Encyclopaedia Arcane: Demonology - The Dark Road - Sprange M. 2001

Encyclopaedia Arcane: Demonology - The Dark Road - Sprange M. 2001


Welcome, mortal, to Demonology - The Dark Road. Within these secret pages you will find the most forbidden knowledge of all - that of summoning, binding and ultimately controlling the demons, devils and fiends of the infernal planes. This book is not for the faint of heart for only the strongest of wills may dare to dabble in the blackest art of all. The perils are great and the dangers terrifying but for those willing to gamble their very souls, the rewards are far greater than any mortal can possibly conceive.

The demons of the infernal planes are unlike anything within normal human experience. They are immortal creatures, utterly evil and twisted to the core, consumed with their own selfish and often unfathomable ends. Such beings delight in corrupting and perverting all that is good and wholesome, enjoying the temptation of mortals with promises that may never be fulfilled. Their capacity for hatred, cruelty and spite are infinite.

The practice of demonology, that is, the study and control of beings from the infernal planes, is one of lengthy research and sheer force of personality. The strength of mind required to hold the most minor of demons in check is beyond the imagination of most and many practitioners over-reach themselves too quickly, with fatal results. Many choose not to understand the power of this discipline and art, and thus demonologists are usually solitary in nature, consumed by their studies and progress to greater understanding. Most are vilified or actively fought against by those ignorant of the sheer strength that can be unleashed and used for the good as much as the ill. But all who follow the Dark Road are united in the knowledge that theirs is but a narrow path, with a precipice of damnation awaiting one fatefully placed wrong step.


Demonology - The Dark Road heralds a new series from Mongoose Publishing based around new and exciting forms of magic. Designed to be seamlessly slotted into any fantasy-based D20 games system, the Encyclopaedia Arcane series does far more than merely introduce new spells to extend existing magic-using character classes. Instead, each book

will cover a completely new form of magic, adding a whole new dimension to campaigns. Such arts are not just intended for Games Masters to use in conjunction with Non-Player Characters, however. Each book of the Encyclopaedia Arcane gives full details for players themselves to try the new magic system, along with plenty of information to aid Games Masters in the introduction of each book into his campaign.


This, the first of the Encyclopaedia Arcane series, gives players and Games Masters alike all the information they need to begin using demonology within their campaign. You will find chapters devoted to those who dare to summon almost uncontrollable energies, the rituals used to bind these powers and also individual demonic entities. New feats and magic items are introduced to aid the fledgling demonologist along his path, whilst Games Masters may take no little delight in applying these rules to the most evil of races, creating the archnemesis of any party.

Demonology is not for the weak of will and any practitioner's greatest ally is knowledge. With proper research and a diligent attention to detail, however, one can unleash and control some of the mightiest powers available to any mortal of the \>\

material world.  X -rK


The old man looked up from his book as the bell above the door of his shop chimed softly announcing the entrance of a potential customer. He squinted through the accumulating gloom at a young man, well-kept and wearing the baggy robes currently in vogue for those styling themselves wizards. The aged sage snorted softly at the manicured hands and carefully trimmed beard of the lad. He had seen this sort often enough, probably knew just enough to entertain the ladies he wished to coax to his sheets. The old man muttered to himself and went, back to his reading.

Curse that fool Marius, Santado thought to himself. This shrivelled old man could not possibly be the legendary Falun, tutor to half of the Red Tower mages. He just looks like a doddering old curmudgeon who would scarce know the difference between iron and apple seeds.

'Excuse me, sir, is there a Falun here?' Santado decided that perhaps the old man was Falun's father and might know his whereabouts.

The old man blinked, 'Falun? Not heard that name in many years, who wants to know?'

'I am Santado, I was told that this Falun fellow could show me the Dark Road.' Santado smiled hopefully.

The old man squinted over the jumble of vials and twists of herb-filled parchment scattered on the counter before him, 'Well, I'm Falun, for that part of your question, but the Dark Road? Never heard of it.'

Something in the way the old man chewed at his wispy moustache named him a liar. His young customer pressed further for the information he sought.

'It was intimated you were a guide to those seeking to travel such a path. Perhaps there is one who knows more that I have mistaken you for . . .'

The old sage straightened to his full height, 'There is none more knowledgeable than me in any matters magical. Any who says otherwise is a liar.'

The young man changed his approach, 'If it is a matter of money, I've more than enough gold to pay for my instruction. Name your price.'

Falun rolled his eyes, 'Listen, boy, you couldn't haggle your way out of an open sack and you're as subtle as a goat with gas. What makes you think you'd be able to bargain with a fiend?'

T made no mention of fiends. Perhaps I speak with the correct person after all.'

The old man bristled and grumbled to himself, 'Shifty little bastard got you there you old codger. Mayhap you're getting too old for this.' The frowning sage glared at his customer and shook his head.

'I can show you the Dark Road, boy, but the work and the danger will be yours alone.'


There are many misconceptions surrounding the active practising of demonology. It is often called the Dark Road, the Forbidden

Path or the Black Art. It immediately conjures up images of blood-soaked rituals, of the sacrifice of virgins, of the bargaining of one's very soul. A practitioner will often find he must engage in his studies with the utmost secrecy, lest some mob of ignorant commoners storm his dwelling and hang him from the nearest tree. There is much misunderstood of the people who choose to tread the Dark Road.

Demonology, in and of itself, is not evil. A wizard who chooses to supplement his arcane powers with the demonic is not necessarily a twisted individual, greedy and selfish, utterly consumed by his quest for knowledge. In all likelihood he does not, in fact, offer up dark prayers to the gods of evil whenever he uses his magical powers. Like much in the world, demonology is merely a tool, no more, no less. A powerful and potentially dangerous tool, to be sure, but there is no more inherent evil in the art than in the forging of the finest sword. Such a weapon may be used to defend a peasant family against the hordes of darkness but it may also be turned against the innocent at the desire of its wielder. So it is with demonology.

When one serves good, to hold back from using any tool available is dereliction to the point of the affirmation of evil.


When all is said and done, those who practice demonology will often find themselves exposed to the most implacable evils on an almost constant basis. From reading ancient texts written by the diabolically mad to personally facing the darkest lords of the infernal planes, any demonologist who wishes to remain pure of heart must possess the most unshakeable resolve. The immoral creatures they seek to summon and control are cruel beyond measure and delight in perverting all that is good and innocent. Being academics by nature,

demonologists are, however, prone to focus upon their studies to the exclusion of all else, unaware of I the damage they may be doing to the world around them and just how far down the Dark Road they mayj have travelled. This is the cold, black precipice all practitioners of the art must stare in the face each and every day of their lives.

It is often said the practice of demonology will eventually corrupt anyone, no matter how strong they were before they started on the Dark Road. A demonologist studying the art will quickly find he can progress to great knowledge and in doing so, begin to control far more powerful energies than if he restricted himself to the arcane lores alone. It is I here the trap is laid. Virtually any wizard has the strength and ability to summon the lesser creatures of the infernal planes. All it takes is access to the required knowledge. Such a wizard may call forth a nightmare to carry him a great distance with all speed in order to deliver a vital message. He may summon a small pack of hell hounds so as to aid in ; the defence of a lonely village from a marauding tribe of hobgoblins. There is no harm and little danger in this, so long as all the required prerequisites of the summoning are followed and obeyed. But as the wizard progresses along the Dark Road, he gains far deeper and blacker knowledge, becoming a demonologist proper. He will learn the rituals and rites required to call forth the greater powers of the infernal planes. He will become far more capable and when he pulls a being from the infernal planes, the demonologist will find he can reach the most powerful and malevolent of creatures. Being so close to such power is a draw to many and they may find themselves performing acts during summonations that once they may have found repugnant. It is a relatively simple step to using the bones of those long gone in order to summon certain species of demon. From there, where is the harm in using live animals as offerings to demonic entities, if it is for the greater good? Where will a demonologist draw the line? It is extraordinarily difficult for even an experienced demonologist to summon the most powerful beings of the infernal planes without offering a soul for their services. As the demonologist walks the Dark Road, it can be exceedingly hard to avoid practices any civilised being would deem evil to the core.


The majority of arcane wizards look upon the practice of demonology with utter contempt. The

practitioners of the black art expose themselves to immense dangers on a regular basis for questionable gains. There is a strong belief amongst most wizards that demonology is only for the most foolish who lack the will and discipline to engage in long years of study in the purer forms of magic.

Even the most dedicated of demonologists know there are far safer methods in consorting with the beings of the infernal planes and bargaining for their services. The combined effects of Planar Binding and Magic Circle spells are the most well known and, indeed, offer far greater flexibility in the creatures called to the material world than does the demonological art. Relatively simple Summon Monster spells have the ability to call forth the lesser demonic creatures and completely subject them to the wizard's demands through the act of conjuration.

Demonology has its own purpose, though. It balances risk with the possibility of gaining power much quicker than through either of the methods presented above. To summon and control even a dretch or imp using Planar Binding spells requires a very powerful wizard and few attain such levels of magical ability. Summon Monster spells offer a slightly quicker path but are severely limited when compared to demonology in terms of what the creature can be called upon to do, how long it remains in the material world and, indeed, the range of creatures that can be summoned.

The Dark Road offers the demonologist several advantages over arcane wizardry, just as the major schools of magic offer benefits to those who specialise in their teachings. Whilst demonology limits itself purely to the summonation and control of beings of the infernal planes, it will potentially allow a practitioner to call upon the power of any of the millions that inhabit those foul places. A summoned demon will likely be under the practitioner's control for far longer than with the simple Summon Monster spells and can be compelled to perform a far greater range of actions.

Many practitioners, however, are drawn to the practice of demonology for the most basic reason of all - the Dark Road offers the promise of far greater power over a far shorter period of time than arcane magic can ever grant. The counterbalance to this, and the reason most wizards distance themselves far from the practice, are the greatly magnified

risks. No Magic Circle can be used in a summoning ritual to protect the demonologist as he calls upon the great powers of the infernal planes. All he has to protect him from the ravages of these evil creatures is his own force of will and his meticulously researched knowledge. Many fall by the wayside as they walk the Dark Road but those whose footing remains true can gain access to demonic energies that far outstrip those of any mortal.

The Summoning of Demons is more than mere knowledge. It is a slippery path to hell which is all too often paved by a wizard's own good intentions.

Old adage from the School of Magic


Demonology is, in its purest form, the practice of summoning, controlling and perhaps binding the

immortal creatures of the infernal planes. Many such planes of existence are present for demonologists to tap and the inhabitants of these hellish worlds vary accordingly. Each species has its own domain, province and standing within these planes and most are grouped into 'families,' all bound together in rigid and complex hierarchies of dominance. Some of these families are relatively well known to the mortal worlds, as the most powerful rule the infernal planes with an iron grip and their minions are often called upon to break into the material planes. Many adventurers have faced creatures of the Tanar'ri or the Baatezu, as these are the most numerous and powerful of their respective planes.

It is important to note the rituals and magicks detailed and explained within this book only apply to the creatures of the infernal planes and, due to the wildly coursing tides of magic, will simply not work when attempting to draw upon forces from other planes of existence. Celestial and elemental powers may also be used by mortals dwelling within the material world but such practices are quite different and do not concern the demonologist. It should also be mentioned that a great deal of the ancient texts practitioners use to unlock the deeper secrets of their art speak of various classifications of creatures of the infernal planes, above and beyond that of the families. Demons and devils are very separate creatures, existing in different planes within the infernal realms. The correct collective term for all these creatures is fiends. However in common usage, most simply call them all demons and as the practitioner can use his abilities to summon any, that

is the definition we shall use throughout this book. Any mention of demons applies equally to devils and other fiends.


In this chapter, we have covered the basic practices of demonology in the briefest of detail. Far greater knowledge lies further into these pages. We have made mention of the corrupting influence the art may have on the weaker-willed, but this is by no means the only peril a demonologist must face.

Demonology is an art comprised, in the main, of research. The pursuit of knowledge is what drives many demonologists and with good reason. Even when summoning the most minor of demons, the practitioner is attempting to control energies far beyond the understanding of mortals. It is vital that the preparation of the summonation, every syllable uttered in the ritual and every component expended is correct and flawless. One tiny, simple mistake can easily allow a demon to break free of the bonds the practitioner is attempting to harness it with. If permitted free reign within the material world, a demon becomes vengeful and will immediately seek to destroy the mortal that dared call it forth. Few mortals are equipped to face the unleashed wrath of a demon summoned from the pits of the infernal planes and it is not only a practitioner's life that will be in the utmost peril. It will be his very soul.

'So, explain to me exactly why it is you initiate students in the so-called 'dark arts' but don't use them yourself?' Santado fingered the tomes before him, searching for something he did not already possess. This was the first time he had seen the old man in nearly a year. He had been too busy poring over the texts that

Falun had sold him at their initial meeting and searching for more.

The old sage shrugged his stooped shoulders, 'I never thought the risk was worth the gain.'

The young man blinked. 'How can you say that?'

Falun sighed, 'No matter which particular path on the Dark Road one chooses to follow, there is the very real possibility that something will go horribly wrong or one will find one's self committing acts that would make an eternity of the blackest torture imaginable to man seem like a spring festival.' The old sage shook his head, 'I value my life and my soul too much to stain either with the actions required of a practising demonologist.'

'But you would show others down the path you fear to tread?'

Falun smiled enigmatically, 'That is their choice, not mine.'


To say it requires a rather special and unique individual to study demonology is something of an understatement. Practitioners are marked by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, often in many areas of expertise. Most tend to be highly skilled in the practice and application of arcane magic. All have an incredibly strong will, able to withstand the rigours and temptations their chosen art forces upon their minds.


What is often more interesting to study, however, are the reasons why an individual chooses to practice the summoning of dark and evil powers. Despite all the tales told by adventurers in taverns and parents to their children at night, not all demonologists are evil and twisted beings who engage in foul practices within lonely towers in the wilderness, surrounded by hordes of fanatical ores and goblins.

That demonology has the power to corrupt the weak and unwary is beyond dispute. It must be said, though, that the vast majority of those who start upon the Dark Road are neutral in character and care little for the eternal struggle between good and evil. They simply reach a point within their studies of the arcane whereupon they stumble across the practice of demonology and realise they may have the potential to gain access to far greater magical powers than before. From this initial starting point, their interest tends to remain purely academic though it is often these wizards who fall to the more evil methodology when they actually come to practice summoning rituals. Their passion for the pursuit of knowledge often overrules mere moralistic issues.

There are those strong of heart and pure of mind that may adopt the practice in order to pursue a greater good. This may happen in times of terrible desperation where a wizard may choose to fight evil with evil. They will likely be all too aware of the powers they are set to unleash but may have little choice. It is the tragedy of demonology that many such men are themselves corrupted by the powers they sought to harness in order to destroy a great

evil in the first place. The ends may not always justify the means.

Finally we come to those that most civilised peoples would call the archetypal demonologist. Cruel, twisted and utterly evil to the core, either from birth or from having been exposed too much to the creatures of the infernal planes, these practitioners follow the Dark Road as a means of ultimate power. Hungry and rapacious individuals, these demonologists are heedless of the pain and suffering they cause, interested only in crushing any who stand before them and their goals. Such goals may be the domination of a kingdom, the subservience of an entire race or a quest for immortality. Who can truly say what motivates such men?


The art of demonology actually comprises several disciplines, each specialised and focussed. The most common is the demonologist, a wizard of Arcane Lore who chooses to supplement his power through the actual summonation of creatures from the infernal planes. Through his magic, the demonologist may summon forth bodyguards and assassins, may draw upon raw magical energies and may learn the most secret knowledge, garnered from immortal minds. Some may even trivialise the art by using their power to alleviate nights of boredom through the summoning of a succubus.

Wizards skilled in the crafting of the finest magical artefacts may stumble upon demonology as a means to greatly increase the power of the items they fashion, becoming binders. This is a very difficult and costly practice, potentially far more dangerous than regular demonology as demons will fight with all their strength to avoid being imprisoned within any material object. Such practitioners often operate within normal society, though they tend to keep very quiet when discussing the sources of power they harness to create their wondrous artefacts.

The darkest path of all is that of the possessed, who makes direct pacts with a multitude of demons, offering his very soul to each in order to gain immediate boons on the material world. The possessed subject their bodies and minds to terrible rigours imposed by the demons they have pacts with, drawing on a portion of the creature's power to supplement their own. This discipline has potentially the greatest rewards of all but also the

greatest risks as few mortal bodies are capable of surviving the immense stresses imposed by the continued possession by demons. Most possessors inevitably become crippled or mad by their art.


The demonologist is the quintessential practitioner of the dark art, toiling for long hours under his academic labours to harness the powers of the infernal planes. The vast majority of demonologists start off as wizards and most still practice their regular arcane magicks but the mainstay of their studies is firmly rooted within the realms of demons.

Most demonologists are solitary individuals, for there are few willing to grant them the freedom to practice the summoning rituals necessary to call forth the greatest of powers without comment. The very nature of the demonological art requires knowledge and components that any of the civilised races would find distasteful to the extreme. In addition, the penalties for any error the demonologist himself makes during the summoning of greater powers can cause a great deal of harm to any around him as demons, freed from their shackles and at liberty to terrorise the material world for a short period of time, slaughter all around them.

There are, however, certain parties willing to risk the presence of a demonologist in order to further their own plans, whatever they may be. Powerful guilds and organisations or adventuring parties with few scruples may be welcoming of a demonologist into their ranks, who is likely to appear to be nothing more than a regular wizard until he actually starts to practice the black art.

Either way, demonologists are often regarded as strange people who rarely see the world as others do. After having faced the fiends of the infernal

planes in direct and costly battles of sheer unadulterated willpower, few can remain completely unscathed. It is a tragic tale that many demonologists go into the practice with the purest of I hearts, only to have their morals and standards constantly chipped and battered away until they become, quite literally, completely different people.

Hit Die: d4.


To qualify to become a demonologist, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.

Feats: Spell Mastery

Languages: Draconic

Class Skills

The demonologist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the demonologist prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Demonologists gain no proficiency in any weapon or armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Demonology: Demonologists are versed in the summoning and controlling of demons and so may


Class Level


Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save












Siphon Demonic Energy



i 1



Extended Instruction






Lesser Control






Multiple Summoning






Demonic Vulnerability











Full Instruction











Greater Control

use the Art of Summoning rules on pages 13, 21 and 29.

Spells per Day: A demonologist continues training in arcane magic as well as his own field of research. Thus, when a new demonologist level is gained, the character also gains spells as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, get any additional benefits a character of that class would have gained, only the new spells.

This essentially means that he adds the level of demonologist to the level of another arcane spellcasting class the character already has and then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If the caster had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a demonologist, he must decide to which class he adds each level of demonologist for the purposes of determining spells per day when he adds the new level. Demonologist levels are never added to a class that uses divine magic.

Siphon Demonic Energy: At 2nd level, the demonologist gains the ability to siphon demonic energies to fuel his own spellcasting as described on p21.

Extended Instruction: At 3rd level, a demonologist grows strong enough to compel the demons he summons to follow longer and more complicated instructions. The limit for each instruction issued grows to twelve words.

Lesser Control: At 4th level, the demonologist has the strength of will to compel demons to serve him

for longer periods of time. The maximum time a demon can stay in the material world is increased to two hours. Each successive Control check to retain the services of the demon for longer will now allow it to stay a further two hours in the material world instead of just one.

Multiple Summoning: At 5th level, the demonologist has grown so adept in his art that he may now summon more than one demon at a time. The rules for doing so are covered on p21.

Demonic Vulnerability: As the demonologist's knowledge increases, so too does his ability to maximise the effect his spells have on the creatures of the infernal planes he may meet in battle. At 6th level, the demonologist may add +1 to his casting level whenever targeting a creature from the infernal planes with arcane magic spells.

Full Instruction: By the time he reaches 8th level, the demonologist has become truly skilled at controlling demons and forcing them to do his bidding. Even the most complicated instructions can now be given and will be obeyed. The limit for each instruction issued grows to twenty words.

Greater Control: The demonologist's mastery of his art is almost complete as he reaches 10th level. He is now able to extend his control over demons in the material world for much greater lengths of time. The maximum time a demon can stay in the material world is increased to three hours. Each successive Control check to retain the services of the demon for longer will now allow it to stay a further three hours in the material world instead of just one.







Demonic Ability


Attack Bonus



















1 1















































Binders are very specialised practitioners of demonology, using their knowledge and skill to first summon demons, then bind them within magical artefacts in order to harness their energies. Such items are amongst the most powerful to be found within the material worlds, with demonic weapons especially being sought by warriors with few scruples.

