Golden Light Body Healing - Crystal and Stone Healing

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Golden Light Body Healing
Crystal and Stone Healing

So far we have provided healing methods in which the person being healed remains in a passive, receptive state; the more they can remain in this state, the stronger the healing will be. In this method, the person being healed is a more active participant in the process, still remaining receptive, but also being involved in a visualization process the healer actively guides them through. Filling themselves with golden light that dissolves or chases away all forms of negativity or blockage associated with mental, emotional, or physical illness, they become a body of pure, golden light, bridging heaven and earth. Though we are a body of light, more often than not we lack any awareness of it. Through this powerful process we can consciously inhabit our light body, and in doing so can be both healed and enlightened.


1. Sitting opposite each other, before doing this healing, surround both yourself and the other with a Light Body Energy Grid, using a circle of clear quartz or Herkimer diamonds. If you like, you can also add yellow citrine, or any other bright yellow stone to the circle, placing a Herkimer diamond or clear crystal front, back, and each side, with the citrine or yellow stones between them.

This Light Body Energy Grid not only serves as protection for both you and the other person, but it also will connect you to the highest spiritual planes of golden light of which your light body is a part.

2. The person being healed should hold either a clear quartz in each hand, points facing inward, or clear, golden yellow stones. The one guiding the light body healing should hold a clear, single-terminated quartz in the right hand pointing outward, and either a healing amethyst, golden yellow stone, or clear quartz in the left hand, tip pointing up towards the arm. For grounding, a smoky quartz, an ordinary rock, or any earth colored stone can be placed on the ground between the feet or underneath the soles of the feet. For further empowerment, a Herkimer diamond, clear quartz, or sapphire colored stone can be placed on the third eye between the brows in the middle of the forehead.

3. Facing each other, you, the healer, and the one being healed, should close your eyes and focus on your third eyes while taking long, deep breaths through the nose. Do this for approximately three minutes, releasing all tension from the body with each exhale, centering and grounding yourselves.

4. After three minutes, the one being healed should keep his or her eyes closed while you open your eyes to begin the practice.

5. Using the crystal in your right hand, open the energy centers in the other person’s subtle body using the spiral method on each chakra, working from the root to the crown.

6. Now, point the crystal in your right hand toward their crown chakra. Visualize clear golden light from above entering through your crystal, out the tip, and down through the person’s crown chakra. Clearly imagine the golden light pouring down through the top of his or her head. Vocally guide the other person to imagine or feel the golden light entering their head, and direct them to see it clear away any blockages, tension, or pain. They can help with this process by using their breath to let the blockage go with every exhale. Let the light break the density of the blockage, bursting it apart, or dissolving it into the ethers. Continue until you both see their head as entirely filled with this golden light.

7. Next, send the light down from their head into their neck and throat. Continue to see the golden light releasing any blockages as it completely fills the entire throat and neck area. It is not unusual for the one being healed to experience the release of various blocked emotions or repressed communications associated with the throat area as the blockages are released through the golden light. If so, guide them in their release, letting the emotions or communications be experienced in their entirety rather than blocking them, and after allowing their full expression, seeing them peacefully dissipate in the clear light.

8. Using your clear crystals, direct the golden light to flow from the throat down into the shoulders and chest. Guide the one being healed to feel this golden light filling these areas and clearing out anything repressed or blocked as it does so. Using your clear crystal and shared visualization, clear the lungs and all of the upper internal organs of any blockages and fill them with golden light. Now feel the light flow all the way down into the top of the back so that all of the upper body becomes filled with only golden, shining light. Continue to direct the one being healed to let go of all blockages as they arise. If you feel a blockage that the other doesn’t, bring their attention to it so they can let it release, along with any associated emotions. Break up any density with light, perhaps imagining blockages as gray, dull light moving out of the body to be replaced with gold.

9. Using your crystal, continue to guide the light down to the stomach and the abdomen, both using your crystal to draw out or remove blockages as well as directing the one being healed to let any blockages they experience dissolve. Now move around to the back so the entire back is filled with golden light. Then let the light fill each arm down through the hands and fingertips, eventually seeing nothing but streams of golden light flowing out from the fingertips. After the arms and fingers, proceed to the lower stomach, the intestines and the navel, past the hips, to the top of the buttocks. Continue to guide the one being healed in this process. Direct them to release any tension or repressed emotions with their exhales and see them dissolve in the golden light as it fills these parts of their body.

10. After filling the complete torso and upper body with golden light, let the light flow down past the sex organs and into the top of the thighs. Let there be no resistance to this light, letting it transmute any negativity or blockages as it moves through each area. Continuing to guide the other through this process, releasing tension and anything that has been repressed, fill each leg with light, then each foot, heel, and top and bottom of the foot. As the golden light fills the body, guide the other to see the light in every joint, the skin, the inner muscles, the internal organs, the blood, and even into the center of each cell and particle of the body.

11. Now, visualize any final blockages leaving through the toes, directing the other to see these blockages chased by golden light until you see clear streamers of golden, bright light leave through their tips.

12. As you direct the light with your crystal, be sure to work at your own pace as the crystal directs you. You may find that you hold the crystal differently depending on what is occurring during this practice. You may feel like squeezing the crystal, and then handling it gently with a soft grip. This may change constantly, so just let it flow.

13. When you and the one being healed have completely filled their body with this brilliant, golden light, sit quietly with each other in this peaceful, yet highly energetic space, joined as one in light and clear mind. This is the experience of the golden light body in which we are all one being. While basking in this harmonious luminosity, direct the other to see the golden light as moving out from their body to surround it in a golden orb of light that is loving, protective, accepting, expansive, and infinitely wise. Sit in this awareness for at least ten minutes, letting your mind be still.

14. After sitting for ten minutes, use your crystal to direct a golden cord of energy from the bottom of their spinal column into the earth, directing them to feel their connection with the nurturing and transmuting capabilities of the earth. Guide them to experience themselves as a clear channel between the heavens through their crown chakra and the earth through the bottoms of their feet.

15. After experiencing this connection, direct the other person to see their golden aura drawing back to the edges of their body as their body remains filled with light. While still remaining in their experience as their golden light body, healed and whole, direct them to open their eyes and become aware of the environment around them, the earth beneath their feet, and the chair on which they’re sitting.

16. There is no need to clear the light body experience from the person you are working with. However, before they leave, as with the other healing practice, close the person by blowing or sweeping horizontally over their heart center so they have some filtering from unwanted influences. Then brush them off vigorously about six inches from their skin, going from head to toe. This will remove any negative energy or imbalance and send it into the earth. Then, clear your stones and yourself and be sure both of you are well grounded.