Kindness Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Kindness Spread

On This Day

Acts of kindness are medically proven to make us healthier. Emotional warmth produces the hormone oxytocin in the brain, which moves through the body and reduces blood pressure. Elevated levels of dopamine, often referred to as “helper’s high,” leave us feeling tingly and good.

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day. While it’s not a national holiday, it is a day where people are encouraged to do something kind for a friend or a stranger.

Summation of Spread

The Queen of Cups is the most empathetic personality in the deck. The deep oceans surrounding her refer to her deep reserves of altruism, empathy, and emotional support for others.

Kindness is a virtue and a value in many cultures and religions. True and heartfelt kindness is worth exploring on a deep level. The Kindness Spread helps you to do this. Use it for inspiration to commit blatant random acts of kindness.

Cast Your Cards

The Kindness Spread’s cards are cast in the shape of a ladder reaching upwards. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, you will be ready to perform a random act of kindness.

1. When has the kindness of another touched me?

2. Who is the kindest person I know?

3. What helps me to release negativity toward others?

4. How can I be present for others?

5. How can I better listen to those around me?

6. What do I have in common with all humans?

7. How can I practice kindness toward myself?

8. What random act of kindness can I perform today?