March Moon - Moon Celebrations (Esbats) - Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey - Ambrosia Hawthorn 2020

March Moon
Moon Celebrations (Esbats)
Rituals to Enhance your Spiritual Journey

Gregorian Calendar: The March moon is often called the storm, seed, grass, rain, worm, or hunger moon. During this full moon, you can work on magic relating to rebirth, prosperity, fertility, cleansing, balance, and growth.

Celtic Tree Calendar: The Ash moon is celebrated until March 17, and the Alder moon is celebrated from March 18 to April 14. The Celtic name for alder is fearn, pronounced fairin. The Ash moon is associated with healing, strength, and endurance, and the Alder moon is associated with courage, strength, intuition, and spirituality.


During March, life is growing and bursting from the earth, and the full moons promote growth and nurturing energy. March is the month of the Spring Equinox, when equal parts of night and day bring balance. This ritual uses salt as a representation of Earth to promote balance, positivity, and growth.

Ritual Setting


Tools and Supplies

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation


Small bowl of salt

Bowl of water

Offering of choice—food, foraged items, or crafts


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the altar.


Place the tools and supplies on the altar. Place the elemental representations in a pentacle configuration. Place the deity representation at the top of the altar. Place the cauldron, salt, and bowl of water at the center of the altar.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invite your deities: “Deities of the March moon, I ask for your assistance and guidance tonight.”

3.Sprinkle the salt into the cauldron and say: “Salt of Earth, I invoke your energy. Bring me balance and peace of mind and imbue me with growth and positivity under the light of the full moon.”

4.Pour the water over the salt and say: “Water of life, I invoke your energy. Bring me nourishing energy and life and infuse me with growth and positivity under the light of the full moon.”

5.Thank the deities and leave your offering: “Deities of the March moon, I thank you for your presence tonight.”

6.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

7.Dispose of the saltwater outside, away from plants or other greenery (salt can dehydrate and kill plants).


March is a time for spring cleaning to refresh our environments after the long winter. This home ritual wash uses the energy of the full moon, the cleansing power of water, and the Laguz rune, which represents the renewing energy of water.

Ritual Setting

Kitchen and home

Tools and Supplies

Wand or athame

Elemental representations

Deity representation


Wash mixture


Drying cloth

Laguz runestone, or other visual reference of Laguz

Offering of choice—food or foraged or crafted item

For the wash mixture

2 liters water

½ cup vinegar

10 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops sage essential oil

10 drops lemon or orange essential oil


1.Shower or bathe, visualizing all old or unwanted energies leaving your being.

2.Cleanse the kitchen.


Set up a space in your kitchen where you can easily access the supplies for this ritual. Place the elemental representations wherever you feel is best around your kitchen. In a bucket, combine the water, vinegar, and essential oils to create the wash.


1.Cast a circle of protection. Hold the wand or athame as an extension of your hand to gather and direct energy as you call upon the elements. Starting from the east and ending north, call upon the element of air for mental clarity, the element of fire for power, the element of water for fluidity, and the element of earth for stability.

2.Invoke the God and Goddess or deity of your choice by saying something like: “God and Goddess, I invite you to my sacred circle tonight.”

3.Using the sponge and drying cloth, begin cleaning your home with the wash. Focus on any entrances, including windows and even chimneys or vents. Of course, do not use the wash in areas that could be damaged by water.

4.Dip your finger into the wash and draw the Laguz rune on your windows. This will instill its renewing energy into your home.

5.When you are ready, leave your offering and thank your deity of choice: “God and Goddess, I thank you for your presence tonight.”

6.Release the elements in reverse order by beginning facing the north and ending east, thanking each element for their assistance and bidding them farewell. Then open the circle by saying: “I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

7.Discard any remaining ritual wash mixture.