Your Personal Symbol Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Your Personal Symbol Spread

On This Day

Symbols communicate directly to our unconscious. Deep thoughts and beliefs about human life are conveyed in a single, immediate, and powerful image.

Mercedes, the luxury car company, registered their symbol on this date in 1903. Their familiar sign, the three-pointed star, represents their perceived dominance over land, sea, and air.

Summation of Spread

The entire tarot deck operates under the power of symbol. Symbols—like poetry or facial expressions—convey what cannot be said in words. A symbol is the doorway to something new, sublime, and unspoken.

It is empowering to create or discover your own personal symbol. A personal symbol raises energy to higher concepts, identifies you with a higher idea, and can be a reminder of your personal power. Once the power symbol is identified, create or select it so you can carry it with you—placed on a piece of jewelry, tattooed, or tucked away where no one else can see it. Use it as you see fit.

Cast Your Cards

This spread poses questions to get you thinking about what your appropriate symbol is. Answer the questions using drawn cards as prompts.

1. My personal motto is…

2. My most influential element is…

3. My best color is…

4. My spirit animal is…

5. My power number is…

6. My most ardent belief is…

7. I feel powerful when…