To be bound within an object for aeons is vile imprisonment to any demon, a creature who values its freedom far more than any mortal may understand. In performing the binding ritual, the practitioner is able to greatly boost the power of any magical item he fashions but in doing so earns the eternal enmity of the demon he enslaves. Should it ever manage to break free, the binder will face the wrath of the demon who will seek to devour him both body and soul.

Few binders realise the magnitude of power they dabble in when they first start on the Dark Road. Most merely seek to increase the potency of their creations and simply view demonology as one tool to accomplish this. The corruption of the art is ever present though and many pursue the knowledge required to summon the greatest demons of all in order to create ever more powerful artefacts.

Hit Die: d4.


To qualify to become a binder, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.

Skills: Demon Lore rank 8+

Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Wondrous Item

Class Skills

The binder's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the binder prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Binders gain no proficiency in any weapon or armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Demonology: Binders are versed in the summoning and controlling of demons and so may use the Art of Summoning rules on pages 13, 21 and 29.

Binding: The binder is skilled in the practice of binding demons into inanimate objects and so may use the rules presented in Bound Demons on p35.

Spells per Day: A binder continues training in arcane magic as well as his own field of research. Thus, when a new binder level is gained, the character also gains spells as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, get any additional benefits a character of that class would have gained, only the new spells.


This essentially means that he adds the level of binder to the level of another arcane spellcasting class the character already has and then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If the caster had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a binder, he must decide to which class he adds each level of demonologist for the purposes of determining spells per day when he adds the new level. Binder levels are never added to a class that uses divine magic.


outward visage of the creature, returning to something approaching normality after the possession ends. This constant warping takes a heavy toll on the possessed, with many forced to pass themselves off as weak planetouched as the physical effects gradually become permanent.

Hit Die: d4.


To qualify to become one of the possessed, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.

The most punishing route of all for those who tread the Dark Road is that of the possessed. Not content with merely summoning and controlling demons in order to gain their service, the possessed make intimate and dangerous pacts with infernal creatures as a means of gaining their power directly. Offering a portion of their soul with each pact made, the possessed are able to draw the demons' strength into their own bodies, channelling it to overcome almost any trial they may face.

Whilst the pact made with a demon provides some measure of protection over the self-possession practised by a few unstable demonologists, it is ultimately ruinous to both body and soul, with only the possessed's sheer will and his demonic energy keeping his body functioning as he falls deeper into the self-made trap. After several pacts have been made, the possessed's body may be all but shattered by the strains forced upon it by the demonic beings that constantly writhe inside. Crippled and sickly, the possessed becomes a pathetic figure, living only for the times when the demon floods his system, empowering him far beyond that which any mortal may experience.

Whilst the demon is within his body, the possessed retains his free will but his body often takes the

Alignment: Any non-good Skills: Demon Lore rank 11 + Feats: Strength of Will

Class Skills

The possessed's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Once you have had the demon inside you, mind, body and soul, you are never quite. . . whole again.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the possessed prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The possessed gain no proficiency in any weapon or armour. Note










Attack Bonus























Demonic Traits (2)



















Demonic Traits (3)



















Demonic Traits (4)








that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Demonology: The possessed are versed in the summoning and controlling of demons and so may use the Art of Summoning rules on pages 13,21 and 29.

Spells per Day: Unlike the demonologist or binder, the possessed does not automatically continue his training in arcane magic. Class levels gained as the possessed do not count for spells gained as any other arcane spellcasting class.

Demonic Pacts: The possessed may automatically make a pact with any demon he successfully summons and controls (see The Art of Summoning chapters for details). Once a pact has been made with any one demon, it may no longer be summoned and controlled normally and the possessed becomes reliant on it actually entering his body to gain any further benefit. As soon as the pact is made, he automatically loses 1 d6 (2d6 for a named demon) points from his ability scores and/or hit points, as the player chooses, spreading the loss between ability scores if he so wishes. Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, however, may never be altered in this way. If this ever forces an ability score to below 3 or hit points to 0, the

possessed is killed outright, consumed by the very powers he sought to harness. This loss is permanent and cannot be reversed through the use of spells such as Restoration. This is the price the possessed pays for his powers.

The possessed may call upon any demon he has made a pact with to utilise its power as a full round action. He immediately gains any one single trait of

the demon - this may be an ability score (such as Strength), its attacks, a special quality, skill, feat or spell-like ability. This effect lasts for one hour. Only one demon may be called upon at any one time and this may be done an amount of times per day as shown on the table below. The possessed is permitted to end a period of possession at any time as a full round action and does not suffer the side effects described on p25, the pact he has made with the demon forestalling such things.

During this time, the possessed will assume many of the outward features of the demon he has within him, gaining stature, fangs, horns, wings and skin colour as appropriate. When he ends the possession, his physique will return to normal, though his appearance will gradually begin to change over time, steadily becoming more and more demonic, as if he

was planetouched.

Soul Servitude: In making pacts with demons, the possessed is offering his very soul to the most evil of creatures in exchange for power within the material world.

Demons of all types will watch for the possessed's death, ever eager to collect the soul he bargained

with. A possessed may never be resurrected by any method.

Demonic Traits: At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the possessed gains the ability to channel yet more of a demon's power through his fragile body. Additional traits may be used every time a demon is called upon, as shown by the number in parentheses after the Demonic Traits special ability on the table below. For example, a 6th level possessed could take three traits from a demon each time he calls upon its power - when calling upon a succubus he has previously made a pact with, he could therefore gain her Dexterity and energy drain ability.


Awizard who consciously chooses to set aside much of his normal research and concentrate on the lore of demonology is one who gambles his innermost soul in the quest for knowledge. We have looked at the risks involved in the practice, as well as those who undertake this dangerous pursuit. Now we will begin the first steps on the Dark Road.

This chapter will examine, in detail, the underlying fundamentals involved in the summoning and controlling of demons from the infernal planes. A wizard following these steps and performing his first initial research into the lore will have everything he needs to attempt his first summonation. To begin with, the fledgling demonologist is well advised to concentrate his energies on calling forth the weaker demonic entities - hell hounds, dretch and imps. Such creatures are relatively easy to control when summoned and the consequences of failure are greatly reduced. It is imperative to keep in mind that so long as the required rituals are known, there are no limits to what a demonologist may attempt to summon. In the unlikely event a fledgling demonologist learns the complicated rituals needed to summon a balor or pit fiend, there is absolutely nothing to stop him calling these insanely powerful creatures into the material world. His chances of controlling such entities are, however, non-existent. At best, he will be slain within seconds of completing the ritual. At worst, the enraged demon will carry him off to the infernal planes to suffer an eternity of torment amongst the most evil and twisted races known. In short, every demonologist is limited in what he may achieve by just two factors - the forbidden knowledge he is able to uncover and his own good sense. The successful practitioner will always recognise his own limits and never push himself too far too fast. Always remember that there is no such thing as a bad demonologist - such people quickly succumb to the excesses of the art they vainly attempt to control.

Can you use demons for good works? Of course you can. Therein lies the danger. You can use a rackfor good work as well - but how long is it before you begin to enjoy the screams?

The Morals and Ethics of the Arcane - Ypesliva


The cornerstone of demonology is pure research. Practitioners spend much of their lives locating and interpreting forbidden lore, material often descending through the ages and harking from the most ancient of times. It is a basic requirement of every demonologist that he becomes linguistically skilled in the use of languages that no mortal creature may have spoken or written in, perhaps, thousands of years. Such are the texts that speak of the creatures of the infernal planes - their names, capabilities and what forces are necessary to bring them into the material world where they may be bound or controlled by practitioners of sufficient will.

This knowledge is extremely rare and thus can pose the would-be demonologist with the immense difficulty of locating the information he needs to attempt even the most basic of summoning rituals. Some of the largest libraries of the world may hold a few sought-after scrolls and tomes within their darker recesses, though it is a common practice for periodic purges to destroy these valuable resources at the behest of well-meaning librarians. In the same vein, the personal libraries of arcane wizards may also contain a few books of interest to the demonologist, gathering dust on a forgotten shelf in some mystic study, treated as nothing more than a curiosity. Again, though, this is rare. It may also be worth watching any merchant or trader who regularly deals in ancient books. Tomes of forbidden lore occasionally pass through their hands, though it is highly unlikely they will recognise the worth of such an item.

It is doubtful that a practitioner relying purely on these sources will progress very far along the Dark Road over any period of time. In this practice, knowledge is most certainly power and those wishing to increase their abilities will have to work hard to uncover the forbidden lore vital to their studies.

The most obvious source of knowledge is another, more experienced, demonologist but this raises its own problems. Demonologists are, by their very nature, reclusive and small in number, suspicious of any who dare intrude upon their own studies. The practice of taking apprentices or sharing information is unheard of within demonology, such are the risks each practitioner runs of discovery. In addition, the process of physically taking another demonologist's library by force is fraught with danger as not only will they have the power to call upon demonic creatures from the infernal planes, they are also highly likely to be accomplished spell casters in their own right. All this said though, a demonologist's collections of books and notes will be considered a real treasure trove by any other practitioner.

In reality, a demonologist will likely be forced to travel far and wide, throughout the dark and evil places of the world, following every story and rumour concerning the location of ancient texts. Unless the practitioner is unusually lucky, it may take a great deal of time to uncover the deepest secrets of demonology.

Once works of forbidden lore have been located, a demonologist's research may begin. First the texts have to be translated into a form more readily accessible to the practitioner as they will usually be written in languages long since forgotten or even not of this world. This can take a great deal of time in itself, particularly for the inexperienced demonologist who will be encountering such languages for the very first time. This done, the demonologist must then employ his intellect into comprehending what he reads - deciphering is not understanding. There are many subtle nuances and twists within the art, all of which must be firmly fixed in the mind of the practitioner if he is not to court disaster. The knowledge he seeks may be buried within several texts, hidden by riddle and code, as is the nature of many forbidden and heretical lores.

With hard work, dedication and a great deal of lateral thought, however, the demonologist may emerge from his studies with the knowledge he so tirelessly sought to uncover. He will be ready to begin the summoning ritual.


Though summoning rituals can vary wildly in their specifics, the fundamental practices of all have much in common and any demonologist will readily identify any ritual he witnesses as such, even if he is not familiar with the demonic entity being called. All summoning rituals call for a pentagram to be inscribed upon the ground, though the design is different for each demon and an incorrectly drawn form will have no power during a ritual. The ritual itself will require perhaps many hours of chants and calls, along with the consumption of various components, expended in much the same way as with the casting of arcane magic. Such rituals are the most lengthy part of the summoning process, particularly if the demonologist is unfamiliar with the demon he is attempting to call.

If the summonation proves successful, the demonic entity will appear, drawn from the infernal planes, into the pentagram before the demonologist. Now begins the shortest part of the ritual but also the most hazardous. The practitioner must apply his force of personality to break the spirit of the demon and bend it to his own demands. The successful application of this last process is the ultimate goal of all demonologists. Failure does not often grant one a second chance to correct mistakes.

It must be noted here that, contrary to popular beliefs, the sacrifice of animals or sentient beings is never required for the successful controlling of demonic entities. On the other hand, such offerings can greatly aid an evil demonologist with no remaining scruples and even the most accomplished of practitioners will be hard pressed to control the greatest of the demonic powers without a valuable soul to offer in exchange for services. . .


We have spoken in previous chapters of the immense risks demonologists face in the practice of their art. But why is demonology a lore to be greatly respected, not just by those whom it may be employed against, but also by its actual practitioners?

The first stage of demonology, the uncovering of knowledge and the maintenance of secrecy whilst engaging in the practice is little different from that which other adventurers face on a day-to-day basis and need not be covered here. The summoning

ritual itself holds little danger for the demonologist, other than the fear of discovery for it tends to be a fairly lengthy process. Failure in summoning a creature from the infernal planes is likely to result only in the loss of potentially expensive materials for no gain. The danger lies in the attempted control of a demonic entity. Such beings do not enjoy being ripped from their homes

within the infernal planes and will be greatly enraged by the intrusion into

their often

incomprehensible plans and designs.

Upon the completion of a successful summoning ritual, the demonologist will be confronted by the entity he sought to call, standing within the pentagram he laboriously toiled over, its power now spent in pulling the demon into the material world. Such an entity will be murderous in nature, its desire for cruelty and destruction magnified by the temerity of a mortal seeking to dominate it by his sheer will. The demonologist has but one chance to bring the creature under control. A single slip, just one break in concentration will leave the demon free to roam the material world. Its first act will be to exact vengeance upon the summoner, either rending him limb from limb in an orgy of blood-letting, or carrying him off to the infernal planes where he will suffer for an eternity as the plaything of demons. Even if the demonologist manages to somehow survive and escape such a baleful existence, he is unlikely to ever be. . . quite right again. Every demonologist is all too aware of the risks they run every time they practice the art. Most fervently pray for a quick end should they ever make a costly and

In some cases, the demon may seek to stay in the material world to wreck havoc for a little longer than the summoning ritual ordinarily permits.

In such circumstances, the demonologist will be viciously assaulted physically, mentally and spiritually as the demon attempts to possess him, gaining

absolute control of his functions and twisting his

body beyond all recognition. Bones bend and snap, skin warps and muscle expands as the mortal body strains to contain the demonic energies it is subjected to. The chances of surviving such a fate unscathed are non-existent.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE A demonologist of any level is free to attempt the summoning and control of any creature from the infernal planes, provided he has the appropriate research materials and texts. Information on how to supply player characters with these texts is given in the Help for Games Masters chapter but, for now, we will concentrate on the rules used to summon demons and force them into service.

Throughout these rules, the Challenge Ratings of individual demons are used to gauge their relative strengths and the difficulty in summoning and controlling them. This provides a quick and accurate measure of a demon's power, taking into account hit dice, spell abilities and special powers -obviously, the stronger a demon is overall, the harder it will be to summon and control.

fatal mistake at this most critical of times.

Knowledge - Demon Lore (Int; Trained only)

This skill represents your ability to comprehend all aspects of demonic knowledge. It is most commonly used

to decipher and understand demonic based texts, but may also be utilised to recognise demons and predict their natures and special abilities.

Check: Answering an easy question regarding demonology (could that beautiful woman with bat wings possibly be a demon?) has a DC of 10. Basic questions (what is a balor armed with?) has a DC of 15 whilst really tough questions (what is the true name of the pit fiend in front of me?) could have a DC of 20 or 30. The difficulty of deciphering demonic texts is covered in the Required Knowledge section.

Retry: No. The check represents what you know. Simply thinking about a question again will not permit you

to know something you did not know in the first place.

Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a character is likely to be relying only on myths and legends. Generally, only demonologists, binders and possessed have

access to this skill, though the Games Master may rule otherwise in his campaign.

Any scroll, tome or other resource a Games Master deems to contain demonological knowledge must first be read and comprehended by the player character before it can be used in a summoning ritual. A successful Demon Lore check, DC 15, is needed to identify any such material and discover which demon(s) it pertains to. To actually decipher and comprehend these inevitably complex texts takes Id3 days + the Challenge Rating of the demon concerned and requires a Demon Lore check, DC 20. A Games Master is free to modify the DC of this check by up to + or -10 to reflect varying degrees of ease and complexity of ancient or relatively new texts. No other tasks may be performed during this period. Where such a resource holds the knowledge of several demonic entities, the time taken and a separate Demon Lore check is required for each. Failure in the Demon Lore check will result in the demonologist being unable to understand the information contained within the resource. He may not make another attempt until his rank in Demon Lore is increased.

Once successful, the demonologist may make a note of the demon he has studied - from this point, he may attempt the summoning and control of the creature at any time. The Games Master will inform the player of the capabilities and special powers of the demon, as well as any specific materials or rites required in its summoning ritual, this being the knowledge the demonologist has uncovered through his study.


Summoning rituals vary between the differing demons they are designed to call forth, with certain pentagram designs, components and binding chants ; having power over one being but not another. The core rules used for summoning demons, however, are very simple though there are many modifying factors a player must be aware of so he may swing the odds of success further into his favour. This practice of minimising the chances of failure in summoning and controlling demons is the heart of demonology. A summary of the rules presented below can be found on p64.

Summoning rituals take as many hours to perform as the Challenge Rating of the subject demon. The summoning of a Tanar'ri vrock, for example, takes thirteen hours. During this time, the demonologist prepares the pentagram, expends components and masters the chants of summonation, all of which were learnt through his study of the demon. Whilst performing the summoning ritual, the demonologist may take no other action and so cannot cast any spells.

The Summoning Check

The basic Summoning check is DC 10 + the Challenge Rating of the demon.

The summoning ritual requires the aquisition of various components for both a pentagram and a summoning focus. These vary for each type of demon and are covered on p52.

Failure in the Summoning check results in nothing more than the expenditure of any components used and the absence of said demon. Of all the checks used in demonology, this is the one that is safest and least costly to fail in.

A successful Summoning check will draw the demon from the infernal planes into the pentagram, where it will appear before the demonologist. Now comes the most difficult part of the ritual -controlling the demon and making it subject to the summoner's will.

The Control Check

The basic Control check is DC 10 + twice the Challenge Rating of the demon.

If passed, the Control check will allow the summoner to give the demon instructions to be carried out, as detailed on pi8. A failed roll will likely mean the demonologist is in very serious trouble as the summoned demon frees itself of the bonds that have been placed upon it. It will immediately attack the demonologist as described onp20.

For both Summoning and Control checks, a roll of a

1 is an automatic failure and a roll of 20 an automatic success.


With his very life and soul at stake, any demonologist will work hard to increase the chances of a successful summonation and control of the demon he calls. At the same time, however, other factors may intrude upon the summoning ritual to make it far more difficult. There are many different bonuses and penalties that may be applied to Summoning and Control Checks listed throughout this book but those most applicable to the fledgling demonologist are detailed here. All are summarised on p64.


The experienced demonologist will naturally be far more capable than one just starting his journey down the Dark Road. Even when confronted by an unfamiliar demon for the first time, he will have the strength of will and purpose to cover minor mistakes and errors, becoming consistently successful in the art. A character's combined demonologist, binder and possessed class levels are added as a bonus to every Summoning and Control check.

Pentagrams and their uses

As with the study of demonology itself, there are many misconceptions based around pentagrams and their use within magical labours. It is a common belief, for example, that a pentagram exists to protect the wizard from malevolent spirits that he calls upon for boon and aid. There are some fields of magic, witchcraft being the most prevalent, where this holds true but for demonology the pentagram serves a much different purpose.

To pull a being of any power from the distant infernal planes and make it manifest in the material world takes a tremendous amount of magical energy, the type of which few mortals are able to withstand let alone manipulate to their own ends. The pentagram used in demonology is, quite simply, a carefully constructed magical focus designed to channel and magnify a practitioner's own forces in order to build enough power during the summoning ritual to call a demon into the material world. By focussing this much energy over a

relatively short period of time, the power inherent within a correctly drawn pentagram is completely expended when the summoning ritual is complete, leaving the practitioner with no protection against the creature he has just summoned other than his own knowledge and force of personality.

The correct drawing of a pentagram during the summoning ritual is of utmost importance if the attempt is to be successful and the margin for error is incredibly small. Even a single human hair lying across a critical juncture of the pentagram can be enough to dissolve its power and decrease its potency, thus placing a far greater burden on the summoner who may instead benefit from saving his strength for controlling the demon rather than just summoning it. In this way, a badly drawn pentagram can have a marked effect upon the controlling process even though its power has been expended during the summoning.

A demonologist cannot, of course, cast any spell or activate any magical item whilst performing either the summoning or the controlling process. He must rely purely on his demonological capabilities during these critical times.

Study and Preparation

Demonology is not an art that can be easily mastered by those short of memory or failing in their mental faculties. It requires precise observation and recollection, for a mistake made in the preparation of the pentagram or in the summoning chants can cripple a ritual. A demonologist's Intelligence Bonus is added as a modifier to every Summoning check.

Force of Will

Whilst specific rituals and rites are absolutely essential if any demonologist is to control a demon he has summoned, it is often his sheer force of will and personality that can make the difference between success and failure when he comes to actually controlling the creature. A battle of titanic wills can erupt in a fraction of a second as the demon strains to break free of the bonds being imposed upon it, even as the demonologist exerts his mind to bring the entity under control. A demonologist's Charisma Bonus is added as a modifier to every Control check.

High Quality Components

By acquiring the finest examples of the components necessary in any given summoning ritual, a demonologist can greatly minimise the risk of failure in calling the demon into the material world. If the components used are at least double the base monetary value required, a modifier of+1 may be applied to the Summoning check. If the value is at least four times greater, a +2 bonus is granted. For components of eight times or greater value, the maximum bonus of +3 is awarded. For items without a strict monetary value (an ancient war banner, for instance), the Games Master will be required to exercise his judgement in applying these bonuses.

