Voodoo Magic Course - Brother MOLOCH 969 2000

Voodoo Magic Course - Brother MOLOCH 969 2000

Lesson ONE

Why Voodoun Magic Is Potent Sorcery

What You Really Want Out Of Life

Brief History OfVoodoun

Voodoun Or Hoodeaux?

Role Of The Priesthood

Role Of The Bokor

Practical Exercise



Why V oodoun Magic Is Potent Sorcery

The first question I get from most people, especially newcomers to the Occult, is "Why do you practice Voodoun? Isn't that a dark art?" After I get done chuckling, I have to explain to them the truth about Voodoun Magic (Sorcery) and how it is NOT inherently evil.

The thing that most people look at is what they remember about Sorcery which is usually misinformation culled from dime store novels or third rate horror movies. I have yet to see any accurate Occult oriented movie, fictional book or otherwise that depicts any aspect of the Occult in a positive light, especially Voodoun. The reason for this is twofold:

1. People don't want to hear the truth

2. People like being scared

Since most people want to believe all of the absurd horror stories about Voodoun priests & Sorcerers causing snakes to crawl out of people's stomachs and other such balderdash, there is little any Voodounist can do about the deceit but grit your teeth and bear it. •

Furthermore, people LIKE being scared; if they didn't then movies like Nightmare On Elm Street would bomb at the box office yet we know these movies must do very well since the sequals number as high as eight consecutive films about the same supernatural character as in the case of Jason from the Friday The 13th fame.

Hoodeaux is potent Magic. To quote Dr. Christopher Hyatt who co-authored the book "Urban Voodoun" (New Falcon Publications; 1995) Dr. Hyatt states:

The great virtue ofVoodoun in contrast to other paths is direct . expenence and the pursuit of results. (p.l22)

It can be said that one can puruse results in- any other path or sy.fi^m of Occultism but the fact remains that ou t of all of those who , travel hose, other patlls, few actually plirsue results. Most wannabe Occultists cl^$ to want results but they are not motivated to act to get those results.

Another big factor in Hoodeaux's potentcy is the attitude ofthe Sorcerer over that of the traditional Western Esoteric Magickian. The "Wesoteric," as the late William Gray called ceremonial magickians, is only focused on the 'great work' and many believe that using their art to increase their wealth, status or for any kind of physical gain is wrong, evil and unethical. Not so for the Voodounist.

The, Voodounist focuses on gaining result, usually through need, whereas the Ceremonial Magickian focuses on magick as a spirituaal science. The Voodoun Sorcerer is more interested in obtaining a calm comfortable environment so he can obtain some inner peace und tranquility. He achieves tins b al ance by working his Sorcery on the phys ical plane to bring him the following five desires:

Success * Prosperity * Health * Happiness * Love

It is important for you to understand that the direct combination of these five important principles. These are the desired states that we humans want in our lives. They can be likened to the Mazlowe's 'Hierarchy Of Needs' which are: (in descending order of impo^mce)

Physiological needs- food, water, sex, air Safety needs - security, protection from harm Social needs - love, acceptance, affections Self-esteem needs - success, prestige, feelings of self-worth Self-actualization needs- self-fulfillment

Ifyou see the comparison, you'll notices that the Voodoun Sorcerer is only working towarims these goals every time he lights his candles and calls on the spirits. Another reason I guess that Sorcerer's succeed more often than not, is that they have this inner desire for what it is they want. T hey immerse themselves in obtaining that desire be yond all else. This is NOT easy since you may not 'truily' want what you "think" you want and that ,is where you'll    into confusing not only yourself but the spirits themselves.

There is truth that the Voodoun Sorcerer seeks control and that in i tself is NOT a bad thing. The difference between a Christian and a Voodonnist is that the Christian doesn't know what he wants. He will "lay his request upon the lap of his god" whereas the Voodounist will call upon his spirit world and ask for what it is he wants or desires. One says "I have a des ire but only if i t be YO^Rwill" while the other asks "I have this desire -please help me obtain it". Do you see the difference? One is afraid to want while the intjier does w®t.

Magic a.k.a. Sorcery is also potent because the4current for it is so strong. Past Vpodounists have used i! and believed in it so strongly that by plugging into it you are in 'effect plugging yourself into active curent of a Hfme. This sometimes scares those who 'Qnly want to play at bein g a Sorcerer whereas it stimuli ates those who are Sorcerers into motiv ation for their desires.

Finally the average Sorcerer is NOT afraid nor is he too tied to dogma to ignore techniques that are not of his tradition. For instance, Thelemites for the most part abhor the path of Huna and there for e won't consider trying this .p ath's techniques for themselves. There are many who practice Thelema who may try something else but within its odogma, Thelema demands that there is no room to experience other paths. Not so with Sorcery.

Keep your chin up and let's see what we have within these lessons that you can make do with in your life!

PrePt-Cps FR.&M )vft/voR


What You Want

How many times have you been to a store with a limited amount of funds only to find yourself wondering what it was you wanted to buy? The choices only confused you and that is a scary thought isn't it?

The fact is so many people out there have NO IDEA of what it is they truly want. The famous Thelemic Magickian, Aleister Crowely, once said "If a man follows his true will, he will have the momentum of the universe behind him". Another famous individual, the late Professor Joesph Campbell, said (paraphrased) "If a man follows his true bliss, he will achieve happiness".

I bring this up early in the course so you can find time to examine this very important concept. A wise man by the name of Socrates allegedly said 'the unexamined life is not worth living.' It is very important that you begin to tear down the walls of your old ways of thinking and start rebuilding yourself before erecting new walls. If you fail to do this, you will stay in the old habits and silly ways you that have brought you thus far.

You are a Guild member who is a cut above the rest. You want to go higher and stand apart from the group don't you? Aren't you interested in achieving some of your personal goals before you die and move on? If yes, then read on; if not, then either go get help and leave this course alone or prepare for the spiritworld to teach you some very hard lessons.

The first thing to do is to look at what it is you want in life. "The Five Desires" described in the previous article are a good starting point. But that's all they are, starting points. You're gonna need to do some serious soul searching. Unfortunately, most Occultists have no clue what this is and therefore write nothing about it. But luckily, there are some non-Occult references you can delve into and hopefully with some of them, you'll be able to see what it is you truly want.

Ask yourself some tough questions like "How successful do I want to be?" If you say 'As successful as a doctor', then be prepared to pay the price! The higher in success you wish to be, the harder you'll have to work to achieve that. Sorry but it's true. No amount of cajoling the spirit world about 'giving' you something for nothing is simple fiction. You get noting for no effort expended. If you are lax or lazy then expect little to no results. This is because of the simple formula:

Reward = Amount ofEffort + Personal Desire

I highlighted that formula because it is so simple that most people overlook it.

I'm NOT saying that Hoodeaux isn't going to help you obtain your goals but the fact is that no Genie is going to appear and give you precious jewels and gold just because you mouth off some arcane words. If you think: that is what Hoodeaux is all about, then "Sorry Charlie!"

One should start a personal journal at this point. You will want to write down random thoughts, ideas, concepts, as well as meditations, ritual/spell results, fears, etc. This is going to be your very own inner 11World of formation, or as the Cabalistic Adepts refer to it, your "Atziluth". Log into this journal everything about yourself too. Sit sometime and note all of your strengths,- accomplishments regardless of how big or small, attitudes about different things, likes, dislikes, quirks, abilities, etc. This is your 'Occult Mirror' to your soul. You should also have a section where you log everything about yourself that you don't like such as your weaknesses, fears, phobias, hates, rants, what upsets you, etc., so you can see how you really are. The results is to find some patterns in your life. Note where your real strengths and weaknesses lie. Use this information to later inform the spirits of who you are and what it is you wish to do and how do you propose you get there. They will ultimately decide HOW you obtain your goals but it does not hurt to mention paths of resistance that you only see. Of course Magic takes the path of "least resistance" but that is something most never see until after the fact.

For instance, if you want to make a million dollars, find out what the millionaires in your fields of interest did to make theirs and map out a long term plan to make that wealth a reality.

The soul force within us is a powerful ally if we allow it to manifest. Most cultures refer to it as the "ally" or the modem psychologist calls it 'the "super-ego". This- ally is plugged into the void as well as the "computer blanks of eternal knowledge". You'd do well to leam to talk with this ally and listen to what it has to say.

Planning is a simple task but following the plan is NOT simple. It has been said that most business people who go into business fail within the. first ten years of operation including those who have taken the time to create a business plan. ^thy? Because most of the ones who bothered to make a plan "didn't follow it" and the others had no plan whatsoever.

In the conversation between the Cheshire Cat and Alice:

CC: "Where is it you want to go?"

A: "I don't really know"

CC: "Well then, any road will get you there

Another famous person, Anonymous, once said "The failure to plan is a plan to fail". Think about THAT one!

The simplest way to plan is to:

1. define one thing that you truly want

2. describe the steps necessary to achieve that one thing

3. follow the steps with actions

4. disregard all else while following your plan

5. if you fail, stop, examine and re-plan & execute once again

That's all there is to it contrary to popular belief!


Legba is one of the great loa. He is thought to be the master of the mystic barrier which divides men from spirits and the world of reality from the unseen worlds. He is the chief god of all rituals. He is the god who "opens the gate." When a ceremony begins, the hungan chants, .,Papa Legba, ouvri barrie pou nous passer. " (Open the way for us to pass.) Believers are certain that if Legba grants their plea thev will be able to make contact with the mysterious forces of the universe.

Brief History Of Voodoun

The practice of Hoodeaux begins when the slaves arrived in the Southern parts of the United States. These slaves who were originally from parts of Africa, Haiti and other island communities had varying degrees of religious worship mixed with magical practices.

Their magical practices varied with the traditions they followed as well as the methods they used. With varying degrees of practice, the basics ofHoodeaux were born in New Orleans. Practitioners sprang up claiming great insight and powers while others went about their merry ways performing rites and spells for both slaves and their white masters.

One of the most famous practitioners ofHoodeaux was Marie Laveau. She held the residents ofNew Orleans in an iron grip ofHoodeaux for many years. Conflicting stories about her powers and personal life fill the books of modern authors but since no one from her time survives today that actually knew her rather stories, myths and pure speculation can be said about her.

Other Sorcerers came to prominence such as Dr. John, Papa Doc, Marie Saloppe, Senite Dede, and others. Some were outright charlatans while others it was reported possessed uncanny abilities to read futures in divinations, or cast successful love spells and other such physical desires. Most of these Sorcerers charged for their services and many were paid handsomely for the results they achieved for their clients.

Other portions of the South such as the Ozarks has bred its own folklore aboutHoodeaux. In those hills, folks refer to Voodoun as "Hoodoo" or "Hoodeaux". Some make a distinction between Voodoun and Hoodoo where the former is considered to be a "religion of worship " and the latter a "practice of magic".

Folklore is heavily steeped into the history ofVoodoun magic and one who is eager can find a plethora of information about using this folklore as an adjunct to their Hoodeaux.

Most folks called spells "workings" and those who practiced such spells "workers".

If we ex^ine the black slave Tituba who taught the children of Salem, Massachusetts some ofher homeland's (West Indies) stories of magic, then we can see that she was probably steeped in some of the esoteric folklore that is so common amongst the minorities even unto today.

Voodoun has come and gone in spurts in the New Orleans region as well as the rest of the Southern parts of the United States. It has never . truly gone away BUT it has slipped underground usually out of fear of reprisal. Voodounists don't like their workings to be known outside of their circles. They normally don't publish many instructional manuals nor do they broadcast to the world about what it is they really do.

This mystery can be a two edged sword in that it can harm the V oodounists because what people don't understand, they tend to fear. Then you have the other side of the sword where mystery is a good thing in that it helps to keep the nosey at a safe distance.

Over the years, there have been attempts at documenting Voodoun rites & ceremonies and you can read ab o ut these instances from the books listed in the b ibliographies throughout this course. Realistically though for you to find the current, you must have the will and desire to tap into it. Normally it doesn't come just looking for you but in rare cases it has happened.

Historically Voodounists have used practically anything and everything in their workings. This is because many of them were too broke to buy the nicer things they needed for traditional spells and also that many of them saw the need to use "sympathetic magic" which is a variant of the "like attracts like" theory. Ifthey wanted to cause someone's death, then they'd probably use coffin nails in the working to sympathetically draw in the energies associated with death and nailing one's coffin shut. Eerie or gruesome it can be called but effectual it truly is.

Reposoir or Spirit's Tree Home

sex play

Voodoun or Hoodoo?

It all depends on who you talk to and what day of the week it is for the name of Voodoun, Voodoun, Vaudaun, Vodu, Hoodoo, Hoodeaux, Hoodu, etc., to be uttered as the real way to pronounce it. In fact, the practitioners themselves have differences of op in ion about the etymology ofthe word. Most however call it Voodoun or Voodoo.

There are an equal number of practitioners who call it Hoodoo. This is because Voodoun is looked upon as being more religious in ethic and practice than the former which is considered to be the arcane Magical practices of the Voodoun Shaman.

Hoodoo is in fact the Magic of the Bokor or Houngan. It is wise to understand this basic concept so that if you run into a practitioner and make a refe_rence to a practice of either, they'll understand what you're talking about.

Frankly, the folks I've known in the Florida area who were Voodoun!Hoodoo practitioners called themselves 'Workers' and their rituals or spells "Workings". This is a kind of code that allows those who know what is being spoken of whilst others merely shake their heads. Besides, it seems to be politically correct to say "I'm doing a working on someone" rather than saying "I'm cursing this here fool." Also you have less of the fear stigma with the word "Worker" than "Witch; Sorcerer; Houngan or even Bokor".

Okay so now that you understand this, what next? Is it enough to simply 'know the difference between the two?' Not it is not. You should decide what to spend your efforts on from this point on. Are you interested in making contact with the Old LOA or are you interested only in working Magic much like a Bokor?

The reason it is importrtant is so that you will not waste your valuable time learnipg it all . when you only wish to leam a certain aspect. This is a sad mistake of many in the Occult though and years ago, even I thought I could le^ it all. Well the fact is you may leam it all but you will never (in this lifetime of course) master it all! There is too muchto learn and practice.

In Wicca, there are those who are interested in worshipping the Goddess only whilst others are more interested in the practice of Magic. There i s a dichotomy here. Bo th take time to learn, and practice effectively. Note that some individuals only want to tate the path of the Mystic and not bother with practicing Magic. These folks are more interested in the clergy aspects of Voodoun.

Some folks, like Chaos Magickians, are not interested in the pantheons of Gods or studying the archetypes but rather in controlling their own destinies & manipulating the world around them. This will involve more Sorcery than spiritual Magick. Sorcery can be dangerous because the lust of power can be quite intoxicating. I cannot harp on this warning too much so keep this firmly in your mind as you tread the path!

If you simply wish to serve and act as a liason for the LOA, then consider the rigorous path ofthe Houngan and Mambo. This course does not teach one how to become one such as this. There are some folks in New Orleans who are attempting to put together a mail order course in becoming a Houngan and Mambo in which you'd study at home and then make a pilgrimage to their Voodoun Temple in New Orleans, LA to be initiated into the Mysteries.

This course does focus on learning to tap into the powers of the Hoodoo Masters. Casting-spells, hexes, curses,-healings, and etcetera for both yourself and others. It is a pragmatic course and you should consider both halves before you make up your mind totally.

A Song to Agwe

Maitre Agwe, where are you?

Don't you see I'm on the reeP Maitre Agwe, where are you? Don't you see I'm on the sea?

I've a rudder in my hand;

I can't go back.

I'm already going forward;

I can't turn back.

Agwe-taroyo, where are you?

Don’t you see I'm on the reef?

A sOng for Erzulie

Ah, the lovely woman WhlO'' is Erzulie!

Oh, I will give you a present

Before you go away, Abobo.

Find a Good Job

protects buildings

Cause Insanity

Gambling Luck

Role of the Priesthood

In some Voodoun Temples there are 'two' who make the day to day decisions on behalf ofthe Temple:

The Mambo - the High Priestess

The Houngan - the High Priest

The clergy is akin to many Pagan religions throughout the world. The balance hr New Orleans Voodoun is that both cary the weight of power equally. One is not lorded over the other.

The job of the Houngan!Mambo is one of social and religious importance. They are the Shamans whose task it is to represent the community to the LOA. This aspect takes into account that much of what either will learn will be from an existing Houngan or Mambo. However there are times when the Spirits themselves- will teach the clergy alone and impart great knowledge if the clergy decides to listen. But of course this is true for all religious leaders however the Voodoun clergy has a better track record of heeding the advice a LOA will bestow upon them.

Sometimes the LOA will want the clergy member to banish one of the worshippers. This can have dire consequences for the excommunicated, i.e. banished member, if they have somehow managed to upset the LOA. Here is where the clergy's training will come in handy for it is their job specifically to intercede for the victim to the LOA and find out what the victim can do to redeem himself. This can take days if it is a bad thing the victim has done or it can take as little as the victim going out and buying some quality rum and cigars for the LOA as a sacrifice.

Other duties of the clergy include psychological - counselor. Many practitioners have their doors (not literally) unlocked for' their" laity to come calling. Some of these people have simple problems - that are psychologicalin nature and do not invoIve the Gods.

Disce^rnent is key to the practitioner to determine if this is the case or if they have a real dilemma. Once a diagnosis is - reached;then"the treatment begins. Sometimes this can be simple counseling as in listening witri an ppen mind and ears alert or perhaps by engaging the. individual in some mock type ofceremony designed to act as a placebo

Divination is another facet of the work a Mambo or Houngan has to provide the community. ^hrs is not an easy art to learn and still it takes guidance from one's higher self to determine what is the problem then what is the best path past the problem. Old timers still like the Ofi shell divination or bone casting of Geomancy. Some of the younger ones will be more inclined to learn Tarot or Astrology if it suits them.

1 Why bother the Spirits for non-spiritual problems?

Still another aspect is as a judge. Here the clergy have to mete out settlements, disputes, punishments and rewards all according to what the Spirits demand. This can be the most difficult if the clergy is not receptive to the goings on in the community. Keeping track of tn© local politics and who is doing what to whom can seem tedious and downright nosey but it is sometimes necessary to involve yourself so that there remains h^mony and a sense of peace when all are worshipping in the Temple workings.

Hqw To Become A Priest/ess

Many have said "you don't decide to become a Houngan or Mambo-- the LOA call you!" In fact this parallels the Christian belief that God calls men to become his ministers rather than a person himself deciding to become a pastor. The calling is not likely to be ignored and one of the niftiest cases of such is listed by S. Jason Black2^ He tells of almost a frightening story where the LOA insisted that he le^ the practice. Luckily, Black was an initiate into the Occult for some time prior to being called by the LOA.

The training is rigorous as I've previously stated. Sometimes this involves vision questing and long periods of fasting to find out specific information from the Spirits. According to Alfred Metraux in hrs book, Voodoun In Haiti:

"Most candidates for the priesthood go through a course of instruction lasting several months or even years with a hungan or nwmbo who wishes to take them on.3"

Then the candidate is separated from the world. This is accomplished by the following:

"The hungan-to-be is shut up in one of the sanctuary rooms for nine days. He lies on a straw mat with his asson by his side. His head rests on a stone under which a pack of cards has been placed. 4"

Of course there are those who have been trained without the help of a Mambo or Hoangan or Bokor. These folks are said to be initiated by the Spirits themselves.

"Among the LOA, Ogu, Legba, Ayian and Simbi regard themselves as proper hungan and undertake the instruction of certain novices, selected by them. 5"

^Inat 'is important however is that the LOA will usually teach the initiate in their dreams. They are one of the ways the LOA will deliver specific information. Of course this is not the only- way as personal inspiration is another method. _ This is the most co^mmon way of le^anng from the Spirits.

Urban Voodoun by S. Jason Black & Dr. Christopher Hyatt (New Falcon Press; 1996)

P- - v& Voodoun In Haiti by Alfred Metraux (Schocken; 1959)

p. 69 ibid.

p. 68, ibid.

Other methods may involve direct communication such as clairaudience or perhaps through an oracle such as the Ouija.

In any event, what matters is that the Initiate has been transformed from a mere mortal into a person of Power who is able to sumom n help and cause events to transpire through Magic and the Occult.

- PIMPERNEL - Kept in the home to prevent illness.

- POKE ROOT -Mix with wax and throw into water to force an enemy to move.

- POPPY - Insures peaceful sleep and aids in assuaging grief.

- POLE CAT WEED - Place in enemy's doo^rway every 17 days to keep him hexed.

- PRIMROSE - Sew into children's pillow to insure respect and truthfulness.

- PURPLE DULCE- Keep in jar of vinegar to encourage harmony in the home.

- QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT - Brings love when given to another.

- QUEEN OF THE MEADOW - Banishes ghosts from where this is kept.

- QUEEN'S ROOT - Corry to attract a lover.

- QUINCE SEED - Soak in lucky b l ue ing and add to was water.

- RED CLOVER -A charm against witches, demons, snakes.

- RED ROOT- Make a cross of this at your front door so evil will not pass.

- ROSE BUDS -Wear near bosom to attract men.

- ROSEMARY -Strengthens memory and the heart.

- RUE - Protects the home from unwelcome visitors.

- SACRED BARK - Said to pro tect against hex spells.

- ST. JOHN'S BREAD- He who carries this will never know hunger.

- ST. JOHNSWORT- Hang over bed to dream of your future mate.

- SALT PETER- A diuretic for animals, a sexual depressant for humans.

- SANDALWOOD - Fine incense, or corry for good luck.

- SCULLCAP - Wo man who wears this insures, her husband from other's charms.

- SEA LETTUCE - Keep in bottle of alcohol for prolonged good luck.

- SEA WRACK - Burn in paper on which wish is written for quick fulfillment.

- SILVER LEAF - Burn and follow direction of smoke to lost item or treasure.

- SKUNK CABBAGE- Alleged torepel evil forces.

- SLIPPERY ELM - Sprinkle on voodoo doll and bury to stop gossip.

- SOLOMON SEAL - A pinch in eavery com er will exorcise evil spirits.

- SOUTHERN JOHN THE CONQUEROR - Corry so sl an der can't harm you.

- SPEARMINT - Stuff in pillow or mattress for protection.

j    Role Of The Bokor[6]

\While the functions of the Mambo & Houngan are -Temple oriented, the role of the community Sorcerer is under the jurisdiction of the Bokor. This individual is responsible for working good and ill for his clients.

"^hile the Bokor is purely a Sorcerer, he[7] is not totally evil. In fact, according to folklore, the practitioner is not responsible for the harm he causes but rather the client who pays the Bokor to do the malefic Magic is the one who takes the consequences upon himself

Essentially the Bokor will work the Spirits by making deals with them rather than serving them as the M am bo & Houngan do the LOA. The Bokor will make offerings of r^m, cigars, candies, toys, well prepared meals, money, etc. as bribes if it will help to get the Spirits help him with his goals and those of his clients.

Some Bokors will have a familiar spirit which either they can entrap or have given to "them by their patron Spirit. Not all Bokors have a familiar because sometimes obtaining one can involve long, drawn out rites and ceremonies that can drain a person. Other times it is very, very expensive to obtain them and this in itself can be too much of a financial burdem to bear. Familiars too have to be paid. Remember, nothing in life is free.

In Palo Mayombe, a Mayombero, who is akin to the Voodoun's Bokor, obtains his familiar Spirit by visiting a cemetery and digging up the skull and a femur bone from a person. Then these bones are used in a black cauldron along with a variety of foul smelling herbs and a black dog or rooster and other incredible items. The Spirit is invited to come and live in this cauldron which is like making a mini-universe for the Spirit to ; reside in. Then when a person is targeted for a nasty spell, the Mayombero will ask his Spirit to chase down! the victim and kill him/her quickly and effectively.

Bokors have a similar way to this which is to obtain a Spirit of a deceased person and place them -into a Govi or ritual pottery to reside. There are all sorts of ingredients put into the Govi for the Spirit to feed off of. ^inen the Bokor wishes ill on someone, he ^whispers to the Govi Spirit to go and feed on the victim's soul-force until they weaken 'and die.

Practical Exercise One:

Opening The Gates

Hand copy this veve ofLegba onto a piece ofhigh quality parchment paper (8.5 X 1 1") that you can get at any print shop. (Just so you don't think you'll break your bank over this, I can buy a piece of white parchment paper for only $0.04 a sheet. How much cheaper must it be?)

Once this veve is hand copied as neatly as possible, find a suitable 8.5 X 11" picture frame to place it in. Now put the picture into the frame and hang on a wall where you will be setting up shop with a permanent8 altar. Clean the frame and wall where the veve •

will be hung with Florida Water.

Sit and stare intently at the veve and take your finger and draw a cross by tracing the two longest lines starting from the top moving down on the verticle line then start atthe longest horizontal line on the left and move to the right.

See the cross glowing in front of you. Say:

"Papa Legba, I ask you to please open the gates of Wisdom & Divine Knowledge! Please Papa Legba, open the gates for the LOA to teach me! Papa Legba, help me to learn!"

Sit and meditate. Let your consciousness flow and watch for any unusual symbols such as colors, shapes or certain amounts of things. For instance if you see a flock of geese flying in formation, note how many you see and what shape are they in? Try to correspond the shape to an Occult shape or perhaps the shape means something else other than esoteric.

Next say your request aloud and then chant the following:

"Papa Legba, I believe in You! Papa Legba, I trust in You.! Papa Legba, I have faith in you!!"

\When finished, thank Papa Legba and reverse the cross by drawing it in the opposite direction than you originally drew it in and say:

"Thank you Papa Legba and now I ask you to close the gates!'"


Veve of Legba

Self Quiz# 1

True or False (5 questions)

1. T or F The Bokor worships the LOA.

2. Tor F People believe misinformation regarding Voodoun because "they don't want to hear the truth".

3. Tor F Joseph Campbell said, "I work Voodoun"

4. Tor F Voodoun Magic is so strong because it's the oldest system available.

5. Tor F Hoodoo is the Magic of the Bokor.

Veve for Agasson

Lesson TWO

Voodoun In Contrast to Huna

Tools Of The Hoodeaux Practitioner

Altars As Holy Places


Voodoun And Its Cousins

Practical Exercise




Voodoo Doll 1

John the Conqueror Incense 1 piece

Seal of Maphistophilis 1

This spell breaking charm was said by Marie Lavea to be good only when you know the name of the perso who is trying to cause the harm. If a doll is not availabt simply cut a silhoutte of a human figure out of a piece< newspaper. It makes no difference how crudely the figtl turns out. Now write the name of the person on the papj doll, or write it on a small piece of parchment paper an. glue . or pin it on a regular Voodoo doll.

Then, each day, ship off a piece of the doll, or tear off- small piece of the paper doll you have made. SlowJ murmur the following invocation as each p i ece is burner

0 curse placer, you are stopped, you are hampered.

by the great power of Damballah's spirit. Your yondiegs&etComd, your legs become weak, your back aches. Your head is befuddled, your teeth chatter and your loins quiver. 0 terrible one, release thts' sufferer or you must bear the most horrible conse^ quences. Be damned!

V oodoun In Contrast to Huna 1

Many of you that are now studying Voodoun may have not heard of Huna. While Voodoun is pretty much known throughout the speaking world, the mysteries of Huna are not as well known. This is because Voodoun was and is practiced primarily by the African-Americans, Haitains, Jamaicans and traditional Mrican tribes.

Huna is a polynesian system that has been practiced by the Polynesians for centuries.

The more co^mmon form of Huna is that of Max Freedom Long who believed that the Kahunas2, who either naturally died out or went underground, hid the way to use their system in the everyday common Hawaiin language.

There are many modem scholars who challenge Long's theory. One of the main agruments against his theory is that he gleaned his information from the 'Hawaiin' language yet there are many isles of Polynesian peoples who didn't and some still don't speak Hawaiin. Obviously their version of Huna might be somewhat different if, as Long postulated, the truth ofHuna was in fact hidden within the language.

Nevertheless, many are the adherents to mo dem Huna as taught by Max Freedo m Long. Some quick history of Long will uncover that he war a knowledgeable Theosophist. In his writings you will see quite a few of his Theosophical beliefs. Yet when compared to Voodoun, Huna has some similarities which can be shared between the two which should help create a strong environment for the Hoodeaux.

Regardless . of how youp erso nal ly feel about L ong and his 'authentic' theories, in this coarse, it will be' of are to the stodentto acquire two of his books (see Reading Assi^unent$)^d study them as there' is much practical information within them that you can mmake- -powi^ui. use Q.f including the "Huua Death Prayer".

Nptonfy does Voo.doWl' - share similarities with Huna but in some instances, it shares other similarities ' WithNative .thinierican. Sharo.anism of'the plains Indians. Now some may feel I'm stretching it' a bit but laris look at what I'm jabbering about:

1. Vo odoun recognizes the world of Spirits

* so does Huna and Native American Shamanism

2. The Voodoun practitioner uses trance states to contact the Spirit world

* ar . do es the Kahunas & Native ^American Shamans

3. Voodoun is a polytheistic belief system

* Huna & Native ^American Shamanism are the same

1 Huna means secret

2 Kahuna - keepers ofthe secret

4. The Voodoun practitioner uses a strong personal belief system (faith) as its backbone •

* so does the Kahunas & Native American Shamans

So as you can see, there are some definite similarities as well as some major differences.

Yet all three share their darker sides as well but then so do many other metaphysical traditions.

Huna believes that there is energy within the air itself which the practitioner can absorb into himself by a rite of deep breathing. This can be a very effectual practice for the Voodoun practitioner to utilize in that it can quickly charge one up for a ritual at hand.

There are other beliefs of the Kahuna that may be of use to the Voodoun practitioner. Please glance through the reading assi^ments and the course's Recommended Reading List..

Huna Rite Of Energy Absorption

Stand erect with your feet under each shoulder. Let your arms hang limply for a few moments and then begin deep breathing. Visualize yourself standing in a radiant pool of water. This pool is pure; energy and has taken the form of water which is the Huna symbol for mana.

Take your arms and stretch them out from you to either side. One palm up and the other palm down. Breathe deeply. The palm that is do-wn suddenly.feels w^m and you can see that the pool's ' water is attracted to it A smal stream of water flows upward to the do^-^med palm and it flows up your ^m into your being.

Feel the rushing .energy into. you ^d knowahat the energy is good. and cleansing. Let it wash your insides ^d it touches each of your power centers inside your being. Finally after it has hadachanceof working its healing inside you, now let it flow out your other ^arm through the-up^afted -p alm aftd let it' fallbackinto the pool of energy.

Tales are also told about the infamous Huna Death Prayer. According to Max Freedom Long, what a Kahuna would do is simply call one of his working spirits or familiars and send it to enter into the victim and then 'uncurl'. This caused all manner of pain and suffering in the victim.

Utilizing The Huna Death Prayer

1. Choose your victim.

2. Summon your familiar or a Gheude spirif

3. Speak the name of the victim to the spirit

4. Will the entity to enter into the victim thru the solar plexus

5. Once inside, have the entity begin to de-vitalize the victim by feeding on him/her


Seal of Lettuce Spirit

7 drops

Uncrossing Oil

1 bottle

Uncrossing Bath Oil

1 bottle

Jinx Removi:p.g Bath Oil

1 bottle

Uncrossing Powder

1 packet

Start your uncrossing ritual by putting the Seal of Lettuce Spirit in a glass of rain water. Stir ' in 9 drops of Uncrossing Oil and blend thoroughly. Set this in a win dow and leave it for 3 days. On the fourth day, sprinkle the water in .all corners of - your home. Do' this only when alone for no op.e- must :be able to observe you doing it.

Then bathe, each day for 7 consecutive days, in warm water to which 1 teaspoon of Uncrossing Beith Oil and 1 : teaspoon of Jinx Bemavhng Bath Oil ' have been added. When finished bathing, : dry . off and then rub Uncrossing Oil an over your body.: Sp^^ a jittje; Uncrossing Powd^ er in your socks and shoes.

3 see later lessons on how to acquire one of these as a working familiar

Tools Of The Hoodeaux

When one watches the Hollywood Occult movies about Voodoun, usually they show an altar with dozens of lit candles, skulls, feathers, bowls of blood and etcetera. Of course when they make a movie about Witchcraft they don't portray it much better either, ala Warlock. Be that as it may, we can't go to Hollywood for factually accurate information concerning the Occult.

Traditionally, there are few things that are different in Voodoun from its distant cousin, European Witchcraft. Now before we jump into the 'what-you-need-to-practice- Voodoun-with', let's examine the folks who practiced it in the South from the last couple hundred years to the present.

The African-Americans first came over as slaves. They were poorer than poor. Hell they didn't even o^ themselves! Church mice had more freedom since they could go where they may. When the practices ofVoodoun began in the states, the slaves had to make do with whatever it was they had at hand. This led to a lot of improvising. Oh I'm sure some 'appropriated' some things from the slave-owner's home or a local parish, but I believe that it was more likely a slave made do with what they could obtain normally rather than risk a beating or death for stealing.

When one is financially destitute, one will find many ways to improvise and get along without things. I know because I've been there myself. So therefore the slaves made many oftheir tools and implements for their rites. What they did have plenty of was a healthy crop of personal faith. They instinctively knew that they could pull off a successful ritual with only a minimal amount of equipment. It's been said that faith can move mountains so if that's all you have well you're more than halfway there.

Later on after the slaves became free, many were still poor btit they had more than they did while under the yoke of slavery. Thus when the Bokors, Houngans & Mambos began making potions and churns for their 'clients' they included eve^rything but the kitchen sink. If you look at some of the early potion recipes, you will see a variety of everyday tidngs in there like shredded newsprint & dollar bills, iron filings, coins, brick or chalk dust, and a host of other ^dngs that don't appear on the surface to have any real Occult or ritual significance.

So understand that when it comes to practicing Voodoun Magic, pretty much anything goes so long as if 'fife' or makes sense. It's not the same if you simply include something because it sounds good; it should have some significance to the ritual's success. Of course, if your personal LOA instructs you to do or use something, then it is probably wise to heed their words.

Now I'm not sure 'why' but the practitioner who invented Boss Fix powder used 'shredded news print' in the recipe as the reason for adding this part of the recipe has been forgotten. But let's consider that whoever created this potion most likely had Divine inspiration or direct instruction from their patron LOA. The only valid reason I could assume shredde d newsprint was used was perhap s the 'boss' would read the daily paper thus 'this was . a strong connection to he who was the boss.

Don't think that you have to create your system of Voodoun Magic all by yourseIf. Just learn to listen to your patron LOA, whoever that may be, for instructions and ideas. Most time s your information will come by direct i nsp iration or p o ss ib ly even more esoteric such as dreaming.

The Rattle aka The Asson

This important tool is used because it is Holy to Damballah, Lord of All the LOA who is personified as a huge snake. The rattle is used by shaking it around the altar as if you were drawing in good spirits and then washing away the negative or bad spirit energies.

Your rattle can be used to trace veves either on the ground or in the air over your altar thereby charging the place with the ache of your LOA. Traditionally, the rattle called the Asson, has a ring of beads in rows on outside bulb of the rattle. It is used by beating on the Veves which are drawn, on the ground in an effort to ch arg e them for the LOA to descend through.

I us e my rattle to invoke Papa Legba by drawing an equal ^med cross in the air over my altar. Then I shake my rattle three times with my left hand at the center of the cross which is my way of knocking on the door to Papa Legba's reainf. Then I insert my hands into the cross and pull apart like a veil. Hold your painfs together out in . front- of you with and push. into the c ent er of the cross. No w slowly .and reverently, pull back the Astral curtain. This is a gesture of- greeting, .from, ine, to ,PapaLegba. Tm opehingthe door or rather like a' screen door while he's ^guarding the main entrance door,' Done correctly, it adds to the power invoked.

If you wish to find such' a rattle, try as king for ' a shekerie. I took a -. class, on making one once and they are s imp le to m,ake but the toughest part is choo s ing the right ^ird of gourd. The noise, made is not that of the iiner seeds but rather the sound of the glass beads on- the outer shell of the- gourd. Red and black beads make a- great asson devoted to Papa Legba.

Altars As Holy Places

The work of the Voodounist takes place at a central place called an altar. The altar can be any flat surface that lit candles can rest safely on. This flat surface can be an old bureau, milk crate, coffee table, etc. I know of a practitioner who uses a rough box which is the container that a casket is shipped in. This p articular rough box was used to s hip a c hi Id' s coffin in thus it is relatively small.

IGAS has portable altars which fold out of a suitcase. This is a handy thing to have especially for Voodounists who are sales professionals or anyone who travels regularly. They can be gotten by calling Thorguard Templar at IGAS at 760-327-7355 or writing the Guild and asking them to send you a catalog with curer nt prices.

Here is an example of a simplified altar setup:


I    I

I ©   0   © !

C   CD Book

The symboIs @ signify the two altar candles at the back of the altar. They are as follows:

^White - anointed with Hi-Altar oil for positive spiritual workings or Van Yan oil; for po sitive material workings

Black - anointed with Tiphareth oil for negative spiritual workings .or Van Van oil for ne gative material workings

The 0 symbol is the candle that represents your patron Spirit or LOA. This is b^ned every time you begin any working. It is done out of respect for the Spirit as an offering. Some folks look for a small statuette(s) that is acceptable to their Spirit and use this in place of the candle and then others place this alongside their patron Spirit's candle. ^This is totally up to your patron Spirit. Of course if you can't find a suitable statue, you could draw a veve of your patron LOA onto a fine piece of parchment paper and then frame it.

The candle that is © is the object candle. This candle is colored a specific color for a specific type of working. Then you have the symbol "C" which is your c ens er where yo u b^ incense for the working. The censer is a dish that holds some gravel, sand or kitty litter that to absorb the heat from the hot charcoal block used to b^n the incense.

Finally the book is either this book or a private diary wherein you write your rituals and chants for dealing with the Spirits. That, my friend, is a simplified altar. Of course, this doesn't stop there. You will have offerings to your patron such as:

✵ Rum or other liqueurs

✵ C andie s

✵ S mall toy s

✵ Cigars or other fme tobacco

✵ Silver bowls of spring water

✵ A fully cooked plate of spicy food

✵ A plate of fine desserts

✵ Etc.

The majority of practiti oners find s o mething that their patron S p irit enjoys and then offers that to them every so often -- as the Spirit dictates. If your Spirit demands' something of the vein of blood such as from ^animals, people, etc., then be cautious! Perhaps you may want to see if the Spirit can be either placated with another typ e of offering or if you can get an alternative Spirit patron to teach you. Advise the patron Spirit that blood sacrifice, though legal in some third world nations, is both frowned upon and illegal here in the u.s.

The altar is the place for all of your offerings. You can either draw your Veves out on the altar 'using- co^rnmeal (traditional), by using a Magical powder s uch as Kabala- which is gu aid- to invoking the Spirits . OR draw- the veve oUon fine parchment. paper ^d . l ay itinthe center of your altar.

In time, y ou’ll find that the altar is a Holy place for you to do your Sorceries and workings. Be respectctful and the Spmts Wl:H• guide you in how to set it up according to your workings with them that will yield the maximum amount of results.

Veve for drums and for Ogan


The study of divinations is very great indeed. It would and does take up whole courses of study in and of themselves. One ofthe traditional methods of divination is the Obi4 which is simplified here for you.

Take up four disks of wood. On one side, color them black and the opposite side, white. When asking a question of the Spirits, throw the disks onto your altar top. There usually is only one throw per question as each question must be postulated in the form ofeither a 'yes' or 'no' question. There are two exceptions to this and that is when either Alafia or Etawa come up. Then there must be two throws to divine the answer. If you get Etawa (struggle) first, then Alafia (peace) second, then this meaning is taken as "struggle resulting in peace".

There are five possible outcomes to the question and they are: @ @@@ - Alafia (peace) = too much in a reading indicates an imbalance and unfocused attitude. A quiet, albeit good omen, especially when appears after a period of struggle. Since it is an imbalance of pure positive energy, there must be a second throw to divine the final answer.

(!)@@@ - Etawa (struggle) = conflict with a person or persons or with a difficult situation. Confusion; things not in their proper place. Depending on the subject of the question, it can be either a major or minor event. Since conflict always has an outcoiJle, a second throw must be made to divine the answer.

0. (!)@@ - Ejife (balance) = considered to be the most fortunate; acceptable balance of'light and dark to create' a haarmonious situation.

(!)(!) 0@ - Okana (some good, some bad) = generally speaking that all is well and implies that one element may be less than satisfactory.

0 (i) 0 0 - Oye^m (darkness) = another name is 'full twilight' and is the pol(lf complinient to Alafia because it is negative power at its- very height. It implies ^flugnces •     • <

of the worst kind. If it comes up, then traditionally, you're suppose4 cancel the divination, light a candle and ask the protection of your ancestors. ' Iri 'a. 'benign sense it merely means that the question cannot be answered.

4 Gracious thanks to Sebastian Jason Black and Dr. Chris Hyatt's book, Urban Voodoun as it has a wonderfully simple method of Obi divination. This is a version of their work.

Since there is a second casting for the Alafia and Etawa answer, here are the traditional meanings:

Alafia & Alafia = complacency; ^aiger of laziness or possibly dr^akeness. If a task is at hand to be completed, please remain sober until finished.

Alafia & Etawa =atime of peace before a struggle; you're advised, to remain calm and work with a clear head if you want to win in the oncoming struggle.

Alafia & Ej ife = good omen that combines cool-headedness & balance. Implies a 'whatever will be, will be' attitude which is good.

Alafia & Okana = implies that regardless of the serenity and planning gone into a project through Alafia, Okana will throw a monkey wrench into the works.

Alafia & Oyekun = sudden, unexpected occurrence of a dis aster; a waning of extreme caution and that dark elements can't be calculated in advance nor accounted for.

Etawa & Alafia = yo u' 11 get peace after you ’ ve earned' it.

Etawa & Etawa = a struggle after a struggle; use of unrel^ntmg effort before the desired goal is achieved. W^ing that if you slack off, youire like!y to ffaiLor in other words that regardless of what you do, nothing will go right

.                '.' •


Etawa . & Ejife = struggles leading -to perfect-bhlanCe <ci Wall . as a successful outcome.

Etawa & Okana = regardless of how hard we plan and work to execute those plans, it

takes only one little thing to foul up the. works.. Mother way of iooking at it is working for perfection and only getting medipcrity ' instead.

Etawa & Oyekun = struggle daily to . end in defeat; our . own energies are even used against us for our defeat; get out or duck!

According to Hyatt & Black’s book, Urban Voodoo, you can throw more than once by asking more than one question about a person(s) or situation(s).

I present this technique to you to try. It is a rare form of divination that most whites have not heard of and for some it may prove to be better than Tarot and other standard European divinational systems.

I’ve tried it a few times with little success myself mainly I feel because it just doesn’t jive with me all that well. My Sorcerer friend, Nick Sigala, says that Legba talks to him thru this system and no other. He gets good answers from it so there’s something to it.

I m an old stick in the mud I guess and I get accurate results with Geomancy which is outlined in the Magus Ritual Magic course for those interested.


This is a rather comp l e x he al i ng charm, but it is well worth qeveloping. It is said to have been one of Ma;1_e Laveau's most powerful Voodoo charms for overcommg and averting all types of illnesses as well as all harr from an enemy's hex. Get the following ingredie nts (see appendix for s o urce s) and put them in a neat pile:

Eucalyptus Leaves 2 . teaspoons Thyme Leaves 2 teaspoons Wi nter’s Bark  1 cup .

Crush these materials until they are a fine powder and then bake in a hot over (450 degrees) for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and then add:

4 teaspoons

2 teaspoons

^ cup

2 teaspoons

1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon

4 teaspoons


Myrrh Incense Olibanum Powder Orris Root Powder

Sage Powder


Violet Powder

! Mix all of these things together and place in a group of small red flannel bags or chamois sacks. Tie the tops together tightly and attach a white cotton string. Wear one of these bags around your neck. A little of this blend is to be poured out and burned in your house each day. When one bag is empty, wear another in its place. Do this consistently and no one in your house will ever become sick or be harmed in any other manner.

Voodoun And Its Cousins

Out ofall of its cousins, Voodoun has a lot in common with Macumba which is Brazillian Witchcraft. There are some differences but many things that go along fine among the practitioners in Africa within the Yaruba and Dahomey tribes as well as those who practice the Magic in places like Haiti, Cuba, South Florida, Mexico, New York-Los Angeles, New Orleans, the Carolinas, and more.

Macumba is the folk religion of South America that is somewhat like Wicca is here in the United States. It's not dark actually but rather more neutral in personal orientation and focus.

Then you have the Caribbean sister to Voodoun, Santeria This Occult art form received much bad press from lame Hollywood movies such as 'The Believers' as well as from the sensationalized six o'clock news stories about Santeros & Santeras5 sacrificing chickens, cows and goats in the routine of their religious beliefs.

Since this course deals mainly in Voodoun Magic or Hoodeaux, it will cover more of that rather than much of the religious parts. However, we will borrow some information from Santeria since both systems are close in practice. There are some excellent sources out there on Santeria and obtaining a few will help you to understand this practice in much more detail.

Macumba is a wonderful system that is from Brazil and it is much like Voodoun. There are a couple of good books about this system. The book, D^rum & Candle is curently out of print which is sad since it covers quite a bit of material by author David St. Clair but you still can get the book, Sarava! by Ms. Carolyn Dow. There are a lot of other books out there on this subject but the majority of them are "written in Portuguese, the official lang®ge of Brailians. If you can read Portuguese, then there is much more for you to glean from. Otherwise, these two books offer much at least from the comparison aspect.

Then we have Quimbanda (pronounced "kim-band-ah") which is the darker half of Macumba. It tends to focus more on the souls of the dead in practice but not like its cousin-crafts since they deal more with the Living Spirits or Orishas. Many consider this practice to be tied to Palo Mayombe due to its 'working with the dead' aspects.

Next we will see that Candomble is another spiritualized Voodoun-ish practice native to Latin America. Candomble is focused more on the s^^rnoning of Spirits ala Allen Kardec. By using the techniques that spiritualists have used successfully, practitioners are better able to become possessed by one's Orisha. These are not the Theosophist Spiritualists from Lillydale and Cassadega but rather those who seek the deceased to help

5 I.e. Santero = priest; Santera = priestess. them gain power in this life and to make their transition to death more easily when they pass on.

Of all the Latino-African Magical p ractic e s, Palo Mayo mb e rei^s as one o f the mo st awesome and fiendish of the dark necromantic arts! It focuses on having one become a P alero/P al era, which is a practitioner that is more akin to the Ne cro mance rs of medieval Europe than anything else. There are strong elements of Santeria and Voodoun thrown in because ofthe Spirit workings but the herbal lore is derived essentially from the Congo rites and practices of the Congolese. The Paler/o/a is concerned with obtaining a dead soul as his spirit familiar.

The spirit familiar lives in a black cast iron cauldron or sometimes a clay pot called a nganga. This pot serves as the home to the familiar who, once bound with rituals and spells to the Palero, will work wonders for the Mage. Some folks have asserted that the Paleros use the cauldron like the Medieval European Witches did. For the Palero will put such dead things as a snake, scorpion, black rooster, black dog, black widow spiders, etc., into the cauldron along with a host ofdirts from crossroads, cemetaries and all manner of herbs and p al oes6

Finally, the last cousin ofVoodoun.I will speak of is Brujaria. This is a system that's native to Mexico. I've always thought this religious practice to be a co us in to Voodoun and Witchcraft. Amazing how many of the aspects of this practice parallel those in other traditions is it not?

The only book I've been able to locate that tells anything of the practice ofBrujaria is called Mexican Magic from a certain publisher in the central United States. ft doesn’t appear too authentic s inc e the practic e supposedly ste ms from a Goddess (Guadalupe) only asp e cf. ^This works' okay but where are the male Go ds ? Surely this system is not lop s ide d to wo rship women only?

Of course Lewis Spence, whose scho larship has been called on the mat in rec ent years, wrote a book called Magic ^d Mystery fu Mexic o but rather than about Voodoun or Witchcraft it's more on the mIIJyths and legends of the Incas and Aztecs with little in the way of rituals, spells 01: an^ytpmg we could pattern other useful information on.

According to author Rodman .& Cleaver in their book, Spirits Of The Night: The Vaudun Gods of Haiti,

"The strong Amerindian component in the Petro branch of vaudim has. generally been ignored, largely becuase scholars interested in vaudun have been ^Africaoists, eager to search for sources ' only on the Dark Continent in order to prove the

6 A palo is literally a free sqck. . Most of these are South American in origin but some can be ob^tained here in our cltinates. The cedar tree is ^tin to the ceiba (red silk cotton) tree ^which is highly sacred to the Latin American practitioners. Other paloes used include pine and oak which are available to us in the States.

7 The Goddess in question is the Catholic Guadalupe.

religion "pure" African. 8"

The authors believe that the original inhabitants of Haiti, the Taino and Carib Amerindians had a strong influence upon the slaves from Africa. They go ^further to say:

"The Amerindians. who had come to the islands, from the mainland, were knwon to have contacts with the Mayan and Inca and Aztec civilizations. 9"

Finally, the authors offer up another strong piece of convincing evidence which is that the Haitams used veves which they call "kabblah-like designs " which are drawn on the floor using flour, cornmeal or ashes. According to the authors, these veves were unknown in Africa. What the veves do have in common is with the sand paintings of the Amerindians on both continents1^


Take a Magnetic Lodestone and anoint it we11 with equal amounts of Magnet Oil and John the Conqueror Od. Then wrap the lodestone in a Seal ofSpiritual Assistance and tie with a piece of red cotton yarn or silk ribbon. [3]

Practical Exercise

Hopefully you are keeping a regular schedule of meditation after performing the practical exercise from the first les son. If yo u keep your schedule, Papa Legba will help to teach you much!

In this exercise, we are going- to try and find out who our patron LOA is. This will help make a lot of our work much easier once we know who our patron is to be.

