Valentine’s Day Courtly Love Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Valentine’s Day Courtly Love Spread

On This Day

The world’s greatest lover, Casanova, ate chocolate to keep him virile. More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be purchased this Valentine’s Day.

Saint Valentine, the namesake of Valentine’s Day, was a third-

century Roman saint who is widely associated with the tradition of courtly love. Courtly love was a unique medieval concept of the noble, chivalrous expression of love and admiration.

Summation of Spread

The searing Ace of Wands contains intensity, attraction, spiritual fire, and love at first sight. Aces are like seeds containing minute qualities of each particular suit. You can see each ace bloom as you move through their numbers.

Fallen hard for someone? Courtly love was practiced in secret among nobility. Exalting the female in the highest form of worship, it was generally not practiced between husband and wife. Merging eroticism with a spiritual quest, making romantic obsession like a god and not truly obtainable, it leaves unquenched desire in its wake. Sensual desire is explored in this spread, whose questions are based on the seven stages of courtly love, adapted from Barbara Tuchman.

Cast Your Cards

Savor the agony of passion and invoke pleasure while casting:

1. Attraction: Who am I attracted to?

2. Worship from Afar: Why are they so delicious?

3. Declaration of Passion: Should I tell them my feelings?

4. Virtuous Rejection: How will I feel if rejected?

5. Renewed Wooing and Determination: Why can’t I give up?

6. Lovesickness: How do they feel when near me?

7. Heroic Deed: What should I do?

8. Consummation of Secret Love: How will we consummate?

9. Endless Adventure and Subterfuge to Avoid Detection: What is our fate?