Devas, Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, and Other Earth Spirits - Working with Earth Energy and Ordinary Rocks

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Devas, Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, and Other Earth Spirits
Working with Earth Energy and Ordinary Rocks

When we work with crystals and stones, no matter how far off into the heavens our experience is with them, whether we realize it or not, we are also working with the earth. Stones form our earth, our ground, and our grounding, and in this all life has its roots. It is not only our bedrock, but we also share many of its elements in our own body. Our stone work will be much more powerful and we will be much more balanced if we not only acknowledge this earth element that we are embedded in, but also actively use its energy to help empower and inform our work. One way to learn about earth energy is to connect to the earth spirits who represent the various earth elements.


White howlite roses for purity of heart, amethyst for healing and higher consciousness imbue their essence into the nurturing energy of Earth Mother Gaia. Meditate with these stones.

As we unite with the earth we will find a deepening stability within us, and as we explore its depths we may likely meet various earth spirits, such as elves, gnomes, fairies, devas, and other earth elementals. Rather than assuming that such a spirit doesn’t have as much to each us as beings from the higher planes since it is of the earth, it is better to listen and learn from these spirits, because each has its wisdom to teach us. Though these spirits of the earth, often found in caves or hidden within the roots of trees and plants, may appear to us in the form of fairies, elves, or other elemental spirits, each represents or is one aspect of the collective mind of all the rocks, plants, trees, mountains, water, weather systems, and all forms related to the natural world. They help relay information from one form of nature to the other. A gnome, for example, is purported to collect the energies and information from the roots of plants after they have collected it from the cosmos above, and then passes it on to the earth and all minerals.

Each crystal is said to have its own deva with whom we can communicate. However, no matter which type of nature spirit, they are said to hold the archetypal design of each body in nature, whether it is a tree, river, or mountain. Their appearance is said to be an outward manifestation of the inherent consciousness within all forms of nature, and as such they act as a unifying force communicating between and connecting all forms of nature to one another. Connecting to a nature spirit or deva can teach us about the natural world of which we are a part. We have merely to ask. However, these spirits are known to sometimes be tricksters and can be fairly elusive for those who show no respect, so it is good to bring some sort of offering, a pure heart if nothing else.


1. Sit outside in a place that seems to call to you or that you want to learn more about, perhaps in a wooded glade, by a spring, at the base of a mountain, or in a field of flowers. Holding a clear quartz crystal in both hands, gaze into it, respectfully asking to meet the spirit associated with your location.

2. Remaining aware of the natural location surrounding you, or the specific form of nature about which you are curious, continue to gaze into the crystal until you begin to sense the presence of the nature spirit. Either your eyes will close and you will begin to see this spirit within your mind’s eye, or you will begin to see its form within the crystal.

3. As you continue to gaze, this form will appear more clearly and eventually speak with you. You may hear this speaking as words within your inner mind or only as sensations. Ask any questions you would like to and listen to the answers. It may be that you don’t have anything specific to ask, but only want to get to know the spirit or the form of nature he or she represents.

4. When you are through, see the spirit as receding from your vision until it disappears entirely. Open your eyes if they are closed and pull your vision out of the crystal.

5. Before arising, clear your stones and yourself. Offer a gift for that spirit and thank them for their information and for being with you.