Earth - Elemental Philosophy

Wicca Natural Magic Kit: The Sun, The Moon, and The Elements, Elemental Magic, Moon Magic, and Wheel of the Year Magic - Lisa Chamberlain 2018

Elemental Philosophy

The Element of Earth is probably the most obvious to human perception, since Earth is where we live.

Even those of us in highly urban areas without much access to natural environments are aware that underneath all that pavement is the Earth, without which we would have nowhere to build our houses, roads, and cities.

Earth is, literally, the ground we walk on, as well as where we raise the animals and grow the food we need to survive and thrive. It has also been the source of the clay and minerals with which we’ve made pottery and cookware to prepare and eat our food, and the trees and stone we’ve used to build our dwellings.

For the vast majority of human history, the Earth provided everything we needed to survive as a species, with very little in the way of the complex and environmentally damaging processes that go into manufacturing so many of our modern goods. As modern societies, we seem to hold an awareness of this seeming distance from our origins with phrases like “back to the Earth” or “back to the land,” used to refer to a felt need to escape the busy, modern city life and spend time in nature.

The idea of being “grounded” is another common metaphor that speaks to the central role Earth plays in our lives. Whether it’s a teenager being punished for staying out too late or a busy adult trying to shake off the distractions of the work day through meditation, there’s a tradition in modern culture that emphasizes “keeping our feet on the ground” in order to navigate this life successfully. Earth is certainly the most “grounding” of the Elements, with its stable, heavy, passive energy and calming effect.

As a physical reality in and of itself, Earth mostly appears to be unmoving. As such, Earth is associated with the qualities of patience, endurance, and permanence. However, we do see movement in the animals that roam the Earth and, at somewhat slower paces, in the growth of plant life. This connection to growth brings the qualities of diligence and commitment, and the ability to reap what one sows.

Earth personalities

People with Earth as their dominant Element tend to be practically-minded, and are considered to be “sensible” by their peers.

Oriented to the physical manifestations of reality as we know it, Earth people tend to place emphasis on what can be proven through the experience of the five senses, rather than on more subtle, less easily-perceived phenomena. They tend to be reliable, productive, and disciplined, with an innate sense for the workings of the material world and a methodical approach to work that enables them to achieve material security with greater ease than other Elemental personalities. They value stable and long-term friendships and make for honest and kind friends.

The challenge for Earth people is to not let their practicality and desire for structure to keep them from discovering and reveling in life’s mysteries, or accessing their own emotional states. Too much Earth energy can lead to becoming rigid or narrow-minded, actually limiting our potential for growth by closing ourselves off to higher-frequency energies that inspire us with new perspectives and motivate us to set our sights on new horizons. People who are described as being “stubborn as a rock” or behaving like “a stick in the mud” are probably exhibiting an excess of Earth energy, and would benefit from loosening up and allowing themselves more access to mystery and joy. They may not always realize that security is, like everything else, ultimately impermanent, that growth is cyclical, and that there are always unseen forces which we may not be able to control, but can make an effort to better understand.

Even the most sensible habits and patterns of living can become overly rigid, and without a certain amount of flexibility it can be hard to navigate the occasional interference that life throws our way. The Earth itself manifests the inevitability of disruption in the form of earthquakes, a phenomenon echoed in the phrase “shaken up” to describe how we feel when unexpected events wreak havoc on the seeming predictability of our daily lives. “Uprooted” is another Earth-related metaphor for how we experience moving from a place we’ve called home or changing jobs. We are, as human beings, oriented to the ground, and it can be difficult for those with Earth as their dominant energy to feel comfortable in the face of dynamic change.

Ways of connecting with Earth

The Element of Earth is physically represented by the land itself, and all natural forms existing within it and on it.

Trees and forests, rocks and caves, fields and groves are all associated with Earth, and spending time in places that have one or more of these features is a great way to connect with the Earth Element.

Plunge your hands into fresh soil in a garden, walk barefoot in the mud or the grass, or climb a giant boulder and sit on it, feeling its energy resonate with yours. Lie down under the shelter of a leafy tree and feel the ground beneath you supporting your weight, keeping you stable and secure. Place the palm of your hand gently against the trunk of the tree and hold it there for a few moments. Notice its calming effect on your body and thank the tree for its nourishing and sheltering existence.

If you can’t get outside, you can practice attuning to Earth energy with a single house plant. Gently touch the soil and the leaves and thank the plant for keeping you company. Spend time noticing and appreciating of the Earth’s bounty that you bring home from the grocery store. Hold a potato or other root vegetable in your hands and smell the earthy scents. Doing this before preparing a meal can add much love, intention, and quality to your dinner! Be sure not to take Earth for granted, as it is the foundation of your existence and the ultimate source of all of your abundance.