Choosing, Clearing, Charging, and Programming a Colored Stone - Energy Work with Colored Stones

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Choosing, Clearing, Charging, and Programming a Colored Stone
Energy Work with Colored Stones

A colored stone is treated the same way as a clear quartz crystal when choosing, charging, clearing, or programming it. This is true whether the colored stone is in crystal form or not. Even though we have a colored stone in mind to use because of what we read about it or were told about it, ultimately we should choose the type of stone that seems to call out to us. If we focus on the use we have in mind, and then look at or hold various stones we think might work, one stone will intuitively seem the best one to use. This is also true about the color we want to use as well as the type.

Once we choose a colored stone, we should clear it before using it, especially for any type of healing work. Of course, just as with clear quartz, we can harmonize ourselves with the stone to see what is held within the stone that we might not want to clear, and then we can clear it selectively. For example, we might want to clear a larimar before wearing or using it. However, after harmonizing with it we may become conscious of the vibrational qualities of the ocean that surrounded the island where it came from and decide to keep the ocean vibrations in the stone and clear everything else.

We can charge any colored stone the same way we charge clear quartz, using visualization, sound, or intention. A colored stone can be programmed with the same techniques as with a clear stone; however, it is hard to charge the colored stone with another color, since the vibration of its color is already so predominate. For example, it is hard to program a red stone to be green. We might add the green programming, but it would be much easier to just place the green stone next to or atop of the red one, and then have the use of both colors in that way.