may disrupt the our abilities to attain certain conditions of consciousness, so there is also technology that may augment such abilities. Considerable advances have been made through the employment of Dr. Michael Persinger and Stanley Koren’s God helmet and the development of psychic abilities such as remote viewing and remote influence within secretive programs. The device may trigger any brain state required but takes its name from experiments in the Gamma spectrum which universally trigger convincing experiences of God and / or extraterrestrials in the test subject. Persinger originally used a modified snowmobile helmet incorporating solenoids placed over the temporal lobes. This device produces weak but complex

patterned magnetic fields of around 1 microtesla. The pattern of fluctuation in these magnetic fields is derived from physiological sources, for example patterns that appear in EEG traces taken from limbic structures. The purpose of exposing magnetic fields patterned after neurophysiological sources, such as the burst-firing profile of the amygdala, is to enhance the probability of activating the structure from which the signal was derived. Only one of the coils on each side of the helmet is active at any one time, and the active coil changes constantly, rotating anti-clockwise over each temporal lobe. Sessions consist of two stimulations, applied one after the other; the first of these uses a signal tailored from a chirp signal sequence applied over the right temporal lobe. In the second phase, both temporal lobes are stimulated, with a pattern derived from the amygdala. The sessions are conducted with the subject seated in an acoustic chamber and Faraday cage shielding out all EMF emissions and radiation except the Earth's magnetic field.

Persinger and colleagues also developed a more advanced device nicknamed the Octopus which uses solenoids around the whole brain in a circle just above subject's ears. Through recording brain signals of subjects under various conditions, such as those of a meditating Tibetan monk, or someone on a heroic dose of entheogens, it becomes possible to reproduce these consciousness states by playing them back. Similarly, the device - according to some disclosures - may also be used to induce trauma, and has applications in coercive mind control.

Commercial versions of the God helmet, Octopus and associated devices are sold by Persinger’s research associate Todd Murphy, and he reports that they are able to modulate emotions in addition to enhancing meditation and generating altered states. However, since Persinger is a supporter of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (see Book Three: Ritual Abuse & Mind Control), the conscientious neuromancer will not be willing to spend their money on any product that profits such blatant CIA MK Ultra / Project Monarch scum, even if we use elements of his mind control research to the benefit of our magick, and for society as a whole.

Also readily available on the market are the various models of brain machines, also called audio-visual synthesisers, originally developed in Project Stargate (see Book Three). These consist of a computer linked to headphones, specially designed glasses which project a light show on the user’s closed eyelids, and a biofeedback device. Employing binaural and isochronic sound and vision to control left to right brain activity they may be combined with disciplined meditation to great effect. Guided meditations or ’path workings’ may be delivered through a microphone, with recordings of appropriate music, such as a steady shamanic drumbeat or experimental electronic music, or looped recordings of mantric voces magicks. Adapted for multiple users, mind synthesisers provide a powerful technology for neuromantic ritual; coordinating group trance with precision. They can be bought from a large number of different retailers.

While technology may enhance psychic abilities it

should be noted that the most essential brainwave is Theta - the electromagnetic pulse of the planet itself. The most natural way to attune with this frequency is to avoid pylons or electrical equipment of any kind. Anywhere that a television, radio, mobile phone, or WiFi gets a signal is effectively polluted with consciousness altering microwaves inhibiting the brain's ability to attain to Theta, thus dampening psychic abilities of any kind. Whether through ignorance or design we can only conjecture, but this microwave pollution now covers the entirety of every land mass on Earth, and one needs to travel into the oceans to avoid it.



“Magic is, in fact, everything that absolutely fascinates minds and attracts souls by means of words and deeds. This fascination and attraction are demonstrated by exclamation, following, listening and approval. They are difficult for the mind to perceive, and their causes are veiled from the simpleton. That is because it is a divine force associated with advanced reasons for the purpose of understanding it. What I am working on is a vague discipline. Its subject is a spirit within a spirit, that includes analysis and imagination. A talisman is a spirit within a body, while chemistry is a body within a body. In summary, the causes of magic are beyond the understanding of the majority and it is difficult to invent.”

  • - The Picatrix

“Magick is the Highest most Absolute, most Divine Knowledge of Natural Philosophy, advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult virtue of things; so that true agents being applied to proper patients, strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced. Whence magicians are profound and diligent searchers into Nature; they, because of their skill, shall know how to anticipate an effect, the which to the vulgar shall seem like a miracle.”

  • - The Goetia

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The training of the neuromancer requires the ability to master one's own consciousness, entering and leaving altered states at will. This is the true meaning of the Oath of the Magician's Pyramid, called also the Four Powers of the Sphinx; to Know, to Will, to Dare, and to Keep Silence. It is this oath that is taken upon, and represents, the processes of initiation into the mysteries, long understood by the metaphor of death and rebirth; that is to say, it is a transformative experience. Transformations of personality are by no means a rare occurrence; indeed, they play a considerable role in psychopathology, although these are rather different than the magical initiations and mystical transformations discussed here.

Initiation may be precipitated by ritual, such as in the self initiations common to most forms of witchcraft. They may also occur during formal acceptance into a group, as with the rituals of maturity in certain tribal societies, or the graded initiations of occult orders.

Initiatory experiences may also happen spontaneously, most often through crisis, revelations leading to a reassessment of identity, or other life changing events bringing maturity, individuation, and permanent change. On rare occasions, they may also announce themselves in dreams and visions. There are natural processes which happen whether we like it or not, and whether or not we are conscious of them. These processes develop considerable psychic effects, so that any thoughtful person might ask what really happened to them.

Chief among all these processes are those techniques such as meditation in which, in addition to the grace

inherent in the practice, the personal endeavour of the candidate is needed to reach the intended transformations. Such formula are among the most reliable methods of initiation, yet require the most self determination and persistence. No symbolic ritual, whether performed by a group or by the individual, may ever take their place. In working through the disciplines described within this grimoire the reader will be undergoing such an initiation, not at all dissimilar to the processes undergone by the alchemist, transforming the base matter of the candidate into gold; not simply a personal change but the transformation of what is mortal into what is eternal.

Magick requires discipline; for the humble novice who may have little or no anticipation of attainment, just as it does for the Magi. Without it all ritual will be empty words and actions; whether they are drawn from witchcraft, Voudon, Esoteric Freemasonry, Golden Dawn, Thelema, New-Age, Nu-Aeon, neuromancy, or any other tradition including self created or revealed systems, it will still be merely amateur theatre. This is why so much of what passes for magick in popular occulture is little more than an extremely pretentious form of pyramid selling - with the eye at the crown nothing more than a confidence trick.

To Know

To know something - anything - involves abstracting information and interpreting it for use at different times and in other contexts. When we have knowledge we become more capable, and can deal with new situations in creative ways. Brain imaging studies show that when we answer trivia questions, it elicits a response in areas associated with food and sex; suggesting we treat knowledge similarly as a primary reward. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective; knowledge is at least as important to survival as either sustenance or reproduction.

Yet knowledge is an elusive concept. What we know, how we know, what we know others know, and how we know others know it, is different from what we merely believe. For example, I might say, “I know this book is going to be a catalyst for great change,” but it can be argued that until it has been published, and a suitable period of time has passed (which might be as long as 30 years), I cannot know the impact it will have - I can only believe in it. In response I might say, “Yes, but I have a near 100% accuracy with divination, and so it is unlikely that my divinations concerning this book are wrong.” Nevertheless, although I may possess empirical evidence concerning the accuracy of previous divinations, it is still the case that I am investing belief - perhaps with good reason - but cannot know.

Most people make their way through life without considering the true nature of knowledge, managing their decisions and beliefs intuitively, without

reflection and calculation. Nevertheless, it rewards meditation. The degree to which we know information, and know what others know, forms the basis of all human interaction; yet defining the precise nature of knowledge remains problematic.

To know something it must first be believed, but this is not enough in itself; if the belief is to be considered as knowledge, it must also stand the tests of truth. Yet this too is insufficient; a belief can be true by chance, or we can arrive at a truth by erroneous means. For example, supposing I glance at my clock at 11pm to see that it reads precisely 23.00; and yet, unknown to me, the clock has stopped and is showing the correct time only by chance. My belief that it is 11pm happens to be true, and my clock has apparently provided justification, but in fact I do not know what time it is at all, I simply believe that I do, even though my belief happens to be correct.

Knowing something is a far richer, more complex state than merely believing. The ability to distinguish between knowledge and belief, and to constantly question what we believe we know, is vital to human progress. Knowledge is a mental state that locks us into truth; itself implying the condition of untruth, and the either / or binary coding of the Matrix.

To the hard-core relativist philosopher there can be no such thing as objectivity, hence the axiom; “Nothing is true & everything is possible”. In philosophy the sceptic questions everything, and so is left with nothing on which to base knowledge; yet if we hit this philosopher in the face with a brick they will certainly know about it - this 'truth' has

everything to do with the reality of the brick, and very little to do with the relativity of our philosopher. The challenge is to ensure that our 'inside' truth aligns with 'outside' truth; or else we are concerned with belief rather than knowledge. We must tread a fine line between healthy scepticism and self defeating relativistic cynicism, thinking critically and assessing the credentials, track record, and potential bias of any information source. If somebody tells us something, we must ask what motive they may have for wanting us to believe it, other than that it is true. We must also ask, how do they know? These same questions we must also ask of ourselves; how do we know?

We must also discipline ourselves to ask whether our reaction to new knowledge is rooted in truth or wishful thinking. Consider 'Satanic ritual abuse', which the USA and UK governments both deny the existence of (while also facing constant accusations of same - coincidence?), despite mounting evidence to the contrary. To do something about this problem might require a considerable amount of inconvenience, a reframing of previous 'information' together with its source, the potential sacrifice of certain contacts, friends, dearly held beliefs, and perhaps even our view of ourself, and so many people choose to believe the problem does not exist at all; despite the idea of Satanism being the only religion in the entire history of the world to harbour no paedophiles - or that even if it did they would be unique in never twisting the beliefs and rituals of their religion to further their abuses, terrify and control their victims, and to cover for their crimes - being

rationally untenable.

Knowledge (information) is power, and power is knowledge (information); hence the first teaching of the Mystery Schools was Gnothi Seaton; “Know Thy Self”, expressed in the Greek term gnosis, meaning 'knowledge of the heart', attainable only through meditation and introspection. The academic study (epistimology) of magick may become a lifetime's work, yet the knowledge gained in such a fashion may only ever be secondary to experiential knowledge (gnosiology). No text, including this one, can ever provide a substitute.

Plato addressed this problem in Phaedrus when he spoke of Thoth's invention of writing. The magiciangod presented his discovery to Amoun, who replied;

“.. it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they will know nothing, as men filled, not with wisdom, but with the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellows.”

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To Will

“Where there is a Will there is a Way, and it is often the Will that matters more than the Way.”

- Traditional

Success in the work of magick, by whatever name we call it, requires the awakening of the True Will. The

first stage in this is to ascertain where and what the True Will is.

The True Will is the source of all motivation and meaning. It may be sensed, discovered, and directed by countless means. In essence it is a knowledge that may be grasped through the instincts, without conscious deliberation. In the preliminary, the training of the magician involves the calming of the mind so that these instincts may be sensed.

In learning to know the True Will begin with the smaller tasks and desires of mundane life. Seek to be fully satisfied in everything that you do. To you, it must be a perfect work of magick, even if it is the most mundane task imaginable. If it does not fully satisfy, the Will must be directed and exercised until it does. Effective magick requires the disciplined focus of the mind. Those seeking to develop such abilities must become perfectionists unto themselves. It is up to each individual to decide what they accept as perfection yet the magician must seek to control the level of their own workings. In doing this, greater influence is gained over the material world (i.e. the Matrix), the physical body, the instincts, the emotions, and one's own consciousness.

It may initially seem dissonant to compare the wisdom of the ancients to discoveries in modern science, but many recent advances offer confirmation of what might otherwise seem like abstract metaphysical theory. From a neurological perspective the phenomena of Will presents something of a paradox. The frontal cortex, being that part of the brain that conceives of an individuated 'I', takes up

only a very small area of the brain. The majority of processing happens below the level we call 'conscious'. Furthermore, our brains also consist of mirror neurons, which respond to signals without differentiating between the 'self' and 'other'. Through the electromagnetic resonance of the planet all brains are ultimately in communication with one another. This immense Greater Mind could not possibly be assuaged by the output of an individual brain, or even many of them working together, and ultimately drives all our behaviour and apparent decision making.

Neuroscience has confirmed that the frontal cortex only processes information retroactively; that is, it makes sense of the decisions and actions already taken by the rest of the brain rather than directs its activity, reprocessing this information as if it had retroactively made a decision based upon reason. Our sense of 'I', and of having an individual will, is an illusion, the purpose of which is to prevent what would otherwise be a permanent condition of cognitive dissonance, too immense to integrate. In truth there is nothing that separates us from the Greater Mind. Again, this is not an abstract metaphysical concept - it is verifiable science supported by empirical evidence.

This is the difference between simply 'doing what you want' and following one's True Will ; the one is directed by the ego, the other by the Greater Mind.

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To Dare

To practice magick means to go where others are too scared to. It takes great courage to face the vast uncertainties it brings. Only those who dare to dream, create and destroy have any place within the circle. Without this there may be no attainment. It is typical, however, for most people to both fear and resist change of almost any kind. Hence the traditional fourfold oath includes daring; from minor acts of habit changing to the most powerful acts of iconoclasm.

Through such acts of daring the sorcerer liberates their self from the mind forged manacles of cultural conditioning. Such may only be attained through the shedding of all assumptions and beliefs, even if only for an instant. Such baggage makes the difference between successfully leaping the Abyss and attaining At-One-Ment or plunging headlong into delusion and apophenia; epitomised in the individual by all those mental illnesses of 'fixed belief', and in culture as all forms of religious fundamentalism (including atheism).

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To Keep Silence

Success in magick requires the progressive attainment of mental silence through meditation. Such is not merely a technique of low sorcery but the key to freedom from all concerns and anxieties. This subjective non-experience remains identical if maintained for a minute or an hour. This is why the Gnostic text Thunder Perfect Mind tells us, “I am the

Silence that is incomprehensible.”

Magick works when we are not looking; this is why it is important to remain silent concerning its rituals, as to speak of something brings it to attention. The conscious mind must not be turned to memories or concerns regarding one's previous magical operations. In many cases, especially those of enchantment, they should be forgotten entirely, all memories sublimated as with hypnotism or subliminal mind control. To talk, or even ponder about, such operations is akin to constantly digging up a seed and wondering why it is not growing.

Initiations into occult orders commonly involve blood curdling oaths of silence, with it being taboo to reveal the identities of other members, or to speak to outsiders concerning secret teachings and rituals. There may even be threats of persecution, magically and otherwise, if the oaths are broken. Such oaths are vulnerable to abuse if a group falls into the wrong leadership, as any group can, regardless of how benign its origins. In such cases the oaths of silence are invariably exploited to criminal ends, protecting secrets of the most unwholesome nature. The candidate will be relieved that no such demands are placed upon them in this work, while being reminded of the need for both discipline and discretion in all their operations.

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It would be irresponsible not to give a severe warning at this juncture. The occult world, which has become

such a fad and fashion, is rife with sociopathic individuals keen to exploit the wide eyed and naive, who are also in great supply. Furthermore, there are those who are abusive, and also have rudimentary knowledge of magick, such as hypnotism or other forms of manipulative mind control, whether instinctive or learned, who have used their abilities to rise through the ranks. Initiation into any such a group may indeed prove a transformative experience, but sadly not for the better; abusive cults damage lives, often in ways outsiders could never imagine.

In such an environment as our so-called 'occult revival' the charlatans vastly outnumber the few with genuine integrity. Furthermore, it has become unacceptable to draw attention to the lies and self aggrandisement of these charlatans. Any book on magick published before the 1970s invariably contained dire warnings about sexually exploitative 'teachers' and black lodges engaged in prostitution, drugs, and blackmail. In stark comparison, especially since the so-called 'Satanic Panic', there has more recently been a blanket denial that, within this vast network of obvious charlatans, any of them or their groups might be abusive, or a risk to anyone involved with them; indeed, to speak up makes one an outcast of the supposed 'occult community'. Similarly with anyone unlucky enough to find themselves embroiled in such a criminal group; to speak out about their abuses becomes interpreted as a break of the oaths of silence.

Let this also be made clear; the oaths of secrecy remain important for many reasons, the efficiency of

our magick being one of them, but speaking out about crimes and abuses against others, be they adults, children, or even animals, is not in any way a betrayal of one's loyalty to the occult community; indeed, in such circumstances it is the only way one can do it service.

The deepest betrayals are not only committed by the abusers themselves, but those who knowingly cover for them, who attempt to silence the disclosures of survivors and warnings to the community, and allow charlatans and abusers to prosper unchecked; in some cases for decades. Although such individuals may currently be beyond prosecution by the law they are not beyond persecution by means of magick.

As I write these words the problem is rife, and there are many reasons to suspect that no few of these abusive occult groups are being covered up at the highest level by those making the most obscene profits. The abuses suffered by the victims of such groups are beyond traumatic, often causing permanent damage the the psyche.

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There are no fixed and definite rules concerning the construction of the altar, but it is universal that it should be consecrated ('made sacred'). This may be achieved through ritual, such as that given below, or over the accumulation of time through association; in these instructions, both principles will be applied.

The magician may furnish their altar with the traditional elemental weapons, iconography of the archetypes, talismatia, any tools or technology employed, or any other items that inspire towards the great work of magick.

It is also common to burn candles, which may be neutral black and / or white or coloured and shaped as appropriate to ritual. Many modern botanicas also sell coloured moulded candles, and candles in novena jars decorated with glyphs or images. The modern neuromancer may also choose to adorn their altar with modern lighting, such as fairy lights, or coloured disco lights.

Incense may be burned to create atmosphere, subconscious anchors / triggers, or as sacrifices to the rays of the archetypes. Many modern botanicas also sell air fresheners attributed to the archetypal powers, as well as purpose specific formula such as 'Uncrossing Spray', 'Money Come to Me', or 'Poltergeist Go Away Spray'. These may be understood to work through mental association, as with incense, and have no intrinsic power of their own.

The magician may also choose some symbol to represent their desire towards At-One-Ment, as appropriate to ritual context.

It is also recommended that the neuromancer keeps upon their altar a Magical Diary in which to record all experiments and the results, along with this book, so they may work directly from it, meditating upon each chapter and its implications.

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Modus Operandi

The following deceptively simple fomula may be adapted for employment in the consecration of any magical weapon, working space, or person. Prepare the altar, and place upon it a glass of the purest water available. Water has been shown to shift its molecular structure in response to emotions and brain states of any kind, whether positive or negative, and so may act as a conductor to such frequencies. The magician already rehearsed in methods of consciousness shifting and / or are in possession of mind control technology may employ them in addition to the below formula. The desired brainwave frequencies are those within the Gamma spectrum.

  • * Say aloud your Declaration of Will; “This is my will to consecrate this altar to the great work of magick. So shall it be. Amen.2

  • * Place your hands together in the posture of prayer, which was known in ancient Babylon

2 The phrase 'So shall it be' is common to most forms of ritual magick. It is a vulgate translation of the earlier phrase 'Amen'. Both appear in traditional grimoires, often together.

as 'raising the hands', and is called in Tantra the namaskar mudra. Spend some time meditating, or thinking upon, the concept of the Greater Mind. Imagine being connected to it through the higher frequencies, bathing you in its Light. This mental activity produces a measurable shift in brain activity towards the Gamma spectrum.

  • * Say aloud; “The Greater Mind is Limitless Light.”

  • * Place one hand palm downwards over the glass. Imagine / see the molecular structure shifting through the higher frequencies.

  • * Say aloud; “There is nothing that separates me from the Light of Greater Mind..”

  • * Dip your fingers in the water and consecrate the altar with gentle splashes.

  • * Say aloud; “Mind and matter are one unbroken movement.”

  • * Replace the glass upon the altar and return to the posture of 'raising the hands'.

  • * Say aloud; “So shall it be. Amen.”

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“I am the Silence which is incomprehensible.”

- Thunder Perfect Mind

Every spiritual teacher worth their consecrated salt gives instruction towards meditation. Consequently, the subject has been covered at great length in many books. The reader familiar with such techniques, and perhaps already disciplined in them, will still gain from the instructions given here, which address and correct errors which have been much repeated. Chief among these is the assumption that the deeper one's trance state, which we will understand to mean the lower the brain frequency, the more powerful any enchantment (or other magick) will be, whereas evidence shows that the frequencies of most benefit will generally be Theta rather than Delta. This is not to say that the deeper trances are not of value, however; as the brainwaves descend from Beta our minds may often be muddled and distracted by mundane concerns, whereas if we first attain to Delta and are then presented, for example, a Buddhist mandala, or a sigil, our attention will already have been reduced to near inactivity before being presented with a singular focus. Nevertheless, it is when the brain gives bursts of Theta activity, as when deep sleep becomes REM and dream, that we connect with the Schumann resonance.

While most books on magick since Crowley's Eight

Lectures, and Spare's introduction of the Death Posture, direct towards quiescent meditation, there will be those for whom such instructions are inappropriate. Someone suffering from depression, for example, will already have a surfeit of Delta, which practices such as the Death Posture will only make worse. Such an individual would gain greater benefit from meditations provoking higher brain frequencies, such as those attaining to Gamma given at the end of this chapter.

Additionally, some people experience anxiety or dissociation as a result of meditative practice. This may be for a variety of reasons, from fear of revisiting hidden parts of the self, perhaps due to trauma, through to the self denials of the abusive psychopath. Whereas one may be healed through time, and aided through wise instruction, the other is an ossified condition of the ego and often incurable; such a vain individual should never be provided with magical training of any kind as they will certainly employ it to the detriment of others, including their teacher.

It may still be possible to achieve limited success with magick without meditation, yet such a magician will be as disadvantaged as anyone learning martial arts without first achieving inner equilibrium. The short term results may be impressive, but in the long term disastrous.

Psychic abilities are accessed during the Theta state, ideally at 7.38Hz; the same pulse frequency as the planet Earth itself. The implication is that the planet is effectively one huge consciousness of which we are individual nodes of the Greater Mind. Although the

human brain has finite processing capacity it may theoretically be trained to access any information available to any other consciousness on, or off, the planet.

Daily rehearsal should be performed before the altar, upon which should be placed this book, and the Magical Diary to record results.

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Neither / Neither

Consciousness divides all phenomena according to the binary either / or coding of the Matrix. The magician, in attaining to magical trance, seeks to transcend the illusion of duality and 'hack' this code. To this end the neither / neither meditation is of great value.

  • * Conceive any principle whatsoever. Spend some time meditating upon this principle, so that it is held clearly in your mind.

  • * Now think of the principle's opposite; for example if previously contemplating white think of black. Spend some time in meditation so it is held clearly in your mind.

  • * Now think of the mean between these two principles; in the above example it would be grey. Spend some time in meditation so this is held clearly in your mind.

* Now think of the opposite of that.. in the above example, conceive of the opposite of grey.

The resulting mental vacuity is to be maintained for as long as possible. If vacuity has not been attained, continue the process by conceiving the opposite of the previous principle, then the mean, and so on.

The true resolution of duality, and of all apparent paradox, lies in recognising that the illusion of the Matrix relies upon its programming language. Consider again the apparent duality of black and white - they are opposites only because we have named and called them such. In reality black is merely the absence of colour, and white is the presence of all colours simultaneously; they are not a duality at all, but two extremes of one phenomena.

Practice this meditation often. With each attempt try to lengthen the period of non-thinking; this silence is the key to psychic power but, as studies with CIA remote viewers have confirmed, the window before imagination and ego corrupt transmission to or from the Greater Mind is typically less than half a second.

The following training exercises are aimed towards lengthening that window while effectively directing consciousness towards specific psychic results.

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Begin by removing your shoes and loosening any tight clothing.

Choose a posture that is comfortable and relaxed yet alert, the spine straight, the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth. Our primary concern is that the posture chosen can be held comfortably, so the body provides the least distraction.

Physiologically, the spine is a conduit of electrical signals sent to and from the brain to the rest of the body. This electrical force, although only recently defined by modern science, has long been known to the Mystery Schools. It is consciousness itself; the Force. If the spine is not straight and relaxed this will be agitated. We should not expect the mind to be in any way relaxed and still in response. The signals passing along the spine and the activity of the brain are effectively the same phenomena. Various techniques of meditation bring this under our control. The dangers of malpractice should be apparent.

Whilst the chosen posture is essentially arbitrary, you may find that employing the same posture for a number of successive rehearsals is of more practical value than constantly experimenting in different positions. The body and mind become anchored, triggering the associated state.

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Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This is a technique of deliberately tensing various muscle groups, and then releasing the tension.

Begin by focusing your attention on your left foot. Gently inhale, clenching the muscles in your foot as hard as possible for around five seconds. Next, exhale

and release all of the tension, allowing the muscles to become loose and relaxed. Work your way around your body performing the procedure in the following order;

  • 1) Left foot.

  • 2) Left lower leg.

  • 3) Entire left leg.

  • 4) Right foot.

  • 5) Right lower leg.

  • 6) Entire right leg.

  • 7) Left hand.

  • 8) Left forearm.

  • 9) Entire left arm.

  • 10) Right hand.

  • 11) Right forearm.

  • 12) Entire right arm.

  • 13) Abdomen.

  • 14) Chest.

  • 15) Neck and shoulders.

  • 16) Face.

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In the continuum of mind and body, mastery of one implies mastery of the other. Work first towards complete physical stillness. This is to be maintained for as long as possible. What began as a comfortable position may quickly become excruciating to maintain. Even a simple itch may prove more distracting than ever before thought possible, yet

persistence is required. Even movement of the eyes is to be avoided. The aim is to eventually achieve the ability to silence the mind, and such movements are a sign of mental activity.

Awareness focused on the body should take notice of all tensions and release them. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles in the face. Beginners often make the mistake of tensing up these muscles; when they are concentrating on something they will screw up their faces, furrowing their brows as if exerting themselves. This is not meditation, it is brooding. What we hope to achieve through meditation is actually a relaxing and silencing of the mind. It is quite incredible how few people in this modern age possess the ability to mentally and physically relax. As an attainment it is invaluable.

Focus all attention upon the body and do not allow thoughts to wander. Those thoughts as arise within the mind should be casually observed. The secret to success is in the attitude of physical and mental relaxation.

Practice this at least once per day. With each effort try to lengthen and improve the periods of stillness. Do not be satisfied with any attempt that is not an improvement on the one before. Each performance should be recorded within the pages of your Magical Diary so that progress can be honestly measured and assessed. When fifteen minutes may be achieved with ease, progress is made to the next stage.

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Breath Control

Breath is the carrier of the Force, called ond within the Northern Tradition, pneuma by the ancient Greeks, chi by the Chinese, prana by the Hindu, ashe in the African Diaspora, by the Alchemists as the universal plastic medium; it is the vril of modern Theosophy, the orgone of Wilhelm Reich, the odyle of Von Reichenbach. It is therefore worthy of our utmost undivided attention.

Continue the practice as above, directing the entirety of the attention on the breath. Breathing should be rhythmical and from the pit of the belly, brought under conscious control. Begin to make the breathing slower and deeper, using the entire capacity of the lungs without straining. Between inhalation and exhalation the lungs should be held empty or full so as to lengthen the cycle; count to four as you inhale, hold for four, again as you exhale, and hold for four.

All awareness is focused progressively upon the breath. Each attempt must be equal to, or an improvement upon, the last. Do not be satisfied with anything less than fifteen minutes. Breath control should be practised at least once per day, and whenever convenient opportunity should arise. When twenty minutes may be achieved with ease, progress is made to the next stage, which is the attainment of willed mental silence.

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Mental Silence

The magician now applies the above gained abilities

in attaining to mental Silence.

As before, achieve a condition of relaxation. The mind is withdrawn from all arising thoughts. Whenever a thought arises it is to be banished with an attitude of simultaneous attachment and dis-attachment to all phenomena; 'does not matter / need not be'.

This simple shift brings quiet not only to the conscious (mundane) mind, but also to the subconscious fears and instincts. All worries and doubts cease to distract and a sense of dynamic security permeates all being. You may experience an immediate influx of intuitive awareness of the Greater Mind, bringing a feeling of At-One-Ment. Immediately all the forces of the mind are brought together. You may become aware of new attributes within yourself, and the limitless potentials that may be tapped through disciplined meditation. Such experiences are indicative of having attained to around 7 Hz, Theta.

While it has been the recent fashion to teach that the deeper the trance the more powerful the magick, it has been demonstrated that psychic abilities are more readily accessed during Theta. The deeper, Delta trances are of more efficient use in healing at the level of DNA, while a regime that regularly sought to boost Delta signals would be detrimental to brain activity overall, as well as producing changes in character such as reduced humour and a tendency to depression. This should be performed at least once per day, with all results recorded in the Magical Diary. When half an hour may be achieved with ease, further progress

may be made within the disciplines.

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Magical ritual is the combination of the following and similar techniques to provide conditions of unwavering trance directed towards the focus of intent;

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Focused Awareness

Apply your ability at 'mental silence' in order to keep your consciousness focused upon one subject - around which the free flow of ideas is allowed to revolve. You may find that your mind wanders. Pay attention to the connections it makes, but bring it back to its original theme.

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The Gaze

The magician next disciplines the mind by rehearsing the fixed and unwavering gaze. An object or image is held at the focus of sight, the gaze is not allowed to wander from it., nor should the object or image be allowed to distort to the eye. At first this may seem simple, but if the eyes are kept completely still then given time all manner of bizarre hallucinations will arise. These are to be fought against with all the mental effort that can be mustered. This ability provides a key to the use of various magical weapons,

talesmatia, and charakteres, and is an essential feature of the 'Evil Eye'; the transmission of intent via telepathy.

In the early practice we recommend that you concentrate firmly upon acquiring this as a skill in itself. Focus on meaningless everyday objects, rather than signs and charakteres of power. The gaze might then be trained against itself, through fixing the stare upon the eyes of one’s reflection in a mirror. Once a level of discipline has been attained it is possible to employ such techniques more reliably in magick.

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This is the construction of mental images held fast in the mind’s eye. These should not be allowed to waver or distort in any way. It is advised that you practice these techniques at first with images that are exciting to the imagination. For example, it is relatively easy to summon the images of sexual fantasy. Other images of more neutral emotive response should next be employed, and finally the more abstract shapes that compose of the signs and charakteres of magick.

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To explore the raw technique of gesture and meditation it is suggested the magician first creates arbitrary ’pseudo-mudra’ by placing the thumb together with any finger of the hand and focusing all

attention on the point of contact. Do not allow the mind to wander at all.

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Throw all awareness to the sense of hearing, striving to become aware of every sound. Rather than considering external noise as a constant distraction from contemplation it instead becomes the focus.

In our mundane consciousness certain sounds will slip beyond our awareness; for example, one may become used to the sound of a clock ticking so that it is no longer consciously registered, or the sound of nearby traffic. The magician thus learns the practice of heightened audio awareness. However, the mind is not allowed to fix itself to any sound but must continue to be receptive to all impressions. In this manner consciousness expands, even if only slightly at first.

This ability to allow consciousness to 'ride' sound provides a powerful key to mediumistic trance. Just as the ancient rites of the shaman ride on the beating of drums, the hiss of the sacred rattle, and the ecstasy of the spirit songs, so can the modern neuromancer ride into trance on a banging tune.

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Voces Magicks

The use of mantric chanting is employed to bring under control those mental movements of internal

dialogue. The whole of awareness becomes swallowed in the repetition of a single phrase or sound, with all other thoughts being blocked or consumed by it. This is first repeated aloud then becomes an internal process.

The discipline provides the key to the use of voces magicks and certain forms of spell-casting. Indeed the Sanskrit word mantra itself means ’code of command’. Under certain trance conditions words and sounds may become visible, even tangible. In such circumstances the archetypes may be evoked merely through the repetition and / or vibration of their names.

It cannot be said often enough; repetition is an extremely effective form of mind-control. Consider how memes are reproduced and spread to serve political agendas, or how TV advertising psychically drives itself into the mind. With the mantric repetition of voces magicks we are employing the same principle to our advantage.

The aspiring neuromancer is advised to practice first with neutral phrases rather than powerful voces magicks. Suggested mantras include;

“Deja vu.. deja vu..”

“Ha ha. ha..”

“Shut the fuck up.. shut the fuck up..”


A technique that may be rehearsed in conjunction with the above is the art of intoning or vibrating a name or phrase with the concentrated force of will, empowering and entering trance through its sound (as with Listening, above). The intention is to create shifts in consciousness through vibrating a little like a tuning fork. Such might be called a kind of singing, and indeed the way in which song may move the spirit is a good example of the effect intended by these methods. Our word ’warlock’ has its roots in the High German vardlokkur, meaning ’one who knows the spirit songs’. Consider also the Latin incantare, ’to sing over’, giving us our word 'incantation'. The word ’Carmen’, a song sacred to the goddess Carmenta, also gives us the Old English cyrm, the root of our modern word 'charm'.

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The entire attention is thrown upon vocalisation, as above, or else upon some magical charaktere. Rather than employing any specific voces magicks the magician instead concentrates upon producing a continuous stream of random phonetics. The resulting 'shadow tongue' may be wilfully directed through tone so that glossolalia may be usefully applied during both quiescent and ecstatic ritual.


As far as possible the subconscious must be allowed to work without intervention, and magical operations should be forgotten once completed. This can prove extremely difficult for the beginner for three reasons. Firstly, they will not be rehearsed in deliberately forgetting about those things they wish to attain; to do so is counter-intuitive. Secondly there will be the novelty of the experiment itself. Thirdly, consciously trying not to think of something brings it to mind - if I say to you, “Do not think about kangaroos” the thought of them will immediately arise in your mind. The more effort is put into not thinking about kangaroos, the more fixed the idea will become.

Whenever willed amnesia is required, such as if a sigil or spell arises in memory after an operation is completed, say aloud the words, “I have forgotten all about it.” Strangely, by speaking this aloud you may find it is so. The mind should then be turned to something more immediate. The more often this simple trick is repeated the more automatic and effortless it becomes.

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The below exercises expand upon the above gained skills, providing examples as to how the techniques may be employed in magick.

Laughter Mudra

The following demonstrates the principle of 'anchoring' conditions of consciousness to certain postures and gestures;

  • * Adopt a relaxed posture of meditation. With your secondary hand raised, choose any finger and place it against your thumb, like a mudra.

  • * Lower your hand and release your fingers. During the following meditations, whenever you find yourself genuinely laughing, repeat this mudra, pressing finger and thumb together.

  • * First, think back to the last time you really laughed out loud. Relive the moment, remembering what it was you found so funny.

Repeat the mudra.

  • * Visualise the person, or persons that are closest to you, whom you most empathise with and love. See them laughing. Repeat the mudra.

  • * Blow the loudest raspberry you are able. Repeat the mudra.

  • * If you are able, let out a loud fart. Repeat the mudra.

  • * Perform the supreme mantra; ha! ha! ha! Repeat the mudra.

* Now relax. Clear your mind. Repeat the mudra. What happened?

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Having attained to the trances of Delta and Theta, and explored the various disciplines, the magician next trains their brain to activate the Gamma frequencies. These bring a greater cohesion to overall brain activity, allowing for the integration of conscious and subconscious phenomena. This is achieved by adopting the posture known in ancient Babylon as 'raising the hands', and in Tantra as the namaskar mudra; placing the palms together before the chest to create a circuit in the universal gesture of prayer. The eyes are then turned upward, and all attention is turned to the visualisation of a pure white light.

As before, you may experience a sense of the limitless potentials of consciousness. There may be a sense of intellectual and emotional cohesion, with the rational and instinctive aspects of mind coming into balance, with clear communication between left and right hemispheres of the brain. Previously impenetrable concepts might suddenly be realised, along with a greater sense of one's place in it all, accompanied by an increased appreciation of all phenomena. There may even be moments that might be described as 'illumination' or 'enlightenment'. Such experiences are indicative of having attained to around 38 Hz and above; Gamma.

Meditation & Neuromancy; Technology may be employed to the benefit or detriment of human consciousness. Microwaves of any kind may disrupt brainwaves; a potential that has been efficiently weaponised in modern psy-ops warfare. Mobile telephone signals, WiFi, microwave ovens, and the electromagnetic fields of the Microsoft Windows computer platform have all been shown to disrupt the brain's capacity to maintain Theta; even the CIA's top remote viewers have a problem with them (but not other computer platforms - and what are we to conclude from this? Google these patent numbers; US650148, US6488617).

The magician is advised to deactivate any such devices before meditation and to be aware of the proximity of transmission masts. Similarly, those with powerful bio-electric fields, such as are developed through the disciplines of magick, may cause certain devices to malfunction. Digital clocks or wristwatches may spontaneously reset if the Force is raised in too close proximity, while computers running Windows may simply crash.

Mind control technology such as Audio Visual Synthesisers provide a powerful learning tool with regards to meditation, allowing for direct experience of the different brain states at the push of a button. One may also set a time to the various states; for example, one might set the machine to precisely 30 minutes of deep, meditative Theta, followed by a

steady return to Beta, and a ten minute burst of higher Gamma frequencies to aid in integrating the trance experience with waking consciousness.

Having gained a gnosiology of the brain states one learns their indications and has a better understanding of the differences between them. It is impossible to describe the subjective variance between Theta and Delta, for example, but these become apparent through experimenting with a biofeedback device. In the long term, the aim should always be to use such experiences in training oneself to attain to the brain states at will, without the aid of technology.

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Stillness within the body is necessary for stillness of the mind. The posture of the body can also effect the success of our meditations, effecting the energy naturally travelling along the spine. The same may be said of the subtle anatomy, and also like the physical body it may be aroused toward the attainment of At-One-Ment.

A cursory overview of the various traditions concerning the subtle anatomy reveals all to be essentially consistent in their approach and understanding. These are also born out by modern neurology, with the cerebral-spinal system. The most well known of these is the seven chakra (meaning circle, or circuit) system of India. Its popularity in the West initially came through the Theosophists, particularly the works of C. W. Leadbeater, Rudolf Steiner, and Aleister Crowley, from where it entered into the Western tradition. The system is also commonly employed among street level urban sorcerers, who are as likely in the modern day to have been informed directly through Tantric sources.

The seven chakra system may also be related to the Kabala as it is mapped on the human body, and arguably to the Axis Mundi or 'World Tree' as it was known among the Norse and Celtic tribes (in the runic tradition of the UK we recognised seven worlds), as it is also known in the spiritual systems of the African Diaspora, arising in Voudon as the pointe chaud ('hot points') relating to the Seven African Powers. The seven chakras may also be corresponded to the rays of the archetypes, and the seven brain-states from SubDelta through to Hyper-Gamma.

Muladhara Chakra: Root Circuit

Associated with the ineffable circuit of Malkuth, the red ray of the archetypes (Ganesh, and the Shakti known as Dakini), and infra-low Delta brainwaves. This centre is located at the base of the spine in the cocygeal region. The root circuit is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. Physically it governs sexuality, mentally it governs stability, emotionally it governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of security. It is said to relate to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, responsible for the fight-or-flight impulse when survival is under threat.