It should be noted that if undervalued or misidentified components are used, there is no penalty to the Summoning check - the ritual will simply not work and every component will be consumed and wasted.

Slow Ritual

Demonologists, by necessity, take great care in their preparations for the summoning ritual. Given enough time, greater safeguards can be employed, with every stage of the ritual being checked and rechecked for any possible mistakes. By doubling the time required to perform a summoning ritual, a

demonologist will be granted a +2 bonus to both his Summoning and Control checks.

Hurried Rituals

By the same token, there may be times when a demonologist will be put under the severest pressure to summon a demon as quickly as possible. Under such circumstances, it is almost inevitable that errors and mistakes will creep into the ritual, making the whole process harder and a lot more dangerous for the demonologist. Flurrying a ritual will reduce the time required to perform it by half but will impose a -4 penalty to both Summoning and Control checks.

Previously Summoned Demon

In performing the same ritual again and again, a demonologist will inevitably become more familiar with its subtleties and nuances until they almost become second nature. If a summoning ritual has been successfully performed before by the demonologist, a +1 bonus is granted to the Summoning check.

Previously Controlled Demon

Once a demon has been summoned and the practitioner has established his control over it, he will find future attempts at imposing his force of will to be much easier. Apply a +1 bonus to the Control check if the demon has been successfully controlled by the demonologist in the past.


Fledgling demonologists, those just starting the practice of the art, often make sure others are present during the summoning ritual in order to provide a physical defence against the demon if control is not established. There is a -1 penalty to both the Summoning and Control checks for every creature, sentient or otherwise, present at the ritual other than the demonologist himself. They need not be present for the entire ritual for this penalty to be applied - even poking their head around the door of the demonologist's laboratory can shake the concentration required for a summoning ritual.


Upon the successful summoning and control of a demon, the demonologist will have the ability to command the creature to do his bidding. As with

Demonology in Practice

Fallora is a level one demonologist attempting to summon her very first demon. Having studied an ancient

scroll for the past five days and passing her Demon Lore check, she feels reasonably confident that she can now summon a dretch, one of the lesser Tana'ri.

Being her first attempt in the art, Fallora makes sure she will be undisturbed during the summoning ritual and takes her time, gaining the +2 Slow Ritual bonus to both her Summoning and Control checks. She also locates fine quality copper powder, the component needed to draw the pentagram for dretches, adding a further +1 bonus to the Summoning check.

Taking four hours to perform the ritual, as she is making sure no mistakes enter her preparations, Fallora attempts to call a dretch from the infernal planes into the pentagram. A dretch has CR 2, so the check becomes DC 12. However, Fallora is a first level demonologist (+1), has an Intelligence of 15 (+2), is using high quality components (+1) and is taking her time (+2), giving a total bonus of+6, meaning only a 6 needs to be rolled. Unsurprisingly, she manages to call the dretch to the material world.

Now comes the tricky bit. Incensed at being pulled from the infernal planes, the dretch would clearly like to

exact revenge upon Fallora. Clearing her mind of the telepathic threats the dretch is hurling at her, Fallora

attempts to control the demon.

The Control check is DC 14 as the dretch's CR is doubled for this check. Fallora's Charisma of 11 adds no bonus, but being a first level demonologist helps (+1), as does her Slow Ritual (+2), meaning she has to roll 11 or more. With a breath of relief, she succeeds and gives the dretch a very simple instruction - 'protect me from all harm.' The dretch will now effectively act as her bodyguard for the next hour but Fallora, overjoyed at her success, wants more. She exerts her will to force the dretch to follow this instruction for another hour. There is a -2 penalty to this next Control check as it counts as being an additional instruction, so Fallora needs to roll a 13.

She succeeds in this too and decides she can try for a third hour. The cumulative penalty for another additional instruction rises to -4, thus requiring a roll of 15 this time around. Unfortunately Fallora fails and the dretch Fallora is about to learn even a dretch can be a very

Anything may be demanded and the demon is compelled to carry out such instructions to the best of its ability. A demonologist may ask the demon, for example, to act as a bodyguard, or to assassinate an enemy. Many demons have existed since before the dawn of time and are thus incredible sources of long forgotten knowledge. Others, such as the nightmare steeds, excel as fast mounts or even beasts of burden. These are just a few of the most basic examples of what a practitioner may compel a demon to do. In practice, he is limited only by the demon's powers and his own imagination. Due to the convolutions of demonic politics upon the infernal planes, however, a summoned demon can never be compelled to summon additional demons itself.

breaks free of the magical bonds she placed around it. dangerous enemy when free. . .

every other part of this practice, there are rules that must be obeyed.

A controlled demon is compelled to carry out and complete a single nine word instruction issued by the summoner for a duration of no more than one hour. Once the instruction has been carried out or an hour has elapsed, whichever comes first, the demon instantly winks out of existence in the material world and is immediately returned to the infernal planes.

This instruction must be given at the moment of control, straight after the demon has been summoned or it will merely return to the infernal planes. Instructions cannot normally be issued after this time, no matter how powerful the demonologist is.

'Gods weep, boy. It's a wonder you can pronounce your own name.' Falun threw his hands in the air and

rolled his eyes. 'If you can do no better than that, you'll be short your soul and wondering what happened.

Tis a wonder you survived this long.'

Santado ground his teeth, 'I have studied these languages for years. It is not as if one can just strike up a

conversation on the street in the tongue of demons. I see nothing wrong with my pronunciation.'

Falun sighed deeply, 'That is exactly the problem. You're seeing your pronunciation instead of hearing it. You

can read the forms well enough, but it is imperative you say every last syllable perfectly. Any little slip and-'

'-and I'll have a demon for a soul mate. You've told me a thousand times in the last hour alone!' Santado

crossed his arms sulkily. He stood so for several moments before continuing, Til go through it again. Stop

me where I make any mistakes.'

We're going to be here forever then, Falun thought, though to Santado he simply nodded.

Multiple Instructions

Passing the Control check when the demon is summoned allows the demonologist to issue a single nine word instruction that will be obeyed for up to one hour. However, the number of instructions and the time the demon is compelled to stay in the material world may both be extended by a demonologist of sufficient power.

For each additional instruction issued or each additional hour the demon is required to remain in the material world, another Control check must be made with a cumulative -2 penalty. If any of these additional Control checks are failed, the demon will become uncontrolled with the consequences described below. No more instructions or additional hours may be added to the demon's service as it is now free to exact its vengeance.

Note that any of these additional instructions or extended hours must be attempted straight after the first Control check. They may not be added to the demon's service at a later time, so a demonologist must plan in advance to decide exactly what he will ask the demon to do if the summoning proves successful.


It happens to every demonologist sooner or later. Despite painstaking attention to detail during the summoning ritual, the demonologist will, at some point, lose control of the demon he is calling forth. Even those careful not to overreach themselves may make a mistake - the fact that it is far easier to summon than control makes this almost inevitable.

There are many terrible fates to which a practitioner may be subjected to by an uncontrolled demon.

However, those taking the first steps on the Dark Road will start by summoning the lesser demonic entities, those of a Challenge Rating of 6 or below. The reactions of these more minor creatures are always predictable and deadly. Their first priority is the destruction of the mortal who called them into the material world. The failure of the Control check negates the bonds placed on the demon by the ritual and the summoner's will, allowing it to act with complete freedom of purpose. It will move with all speed to the summoner and attack with every resource and ability it has. Once the summoner is slain, it will either seek out and destroy all intelligent life for a period of one hour or simply return to the infernal planes, this being determined by the Games Master. It will also immediately return to its home plane if it is in danger of being slain.


This concludes the basic rules for summoning and controlling demons. The fledgling demonologist will be able to summon all manner of creatures from the infernal planes, provided he does his research. The likes of dretch, quasits, imps and hell hounds will all be within his power to command.

There is, of course, far more to the practice of demonology than this. Far more powerful demons can be called upon as the demonologist becomes increasingly more capable and he will be able to command them to do far more things once summoned. He may even be able to draw upon raw demonic power to fuel his own arcane castings to greater levels than he ever dreamed. For this, however, the demonologist must tread further down the Dark Road.


Up to now, we have looked at how those skilled in the arcane arts can pursue the lore of demonology and summon the more minor creatures of the infernal planes. The Dark Road is a long and twisting path, however, and far greater knowledge awaits those who are prepared to take weightier risks. Within the following pages you will find information on how to call upon the named demons, the most powerful of creatures existing upon the infernal planes. The accomplished demonologist will now be able to use a demon's raw energy to fuel his own magical capabilities or to possess other sentient beings. The secrets of group summonings and blood sacrifices are also covered to grant a demonologist a further edge in the art. The dangers in dealing with the more advanced forms of demonology are also greater, however, and we therefore take a look at these too.

It must be noted that demonologists, unlike most other character classes, do not have a strict level-bylevel progression of power. You need not wait until a certain level to utilise the rules within this section. Every demonologist must judge his own readiness to walk further down the Dark Road. Glory or damnation await the intrepid searchers of forbidden knowledge.


Many demonologists regularly summon demons for the sole purpose of drawing upon their energies to fuel their own magical powers. Such demonically charged energy can be intoxicating to the senses as it flows through their blood, stimulating their awareness and granting the ability to control far greater amounts of arcane power than ordinarily possible.

Siphoning Demonic Energy

At 2nd level, a demonologist gains the ability to Siphon Demonic Energies, adding them to his own magical strength. To siphon energy, a demonologist must make a successful Control check for a demon he has just summoned. Instead of giving it instructions as normal, he may instead draw upon its raw energy. This may only be done whilst the demonologist is preparing his spells. The time taken for the summoning is added to the hour normally required to prepare spells.

The demonologist will gain extra spell slots for one day, based on the Challenge Rating of the demon. Each point of the Challenge Rating will allow an extra spell level. These spell levels may be split or combined for additional spells as the demonologist sees fit, but he may not use them to take spells he could not ordinarily cast.

For example, an osyluth (CR 6) could be used to obtain an extra 6* level spell, a 2nd and 4th level spell, 6 1st level spells or any combination in between. However, the 6th level spell could only be gained if the demonologist could normally cast 6th level spells.

The demon returns to the infernal planes as soon as the energy has been taken from it.


Though it is essential a demonologist does not push himself too far too fast in the black art, there are many who succumb to temptation. As the practitioner walks the Dark Road, he becomes greatly skilled in demonic lore and may soon have the ability to summon more than one infernal creature in a single ritual. This has the advantage of him being able to control two or more demons at the same time but is, naturally, far more difficult to accomplish. The demonologist runs the very real risk of having to face the wrath of several demons if he fails to control them.

Attempting a Multiple Summonation Demonologists gain the ability to summon more than one demon at a time when they reach 5th level. There is no limit to the total number of demons they may summon at any one time and they need not be of the same type.

The Challenge Ratings of all demons to be summoned are totalled for both the Summoning and

Control checks. Any instructions given will be applied equally to all the demons - separate instructions cannot be given for each.

There is an additional -1 penalty to the Control check for every demon, including the first, summoned when using this ability.

This special ability potentially provides a very easy route for a demonologist to overreach himself in the art and that is all we will say on the matter!

It matters not how far you walk down the Dark Road. Remember, there is always a side mute to your own salvation. It may be hard to see, a tiny path or secret gate hidden behind the brush, but it is always there. Many Demonologists claim they have not the strength to take that trail to redemption. You have the mental steel to dominate fierce beings as old as the Gods but you cannot simply walk away fmm your own predeliberated destruction?

If you believe such, the true deceiver is yourself

The Morals and Ethics of the Arcane — Ypesliva


Above the numberless hordes of quasits, imps, hell hounds and their ilk, lies the intensely hierarchical structure of the named demons. Ranging from the relatively weak barbazu to the insanely powerful balor, these are the greatest of all creatures within the infernal planes, harnessing tremendous demonic energies in their sometimes massive frames. Upon the infernal planes, they are lords and masters of the lesser demons, often having vast numbers in their service to do battle and bring about the defeat of their enemies, other demons with whom they constantly war and politick against.

Every one of these demons has many names and each must be treated as an individual by the prospective demonologist. The rituals learnt thus far may summon any creature from an entire demonic species but the named demons have the strength of power to resist the lure and pull of the more mundane summoning rituals. Instead such rituals, by necessity, must be crafted and revised for each individual demonic entity. A demonologist may learn the appropriate ritual to summon one succubus, but it will simply not work for another. At the heart of the practice of summoning demons of this magnitude are their names.

Any text depicting the summoning of such a demon ; will always include at least one of their common names, the basic identifier used during the ritual to make contact with the creature and bring it forth into the material world. A demon may have many common names and these are the ones mortals are likely to use when speaking of legends and myths concerning the demon's excursions into the realms of men. Common names are nothing more than identifiers or labels and as such grant no power over I the demon though they are a necessary part of the summoning ritual.

All demons of this stature will also have a small number, no more than half a dozen, of greater names. These names have actual power over the demon and are thus carefully guarded by their owner. They are typically the names used by demons to bind each other into service - a demon who knows the greater name of another has the ability to summon it to grant aid, a useful survival trait within the infernal planes. Demons use this calling only in very rare circumstances for to do so leaves them in debt and they can always expect to make repayment sometime in the future. A demonologist, however, can use a greater name of a demon he summons as raw leverage when attempting to control it. Any demon detests the mere concept of a mortal knowing one of their greater names primarily because of the added edge it grants in subjugating them to service.

Above the greater names are the true names of which a demon will only ever have one. A demon will never willingly reveal its true name to any creature as it has the potential to grant absolute power to any who know it. When one demon learns the true name of another, it will be able to guarantee service without heed of falling into a debt that must be repaid - the other demon is effectively enslaved. A demonologist will actively pursue the true name of any demon as it can grant him a greater edge in controlling it than any other factor. A less powerful demon, such as a vrock, can be instantly cowed by an accomplished demonologist in possession of its true name. The greatest of demons, the balors and pit fiends for example, may well be able to resist even this power but it can grant enough leverage to bring them into service for a short time. When summoning such mighty and baleful creatures, a demonologist will quickly find he needs every possible advantage he can muster. True names are seen as essential components of any summoning ritual designed to control these creatures by most

demonologists. Actually using the true name of any demon, however, will earn the summoner its permanent enmity. It will simply not suffer any such mortal to live. The application of the true name during the summoning ritual may guarantee control but if the demon can find its own way into the material world, such temerity will be rewarded in the most painful and grisly fashion the demon can devise.

The process of locating greater and true names of the demons they summon is a trying and exacting one for any demonologist. Greater names are hard to find to say the least and it is unusual for texts describing summonations to include them unless the author was particularly knowledgeable. Those that also include true names are virtually unheard of, not least because a demon will do all in its power to destroy such works. More often, a mortal must travel far and wide to locate such valuable information and may find it turns up from the most unrelated of sources.

Enterprising demonologists have been known in the past to summon one demon simply to learn the greater or true name of another. This is a practice fraught with danger and uncertainty for even if a demon knows such a name, being forced to relate it will earn the demonologist the enmity of both demons for he will be meddling directly in the convoluted politics of the infernal planes.

Using Named Demons

Any demon with a Challenge Rating of 7 or more is considered to be a named demon. Any demon below this rating can be summoned using 'standard' rituals common to their species as a whole. Named demons are unique individuals and a learnt summoning ritual will summon that demon and that demon alone. Needless to say, if the demon is ever permanently slain by any means, the demonologist will no longer be able to summon it again - the time spent locating and learning the ritual is wasted.

The research of greater and true names is a process handled entirely by the Games Master. He will let the player know whether the sources of knowledge uncovered include such information. If they do not,

the player will have to search harder to locate them, if they exist at all. Common names, however, will be present in any text describing the summoning of any particular demon and this is all that is required to actually perform the summoning ritual.

A greater name grants a +5 bonus to the Control check when performing the summoning ritual for the demon. A true name grants a+10 bonus. Only one such bonus may be used for any one Control check and you will quickly find this knowledge is essential for controlling the more powerful demons.


The archetypal demonologist, for many common folk, is one who performs the most hideous ritual sacrifices in the pursuit of his black art. The truth is a little different and many demonologists actually shun such practices. Others limit themselves to using only common creatures, those the civilised races slay every day in the names of sustenance and sport.

It is an undeniable fact though that demons of all types delight in both the misery and death of other creatures. A blood sacrifice may be incorporated into any summoning ritual by a demonologist and, in doing so, be granted a little extra power in compelling the demon to service.

Using Blood Sacrifices

Any warm-blooded creature, from a chicken to an elf, may be used as a blood sacrifice in a summoning ritual. The creature must be alive, though not necessarily aware, throughout the ritual and must be slain by the demonologist immediately before the demon is drawn into the material world at its completion.

A blood sacrifice adds a +1 bonus to the Control check for any type of demon.


It is a very rare occurrence, given the basic nature of demonology, but demonologists have been known to combine their powers in order to perform a particularly difficult summoning ritual. Such gatherings are often fraught with mistrust, even treachery, but it is often the only way a demonologist can summon the more powerful creatures of the infernal planes with any degree of safety.

1 MA'fKJHl.

Performing a Group Summoning

Any summoning ritual may be developed into a group summoning by a demonologist. Only arcane wizards, demonologists and binders are permitted to take part. One demonologist must lead the summoning and it is upon his skill and ability the attempt is based. The others, however, will add a bonus to both the Summoning and Control checks according to their class level.

Total the class levels of each wizard, demonologist and binder present and divide this by three, rounding down. The result is the bonus used for the Summoning and Control checks. A maximum of six people may take part in a group summoning and none will count towards the distraction penalty as they are all, of course, an intrinsic part of the summoning.

'The end of the Dark Road is not a pleasant place. They don't call it the Dark Road for nothing you idiot!'

Haras Ventrus, Master at the College of Magic -from a lecture to new students.


The more powerful of demonic entities have the ability to possess mortal beings, subjugating the host to their complete domination. This is usually done either to cause the maximum amount of harm to the mortal who dared to summon them or to stay within the material world for protracted periods of time in order to fulfil their own malevolent plans outside of the infernal planes. Accomplished demonologists can also force the possession of other mortals as a means to trap the demon in the material world for longer than the summoning ritual might ordinarily allow.

The subject of possession will lose all control of his body, though he remains conscious and aware. The demon takes control of his body utterly and the victim can do nothing more than watch mutely as the demon performs the most vile and hideous of acts in his name. Physical changes also take place, with the body straining to take the shape of both mortal and demon simultaneously. With some demons, the physical effects may be lessened - a succubus

possessing a human female, for example, may result

in nothing more than the softening of features and the growing of vestigial wings. A halfling body straining to contain a balor though is likely to cause a twisting beyond all recognition. Bones will grow and reshape, muscles will swell and skin change and reform into the likeness of the demonic entity.

For the victim, this is a process almost beyond all endurance, for being aware and a witness to these terrible transformations, they must suffer the absolute agony of the reformation of their bodies. Many go mad during these short seconds alone, others as they are forced to occupy the same mental space as the ultimate evil that is a demon. The physical and mental effects possession causes are permanent with no mundane cure. Even if the demon can be driven out of a host, the victim is likely to be left crippled and unable to function within normal society. Such is the price for succumbing to the demon.


Only named demons can attempt to possess a mortal being by their own power. If the Control check is failed during a summoning ritual, a Games Master may rule instead of attacking the demonologist,

the demon will attempt possession. This is a fullround action for the demon.

The summoner must make a successful Will Save at DC 10 + the demon's Challenge Rating to resist the possession attempt. If the summoner passes the Will Save, the demon may never attempt to possess him again. If the Will Save is failed, the demon's attempt at possession is successful and the summoner is in very serious trouble.

the innate willpower to drive the demon out. This is entirely dependant on the foothold the demon managed to gain during the act of possession which is determined by the amount the victim failed the Will Save, as detailed on the Possession Table below. Even after regaining control, the victim is likely to be seriously damaged in both mind and body. The side effects on the Possession Table below are applied immediately after the demon leaves the host body and the effects are, again,

Possession Table

Will Save failed by

Time Possessed

Side Effects


1 hour

-1 Wis and Cha, -1,000 XP


1 day

-Id6 ability scores, -1,000 XP


1 year

-Id6 ability scores, - Id6 x 1,000 XP



-2d6 ability scores, - 2d6 x 1,000 XP

The summoner will immediately come under the complete domination of the demon and effectively becomes a non-player character in the control of the Games Master (though those interested in roleplaying may relish the idea of trying their hand at a diabolic character, for however short a period of time).

