Beltane - Sun Celebrations (Sabbats) - Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey - Ambrosia Hawthorn 2020

Sun Celebrations (Sabbats)
Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Beltane, the third spring festival, is a time when the sun begins to overtake the night as the Summer Solstice approaches. During Beltane, the land is fertile and life is abundant, so it’s the perfect time to celebrate growth and new beginnings.


The growth we observe during the time surrounding Beltane makes the festival an ideal time to celebrate your own growth in life. This ritual will allow you to pause and focus on yourself. You’ll make use of foraging, meditation, and the outdoors to ground and connect yourself with nature.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

1 piece foraged wood, to use as a wand

7 foraged stones—5 to represent the elements and 2 to represent deities


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Go outdoors and forage for stones and wood. Notice which colors, shapes, sizes, markings, or other attributes of each item call out to you.

3.Find an area outside where you will be comfortable sitting. A shady spot under a tree would be wonderful.

4.Mentally cleanse and set your intentions for each foraged item.


Mentally cleanse the area by pushing your own energy into the space. Use the elemental and deity stones to create a circle around you.


1.Sit in the middle of the circle.

2.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the piece of foraged wood as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

3.Invoke the God, Goddess, or other deity of your choice by saying: “Deity, I invite you to join this sacred circle.”

4.Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable position. Allow yourself to feel and listen to the world around you. Feel the earth beneath you. Listen to the breeze winding through the trees. If you’re under the sun, can you feel its warming rays?

5.Focus on your intentions for growth and allow any messages or thoughts to flow freely. Once you feel in sync with the earth, meditate for 20 minutes.

6.When you have finished meditating, thank your chosen deity by saying: “Deity, I thank you for the wisdom you share and the blessings you give.”

7.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

8.Use your foraged items to create a geometric shape or pattern as an offering to deity. Allow yourself to feel lighter as you return to your normal daily routine, leaving hindrances behind and letting yourself grow.


This ritual invokes the May Queen and King, two deities that represent flowers, the forest, nature, life, and other elements of spring. Here, the May Queen and King will lend their energy as you create a floral crown to embody the season when many flowers are in bloom. Beltane is the perfect time to honor nature’s abundant life. Wear this crown when dancing or at an event, or save it as a decoration.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

For the ritual

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation—statues of May Queen and King, or candles

Lighter or matches

1 cone or stick incense—patchouli, mugwort, orange, rose, or frankincense

Fire-safe incense plate

For the crown

Floral wire

Wire cutters

Floral tape

Fresh flowers and greenery—foraged, picked, or purchased

Spool of twine or ribbon

Boline or scissors


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the tools and crown-making supplies on the altar. Place the elemental representations in a pentacle configuration. Place the representations of the May Queen and King deity at the top of the altar.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Light the incense on the fire-safe plate and invoke the May Queen and King: “May Queen, Goddess of the Flowers and Spring’s Breeze, May King, God of the Forest and Gusting Winds, join me today to honor nature and its abundant life.”

3.Trim and shape the floral wire to the desired size and fit so that it will sit loosely on your head. Twist the ends to create a circle and cover them with floral tape.

4.Add a layer of greenery around the wire, securing the pieces with floral tape.

5.Add a second layer of flowers over the greenery, securing the pieces with floral tape.

6.Once your crown is finished, create a bundle of leftover flowers and greenery to leave as an offering to the May Queen and King. When you are finished, say: “By the powers of nature, I combine these flowers and honor Beltane. I thank the May Queen and King for your presence here today; you may go if you desire. Your presence will be forever felt through this crown of flowers.”

7.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

8.Extinguish the incense or allow it to burn out. Leave the flower crown on the altar as an offering.