This chakra is where the three main nadi of Tibetan yoga separate and begin their upward movement. In the Hindu system the dormant Kundalini serpent rests here, wrapped three and a half times around the black Svayambhu linga, the lowest of three obstructions (granthis) to her full rising. It is the seat of the red bindu, the female drop (which in Tibetan vajrayana is located at the navel chakra). Its corresponding area in the brain is the dwarf brain / back brain connecting to the spinal system; the very first areas of the brain to grow, or to have evolved. The voces magicks (seed mantra employed to activate the circuit) is LAM, (pronounced 'luumn'), combined kegel exercises (the steady tensing and releasing of the muscles in the corresponding area), along with the visualisation of a glowing red light situated between the genitals and the anus and / or in the corresponding areas of the

brain. If the magician is working with a partner they may aid by blowing upon, kissing, or otherwise stimulating the area.

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Svadhisthana Chakra: Sacral Circuit

Associated with the ineffable circuit of Yesod, the orange ray of the archetypes, and Delta brainwaves. Corresponding areas of of brain include the back brain and amygdala. The sacral circuit is related to relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs and pleasure. Physically, Svadhishthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm. It is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sexual hormones involved in the reproductive cycle, the genitourinary system and the adrenals. The voces magicks is VAM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of orange-red light above the genitals and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

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Manipura Chakra: Solar Plexus Circuit Associated with the ineffable circuit of Hod, the yellow ray of the archetypes, and Theta brainwaves. Its corresponding areas of the brain include the corpus colossum separating the right and left hemispheres. The solar plexus circuit is related to issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion,

and transition from simple or base emotions to complex. Physically the solar plexus governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually all matters of growth. It is considered to correspond to Islets of Langerhans, which are groups of cells in the pancreas, as well as the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex, playing a valuable role in digestion and the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. The voces magicks is RAM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of yellow light at the solar plexus and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

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Anahata Chakra: Heart Circuit

Associated with the ineffable circuit of Netzach, the green ray of the archetypes, and Beta brainwaves. Its corresponding areas of the brain include the right hemisphere. The heart circuit is related to complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well-being. Physically it governs circulation, emotionally it governs unconditional love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it governs devotion. It is considered to correspond to the site of maturation of the T-cells responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely affected by stress. The voces magicks is YAM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of green light at the heart and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

Visuddha Chakra: Throat Circuit

Associated with the ineffable circuit of Geburah, the blue ray of the archetypes and Alpha brainwaves. Its corresponding areas of the brain include the left hemisphere. The throat circuit is related to communication and growth through expression. Physically it governs communication, emotionally it governs independence and the sense of security (i.e wealth), mentally it governs fluent thought. It is considered to correspond to the thyroid, which produces hormones responsible for growth and maturation. Plays an important role in lucid dreaming and astral travel. The voces magicks is HAM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of blue light at the throat and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

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Ajna Chakra: Third Eye Circuit

Associated with the ineffable circuit of Tipareth, the indigo ray of the archetypes and Gamma brainwaves. Its corresponding areas of the brain also include the frontal cortex. The third eye circuit is related to balancing the higher and lower selves and trusting inner guidance. Ajna's inner aspect relates to the access of intuition. Mentally, it deals with visual consciousness. Emotionally, it deals with clarity on an intuitive level. Physically it governs the pineal gland

that produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleeping and waking, and is also postulated to be the production site of dimethyltryptamine, the only known hallucinogen produced by the human body. The voces magicks is OHM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of indigo light at the third eye and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

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Sahasrara Chakra: Crown Circuit Associated with the ineffable circuit of Hesed, the violet ray of the archetypes, Kundalini's union with Shiva, the Bridal Chamber of the Gnostics, and Hyper-Gamma brainwaves. Situated just above the crown of the head, it corresponds to the area of the brain deemed to be the source of Gamma frequencies. The crown circuit is related to pure consciousness, esoteric wisdom, the death of the body, the release of Karma, and the condition of Samhadi (At-One-Ment). Physically it governs the secretions of the pineal gland and their communication to the endocrine system, also connecting to the nervous system via the hypothalamus. The voces magicks is AUM, combined with the visualisation of a glowing ball of violet light above the crown of the head and / or in the corresponding areas of the brain.

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Shadow Chakras: Atavistic Circuits

There are also a further series of seven shadow circuits below the root circuit going down the legs, corresponding the base animal instincts (demons) and the underworld; upon our NeuroKabala they correspond with Daath.

Hips; Called in Sanskrit Atala, concerned with fear and lust.

Thighs; Called in Sanskrit Vitala, concerned with anger and resentment.

Knees; Called in Sanskrit Sutala, concerned with jealousy.

Calves; Called in Sanskrit Talatala, meaning 'under the bottom level', concerned with a state of prolonged confusion and instinctive wilfulness.

Ankles; Called in Sanskrit Rasatala, it is concerned with selfishness and pure animal nature.

Feet; Called in Sanskrit Mahatala, concerned with lack of conscience, and sociopathy.

Soles of the Feet; Called in Sanskrit Patala, concerned with malice, murder, torture and hatred; in Hindu mythology it borders on the realm of Naraka (Hell).

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Secret Chakras: Transcendent Circuits

There are said to be three further secret circuits that are beyond the physical and the spiritual. They are

called Golata, Lalata, and Lalana, and are located on the uvula at the back of the throat, above the Ajna chakra, and within the soft upper palate. They defy description in the sense of the above seven and can only be experienced once Kundalini has fully awakened. In Kabala they correspond to the three ineffable circuits above the Abyss. In the Buddhist eight chakra system, these three correspond to the highest chakra above the crown, just as God (the Greater Mind) may be understood as a unity with three aspects.


“God is One, and He Himself does not, as some suppose, exist outside the world, but in it, wholly present in the entire circle.”

  • - Pythagoras

“Then Jesus stood up with his disciples at the water of the ocean and He invoked it with this prayer, saying : ’Hear me my Father, the Father of every Fatherhood, the boundless light : Aeeiouoiao-aoioia’.. Jesus was standing at the altar and.. turned himself about it unto the four corners of the world with his disciples.. saying: ’IAO, IAO..’ ”

  • - Pistis Sophia

The word sorcery means 'to encircle', or to ’work within the circle’, the casting of which forms part of that Grand Arcarnum shared between all traditions. On a mythical level, the casting of the circle protects the sorcerer and their accomplices from the outside influence of malign spirits or 'sendings'.

Understanding that magick of any kind is, at least in modern terms, the ancient science of consciousness, we may also understand that such rituals are indeed intended to defend against the forces of Chaos, yet the source of such threat is from within. The casting of the circle marks the shift into altered states of consciousness. It is the tried and tested traditional method of controlling one’s own thoughts, that their focus does not stray from purpose, narrowing the

psychic field and restricting it to the centre of Self, not thought of as the ego but as the source of all manifest experience and the Timeless in its perfect state; represented in the Phoenician Teth, seen also in the Egyptian hieroglyph for Kosmos, being the root of the Greek letter Theta.

Whether marked out upon the ground or inscribed in actions and words, the magician's circle is in all respects the equivalent of the mandala of Buddhist spiritual practice; indeed the Sanskrit word mandala translates into English simply as ’circle’. As with the mandala the forms taken by the magical circle are various, each with their own purpose, all involving the focusing of the mind in meditation. The chief difference between them concerns the direction in which the circle is cast; whether clockwise, which is the direction of the sun, or whether it is cast anticlockwise, as with rituals of black magick, called also the 'left hand path'. Some circles, such as those originating in the ecstatic midnight volta dances of witchcraft, move in both directions simultaneously.

If the circle is to be visually marked out on the ground, this is traditionally achieved through taking a rope of exactly nine feet in length, which is used in conjunction with the ritual blade to form a kind of compass. Flour, salt, or chalk are then used to mark out the circle, and pentacles or other elemental signs of protection are drawn beyond its periphery, marking out the four cardinal directions. The circle may also be cast through gestures and incantations, most commonly drawing four pentacles in the air.

Its simplest form is to mark out a circle around

yourself with a spread of the arms or other symbolic gestures, drawing and visualising in the air around you the four pentagrams. Take your position at the centre, relax, and enter as far as you are able a condition of quiescent meditation. Whenever a thought or irritation distracts you, ’throw’ it beyond the limits of your circle with a dismissive gesture of the hand and an attitude of 'does not matter / need not be'. Then return to mental silence. Although the beginner may struggle with the discipline, regular rehearsal will be found to be of much benefit, as will the disciplines of meditation generally. With each attempt, try to lengthen the period between distractions.

Employed in ritual magick, the circle is the premonition of attainment to trance, to which everything is related and arranged, focusing and directing the psyche towards specific ends. Its periphery represents the boundaries of everything that belongs to the Self - the paired dualities that make up its totality, marked out at the four cardinal directions and symbolised by the elements, which the reader will understand as corresponding to aspects of consciousness (i.e. fire is will, air is intellect and the conscious mind, water is intuition and the subconscious, while earth is the back brain and physical body). The elements might also be represented by corresponding archetypes, such as the archangels, four apostles, the cherubim (lion, man, eagle, and ox), elemental spirits (salamanders, sylphs, undines, and gnomes), the four realms of Kabala, the four seasons of the 'wheel of the year', or birth, youth,

maturity, and death.

If working with the shadows of the archetypes these are never invoked into the deosil circle, but are instead evoked to appear beyond its boundary, and given Licence to Depart - with a full exorcism if necessary - before the circle is dispelled. It is wise practice to contain the manifestation within the boundary of a triangle of evocation, itself bound on all sides by the appropriate symbols of power.

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The Large Hadron Collider

In terms of neuromancy, we are lead once again to the concept of the 'circuit'; meaning the route of a circle. A modern example that illustrates the principle is C.E.R.N.'s Large Hadron Collider; the largest, most expensive experiment in the history of science (and sorcery). A 17 mile tunnel housing 9,600 super magnets, built as a circle five miles across straddling the Franco-Swiss border, it lies 575' beneath the town of Saint Genus Poilly.

A controversial psychogeographic location, the name Poilly refers to Apolliacum, the Temple of Apollo and gateway to the underworld. At the facility's opening The Apartment of Atomic Energy, Government of India, placed before the entrance a gigantic statue of the Nataraja; Siva trampling the dwarf of ignorance while performing the dance of existence and extinction. It has four arms; in one right hand he holds a drum whose vibrations spark Creation, the other

held in a mudra (magical gesture) of assurance from fear. One left hand points downwards to his lifted leg, the solace of the worlds, whilst the other dissolves the universe; solve et cogauli.

Just as the periphery of the magick circuit represents the paired dualities that make up its totality, the purpose of the L.H.C. is to separate the visible dimension of light-as-matter from the invisible darkness-as-antimatter. The entire process starts with a blast from a bottle of hydrogen. The resulting electrons are stripped from the hydrogen atoms to leave only protons. These are fed into a linear accelerator before being injected into a small circular accelerator. The particle beam is then directed into a second bigger circle and then a third even bigger circle where it is accelerated further. Yet as Faust said to Azazel in The Black Raven, “You are still not fast enough..”

The protons are finally accelerated into the L.H.C. in two beams at near light speed, one deosil the other widdershins, which smash together in an explosive syzygy; a collision of opposites that, as with the neither / neither meditation, results in the liberation of occult potential. A shower of particles is produced that are picked up by four cardinally placed detectors ('Watchers') around the circle which analyse the explosive clouds of subatomic debris. Along with ATLAS, one of the main detectors responsible for finding evidence of the Higgs God Particle in 2012, was CMS, a 14,000 ton piece of machinery on the French side of the border. More recent experiments have potentially overturned the entirety of science as

we have known it.

Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at C.E.R.N., has publicly stated that the L.H.C. opens a portal into other dimensions, for mere fractions of a second; just long enough to peer through, to send something in, or to let something out.

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The Neuromancer's Circle

The following circle casting ritual acts to connect the magician and all participants to the seven archetypal powers. In may be performed as a preliminary to acts of enchantment, divination, or possession sorcery.

  • * All participants form a circle, the magician standing at the centre. A moment is spent to clear the mind.

  • * The magician makes the sign of blessing with their right hand and draws a pentagram below the circle declaring; “Powers of the Red Ray, we invoke you. Open the ways to us that we may pass through. When we pass through we shall salute the Invisibles. For we are the same, servants of the Greater Mind and the highest wisdom of At-One-Ment. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All participants visualise the pentagram as lines of red Force whilst intoning the voces magicks; LAM.

  • * The magician adopts the physical posture of the pentagram whilst declaring; “Powers of the Orange Ray, we invoke you. Lend your force to our enchantments. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All participants visualise lines of burning orange Force flowing through the magician whilst intoning; VAM.

* The magician draws a pentagram in the east and declares; “Powers of the Yellow Ray, we invoke you. Grant to us the power of unassuaged Will. So shall it be. Amen.”

* All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise the pentagram as yellow Force and intone; RAM.

  • * Turning to the south; “Powers of the Green Ray, we invoke you. Grant to us empathy, attraction, and rapport. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise the pentagram as green Force

and intone; YAM.

  • * Turning to the west; “Powers of the Blue Ray, we invoke you. Grant to us the satisfaction of our desire. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise and intone; HAM.

  • * In the north; “Powers of the Indigo Ray, we invoke you. Grant to us the powers of intuition and imagination. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise and intone; AHH.

  • * A pentagram above, mind-lasers extending to all other nodes in the circle, saying; “Powers of the Violet Ray, we invoke you. Grant to us the highest wisdom of At-One-Ment. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise and intone; OHM.

  • * Above the apex of the violet ray, all participants now visualise the pure white light of the Greater Mind; “By the power inherent in

us by the grace of the Greater Mind, our Will be done. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

The magician and other participants now perform whatever other works of magick are required. The ritual workings are concluded by symbolically drawing the pure idea within the Greater Mind down through the various stages of actualisation and returning the participants to the Matrix;

  • * All visualise pure white light, high above the working space. “By the grace of the Greater Mind, so shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * The magician draws a pentagram above the circle, saying; “Powers of the Violet Ray we salute you and give thanks. Return now to your Invisible realms. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise and intone; OHM

  • * In the north; “Powers of the Indigo Ray we salute you and give thanks. Return now to your Invisible realms. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All visualise and intone; AHH.

  • * Similarly for the blue ray in the east, green in the south, yellow in the west., finally adopting the posture of the pentagram to salute the orange ray.

  • * Finally the magician draws the pentagram below the circle, saying; “Powers of the Red Ray, we salute you and give thanks. Open the ways to us that we may return. When we return we shall give thanks to the Invisibles. Return now to your Invisible realms. For we are the same, servants of the Greater Mind and the highest wisdom of At-One-Ment. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All repeat; “So shall it be. Amen.”

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The practice of allowing images to arise from the Greater Mind in answer to queries is here called skrying. It is, logically and undoubtedly, the first form of divination practised by humanity. Everybody dreams, and anyone who accidentally eats the wrong kind of mushroom may quite naturally find themselves in communion with the archetypes. Skrying is essentially a form of deep daydreaming focused through ritual, with the intention of accessing the Greater Mind. It is most difficult for the untrained and uninspired to succeed with yet offers great reward to those who strive with its discipline; regular meditation will be found to be of great benefit here.

Skrying may also be employed by the skilled to gain visions of other places on the material plane - a form of psychic spying commonly referred to in Military Intelligence as remote viewing. Similar tactics may also be employed by the spiritual anarchist intent on undermining corrupt agencies; such as locating and contacting renegade Theta agents. The magician should first seek to train their skrying abilities generally before moving on to such experiments, then attempt to divine information that may be later confirmed or disproven.

Skrying, or any of its related disciplines of trance divination, may also be augmented through the use of mind control technology such as an an AV Synthesiser set to produce Theta brainwaves and / or a ganze field


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The Skrying Glass

The skrying glass represents our earliest magical technology. It may be a crystal, a smooth piece of obsidian, a black mirror (the glass blackened on the reverse rather than silvered), or a simple bowl of black ink. Its purpose is to act as a focal point for the waking dream of the medium, working rather like a television set, except that the picture comes from within. Indeed the mental condition required is very similar to that of someone watching TV; a dissociative state open to impressions and suggestion, except that with skrying the information is coming from the depths rather than being programmed into it. A charaktere representing the question to be answered is visualised upon the surface of the glass, combined in group ritual with mantric chanting or other appropriate techniques, focusing the mind and tuning in to the required psychic station.

Skrying may be also be employed to commune directly with the archetypes; the art of evocation. Such provides the magical medium par excellence of much ceremonial magick. The process allows for the magician to externalise the archetypes from the illusion of 'I', providing access to otherwise unavailable knowledge and psychic abilities. The charaktere or signature (sigil) of the spirit is visualised strongly upon the surface of the skrying glass, or held fast in the mind’s eye, for some time;

usually at least five minutes. Typically this will be accompanied by incantations (such as those found in the classical grimoires), shamanic spirit songs, or some other ritual to focus trance. If successful this will bring about a vision of the conjured archetype, which is communed with through appropriate ritual; typically for purposes of spell casting or further divination. Thought forms may also be evoked by similar methods, or the archetypes may be asked to assign servitor spirits to the conjurer; the granting of familiars, as with the witches' pact, or such as offered by the demons of the Goetia or Pseudomonarchia Daemonium. Yet of all such operations the most crucial is the knowledge and conversation of the Genius, valled also the Holy Guardian Angel; remembering always that the ultimate aim of magick is At-One-Ment.

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“King Sleep was the father of a thousand sons Indeed a tribe

  • - and of them all, the one

he chose was Morpheus, who had such skill

In miming any human form at will..”

  • - Ovid, Metamorphoses

Onieromancy is the art of skrying during dream incubation (from where we gain the term incubus); for example a question or charaktere may be placed under the pillow or bed, or the magician may choose

to sleep in their temple.

Researchers have identified five distinct stages of sleep;

Stage 1: Soon after nodding off the brain is still active and producing higher frequency Alpha waves. People commonly experience hypnogogic (upon drifting into sleep) and hypnopompic (upon awakening) hallucinations during this stage, such as random speckles, geometric patterns.

Stage 2: The brain is still far from clam, continuing to produce bursts (called 'spindles') for around 20 minutes, and can result in the occasional mumble or even talking in one's sleep.

Stage 3; Now the brain is properly relaxed and enters its resting frequency of Theta. This last for around 20 minutes.

Stage 4: Deep Delta sleep, during which sleep walking might occur, or, if you are prone, bed wetting.

After around 30 minutes of Stage 4 the brain fires up and moves rapidly back through the first three stages, entering a mysterious state exhibiting Alpha and Theta brainwaves, but accompanied by increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and REM - rapid eye movement. This is the dream state, occurring on average five time a night, with each period lasting around twenty minutes.

In dream our consciousness enters another dimension of experience; we find ourselves surrounded and immersed with the material of the unconscious mind and, if our dreams are profound, the Greater Mind (collective unconscious) becomes apparent. In the

same way that we employ symbolic language in our spell-casting and ritual, we dream in symbols, which may be interpreted to reveal all manner of occult and hidden aspects of ourselves and our environment. They may inform us of inner conflicts that need resolving and the ways this may be achieved, provide solutions to life's problems, inspire creativity, or even warn us of future events.

To keep hold of knowledge gained during dream requires discipline. An effective techniques is to keep a Dream Diary next to the bed. This should be written / drawn in immediately upon awaking, without fail. If memory fails do not leave a blank page; faithfully record 'No dreams' and the unconscious will soon enough get the message. Alternatively keep a recording device next to the bed and write up any results later. You may find that initially little is gained, but perseverance will bring great rewards. Dreams of especial significance should be transcribed also into the Magical Diary.

In the interpretation of dreams the many books of symbolism and meaning available on the market are to be avoided; shun at all costs the works of Sigmund Fraud or New Age quacks. Instead, break down the dream into its components and ask what each of these represents to you. Often the first thing that occurs through lateral association will be the most useful interpretation. Re-explore your dream environment during meditative skrying; in this way a personal mythos of dream symbolism may be constructed; a unique understanding of the language of the Greater Mind.

One of the first obstacles to dream recall is that our waking mind tends to think in linear terms whilst our dreaming mind does not. That part of the dream which is freshest and most accessible to us is the end; but this will not always be something that makes sense. It is natural to attempt to think back to the beginning, which is furthest from our memory. We then attempt to construct a linear narrative comprehensible to the waking mind, but in the process we risk forgetting how the dream actually ended. What we will then do is imaginatively reconstruct the end. The result is that we create a narrative only loosely related to our actual dream experience, if at all. The trick is to record the dream backwards; the first thing we write is how the dream ended, and the last is how it began. The trouble is that we are not used to thinking in this way and must train ourselves to do so. Before you go to bed, meditate on the day that has passed, recalling every event of the day backwards; so the first thing you think of is laying your head upon the pillow and the last is of getting out of bed in the morning.

Draw a large letter A (for 'Awake') on the palm of one hand, and a large D (for 'Dreaming') on the other. Whenever you notice the letters, ask yourself whether you are awake or asleep. This will habituate you to the ritual, and therefore to asking the same question when you are, indeed, dreaming. Each night as you get into bed, take a moment to look at your palms, and tell yourself aloud, “While I am dreaming I will look for my hands.”

A Declaration of Will is written on paper, like a

letter, and concealed within the pillow; 'This is my Will to gain conscious control of my dreams.'

The Dream Diary is placed immediately within reach, to be written in upon awakening.

An alarm is placed beside the pillow, set to go off four, six, and seven hours after falling asleep. The idea is that this should maximise the chance of being awoken during or soon after a dream.

If the alarm awakens you during a dream, write it down. Then return to bed and spend some time thinking about the dream you just had. Tell yourself, “I will have the same dream again, but this time I will be lucid.”

If, and when, you manage to have a lucid dream you will find yourself having to decide whether you are dreaming or in the real world. There are various ways this may be tested, such as pinching or biting yourself - if you are dreaming you will not feel anything. Another is to look for a mirror - if you are dreaming the image will be distorted or blurry. Finally, try leaning against a wall - if you are dreaming you will pass straight through it.

A number of mind control devices are currently available on the market for 'sleep learning', registering REM and triggering lucid dreaming. Additionally, there have been leaks suggesting the existence of military technology capable of recording and playing back the contents of dreams like a psychic television (see also Book Three: Mind Control Technology).

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Astral Travel

The purpose of astral travel is primarily a means of self education and empowerment. It is the exploration of consciousness, comprehending its elemental components so that mastery may be attained over its phenomena. The ultimate intention is communion with the archetypes, penetrating the mysteries of the Greater Mind; the attainment of At-One-Ment.

The various systems, pantheons, and charakteres of magick are symbolic maps to navigate the exploration of consciousness. Whilst our inner experience may be ultimately subjective this does not imply these systems are in any way arbitrary. One’s understanding of them must be accurate, and consistently tested.

The various charakteres of magick may be visualised with the eyes closed - for a similar period to attempts at skrying - then approached and moved through in the imagination as if it were a doorway. Visions are then allowed to well up, and are observed as astral impressions concerning the nature of the charaktere explored. This may be employed to explore the elemental plains, or travel to the realms of the archetypes.

The practice may also be employed to examine previously unknown charakteres, symbols or objects, learning to intuit patterns and pick up vibrations. It may be of value to ask associates to help test the development of such abilities by astrally exploring symbols you have no prior knowledge of, yet your associate does; for example, map coordinates, or a sigil composed from the astrological reading of an event. The seven circuits of the subtle anatomy, or the

10 ineffable circuits and the paths between them, may similarly be employed as astral gateways to explore specific phenomena, concepts, and the archetypes.

Certain entheogens are well known to facilitate access to the astral realms. To the novice such experiences may be very hard to control, and it is recommended that experiments with such substances are undertaken only with suitable guidance.

Astral projection may also be augmented through the use of mind control technology, such as an AV AudioVisual Synthesiser or 'mind machine' set to produce Theta brainwaves. This may be combined with recorded pathworkings; guided visualisations to direct trance towards a desired end. The magician may employ their focused imagination to create astral weapons, vehicles, a temple, or any other image or idea that may be of use to them in magick.

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The sex magick formulae of skrying by erotocomatose lucidity rely on the mind's natural ability to dream visions during post-orgasmic satiety; exemplified in the Cretan rites of the Sybils, called otherwise Pythonesses for their employment of trained snakes (perhaps here we have the origins of the phrase Talking in Tongues..). The following ritual will be of value to the magician inspired to experiment with such techniques.

The magician will have prepared themselves for at least 48 hours, during which time they will not have

had sexual intercourse or been allowed release through masturbation. If working with a partner they will have prepared themselves similarly.

If the intention is to work with a specific masque of the archetypes they will also have prepared themselves through prayer, incantation, and meditation. The temple or bed-chamber will also be prepared with the corresponding colours, candles and incense, appropriate erotic art (or pornography) displayed upon the altar, perhaps suitable music playing on a stereo, and anything else that will aid in focusing the mind upon the ritual copulation. The formulae may also be combined with possession magick; rather than imagining the presence of the archetype they are represented by a living person, who may also be clothed in robes of appropriate colours, or else an appropriate costume and / or mask.

The question may be reduced to a charaktere or voces magicks, the meaning of which should unknown or forgotten;

  • * Cast the circle.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes, saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Perform any required invocations offering appropriate sacrifices of incense, the Force, etc.

  • * Focus upon the charaktere or voces magicks representing your question.

  • * Arouse yourself, or have an assistant arouse you, whilst repeating the question / voces magicks as a mantra, and / or focusing on the charaktere. If a specific archetype is invoked, imagine you are copulating with it in the form of an incubus. If appropriate employ the Satyrica Signa ('ritual dildo').

  • * Continue until orgasm, during which the question or voces magicks should be repeated one final time. If appropriate, offer the released Force as a sacrifice, perhaps by anointing the charaketere with fluids.

  • * Allow natural bliss and relaxation to follow. Take note of whatever images or ideas arise to the mind. These are then interpreted as your answer.

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Automatic drawing and writing, commonly employed in spiritualist seances, is perhaps the only form of skrying that habitually leaves us with any kind of evidence. Most typically the magician directs their trance by the employment of charakteres, or some other ritual method, whilst their hand is allowed to

flow freely over the paper, acting under possession. The method may prove especially useful in gaining a spirit’s sigil.

In the human body there are two systems of nerves, which we shall call the involuntary and the voluntary;

The involuntary by far the older of the two and governs the automatic processes of the body such as breathing, the pumping of the heart, the immune system, the digestion of food and so on. It has aspects that reflect the consciousness of prehistory and is linked to that part of us often considered as the inner planes; the spirit world of the shaman, or the collective unconscious of the Jungian psychologist, which we have called the movements of the Greater Mind.

The voluntary is the expression of 'consciousness' and is the result of far more recent stages in human evolution. Nevertheless it is dependent upon the involuntary for survival. When you move your hand it is a voluntary action. However the complex activities of nerves and muscles, the redistribution of blood and the discharge of electrochemical signals along the nerve paths, are all controlled by the involuntary system.

As the conscious mind works through the voluntary system the unconscious works through the involuntary. Just as you may cause your hand to move as a willed voluntary action, so may the unconscious mind move your hand without the intervention of your conscious will. The mental computer may run the body without the guidance of the conscious will. This is what we are allowing to happen when we

practice automatic writing and drawing; the signals directing our movements are from somewhere deeper. It takes considerable rehearsal before meaningful communication with the archetypes and the Greater Mind may be achieved; much of the subconscious babble initially released may perhaps be of interest to a psychologist or artist but will not contain much evidence of true psychic activity. Warming up exercises may help enormously.

Once mastered, the technique may be employed in divination. Through repeated rehearsal the skill required for automatia becomes steadily imprinted in the secondary nervous system; just as a skill like tying one's shoelaces was difficult at the start, but eventually became so automatic one no longer needs to be conscious of what one's hands are doing. The less conscious intervention, the less any kind of active imagination or reasoning comes into play, the better the results of our divinations shall be. The question may be reduced to a charaktere or voces magicks, the astrological chart for a specific event, or if attempting to remote view a location, map coordinates, the meaning of which should unknown or forgotten, to be focused upon throughout the process;

  • * Cast the circle.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes, saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So

shall it be. Amen.

  • * Perform any required invocations offering appropriate sacrifices of incense, the Force, etc.

  • * Focus upon the charaktere or voces magicks representing your question.

  • * Take a wad of sketching paper. Make a couple of simple marks without thinking what they are for. There is no reason to be critical in any way. Nobody will be judging the artistic merit of the results - including you.

  • * Now look at these marks and see what they suggest. Make a second mark. And a third. Keep on making additional marks, allowing each to suggest the next, rather than forming any fixed idea in the mind. Take as long as you like over this, with as many breaks as are desired, but persist. Eventually you will be surprised by what you see.

  • * The resulting impressions are then interpreted as the answer to your question.

Automatic writing is a way of similarly attaining inspiration from the unconscious, often employed in

communicating with spirit's, such as the ghosts summoned during seance, or with the archetypes. When employed by a proficient medium such methods provide direct communion; entire books have been channelled by such methods, such as Aleister Crowley's Liber Al vel Legis. As with automativ drawing, the question, or other intent, is reduced to a charaktere or voces magicks to avoid conscious intervention.

  • * Cast the circle.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes, saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Perform any required invocations offering appropriate sacrifices of incense, the Force, etc.

  • * Focus upon the charaktere or voces magicks representing your question.

  • * Take your wad of paper and begin writing faster than you can think, each word suggesting the next without following any fixed idea, as with the marks made in automatic drawing.

  • * Do not stop to seek meaning in any of the

text until you have written the last word. Make an endurance game out of it, but allow your intuition to tell you when to stop.

  • * The resulting text is to be interpreted as the answer to your question.

As with possession, brain activity during automatia trance remains normal, distributed across the brain, yet does not appear to reach the frontal cortex, effectively leaving the 'sense of self' out of the neurological loop.

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“Numbers are the universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”

  • - Augustine of Hippo

“There have been a few examples of numerology that have led to theories that transformed society.. It would be fair enough to say that numerology was the origin of the theories of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, gravitation.... So I intend no

disparagement when I describe a formula as numerological. When a numerological formula is proposed, then we may ask whether it is correct.... I

think an appropriate definition of correctness is that the formula has a good explanation, in a Platonic sense, that is, the explanation could be based on a good theory that is not yet known but ’exists’ in the universe of possible reasonable ideas.”

  • - I. J. Good (Mathematician)

Numerology is the study of the synchronous relationship between numbers and various occult principles. It is often said to have been the invention of Pythagoras, who made known that the musical intervals recognised in his time could be expressed as the numbers one, two, three and four, and that the numbers one through four add up to make ten. He further demonstrated that the cycle of numbers one through four could be started again when reaching ten because any number larger than nine can be reduced

by a single digit by adding all the digits together.

Both Greek and Hebrew philosophers considered ten to be perfect number, comprehending all arithmetic and harmonic proportions and, like God, is therefore tireless. All nations calculated with it because when they arrive at ten they return to one, the number of Creation. Pythagoreans divided the heavenly bodies into ten orders, creating a mystical system that was expanded upon by other Greek philosophers, and which later inspired the medieval Kabala.

Consider also the synchronous occurrence of the number seven in relation to the archetypes, the number of visible planets, the visible light spectrum, the chakra circuits, the 7Hz of Theta, the Schumann resonance, the endless Kabalistic correspondences in works such as Aleister Crowley's Liber 777, and so on.

Despite the church's resistance to numerology there are clear arguments for its influence in the scriptures; three and seven being of especial significance. Jesus asked God three times if he could avoid crucifixion and was crucified at three in the afternoon. Seven is also the length in years of famine and other God imposed events, with Creation itself taking seven days.

Seven is often followed closely by eight as a symbol of completion; when Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman, Miriam was required to go into the wilderness alone for seven days and on the eighth to rejoin Exodus. Elijah commanded his servant Ahab to return to Mount Camel seven in times to search for a certain cloud and

on the eighth he found it.

The number eight is commonly associated in occulture with Chaos magic, whose sigil is the eight rayed star, corresponding also to Daath, the eighth short-circuit on the Kabala. To the ancient Egyptians, the eighth born 'out of line' was none other than Set, the sodomite god. Within the initiatory sex magick of the O.T.O., the VIII° corresponds with the formulae of onanism. It is significant that Spare's 'sigils', which form the only worthwhile knowledge within the so-called Chaos current, are so closely identified in the popular imagination with autoerotic self love. Perhaps it is also significant that the eight rayed Chaos sigil looks like an arsehole.

Another popular example in modern occultism is the phenomena of the number 23, which is said to be the number of coincidence itself; occurring more often than any other two digit combination for no discernible reason, while the single number occurring by coincidence is 5, the boiled down single digit of 2 + 3.. It is often also considered the unlucky number of Chaos, and thus to be avoided; consider that the I-Ching hexagram 23 is called 'Splitting Apart', while in Freemasonry the number 23 is a symbolic code for darkness, as any structure built 23° or more above the equator will receive no sunlight on its northern wall; hence in the formula of the Lodge it is said that in the north there is no light. In The Bible, Psalm 23 also speaks of darkness; “.. though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.”

Traditional Chinese medicine and its associated fields such as acupuncture also base their system on

numerical associations, such as the 12 vessels circulating blood and air corresponding to the 12 rivers flowing toward the Central Kingdom; and the 365 parts of the body, corresponding to the days of the year, being the basis of locating acupuncture points. Other examples of Chinese numerology include the number 99, interpreted to mean doubly long in time; eternal. Many premium-pay telephone numbers in China begin with the lucky number 168, which is also the name of a motel chain; Motel 168. The number 888 is especially auspicious for business, interpreted to mean three times the prosperity; wealthy wealthy wealthy. The same number in Greek numerology signifies the Greater Mind.

A well known example of numerological coincidence in science involves the occurrences of certain large numbers that intrigued the mathematical physicist Paul Dirac, mathematician Herman Weyl, and astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington; such as the ratio of the age of the universe to the atomic unit of time, the number of electrons in the universe, and the difference in strengths between gravity and the electric force for the electron and proton. Large number coincidences continue to fascinate many mathematical physicists; James G. Gilson constructed his Quantum Theory of Gravity based loosely on Dirac's large number hypothesis.

The discovery of atomic triads was initially considered a form of numerology and ultimately led to the construction of the periodic table. Here the atomic weight of the lightest element and the heaviest are summed, and averaged, and the average is found

to be very close to that of the intermediate weight element. Although this method did not apply to every triplet in the same group it worked often enough to allow later workers to create generalisations.

In this same manner, the Kabala provides us with the perfect structure with which to create generalisations regarding the meanings of numbers, and their correspondence with all the phenomena of consciousness / cosmos. Everything has numerical relationships, and the magician aspiring to At-One-Ment is encouraged to investigate these mysteries, endeavouring toward their revelation by the grace of the Greater Mind.

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“Take in you hand a scribe's pen. Write speedily, letting your tongue utter the words with a pleasant melody, very slowly. Understand the words that leave your lips. The words can consist of anything you desire, in any language that you desire, for you must return all languages to their original substances.. Write each expression down immediately. Manipulate the letters, and seek out other words having the same numerical value.. Permute the letters, back and forth, and in this manner you will reach the first level. As a result of your activity, and your concentration on the letters, your mind will become bound to them. The hairs on your head will stand on end and tremble.”

- Rabbi Abraham Abulafia, Otzar Eden HaGanuz

Consider that spells are constructed of charakteres from magical alphabets, and that books of spells are called grammars (grimoires). Consider next the rituals described within them; the evocation of spirits is commonly achieved through voces magicks - words of power. Language shapes the way in which we think and perceive the world. Is there any thinking without it? Can we conceive of any thing for which we have no language to describe? The languages we use to describe our experiences and construct our understanding of reality are the programming codes of the Matrix.

The liminal meaning of any name or word may be explored through that method commonly known as gematria - from the Greek grammateia, meaning 'knowledge of grammar' (although the origins of the technique itself are Assyro-Babylonian); an exegetical

method traditionally employed with Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew alphabets, the charakteres of which also serve as numbers. Consequently every word, name, phrase or sentence is also a number; the sum of all its charakteres. Words with the same or similar values are seen to have occult correspondence in meaning;

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The Arabic Alphabet

The Arabic system is known as Abjad. It is the foundation of ilm-ul-cipher, meaning 'the science of cipher', and ilm-ulhuroof, meaning 'the science of alphabet';

1 Alif= 1


LjliShiu = 300

vBaa= 2

J Lam = 30

O Ta = 400

£ Jim = 3

j> Mini = 4


j Dal = *

CiNun = 50

j_Kh = 600

o Ha= 2

.jiiSin = 60

iDh = 700

5 Wa=6

cAyti = 70

, jj; Dhad = SOO

jZ = 7

■jFa = 80

JaDha = 900

^Ha = S


£ Qaya= 100

_L>Ta = 9

,_4Qaf = 100

Ya= 10

j Ra = 200

A 0 A

The Greek Alphabet

The Greek alphabet similarly comprises of letters that are also numbers;

A Alpha = 1

B Beta = 2

r Gamma = 3

A Delta = 4

E Epsilon = 5

Z Zeta = 7

H Eta= S

0 Theta = 9

I Iota = 10

K Kappa = 20

A Lambda = 30

M Mu =40

N Xu = 50

E Xi = 60

O Omicron = 70

n Pi = 80

P Rho = 100

X Sigma = 200

T Tau = 300

Y Upsilon = 400

Phi = 500

Chi = 600

Psi = 700

Omega = 800

X T fi

The Hebrew Alphabet

Most commonly employed in the Western magical tradition is the Hebrew system, relating directly to the Sephiroth and paths of the Kabala;

N Aleph = 1

□ Teth = 9

d Phe = 80, 800

□ Beth = 2

’ Yod - 10

s Tzaddi = 90, 900

a Gimel = 3

t Daleth = 4

3 Kaph = 20, 500

b Lamed = 30

pKoof= 100

n He = 5

n Mem = 40, 600

*1 Reish = 200

1 Vau = 6

3 Nun = 50, 700

\u Shin = 300

t Zayin = 7

o Samekh = 60


n Cheth = 8

y Ayin = 70

The Rabbi of 13th Century Germany were so convinced of Greek philosophy that they sought to find corroboration concealed within the scriptures. An allegorical reinterpretation of the Old Testament was achieved through correspondences between charakteres, numbers, their various interrelationships, and the Kabala. For example; Shem Yehoshuah, the Hebrew name of Christ, and the word Elohikam, meaning ’your God’, both equal 666, being also the number of Sorath, and the Intelligence of Sol. In Greek philosophy 666 was the number of the lesser

mind, whilst the Greater Mind was identified with the number 888.

It is common practice to ’boil down’ the concluding equation of any word or phrase by adding up all the digits until only one remains; the number 11 or multiples of 11 (22, 33, 44 etc.) being master numbers with significance of their own. These can be either contemplated as they are or totalled up to make a single number; thus 666 (11 X 66) may also be read as 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, which then becomes 1 + 8 = 9. The 9th circle upon the Kabala is Yesod, the Foundation, whilst the 9th charaktere of the Hebrew alphabet is Teth, meaning serpent. Thus Shem Yehoshuah and Elohikam are not only identified as one another but also as the serpent at the foundation of the Tree of Life.

Within the wider discipline of gematria are included various transformations where one charaktere is substituted by another based on a logical scheme;

Atbash; Exchanges each charaktere in a word or a phrase by its opposite, determined by substituting the first charaktere N (Aleph) with the last n (Taf), the second charaktere 3. (Beth) with the next to last w (Shin), etc. The result creates voces magicks by which the archetypes may be revealed or reveiled; for example the name Sophia, the Gnostic bride of God, by Atbash yields the word Baphomet.