Physically, a number of things now happen. First, all ability scores and Hit Points are averaged between host and demon into new scores, rounding down. The host will gain all special abilities and qualities, skills and saving throw bonuses of the possessing demon. Finally, a melding of the physical forms of host and demon will occur - the Games Master will inform the player concerned of the specific details. As an incidental consequence, the host also gains the immortality of the demon, their body now driven and sustained by raw demonic energy.

At the discretion of the Games Master, the host body may also gain one or more of the physical attacks of the possessing demon, with claw and bite attacks being the most common.

These effects will remain until the demon leaves the host body though the physical changes to appearance are permanent. A demon may choose to leave the host body at any time to return to the infernal planes, though as demons are immortal creatures who have existed for aeons, this may well not occur for a great many years, decades or centuries. The host may, however, be able to exert

permanent. Where ability scores must be modified, the player concerned may choose which are effected. The reductions may be spread across several ability scores if desired. In addition, the victim will also be reduced to one Hit Point as his body is wracked with the strain of having contained the demon for however short a period of time.

These effects cannot be reversed with spells such as Restoration, as he is now effectively part demon, though Wish spells will function to remove both physical changes and the side effects on the table above. If a period of possession falls in between any of the limits listed below, as can happen with self-possession for instance, then the next highest side effect is used. A character possessed for 3 hours, for example, will suffer the effects of having been possessed for a day.


In order to gain the service of a demon for a greater length of time, a demonologist with few morals may attempt the difficult process of forcing the demon into a mortal host. Whilst few demons find the act of possessing distasteful, doing so at the behest of a summoner can leave them under his control for longer periods, something they will strenuously try to avoid. It is not only named demons, however, that can be forced to possess a host. The strength of will of the demonologist in itself can permit any species to possess another, so even a lowly dretch or imp may be utilised in this way.

To possess another, the demonologist must have another sentient being immobile and present within the pentagram throughout the summoning ritual. Further more, such a victim must be conscious and aware throughout the ritual and so a demonologist must devise his own methods for holding subjects ready for possession during the lengthy summoning process. The demon can then be summoned as normal.

There is an additional —4 penalty to the Control check when attempting to force a demon to possess another as it is virtual imprisonment for the demon concerned and it will battle that much harder to circumvent the demonologist's will. The penalty for distraction does not apply to the intended victim of possession as they are an intrinsic part of the ritual.

The demonologist must specify his instruction to the demon during the Control check as normal and this is what the demon will be compelled to do for as long as it possesses the victim. If the Control check fails, the demonologist loses all control of the demon and it will attack him immediately (and may attempt to possess him in return!). If the Control check is successful, then the victim must make a Will Save to avoid possession by the demon, as described in the previous Accidental Possession section. The demonologist may apply his Charisma bonus as a modifier to the demon's roll as he exerts his own will alongside that of the demon's to break down the mental defences of the victim and force the possession through. If the victim is willing at the point of possession (immediately after the Control check), then no Will Save takes place - the demon possesses the victim permanently, as if the Will Save had been failed by 13 or more.

If the possession fails, the demon will immediately return to the infernal planes and the whole attempt is a wasted exercise. If it succeeds, possession occurs as described in the Accidental Possession section, with the full effects being applied to the victim. The only exceptions are that the demon may not return to the infernal planes until the duration of the possession is over and that neither it nor the host have free will - both are subject to the instruction given by the demonologist before the possession took place.


It is entirely possible that friends of a victim of possession will seek every means to drive out the demon and allow their companion to return to something approaching normality. There is, however, no known process to accomplish this through the practice of demonology and normal Dispel Magic spells will not remove the possession. Dismissal, Banishment and Holy Word spells will work to remove the possession, as will Dictum and Word of Chaos. Paladins or good-aligned clerics without access to such spells may attempt to drive the demon out by sheer force of will, though this never leaves the victim unharmed and completely whole.

Any paladin or good-aligned cleric may attempt to drive the demon out of a victim in the same way as they turn undead, using the demon's Challenge Rating as they would Hit Dice for undead. The demon will seek to avoid the attempt at all costs, fleeing if it is able or actively attacking the cleric. If successful, the demon will be driven from the victim, materialising in its true form and immediately attacking the cleric. It will remain in the material world for a period of one hour, during which time it will likely be hunting down the demonologist who forced its possession, or simply seeking to cause as much destruction to mortal life as it is able. The victim will suffer the side effects for possession as normal.

Possessing demons can never be destroyed, rebuked or controlled by this form of driving out and only a paladin or good-aligned cleric may attempt this process.


There may come a time when a demonologist is required to end the service of a demon prematurely. Such circumstances can be many and varied, coming to peace with an enemy the demon has been summoned to fight being one example.

In these cases, a demonologist is required to make a Dismiss check at any time during the demon's service. This Dismiss check is at DC 10 + the demon's Challenge Rating and may only be attempted against a demon the demonologist himself summoned. He must be within 60 feet of

the demon and it must not be in total cover relative to him. One attempt may be made to dismiss the demon every round and it is counted as a full-round action. Success in this Dismiss check will result in the demon immediately returning to the infernal planes.

As must be abundantly clear, a demonologist must instruct his demons carefully, particularly if they are powerful beings in their own right. A demon poorly instructed and unleashed upon the world can cause an immense amount of damage with the demonologist being almost powerless to stop it.

Possession in Action

Fallora has progressed quite far in the field of demonology since we last left her. She has now achieved 4th

level as a demonologist and feels ready to summon the succubus known as the Debaucheress, using research material she uncovered from the notes of an evil wizard she and her adventuring comrades recently put an end to.

Everything seems to be going fine in the summoning ritual for Fallora, as always, is taking her time, using high quality components and generally doing everything she can to make sure nothing goes wrong. She easily summons the succubus but as it appears in the pentagram in front if her, the unthinkable happens - Fallora's player rolls a 1 for the Control check. Grinning with the lovely maliciousness only a succubus can muster, the Debaucheress advances forward across the boundaries of the pentagram. Fearing for her life, Fallora begins to

cast an offensive spell until she realises that the demon is not attacking her directly - it is assaulting her very mind.

Fallora's Wisdom of 12 will help here as her Will Save bonus is now +5. The DC of the save is 10 + the

succubus' CR 9. It is a tough roll, needing 14 or more and, rolling 11, Fallora quickly succumbs to the

Debaucheress' mental attack though it will only be able to control her for one hour. She is now possessed and falls under the control of the Games Master until one hour has passed and the succubus returns to the infernal planes.

Fallora, as the host for the succubus, immediately gains all the demon's skills and saving throw bonuses, as well as all its special abilities, such as energy drain, alternate form and tongues. In addition, their ability scores must be averaged out between them. Fallora's scores are Str 8, Dex 13, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 11. The succubus' scores are Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20. The new scores for Fallora, averaged

between her original abilities and those of the succubus are therefore Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 15. Her hit points of 12 are also averaged with those of the succubus' of 33 to result in 22 hit points.

Last of all, much to Fallora's consternation, she becomes physically more demonic! She starts to grow small bat-like wings and her eyes begin to glow with a sinister light.

Fortunately for Fallora, the possession lasts only an hour and the succubus soon departs, though not without destroying her laboratory in which it was summoned, tearing apart her demonological notes and slaughtering her familiar which did not get out of the way in time. She loses the succubus' skills and special abilities, her

ability scores are returned to what they were before the possession took place and she now has one hit point left. She regains, however, full control of her own body again.

The effect, brief as it was, has unfortunately not left Fallora completely untouched for she still retains the physical likeness of a succubus. She also loses one point from her Wisdom and Charisma ability scores

permanently, as well as 1000 experience points.

The whole affair has left Fallora questioning whether she will continue the practice of demonology at all - in the very least she is likely to be very cautious in the art for the future. She also realises, however, that the possession could have been much, much worse. Overall, she has got off lightly.



As they cultivate their growing knowledge of the black art, demonologists often seek to enhance all around them with the energies they learn to control. Many will look to their own familiars, if they have one. There are many minor demonic entities that flit about within the infernal planes, all but beneath the attention of the larger demons, as ants scamper unnoticed by men. Such beings may be brought into the material world by any demonologist with the intention of possessing his own familiar.

Creating a Demonic Familiar

Any demonologist with a familiar may choose to possess it with a minor demonic entity at any time. Doing so takes a day and uses up magical materials totalling a cost of 500 gp. Demonic familiars function in exactly the same way as mundane familiars, with the exceptions noted below.

The demonic familiar retains its original form, but will begin to look distinctly demonic in nature - a cat may grow horns or vestigial wings, for example, or the eyes of an owl may begin to glow with their own inner light. The demonic presence may be driven out by a banishment spell and similar magicks. If this occurs, the familiar automatically leaves the demonologist, as it will never trust its master again. Treat this as if the

familiar had died.

Familiar special abilities are granted as normal, but a demonic familiar will also gain the abilities listed below;

Master Class Level

Special Ability


Immune to fire and poison


See in Darkness (including magical)


Invisibility once a day


Cold and acid resistance 20


Master may speak telepathically with any creature who has language

whenever he is in physical contact with the demonic familiar

It is amazing! / had read about the surge of Tower and the abilities it granted, but no mere words can adequately describe it. 'The mind is clearer, the senses sharper... it feels as if there were a thousand candle flames burning in every cell, the energy is so intense. ’Were it not so exhilarating it Would most lively be painful. I do not fytow why I have not tried drawing the Towerfrom a fiend before this day. I most certainly shall do it again in the future. Amazing! Ifound myselj laughing at the old man who set me on this path (I wonder if he still lives!) and his aversion to practising the Par^Arts. Ty the 'Jload, he does not know what he is mussing!

From the journal of Santado Lumellian


We now approach the end of the Dark Road, the conclusion of our journey. If a mage has travelled this far in his study of demonology and managed to survive, he is truly a man of great power. Likely as not, he has the knowledge of many demons, has cowed them into submission and forced them to do his bidding. He will have conversed with the fell creatures and learned many secrets never intended for mortal understanding. The experienced demonologist is a force to be feared.

The Dark Road stretches on though and those determined to see its end harbour a desperate need to access the greatest powers of all. They will seek to summon and control the very lords of the infernal planes, those implacable beings of awesome might who are themselves subservient only to the dark gods. They will consider themselves the very equal of such creatures as the pit fiend and the balor, seeking to break their will and drive these powerful demons to service. To do so, they may be forced to adopt the most extraordinary of measures, for the strength and wrath these beings possess is almost beyond comprehension. The end of the Dark Road will reveal these methods to the dedicated practitioner but the dangers become all the greater. It is here that a demonologist will learn the secrets of soul sacrifices, soul servitude and self-possession.

There are few who can contain such power without overreaching themselves with the most fatal of consequences. Those able to dominate the mighty demonic lords can only be regarded as the true masters of both the mortal and the ever-living.


There are more than a few demonologists who, upon witnessing the effects of possession on others, are driven to uncover the forbidden lore of taking the demon into themselves in an effort to harness its

power through more direct means. Only a tiny fraction of these individuals will go through the black rites required for the dangers are all too apparent. By allowing a demon to enter him both mind and body, the demonologist is confronting the greatest of evils within the most personal of battlefields. The creature is by no means a passive observer and constantly twists and turns inside his darkest mental recesses, trying to assert its own control as it continually plagues him with the most horrific of nightmare visions and dreams.

Outwardly, the demonologist suffers all the torture and damage any other victim of possession does, as his body reshapes itself agonisingly to adopt the form of both man and demon. However, he also gains the demon's strength, power and knowledge, and it is these boons the demonologist seeks to the detriment of all else. A demonologist skilled in selfpossession truly knows the ecstasy of being far more than a mere mortal. So long as he can keep the demon at bay through the sheer force of his personality, he will be the equal of almost anything he sets his imagination to. In doing so, though, the practitioner suffers permanent disfigurement and runs the risk of the demon overpowering his mental strength.

Those who pay little heed to the dangers of selfpossession are often drawn inexorably to a far more perilous part of the Dark Road. Exchanging the practice of demonology to become one of the possessed, they slowly bargain away their souls by fractions through intimate and insidious pacts with infernal creatures. Down this route lies possibly the greatest power known but journey's end can only ever be damnation.

'To allow the possession of one's own body by a fiend as a means to power. Is there a concept that can be considered more mad? ’lis bad enough to traffic with demons — but to cohabit your own form with such? The very best result is a corrupted, twisted being no longer human in mind, body or soul.

’No -1 said the very best result!'

Haras Ventrus - ibid.

Performing Self-Possession

A practitioner must have a rank of 8 or greater in Demon Lore before he may attempt any selfpossession. Any demon successfully summoned and

controlled may be compelled to possess the summoner himself in lieu of any other instructions. The demonologist must specify the length of time the self-possession is to last, up to a period of one year and a day. He immediately suffers all the bonuses and penalties for possession as described on p25, with one exception - he retains free will and is not subject to the wishes of the demon. His physical appearance will permanently change, his ability and hit point scores averaged and he will receive all skills, saving throw bonuses and special qualities of the demon. However, he may still act as he pleases and does not become a non-player character.

The demon will constantly strive to gain dominance of the demonologist's body though and this battle will rage until the self-possession ends. Every 24 hours after the self-possession begins, the demonologist must make a successful Will check at a DC equal to the demon's Challenge Rating as it nutures and marshals its strength to assert its power over his body. Success will mean the demonologist has brought his mental forces to bear and defeats the demon's attempt. Failure will result in the demon flooding, unchecked, through his mind as it gains the upper hand. From this point, the demonologist is treated as having been accidentally possessed and so becomes a nonplayer character.

Furthermore, this will be considered a permanent possession as the demonologist allowed the demon to enter his body willingly. . .

The self-possession ends automatically when the length of time specified by the demonologist is complete. The demon may also be forced out by the normal methods of magic and good-aligned clerics and paladins, as described on p26. The demonologist may also

willingly drive the demon out earlier, at any point, simply by making a Will check at a DC 10 + the demon's Challenge Rating. This may be attempted only once a day. Failure will result in the demon

immediately striking back, trying to take over the demonologist's body once more. Make a Will check at a DC equal to the demon's Challenge Rating to avoid the possession attempt, as described in the previous paragraph.

A demonologist interested in pursuing the practice of self-possession may be naturally drawn towards the making of permanent pacts with the demons he summons. Players are directed to review the possessed prestige class on pll.


The single greatest advantage a demonologist can gain over any being of the infernal planes in the normal course of summoning is to have a soul to bargain with. It is this practice alone that has earnt every demonologist the enmity of the forces of good, whether or not they perform the soul sacrifice. In offering the soul of another sentient being to a demon in return for service, the practitioner is doing far more than merely slaying his victim. He is condemning the immortal soul to an eternity of pain, torture and anguish as the plaything and pawn of demons. This repugnant practice is believed necessary by many of the more skilled demonologists, for a suitable sacrifice may convince even demonic lords to comply to instruction, such is the boon they receive upon returning to the infernal planes.

The actual process of performing a soul sacrifice is relatively simple and any demonologist can readily adapt summoning rituals he is familiar with to incorporate the extra power to be gained by this practice. The main requirement is a living sentient being -no beast or animal will be sufficient, for

these only fulfil the requirements of a blood sacrifice. The victim must be alive and aware throughout the long summoning ritual.

Additionally, they must be in the possession of a soul, be they goblin, ogre, human or dragon. At the completion of the summoning ritual, just as the demon is about to appear and be made manifest, the demonologist slays his victim, usually by the application of a knife through the heart. At this point, the victim's soul departs, to be immediately snatched by the arriving demon and is lost for eternity, whether or not the demonologist succeeds in controlling the demon.

The practitioner is likely to gain an immense advantage over the demon as he seeks to control it but the soul of the victim must suffer in return, for a price must always be paid somewhere in the black art of demonology. Forever will the soul wander the infernal planes, wreathed in flame and tormented by fell creatures as it is used as a bargaining tool between demons in trades it may never comprehend, or be mutated into lesser demonic entities and used as cannon fodder in the eternal wars of hell.

Using Soul Sacrifices

Any sentient being the Games Master rules has a soul (yes, ores have souls too!) may be used as a victim of a soul sacrifice by a demonologist in a summoning ritual. The being must be kept alive, aware and immobile throughout the ritual. So long as this is accomplished, the slaying of the victim may be considered automatic, regardless of hit point considerations. The slaying of the victim takes place after the Summoning check, but before the Control check.

If the victim escapes or is rescued during the ritual, then the Summoning check automatically fails and all components are wasted, as normal. If the Summoning check is successful but the victim is able to gain freedom just as the demonologist prepares to make the sacrifice, the demon appears and the Control check automatically fails with the usual consequences.

A successful soul sacrifice, however, is likely to grant the demonologist a tremendous bonus to his Control check. This bonus is equal to the character level or hit dice of the victim, whichever is higher.

Demons especially favour the corruption of the good and pure and the soul of one who is particularly noble of heart can compel even the mighty balors and pit fiends to service. The bonus is doubled if the soul of a paladin or good-aligned cleric is offered as a sacrifice.

A victim of a soul sacrifice may never be resurrected by any means, even through the use of a Wish spell. Their souls are far beyond the reach of such magic and imprisoned by the great demonic powers of the infernal planes.

A soul sacrifice may never be combined with a blood sacrifice. Only one victim may be used in any one summoning ritual.


Very few practitioners of demonology ever uncover the lore necessary to bind themselves to soul servitude and it is perhaps well they do not. In such a practice, they make a dangerous pact with a single demon, trading temporary but total control over the creature for their own soul. This is the path of utter damnation and for those who reach this far, marks the end of the Dark Road as a mortal.

A demon's interest in the soul of a demonologist is two-fold. Firstly, and most pragmatically, all are keen to halt the spread of demonology. Each demon, high or low, has its own machinations and plans of ambition to fulfil upon the infernal planes but by some quirk of the universe, mortals may open gates between these hellish places and the material worlds. It may be amusing to consider a great demonic lord leading his hordes over the parapets of a hated rival's castle of skulls, only to disappear as he is drawn to mortal realms. The demon, however, is unlikely to see the humour itself. And yet such instances are occasionally heard.

Secondly, demons have a passion for corrupting and twisting mortals to their own designs. By offering their own soul, demonologists descend far below the point of decency any mortal may reach through their own simple and petty vices.

There are few demons able to resist the lure of the soul of even a relatively inexperienced demonologist and many will be prepared to endure the degradation of service to a mortal in order to obtain it. The demonologist who successfully performs soul servitude will gain the service of the demon for a year and a day. During this period, the demon will comply to any instruction at any time, potentially granting the practitioner tremendous power to fulfil his worldly concerns. After a year and a day has passed, the practitioner's soul becomes the property of the demon, to do with as it pleases.

Only the weakest of demons will seek to take the soul immediately in order to reap immediate benefits within the infernal planes, causing the instantaneous death of the demonologist as the body cannot exist without the soul. More powerful demons will both toy with the practitioner and use him to further their own ends upon the material worlds. He will become an agent of evil, unable to resist the compulsions and whims of his demonic lord. Though retaining free will much of the time, the victim will become a mere tool of the demon, forced to perform the most heinous of acts and forever living in fear of the knowledge that, one day, the demon will come to collect.

And finally there is the appalling practice of soul servitude. The kind of aberration that would drive a sentient to even consider such a pact 1. myself cannot comprehend. For all intents and purposes the practitioner is sacrificing himself - what kind of lunacy is that?

The Morals and Ethics of the Arcane — Ypesliva

Attempting Soul Servitude

A demonologist may only perform soul servitude with a named demon and he must have a demon lore rank of ten or greater. Possessed may never attempt soul servitude for their souls have already been sold, piece by piece. In the same way, a practitioner who has performed soul servitude may never take the possessed prestige class. Their soul is no longer theirs to bargain with.

A demonologist who offers soul servitude to a demon he summons gains a bonus to his Control

check equal to three times his character level. As can be readily seen, even the most powerful of demons are likely to be compelled by this.

Success in the Control check will result in the demon lord compelled to obey every instruction the demonologist issues for one year and a day from the time of summoning. These instructions do not have to be stated when the demon is summoned, as is usual, but instead any can be given at any time and they will automatically be obeyed. If the demon's physical form is slain whilst on the material world, it will return to the infernal planes but, unfortunately for the demonologist, the soul servitude is not nullified and after the year and a day, he will be beholden to the demon as described below.

Regardless of whether the Control check is successful or not, the demonologist's soul will pass to demonic hands. From this point on he will not be able to be resurrected by any means.

Once the year and a day has elapsed, the practitioner will immediately have his soul snatched by the demon if it is relatively weak (Challenge Rating 7 or 8). Due to the pact made with the demon, his soul will be ripped from his body and taken to the infernal planes, slaying him instantly.

