Performing Meditation - The Basics of Meditation

Wicca: Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners. The Guide of Shadows for Wiccans, Solitary Witches, and Other Practitioners of Magic Rituals - Arin Chamberlains 2018

Performing Meditation
The Basics of Meditation

Step-By-Step Meditation Method

1. Position yourself comfortably, without slouching or bending the spine.

2. Allow your head to roll forward, onto your chest. Take a deep breath in and out. Repeat three times. Return to the original upright position.

3. Allow your head to roll backward. Take a deep breath in and out. Repeat three times. Return to the original upright position.

4. Allow your head to fall to the left as far as possible. Take a deep breath in and out. Repeat three times. Return to the original upright position.

5. Allow your head to fall to the right as far as possible. Take a deep breath in and out. Repeat three times. Return to the original upright position.

6. Allow your head to fall forward again, but now move it counter-clockwise in a circle. Repeat three times.

7. Allow your head to fall forward once more, but now move it clockwise in a circle. Repeat three times. Return to the original upright position.

8. Breathe in, in several short intakes of breath, until your lungs are filled, ensuring that you are breathing through your nose. Hold the air in your lungs briefly then exhale with a ’Hah!’ noise, through your mouth. Repeat three times.

9. Breathe slowly and fully, in through the right nostril while holding the left closed. Allow your stomach to balloon out. Hold the breath briefly, and then exhale gently and slowly from the mouth, flattening your stomach. This is a good exercise for removing stale air from the bottom of your lungs. Repeat three times.

10. Breathe slowly and fully, in through the left nostril while holding the left closed. Allow your stomach to balloon out. Hold the breath briefly, and then exhale gently and slowly from the mouth, flattening your stomach. Repeat three times.

Now that your body is relaxed and you are breathing deeply but normally, concentrate the thoughts in your mind and imagine your entire body surrounded by a globe of white light. Envision and actually feel the energy charge your entire body.

Now it is time to focus your attention on your toes. Relax them and feel the tiredness or the tension slip away from them.

Do the same with the balls of your feet, the heels, the arches, the ankles. Relax your entire body completely, focussing on releasing the tension from it a section at a time. Work up your entire leg, to your groin and up to your buttocks and spine and through your stomach and chest, your upper limbs and then your throat, face, jaw and chin. Don’t forget your eyes and even your scalp. The intention is to relax every nerve and fiber in your whole body. The relaxation technique is to end at your forehead.

Now, focus your energy on your third eye. Allow your eyes to roll up if possible. As far as you can, try to go deeper and deeper into the third eye. With all the concentration you can muster, release yourself from the material world and yield to a magnetic pull if you feel it. There is no need for prayer or visualization; you simply have to concentrate on relaxing your entire body. Allow your energy to flow from inwards to outwards and to a higher power. Whatever sensations you experience, move into it and through the source of it.

In the beginning, your conscious mind is undisciplined and it may difficult for you to quiet it, like a nagging child. However, with practice and consistency, you will eventually start to see results in the form of a deepening in intuition, and this will be proof of your Kundalini awakening.

It is not uncommon for beginners to have difficulty in remaining still at first, for more than a couple minutes at any given time. Also, it is normal for your mind to want to wander and for you to feel like fidgeting. Very common is the developing of a massive itch that really needs to be scratched! Ignore all these things as best you can and soon you will be in control of your mind and your body. It is a difficult process but it is a transition from allowing your mind and body to rule over you, and now you trying to rule over your mind and body.

Ending a Meditation Period

It is in the best interest of your physical well-being that you end each session of meditation by re-awakening your conscious and physical self. This is simply done by performing the relaxation technique in reverse, which means pulling away from the third eye and proceeding down the length of the body, section by section, commanding them each awakened and vibrant.

It is likely that you will be rather surprised by how pleasant you will feel after you perform meditation using the proper technique. Thus there are not only spiritual benefits but physical as well.