Rite of Contact

Sit facing your veve picture of Legba and perform the Opening of the Gates invocation. Now say:

"Papa Legba! Show me, thy willing pupil, who my patron LOA Spirit is to bel Give me a sure sign! Who is my patron LOA, Papa Legba? Who indeed? "

Now let out your psychic feelers. Open your mind up to the God and let Wm touch your inner self. Not e any sensations or feelings you get at this time. Be on the lookout for these things.

Start shaking your asson. Slowly and let yourself drift off into a trance state. Don't get frightened or scared. Let it happen naturally. The God will possess you slowly and will not fully arrest your body as what happens in a group ceremony but rather offer you a light possession. Embrace the Deity and ask for guidance.

Reading Assignments

Drun & Candle by David St. Clair pp.29-34

ESU-ELEGBA: Ifa And 'The Divine Messenger by Awo Fa'lokun Fa^^mbi pp. 1-30

The Magic Island by William Seabrook pp. 81-91

The Magic & Meaning Of Voodoun by Barbara Christenson pp. 25-33

Spirits Of The Night:The Vaudun Gods Of Haiti by Selden Rodman & Carole Cleaver pp. 31-48; 9-30; 49-55

Faces In The Smoke by Douchan Gersi pp. 159-200

Urban Voodoun by S. Jason Black & Dr. Christopher Hyatt pp. 127-144

Voodoun In Haiti by Alfred Metraux pp. 77-81

Voodoun & Hoodoo by Jim Haskins pp. 75-112

Self Quiz# 2

Multiple Choice

[NOTE: all answers are exact as given in the course only]

1. Hnna is a: system of what peoples?

A.  Polynesian

B.  African

C.  Haitian

D.  Native Americans

2. Voodonn is a __ system

A.  Monotheistic

B.  Polytheistic

C.  Dualistic only

D.  Linear

3. Whien the practice of Voodonn began in - the states, the Voodonn worshippers had to use what?

A.  Only gold plated items

B.  Only items stolen from a Catholic Church

C.  Make do with whatever it was they had at hand

D.  Find a defrocked priest to perform the rites

4. The altar is___

A.  The place for all of your offerings

B.  Where goats & chickens are sacrificed

C.  Where the Bokkor sits when conjuring

D.  A place to burn candles

5. In the section on divination, what does Etawa & Alafia mean?

A.  Struggle daily to end in defeat; our o^ energies are even used against us for our defeat; get out or duck

B.    Struggles leading to perfect balance as well as a successful outcome

C.    A good omen that combines cool-headedness & balance

D.    You'll get peace after you've earned it


1. A. Huna is a polynesian system that has been practiced by the Polynesians for centuries.

2. B. Voodoun is a polytheistic beliefsystem

3. C. When the practices ofVoodoun began in the states, the slaves had to make do with whatever it was they had at hand

4. A. The altar is the place for all of your offerings

5. D. Etawa & Alafia =you'll get peace after you've earned it

Lesson THREE

The Spirit World


LOA: The Old Ones

Levels Of Spirits

Trance Meditation & How To Do It

Voodoun Spell For Love Procurement

Reading Assignments

Mid-Term Exam



The word Bedooh is to be carefully inscribed on rings, charms, or anything else carried on the person. The blade of a pen knife would be suitable as well. This word was 'adopted by modern Voodooists as a device to draw good fortune while gambling.



The Spirit World

In the practice ofVoodoun Magic, you will inevitably run into the world of Spirits. Regardless of how you try to avoid contact with them it is not always easy. In his book, Urban Voodoun co-author S. Jason Black had such a rrin-In with the Spirit world. He describes how he was contacted by the Spirit oflfa and how that Spirit led him to discover a whole new world of Magic and power. Even in the face of Mr. Black's avoidance ofthe Voodoun Spirit world. Essentially, you don't turn your back to the LOA when they call.

In my early years, I too had a similar experience. It happened when I was meditating in front of my shhrine to all Gods since I was practicing traditional Sorcery and Witchcraft without the religious overtones. I had made it a point to avoid the worship[4] aspects of the Occult since I am a pantheist and extremely self-reliant in the areas of spirituality .. Nevertheless, the LOA Simbi made contact with me. He is the LOA ofMagicians and deeper Magical mysteries. Some even consider him another persona of Papa Legba.

Simbi called and I listened. He told me to begin certain practices, (which I will not relate since they are highly personal and once you fmd your patron LOA, you'll discover too that they wil l forward sp e c ific knowl e dge to you that only pertains to you) which I at first decided 'to avoid but later began to try. The initial shock was that the LOA contacted me. I mean who am I worthy that the LOA should want to contact? Like the song goes, "I'm just an ordinary, average guy". Obviously, the LOA didn't see it that way ...

I wa s worried. Would I have to go off to leaarn Voodoun in sp ite of my C eremonial Magickal practices? Would I have to undergo another initiation? Would I have to travel to Haiti, New Orleans or heaven forbid, Africa? Simbi understood my concerns and made me feel at ease. TInrrugh direct (?) inspiration he told me that it was ininecessary to follow a tradition which is usually very strict and rigid. Simbi is . a Magician who knows that the em-rents of Magic that weave our plane of existence. are warping into new more complex patterns. Notlthrg is static; all is change.

Thus what. I've found is that by learning from Simbi through inspiration and other personal ornens, I've discovered that i cpn ,integrate my practices of Ceremonial Magick withVoodoun. To soine' this is sacreligous but to the majority, ' it is a symbol that ' all is fl^thrg anci re-fluxing. Voodoun, lthe it) 9Pusins Ceremonial ' Magick and Witchcraft is not ' static. it is moving and the Spirits ' will 'teach us these new ways if we take the time to li sten.

The Morts. & Egg uns

According to author and practitioner, Louis Martinae of the famed Rampart Street

Voodoun Temple in New Orleans,

"The Mort are the Dead; both named and forgotten. Among their ranks are numbered deceased ancestors[5] [6] [7]"

The dead are very helpful in Voodoun. In an online interview on the Internet, Ms. .Dominique Lyonnais, a practitioner of Voodoun, says that rhythm is the key to the trance states one needs to become one with the Spirits.

"The Spirits of the Dead will help you if you treat them right. They reveal the powders and incantations that will make your wish come true. They talk to your soul. They go into your depths ...Jn

Of course another notion concerning the Spiritual World is brought forth in the book, Faces In The Smoke by Douchan Gersi,

"The invisible world is all around us, among us, behind the cosmic miror r. Tllis world is like a reflection of our visible world. The inhabitants have the same needs and passions as we do. It is populated by the souls of the deceased and by an infinite number ofLOAs, who are the original inhabitants of this world.4"

Drumming will help facilitate an altered state of consciousness thereby allowing you to become possessed by a LOA. Thius is a desired effect since it allows you to temporarily merge with the LOA thus allocating favor from the LOA to the horse or practitioner. Of course when we think if Spirits, one does not always think of the LOA as the only Spirits. There are other classes of Spirits around.

If you'd like to merge your consciousness with that of the Spirit world, whether you allow yourself to become a horse or perhaps astrally travel to the Spirit world, then it is advise d that you learn to drum as this is a traditional way of altering your consciousness. Of course if this is impossible in the literal sense, then a tape or compact disc of dimming music from Brazilian, Haitian and African music will suffice.

The Mort are usually referred to as the Gheude. in Haitian Voodoun but in New Orleans Voodoun they're caled the Mort. It really is the same in both places it's just that the names are different.

The dead are rqled by the Baron. HHe's commonly referred to as Baron Samedi, Baron Le Croix and Baron Cimitere which are all aspects of the LOA of the Mort. However Grand Erzulie, also known as ' lansa in Candomble belief, is the guardian of the cemetery gates where the Gheude reside.

It has been said in many places that the Gheudes are protectors of children. Thus if you have an infant or young child, you can gain gheude's protection by invoking them and their protection on your child. Woe unto him who harms a child under a Gheude' s protection!

The Gheudes are called Egguns by the practitioners of Santeria. Typically the Gheude will walk around dressed in black attire with dark sunglasses over their eyes. This is probably borrowed from the Taino fudian tribe's beliefs as their dead also use eye protection. If you recall from Occult folklore, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

To Work With The Dead: (With much thanks to Nick Sigala for the ideas)


Voodoo Powder[8]

a skull symbol (plastic, paper mache, wood, etc., will do) a clear glass of water

Attraction incense[9]

[Note: The skull should NOT be human. To use a human skull, you must know the name of the person it belonged to or else you will anger the dead and possibly suffer harmful consequences from using it. It's simpler to either buy a ceramic, plastic or clay skull for the ritual. fu this case, the skull is merely a symbol or representation of the Gheude. In fact I've been experimenting with using a paper mache skull I purchased around All Hallow's Eve for about $5.00 at a craft store.

Place the clear glass of water in the back of your altar so it can refresh the dead. Your altar cloth should be white. Place the skull in the center ofyour altar's work space. Sprinkle the skull with some of the Voodoo Powder and make sure you put some of the Attraction incense on the hot coals in your censer. Say:

"Spirits of the longforgotten deceased, rise I say and come and hear me! Take of this fresh spring water and refresh yourselves I”

Take a small sip of the water and return it to its place. Continue on and say:

"I wish to hon or you in this ceremony! I have need of you and your special talents! Hear me 0 mighty Gheudes I Ye who are no longer among us but walk among us I For my need is great and it is (insert here what it is you wish or desire to come to pass)."

Wait a moment after you've informed the dead of your wish and see if you can pick up any useful impressions from them. You may hear or sense an answer from them. If not then continue. If yes, try to get as dear a picture of their intent prior to finishing.

they're not interested, try pleading your case again but this time from a different slant. Here's where your powers of persuasion will be greatly needed. Think like an attorney who's trying to convince a jury for a favorable decision. Once you're sure you've got their attention to the matter, continue thusly:

"Know ye 0 Gheude Spirits that you will NOT be forgotten! I will prepare a meal for you and pay you with refreshing drink AFTER my desire comes to pass! Know that I am an honorable Bokor and will give you your due once this task is completed! So speaks (insert your name here)! Thankyoufor attending my needs! "

Burn some type of banishment incense such as Banishing. Leave the skull in place for day and then clean it off.

9 9 9 X X X

You may fmd that you acquire an unruly spirit of the dead once in a while. This can be a nuisance. Simply sprinkle your area with blessed salt and then cense with the classic Satan Be Gone mixture! This will-force the ^unruly pest to leave you alone. Of course there always seems to be one of those few people who have the unfortunate luck to have a Gheude who tends to want to hang around repeatedly.

Thus you can either choose to invoke one of the Baron Gheudes who are very heavy handed to work with OR rather you can call upon !ansa, Goddess of the Flaming Sword. She causes fear in the dead with her fl^aming sword thus she is perfect to call upon to defend one against the dead.

Also make sure the food you offer the dead does NOT contain any salt as this will greatly anger them because they cannot abide salt. Thus if you cook it or have someone else prepare' it, there must be NO S^T in the food.


There is much nonsense published by non-initiates concerning the Spirits and in particular, the ancestors. Unfortunately there is little one can do about it other than try and set things straight.

What or who are the Ancestors? They are your grandparents, great-grandparents and so on further back in your family tree. They are of your family's lineage that goes as far back as your genetic code will allow. On a much deeper level, they are also a totemic race of Spirit beings that watch out for your race of people. For every race of people have Ancestors who are those that paved the way for you and your family.

It is commonly believed that Voodoun practitioners 'worship' their ancestors. While some may in fact do this, most however do not. In his book, Voodoo & Hoodoo, author Jim Haskins has this to say about Ancestor worsh i p:

"The African's relationship with his ancestors was not, as has been misinterpreted by Westerners, "ancestor worship"; ancestors were not revered as gods ... they were esteemed.6"

He goes on to say:

"A man who lived a no^account life was not esteemed after de^^7"

Haskins makes a valid point regarding the Ancestors. Why would anyone want to esteem a no-account anyway? Frankly it should make sense that Voodoun practitioners don't worship their Ancestors but rather hold them in high regard.

What To Do

The first thing you should do is get right with your Ancestors. ^This means t^aking time to •, set up a shrine for a favored Ancestor such as a grandparent, great-grandparent or such. If you have no family and are orphaned, you can still s e t up a s hrine to your Ancestors because they will know you through your genetic code. The shrine shouldn't be in your bedroom as it is ^unhealthy to have Magically oriented energies bouncing around your room while you sleep. Your subconscious is more open to influence at this time and we do not want po ssess ion without acknowledgement and responsibility. If yo u entertain company often and don't wish to have an altar setup right in the middl e of the l iving room or kitchen, one place you could adapt for use as a shrine is a closet. Empty it out and clean it well. Scrub the walls and floor space. Set some time down on the floor such as stone or slate and it wouldn't hurt to have some sort of non-flammable surface such as 114" plate steel or something to help keep the closet safe from open flames.

-w p. 32 (Original Publications; 1978) 7 p. 33 ibid

Also remember that you feed the Ancestors first, then the Gheude then the LOA in that order. This is done out of respect because your ancestors are a direct part of you whereas the other two forces may or may not be interested in your petition.

Feeding The Ancestors

You'll hear this term a lot in Voodoun. In fact, it's one of the most important aspects of Voodoun Magic there is. 'Why is this? By feeding the Spirits yo u are in e ffe ct adding to their mana power. This means they'll have more power to do those things which you desire and need help with.

Feeding involves sacrifice. Now I'm not talking about shedding blood but rather offering up something of value from yourself to your Spirits ..In primitive societies, sacrificing an ^animal means a lot because without that animal, they're shorter on the food supplies. However in p laces like Haiti, even though the animal is sacrificed, it still is eaten. Nothing is wasted.

^fuat I am talking about is to sacrifice your time by sp ending a few m oments recall in g tales of your ancestors at your altar. Talk to them. Remind them of jokes they told you or humorous stories about a funyn thing that occurred. Place pictures of the ones you do have on your shrine. Place a family food offering on the shirne. Perhaps this was a secret recipe your great aunt knew or maybe something everyone loved. Talk to them. Tell them about what is going on in your life. After all, you are their hope for a better future for their descendents are you not? Tell them your ambitions, dreams, go al s and objectives. Then   listen.

Maybe one of them will speak to you. Sound spooky? It can be but the rewards are worth putting up with the ghostliness of the matter. You're reaching back into your f^amily's past and updating them on what's going on. But just because they lived in , another tinl.e or era doesn't mean they won't speak to you nor does it mm that what they have to say won't have some bearing on your life. Watch for signs in dre^s and in the wa.kinfug hours. They’ ll watch over you and offer protection if you revere' them and remember them.

Your aricestors can do wonderful things for you! Of course not all of them' will be mirac les or spectacular events but often times they will alter your course ' enough to ' he Ip you learn the lessons of life without hurting too much. Be patient and be ready to le^.

LOA: The Old Ones

The LOA or Orishas, also spelled Orixa, are the Spirit Powers ofthe Voodoun oriented religions. They are either Dahomeyan in nature, such as Legba, Erzulie, Chango, Agwe, etc., or they are Yoruban in nature such as Eleggua, Y emaya, Xango, Obatala, etc.

There are myths involved in each pantheon and if you are obtaining the requisite books for supplemental reading in the course, I'd suggest you spend some time studying these powerful being's origins and myths. Of course for me to repeat them here would be a moot point because I want you to take the initiative and study the other information elsewhere and secondly because this course focuses not on the religious aspects but the Sorcerous aspects of the LOA.

If you've ever studied western Witchcraft or Hebraic Qabala, you'll note that there are a multitude of ways to tap into the power currents of the higher spiritual entities. This includes the uses of invocation, meditation, visualization and imagination. Now there's not really much different in the workings ofthe Voodoun oriented pantheons since the Bokor will use all of the above to make his Spells work:- Essentially the major difference lies in the fact of faith and belief.

Most Wiccans who worship the Goddess will tell you by rote that the Deities are only aspects of consciousness. The Qabalists will concur with that and step ^further into the ring by saying that Magick is psychologically motivated. However th the Voodoun oriented belief systems, the Spirits are seen as real, independently existing beings of power. They . each have their own consciousness and personalities. The famed' Occultist J. . Brodie ^ies said . it best when he said, "Gods and Spirits may or may not exist but the universe behaves as ifthey do". Regardless ' ofyour belief in Spirits or not, the working of your Magics and Sorceries will have, I’ve found, much greater effects if you believe thatthe Spirits exist!

I like to think- that the Spirits depend upon people for sustenance. They desire companionship, friendship and adoration’w)vhile 'giving in return answers to problems,      ; .'.—

thsights and spiritual growth.

There', are SEVEN principle Spirits known as the Seven African Powers in Yoruban mYthology. These are:

Obatala ruler of the Orishas and who governs blessings and purifications

Eleggua ruler of the Crossroads and Gateways who is the guardian one must pass

Chango ruler of Fire, Thunder & Lighting also a destroyer of one's enemies

Oggun ruler of War and Iron who can fight for you or teach you discipline

Orunla ruler of The Table Oflfa who can also teach you in-sights and divinations

Y emaya ruler of the Oceans and Seas also rules maternity and motherhood

Oshun ruler of Rivers, Streams and Brooks also governs wealth and status

In the Dahomean mythology, the Gods are little different. They are divided into two groupings called the Rada LOA and the Petro LOA. The Rada are the positive aspects whereas the Petro are the negative aspects. In recent years, more folks are willing to examine the Petro LOA because of the dwindling stigma of "negative equals evil." Since that attitude is dying out, the Petro is coming more into the scope of modem works on Voodoun.

Legba ruler of the crossroads and the gates to the LOA; he is also the guardian of the home due to the gates and entranceways. The Sun is relegated to him. By acting-as the interpreter of the Gods, no other LOA dare show without Legba' s permission! He is the interpreter of the LOA as well. Papa Legba holds the keys to the Spiritual World thus extreme care must be shown so as to not offend him. Many incantations begin with "By Thy power, Master of the Crossroads...." to both show respect due to Legba and to gain his favor in the Bokkor's spellcasting. Papa Legba is seen as an old man leaning on a crutch or cane smoking a pipe and having a sack slung over his shoulder[10] He also sprinkles water on the ground thus at the beginning of his ceremony, you should sprinkle water around. His favored colors are black and red.

Legba enjoys Bacardi ^m, cooked yams, small candies[11], toys[12] [13], cigars11, lightly toasted com in which I sprinkle a healthy dose of pure ground black pepper, and the black/red jar candles or the Esu/Eleggua candles.

Erzulie ruler over the affairs of the heart and relationships. She is the grand mistress to the Gods and also the concubine of love and lust. She has the power to sway money into your hands becaus e like her Greek counterpart Venus, she rules 'pleasure' and money buys pleasure. Other aspects are La Belle Femme the Venus aspect; La Sirene the sea serpent aspect; Tsilah Wedo the aspect which represents wealth; Erzulie Zandor the aspect of vengeance and ugliness.

Erzulie enjoys sweet tasting treats, cakes, hand mirrors, perfumes, fragrant colognes,

Simbi master magician and another aspect of Legba who dwells in the water. Typically I see him as living in a swamp and thus he reminds me of the powers of the Swamp Witch who are said to be mighty Sorcerers in many tales.

Damballah the supreme God of the LOA and al l - father rules the highest spiritual p l ane s. His Orisha counterpart is by virtue alone, Obatala. Here Damballah is the oldest aspect of divinity (other than Olodumare) and has the cosmic egg as his nourishment. He never 'speaks' but rather hisses like a snake. The asson or sacred rattle is his to use as an officiating tool. The sink or wash basin is used as one of his sacred tools. The Bokor would wash his hands prior to utilizing the asson in ceremony. All trees are sacred to him since a snake can rest in just about any tree.. Since he's aquatic, he also lives in swamp marshes, rivers and springs. Under the Petro guise ofDamballah Flambeau, he is also seen as elemental lightning which can strike deadly to those who oppose this LOA.

White is his sacred color and all offerings must be white in nature. Since silver is also a 'white' metal, he will accept that openly. It is said that he will grant riches and wealth if propitiated. Also the candles burned for him must be white.

Dainballah Invocationll

"0 Serpent! Serpent!

Papa Damballah-wedo!

You are a Serpent, Serpent, 0 Serpent! I will call the Serpent, But the Serpent does not speak! Papa Damballah you are a Serpent! If you see a snake, you see Aida-Wedo! If you see a snake, you see Damballah! Alda-Wedo is a snake!"

Ai4a-Wedo the supreme consort to Damballah and ruler of the Rainbbow. In her deity aspect, she is the cosmic rainbow and thus governs wealth of a mystical nature and not so much o r a physi cal nature but she can help with it as well. She is patroness of the home and he^th and watches over the househoId. She is the supreme mother and one of the twin serpents ascending the peristyle in the ho^fort.

Agwe father of the ocean and seas who presides over their depths as well controlling the elements. He also controls the ships which sail over his waters thus invocations to him are usually to propitiate a safe journey by boat. When the Haitian Navy comes into port, they have traditionally fired their guns in his honor. Symbols which represent ^m are

12 As adapted from Alfred Metraux small boats, oars, shells, and small metal (pewter works!) fishes. His color is white. He's also seen as a mulatto whose skin is light and whose eyes are green wearing the uniform of a naval officer wearing white gloves and a helmet.

He enjoys gunfire! His offerings can be left by the sea, a lake or small stream if aught else is near. He enjoys champaign and mutton. The number seven is also seen to be favored by Agwe as well.

Marassa The Twins

Baron Samedi the Lord of the Dead who goes where he will when he will. Sometimes referred to as 'the Baron' and other times as 'Gheude' but he also has two other personas which follow him and they are Baron Cimitiere and Baron Le Croix. The pick, hoe and shovel are his items as well as a top hat, dark sunglasses and a cross. Sometimes a small casket with a cross surplanted over it is his resting place (no pun intended!)

He enjoys filthy jokes, likes tospeak nasally, to protect children, hot spiced foods and drinks, rum, peppers, etc.

Zaka in Voodoun and Ossain (Ozain) in his Yoruban role is the ruler of all plant life and thus knows the secrets of herbs, roots, palos (tree limbs) and the like. His knowledge is vast and incorporates the knowledge of healing as well as that of agriculture which is so desperately needed in third world nations.


This wonderful old Voodoo charm of Marie Laveau is one of the best around and easiest to put into force. It is said to bring fo rth the favorable spirits of happiness and JOY, not JUSt to yourself, but to your entire household. What is known as the uSecret Square of Voodoo" is the key to properly casting this protective good luck spell.

Take a square piece of parchment paper, any size, and I fiU. in with numbers as directed below. Use only Dove’s Blood Ink, or a little of your own blood, for th is pu^ose. Be most .carefu 1 to begin with the number 1 and end with number. 16 or the ch arm will be powerless. As you make this charm, chant:

0 Voodoo spirits of lightness, bless this house and all who reside in it!

4 9 2 14

3 5 16 10

7 12 13 6

11 1 8 15

Levels Of Spirits


Of all the Spirits in the wonderful worlds ofVoodoun & Santeria, none have quite the power of the grand old man himself, Papa Legba. Essentially the myths differ somewhat about who or how he came to be who he is today. Legba is the Divine Trickster Spirit and he'd be equated with Coyote of the Native American legends as well the Tarot trump, The Fool. All of his personas show him to be both benevolent as well as pernicious. This is his Yin/Yang and generally depending upon how you as a practitioner view him, he will answer to your viewpoint. Note though that many times his nature is totally unpredictable and you may get exactly what you ask for but not what you want.

Legba in his trickster mode is not always mean spirited to his people. But often times he teaches lessons through tricks that he plays upon you. This is not always bad, in the end, after we've taken the time to contemplate his gift to us.

Will Legba get the job done? You bet! Ofall the LOA, he is my favorite. Why? Because first off depending upon which source you talk to, he is not a LOA proper. This is because of the fact that he is more powerful than the LOA. If he so desires, he can block up your paths and not allow the LOA to work for you thus he must always be propitiated at the beginning of every-ri^hi whether the rite is intended for him or not.

I've had the fo^rtune to talk: with other Bokors on the Internet and many of them have to ld me that they've worked, with Legba alone with much great success! Does this anger the other LOA? I don't think so since Legba is the ruler of the crossroads or gateways to the rest of the LOA, Spirit. If he do,esn’t want your voice to be heard by them, they will not hear you. Period.

In his Exu persona, he is the darker half or his Yin self-expression. In Lathi America, Exu (also spelled 'Esin andEshu) is,-seen as the Devil since the Devil in Christirurity is nowhere near as ' evil as Jehova 1s13, but rather seen as more of a trickster or benevolent Spirit who answers the calls of his people.

Exu is not simply a single entity but like Jehovah, is a composite entity who has many different faces. Below is merely a partial listing of his different aspects. These were adopted out of the book, Urban Voodoo and prior to that, the authors of that text borrowed them from Brazilian sources.

13 I realizb that this sentence may draw your ire but before you get upset, please read the ^KJV Bible passage, Isaiah 45:7 which says, "I form thelight and create darkenss. I create peace and make evil; I the Lord, do all these things."

