Meditation - The Craft Unveiled

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Craft Unveiled

In order for your Magick to reach its full potential you need to be able to banish all external distractions and come to a place of stillness, both mentally and physically, so you can focus on what you’re trying to wield. Meditation does just that — it clears the mind of anything that can interfere with your energy and enhances your Magick by raising your consciousness and self-awareness. It’s also a powerful way of bringing positive energy into your presence and expanding your capacity for manifestation.

Every Witch should meditate daily, in the way they choose, to strengthen the communication between mind, body, and spirit. Practice until you can close yourself off from distractions wherever you are, allowing yourself to meditate anytime, anywhere.

Meditation practices

There’s no right or wrong way to meditate. However, it’s good to start with the basics and so in the following pages I’ll give you four techniques to try. Find the one that speaks to you the most.

Essential oils, incense, crystals and gems, and herbs and teas are commonly used to enhance the experience of meditation. Here are the ones that work best for me in meditation, with a guide to using them.


Fennel, calendula, hibiscus, chamomile, lavender, lemongrass, nettle

A bundle of whole dried herbs can be gently burnt for its smoke, or you can place it on a charcoal disc that should be lit until it’s white hot.

You can also steep fresh or dried herbs in freshly boiled water to make a tea to drink before meditating.


Sandalwood, lavender, lemongrass, pine, amber, cinnamon

Light incense so that the smoke fills your space with its Magickal scent, or use a charcoal disc with herbs (as above).

Essential oils

Frankincense, myrrh, cedar, lavender, palo santo, sage, mugwort

Use the oils in a diffuser, or dilute them in a base oil and dab onto your skin.

Crystals and gems

Apophyllite, azurite, celestite, amethyst, quartz, danburite, selenite

Place the crystals or gems around you or wear them in some way.


Deep meditation using crystal energy

Focusing on your breathing is one of the simplest and oldest forms of meditation. Practice this technique every day, at first for just 5—10 minutes then building up to 20 minutes.

Using crystals during meditation enhances your connection to self and helps you dive in deeper while you’re meditating.

What you need

One or more meditation crystals or gems (see above).

What to do

✵ Find a quiet space and sit comfortably and still. Choose one or more crystals or gems to hold in your hands, wear or place around you. Now clear your thoughts. Relax your facial muscles and close your eyes (you’ll be able to meditate with your eyes open when you’re more experienced).

✵ Breathe in deeply through your nose, inhaling down into your abdomen, then slowly exhale through your mouth until your lungs are empty. Focus only on your breath until your mind is cleared, then focus on the energies of the crystals.

This method will help you to learn to quieten your mind. Practicing keeping your focus on energy is a great way to start building your awareness of the energies of the world around you, and will help in amplifying your Magickal skills.



Candle meditation to clear the mind

Flames and candlelight can quickly hypnotize and create a state of trance, making it easy to be transported to another realm. Witches consult flames for answers, using them as a form of divination known as firegazing. However, for the following technique we’re using a flame to clear our minds. This practice is best done in a dark or dimly lit room.

What you need

A candle scented with frankincense, myrrh, cedar, lavender, palo santo, sage, or mugwort essential oil

What to do

✵ Place the candle as close to eye level as possible; if you’re sitting on the floor set the candle on the floor 3—4 feet in front of you.

✵ Sit comfortably and relax your body using the breathing technique I shared in the previous meditation. Bring your attention to the flame then soften your gaze and continue to meditate — for 10 minutes when you first practice this method, building up to 20—30 minutes as you become more skilled.



Chant meditation to aid focus

A chant is a sound, a word, or a phrase that you repeat slowly in a rhythmic way while you meditate. Many find that the repetition helps to clear the mind and block out any noise around them.

What to do

✵ Find a quiet space and sit comfortably. Choose your chant, sound, or phrase to repeat. It can be anything you like. Some I have heard include ’Omm, I am light,’ ’I am powerful,’ and ’Earth, air, fire, water,’ and even humming, but the more personal it is and the more you feel connected to it, the better.

✵ Close your eyes, focus on your breathing then start your chanting. Go slowly and find a comfortable rhythm. Focus on nothing else but the sound and vibrations of your chant. Continue for 10—20 minutes.


Image Potion to aid meditation

I created this special tea-infusion potion to help myself meditate. Drink it about 10 minutes before you meditate.

What you need

1 teaspoon dried blue lotus

1 teaspoon fennel seeds

1 teaspoon dried peppermint

1 teaspoon dried rose petals

1 teaspoon dried lavender

1 tablespoon dried lemon balm

Milk, preferably nut-based, to taste

Honey, to taste

Alcohol, to taste (optional and only for those of legal age)

What to do

✵ Put your dried ingredients in a teapot then add 1 cup (250ml) freshly boiled water. Add a little milk, honey, and, if desired, a little alcohol such as vodka or rum.



Visualization helps you to manifest your intentions by using your imagination. I’m sure you’ve daydreamed before and thought of yourself with a different look or in a different place, role-playing some fantastical story in your mind. If so, you already know how to tap in to this powerful technique.

Choose the form of meditation that works best for you, and once your mind is clear start your visualization. Imagine whatever it is you wish to manifest — for instance, if you want to manifest healing, visualize yourself already healed.

The most effective visualization involves all five senses: focus on what you can see, smell, taste, hear, and touch. Transport yourself to that place and actually live it. This technique can work for almost anything; it just takes time and practice.