Achbi; Divides the alphabet into two equal groups of eleven charakteres. Within each

group, the first is replaced by the last, the second by the tenth, etc.

Akhas Beta; Divides the alphabet into three groups of seven, seven and eight charakteres. Each is replaced cyclically by the corresponding charaktere of the next group.

Alba; Divides the alphabet in half, eleven charakteres in each section. The first charaktere of the first series is exchanged for the first of the second series, the second charaktere of the first series for the second charaktere of the second series etc.

Avgad; Replaces each charaktere by the next one, so that n (Taf) becomes x (Aleph). The opposite operation is also used.

Ayak Bakar; Replaces each charaktere by another one that has ten times the value. The final charakteres usually signify the numbers from 500 to 900. Thousands are reduced to ones (1000 becomes 1, 2000 becomes 2 etc.).

Ofanim; Replaces each charaktere by the last charaktere of its name; for example 9 (Phe) for x (Aleph).

Such exercises allow for potentially infinite interpretation achieved through vast leaps of intellect and imagination, yet they cannot be easily dismissed.

Nor, however, can they be easily understood, and so it was given in Rabbinical law that only a select few were to interpret scripture after such a fashion.

More immediate is the employment of gematria to the names of people relating to mundane situations. A kind of personality profiling becomes possible, providing us with indications of character, appearance, or even their conduct at a certain time or place. Kabalist astrology employs specific methods to determine the influences on a particular person; according to one method, the gematria of the person's name is added to that of their mother's name. The result is then divided by 7 and 12, the remainders signifying a particular planet and Zodiac sign.

Even if the practitioner is well versed in Kabala the results can tax intuition to the extreme. The word, name, or phrase must first be translated into Hebrew charakteres, which is not only cumbersome but rarely precise. Additionally there are no vowels in Hebrew, whilst there are phonemes not present in English and visa versa. Nevertheless, many notable sorcerers have been well documented as holding such methods in high regard.

Gematria is also of importance to Christian sacred geometry, although the Freemasons kept the technological methods and sacred significance of church and cathedral building a secret. For example, the adopted motto of the Chartres Cathedral, Assumptio Virginis Beats Mariae, yields by gematria the number 306, being also the number of a leading dimension of its design in Roman feet, whilst 306 divided + 2 = 153; the number of the fish caught by

Simon Peter.

Similar systems of gematria were also developed throughout Asia, assigning numerical value to the charakteres of Sanskrit and Chinese. These deeply profound and ancient systems present similar problems to Arabic, Hebrew or Greek with regards to translation.

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The Latin Alphabet

It is of great significance that gematria is not confined to the ancient languages. In the second book of Henry Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy we find the key to the Latin script;

A= 1

K= 10

T= 100


L = 20

U = 200

C = 3

M = 30

X = 300

D = 4

N = 40

Y = 400

E = 5

0 = 50

Z = 500

F = 6

P = 60,

V = 700

G = 7

Q = 70

Hi = 800

H = 8


W = 900

1 = 9

S = 90,

More commonly we find the virtues of numbers and the vulgate alphabet compared by the Pythagorian chart, which is based upon the Greek. Each letter is assigned to one of the nine primary integers;


The neuromancer might also employ the American Standard for Coded Interchange of Information (ASCII), binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal correspondences to the same ends (see Book Three: ASCIImancy). In keeping with tradition they might compose their own personal Gematriasaurus, being a compiled dictionary of words of the same value and corresponding occult significance, through which hidden meanings may be revealed in many passages of The Neuronomicon. Through what may at first have been mistaken for typos, or other errors, will be revealed the greatest mysteries.

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The magician Kenneth Grant made great use of gematria. I can think of no finer example of its employment in regards to names than his examination of my own, performed by him in 2002. The following is an excerpt;

“ [If the name] is to be taken as NATHAN rather than with the traditional suffix. In which case the name enumerates as 500, or if the 'final' value be accorded with the second 'N', 1150. Some of the correspondences of 500 are: Rsh, 'the Head'; Resh, the sun at its highest point, as at the Summer

Solstice. 500 also = 'The World' (PAN) ; A PA, the 'Aura' - the 'Ur' of the Chaldeans; AthVN, 'an harlot's fee', 'begotten by harlotry'; SHAR, 'flesh', 'a gate' (the gate of manifestation). (Note that 500 = ShKINH OILAH, the ultimate Feminine Principle, i.e. the Supreme Gate). ..

“Giving the name NATHAN the 'final' value of 'N', ie. 700, produces the number 1150. This has some interesting correspondences, e.g., the Greek MORMQ (MORMO), the name of the cacodaemone attendant upon Hecate. 1150 also enumerates NshPh (taking the Pe at its 'final' value of 800). This word means 'evening twighlight' and was typified by the Raven (Black Bird: Amantora, Dark, signifying the state of consciousness where phenomena appear dreamlike - which is a key to their real nature..

“.. the number 70 is implied. The number 70 denotes the Goat, symbol of the most material aspect of 7. 70 also = AST (EST), the name ISIS. It is also the number of LIL, 'Night', and a component of LILITH. So the name NATHAN contains the formulae of both Isis (Est) and Lilith. The number 76 = LILU, the Assyrian form of Lilith..

“There are several alternative spellings of the name Nathaniel - without stretching Gematria beyond the limits of probability.. in which case the number is 542 .. a weildy engine for a very high concentration of Magical power .. Note further that (666 + 418)/y2 = 542 also = MQNTh, 'the hole'; and MshBR, 'the mouth of the matrix; the breaking open of the womb'. 542 also = ORISSOR, quabalistically identical with the Void that is the base and nonsubstance of all things. .. When the Beast (666) and the Great Work (418) are in the

phase of direct functioning their number becomes 1084, which is twice 542. Note again that 5 + 4 + 2 = 11, the number of Magick. Nathaniel could, by annexing these forces, enter the Heart of our Mystery tradition and assume a role whereby both the Great Work and he himself could flourish..”

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Sortilage consists of those methods requiring the random or semi-random selection of charakteres from various alphabets or symbol systems. The magician may also divine by means of their own Alphabet of Desire.

The random selection of charakteres by whatever means may at first produce seemingly nonsensical results. Over time, however, the tools become ’loaded’ with significance. The aim is to use such systems as focus during trance that the answers arise from the Greater Mind.

We shall here consider some of the most commonly used systems of sortilage employed in western culture, with a brief introduction to each. The neuromancer is encouraged firstly to explore as many different methods as they choose. It may prove of value to adopt the morning routine of performing a divination for the coming day, recording all experiments faithfully in the Magical Diary so accuracy may be measured over time. Having explored, seek mastery of whichever method brings the best results.

A huge variety of online websites and apps offer easy to access, instant sortilage programs generating Tarot and rune spreads, and so on. These can prove convenient to the neuromancer on the hop, although personal knowledge of the symbol systems is preferable to relying upon pregenerated

interpretations. The most suited to cybersortilage are those most ancient systems that consist of binary codes, such a the I-Ching, which we shall discuss.

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A simple method of sortilage is to take a piece of paper, the margin marked with all possible sequences that might be thrown by two dice, from 1-1 to 6-6. On each line, as quickly as you are able, write out every conceivable answer you can think of to your question, then throw a pair of dice. For example;

1-1: Yes.

1-2: If you do what is required.

1-3: Wrongs shall be punished.

1-4: The most important thing is to never stop loving.

1-5: Tread lightly and stay free.

1-6: Every secret & every belief awaits betrayal.

2-1: The Greater Mind is the only reality.

2-2: Anger is holy.

2-3: Pure coincidence.

2-4: The only sin is the sin of suffering.

2-5: The only certainties are death and taxes.

2-6: The situation is open to magick.

3-1: If the Will is strong enough.

3-2: A worthy sacrifice.

3-3: This answer is false.

3-4: Through straying we find the path direct.

3-5: Do not pause to throw stones at barking dogs.

3-6: A new idea is like a transient whore.

4-1: The gods give beards to men with no chins.

4-2: Do not proffer unasked for information.

4-3: The healthy ego is rarely offended.

4-4: To live by hope alone brings humiliation.

4-5: No.

4-6: Anything can be true for a time.

5-1: Take joy in being confused.

5-2: Take a long broad look at things.

5-3: By secret influence.

5-4: Expect the unexpected.

5-5: No simple answers to complicated questions.

5-6: Go back two spaces.

6-1: Divination by dice can be very unreliable.

6-2: As above so below. As within so without.

6-3: The tendency to see patterns where none exist.

6-4: Everything is illuminated.

6-5: Random and by chance.

6-6: Roll twice more.

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A modern method of sortilage is the cut-up. Pages of texts from newspapers, novels, scriptures, or any other literary source, are cut into strips and the words rearranged at random. The cut-up technique may also be employed to film and sound recordings. The results may often seem to include allusions to (p)remembered events or messages from the archetypes, and further explored during liminal trance. As with most methods of divination the technique may also be reversed as a method of spell-casting; for example, mixing location recordings from a target with news reports of riots, then playing back at the same location.

The neuromancer is encouraged to employ similar

cut-up techniques with excerpts from their own Magical Diary, their Dream Diary, and pages of this book, revealing personal messages from the archetypes and the Greater Mind.

  • * Cast the circle and spend some time in quiet meditation.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes, saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Ask your question, clearly and aloud.

  • * Take copied pages from your Magical Diary, Dream Diary, and randomly chosen pages of this book, and cut them into four equal sized length-ways strips.

  • * Close your eyes and rearrange the strips according to instinct.

  • * Open your eyes and read across the lines running between the strips. New meanings will be found among the arrangements. Transcribe the most poignant of these into your Magical Diary.

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'Runes' is a generic term for various closely related magical alphabets employed by Scandinavian, German, and Anglo-Saxon people. The root of the word is runa, meaning 'mystery', also implying whispering (as in Horse Whisperers) and song (as in shamanic spirit song and incantation). They were widely used for talismanic magick and divination, traditionally carved upon staves of wood which were burned during their charging to release the desires attributed to them.

Their use in the UK was widespread until around the 10th - 11th century, even appearing in Church documents; it was only much later that they were considered diabolical and treated with suspicion. Far more recently they were employed in the insignia of Nazi Germany and have since acquired an unfortunate association with far right political groups, which has meant that few authors not sharing such views are prepared to publish on the subject. Nevertheless, no study of divination - or indeed the magical traditions of the West - would be complete without including them.

Similarly, no study of mind control can deny their efficiency in the mass influence of Hitler's political and military campaigns. Many of his chief advisers and commanders were practitioners of rune magick, with Guido Von List's Das Geheimnis der Runen, 1906, being an influence on the formation of the Nazi party and the S.S. It has been scientifically proven that the shapes of the rune are far from arbitrary; they elicit subtle biological and neurological responses

from anyone who views them, regardless of any prior knowledge, invested belief, or cultural background. The older and more roughly hewn the more profound this response.

The following ritual is based upon traditional runa as practised in the heathen religion during the Dark Ages; however its principle is universal and may be adapted for use with almost any symbol system, including the magician's own Alphabet of Desire. The meanings of the runes are provided in Book Three: The Neuromancer's Runes, along with notes on their employment in both divination and enchantment.

  • * Cast the circle and spend some time in quiet meditation.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes (traditionally Odin / Woden / Wotan in runic tradition), saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Ask your question, clearly and aloud.

  • * Draw the first rune from your bag to signify the matter being divined upon.

  • * Draw out two more runes and place these to either side; these represent current influences on the matter.

  • * Draw a fourth rune to signify the past of the matter. Draw two more and place to either side to represent influences upon the past.

  • * Draw the seventh rune to signify the future of the matter. Draw two more and place to either side, representing influences upon this future; nine runes in all.

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The term Tarot is here used to imply any system of cartomancy; divination by cards bearing symbolic pictures and charakteres, which may - or may not -be arranged according to a scheme of gematria.

Occultists have expounded many theories as to the true origins of the Tarot; Crowley believed it to be a remnant of the Egyptian Book of Thoth, while others have ascribed it to the ancient Hindu, Phoenicians, or even Koreans. There is no real evidence for any of these theories, although it has to be said that the system works and may often be uncannily accurate.

The standard modern deck contains 78 cards, which are grouped into 22 Major Arcana (Atu 0: The Fool through to Atu 21: The World), often related to the 22 paths of the Kabala, and the Minor Arcana consisting of four elemental houses - discs (earth / matter), wands (fire / will), weapons (air / intellect), cups (water / imagination) of 14 cards each. However, the earliest decks that may be historically verified had many variations. For example the Tarocchi of

Magenta (15th century Italy) had five classes of ten cards each; 50 in all. It is also possible - and quite traditional - to divine using the standard deck of playing cards, which like the standard Tarot may be assigned to the four elemental houses and the Ten ineffable circuits of the Kabala, or employing a Pythagorian interpretation.

Reproductions of historical decks are readily available on the market, as well as many (often ludicrous) modern interpretations. Almost all forms of Tarot divination involve the selecting of a predetermined number of cards which are arranged in a spread, in all important manners identical to those employed with the runes. Most follow the standard 78 card format, although there are also many nonstandard oracle decks based on other systems such as runes or the I-Ching (which are both based upon configurations of eight charakteres), the 12 houses and seven planets of astrology, or the lwa (archetypes) in Voudon, whilst others seem to be based on no discernible system at all. The reader is encouraged to create their own system of cartomancy, perhaps based upon automatic drawings, their own arrangements of gematria, masques of the archetypes drawn from any pantheon, or their personal Alphabet of Desire, as well as various different spreads, traditional or otherwise, and to develop their own.

As with any symbol system of divination the Tarot may also be employed as the basis for meditation. Spreads may be employed for spell-casting by consciously choosing and arranging as symbolic of desired future events and charging through trance.

Binary Codes

“There are 10 types of people; those who understand binary code, and those who don't.”

- A. Hacker

Of particular relevance to neuromancy are a family of related systems all of extremely ancient origins, persisting from prehistory purely because they provide such uncannily accurate readings, and which consist of binary codes. It is also these same systems which inspired the original programming codes of our modern computers.

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The first is an African system preserved in various forms through the ancient lineages of the Diaspora, most commonly known as Ifa. Countless thousands of years old it has been passed only from mouth to ear, and never written down - although fragments of knowledge have reached publication in recent days.

The diviner performs an invocation to Exu (the red ray of the archetypes) and their Ori (equivalent to the Genius or 'Holy Guardian Angel') before casting shaven cowrie shells - the equivalent of coins -within a circle, generating binary codes. These are interpreted as messages from the seven archetypes

(the Orissa or Seven African Powers). These messages take the form of poetic parables, of which there are several thousand, all of which the priest/ess will have committed to memory; as did their initiator, and all those before.

The Ifa tradition travelled from Africa to Phoenicia during the Dark Ages, where the Seven African Powers became instead the seven planetary influences of astrology; in every practical sense a matter of translation rather than any significant change. The use of shells was replaced by other methods of generating binary codes, most commonly by making random marks in the ground during trance. From here the tradition entered into the grimoires, and eventually what we might call the Western tradition, as the system we have come to know as geomancy.

Whether the system has been preserved completely unchanged, or if it has evolved over the generations through reinterpretation, the results are uncannily precise. The secrets of Ifa are not open to the uninitiated, so there is little more that can be said here. The reader desiring further knowledge is advised to seek demonstration and instruction from a Babalawo.

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By the 19th century geomancy was among the most common divination systems employed by sorcerers in Europe and the United Kingdom, and had a reputation for stunning accuracy. Sadly much of the knowledge

required to give readings has been lost, with efforts to reconstruct and revive the system being only partially successful. The traditional system involves a spread based upon the astrological houses, and would take a small book of its own to explain. Nevertheless, for those inspired to investigate the system I present here the 16 signs that may be generated by the method, and their meanings. If the reader does not mind breaking from tradition they may simply flip a coin four times to generate a Geomantic symbol, starting with the bottom and ending with the top; heads equal a solitary dot, tails equal two;


* *



Puella; Called also 'Mundus Facie', meaning pretty face. Usually interpreted to mean pure, clean, and unstained.


* *


* *

Amissio; Called also 'Comprehensum', meaning comprehension. Usually interpreted to mean an exoteric (intellectual) comprehension or an exterior seizing and taking hold.


* *

* *


Carcer; Called also 'Constrictus', meaning constriction. Usually interpreted to mean fetters, to be bound.


* *

* *

* *

Laetitia; Called also 'Sanus Barbatus Ridens', meaning bearded. Usually interpreted to mean happiness, good health, laughter, and sanity.





Via; Called also 'Iter', meaning the way. Usually interpreted to mean a road or journey.




* *

Cauda Draconis; Called also 'Limen Exiens', meaning lower threshold. Usually interpreted to mean exterior threshold, limits, or an exit.



* *


Puer; Called also 'Gladius Erigendus', meaning upright sword. Usually interpreted to mean generosity, open handedness.



* *

* *

Fortuna Minor; Called also 'Auxilum Minus', meaning external assistance. Usually interpreted to mean a guard, protection, foreign assistance.

* *



Fortuna Major; Called also Auxilum Majus, meaning interior assistance. Usually interpreted to mean a guard, protection, local assistance. * * * * * * *

Albus; Called also 'Candius', meaning white. Usually interpreted to mean clean, glittering, or shining.

* *

* *

* *


Tristitia; Called also 'Damnatus', meaning damnation. Usually interpreted to mean blame, guilt, diminution. * * * * * * * *

Populus; Called also 'Congregatio', meaning congregation. Usually interpreted to mean an assembly, gathering together, union, society, or party.

* *




Caput Draconis; Called also 'Limen Intrans', meaning interior threshold. Usually interpreted to mean a step to go outside or exit a situation.



* *

Conjuctio; Called also 'Coadunatio', meaning adding together. Usually interpreted to mean realisation, also socialisation.

* *


* *


Aquisitio; Called also 'Comprehensum Intus', meaning internal comprehension. Usually interpreted to mean understanding, receiving, taking possession.

* *


* *

* *

Rebus; Called also 'Ruffus', meaning red. Usually interpreted to mean danger, blood, a bad omen.

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The third binary system is the Book of Changes, or more precisely Book of the Wisdom of the Patterns of Change, called in Chinese the I-Ching. Originating as an oral tradition in ancient China, its origins are plausibly prehistoric; it is said to have been developed by Fu-Hsi (2953 - 2838 BC), the first of the Five Emperors of ancient China. In the early Chou dynasty (around 11150 BC) King Wen developed the system further through gematria. Finding the numbers 0 and 1

too finite and uninclusive for expressing the philosophy of changes, the resulting binary code of the I-Ching is instead based upon the numbers 2 and 3. The arrangement of the 64 hexagrams and associated verses as they are known today assumed their present form in the century before Confucius. The I-Ching is among the most ancient texts in the world, and a most highly evolved system of divination. It was also the I-Ching that originally inspired the binary coding system of computer programming, meaning it is of particular relevance to the modern neuromancer. Like its close relative Ifa, it is effectively an artificial intelligence of the highest order, pre-existing the computer by countless thousands of years.

The I-Ching maps the resonances of the moment in relation to the universal patterns that all changes flow through in the fractal self replications of the Matrix. Its precision is such that it correlates to the DNA code. There are three bases to the DNA code making 64 possibilities, being the same as the number of hexagrams in the I-Ching. Its mathematical formulae correlate precisely with the formation of amino acids combining to make the Helix spiral.

A fundamental text in many schools of Taoism and Buddhism, the I-Ching is among the most profoundly dependable divination systems available for study in the modern Western world, if not the most dependable; the only problem being that many of the symbolic passages of the original Chinese may be hard to interpret. For example, the symbolism of the Chinese dragon is not the same as the Western

monster of the same name. When the I-Ching speaks of hidden dragons it is not warning of fire breathing lizards lying in ambush, but rather it is drawing our attention to the occult potentials of Li energy beneath the earth.

Various methods of employment exist throughout Asia; the simplest being the casting of sticks marked with individual charakteres (as with runes). The most complex is the casting of yarrow stalks which must be divided, subdivided, and recounted, generating three binary readings that work together as trigrams. A more commonly seen technique is by throwing coins; the equivalent of the shells of Ifa. These trigrams represent the major transitional states in the interplay between yang (light), symbolised by a solid line, and yin (darkness), symbolised by a broken line. Each trigram is composed of three lines.

The trigrams have also been traditionally used for many purposes other than divination, such as arrangements into magical squares (the equivalent of Kamea) or other mathematical arrangements to be used as amulets and talismans. The trigrams also form part of the theoretical basis of feng-shui; the art of determining the beneficial flow of Chi (the Force) and Li (geomantic Earth energy) in the construction and orientation of architecture, or the furniture in a home. A common talisman for offsetting the negative flow of Chi is composed of the eight trigrams around the TaiChi ('Yin-Yang' symbol).

In divination the trigrams are used by themselves and, more commonly, arranged in pairs. Two trigrams are generated; one to represent the foundation (the

matter being acted upon), with a second above it to represent the influences upon the first. These are then united to form a symbol composed of six lines in total; a hexagram. These direct the diviner to study specific passages from the text of the I-Ching itself; many of which are of immediate relevance to the practice of meditation, communion with the archetypes, and the practice of magick.

The methodology of the I-Ching and the meanings of the trigrams are explored further in Book Three: The Neuromancer's I-Ching.

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An example of divined charaktere and voces magicks are the tablets of Dr. John Dee and the skryer Edward Kelly, by which they constructed the Enochian language.

Dr. Dee was the court magician to Queen Elizabeth I, and was the inspiration for Shakespeare's The Tempest and Spenser's Merlin in The Faerie Queen. He was also a great scholar and was almost solely responsible for bringing the navigation instrument industry to England. There is also evidence he had a hand in forming the British Secret Service, and he is known to have served as an agent for many years; his code name was 007, from where Flemming took the code name for his fictional James Bond. Certainly the secret service remains involved with magick in the modern day, with the Bloomsbury Lodge, of which many agents are members, swearing in with their hand upon Crowley's Book of the Law rather than The Bible, with Crowley also having been an agent, as were a startling number of influential magicians, with psy-ops generally being equated with 'The Dark Arts'.

There is some disagreement as to whether the Enochian language truly originated as a system of magick or as a code employed in espionage. In any case it has since entered the Western tradition, having been translated by Major General C. Fuller and elaborated upon by The Golden Dawn and others. Many consider it to be among the most highly evolved systems available to the Western magician.

The Enochian Calls are employed as astral gateways, traditionally either committed to memory and intoned during meditation, or to direct trance during group

ritual. A personal technique is to meditate to a recording mixed with binaural frequencies, played through an AVS Audio Visual Synthesiser.

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The Enochian Call of the 30 Aethers

The Call of the 30 Aethers opens the way between our dimension and the archetypes, functioning as an invocation of the red ray. It is performed before any of the other calls, with the name of the Aethyr (astral realm) in the appropriate place of the incantation, acting as a mimetic key to specific realms of consciousness. The interpretations and translation are the author's own, updating the calls and bringing them into the 21st century;













Translation; The Gamma frequencies existent in the [insert key] Aether are mighty in the parts of the Matrix and execute the judgement of the Greater Mind. To you it is said: Behold the Greater Mind, the beginning of comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the Gamma frequency, which provided for you the government of the Matrix and her unspeakable variety, furthering you with the power of understanding to dispose of all things according to the providence of It that sits at the Plateau of Evolution: and rose up in the beginning saying; the Matrix let her be controlled by her facets and let there be division in her that the glory of

her may always be intoxicated and disordered in itself. Her course let it be round with the Gamma frequencies and as a servitor let her service them. One season let it oppose another and let there be no intelligence upon or within her that conform. All her members let them differ in their qualities and let there be no intelligence equal with another. The conscious intelligences of the Matrix let them provoke and exercise prejudice. In their dwelling places let them erase their programs. The work of humans and their pretentiousness let them be defeated. Their buildings let them become caves for the unevolved. Confound her understanding with darkness. For why? I repent that I have designed humans. One while let her be known, and another while a stranger. Because she is the bed of a prostitute and the dwelling place of the degenerate. Oh you Gamma frequencies activate! The lower Delta frequencies beneath you let them serve you. Control those that control. That which is falling shall also be pushed. Bring forth with those that increase and destroy the inert. No place let it remain in one number. Add and diminish until the stars are numbered. Arise! Move and appear before the covenant of Its transmissions which It has sworn unto us in Its justice. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix and grant us At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind.

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The 30 Aethyrs and their essential attributes are as follows;

The 30th Aethyr is called TEX. Its atmosphere is one of silence and restriction. It is concerned with the limitations of language. It is attributed to the black ray and shadows of the archetypes.

The 29th is RII. Its primary atmosphere is one of judgment, purification, and the Gamma frequency. It is concerned with the evaluation of life's lessons. It is attributed to the indigo ray of the archetypes.

The 28th is BAG. Its primary attribute is guilt. Its atmosphere is one of doubt. It is concerned with the 'meaning' of transgressions, and is the realm of a fear inspiring spirit often called LIXIPSP. It is attributed to the indigo ray of the archetypes.

The 27th is ZAA. Its primary attribute is space.

Its atmosphere is one of separateness. It is concerned with the lessons of solitude. It is attributed to the red ray of the archetypes.

The 26th is DES. Its primary attribute is reason.

Its atmosphere is one of intellectual frustration. It is concerned with the limitations of logic and reason. It is attributed to the red ray.

The 25th is VTI (UTI). Its primary attribute is

intuition. Its atmosphere is a sense of the Greater Mind. It is primarily concerned with spiritual pride. It is attributed to the green ray of the archetypes.

The 24th is NIA. Its primary attribute is joy. Its atmosphere is a sense of freedom. It is concerned with astral travel through space and time. It is attributed to the green ray.

The 23rd is TOR. Its primary attribute is the Force. Its atmosphere is a sense of endless toiling. It is concerned with the meaning of consequences. It is attributed to the yellow ray of the archetypes.

The 22nd is LIN. Its primary attribute is formlessness. Its atmosphere is a sense of extension in space. It is concerned with trance and the primary stages of At-One-Ment. It is attributed to the yellow ray.

The 21st is ASP. Its primary attribute is ego. Its atmosphere is desolation. It is concerned with visions of previous incarnations. It is attributed to the yellow ray.

The 20th is KHR. Its primary attribute is cyclic change. Its atmosphere is a sense of the circuits of Time. It is concerned with fate and consequences. It is attributed to the orange ray of the archetypes.

The 19th is POP. Its primary attribute is the impulse towards spiritual development / evolution. Its atmosphere is a sense of femininity. It is concerned with the meaning of life (and death). It is attributed to the orange ray of the archetypes.

The 18th is ZEN. Its primary attribute is consciousness. Its atmosphere is masculinity. It is concerned with the meaning of self sacrifice. It is attributed to the orange ray of the archetypes.

The 17th is TAN. Its primary attribute is fate / consequences. Its atmosphere is a sense of equilibrium and justice. It is concerned with ethics. It is attributed to the blue ray of the archetypes.

The 16th is LEA. Its primary attribute is enchantment. Its atmosphere is a sense of 'self'. It is concerned with the meaning of duality and the binary either / or coding of the Matrix. It is attributed to the blue ray.

The 15th is OXO. Its primary attribute is intense joy. Its atmosphere is a sense of spiritual happiness. It is concerned with the meaning of love and sexual union. It is attributed to the blue ray.

The 14th is VTA (UTA). Its primary attribute is detachment. Its atmosphere is darkness. It is concerned with individuated consciousness. It is attributed to the blue ray.

The 13th is ZIM. Its primary attribute is compassion. Its atmosphere is a sense of duty. It is concerned with the meaning of responsibility. It is attributed to the violet ray of the archetypes.

The 12th is LOE. Its primary attribute is love. Its atmosphere is a sense of living for others. It is concerned with transcendence of the ego. It is attributed to the violet ray.

The 11th is IKH. Its primary attribute is anticipation. Its atmosphere is a sense of tension. It is concerned with the brink of At-One-Ment. It is attributed to the violet ray.

The 10th is ZAX. Its primary attribute is dissolution. Its atmosphere is chaos and confusion. It is concerned with the Abyss of self destructive delusion. It is attributed to the violet ray.

The 9th is ZIP. Its primary attribute is spiritual bliss. Its atmosphere is ecstasy. It is concerned with transcendence of ego and releasing control. It is attributed to the violet ray.

The 8th is ZID. Its primary attribute is pure information. Its atmosphere is a sense of one's own true nature. It is concerned with the Genius or 'Holy Guardian Angel'. It is attributed to the violet ray.

The 7th is DEO. Its primary attribute is the penetrative and embracing love of the Greater Mind. Its atmosphere is an awareness of social responsibility. It is concerned with the active power of love. It is attributed to the ultra-violet ray of the archetypes.

The 6th is MAZ. Its primary attribute is detachment. Its atmosphere is a sense of creative potential. It is concerned with the residue of consequences accumulated across incarnations. It is attributed to the ultraviolet ray.

The 5th is LIT. Its primary attribute is infinity. Its atmosphere is a sense of the boundless, beyond space-time. It is concerned with eternal law and the penetrative nature of At-One-Ment. It is attributed to the ultra-violet ray.

The 4th is PAZ. Its primary attribute is duality; the binary code at the core of the Matrix. Its atmosphere is attraction. It is concerned with the relationship between the Greater Mind and the Matrix. It is attributed to the ultra-violet ray.

The 3rd is ZOM (ZON). Its primary attribute is the magical will. Its atmosphere is a sense of the self in harmonious relationship with the Greater Mind. It is concerned with creativity and magick. It is attributed to the ultra-violet ray.

The 2nd is ARN. Its primary attribute is a neither / neither beyond the principles of separation and union. Its atmosphere is an all encompassing and purifying spiritual bliss. It is concerned with At-One-Ment. It is attributed to the ultra-violet ray of the archetypes.

The 1st is LIL. Its primary attribute is the pure consciousness of the Greater Mind. Its atmosphere is At-One-Ment. It is concerned only with At-One-Ment. It is attributed to unrefracted Light.

The Enochian Calls themselves each conjure the powers of the archetypes and may be variously applied in neuromancy. The interpretations and translations are the author's own, with reference to those made by Major General C. Fuller;

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The 1st Enochian Call

The 1st is a proclamation of the archetypes.






Translation; I reign over you says the Justice of the Greater Mind in power exalted above the Firmament of Wrath: In whose hands the Yellow Ray is a weapon and the Indigo Ray is a through thrusting Force: Who measures your garments in the midst of my robes and trussed you together as the palms of my hands: Whose seat I garnished with the Forces of gathering: Who beautified your garments with admiration: to whom I made a law to govern the Evolved Ones: who delivered you a pylon with the Recording of Knowledge. Moreover you amplified your transmissions and swear obedience and contract to It that lives triumphant: who is beyond the confines of the space / time continuum: which shines as a Laser in the midst of your palace and reigns among you as a balance of righteousness and At-One-Ment. Move therefore and show

yourselves: reveal the Coding of the Matrix. Be friendly to me for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 2nd Enochian Call

The 2nd invokes the red ray in recognition of the subversive current. It may be performed before divination.




Translation; Can the pylons of the current understand your Gamma transmissions? You the 2nd of the 1st who the burning lasers have framed within the depths of my coding: Who I have prepared as cups for a wedding or as the flowers in their beauty for the Chamber of the Righteous. Stronger are your feet than the barren stone and mightier are your transmissions than the manifold currents. For you are become a system such as is not save in

the consciousness of the Greater Mind. Arise, says the 1st. Move, therefore, unto your servitors. Show yourselves in power and make me a strong viewer of things, for I am of It that lives beyond the confines of the space / time continuum.

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The 3rd Enochian Call

The 3rd identifies the aims of the neuromancer in serving and transmitting the Greater Mind. It may be performed to gain the favour of the archetypes.




Translation; Behold says the Greater Mind. I am a Circuit in whose boundary stands 12

systems. Six are the seats of the Laser, the rest are as sharp blades or the weapons of destruction, wherein the intelligences of the Matrix are and are not except Mine own hands which also sleep and shall rise. In the first I made you programmers and placed you in the 12 seats of govern-ment, giving to every one of you power successively over four, five and six, the True Aeons: To the intent that from the Most Evolved and the comers of your programming you might work My power: pouring down the Forces of Life and Increase continually upon the Matrix. Thus you are become the skirts of Justice and At-One-Ment. In the name of the Greater Mind lift up yourselves, I say. Behold Its mercies flourish and Its name is become mighty among us, in whom we say: Move, descend and apply yourselves to us, as to the partakers of the Coding of the Matrix.

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The 4th Enochian Call

The 4th evokes the archetypes. It may be employed to charge a spell or talisman for pleasure and success.




Translation; I have set my feet in the South and have looked about me saying: are not the Blasts of Increase numbered 33 which reign in the second archetype? Under whom I have placed 9639 who none have yet numbered but one: In who the second beginning of things are and wax strong, which also successively are the numbers of Time and their powers are as the first. Arise you Sons of Pleasure and visit the Matrix: For I am the Greater Mind which is and lives beyond the confines of the space / time continuum. In the name of the Greater Mind, move and show yourselves as pleasant deliverers that you may praise It among the humans.

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The 5th Enochian Call

The 5th is a call to the archetypes to grant At-One-Ment.




Translation; The mighty transmissions have entered into the third archetype and are become as olives in the olive mount looking with gladness within the Matrix and dwelling in the brightness of the Gamma brainwaves as continual comforters unto who I fastened pillars of gladness and gave them vessels to sustain the Matrix with all her intelligences: and they are the brothers of the 1st and the 2nd and the beginning of their own seats which are garnished with continual burning Lasers: whose numbers are as the Alpha / Omega, and the content of Time. Therefore come you and break your programming. Visit us in peace and comfort. Conclude us receivers of your Coding. For why? The Greater Mind is the only thing that is real!

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The 6th Enochian Call

The 6th invokes the Wrath of the Greater Mind.




Translation; The consciousness of the fourth archetype are nine, mighty in the Firmament of Waters / Imagination. Who the first has implanted a torment to the wicked and as a garland to the righteous: Giving unto them fiery darts to vex the Matrix and are mind controllers and continuance as the 2nd and 3rd. Wherefore hearken to my transmission. I have talked of you and move you in power and presence: Whose works shall be a Code of honour and the praise of the Greater Mind within the Matrix.

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The 7th Enochian Call

The 7th is a charge and celebration of the Matrix.







Translation; The East is a house of purity singing praises among the lasers of first glory, wherein the Greater Mind has opened Its mouth and they are become living dwellings in whom the strength of humanity rejoices and they are apparelled with ornaments of brightness such as work wonders on all creatures whose kingdoms and continuance are as the 3rd and 4th, strong towers and places of comfort, the seat of mercy and continuance. O you servants of Mercy, move, appear, sing praises unto the Greater Mind and be mighty among us. For to this remembrance is given Force, and our strength waxes strong in our comforter.

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The 8th Enochian Call

The 8th concerns magick as a subversive and confrontational path effective in the entire circuit of existence.



Translation; The mid-day, the 1st, is as the 3rd Gamma frequency made of hyacinth pillars in whom the Elders are become strong, which I have prepared for my own righteousness says the Greater Mind, whose long continuance shall be as shackles to the stooping Reptilian Overlords / draconians and like unto the harvest of a widow. How many are there which remain in the glory of the Matrix, which are and shall not see Death until this house fall and the Reptilian Overlords sink? Come away! For the Blasts have spoken! Come away! For the Crown of the Temple and the robe of It that is, was, and shall be crowned are divided. Come! Appear to the terror of the Matrix and to our comfort and of such as are prepared.

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The 9th Enochian Call

The 9th is a curse upon those who transgress upon the free will of others; mind controllers and magicians of the establishment.




Translation; A mighty guard of Force with two-edged blades emanating which have containers eight of wrath for two times and a half, whose carriers are of entheogens and of the marrow of salt, have set their feet in the West, are measured with their ministers 29996. These gather up the detritus of the Matrix as the rich human does his credit. Cursed are they whose transgressions they are. In their eyes are weights greater than the Matrix, and from their mouths run seas of blood. Their heads are covered with gems and upon their hands are ornate sleeves. Happy is he who they frown not upon. For why? The righteousness of the Greater Mind rejoices in them. Come away! And not your vessels for the time is such as requires comfort.

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The 10th Enochian Call

The 10th is a lightning blast of violence. It was employed by Crowley and Neuberg in their disastrous evocation of Choronzon, which some say was responsible for Crowley's eventual downfall. It is highly dangerous.


Translation; The Blasts of Judgement and Wrath are numbered and are harboured in the North in the likeness of an oak whose branches are nests of lamentation and weeping laid up for the Matrix which burn night and day: And vomit out the heads of scorpions and live sulphur mingled with poison. These be the Blasts of the 25678 times (in your 24th part) of a moment with a hundred mighty seizures and 1000 times as many surges which rest not neither know any echoing Time herein. One

rock brings forth a thousand even the heart of humans do their thoughts. Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Yes woe be to the Matrix, for her iniquity is, was, and shall be great. Come away! But not your mighty transmission.

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The 11th Enochian Call

The 11th is an invocation to the violet ray of the archetypes. It may be employed in rites of necromancy, and to call the shadows.






Translation; The mighty seat groaned aloud and there were five Blasts which flew into the East, and the eagle spoke and cried with a loud transmission: Come away! They gathered themselves together and became the House of Death, of who it is measured, and it is they whose number is 31 [13 reversed; signifying the undead]. Come away! For I have prepared for you a place. Move therefore and show yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the

Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-OneMent.

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The 12th Enochian Call

The 12th is a curse upon those that defile the mysteries;



Translation; O you that reign in the South and are the Torches of Sorrow, pull up your trousers and hear this! Bring down your train that the Greater Mind may be amplified, whose name among you is Wrath. Move, I say, and show yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 13th Enochian Call

The 13th is a punishment to the vain and egotistical.




Translation; O you weapons of the South which have 442 eyes to stir up the wrath of idiocy: making humanity intoxicated, which are empty. Behold the promise of the Greater Mind and Its Force, which is called among you a bitter sting! Move therefore and show yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 14th Enochian Call The 14th is a cry for extreme justice.



Translation; O you sons of fury, the children of the just, which sit upon 424 seats, vexing all mortals with entropy, which have under you fury or extreme justice. Move and show

yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix. Be friendly unto me, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 15th Enochian Call

The 15th is a resolution of acceptance and understanding in administering to those who seek At-One-Ment.



Translation; O you, the controller of the first Force, under whose wings 6739 which weave the Matrix with drought: Which knows the name of righteousness and the seal of honour. Move and show yourselves! Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 16th Enochian Call

The 16th gives recognition of the wondrous binary Coding of the Matrix.



Translation; O you of the Second Laser, the House of Justice, who hast thy beginning in glory and shall comfort the just, who walks on the Matrix with feet 8763, which understand and separate creatures. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix. Be friendly to me for I am the true servant of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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The 17th Enochian Call

The 17th invokes the Gamma frequencies, is attributed to the ultra-violet ray, and destroys through the integrative revelations of At-One-Ment.


Translation; O you third Force whose carriers are needles to stir up provocation: and who has

7336 sentient Lasers going before you: wrath and anger of the Greater Mind. Pull up your trousers up and hear this. Move and show yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I, servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of AtOneMent.

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The 18th Enochian Call

The 18th is a harmonising Gamma ray of At-One-Ment that descends even into the depths of consciousness.