To work with Papa Legba:

Simply anoint a pure white candle with either Van Van or Holy oil. Copy his Veve do'wn on a new piece of parchment paper, as best as you can, and then anoint the Veve talisman with the oil, tracing the lines of the Veve. Now sprinkle some cornmeal onto the Veve as an offering and place the candle on top of the parchment in the center ofyour altar space. Then perform the ritual of Opening the Gates in Lesson One. Once this is accomplished, tell Papa Legba what it is you wish. Be specific and be courteous. Whien finished, leave him an offering of some candies and a shot of rum. Thank him and perform the second half of the working, the Closing of the Gates.

To work with Exu:

Obtain a red/black jar candle. Anoint this with Holy oil or Mystic Power[14] [15] oil. Choose which Exu aspect from the list below to work with. For instance maybe you need help in raising your spiritual selfthus you'd choose Exu Odara to work with. Perform the Exu Invocation below and where the name Exu appears, insert "Exu Odara" into it. Then state your wish, in this case 'you wish to raise your level of spirituality' and then sit back and meditate. D^m if you wish and contemplate Exu and his gifts as he will bestow upon you in due time as you can handle them. Give him an offering of a shot of rum and strong cigar smoked \When finished, th^ank the Spirit and allow him to roam as he will. Be advised though sometimes you may find him playing tricks on you in your home such as minor poltergeist activity or moving your vehicle's keys.

To work with Eleggua:

Essentially this aspect of the Spirit is ’^virtually worked the same as either Exu (most of the time) or Papa Legba. There are ^minor differences though and these need' not be worried about. ^What is important.though- is when you invoke the Spirit, ask it what it would like to have on the altar as an offefing.: Often times they will waft a faint smell to your nose such as b^tanas, yams, . com, tc. Follow- your instincts and prepare a ’dish for the God.

' . -..•:.--      ',... ;.;.    .... •

Watch the results!


Esu Oro Power of the Word    incantations

Esu Opin

Power of Boundaries

areas charged with ase17

Esu Alaketu

Power of Divine Guidance

sacred use of sensuality

EsU: Iseri

Power of the Morning Dew

when to pick and grow herbs

Esu Gogo

Power of Full Payment

swift, sharp & precise action

Esu Wara

Power of Personal Relationships


Esu Ijelu

Power of the Drum

feeding ofthe drums

Esu Aiyede

Power of Journey from Heaven

messages from the spirit

Esu Odara

Power of Transformation

raise needed spiritual growth

Esu Jeki Obo Da

Power of Life Force Offerings


Esu Agongon Goja

Power of the Wide Belt

clothing used for spiritual w:.ork

Esu Elekun

Power of Hunters & Warrior

rites of passage preparing for community

Esu Arowoje

Power of Ocean Travelers

shorelines where earth & water intermingle

Esu Lalu

Power of Dance

absorption of energies from the body

Esu Pakuta Si Ewa

Power of Create/Destroy Beauty

rebirth through destruction

Esu Kewe Le Dunje

Power of Sweet Eating

invoking abundance - wealth, long life, etc.

Esu Elebara

Power of Power

tireless persistence

Esu Emalona

Power of Any Means

extra ordinary means

Esu Ananaki

Power of Memories

recalling ancient knowledge

Esu Okoburu

Power of the Divine Enforcer

vengeance & punishment

Invocation of Eshu

"Ibarakou Mollumba ESHU Ibaco Moyumba lbaco Moyumba.

Omote Conicu Ibacoo Omote Ako Mollumba ESHU Kulona.

Ibarakou Mollumba Omole Ko Ibarakou Mollumba Omole Ko.

Ibarakou Mollumba Ako ESHU Kulona Ache Ibakou Mollumba

Ache ES^U Kulona Ache Ibakou Mo l lumb a.

Ache ESHU’ Kulona Ibarakou Moll^nba Omole ko Ako Ache.

Arong Laro Akong Larolle ES^U Kalona A ESHU Coma Komio Ache. . •    • .  .

Akonka Lar Akonko Lar Ako Ache Iba La Guana ESHU.

Larolle AkoUko Laro L arolle E Larolle Akonko ^Aknonko Larolle Akonko Larolle -   . .tri- t' •• .    • .

Akonko La' Guana E Larolle. Please do me nor any of my loved ones any h^m nor play any tricks on me or my loved ones.

The Ten LOA Families

This listing of Spirits are not singular but rather from certain families of spirits. Of course at first glance they have require some odd and bizarre vevers to communicate with but to the trained eye, they are really much more than that. In fact, when I first started working with these vevers and families, I noticed that the family's attributes were most interesting. In fact, they parallel the sephiras from the Tree of Life in Qabalistic folklore! 'This is terrible,' I erroneously thought, 'I don't want Qabala mucking up my system of Voodoun' but a friend persuaded me to really give the system a try and I must admit that the results I obtained were too good to dismiss. Thus I will give you the ten families in the hopes that you will try them and see if their particular brand of Magic is effective for you as well.

Family No. 1 Legha-Nibholz

This family is said to possess the power to ward off attacks and to see into the future.

Family No. 2 Climitiere

This family represents the dead and have all the collective wisdom that the dead has in both recent and past ages. They also can give automatic writing skills as well as deep meditative powers, psychism, and all fomis of divination.

Family No. 3 Arada

This family governs relationships and marriages. They can end quarer ls, bring old friends back and bestow peace unto matters of the body and spirit. By invoking them, they can use their powers of magnetism to draw situations that are best suited to your long range plans and goals. It is said that they can sway court cases in your favor.

F^tuly No. 4 Divinary Arada II

By' 1lsing physicalamamfestations, this family communicates deep aspects of Tarot to other physical fo^as-of ' donation. By working with them, you'll increase your reading’s accuracy to an alarming degree. Your accuracy, however, is predicated upon yourlevel oftechnical expertise and the degre to which you involve yourself in the ritual of invoking them.

Family No. 5 Black Magic

All manen r of rites, spells, formulae and other practices relating to black magic is aided and taught by this family. It is suggested that you do not invoke them for mere pleasure purposes but rather if you truly hate someone. It is further suggested that you NOT pursue them too long as they can lure you into a world filled with hate, despair and entropy.

Family No. 6 Transvection

If you wish to increase your intuition, you can greatly do so by invoking this family and they will instill the instincts of animals, namely coyote, wolf and the bear in you. This helps you to perceive others as they truly are and see and feel how others truly perceive you. You'll learn how to sense both spiritual and physical danger.

Family No. 7 Baron

Considered to be the royalty of the Ten Families, they will put you in touch with cosmic intelligences who can'help you attain higher spiritual growth, tranquility and peace of mind. They also bestow harmony into you. They also produce better conditions with co-workers, friends and relatives. They can clean and purify negative spirit influences that possess homes, building and land as well as inanimate objects.

Family No. 8 Spider

It is said that by working with this family, you'll gain the ability to telepathically communicate with spiders anywhere in the world as well as the God of Spiders existing on the Lower Astral Plane. You'll be able to learn what a spider knows, sees what it can see and communicate with any other spider it can communicate with.

Family No. 9 Lewd

If you wish to have sex with someone but do not desire a 'relationship' to go along with it, then this family can and will teach you how to make that happen. They always bring the opposite gender of what the practitioner is UNLESS you state your sexual preferences to them in your invocation. Meaning if you are a homosexual, then you must tell them that you wish for them to guide you to your ideal partner of the same gender.

Family No. 10 Voodoo Monks

This family operates both on the hi gher and lower Astral Planes. They govern all of the f^amilies together and tty to moke sure that none of the f^amilies attempt an^ything outside of their realm, of [influence. It is suggested that prior to contacting this family, that you have contacted at least four of the other families. 'This is their stipulation which is assiuned a Sort' of ’trial' period." Once accepted though, they will teach you in both stress and inspiration as well as other divine Voodoun mysteries not spoken of here. They can initiate you into the greater mysteries.

How The VEVERS Work In Conjunction With The Ten Families

Family No.1: spiritual and physical protection; resistance to enemies; sway and influence p e o p le of authority to your favor; bring favorable j ud^ne nt to you in court related case s

F^amily No.2: greatly increase your intuition and psyhic ab il ities; bring about great powers of divination; give lucid dreams and visions; help you to accurately recall Astral Jo^neys

Family No.3: bring love, friendship and peace into your life; end to arguments; if the vever is carried will help to make you liked and accepted by all who come into contact with you; place inside a glass of water by your bed will help to make both parties highly sexual

Family No.4: in time, will help your accuracy increase with divinations; teaches many secrets of fortune telling; place this vever under your mattress and while you sleep Damballa will guide you into the deeper Nether worlds

Family No.5: will assist you in all phases of black magic such as revenge spells, attacks, setting wards for battle, creating strife and conflict in others, etc.

Family No.6: will help you in all sorts of sports skills, games of chance, cards, dice, horses, manual skills, martial arts, boxing, debating and arguing, developing logic and the increase of primal instincts

F^amily No.7: succes s with businesses, j o bs, letters of acceptance and resUiles, contracts, and generally all mo ney matters as well as inner tranqui lity and peace of ^ip.d

Family No.8: helps to h^mo nize your thoughts with insects and to pick up their feelmgs and emotions so you can psychically attune yourself to small ^animals. You can. literally s e e life thro ugh their eyes. This way nature will open herself up to you which will'Mlp you to discover secrets normally cl o sed to people.

F^ily No.9: increased another's sexual desire for you! Also enhances sexual desire ip. mari ages and arouses pas s i o ns. Cary it with yo u into any s o cial situation and you’U he s^prised at its effectiveness

F^amily No.lO: evokes dream lessons and can help the Monks to initiate you into many areas of Magic not found elsewhere. Meditate upon this vever prior to sleeping and you'll be sure to visit the Astral school ofMonks. You'll also gain a lot of Good L- uck by using this vever simply by coming into contact with the Monks.

Vever ofDamballah: this vever will serve to protect you and act as a guide for you while travelling in the Spirit realms of the Ten Families.

Note - The veves act as follows:

1) Astral Doors which can open up the ten realms of these Spirit Families so you can directly contact them and feel their influence.

2) C ared as a Tali s man which after it is charged and con s e crated can bring the influence of the Spirit Family into manifestation.

Veve Colors:

Fam.# 1: gold & white on a yellow background

Fam.#2: black on midnight b lue background

Fam.#3: purple on a golden background

Fam.#4: b lue on gold background with red

Fam.#5: red on black background

Fam.#6: purple and red on a golden background

Fam.#7: purple black and red on a white background

Fam.#8: black on white background

Fam.#9: black, gold, red and blue on a purple background

Fam.#O: black, purple and gold on a red background

S c ents:

Fam.#l: anise

Fam.#2: clove

Fam.#3: honeysuckle

Fam.#4: myrhr

Fam.#S: asafoetida

Fam.#6: sandalwood

Fam.#7: Dittany of Crete

Fam.#8: hyssop

Fam.#9: musk

Fam.#lO: frankincense


Let me say that one does no t have to go to this detail to contact the S p irit F^amilies. In Hoodeaux & Voodoo, you will find that the majority of practiti oners have limited resources and usually get their successes Without all of the hubbub. Thus it has been found that by ' using a simple No. 2 l ead pencil and a small square of brovwn p aper sack if you:

* draw the veve (as legibly as possible)

* then trace the veve's lines with Van Van[17] oil

* cleanse and consecrate the veve with Holy Water and a prayer

* perform your invocation to the LOA fami ly and charge the veve

If it is your wish to make the Spirit Families a more important aspect ofyour workings, then it is highly suggested that you obtain either suitable woods or metals such as copper for the Lewd and lead for both the Black Magic and Spider families and iron for the Legba-Nibboh, then engrave the veve sigils onto the metal.

Method ONE2: (Doorways)

What I do is simply to copy the veve onto a piece ofbrown paper sack using the pencil method. Then according to my desire, I use either Dragon's Blood ink, Dove's Blood ink or Bat's Blood ink and trace over the veve designs. Then I let this dry and then holding the veve in my power hand, I take a dab of Van Van oil and trace designs once again and this time I make my invocation to the Spirit Family for what it is that I desire.

Then I place the veve on my altar, place an appropriate colored candle over the veve (in a suitable candleholder of course!) and slowly I beat my drum. I begin to visualize that the vever is glowing and is vibrating strangely. It begins to radiate energy of the color patterns associated with the Spirit Family I'm dealing with.

Then the veve begins to open up and through it come waves oflight, sparks or energy and these flow into my candle and out into the universe. If however the ritual is for me to be healed, then the sparks of energy flow from the candle directly into my solar plexus and throughout my body. If it is to make my intuition to become more powerful, then it flows outward to my third eye chakra.

[Note: A thorough study ofthe Indian based Chakra system is recommended]

Finally as the candle nears its end, I then bum a thank you candle which is white and anointed with Van Van and Holy oils. This way I've thanked the Spirit Family for its help. If they've responded above and beyond the call of duty, then I'd cook them a meal and give them a shot of rum. You can come up with your own ways of creating a thank you type of service.

Method TWO: (Talismans)

First I draw the appropriate veve onto brown paper sack. Then I anoint it with the Occult oil necessary to the intent of the ritual, e.g, if my goal was to harm another, then I'd use the" Black Magic family and use Black Arts or Double Cross oil on it. Then I'd charge this with- a black candle anointed with the same oil on the talisman. On the candle I'd have carved "Hex this evil person" or "Destroy this evil person". Once the candle has burned out, I'd place the talisman into a red cloth Gris-Gris bag, pour in some black and red pepper, some Asafoetda and some Slippery Elm bark and Vetivert for heavy’ effect. I'd anoint this in the name of my victim, tell it what it is to do to the victim, and leave at a crossroads with nine pennies as payments to the Spirits.

If the talisman was to draw s o methin g good for the person I'd either give it to him or place it in his vicinity where he'd be near it daily. But if it was for me, such as Lewd -which I'd use ifl was merely wanting to obtain some satisfying sex -- I'd place it in my Gris-Gris bag along with several items that help one to obtain sex. If it was to bring me money, then of course it'd go in my wallet.

I hope you're beginning to see the varying ways these vevers can be employed be it good or ill. The test will be when you begin to meditate with them first and you' 11 see, in yourself t^. inspiration, how many different ways these useful tools can be used to help you in your Magical spells.





Trance Meditation & How To Do It

by Brother MOLOCH 969 (reprinted with permission)

The Alpha State

Much is made about Magic being merely a psychological state which, if you're a left brained oriented individual, that may be true. However, it is NOT true for everyone. Magic is NOT psychology nor is it make believe. The problem with society and many "Occultists" is that they are afraid of the real implications of Sorcery and therefore attempt to reduce it's effectiveness by making all manner of silly psychobabble-like claims concerning it. Always remember: you do not have to prove anything to anyone.

Before Voodoun Sorcery can actually be carried out, one must first learn how to contact the Higher and Lower powers. The normal way to contact is via a Trance state. Trancing is done by getting yourself into an Alpha State. What is an Alpha State?

Our brains normally operate in what is called "Beta" States. This is normal, active and awake brain functions. It is our normal waking state of mind. Alpha one the other hand is where your brain has cycled down some and is operating at a much lower brain wave state. This has been proved through science to actually happen when one is in a trancelike state or what is called "twilight" sleep mode. This is like where you are not fully asleep but yet not fully awake.

The twilight or Alpha state has been named for what Occultists have used for centuries in their rites and rituals. Much magic depends on using this methodology. The dangers are only when you fall asleep after getting into this state because you'll have missed your chance to do your Sorcery.

Reaching an Alpha -state requires that you relax: yourself completely but keep to a position that you will not fall as lee p. In his book, Alpha States, author Jess Ste^ relates how many folks have altered their lives through their conscious workings in Alpha States. These workings that St^earn relates compare to the findings of the much hailed Silva Institute's finding from their courses on the Silva Mind Control method.

Achieving An Alpha State:

Choose a. semi-comfortable position. A popular method is the Egyptian Sea.t method which was develope d by Occultis ts from the depi ction of Egyptians in the pyr^id and temple paintings and hieroglyphs. You simply choose a straight twilight backed chair and sit with your knees together, hands on your lap and torso erect. Thin latter "torso erect" is neces sary to keep the flow of blood and energies easily flowwing up and down your straight spine. You'll notice that while keeping your spine erect and chin held slightly out, your breathing becomes much more relaxed and easier to do.

The next step after assuming your position, is to learn breathe properly. This is simply where you'll allow yourself to relax and start breathing from deep in your belly or diaphragm. You'll use your lung's capacity to inhale air, hold it, exhale at the same rate you inhaled it and then hold out. Usually this is done with a breathing rhythm of 4-2-4-2. The rhythm can be established by either using a metronome which can be annoying or by counting seconds in your head or simply countmg your heart's beats.

Next in the beginning, you should focus on nothing but your breathing. Any thoughts that enter your mind should be allowed to drift into a black hole and summoned back later to be dealt with. As you progress, you will be able to feel in more control of your subconscious mind.

Finally you must then learn to visualize yourself descending a flight of stairs. The usual to method in Alpha States is to predetermine how many steps it will take to make it to Alpha state thereby giving your subconscious mind a "trigger" that you have arrived. This is not difficult and many people use many different kinds of triggers. I personally use the stairs method which I have just outlined. It usually takes me about 21 steps down reach the desired Alpha level. For you it may be longer or shorter depending on your development.

To analyze what I've just given you:

1. Ass^e a semi-comfortable position

2. Rhythmically breathe using your full lung capacity

3. Focusing on nothing but your breathing

4. Visualize yourself descending stairs with each breath cycle

That's basically all there is to trance induction. Many authors will make a big to do about it, how to get there and blah, blah, blah . .. but really as you can see it is simple. The focus in the begihning should be to just get there about half a dozen times to experience it and thereby making yourself comfortable. Once you're happy with this, then you can begin to make an inner temple for workings nearer to the Astral Plane. This is NOT as hard as you might think since by just being able to get yourself to Alpha is half the battle.

Again, there are a plethora of Occult techniques out there on what to do once you're in Alpha but remember that Voodoun Sorcery is a combination of the old an new in a more synthesized system of Occultism.

Voodoun Spell For Love Procurement

In the world of men and science, all people require that one great emotion, "love" to slirvive. Studies have been done where infants who were deprived of "love" died. Sad to see that these little ones had to suffer to satisfy the curiosity ofscience but alas, they did find out what it was they sought. I do hope, however, for your immortal soul that you do not cause an infant to die due to lack of "love". Every demon I've had the pleasure of knowing would be quite happy to cause you intense misery over this..............................................................................................

Let us look at how we can make ourselves happier. Love is not the same as "lust" but many are the foolish who mistake one for the other. If you are looking for a long term relationship that may be more fulfilling and lasting, then a "love" is what you are looking for; however if you are only interested in meeting Mr./Ms. Right for the 'evening festivities' then a "lust" spell is what you need.

First off, all "love" or "lust" speIls are what is called a drawing rite in that they 'draw to' the Voodounist a person whom the practitioner is interested in. Now another slight difference in the love/lust spell is that a 'love' spell is a ge neral spell (done like a shotgun) that serves to seek out one who would be most compatible with the V oodounist. Comsequently, the 'lust' spell is a specific targeting spell that rifles in on one person in particular.

The Goddess Erzulie is the patron of both love and lust. She can be invoked to provide you with a compatible lover, which is most to her liking or she can help you simply get laid. Either aspect of the LOA can be invoked or if you prefer either of them depending upon your outlook at the pantheon of Gods/LOA.

Materials Needed:

3 pink candles

1 bottle of Van Van oil

1 bottle of Love oil

1/2 cup of your fresh curine

1 pinch of powdered cinamon

1 pinch of powdered Lovage root

1 Mason jar - the land used for c^ang or making homemade jams

112 cup of brown sugar

114 cup of kosher salt

1 brand tiew white diner plate - never before used!

1 brown paper sack - lunch bag size

1 queen sized white sheet (new)

isnt!* Of Erzulie

How To Prepare The Talisman Of Erzulie

On a night ofVenus, which being a Friday, high to your "work" room and set your temple up. By the light of your altar candles, prepare the talisman of Erzulie as indicated on the previous page. Use a red marker, pen or pencil to draw her talisman on the paper sack. Using a pair of scissors, cut out the talisman carefully. Now consecrate the other items according to the formulae outlined elsewhere in this course.

Go and urinate in the Mason jar filling only one-half of it. Pour some of the kosher salt into it - about a half cup - then pour the brown sugar into it. Sprinkle some cinnamon on the top of this mixture. Now in a separate bowl, mix half of the Love oil with the Van Van and pour all of this into the mixture in the Mason jar.

Go out to the country, several miles away from your home and clear a small area in the woods that will be free from debris, branches, (dry leaves and the like. Lay the white sheet out and pin down to make it stay as flat as you can. Then in the center of the cloth place the white dinner plate. Onto this, pour out the urine/sugar mixture. In the center of this, insert the three pink candles. Anoint the three pink candles by dipping your fingers into the urine-sugar mixture and rubbing it on the sides of the candles one by one while visualizing yourself happy, healthy and very much in love. Do your best to make sure the candles stand up straight. Before lighting them, perform the invocation to Legba:

"Master of Magic, 0 'Legba, please open the gates! Papa Legba, Guardian of the Gates please open them to me so Mistress Erzulie has ability to help me, a good servant! Papa Legba, I implore you to open the gates. "

Now light the three pink candles and say over each one as you touch the flame to the wick:

"Mistress Erzulie! Hearken please to my words! I am a follower in thy spiritual ways! Hear me and grant my wish! I'm in need of real, unrequited love! 0 Mistress, have pity on me! I am a good soul and only desire the love and touch ofone who would be my .freind, lover and companion! Mighty LOA of the people, I request this in your good and honorable and pure Holy name, Amen!"

. Pour the Lovage herb around the three candles in a ring. Next hold the talisman of Erzulie in your palms and say:

"Mistress of Love and all I see, please bring love unto me!'"

Next you place the seven white candles, also anointed with your urine-sugar mixture, in a ring around the three pink ones ' on the plate. As you light each one, say:

((May the Divine Powers of Aida-Wedo bless this ceremony and lend her strength unto me and my wish! "

Sit on the cloth near the makeshift altar and stare intently into the candle flames.

Visualize yourself happy, loved and deeply satisfied. Hold these feelings as long as possible. When fmished, get up and leave the area without looking back. You will soon meet your future mate.

Note: This spell was entrusted to ine by a dear old friend from Florida. She swears up and down that this works. Though I never tried it, I do believe she's telling the truth. I have her permission to print it and give it to you in the hopes you will find your true love.

Reading Assignments

Voodoun & Hoodoo by Jim Haskins pp. 25-44

The Magic Island by William Seabrook

pp. 92-114

Charms, Spells and Formulas by Ray T. Malbrough

pp. 99-105;129-133

Drum And Candle by David St. Clair pp. 172-216

How To Hypnotize Yourself And Others by Rachel Copelan pp.3-59

Self-Suggestion And The New Huna Theory Of Mesmerism And Hypnosis by Max Freedom Long pp. 3-117

Seven Steps To Power by Lewis de Claremont pp. 6-31

The Santeria Experience by Migene Gonzalez Wippler pp. 14-21; 124-145; 158-170

Mid-Term Examination

[NOTE: All answers are exact as given in the course. Complete the questions on a separate sheet of paper and mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope to IGOS for proper grading of the answers.

True & False (Five questions)

1. Erzulie is the LOA of the Magician

2. The Voodounist focuses on gaining result usually through need

3. The Voodoun Sorcerer seeks control

4. Huna is a polytheistic belief system

5. The inventor of Boss Fix powder used brick dust

Fill In The Blanks (Five questions)

1. The work of the Voodou^Hoodoo practitioner takes place at an.

2. One of the methods of divinat io n outlined in chapter two is cd led.

3. The religion of was used as a basis for the Hollywood movie "The


4. Cabalistic A depts refer to the world of formation as.

5. Heavi ly steeped into Voodoun Magic is.

Multiple Choice (Five questions)

1. '^that's the traditional way, as specifically mentioned in this lesson, that one can achieve an altered state of consciousness?

a.  Drumming

b.  Screaming

c.  Praying loudly

d.  Selling your soul

2. There are three names for the Baron; choose the one that does NOT belong to him: a. Baron LeCroix

b.  Baron Von Stratten

c.  Baron Samedi

d.  Baron Cernitere

3. Whiiich LOA below is the guardian of the cemetery?

a.  Grand Erzulie

b.  Baron Samedi

c.  Baron LeCroix

d.  Baron Le Rouge

4. Who must be invoked prior to anything being done?

a.  Voodoun Child

b.  Grand Erzulie

c.  Baron Samedi

d.  Papa Legba

5. According to the authors of the bo ok, Spirits In The Night, what outside influence had a direct effect upon Voodoun?

a.  Gardnerian Witchcraft

b.  H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos

c.  Taino American Indians

d.  Eskimo Shaman traditions


On a separate sheet of paper, explain the concept of the Mort and how they are viewed in Voodoun.

Extra Credit:

Name the four steps that you can use to achieve an Alpha trance state.

Lesson FOUR

Roots & Herbs

Common Recipes



Oik, Incense, Washes & Sprays

Reading Assignments

Book Report Outline

Veve or -Mystical Symbol

Talisman of Marasfa . -“. -._.-,::’ ,.    ..•. ...

marasta: The loa. which represents twins. A birth of twins is considered$ sacred e^ent in Voodoo. Twins are believed to possess wonderful magical powers and are worshipped in reverence. Canalso be interpreted to mean the same as marassa.

Talisman, of Damballa

Talisman of Marinette-Bwa-Chech

Talisman of Mystere

Roots & Herbs

Only a few years ago, there were very few really good herbal books yet today they proliferate the shelves of almost every metaphysical and New Age bookstores. The majority of these books are for those who are interested in physical healings usually through the use of teas, poultices and the holistic like. Though this is a noble enough cause, I personally prefer to leave my physical healing to a qualified medical practitioner. I don't indulge in herbal teas or capsules but that doesn't mean I won't learn how-to in the future. Realistically, everyone should learn how to heal themself of simple sickness.

What we will concentrate on in this chapter is working with the magical essence ofherbs. Most of the information in this chapter is from the International Guild of Occult Sciences Basic Sorcery Correspondence Course but if you consult the course, you will find MUCH more and complete information! This course is culled from a variety of historical sources in regards to its herbal attributes. While not comprehensive it does include a wealth of information on Herbal Sorcery. No system of Occultism has all of the folklore but IGOS has gone a long way to gather the best of the best for their course.

Now please understand that herbal magic varies by tradition, culture and practices. Much of the Wiccan information o n herbs that I've found, o ther than Scott C^uningham, is about psychic healing or for the wors hip of one's deiti es whereas the Medieval Witchcraft literature seems bent on banefol aspects such as hexing and flying ointments. The New Orleans Voodoun tradition focuses on many different areas some of which encompass both the Wiccan & Medieval Witchcraft attributes .

Believe it or not, I've met some authors and Wiccan prac titio ne rs who snub their noses at the New Orleans Voodoun tradition because they feel that it's eithe r "not a valid tradition" or "it's too dark in its practices." The latter is silly stereotypical thinking and the former is extremely o ff base. These nay-sayers fo rget about the ridicule and fear that ’ s been whispered about them by New Age Christians concearning their o^ Pagan practices. Personally, I find it silly to snub your nose at the Voodoun or Sorcery simply because both are two systems that are results oriented.

The listing ofherbs and their Occult attributes following is not totally exhaustive nor does it include even a tenth of all the various herbs available. Because this is only a sorting point for the newbies and, novices out there. Okay so do these p articular attributes for herbs work? Well I use these attributes daily and have yet to be let down. by them!

Learn them, study them and most of all, use them.

Herbal Magics

Angelica Root

C^ar to ward off evil and prolong life. Mix this with Dragon's Blood, Blessed Salt and Hyssop for a powerful protection recipe. You can also make this into a tea and sp^rinkle it in the four comers of your temple room to bless it.

Asafoetida Gum

This foul smelling jgwm resin is used to ward off most all evil and to exorcise any area of Spirits, be they good or bad. Also can be used in different purification recipes. Is also used to invoke a curse onto your worst enemy by baling it on hot coals and visualizing your enemy dead.


Used in recipes for love, wealth, protection, and exorcising houses. Easy to obtain as is a common cul inary herb. A common herb that is easy to obtain and sacred to the LOA Erzulie. Sprinkle liberally on food that you offer to her for her blessings.

Bay Laurel Leaves

Used in purification, protection and healing recipes and mixtures. Also common culinary herb that is easy to obtain. Wear on your p ers on in a red ch^arm b ag for protection.


A very misunderstood herb! Many people erroneously t^hink that b^urning Bayberry ’ candles wil br ing them prosperity, however, B ayb e rry is one of the herbs used in several Crossing recipes! It is one of the most infamous TWISTTING herb s. Remember, T^WIS^TING herbs are dangerous if used alone but when mixed with several po s itive herbs, " the likelihood ofan ' accidental hexing is lessened. Use with caution by itself. To lessen its affect, anoint a Bayb erry candle with Fr^^inc ense and Sandalwood o il s to help . produce monetary gains.

Blessed. This t! e . (Holy Thistle)

Usedin. recipes of healing, prote ct ion and purifi cati on. Boil and add to your bath water for many pers onal b l e ssing s.


Used for a goo d luck gambling charm if wrapped in a new dollar bill and cared in the left front p o cket. Also carried as a charm for rhe^atism and arthritis.

. Calamus (aka Sweet Grass)

Used in contro llin g and c o mpe lling recipes as we ll as ’ prop he tic dre am' p i llows. Add some Mugwort and ^inse' Seeds to that pillow to strengthen the dreams psychically.

Celery Seeds

Used in psychic incenses and gris-gris power bags. When using seeds like this, a small amount such as 9 or 13 is both good for power and also numerical harmony. Also mix with Orris root and other Hoodeaux potions for increased power.

Cinquefoil (Five Finger Grass)

Used to ward off evil and protection. Brew as a tea and anoint your head to ward off any hexed condition. Each of the five leaves represents a special attribute: love, luck, money, power and wisdom. Sprinkle some in each corner of your room to ward off the evil spirits as it's said that Spirits hover in the comers of rooms. Many authors such as Anna Riva, H.U.Lampe, Elbee Wright and so on really write a lot of spells and uses for this wonder herb.

Devil's Shoestring Root

Anoint with High John the Conqueror oil and carry in left pocket when seeking employment. Also anointed with Fiery Wall of Protection oil and placed in red gris-gris bag and worn when sleeping at night to keep away evil spirits and bad dreams. Can be empowered ahead of time by cutting root into small pieces and placing in a mixture of whiskey and camphor in ajar. Makes a great 'lucky hand' talisman.

Dragon's Blood

One of the strongest magical substances known. Can be used to promote personal power, ward off evil, protection, attract luck and attract love. Also removes hexes. Has about as much different uses as Cinquefoil does.


Dry and mix with vervain and mistletoe berries to make True Love Powder.


Min with ' bay laurel leaves to defeat strong hexerei.


Used in many incense recipes for luck, money, healing and protection. Attracts the most positive spiritual vibrations. The ruler of the Spiritual planes.


Used in love potions for quickest results. Also a common culinary herb.

Garlic Bulb

Used in protection recipes and wards off Vamp ires. The energies from Garlic seems to screw up the Vampire's vibrations. There's always some fact to every bit of folklore.

High John the Conqueror Root

One of the most powerful roots used in Magic! Used to dispel depression and also eliminates one's confusion as well as giving good luck in gambling. It even attracts love, good health, money! Simply anoint with the appropriate Occult oil and carry in a gris- gris bag. Use one in your personal power bag for a big battery of power. If kept in oil in ajar, it can be used like Devil's Shoestring Root by pouring out some of the oil onto your hands and rubbing them together while saying and visualizing your desire.

Holy Herb

Used in necromancy rituals. Bum directly on hot coals for calling the deceased. Can also be used as a tea by po^uring directly into bath water and bathing in it for seven days for spiritual blessings, wash away illnesses and bring on great spiritual power.


Used to dispel all vibrations prior to ritual. Can be used in psychic recipes to aid clairvoyance. It is odd that it will both 'dispel & summon' psychic energies. Since it's used to dispel bad vibrations, you should make a tea with it and bathe in it for several consecutive nights.

Low John the Conqueror

Anoint and carry a piece when being hassled over legal problems. Also used in

Confusion, Good Luck Mystic and Spiritual Vision recipes. Used to reverse an evil spell by chewing on a piece and spitting it out onto the ground. This root is very versatile like Cinquefoil was explained earlier.


Mainly used in love recipes but is the prime ingredient in the Uncrossing recipe. Can be burned singularly to bring peace, love and prosperity to a home.

Lemon Verbena

Use it to break up lovers by sprthinkling onto their doorstep. Can also be used in success rituals and spells and like potions.


Used for a variety of things but most notably in psychic recipes. Use it as a tea to anoint your crystal balls and speculums to aid your scrying visions. Helps to bring prophetic dreams if used in a pillow and placed under your head while sleeping at night.


Used to attract Spirits in. ceremonies. A TWISTING herb which can be used safely in place of Graveyard Dust. Also used in the Voodoun potion for summoning evil spirits.

. Myrrh Gum

A notorious TWISTING herb. Used to both attract love and in certain compelling recipes. It is unpredictable if used alone so add a modifying herb. When blended equally with frankincense it creates a very potent success combination.


Used to un-hex and Uncross someone. Also used in exorcism recipes to keep spirits at bay. Throw some of this in with the Spirit-Be-Gone recipe given in the next chapter to make any noisy Spirits leave town!       -


Used as an ingredient in Graveyard Dust due to its properties of binding and reversal. It is an infamous TWIS^TING herb.

Pepper, Black

Used to ward off evil and to exorcise an area from unwanted Spirits or those damn Poltergeists! Can also be used to curse and hex someone with 'dating' good effects!

Pine Needles

Used to ward off evil and added to purification baths. Bum direct on charcoal to rid a house of negativity.

Tonka Beans

Used in love gris-gris bags and perfumes. The whole bean is often carried as a talisman or charm. When calTied whole, anoint with MoneyDrawing or Prosperity oils as it can also be calTied in gris-gris bags for money and luck.


One of the sacred herbs ofthe New Orleans Hoodeaux practitioners. It should be gathered with the left hand at the rise of the Dog Star. Vervain is used in love recipes and incenses, but is also used in purification waters and incenses/powders. Mix with trefoil,

✵ dill and St. Johnswort to make one of the most powerful protection potions know.

Vetivert (Khus Khus)

A strong power herb that can be mixed with just about any recipe know to give it added punch. If used alone, put it in a red gris-gris bag for dra^wing love and success. Can be made into a tea and used to sm^on benevolent spirits. Soak it in rainwater for three days in a dark place and strain the liquid out and bottle it.

Witches Burr

It's said to protect one from evil or negative forces. Can. be used to inflict a nasty - curse by sprinkling with Damnation or Double XX powder and then throwing it onto your-enemy's property. According to author H. U. Lampe, it is a symbol of the Obeah man's power.

Common Recipes

Anointing Oil

✵ Cinnamon * Patchouli * Verbena * Frankincense *

Used to anoint altar candles, wipe off your altar and even added to your bath water prior to spells and rituals. Good recipe for those wishing to invoke blessing from the LOA .

Banishing Incense

* Bay * Cinamon * Myn-h * Hyssop * Rose * Salt

Used to banish the most stubborn spirits and also used in Uncrossing situations to rid yourself or others of negativity and bad situations.

Bend Over

* Frankincense * Honeysuckle * Rose * Vetivert *

Used to get others to do your bidding as they will be anxious to serve you. Use this only on purple candles. Anoint by liberally pouring into the palm of your dominant hand and with a continuous twisting motion counter-clockwise, from the base of the candle to the wick while thinking of the person you wish to influence.

Black Arts

* Graveyard Dust * Benzoin * Mullein * Mynh * Patchouli * V etivert *

Use only when you TRULY hate someone! WARNING: Has no positive uses whatsoever!

Devil's Snuff

* Bayberry * Cinamon * Chili Powder * Red Sandalwood *

Used by dusting your hands and sprinkling the p owde r onto your p ersona l things to keep your personal business matters private. Also can inflict a nasty hex on those who oppress you. It works like a reverse c^e - e.g. someone keeps messing with you and they get nasty, things happening to them in ret^. The more they try to mess with you, the more bad tthinggs that happen to them!

Graveyard Dust

* Mullein * Patchouli * Vetivert *

Used in place of the dirt fi’om an actual cemetery. Used in ne cro mantic rites and evil rituals. Don't bother mixing up sunless you actually intend to summon the shades of the dead. Warniing: a very evil concoction.

Jin.r: Removing

* Clove * Deerstongue * Rose * Geranium *

Used to change luck from bad to good. Use in combination with white and yellow candles. Add Crown of Success and Hom of Plenty to make a very successful combination!

Master Oil

* Brick Dust * Deerstongue * Patchouli *

Brings confidence and aids in influencing others. Good to use ifyou want a raise.

Money Drawing

* Frankincense * Heliotrope * Tonka * Gold Magnetic Sand *

Used to anoint both green and gold candles. Wallets or purses can be anointed too. Sprinkle it around the home to draw $$$ to you. Helps to protect against poverty.


* Lavender * Bay * Rose * Verbena * Hyssop *

Used to uncross ANY hexed condition. Use in a tightly closed room for best results.

Van Van

* Lemon * Rose * Vanilla * Vetivert *

* Good to wash do^ a ritual chamber prior to ritual. Add to the wash water.


* Clove * Graveyard Dirt * Lime * Mullein * Myrrh * Patchouli * Pine * Vertivert * Used for necromancy or for calming restless and negative spirits. Attracts primal energies. To give it an extra bit of oomph! toss in a shot of 151 proof rum.


* Galangal * Nutmeg * Mullein * Sage * Yerba Buena *

Used to s^mon dark spirits to aid you.

\    J

Talisman of Achete

Talisman of Gran Bois

1 J*

Talisman of Loco

Talisman of Ge-Rouge


There are many methods available to obtain personal power. In fact, in some traditions, washing oneself in fresh blood is considered to be powerful because it is supposed to confer the life of the slain into that of the bather. A European baroness, Elizabeth of Bathory, murdered many young girls and children and then bathed in their blood in an attempt to halt the aging process and keep her skin supple and smooth. It was reported that she also tortured these innocent children prior to flaying their skin from their bodies.

What is sad is that folklore is taken as gospel by some people in an attempt to alter fate. The more dangerous the rituals or sinister the crimes, the more power these individuals think they have coming. This is not really the case.

True power is realizing one's destiny and reconciling their true inner natures. Falsehoods are to be negated in their root beginnings and care must also be taken to purge oneself of limiting beliefs. In the old traditions of Ceremonial Magick, the system of Abramelin the Mage was such a method. The Initiate would cloister himself away from civilization for a period of six months -- spring equinox to fall equinox -- while focusing himself on meditations and prayers. At the end of the six months, the Initiate was cleansed and purified and thereby having reached a level of adept-hood that may take another years to complete during the course of his lifetime.

You must develop a personal philosophy for yourself. Something along the lines of "I am that which I am" or "My Self, My God and My belief' or "There is naught but the will to righteousness". 'What your philosophy may be is totally up to you. It should however be something you wholeheartedly believe in else you may be simply paying lip service to it.

Next you should have a set destination. You'11 want to have a fixed goal in your mind of where you want to be in five, ten maybe thirty years. Pursue that goal to the exclusion of all else. - Make the goal a positive one and work yourself into a fre^y over the pursuit of that dream. It is your vision. Share it with others at the risk of ridicule or acceptance.

The Spirits want you to succeed. They really do! Of course along the way you will run into walls, blockages and obstructions. These are not to be focused on. They are merely tests of your endurance. You can choose to deal with them or tear them down through the use of the Uncrossing Ritual. Frankly, some obstacles may be needed for your spiritual development. If the Spirits want you to learn a certain lesson, ten thousand Uncrossing Rituals won't help. You must simply comply and learn it.

The Spirits will also, after you've initiated yourself, give you clues on creating greater potions of success, luck, happiness, peace, money, protection and even hexing, etc. You must listen for the Spirits talking to you. The Mort will whisper secrets that only they know. The LOA may have to be invoked with you offering your body for their enjoyment for a short duration and they too can impart tremendous knowledge unto you. Merging consciousness with the LOA can be an intimidating experience. It can be like going into the Marines where you are broken down and rebuilt up. The Mort, on the other hand have no desire along these lines. They merely wish to be respected and remembered.

Other spirits you can learn from are the nature spirits. Workig with plants can be a major source of knowledge as you focus your consciousness to merge with them, one at a time, and you can see the world in a whole new different view. Stones, rocks, metals, etc., all play an important role in learning and wielding power. It is up to you how to use it.

A Method Of Gaining Power

One ofthe simplest but not always the easiest ways to boost your awareness thus your level of Power can come from meditation and contemplation during ritual. The day following an Uncrossing Ritual is the best time as you are cleansed and whole. You've not had enough time to mire your aura up in the filth and quagmire of society. The remnants of the Uncrossing Ritual should be hovering over your domain as well and this is an excellent time to begin a rite of solitary personal development.


3 white candles anointed with Holy oil

1 purple candle anointed with Power oil

High Altar incense (or plain Frankincense tears if you can't get this recipe)

Anoint the candles and set the purple one in the center of your altar. Ring this one with the three white candles and form them in the shape of a triangle. (See figure below)



20 30

Perform the Invocation To Legba.

Light the incense.

Light the purple one (®) first and say:

“Mighty Spirits! Hear thou me! I co me before you in an attempt to better myselfand increase my personal power! Help me to recognize my true potential andpath! Give me clear vision and show me the paths that I must take and the experiences I must learn "

Breathe deeply for several minutes. Allow your consciousness to wander some. If you run across something disturbing, re-focus your mind on your deep breathing exercise. Finally release the energy built up ii::J. this period.

Light the bottom right candle (30) and say:

"Let the Spirits of my Ancestors speak thus unto me!"

Open your mind and listen for the words or impressions the ghosts may give unto you. After several minutes continue on.

Light the bottom left candle (20) and say:

"Let the Spirits of the Mort speak thus unto me!"

Focus your attention for the Gheude who may have something important to say unto you. When ready continue on.

Light the upper most white candle (1 O) and say:

"Let the LOA speak thus unto me!"

Listen in case they have s omething to tell you.

^then ffinshed,' extinguish all candles.


Remember you may have nothing to le^ at this time.. If you wait and hear nothing, then focus . inward, deep into your mind and study your heart. Explore your sub-conscious and see- what i feel s about various and sundry things.

Realizetoo -. that you can ask the Spirits questions about Astral travelling, various sub - planes ofyxistence, etc., as they are your guides and friends. Allow them the oppo^rtunitv to ' ext)l<Pn i\faious 'Occult matters to you so that you can leaarn from them. XWhat's more, is if you' are' in a fix wth a day-to-day problem that there seems to have no practical solufinn to, give it up unto the Spirits and let them offer guidance. I wouldn't make this a habit as you should really be trying to le^n your own. way but if you find that you are having trouble, then ask them to help.

^then finished, b^ some mar incense and thank: the Spirits for the knowledge they've shared.


How To Dress A Candle With Oil

One of the highest and most sacred secrets of the Voodoun Magical Art is knowing how to properly dress a candle for Magic! Since Voodoun has been mainly an oral tradition, this technique has almost been all but lost. There are so many folks who want to bum a given candle color expecting it to work miracles without it being properly 'dressed' and this is silly on their pmt! Why do I say this? Because the candle itself has little to no power except for its vibratory rate. However when an experienced Initiate properly anoints the candle with an Occult oil while impressing upon it his wishes, then the candle becomes magnetized by his will alone.

Remember, when you wish to impress your will upon the wax, you must divide the candle in the middle and thus you create a north and south pole. Anoint the raw

✵ candle with Magnet oil to start with. Then anoint it with Van Van oil which is an earthlily oil which will help your Occult powers to materialize that which you wish here on this earthly plane.

Rub the oil on a candle from the top to bottom to draw forces into the candle to help YOU or from the bottom ofthe candle to its top If you are sending forces to help another.

. J:alisman of Ti-Jean-Pied-Sec

Talisman of Erzulie

Oils, Incense, Washes & Sprays


There are two ways to view Occult oils which are correctly called 'blends'. Technically a blend is merely a base oil mixed with a few-drops of essential oils. The essentials are chosen for their vibration NOT their smell! There are many practitioners who stupidly assume that if a recipe smells good that it will work well. How silly! For there are several hexing recipes that smell simply wonderful! And there are a few positive recipes which smell horrid. Again it is NOT the odor but the vibratory rates of the oils and how they mix together.

For instance the herb and essential oil of bayberry is considered very pleasant to smell yet why is it used in several hexing and crossing recipes? Not because the practitioners wanted the recipe to smell good, but rather its vibration is in harmony with the destructive agents from the other ingredients in those recipes.

To use oils, one should either buy pure essential oils except tho s e that are taken from living animal s (i. e. spemi whale is the p r oduc er of re al ambergris, the civet cat obviously produces civet and the musk deer real musk) which can have the substitution of either another herb/scent or the artificial scent added. These artificial oils are termed synthetics that is they're petroleum-based and when poured onto a hot coal, they stink with an oily smell. Thus it even tho it is unequivocably acceptable to use a synthetic for the a^rnal oils, it ’ s not wise to do so with herbal derived oils.

Of co urs e if yo u are not rich, (And who really is ?), you can get away with substituting . one herb for another. And in a pinch you can use an herb or root in place of its oil in a recipe such as rose petals in place of rose oil. True rose oil costs big bucks as does saffron. So .if you can get away with it in a recipe, then do so. Ifno^ffrg else, you can always make and use a tincture of an herb which is NOT an o il, obvious ly, but rather an inexpensive method of capturing the vibration of the herb or ' root into liquid form.

Oils can be used to:

✵ anoint candles

✵ anoln.t your body with (except baneful hexing and c ursi ng oils! ! ! )

✵ ano int chanrms and talismans

✵ anoint your tools

✵ etc.


Making incense is not that di fficult unless you have this unending desire to make stick incense whichhen can 'be tricky so we'U leave that and he making of cone incense out of this course because there are s e ve ral real ly go o d re ference s on making your own stick and cone incense out there.

There are two traditional ways of making incense in the Voodoun tradition. First we call the "bamba base" method which is nothing more than fmely crushed bamboo wood. This near powder like substance is used to absorb the oils used in making the incense. To make it you must obtain some crushed bamboo wood called bamba wood and have about two cups in a mixing bowl.

Then choose which oils you are making the blend for such as Crown ofSuccess or Money Drawing or Obeah and take the essential oils and pour them liberally into the barnba wood base. Pour enough to give the base a strong odor but don't over-saturate the product. Then add in some colored dye such as purple for Power incenses or Green for Money incenses, etc. The powders can be obtained from candle making firms. To use, s imply light a charcoal and spoon some of the incense onto the hot co als.

The most basic way of making incense is to obtain the raw herbs and roots for the recipe in lieu of the essential oils. Chop and crush the raw ingredients separately and then mix together. If you wish, you can use either a mortar & pestle to finely grind the mixture or you can use a mechanical device such as a blender or coffee mill.

By fmely grinding the ingredients together you get two wonderful results! First is you can use this powder as an incense on hot coals and second, you can use the mixture in its powdered form as an Occult Powder! Two birds with one stone!


Sprays are a most important type of focal point in Voodoun magic. Its purpose is to either enchance a ritual area by creating a desired aura OR negate negativity from a crossed condition or jinxing rite performed. Some folks in the arts don't use sprays which I think is silly. They are over confident in their thinking that nothing can help them but themselves. Personally, sprays are very helpful and they can be used anywhere!

To make a spray, simply combine holy water (the amount desired) with essential oils in a spray pump type bottle. These bottles can be gotten at flea markets, hardware stores, etc. You could even use an old Windex bottle once you've cleaned it out though!

Other ingredients can be added to the bottle such as rusty nails, pins, roots, stones, etc. Don't put in powdered or cut herbs as they will have a tendency to clog up the tube. Sprays can be made according to the traditional formulas for oils, incense, . etc.. 'You can a Iter formulas as you see fit for your needs. Follow the advice of the spirits! lspray my altar, car, tools, etc., with the formula for the intended purpose and then I use a single cloth to wipe off excess so it doesn't stain.


A wash is used to cleanse down your ritual room, your home, its window- sills, doorways, etc. This is done to spread the power of the wash across your horne. What this does is to create a harmonious pattern of forces that eject the previously held forces. Of course in some instances, such as a haunted house where the Spirits are negative you may have to wash down the home thoroughly several times to rid the lingering energies there.

To make a wash, simply add a ' few (drops of the essential oils thatmak.e up, the desired recipe into about a gallon of hot soap sudsy water. For instance if you wanted to make an Uncross ing wash, yo u ’ d either obtain that recipe's ingredients in oil form and add a few drops of each OR you could obtain the oil already blended together from a reputable Occult supply house, such as IGOS, and add a few drops of this mixture to the water. The other way is to obtain the dried ingredients, steep them in a cup of boiling water until the liquid cools, strain and pour the liquid into the bucket. Either way works well.


Believe it or not, this is an excellent way to gently add the recipe's formula to your body to cleanse its aura. The formulas used are the protective and success/luck/money drawing kind as well' as the all purpose "love/lust" 'kind. However, you'd never want to wash your body with a hexing or cursing blend because you'd cause yourself untold grief.

To make the soaps you need to find a simple recipe for making your own soap from scratch or better yet, get two cups of castille soap (thinly shaved or grated) and put into a sauce pan along with 3 cups of water and bring to a boil on low heat. When the mixture has completely melted tum off the heat. Let cool for about eight minutes then mix in all ingredients into the mixture. Pour contents into a mason jar and place in your refrigerator until ready to use.

Body Lotions

I got the idea of this from Carlos Montenegro's "Santeria Formulary and . Spellbook" which includes hundre ds of Latin American recip e s and formulas for oils, potions and everything under the sun! To use this, simply concoct the desired recipe and then apply directly to your skin.

To make place one cup of unscented body lotion or body cream into a bowl. Add all of the essential oils into the bowl and mix well. Place in a storage jar until ready to use. Simple eh?

These types of expelimental potions are good to work with because they can be used without anyone else knowing you're using ,them, plus they are less harsh than merely applying the essential oil blends directly to your skin which can irtate sensitive skin.

Certam essential oils such as ci^mnon are extremely irritating to the skin! Be forew^ed before expe^menting. This is the reason you're supposed to dilute the mi^xture BEFORE using it on your skin!

l'^isman of Ti-Albert

Herbal Charms & Spells

To Make A Person Like You

Take a strawberry and sprinkle this with some pulverized rose and carnation flower petals. Now mash the mixture together while thinking of your desired one. Then smear this paste all over your body. Let dry. Wear for at least an hour alone while constantly thinking of the one you want. When finished, shower off and go to bed.

To Create Harmony In A Home

Chop up a hand full of fresh pine needles and throw in your mixing bowl along with some angelica and lovage herb. Recite Psalm 23 over this bowl while you place your hands over it. As you chant the Psalm, invigorate the mixture with power. When finished, draw a cross over it aJ:td sprinkle the mixture with a few drops of Florida Water. Mix again and then bum on four different incense burners in four different places in your home.

To Dominate A Individual

Mix together cedar, basil, pine, lilac & deer's tongue herbs in your mixing bowl. As you mix the ingredients, focus on the one you wish to dominate. See them on their knees in front of you begging you for whatever it is you wish. Breathe three times into the mixture and then spit in it. Sprinkle this (very very lightly) on their car, clothes, doorway (threshold), etc., wherever they will come into contact with it but make sure it is not seen. To make this more effective, substituteone ofthe herbs for an oil and burn a red candle while making an invocation to the Orisha Chango to bless and empower this mixture.

Talisman of Legba

Talisman of Languette

Reading Assignments

Spirits of the Night by Rodman & Cleaver pp.109-140

Faces in the Smoke Douchan Gersi pp. 48-63; 201-223

Drum & Candle by David St. Clair pp. 217-255

Magical Herbalism by Scott C^^ingham pp. 3-12; 31-38

The Magic Island by William Seabrook pp. 70-80; 162-170

Secrets Of Voodoo by Milo Rigaud pp. 166-219

Urban Voodoo by Black & Hyatt pp. 145-155

Ritualas and Spells of Santeria by Migene Go^alez-Wippler pp. 12-47; 89-90

Voodoo In Haiti by Alfred Metraux pp. 157-158; 161-177; 192-211; 243-265

The Modem Witchcraft Spell book compiled by ^Ana Riva pp. 7; 47-62

Book Report Outline

The outline should be done after you have completely read a book chosen from one of the titles listed in the assigned reading sections. When you have finished the book, take some time and either hand print your report or more preferably word process/type your report. We are not interested in trying to decipher your script hand writing. Printing by hand is acceptable but care must be taken to make it completely legible.

The report must be at least "2" pages handwritten or "3" pages double space typed. You should include the following information in the report:

I. Author's name, Book title & Date of publishing (if given)

II. Focus of the book

III. Name two major points the author makes

N. Do you agree or disagree with the author's points and why

V. Summary of book

VI. Would you recommend this book to another person to read? Yes or No and why

When all done, obtain a book report cover and make a title page with your name, Guild Member number and the date of completion. Use a three holed punch and then set the pages in the report cover. Place in a manila mailer and send to IGOS - Book Report, 255 N. El Cielo Rd., Suite 565, Palm Springs, CA 92262.

Please note that your book report may be chosen to appear in the pages of the Guild's bimonthly magazine A Path To Power! So do a good job. Points may be deducted for sloppy or unacceptable work.



o/ootJoo Moecks

Lesson FIVE

Taking A Ritual Bath


The Bible & Other Holy Books

Theory Of Spells

Ethics Of Black Magic

Dancing & Movement


A Dictionary OfVoodoun Terms

Veves of the LOA & Other Spirits

Reading Assignments

Self-Quiz# 4


This popular talisman is commonly used to stop a lover or a mate from having a secret affair. It stymies an illicit relationship and causes sexual problems to arise between the wayward couple. And it makes the possessor of the talisman more appealing than ever before in the past. Embroider in lilac silk on de ep purple satin and carry with you. It may also be engraved on a ring or an a m u let.


Taking A Ritual Bath

Bathing is a sacred act in many cultures. Only here in America has it been denigrated to the simple cleansing of one'sbody odor. In India, for example, a bath is a ceremonial happening that is appro ached with reverence. Why is this? Because you are . not merely cleaning off dirt from your skin but rather a cleansing of one's soul. You are refreshing yo urse l f for the world at large and since yo u are an embodiment of a temple . tQ your personal Go d, then it would be mo st appropriate to do more than a simple wall scrubbing on your temple.

To Bathe or Shower?

Frankly there is nothing to stop anyone from taking a ritual shower rather than a ritual bath. In many mo dem- apartments, there are only showers with no tubs to bathe in. The reason for this lack oftubs are:

1) Bathing in tubs is dangerous - slipping while getting in and out is a common occurrence that kills many people each year

2) Showering takes less time - usually a shower will last for about 5-l 0 minutes whereas a bath can last for at least 20 minutes to an hour or longer

3) Showers use less water than a bath - in this mo dem time when our drinking water is inning mo re scarce, taking a showe r over a bath is more 'green' oriented

Occult Baths

^nlen it comes to taking a bath, here we see that in the Voodoun Magi c tradition, we have peppie who will pour scented oils ' and herbs and flowers into a bath nlp'andd 'then

• t. ' • J “.      •

bath, themselves.

Of course, this - is somewhat difficult to do when staking. a 'shower so what we do is take the herbs, flowers, roots and mix them in a bowL Thim'we lightly sp^^e . whatever Occult oils are necessary on the herbal mix. Finally we let this dry and then pour the into a fl^ane l po uch and suspend it from the sho wer heaQ . sothe water will.pass through it '••:' "-. '': ' ' ..; '•': <. -                  - - -. \- ,

. and down onto our head.

The resultant energies from the Gris-Gris will impart. themselves into your aura for fortification. I've used this tecimique many times- withvery good results. Plus if you are inclined to travel abroad, you can carry a gris-gris .bag'-'^'Wlth you for this purpose and use it in any shower situation. Just make sure you let ii dry afterwards by not putting it into a plastic bag as this can cause mold and then ym have to --dispose of it and start over.

Power Bath

handful of chamomile herb

handful of vetivert

half a handful of willow leaves

put the ingredients into a pot and boil. Strain out the herbs and pour 1-2 cups of the tea into a tub ofbathwater. This potion will serve to enhance your powers and strengthen your aura.

Sexual Attraction Bath

handful ofrose petals

handful of wisteria flowers

a few drops of vanilla oil

boil ingredients as mentioned above and strain. Pour 1-2 cups ofthe liquid into hot bathwater and steep yourself into it. •

Uncrossing Bath

a handful of patchouli & hyssop herb (mixed)

half a handful of lavender

a few pinches of kosher salt

prepare as mentioned above. This serves to enhance the aura and create a non-hexing

✵ barrier to protect the practitioner.


Money Drawing Bath

a handful of heliotrope flowers

a handful ofvetivert

a few drops of vervain

used to bring better financial prosperity to you.

If you plan to study the Bible, then may I suggest you obtain other books such as The Eighteen Absent Years of Christ Th The Gnostic Gospels, The Nag Ha^madi Lib rary (now online on the internet), The Kabballah Unveiled, Seven Steps To Power, The Magic Formula For Successful Prayer, and others winch draw heavily upon the Holy Bible.

Of course you are not limited to the Catholic nor King James Versions of the Bible. You can obtain a free copy ofThe Book of Mormon free from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as it contains some interesting and unusual insights. Other denominations such as the Jehovah's Witnesses have their own version of the Bible as well which can be utilized in a Magical setting.

Holy Books

Consider the Unpanishads which is a wonderful collection of tales of eastern origin. There is much wisdom littered in its pages. The Baghavad Gita is also worthwhile as is the Koran, the Rig Veda, and the Tao Te Chi ng. The o Id standard of Oriental divination, The I Ching: The Book Of Changes, is a classic text in wisdom that one can utilize in their meditations.

Holy books abound out there. What you do with them is up to you. You can obtain them and simply leave them on your bookshelves or take them out and read a passage and then meditate upon the meaning. See how it relates to your specific situation at the present time. Bibliomancy is another area where you can make use of various Holy Books.

Focus on your problem, choose a random Holy Book, open it at random while still focusing on your problem and see what the passage has to say. How does it relate to your question. Look hard and think long before trying it again. Usually the first passage has the answers you seek. Let the Spirits be your guide in selecting a passage. Let them guide your fingers. You'll be amazed at the accuracy and relevance ofthe information

you get from this practice.


The formation used in making the letter “y" is considered to be a symbol representing life . to Voodooists. It was brought into popularity by New Orleans's first recorded Voodoo Queen, Sanite Dede. Engrave this letter on a square ring, charm, or anything yo u regularly carry with you. It is said to stimulate those of the opposite sex, increase your sexual magnetism, protect from venereal diseases, and attract e:kperieneed lovers. This talisman also helps the possessor to gain clairvoyant power.

The Theory Of Spells

Voodoun Spell Theory

✵ To learn how spells .are constructed, one shoud take time and dissect old, traditional spells. This 'is the hardest part to do yet the most practical and the best way to learn. Most traditional European Witchcraft spells, also referred to as 'charms' involve a simple visualr?ation. and a chant. In Voodoun however, the spell will normally not have a chant per se but rather a series of things to do in accordance with the visualization.

For instance, if you're having trouble with Ramon, and you construct a talisman to remove him from your area of influence, typically you'll write his name nine times on the back of the talisman rather than have to speak his name or create a chant. While one can chant it is not normally a practice the Voodoun Sorcerer uses. The Psalms are usually used in place of chanting.

Of course the V oodounist is encouraed to use his powers of imagination and creative visualization to make the mental scenes of the end results. But if he chooses not to or doesn't have the ability to visualize very well, he can still consolidate his entire ceremony . into a talisman and the consecration and charging of such. The Veve of a LOA on one side of the talisman and the written wish on the other side then placed under a candle or bowl of boning incense is one way to activate the wish.

Veves can be

✵  burned onto wooden disks with a woodburning tool and then c^ried

✵  engraved or etched onto a metal disk and worn on a chain

✵ hand draawn on clean parchment like paper with colored pencils or inks and either placed under candles .or carried in a wallet or purse

✵  etc.

inkagination can come up with a lot of interesting ways Voodoun talismans can be used. CIncourse,these aren’t hm oQJy talisInmans out there on the market. There are a lot ofbooks of talismans that in^yVoodounists make use of.

Onesuch book is' the old reliable 6th & ' 7th Books of Moses; another is compiled by an didSpiritualist by the nameof Ifenri GG<un.e9he and it's called Mystery of the Long Lost Olodks^fMosee^ or commonly referred to as the 8th, 9th & 1Oth Books of Moses; another bpplc.iined with talismans is ,,AnnRiv Rivva's Secrets of Magical Seals; still another. is How Uo 'UiekT Use Use., Talismans, used, by many .students of the Occult (and Voodounists are included here), is by a Ceremonial Magickian by the name of Israel Regardie. Of course the lists of such books faliginder. the auspices of Sorcery and that is precisely what we as practitioners are advocating.

Wanga Charms

Another interesting facet of Occult practice is that ofthe gris-gris. Thls is a charm bag, usually made of red flannel,. filled with dried roots & herbs, talismans and other ^frigs like symbolic objects. Then it is energized with the will of the practitioner for either himself or his client ' and then tied shut. Other names for this item are Toby, Trick, Ouanga, Mojo, etc. In some cases it parallells the Native American Indian's medicine pouch but whereas their bag is for the individual's Spiritual essence to reside, the gris-gris are more in tune with certain vibrations relating to a desired result. Medicine pouches are a lifetime personal item whereas the gris-gris bags of the Voodounist are temporary only items.


Gris-Gris Bags

Power Bag




Five Finger Grass

Witch's Grass

✵ Anise seed


a whole Jalap root anointed with Bend Over oil

a piece of q^uartz crystal

a tiger's eye stone

a piece of real silver

hand drawn seal of the Sun

hand drawn Great Penta^^m of Protection seal

Roll the seals into little.. fu.,be!) and tie each shut with red or purple thread. Put into red flannel pouch and phi in stones and silver. Then pour a couple of teaspoons each of the crushed. herbal mixturS into bag. Sew shut and hang from a string. Wear around your neck during ri^ttiais . and meditational periods. Ke ep in a safe place when not worn. •

To Help Another

Into a red flannel hag pour: a p iece of tiger's eye ' stone . . . . . . ... .* '• a piece of lodestone some five finger grass, lavender, bay laurel leaves, hyssop herb & rose petals sew up and anoint with p^ple thread and anoint with Bend Over oil. Will work to remove blocks from your friend's paths. Very effective.

Spells & Charms

Ifyou take a peek into various Occult texts that are rdegated to Voodoun Sorcery, .such ^Ana Riva's Voodoun Handbook ofCult Secrets, or H. U. Lampe's Secrets ofVoodoun Revealed or Elbee Wright's Book of Legendary Spells, you'll inevitably ^run into spells that look like:

Black Candle Tobacco - use this to win court cases and overcome legal entanglements. It is burned along with a black candle which has been sprinkled with salt on the evening before the court appearance. (from Anna Riva's book, The Modern Herbal Spellbook, page 19)

This is a perfect example of a folklore spell. There are literally thousands of these kinds of spells with a multitude of variations on each. The differences lie in the situations encountered, the intuition ofthe practitioner and the information culled from the Spirit world.

Many of these spells started out originally with practitioners such as Dr. John and Marie Laveau. Now whether these two gained their spell concocting informaiton intuitively or directly from possession by Spirits is anybody's guess. Because no one today knows exactly for sure and that includes ethnologists who've studied the lives of these two.

th my professional opinion, I'm sure they learned some spells from older folks and then later made adjustoents according to their own intuition's. However it is not unco^mon for new spell information to come along directly from possession by a Spirit or LOA.

These new spells are the best per se since the Spirits are telling you what it will take, exactly, to solve your challenge. They already know what the 'X factor' is that's- unseen and they've taken steps . to give you the wherewithal to overcome the ^^no^. Whereas the old - tried and true spells will work, and usually quite true, trie', difference is that you maynot know what the.^unlmown• isthattrupedes .ptrigres^ thus you may either get.it right the tirstttrue whtri a struple ch^m or spell - ghit ; then you triayhave to try severat ttruesby v^^ing the process until ' that which you desire has1 manifested to ' your satisfaction.

Spell Alterations

I just heard a heavy gasp of air from you. Yes I did say that the practitioner can alter - or adjust a spell for a given situation. Just because it's old or ancient doesn't meantriat it c^rnot nor should not be tinkered with. Old spells may need a little tweaking for your particular situation. Many are simplistic and what I’d cal,a generhi approach while you need a more specific approach so your energies aren't as scattered.

One of the many ways these are altered is through the uses of incense and oils. Each of these have •one or more ingredients in each recipe. The practitioner, through his intuition, or by studying a course such as the LG.O.S. Basic Sorcery course, can learn to dissect properly the traditional recipes and thus learn which herbs work best with what. I will admit doing it on your own is a treat, especially when you figure your first out, but it still doesn't hurt to learn how to figure it out via the Guild's Basic Sorcery course. The course covers quite a bit in the way ofNew Orleans Voodoun spell components.

The main thing to remember when altering a spell is understanding why it was put together as it is in the first place. For example ifl were going to add some "Oomph!" to the Black Candle Spell above, I'd probably decide on what type of legal problem I was . encountering. Let's say it's from a divorce situation where the attorney's have helped to make it a messy procedure.

First I'd think about adding some Anger powder to the spell which is historically used to calm a rough situation. Then I'd add a purple candle anointed with Bend Over or a compelling oil and loaded with compassion type of herbs. Finally I'd add, and this is my own personal quirk, a white & a pink candle both anointed with Uncrossing oil. The purple Bend Over candle is to add power to my situation and the white candle is for spiritually uncrossing while the pink is for the relationship I shared with my spouse to be eased out with the help of the Uncrossing oil. I'd encircle all three candles, the black included, with the Anger powder to remove the harsh feelings.

Now ifl'd want to go further, and believe me these spells can easily get as complex as any Ceremonial Magickain's rituals, I could add a candle for each lawyer involved with an oil that would be more Mercurial & Jupiterian in influence. I'd use the Uncrossing oil as a base on both as a setup then I'd anoint each with an oil of Mercury for communication and an oil for Jupiter for dealing with authority.

Then you can add into your spells timing such as lunar phases, Tatwic Tides, Season processionals, daily planetary times, Astrological transits, etc., ad infmitum! After a while, the whole becomes extremely complex without any significant gains.

This is the Law of Diminishing Returns acting here not Murhphy's Law. You can only do so much and go so far until the rite's effectiveness is petered out. If possible it's nice to add timing to your spells but frankly it's not totally necessary. Do your spell when there's a need. The most important factors are:

1. Need vs Desire - if you have to have it such as a life or death situation, then make it so!

2. Emotional attitude - is this something you fear or lust for? The stronger the emotional ties, the better offyour spell's going to be.

3. Ritual ingredients - prop er ingredients for the p roper recipe. Each spell is co mp o s ed of highly select ingredients for specific needs and purposes. Earlier we saw that one can add or delete if necessary, that which his workings ' dictates.

Spell Failures

Those who claim that tleir Magic works every time are nothing but bold faced liars! No one's Magic works 100% of the time save the LOA's. We tend to think that the powerful old Occultists like Marie Saloppe, Senite Dede, Marie Laveau, Dr. John, Dr. Yah, and- others, were extraordinary. Of course their successes were the most publicized and you seldom hear about their failures. ^his is romanticism in the purest sense. Realize that everyone has a do^r tum for the worst at least once, but mo st often several time s in ' the ir lives.

There are some solid reasons why Magic fails. Sometimes it is for a good, but ent ire ly unknown to us, reason that later we're Very grateful for. This is a time then to thank the Spirits for watching out over you. Make an offering of thanks and keep them happy.

Five of The Most Common Reasons For Spell Failure

I. Improper ingredients - sorry but you can't use brown candles for spiritual wor^ngs because brown has no spiritual functions whatsoever. ft is the ruler of the material plane. Use the proper ingredients first and see what you get.

II. ^that you asked for is going to take a long time to manifest - this can be ^akin to you being 19 years qld- md yo u desire as well as strongly vis ual ize yourself the CEO of AT&T: Everi' if you're a middle manager in AT&T's organization, it will not be a .quick ' . climb to the top. Many years and self-sacrfuces wil l be in order p lus for a desire s uch as this, I'd find a way to propitiate the Spirits at every oppo^rtunity -- bribe them! -- so to insure you have at leasta, sporting chance. [XVIII]

✵ attainable for you to have! Perhaps a super-bike such as a Kawasaki Ninja is what you want as that easily fits the description. (In fact it's faster than a Lambo!) And this is more in line with your personal wallet's treasure horde!

V. You got what you asked for but not what you wanted - Oh boy have I experienced that one! Sometimes I feel like my Ancestors are really pissed at me and just want to teach me a lesson. The old adage from the tale of the Monkey's Paw of 'Be Careful Of What You Wish For Because You Just May Get It' is so true!



Rose Powder

!4 cup


Y2 cup

Sandalwood Incense

Y2 cup

Lavender Incense

% cup

Orris Root Powder

Y2 cup

Winter's Bark (crushed)

2 teaspoons

Rosemary Leaves (powdered)

2 teaspoons


3 teaspoons


Pimento Powder Saltpeter

Patchouly Powder Sage Powder

Cubeb berries (crushed) Winter's Bark (crushed) Wood Bettany (crushed)

Myrrh Incense

Orris Powder Satyrion Powder' Absinthe Powder

Saffron In c e nse

Sandalwood Incense

1 teaspoon

2 teaspoons

1 cup

!4 cup

Y2 cup

1 cup

1 cup

2 teaspoons

H cup

Y2 cup

Y2 cup

2 teaspoons

V3 cup



Blend either of the above groups of ingredients (see a p p e n d ix for sources) in a large bowl, cover tightly, and set aside in a cool dark place until needed. Burn 1 teaspoon of this mixture on a piece of Bamba Wood Charcoal every night as you prepare for bed. Keep a small piece of Queen's Root under your mattress, and a second piece in your pillow case.

Each morning upon arising, light some more of the inc e n s e while you d r a w your bath water .. Add 9 d r o p s of Attraction Oil to - the water and then bathe. Dry off well and anoint our body with some Ju Ju Oil and then rub your forehead with a little Obeah Oil.

Ethics Of Black Magic

Since this course would be null and void without a mention about the ethics of Black Magic, let us say that it is to be desired to strive for balance in all things -- including one's Magical art!

To quote the Christian B ib le, ’To everyt^ikg there is a seas on..." and hexing and . curses come to mind as well when I hear this phrase. To learn to he al one must learn to hex. There is no other way to look at it. For what you are doing when you send healing energies into yours e If or another by Magi c al means, is to destroy the virus or ailment that is making the person sick. ^ink about it! You are ^trying' to kill off that which harms your person! Thus hexing and healing go hand in hand.

Now ^rnd you you' re NOT to go around like a bully shoving and pushing your way to the top. There are ways to reach tlw top in this world in anything you do while retaining a good sense of self worth and good ethics! No one l ikes a bul ly -- not even the Spirits! So . don't think you can push people when you don't get your way every time! Nope. If you pres s the Spirits too much by hexing every individual you come into contact with, they're likely to pack up and leave you for good. NO bullshit either!

But if someone is genuinely sticking their nose into your life and trying to make it a living hell, then of course you have not the right, but the obligation to teach that yahoo a thing or two! \Where is it engraved in stone that you must be another's toy or punching bag? Sorry but in Hoodeaux and Voodoun, we do n't believe in bitingthe-bull et every time.

Oh sure there are times when it's necessary to 'back off and IM haijire take it's course but not every time! No siree! You must come aroun.d and look at it from the perspective that if you wish to gain out there, you're going to step on toes. Period. But if you. step on toes, you'd do n ’ t have to insult them or grind your boot . he el into their toes. That’s going overboard isn' t it?

Develop a personal philosophy and live by it. It' doesn't Itayelto be trnything that you ’•; tshare wik anyone but just make sure you're playing by the.pil^-tw|Leii you have to and then when you don't have to, you hex 'ew good! Don’t hold back!

. .• -        .. L •

; f.. •                  •                  .. . ,.

i!l s^^rnaary, it's never a good ikikg to hex anyone innocent. Thaf s about it for the no-no dep^iment here because all else is up for grabs.


destroying everyone

This unique talisman is said..to. contain the. power of . and everything, in its . possessor's. path. It is said to be able to cause earthquakes, 'floods;.. hail, lightning, etc.

Dance & Movement

On the subject of dance and movement there can be little said. Why? Because I'm not a dancer and thus have no authority to comment on such other than to say dance is one way to unlock the 'power latent in your body for spells and rituals. Movement causes the blood to utilize oxygen and oxygen is gathered there from breathing. The oxygen in the blood helps to maintain vitality which tends to wane when one begins to practice Magic IF one does not learn to breathe properly.

There are those out there who I've met at festivals who utilize Tai Chi into their Voodoun practices as a form of increasing their own personal power as well as the Native American Tsalagi Dance of Life which is their form of Tai Chi! Then there are practitioners who use Yoga movements as another way of unlocking the power within the body.

Muscles tend to store energy and if you set a lot on your job, then you should learn dance or create some form of regular movement to help keep your circulation going. Not so much for exercising as it is for one's ritual focusing. Unleash the power within your body . by stretching your muscles and if nothing else walk in place while mentally conjuring at

your altar. You'll be surprised as the results!









This talisman brings clairvoyant powers to anyone who wears it while in trouble or in need of assistance. It reveals the most hidden secrets of the universe. And it enables the wearer to penetrate anywhere unnoticed. Embroider in white silk on violet satin and carry with you. It may also be engraved on a ring or an amulet.

A B R A C A D A B R A abracadabr abhacadab abracada






S^prisingly, the u.se of dolls in Magic has been around for thousands of years! In . times past little effig ies . of humans have . beem found . by archeol ogists in .cities such as Sumer and Egypt as well as PI1 the. Anatolian Plateau in Turkey. Often . times these dolls have represented a deity but other times it is surely 'assumed' that- many could also have been used in Magical rituals lor love and domination. Not all dolls are child's toys!

Doll magic is not difficult even if you can't sew. I clearly remember making my first doll to help my alcoholic brother and it worked quite well I'm pleased .to say. It was made. of a small amount of red felt cloth and was about only 3" tall. I stuffed it with some hair I obtained from his comb along with some domination ^pe of herbs but the majority of the herbs was Dog's Grass. I had personal reasons for making this kind of a doll which I choose to not share with you but let's say it worked much better than I thought it would.

