The Use of Crystals and Stones—How It Works - Basic Crystal and Stone Information

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

The Use of Crystals and Stones—How It Works
Basic Crystal and Stone Information

This relationship between form and formlessness, essential vibration, and dynamic cause and effect, as well as the understanding that there is no fixed, separate reality, forms the basis of crystal and stone work in which we use our stones to assist new realities to be birthed from pure possibility. Through the use of our stones, we can create changes or manipulate the vibrations on a subtle, nonphysical level to eventually affect the related vibrations on a physical level. In other words, we work on a subtle level to manifest physically.

Though we can use many mediums to accomplish this, including all other stones, we can most easily use quartz crystals. Beyond our ability to work with them to activate the placebo effect, they have extremely high and exact rates of vibration that can be precisely manipulated, through mind or other means, due to the quartz crystal’s tendency to resonate in harmony with any vibration it is brought into contact with. Through this property of resonance and precise vibrational manipulation, we can use the quartz crystal to amplify, store, transform, transmute, and otherwise make physical, mental, emotional, and other changes. The quartz crystal will automatically harmonize and re-create the vibration of any object that it is placed in direct physical proximity with and/or can be directed to do this with the use of our conscious intention and then utilized in our work.

To direct the crystal’s activity with our intention, we first create a particular set of vibrations within ourselves as we focus on what we intend. We then interact with the crystal so as to have it harmonize and resonate with that newly created vibrational set in us. Next, we direct that crystal resonance with the use of our focused intention to interact with any other vibrational fields of our choosing without the normal limitations imposed by time and space. The vibrational field of our choosing can range from people we are healing, environments, emotions, thoughts, and anything else that we can imagine in the past, present, or future. If we direct the energy of the resonating crystal’s vibratory state with enough strength of focus, and if there is no resistance encountered, the chosen vibrational field will begin to vibrate in harmony with the crystal’s vibration. This changed vibrational field, in turn, will create some kind of physical, mental, emotional change or more.

In other words, we set up in the quartz crystal a certain current of energy. The wave that carries or transmits that current is our intention. The more focused our intention, the more empowered the wave to travel further and effect more changes. Thus, with the use of the quartz crystal, we have created a change in a vibrational field that manifests physically in the way that we intended. (Further elaboration of this procedure will appear later in the book.)

The quartz crystal will have some automatic effects: just by being in the quartz crystal’s proximity, the body and/or environment will feel energized due to its automatic tendency to raise lower vibratory rates up to its own high level. It generates negative ions to create the feeling of a refreshing, harmonious, uplifting atmosphere around it. Any particular vibratory rate with which the crystal has been influenced will soon be reflected in its surroundings. Beyond these automatic effects, however, the intention of the user is most important.

Just as the quartz crystal can act on a vibrational level to effect changes in its environment, so too can other stones effect vibrational changes in line with their particular properties. Each colored stone, for example, will affect us on a vibrational level with its color or degree of opaqueness. The pink of rose quartz will help bring calm and open our hearts. The brilliant red of a garnet will help bring energy. So, too, will ordinary rocks affect vibrational changes in the environment or within us in accordance to their specific vibrational qualities of color or solidity.

As shamans, priests, mystics, and healers have known for ages, quartz crystals and other stones can be used to modify anything, whether it be thoughts, emotions, our bodies, or other physical forms. Negative emotions can be transformed to positive. States of disharmony can be changed to harmony. Our bodies can be energized or healed. Thoughts can be amplified, increasing the power of affirmation, concentration, meditation, intention, and visualization. In place of stress we can generate calm. With our focused intention used to effect vibrational and then physical changes, the uses and benefits of quartz crystals and other stones extend as far as the limits of our vision.

Again, scientists have problems accepting this, dismissing this activity with our crystals as quackery, wishful thinking, idiocy, or pure nonsense, yet just because this has not been proven scientifically doesn’t mean that it has no truth. Not too many years ago, today’s work in quantum physics, modern electronics, and solar energy, for example, would have been considered with the same dismissal and disbelief. Whether proven by science or not, there is no denying that something is happening through the use of crystals and stones. We are being healed. Our minds are opening to new vistas of thought and illumination. We’re being emotionally uplifted and spiritually more aware.