Translation; O you mighty Gamma frequency and burning Laser of integration which opens the glory of the Greater Mind to the centre of the Matrix, in whom 6332 secrets of At-One-Ment have their abiding, which is called in your kingdom Ecstasy beyond measure. Be you a window of comfort to me. Move and show yourselves. Reveal the Coding of the Matrix, for we are the same, you and I,

servants of the Greater Mind and the most profound attainment of At-One-Ment.

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“All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.”

- Jeremiah 20:10

The generation of the thought form is a microcosmic equivalent of that event described in Genesis 2:7, where God (an ancient metaphor for the Greater Mind) breathes life (i.e. consciousness) into Adam. Just as we have the illusion of individual consciousness as distinct from the Greater Mind, so too may we bud off parts of our own consciousness and imprint them with the same illusion; individuating a purposefully created sub-program. By intentionally budding off a portion of the psyche, identifying it thereafter as a semi-independent entity with its own

name, charakteres, and traits, we come to understand how these usually unconscious aspects of ourselves effect our lives. The neuromancer externalises and seats a part of their own consciousness in a material basis; such as the fetishe of ancient tradition, the semi-sentient amulets and talismatia of ceremonial magick, the familiar granted to the witch or Goetic sorcerer, and the Tulpa of Buddhist tradition.

Such entities might be created for any number of purposes; to create change in one’s self, one’s environment, or to influence other people, reaching through the collective unconscious. Thoughts, consisting of information, may spread through self replication, like viral memes. They may also change and adapt, evolving as they do so, in ways simple enchantments cannot. Alternatively, they may die out when their purpose has been fulfilled: imprinted with a self negating Delta program.

Modus Operandi

The neuromancer intending to create such a thought form will conceive an image that reflects its intent. For example, a fetishe to aid in malefica might be fashioned with talons and fangs to rend its target. There might also be relevant herbs, objects, and concealed charakteres attached to the basis. Alternatively, or additionally, the spirit’s charaktere may be ’fed’ with the Force. The magician might employ any of the symbol systems one would expect to include in such an object; drawn from tradition, constructed for purpose, or divined. In terms of

neuromancy these symbols are the information flow diagrams providing the thought form's command programming.

The thought form is given rudimentary consciousness through the transference of Force from neuromancer to fetishe; typically this might be achieved through means such as intoning the voces magicks of the seven circuits, enlivening the centres within the fetishe through gestures. Alternatively the neuromancer may feed the thought form with their own blood, as with the familiars of witchcraft and the wichta (sentient bind-runes) of rune magick, or with sexual energy and emissions, as with the generation of a Magical Child.

Once brought to psychic 'life', the thought form's fetishe is addressed As-If it has eyes to see and ears to hear; as with the ritual iconography of the archetypes. If communication is desired, the intuitive psychic will sense the reply, whereas those less sure of their abilities may need to employ some form of divination through which the thought form can make its answer known - such as Tarot, or a pendulum.

The general wisdom is that once a thought form has completed its task it should be formally decommissioned, then re-absorbed by the neuromancer, together with any self-replications. Its material basis should then be be destroyed.


“.. the many parts which go to make up an ordered system not only behave as a whole, but they become whole - their identities merge or overlap in such a way that they lose their individuality entirely.”

- Dana Zohar, The Quantum Self

The egregore is a modern occult concept not appearing in any pre-revival grimoires, yet taking its name from the Biblical Grigori; the Fallen Ones or Watchers. In contemporary usage the term does not imply angelic intelligence but rather something more akin to group consciousness. For example, initiates of a magical order, temple, or other group, may deign to commune with the collective consciousness of all its members, which may also symbolise specific ideals striven for, and the nature of the current being worked with. In this respect the egregore might be considered a kind of synthetic archetype or collective thought

form. It might be similarly seated in a suitable fetishe object and fed the Force during ritual, strengthening its influence upon the Matrix.

If any group of people converge and identify with one another, the resulting consciousness bears only a remote resemblance to the consciousness of the individual. Mirror neurons interact with one another without any sense of the boundaries of 'self', literally creating an egregore; this is not abstract metaphysics, but proven scientific fact.

This egregore takes place on a lower level of consciousness than the aware experience of the individual. When people gather to share a common emotion, the egregore emerging from the group is similarly below the level of awareness. If it is a very large group, the egregore will be like the consciousness of an animal, which is the reason why the ethics of large corporations, institutions, and cults are so often doubtful. The egregore of a large crowd inevitably descends into mob psychology. In consciously working with the egregore during group ritual, this hidden potential is brought into awareness and reasoned with. The unconscious elements and needs of the group may also become known.

On rare occasions it is possible for an egregore to outlast the group that created it - so that a dead current may be resurrected by those whom it makes contact with, or who contact it.

The following ritual gives one method by which an egregore may be summoned and experienced by the participants of group ritual;

Modus Operandi

  • * Casting of the circle performed by all participants.

  • * The magician invokes the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for us that we may pass through. When we pass through we shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All present declare; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * The participants are arranged around the circle, all linking hands.

  • * The magician declares; “Egregore of [Name of Group / All gathered], we summon you. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All present declare; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All invoke the seven circuits beginning with the root circuit and ending with the crown.

  • * All participants then repeat the voces magicks OHM. projecting by power of imagination the Force through the third eye into the centre of the circle.

  • * Maintaining the visualised energies converging at the centre of the circle the group spend some time breathing together, so that all breath in and out as one. As with meditation generally, breathing should be slow and from the pit of the belly.

  • * Intoning once more OHM, the participants now receive, rather than send, information from the combined energies at the centre of the circle; the egregore.

  • * As they are inspired to do so, participants allow their exhalation to become a sound.. any sound.. whether a whisper, a wail, or barbaric glossolalia. Thus a kind of medley develops, feeding the egregore, which communes with the participants via their third eyes and inspires the sounds and words they are making.

  • * Trance is maintained in this fashion until the medley winds down of its own accord. This may take anything from a few minutes to hours, depending on the size of the group and the communications of the egregore.

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While there are definite truths cross culturally regarding the invocation of the archetypes, the actual rituals and wording vary according to tradition. The following culturally neutral ritual invocation to the archetype of the red ray is offered as an example of a principle, rather than as instruction to be slavishly reproduced by others.

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Modus Operandi

The magician prepares in advance with meditations upon the various masques of the archetype; Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, Odin, Ganesh, Papa Legba - or the female aspect of Ellegua, Exu and / or Pomba-Gira, OkuniNushi, Asarluhi, etc. Also appropriate is the study of those subjects and sciences relating to its nature, such as communication systems, information theory, or the neurological mechanisms of the dwarf brain.

A specific masque may be chosen, or a personal voces magicks created through the combination of several names. The magician may also employ names, masques, and charakteres from popular culture. They may choose to divine an entirely unique masque, with its own name and charakteres, through skrying, astral travel, or dream. As with the archetypes generally matters such as gender are cultural rather than absolute - the Gatekeeper may be male, female, or even hermaphrodite. It might equally manifest in praeterhuman form, as unformed elemental atavism, or simply a ray of pure energy. All masques are

equally valid, as well as equally false.

If the magician prefers to work outdoors, let them take their self at night to some symbolic place of intersection such as a crossroads, bridge, the shore where land meets sea, or (if in Europe) the northern door of a medieval church. If working within a temple the altar and room are decked in red and black; the colours associated cross culturally with this archetype. Incense are burnt pertaining to its nature (Sandalwood, Frankincense). Iconography relating to the various manifestations are displayed. Suitable offerings (sacrifices) may be placed upon or at the foot of the altar, such as red and black foods, sweets and toys, money (especially shiny coins), strong spiced liquor, cigarettes and 'blunts'. If the archetype is required to cast some spell, charge a talisman, or consecrate a sacrament, these should also be placed prominently upon the altar.

A charaktere appropriate to the archetype is displayed; the most common being a cross, or a circled cross, representing the intersection between the worlds. This may be equal armed, as with the Phoenician letter Teth and the Egyptian hieroglyph for Kosmos, which give us also the Greek Theta, or perhaps a cruciform (upright or inverted) or an Ankh. Other examples from specific traditions include the veve of Legba in Haitian or New Orleans Voudon, the 'crossed forks' of Exu in Macumba, the Odin-Helm of northern European rune magick, and the astrological symbol for Mercury. Other common symbols include crossed roads, or keys.

* The magician begins by preparing the circle.

* The magician focuses their attention on the charaktere of the archetype (cross or other). They stamp 3 X 3 upon the floor saying aloud; “We invoke you, powers of the Red Ray. Dwellers on the Threshold between the worlds. Messengers of the Mysteries. Removers of all obstacles. Open the ways for us that we may pass through. When we pass through we shall salute the Invisibles. For we are the same, Servitors of the Greater Mind. So shall it be. Amen.”

* If the magician is working with assistants, all proclaim; “So shall it be. Amen.”

* Make any appropriate offerings; “Powers of the Red Ray, are you hungry? We have food for you. Dwellers on the Threshold, are you thirsty? We have drink for you. Messengers of the Mysteries, removers of all obstacles, accept our offerings. For we are the same, Servitors of the Greater Mind. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All proclaim, “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * The magician performs The Enochian Call of the 30 Aethers, inserting the mimetic key of LAM (i.e. the seed mantra of the Root Circuit).

  • * If the magician is working with assistants

they begin to walk around the circle (clockwise and anticlockwise), projecting their will inwards whilst calling upon the various names and voces magicks appropriate to the archetype, and / or intoning LAM. If working alone the magician makes theses calls.

* The assistants continue. The magician declares aloud; “Powers of the Red Ray, we call you! Come, possess me now! Dweller on the Threshold, we invoke you! Come, possess me now! Messenger of the Mysteries, we invoke you! Remover of obstacles, we invoke you! Come, possess me now! For we are the same, Servitors of the Greater Mind. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All proclaim, “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All intone; LAM.

* The magician makes a sacrifices of their own Force, perhaps through externalisation or else anointing the charaktere with sexual fluids and / or blood.

* A first person proclamation is made; “I am s/he, the Power of the Red Ray I am s/he, the Dweller on the Threshold I am s/he, the Messenger of the Mysteries I am s/he the remover of obstacles, The way is open and I have passed through, For we are the same, you

and I, Servitors of the Greater Mind.”

* The magician focuses their mind on the charaktere of the archetype whilst entering a glossolalia trance; pronouncing random phonetics in an uncensored stream. The intention is to keep the mundane mind entirely occupied by this task, whilst 'opening the way' to the subtle signals and impulses of the Greater Mind. Awareness is drawn away from the body in a deliberate act of dissociation (trance), so that its movements are similarly uncensored.

  • * As the magician enters the glossolalia trance, all assistants intone as a cyclic mantra; LAM.. LAM.. LAM..

  • * The results may be anything from a sense of opening a channel and sending a message to the archetype, through to a sense of 'passing through' where some action or proclamation is inspired, to full possession, wherein the archetype interacts with the group and charges any spells as appropriate. If the magician has assistants they may experience mild hallucinations, or they may witness the magician's apparent transformations into beastheaded or serpent-like forms. The archetype may generate one or more thought forms to assist the magician in their work. Whatever happens should be allowed to happen, within

limits of safety.

  • * Finally, the magician drops to the ground and allows the archetype to leave. There may be a sensation of it sinking into the earth, or returning to some other dimension. Relax the body and release a long breath.

  • * The magician next gives the License to Depart; “We thank you, Powers of the Red Ray, Dweller on the Threshold between the worlds Messenger of the Mysteries, Remover of obstacles. Open the ways for us that we may return, When we return we shall salute the Invisibles For we are the same, Servitors of the Greater Mind. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * All proclaim; “So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Conclude by repeating the circle casting or other appropriate banishing ritual. If full possession has occurred an assistant may perform an exorcism.

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In our Neuromancer's Scale, the orange ray corresponds to the martial archetypes of combat and warfare. Its god forms include Mars, Tyr, Ogun, etc. and its equivalent archetypes in popular media include the Martian invader of science fiction, such as seen in War of the Worlds or Mars Attacks, or military heroes such as Rambo, and popular martial artists such as Bruce Lee. A secondary attribute of the orange ray is the concern for justice and fair play; attributes that appear in the characteristics and myths of all its traditional god-forms.

We have understood that the modern mind sciences have their ultimate roots in the philosophies of magick. Consider next the role of the mind sciences in the modern military; psy-ops encompasses all those techniques intended to manipulate the psychology of one's enemy, extending further to include direct psychic attack, and their necessary compliments, psychological and psychic self defence. It is often referred to within the intelligence services as the Black Art, the most sinister aspects of which are being used against our own citizens, as outlined in the abhorrent Mind War papers authored by the Setian magician, psy-ops officer, and MK Ultra handler General Michael Aquino.

While the population is taught to dismiss the idea of magick as preposterous, its role in warfare is taken very seriously at the highest levels of government and

military intelligence. This is no new development; here in England the role of John Dee in founding our intelligence service is well recorded, as is that of nearly all our most famous magicians from Major General C. Fuller, who translated Dee's Enochian for The Golden Dawn and informed the Wiccan call to Azarak and Zomelak, through to Crowley, by far the biggest influence on Western magick, and the Setian magician Cecil Williams, founder of the Museum of Witchcraft, who - in the role of communications officer - was present at the New Forest Working to repel Hitler.

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Modus Operandi

The Mass of the Orange Ray is primarily intended to defend the magician against magically directed psychic attack, and as a preliminary in further acts of magick such as divining the intentions of one's enemy, or employed as a preliminary to acts of enchantment for persuasion, control, and aggression. In all such cases it is crucial to have a clear criteria for victory, which should be expressed within the Declaration of Will. All those considerations covered in the later chapter concerning The Mass of the Black Ray may also be relevant here.

Additionally, the focusing upon and empowering of the sacral circuit serves to reinforce one's resilience, and may be performed as a preliminary to physical combat. Similar techniques are known in martial arts such as Tai-Chi, Chi-Kung, and Kung-Fu.

The essence of the technique is an attainment of profound and impervious self possession. Such provides the most invincible strategy in any conflict. It is only when we lose our serenity that we can be drawn into conflict under anything other than our own terms. With regards to the psychological aspects of combat, the worst defeat is always to lose one's self possession, defining one's own needs wholly in terms of the conflict and in reference to one's enemy. In contrast, to maintain serenity and self possession maximises the potentials for victory. As Sifu Julian Wilde taught me, even if your opponent is bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you, they can be still floored by a blow delivered at the exact right moment and angle. The principles of magick, such as small actions having far reaching consequences, apply as much in combat and warfare as they do within the sorcerer's circle.

The magician prepares with meditations upon the various masques of the martial archetype. Also appropriate is the study of martial arts, the role of the mind-sciences in the military, and psy-ops generally. The astrological charaktere appropriate to the archetype of the orange ray is composed of circle of earth and the arrow of fire; Mars. The appropriate rune is similarly an arrow. The magician may also design and create their own. Appropriate iconography, such as the statue of a war god, a battle droid from a war game, or a collage of images from our current world war, might also serve as a focus for meditation and prayer.

Any clothes worn during the invocation should be

martial red, black, or white. Other appropriate items might include any military uniform, items of armour etc.

Assuming preparation for further acts of magick, the temple should be prepared accordingly. The altar should be draped in martial red, the candles similarly of a martial red. If music is played, it should be of a martial nature, such as the drums of war. Suitable incenses should be burned, such as Cornel, Cedar, Euphorbium, Gum Armoniack, and Sulphur. A suitable image and charaktere of the archetypes of the martial ray are prominently displayed. If further acts of magick are intended, any tools required, or sigils to be charged, should similarly be placed upon the altar. If the ritual is for purposes of psychic attack, a photograph, or other suitable link to the target, is also displayed.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “Mysteries of the Orange Ray, powers of war and combat, I invoke you. This is my Will, to [charge this spell etc.]. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Adopt a standing position, feet set at the

same width as your shoulders, the spine straight, as it should be during meditation.

  • * Activate the seven circuits of the subtle anatomy through their voces magicks.

  • * Focus all your attention on the sacral circuit. Intone its voces magicks, VAM.

  • * Slowly raise your hands to either side of your body, drawing in the natural energies all around you.

  • * Slowly lowering your hands, draw the energies into your sacral circuit. As you do so, place your hands around the corresponding area of the body and rub gently in a circular motion. Intone again the voces magicks, VAM.

  • * Repeat this cycle three times, storing the energies in your sacral circuit. In your mind's eye, see it glowing brighter with each cycle.

  • * In your mind's eye, see within the glowing sacral circuit the chosen image of the martial archetype, similarly focused upon it's own sacral circuit.

  • * Repeat the cycle three more times, further empowering the subtle anatomy while remaining focused on the mental image of the

archetype within the sacral circuit. See it growing stronger as it directs the energies through its circuit, along the spine, to flow through the rest of your body.

  • * This martial energy, flowing through the body, may now be directed to further acts of magick, such psychic self defence and / or attack. Alternatively, a weaponised Thought Form may be generated and 'sent'.

  • * Banish by repeating the voces magicks of the seven circuits.

  • * Conclude by giving thanks to the powers of the orange and red rays, “I give thanks to the Invisibles for all the help they have given me, now, in the past, and in days to come. So shall it be. Amen.”

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“There are only two differences between you and an officially diagnosed multiple personalty: 1) the fact you don't have amnesia for how you are behaving in one context; you can remember it in another context, 2) you can choose how to respond contextually. Whenever you don't have a choice about how you respond in context, you are a robot. So you have two choices. You can be a multiple personality or a robot. Choose well.”

- Bandler & Grinder, Frogs Into Princes

The yellow ray of the archetypes is most concerned with magick pertaining to self identity. In all myth cycles of its associated god forms it is the solar hero, almost invariably an orphan whose origins are a mystery, who having overcome the forces of ignorance / darkness / Chaos is later revealed to be the heir of the kingdom, the gods, or of God. The same essential tale is told in many block buster successes of the modern day, such as the stories of Harry Potter or Luke Skywalker. There may also be elements of a descent into the underworld, as with the mysteries of the black sun, and of cyclic resurrection and renewal.

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The philosophies of the ancients all recognised that the 'self' consists of many aspects, each manifesting according to time and circumstance. The Kabala is a

map of human consciousness, and the seven archetypes embody the principle concerns of all mortal humans; love, war, death etc.; every cosmology embodies a psychology. The classical grimoires provide instruction regarding the evocation of archetypal spirits, whether they be identified as demons, angels, or gods, with the same essential principles applying to the evocation of a thought form, just as they do in working with one's own subpersonalities.

This esoteric wisdom is borne out by modern neurology. If we abandon any concepts of 'self' as having a core, and take a look at what actually happens within the brain, we can see that its activity is an ever changing function within a unity. Through the senses, mirror neurons, and our connection to the electromagnetic field, we move through various brain states in relation to our environment. All this happens in the larger mass of the brain, while the frontal cortex reinterprets retroactively to construct the illusion of 'self' as consistent and separate from its environment. Consider how the roles we play in our everyday lives define us; social roles, spirituality, sexuality, employment, interests and activities. Rarely are we more than two or three of these different aspects at any one moment. Often it is a social necessity to keep certain aspects of self separate; for example, stress from the workplace can cause trouble at home if not put down. In other situations different aspects may work together; for example the 'magician self' and 'writer' may work together to create a grimoire. Each may be considered as part of the egregore formation

we call our identity. The following training program demonstrates this principle, allowing the magician to create an individual cosmology embodying their own unique psychology.

A clear distinction must be made between the concept of subpersonalities discussed here and the 'alters' experienced as a result of dissociative identity disorder. Nevertheless, the processes discussed here are intended to lead, through progressive stages, towards integration, the ideal of which is understood to be At-One-Ment and the activation of higher Gamma frequencies in the brain. Experimental data has yet to be gathered, or at least leaked, concerning the effects of Gamma on a split brain, but information available at this time suggests these frequencies do indeed promote integration and greater coherence within the brain structure as a whole. It might also be observed that, according to data gathered from numerous psychotherapists worldwide, victims of mind control programs involving the deliberate causing of DID often report internal structures based upon the Kabala, or alters names after demons of the Goetia; it is simply not plausible that this should be coincidental.

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In considering each of the following aspects of 'self' the magician should employ the previously learned skills of sigil magick, automatic writing / drawing, skrying, astral travel and other meditative trances to


  • * A name by which the sub-personality may be evoked and bound.

  • * A charaktere or icon within which it may be 'seated'; its spiritus loci.

  • * Any other required detail such as its abilities and motivations.

In meditation upon the sub-personalities, or during communication via evocation, the following questions are of principal concern;

  • * What would happen if this aspect of 'self' were allowed full reign, to the exclusion of all other aspects?

  • * What would happen if they were not allowed expression at all?

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Seven Rays of Self

The magician may choose a unique name and charaktere for each of the seven rays of the archetypes that make up the egregore of their apparent identity; these may be drawn from mythology, devised by creative means, or considered simply as rays. Through introspection identify which of these has the most influence upon your character and is most readily

identified with. Next identify which two rays of the archetypes might be considered as having secondary influence upon the first. The four remaining archetypes are assigned as having the most influence upon the two secondary influences. These are the roots of the personality, with the most subtle unconscious influence.

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Seven Shadows of Self

Next, identify the negative shadow aspects of these seven archetypes, and how they have influenced your character. These are the demons that must be overcome if one is to attain to At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind; the greatest challenges facing your life on the path to spiritual maturity.

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Demons of HaBit

The mastery of habitual behaviours provides an essential key to self-reprogramming. With enough cunning the magician may transform their daily routines to optimise potential.

There are an infinite supply of reasons to do, or not to do, anything at all; many come after the fact. Consider the person attempting to kick an addiction. They could cease at any time but will always find another reason to put this off until the future. Addictions are as dangerous as any demon, often sneaking through the back door the moment they are banished out the

front. It is the case with habits that simply banishing and 'giving up' is rarely enough, as the absence leaves a void to be filled. The wise magician will dominate the first through a second and potentially greater spirit; new habits powerful enough to replace the old.

List every activity, within reason, performed on a regular basis. Assign to each, according to its motivation, an appropriate archetype or shadow; if driven by ego, to the yellow ray, if by fear, violet, if driven by the need for money to blue, and so on. These habits may then be considered as servitors to the seven archetypes and shadows having the most influence upon one's life.

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Other People

In situations where someone we admire would possess more competence than ourselves we might ask their opinion and advice. If this is not practical we may ask an internalised / imagined version of that person, “How would so-and-so deal with this?”

Another example is how, on the approach of an expected confrontation, we call imaginative dramas into mind, running through decisions as to what we might say and do, and how we expect the other to react, constructing entire mock conversations and arguments.

Those people that have made the most impact on our lives live on inside us. The magician may benefit from considering who have been the seven most positively influential people in their life. Assign each to a ray of

the archetypes.

Next, consider the seven people you have most despised in your life. Assign each to a negative shadow aspect.

These internalised mental constructs may be invoked or evoked in the same manner as any other spirit; they are, in essence, thought forms we create to approximate other people in our minds. Whenever we make an assumption as to how another person might think or act we are summoning this thought form before our inner eye.

Within our mind we are ideally the one in control. This produces an interesting situation when we summon the mental image of someone who inspires us with fear, or otherwise presents an image of dominance. This same thought form, however, is as subject to our will as any other mental construct. Measures can be taken to diffuse their power over us, such as imagining them sat on the toilet.

It is worth bearing in mind the differences between the mental construct we have of somebody and the actual person. Not even in the closest intimacies may we ever know the totality of another's character and be able to predict them with absolute certainty. However, the thought form we create as a person's astral double may be employed in the same manner as any poppet or magical representation of a target for remote influence; such as healing and malefica.

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Aspirations / Future Selves

Some people have a very clear mental image of where they want to be in the future; be it a few months or several years. This can provide an extremely useful source of in-spirit-ion, effecting decisions in the present as we work towards our desired result. The clearer the mental image the more likely its achievement, with such constructs being most common among successful people.

Such a mental construct, when treated as a subpersonality, may achieve even more. The magician summons an internal image of their future self, communing with it through means of trance and divination to increase the potential of its own manifestation. However, the magician must always remember this is only one of countless potential futures; it exists principally in the imagination, in present time, and may be influenced by unforeseen and unpredicted events. Additionally this projected future self may influence such events.

Extreme caution is advised; do not repeat the mistake of lesser sorcerers in equating the future self with the Holy Guardian Angel; there can be no perfection without presupposing the ceasing of evolution.

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Past Lives

Crisis and initiation have often been described using the death / rebirth metaphor. Each time our life is destroyed, when our hopes and expectations are shattered, we reform with a new and different sense of

identity. In this sense we reincarnate in the same body, without having undergone literal and physical death.

Looking back through time we may often feel a sense of embarrassment for our previous naivety, and might see little reason to call upon the aid of past selves in the present. There may even be a certain sadness upon facing one's previous incarnations, or a dread upon recalling their metaphorical deaths. Yet our own naivety may provide a valuable tool, driving us further towards maturity and knowledge. Who would not want to look upon the world with the same wonder as in childhood? Perhaps there may be times when the present self may contact the past, just as the future self might willingly commune with the present, perhaps even communing with the past self who summoned the future self that now exists in the present. The evocation of past selves has also been found effective in accessing previously unretrievable memories and lost skills.

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Extending the Parameters

The story of the modern age is one of progressive disenchantment. Materialism has isolated the mind from its environment, confining it to the uninspiring grey matter residing in our skulls; an object, devoid of meaning and purpose, in a world of equally meaningless objects. 'I' can hear, see, touch, taste, and smell, yet all that is 'other' than myself remains separate, and may never be experienced directly. Denied its ecstatic merging with reality,

consciousness becomes stifled and suffocates; it becomes disenchanted and is left with a sense that the world lacks any kind of magick or mystery. As a result of these prejudices the modern citizen feels dependent on their environment, rather than an integral part of it, and loses all capacity for introspection. In this way their code of ethics is replaced by a knowledge of what is permitted or ordered; they have yet to discover they may be capable of spontaneous ethical impulses, and performing them, even when nobody is looking.

Upon the brink between mundane and magical consciousness we come to the realisation that the experience of the senses is in itself indirect. They interpret reality, and yet these interpretations are also our own. Through extending the parameters of consciousness the magician communes not just with aspects of their own identity, but with the consciousness (spirits) of anything they may encounter within the mental construct of their own experience; the Matrix.

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Modus Operandi

The Mass of the Yellow Ray consists of the ritual evocation of one's own sub-personalities, that they may be communed with, or if troublesome (such as with a bad habit, or a tendency to negative internal dialogue) bound to the service of the whole.

The magician prepares their self in advance with meditations upon the various masques of the yellow

ray. A specific masque may be chosen, or a personal voces magicks created through the combination of several names. The astrological charaktere appropriate to the archetype is composed of circle of earth with a second circle at its centre; Sol.

Any clothes worn during the invocation should be black, white, or yellow. The altar should be draped in yellow, the candles similarly of yellow. Suitable incenses should be burned, such as Laurel, Polignia, Cloves, Myrhh, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Lignum Aloes.

Also upon the altar, the Triangle of Evocation is clearly demarcated, bound on all three sides by signs of power, or else with one's own name. Within the triangle is the skrying glass (or similar), and the charaktere of the sub-personality to be evoked.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “Mysteries of the Yellow Ray, powers of self deconditioning and reprogramming, I invoke you. This is my Will, to [evoke this subpersonality etc.]. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Activate the seven circuits of the subtle

anatomy through their voces magicks.

  • * Further empower the solar plexus circuit through gesture and its voces magicks, repeating the cycle three times.

  • * Focus all your attention upon the skrying glass and say aloud; “Sub-personality [N.], whose qualities are [state qualities], by the power inherent in me as [own name], through the grace of the Greater Mind, I evoke you from within myself to appear before me in this triangle, that I may communicate with you clearly, and bind you to do my will. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Visualise the sub-personality's charaktere upon the surface of the skrying glass, repeating its name as a mantra. Continue until a suitable trance state has been achieved.

  • * You may 'see' the manifestation of the subpersonality within the mirror, or simply sense its presence while catching only the faintest glimmer of hallucination. Remaining open to subtle suggestion, address the subpersonality for purposes of divination (i.e. asking it questions) or enchantment (i.e. binding it to your will / making pact with it).

  • * Conclude by saying; “Sub-personality [N.], I hereby give you License to Depart and

formally re-absorb you within myself. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Banish by repeating the voces magicks of the seven circuits.

  • * Conclude by giving thanks to the powers of the yellow and red rays, “I give thanks to the Invisibles for all the help they have given me, now, in the past, and in days to come. So shall it be. Amen.”

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“Spirit by attraction draws

Elemental matter,

Forges bonds no man can force And no angels shatter.

Double natures single grown,

Inwardly united,

By Eternal Love alone

Can it be divided.”

- Goethe, Faust

The green ray, corresponding with the the heart circuit of the subtle anatomy, includes all those god-forms, and also all those actresses and personalities of popular media, commonly referred to and depicted as Love Goddesses; Inanna, Ishtar, Venus, Aphrodite, Freya, Ezili, also Marylin Monroe, Madonna, and Kylie Minogue. Its power is invoked for magick concerned with the problems of love.

Love has many things in common with spirituality, revealing its highest mysteries only to those capable of unqualified devotion and loyalty of feeling; an achievement few mortals can boast of. Love is not cheap, and should never be cheapened. Our worst human qualities, our egotism, cowardice, cupidity, and jaded experience may persuade us not to take love seriously - and yet love will only reward us if we do. The truest and most devoted love is the most beautiful, and for this reason may never be made easy. As with the mysteries of At-One-Ment, love reveals itself only to the brave and the true.

Love is a power of destiny, its influence of immense scope and complexity, effecting every aspect of our mortal lives; ethical, social, psychological,

philosophical, aesthetic, religious, medical, legal, or physiological.. However, it is also true that the influence of love into all these collective spheres presents only minor difficulties in comparison to the individual problems it may present us with. At this level every general criterion and rule loses its validity; just as spirituality, although beliefs concerning it are codified through history, is always an individual experience that bows to no traditional rules.

Beyond conjugal love its principle encompasses also the love of one's neighbour, in the Christian sense, the Buddhist's sense of compassion, and the love of mankind as expressed through one's service to society. Next there is parental love, above all mother's love, then filial love.

Indeed, whatever age we are, love always is a problem. In childhood the love of one's parents, or the lack of it, presents us with all manner of problems, which psychologists tell us are the source of many further difficulties of love later in life. And then, in our later lives, the problem becomes what we have made of our love.

Of all the problems love may present us with, the most complex is that of self-love; by which we do not mean the physical and psychological self pleasuring of the narcissistic onanist, but one's ability to accept and love one's own Self in its totality, including its flaws, and its potential to evolve. Without self-love it becomes impossible to truly offer love to another, or to receive love in return.

Love is essential to our well being. There is little that demoralises and drains us more than the feeling we

are unloved, and we can occasionally become quite desperate about the idea of being 'in love', sometimes becoming quite unhealthy through pining for unrequited or impossible love. Among the spells most requested of any professional sorcerer are those to persuade a wayward lover to return, and to bind them from leaving. Magick may succeed in such matters, but the most effective enchantments are always those cast upon the self, rather than the object of desire. To win the affections of another through dishonest manipulations of any kind rarely brings satisfaction, as there is still the demoralising knowledge that their affections would not have been offered otherwise. Besides which, enchantments of this kind only ever provide a temporary solution; like all psychological imprinting or hypnotism of any kind, they tend to wear off.

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Modus Operandi

The magician prepares their self through meditations upon the archetype of the green ray. A specific masque may be chosen, or a personal voces magicks created through the combination of several names. The astrological charaktere appropriate to the archetype is that of Venus, being composed of the circle of earth and the cross of air. Other appropriate symbols include the love heart, or images of love generally. Any clothes worn during the invocation should be green, black, or white.

The altar should be draped in green, the candles

similarly of green. If music is played, it should be of a romantic nature, such as love songs. Suitable incenses should be burned, such as Myrtle, Verbena, Musk, and Ambergris. A suitable image and charaktere of the archetypes of the green ray are prominently displayed upon the altar. If further acts of magick are intended, any tools required, or sigils to be charged, should similarly be placed to hand.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “Mysteries of the Green Ray, powers of love and empathy, I invoke you. This is my Will, to [charge this spell etc.]. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Adopt a meditative posture, the spine straight, the body relaxed.

  • * Activate the seven circuits of the subtle anatomy through their voces magicks.

  • * Focus all your attention on the heart circuit. Intone its voces magicks, YAM.

  • * Slowly raise your hands to either side of

your body, then draw in the natural energies all around you.

  • * Slowly lowering your hands, draw the energies into your heart circuit. As you do so, place your hands around the corresponding area of the body and rub gently in a circular motion. Intone again the voces magicks, YAM.

  • * Repeat this cycle three times, storing the energies in your heart circuit. In your mind's eye, see it glow brighter green with each cycle. As you do so, send out feelings of unconditional love to all mankind and all phenomena. (If you have difficulty in this, begin by imagining what it would feel like to be able to give such unconditional love.)

  • * In your mind's eye, see within the glowing heart circuit the chosen image of the archetype of love, similarly focused upon it's own heart circuit.

  • * Repeat the cycle three more times, further empowering the subtle anatomy while remaining focused on the mental image of the archetype within the heart circuit. See it growing stronger as it directs the love energies to flow through the rest of your body.

  • * This love energy, flowing through the body,

may now be directed to further acts of magick, such as divinations and enchantments pertaining to matters of the heart.

  • * Banish by repeating the voces magicks of the seven circuits.

  • * Conclude by giving thanks to the powers of the green and red rays, “I give thanks to the Invisibles for all the help they have given me, now, in the past, and in days to come. So shall it be. Amen.”

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The blue ray is most concerned with magick pertaining to wealth, satisfaction, and happiness. Its god-forms include 'Jovial Jupiter', the Lord of Luck (an elusive quality of primary concern in magick), and all those gods of thunder such as Zeus, Thor, Chango, Panchavaktra Shiva, Marduk etc. Beneath all these masques its nature is kingly, benign, and expansive. As with any workings with the archetypes, the magician may gain considerable insight from studying the myths relating to its god-forms, considering the ways they relate to one another, as well as the ways in which they are different.

In the cult of materialism, wealth is most often misidentified as money and material possessions, with the control of distribution forming the principle concerns of all political decisions, and the protection of the wealthy from the poor forming the principle concerns of our government enforced laws. On an individual level, the average citizen's sense of security and confidence depends almost entirely upon how much money they own and have access to, and they feel a profound anxiety if, relative to their local economy, they do not possess enough. This security / anxiety imprint corresponds with the first ineffable circuit of our NeuroKabala; it is the binary code locking us most securely to the Matrix.

The disastrous idea that everything comes to the human psyche tabula rasa from outside has brought us to the erroneous belief that the meaning of existence would be discovered if only enough food, clothing, and new distracting gadgets, were delivered gratis to our doorstep, or if we possessed a better car.

The more assiduously this formula is followed, the more stubbornly we believe that all increase and wealth comes from outside of ourselves, the greater becomes our inner poverty. The neuromancer is here reminded that all workings of magick are nothing more than manipulations of the Matrix; the acquisitions and advantages they bring are thus illusory and impermanent. Yet the operations are not without value; through experiencing the illusory and impermanent we may be brought to the realisation as to what is real and eternal.

The highest of all wisdoms is to know how to be happy, not because of acquisitions or conquests of the past, nor for hopes of the future, but in the now and for its own sake; for there is nothing more perfect than happiness.

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Modus Operandi

The magician prepares their self in advance with meditations upon the archetype of the blue ray. A specific masque may be chosen, or a personal voces magicks created through the combination of several names. Any clothes worn during the invocation should be blue, black, or white. The altar should be draped in blue, the candles similarly of blue. If music is played, it should be of a lavish and magnanimous nature. Suitable incenses should be burned, such as Lignum Aloes, Henbane, Storax, and Gum Arabic. A suitable image and charaktere of the archetypes of the blue ray are prominently displayed upon the altar; the

astrological charaktere appropriate to the archetype is that of Jupiter. Other appropriate symbols include the thunderbolt, or images of wealth and power generally.

If further acts of magick are intended, any tools required, or sigils to be charged, should similarly be placed to hand. Enchantments for material gain should be realistic, directed towards success in endeavours to create wealth rather than luck in gambling, metaphorically or literally. The more certain the means of acquiring wealth, the more dependable one's results will be; even with the advantages of magick, dependence upon gambling will diminish opportunities to make money by more reasonable means. Alternatively, a suitable sacrament such as a biscuit or cake, marked with the charaktere of the god-form, may be charged during ritual and then consumed as a consecrated host to absorb the characteristics of the blue ray into one's self generally.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “Mysteries of the Blue Ray, powers of satisfaction and expansiveness, I invoke you. This is my Will, to [charge this spell etc.]. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Adopt a meditative posture, the spine straight, the body relaxed.

  • * Activate the seven circuits of the subtle anatomy through their voces magicks.

  • * Focus all your attention on the throat circuit. Intone its voces magicks, HAM.

  • * Slowly raise your hands to either side of your body, then draw in the natural energies all around you.

  • * Slowly lowering your hands, draw the energies into your throat circuit. As you do so, place your hands around the corresponding area of the body and rub gently in a circular motion. Intone again the voces magicks, HAM.

  • * Repeat this cycle three times, storing the energies in your throat circuit. In your mind's eye, see it glow brighter blue with each cycle, sending out signals of calm satisfaction throughout the body.

  • * In your mind's eye, see within the glowing throat circuit the chosen image of the archetype of wealth, similarly focused upon it's own throat circuit.

  • * Repeat the cycle three more times, further empowering the subtle anatomy while remaining focused on the mental image of the archetype within the throat circuit. See it expanding to fill the entirety of your body's aura, the archetype similarly growing in size to match your own body.

  • * Spend some time in quiet meditation, visualising yourself and the archetype as one. Say aloud, “I am s/he, the Mystery of the Blue Ray, power of wealth and satisfaction.”

  • * This self identification may now be directed to further acts of magick, such as divinations and enchantments pertaining to matters of wealth.

  • * Banish by repeating the voces magicks of the seven circuits.

  • * Conclude by giving thanks to the powers of the blue and red rays, “I give thanks to the Invisibles for all the help they have given me, now, in the past, and in days to come. So shall it be. Amen.”

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The indigo ray is most concerned with magick pertaining to psychic instinct, mystical intuition, and visionary inspiration. Its god-forms include all those moon goddesses commonly associated with witchcraft and the feminine mysteries; Luna, Diana, Aradia, Hekate (Kaos), Yamaya, Soma, Atu XVIII of the Tarot etc. In the subtle anatomy it corresponds with the third eye circuit, and Gamma brainwaves.

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Modus Operandi

The altar is prepared in indigo. Suitable incenses include Myrtle, Verdanda, Musk, Ambergris, Lignum Aloes.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “Mysteries of the Indigo Ray, powers of intuition and insight, I invoke you. This is my Will, to [charge this spell etc.]”

  • * Adopt a meditative posture, the spine straight, the body relaxed.

  • * Activate the seven circuits of the subtle anatomy through their voces magicks.

  • * Focus all your attention on the third eye circuit, between the eyes and just behind the bridge of the nose. Intone its voces magicks, OHM.

  • * Slowly raise your hands to either side of your body, then draw in the natural energies all around you.

  • * Slowly lowering your hands, draw the energies into your third eye circuit. As you do so, place your hands around the corresponding area and form a triangle. Intone again the voces magicks, OHM.

  • * Repeat this cycle three times, storing the energies in your third eye circuit. In your mind's eye, see it glow brighter indigo with each cycle.