In other cases, the demonologist will come under the complete domination of the demon he has made soul servitude with. This may be played out in one of two ways, as determined by the Games Master. The first choice is for the demon to compel the practitioner to become its agent in the material world, performing all manner of perverse and destructive acts in the name of pure evil before his soul is finally collected by the demon. The character becomes a non-player character under the control of the Games Master and may well turn into the hated enemy of the rest of the party in future scenarios. The second choice is for the demonologist to become the very hand of evil as described above, but under the control of the player. This is recommended only for veteran role-players but it can provide some of the most tense moments any gaming group may experience.

An Agent of Evil

It is strongly recommended that both player and Games Master consider the consequences of playing out soul servitude beyond the point where the practitioner falls under the sway of the demon, for it

has the potential to alter the structure of an entire campaign. In most cases, groups will be far better off with the demonologist simply becoming a nonplayer character. That said, there is always the possibility of high drama, particularly if the rest of the party is good-aligned and collectively work together to thwart the machinations of the demon that has their friend in its grip. An evil-aligned party, however, may welcome the entrance of a demonic patron. . .

Once a year and a day has passed of the practitioner being able to compel the demon with which he has made soul servitude, their positions reverse. The Games Master must, from this point, always keep in mind how twisted and malevolently evil demons really are. They delight in pain, torture and destruction, being perfectly willing to see thousands of innocents perish for their mere amusement. They will enjoy toying with the demonologist, forever reminding him his soul is theirs for the taking at any time, as they watch him further their plans and ambitions in the material world.

Once soul servitude has been made, a demon may always see and hear through the practitioner's own senses merely by concentrating, even whilst on the infernal planes, so close is this bond. The

demonologist will always be able to sense the foreboding presence of the demon whenever it does this. In this way, they are forever able to watch and monitor the progress of their servant to ensure he acts according to their dark plans.

The demonologist retains free will throughout the soul servitude and may act as he wishes at any time. There are, however, three methods by which the demon may compel him to do as it demands. First, the demon is able to speak directly to the practitioner at any time, whether whilst awake or within his dreams, again simply by concentrating. If threats and black promises fail to sufficiently motivate him, the demon is then able to either possess him or take his soul. Possession occurs automatically, with no chance of the demonologist resisting and the demon is able to leave at any time of its choosing, though its victim will suffer the usual side effects as described on p25. The taking of a soul is the ultimate threat for this is something the body cannot exist without. Such an action will automatically slay the demonologist, with no chance of reversal or resurrection as his soul descends to the infernal planes to be forever a plaything of his demonic master. This is the ultimate fate of all who make soul servitude, for the demon will inevitably come to collect one day. All the demonologist can do is follow the designs of his master, hoping that by proving himself capable, he staves off the cruel attentions of the demon for as long as possible.

It may be hard to imagine what a demon could possibly want from the material world, especially as it is likely to be up to its neck in the convoluted politics of the infernal planes. However, demons and other immortals have always had a peculiar interest in the affairs of those on the material world, taking great delight in influencing or destroying them with mighty, awesome power.

The initial tasks set before a demonologist under soul servitude are likely to be minor, petty even, as the demon weighs up its new tool. Simply visiting pain and destruction upon those nearby may be one course. Alternatively, a more practical approach may be taken, such as seeking the death of a noble knight who has too often thwarted the plans of evil, or another demonologist who has dominated many demonic allies for far too long. Beyond this, nobles may be corrupted, entire cities subverted and kingdoms toppled as the demonologist, aided by his demonic master, is compelled to build cults and followings dedicated to causing the greatest amount

of destruction possible. A demon's vision of its own ambition is truly infinite and its plans will always reflect this. Just as the demonologist begins to think he can do no more for1 his master, the demon will start to relate a new set of demands, further propelling him into becoming an enemy of all that is good and pure.

There are two more things to consider. First of all, demons regularly use the souls in their possession as bargaining tokens to further their own ends upon the infernal planes, always the prime concern. Being immortal, demons do not view the passage of time in quite the same way as those on the material world and the passing of a mortal's lifetime is of little moment to such creatures. However, there remains the possibility of a demonologist suddenly finding himself beholden to a far more powerful demon then he originally bargained for as his soul gets passed on, perhaps even as far as one of the very lords of hell. If this unfortunate event ever occurs, he will suddenly be confronted with an increasingly domineering master who is likely to demand a lot more from the soul servitude.

Second, one day, whether it is sooner or later, the demon will come to collect its

due. After the ritual of servitude, the

practitioner's soul becomes the property entire of the demon. For weeks, months or years it will tease and torment the pitiful demonologist, always reminding him his time on the material world is at its sufferance and that one day, the debt must be paid in full. Some in the past have sought their own deaths rather than be made the plaything of demons, only to find their soul has already been claimed by the infernal planes. A practitioner may gain an incredible amount of power from soul servitude but, ultimately, damnation is the only end from which there can be no escape.

A Final Thought

The one question to be asked is who would dare risk soul servitude, even for the power gained? The rules for soul servitude may seem unduly harsh, even considering the tone of the rest of this book and this

is purely intentional. Soul servitude must never be considered lightly and is likely to result in, at least, the retirement of the character concerned. That said, during playtesting we uncovered a number of highly imaginative, not to say daring, methods of escaping soul servitude once it had been made. Most players tend to spend their time working out increasingly ingenious ways of breaking free of soul servitude, once it has been made. This process we will leave up to the individual Games Master as to whether he will allow players the chance to release themselves of what is effectively and literally a binding contract. All that can be said is that the price for doing so must be incredibly high, as is right and proper for the practice of demOnology in general.


The binding of demons into inanimate objects is a highly specialised field within demonology, with its own set of risks and benefits. Those who practice these skills tend to be either demonologists seeking to gain more permanent boons from the creatures they summon or arcane wizards specialised in the crafting of powerful magical items, desperately hoping to find a greater source of strength for their constructions.

The process of binding a demon into any object is lengthy, costly and arduous but such items have the potential to be far more potent than those created through traditional magicks. They also have the additional benefit that the demon provides all the arcane energy required during the crafting, so the practitioner expends little or none of his own life force to fashion the most powerful of magical items.

Nothing, however, is gained for nothing in magic and for the art of demonology, there is always a heavy price waiting to be levied upon those who travel too fast down the Dark Road. For any demon, from the lowliest lemure to the greatest lords of the infernal, binding is nothing short of, potentially, eternal imprisonment. The process literally locks them within an inanimate object, be it sword, shield or trinket box, forcing them to prolonged servitude as they expend powers at the behest of a mortal bearer. Whilst almost any demon may be beaten into submission of service by a practitioner of incredible will, they will struggle and fight to avoid binding, attempting to strike at the summoner with all the power they possess. This makes the art of binding a truly dangerous one for the

summoner, who must be able to contend with devastating assaults from the demons he intends to enslave. Furthermore, whilst bound into its prison, the demon continues to struggle, to batter down the magical restraints that hold it thus. Even the weakest of demons may achieve this, given enough time. A demon breaking free of its bondage will be taken with a terrible rage, exacting its vengeance on the bearer of the item.

Those that dare to harness demonic energies in order to power the arcane items they fashion are known as binders. Though the field of binding is very specialised within demonology as a whole, its practitioners tend to be incredibly adept at both the summoning and controlling of a multitude of demons. They are a source of fantastically potent magical items, limited only by money, their own skill and how far they are prepared to travel down the Dark Road. Such items often become the very stuff of legends and most bards can relate a tale of a demonic sword and its ultimately doomed wielder.

Weapons are the most common of demonically-charged items for they are much sought after by warriors of few scruples. These are weapons that can almost literally grant their wielder the speed and strength of the mightiest of demons. Demonic armour, for its part, bequeaths the wearer with the full multitude of defences demons themselves take for granted, whilst rods, staffs, wands and other far more exotic

items provide an even greater range of abilities. Rings are potentially the most dangerous of all, allowing an adventurer to call a controlled demon forth at will to do his bidding. A mortal empowered with such items will have access to such power as to be able to battle the creatures of the abyss on an equal footing but always he should be aware of the demons he carries about on his very person.


The process of binding

demons is, in many ways, very similar to that of crafting magical items and indeed, one must be skilled in the traditional methods

before becoming a binder. In the same way, any demonic item is considered to be magical in every respect - they can be located through the use of Detect Magic spells, demonic swords will wound creatures immune to mundane weaponry, etc...

The only prerequisite needed for the crafting of any demonic item is the applicable special feat. To bind a demon into a suit of armour, for example, requires the Craft Magic Arms and Armour feat. There is no experience point cost for any demonic item, however, as the demon to be bound provides all the magical energy required for the crafting. This factor alone makes the practice of binding very appealing to many practitioners who loathe donating their own life force to an item they themselves may never use.

The basic cost of creating a demonic item rests purely on the power of the demon being bound within. Mightier demons require greater magical bonds and so the cost of materials rises proportionally. The base cost is equal to the Challenge Rating of the demon times 2,500 gp. Added to this is the cost of the item, which must always be of the highest quality. Weapons and armour must therefore be masterwork items. Last of all is the component cost used to summon the demon concerned, as described on p52.

Binding a demon into an item requires a place where the practitioner will not be disturbed for possibly many days. It takes one day per 1,000 gp of the base cost of an item to create it, plus the time required to perform the summoning ritual for the demon. During this time, the binder may only work on one item and may not perform any strenuous activities such as fighting, casting spells or conducting research. If he is ever distracted from the work or takes a break of a day or more, the process is ruined and all materials used will be wasted.

Once the item has been successfully created, a demon must be summoned and controlled to bind it within, the binding taking place in lieu of any instructions being given to the demon. There is an additional -6 penalty to the Control check when a binding is attempted. Failure in this roll will result in the usual penalties of the demon turning upon the binder, slaying or possessing him. The materials used in creating the item will also be destroyed by this. Once a named demon has been bound into an item, it may not be summoned again until it breaks free of the bondage.

There are no market prices listed for demonic items I for most recognising them as such will likely turn down any potential sale. If players attempt to pass off demonic items as those of more traditional magics, or if the buyer is happy to court danger with I demons, the Games Master is encouraged to base prices on the values of near-equivalent magic items as listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Powers of Demonic Items

Once a demon has been successfully bound by the binder passing his Control check, the item will gain a number of the demon's abilities and qualities, depending on the level of the binder and the nature ; of the item concerned.

Every binder may choose a number of these abilities to endow the item with immediately after the demon has been bound within and once chosen they may never be changed or supplemented. How many is determined is determined by the Demonic Ability Slots column within the table on plO. A 4th level binder, for example, may put two demonic abilities from the demon he summons into a shield he is crafting. A binder may always choose to put less slots in the item than he has available. A demon cannot be bound into an item with existing magical powers, nor one that already has a bound demon within.

In general, weapons may only be given offensive abilities, armour those defensive in nature, staffs and wands spell-like abilities,

whilst wondrous items a far wider range still. Rings can be forged to actually contain a demon and let it be summoned forth at will to do the bearer's bidding whilst rods grant the wielder direct power and strength from the demon within. The Games Master is always the final arbitrator of which abilities may be put into what items. Potions and scrolls may never have a demon bound into them - the infernal energy is just to great for their physical structures to contain.

The Breaking of Bondage

Every year after the demon's imprisonment into an item, it will muster the energy to attempt to break the magical enslavement. This is a dangerous time for any mortal, for an enraged and uncontrolled demon will seek nothing but vengeance upon the bearer of the item that held it.

At this time, the player of the binder must make a Binding check at DC the demon's Challenge Rating. His binder class level at the time the item was crafted is used as a bonus modifier. Success will mean the demon stays imprisoned within the item for another year. Failure will result in the demon bursting forth, consumed by its wrath. The item will be immediately destroyed by this and the demon will seek the death of a single mortal - the bearer of the item, though it will also happily attack any comrades or any being within his vicinity, such is its anger.

Demonic Armour

To create demonic armour, the binder will need a suitable heat source and metal-working tools. Only metal armour may be used to bind demons as leather and wood is simply too weak to contain the colossal energies involved and, furthermore, it must be masterworked. The binder will also need the Craft Magic Arms and Armour feat.

The binder may place a number of the demon's special qualities into the armour, equal to the number of Demonic Ability Slots listed on plO. The first of these must always be an enhancement bonus which is equal to the Challenge Rating of the demon, divided by three and rounded down. The

minimum the enhancement bonus will be is +1 and no armour may have a bonus greater than +5.

For the rest of the slots, the binder may choose any qualities or feats that are defensive in nature - the Dodge feat of a succubus, the Poison and Electricity Immunity of any Tanar'ri, or the Fire Resistance 20 of an imp, for example.

The only exception to this is Damage Reduction, which takes one slot for every 10 points, or part of, damage reduced. Damage Reduction must be taken in full or not at all. A practitioner binding a cornugon, for instance, and wishing to utilise its Damage Reduction of 20 must donate two slots for the ability and may not just use one slot to take Damage Reduction 10.

The Games Master is the final arbitrator of what constitutes a defensive quality or feat and thus what may be used in demonic armour.

Demonic Weaponry

To create demonic weaponry, the binder will need a suitable heat source and metal-working tools. Only predominately metal weapons may be used to bind demons as wood is simply too weak to contain the colossal energies involved. Swords, warhammers and maces may thus be used, but crossbows may not. In all cases, the weapon must be masterworked. The binder will also need the Craft Magic Arms and Armour feat.

The binder may place a number of the demon's special qualities into the weapon, equal to the number of Demonic Ability Slots listed on plO. The first of these must always be an enhancement bonus which is equal to the Challenge Rating of the demon, divided by three and rounded down. The minimum the enhancement bonus will be is +1 and no weapon may have a bonus greater than +5.

For the rest of the slots, the binder may choose any qualities or feats that are offensive in nature - the poison of an imp, the dancing chains of a kyton, or the body flames of a balor, for example.


At the time of creation, the binder must also choose if the weapon glows or not as a side-effect of the bound demon within. This does not affect the cost of creating the item but the decision, once made, may not be reversed. The glow may take the form of the entire weapon shining, or just specified parts of it, such as blood-red runes down the blade of a black sword...

A binder may also opt to make the weapon intelligent, though when dealing with the twisted beings of the infernal planes, great care must be taken. Such a weapon will be malevolent in the extreme. It takes a single slot to make the weapon intelligent, though the base cost will be doubled. The Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma of the weapon will be that of the bound demon's and its Ego will be equal to the number of slots within the weapon, plus the ability score bonuses.

Intelligent demonic weapons are unlikely to be of value to any but the most evil of mortals, for they will constantly seek to subvert

any good intentions and greatly enjoy dominating their wielder. The more powerful demons will be more than capable of overcoming the wishes of most - a sword with five slots and a bound balor

(Intelligence 20, Wisdom 20, Charisma 16), for example, will have an Ego of 18! Needless to say, this is not an option often taken, with binders preferring to suppress the personalities of the demon's they bind, lest the weapon turn upon its wielder to bring about their utter ruin.

The Games Master is the final arbitrator of what constitutes an offensive quality or feat and thus what may be used in a demonic weapon.

Demonic Rings

Demonic rings are a little different from other items listed here in that they do not empower the wearer with demonic energies but rather allow him to summon the demon forth, under his complete control. Such rings require the Forge Ring feat for their construction.

This may be done for an amount of times a day equal to the number of slots available to the binder during the ring's forging. A 6th level binder forging a ring with a bound barbazu, for example, will permit the wearer to summon the demon three times a day.

Once summoned from the ring, the demon will perform any one nine word instruction from the wearer for a period of one hour. After the hour has elapsed or the instruction has been completed, whichever comes first, the demon will automatically return to the ring.

Use of such rings is fraught with peril, however. Every time the demon is summoned in this way, it gains a very real chance to break free of its magical bonds. A Binding check must be made every time the demon is summoned from the ring or the demon will break free, completely uncontrolled, with the disastrous results described on p37.

Demonic Rods

Demons bound into rods give the bearer the opportunity to call upon the demon's power directly, literally gaining its strength and endurance. Such rods require the Craft Rod feat for their construction.

Upon the rod's construction, the binder may choose to use slots for the demon's ability

scores, Hit Points and Armour Class. A 5th level binder creating a demonic rod, for example, may choose to take the Strength, Wisdom and Hit Points of the glabrezu he has bound for the three slots he is permitted.

The bearer of such a rod may call upon the demon's power as a standard round action at any time, potentially replacing all his ability, Hit Points and Armour Class scores with those of the demon, for a period often rounds. During this time, he will take on the likeness of the demon as if he had been possessed (see p25) though he will return to normal after the ten rounds.

Meddling in such energies can be fatal, however. Every time the demon is called upon in this way, the bearer must pass a Possession check (see p25) as the demon floods its power into his body. Failure will result in the demon being free and uncontrolled, possessing the bearer, with all the normal consequences.

Demonic Staffs

To create demonic staffs, the binder will need suitable materials and tools. The binder will also need the Craft Staff feat.

The binder may place a number of the demon's spell-like abilities into the staff, equal to the number of Demonic Ability Slots listed on plO. Each of these spells can then be cast from the staff in the usual manner. If a staff ever reaches zero charges, the demon bound within automatically returns to the infernal planes. In this way, staffs are one of the safer items a binder may create for they hold little inherent danger for the user unless the staff is kept for a long period of time.

Every demonic staff will begin with 50 charges and can be recharged in the same way as magical staffs. The Games Master is the final arbitrator of what constitutes a spell-like ability and thus what may be used in demonic staffs.

Demonic Wands

To create demonic wands, the binder will need suitable materials and tools. The binder will also need the Craft Wand feat.

The binder may place only one of the demon's spell like abilities into the staff, regardless of the number of Demonic Ability Slots listed on plO. This spell can then be cast from the wand in the usual manner. If a wand ever reaches zero charges, the demon bound within automatically returns to the infernal

planes. In this way, wands are also one of the safer items a binder may create for they hold little inherent danger for the user unless the wand is kept for a long period of time.

Every demonic wand will begin with 50 charges and can be recharged in the same way as a magical wand. The Games Master is the final arbitrator of what constitutes a spell-like ability and thus what may be used in demonic wands.

Demonic Wondrous Items

To create demonic wondrous items, the binder will need suitable materials and tools. The binder will also need the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Demonic Wondrous Items are the most flexible of all bound items, though they are also the most difficult and time consuming to craft and thus the base cost for them is doubled. The binder may place a number of the demon's spell-like abilities, special qualities, feats or skills into the wondrous item, equal to half the number of Demonic Ability Slots listed on pi0, rounding down. These may then be used by anyone carrying the demonic wondrous item at any time as a standard round action. The effects will last a single round.

The Games Master is the final arbitrator of what spell-like abilities, special qualities, skills and feats may be used in demonic wondrous items.

Other Uses for Bound Demons

There are many great tales in the worlds of fantasy depicting truly incredible constructs of awesome might that can challenge the power of the very gods

themselves. Huge battleships, with demonically charged rams and weaponry, crewed entirely by lesser demonic entities, or towering castles, with the fabric of demonic energies bound directly into their

walls, making them virtually impregnable form the

foundations of tales told in many taverns. Such constructions are beyond the scope of Demonology - The Dark Road, but in future supplements we shall return to such ideas, building on the rules presented within this book and allowing players access to truly world-shattering powers.


Those who dabble in the demonological arts often gain incredible abilities in the field, being capable of performing actions defying ordinary explanation. Some concentrate on conducting summoning rituals with incredible speed, yet without error. Others build a tremendous capability for unleashing raw willpower at a moment's notice and are able to literally cow demons into submission.

Such feats come through hard work, methodical study and being constantly exposed to the evil and twisted creatures of the infernal planes. All the feats covered here are considered special feats, available only to binders, demonologists and the possessed.

Change Instruction (Special)

You can change and modify the instructions of a demon in your service after the summoning ritual.

Prerequisites: None

Benefit: A controlled demon may be given new instructions at any point in its service. This is a fullround action and may only be attempted upon a demon that you have personally summoned and controlled yourself. To succeed, an Instruction check must be made at DC 10 + the demon's Challenge Rating. Your Charisma bonus is used as a modifier to this roll.

If successful, you may give the demon a new instruction following the usual rules. Note that once any instruction is complete, the demon will immediately return to the infernal planes. This feat may not be used to extend the time the demon remains in the material world.

Dismiss Demon (Special)

You may instantly dismiss any demon you encounter, sending it back to the infernal planes.

Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Demon Lore 10+

Benefit: Any creature of the infernal planes may be banished by the use of this feat. A Dismiss check at DC 10 + the demon's Challenge Rating is made, using your Charisma bonus as a modifier. This is a full-round action and if successful will result in the

demon being instantly dismissed to the infernal planes. Only one demon at a time may be targeted in this way and this feat will not work against demons who have possessed a host.

Permanent Control (Special)

You are able to establish such overriding magical bonds over weaker demons that they remain permanently under your control.

Prerequisites: Cha 15+

Benefit: After successfully controlling a demon with a Challenge Rating 5 or less, you may choose to permanently bring it under your will. From this point on, the demon will be trapped in the material world and will be compelled to follow any of your instructions at any time. On the completion of any instruction, it will return to your side rather than disappearing back to the infernal planes. Only one demon may be under permanent control at any one time.

Special: A character may take this feat multiple times, allowing him to have more than one demon under permanent control.

Quicken Summoning (Special)

You demonstrate an incredible ability to perform summoning rituals faster than normal whilst maintaining a very low margin of error.

Prerequisites: Demon Lore 8+

Benefit: The time required to perform summoning rituals is halved with no penalty. A slow ritual will thus take the normal amount of time, whilst a hurried ritual will quarter it.

Strength of Personality (Special)

You have an incredibly strong will and are able to dominate many demons with your words.

Prerequisite: Iron Will

Benefit: You have a permanent +2 bonus to all Control checks you are required to make.


As with any study into arcane magic, it is inevitable that demonologists will begin to craft items and artefacts to aid them in their pursuit of power. Dangers are ever present in every field of demonology and thus practitioners have a very real driving need to gain every advantage they possibly can, as well as mitigate the side effects of the art when events go awry. Many work long and hard to craft such items and here the binder has the advantage, though any following the Dark Road may construct these items if they manage to obtain the components and skills required to do so. Other practitioners, consumed by their studies, are unable to dedicate the time and resources required to create such things and so are reliant upon others, or forced to locate them within the darker places of the world.

Amulet of Mental Fortitude

This silvered amulet is much sought after by demonologists and others who walk the Dark Road as it has the power to shield their minds from the dangers of demonic possession. The wearer of the Amulet of Mental Fortitude gains a +4 bonus to his

Will check when attempting to resist a demonic


Caster Level: 9th;

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, must have successfully resisted a possession attempt in the past; Market Price: 25,000 gP-

Demon's Bane

This dagger is inscribed with words of power written in the infernal and other, far more base, tongues. It is crafted specifically to be the nemesis of any evil outsider and is often kept by demonologists who fear the power of uncontrolled demons. Against any evil outsider, the Demon's Bane functions as a +5 dagger. In addition, upon a successful hit, the outsider must make a Will Save DC 20 or be instantly dismissed back to its home plane. Against any other s creature, the Demon's Bane has * no magical properties and is treated as a normal dagger.

Caster Level: 5th;

Prerequisites: Craft Magic

Arms and Armour, Demon Lore rank 6+; Market Price: 25,000 gp.

Mask of Disguise

This soft black leather mask is completely plain and featureless, fully covering the face of any who wear

it. Once donned the Mask ofDisguise obscures any disfigurement previously suffered by the wearer, whatever the source, returning him to his original

form. It will not, however, obscure any

disfigurement inflicted after the mask has been

donned and spells such as True Seeing will reveal the wearer in his disfigured form. Whilst worn, the mask is completely

invisible though its user will always be able to sense its presence. It cannot be removed by any means short of a wish until the death of the user,

whereupon it becomes visible once more and the

I cnnfeel it wmZ. The chnnnets of Hell, the understnntfinq of the nether running through tny mind like the cosmic miLTt- of the crentor. The universe is mine for the touch. Touch. Much. ^es! Much touching, linh. I loolte^ into the looking qlnss this morning. whnt did,1 see? I'm different. 'NnrrovJer. More slender. More powtefful. The yonder burns in mu eues. It burns in mV Veins! when svns the Inst time I nte?

disfigurement is revealed. No other magical mask may be worn at the same time as a Mask of Disguise.

Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph any Object; Market Price: 30,000 gp.

Ring of Demonic Control

This is a plain iron ring adorned with but a single gem, the type of which defines the demonic family this item has power over. The Ring of Demonic Control Tanar'ri, for example, has a sapphire whilst those that are forged to control the Baatezu have a ruby. Others exist for the lesser demonic families, though they are far less common. When worn, this ring adds a +1 bonus to all Control checks used against any demon of the respective family.

Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Demon Lore rank 4+; Market Price: 10,000 gp.

Ring of Demonic Obedience

This ring of cold silver with a single mounted gem is very similar to the Ring of Demonic Control but is far more potent. Whilst worn, this ring grants a +2 bonus to all Control checks taken against demons of the family specified by the gem. This effect may not be combined with any Ring of Demonic Control.

Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Demon Lore rank 8+; Market Price: 25,000 gp.

Ring of the Balor

The secrets of the construction of these six insanely powerful rings were lost when their creator, Alcador the Mad, attempted to bind both a balor and a pit fiend into the same ring and was savagely torn apart in the ensuing carnage. Once per week, the wearer may use this ring to summon a balor as a standard

round action. The summoning works automatically but the balor will be uncontrolled. A demonologist may attempt to control the balor as normal and may even perform a summoning ritual beforehand if he has the required knowledge, in order to get as many bonuses as he can to the Control check. Failure or inability to control the balor will result in the demon attacking the user, destroying the ring and then returning to the infernal planes. Unlike similar rings created by binders, the balor bound inside this artifact has no chance of

breaking free and thus no Binding check is ever required.

Minor Artifact

Rod of Summoning

This ornate and finely crafted rod has the power to sharpen a summoner's concentration and magically alter preparations during a summoning ritual to correct mistakes. The user gains a +1 bonus to all Summoning checks whilst the rod is in his possession.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Rod; Market Price: 15,000 gp.

Soul Gem

This magically charged yellow diamond, glowing with its own inner light, will automatically activate if it is placed on the chest of a living creature which is unconscious and has been reduced to negative hit points. The creature's soul (if present) will be trapped within the gem. A demonologist may use such gems with trapped souls as a soul sacrifice as described on p30. The Soul Gem may only hold one soul at any one time and will shatter when the soul has been sacrificed in this way. A wish spell may be used to free the soul before this occurs.

Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Magic Jar, yellow diamond (5,000 gp);

Market Price: 50,000 gp.


So, you have read through Demonology - The Dark Road and no doubt have vivid images of your players running around your wonderfully crafted campaign world, summoning balors and raising all kinds of hell. Literally. There are two phrases you should keep in mind.

Do Not Panic!

You are in complete control!

The entire practice of demonology has been based on two limiting factors. First of all, you will soon find that players rapidly catch on to how dangerous this form of magic can be to their characters and will thus moderate their own behaviour somewhat. Secondly, they are utterly dependant on you sprinkling demonic texts and tomes throughout the campaign in order to summon anything - there is absolutely no way they can call upon a demon you consider unbalancing to your games. As far as nonplayer characters are concerned, the sky is the limit and you can craft demonological villains to severely test the mettle of the strongest of parties. There are, however, many other factors to consider when introducing demonology into a campaign in order to make it a fuller and richer experience for all concerned, especially if one or more of your players is intent on walking the Dark Road.


The first thing to look at is the process of a player character becoming a demonologist in the first place. Note here that no one can simply become a binder or possessed as they have stringent requirements that depend on the demonologist class being taken first - in effect they are both prestige classes of a prestige class. Any wizard, however, can become a demonologist after reaching second level.

To start any prestige class requires a trigger, be it a mentor or seminal event in a character's life.

Prestige classes are something many players aspire for their characters to become and it should never be an easy goal to achieve. In its own way, the gaining | of a prestige class is a reward perhaps as great as the acquisition of gold and magical items. Becoming a demonologist can be a little problematic as we would never recommend providing a mentor to advise and guide a character. Demonology should be both mysterious and a little frightening, two things that all but disappear if an older and wiser demonologist is present. Allow a character to find ancient books of forbidden teachings within the lair of an evil wizard or permit him to find such knowledge in the darker recesses of some far off library - make the player work for a chance to become a demonologist, as this is something he will have to get used to when uncovering all the resources he needs for summoning rituals. You can rule that such writings contain all the basic knowledge a wizard needs to actually become a demonologist, as well as including a summoning ritual or two for weaker demons. Kick the player off with summoning the likes of lemures, dretch and imps, something of that ilk. All that will remain is for you to hide your knowing smile when the player suddenly realises that summoning a demon is one thing but controlling it quite another.


More than one of our playtesters showed surprise that any alignment was permitted for demonologists. Surely all demonologists are evil or, at least, not good? Well, maybe not. We believe it is perfectly reasonable for a wizard to be good when he starts studying demonology. After all, being good does not stop someone from believing that the ends can justify the means. However, all the mechanics of demonology are skewed in that to reach the very highest levels of ability, it is almost inevitable that evil acts must be performed. This is a critical factor in demonology and is something that you, as the Games Master, must keep a very close eye on. Watch your players carefully and keep their alignment in mind at all times. You may find yourself amazed at what a previously noble and good character is prepared to do in order to summon more powerful demons. Never actually stop a character from doing any of these things. Instead, instruct him to change his alignment whenever you

feel he crosses the line too far - this represents the slow slide into corruption that marks demonology for the insidious craft that it is. No rule could be written to represent this without making it an unwieldy sledgehammer and so we firmly believe it is best left in your capable hands. A group of dedicated role-players may well enjoy the slow path into tragedy and we recommend you play this for all it is worth. Approached from the right direction, demonologists can be amongst the most memorable characters of all, however they finally end.

There are two things that mark this shift from good alignments to neutral and then to evil, and it is worth exploring the reasons why players so often fall into the demonological trap. First off, summoning demons is relatively easy and has few consequences, but controlling them is that much harder and has potentially lethal results. Players will want to succeed in the latter in order to accomplish tasks set before them. The most powerful demons we have deliberately made virtually impossible to control unless players start taking advantage of some of the bonuses on offer to them. And the greatest bonus potentially available? Soul sacrifices. It may take a little while before players reach that stage with their characters but if they truly wish to summon and control the likes of a balor or pit fiend, then they will have to at least consider it.

Secondly, there are ever present dangers in demonology. An uncontrolled demon will either attempt to slay or possess the foolish mortal who summoned it. Players will also

want to succeed in the rituals on the basis of sheer survival, as few demonologists are able to go toe-to-toe with the demons they are apt to summon, once again leading to them taking the most extraordinary means.

There is one last point to look at here - players performing blood sacrifices, as described on page 23. Many players of good or neutral alignment often seem to consider this an easy route for a bonus in their Control checks. After all, it is easy to imagine a wizard, consumed with his research,

paying little heed to the plight of some rat or stray dog and, of course, it is all for the greater good. But let us think about this for a moment. This wizard is going to take a living creature, put a knife through its heart and use its life energy to summon a vile and twisted creature from the infernal planes. From here it may only be a short step to using the likes of ores and kobolds for soul sacrifices. This is an evil act, surely? Players may protest, offering up examples of modern day scientists in their laboratories and you may have a tendency to agree with them. We are not here to judge any other gamers and it is, ultimately, up to the individual conscience of the Games Master. For my own part, such an action may well suit a character of neutral alignment, but is it truly an act of good? Hmm. . .


As far as being a Games Master goes, this is one of the most important parts of demonology. In order to summon any demon, players must first uncover the required texts detailing the appropriate ritual - it is not an automatic gift as they rise in level. How they come about such resources of information is completely up to you, though we hardly need mention the opportunity of complete scenarios based around rumours of an ancient tome of forbidden lore buried in some lost dungeon at the edge of the world. You may find characters begin to visit every library in the towns .nd cities they journey to,

whilst enterprising players may enlist the continued aid of merchants and traders, though they had better be trustworthy!

What is of import to you is the types of demon they are able to summon and this is governed purely by your placing such information within your campaign. Because there is no strict progression of what a demonologist may summon determined by his class level (only his ability to control), two schools of thought arise. The first is to never, ever let a character summon a demon that will over balance the scenarios you have planned - this has the potential to ruin the game for everyone. However, it will place more responsibility on the

player if you allow him the chance to summon a demon that is just a little out of his reach. A major facet of demonology (and a great source of fun for yourself) is that a player is constantly confronted by

to come up with viable plans on how to actually use the demon once it has been summoned. On a practical level, demonology rarely alters scenarios in a radical way.

the pressure of power versus risk. By giving a character the knowledge to summon a demon that the player knows he can barely control and will likely slay him if he fails, you are forcing him to think and consider his actions very carefully. And that, surely, is what the game is all about. At the end of the day, he is only going to be able to control a powerful demon for a single hour at best. With the summoning time required, players are going to have

As a rough rule of thumb, the line of balance runs at around the demonologist's character level being equal to the Challenge Rating of the demons he is able to summon on a regular basis. However, at least consider what a demon is capable of and what it can do to finely crafted scenarios. If a player can inadvertently do something to stuff up your planned gaming session, then you can be pretty much sure he will do it. This has nothing to do with demonology

itself. It is a fact of role-playing.

As a

last word, demonologists still progress with their spells as if they were normal wizards. However, if a practitioner is concentrating on locating demonic texts rather than new magic, his spellbook is going to be rather more empty than another wizard of the same level. We would strongly suggest that once the demonologist class has been taken, you severely restrict the character's access to spells. Allow him to fill out available spell slots but ensure he does not have the huge range arcane wizards soon build up.


Though the mechanics governing the summoning and control of demons are of paramount importance to a player, there is actually little a Games Master should worry

Failed Control Checks

Once a Control check has been failed, the demonologist is likely to be in a great deal of trouble. He is

probably not too good in close combat whilst many demons are able to give even high level fighters a serious challenge.

The demon, starting within the pentagram, is considered to be within five feet of the summoning demonologist. Initiative is rolled for normally and combat begins.

It is important to consider the Intelligence of the demon when it becomes uncontrolled. A demon with a low

score is likely to simply wade in, trying to destroy the demonologist in the shortest time possible. More wily creatures will search for weaknesses as they fight, not attempting ploys they believe the demonologist is immune to, instead using the special qualities or attacks that will cause the maximum amount of damage. Possession will only be used if the demon has a better than even chance of overpowering the summoner - after all, he has exerted his will in trying to control the demon and so it will know just how strong his mental forces are. If the battle goes against the demon, it will flee back to the infernal planes to nurture its hatred. The

penalties a demon suffers from the loss of its physical form in the material world are too severe for it to ignore.

Last, if other characters are present, attacks will be distributed to those that pose the greatest physical threat. The goal, however, is the destruction of the demonologist and so the demon will seek to accomplish this before being forced back to the infernal planes, either by fleeing or having its physical form slain.

about here. Wise players will pace themselves over which demons they summon whilst foolish ones will be re-rolling wizard characters every couple of gaming sessions. This is simple, and it is fair.

We would always recommend a Games Master gives his players as much information as possible regarding modifiers and their actual chances to succeed in any given summoning ritual. Don't be shy about telling players the Challenge Rating of demons they call, or its special abilities. After all, the character will have spent a great deal of time in research before attempting the summoning and you can bet your bottom gold piece they will be concentrating on this information. It will also serve to let a player know just what risks he is taking, a vital factor in demonology. That is not to say you can't keep a player off-guard, of course. There is absolutely no reason in the world to tell him that the greater name he is relying upon for success is actually wrong until after the Control check has been made...

One concern to many Games Masters will be an uncontrolled demon. Demonologist characters are unlikely to be good fighters, whereas many demons excel in close combat and having other members of the party present is only going to make matters worse because of the distraction rule. Our advice is to beat the character to within an inch of his life. Possess him, energy drain him if the demon has the ability or allow him to escape with his hit points in

single figures. No one likes to see a favoured character slain but it is vital that you get across just how dangerous demonology is when things go wrong. On the other hand, if a character is constantly summoning a demon that is a little beyond his league, don't feel any remorse in finishing him off. Foolishness should always be punished in role-playing. At the instant a Control check is failed, roll the initiative dice and let battle commence.

On this note, you may soon become amazed at what players will try in order to mitigate the consequences of an uncontrolled demon or simply to escape its reach. Being all too aware that players will also read this section, we won't be covering the more imaginative ideas we have come across as it is much more fun to find them out for yourself. Such cleverness, though, should always be rewarded. If they manage to escape the wrath of a demon one day, it will no doubt get a chance of revenge later on in the campaign. At higher levels, you may well discover your players gain the power to completely nullify the effects some weaker demons becoming uncontrolled to the point where they are harmless. Now, whilst demonology should be unpredictable and always cause a player some trepidation when he picks up the dice for a Control check, there really is no reason to worry about, say, a 7th level character being all but immune to the attacks of a dretch or imp. He has probably earnt the concession by that time anyway.

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The first draft of this book had all sorts of rules based around what a character could and could not instruct a demon to do and how they were to phrase their orders. These were soon whittled down to the base nine word instruction now in place. There was simply no need to over-complicate what is, at its core, a very simple and flowing set of rules. However, there are three caveats.

First of all is the notion that a demon will pervert and twist any instruction to its own evil ends. If a player makes a very foolish or open request, twist away to punish his complacency but, in the main, we suggest giving the player the benefit of the doubt. The practice of demonology carries enough risk and danger without all of a player's efforts coming to nothing because of one poorly thought word. If you need any sort of rational explanation, you can assume the powerful magical bonds a demonologist places on the creature are sufficient to carry his actual intent. Some Games Masters may prefer to push the literal line for instructions and this is cool with us. It is, after all, your game!

Last of all, a demon can never, ever be compelled by a summoner to use its ability to summon other demons or reveal it's own true name, for the reasons described on page 52. Even if a practitioner can exert suitable mental force and threat, the other demons will simply not respond to a call for aid issued at the behest of a mere mortal and revealing it's own true name is the demonic equivalent of committing suicide.


All named demons are individuals and this is something you must stress. If a character learns the summoning ritual for Talla'rona the erinyes, then he may summon her and her alone. It simply will not work for Nana'tta the erinyes (or whomever).

You can vary named demons of the same species in two principle ways. First, change the summoning components listed on pages 53-60, making each named demon require something a little different from the last. The second is to use the advancement rules in the Monster Manual, making them even more powerful and difficult to control. As a rule of thumb, increase the Challenge Rating of the demon by one for every hit dice added.

The second concerns the word 'and.' Now, we consider the word 'and' to mark the end of one instruction and the beginning of another. 'Kill those ores and goblins,' for example. That is one instruction to kill the ores and another to kill the goblins. Unless the player has specified he is taking checks for additional instructions, the demon will simply obey the first, killing the ores and leaving the goblins in peace. You may rule that such interpretations are unnecessary in your campaign but we find it keeps players on their toes without going

is also possible to vary the personality and mannerisms of named demons but this is

far more difficult. Demonologists rarely start relationships with the demons they summon beyond issuing simple nine word instructions!


Possession is a hideous thing to happen to any character primarily because of the debilitating and permanent effects it leaves behind.

This is, incidentally, one way you can remind a player just how dangerous demonology can be when they attempt to move too fast down the Dark Road.

One effect that can often be overlooked is that of the physical effects possession leaves. The mortal will


actually become part demon

during the possession and his body will warp and change in response. You may take great delight in describing every little change that takes place.

As a rough guide, assume a fifty-fifty mixture of mortal and demon in outward appearance. A human possessed by a balor, gods help him, will grow to perhaps nine feet tall, develop wings and horns, his muscles will bulge and his skin take on a distinctive reddish tinge. Remember, this change is permanent and is likely to alter a character's perception of the world even after he regains full control of his body. Simply walking into a town or city may no longer be an option. Once possess* by a succubus or an erinyes, one may be able to pass themselves off as planetouched. One who has suffered the attentions of a bebilith will not. Depending on how your campaign is structured, this is potentially the greatest penalty for having suffered possession.


The rules within this supplement concentrate primarily on summoning demons and devils, as described in the Monster Manual. However, we have also made provision for any evil outsider to be summoned in exactly the same way, nightmares and hell hounds being the two examples listed on pages 54 and 55.

Something of a quandary is posed here though. It is very easy to imagine a demonologist summoning nightmares and hell hounds because they are so demonic in nature. But what about such creatures as night hags? Whilst

common sense may say that by summoning one, you should be able to summon the other, it just feels wrong to us. However, as Games Master, it is your own personal mandate what to include and what to ignore when seeding your campaign world with the demonic texts your players require for summoning rituals and thus we leave it in your hands to decide. Allowing the summoning of any evil outsider will certainly give your players a vast range of creatures to call upon, though some may seem a little strange when used in conjunction with these rules. . .


