How to Use Colored Stones - Energy Work with Colored Stones

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

How to Use Colored Stones
Energy Work with Colored Stones

The ways to use colored stones are similar to the ways we can use clear quartz crystals. We can surround ourselves with them to bring their color in our auras so they will affect our subtle bodies with their energy. If we surround ourselves with the colored stones as well as with specific energy or power grids, then the grid will join its effects with the colored stone. For example, using a square with a violet stone will bring us the balance and grounding that will help us lift our consciousness even higher into the spiritual realms.

We can use one colored stone for a single effect, or we can use combinations of stones. We can place the stones on our bodies, or on the bodies of others to help bring balance on a subtle level, which will affect the physical. For example, if someone is feeling anxious or fearful, we might place a rose quartz directly on their heart chakra as well as putting a cooling green stone on their forehead to relax the mental activity, cooling the heat of an overactive mind, combining that with earth colored stones touching the bottom of the feet for grounding. We can hold a particular colored stone in our hand, and, pointing it toward the person or an area on their body, project the color vibration into their aura. We can hold a colored stone in each hand, feeling their vibration, and use our focused intention to draw their energy into our subtle, and then physical bodies. We can place colored stones around our room to change its vibration in ways that are more pleasing or balancing for us. If an angry person has been in our room, for example, we can place rose quartz around the room or green stones to cool the anger, or we can clear the room of the angry vibrations and then add the colored stones, perhaps a sky blue to replace the anger with an uplifted feeling. We can combine a colored stone with a clear crystal, either to amplify the effects of the color or to charge the clear stone so that it acts as the colored stone. If we are working to open and balance the chakras, we can place the similar colored stone on each chakra. For example, we can place a garnet on the first chakra, an orange citrine on the second chakra, a yellow calcite on the third chakra, a rose quartz on the fourth, aquamarine on the fifth, lapis on the sixth, and an amethyst on the crown chakra. Then we can use a clear crystal wand to trace the energy pathways between the colored stones to connect them.

If a colored stone is clear enough, we can use if for gazing, which is made easier if it has veils or inclusions in it. Our gazing will be affected by the color of the stone. We can use the color of the stone to balance our energies while we gaze. For example, gazing into a smoky quartz so that we stay more grounded or a pink tourmaline (although one large enough for gazing is rare) to keep our hearts open if we are inquiring about a relationship. We can also gaze into colored stones to bring those qualities into our readings. For example, we might gaze into an amethyst in order to bring the spiritual dimension into our reading. We might want to gaze into a clear green fluorite in order to bring the natural world into our reading.

Basically, we use our colored stones, or colored stones and clear quartz crystal, to re-create a state of balance and harmony in any body or situation with which we are working. The technique is the same as when we are using sound, projecting energy or emotional or mental states, using visualization, or any other of the many practices that have been covered in this book. First, we observe the problem, or that which needs to be changed or rebalanced, while focusing or sensing its vibratory state and the associated color. Next, we use our will and focused concentration to change the vibrational state from what it is to the one that corresponds to the changed condition that we seek. To do this, we sense the color that corresponds to our desired result. We next visualize a color or use the colored stone that corresponds to the sought after change, placing it on the body or surrounding the person with it. We then allow the colored stone to do its work, adding its color vibration to change the old vibrational state to a new one that is in alignment with the change we seek.

If this is unclear, the following practice used to cure a headache may be helpful.


1. Pay attention to the headache and sense the accompanying vibration that corresponds to the headache. For example, you may see the headache as a gray, stormy mass of color.

2. Next, sense or visualize the feeling or vibration of a head free of tension and pain. Either feel it in your body or see it in your mind’s eye. For example, you may see it as a gentle, expansive, sky blue color.

3. Place the color stone that corresponds to the visualization or feeling that you have of a head free of tension and pain. For example, you may place a sky blue stone on the center of the forehead or transmit the sky blue color from a similarly colored stone in your hand. If you lack the stone, you can use even more focused intention to send the sky blue color into the head. (The success of this will depend on your ability to focus one-pointedly.)

4. See the old color associated with the headache be replaced by the new color. For example, see the gray color transformed to sky blue.

5. As you do this, you may receive messages or see images that reflect the deeper source of the headache, which can be addressed with more stones, other forms of subtle energy work, counseling, or other methods. For example, you may see images of that person eating large quantities of sugar and realize it should be suggested that the person eat less sugar. As you look further, you may see that the person is eating too much sugar because they feel a lack of energy. You may suggest that the person wear yellow or red stones and colors, and you may also place yellow and/or red stones on the body as well as the sky blue.

6. When it seems as if enough time has been spent with the stones, remove them and, as usual, clear the stones, yourself, and, if applicable, the other person. If you like, a sky blue stone and/or yellow and red stones can be worn by them to facilitate even more healing.


These large amethyst crystals are clustered within a cave formed of matrix. Placed in a room, it helps bring healing energy to all who enter.