Cleansing and Protecting - Practical Magick

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

Cleansing and Protecting
Practical Magick

Many of the people I meet seem to be carrying undesirable energies that don’t belong to them. You can pick up others’ negative energies or ill intents from just about anywhere — public transport, shops, sitting in traffic, restaurants, even social media. Do you regularly go out to bars, clubs, and big events? Then you’re most definitely exposed to some major energy baggage.

What many don’t realize is that these energies can affect your mood, thoughts, and actions, and ultimately disturb your life. Through my shop I come into contact with many people, and the majority are unnecessarily carrying energies of sadness, depression, worry, anger, fear, and so on. After these people leave the shop, their unwanted energies can linger on objects, products, plants, even my employees and me — the whole shop, in fact! So, a few times a day I perform a cleansing ritual in the shop; I also cleanse the customer before they leave. They always appreciate it and it makes my shop feel like a sanctuary.

Once you cleanse a space (see below), make sure you protect it from as many new negative energies as you can. Some will always get through, so regular cleansing is still important.

Cleansing and protecting can be very meditative. They also raise awareness, amplify inner senses, and are known to be healing too. You might also want to cleanse yourself if you feel unbalanced, emotional, unfocused, or uninspired. You may want to cleanse others too. Cleansing is a reset button for your energy.

I’m extremely sensitive to undesirable energies, and I take care of them straight away. I recommend you have a single daily ritual to banish such energies — a piece of wisdom every Witch should have under her Witchy hat.

How to cleanse and protect

Here are my favorite ways to cleanse and protect which are both simple and effective.

Remove clutter and deep clean

This is my No. 1 way to remove negative energy from any space, including your home. Tidy up and organize your possessions — even move furniture around — then give everything a thorough clean. Even just some good old soap and water will do the trick. Energies get stuck to furniture, objects, and even floors and ceilings. What’s most important is to keep your home clean and organized.

Create cleansing smoke

You can cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies by using the smoke of herbs, resin, or incense that have the properties to clear, cleanse, and banish. Some of my favorites are palo santo, yerba santa, rosemary, sandalwood, mugwort, dragon’s blood, amber, cedar, myrrh, copal, and frankincense. If you’re using loose herbs or incense, the most common way to burn them is to put a charcoal disc (you can buy these) at the bottom of a fireproof dish. Light the disc and place the herbs or incense on top to smolder gently. You can leave the bowl in the space you’re working in, or walk round each room to allow the smoke to do its work everywhere. Always make sure you open at least one window or door to help unwanted energies leave the space and positive energies to flow in.

Use spiritual sprays

Spiritual room sprays are a great alternative if you don’t want smoke in your space (see above). I make them by combining the herbs or resins that have the desired properties with essential oils. They also smell lovely and my shop customers love them. You can make a room spray yourself using essential oils that help clear negative energy, such as sandalwood, lavender, frankincense, or patchouli. Mix them with water and a teaspoon of alcohol — I use vodka. You can spray the mist over yourself too.

Place salt around the home

This is an easy and very effective method that I have used many times. Place bowls or open jars containing some salt in the corners of your home or space, even on top of your highest furniture or shelves. Leave the bowls out for about 24 hours, then remove them and get rid of the salt.

Salt naturally absorbs negative energy, so taking a bath with salt will also help to purify you. Dissolve two cups of sea salt or Himalayan salt in your bath — don’t use table salt as this irritates the skin.

Ring bells

The sound of bells or wind chimes in a Witch’s home is a must. As the bells vibrate they shake the negative energies out of the space, then realign to create a flow of positive energy and revive your surroundings. You can also hang bells or wind chimes outside your house or on door handles. Ring a handbell on a daily basis, especially in spaces where you feel stagnant energy and where negative events, such as arguments, have taken place.

Listen to music

Playing feel-good music that connects with you and moves you is great for keeping your energy at a high vibration and shaking off any negativity that has stuck to you. I particularly recommend high-vibration, uplifting music for clearing stagnant, old, or negative energies.

Open windows

Fling open your curtains and windows, Witches! We’re not vampires, you know! Let some light in; allow Mother Earth to bring you her healing. Let the breeze move across your house and keep your energies flowing beautifully.

Turn to plants

Plants are Magickal. Not only do they have the power to purify the air, fill your home with our Mother’s healing and love, and vibrate enchanting notes into your soul, they also keep negative energy away. They’re natural protectors. Some of my favorite plants to keep in and around the home for protection and cleansing of negative energy are orchids, jasmine, cactus, spider plants, rosemary, basil, and rue.

Let garlic protect you

Garlic has long been understood to have protective properties. Hang a bunch of garlic outside your door to keep away negative energies and unwanted spirits. Carry a clove in your purse or wallet (make sure to wrap it, perhaps in tin foil or some cloth). It repels thieves too. I put a garlic clove under my children’s pillows to protect them from nightmares and unwanted spirits during the night. The plant rue is said to have a similar effect; carry it with you or plant it by the entrance to your home.

Arrange crystals

Having protective crystals in your home and carrying or wearing them is a great way to aid protection and banish negative energy. You can place them anywhere and on anything, such as windowsills, coffee tables, and shelves, and in doorways. I even place crystals in my plants and under my bed. My very favorite crystals for protection include black tourmaline, smoky quartz, obsidian, turquoise, and labradorite.

Create an energy shield

Each of us has the ability to create a personal energy shield. There are many ways to do this and many types of shield, but one of my favorite and easiest methods is for a light shield that is both protective and healing.

Image Protection spell for creating a light shield

I create this shield for myself every morning before I get out of bed. It helps prevent evil and ill intent from affecting my energy, and brings strong healing powers by lifting my energy’s vibration.

What to do

✵ Find somewhere quiet and still to sit, then ground yourself. Firmly plant your feet on the floor and take three deep breaths.

✵ Now visualize a ball of bright white light pulsating in your core, just behind your belly button. Imagine this light spreading throughout your entire body and filling every part of you. You’re now a brilliant pulsating white light.

✵ With every breath you take, imagine this light expanding outward and forming a sphere with a thin, bluish outer layer, extending 4—5 feet (1.25—1.5 meters) around you — even under the ground beneath your feet.

✵ Sit within the sphere for a few more breaths and feel it vibrating all around you. Ask it to protect you from all negative energy, ill intent, evil, and anything that doesn’t serve you well.

✵ When you feel ready, go on with your day and enjoy the benefits of your own inner power.