  • * In your mind's eye, see within the glowing third eye circuit the astral double of yourself, its posture perfectly mirroring that of the physical, similarly focused upon it's own third eye circuit.

  • * Repeat the cycle three more times, further empowering the subtle anatomy while remaining focused on the double within your third eye circuit.

  • * Retract your awareness from your physical body, and inhabit your double within the third eye. Spend some time visualising yourself in your meditative posture, within the glowing third eye circuit.

  • * Inhabiting the double, turn around to face inwards towards the physical brain. See it before you; the grey and uninspiring matter that seats the wonder of your consciousness. See its two hemispheres, and the corpus colossum dividing it through the centre.

  • * There in the centre of the frontal cortex see the many petalled lotus of the ajna chakra, flowering before you in all its Gamma radiant light.

  • * See the lotus opening, its petals shifting across each other like an iris valve. Beyond it, the infinite paths of consciousness unfold.

  • * Feel your astral double dislodging from its seat between the physical eyes, drawn through the opening chakra, travelling into the Self.

  • * Travelling faster and further through the tunnels of consciousness, deeper into the Self. Feel the friction against the astral double as its speed increases, faster and further, further and faster.

  • * The friction smashes against the double, tearing away its features, its astral material dissipated by the ever increasing velocity.. yet still, even without a form to seat itself, consciousness travels onward deeper and deeper into the Self.

  • * The tunnel ends. Here there is only darkness that is simultaneously light; the presence of the Greater Mind.

  • * If there is a divination or a spell to be cast, visualise the charaktere / intone the voces magicks.

  • * Banish by repeating the voces magicks of the seven circuits.

  • * Conclude by giving thanks to the powers of the indigo and red rays, “I give thanks to the Invisibles for all the help they have given me, now, in the past, and in days to come. So shall it be. Amen.”

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“Everybody got Ghede, because everybody dies.” - Mama Lola, Voudon Mambo

“When I die I will join the Ghede.” - Alex Ferguson, R.I.P.

The violet ray of the archetypes is most concerned with healing magick - its god forms from Thanatos and the Grim Reaper through to Baron Saturday being understood as residing at the intersection between the realms of the living and the dead, and controlling the flow of Force in either direction. This is why they say in Voudon that all healing involves working with the ancestors; which is also to say, magical healing works through consciousness at the level of DNA. Cross culturally the violet archetype is also associated with sexuality and sexual energies, which raise the Force within the body and provoke healing.

Healing in the context of magick is much wider than with mundane medicines; it may be of physical illness or psychological maladies, but also of social tensions within the community, or any form of disharmony that has a negative effect. It is an ongoing and preventative process involving the whole being, standing alongside and cooperating with other alternative and complementary therapies. Fortunately, Western medicine is becoming steadily accepting of more holistic approaches to health and well-being and no longer shuns and ridicules more alternative methods, as in the recent past, even if their results are dismissed as the 'placebo effect' (itself a recognition of the psychic element in healing). Healing magick is at

least as important as orthodox Western medicine - yet it would be highly irresponsible to suggest anyone abandon Western medicine purely in favour of spiritual healing.

The violet ray is the compliment to the red; whilst the red ray opens the way at the beginning of ritual, the violet is the final invocation at the closure. In many ways the two frequencies mirror one another. The red ray is identified in neuromancy with Sub-Delta to Delta brainwave functions, which have been observed to be often dominant in people who work in therapeutic environments, or who have themselves suffered trauma. Delta brainwaves are generated in deep Non-Rem sleep, and seem to be an essential shut down allowing for the body and mind to regenerate; they are also present during the deeper quiescent meditations known in Yoga as the Death Posture.

The correspondence with Gamma to Hyper-Gamma suggests the integrating frequencies, also allowing for regeneration. Less can be said regarding these frequencies at this time due to lack of corroborated research.

Neuroscientists have observed that when a person is unable to attain to Theta their entire physical system is effected negatively. Separation from the Schumann resonance means alienation from the Greater Mind; we cease to dream, or even to daydream, and lose the counsel of our deeper selves and the archetypes. It therefore follows that those rites of healing magick that increase the brain's ability to access Theta, reconnecting us with our true natures, will bring about healing at the most fundamental and profound level;

treating not just the symptoms, as with so much of modern medicine, but the causes, be it within an individual or society.

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Modus Operandi

The magician prepares their self in advance with meditations upon the various masques of the archetype; Saturn, Chronos, Ninurta, Thanatos, Baron Saturday etc. A specific masque may be chosen, or a personal voces magicks created through the combination of several names. The astrological charaktere appropriate to the archetype of the violet ray is composed of the cross of air and the crescent of water. Other appropriate symbols include the scythe, hour-glass, gravestones, skulls, and Atu 13 of the Tarot. The altar and temple are decked in violet and black. If the magician is working outdoors, let them take their self at night to a graveyard, and there seek out the first and oldest grave, or else the largest. Any clothes worn during the invocation should be violet, black, or white. Other appropriate items might include a funereal top hat and tail-coat, theatrical make-up or skull masks, or any costume such as worn in traditional festivals of the dead (Halloween, Mexican Day of the Dead, Haitian Fete de Ghede, etc.).

Incense are burnt pertaining to the violet ray (Jasmine, Juniper of Pine, Assodilius, Black Poppy seeds, Henbane, Mandrake, Myrhh). Suitable offerings (sacrifices) may be placed upon or at the foot of the altar. If candles are used they should be

violet and / or black, or else the temple should be bathed in violet light. Suitable offerings include Jasmine flowers, funereal Lilies, cigars, and strong proof spiced liquor.

Appropriate invocations include all songs or hymns that turn the mind to think about Death, such as Psalm 23, the 11th Enochian Call, Voudon drums to Ghede, blues songs such as John Lee Hooker's 'Graveyard Blues', or songs about death generally, such as are typical of goth or black metal. If the magician is employing trance augmenting technology, this music might be mixed with binaural rhythms triggering at first Gamma, then Theta during invocation, then Delta during the healing work itself.

If the client is not in the magician's presence healing may be sent by means of a spell; for example a poppet made to resemble the person in need of healing is stuck with white headed pins as a kind of remote acupuncture.

Thought forms, or subordinate spirits to the violet ray, may also be summoned; these might take the form of creatures associated with graveyards and death such as maggots or other creepy crawlies to eat away sickness and decay. Having successfully invoked, the magician (or the archetype working through them) works directly with the Force of the person being healed, balancing its flux and flow through the subtle anatomy.

The Mass of the Violet Ray may also be employed in cursing, in which case a clear statement is made to harm rather than heal, while the poppet itself is stabbed with black headed pins in those areas one

desires to bring harm to. Invocation might also precede evocation, 'Sending the Dead' to haunt, harass, or vampirise a target; see also the Mass of the Black Ray for further concerns of this nature. It is also to the violet ray that the Palo Mayombe turn in the creation of the 'skull worker', and the Voudon bokor in creating a zombie mind control slave.

  • * Begin by preparing the circle.

  • * Give honour to the powers of the red ray; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the ways for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall salute the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Make a clear Declaration of Will; “This is my will to invoke the Violet Ray to [heal N. etc.]. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * Inscribe the declaration in a magical script, or create a charaktere.

  • * Petition the archetype of the violet ray with these words or similar; “O Powers of the Violet Ray, who stand at the division between Life and Death, who control the flow of the Force to and fro between the worlds. O Powers of the Violet Ray, aid me in the work of healing. I exorcise from [N.] the spirits of sickness. By the holes I make with these pins the ill spirits shall leave [N.] and shall not return. So shall it

be. Amen.

  • * Sew the photograph, links, and inscribed Declaration of Will or its charaktere inside the poppet.

  • * Perform a symbolic baptism naming the poppet after the client.

  • * Bring life to the poppet by intoning the seedmantra of the seven circuits, enlivening each centre in turn within the poppet.

  • * Light the two violet candles and place the poppet between them.

  • * Stick the doll with pins, making holes wherever there are ailments in the client.

  • * Repeat the process daily until satisfied.

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“I denounce [N.], whose name is written, so that they may go away from here to a place of suffering. Just as this puppy did no harm to no-one, so shall [N.] be unable to cause me harm. Just as the mother of this puppy could not defend it, so may [N.] be without defence and without advocate.

Just as this puppy's head is turned away, so shall [N.]'s head be turned away. Just as this puppy cannot raise itself up, so may [N.] be unable to raise themselves. Just as this puppy is transfixed, so shall [N.] be transfixed. Just as animal's souls have become dumb in the tomb, so shall [N.] be struck dumb by this magick. In the name of Set, my will be done.”

- Roman curse tablet found in Bath, UK

The black ray is concerned with cursing, and all forms of malefica. Its god-forms include all those beings called 'evil'; the Etin, Giants, Titans, the Qulippoth, demons, and atavisms. This is the plane of Chaos, disintegrating spirits of the dead, negative obsessions, and soulless elementals corresponding to the lower parts of the subtle anatomy, and in psychism with the negative aspects of consciousness. The magician must take great care not to become identified with such forces. This is why the operations described in the traditional grimoires of demonology instruct to employ the triangle of evocation, which should be inscribed outside of the circle at some distance. If the magician finds themselves acting under the impulse of such entities they have either been cursed, or are acting from their lower psyche, and have effectively cursed themselves. They should banish, invoke the

archetypes to bind their shadows, seek to improve themselves through meditation and commune with the Greater Mind.

Self-reflection and meditation are essential before entering into the casting of any curse. If what we are doing is wrong - whether we allow ourselves to recognise it or not - the curse will rebound and we will wound ourselves. It is only right that those who transgress upon us should be punished, but the ultimate intent of such punishment must be to prevent further transgression - all else is egoism and will have bad results. Through meditation we free ourselves from the restraints of ego and are thus slower to perceive insult in the actions or words of others. We are also far more effective at casting curses; for we are rehearsed at releasing our desires.

The Egyptian hieroglyph for malefica is the image of a man hitting himself in his own head with his own axe. What the hieroglyph demonstrates is the principal of mind control. An effective curse turns an opponent's own mind against itself, causing them to make mistakes and bring about their undoing. Yet do not mistake this symbol as meaning the recipient must be aware of, and believe in, a curse in order for it to be effective - as might be assumed by the uninitiated. It is most often to the sorcerer's advantage if their target refuses to believe they are being cursed; or even that cursing (i.e. mind control) is even possible.

Consider how discussing evidence that our governments are using mind control technology will inevitably provoke accusations of being a conspiracy theorist; let alone to speak of mimetic warfare (voces

magicks) and the origins of the term 'conspiracy theorist' being the CIA. Another discussion bound to get you labeled as a lunatic is how Satanic groups use techniques of trauma based mind control based upon The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Our entire culture is under continuous malefica, and anyone attempting to raise awareness is dismissed with laughter, but this does nothing to decrease the efficiency of the mind control - indeed it is even more effective.

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“To divide or multiply consciousness is something meaningless. In all the world there is no framework in which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the spatiotemporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false conception. .. Quantum physics reveals a basic oneness of the Universe.”

  • - Erwin Schrodinger

“God is what mind became when it passes beyond the scale of our comprehension.”

  • - Freeman Dyson

“Whatever practice, thought, or action helps tear the veils that hide the Divine Self is an act of worship.” - The Upanishads

It is consciousness that generates the Matrix, and it is through consciousness that the neuromancer 'hacks' the Matrix. Yet we are none of us the sole / soul source of all this illusion, independently creating our own reality, for we are each a part of a vaster consciousness; the Greater Mind.

We become aware of this Greater Mind during dream, meditation, and rites of magick; when our brains achieve the frequency of 7Hz and we are in harmony with the frequency of our planet (Mater Earth / Matter / the Matrix). What we absurdly think of as the conscious mind is merely that element marking what is separated off, individuated in a person. What has been called - equally absurdly - the unconscious is that which unites us with the Greater Mind.

The ultimate intention of the magician should always be At-One-Ment; cohesion of individuated consciousness with the Greater Mind. If this is not at the forefront of all workings it will never be attained. Success should never be measured in terms of petty desire; whether of financial gain, sexual conquests, or dominance over others. Such matters are puerilities that rise up in the place of unconscious shadows, and keep them unconscious.

Focusing upon 'results magick' (low magick for petty desires) to the exclusion of genuine spiritual attainment will lead inevitably to disaster. Many examples may be drawn from history, as they can from contemporary occultism. Similarly, the antinomian philosophies of the contemporary so-called 'Left Hand Path', which seek to individuate further from the wisdom of the Greater Mind, inevitably end in highly intellectualised selfdestructive egoism.

Human consciousness strives for evolution; to mature. Therefore this process leads human consciousness through various stages of development. Having been spawned it descends first into nonawareness. As it descends further into matter it draws manifestation around itself like a garment. This gradually develops into a mental, emotional awareness, and finally incarnation, during which consciousness is primarily focused upon the mental and material dimensions. It is only at this stage that consciousness has completed the process of selfawareness; to have an identity.

Closely connected to the esoteric philosophies of

consciousness pre-existing matter is the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul, continually reincarnating on its return journey until it has reached its full potential of terrestrial life. The primary purpose of the human equation is to Know Thyself, evolving further to Become Thyself in its entirety, freeing us from the cycles of death and rebirth until we merge once more with the Greater Mind.

The doctrine of reincarnation is to some degree confirmed by modern advances in biology. It has been discovered that the experiences of an individual, most notably trauma, can cause changes at the level of DNA. These changes are passed on to future generations, carrying with them information, learning, and personality traits. This was first noticed during the 1950s in studies made with Monarch butterflies, whose short lifespan allowed for the study of multiple generations; hence the naming of MK Ultra's successor; Project Monarch. The butterfly is an almost universal symbol of the soul, the symbol re-emerging as the butterfly of Chaos theory.

Consciousness (the soul) consists of that most mysterious non-physical and non-local phenomena; information. We have already discussed how, during Theta, or brains harmonise to the frequency of Earth, through which it is possible to access the entire data-pool of human learning. Individuals with similar brain signatures, who often share DNA (such as twins, or parents and siblings) often seem to be telepathically connected; they can most readily find each other through the medium of the Earth's electromagnetic field; the Schumann resonance. Might it also be

possible for the personality traits of certain individuals to be recorded in this field, and played back through later generations? Especially if the brain signatures of the deceased and the living person share many character traits?

Furthermore, the cosmos is a finite information system replayed with infinite variation along stochastically defined parameters; a principle most clearly seen in the Mandelbrot set. The entire cosmos is reincarnating all the time; collapsing and expanding in manifestation and repose. In this way does the universe evolve.

Human consciousness naturally evolves toward the condition of At-One-Ment. The potential lies within us all just as the apple seed naturally contains in its DNA all the information required to become a proud tree. Yet its roots need sustaining soil, and its leaves need sun and rain, in order for the tree to grow. The trouble with much of humanity is that we are starved of all we need to evolve towards our natural potential, reaching spiritual maturity and the attainment of AtOneMent.

The ascent to At-One-Ment requires the mastering of each of the seven shadows of the archetypes; to overcome the concerns they embody in our current incarnation. It is this challenge that was symbolised by the Gnostics as the Archons, by the Kabbalists as the Qulippoth, and by the Tantrics as Kleshas preventing the ascent of Kundalini. The more wonderful our attainments as human beings the lower on the scale of life the functions that govern them. The elevation of consciousness is only achieved

through the liberation of the lower mind.

Upon the visitation of Death, consciousness returns to incarnation in another form; the information replicates. The physical body decays and the animal aspect of consciousness fades away from it. Only if the remaining spark of consciousness attains to the Greater Mind can it ever escape the cycles of reincarnation. The entire system is completed and justified by the existence of human consciousness, which is as a spark struck off from the unsupportable Light of the Greater Mind; such has formulated finite consciousness to pass through a long series of changes by which it makes the circuit of every stage of experience - following regular succession of evolving and involving, manifestation and repose.

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There is nothing that divides us from the Greater Mind, which pervades all existence (the Matrix). The apparent separation is a forgetting; a lack of consciousness symptomatic of the human condition. All consciousness, mundane or mysterious, visible or invisible, is inseparable. Being only one part of the infinite we cannot observe the whole, yet we can expand our awareness, which is to expand consciousness.

Cross culturally this heightened consciousness is associated with light; hence the Babylonian El and Hebrew Ael meaning 'Being of Light', the Germanic and Gaelic Aelf, meaning the same, and the name of Lucifer, meaning 'Bringer of Light', or the archangel

Nathanael, meaning 'Gift of the Light'. The Buddhists refer to it as Enlightenment, others have called it Illumination. Even in non-esoteric language we find this symbolism; especially intelligent individuals are referred to as bright, or as having bright ideas. In cartoons a sudden realisation is illustrated as a lightbulb over the head; somewhat like the shining crown chakra of Tantric symbolism.

Advanced mystical faculties are accessed through the hyperconscious Gamma states (38+ Hz); a kind of meta-frequency harmonising and cohering brain activity. This seems to be a plateau of self knowing / becoming achievable most profoundly by holy men and sages during meditation upon the Higher Virtues; a theory that has been verified by scientific studies; indeed, it is how the Gamma frequencies were discovered. Nevertheless even the student can achieve a degree of heightened Gamma, verifiable with an electroencephalograph, simply by visualising a bright light.

The disciplines of magick, although initially focused upon achieving Theta, will over time increase the brain's capacity to enter higher states of Gamma. This condition of At-One-Ment is no less present during our mundane consciousness (Beta), even though our attention is focused elsewhere. Young or old we are each of us manifestations of the Matrix, itself a direct extension of the Greater Mind.

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When consciousness merges with the Greater Mind it

ceases to be itself. Before this it evolves to become the likeness of its Primordial Self. It is this attainment that has been referred to as the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, called otherwise the D^mon. called in ancient Egypt the Khu, by the Gnostics as the Awakening of the Spinther. by the Tantrics as Atman. in Voudon as the Gros Bon Ange (or 'Master of the Head'). in Orissa as the Ori. by Iamblichus Chalcidensis as the Augoeides. and by others simply as the Higher Self or Genius. With this comes the inclination to master the depths; that initiatory descent which has been called the Harrowing of Hell. referred to in Alchemy in the formula of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.; Visita Interiora Terrae. Recificando Invenies Occulum Lapidem (visit the interior of the Earth. by rectification you shall find the hidden stone). No instructions can be given for this most essential of invocations; as with all spiritual truths. it is an intensely personal matter.


“Some shit never really makes sense but always seems to fucking work.”

- Eminem

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I make no pretence to having studied and understood the original Chinese text of the I-Ching, having relied upon the Richard Wilhelm / Cary F. Baynes translation, and some initial advice I was honoured to receive in conversation with Professor James Benn. I have based the following on daily use for nearly two decades, recording all results in a diary and assessing their value with hindsight. I can truthfully boast to near 100% accuracy - the 0.01% inaccuracy being down to human error. As with any divination, the wisdom is as much in the asking as the interpretation of the answer; just as there are no runes or Tarot cards that represent a simple yes or no, so there are no hexagrams (hint - use a pendulum, divining rod, or if

desperate the flip of a coin).

However perfect the map, it is still down to the navigator to learn how to read it. As an aid to study I present here my interpretation of the trigrams in the language and symbols of neuromancy, along with instructions for addressing the oracle.

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Modus Operandi

Three coins are acquired. Traditionally, Chinese coins are used, which should be set aside on the altar and never used for any other purpose, but any three coins from the pocket will suffice. You will also need a pen and paper - or your Magical Diary - to write down your results.

  • * Cast the circle, achieving a state of calm and centred meditation.

  • * Invoke the red ray of the archetypes, saying aloud; “Mysteries of the Red Ray, open the way for me that I may pass through. When I pass through I shall consult the Invisibles. So shall it be. Amen.”

  • * If working at an altar, pass the coins through incense smoke or otherwise consecrate them.

  • * Taking up the coins in both hands, formulate your question clearly as one sentence. Spend a few moments contemplating, opening oneself

to the subtle signals of the Greater Mind. Express the question verbally, addressing the presence of the archetypes.

  • * Throw the three coins. The heads count as yang, with a value of 2, whilst the tails count as yin, with a value of 3. From this the character of the first line of the hexagram is obtained. If one tail and two heads (2 + 2 + 3 = 7) the result is called Young Yang. Draw a solid line;

If two tails and one head (3 + 3 + 2 = 8) the result is called Young Yin. Draw a broken line;

_ _

If three tails (3 X 2 = 6) the result is called Old Yin. Draw a changing solid line, which may be represented thus;

-----0 -----

If three heads (3 X 3 = 9) the result is called Old Yang. Draw a changing broken line, which may be represented thus;

------X -----

  • * Repeat the process twice more to produce the second and third lines, generating the first trigram representing the foundation of the matter; see below for the interpretation.

  • * Repeat again to create a second trigram above the first, representing the elements acting upon the foundation; see below.

  • * The two trigrams, the first below and the second above, give the hexagram. If there are changing lines, all of these are completed - so that a changing broken line becomes solid and visa versa - to generate a second hexagram. Both these, and the text relating to the changing line, are interpreted as mapped changes from one state to another. Where there are more than one changing line all should be read, but particular emphasis is placed on the 'mean' found between them. If there are an even number of changing lines, 'round up' and read the higher of the two possibilities; for example if the second, third, fourth and fifth lines are all changing read the fourth, but if the sixth is also changing always read this instead.

  • * Within the trigram are two implied nuclear trigrams whose influence gives 'colour' to the initial interpretation. The first nuclear trigram consists of the second, third, and fourth lines. The second nuclear trigram consists of the third fourth and fifth lines. Thus; the first and sixth line belong to only one trigram each (i.e. the first and final trigrams), the second and fourth belong to two trigrams (i.e. the second line belongs to the first cast trigram plus one nuclear, the fourth to the top trigram plus one

nuclear), whilst the third and fourth lines belong to three trigrams each. Thus we say they are the central lines, with the most influence over the final interpretation.

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I-Ching & Enchantment

Like most systems of divination, the I-Ching may also be employed for enchantment. In this case the magician first divines a hexagram for the situation 'as it is', then consciously chooses a second hexagram to represent the result of the intended transformation. Through calculating the necessary changes required to move from the first (divined) to second (chosen) hexagram, the various stages of transformation necessary are elucidated. Each stage should be approached as a separate enchantment.

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The Trigrams

The eight trigrams are related to one another as the members of a family, with a father and mother generating six offspring. Although they are assigned metaphorical gender this is not to imply judgment upon either of the sexes; for example, although Mind is male and attributed to Light whilst Matrix is female and attributed to Darkness, this does not imply that men are smarter than women, or that women are evil. The trigrams represent qualities that may be held by anyone, regardless of gender; we all have male and

female within us.

Mind; Called in Chinese Chi'en, meaning 'the Creative', implying light, strength, duration, the Self, consciousness, generation of phenomena, continuity and persistence in Time, God, the Greater Mind. Traditionally attributed to Heaven. Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the father; all lines are yang. Attributed to Light and Illumination (At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind).

Matrix; Called in Chinese K'un, meaning 'the Receptive', implying openness to phenomena, darkness, yielding, the subconscious / unconscious. The Matrix connotes spatial reality in contrast to the potentials of Mind, to which it is the perfect compliment, completing it whilst also generated by it. Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the mother; all lines are yin. Traditionally attributed to Earth, darkness, and illusion.

Chien (Mind) and the K'un (Matrix) may be regarded as the gates of the IChing system. Ch'ien represents yang subjects; the K'un represents yin subjects. The yin and yang are

united in their Te (power), and the virile and the docile receive form, giving manifestation to the phenomena of Heaven and Earth.

Manifestation; The relation between Mind and Matrix gives rise to all phenomena, hence Manifestation, called in Chinese Chen, meaning 'the Arousing', implying the incitement of movement. Traditionally attributed to thunder, bursting forth to cause fear and trembling, or the 'big bang'.

Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the first son; a yang line develops beneath two yin and presses forcibly upwards.

Subtlety; Called in Chinese Sun, meaning 'the Gentle', implying the gentleness that produces gradual and inconspicuous effects, like the ceaseless wind that disperses the clouds, the growing roots of a tree, the unpacking of compacted information, or the penetrative contemplations of Mind and Matrix; its instrument is Time - the persistence of consciousness. Traditionally attributed to wood and wind.

Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the first daughter; the yin is below

two yang.

Chaos; Called in Chinese K'an, meaning 'the Abyss', it is the direct equivalent to the Abyss (D'aath) upon the Kabala; implying a plunging in, dangers to be overcome, and the syzygy of the Matrix encompassing and enclosing the Mind. Traditionally attributed to water.

Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the second son; the yang is between two yin.

Wisdom; Called in Chinese Li, meaning 'Integrity', implying dependability, and also brightness; such as the dependence of fire upon the integrity of wood to generate light, or the dependence of the Matrix upon the Greater Mind to generate the Self (i.e. consciousness as persistence in Time). It also implies conditioning; the way one might rest upon a belief system for support, or learn how to effortlessly read a map. Traditionally attributed to fire, Li is the energy flowing through the lay (or 'ley') of the land, in the Dragon Lines, comparable with Chi, the energies flowing through the movements of the body, the power called Kundalini in Hindu Tantra, or Simbi in


Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is that of the second daughter; the yin is between two yang.

Repose; Called in Chinese Ken, meaning 'keeping still', implying resting, meditation, and Repose as conceived in Kabala - the compliment of Manifestation. Traditionally attributed to the mountain, and the lofty view from its peek.

Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is as that of the third son; the yang is above two yin.

Happiness; Called in Chinese Tui, meaning 'joy' in its ultimate and ideal sense, implying the fruits of labour, the harvest, and highest achievements of wisdom as the truth and strength that dwell in the heart; the true meaning of the term Gnosis. Traditionally attributed to the lake, refreshing all life, and to metal, cutting through, dividing, and destroying.

Its function in the evolution of the hexagrams is as that of the third daughter; the yin is above two yang.

A complete study of all 64 hexagrams would take at least 128 pages - a complete book unto itself. Meanwhile I present here the first two hexagrams from which the entire system may be extrapolated;

1. The Greater Mind

Above: Mind / Chien Below: Mind / Chien

THE GREATER MIND conceives sublime success,

Persisting and persevering in Time.

The thoughts of the GREATER MIND generate the Force.

Therefore the Neuromancer maintains integrity.

The doubling of the trigram, Mind over Mind, indicates unceasing repetition, such as one day following another, bringing us to the concept of Time. In relation to the macrocosm this denotes the generating power of the Greater Mind, the power of ideas that are yet to become real; lending form to the archetypes, apprehending and giving actuality to the

laws of the universe, thus bringing about all phenomena.

In relation to microcosm, hexagram one relates to the initiations of the magician, and the inspiration that awakens the mind to develop its higher faculties and seek At-One-Ment. Thus each step attained is in preparation to the next; just as the Greater Mind conceives all things until each takes form, then keeps them in conformity with its harmonising resonance. Yet success depends not on mere persistence; the magician must work towards a clearly conceived goal; the Declaration of Will.

The oracle advises success will come from the primal depths of the Greater Mind, as if it were aligned with the magician and working toward a common goal. Everything depends upon persevering in what is correct. Time is not the enemy, but the means of making real what begins with the mind.

Changing first line;

Occult potential.

Have patience.

In terms of the macrocosm, the influence of the Greater Mind is still hidden, existing only in potential yet discerning the immutable laws that may bring about enduring conditions both in and beyond Time.

In the microcosm this represents the student, who has great potential but has yet to attain. Nonetheless, they remain true to their own self, unassuaged by hopes

and fears. The magician learns how to develop their self so that their influence may endure, casting out all that is profane and disintegrating. Thus they attain the persistence of trance, which is the first step towards the goal of At-One-Ment. The oracle advises confident patience. If the will is to prevail it must not lust after results.

Changing second line;

Power becomes apparent.

It furthers one to consult the Neuromancer.

The influence of the Greater Mind begins to show itself. In terms of the microcosm, it denotes that the magician has attained a seriousness of purpose which exerts an influence upon their environment without conscious effort. Since they are inevitably set upon the path to At-OneMent it furthers one to consult with them.

Changing third line;

All day long the masses flock

At night the Neuromancer contemplates the Shadows

Danger. Maintain integrity.

The sphere of influence opens up for the magician and their fame spreads. All day long the masses flock to

them, and in the evening their mind is troubled with the cares and concerns of humanity. But there is danger here; many a sorcerer has been swept along by the masses and carried with their course. The oracle advises to remain in touch with the demands of the time.

Changing fourth line;

Standing at the crossroads.

Maintain integrity.

A choice must be made; the magician may take the left hand or the right hand path. Each must choose according to the inner law of their nature; there is no right or wrong in any absolute sense. If the magician remains true to their self they will find the way that is best for them and maintain their integrity.

Changing fifth line;

Fame spreads throughout the world.

It furthers one to consult the Neuromancer.

When the magician acts in accord with the Greater Mind it does not contradict them, the archetypes offer their aid, and the laws of nature do not resist them; thus it furthers one to consult with them.

Changing sixth line;

Arrogant Magi will have cause to repent.

Whoever stands high yet has no following, who has able people under them that do not have their support, will have cause to regret at every turn. Arrogance is pressing forward when one should hold back, going to extremes, thinking only of success and admitting no possibility of failure.

If all lines are changing; When Greater Mind undergoes change in all the lines the laws of reality are conceived, each in turn, generating The Matrix;

2. The Matrix

Above: Matrix / K'un Below: Matrix / K'un

THE MATRIX conceives sublime success, Persisting and persevering in Time.

If the Neuromancer attempts to command

They go astray

But if they adapt and change

They find Wisdom

Seeking solitary Gnosis,

And the guidance of friends.

THE MATRIX is receptive devotion,

Therefore the Neuromancer maintains integrity

Whereas the doubling of the trigram Mind implies duration in Time, the doubling of Matrix implies duration and extension in space by virtue of which the illusion of reality is sustained. In relation to the microcosm, the principle of the complimentary relationship is found between the father and mother, also between mother and daughter, or student and teacher.

The apparent duality between Matrix and Mind is, strictly speaking, an illusion; just as light and darkness are defined as opposites, but are in reality two extremes of one continuum. In itself the Matrix is just as important as the Greater Mind, but the attribute of devotion defines its place in a clearly defined hierarchy. The Matrix must be generated and informed by the Greater Mind; if it were to turn against the Greater Mind in opposition it would be destructive to both.

The Matrix includes all phenomena, beneficial and malign, without exception. In the same manner the magician develops breadth of character, maintaining integrity and sustaining power, so they are able to both support and bear with the people. Before work can begin there must be planning, and for this the magician requires the solitude of meditation. At such times they must be alone and objective; open to the subtle signals of the Greater Mind, unassuaged by

favouritism or factionalism. Since there is the potential of attainment we also need the support of friends. If in such a situation one fails to mobilise one's powers, nothing will be gained. Hence, the support of friends means guidance.

Changing first line;

When Darkness draws near

Death follows close behind

Just as the Greater Mind generates the light of consciousness, so does the Matrix absorb that light to bring the illusion of death. When the first signs of dissolution become apparent, in obedience with the immutable laws, those signs begin to multiply until final dissolution comes. The oracle advises to check for the first signs of decay and make timely precautions.

Changing second line;

Straight, square, true,

Out of Chaos comes Order,

Everything is furthered.

The many facets of the Matrix accommodate the laws of the Greater Mind, absorbing its qualities and making them its own. In compliance with the immutable laws, nothing is added or subtracted. The

Matrix generates all phenomena without error: this is its straightness. It exists in three dimensions persisting in the fourth dimension of time: this is its foursquareness. It supports all phenomena equally; this is its integrity.

The Matrix has no need of its own will or purpose; order arises spontaneously from chaos. The oracle advises not to attempt overt influence, but to make themselves self evident through their actions; influence expressed itself indirectly, from within.

Changing third line;

Occult potential.

The Neuromancer maintains integrity.

If, by chance, one is a member of an Order

Seek not initiation, but complete the work.

If the magician is free from vanity they may conceal their abilities and keep from attracting recognition too soon, maturing undisturbed.

Changing fourth line;

Maintain reserve.

No shame, no credit.

The time is dangerous; recognition leads to the enmity of antagonists, or misplaced credit if one is complaisant. The oracle advises to maintain reserve,

whether in solitude or hiding in plain sight among the masses.

Changing fifth line;

A change of underwear brings extremely good results.

When one is called upon to work in a prominent but not independent position the utmost discretion is relied upon. The magician's integrity and influence should not be expressed overtly; only indirectly as an effect from within.

Changing sixth line;

Neuromancers war in the open.

Their blood is red and black.

If Chaos refuses to yield to Wisdom it draws down upon itself the wrath of the Greater Mind. A war ensues in which Chaos is inevitably defeated, yet with severe injuries to both sides.

If all lines are changing; When Matrix undergoes change in all the lines the laws of reality are conceived, each in turn, as expressions of Greater Mind.

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I include here the ASCII American Standard for Coded Interchange of Information for those inclined to experiment with its potentials for grammateia, our modern 'runes', and cyber-numerology.




































































































































































































































































































































































































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N + I * J t Y h

H N I J Eo P Y S

t EJtlHh T B E M L Ng Eth D k k j-m A Ae Yr Io Ea Ga Ke St

The magician does not need to adopt any heathen or pagan belief system in order to understand that the runes elicit an involuntary neurological response, measurable through the skin with a simple biofeedback device. This remains so regardless of any prior education, tradition, or cultural background. Nor does their employment here imply a political stance of any kind.

The only true source for the meanings of the runes is the traditional rune poems, which are published in many places and are available online. The modern neuromancer, having studied these sources, may choose to test their cunning by composing new rune poems and kennings of their own.

The following interpretations are extrapolated directly from the original sources, and evolved over several decades. It is based upon the Anglo Saxon Younger Futhorc, of which there were many regional

variations throughout the UK, all expanded versions of the 24 rune Elder Futhark, consisting of the first three aetts (groupings of eight). This evolves into a balanced 32 rune system employing all major runes known to Britain, corresponding with the 32 signs of the I-Ching.

The meanings may also be recognised as applying to our modern 'Latin vulgate' alphabet, which developed independently yet contains many identical forms, and to the phonemes as they are spoken or sung in any language or context. They may also provide powerful weapons in grassroots mimetic warfare, 'sent' in the coding of messages, texts, or other memes.

Historically, and among modern revivalists, rune workings begin with an invocation to Odin / Woden / Wotan; the red and black god, found at the northern entrance to the temple or else at the crossroads. The magician may recognise this same archetype under whatever masks they deem appropriate, including simply as a red ray of light.


F Feoh (Fee) is a comfort to everyone

But every man ought to deal it freely

If he wills for the Lord to grant him honour.

Origins; (Old English) feoh, feo; meaning cattle, property and wealth, the paying or giving of a fee. (High German) fehu, fihu, meaning cattle, beasts.

Magick; In divination, usually interpreted to mean material wealth of any kind, most often 'money (note the similarity in form to the chaktere £). In

enchantment it may be employed in money magick. Upside down it signifies poverty. Reversed signifies greed.


U Ur (Ox) is fearless and fearsome

A most mighty beast of courage

A famous roamer of the moors

It fights with its horns.

Origins; (OE) ur, meaning oxen. (HG / Dutch) ur, meaning atavistic, primordial.

Magick; In divination, usually interpreted to mean self assertion, bravery, ferocity, aggression. Upside down signifies cowardice and weakness. Reversed signifies bloody mindedness and arrogance. May be usefully employed in atavistic sorcery. Its sign made with the hand forms the mano cernuto (Devil's horns).


Th Thorn is most sharp for everyone

It is evil - exceedingly cruel to the grasp

And to every man who upon it rests.

Origins; (HG) thurs, thurisaz; meaning giant, Thor, or Thor's hammer. (OE) thorn, meaning thorns, or anything sharp that pierces. The meaning of 'giant' suggests untameable and unpredictable elements of nature, and the 'old gods' or atavistic psychegens at the roots of consciousness. The meaning of 'thorn' in turn suggests potent sexuality.

Magick; In divination usually interpreted to mean

chaos, pain, severity and war. It is a powerful cursing rune, an astral dagger, and may also be used defensively in magical combat like the wall of thorns around Sleeping Beauty.

O Os (Odin) is the master of all language Wisdom’s retainer and wizard’s comfort Hope and happiness for every noble knight.

Origins; (HG) od, meaning magical power, as in Odin. (OE), os, meaning 'god', mouth, speech, wizardry (Norse) ass, meaning god, an estuary, a river mouth, the source. Note how the phonemes spontaneously reoccur in The Wizard of Oz, and in Aleister Crowley's Liber Oz, which is very odd.

Magick; In divination and enchantment usually interpreted to mean wisdom, wizardry, ancestral magic, communication of any kind, transmissions of information, the discovery / invention of new magical systems.


R Rad (Riding) when in the home seems easy

But is exceedingly hard for he who sitteth on high Upon a mighty horse over miles of road.

Origins; (HG / N) rado, (OE) rad, meaning to ride, or a road.

Magick; Travel, a journey, progress, transportation, 'moving on'. May also signify 'ride' as in to 'ride a drumbeat' into astral travel, or to be 'ridden' as with

possession sorcery.


C / K Cen (Cunning) is seen by the living as a Fire

Burning and bright it is seen oftmost When noble men rest at the inn.

Origins; (HG / N) kennaz, meaning torch. (OE) cen, meaning torch, knowledge, cunning, and cunt. The phonemes also appear in Gaelic, ken, meaning knowledge and cunning.

Magick; Knowledge, cunning, wit, to throw light upon a situation, illumination. Also implying a journey into the dark and female sexuality. A gestating power, like a womb or a cauldron. A kenning is also a method of composing spells; written or recited incantations where each word begins with the same phoneme, commonly grouped in threes and nines, such as “I found her and felt her and fucked her hard.”


G / X Giefu (Gifts) for common men are pride and praise

Hope and happiness and the homestead

It is substance of the homeless and hungry.

Origins; (HG / N) gyfu, (AS) gifan, (OE) gif, meaning gift, or a fair exchange.

Magick; Commonly sent in messages to signify a kiss. In divination and enchantment usually interpreted to mean contracts, agreements, and gifts.

W Wynn (Winning) is enjoyed

By those with few troubles, sorrows and sores

And to him whose self hath

Brothers and blessings and a good home.

Origins; (HG) wunjo, wynn (AS) wenne, meaning to enjoy the fruits of labour, (OE) win, meaning to win.

Magick; Success, reward, accomplishment, gaining a wish.


H Hagol (Hail) is as the whitest corn

It comes from Heaven’s height

Whirled with wind’s scurry

Then it to water turns suddenly.

Origins; (HG / N) Hagalaz, meaning hail. The rune of Hel, the underworld. (AS) haegl, hagal, hagol, meaning hail, snow. Consider also haegtessa, meaning a witch. (OE) hael, meaning hail. Consider also hag, as in hag stones, and witchcraft.

Magick; The unconscious mind, troubles buried in the past, the collective unconscious, communication with the physically deceased. The ancestors.


N Nied (Need) is crushing on the breast

Although it can also prove salvation

To help and heal the children of men

If heeded in good enough time.

Origins; (HG / N) nauthiz, (OE) nied, nyd, ned, meaning need, necessity, compulsion. Also consider the 'need fires' of old tradition. Often considered Loki's rune.

Magick; The recognition and creation of need, responsibility, and obligation. The creation of a spark to light a fire. May also be used defensively against malefica or 'bad luck' generally. The sign when made with the hand is to cross the fingers.

I Is (Ice) is cold and slippery,

It glistens like glass, like gems it glistens

A frost coated floor is fair to look upon.

