Winter Solstice - Sun Celebrations (Sabbats) - Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey - Ambrosia Hawthorn 2020

Winter Solstice
Sun Celebrations (Sabbats)
Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

As previously discussed, many Wiccans celebrate the major solar movements known as the solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints or cross-quarter days. These dates divide the year up into eight sabbats. They are Yule (the Winter Solstice), Imbolc, Ostara (the Spring Equinox), Beltane, Litha (the Summer Solstice), Lughnasadh, Mabon (the Autumn Equinox), and Samhain.

Each year, the orbit of Earth around the sun repeats and is celebrated through these eight sabbats. This chapter includes two rituals for each sabbat, connecting you to the power of the sun’s movements. These rituals are designed mostly for solitary Wiccans, but each ritual can be adapted to fit the needs of a group or coven. To alter the ritual, divide the steps among the members of the group. Last but not least, remember to practice fire safety!

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, also known as midwinter or Yule, marks the longest night of the year and is dedicated to the rebirth of the sun. Prior to the Winter Solstice, Earth is slumbering, waiting for the sun’s strength to return. The rituals in this section are ideal for midwinter reflections and Yuletide festive blessings.


Midwinter is the ideal time to perform a ritual for reflection. As Earth slumbers, waiting to reawaken, we humans also go through a dormant phase, waiting to move forward along with the sun’s return. With this ritual, you can reflect on the deeper meaning of the changes occurring during this part of the year.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

Festive decorations for Yule—evergreens, pinecones, poinsettias, red and green colors

Deity representation—statues or images of the God and Goddess or a Yule deity

5 tea light or votive candles—elemental colors

Fire-safe plates or candle holder and incense holder

1 cone or stick incense—peppermint, frankincense, pine, myrrh, bayberry, or cinnamon

Lighter or matches

12 crystals or stones on hand or foraged from nature (to represent the months of the year)

Wand or athame

Tarot deck, runestones, or other divination system

Journal and pen

Offering of choice—bread, baked goods, crafted items, or foraged flowers and herbs


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the festive decorations, deity representation, and tools on the altar. Place the elemental candles on fire-safe plates facing their respective cardinal directions. Light the incense on a fire-safe plate at the top of the altar, above the earth candle. Place the 12 crystals or stones in a pile to the left of the candles.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invoke your chosen deities by saying: “Lord and Lady, I invite you to join this circle tonight. Lend me your strength and grant your blessings.”

3.Light the incense. Close your eyes and spend 5 to 10 minutes reflecting on your year thus far. Allow the incense to guide and relax your mind as you think about the year’s highs and lows.

4.Light the candles, saying: “Candles of the elements, share with me your warmth and guiding light.”

5.Take a crystal or stone in your left hand. Set your intention for it to represent the month of January. Holding it in your left hand, pass it over all the candles until your hand is above the spirit candle. Transfer the stone into your right hand, pass it right across the altar, and place it to the right of the candles. This represents your journey in January and all that you have learned. If needed, spend extra time reflecting on this month.

6.Repeat step 5 with each crystal or stone until all 12 are to the right of the candles.

7.Shuffle the Tarot deck or shake the runestones. Draw 12 cards or stones, one for each month of the year ahead.

8.Study the cards or stones and write down the results in the journal to reflect on later.

9.Thank the deities for their presence by saying: “Lord and Lady, I thank you for your presence and assistance tonight. Accept my offering I created for you, and go if you desire or stay if you’d like.”

10.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

11.Extinguish the candles and incense or allow them to burn out. Leave the offering on the altar.


A festive blessing ritual is ideal to celebrate Yule or for a holiday party or feast. Ideally, the ritual should be held in an area of your home where you enjoy company. This ritual can be done with your loved ones or as a solitary act before a feast.

Ritual Setting

Dining room table or area where food can be served

Tools and Supplies

Festive decorations for Yule

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation

3 taper or votive candles—white, red, and green

Fire-safe plates or candle holders

Lighter or matches


Chalices or cups (one for each person partaking in the blessing)

Plate of food from feast (as offering)

Drink of choice


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the festive decorations and tools on the dining room table. The table will act as the altar. Prepare the food and drink for the festivities. Place the candles on fire-safe plates on the table. Place the deity representation in an area that feels right to you. Place the elemental representations around the room in a pentacle configuration or facing the cardinal directions (see here).


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invoke your chosen deities by saying: “I welcome the Lord and Lady. Watch over this feast tonight, grant us Yuletide blessings, and accept the offering I gift to you.”

3.Light the candles and ring the bell to shift the energy in the room and commence the celebration feast.

4.At the end of the celebration, leave a plate of food as an offering to thank the Lord and Lady, and say: “I thank you for your presence this merry night.”

5.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

6.Extinguish the candles and cover the food offering. Dispose of the offering the next day.