In a pinch, you can make a paper doll! Yes they do work as I've used them also. What is important is to name the doll to represent who it is you want it to be and then write their name on the back of the doll nine times along with their date of biAn (if kno^) or Astrological sign. Sometimes, I've even made a complex symbol by using the letters of their name and drawn. this on the front of the doll.

To Enchant A Paper Doll:

Insert nine pins into each eye area and also the heart area. Then anoint the doll with an appropriate oil that matches your wish. Pass it ^thru incense smoke that matches your wish and finally speak your desire . to. it. Will your wish into a little ball of light and . put it into the doll's brain area. Then leave .on your altar under a purple candle anointed with Domination or Compelling or- Bend Over oil.

Of course let it be said that the paper type - of dolls do not haye the staying power of say a cloth 'doll filled with herbs, roots and. the like. But if you can obtain it, use white poster board . for a paper doll and it will hold the enchantment a little bit longer. Of course the paper doll is nothing; more than a - talisman and if one can -make talismans out of paper, parc^nent, brown. grocery sacks,- or poster board, then why can't .one make a doll out of the - same material and se it in the same --way?

.- Traditional Doll'Sorcery

mamaking a d()ll - to represent- another person, itis extremely desirable to have obtained something small that belonged to them. Items such as - hair, fingernail clippings, peeled skin, curine .or feces stained clothing, a saliva soaked cloth, or best of all, blood soaked clo^dag are the most desirable as they form the strongest links to your target. Anese are called relics" and should be stuffed inside the doll to form the psychic bond between the doll and the victim.

Now take nine pins for each eye and the heart and insert one at a time as you proclaim your wish verbally. When finished, anoint the doll with an appropriate oil such as Commanding or Compelling or Bend Over oil and . pass the doll t^^ a similar incense.

Now speak your desire into the doll via the head. Tell it what you wish it to have the victim to do.

That's it! Nothing super difficult to do maybe other than sewing the doll which some may have a prob l em with but when I made my first doll, I had never done any sewing -- ' other than putting a button back on my simrt or sewing . shut- a hole in' my trousers. The only other problem you may encounter is obtaimng some of the herbs listed for the ^^stufg. Any bot^mica should have everything mentioned but fraankly why take the chance of not getting what you want when you can o rder them directly from IGOS who's both reputable and trustworthy?

Typical Voodoo Dolls

Secondary but weaker relics which can work are:

✵  pipes, cigarette butts smoked by the victim

✵  personal lighters which they received as a gift

✵  combs or brushes which they use to groom themselves with

✵  nail clippers they use regularly

✵  unwashed clothing or shoes that are worn regularly

✵  a toothpick used by the victim

✵  a cotton swab used by the victim to clean their ears

✵  etc.

You see if you use a little imagination, you can fmd something which the person used that can become a link with them!

Cloth used to make your doll really SHOULD be from the victim's clothing but if you cannot obtain that then red flannel is the traditional material but you can use whatever is lying around at the store however the cloth MUST NOT be made from your clothing! To

✵  do so would linl<: YOU to the doll and the spe ll would affect you as well as your victim -maybe even more so!

Use the pattern given and lay it on some cloth which you've bought at the store. Taking a needle and thread, hand sew up the sides and bottom but leave the top open. Stuff the doll with the following herbs for a Domination type of working or else Love herbs for a love spell, etc.

Herbs Used:

Dog's Grass


Bay Laurel



All spice



Then sew up the top of the head. Now sprinkle the stuffed doll with Holy Water as you say the victim's name several times and "I baptize thee in the name of Damballah & Aida-Ouedo! Be thou (insert the victim;s name here) "

Dictionary of Voodoo Terms & Meanings 1

Ababa - equal to the metaphysical word "amen".

Acassan - a holy drink that greatly stimulates your psychic abilities; made from water, flour, milk & sugar.

Adoration - similar to the adorations ofwitches where specific prayers are said to the spirits withthe exception that money is collected (offerings) which are used either to buy ritual ingredients, pay rent for the Temple space or buried and sanctified to the presiding LOA.

Ali - a word which is similar to the Christian "hallelujah" which denotes happiness or joy d^uring a ritual and can be cried out by any of the attendees when the mood overwhelms them.

Asson - a sacred rattle used to summon the spirits or LOA. Made from a dried gourd & traditionally covered with a snake's vertebrae or multi-colored beads called assogwe. Used to bless the four comers of a working area by shaking vigorously. A small bell may be attached to the handle which is used to call the good LOA and banish the evil influences.

Azein - holy emblems such as banners, flags, pictures, etc., that depict fertility. One of the most sacred is the phallic symbol.

Azeto - a loup-garou or mauvais air which is a male or female werewolf or vampire . respectively.

Badji - can be either an altar or a special sanctuary room for the Voodoo workings.

. ground sugar cane eaten to promote .sexuality; it is believed to be a very strong aphrodisiac.

Bain - a pre-ritual bath that is ' similar to the European Witchcraft traditions of using sacred oiIs, bags of herbs, and etc. Used to cleanse one from evil and negativity.

Banyan - literally the numb er "4" which is s acred to the LOA.

Barteme - baptism

Barriere - the door or entrance way to the ceremony/ritual. This is sacred to the LOA Legba.

1 Most of this material was culled from an out-of-print book by Robert Pelton called "Voodoo Secrets From A To Z" (A.S.Bames & Co; ND)

Baton Legba - a gnarled ritual stick (staff) that is sacred to the LOA Legba because he is depicted as carrying one. Stored near the badji during riuals & ceremonies.

Bio - literally the number "3 "".

Blanc - a white person who expresses interest in learning the old ways ofVoodoo.

Boba - literally the number "2".

Bokor - sorcerer, herbalist or witch doctor.

. Borne - term used to signify when a good Bokor is thwarting an evil Bokor. It stops a bad LOA from inflicting harm on someone who has been hexed. Similar to an Uncrossing or Jinx Removing ceremony.

Bosa - literally the number "1".

Basal - a person not yet initiated into the Voodoo mysteries. An unclean spirit.

Boucan - a ritual bonfire that is sacred to the LOA Legba.

Buckanana - literally the number "5".

Cabrit - a sacrificial goat.

Calebasse - a gourd shell that's been sliced in half to be used as a chamber pot;

sometimes used as a serving bowl or altar utensiL

Carrefour -,.a crossroads ruled by Met Kaifu. He wears a silk robe and a hat and is symbolized by a chicken. He resides in trees and loves to eat sugar cane and is extremely phallic oriented.

Chansi - a ' ceremonial' rattle' like an asson b in- made of a tin'can on a stick instead of a gourd.

Cigouaves - a demon from Voodoun lore who comes out only at night and sexually castrates men;

Clairin - a powerful ^ink: made of raw rum or moonshine liquor. The favorite drink of Gheude sp irits

Congris - a food made of rice and black-eyed peas cooked in sweetened water then eaten during a ceremony. Can be used to cast spells, pay the LOA with, banish evil spirits and other such Hoodeaux uses.

Conjure Bag - a small flannel bag, usually 2-3 inches wide and 3-4 inches long into which is stufef d various herbs, roots, stones, crystals, talismans, amulets, papers with sigils and names on them, etc., to draw to the owner of the bag or to ward off from the bag' s owner.

Goofer Balls - little black balls of wax into which the hated desires of the Hoodeauist is poured along with nine new black headed pins and some thorns and other such evil concoctions. Then these are rolled across the lawn ofthe victim's home and soon the victim will take ill and die.

Conjure Dust - same as Graveyard Dirt

. Corps Cadavers - another term for Zombis

Eau-sirop - a sweet syrup made by crushing sugar cane and adding a little water. Used in many Voodoun rituals and to 'restore sexual potency'. Most likely this can be made easier here in the U.S. by taking some powdered sugar and stirring in some water which makes cookie icing.

Engagement a 'pact' made the Bokor and spirit.

Envoi Morts - the bringing back of the dead to be used to harm an enemy.

Fromager - a cottonwood tree from the bombax tree family. Said to house many spirits and LOAs.

Garde - a written talisman on which various vevers and sigils are drawn along with words of power. Used to protect its owner. Carried in a small red flannel bag.

Goat Without Horns - an old Voodoun term which means 'human sacrifice'. Outlawed and despised today by all, this type of sacrifice is extremely evil and even many of the LOA are abhorred by any who’ d think of performing this sort of sacrifice.

Gooba - a ground nut mixture said to have strong magical powers in spells and rituals.

Govi - a sacred clay jar, pitcher or vase which contains rum, wine, pieces of plain white bread, laloquinin leaves, mombin leaves and a whole egg. Used as a brew to bring back an ancestor spirit and then once the spirit is inside, the lid is capped tightly. The jar is then placed on the altar in an honored place and then later consulted on important matters. Modem ceramic temple jars can be used as govis.

Gris-Gris - the same as a conjure bag; other names are Toby, Trick, Wanga, Ouanga, Mojo, etc.

_ Houmfort - the inner chapel in a Voodoun Temple. In western Magic, would be called "The Holy of Holies" or Sanctus Sanctoram.

Lampes - a charm lampe can ' be a simple cup, small bowl, crab shell or half of a coconut. In these modem''times, a regular oil lamp can be used. The lampe contains oils, roots, herbs, stones, etc., to help attain a wish.

Lares - special spirits who reside in the home. Since they protect and watch over the living who reside in the home, they are revered and esteemed. Some call them penate or household LOA.

Mange - a special feast held in honor ofa specific LOA(s)

Mange Guinee - a special feast held to appease a very angry, vengeful and displeased LOA. May also be used to appease an evil LOA.

Mapou Tree - a cottonwood tree which is sacred to Damballah

Mauvais - an evil wizardless or Sorcerer

Novena - a special prayer which is practiced for nine consecutive days in conjunction with candle burnings

Oraison - a special prayer made in the form of a Catholic prayer by writing the request onto a p iec e of paper and then pinning it to the ins ide ofone's clothes, the., und ers ide of a pillow or ' evert tacked onto a wall. Most often these prayers are addressed to St.

Radegonde, St. Claire, St. Michael, and St. Bartholomew.

Orgeat - a sweet syrupy drink' favored by Damballah and Erzulie. Made rom .. almonds.

Pe - the main altar in a houmfort whose focal pQint , is gene?rally a white cross, . Various. - botties ^^ain andwines' ru:i placed . as offerings to the LOA as weli as an eggwhich represents fertility,' Other offerings such & corn meal wafers, :frtits sl),Ch as bahanas, com and etc; bottles of pefumfumes, colognes, Oils, artificial (and real) flowers, etc. Sometimes a stuffed black cat . is honored there as well.

Petro Society - a cult of the Sect Rouge who practice very evil humnn sacrifices.

Pierre LOA - a small oval, flat, white stone believed to be a gift from the LOA to help ward off evil

Pierre Tonner - a.k.a. Thunderstones, which are a highly polished, deep black stone similar to a "Pierre LOA"

Regime - a stalk of bananas. Considered to be sacred food for the LOA as they are phallic in shape

’ Reposoir - a temporary home of a spirit. A circular stone or cement enclosure is often placed around the foot of a..sacred tree.

Tasche - the bark from a royal palm tree which is used to fill cracks in walls as a guard against evil spirits and ghosts.

Vever - same as a Veve.

Veve - a mystical sign, symbol, design or drawing made on the ground or floor of a Houmfort by the practitioner. Can be chalk-drawn or made with com meal, brick dust, flour, coffee grounds, etc.,

Zobops - secret societe of evil Sorcerers who practice Black Magic. Also another word for Witches and Demons who have power.

. Zombi - a ' corps cadaver. Another tenn that denotes the supreme creator of the universe.


Marigold 'Powder    1 teaspoon

Lemon Verbena Powder    1 teaspoon

Mace Powder    1 teaspoon

Calamus Powd er    1 teaspoon

HopsPowd er    1 teaspoon

Magnolia HerMcrushed)    1 teaspoon

Quince Seed (crushed)    1 teaspoon


Blend all of the above ingredients (see appendix for sources) and put them into 1 gallon of boiling water. Cover the kettle remove from the stove, and set aside to cool. Then put ' the -mixture ' into a large crock or jug and set it in a cool, dark place, for 9 days to soak. Then strain the mixture on 'the morning of the tenth day. Use Y4 cup in your daily bath water and others will immediately begin to show, more respect and admiration for you. Your popularity with members of both sexes will climb to undreamed of heights.

Veves of the LOA & Other Spirits



Papa Legba

Reading Assignments

The 8th, 9th & lOth Books of Moses compiled by Henri Gameche pp. 66-103

The Spiritual Worker's Handbook by Tarostar

pp. 17-19; 28; 45-46; 55-6173-75

10 Steps To Voodoun Power by James Todman

pp. 3-11; 18-26

Self-Quiz #4

Multiple Choice

1. The story of the death angel killing the Egyptian's First Born sons appear in which •

Holy book?

a)  The Holy Bible

b)  The Rig Veda

c)  The Upanishads

d)  The Kabballah

2. Traditional European "spells" are also referred to as what?

a)  Ebbos

b)  Offerings

c)  Cleansings

d)  Charms

3. The main thing to remember when altering a spell is:

a)  everything put into it will help it work

b)  understanding why it was put together the way it is in the first place

c)  overtaxing your psyche is d ange rous

d)  creation is a powerful experience

4. How many pins do you use around each eye when using a 'paper' Voodoo Doll?

a)  1

b)  3

c)  9

d)  21

5. Which Psalm is said to be used to uncross someone?

a)  23rd

b)  9lst

c)  12th

d)  53rd

Bonus: Finish the sentence:

To learn to heal one must le^i to.

Self-Quiz #4 Answers

1.    a. The Holy Bible

2.    d. Charms

3.    b. Understand why it was put together the way it was in the first place

4.    c. 9 pins are inserted around each eye

5.    b. the 91st Psalm is to Uncross someone

Bonus Question: To learn to heal one must learn to hex.

Vevers of the LOA & Other Voodoun Spirits

Veve for Ayizan

Final Exam Due

It is now time for you to take this, your flnal exam, and mail it in directly to the International Guild of Occult Sciences.

True & False: (10 total)

1. T or F An ebbo is the same as a spell.

2. T or F The veve for the "All Purpose Voodoo Rite" should be drawn out on a 3" x 4" piece ofpaper.

3. Tor F The "All Purpose Voodoo Rite" is courtesy of Alfred Metraux.

4. Tor F Ti-Albert is a good LOA who helps the practitioner drive an evil doer insane.

5. Tor F The LOA Zaka's vever is a red cobra.

6. T or F Legba is a LOA commonly identified with St. Peter.

7. Tor F The "Ritual ofNecromancy" is for gaining information only.

8. T or F In the "Ebbo to Chango" you cover the bananas with 11 candles.

9. Tor F A white candle is used for the Zodiac sign of Taurus in candle spells.

10. Tor F In the Hoodeaux spell "To Keep A Prisoner From Being Sentenced" the oil mentioned is Lucky 7 Mystics.

Multiple Choice Questions: (Total 15)

1. The poteau mitan is

a.  the center pole ofthe society's houmfort

b.  the left-center pole of the peristyle

c.  the jug used to flU a govi

d.  a toy boat given to Papa Agwe

2. According to Louis Martinae, the Morts are

a.  the dead

b.  the female LOA

c.  the Mambo's maidens

d.  guns used to salute Papa Agwe

3. What will help facilitate an altered state of consciousness for Hoodeaux Magic?

a.  shouting at the top of your lungs for ten minutes

b.  eating 112 lb. of dark chocolate

c.  drumming

d.  playing a banjo

4. In Haiti the Morts are called

a.  Legba

b.  Gheude

c.  Agwe

d.  Obatala

5. The dead are ruled by whom?

a.  Legba

b.  Obatala

c.  Chango

d.  Baron

6. A clear glass of fresh water is put on your altar when working with the dead for what reason?

a.  because they're thirsty

b.  to refresh the dead

c.  to arouse passions in the dead

d.  to honor Papa Agwe

7. According to Lesson 3, on page 5, when you encounter an unruly spirit, what incense/powder should you use?

a.  Satan Be Gone

b.  Fiery Wall of Protection

c.  Uncrossing

d.  Seven African Powers

8. The famed Occultist J. Brodie Innes once said,

a.  "Spirits are by nature violent and thus need correction"

b.  "Spirit families are of a singular bond and reside wherever they will"

c.  "Spirits can attain heights of power we humans can only imagine"

d.  "Gods and Spirits may or may not exist but the universe behaves as if they do"

9. In Santeria, Eleggua is the ruler of what?

a.  Cemetaries and the Dead

b.  The Underworld

c.  Gardens and Farming

d.  Gateways & Crossroads

10. ^Which of the following is found in Voodoo potion recipes:

a.  brick dust

b.  iron filings

c.  chalk dust

d.  all of the above

11. The rattle is sacred to which LOA?

a.  Damballah

b.  Legba

c.  Erzulie

d.  Agwe

The Theory of Rituals

Simplicity is Sacred

Practical Voodoo magic or Hoodoo (Houdeaux) as its called in the south, is rather simple to perform. This is why when you speak to the common person who performs Hoodoo you fmd out that they usually use one or two ingredients (focal points) and a chant.

Simple but straightforward. In fact, in Western Magickal systems, simplicity has been forgotten. Some systems, like Thelema, are so boringly complex that they have alienated the common folk from their workings and teachings. Hoodoo does not alienate anyone. The problem is that there are Westerners who think that such a simple spell or ritual could not possibly work. These type of people want complexity in their lives.

While some practitioners of Western Magickal systems are busy intoning their long drawn out names of conjurations and waving their hands in the air, simple folks performing Hoodoo workings simply anoint their candles, light their incense and use the powers of their imaginations coupled with an intense desire for change!

This is not to say that there are no good ritual magicians or sorcerers out there. IGOS has many great wizards and prophets among their folds. Thorguard, Ezzuch, & El Brujo, are just a few of the names you read about in their regularly published magazine, A Path To Power.

It is unfortunate though that the majority of Western esoteric studies are so full of complex theory and nonsense! Very few ofthese systems are worth studying. As I have stated before, this course is a "how to" course. Should you want to learn lots of complex theory and little practical knowledge, then I suggest you knock on the doors of The Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis. Those folks will bore you to tears with their complex Occult theories and offer very little pragmatic information that you can use.

I do have to admit that Voodoo in a religious and ritual context is complex itself. There are no real heavy duty theories abounding though. Much emphasis is placed on the Loa and they are viewed as separate and distinct from regular reality.

I would like to dear up one misconception right here and now. Voodoo magic has been called the ultimate magical system by many, naturally by its practitioners. This claim is erroneously based on the mere fact that the human race originated on the African continent. Scientists have found evidence, hard evidence, to show that Homo Sapiens evolved from apes in the African regions. This supposedly happened 600,000 years ago. But why does this make a Spiritual practice more potent than any other? That which is old is not necessarily the strongest nor the best for all! But then again, neither does a system which comes after mean it is the strongest.


Preparing An Oratory For Workings

Choose a private room or a out of the way comer of the least used room. Barring that, you can a closet. Obtain a small wooden end table or ifthat's unavailable, a plastic milk crate will work.

A Holy Bible that has the Psalms of David in it will be a necessary object so that you can use individual Psalms for your Spells and Ebbos.

Another item you'll need is a clear, large drinking glass and a gallon ofspring water. You want water that is as pure as you can get without being distilled because distilled water tastes flat.

Three Kings incense is needed plus a small dish, which will be your censer. An ashtray that's clean and filled with pebbles, sand or kitty litter to help absorb the heat from the hot self-lighting charcoal.

Get three glass candle holders which you should clean thoroughly and three white taper candles. Another item should be a suitable candle snuffer. ’This can be found in second hand stores for a dollar or two.

You should also get a bottle of Van Van oil and a bottle of Florida Water, which is a citrus smelling cologne. The Van Van is to dress your candles (anoint) them with and the Florida Water is to clean the altar and other implements.

It's not necessary to have your altar become expensive^ but taste is an individual element and thus you can dress it up with fancy altar cloths, 'a brass censer sacred items such as stones, crystals, feathers, etc. Your altar is a personal shllrine for your Bokor workings where you'll .find itto be a quiet and sacred spot.

Supplemental items include other incenses, stathes of Saints, 'offertory items, colored candles, an offertory b owl or silver dish, and '^ijthingelse that really 'strikes your fancy.

To Use:

Before begimring practice, wash down your altar withhdt -soapy water to which you've added a few drops of Van Van oil. Wipe clean. -Thian' splash' on some Florida Water and using a new clean cloth, wipe on all of the surface. Thisis to cleanse away all negative vibrations. Place a new clean white sheet that has been trimmed so only a few inches drape over all four sides of the altar.

Clean your glass candle holders the same way as you_ cleaned the altar above. Now place your three white, new candles in the holders an set them in a triangular pattern.

The candles are lit to honor Legba who will open the gates for you; Damballah for being the Divine Father and his consort, Aida Wedo who is the Divine Mother.

Legba is visualized as an elderly man leaning on a crutch. Damballah is imagined as a giant boa constrictor and his wife Aida Wedo is the rainbow.

Fill the drinking glass with pure (not tap!) drinking water and place the glass of water in the center of the triangle. Light the candles in a clockwise pattern and light your incense and

place it on the left side of the altar.

Now perform the Opening ofthe Gates Invocation to Legba as listed in Lesson One. Once you feel that Papa Legba has opened the Gates, take your drum and beat out a steady rhythm even it it's only a simple heartbeat rhythm. When you have felt as if you've drummed enough, set your drum down and close your eyes.

Clear your mind of distractions. Perform some deep breathing exercises. Now say the following invocation:

"/ call to the three most high LOAs! Papa Legba! Damballah! Aida Wedo! I desire to work with you and be your servant! Please accept me as your student and teach me the ways I should learn! I will work hardfor you and do what you think I should dol Divine LOA ofthe Ages hear my call and bless this glass ofpure water so that when I drink ofit, I will bring some ofyour Divine essence into my body, mind and Spirit! Blessed be the Grand LOAs! / will now drumfor you! "

Take up your drum and beat out a steady rhythm. Allow yourself to steadily slip into a light trance state. This will facilitate a mild possession. Let your hands drum what the LOAs will perform through you. If you feel a possession coming on, don't fight it. Let it happen. The LOAs will protect you and not allow anything bad to happen. Most mild possessions don't last that long.

Reserve any questions for the LOAs while you have them in your possession. When you feel the LOAs leaving you, quickly drink the water fully. Offer up a word ofthanks and snuff out the candles in reverse order of lighting them. Leave your temple area and go about your regular business.

Tips & Talismans To Increase Yout Working's Success Rate

There are so many variables that contribute to both success and failure of a ritual that to try and find a begining would be vimlally impossible. Thus what I will do is merely shoot ideas and concepts at you randomly. Thiis section will most likely be jumbled thoughts butthat's okay 'because like the title, it's merely "tips" from experienced practitioners.

^ren possible, make a Van Van wash by pouring Van Van oil into a bucket of soapy water. Scrub down your working room's walls, door and doorway, and pay particular attention to the comers of the room where angles meet. The Van Van wash is great because it cleanses the room's previous vibrations whether they're for good or ill and if you are planning to do a working that is opposite ofthe former rite's intent, you will want to negate the curent feelings in the room prior to doing the rite else you could cancel out the energies of the ritual.

Unlike the beliefs of western Witchcraft, Hoodeaux practitioners know that all spells can be negated or canceled out. This is good to know because if you send a spell to harm someone who you later find out is unworthy of your wrath, you can negate the spell because the spell's energies are merely volts or charges of power. If Spirits are involved, they can be called back, paid properly and sent on their way.

Spririnkle powders directly into a candle's flame which is used for the same purpose as the powder.. Don't drop by the handful'rather spr^kie lightly while saying something appropriate. For instance if you're doing a destructive ritual against someone, then sp^rinkle some powder like Voodoo powder into the black candle's flame and say: "Oh thou my enemy! I give the Spirits this powder to feed their power to bring ill upon you! May you suffer at their hands as I have at yours

Not all-gris-gtisis- hagshaveve to be red. Traditionally they were red because the practitioners used redfl^mel'or pieces offlannel --s^rts and old nightgowns. ^that was at hand was used andthus inHoodeaux rites yoikll fmd that everything, including the kitchen sink, is

... i • “ . i r . 11

used il a ritual/spell.