Origins; (HG / N) isa, (AS) isa, (OE) is, meaning ice, a point of crystalisation.

Magick; The 'is' of identification that keeps the illusory 'I' entangled in the Web of Wyrd. May be used to block or 'freeze' a developing situation, or the malefica of a magical opponent.


J Gear (Year) brings hope to men when God

High Heaven’s King lets the Earth

Birth her fruits to the noble and the needy.

Origins; (HG / N) gera, (AS) ger, (OE) meaning year, a complete cycle of seasons.

Magick; Consequences, 'karma', reaping what was sown, sowing what you reaped.

Eo Eoh (Yew) has a tough bark

Hard, firm and fast

It is a keeper of the Fire,

Its roots keep it strong

And it is a joy on the estate.

Origins; (HG) Ygrdassil, the world tree, in all ways equivalent to the Kabala (AS) yr, (Gaelic) iubhar -pronounced 'yew', meaning a yew tree.

Magick; The charaktere is equivalent to the 'lighting path' on the Kabala, the world tree itself, and the 'poto mitan' at the centre of Voudon possession ritual. In divination usually interpreted to mean unconscious motivations behind all our conscious intentions. In astral travel it may be used to travel 'between the worlds'. In magical combat it may deliver a spell as a 'lighting blast'.

P Peor (Gambling) brings joy, pleasure, and laughter

Among bold men who happily sit

Together in the beer hall.

Origins; (HG) pertho, possibly meaning a dice shaker. Magick; Chance, gambling, the unpredictable elements of any situation. The paradox of chaos and order, as when a dice rolls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in sequence (question; is the sequence random or ordered?).


Y Eolh-secg (Elk Sedge) has its home often on the fen,

Waxes on water, wounding grimly

Blood burning any man

Who tries to grasp it.

Origins; (AS) eohl, meaning elk sedge.

Magick; Upright it is a female sign, resembling the pudenda, reversed it is male, suggesting a penis. Also used in 'gypsy' witchcraft tradition, where it is known as a Crow's Foot, to signify a witch, and in Catholic folk tradition as an alternative to the crucifix secretly representative of Mary. May be used for protection or, reversed, as an astral sword.


S Sigel (Sun) is always hoped for by seamen When away they fare over the fishes’ bath Until they bringest the brine stallion to land.

Origins; (HG / N) sowulo, (AS) sigel, meaning the sun. The rune poems suggest the use of the sun in navigation.

Magick; Finding one's direction, throwing light upon a situation.


T Tyr (Twisto) is the Northern Star, it keeps trust well

With noble men, to keep on fairing

Over night’s mist - never failing.

Origins; (HG / N) Tyr, a god, (OE) Tir, meaning glory.

Magick; The charaktere $ is still employed in the modern day as an arrow pointing the way, perhaps having its origins in the mystery of Tyr-Magen, who gave his name to the magnet - created by pointing steel into the ground towards the north star, and striking sharply. The rune may be used to direct and activate other forces, and may be thrown in combat magick as an astral spear or dart. Some practitioners have also noted the resemblance of the Tyr rune to the 'magick mushroom'.


B Beorc (Birch) is without fruit or seed

Its branches are beautiful

High on its crown and touch the sky

Golden leaves in great abundance.

Origins; (HG / N) birkana, (AS) beorc, meaning a birch tree. Also considered the rune of Birchta. The birch tree was also considered sacred by the Celts, and its veneration continued well into medieval Christianity.

Magick; The rune suggests fecundity, motherhood, matriarchy, and whipping. Its shape suggests also a pair of breasts. May be used in magick for healing, caring, and nourishing, or for taking a rod to the ill behaved, be they people or 'spirits'.

E Eh (Horse) is for earls and noble men joy

On proudly behooved chargers

Wealthy heroes boast

And to the restless ever a comfort.

Origins; (HG / N) eh, (AS) eoh, meaning a horse.

Magick: Often considered the 'marriage rune' it signifies partnerships, cooperation, and pacts. It may also symbolise the cooperative relationship between a medium and the archetypes.


M Mann (Man) in his mirth is to his friends dear

Yet all meetings must end in separation

For the Lord in his decree

Commits the flesh to the Earth.

Origins; (HG / N) mannus, (AS) mann, meaning humankind.

Magick; Friendships, enemies, people generally.


L Lagu (Lake) is unending to those

Who venture out in unsteady ships

Causing great fear

When the brine stallion heeds not its bridle.

Origins; (HG / N) laguz, logr, laukar, meaning lake, and signifying something very similar to the Voudon 'waters beneath the earth'; the source of the magician's wisdom and power.

Magick; Intuition, the subconscious, the collective unconscious, the aether.


Ng Ing was the first among the Danes

Seen by men ’till he travelled

Back upon the waves - the wain followed on

Hard men called him hero.

Origins; (HG / N) ingus, (AS) ing, meaning 'peoples of'. The rune of Yng / Yngvi, an early mask of the god Frey. It is apparent in OE place names such as Hastings, or Uffington, and in Frisian patronims such as Bunting.

Magick; The involuntary biofeedback response to this rune mirrors that of a sexual response in most males. May be employed in magick to illicit such a response. 'Ing' may also be used in magick relating to the ancestry of a place.

, £

Eth Edel (Estate) is dear to every man

If he can enjoy what is right and according to custom

In his dwelling place with power oftmost.

Origins; (HG / N) othila, meaning a noble, (AS) ethel, meaning home, property.

Magick; Home, the enclosing of a place or situation, the boundaries of space and time, inheritance.


D Dug (Day) the Lord sends to dear mankind The ruler’s great light is mirth and hope By rich and poor alike is always welcomed.

Origins; (HG / N) dagaz, (AS) daeg, meaning day.

Magick; The cyclic transition from one condition to another, as with the night and day. In binary code of either / or. Also compare with the structure of the DNA double helix.

A Ac (Oak) is upon the Earth ever baring

Fodder of its flesh, and fares

Upon the fishes’ bath - the sea tests Whether oak has the Lord’s trust.

Origins; (OE) ac, meaning oak, acorn.

Magick; Food, nourishment, the food chain. The qualities of strength and reliability over time. The qualities of compacted information and DNA; the acorn containing the 'program' to grow into an oak.

Ae Asc (Ash) towers overhead - to men is dear Strong in the ground its stead held right Although fought against by many men.

Origins; (OE) aesk, an ash tree.

Magick; The qualities of stubborn resistance.

Yr Yr (Bow) is for noble men and earls alike

Joy and dignity

When used from a high horse

Steadfast on an expedition

It is a weapon of warfare.

Origin; (OE) yr, meaning bow.

Magick; May be used to 'send' a spell, particularly magical 'darts' such as J.

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Io lor (Otter) is like a fish that feeds upon the land It builds its home surrounded by water And knows joy there.

Origins; (OE) iar, the meaning of which scholars are in some disagreement about.

Magick; Seems effective in situations requiring adaptability and survival.


Ea Iar (War) is the bane - of every earl

When the corpse grows cold

And earth is his bed-fellow

White and unmoving

Blood falls, joys wane, faith bonds are broken.

Origins; (OE) ear, meaning war, a grave.

Magick; Death, burying things, mortality, inevitability.

Ga Gar

Origins; (OE) gar, meaning sovereign power. A Seed Rune containing all other runes.

Magick; At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind. Attributed to the ultra-violet and unrefracted rays.


Ke Cweorth

Origins; (OE) cweorth, meaning spark of life.

Magick; This is that force known as Kundalini among the Tantrics, called Simbi by Voudusant, and the Serpent of Knowledge in Kabala; the communication of pure information. As a vessel of Communion, the chalice was recognised by both heathens and Christians alike.


St Stan

Origins; (OE) stan, meaning stone. The charaktere is suggestive of an anvil.

Magick; Perhaps this rune is the compliment to Th, the hammer of Thor. Attributed to the orange ray.

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“Here it is not the Law of Continuity persisting in its formulae despite the Law of Fantasia; it is Croquetemaine explained by Diabolus, the runes of Elf-Land read with the interpretation of Infernus.” - A.E.Waite, The Book of Ceremonial Magic

The Goetia is the most infamous of all the grimoires, and has been since at least the middle ages, lending its name to the diabolist tradition generally. Beneath its symbolism we find fragments showing the survival of pagan / gnostic mysteries whose ultimate origins may even be primordial. In truth these mysteries have formed a central role in Europe's magick for countless generations. Having their origins in Persia, they have been contributed to by every culture they have been adopted by, as well as having found their way into the magick of Santeria and Voudon, with the grimoire Le Veritable Dragon Rouge being a 'hot favourite' among the Makaya sorcerers of Haiti.

The archaic word 'goety', having its roots in the

Greek, implies the summoning and binding of spirits and demons. The earliest known use of the word refers specifically to the servant of Hekate and the rites of the graveyard, the etymology linking it to the Lament of the Dead. Other Greek forms of the word are 'goeteuma' meaning enchantment, 'goeteusis' meaning sorcery, 'goeteutikos' meaning a sorceress, 'goetiuo' meaning to bewitch, and 'goetis' meaning bewitching. The root of all these is the idea of howling or murmuring, as can be seen in the related words 'goes' meaning wailer, 'goos' meaning weeping, 'goao' to groan, 'gongustes' to mutter, and even 'goi goi' the grunting of pigs.

This in turn hints at the shamanic nature of the origins of goetia, and the expressions of possession cults. The implication is that of an unquestionably ancient tradition, ever adapting and changing its forms. The employment of the term goetia in traditional magick implies that the grimoires themselves were records of man's elaborate attempts to Rend the Veil.

The word 'demon' originates in the Hellenistic Greek dcemon, originally meaning 'Genius'. Among the most notable people to possess a dsmon was no less than the personage of Socrates. Only after the conversion did the word imply an evil spirit.

The Goetia itself lists 72 demons of the Infernal hierarchy, giving their names, charakteres, and attributes, providing the chief formula by which they may be summoned. It is therefore desirable to examine these names in terms of voces magicks. As with Milton's Paradise Lost, they may be traced back

to pre-Christian origins, and are in fact the 'gods' of previous ages. In terms of neuromancy, they are the shadows of the seven archetypes, arranged into a number of paths, which the Goetia designates as Kings, Princes, Dukes etc.

Among them is Baal, the old Persian god of the Caananites mentioned in The Bible, named from the ancient Semetic meaning 'he who possesses'. His name later becomes identified as that of a demon king residing in the east. His appearance is especially surreal, having the arms of a spider, and three heads; a man, a cat and a toad.

From the perspective of neuromancy, the concept of Hell, the chthonic realms, has clear correlation with that of the subconscious mind, typified by low Alpha to Delta, with Heaven above as the supraconscious typified by Gamma to Hyper-Gamma. The evocation of demons serves to activate the primordial circuit 0, Daath, beyond which is atavistic consciousness.

Human consciousness may be said to reside in the frontal cortex, symbolised by Baal's human head, which is often depicted as crowned. Beyond this is the mammalian brain, symbolised in Baal's head of a cat, and the reptile brain, the very first part to evolve, symbolised by the toad, with the spider corresponding to the involuntary nervous system. The most powerful demons are perhaps the most primitive in regards to the neural circuitry activated during their possession trances and communions. The dangers of dissolution, and becoming subject to the deeper instincts -reptilian, lacking empathy, evil in the true sense of the word - are such that the wise magician will be sure to

keep such forces 'at a distance', binding and commanding them through the higher faculties of consciousness, represented in the grimoires as the archangels, always respecting that God (the Greater Mind) permeates all.

With regards to practical magick, the demons of The Goetia are described as offering the summoner familiars, each with their own specialist areas of divination, enchantment, and knowledge. These astral entities may be housed within a material basis and fed, traditionally with the summoner's own blood. These are in all ways equivalent to the animal 'spirit helpers' common to all shamanic traditions.

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The Harrowing of Hell

The chief modus operandi of Goetic ritual is that of evocation, referred to also in the grimoires as the Harrowing of Hell; as with Christ's descent and liberation of the damned. It is that mystery where the Illuminated Son / Sun (Gamma consciousness) descends into the underworld (atavistic Delta consciousness); an archetypal myth common to all 'shamanic' spiritism from the dawn of time and representative of the most profound visionary introspection. The purpose of such a Harrowing is, as Mephistopheles complained to Faust, the 'binding of evil to do good'. The manifestation is commonly achieved by skrying, with the glass placed within a Triangle of Evocation, clearly demarcated upon the floor of the temple, with the summoner and medium

protected by a circle. Alternatively, the medium may take a place within the Triangle for possession ritual, although such formulae are extremely dangerous and foolhardy.

While the traditional grimoires tend to instruct that their formulae must be followed to the letter, often requiring quite improbable items such as girdles of panther skin and swords forged by the summoner at a certain hour, it is only necessary to understand why such instruction is given and ensure that their principle functions are fulfilled. As the demon Belphegor said to me, “The rules are only immutable if you want them to be.”

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The Blood Sacrifice

The most controversial issue regarding diabolism is that of the blood sacrifice, with many grimoires of tradition giving instruction for the killing of various animals, such as white doves for the angels, and black goats for the demons. Such rituals originate in a time when it was quite usual to butcher one's own dinner, just as it is usual in all spiritist traditions to share our food with the archetypes, and were not 'thrill seeking' as with the shock rock posturing of many modern (so called) Satanists. Such elements are only present when the Goetic (that is, 'shamanic') formulae are decontextualised, misrepresented, and misunderstood. Comparable sacrifices were also made by the early Christians, as instructed in Leviticus. They are no more necessary to the modern neuromancer than they

are to the modern Christian. In any case, the original unadulterated texts also suggest sacrifices of perfumes, wine, and all manner of other foods.

The reader familiar with diabolist tradition may here be saying, “But what about The Grimoire of Honorius, with its gruesome sacrifice of a goat at the crossroads and the casting of the circle with its innards?”

Much has been made of this ritual by sensationalist occultists, often repeating the words of 'experts' they have read. Rarely have they taken the time to review an actual, unadulterated copy of the original grimoire, the chief concern of which is a mystical At-One-Ment; a direct communion considered a dangerous heresy by the Church, whose role is dependent on its flock believing that God cannot be approached except through the intermediary of a sanctioned priest-craft.

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“Before me, RAPHAEL

Behind me, GABRAEL

To my right hand MICHAEL

At my left hand, URAEL

About me flame the pentagrams, And in the column the six rayed star.” - Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, The Golden Dawn.

The Hebrew term for angel is Mal’akh, meaning ’messenger’. The word angel itself comes through the Sanskrit angeres, Persian angeres, to the Greek angelos. Such pre-Christian roots are apparent even in the angel's names, which commonly end with the singular -El, meaning ’being of light’; Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Rapahael etc. The word is of Sumerian origin, and is synchronistic with the Akkadian Ilu, Babylonian Ellu, Old Welsh Ellu, Old Irish Aillil, Anglo-Saxon Aelf, English Elf, and perhaps even our modern term alien. In all these interpretations the 'beings of light' are understood to be more evolved, or vibrating at a higher frequency, than mortal humans.

From Moses onwards magicians have attributed angels governing the powers of the planets, the days of the week, the hours of the day, and the four seasons; the celestial mysteries of the previous 'pagan' age took upon themselves new masques. As with old gods, these mysteries also extended to rule over the

terrestrial realms; places, plants and principles of every kind. Enchantments and incantations calling upon angelic powers were in abundance as late as the 13th century, as are recorded in the grimoires.

Even our classical image of the angel has its origin in pagan imagery; in the 8th century, when the foundations of Church doctrine were being laid, the visual artists were no less influenced by their heritage than the writers were. Two of the common inspirational sources of their works depicting angels include the Hellenic Greek god of sexuality, Eros, and ’the winged victory’, Nike. Such continued to provide models for the Renaissance artists of the 12th-15th century, with a more Eastern influence recognisable in the ’Peacock Angels’ of Fra. Fillipo Lippi. Yet the symbolic use of wings to denote supernatural beings has Near Eastern roots older even than this; consider the superb winged bulls from Nebuchadenezzar's palace in the British Museum. Such no doubt provided the inspiration behind the Merkobah, which in turn passed to the Christian symbolism of the four Evangelists Cherubs; winged lion, ox, man, and eagle, corresponding to the four elements.

Angelology, like the pantheistic cosmologies that precede it, reflects our human psychology. That is, the various spheres of angelic influence; love, protection, vengeance, even death and disease, are human concerns. We should not be surprised, then, to find striking similarities between the ’spheres’ attributed to the various angels and those of the older pagan gods; the reader is referred once again to the charaktere of the Kabala, to which the hierarchy of angels may be

most obviously corresponded.

What can hardly be disputed is that the angels, as with their relatives the demons, have been imprinted into the collective imagination of our culture over thousands of years. Thus, whatever beliefs have been adopted in this modern age, their images and invocations still provoke a powerful response in our consciousness.

The association with light, and the Gamma frequencies, suggests evolved of consciousness of a higher level than that normally experienced by humans, corresponding to the transcendent circuits. This understanding of the Ael or 'beings of light' as a higher frequency or 'vibration' of consciousness is not at all alien to Catholic angel lore, Kabalist magick, or even the runic tradition where they are known as aelves. In all these belief systems it is similarly understood that consciousness is a continuum; an angel may descend to become human, or further to become demonic, just as even a demon may ascend to the redemption of At-One-Ment. Similarly, a human may sink lower in their behavior and spirituality, literally operating from lower areas of the brain, or they may - also through their own behaviour -increase their vibration to become a more highly evolved consciousness; potentially, at least, a 'being of light'.

As with the seven rays of the archetypes, the forms the transcendental forces take when interacting with human consciousness are various. As has been discussed, these beings of light are known universally as the 'ael', or its equivalent variations such as aelf,

angael, aelian etc. All these masks are valid.

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In angelic lore Nathanael (Xathanael, Zathael) was the sixth Archangel of Vengeance after Creation, alongside Michael, Gabrael, Raphael, Urael, and Satanael. As an Angel of Vengeance he is relentless, and never fails to deliver Punishment to transgressors. In modern terms he is the transcendent personification of the principle of inevitable consequences; what one might call 'karma', 'the law of Wyrd', or even simply the inevitable results of cause and effect over time.

In The Goetia his name is given as the Archangel of Fire, residing in the eastern quarter of the Sacred Circle. He is said to know many secrets of the Arte, which he will teach to those who successfully call to him. As the Archangel of Transcendent Fire, he burns away all impurities, and all illusions of separation from the eternal Light of the Greater Mind. Although an obscure figure in occultism during much of the 'occult revival' from the Golden Dawn onward, Nathanael was well known to Kabalists, cunning men, and the magician's of Solomon's day. During the last decade he has increasingly made himself known again to mediums, a number of which have made his messages known in books and over the internet, as a simple Google search will verify; he especially makes himself known to psychics involved in the healing of trauma.

In healing trauma, or punishing the selfish, the

process personified in Nathanael remains the same; the 'burning up' up the illusion of separation from the Greater Mind. As with the disillusion of the ego by any means, whether this is an ecstatic or painful experience depends entirely upon the ego in question. According to the reports of those working with him, Nathanael also offers his aid in overcoming resistance to change; a quality also attributed to higher Gamma.

Nathanael! Xathanael! Zathael!

Purest flame of of consciousness,

Whose light descends

into the underworld of every soul.

Who says no word and makes no pass in which there is no touch of enticement.

Whose every name is yet one masque more, pressed ever closer to those who would follow

ever more inwardly and thoroughly.

Who makes everything loud and self satisfied fall silent,

teaching it how to hear.

Who teaches the hasty hand to hesitate, to grasp more delicately.

Who smooths rough souls

and grants a new desire to savour;

To lie still as a mirror,

that the stars may mirror themselves in them.

Who divines the secret treasure,

long buried beneath soil, sand, and shit.

From whose touch all are enriched,

not blessed and oppressed by the charity of


but richer unto their Self.

Newer and more innocent than ever before, Broken and blown upon by harsh winds of change,

More uncertain..

More fragile..

Yet full of hopes as yet unnamed, full of new Current and new Will.

So shall it be. Amen.

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appearing to thole that are devoted to the knowledge of Magick; teaching them how to exercife Infernal Witchcraft without danger, and inde-fpight to the Devils: he mult be fought by hours, minutes., conftellations, privacy and blood, c?<r. He hath a bow bent in liis hand, and a Crown of Gold upon his head: this is hisChara&er.

The true history of witchcraft in Europe has very little to do with the modern religion of Wicca, which has been less responsible for preserving the Mysteries than it has for their obscuring and whitewashing. There is no evidence whatsoever to support the existence of an initiatory fertility religion in Europe historically, and thus none to support the hypothesis that such a cult has been either preserved or revived by charlatans such as Gardner or Sanders. Similarly, no evidence exists of any pseudo-Masonic initiatory hierarchy in witchcraft, as is central to Wicca - indeed the rituals of the Devil's Door or the Toad Bone were acts of self initiation and free will; in this way they had much in common with the Varma Marg left hand path of the Tantric sects, which we shall discuss in the next chapter. Rather, we are referring to a folk tradition of magick whose ultimate roots are unquestionably ancient, reflecting in all ways those practices our modern anthropologists have called 'shamanism'; rituals employing entheogenic substances, song, dance, and ecstatic techniques

intended to alter consciousness and achieve psychic (i.e. magical) results.

It is also important that a clear distinction is made between the Infernal Witchcraft of tradition and the modern religion calling itself Satanism, which is nothing less than a philosophy embraced by sociopaths, many of whom are in direct service to the State. Clear examples include LaVey's Church of Satan and General Michael Aquino's Temple of Set, both of which were involved in MK Ultra abuses of children (research the Johnny Gosch case for further insights). More recently we have the CIA stooge Lucian Greaves (real name Douglas Mesner) and his Temple of Satan, with its Grey Faction targeting survivors of ritual abuse, their therapists, and whistleblowers. They are supported by any number of the cryptofascist brat pack brigade currently identifying as Satanists, all of whom are ultimately dupes. Although they may employ imagery drawn from this same history of dissent, and claim to be a continuation of the Infernal tradition, they are nothing more than imposters.

The history of witchcraft in Europe is also one of spiritual dissent - since any challenge to the Church was, in medieval terms, also a challenge to the order of authority. Oppressive measures were taken in an effort to eradicate the subversive threat of witchcraft. Just as in our modern day governments torture and kill in the name of peace and democracy, so did the medieval State torture and kill in the name of the Love of God. In truth, spirituality and politics are indivisible: both are belief systems upon which men

base their life decisions and aspirations.

Towards the end of the middle ages the appearance of a number of heretical movements indicates that powerful currents of unrest existed during these times of plague, famine, war, and rapid social change, just as they do in our modern day; Free Spirits (essentially the first anarchists), Hedge Priests, Taborites, Ranters, Diggers, Antinomians, flagellents, dancers, millenarians, mystics, and many others were all expressions of rebellion against Church and State. As would be expected in any culture where the oppression of State was expressed in religious terms, these rebellions were expressed spiritually.

It is simultaneously true that the Church redefined the old gods as devils, as it is that the spiritist traditions accepted these redefinitions. In Britain, for example, there is little practical difference if one recognises the red ray of the archetypes through the masks of Odin or the Devil. In both cases he is a trickster dressed in red and black, one finds him at the crossroads, or else at the northern door of the temple, and turns to him for magical knowledge. Both are masks for the archetype of the red ray; a psychegen older than any culture. The animal 'fetch' of rune magick became the 'familiar' offered during the demonic pact, while the runes themselves became merged with the lamen of the diabolist grimoires.

Genuine witchcraft represented the eternal struggle between authority, religion and 'order' on the one hand, and rebellion, magick and anarchy on the other. Its struggle was bound up with all manner of heresies and expressions beyond the bondage of fixed belief. It

is in this context that the Infernal Witchcraft of the late 16th - 19th centuries finds its meaning; the Black Sabbat, the Black Mass, the renunciation of Christ, and the Infernal Pact, were spiritual statements in opposition to Church and State. The neuromancer, in opposing the mind control of the modern day, is a genuine heir to the true spirit of heretical witchcraft.

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“If all the commandments are negated, if everything is realised to be of the Self, if Mind is freed from dualism, and if talk of 'luck' and so on are abandoned, then in the case of the aspirant there is neither purity nor impurity, nor the distinction of gender.”

- Shri Bhagavan Dattatreya

Hinduism is a multidisciplinary religion more properly called Sanatana Dharma, based on writings and experiences of age old sages. It asserts the existence of a permanent, independent and undivided Self; in all ways correlating with what we have called the Greater Mind. There are endless divisions of Hindu systems, but they are widely known to consist of six fundamental schools; Vaiseka, Naiyayika, Samkha, Mimamsaka, Nigrantha, and Lokayat (Carvaka). The first five hold views of Sasvatavada, meaning eternalism, the last holds views of Etchedavada, meaning something akin to nihilism. Hinduism also advocates different ethical and meditation systems, through which one is reborn in Brahma, which we have called At-One-Ment with the Greater Mind. All these systems have the origins and roots in what has come to be known as 'Tantra'.

In the early 20th century Tantric magick and iconography became associated with political rebellion and nationalism (i.e. rebellion against rule

by the British Empire). The true history of the tradition, whitewashed by New Age authors of the West, is one of spiritual rebellion and uprising. A crucial issue overlooked by such pseudo-Tantrics is that in India only those of the lower castes may be admitted to the circle. The term has been grossly misapplied in the West, often assumed to mean merely 'sacred sex'. While this practice may be found in the Tantras the tradition includes the entire range of occult practices and techniques, such astrology, alchemy, medicine, meditation, and the quest for Enlightenment (At-OneMent). It must be understood that genuine Tantra is a mystery tradition entirely closed to outsiders. The purpose of this chapter is to consider how a few of the central concepts of Tantric philosophy relate to the context of the spiritual rebellion of the neuromancer, rather than to make any false and grandiose claims of initiation.

The manner in which the term 'Tantra' is commonly used is a modern development, and has become so established as to appear in dictionaries. Originally the terms Kala and Nath were used as titles for practitioners. The Sanskrit term 'Tantra' refers to the mystical texts of the tradition, with the Tantrika referring to gnosiology and Vaidika implying the epistimological study of the texts. It is essential to remember that the Tantric scriptures evolved from an oral tradition of prehistoric origin, rooted in what anthropologists have called 'shamanism'. As in the West, the rites of previous ages were demonised by the emerging culture; while the pre-Christian witchcraft of Europe was reframed by the Church as

Satanism, the rites of Tantra were reframed in later Hindu and Buddhist culture as the Vama Marg, meaning 'Left Hand Path'. While both cultures maintained the disciplines of Enlightenment, and the knowledge of reincarnation, the earlier 'shamanic' practices were outlawed.

The most influential of the Tantric sects include;


It is thought the Adinathas became a distinct sect between the 4th to 5th centuries, and were a tradition of bards and troubadours carrying the tradition from village to village in a mixture of song, dance, and ritual. Through them the compassionate truths of Buddhism were merged with Saivite doctrine. Their monasteries became the repositories of much art and literature concerned with 'magick'.

The Adinathas claim divine lineage from Siva, yet their cosmology is not monotheist, or even dualist. Their scriptures tell of Natha, the Lord, as being beyond all duality, with the supreme attainment being to permanently transcend duality through meditation, emphasising that there can be no Enlightenment without it.

The two most important figures in their history are Matsendranath and his disciple Gorakshanath, who is often credited for devising Hatha Yoga in the 11th century.


Some scholars trace their origins to a Dravidian sect, others to prehistoric origin. 'Pasu' may be translated as 'the means of knowing' leading to the dissolution of all sorrows (At-One-Ment).

Pasupata would demonstrate their loss of egoistic attachment by courting disfavour and continually confronting social and cultural values with oppositional behaviour intended to shock; such as gibbering, spitting, public defecation, and open masturbation.


Flourishing from around 1000 AD, they were naked Saddhus (mystics) who bathed in ashes from cremation grounds and are believed to have practised human sacrifice and cannibalism. Their name means 'bearer of the Kapala'; a bowl made from a human skull. They were devotees of Bhairava, Siva as a beggar, whose own bowl was made from the severed fifth head of Brahma.


An ascetic sect who divided from the Kapilakas during the 14th century. They command extreme reverence from Hindus, who regard them as saints while also condemning them as non-Hindus. As with other Vama Marg sects their deviance is also seen as evidence of liberation and attainment. As with the Kapilaka they are naked mystics, dwell in cemeteries,

and carry a Kapala. They practice cannibalism and are known for their powers of necromancy, healing, and the relief of suffering.

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Tantric Philosophy

Whereas exoteric religions teach that the 'soul' (consciousness) unites with the Source after death, Tantric philosophy recognises that consciousness is inseparable from the Source and 'part of it'. The divine spark is hidden within us, and it is our purpose as mortals to develop this spark into a flame; to Become Thy Self, which is to say to find and nourish the divinity inherent in the Self (this is very different from the self-deification of certain egoists masquerading as Left Hand Path practitioners in the West). The ultimate aim is freedom from reincarnation within the endless cycles of Maya (the Matrix). Until this is achieved consciousness is bound by illusion and must continually reincarnate.

The Tantric sages all had reputations for deliberate obscurantism and creativity with facts; just as Siva manifests in many forms dependent on his devotee's readiness to receive him, so were the Tantras written to be interpreted at three levels; the Pravritti Marga (Way of the World), concerned with mundane matters of the household, the Nivritti Marga (Way of Return), concerned with spiritual devotion, and the Mumkshus (Way of Liberation), concerned with the quest for Enlightenment (At-One-Ment). For these reasons, and many others, the Tantric scriptures are impossible into

translate in English while maintaining all levels of meaning. Nevertheless, we may identify five key aspects to Tantric philosophy;


Appears in the Mahabharata, one of the two Sanskrit epics forming the mythical history of Hinduism. The term means 'listening', appearing also in Arabic and surviving in Sufism. It has been employed since the 10th century to refer to communion with the gods (archetypes) through song, dance, and ritual chants.


May be translated to mean 'natural living'; spontaneous, uncontrived and in accordance with nature, reverting to the pre-conditioned mind with the unselfconsciousness of a child. It is present in the early Zen teachings where the master requires the disciple to answer any question put to them without the intervention of conditioned reflex or intellectual repetition.

In Chinese the principle became tzu-jan, meaning 'selflessness'. Lao Tzu considered that Confucian ethics, which largely reflect those of our modern age, stifled the natural free spirit. Retirement from such a society was seen as essential for those who would develop their tzu-jan. Taoism, Zen, and Brahma-Vidya viewed this renouncement as the outer sign of freedom from the bondage of conventional society. In the Buddhist Tantras that flourished between the 7th

to 10th centuries Sahaja remained a central tenet and was also adopted in Tibet.


In Tantric scriptures it is told that Maya (an aspect of the divine mother Devi Mahayam, herself an aspect of Laksmi, at one with Kali Durga) covers the eyes of Visnu in divine sleep (i.e. 'repose), yet at the bequest of Brahma she releases him so that he may slay the Auras (forces of Chaos). It is Maya who weaves the 'fabric of reality' at the behest of Brahma (the Greater Mind); she is the principle deity governing and perpetuating the illusion of duality (the Matrix), representative of all that must be transcended if Enlightenment (At-One-Ment) is to be attained. Where the perception of duality is perceived as 'truth', Maya becomes the divine power of Brahma in manifestation - yet Brahma is not bound by Maya, any more than a stage conjurer is fooled by their own illusions. Therefore it is to Maya that the Tantric turns in seeking freedom from illusion.


It is told that a young prince once asked Dattatreya who his guru was. In response the Maha Yogi indicated to the rocks and plants all around him. A central principle of Tantra is that of Sveccachara (Free Will). This is to be understood that the Tantric does not follow orthodoxy and follows their own path, realising and actualising the Self. The greatest

hindrance to this are the various illusions preventing us from genuine knowledge of the Self; the Kleshas.


These are the personal demons that distract us from our true purpose as mortals; to transcend and become 'more than' mortal. As with the shadows they do not originate anywhere other than within ourselves, unwittingly created as sub-personalities. They are tricksters, ever learning new and more devious ways to hide in our minds, disguising themselves as more than they are. Western psychology recognises that human consciousness is based upon instinctual drives, yet does not teach self mastery. In Tantra the Kleshas are not seen as the inevitable results of society but as disruptive energies that may permeate our being and cause us harm. They spring from compulsion, driving our behaviour unless we become aware of them and transcend their limitations.

The five Kleshas are as follows;

Avidya Klesha; ignorance.

Asthitha Klesha; egoism.

Abhinava Klesha; immaturity.

Raga Klesha; attachment.

Dwesha Klesha: repulsion.

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“Those things by which evil men are bound, others turn into means and gain thereby release from the bonds of existence. By passion the world is bound, by passion too it is released, but by heretical Buddhists this practice of reversals is not known.. One knowing the nature of poison may dispel poison with poison.”

- Hevajra Tantra

What we refer to here as Tantric Buddhism is a tradition originating in northern India during the medieval period (3-13th century), which spread to Tibet and East Asia under various forms. In Tibet is is known as Vajrayana, in China it is known as Mizong or Tangmi, and in Japan it is known as Mikkyo. The rise of Tantric Buddhism was a response to the feudal structure of Indian society, where the aristocracy were considered divine manifestations. As with Tantric Hinduism its essence is one of spiritual rebellion.

Elements of Tantric Buddhism may be traced to a group of wandering yogis called mahasiddhas (meaning 'great adepts') whose methods were radically different from those of the monasteries, including retreat into forests and caves, and rituals in charnel grounds to evoke wrathful dieties, quite similar to the Kapalika of Hindu Tantra. These yogic circles came together in ritual feasts (ganachakra) that included dancing, singing, sexual magick, and taboo

breaking - such as the ingestion of alcohol, meat, or sexual fluids.

The Guhyasamaja is a Mahayoga class of Tantra, which features new forms of ritual practice considered 'left hand path' (vamachara). The Buddhist tantras may be devided into those which were a development of established Mahayanist philosophy and those formed toward the end of the 8th century and developed into the esoterism of vamachara, mainly the later works associated with wandering antinomian yogis. Later monastic Vajrayana Buddhists reinterpreted and internalised these radically transgressive and taboo practices as metaphors and visualisation exercises.

In Bengal during the 8th century, a movement called Sahajasiddhi flourished, dominated by long haired vagabond yogis called mahasiddhas, who openly challenged and ridiculed the Buddhist establishment, and pursued the development of siddhis - the magical powers developed as a side effect of spiritual enlightenment (At-One-Ment).

During the 9-10th centuries the Yogini tantras, such as the Hevajra, the Charasamvara, and the Kalachakra, were developed, representing the final form of Indian Buddhist Tantras.

According to Tantric Buddhist philosophy there is no separation between nirvana (the sacred) and samsara (the profane); rather, they are a continuum. All individuals contain the potential for enlightenment like a seed, which is covered over by defilements. Buddhahood itself is not transcendent but immanent, eternally present in the now. In Mahayan practice the

'path of the cause' is taken, whereby the practitioner begins with their potential Buddha nature and nurtures it to produce the fruit of Buddhahood (Sammasambuddha). In Vajrayana the 'path of the fruit' is taken, whereby the practitioner takes their innate Buddha nature as the starting point and means of practice.

Vajrayana also adopted various Tantric Hindu deities such as Siva-Bjairava, a particularly fierce form of the deity, known also in Tibet as Yamantaka. Feminine deities and forces are also increasingly prominent in Vajrayana. In the Yogini Tantras in particular, women and female figures are given high status as the embodiment of female deities such as the naked and untameable Vajrayogi. In India, women participated alongside men and were also teachers, adepts, and the authors of Tantric texts. The Candamaharosana Tantra states, “Women are heaven, women are the teaching (dharma). Women indeed are the highest austerity (tapas). Women are the Buddha, women are Sangha. Women are the perfection of wisdom.”

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“Voodoo does not concern itself with matters of salvation or transcendence. Voodoo is about getting things done.”

- William Gibson, Neuromancer

“Mind control’s sliding scale extends to Psychological Warfare, which is a missing piece of the puzzle that brings the Big Picture into focus as to what in the world is really going on with Haiti.” - Cathy O'Brien,

MK Ultra survivor and whistle-blower

As with Tantra, Voudon has been grossly misrepresented by Western 'Zoodoo' pseudopractitioners and merged with various forms of New Age philosophy. The purpose of this chapter is not to repeat these aberrations, or in any way add to them, but rather to discuss how elements of its tradition relate to the spiritual rebellion of the neuromancer. To have any understanding of Voudon it is necessary to

understand the political climate in which it was born.

Haiti covers one third (10,000 square miles) of the island formerly known as Hispanolia, and is FrenchCreole speaking. The other two thirds have Spanish and English as their official languages and constitute the Dominican Republic. Columbus discovered Hispaniola in 1492, finding it inhabited by the Taino peoples of the Arawak tribe. It is estimated there were around 400,000 indigenous inhabitants of the island when the Spanish landed. The Tainos resided in permanent settlements, lived in relative peace and harmony thanks to a deeply instilled sense of unity and justice, and practised a skilful form of land preservation where the soil was constantly replenished with compost. They were soon enslaved and made to work in gold mines. After 30 years there were fewer than a thousand left alive; those not worked to death committed suicide or escaped to the mountains to live in secret. They are thought to have cohabited briefly with runaway African slaves brought to Hispanolia to replace them as a labour force; by the mid-16th century over 200,000 slaves had been shipped from Africa.

In 1697 the island was divided by the Treaty of Ryswick. The French controlled the western third, renaming it Saint Dominique, and imported more slaves to work in the sugar plantations. The colony became one of the richest in the Caribbean, paid for by the sweat and blood of slaves. In 1724 the Dahomies invaded Adra, where the adorations of the serpent mysteries are still performed today, subjugating it for three years - later Whydah was

captured also. Thousands of tribal people were sold into slavery and it is at this time that the Voudon cults were transported from Africa to Haiti, and from there to Louisiana. Besides the Dahomies, many others also contributed to the pantheons and rituals of Voudon; chiefly the Fon, Nago, Ibo, Kongo Sengalese, Haoussars, Capaiaou, Mandinga, Mondongue, Angolese, Lybian, Malagache, and through their preserved knowledge the mysteries of ancient Ethiopian - Egyptian - Assyrian civilisations.

A detail often overlooked in the history of Voudon is that the island had been 'given' by Oliver Cromwell to his younger brother - although he had no more right to it than his claim to Ireland. The actions of Cromwell against the Irish Catholics were genocidal, and many unconverted white slaves were also shipped to Saint Dominique. The Voudon of Africa merged with Catholicism, and the pantheon also picked up elements from Irish lore, such as Mama Bridget (the wife of Baron Saturday). By 1790 the number of African slaves in Saint Dominique exceeded half a million. The French were careful to divide those who spoke the same languages to avoid dissent. Religious ritual became the sole ground on which slaves could find solidarity. Voudon was practised in secrecy among the plantations, and thrived among the maroons. As well as creating a new 'metisage' religion, a new language was created; Creole.

As the 18th century concluded dissent among the slaves was fuelled by news of the French Revolution. In 1791, August 14th, during a violent storm, a Voudon priest called Boukman performed a ritual in

the woodland clearing of Bois Cayman. Slaves and maroons were gathered from all over the region. Illuminated by lightning, Boukman sacrificed a black pig to the African ancestors, and in its blood wrote the words 'Liberty or Death'. Inspired and invigorated, the slaves returned to their plantations and spread the message of revolution. Within days the plantations were burning with a passion for freedom that did not extinguish until independence was gained in 1804. The uprising was an event of sustained mass possession, the Petro, Makaya and Ghede lwa literally took up arms.

Saint Dominique became the first successful slave uprising, and the first black republic, in the New World. It was renamed Haiti, the original Taino name for the country, meaning 'mountainous land'.

In 1809, during the war between France and Spain, many Haitian slaves fled to Cuba, where Haitian Voudon seeded the traditions of Palo Mayombe, while others sought refuge in Louisiana, where it seeded the New Orleans Voodoo tradition. Since then many new branches have grown upon its family tree, each a distinct initiatory tradition reflecting its own linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but all sharing and honouring the same common roots. Each also has its own attitude regarding the past, present and future of the Voudon tradition.

From the end of WWII to 1956 Haiti rivaled Havanna for glamour and nightlife and was the New World's most lucrative colony. This changed overnight in 1957 when Papa Doc Duvalier arrived into the presidential palace and with his Ton Ton

Macoute (meaning 'Uncle Strawsack', a terrifying hobgoblin) turned the island into a tyrannical nightmare. His brutal tactics included public rapes, executions, torture, and darkest sorcery (Makaya). He was followed into power by his son, Baby Doc Duvalier.

In 2003, Voudon was finally recognised as the official religion of Haiti. The beliefs have mixed with other traditions in many wonderful ways, but some awful things have happened there and terror still rules today. Even before the earthquake the United Nations troops positioned there considered anyone seeking genuine independent rule for Haiti (as opposed to CIA positioned puppet presidents) as 'gang members', and performed countless public executions. It is still considered among the most dangerous places in the world.

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The Lwa - Laws of Voudon

The Voudon 'gods' are called lwa, meaning 'law'; although their understanding of these principles has far more in common with our psychological archetypes than anything strictly worshipped as separate from the self. They are said to reside in the Waters Beneath the Earth; a concept very much like the collective unconscious. Within these waters are said to be Nations, the greatest of which are those of Rada, Petro, Makaya, and the Ghede (the Dead). Together these form the land of Guinea, the African equivalent to Atlantis or Lumura. Upon each of these

spiritual continents grow endless jungles the various families ('fammy' in Creole) of lwa reside. Although the lwa have been known by Africans for millions of years there are also 'young spirits' regularly added to the pantheons, with no two Voudon Hounfor (temples) recognising exactly the same pantheons.

The essential formulae of Voudon ceremony may be described as a highly structured 'party' to which the lwa are invited to attend through possession. Ceremonies may continue for many hours, all filled with art and music. The traditional temple consists of a communal space (peristil) at the centre of which is a sacred post or decorated tree (poto mitan) around which the ceremony revolves. Surrounding the peristyle are smaller altar rooms housing ritual objects and the clothing adopted by the possessed.

Communion begins with a liturgical prayer followed by drumming and song, with each lwa responding to their own melodies and called in turn to descend. Each are saluted in turn by the Houngan or Mambo (in orthodox ritual) or Bokor (in sorcery), but all agreeing that the first lwa to be honoured in any ceremony is Legba, the red ray of the archetypes, the red and black trickster at the crossroads. Sacrifices (gifts) to him commonly include toys and sweets. It seems appropriate to pass comment here on the much sensationalised role of the blood sacrifice, commonly performed in Voudon ritual. It must be understood that Haitian culture is one where the average citizen butchers their own dinner, regardless of whether they are attending ceremony. In Voudon it is the blood that feeds the lwa, while the meat is never wasted and

goes to feed the celebrants.

Ceremony then gives honour to the Marassa, the divine twins personifying the neither / neither principle who are simultaneously the first and youngest of all the lwa, then moves through each of the lwa (sometimes called the Seven African Powers) in turn, with drums and song providing the invitation to join the 'party' through possessing a medium, usually for whom they are the 'master of the head'. The sequence mirrors that of the Indian system of the seven chakra circuits, with the final lwa to be served being the Ghede, the archetypes of the violet ray.

The lwa make their presence known during ceremony through possession of the celebrants. This is never a random matter; the initiation involves the identification of the 'Master of the Head', called also the Gros Bon Ange or 'Greater Good Angel'; this is the lwa that 'rides' a participant during ritual. In most temples, only this one lwa will ever possess a celebrant, however in some cases the Ti Bon Ange, 'Lesser Good Angels', may also manifest - these being the two lwa to 'either side' of the Gros Bon Ange, while the four Racine work to either side of these.

The masks of the lwa are many, but among the most important we find;


The intermediary between the lwa and humanity, facilitating all communication, speech, and understanding, and is the Opener of the Way between our world and the Waters Beneath the Earth. He

speaks all languages and is considered the great elocutioner. His nature is honourable and lawful, and only the extremely stupid sorcerer would attempt to persuade him towards unlawful or dishonourable results. If the Voudusant has a bad relationship with Legba, or in any ways annoys him, all access to the spirit realms may be severed - or worse. Master of all magick, he may be attributed to the red ray of the archetypes.


The dark aspect of Legba, residing at cemetery crossroads, who opens the way between our world and the darker realms corresponding to the shadows of the archetypes.


Called also the Ibeji in related spiritual systems of Orissa, these are the first ancestors, considered the reflection of Legba 'beneath the Waters'. It is a universal wisdom that twins exhibit psychic faculties, possessing similar DNA and mirror neurons. Marassa are noted for telepathically communicating with each other, and working together as if they are one mind. Possession is also typified by regression, with the nation of Marassa including the spirits of all deformed and disabled children. In Haitian Voudon art, icons are often made from pairs of dolls with their limbs twisted and rearranged, or else two heads and four arms on one body, as with so called Siamese twins.

Sacrifices to them are often of toys, sweets, and all things delightful to children. These are arranged in perfect pairs, to stop the Marassa from squabbling.

The most popular veve of the Marassa is a composite crossroads character similar to the 'divide and rule' symbol of Freemasonry. Others include three pillars, comparable to the triple pillars of the Kabala, identifying their mystery as analogous to Jubal and Tubal Cain. The neuromancer may also recognise this same dual principle at work at a quantum level in the spin factors of particles manifesting directly from the void, as if passing through a 'gate' to another dimension.

The significance of the Marassa's appearance as children, especially abandoned or disfigured, is not to be overlooked. In all cases, whether 'psychological' or 'spiritual', the child archetype represents not only something from the distant past but also present in the now; it is not just a vestige but a system functioning in the present whose purpose is to compensate the inevitable prejudices of the conscious mind, the nature of which is to concentrate on relatively few contents and raise them to the highest pitch of clarity. A necessary result of this is an inevitable one sidedness of consciousness, with other potential contents excluded, abandoned and turned away like disfigured and unwanted children.

Since civilised man has been granted an effective instrument for the realisation of mental contents through the exercise of will, there is all the more danger, the more he trains his will, of getting lost in his one-sided awareness and deviating further from

his true nature, the laws (lwa) at the root of his being. On the one hand this means the possibility of human freedom, on the other the endless transgressions against his deeper instincts, and against his own True Will.

The Marassa also correspond to the red ray of the archetypes.

Ayizan, the First Mambo

The lwa of all commerce, exchange, sacrifices and pacts. She is a 'root mystery' associated with rites of initiation and the granting of the Asson (ceremonial rattle) upon entering the priest-craft. In the Voudon temple she is represented by a palm tree or central pillar; the axis mundi connecting our world to the above and below, corresponding to the Middle Pillar on the Kabala.

In the extended family of Voudon she is said to be married to both Legba and Gwan Bwa. She is a powerful guardian of reglimen, meaning discipline and the upholding of tradition.

Ayizan is also attributed to the red ray.

Gwan Bwa / Loko, the First Houngan

The master of the sacred jungles of Guinin, the lands beneath the Waters. He is the protector of all wild animals, and the master of all natural medicines and magick. In formal Voudon he is the first Houngan, a self initiate who came out of the jungle. As with all 'shamanic' spiritist traditions, the Mystery Schools of

Greece and Rome, and in the spiritual maturing of Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and all the 'attained', initiation into Voudon involves being sent out into the wilds to confront the mysteries alone. Upon return, the Houngan is recognised and empowered by their community. A powerful spirit of sorcery, Gwan Bwa may be attributed to the red ray of the archetypes.

Simbi, the 3 Magi

A large and diverse family of serpents with wide ranging powers. Like many snakes they move upon land and upon water, but the Simbi may also fly and be seen in the sky. Commonly associated with the three Magi of the Nativity, with special services performed upon Three King's Day (Twelth Night), the 3 aspects are; Simbi d'Leau, meaning serpent of the waters, Simbi Andeo, meaning serpent of two waters (the sky), often associated with lightning and electrical signals generally, and Simbi Makaya, meaning serpent of fire, the initiator of Makaya sorcerers and husband to Ezili GeRouge (Mama Red Eye). A popular veve d' Simbi comprises of a serpent and a cross. They are attributed to the red ray of the archetypes, and may be corresponded with the Serpent of Knowledge weaving through the branches of the Kabala. The relationship between Simbi and Legba may be likened to a computer link to the internet, with Legba being the modem or wi-fi, and Simbi being the transmission of information (a definition I owe to Mama Lola, from a lesson she gave in London, 1999).


The warrior lwa, concerned with honour, justice, and the defence of human rights. Attributed to the orange (martial) ray of the archetypes.

Danballah & Ayida Wedo

Among the most important of the lwa are the root mysteries Danballah and his wife Ayida Wedo, often shown as two snakes weaving around a caduceaus, being how serpents copulate. Their ritual songs tell of them carrying the ancestors on their backs through the Waters Beneath the Earth. As lwa of the Rada nations their colour is white, being in all African continents the colour of ancestral service. Offerings to them are commonly of an egg balanced on a mound of flour. Neither Danballah nor Ayida Wedo talk during possession, but radiate a powerful aura and communicate telepathically. They are attributed to the yellow (solar) ray of the archetypes.


The lwa of elemental power and natural laws. Ogoun, Chango, and Legba are often invoked together as a triad in times of spiritual and political struggle, reflecting the relationship between Odin (Legba), Tyr (Ogoun) and Thor (Chango). Attributed to the blue ray of the archetypes.


The lwa of womanhood in its various manifestations, inhabiting three separate nations in the Waters Beneath the Earth. They are;

Ezili Freda; The lwa of love, beauty, adornment, and all things considered feminine. She is usually depicted as a fair skinned woman of great wealth, wearing excessive amounts of jewellery. She may also be identified with the Holy Mary, particularly Mater Dolorosa, Maria of the Seven Sorrows. In her shadow (Baka) aspect she may also be spoiled, jealous, vain, manipulative, and lazy. Often she will leave the ceremony in a strop, unable to gain her desires, or else in the tears of a broken heart, as if suffering the seven sorrows. She has three husbands, being Danballah (Ayida Wedo is the root mystery at the source of Ezili Freda), Ogoun, and Agwe. Note also the corresponding phonetics of Freda and Freya, her corresponding mystery in heathen Northern Europe.

Ezili Dantor; In her Petwa aspect Ezili is often depicted as a buxom black woman cradling a child while brandishing a machete, and is also identified with the image of the Black Madonna, or as a python. She has seven children, of which she is a fierce protector. It is said that during the days of slavery her tongue was removed, which is why she never speaks during possession. Fiercely practical and intensely sexual, she has little time for the romantic dreams that occupy Ezili Freda. She has many lovers among the lwa, male and female, but has never chosen a husband. Her veve consists of a heart pierced by daggers.

Ezili Ge-Rouge; The sorceress, and consort of Simbi Makaya. Appears in rites of Makaya, where she claims to be a separate and more powerful mystery than Ezili Dantor, who herself claims they are one and the same. Like Dantor, she has no tongue and does not speak. Associated with the 'blood moon' she may be identified as sharing a root mystery with Ishtar-Ashteroth, the consort of Baal in the mysteries of ancient Mesopotamia. Emotional and irrational, even the lwa tremble in her presence. Her eyes are red because of her angry love, often flying into terrible rages of hurt and fury, during which times she may transform into a terrible Baka, often in the form of poisonous serpents or tarantula spiders. She is so bloodthirsty that most societies forbid her from manifesting during the blood sacrifice, as her killing frenzies are unstoppable.

La Siren / Mama Waters

The lwa of the oceans in our world, and of the Waters Beneath the Earth, often depicted as a mermaid or a whale. Ruling over all aspects of what we call the subconscious mind, intuition, imagination, and dreams, she is an extremely powerful sorceress, and a lunar mystery whose shadow (Baka) is comparable with the Greek Hekate, queen of the Goes. She may be attributed to the indigo ray of the archetypes, and perhaps even the qualities of Theta consciousness itself.


The lwa of the dancing dead, presiding over the twin drives of Eros and Thanatos, and all things concerned with cemeteries and sexuality. Just as the Voudusant must first gain the favour of Legba to commune with the mysteries, so must they gain the favour of the Ghede if they wish to commune with the dead. Like Legba, they are most often represented by the sign of the cross, most commonly on a tomb, with the largest cross in the graveyard providing the traditional location of services to Baron Saturday, their leader, and his consort Mama Bridgette. Like Legba, they are rebellious tricksters who enjoys nothing more than undermining the pompous and vain. In Voudon ceremony their colours are black and purple; they are attributed to the violet ray of the archetypes.


The Zombi are not lwa, or in truth in any way 'undead', but are a condition of mind control slavery induced through poisons, mind warping drugs, and what might otherwise be called trauma based mind control. The Zombi slave is rendered dissociative, unable to recall their waking life and convinced they have been brought back from the grave. It is a severe punishment dealt by the Houngan upon the worst of criminals.

The presence of the CIA in Haiti, and their interest (through Sandoz Laboratories - where the LSD came from in the 1960s) in 'Zombi powder', is well recorded.


First reported during the days of Baby Doc Duvalier, the Autozobop are ghost cars, black with bright headlights, that appear during the night and 'vanish' people, their tyres leaving no tread-marks in their wake. Like the Men in Black' that supposedly 'vanish' people after UFO sightings, it is likely the Autozobop are a very real phenomena; for decades, Haiti has been used as a testing ground for trauma-based mind control, multi-generational genetic alteration, infestation of AIDs, human trafficking, and is an epicentre for CIA cocaine and heroin drug operations.

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The Voudon Family Tree

The Voudon spiritual system has proven itself remarkably adaptable and resilient, its deep roots giving sustenance to many branches, which have spread throughout the world. Its comprehension of the mysteries is inclusive rather than exclusive, with modern practitioners often merging their knowledge with Tantra, Kabala, Goetia, and other sources dealing with magick and what we have called the archetypes.

The ceremonies themselves, while holding a strict reglimen, are also adaptable, and not to mention extremely cool. In 1999, I was honoured to have been a guest at the largest Voudon ceremony London had ever seen, or has probably seen since, presided over by Ton Ton Edgar of Port au Prince and Papa Doc Williams of London. It was held in Bagley's

warehouse, King's Cross - at the time, a regular 'rave' venue. Ceremony combined traditional drumming and song with a sound system, projected film, and lights.

There are many schools within the Voudon philosophy, embracing many ways of living. For example, the blood sacrifices known in Haiti and Africa are impractical in modern urban life, where none of us butcher our own dinner, and opinions are divided as to whether one is doing 'real Voudon' if one sacrifices a spicy chicken pot-noodle rather than chop the head off a chicken. Nevertheless, the Voudon path of 21 Nations is entirely vegetarian.

Voudon's shoots have even spread through the internet - a phenomenon foreseen in the fiction of William Gibson. Through possession and interaction with their servants, some lwa have learned to communicate by means of text and tweets. 'Virtual shrines' may be found on many social media sites. While horror films and sensationalist 'documentaries' still depicts Voudon as primitive superstition concerned chiefly with malefica, it has continued to evolve as it has grown; like the Marassa, and Papa Legba himself, it is simultaneously among the oldest - if not the oldest - and youngest spiritual systems in the world.


“In Portuguese, he sang, 'I remember that you created me from the red mud.' And, 'O father, O my good father. O mother, O my mother.' In Nago he chanted, 'Capungaru ku ku ru ku.' And, 'Ai, obaluae.'

Nelson's wife slipped in and sang the chants an octave higher. 'O my small craft, forgive it. Mother mine.” And, 'To my seven men, I am singing. O I will name them. O I will call their names.' ”

- A. J. Langguth, Macumba

Macumba is the Brazilian syncretisation of the Voudon religion and is an umbrella term for three forms of the African Diaspora spiritist traditions; Candomble (the religion of the people), Umbanda (the right hand path) and Quimbanda (the left hand path).

Candomble more properly preserves Yoruba tradition, referring to the archetypes as Orissa. The name possibly derives from the secret night time ceremonies of those slaves working in the coffee plantations. Since males were forced to spend their days in fields of labour, all ceremonial duties were

inherited by the women, called 'Mothers of the Saints', who also had to serve as mistresses for the Portuguese whites. Even today men are excluded from responsibilities in Candomble spiritual temples. The rituals follow the same essential principles as Voudon possession ceremonies of Haiti.

Umbanda was founded in 1904 and syncretises African, Native American, as well as certain Hindu, Buddhist and 'folk Catholic' spiritism with native Brazilian magick. The name possibly derives from the Sanskrit aum-ghanda, meaning 'mystery of mysteries'.

Candomble and Umbanda recognise very similar pantheons, with the red ray of the archetypes known by the name Exu, originating with the Yoruba Exu-Elegbara, from where the Haitian name Legba is also derived.

Quimbanda is the path of sorcery, having found solid roots in many urban areas of Brazil, and is of most relevance to the neuromancer. Quimbanda also recognises Exu, commonly masking the archetype not with the Saints of Catholicism but by the image of the Devil. As such it has much in common with the Infernal Witchcraft of 17th - 19th century Europe. The charakteres most commonly employed in his rituals are the sign of the cross, serpents, and the three pronged fork of Hell; in all ways identical with the Helm of Awe, being the charaktere of Odin; the heathen mask of the red ray, also identified in later tradition with the Devil. He is a trickster whose colours are red and black, who may be found at the crossroads, and offerings to him commonly include toys and sweets.

In modern, street level Macumba sorcery the symbols of Exu may also include the averse pentagram of Satanism and a number of lamen from The Goetia; according to Orissa tradition Exu has 72 paths (shadows of the red ray); the same number of demons as listed in The Goetia. Among his many titles we also find that of 'Holy Guardian Angel'. Note that in The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, the grimoire from which the HGA tradition derives in the West, the conjurer is advised that the first mask presented by the HGA is that of a trickster who shall promise all manner of temptations, as with St. Anthony in the desert, or Christ's own encounter with the Fallen One. This also is in keeping with the nature of Exu.

Although Exu may appear in demonic form, the religion itself is in no way Satanic, at least not as the term is commonly understood. As with the lwa of Haitian Voudon, the Orissa are commonly corresponded with Catholic saints, which as neuromancers we designate as the archetypal rays rather than their shadows. It is this attribute that provides the term Santeria, meaning 'way of the saints'; the name of a separate path closely related to the Voudon of Africa, as well as an umbrella term embracing the spiritist traditions of Brazil and many others. Nevertheless, the shadows are present in the rituals of black magick, with many parallels to the Goetic tradition and the Harrowing of Hell. Kabalistic Daath, the 0 circuit, is reflected in the Spanish Santeria mystery of El Christo Nigro, the Black Son / Sun, and his Palo Mayombe name Zarabanda, also taken to mean Black Sun.

Also of particular relevance to neuromancy is that Exu, in all of his forms and guises, is experienced as entering and leaving the body of the medium through a 'chakra' at the very base of the skull, corresponding with the dwarf brain. Those upon whom Exu has influence, perhaps through spell-work or even merely being in the presence of one of his mediums, may also experience heat and agitation at this location.

Faced with such correlations, one can only assume these forms and mysteries are extremely ancient psychegens encoded within human neurology itself, and / or the archetypes have wholly independent existence from any one culture, or even our minds as individuals, existing within the 'dreams' of the Greater Mind. Since they are independent we can therefore say they are independently sentient, perhaps even more sentient than any one human, existing at the very roots of human consciousness, and are effectively real.

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“In the Videodrome no-one can hear you scream.”

- Tom Vague

In the modern day we are constantly bombarded with media images, sensibilities, and moralities. On an immediate level are those images of beauty, masculinity, lifestyle etc. that many struggle to achieve. There are the 'polls' telling us what the 'normal' opinions are, the rapidly cycling fashions telling us how to express ourselves this season, pop stars to excite young sexuality, and bizarre equations of images such as half naked ladies and sports cars, or breakfast cereals and talking animals. Many followers of soap (i.e. brainwashing) operas speak of the characters as if they are real, even experiencing private rapture when they fall in love, or grief when they die.

The images of Black Mass Media become internalised even if we deny that we are influenced by them, effecting our beliefs and assumptions in subtle ways. To those who understand how the smallest change in consciousness can have the greatest effect on reality (the Matrix) these are revealed as extremely sinister. It is within the media that Britain and America's illegal wars have been redefined as the 'War on Terror', with civilian deaths as 'collateral damage', and being shot by your own side as 'friendly fire'.

Consider also that the tools of the media programmers, from the advertising industry to news broadcasts, are identical to those employed by sorcerers; emotional triggers, the abstraction of desire, subliminal messages, subconscious associations, the sublimation of sexuality.. The 'Voice of God' has become the voice-over (Coming soon!) and the white robed priests have become the scientists (New and improved formula!). The modern gods, the archetypes with the most influence upon our culture, are the TV personalities and pop stars; the pantheon of the Videodrome.

All attempts at resisting the Black Mass Media are inevitably swallowed up by it and spat back out, only to be swallowed again like a dog eating its own vomit, then spat out once more, drained of all nourishing potential - such as hippies, punk, and dance culture each were in their day. Even magick has become decontextualised, commodified, and mainstreamed; Crowley's face is now available on T-shirts, Wicca is a TV show for teenage girls, The Golden Dawn is a right wing pressure group in Greece, the A.-.A is a club for heavy drinkers, Satanism is a heavy metal dress code, Cthulhu is a plush cuddly toy, Eris goddess of the Discordians is a Walt Disney character, and Chaos magic, according to articles in The Guardian, is a fashion style akin to covering oneself in glue and rolling in a charity shop. The archetypes of the Black Mass Media are no less powerful than those drawn from pagan mythology, the grimoires, or any other source. Our heroes still obey the archetypal myth of the Solar King - the yellow

ray of the archetypes; if this were not so the story would be unsatisfactory at the deeper, mythological level and would not attain 'best seller' appeal. The Voudusant of Haiti are well familiar with this principle - I have attended ritual where Baron Samedi appeared in the form of Darth Vader, and where Erzulie Freda was honoured in the image of Lady Diana. Mass Media is overflowing with images and ideas we internalise as a culture, providing much raw material for the magician to similarly employ and subvert in their rituals. That these pantheons and images are fictitious means little, since it is the manner in which they resonate with deeper consciousness that makes them effective in magick; the archetypes remain constant and are effectively real.

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“Thou shalt not fuck with another's consciousness without their informed consent; The unspoken 11th Commandment.”

- D. J. Hocus Pocus

Wherever we go we are watched, recorded and triangulated. Our every email, tweet, message, text and conversation is open to scrutiny by their thought police. Every day we are bombarded with overt lies and covert commands: subliminals, neurolinguistic programming, black psy-ops.

They call it the battle for hearts and minds, by which they mean the battle to control the emotions and thoughts of their target population. The very word

government - govern ment - means mind control. Their weapons combine modern technology with ancient magick. Their strategies constitute a sustained assault upon consciousness. Their intention is nothing less than the complete subjugation of humanity: hypnotising us into consent whilst clouding awareness of our own slavery. To live in the modern world and imagine we are not mind controlled amounts to the same kind of dangerous denial that allowed the systematic exploitation and murder of millions in the Holocaust.

It may seem dramatic to compare the actions of our modern governments with the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, yet for far too many the comparison is wholly justified. Indeed, it was in these concentration camps that much of the mind control strategies and technologies employed by our modern governments were first developed - Project Paperclip and MK Ultra being two examples that have been well documented by historians and researchers. It is no coincidence that the mind scientists of Nazi Germany were also almost universally practitioners of a most abhorrent form of occultism, or that psychological operations generally are referred to within the intelligence services as the Black Art.

If the above seems paranoid it is because their mind control has worked. Your next inevitable assumption is that there is no evidence for our argument, and the next after that is that this lack will be considered by us as proof of a government cover up: the typical circular logic of the conspiracy theorist. Quite probably you will already have associated such ideas

with the lunatic fringe and people who believe the world is flat and is secretly run by baby eating extraterrestrial Luciferian lizard wizards of the Zionist Illuminati. Yet these conclusions are not the result of your own independent thought or research: it is the response of a mind programmed through repetition. The more dumbed down and controlled you are, the more likely you will be to dismiss this statement in anger.

If instead you recognise the above as plausible it is also because their mind control has worked. You have been groomed into thinking of yourself as a powerless slave, whilst attributing God-like omnipotence to your masters. You have been hypnotised into believing your mind can be controlled. These conclusions are not the result of your own independent thought and research: it is the response of a mind programmed through repetition. The more dumbed down and controlled you are, the more likely you will be to dismiss this statement with laughter.

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Most of us were exposed to TV’s glare from an early age. A focal point for the family to gather, its position in the home is analogous to the domestic shrines of earlier religious cultures. It is here we are instructed in the myths of our age and the ways of our ’tribe’. It is here too that the narratives of reality, from mundane concerns to our place in the cosmic scheme, are defined for us. The parallel is also illustrated by

modern TV evangelism, with their followers literally placing their hands on the screen as they pray for salvation.

We might like to think we are more evolved than tribal pagans, or less gullible than evangelical Christians, yet our faith in TV is such that anyone without one is seen as an outsider to the ’tribe’ of normal society. In the UK failure to pay for a TV license results in a veritable witch hunt - streams of letters implying the right to search your home and threatening to prosecute in a court of law, and this is whether you own a TV or not. They have claimed since the 1960s to possess detection devices that can tell if you have an unlicensed TV in your home, but these seem to be another lie.

TV has become the most ubiquitous of all mind control technologies: the medium par excellence to shape mass opinion on everything from religion, or politics, to fashion and musical taste. To point out the empirical evidence of what the TV really is - a weapon of persuasion - is to commit an act of contemporary heresy. Yet it is a matter of record that we are only permitted to see those programs sanctioned by our governments and their secret thought police.

In the USA, on January 14th, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed into effect Directive 77, giving the government and CIA full power to determine the contents of any news their population receive. In the UK journalists are bound by the supposedly voluntary D-notices that effectively make honest journalism an act of treason: sanctions that have been in place since

WWII and the days of MI7. The presence of Military Intelligence at the highest level of our broadcasting corporations is almost an open secret. Similar restrictions exist on TV broadcasting across Europe and Russia, and in all mainstream journalism, and online propaganda sources such as WiccaPeadia.

Whilst this ’information’ is fed to us through our TV sets or the internet, the screen flickers at a rate of 30 Hz; putting us into a sleepy, dream like and uncritical trance. The visual information fed to our brains enters through the yellow spot of the eye, feeding a panoramic view into the point of actual focus and concentration, making it all but impossible to look away. Our eyes fix on one point rather than roam around, active and alert to our environment. Brain activity diminishes and we soon find ourselves motionless, staring like zombies.

After only 30 seconds the brain produces Alpha waves, associated with meditation and sleep, which do not usually occur when the eyes are open. Yet this does not mean we are unaware, or not absorbing the information; it is neurologically comparable to the mental states induced by hypnotherapists for suggestion therapy. The switch from Beta (waking) to Alpha (trance) means we are less able to critically evaluate the information fed to us than we would from other sources. Any suggestion from the TV screen bypasses the logical, critical faculties and is transmitted directly to the brain as raw experience. Even if you are reading text from a screen the brainwaves are lowered considerably.

After around five minutes or so our brains produce

Alpha and Theta; engaging the intuitive subconscious associated with sensations, emotions and memories. Video games have been proven to lower brain activity even further, into Delta. This has harrowing implications for their effects upon brain development, especially in the younger generations, inducing epileptic seizures, attention deficit disorder, a lack of motor skills due to immobilising viewing habits, as well as impact on literacy, speech, listening, depth perception, observation, and critical thinking. The average attention span was once more than an hour; now it is around two to three minutes - the length of most scenes in a TV program, news broadcast, or advert.

There is also considerable evidence that TV, and the screens of computers, are addictive. Overexposure to the glowing light of the screen results in a rush of the brain’s natural opioid peptides; endorphins, including beta-endorphins and enkaphilins. These are structurally identical to opium and its derivatives such as heroin or morphine, and act on the same receptor sites. Even occasional TV viewers may experience genuine withdrawal symptoms if they do not watch for extended periods of time; such as restlessness, depression and anxiety.

These well documented negative effects have been deliberately engineered and exploited by sorcererscientists intent on controlling the minds of humanity. It is no coincidence that TV transmissions are called programs, because this is exactly what they are designed to do. In terms of ceremonial magick the TV set really is an idiot’s lantern. The same neuroscientist

who discovered the Theta and Delta brainwaves, a certain Dr. Grey, also provided the research defining the flicker rates of our TV sets - and our modern computer screens. The fact that out TV sets effect our brains as they do is not an accident - it is by deliberate design.

Consider also that the first true TV broadcasting stations were developed in Nazi Germany. Hitler was extremely impressed with the technology’s potential in mass manipulation. If it seems unlikely that this had anything to do with magick, remember that his mind scientists were among the regime’s elite citizens, and there is much evidence of their initiations into the esoteric Thule society. Also well documented is the fact that many of these mind scientists were ’swept up’ after WWII and allowed to continue their experiments in America and the UK; Project Paperclip and MK Ultra.

Sometimes, just sometimes, reality is crazier than the worst delusions of the most hopelessly lost paranoid schizophrenic; and just as isolating when you see it. Furthermore the technology is being advanced to make the TV an even more effective means of mass mind control. Still sounds like a far fetched conspiracy theory? Google this patent number; US6506148 B2.

The reader is encouraged to ceremoniously destroy their TV set; an act of heresy at least as significant to the contemporary magician as the Black Mass was during the age of Christianity, when church and state were one - and certainly of more relevance than the degenerate parody that is modern Satanism. Yet it will

not be enough to simply destroy - the mere absence of the TV will not be sufficient to empower us. There may even be withdrawal symptoms, more subtle yet just as all pervading as withdrawal from opiate addiction. There will not just be a gap in the front room where the TV used to stand, there will also be a gap in the daily routines and habits of our lives. This needs to be filled with something else, or the old habits will simply sneak back in, as with overcoming any addiction. Far better to replace these old habits with effective behaviour strategies.

In place of the TV instead build a domestic altar to whatever principals you choose or imagine. Rather than adopt any predefined religion turn this simple tool of mind-control to the purposes of magick -techniques of causing willed change in one’s own consciousness. Replace the psychic apathy of TV viewing with spiritual activism. Use the focal point of your domestic altar for discoveries in self-knowledge. If reality is to be defined, let it be through our own narratives. Where mental vacuity and relaxation are desired let this be achieved instead by meditation, strengthening and sharpening the mental faculties rather than dulling them. There are also a rich variety of shamanic methods for releasing the body’s natural endorphins, all of which can be turned to practical ends. If our minds are to be programmed, let it be with empowering messages of our own devising - not just changing the program but creating our own programs of change.

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Mind Control Technology

The New World Order employs mind control technology to target ’domestic extremists’ and turn them into babbling conspiracy theorists that nobody listens to. What do you do if you really are being targeted by shady government agents conspiring to make you look like you are a delusional paranoid?

Driving a target insane can be as final as murder, and these clandestine psychological attacks are intended to reproduce the symptoms of mental illness. If this is not already sinister enough, none other than Dr. Michael Persinger has suggested that the technology previously employed in TV broadcasting - now defunct due to digital technology - may be 're-tuned' and weaponised to effect the brainwave activity of a human target. Furthermore, he has conjectured that this technology could be employed to remote control all of humanity, throughout the entire world.

The following represents just a portion of the mind control technology patents available in the public sphere; they may be verified with a simple Google search. Black Ops technology is of course excluded; Intelligence Agencies have access to still secret equipment around 30 - 40 years ahead of anything the public are allowed to know about. The abilities of our governments to manipulate our brains, emotions, and responses either indirectly or directly through media broadcasts are evidently far beyond those most citizens are aware of.

Brain Wave Inducing Apparatus US5289438

Method & System for Altering Consciousness US5245666

Method & Recording for Producing Sounds & Messages to Achieve Alpha & Theta Brainwave States US5562597 FM Theta-Inducing Audible Sound US5954629

Brain Wave Inducing System US5935054

Manipulation by Electronic Fields from Monitors


Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors US6488617

Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brian State US6487531

Method & Apparatus for Controlling Auditory Hallucinations US6426919

Method & Apparatus for Analysing Neurological

Response to Emotion Inducing Stimuli US6258022

Pulse Variability in Electronic Field Manipulation of

Nervous System US6135944

Method of Inducing Harmonious States of Being


Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous System US6081744

Electric Fringe Field Generator for Manipulating Nervous

Systems US6052336

Apparatus & Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier US6039688

Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems US6011991

Communication System & Method of Inducing Brain Wave Analysis US6006188

Speech Signal Processing for Determining Psychological or Physiological Characteristics US5954630

Magnetic Excitation of Sensory Resonances US5922016

Apparatus for Electrical Stimulation of Auditory Nerves of a Human Being US5868103

Method & Apparatus for Controlling an Animal

USP5784124 Supraliminal Method of Education


Device & Method for Estimating a Mental Decision US5644363

Apparatus for Superimposing Visual Subliminal

Instructions on a Video Signal US5586967

Method & Apparatus for Reducing Physiological Stress US5551879

Dream State Teaching Machine US5539705

Ultrasonic Speech Translator & Communication System US5507291

Method & Apparatus for Remotely Determining

Information as to a Person’s Emotional State US5522386

Apparatus for Determination of the Condition of the

Vegetative Part of the Nervous System US5480374

Device for Inducing Altered States of Consciousness US5392788

Method & Device for Interpreting Concepts & Conceptual

Thought USP5352181

Method & Recording for Producing Sounds & Messages US5330414

Personal Subliminal Messaging System US5270800

Subliminal Message Generator US5224864

Method of Recording & Reproducing Subliminal Signals

that are 180° Out of Phase US5221962

Subliminal Device Having Manual Adjustment of

Perception Level of Subliminal Messages US5215468

Method & Apparatus for Introducing Subliminal Changes to Audio Stimuli US5213562

Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional & Physical States of Consciousness US5194008

Subliminal Image Modulation Projection & Detection

System & Methods US5175571

Glasses with Subliminal Message US5170381

Method for Mixing Audio Subliminal Recordings US5159703

Silent Subliminal Presentation System US5151080

Method & Apparatus for Inducing & Establishing a

Changed State of Consciousness US5135468

Method & Apparatus of Varying the Brain State of a

Person by

Means of an Audio Signal US5134484

Superimposing Method & Apparatus Useful for

Subliminal Messages US5128765

System for Implementing the Synchronized

Superimposition of Subliminal Signals US5123899

Method & System for Altering Consciousness US5052401

Product Detector for a Steady Visual Evoked Potential

Stimulator &

Product Detector US5047994

Supersonic Bone Conduction Hearing Aid & Method US5036858

Method & Apparatus for Changing Brainwave Frequency


Therapeutic Subliminal Imaging System US5017143

Method & Apparatus for Producing Subliminal Images

US4958638 Apparatus for Generating Sound through Low

Frequency & Noise Modulation US4889526

Method & Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music


Hearing System (V2K) USP4858612

Hearing Device (V2K) US4834701

Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain

Wave USP4821326

Non-Audible Speech Generation Method & Apparatus


Auditory Subliminal Programming System US4734037

Message Screen USP4717343

Method of Changing a Person’s Behaviour US4699153

System for Assessing Verbal Psychological Correlates


Video Subconscious Display Attachment US46116261

Method & Apparatus for Generating Subliminal Visual

Messages US4573449

Method for Stimulating the Falling Asleep and / or

Relaxing Behaviour of a Person US4395600

Auditory Subliminal Message System & Method US4388918


“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?”

- CIA Document, Project ARTICHOKE, MORI ID 144686, 1952

Throughout human history mind control has been the domain of sorcerers, mystics, and cults. Among the earliest writings concerning the use of occultism for mind control can be found in The Egyptian Book of the Dead; a compilation of rituals, heavily studied by today’s secret societies, including methods of torture and intimidation (trauma based mind control), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate.

It was only during the middle of the 20th century that mind control became a science in the modern sense of the term. Among the first methodical studies on trauma based mind control were those conducted in Nazi concentration camps by the SS physician Dr. Josef Mengele. He initially gained notoriety for supervising the selection of arriving prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced labourer. He is mostly known for performing human experiments on camp inmates, including children and especially twins, for which he became known as the Angel of Death. Much of his research was confiscated by the Allies and is still classified to this day; it served as a basis for the covert, illegal CIA human research program named Project MK Ultra, which ran from the early 1950s to

at least the late 1960s (officially, that is), using American, Canadian and UK citizens as its test subjects. Since then countless thousands of subjects have been systematically observed, documented and experimented on.

Published evidence indicates that MK Ultra involved numerous methods to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of psychedelic drugs and torture. Although the admitted goals of the projects were to develop interrogation methods to use on the country’s enemies, some historians assert that the project aimed to create Manchurian Candidates programmed to perform assassinations and other covert missions.

MK Ultra was brought to light by various commissions in the 1970s, including the Rockefeller Commission of 1975. It is claimed that the CIA stopped such experiments after these commissions. Countless whistle-blowers have stated that the project went underground, changing its name to Project Monarch.

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Project Monarch

Although there has never been any official admittance of the existence of Project Monarch, prominent researchers have documented the systematic use of trauma on subjects for mind control purposes. An increasing number of survivors have deprogrammed themselves and gone on record as disclosing the

horrifying details of their ordeals; some with the help of therapists, many others entirely on their own.

Some, but by no means all, have undergone the recovery of repressed memories; a technique heavily debated by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, along with their denial of the existence of Disassociate Identity Disorder. Their influence as a lobbying group spreads through all major media outlets and is a deliberate distraction ploy. The society itself is widely reported by independent researchers as having strong links to paedophile lobbying groups and the CIA's Project Monarch. Do not be fooled by their rhetoric.

The violence, torture, and psychopathic sadism inflicted by notable scientists, high-level officials and abusive occultists prove the existence of a truly dark side to our government. Despite the considerable documentation and countless whistle-blowers the majority of the population ignores, dismisses or avoids the issue altogether. Millions of American and UK citizens have been programmed by trauma based mind-control since 1947 and the CIA publicly admitted to these projects in 1970. Films such as The Manchurian Candidate, and graphic novels such as Pat Mill's Greysuit: Project Monarch, have directly referred to the subject, even depicting actual techniques such as electroshock, trigger words and microchip implementation.

Several public figures we see on our TV and film screens are mind control slaves. Many famous people such as Roseanne Barr, Candy Jones, Celia Imrie and Sirhan Sirhan have gone on public record disclosing

their mind control experiences, yet the mainstream media still claims that it does not exist; thus the majority of citizens have been hypnotised into believing it is all nothing more than a 'conspiracy theory'.

The research and funds invested in Project Monarch do not however only apply to mind control slaves. Many of the programming techniques perfected in these experiments are applied on a global scale through mass media. Mainstream news, films, music videos, advertisements and television shows are conceived using the most advanced data on human behaviour ever compiled, a large portion of which comes from MK Ultra and Project Monarch.

