A Book of Shadows and a Grimoire - Practical Magick

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

A Book of Shadows and a Grimoire
Practical Magick

Many Witches keep a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows. A Grimoire is a Witch’s personal reference book of their own spells, potions, the tools they use in their craft, and the Magickal properties of crystals, candles, herbs, and plants that work best for them. It’s a record of a Witch’s own research and discoveries, and one they come back to whenever they need to revisit the information they have collected.

A Book of Shadows, meanwhile, is more like a Witch’s diary, in which a Witch will record the experience and results of various Magickal practices, as well as dreams and their meanings, and other Magickal events.

Both books help to manifest and amplify a Witch’s inner power and energy.

Don’t let anyone tell you how to create your Book of Shadows or Grimoire; there is no wrong or right way. Just do what works best for you. You don’t even need both, but if you do, you don’t have to keep them separate. You can keep a Book of Shadows and add your research to it. This merger is what I like to call a Witch’s Journal, and it’s what I keep and carry wherever I go. I use a large, sturdy notebook and start another volume whenever I need to, although some Witches prefer to use a ring binder so they can add or remove pages as they wish.

Remember, no matter how you keep your records, either in a Book of Shadows, a Grimoire, or a Witch’s Journal, they’re sacred books and should be treated with love, care, and respect. No one should read or touch your book unless you give them permission. Keep it hidden and protected.

Image Ritual for blessing your Book of Shadows, Grimoire, or Witch’s Journal

Before you start your Book of Shadows, Grimoire or Witch’s Journal, make sure you bless it, which will also bring it protection. You can do this even if you already have your book but haven’t blessed it yet.

What you need

Dried herbs — choose from basil or rue; or incense — choose from copal or frankincense

Your Book of Shadows, Grimoire, or Witch’s Journal

A piece of cloth bigger than your book

A white candle

A small bowl of salt

What to do

✵ Start by creating a sacred space free from negative energies. Sit somewhere quiet and keep some herbs, resin, or incense burning to encourage calming energies — or whichever energies you wish.

✵ Place the book in front of you on top of the cloth, cover side up, and with the shorter end nearest to you. Light the candle and place it to the right of the book. Place the bowl of salt on the left-hand side of the book.

✵ Now focus on yourself. Calm your body and clear your mind using any of the meditation practices in Part Two of this book. When you’re ready, open your eyes and take a small handful of salt. Sprinkle the salt onto your book while saying out loud, or in your head, ’Book of my sacred, you are now cleansed. May your pureness keep, and your light hold.’ Or say something of your own along these lines. Now turn the book over and repeat the process.

✵ Next, hold your right palm above the candle — not so close that you burn yourself but enough to feel its warmth. Close your eyes and hold your hand there for about 10 seconds. Now pick up the book with your left hand and place your right palm over the cover. Start to imagine the warmth and energy from your palm sinking into the book and filling it with light.

✵ When you’re ready, say, ’In this book lives spirit and Magick. No one shall enter its sacred pages unless chosen. May it be protected by the power of the spells whispered upon it; the spells spilled from my own tongue and crafted from the heart. No harm shall come to this enchanted book of mine, for I have bestowed it with my Magick and sealed it by hand.’ Again, these specific words are only an example.


What to write in your Book of Shadows or Grimoire

It’s entirely up to you when it comes to the contents of your Book of Shadows or Grimoire, but there are a few subjects that are included by most Witches.

Here are my top five must-haves.


Correspondences are among the most important things to put in your book. These might be herbs and their uses, crystals and gems, colors, or the phases of the Moon.

Magickal recipes and tools

I love to write down all of the Magickal recipes I create. When I started my book, I wrote down recipes I found in other books, but I now put in my own. Enter recipes for potions, spells, essential oils, remedies, your Magical workings, and so on, but only record those you’ve practiced yourself and that work for you. That said, I like to write Magickal recipes in my book then cross them out if they don’t work, recording my experience. I then adjust them until they work just right. You can also include cookery recipes with Magickal properties, especially those celebrating special Magickal festivals. Also keep a record of your research on the tools you use for your craft.

The Seasons and the Moon

It’s extremely useful to be able to look up the phases of the Moon, their meanings, energies, and what Magick to work on during each phase. It’s also a great idea to include notes about each of the Seasons of the Witch, and about important astrological events. Note down the spells, rituals, crafts, and so on for each Season.

Personal findings

I’m not talking about Magickal research but about the very personal things you find, love, and cherish, such as flowers, feathers, pictures, or quotes — anything that really speaks to you. Glue, tape, or staple these items into your book and try to add the reason you chose them. The more personal this is, the better the energies will be.

Signs and messages

I’m extremely aware of the messages and signs around me, and I keep a record of all of them. If I happen to think of something for which I need an answer or reassurance, and then a feather floats down in front of me and touches my nose, I would take that as a sign. I would then meditate on it and find the meaning through my guides and ancestors, then write it down in my book. Make it a habit to record your communication with spirits and ancestors. Keeping a record of what certain events turn out to mean to you is really important because signs and messages don’t mean the same thing to everyone. Writing them down also helps you to remember them when your book isn’t to hand.
