Candlemas Candle Magic Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Candlemas Candle Magic Spread

On This Day

In Scotland, the boy or girl bringing in the most money is declared the Candlemas King or Queen. They “rule” for six weeks and have the power to make one whole afternoon playtime.

Candlemas is an ancient British festival marking the midpoint of winter. Before the advent of electricity, dark interiors were illuminated with candlelight and fires. On this particular day, all the year’s candles were brought to the church, and blessings were made over them. It was known as a festival day or the mass of the candles, thus creating Candlemas. Scottish children contributed candles to school on Candlemas so the classrooms remained bright. When gas lighting was installed, children brought money to the teacher for sweets and cakes instead.

Summation of Spread

The Ace of Wands represents the energy of candle magic and a spark of something new. See the sprouting leaves on the wand? This indicates future growth and manifestation.

Candle magic is accomplished via simple or complex rituals. This is based on the essential elements of candle magic. Use this spread when planning a ritual or simply examining a goal.

Cast Your Cards

Set an intention, light a flame, and cast your cards.

1. Your Altar: What supports me?

2. Incense: What message am I sending?

3. Personal Preparation: What is the best way to cleanse my energy?

4. Candle: What is the best color/intention for my candle?

5. Inscribing: What symbols support my intention?

6. Dressing the Candle: What do I want to attract/repel?

7. Glitter: How does my magic sparkle and multiply?

8. Feed the Candle: What actions can I take to support my magic?

9. Lighting: How do I best ignite my passion?