Prayers and Rites of Thanks and Offering - Practice

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham 1993

Prayers and Rites of Thanks and Offering

Offering Rites

MANY WICCANS FOLLOW ancient custom by making a small offering to the Goddess and God on a daily basis. This is usually done before images of deities, but may also be performed anywhere, including outside. Making consistent offerings to the Goddess and God reinforces your involvement with both them and our religion, so there’s every reason to make periodic offerings.

The main tool of such rites is the offertory bowl, into which the offering is placed (if indoors). Though this may be of any natural material, a clay, wooden, ceramic, or silver bowl is preferred. What types of offerings are best? Generally, food in any form (save for meat) is fine, as are all small, precious objects. Even jewelry and expensive items are sometimes offered and buried in the earth. If you have nothing else, and can spare no food, pure water (which is not only necessary to human life but is also filled with Goddess energy) can be used. Incense may also be smoldered in offering, but it should be a special type that you don’t ordinarily burn. (I wish that it wasn’t necessary for me to say so, but just in case some of you have missed an important lesson: we never sacrifice living things to the deities.)

Offerings must be consciously made and done with thanks, intent, and focus. Empty offerings will have little effect. In past times, such offerings were considered vital to the worshipper’s continuing existence. Today, we might see them as vital to our spiritual existence.

You may decide to make an offering once a day, once a week, once a month, every three weeks, or every full moon. (Rhythms of this type are preferred rather than haphazard offerings.) The time of day isn’t really important, though most prefer the night. Again: find your own best plan. Offerings certainly can also be made at any time in thanks for an answered prayer.

The rites that follow are suggestions. Use your intuition and experiment to find the forms best suited to you. After making the offering, reflect for a few moments on the meaning of your actions.

A Daily Offering

Place the offering in the bowl (or in the ground) while saying:

What I take I freely give.

Accept this offering, Goddess and God.

Another Daily Offering

Make the offering while saying:

I give you this symbol of my devotion.

May it strengthen my bonds with you.

An Offering for a Special Request

This should by no means be seen as a bribe. We don’t bribe the Goddess and God, for they created and possess everything in existence. However, giving an offering before making a special request (during prayer) is again a symbol of our need. The actual energy that exists within the offering is sent by the power of our prayer to the Goddess and God, and so further emphasizes our need.

When you have a special request, choose a suitable offering: something quite important to you, either emotionally, mentally, or monetarily. Bury it in the earth while praying for the request.

It is done.

(Never dig up and retrieve offerings. Once you’ve given them to the Goddess and God, you’ve relinquished their physical forms. What’s done is done.)

Rites of Thanks

Thanks for an Answered Prayer


What no human ear could hear, you heard.

What no human eye could see, you saw.

What no human heart could bear, you transformed.

What no human hand could do, you did.

What no human power could change, you changed.

Goddess of love; Goddess omnipotent;

You through whom all power flows;

Source of all;

Queen of the cosmos;

Creatrix of the universe;

Accept this humble token of thanks

From a solitary Wiccan

Who has spoken

And who has been heard.

(Place an offering, such as a flower, a coin, a jewel, a picture that you’ve drawn, or some other object precious to you, on the earth. Or, bury it in the earth. If this can’t be immediately done, place the object in the offering bowl and later give it directly to the earth.)

A Solitary Ritual of Thanks

(You alone will know when to perform this ritual. It can be done at any phase of the moon, during the day or night, whenever needed.)

You’ll need one large white or pink bowl; one white candle; water; small, fresh flowers (white blooms are best); and one piece of white cotton cloth.

Place the bowl on the altar (or on any table). If desired, cast a circle. Affix the white candle to the center of the bowl with warmed beeswax or with drippings from another white candle (so that the bowl acts as a candle holder).

Pour water into the bowl. Float the fresh flowers on the surface of the water. Light the candle.

Visualize your reason for the ritual; remember why you’re thanking the Goddess and God. Touch the water on both sides of the candle with your fingertips, saying these or similar words:

Lady of the moon, of the stars and the earth;

Lord of the sun, of the forests and the hills;

I perform a ritual of thanks.

My love shines like the flame;

My love floats like the petals

Upon you.

Lady of the waters, of flowers and the sea;

Lord of the air, of horns and of fire;

1 perform a ritual of thanks.

My love shines like the flame;

My love floats like the petals

Upon you.

Lady of the caves, of cats and snakes;

Lord of the plains, of falcons and stags;

I perform a ritual of thanks.

My love shines like the flame;

My love floats like the petals

Upon you.

Look into the candle’s flame, then down into the water. Blow gently upon the water’s surface and watch the flower’s movements. Meditate. Commune. Thank.

When it’s time, remove the petals from the water. Place them in the center of the white cotton cloth. Wrap the cloth around the petals. If you’ve cast a circle, close it now. End your rite of thanks by quenching the candle’s flame, pouring the water onto the ground, and burying the flowers in the earth. It is done.