Make a Difference Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Make a Difference Spread

On This Day

Eleanor Roosevelt advocated for women’s rights long before the women’s rights movement began. Remaining active in politics long after her husband’s death, she was the first chair on the UN’s Commission on Human Rights.

Eleanor Roosevelt was born on this day in 1884. She was the first presidential spouse to hold press conferences, write a syndicated column, and speak at a national convention. Her outspokenness on racial issues and women’s rights made her a controversial First Lady.

Summation of Spread

The Queen of Wands is not afraid or intimidated in standing up for her ideals and ideas of what is right. Sensing a challenge, she’ll rise to the occasion. Tireless and passionate, she provokes great change in philanthropic and social arenas.

You have more of an effect on the world than you may realize. Roosevelt’s human rights work, pedigree, and accomplishments may seem intimidating to live up to, but you can make a difference in your own backyard. Touching one life, you change a world.

Cast Your Cards

1. How do I want to make a difference?

2. How can I make the world a better place?

3. What talent or quality do I possess to help others?

4. How much time can I dedicate to a cause?

5. What is a realistic goal?

6. Where should I begin?

7. What change occurs as a result?

8. What action can I take today to make the world better?