Tools of Witchcraft - Elemental Magic

Wicca Natural Magic Kit: The Sun, The Moon, and The Elements, Elemental Magic, Moon Magic, and Wheel of the Year Magic - Lisa Chamberlain 2018

Tools of Witchcraft
Elemental Magic

The Elements are usually represented physically on the altar by particular objects that symbolize their individual essences.

These objects are collectively referred to as “tools,” though they can also be thought of as something like “ingredients” in the creation of something divine, positive, and timeless. There is quite a variety of tools in the world of Witchcraft, some more elaborate and/or difficult to obtain than others. Those covered here represent a fairly small handful of basic “ingredients” that are particularly relevant to the Elements.

First, a sacred space is necessary. Whether this is a permanent altar or shrine, a “dual-purpose” surface that doubles as a dresser or table, or even a space on the floor, the area where you place your tools and do your work needs to be deliberately chosen and dedicated to the purpose.

Next, you need something to represent each of the Elements. For Earth, a pentacle is great, but a bowl of salt or of earth itself works just as well. For Air, the traditional tool is the wand, which can be made very easily from a small tree branch. Some Witches like to use a bell or a feather instead. Water can be poured into a cup, bowl, or a small cauldron, if you happen to have one. (Alternatively, these can be left empty and still represent Water.) Although candles may be involved in the magical work itself and/or used as lighting, a tea light or other small candle can represent Fire on the altar. Some Witches use an athame, or ritual knife, for Fire.

An alternative is to use crystals or herbs to represent the Elements, which can be a simple and elegant way to connect with the natural world. Specific herbs and crystals associated with individual Elements can be found in the Tables of Correspondence at the end of this guide. If you don’t have anything listed here for a particular Element, feel free to use and adapt what you have on hand—be creative! After all, whatever power particular objects may have, it’s you that charges them, and it’s your power fueling whatever transformation you seek.

That being said, it’s important to realize that objects do have energy, as the animists have always known. Some will be much more energetically resonant than others, and some will feel more pleasant than others.

For example, think about some of your most treasured possessions—perhaps an heirloom passed down from a beloved relative or a work of art you created that you’re pleased with. These objects have an energy in their own right, which is tied to how you feel about them, but exists on its own nonetheless.

The same is true of objects you don’t feel positive about or attached to. Ever need to get rid of something that belonged to an old love? It’s not just about the memories—it’s the need to remove that physical energy from your life. Clearing out even your more mundane possessions just “feels good,” not only because you’ve created more space, but because there’s less energetic clutter, as well.

It is possible to clear an object from negative energy, but it’s also true that some tools are just a better energetic fit for a particular person than others. So, again, choose what works best for you. Whatever objects you work with, however, it’s important to clear them of all prior energetic imprints before using them in ritual and magic.

Clearing, or “cleansing” a tool can be done in several ways. If the object can get wet, you can start by rinsing it, or wiping it with a clean, dry cloth (it’s best to keep a cloth or two just for this purpose, as opposed to something you use for regular housecleaning.) Following this, smudging with sage is a great way to clear energy, but you can also leave the object in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, or bury it in sea salt, herbs, or soil. Go with your gut, or experiment with different methods to see what works best.

After clearing, it’s time to charge the object with your own personal power and positive intention. Consecrating tools can be done with a simple ritual, with or without the more elaborate steps involved on other occasions. Some Witches choose to cast a circle and call the quarters first, while others consider consecration a separate step to be performed before a tool is ever placed on the altar.

Whichever you choose, you can charge the object by holding it over a candle flame (high enough not to burn it, of course!) and/or or lift it up toward the sky. You can also just hold it respectfully in your hands.

Verbalizing the consecration is highly recommended—the power of words goes a long way toward transforming energy, as we saw in the water crystal experiments we discussed in an earlier section. What to say is really very much up to you—many Witches prefer to use rhyme and rhythm in their spells, invocations, and other magical work, as this kind of language is considered particularly potent. Others choose their words in favor of being as precise as possible, whether they rhyme or not. You can also simply talk out loud about your intentions as you work to find your own magical voice.

Here’s one suggestion for verbalizing the charging of tools:

Through Earth, Air, Fire, Water and through Spirit, I consecrate this _______ to the Universe and all positive energy, to manifest my intentions with harm to none, and for the good of all.

This can be used with any object for all magical purposes, but if you wish to emphasize a symbolic representation with a particular Element, you might add a phrase or sentence declaring so. For example, “I consecrate this wand to the Element of Air, and to the Universe...