A Guide to Colored Stones: Their Properties and Uses - Energy Work with Colored Stones

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

A Guide to Colored Stones: Their Properties and Uses
Energy Work with Colored Stones

Though it has been explained how to select and use colored stones, as well as the limitations of memorizing the uses of colored stones, the chart on pages 258263 can be used to help get us started. We can do all of our crystal and stone work with the listed colored stones. However, if there is another colored stone that is not listed and we are contemplating its use, we can find the most similar category on the chart and use that as our starting point to begin to understand the uses and properties it may have.

General qualities and uses for each type of stone are listed on this chart. The part of the subtle and physical body that corresponds with each type of stone is also included. An explanation of the subtle and physical body area to which the stone corresponds is also given. The stones can be used on the corresponding body area, worn on the body to influence the subtle body, or visualized to send their energy into that area. We can use the stones listed in this chart with the methods described, or as we continue to work with the stones we may begin to notice more particular effects associated with each individual stone beyond what is shown in the chart. Since each circumstance in which we work with our stones is different, this chart can only serve as a general guideline. To learn more, we have only to continue working with our stones and pay attention.








NOTE: Opal can be included in the white category as it contains all colors. The difference is that opal has the quality of fire and so is ever changing. It stimulates activity and change. If the opal has more of any one color, the qualities of that color are dominant along with the changeability of the fire. Only stable people should wear them.