Attracting Love - The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

Attracting Love
The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

These next few Magickal workings are for bringing love into your life. Love isn’t something that can be manipulated or tampered with, however; these spells are not for making someone fall in love with you or for trapping them. They’re for working with the universe to move things along faster or align you with love.

There are many different forms of love, but perhaps the most ’needed’ are love from a partner or someone outside of self. Although this is an important and beautiful form of love, self-love should be the most important. These spells, or any love spell for that matter, can be directed at both forms. Set the focus on opening up to loving yourself, and connecting with yourself at a deeper level.

With all love I always heed warning, and ask for a love that is true, honest, and will serve all involved for the best. This helps to bring in true friends and partners who will cherish you for who you really are.

Image Rosemary love oil

Rosemary is infused with love properties, so even this simple love oil has great power to attract love into your life.

What you need

A jar or bottle with a tightly fitting lid

Rosehip oil or extra virgin olive oil

3 sprigs rosemary

What to do

✵ Fill the jar or bottle with the oil. Take the rosemary and into each sprig set an intention to do with love by saying what you desire, either aloud or in your head. For example, one of the sprigs could be for attracting love for self; another might be for attracting the right partner. As you set each intention, put the rosemary sprig into the oil.

✵ Seal the jar tightly then put it in a cool place away from direct light.

✵ The oil will work its Magick even if you leave the jar where it is, or you can use the Magick-infused oil to anoint candles, crystals, and tools for love purposes. When anointing, say aloud or in your head which of your three intentions you want to use.


Cinnamon love-attracting sachet

Cinnamon is a powerful tool in Magick for attracting love. In this spell we’re making a sachet that you can carry with you.

What you need

A very small red bag or pouch

1 cinnamon stick, snapped in half

½ teaspoon dried rose petals

½ teaspoon ground star anise

½ teaspoon dried basil

A small quartz crystal

What to do

✵ Put all the ingredients into the bag. Wear this sachet around your neck or carry it in a pocket close to your heart. You can remove it at any time, but keep it close by.


ImageBay leaf love-attracting spell

We all know that we can’t force love — and nor should we dabble in Magick that aims to make someone fall in love with us. Instead, the purpose of this bay leaf love spell is to ignite love that is already there. It also helps to fire up love and passion in a relationship that needs a boost.

What you need

A red-colored candle

Any love-spell oil, such as rosemary love oil

4 bay leaves

A small fireproof bowl

What to do

✵ Anoint the candle with the love-spell oil, smoothing it onto the candle in a downward motion from top to bottom. Now light the candle.

✵ Sit quietly in front of the candle and gaze into its flame, clearing your mind of everything but thoughts of your lover. Think of the moments you were both happiest and most passionate, and of igniting that energy within your space.

✵ Now take a bay leaf, send those powerful thoughts into it, then hold it in the flame, dropping it into the bowl as soon as it ignites. Repeat the process, starting by gazing into the candle flame, three more times.