The practice of demonology is by no means limited to those some might arrogantly call the civilised races. Whilst it is true humans do tend to show the greatest aptitude for walking the Dark Road, there are always others, hidden in the loneliest parts of the world, for whom the lure of promised power is too great to ignore. Demonology requires patience, research, a talent for arcane wizardry and access to many exotic materials which, perversely, makes its practice far easier to accomplish when performed in civilised realms. At the same time, however, the terrible effects and perceived evil of the art often forces the practitioner far away from town and city. The demonologists of other races may face less opposition to their following of the Dark Road but are likely to find the necessary component and intellectual materials far more difficult to locate, thus limiting their overall skill in the art. As always, however, there exceptions.


Perhaps the most renowned practitioners of all are the dreaded drow and many in lay communities often incorrectly assume that every spellcaster amongst the dark elves adopts

demonology as a course of ultimate power. The society of drow though, does lend itself greatly to the practice and propagation of demonology for those who stumble upon tomes of lore forbidden by the surface dwelling races. Their immense underground cities can be just as sophisticated as any that exist under the sun and due to the constant rivalry between house, family and every individual drow, darker arts are not only more common but also widely accepted for the greater power they can grant a practitioner. To a drow, power is everything.

In the matriarchal society of the drow, few females adopt the learning of arcane magic, instead tending to concentrate on the path of the cleric, for the priesthood dominates all within their cities. A small number of the male drow, however, are permitted to study arcane magic by the ruling females of their house, particularly if they show little aptitude for the sword and bow. In any event, a house always looks

to swing the odds in its favour when it wars upon another and arcane wizardry is but one tool it may employ. For the male concerned, demonology, for all its inherent risks, contains the possibility of allowing him to compete directly, on a political level, with any female of his house. In a society that values power beyond all else, the Dark Road can be an irresistible lure.


Also dwelling far below the races on the surface of the world, the duergar produce very few arcane wizards at all for it is not a field in which any show a great amount of aptitude. With many being black and evil to the core though, those that do make a study of the arcane magicks tend to naturally gravitate towards the darker arts of demonology and necromancy.

Of particular interest to the duergar is the way of the binder, for they share the passion of fashioning the mighty weapons and armour of their lighter dwarven kindred but have few laws on the source of power used. The binder of duergar society, on first appearance, can easily be mistaken for a simple smith as

he works and toils upon metals to be imbued with awesome might.

Many adventuring parties value the weaponry and armour they claim in battle against this evil race of dwarves,

though few truly understand the origins of such magical tools. Their folly is all too often fatally exposed as demons that have been bound for dozens of years are finally released into the material world.


Few hags demonstrate the will or the talent to advance into arcane wizardry, instead preferring to rely on their own innate spell-like abilities. Most, however, possess at least the wit required for study, particularly those of the annis or green hag species. Whilst most exist purely to survive and to inflict pain and suffering upon others, some are motivated by greater ambition and purpose. Such hags may draw together with others of their kind to form a covey.

Hags within a covey gain far greater powers as each magnifies and strengthens the others. When such a gathering is capable of arcane wizardry, it takes only exposure to a single tome of demonic lore to set them upon the Dark Road. Their ogre and giant servants are sent forth into the world to gather lore and capture ever greater numbers of unwitting sentients to be used in the soul sacrifices such hags regularly employ to boost their control capabilities, as well as for their own sadistic enjoyment. Coveys of this nature can be especially dangerous to the unwary, for as well as using soul sacrifices as an almost standard practice, they will also join their powers to form group summonings, potentially making the hags far more potent in the practice than any demonologist of similar skill.


On occasion, stories and myths arise from the wildlands, telling of some mighty goblin or ore who is able to summon the foulest of demons with which to smite his enemies. Such tales are easy to dismiss, for perhaps only one in every ten thousand shows the ability to wield arcane magic and even fewer will go on to study demonology. Added to this, goblinoids and ores rarely have the patience or discipline required by any arcane art. In the case of simple wizardry, this tends to mean they never progress very far, being easily overtaken in skill by mere adepts. In the case of demonology, such inattention to detail will usually cause their downfall and death long before they are capable of menacing the outside world.


The planetouched tieflings, those who can trace their bloodline back to a mating between mortal and demon, are noted for being callous, evil and twisted by their very nature. Though few have the same opportunities to study arcane wizardry as those of other races, they can display a strange affinity for wielding magic in general and demonology in particular. It is easy to draw conclusions from a tiefling's origins and the ease with which they can summon and control the demons they call upon but they are also able to adapt to the practice on a far more pragmatic level. Being outcasts from the very start, they adjust well into the solitary lifestyle of the typical demonologist and from there are eminently willing to bring their full power to bear against a world that has

always rejected them for no other reason than who they are.


The yuan-ti revere evil in its purest form and thus have no difficulty with incorporating such practices as demonology into their everyday life. Generally, only abominations are permitted to pursue the art though some few halfbloods may also display the talent if they gain sufficient favour with their lords and masters.

Though the entire structure of yuan-ti society is based upon ritual sacrifice, a practitioner of this race always runs the risk of falling foul of the priesthood. To the yuan-ti, sacrifices of any nature are the ultimate offering they may present to their dark gods and, through this, gain divine favour. To use a soul sacrifice in the pursuit of demonology may well guarantee the service of many demons but to the priesthood of the yuan-ti, this trivialises their entire faith and is seen as wasteful. What power can a demon grant that their mighty gods cannot? Unless a yuan-ti demonologist has sufficient political power within the settlement, it is unlikely to reach the pinnacle of demonological knowledge as it is forever denied access to the potential sacrifices that could serve it so well. Halfbloods will never attain this measure of rank and even abominations that try will always be at odds with the pervasive priesthood.


Throughout this book we have studied, in some depth, those who summon demons and the methods they employ to increase their chances of success in what is, ultimately, an extremely dangerous field of arcane magic. In this chapter, we take a look at the creatures of the infernal planes themselves. Demons are truly the most evil and malevolent beings any mortal will discover, able and willing to crush hope and innocence with no more thought than a man may swat a fly. They are structured into immense families, though there is little loyalty within them. Always, demons of all types are driven by the need to acquire both souls and power, either through battle, subterfuge or through the patronage of a yet greater demon. This is the nature of the beings demonologists regularly come into contact with.


Demons of all families and creeds watch carefully for souls they may harvest from the mortals of the material worlds. Some are given freely to them, others must be stolen or outwitted whilst yet more are condemned to be sent to the infernal planes by the greater gods of other, more distant planes of existence. A soul trapped in the infernal planes is one subjected to eternal agony by the cruellest intentions of the demons that hold it.

The practice of soul harvesting goes far beyond a wish to cause an immense amount of pain for absolute eternity, however. Souls are used as bargaining chips between demons, for one with more souls in his possession is literally more powerful than any other. Powerful beings can transform tortured souls into lesser demons, such as the lemure or dretch. A lesser demon who succeeds in gathering a great many souls for his lord may gain sufficient notice to be granted a more powerful form and favours between demons of similar rank are almost always paid for with slaves as few are willing to cede actual territory within the infernal planes to a potential rival.

To a mortal, this can often appear to be a crude form of currency, or even barter, but the possession of souls drives deep into the heart of what it is to

actually be a demon. One with an excess amount of souls can accomplish almost anything within the infernal planes, through having a greater source of power and being able to buy the services of any other demon. One with few souls is ripe for destruction by its enemies.

The one possibility a demonologist may care to keep in mind is that souls are often traded between demons, as shown above. A practitioner may feel himself fairly comfortable in gaining soul servitude to a succubus, but if his soul starts being traded between the higher ranks of demons, he may unwittingly find himself bound to a balor, the cruellest and mightiest of the Tana'ri.


The infernal planes are divided into many separate regions, each ruled by a member of the great demonic royalty. Each member of this powerful ruling elite will also be at the head of one or more demonic families, with each family having potentially millions or even billions of demons in its service. The greatest of these families, the Tanar'ri and the Baatezu are spread throughout the infernal planes, dominating hellish locales and forming immense power blocks that few can challenge directly. However, demonic families are rarely united themselves and rivalries between the greater demons of each can paralyse entire regions at times as they fight one another. Such wars rarely last long, in demonic terms at least but they are relatively common. This allows the more minor families, such as the Tzaretch, detailed on our web site, to exist without being instantly crushed by the huge numbers of Tanar'ri that oppose them. In practice, families such as the Tzaretch often collude and conspire with differing factions of the Tana'ri and gain power, souls and standing through the patronage of the greater family.

This complex interweaving of politics, threats, promises and subversions characterises the infernal planes perfectly. Every demon, high and low, is trapped in a web of promises, debts and war. When confronted with danger, most demons can call upon others it has aided in the past for protection but in doing so immediately invites a promise that must be repaid - this is why demons can never be compelled to summon demonic allies at the behest of a mortal summoner. In doing so they alter the very fabric of their network of alliances and would likely prefer to be slain on the material world and suffer weakness

in the infernal planes than comply. In any case, other demons would be highly unlikely to respond to such a call made at the whim of a mortal.

Wars amongst demons and families are to be feared by the inhabitants of the infernal planes. Many mortals make the mistake of assuming that once slain on the material world, a demon is no more. This is, unfortunately, completely untrue for a demon may only be permanently slain when in its home region of the infernal planes - thus wars between demonic factions hold the highest consequences for the participants, much as they do for mortals. To beings immortal in nature, though, the thought of an absolute death can be terrifying. Demons tend to be more complacent in the material world, though death and banishment to the infernal planes still carries a penalty that must be addressed. A demon sent back to its home region in this way is greatly weakened and may fall to the non-existent mercy of its enemies. If it was sent back whilst in the service of a more powerful demon, it may also be directly punished, stripped of power and possibly even transformed into a lesser demonic form.


Every summoning ritual, from the basic rite required to call a lemure, to the mighty powers that must be harnessed to force a pit fiend into submission, necessitates the use of two main components. First is the material the pentagram itself is constructed of. Contrary to the opinions of the layperson, pentagrams are not simply scratched into the ground but rather are made of fine powders of varying materials, carefully placed by the demonologist into ancient patterns of great power. The sole purpose of the pentagram is to provide a channel for the energies the demonologist is invoking, guiding them through the structure of the patterns and runes to the summoning focus in the centre, where the demon will finally appear, if all goes well. This summoning focus is the second necessary component of the ritual and is the point where all the arcane energies are channelled to open a door between the material world and the infernal planes. Both the materials used in the pentagram and in the summoning focus are utterly consumed by each summoning attempt, whether or

not it is successful. If either the pentagram or summoning focus components are not present, then the summoning ritual may not be attempted.

In addition, there are sometimes other conditions that must be fulfilled when summoning a demon, particularly when named demons are concerned. One might be forced to perform the summoning ritual within a graveyard, for instance, or during a full moon. Not all demons require such conditions be fulfilled but the demonologist is well advised to do his research well and discover such facts before attempting an expensive and potentially dangerous summoning ritual.

A list is given below of all the demons found within the Monster Manual, along with what they are capable of and the components required for their summoning ritual. However, the Games Master need not assume this list is complete - substitute materials may be possible for certain demons in some campaign worlds and named demons are likely to have wildly different components from others of the same demonic species. In these cases, the Games Master is welcome to use the components listed here as a guide only to his own, very different, named demons. Also, several components are not listed as having a gold piece value - these are items generally too rare to buy in even major towns and cities and the demonologist may well be forced to locate them for himself. The Games Master is encouraged to set his own market price if he deems it fit that his players should be able to buy them in his own campaign world.

The demons below are organised into their level of Challenge Rating with the weakest, and easiest to summon, first. This is by no means a complete listing, however, for all the different species of demon are as numberless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. The Games Master is encouraged to come up with his own pentagram and summoning focus components for the demons he creates and those in other published supplements.


These creatures are quite insane and it is often said this is the form the dead take when they travel to the infernal planes. Lemures are misshapen piles of flesh, vaguely humanoid in form. They are incapable of speech but can easily be compelled to obey most instructions from a

dedicated demonologist, who tend to use them as guards, albeit fairly weak ones.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Lead powder (50 gp)

Summoning Focus: Small gem (200 gp)


Imps are fairly common creatures on the infernal planes and it is often said they were created simply to spread evil throughout the material worlds by working through malevolent wizards and sorcerers. It is indeed true that many demonologists able to bind demons on a permanent basis often choose imps as permanent companions, using them as spies and advisors. Though able to

assume the form of several different creatures, an imp normally appears as a two foot tall devilish-looking humanoid with leathery batwings, barbed tail and wickedly sharp teeth and horns.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Iron Powder (100 gp)

Summoning Focus: Silver bound scroll (300 gp)


These are the wicked rank and file troops of the Tanar'ri demons. Only semi-intelligent, they rend their opponents with tooth and claw. For the demonologist, they are often considered to be very similar in application and use as the lemure, though a little more

'j capable.

Whereas a single lemure may be defeated by a warrior of mediocre skill, a dretch has the potential to take on

several warriors at a time without being slain and sent back to the infernal planes.

Demonic Family: Tanar'ri

Pentagram Component: Iron powder (100 gp)

Summoning Focus:

Small gem (300 gp)

Quasit Also often found in the company of demonologists as permanently bound demons, the primary goal of any quasit is to extol his master to greater acts of evil. Thus, whilst they may be a useful source of information on matters demonological, a practitioner must always be aware of how far his quasit is propelling him down the Dark Road. Quasits detest imps and the two will always attempt to attack each other if they are able, though are most likely to employ subtle but lethal tricks, rather than direct physical assaults.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Steel powder (150 gp)

Summoning Focus: Skin scroll

Hell Hound

As large, aggressive, fire-breathing dogs come straight from the infernal planes, hell hounds are terrifying to behold and many demonologists summon them either as guards or hunters. In either role they are likely to strike fear into those they are instructed to attack.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Copper powder (200 gp)

Summoning Focus: Silver collar (300 gp)


These creatures are much renowned in both legend and wild adventurer tale and they certainly have an evocative appearance. Nightmares take the appearance of giant black horses, wreathed in flame and eminently willing to slay and destroy any near them. Demonologists may, on occasion, use such creatures as beats of burden, but are more typically interested in summoning nightmares to use as demonic steeds able to carry them huge distances far faster than any mundane horse.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Copper powder (200 gp)

Summoning Focus: Silver horse shoe (800 gp)


Osyluths are feared

even by other demons, particularly those of the Baatezu family.

They serve the lords of the infernal planes, watching o oiher

Baatezu mJ reporting on then activities.

For the V

demonologist, osyluths can provide an invaluable source of information on other Baatezu, though they are unlikely to have anything as notable as

the true name of a demon. On the other hand, they can readily provide the practitioner with details on summoning rituals, if his own research is incomplete or suspect.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Silver powder (500 gp)

Summoning Focus: Large quartz overlaid with fine silver wire (1,000 gp)


The chain-shrouded kytons are powerful combatants and it is for this reason many demonologists are interested in gaining their service. By preparing an area for them to guard with many lengths of chain, the practitioner is effectively able to stall or halt any advancing enemy with a single kyton as it utilises its ability to control the chains and attack intruders.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Powdered masterwork chains (650 gp)

Summoning Focus: Masterwork spiked chain

inlaid with silver (1,000 gp)

Special: Summoning


Hellcats are often employed by demonologists

wishing to track down an enemy

who may be too powerful

for the lesser hell hounds to effectively deal with. They are superior in many respects and

intelligent enough to

approach a target through tactically-adept ambush rather than merely making a costly direct assault.

Demonic Family:


Pentagram Component:

Powdered lion bones

Summoning Focus:

Complete lion mane


Where powerful demons may raise hordes of lemures to destroy their enemies within the infernal

planes, it is the barbazu that are given the task of leading them, spearheading attacks as vicious shock troops. A single barbazu is capable of giving

even a party of accomplished 'adventurers a

severe beating and as they are unlikely to be able to supply a demonologist with much information on other Baatezu, they are typically used purely for their combat abilities, which are considerable. A barbazu unleashed upon an enemy is usually enough to guarantee his destruction.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Silver powder (500 gp)

Summoning Focus: Masterwork silver-tipped

glaive (1,000 gp)


Like their Tanar'ri counterpart, the succubus, an erinyes is one of the demonic entities all demonologists strive to uncover summoning rituals to. The reasons for this are varied but it is often said that no practitioner can consider himself a true demonologist until he has called upon either an erinyes or succubus. Most are used either as information sources on demonological matters or to cause the temptation and downfall of an

enemy, which they excel at. Less dedicated

practitioners may well summon such creatures simply as tools of comfort to distract from lonely nights of intense research.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Powdered female elven hair

Summoning Focus: 50' silken rope, threaded with

gold (1,000 gp)


Seven foot tall and covered from head to tail with sharp barbs, the hamatula are vicious fighters, able to impale enemies upon their lethal bodies. They make superior guardians and, in this, the demonologist uses the hamatula in a service it is

familiar with upon the infernal planes and can guarantee a greater chance of success for the instructions he issues.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Silver powder (500 gp)

Summoning Focus: Undamaged feather of a roc


These are, perhaps, the most famous of all demons and are certainly the ones of which most stories are told. Taking the appearance of stunningly beautiful human women, they seem utterly flawless. Only in their natural form is any hint of demonic power revealed, with their large bat-like wings and eyes that actually glow with an evil and twisted ;ht. Their uses, as far as the practitioner is concerned, are much the same as those for an erinyes though greater stature is given to a demonologist able to summon a succubus as the summoning rituals tend to be somewhat more complicated.

Demonic Family:




V Powdered female human hair

Summoning Focus: Pure

silver brush and mirror

(1,500 gp)

Special: Summoning ritual must commence at twilight


The bebiliths are one of the more terrifying demons to behold, a factor that many demonologists


Standing at nine feet tall, a demonologist confronting one of the cornugons for the first time is likely to experience no little trepidation and this has led to the downfall of more than one practitioner. They are covered with

scales and their huge wings and

considered when summoning them to use as hunters. Looking like huge and demonic spiders, bebiliths are capable of rending an enemy apart and their fangs constantly drip a lethal and viscous poison. They are particularly skilled at destroying Tanar'ri, a duty any bebilith will relish, and so are sometimes called upon to destroy another demon a practitioner knows has been set upon him.

Demonic Family: None

Pentagram Component: Silver powder (500 gp)

Summoning Focus: Silver capped skull (2,500 gp) Special: Summoning ritual must take place in a place of burial

tail, combined with the aura of fear they almost constantly radiate, can quake the heart of the mightiest warrior. Excelling in battle, they are most often used by demonologists who require the death of an especially strong enemy.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Powdered bones

Summoning Focus: Powdered manticore wings mixed with powdered gold (2,500 gp for the gold only)


Armed with huge spears to match their wickedly sharp claws and spikes, gelugons are deceptively adept spies and assassins, a fact belied by their incredible twelve feet height. Many ■n  demonologists are aware of their

ability to infiltrate the most heavily defended of strongholds and from within launch an attack or steal an item of immense value. If discovered, they are more than capable of fighting their way free through great numbers of mortals.



Demonic Family:



Component: Gold powder (1,000 gp)


Focus: Large egg-shaped ruby (5,000 gp)


At eight feet tall with huge wings and vicious vulture-like heads, the vrock are, for many, the archetypal demon. Amongst practitioners of the black art, they are seen as something of a watershed. A demonologist able to summon and control a vrock has survived many challenges in his work without pushing himself too fast and is clearly capable of proceeding further down the Dark Road through the summoning of the greatest demons of all. Vrocks are typically used as pure battle demons, capable of slaying hordes of lesser attackers, be they mortal or demonic. This demon is

the reason many demonologists are called upon by armies led by men of few morals, in order to guarantee a victory.






Elven blood y

Summoning Focus:

Golden weapon of medium size or greater (5,000 gp) Special: Summoning ritual

must take place at the site of a battle, recent or ancient.


Even more powerful than the mighty vrocks are the hezrou and in the infernal planes they are often used in the leading of lesser demons during the constant wars and strife that consume those dark places. Eschewing the use of weaponry, their huge toad-like mouths are lined with incredibly powerful teeth that can bite through the toughest armour. They are also one of the more intelligent of the Tana'ri and devote their intellect to the prosecution of war and the destruction of anything that stands before their

masters' ambitions.

Demonic Family:


Pentagram Component:

Powdered skulls of warriors killed in battle

Summoning Focus: A war banner at least one hundred years old


Despite being incredible opponents in

battle, the main strength of the glabrezu lies in subtlety. Just as the succubus tempts mortals with passion, the glabrezu beguiles them with dreams and promises of power in the material worlds. It takes a wily demonologist to fully realise this capability rather than merely sending the demon to destroy all around it. The glabrezu is to be considered for any practitioner who wants to ruin his enemies utterly, rather than destroy them outright, though this is likely to take a great many summoning rituals to accomplish as the demon is constantly called back to carry out the next part of a long, tortuous I and twisted plan of ruination.

