Magnolia - The Trees

The Magic of Trees: A Guide to Their Sacred Wisdom & Metaphysical Properties - Tess Whitehurst 2017

The Trees


With grounded wisdom that stretches into the ancient past, a lush femininity that is anything but dainty, and the mysterious depths of the watery moon, we might think of the magnolia (the family Magnolioceae) as an arboreal wise woman and botanical high priestess. While her leaves are sometimes evergreen and sometimes deciduous, and her flowers appear in a number of colors, each of the many species of magnolia is visually stunning and magically intense.

Magical Uses

Ancient Wisdom

In The Magic of Flowers I wrote, “Deep within us, in our genetic memory and in our buried memories of old lifetimes, we hold ancient wisdom. Magnolia can help us remember this wisdom and allow it to be reborn into our present incarnation.” Indeed, not just the flower but the very tree herself is literally a repository of unthinkably ancient genetic coding. So ancient, in fact, that she actually predates bees, which is why she is pollinated by beetles instead.

Spend time in quiet contemplation with a magnolia tree to access the deep inner knowing that is your spiritual heritage and birthright, including ancient genetic memories and wisdom intrinsic to the earth and moon.

Feminine Power

A magnolia blossom is a most beautiful and precious thing to behold, and so fragrant! Still, gaze at a hearty magnolia tree and you’ll get the distinct sense that she’s invincible. In fact, genetically the magnolia has been invincible for hundreds of thousands of years, thriving from more than 100 million years ago until the present day. Talk about destroying the myth that feminine beauty is synonymous with tender youth! On the contrary, magnolia demonstrates the immense power and beauty that can accompany mature feminine energy.


Perhaps you feel drawn to get more into your feminine energy: your receptive, open-hearted radiance. And if you feel drawn to work with magnolia for this purpose, chances are good that you also want to access your most invincible power and vast magical strength. If this is the case, visit a magnolia under a full moon and offer her a moonstone by placing it at her base. Then touch her trunk and say:

Radiant, receptive, beautiful, free

My Goddess identity now defines me.

Magical, mighty, luminous, bright

I step into my power this night.

Lunar Magic

Aligned with both the earth and the moon, the magnolia can help us work with lunar energy in the physical realm for the purpose of manifestation. In other words, she can help us work moon magic, and to align with the moon’s energy more fully. For this purpose, try meditating near a magnolia for at least five minutes a day for one full moon cycle, starting at the new moon and continuing until the dark moon. As you sit, gaze at the magnolia and let yourself contemplate and attune with the unseen energies of the moon.

Stress Relief

When stress is related to feeling disempowered and/or separated from the energy of the earth, magnolia can help. Simply sitting in quiet contemplation with a tree can be ideal for this purpose, and extracts from a particular type of magnolia—magnolia officinalis—have been shown to relax the muscles. (Though only take internally under the supervision of an expert.) Similarly, Hou Po bark (as it’s called when used in Chinese Medicine), according to author and herbalist Andrew Chevallier in Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, “relieves cramping pain and flatulence, and is taken for abdominal distension, indigestion, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea.” (Notice that these are all symptoms that have been known to result from stress.)

Magical Correspondences


Element: Earth

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon