December Moon - Moon Celebrations (Esbats) - Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey - Ambrosia Hawthorn 2020

December Moon
Moon Celebrations (Esbats)
Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Gregorian Calendar: The December moon is often called the Long Nights moon or Cold moon. During this full moon, work on magic relating to endurance, rebirth, and transformation.

Celtic Tree Calendar: The Elder moon is celebrated from November 24 to December 23 (the Birch moon, here, begins on December 24). The Celtic name for Elder is ruish, pronounced roo-esh. The Elder moon is associated with beginnings and endings, births and deaths, and rejuvenation.


One of the prominent themes of the December (long nights) moon is endurance, which comes from the lengthening nights during this phase of the year. Use this ritual to improve your own endurance for times when life presents you with challenges. This ritual will help you to handle life’s ups and downs so you can become stronger and more resilient.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation

1 pillar candle—brown

Fire-safe plate or candle holder

Knife or boline

Uruz runestone, or other visual reference of Uruz

Lighter or matches

Offering of choice—baked goods, crafts, or foraged items


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the tools and supplies on the altar. Place the elemental representations in a pentacle configuration. Place the deity representation at the top of the altar. Place the candle on the fire-safe plate in the center of the pentacle.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invoke the God and Goddess or deity of your choice by saying something like: “Deities of the Long Nights Moon, I invite you to bless this circle tonight.”

3.Using a knife or boline, carefully carve the Uruz rune symbol into the candle. Place the carved candle back on the fire-safe plate.

4.Light the candle and say: “Endurance candle I inscribed with the Uruz rune, I burn thee to empower and strengthen mind over matter.”

5.Allow the candle to burn as you meditate for 10 to 20 minutes, focusing on building endurance.

6.Hold up your offering and thank the deities: “Deities of the Long Nights Moon, I thank you for your assistance tonight. Please accept my offering for your guidance and wisdom.”

7.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

8.Extinguish the candle or allow it to burn out. Leave the offering on the altar.


In December, the nights are long, but after the Winter Solstice, the sun’s strength begins to return. Because of this, the Long Nights moon is associated with rebirth and transformation. This ritual involves using a divination deck to interpret how you can seek rebirth and transformation in your own life.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation

1 cone or stick incense—cinnamon, pine, cedar, fir, or juniper

Fire-safe plate or incense holder

Lighter or matches

Tarot deck, Oracle deck, or other divination system

Journal and pen

Offering of choice—baked goods, crafts, or foraged items


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the tools and supplies on the altar. Place the elemental representations in a pentacle configuration. Place the deity representation at the top of the altar. Place the incense (on the fire-safe plate) and divination deck in the center of the pentacle.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invoke the God and Goddess or deity of your choice by saying something like: “God of the Sun, Goddess of the Moon, join my circle under the Long Nights Moon.”

3.Light the incense and set your intentions.

4.Shuffle the divination deck until you feel compelled to stop.

5.Fan out the cards on the altar. Pull three cards and ask three questions: What is being awakened in me after a long slumber? What will gain momentum as the days grow longer? What in myself do I fear to shed light on?

6.Spend 5 to 10 minutes reflecting on the cards, using them to interpret how you can transform yourself. Use the journal to take notes.

7.Thank the deities and leave your offering: “God of the Sun, Goddess of the Moon, I thank you for your presence tonight.”

8.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

9.Extinguish the incense or allow it to burn out. Leave the offering on the altar.