_', '• ' '

Traditional-Smleria.-O.ffermgs To The Orishas

✵ Powdered eggshells aka cascarilla

✵ Cocoa butter

✵ Palm oil

✵ Coconut

✵ Toasted com

✵ Smoked fish

✵ Honey

✵ Sugar cane syrup

✵ Guinea pepper

✵ Corn meal

✵ Cinnamon

✵ Cigars

✵ Rum

✵ Camphor

✵ Okra

✵ Yams

✵ Florida Water

✵ Kolonia 1800

✵ Water

✵ Holy Water

Other offerings can be just as easy to obtain while still others may be more difficult such as trying to find a certain, rare herb or liqueur. Still other offerings can be varied and one should first consult an oracle of some type to determine ifthe Spirits accept your sacrifice. Sacrifices can also include:

✵ Small toys

✵ Small bottles of perfume & colognes

✵ Candies

✵ Fine tobacco

✵ Money in various denominations

✵ Dancing for the Spirits

✵ Drumming for the Spirits

✵ Creating a special song for a particular Spirits

✵ Creating a poem for a Spirit

✵ Making a special govi or clay pot for the Spirits

Placing an ad in the Personals section of the local paper saying something like: "Thanks to Eleggua for all prayers answered has been knowni to be effective sacrifices plus it proclaims the name of your Saint or Spirit. One can also make a donation to a particular charity in the name of the Spirit by buying a money order in the desired amount and writing in the Spirit's name where the purchaser's name and address goes. Some practitioners even write out the veve or seal of the Spirit on the money order as well.


In many places in the Occult world today, there are people who take the time to make talismans to use in their Occult practices. A talisman is a sort offetish used by the practitioner to act on his/her behalf constantly. An example of a talisman is a Gris-Gris bag. However there are many other types oftalismans which are made of metal, clay, wood or paper. These are inscribed with words, phrases, mystic symbols, runes, sigils, vevers, and seals.

Why employ a talisman? Well first off many claim it acts sert oflike a battery in that it stores power but I think it would be better to say it acts like an electrical capacitor which is a device that stores & discharges energy very rapidly. Because a talisman is used either to draw to or repel away from you or someone else something. This can be love, money, success or protection.

Talismans are simply made and rather inexpensive to use. The most expensive thing you may have to pay for is some free time to make one. You can use virgin white un-lined paper OR you can use a piece tom from a brown paper sack. The latter is what the poor southerners used (and some still do to this day) as a base for their talismans.

If you wish, you can simply use a standard No. 2 lead pencil for drawing the talisman. However, since my background is Ritual Magic and Qabala, I've successfully used colored markers and pencils to draw the symbols and words on Yl-Y talismans. The choice is yours. The power is in the symbol and intent of the practitioner , coupled with the charging method you'll later use is what makes a talisman powerful.

Some practitioners feel that a talisman must be so carefully draWn else it won't work. _That's a crock of crap because if that were so, then Qnly draftsmen and. artists would be able to' make suitable talismans. Just do as good a job as you danL Go slow when drawing it out and make it as best as you can.

Another Method

Believe it or not, I've photocopied a talisman from a book, such as the Sixth & Seventh Books Of Moses and then using a dip pen and an Occult ink:, I’ve cut out the talisman from the paper, traced over it with the Occult ink, charged it and used it. And the results were virtually the same as drawing them out.

Now of course this method only works for the standard talismans you may find later in this course or in books which have them. You'd be better off making a talisman for the situation since by careful selection of the colors and symbols and words, you can fine tune a talisman to the specific need rather than just invoke whatever to help.

Theory Of Seals, Sigils And Vevers

In his book, Modem Magick, author Don Kraig makes mention of the Anna Riva talisman compilation book called The Secret Of Magical Seals. Kraig also takes Riva to task for her instructions for her readers to use the seals under candles in Low Magick spells. Well Mr. Kraig is wrong!

What is a seal? It's a signature of a spirit or what you may think of as a 'calling card' which you can use to either summon the Spirit or tap into the essence of the Spirit with. The same hold tlue for the sigils that Chaos Magickians are so fond of using.

A sigil is a composite glyph made from the name of the Spirit desired to be evoked. By using an alphabet, the letters ofthe entities name can be rearranged to make a glyph or design that becomes a physical representation ofthe entity.

For example, I need an entity to help me with advanced mathematics so I'll create this entity by using a sentence such as "I UNDERSTAND ALL MATH". Now in this method, we eliminate all of the duplicate letters as they are both redundant and unnecessary. Thus we are left with: "I UNDERSTALMH". Now fiddling around with the letters and our creative imagination, we can come up with a glyph that looks sort of like:

Now you can experiment with this method for yourself and see that you won't have the same results as I did. That's quite all right!   ’

To use this sigil, first purify it with either Holy Water, the four Elements1 or the intent of your will. Now anoint the talisman with Van Van or another suitable intent oil. Then breathe onto the talisman and say:

"Into your being, I give you life! Arise Spirit and be ready to do what you were made for! So be it! "

To finish, if you wish as it's not necessary, you can hold the talisman between your palms and by using an energy induction ritual such as the Middle Pillar or Tree[19] [20], you can infuse the talisman with more power to help start it off and hopefully satisfy your need quicker.

You can also place it under a candle for the appropriate intent that's also been anointed with the same Occult oil used on the talisman. Remember if you have a hard time fmding a good Occult oil, simply use the old standard Van Van oil since it helps to materialize one's desires.

Now the reason I say Don Kraig is wrong is because by using the purified and anointed sigil or seal under a candle, you are tapping into the Spirit that the talisman belongs to and offering them a candle of power as an offering to help you materialize your wish. In essence you're calling someone to come and work for you and also offering payment in advance!

Now unless you've- practiced Ritual Magic and learned to s^umon specific demonic type of energies such as those listed in the Goetia, I'd leave them alone. They have compelling natures that can seek to overcome your will if you're not strong enough to deal with them. Have I used this method with their seals? Yes but ONLY the one's I've summoned successfully via my Ritual Magic practices. Not all entities want to be your friend nor do all ofthem want to possess you either. Yet it is wiser to use the standard talismans from courses such as the books of Moses or Key Of Solomon.

Now in Voodoo folklore, they have their Vevers of the LOA which can be used as talismans. These can be p aInted, drawn, wood b^ned, carved, etc., into metal, wood, clay, ceramics, etc. for a longer lasting medium.

There are also many talismans that one can make use o£ Note the designs for many of the practitioners to carry withthem in their wallets and the like. These can be drawn out on the paper, charged and placed into a Gris-Gris bag for the same intent. If you ever feel that the talisman's power is waning, you simply re-make and re-charge the talisman!

I've also included some talismans from my own practices. These were designed by me since I had difficulty fmding talismans with the specific intents as listed for them. For instance I've not found a suitable talisman for Uncrossing. The Occult author, Tarostar, in his The Witch's Spellcraft comes about as close as I could find.

Then there's the author Robert Pelton in his Voodoo Charms And Talismans who has collected a vast array of talismans from many folklore sources. Many of them will be reprinted here since pictures of antiquity cannot be copy-writed and I think his book is out-of-print and very difficult to obtain used.

Following are some Occult symbols you can use in the making of your talismans.

OaJCrosSuJcj Tadq.a/


Shan go


Oshun, oyeyeni mo ...

Oshun who is full of understanding,    -1

0 wa yanrin wayanrin kowo si. ..

Who digs sand and buries money there.

Obinrin gbona, okunrin nsa...

The woman who seizes the road and causes men to run away.

Oshhun aOura-olu...

Ogbadagbada loyau...

Oshun the river which the king cannot exhaust... One who does things without being questioned. One who has large robust breast.

Oye ni mak eni- -ide kii su ...

One who has fresh palm leaves, who is never tired of wearing brass.

GbadamufPadamu obinrin ko See gbamu...

The huge, powerful woman who cannot be attacked.

Ore yeye o. ..

Most gracious mother.

Onikii, amo-awo mara ...

Onikii, who knows the secret of cults but does not disclose them.

Yeye onikii, obalodo ...

The gracious mother, the qu een of the river.

Otutu nitee...

One who has a cool, fresh throne.

Iya ti ko leegun, ti ko leje...

The mother who has neither bone nor blood.

>31 The spirit of the mirror

Oshun yeye mora

(yeye kari)

Oshun kayode

Oshun miwa

Oshun yumi (bumi)

Oshun sekese

Oshun akura (ibu)



Oshun ede

Oshun kile kile

(bankole) (ibu kola)

Oshun awe lyami Oshorona

;>3.-. The spirit of dance

.,.;;J..., ..03 ..a.. <t(f^

The spirit of the character of the river The spirit of the wealth

(wife of iron and eldest spirit of rivers.) The spirit of mysteries

The spirit who lives between the river and the ocean.

..0.. The spirit who gives children "0e The spirit of the teacher ..0.. The spirit of elegance

..0tj The spirit of seduction

..0.. The spirit ofGelede (eu of the river)

..a.. (Oshun's elemenals)

"Mbe, Mhe ma Yeye" Exist, exist always mother...

"Mhe, Mhe L'Oro"

Exist, exist always in our tradition.

Oshun awuraofu...

Serge si elewe roju oniki... Latojoku awede we mo... Eni ide..ki -sir omi a san rere... Albse k'oju ewuji o san rere... Alode k'oju emuji o san rere... 0 male odale o san rere...

The spirit of the river, turtle drummer.

Open the path of attraction, mother of salutations.

Cleansing spirit clean the inside and out.

The maker of brass does not polute the water.

We are entitled to wear the crown that awakens all pleasure.

We are entitled to wear the crow that awakens all pleasure.

The spirit of the earth that wanders freely.

Spells & Lore

Cursing Charm (Marie Laveau)

Mix thoroughly a pinch of Asafoetida, 3 drops of Black Arts oil, 1 tablespoon of Crossing incense, 3 drops of JuJu oil, 2 strands of the hair of the victim, and 3 pieces of nail parings of the victim. Take the victim's photograph and place in an incense burner or metal bowl and write the name of the victim on a virgin piece of paper and let dry. Sprinkle the paper with 7 drops of Obeah oil. Lay this on the photograph and then pour the previous mixture onto the paper. Light the paper and focus on your victim until the photograph is fully consumed by the flre. Take the cool ashes and spread them outside and then when you return, wash your hands in heavily salted water.

To Influence The Opposite Sex

Obtain 1 bottle of High John The Conqueror oil, 1 packet of Compelling powder, 1 bottle of Cleopatra oil, 1 bottle of Lucky Bluing, several Tonka Beans. Take a bath every day and add 3 drops of ofthe High John oil into the bath-water. When bathing, rub your wrists, ankles, chest, throat with Compelling powder. Next sprinkle all over yourself with the Cleopatra before leaving the house. When laundering any of your clothing always add 7 drops of Lucky Bluing into the wash water. Lay several of the Tonka Beans in your dresser bureau.

Breaking Bad JuJu

This talisman can be used to break any kind of dangerous hex or curse. It wards off further curses and offers unlimited protection. The lightning bolt represents the LOA Zaka commonly known as 'the peasant God' or 'God of Agriculture'. Offerings which include oil soaked bread, avocado slices and a glass of    flavored with a variety of

aromatic herbs help invoke Zaka 's aid. Drums are played in his honor in order to stay in his favor.

Talisman of Zaka

If You're On Trial For Murder

Read Psalms 22 & 35 daily, one after the other. If you haven't been to trial yet, then simply read Psalm 35.

Black Hen Money Ritual

Step 1: On the first Friday after the New Moon, between the hours of noon and three p.m., obtain and take the egg of a black hen to a crossroads.

52: Carefully make a small hole in one end of the egg and drain all of its contents away so that only the empty shell remains.

53: Place the empty shell near a fire or out in the sun so that it should be dried by Sunday.

54:On Sunday afternoon, grind or powder the now dry egg shell into a very fine powder.

55: Pour the powder into your left palm, stare at it and say: "Black hen who bore you, bring me luck, and bring me big money luck! "

56: Pour the powder into your other palm and repeat the spell.

57: Seal the powder in a small envelope and keep in your wallet or purse or pocket where you normally keep your money.

Theory: the eggs in these simplistic rituals: are offering;s or sacrifices. They are used in place of <mrnals or people . in an attempt.to. p lacate th,e LOA. They work unless you are really crossedup in which case you mlli)t perfom a fu.ll Uncrossing ritual which will nullify any jinx or. hexed condition which may be upon you. Of course this ritual doesn't involve going to a crossroads and burying . the- egg as in the love ritual described elsewhere but rather you're impregnating the powdered egg shell with your desire and high pitched- thoughts. By keeping it near your wallet (or better yet inside your wallet) you're supercharging the contents of your wallet to attract money.

The White Egg Love Spell

Theory: your name is a strong bond to your soul and Astral selves and thus anyone who knows 'how' to invoke your name can, theoretically at least, compel you to obey them.

Step 1: Obtain a white egg from a white chicken. It's preferable if this egg is not too old thus you can use store bought eggs but they won't pack as much punch as if you'd got it directly from a dairy farmer.

52: Write the person's name nine times on the egg. This should be drawn with the help of either a dip pen, felt pen or even a piece of charcoal.

53: Find a crossroads, where Exu resides, and dig a small hole not too far from the road in one ofthe comers. Gently place the egg inside the hole.

54: Prior to covering up the egg say nine times: "As the hen loves her egg so do I command you to love me!"

55: Cover the hole with the earth and go home.

Notes: If this is for someone you've never met such as the girl at the bus stop or the guy who lives in the apartment down the hall or the person who works in another department at work, you'll have to find out their name somehow. Then as soon as possible put yourself in a position where you'll conveniently 'bump' into them. As soon as the person shows romantic interest in you, respond accordingly. Lore has it that if you wish to hold their interest then you must repeat this ritual every six months else it'll end up in a short tryst. The wise ones will note that this ritual can be altered to be used upon others in a commanding or compelling situation that doesn't necessarily involve love. Be careful though.



Money Bath

Step 1: On a day when the Moon is waxing, at midnight put some baking soda into a clean bucket.

52: Add three tablespoons of consecrated salt, three tablespoons of mustard (plain bottled mustard will do) and ' three cups of warm water. Stir ingredients well and thoroughly.

53: Using a clean sponge or small towel, wipe your entire, naked body from head to toe (of course you should have taken a regular shower or bath prior to this ritual and thus be clean). Make sure you use all ofthe mixture in the bucket.

54: As you sponge yourself with the liquid, slowly repeat the following thrice: "With your power and might Oh Elements, I cleanse away all evil luck and attract riches and prosperity in their place! "

55: Allow the liquid to dry completely on your body. Wash it off after seven hours. Repeat this on the following two consecutive nights BEFORE the full Moon arrives!

The New Moon Money Ritual

S 1: On ' the third night of the New Moon, precisely at midnight, take in your left hand a real silver half dollar or full dollar coin.

56: Go outdoors and kneel on the ground on your knee with your face towards- the New Moon. [Note: if you're right handed, kneel on your left knee and if your left handed, - on - your right knee]

SJ: Holding the silver coin in your left hand towards the Moon and say: "Let thy silver rays shine upon,Jrz.e, O Moon, and make my wishes come true! ywishthhr (insert your

• ;'             • •' . :      • •-’. •• •<•• •

monetary wishes - here) As I will, thus shall it be!"      ' "?

. .. ... “ ...... . . .. ., ...

S4: Rise from the kneeling position. Repeat this ritual regularly on the thud night of the next New Mo oh WJtitilyour finances improve significantly.

Feeding The Wallet

Lightly anoint your wallet's edges and outer skin with regular cooking oil. Then place it in front of a heating grate with the anointed side away from the heat. Let dry. This is done to feed the wallet since most wallets are dry. The spirit that resides there allows money to flow from it quickly because it doesn't get fed enough. If you feed it regularly, it will attract money to it for you to use.

Papa Legba Open the way Father may every Mystere aid us Master our Crossroads Remove the barrier By your power So we may pass

Going to see

If we shall pass

Land of the highway

With your staff walking

Legba the center

Post that holds up all

First of the Loa

Your children wait

Reading Assigmri.ents

The Modem Witchcraft Sp ellbook by Anna Riva

pp. 7,9-16

The Ten Lost Books-Of The-Prophets by Lewis de Claremont

pp. 23-30; 53-77

The Master Book Of Candle burning by Henri Gamache

pp. 12-32; 59-96

The Witch's Form ulary And Spell book by Tarostar

pp. 65-96

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson

pp. 136-206

The Complete Book Of Amulets And Talsimans by Migene Gonzalez Wippler pp. 147-155; 161-165; 234-246

The Witch's Spell craft Revisited by Tarostar

pp. 75-124

Pragmatic Magics by Brother MOLOCH 969

pp. 8-21

Voodoo & Hoodoo by Jim Haskins


The Voodoo Sorcery Grimoire by El Bruj o Negro

Ch.1 & 6

Self Quiz # 5

T or F In Voodoo, timing is not of great importance other than major ceremonies

T or F Hoodoo is also spelled Hoodueax

Tor F The LOA are viewed as separate and distinct from regular reality.

f or F Theoretically anyone who knows your name can 'invoke' you.

T or F The talisman ofZaka is included in this lesson because he can break a curse.

This is the time Silver breaks rocks Where are your children? Beyond the mirror 0 you w h o wea rs A hat in Ginnen

The bell rings or Vadu Legba

Ago Legba Fathom te mirror Gathered together So we may pass Legba here is food Legba here is drink Royal Legab Open the gate!

Self Quiz # 5 Answers

1. T In Voodoo, timing is not of great importance other than major ceremonies

2. T Hoodoo is also spelled Hoodueax

3. T The LOA are viewed as separate and distinct from regular reality.

4. T Theoretically anyone who knows your name can 'invoke' you.

5. T The Talisman of Zaka is included in this lesson because he can break a curse.

Agwe: spirit of the sea Aida Wedo: rainbow spirit Ayza: protector      .

Baka: an evil spirit who takes the form of an am [Baron Samedi: guardian of the grave Dambala (or Damballah-wedo): serpent spirit Erinle: spirit of the forests Ezili (or Erzulie): female spirit of love jMawu Lisa: spirit of creation jOgou Balanjo: spirit of healing (Ogun (or Ogu Bodagris): spirit of war [Osun: spirit of healing streams jsango (or Shango): spirit of storms iyemanja: female spirit of waters jZaka (or Oko): spirit of agriculture

Xa ngo (justice)

lmanja (mother, sea)


The Ibeji (the twins)

Ogum (war)

Ox6ssi (forest, hunt)



This powerful ancient charm was created in


twelfth c e ntury and made p op u la r by V oo do o practitioners in the United States many years ago. It is known for its ability to help those who are prone to making serious mistakes in their choice of lovers and mates.

Take a small p iec e of clean parchment paper, and with Dove's Blood Ink, draw the following:

0 p N s X D T










Marie Comtesse, mentioned previously, believed that demons could be called forth from the depths of darkness whenever she wished to cause harm to an enemy or a rival Queen. She began by carefully blending the following ingredients (see appendix for sources):

Black Arts Incense 1 teaspoon

Culver's Root Powder   1 teaspoon

Doggrass Incense 1 teaspoon

Dragon Blood Powder 1 teaspoon

These items are to be mixed only at midnight under the light of a full moon. When prepared, place half in an :incense burner and light. Pour the other half in a red ,flannel bag and sew the top tightly together. Attach a !white cotton string to the bag and hang it around your ineck. Wearing this charm bag offers you protection while the invoked demons are close at hand. As the incense smolders, repeat aloud the following invocation:

0 powerful demons of the deep

Come harm mine enemy as I sleep!

I command thee! I command thee!

Do your work well!

Go forth and destroy!

This particular cursing charm must be practiced with extreme caution. The person who invokes these demons must retain his or her composure throughout the entire ceremony. Complete control must be retained as the demons appear or they may turn instead on the person giving the invocation. No sign of fear or weakness must be given at this point.

!TO ask the spirits of the dead 'FOR ASSISTANCE

Olibanum Incense 1 cup

Exorcise Demons

Sandalwood Incense 34 cup

Musk Powder    !12 cup

Wormwood (crushed) >4 cup

Wood Betany (crushed)   2 cups

Cubeb Berries (crushed) !4 cup

Vetivert Powder 4 cup

Indian Hemp    1 teaspoon

Saltpeter  !12 teaspoon

Verbena Leaves (crushed) 1 teaspoon

Solomon's Seal Powder  2 teaspoons

Doctor Alexander blended all of the above ingredients

Accomplish Tasks-

(see appendix for sources) in a large bowl, covered the bowl tightly, and set it in a cool dark place until he was ready to use it. Here is what you must do:

Wait until midnight and then place 13 teaspoons of this potent mixture in 13 small mounds on a dark dish —black is preferred if at all possible. Light the mounds, starting with the one furthest from you, and proceeding in a counter-clockwise direction. As the smoke rises, take a Black Double Action Candle and place it in the center of the dish. Light the candle, and as it burns, call on the spirits of the dead for assistance in influencing- your future fate. This entire procedure must always be undertaken in a serious manner for the mere dabbler will accomplish ab s o l u tely nothing.

Then take some more . of the Solomon’s Seal Powder and sprinkle a small amount in each corner of every room of your residence, or wherever the ritual is being performed. When fi n i s h ed with this step, ca r efu l ly rub each door knob with Oil of Exorcism. At this point it is too late to turn back. The ritual must be completed or the wrath of the dead will come down upon your headdn all its fury and vengence.     .

Endows Sexuality

At midnight, each night thereafter, burn 9 more mounds of the special incense mixture.

V-12 Gain Favors-

Veve for Damballah


Quince Seed Y2 teaspoon Queen of the Meadow M teaspoon Lucky Blueing Water 1 bottle

, Put the Quince Seed and the Queen of the Meadow in the Lucky Blueing Water, cover tightly, and set aside for 7 days to soak in a cool, dark place. Strain the mixture through muslin and add a few drops to the water in which you wash your clothing. This wonderful old charm is said to expand the mind of anyone who wears clothing so treated. They will become interested in many more things and as a result will be happier, more popular, in demand, and respected by others.

Veve for Ghede

A Song to Ghede-Brave

(A member of the Ghede family)

I say brave-o, Call him brave! He's a bold fellow. His banana end is bold, His bit of chicken is bold, His bowl of clairin is bold, His bit of sweet potato is bold.

I call Brave-Ghede;

Come and save the children. Brave-o, he's called brave!

He's a bold fellow.

Veve for Agwe

Veve for


Atibo-Legba, L’uvri ba ye pu mwe, agoe!

Papa-Legba, L’uvri baye pu mwe

Pu mwe pose, pose

Lo m'a tune, m'salie loa-yo

Vodu Legba, /9uvri baye pu mwe

Pu mwe sa ratre

Lo m'a tune m'a remesye loa-yof abobo.


Z-ami !we se Aia sere

Z-aml pre se Kuto de bo

Z-ami, Z-ami

Mu prole mare loa Petro

Hi Hi

Ja-Petro, chen kl chen

Li kase /i

Ki dire kod, hi hi

Dya refe, dy dya kekekeke

Dya dya refe dya

Gede -N ibo, dya ke ke ke Ke ke dya

Baro-Samdi, dya ke ke dya Radegnoe Baron-Samedi Engarde cemetiere U L’uvri baye dyok, wango

Kufev, kulev-o

Daba la-Wedo, Papa

U Kulev-0

Kulev, Kulev-0

Mape refe Kufev-0

Kulev pa sa pale

Daboia Papa U Se Kulev


U we A ido-Wedo Si nu we Kulev Si U we Kulev U we Daboia

To Use The Garde

The Garde is a special prayer-talisman that can be used very easily. The vevers written around it are used to invoke the protection of the various LOA spirits.

Essentially what you do is copy it onto a piece of blank paper such as a blank brown paper sack (sandwich sacks are ideal) that has no writing on it. Use black ink ifpossible.

After m^rng the Garde, you anoint each' ofthe vevers with a small dab of ' Van Van oil and then a small dab of Fiery Wall of Protection oil. This will purify your talisman and then infuse it with strong protective power.

Next you read the words on the Garde. It should be read aloud and ifyouwish you can read it to the four corners but that's not generally necessary.

Then place the Garde over your bed or on your altar or on the back of your entry-way door, etc. Some folks have shrunken the Garde on a copier machine, traced over the vevers with the above mentioned Occult oils and then place it in a red flannel gris-gris bag with some other protective herbs and charms.





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✵ VOODOO MAGIC COURSE • by Brother Moloch Seven complete lessons taking you "step by step” through the hidden secrets of Voodoo! This course is for the serious student wanting to team more traditional Voodoo as well as more detailed Spirit Commanding. We recommend you start with the course and then order the Voodoo Sorcery book as a followup. ALL SECRETS ARE REVEALED HERE!! No more high priced hidden teachings only available to the few. Here famous Brother Moloch takes you into the world of Powerful Voodoo Sorcery to team the hidden secrets of Voodoo Masters! Learn the following: LOAS, all about them and how to tap into their powers Why Voodoo is so powerful Veves and their uses Getting what you want Legba and his powers Brief History Voodoun & Hoodoo; What are they? Priesthood Rote of the Bokor Voodoo in contrast to Huna Tools of the Voodoo Master Altars Divination Spirit World Ancestors The Old Ones Levels of Spirits Trance Meditation & How to do it Voodoo Love Spells Gambler veves Roots & Herbs Candles Oils Powders Sprays Washes Taking a Ritual Bath Bibles & other Holy Books Theory of Spells Ethics of Black Magic Dolls Dancing & Movements Veves of the Loas & other Spirits Timing Self Dedication Spells & Lore Making a Poteau Mitan Ritual of Necromancy All purpose Voodoo rite and lots more!! This seven lesson course must be taken in order. No finer course is offered anywhere In the world!