Living Wicca - Your Own Tradition

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham 1993

Living Wicca
Your Own Tradition

I TITLED THIS book Living Wicca for two reasons. First, Wicca is indeed living. It’s thrived and grown in both popularity as well as in stature. Public awareness—and even a bit more understanding—is also growing. (The trend against public use of the terms “Witchcraft” and “Witch” has been a tremendous help to this process.)

This book’s title also refers to its practitioners. We strive to live Wiccan lives, just as members of other religions attempt to fit their religious beliefs into their existences. Naturally, none of us is SuperWiccan; we all have to make difficult choices as the outside world intrudes into our lives. Some of these choices may well fly in the face of Wiccan teachings. Still, making the attempt to live a Wiccan life is certainly worth the effort, and is a reminder that Wiccan practice isn’t limited to candles, athames, and cauldrons.

When we’ve made a conscious decision to bring our spirituality into our everyday lives, our entire existence considerably brightens. Wicca, after all, consists of reverence for the sources of everything that exists. I hardly think that the Goddess’s and God’s teachings are relevant solely on the sabbats and esbats.

We needn’t change our entire lives to live within Wicca’s framework. We don’t have to abandon our families and move to Tibet, or spend all day, every day, in ritual. Often, the greatest changes that need to be made are mental, not physical. A truly positive outlook ruled by “harm none” is an excellent first step in Wiccan living. It can also be quite challenging (especially when driving in rush-hour traffic or vying for a parking space).

There are no failures. When we get angry, we can remember that the deities have such emotions within them as well (though we don’t spend time invoking these particular divine aspects). If a temporary lapse of consciousness allows us to litter, we needn’t ask forgiveness of anyone but ourselves as we bend to retrieve that candy wrapper. There are two things to remember when attempting to live a Wiccan life: there’s nothing that we can do that, mythologically speaking, the deities haven’t done. (They’re unshockable.) The Goddess and God know everything; nothing is beyond their understanding.

Second, we’re not here on this planet to ask forgiveness of our deities. This would be similar to apologizing to our stylist or barber because our hair just keeps on growing. The earth is a classroom. We’re the students. Karma, life, ourselves, others, and the Goddess and God are the teachers, and we can’t always know the answers. Mistakes are a part of human life. Apologize all you want, if you wish, but learn from your mistakes and, if possible or necessary, correct them. Forgive yourself and move on.

Once we’ve learned the basics of Wiccan beliefs and practices, living our religion is, logically, the next step. How we allow it to affect our lives is completely up to us.

I’ve written this book as a guide not only to Wiccan practice, but to Wiccan life. Still, its contents are merely ideas and suggestions. Each of us has to find the perfect path. May the Goddess and God assist you in this quest.

Blessed Be.