Demonic Family: Tanar'ri Pentagram Component: Gold powder (1,000 gp) Summoning Focus: Large diamond (6,000 gP) Special: Summoning ritual must begin at the e of a full moon


Looking like a huge twenty feet tall cross between bear and boar, the nalfeshnee is amongst the strongest of all the Tana'ri and even a balor might reconsider attacking one without suitable advantages. They are incredibly bloodthirsty and yet prefer to outwit opponents over protracted periods of time rather than merely tearing them apart. Few can stand up to the fury of a nalfeshnee enraged but a demonologist may encounter additional problems in compelling this being into direct battle, such is its reluctance at times.

Demonic Family: Tanar'ri

Pentagram Component: Powdered rope used to hang an instigator of genocide

Summoning Focus: Golden mirror at least four feet high (7,000 gp)

Pit Fiend

The pit fiends are one of the most notorious of all demons, being the undisputed heads of the Baatezu family, though it is not known how many actually exist. They are immensely powerful beings and a demonologist is well advised to exercise a great amount of care when summoning and attempting to control such might. They are capable of succeeding at virtually any task the demonologist may set before them but their incredible wills have the

potential to destroy the very mind of any foolish enough to make a

mistake in a

summoning ritual.

Demonic Family: Baatezu

Pentagram Component: Platinum powder (5,000


Summoning Focus: Magical weapon of medium size or greater, with minimum +1 enhancement bonus


Mariliths represent almost the pinnacle of the demonological arts, being nearly as powerful as the notorious balors. They are superb tacticians and are often employed by practitioners wanting to gain a strategic edge on a military enemy, though they are also well-versed in politics of low cunning. Within the infernal planes they are often to be found in the service of the highest demonic royalty and thus they do not take to being summoned by mortals with any degree of

complacency. A practitioner calling up a marilith is one who must be utterly certain of his own abilities.

Demonic Family: Tanar'ri

Pentagram Component: Emerald powder (5,000 gp) Summoning Focus: Magical weapon of medium size or greater, with minimum +2 enhancement bonus


For those demonologists ignorant of the higher demonic powers, the absolute rulers of the infernal planes, the balors represent the only worthy goal of their art. To summon and control a balor, to dominate it by sheer force of will to a mortal's bidding is the dream of most practitioners. It requires an incredible attention to detail and few scruples to mass the knowledge and tools necessary to stand any chance of success in the control of the mighty balor, with even the most accomplished demonologists gambling their chances as no better than fifty-fifty. The mere presence of a balor towering over a summoner, wreathed in flames as it glowers down is sufficient to break the concentration of any lesser practitioner and thus few survive their first encounter with the leaders of the Tanar'ri.

Demonic Family: Tanar'ri

Pentagram Component: Diamond powder (6,000 gp) Summoning Focus: Magical weapon of large size or greater, with minimum +3 enhancement bonus

Santado forced his excitement to the back of his mind as he began the final quatrains of his incantation. He had finally found all of the information and items he required to attempt this summoning. It had taken him a full seven hours to draw the pentagram and elaborate runes that now glowed slightly before him. Prior to that, there had been six months of collecting components and scouting a suitable location. These were but blinks of

the eye compared to the seven years of painstaking investigation and research that had allowed Santado to set his feet on the Dark Road.

He felt the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck rise as the power he controlled began to course through the carefully scribed pentagram, causing it to glow brighter. The large gold mirror in the centre of the

summoning area began to glow as well. His breath fogged slightly in the pallid light, making his ancient words nearly visible as he chanted. Santado felt the Power tear at his will, trying to force itself free of the restrictions he had put on it. The luminosity of the pentagram and runes throbbed in time with his chant casting eerie shadows that brought to mind the silhouettes of hanged men on the walls of the chamber.

As Santado finished his incantation a loud thunderclap echoed through the summoning chamber accompanied by a noxious cloud of thick yellow smoke. The demonologist clapped his hands bringing forth a breeze that

tattered the bilious fog, clearing the air and revealing the demon he had laboured so diligently to summon.

Hunched in the centre of the casting circle squatted a huge, misshapen figure. Large cloven hooves glinted dully in the waning light of the pentagram. Its powerful ursine body was matted in thick fur bristling into a

shaggy ruff that covered the massive shoulders and neck. The head of the demon was that of a gargantuan

boar with three sets of gleaming, razor-sharp tusks. Santado had never imagined the demon would be so huge though he had read hundreds of descriptions of the bloodthirsty nalfeshnee. The demon rested its sharp taloned paws on its knees as it looked around the chamber.

'What soul-bearer calls me?' The creature's voice grated against Santado's ear sounding like a combination of crumbling rock and tearing metal.

The demonologist swallowed past the growing lump of fear in his throat and forced strength into his voice. Any sign of weakness now would lead to his swift demise. T do.'

The demon's lip curled with disgust. 'You, little man? Who are you to summon me?'

Santado smiled, 'You'll not get my name so easily. You may call me Master.'

The nalfeshnee's hackles bristled as it rose to a crouch. 'Think you that this puny barrier will hold me? Watch

your words, human.'

Santado allowed himself a smug smile, 'True. The circle cannot hold you, but my knowledge of your true

name will, Epok.'

The demon cringed and scowled, 'What did you call me?'

'Your true name - Epok.'

The demon's muzzle split in an unholy grin, 'That is not my name, little braggart.'

Santado's eyes went wide. His stomach lurched as he felt the Power surge unchecked around him as the nalfeshnee stood to its full height. 'B - but the texts . . .'

'That is not my problem.'



Well, Demonology - The Dark Road is finally complete and I can take a well earned break. Until it is time to start writing Necromancy - Beyond the Grave, the next in line for the Encyclopaedia Arcane series, of course.

When the idea of doing a supplement based purely around the process of summoning and controlling demons was first dreamt up, I knew the whole feel had to be dark and insidious, as befitted the practice. Looking back through the chapters, I believe we have knocked the nail right on the head.

From the very start, 1 wanted demonology to actually feel different from other forms of magic. After all, we were looking at summoning and controlling insanely powerful creatures from the lowest regions of the infernal planes. We had to get that across to players. We also had to give a reason for players to try their hand in the practice rather than relying on Magic Circle and Planar Binding spells at higher levels. The idea of risk versus reward started to form.

With the system presented here, there is no strict level progression as with other character classes. On achieving 6th level, you don't automatically gain the ability to summon and control, say, an erinyes. Instead, we have left it to the discretion of the individual player as to what they believe they can attempt and the Games Master retains absolute control as to what demons may appear in his campaign. As the rules slowly began to take shape, we started to lay more and more traps for demonologist characters - there is always the temptation to go a little too far and pay a heavy price as a result. The Mask of Disguise is a perfect, though minor, example of this. Imagine, if you will, a demonologist who has suffered possession by two or three demons and is terribly disfigured, forced to live as a recluse whilst the rest of the party enjoy themselves in the comforts of civilisation. One day, he finds the Mask of Disguise in some ruined keep and, behold, his problems are over as he finally returns to normal. The question then is, does he risk possession one more time to summon a powerful demon, knowing the mask will not serve to hide

further disfigurement? The practice is loaded with such traps - have fun finding them!

So, who in the nine hells will actually risk their character in demonology? Well, risk is always balanced with gain - a demonologist will gain power through the demons he summons more rapidly than an ordinary wizard will with his own arcane skills, though the former is unlikely to survive completely unscathed. The successful demonologist player will be good at calculating odds and will always have a plan in case things do not go as they should during a summoning. It does not matter how good a demonologist you are - there is forever the possibility of failure.

With all this in mind, it became impossible for us to recommend demonologists as purely non-player characters. They were just too much fun and that is, after all, the point of the game. I promise you, you will see other players begin to run when the demonologist announces he is going to attempt yet another summoning!

There are three potential areas I can foresee some players having a problem with regarding these rules, so let me try to pre-empt you;

  • 1. The use of the word demon. Yes, we know devils are not demons and that collectively they are called fiends. But fiendology just does not have the same ring to it. Thus, for the purposes of this book alone, all are called demons.

  • 2. We have used Challenge Ratings rather than hit dice to grade demons throughout, particularly in the summoning and controlling rules. Challenge Ratings, by their very nature, tend to be a bit woolly but they do provide a reasonable ballpark and also allow demons from other publishers' supplements to be integrated with the least amount of work on the part of the Games Master. At the end of the day, a Games Master is free to alter the Challenge Ratings of demons in his own campaign as he sees fit.

  • 3. Finally, yes, we are aware there is no such word as summonation. But this is fantasy and the word fits - deal with it!

I sincerely hope you enjoy these rules as much as I have. Try not to run too fast in the art and perhaps I'll see you at the end of the Dark Road.

Matthew Sprange

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Research Summary

Identify demonic text: Demon Lore check DC 15

Comprehend demonic text: 1d3 days + CR of demon,

Demon Lore check, base DC 20

Summoning Check

DC 10 + Demon's CR


Expertise + Demonology Class Levels

Study and Preparation + Demonologist's

Intelligence Bonus

High Quality Components +1-3

Slow Ritual +2

Previously Summoned Demon +1

Distraction -1 per Other Creature Present

Hurried Ritual -4

Control Check

DC 10 + Twice Demon's CR


Expertise + Demonologist's Level

Force of Will + Demonologist's Charisma Bonus

Greater Name Known +5

True Name Known +10

Blood Sacrifice +1

Soul Sacrifice + Character Level of Sacrifice

Soul Sacrifice of Paladin or Good Cleric +

Twice Character Level of Sacrifice

Soul Servitude + Three Times Summoner's

Character Level

Slow Ritual +2

Previously Controlled Demon +1

Distraction -1 per Other Creature Present

Hurried Ritual -4

Additional Instructions -2 Cumulative

Repeated Summoning -1 per Attempt Cumulative

Within 30 Days

Possessing Another —4

Group Ritual + total class levels, divided by 3

Multiple Summonations -1 per demon

Strength of Will Feat +2

Binding -6

Falun cursed as he heard the bell over the door ring. He was sure that he had locked the door before retiring. He cursed again and slowly eased his old bones off his cot. 'The sign says 'closed', can't you read?'

The old sage pushed the curtain aside and blinked into the dim twilight of his shop. He made out a vague robed shape standing just inside the door. 'Who are you?' When the figure stepped forward Falun recognised him as the young upstart Santado, but twisted as if some much larger creature had donned his skin.

'You don't look so well, old man. Cut it a bit close this time, didn't you?'

Falun's face split in a toothless grin, 'Ep'kD', how good to see you.'

The figure's eyes flashed luminous green as it snarled, 'One of these days, you will make a mistake, human.'

Falun shook his head, 'You've been saying that for two hundred years now, old friend. If and when I make a mistake, you will be long gone. Be content with the souls I send you. Now about our arrangement.'

'I tire of this game, old man.'

Falun smiled, stretching his limbs as they revitalised with the demonic energy flooding into them, marvelling at his new-found strength of youth.

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How far will you dare travel the Dark Road?


Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®

Welcome, mortal, to the Dark Road. Within these secret pages you will find the most forbidden knowledge of all - that of summoning, binding and ultimately controlling the demons, devils and fiends of the infernal planes.

This book is not for the faint of heart for only the strongest of wills may dare to dabble in the blackest art of all. The perils are great and the dangers terrifying but for those willing to gamble their very souls, the rewards are far greater than any mortal can possibly conceive.

Encyclopaedia Arcane: Demonology - The Dark Road provides Games Masters and players alike with all the information they need to introduce this dangerous form of magic into their campaigns. The Demonologist character class is presented alongside those who go far deeper into the art, the mysterious Binder and the dreaded Possessed. Each has access to the most incredible powers, drawn from the very forces of evil itself.


Publishing www.mongoosepublishing.com

ISBN 1-903980-03-8



Nark (Tzaretch)

Small Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)

Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)

Initiative: +0

Speed: 30 ft

AC: 16 (+1 size, +5 natural)

Attacks: Claw +3 melee

Damage: Claw 1D4

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Summon Tzaretch

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/silver, SR 5, Tzaretch qualities

Saves: Fort +3, Ref+3, Will +3

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 10

Skills: Listen +8, Spot +15, Wilderness Lore +0

Feats: -

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4)

Challenge rating: 2

Treasure: None

Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 3-6 HD (small)

These demons are small and pathetic looking creatures who are created by the lords of the Tzaretch solely to function as trackers for their more powerful kindred. They are devoid of much intelligence and are easily influenced by other demons, having a herd mentality that allows great numbers of them to be swayed upon the infernal planes.

Once instructed to track a named quarry, they prove tremendously skilled and dedicated to the task, not least because the Tzaretch demons are not noted for their tolerance of failure. Narks have a drive for survival that is belied by their usually quiet and sullen manner.

Narks are short humanoids, rarely growing more than three feet tall, with stubby legs and facial features reminiscent of canines. Their arms are also

disproportionally short for their hairless bodies and the skin is of a uniform drab yellow, visibly contrasting with bright red eyes. A nark's mouth is perpetually open, revealing blunt teeth and constant drool.


Narks prefer to avoid combat at all costs, for their sole function amongst the Tzaretch is to hunt and locate targets for more powerful demons, though they are occasionally herded together to be used as cannon fodder in the immense battles of the infernal planes. Upon sighting its designated target, a nark will close to within ten feet and let out a deafening, bellowing roar seemingly at odds with its diminutive stature. If forced to fight, a nark will defend itself but will always seek to avoid combat whenever possible.

Summon Tzaretch (Sp): For each round that a nark roars there is a cumulative 10% chance that a Vlai-Maroth will appear. If it is prevented from roaring, by being attacked for example, then the summoning will fail and the cumulative 10% chance restarts once the nark begins once more.

Skills: Narks get a +8 racial bonus to listen and spot checks. Narks get an additional +8 to Spot and Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent due to their keen sense of smell.


Vlai-Maroth (Tzaretch)

Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)

Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp)

demonstrate an uncanny capacity for success when tasked to hunt down and destroy elven enemies.

The vlai-maroth are rarely seen by any mortal as they can remain invisible right up to the moment of attack.

Initiative: +6

Speed: 30 ft

AC: 18 (+8 natural)

Attacks: 2 Talons + 10 melee

Damage: Talon IDS +2 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 17, Tzaretch qualities

They are said to be dreadfully emaciated humanoids with slight but distinctive features reminiscent of elfkind. Their overly long arms are their primary melee weapons and end in wickedly sharp talons. The body of a vlai-maroth is covered in fine snake-like scales, varying in colour from pale red to deepest purple.


Upon sighting its target, a vlai-maroth will immediately turn invisible if, indeed, it has not already

Saves: Fort +7, Ref+8, Will +6 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Chal2

Skills: Listen +16, Spot +18

Feats: Improved initiative, dodge

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground

Organisation: Solitary

Challenge rating: 6 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 9-16 HD (medium)

Upon the infernal planes, within the dark domains of the Tzaretch, the vlai-maroth work in concert with the enfeebled narks, the lesser demon locating prey to be utterly destroyed. They are most noted for their predilection for actually consuming their prey entirely, thus ensuring permanent destruction in a place where such things are not wisely taken for granted.

Very ancient texts often term the vlai-maroth as elf-eaters and, on occasion, make reference to a small but powerful invasion of elven mages directly into the heart of the Tzaretch realms. Considering the amount of myth and legend surrounding both elfkind and demonic entities, the veracity of such accounts is often left for the reader to determine for

done so. The demon will remain

Wis 11,

thus, constantly watching its prey for weaknesses until an opportunity for attack presents itself. When striking, a vlai-maroth will use its fear causing ability to disrupt and scatter any determined resistance as it closes in. Once its target has been defeated, it will begin to feast upon the body, only stopping to defend itself from further attacks.

Spell-like abilities: At will - Invisibility, Fear. A vlai-maroth requires no material components to cast these spells and they work exactly as described in the Player's Guide as if cast by a 5th level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Skills: Vlai-Maroth receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

himself. However, the vlai-maroth do

QUADROS Quadros (Tzaretch) Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) Speed: 40 ft AC: 17 (+7 natural)

Attacks: 4 swords +9 melee Damage: Long Sword IDS +2 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, Battle frenzy

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 17, Tzaretch qualities

Saves: Fort +7, Ref+8, Will +6

Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, ChalO

Skills: Concentration +6, Hide +6, Listen +10, Spot +12

Feats: Improved initiative, Multidexterity, Multiweapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Long Sword)

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4), band (6-10) Challenge rating: 7

Treasure: Standard

Alignment: Always chaotic evil

Advancement: 7-9 HD (medium) 10-18 HD (large)

Vicious, four armed destroyers, the quadros are utilised as shock troops in the demonic armies of the Tzaretch. They are the most numerous demons in a family that constantly vies and struggles with others far larger. In times when the Tzaretch are courted by other demonic factions, it is the large numbers of the ferocious quadros that often tilt the balance of any negotiation of bargain.

A foul creature of some seven feet tall, a quadros bulges with well-toned muscle beneath its blood-red skin. Vivid blue veins contrast sharply and constantly twist and writhe before an observer's eyes. Every quadros is armed with four demonically-crafted weapons with which it wields in battle with deadly expertise. The most favoured weapon is the long sword, though some prefer mighty axes or heavy maces. A quadros summoned by a mortal will always be armed with the weapons used as a summoning focus.


There is nothing subtle about a quadros in battle. They enjoy combat and are very good at it. Bred as shock troops, any quadros will seek to engage enemies in the shortest time possible, slaying all around with its deadly weapons as it works up into a battle frenzy, using its special abilities to shatter the will and morale of organised foes.

Spell-Like abilities: At will - Charm Person, Command, Desecrate, Magic Weapon and Suggestion. A quadros can also induce Fear as the spell, except that it only affects one person. These abilities are as cast by an 8th level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level). Battle Frenzy (Ex): A quadros can work itself into a battle frenzy similar to the barbarian's rage ability (+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 morale bonus to Will saves, -2 AC penalty), for a +2 bonus to attacks and damage and 12 extra hit points. The frenzy lasts 6 rounds and the quadros suffers no ill effects afterward. Skills: Quadros' receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

The Tzaretch are one of the lesser demonic families, forced to live by wit and deceit beneath the sheer dominating might of the Tanar'ri. All Tzaretch speak Abyssal, Celestial and Draconic.


Immunities (Ex): Tzaretch are immune to acid, poison and electricity

Resistances (Ex): Tzaretch have cold and fire resistance 20

Telepathy (Su): Tzaretch can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language

See Invisible (Su): Tzaretch can see invisible creatures


Skarn (Tzaretch)

Large-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)


Initiative: +1 (Dex)

Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor)

AC: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural)

Attacks: Claw +10 melee

Damage: Claw IDS +1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 20, Death Throes, Tzaretch qualities

Saves: Fort +, Ref +8, Will +6

Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 6, Int

20, Wis 20, Cha 16

Skills: Concentration +14,

Knowledge (any two) +10, Listen +8, Scry +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +8

Feats: -

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground

Organisation: Solitary

Challenge rating: 9

Treasure: Standard

Alignment: Always chaotic evil

Advancement: 5-8 HD (large)

Skarn are lords of the Tzaretch, subservient only to the great demonic

royalty that head the family. Appearing as large, portly humanoids over eight feet tall, these demons have huge black wings they almost constantly keep folded around their bodies as a living cloak. Their blubbery skin is pale green with some few patches of blue upon their hands and arms. At first glance, the head of a skarn may seem almost human, though an elongated jaw and bright red eyes betray their demonic origins.

The skarn collect knowledge and information with a passion that approaches obsession, treating it as a commodity to rival the vital harvesting of souls. It is this facet of their nature that often proves irresistible to mortals, for they are repositories of facts both demonic and mundane. Upon the infernal planes, it is the combined intellect of the skarn that have kept the

Tzaretch from being swallowed by far more powerful demonic families but there is always a terrible price to pay when one is compelled to divulge information to the detriment of another demon or family.


The skarn disdain physical combat in any form, preferring to defeat opponents merely by outwitting them or, as a last resort, using their repertoire of abilities from behind a shield of guardian quadros. They are relatively weak in comparison to similar demons of other families and they move slowly, even whilst in clumsy flight, making retreat rarely a safe option.

Spell-Like abilities: At will - Charm Person, Chaos Hammer, Command, Desecrate, Dispel Magic, Fear, Fireball, Magic Circle against Good, Wall of Force, and Suggestion. These abilities are as cast by an 10th level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Skills: Skarn receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.