Manifestation - The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

Modern-day Witchery is all about manifesting; Witches are focused on creating the lives they want. These spells will not disappoint, and will move mountains for the desires you hold.

As I’ve mentioned previously, manifesting has a lot to do with your Magickal attitude and that you need to feel as though you already have what it is you want. You must feel it, see it, and dream it for its energy to have presence in your life, and in turn it will attract those things you want straight to you. It really isn’t that complicated, and the manifesting spells in the following pages will be sure to help you manifest your deepest desires.

Image Wheat manifesting mail spell

This manifesting spell is dear to my heart. I discovered it in a vision in my sleep, during which I performed it as though I’d done it a million times before. I wrote it down the second I woke up. I can’t speak highly enough of this spell; it’s come good many times over.

What you need

Paper for letter-writing

A red pen or a quill with menstrual blood for ink

A stem of wheat

What to do

✵ Write a letter to the universe, perhaps to ’Dear Spirit’ or to a deity or similar of your choice, expressing what you need. Include plenty of detail. For instance, when I wanted a car, I included the number of seats, the color, and so on.

✵ At the end of the letter write something along the lines of ’P.S. Although these are my exact desires, I’m open to what you know will serve me best — as long as you bring me a car.’ This leaves open the possibility of manifesting not just the car you’ve asked for, but an even better one. Bear in mind that by only giving the powers that be permission to bring what was asked for, it can take much longer and may not happen at all.

✵ Sign the letter, fold it twice toward you, then place it in an envelope large enough to fit without further folding, along with the wheat stem (if necessary, bend this to fit it in). Seal the envelope and mail it to yourself. When the letter comes back, place it on your altar.


Image Bergamot manifesting room spray

Use this spray around the room where you’re practicing manifesting Magick. You can also use it when you meditate — it relaxes the mind and lifts the spirits, enhancing spiritual connection. It also smells amazing.

What you need

A 2fl oz (60ml) spray bottle

11 drops bergamot essential oil

7 drops chamomile essential oil

7 drops lavender essential oil

What to do

✵ Put the oils in the bottle and fill to the top with water.

✵ Put on the lid and shake well before every use.


Image Spearmint Moon-water manifesting tea

I created this spell after months of trying to get Moon-water to work in manifesting, and eventually succeeded with this Magickal tea. You must only perform it during a Full Moon phase (see page 91).

What you need

A 24fl oz (700ml) jar

Clean rainwater or tap water

11 spearmint leaves

1 pinch dried cilantro (coriander)

Crystal quartz chippings

1 bay leaf

6 lemon slices

Honey, to taste

What to do

✵ Fill the jar with rainwater (or tap water if you live in the city or another area with high pollution). Put the mint into the jar followed by the cilantro and quartz.

✵ Hold the bay leaf against your lips, take three deep breaths, and each time you exhale slowly blow your Magick into the leaf while visualizing what you wish to manifest. Now add the bay leaf to the jar and screw on the lid.

✵ Leave the jar anywhere, indoors or outdoors, where it will be exposed to the Full Moon; even if it’s cloudy, the water will still absorb the Moon’s delicious energies.

✵ Return to the jar before the Sun rises, and move it so that it will be protected from daylight.

✵ When you're ready, add the lemon slices to the jar, replace the lid, and place your hands on the jar while you meditate. As you meditate, use a chant of repeated words to help manifest what you wish for. Do this for at least 10 minutes so that the water becomes infused with your wishes.

✵ Your Moon-water tea is now ready to do its work. Boil 1 cup of the tea, straining the liquid as you pour it out if you wish. Add a touch of honey and let the tea cool a little, then relax somewhere quiet and enjoy drinking your Magick. Perhaps light some incense to enhance the Magickal energies.

✵ Save the rest of the Moon-water in the fridge and drink the infusion hot every day until it’s used up.


I hope these spells, potions, and other Magickal workings are of great use to you. Feel free to adjust them according to your intuition, and continue to practice your own spells as well as the ones I share with you here. Remember to keep a record of the outcomes in your Book of Shadows.