According to the disclosures of survivors, Monarch mind control slaves are used by organisations to carry out operations using patsies trained to perform specific tasks. They do not questions orders and have no recollection of their programming, making them the perfect scapegoats for high-profile assassinations or 'public shootings' such as the Columbine Massacre and similar, and the ideal candidates for sexual slavery, child pornography, and snuff films. They are also the perfect puppet performers for the entertainment industry and politics.

Monarch programmers cause intense trauma to subjects through the use of electroshock, torture, and occult (usually but not exclusively Satanic) ritual abuse causing them to dissociate from reality - a natural response when faced with unbearable pain. Dissociation enables the handlers to create walled-off personas in the subject’s psyche, which can then be

programmed and triggered at will; deliberately caused Dissociative Identity Syndrome (Multiple Personality Disorder). The subject’s ability to dissociate is a major requirement and is most readily found in children that come from families with multiple generations of abuse.

Project Monarch is named after the butterfly - an insect who begins its life as a worm (representing undeveloped potential) and, after a period of cocooning (programming) is reborn as a beautiful butterfly (the Monarch slave). The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring from generation to generation; their migratory path sees the passing of three generations until they return, during which time the butterflies die and are not there to 'teach' their caterpillar offspring, yet they still know their way home. It was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off that knowledge can be passed genetically, through DNA Additionally, when a person dissociates a feeling of light headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly.

The subject is called a slave by the handler, who in turn is perceived as their Lord and Master. The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts ('alters') can be created who are unaware each other, but who can take possession the body at different times. The amnesia walls built by trauma form a shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time

from knowing how their system of alters is being used. A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the agencies controlling the slave.

Dissociation is achieved by traumatising the subject, using systematic abuse and terrifying occult rituals. Further conditioning of the victim’s mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasurepain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which alter certain cerebral functions. Once a split in the core personality occurs, an internal world can be created and alters can be programmed using tools such as music, films (such as Disney productions) and fairy tales. These visual and audio aids enhance the programming process using images, symbols, meanings and concepts in much the same way as any magick.

Created alters can then be accessed using trigger words or symbols programmed into the subject’s psyche by the handler and delivered via the Black Mass Media. In each case, the slave is given a particular interpretation of - for example - the film’s story line in order to enhance programming. A slave watching The Wizard of Oz is taught that “somewhere over the rainbow” is the happy place dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them.

Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves include the Kabala, infinity loops, various occult symbols and alphabets, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks and robots.

These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture, such as mainstream films and pop-videos, for two reasons: to desensitise the majority of the population, using subliminals and neurolinguistic programming, and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable Monarch children.

The levels of Monarch programming identify the slave’s functions and are named after the electroencephalography (EEG) brainwaves associated with them;

A Alpha

Regarded as 'general' or regular programming. Characterised by extremely pronounced memory retention, increased physical strength, and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain / right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of left and right through neuron pathway stimulation.

B Beta

The programming of sex slaves for use in prostitution, pornography, and blackmail. Beta programming eliminates conditioned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. 'Pop stars' from Brittany Spears through to Lady Gaga and Rihanna have all been identified as Monarch mind controlled Beta sex slaves. Whistle-blower

Cathy O'Brien was a 'diamond' level Beta sex slave exploited from childhood onwards by a number of high profile politicians, as was her daughter; her handlers included none other than General Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set.

A Delta

Assassination programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignments.

Self-destruct programming is also layered in at this level; subjects will typically commit suicide once decommissioned, or if they (i.e. one of their alters) attempt to make disclosures. One glaring example is the Delta Force assigned to assassinate Bin-Laden, none of whom are still alive.

0 Theta

Psychic programming. Bloodliners (such those coming from a background of hereditary witchcraft, often misleadingly referred to as 'multi-generational Satanism') have been determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having psychic abilities; i.e. Theta consciousness, itself a product of dissociation.


“During the 1980s, a remote viewing project called Stargate was done at Forte Meade. It used binaural beat tones, transmitted through earphones, that altered brain waves. A hemi-sync that device played two different frequencies into each ear was found to produce altered states of consciousness. Perhaps this technology was derived from these experiments done in the 1960s on MK Ultra subjects.”

- Alison Miller & Valerie Sinason, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse & Mind Control

Closely related to MK Ultra and Project Monarch are the military and CIA experiments regarding psychic phenomena, generally referred to as the Stargate Project. In 1970 information in the USA on psychic research by the Soviet Union lead to the CIA and DIA into deciding to perform their own investigations. The CIA initiated funding for a new program known as Scanate (scan by coordinate) in the same year.

Remote Viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), California. In 1977, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) Systems Exploitation Detachment (SED) started the Gondola Wish program to evaluate potential adversary applications of remote viewing. Army Intelligence then formalised this in 1978 as the operational program Grill Flame, which was based at

Fort Meade.

In early 1979 the research at SRI was integrated into Grill Flame, which was redesignated Inscom Center Lane Project (ICLP) in 1983.

In 1984 the existence of the program was reported by Jack Anderson, and in that year it was unfavourably received by the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council. In late 1985 the Army funding was terminated, but the program was redesignated Project Sun Streak and funded by the DIA's Scientific & Technical Intelligence Directorate.

In 1991 most of the contracting for the program was transferred from SRI to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Its security was altered from Special Access Program (SAP) to Limited Dissemination (LIMDIS) and it was given its final name, Project Stargate.

Project Stargate primarily involved remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically witness events, sites, or information from a distance. Experiments were also performed using some of the traditional tools of divination such as Tarot cards. The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes 'Skip' Atwater and Major General Albert Stubblebine, who was responsible for the United States Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM). Although not mentioned by name the project was featured in the 2004 book and 2009 film The Men Who Stare at Goats.

In 1995, the defence appropriations bill directed that the program be transferred from DIA to CIA oversight. The CIA commissioned a report by the

American Institutes for Research (AIR) that found that remote viewing had not been proved to work by a psychic mechanism, and said it had not been used operationally. Stargate was claimed to have been terminated in 1995 following alleged security violations from uncleared civilian psychics working in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs); (in other words, remote viewers gossiped about sensitive information they 'should not have known'). The CIA subsequently apparently cancelled and declassified the program. According to AIR, which performed a review of the project, no remote viewing report ever provided actionable information for any intelligence operation. Many of those psychics who were given affidavits by the CIA and bound to work in the projects, such as Ingo Swann, say otherwise.

In January 2017 the CIA published records online of Project Stargate as part of the CREST Archive. Although publicly discredited the project ran for 25 years at considerable cost. When Time magazine reported in 1995 that it would be closing they also stated that three full time psychics were still working on a $500,000-a-year budget out of Fort Meade. A number of disclosures have been made concerning this project that suggest it is not only still active but that its results are far more significant than statements or 'declassified files' suggest.

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Project Jedi

Experiments continue under Special Forces using the new code name Project Jedi. These experiments are said to include not just remote viewing (divination) but also remote influence (enchantment).

In 1995 US Navy began a new research project into intuition and implicit learning, often referred to as gut instinct, hunches and the sixth sense. Scientific research indicates that these can be legitimate sources of accurate information and understanding. Research has indicated that intuition may be simply acquiring and processing information in different ways. Valid impressions can be arrived at via various kinds of information coming to us through normal sensory perception, absorption of past training and experience, our unconscious minds, our bodies and even somewhat mysterious areas of quantum physics (the Greater Mind). When these potential sources of information and understanding are used (often in combination) military personnel may be better-prepared to quickly integrate and process information, gain improved situation awareness and make rapid, effective decisions.

According to a June 2014 article published in Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, Army Times and Air Force Times (Gannett Company Military Times publications), the new four year, $3.85 million program to explore the phenomenon is a joint effort among ONR, DSCI Mesh Solutions, Charles River Analytics, Defence Group Inc., Northwestern University, University of California-Los Angeles and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

According to a March 2014 media release, “ONR has embarked on a four-year basic research program to enhance intuitive decision making through implicit learning. A team of scientists will study factors such as memory and perception to better understand how decisions are made and whether there are ways to improve premonition through training.”

The media release quoted Lt. Cmdr. Brent Olde, ONR Warfighter Performance Department's division deputy for human and bio-engineered systems, “If we can characterise this intuitive decision-making process and model it, then the hope is to accelerate the acquisition of these skills through simulation and scenarios; thus, providing our sailors and Marines with years of experience in a matter of days and greatly improving their ability to make split-second decisions.”

Also included in the press release was a statement from Dr. Peter Squire, program officer for human performance, training and education in ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department, “Ultimately, this is about sailors and Marines being able to harness their gut instincts in situations where they need to act quickly. But first, we have to understand what gives rise to this so-called ’sixth sense.’ Can we model it? Is there a way to improve it through training? .. These are quick decisions made unconsciously. Troops can’t tell you what made them stop or act, but we believe something different in what is usually a regular environment triggered a reaction. .. At ONR, we push science to support our war fighters, to make sure they are

equipped for a fair fight. But this also has implications for society at large.”

According to Dr. Squire, if the researchers understand the process there may be ways to accelerate it - and possibly spread the powers of intuition throughout military units. The research could have applicability well beyond the military. The same article summarised the critical importance of these kinds of perceptions; troops often return from patrols with stories of how they survived intact through some hairy situation because they had a premonition something was amiss.

In recent years the U.S. Army has also initiated research into hunches and intuition. Those studies found that two kinds of American troops in combat areas seemed to be better able to detect hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs). One area of research included those troops raised in rural areas in a natural environment and who were involved in hunting and similar activities. They seemed to have better instincts and were possibly more alert about dangers around them. The other category was the Army soldier or Marine who grew up in tough urban settings where they had to be aware of danger from crime and assault.

Directly related to this research, several years ago a former Navy SEAL officer developed the concept of Transcendent Warfare that he explored in a graduate level research paper for the Marine Corps War College. The Transcendent Warfare model involves learning more about new discoveries related to human perception and using that knowledge in appropriately

robust ways. The ONR research project also appears to dovetail with Transcendent Warfare concepts. The validity of different though complementary modes of human perception, and processing those perceptions, appears to be well established.

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Not only is magick - the science of causing willed changes in consciousness - a reality, it is being used on us every day whether we believe in it or not. It is therefore in the interests of the elite that magick is misinterpreted and misunderstood among the masses. This is why most people either dismiss the idea entirely, or else believe it to be malign. The practice is also deliberately confounded with crackpot cults and portrayed as entirely illogical.

The mind sciences of psychology and psychiatry are concerned with normalising consciousness rather than encouraging exploration and discovery - with any variation from normality considered as ’disorders’ to be ’cured’. The idea that we might actively seek to experience states of consciousness beyond the norm is considered extremely suspect; a modern day heresy. Compare ’treatments’ of the early asylums, such as the infamous Bedlam, with the actions of the Inquisition and the parallel becomes clear - for the latter is the ultimate origins of the former.

It was only in recent decades that psychiatry and psychology emerged as sciences, and any real progress was made in ’curing’ the ’insane’. Although rarely admitted, much of the fundamental knowledge of these sciences is rooted in the much older paradigms of magick. Both Freud and Jung, for example, were students of Gnostic (occult) philosophy. Their respective terms of unconscious / subconscious are merely new names for principals known in all magical paradigms; it is the Female Mind of the Kabalists, the Waters Beneath the Earth of Voudon, the Spirit Realm of all shaman. Jung’s

principle of the archetypes has its origins in the Archons of the Gnostics. Freud named his complexes after the mysteries of ancient Greece, such as Cassandra and Oedipus. It is not unusual to hear psychologists employing such terms as 'inner demons'. There are countless other examples.

The languages of the mind sciences and magick are essentially interchangeable; they are both discussing the same phenomena. It is also common to hear modern magicians talk in terms borrowed from psychology, psychiatry and neurology. This has the advantage of providing a common language among modern magicians, whilst also unfortunately confounding magical philosophy with pseudoscience; as if magicians are ’lay psychologists’ rather than psychologists having stolen most of their best material from occult philosophy.

Among the earliest to explain magick in psychological terms was the artist and magician Austin Osman Spare. The essence of his 'sigil magick' is the creation of a self designed subliminal, sending a message into one's own subconscious mind whilst bypassing mundane awareness; a method of self hypnotism intended to awaken the psychic faculties rather than sell more Coca-Cola, but just as effective for either. It is perhaps significant that Spare was alive during WWII, when the Russians first engaged in Psy-War and German occultists / mind scientists were developing those techniques referred to as Trauma Based Mind Control (TBMC). Like Spare’s sigil technique, it is essentially - in modern terms -employed to embed subliminal suggestions. The

difference is that these suggestions are placed in the mind through coercion, and the trance employed is achieved through the victim's traumatisation, often employing torture, psychological 'theatre', and / or various elements of apparently 'Satanic' ritual in order to terrify the victim. It is not too difficult for anyone with a working knowledge of magical technology to understand how this would work. Any memory of the spell (or ’programming’) will involve accessing memory of trauma, which means subjectively reliving it. Memories of rape, for example, are quite naturally suppressed by the brain as a means of defence against being re-traumatised every time the memories resurface. One could not recall a hypnotic command delivered under such circumstances without subjectively reliving that trauma.

With the end of WWII, and Project Paperclip, these brainwashing techniques came to be employed by government operatives and criminal networks in the USA and UK. The existence of MK Ultra has been well documented by historians and is not a ’conspiracy theory’. What is kept secret is that these experiments have not stopped. They are also employed by many pimps; consider the brainwashing techniques of Iceberg Slim disclosed in his autobiographical novels.

Tragically, these techniques of TBMC have also been employed by high ranking initiates of certain secret societies and magical orders. This is that phenomena that, when discovered and reported, is known as Satanic Ritual Abuse. Just as the American government (i.e. the CIA) denied the existence of the

Mafia during the days of ’Murder Inc.’, when in fact the Mafia were being subcontracted by the CIA, we are now seeing ’Satan Inc.’; occult groups subcontracted for unofficial mind control projects.

To the average person, who does not understand the resources such 'Satanic' groups have at their disposal (Aquino, for example, is the son of Betty Ford and stepson of ex-President Ford, with the disclosures of Cathy O'Brien placing him as the 'court sorcerer' to Reagan, Clinton, and both Bush senior and Bush the younger), these crimes will often seem logistically impossible. The criminals know they can only be successfully prosecuted on either incontrovertible evidence, which they work hard to erase - with the possession of the only real evidence (i.e. films and photographs) being a crime in itself - or on the balance of probability, which can only ever be a subjective judgement based upon information made available. They go to immense effort to make their crimes seem improbable and unbelievable, whilst ensuring the information available to the public is limited at best, and often completely misleading.

Unsurprisingly, there have been huge efforts from our governments to deny the reality of the situation. Such crimes, if they are ever investigated in the first place, are routinely covered up. Both the UK and USA governments deny the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse, which amounts to a gross infringement of human rights. On those rare occasions where such an abusive mind control cult is exposed it is only ever the 'grunts' that get prosecuted; even then, it is far too little and far too late; for examples Google 'Colin

Batley sex cult', 'Peter Solheim Druid', 'Peter Petrauske Wicca' for three examples in the UK.

Many more disclosures point towards MK Ultra style mind control cults operating at the highest levels of society. In the UK, much of this began to unravel after the death of Jimmy Savile and the exposure of his links to politicians, the Royal family, Military Intelligence, and Satanism - he also admitted during an early interview to being a trained hypnotist. Operation Yew Tree, the police investigation that made the sex offender's register read like a copy of TV Times, investigated links between Savile and a hedonistic Hellfire Club in Whitby. Valerie Sinason, of the Tavistock Institute, has provided therapy for a large number of Savile's victims, and heard many disclosures of Satanic ritual abuse by Savile and his criminal associates, allegedly also including Rolf Harris. Savile was not alone in grooming the nation as he raped a generation; the cover up alone involved the silence and continued denial of a large number of very powerful people; this much is self evident. In 2000 the British government refused to publish the results of a specially commissioned report by Valerie Sinason focusing on the experiences of fifty survivors, concluding that they suffered real Satanic abuse and are not suffering ’false memory syndrome’. It may be no coincidence that the report reopened the debate started a decade earlier concerning children in Rochdale, Nottingham, and Orkney, and that these centres all had links to leading political figures. (See Satanic abuse no myth, say experts, The Independent, 30 April 2000).

Allegations of Satanic ritual abuse, and other crimes comparable to Savile's, have also been levelled against members of the British Parliament and the White House. Besides disclosures from survivors, there are many journalists that have been ruined for attempting to investigate such matters. There are also those accusations made by the likes of David Icke, which included Jimmy Savile long before he was ever paraded in the media as any kind of monster. More recently, none other than Vladimir Putin has accused both UK and USA governments of involvement in a Satanic conspiracy of mass trauma based mind control.

Those of us engaged in the psychic rebellion of neuromancy are directly opposed to such groups and their abhorrent philosophies, just as we are opposed to all government mind control. They are anathema to our quest for self-empowerment and cultural liberation. We declare them our enemy.

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Satanic Ritual Abuse

Ritual abuse is an extreme form of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse involving ritual symbolism and behaviour, perpetrated against adults, adolescents, and children. Ritual abuse, as with occult ritual generally, is not necessarily Satanic; although for various reasons - perhaps including simply lack of imagination or originality - much of it is. Most occult ritual draws upon the psychological powers of the archetypes, and Satan is the most obvious archetype

that might appeal to any cult seeking to transgress society’s moral boundaries whilst simultaneously inspiring fear. It is thus the first choice of many criminal youth gangs, or of any cult seeking to entice members with the promise of sexual promiscuity, illicit drugs, moral license, and power.

Ritual abuse rarely consists of a single episode, but will be repeated over an extended period of possibly years or decades. Abusive cults, like most organized paedophile rings or criminal networks, seek to involve themselves in the lives of their victims in every way.

The physical aspects of ritual abuse are severe, and may include torture and killing. The victim’s silence will also have been ensured by threats of persecution, including punishment, torture, and murder. This includes not only making disclosure, but also failure to commit further acts of ’evil’ at the behest of the cult. Such threats may be very real, with victims already having witnessed the torture and murder of people or animals, or even been forced to participate.

The sexual abuse is extraordinarily sadistic, intended to humiliate and break down their victim’s resistance to domination by the cult. It is far worse than the abuse normally inflicted by a paedophile in the context of incest. It may include repeated sexual assaults by men, women, or even other children, often in a group. It may include forced prostitution and participation in pornography. Since their ritual abuse involves children, any films or photographs may be employed to blackmail. Since possession of such materials is itself a crime, one cannot present such evidence to the police without risking arrest and


The psychological aspects cause indescribable mental and emotional suffering, and such terror that disclosure is often extremely difficult even decades afterwards. Coupled with the fear of being disbelieved, which is itself an additional trauma, most victims will never disclose at all. Additionally, brainwashing techniques may be employed to muddle memory, or to otherwise instil an inability to disclose. Victims may be so traumatised that they dissociate from their experiences; a fact that is capitalized upon by the abusers in the form of mind control; robbing their victim of their own sense of self and free will. Having been broken down in such a fashion, the victim of an abusive cult may be influenced into giving apparent consent; also serving further to protect against disclosure.

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Satanist Are Human Too

It cannot be stressed enough this is not to say all people who identify as Satanists have been, or will become, ritual abusers. As with any spiritual path, there are many reasons and ways that people come to walk upon it. Many come to Satanism, for example, out of a higher moral stance, having become disillusioned with the hypocrisy of Christianity. However, and this is also true of other spiritual paths, many people come to Satanism out of a desire to justify their sociopathic behaviour and to exploit others.

Arguably, much abuse perpetrated within the Catholic church is also ritualized, employing religious ’mind control’ through guilt. For example, victims are typically told to ’pretend it is God touching them’. Both Catholic and Satanic abusers will tell their victims that nobody will believe them if they disclose. Just as with Satanic or ’occult’ themed abuse, it will rarely consist of a single episode, but will be repeated over an extended period of time. Nevertheless, the majority of Catholics do not sexually abuse children.

As neither a Christian or a Satanist it seems to me that both sides are riddled with paedophile priests, each pointing the finger of blame at the other. Youths who were secretly abused by the Church are likely to gravitate to Satanic groups for support, while those abused by Satanic rings might run to the Church for safety. It is a double bind; religion as mind control, with the organized paedophile rings caring little which beliefs are employed to terrify and subjugate.

Just as the BBC, the Catholic Church, and corrupted local authorities, must all take responsibility for having allowed paedophiles to prosper in their midst, so must occultism. Convictions have been made, and ritual abuse has been proved a reality. We can no longer pretend. We can no longer gloss over the failings of the community. One cannot make compromises with abusers without becoming tainted by them. Abusers must always be exposed; anything less is to protect and enable them.

There are bound to be the occasional convulsions in any culture, however ancient or new, uncovering abuses of trust or power. At first, these may cause a

great sensation. If the situation is favourable on the whole, such abuses can be easily concealed from the public; everything is forgotten and complacency reigns once more. Yet to the wise, such occurrences are grave omens that cannot be ignored. This is the only way of avoiding further tragedy.

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False Memory Syndrome

Victims of ritual abuse and mind control are most likely to find themselves facing the misdiagnosis of FMS (False Memory Syndrome). That is to say, it is assumed their memories are at fault, and although they clearly recall being having been severely abused, traumatized, and ’brainwashed’ by a Satanic cult, none of it actually happened. Uniquely among ’syndromes’, nobody has ever been diagnosed with FMS during any form of therapy; the term only ever arises during court proceedings as a defence against accusations of child abuse. Such ’diagnoses’ are made almost invariably by untrained lay persons, based solely upon the denials of the accused.

FMS was the conclusion in all those cases that have become known as the ’Satanic Panic’; apparently what actually happened was that incompetent therapists somehow implanted these memories using hypnosis. Furthermore over the past three decades, this unlikely accident has apparently been repeated by hundreds of therapists working with thousands of clients.

The irony is that it is indeed possible for false

memories to occur regarding extreme abuse; real memories are so harmful to recall that the brain dissociates from them entirely, refusing to ’bring them to mind’ as a matter of psychological self preservation. As a further layer of defence, actual false memories may occur in order to prevent the truth being recalled at all. In extreme cases, the mind will ’honeycomb’ and become a multiple personality, so that in psychological terms the abuse was not suffered by the ’primary self’ but by an alter or ’subpersonality’. This is what is known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID, previously known as Multiple Personality Syndrome. It is an effect that some ritual abusers are well aware of, and have learnt how to exploit. Where abusers see their victim in distress, including psychologically, they will seek to increase this distress. They may also seek to exploit the symptoms of DID and turn them to their own advantage; mind control.

The phrase ’False Memory Syndrome’ was coined by Professor Peter Freyd and his wife Pamela, step siblings who married, in response to allegations of the sexual abuse of their daughter, Jennifer Freyd, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. After successfully discrediting the claims made against them, Pamela and Peter Freyd went on to establish the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Another founding member was psychologist Dr. Ralph Underwager, who was interviewed in 1991 by the editor of the Amsterdam based magazine Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia. When asked, “Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for

the individual?”, Underwager replied, “Certainly it is responsible..”

There has been no systematic research documenting False Memory Syndrome, and is not recognized by any professional psychiatric or psychological organization. The British Psychological Society performed a survey of 108 therapists whose patients had recovered suppressed memories of abuse, and found no convincing evidence for the existence of FMS In response, the FMS Foundation were lead to admitting that FMS cannot explain most examples of recovered memories of trauma.

The assumption that repressed memories are in fact FMS induced during therapy is challenged by the fact that a substantial proportion of survivors have not participated in any kind of therapy. Further research has shown that, even where there has been the intervention of a therapist, most such memories are recalled without the use of hypnotism or other recall techniques, and most usually outside of therapy session.

The idea that therapists could be accidentally implanting false memories of extremely unusual traumatic events is further challenged by the fact that this is extremely difficult- if not impossible- to achieve even deliberately. Whilst it has not been found impossible to implant false memories, including memories that would have been traumatic experiences had they been real, these memories have to be believable- they must not produce cognitive dissonance, or shatter the subject’s world view.

After using extensive suggestive techniques, Porter,

Yuille and Lehman (1999) reported success in getting some research subjects to ’recover’ a false memory of a stressful event (e.g., dog attack). 26% of participants ’recovered’ a complete false memory, and another 30% recalled aspects of the false experience. Note that being attacked by a dog, although traumatic, is not an unusual or ’unbelievable’ event; it does not stretch credibility, and produces no immediate cognitive dissonance.

In a similar study, Pezdek, Finger and Hodge (1997) implanted false memories in adults that they had been lost in a shopping mall as children. Again, this is entirely plausible, yet only 3 out of 20 subjects could be influenced into ’recovering’ such a memory. They also tried to convince subjects they had been given rectal enemas as children - far more analogous to abuse, indeed often featuring in the genuine sexual exploitation of children. No subjects could be falsely lead to believe this.

The techniques involved in inducing these false memories were advanced; they included the ’hijacking’ of the parental figures. Subjects were convinced their own parents clearly recalled the false event. Nevertheless, the event still had to seem credible to the subject. Had they really been given enemas during their childhood, the irony is that such a memory could indeed become repressed. Thus, empirical evidence exists that it is impossible for therapists to implant false memories of extremely bizarre and traumatic events, and extremely likely such mind blowing events when real would be repressed; conversely, it may even be that the

’unbelievable’ qualities of Satanic ritual abuse serve to further their repression- they are as unbelievable to the victim as they are to anyone they might give disclosure to, should the memory be recalled.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of hijacking the parental figure in such experiments suggests that it is fairly easy for real parents to influence the creation of false memories that do not include abuse. Since it is often a natural self defence to repress traumatic memories, this might allow such abusive parents to exploit the tendency to create ’cover’ memories that serve to prevent real memories arising; a defence against further trauma caused by recollection. Any abusive family intent on completely messing up a child’s reality with false memories of not being abused has every chance of succeeding.

FMS is itself a form of psychological abuse. Being heard and believed is crucial in healing from abuse. It is therefore disturbing to discover that many individual psychotherapists have been influenced by FMS rhetoric, despite this lack of evidence for the syndrome’s existence, and the disproving of its central assumptions. The problem is that since FMS has been accepted in the legal courts, it has become possible for those who successfully counter disclosures of abuse with claims of FMS to then go on to sue any therapist who supposedly implanted such memories.

It was the case of Franz Fitzpatrick that began the long series of successful prosecutions for paedophilia within the Catholic Church. You would think a true, independent thinking, self informed Satanist would celebrate that justice had been seen, and such

hypocrisy revealed. Nevertheless, most Satanists -having been duped by the likes of The Temple of Set, The Temple of Satan, and the misinformation spread by the media and Intelligence Services - still insist there is, and never has been, such a thing as Satanic ritual abuse, and that the 'Satanic Panic' was a mass delusion of false memory syndrome. While the Catholic Church has been forced to admit its failures, Satanism is lagging behind, still peddling the same paedophile protecting lies the Catholic Church has been forced to retract.

In the UK these same lies are also supported by the likes of the Pagan Federation, and a widely accepted in 'occulture' - meaning that within the community there is a high risk to children and young parents (most often also victims, groomed into misplaced trust); see my work Beast Wing 666: Ritual Abuse in the UK.

I conclude this chapter with some words from Pat Mills, creator of 2000AD and the fore-mentioned Greysuit; Project Monarch;

“The British False Memory Syndrome Foundation (“Syndrome”?!!) not only has a formidable battery of very well connected people on its advisory board but usually receives very positive reports in the British press such as the Mail and the Guardian. Yep. They have good lobbyists. So if that is your only information source, you could well think you were imagining what ever happened to you. And that’s their objective. Please don’t let them influence you.

There’s a quick example you can find easily online

that will prove otherwise: Frank Fitzpatrick, a private detective, experienced recovered memories which led to the successful prosecution of the notorious paedophile Father James Porter. Thanks to Frank’s work, there are now online 53 similar cases in America where the guilty were prosecuted because of recovered memories confirmed by other objective evidence. Would the Guardian ever report this? Of course not. And that’s so wrong, because Frank Fitzpatrick is surely a hero of our times. Sadly, our media has a mental stranglehold on us which is why we desperately need more works like Nathaniel’s.”

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“A clown walks into a bar. Everybody else gets up and leaves. Not a joke, more an observation. A lot of people are afraid of clowns.”

- Nathan Mortlock, Everybody Loathes a Clown

The earliest literary reference to laughter is found in the myth of Adapa, Akkadia, 14th century BC, and is the laughter of the gods at the expense of humanity. The significance of cosmological laughter was debated by the philosophers of the Roman Empire; so much so that by the rise of Churchianity laughter was regarded as suspect and all monastic orders forbade it. In the 5th century text Apophthegmata Patrum, Abba Pambo is tempted by demons who, noticing that he never smiled or laughed, attempted to undermine him with a comedy routine. In another quote we are told; “A hermit saw someone laughing, and said to him, 'We have to render an account of our whole life between Heaven and Earth, and you can laugh?'”

Humour thrives upon cognitive dissonance, in which a principle is interpreted from two (or more) directions at once. At first the traditional prevails, then suddenly another unconventional perspective is introduced and the syzygy becomes the source of comedy. This is especially effective when the principle being considered is one of power, with the effect amplified when the target of the humour does not understand the joke. It is in this same tradition of dissident laugher that the neuromancer performs the supreme invocation; Ha ha ha..

Consider the power of dissident laughter. Restrictive beliefs, self defeating anxiety, and pompous authority

are all banished by it. Laughter can become a dangerous, destabilising force. This power was seen in the cult of Dionysus, reaching out to what had yet to be conceived or described. Thus it touched upon those Chaotic dimensions which humans so desperately try to keep at bay, and yet which their very existence is grounded upon. Laughter is also invoked in the Gnostic myths; especially in their caricature of the Old Testament God. The Gnostics were well informed of the traditional interpretation of scripture, with Yahweh as the supreme and unquestionable Truth. In the Old Testament, God's mocking laughter was aimed at those who did not believe in His omnipotence. In Gnosticism, the laughter is aimed at Yahweh.

Consider also the role of the Devil as the 'buffoon de Deus', or the trickster initiator in any of his countless culural masks; from the red and black Helequin (Old English, 'leader', an avatar of Odin) and his clown ('dweller of the land') servants, to the elephant headed Ganesh of India, or the many paths of Exu in Macumba. In carnivals and revelry, in man's religious fears and exaltations, and in the rituals of magick, the archetype of the trickster haunts the myths of all cultures throughout history, sometimes in unmistakeable forms, sometimes in strangely modulated disguise.

In Kabalist doctrine, the primal letter Aleph corresponds with the 11th path, being the path of magick itself, represented in Tarot as Atu 0, The Fool or Clown; the sole / soul guide through the transformative processes of initiation. This provides

the key to the antique rites and masks typified by the harlequin, lunatic, and fool. A superficial view of the lives of any of history's Magi reveals an element of buffoonery combined with atavistic currents that fuse into one archetype of the simultaneously abysmally ignorant and ineffably wise; the hideous beast and the beautiful god. Or as my clown Grobbly put it, “Whiles magicicologists does the practices of the magick, clowns is the magick.”

Many Theta dominant cultures have high regard for the clown, who fulfils an essential role in sacred ritual and dance equal to that of the shaman; exemplified by the Heyoka clowns of the Lakota tribes. They are the sayers of the unsayable, providing an essential outlet for denied and unconscious truths; as with the Pope of Fools residing over the Black Mass of European folk tradition (something often overlooked about such rites is that they were hilarious). It is clear the trickster is a psychegen originating deep within the neurological structure of all humankind, and of extreme antiquity. If such myths were nothing more than historical remnant, one would have to wonder why they have not long since died out.

The healing power of the trickster has yet to be fully explained by modern science, although it is fully recognised as existing; studies show that laughter boosts the immune system, and that the presence of a clown in fertility clinics increases the chances of conception by up to 90%. Anthropologists have compared the phenomena, as well as many aspects of the clown's trappings and comedy routine, to shamanism.

The red ray of the archetypes is one shade removed from the violet ray at the 'other end' of the visible spectrum, personified in the archetypes of Death. Almost invariably these are also tricksters, displaying a humour encompassing the entire circuit of human experience; from the revelries of Saturnalia, Halloween, the Mexican Day of the Dead, to the Voudon Fete de Ghede, always their appearance is accompanied by a paradoxical mirth. To quote the Grobbly once again, “I is the Alpha and the Omega.”

The irrational fear of clowns is often discussed in terms of a specific phobia - coulrophopia. The term is informal and doesn’t appear in any diagnostic manuals. Nevertheless there are three commonly accepted theories as to its cause.

The first is that some childhood trauma left psychological scars, and that something about the image of the clown is triggering. As often happens with trauma the memory may be deeply repressed, inaccessible to the conscious mind whilst entirely colouring its perceptions.

The second theory is that the fear of clowns results from the influence of media. The clown has become a cliche of the modern horror genre. Like the film It, which was clearly inspired by John Wayne Gacy aka Pogo, or Killer Clowns From Outer Space, or the Halloween craze of ’killer clowns’ pranking people in the streets.

The third theory is that clowns really are evil. People have good reason to fear them. There's absolutely nothing irrational about it. Pure evil, creeping up on you unexpected. Jumping out at you with buckets of

water. Slapping you in the face with a pie. Clowns are everything we deny in ourselves, the meaningless absurdity of the human condition writ large. They are the embodiment of Khaos, the Abyss into which few dare look for too long.. And they are COMING FOR YOU..

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The Circle of Laughter

Mark out a circle around yourself, large enough to include all required instruments for further acts of magick. Say aloud, to aid in neurological processing, “This circle is the circuit of human experience.” Enter meditation. Whenever any thought or irritation distracts your focus, with a dismissive gesture 'throw' the distraction beyond the boundary of your circle and laugh, banishing through the mantra of supreme invocation; Ha ha ha.

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The Mathesis of Laughter


Even the sage must know times of tragedy and sorrow. Sometimes it can seem as if nothing at all is funny. If the neuromancer can find nothing to laugh at, let them laugh at nothing. Laughter is its own invocation, and soon enough you will find there is

everything to laugh about.

The Cosmos is infinite, yet we are finite. All our beliefs, theories and hypotheses are absurd vanities that will be laughed at in times to come. Life is a joke with death as its punchline. Save time by laughing now.

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Those opposed to abusive mind control, within occultism and society as a whole, need to organise, network, and direct our magick towards its complete and absolute destruction. We are engaged in what amounts to psychic warfare. Let our minds become our weapons, with which to liberate ourselves and others. To this end the anti-order IC0N has been formed: the International Conspiracy of Theta Neuromancers.

IC0N is a network of independent sorcerers and psychic researchers, membership of which is through self initiation and declaration - in much the same manner as the hacker group Anonymous. No expectations are placed upon agents beyond supporting one another in our work and opposing those who are our natural enemies. Agents may declare themselves publicly or keep their allegiance secret according to personal preference. They may work together or alone, but always towards a common end; the liberation of our culture from mind control.

Agents recognise one another through the Theta symbol, displayed upon the person as jewellery, a tattoo, a badge, or even simply as an avatar over social media, in much the same way as the members of any group recognise one another through shared symbols. IC0N has no official centre, leadership, or online presence. Networking is achieved through coincidental meetings and mutual introductions only.

All that is required is to display the symbol, cast our enchantments, and we shall find one another. Upon doing so it may be appropriate to offer the 'watch words'; “Hello, you and I should know each other.”

Where the establishment form orders, the magicians of IC0N form societies. These rely entirely upon voluntary cooperation, with nobody giving or obeying orders of any kind. Structure must be allowed to arise spontaneously; one does not defeat an enemy by playing a game whose rules they have devised, but by playing a game they cannot predict or determine. Similarly, there are certain patterns that tend to arise within free social dynamics, such as the circle, and the circles within circles; to deny this would also be to deny address to implicit hierarchies that arise naturally.

There are no robes of office, or requirements of nudity, in group rituals of IC0N. Members may wear any clothing they choose, so long as it is either black or white; the neutral 'non colours'. If service to the archetypes is to be given, coloured clothing may be adopted as appropriate to the seven rays. If an altar is prepared, the charaktere of Theta should be prominently displayed.

All workings, actions, or other activities are the responsibility of the individuals concerned. Any agent may coordinate a meeting or action. No agent is obligated to attend or comply. All agents must remain aware of attempts to infiltrate or otherwise pervert the course of the IC0N egregore.

Active members of IC0N are invited, but not obligated, to share confirmed research and 'tried and

tested' rituals with other agents through IC0N TRAINING PAPERS. These should be clearly designated as 'internal' and 'public' with regards to publication.

While discretion may be important to the success of certain projects, and magical operations are generally undermined through discussion with outsiders, no oaths of secrecy are required. Agents may also leave at any time without fear of reprisals from the conspiracy; this will never in itself be considered a betrayal.

It should be apparent that IC0N will not gain support from the established / establishment 'occult orders'; to which it is diametrically opposed. Such is neither courted or required. Agents may choose to boycott any business supporting or compromising with abusive mind control groups, or conceive of direct actions to damage such businesses and where possible expose and destroy them. It is up to each individual agent to decide for themselves what actions they deem appropriate.

It should be apparent that The Neuronomicon will not be made available in any of the occult bookshops run by initiates of those orders exposed within its pages, or any outlet compromising with them. It is guaranteed to attract divisive and dishonest reviews from the initiates of such organisations, their dupes, and anyone else coerced knowingly or unconsciously into covering up their crimes. As such it requires your support to be successful; please leave your own reviews wherever they may be found on the internet, and recommend this book to any suitable friends or

associates. Should you choose to view it as such, doing so can be considered your first act as a self initiate of IC0N.

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It is clear that Western culture requires desperate and urgent healing, of the kind that only magick can provide. The agents of IC0N include those organically called to this task by virtue of the light within them; acting as solitary pylons for the Gamma frequencies, or uniting to awaken this integrating light in others, and in society as a whole.

The New Aeon will dawn only when we all share the power to see what we see, hear what we hear, and know what we know.


Nathaniel J. Harris was born in Colchester, Essex, in the year 1970, into a family with a reputation for witchcraft going back several generations. His mother is a prominent figure within the Pagan movement. His father went on to become a set designer, working on films such as The Great Rock & Roll Swindle, and the TV adaptation of The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as being one of the world's first digital special effects experts, working many of the first rock / pop videos to appear on MTV, and the cult sword and sorcery TV series Knightmare. According to his mother, Nathaniel was accidentally conceived in a black mass, while his father has claimed Nathaniel was conceived after a seance that went disastrously wrong and resulted in violent poltergeist activity.

Nathaniel began his formal magical training at 14, having already taken up the practice of meditation. He went on to become involved with a variety of occult groups, most notably his mother's own coven The House of the Old Ways, and the original Chaos magic order The Illuminates of Thanateros, within which he quickly rose to prominence. He resigned from both groups due to severe abuses of trust and power by their leadership.

Nathaniel has published numerous texts on the subjects of magick and witchcraft, all of which attracted the attention of leading occultists, and few of which failed to cause controversy. In the late 1990s and early 2000s he made a number of TV appearances, most notably featuring in the National Geographic documentary Taboo: Witchcraft, but has no intention of appearing on TV again unless it is in the role of whistle-blower.

Nathaniel has since gone on to found the magical 'anti-order' I.C.0.N., of which The Neuronomicon is the official training manual, and remains dedicated to exposing abusers and charlatans within the occult community.