Practice: Feeling the Energy of a Quartz Crystal - Basic Crystal and Stone Information

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Practice: Feeling the Energy of a Quartz Crystal
Basic Crystal and Stone Information

The following is a very effective method that can help us develop the ability to feel the energy of a quartz crystal. It will also help us feel the energy or aura of any object, including those that are far away from us. It will help open the healing centers in the middle of our hands and help us to eventually be aware of the energy centers and currents of energy that flow throughout our bodies, down our arms, and out our fingertips. To work with crystals and stones, and to sense subtle energy as well as the energy of the crystal, are the first things we need to be able to do, because it is subtle energy that we work with. This way we won’t be only imagining what the stone may be accomplishing, we will be able to know precisely because we can feel it energetically.


1. Sit or stand, preferably with your spine straight. Have a clear quartz, single-pointed crystal in front of you within easy reach. (Later, you will be able to pick up any stone and feel it even without your spine straight, but it is helpful to begin this way since a straight spine helps the subtle energy flow into our higher intuitive and spiritual centers.)

2. Bring your focus to your breathing, feeling as if your breath is flowing in and out of your heart center in the middle of your chest until you eventually feel a sense of calm and a centering within yourself. Do this for one minute.

3. Now, while focusing on your hands, rub them together vigorously. Do this until heat builds up between your two palms.

4. Separate your hands, and while holding them up in front of you, with a soft breath like a gentle wind, blow on their surface from the heel of your palm up to your fingertips. Focus and be aware of the feeling of your breath as it tickles across your palms.


With a soft breath, like a gentle wind, blow on the surface of your hands, from the heel of your palm up to your fingertips. This will help begin to sensitize your hands to subtle energy.

5. Still focusing on your palms, pick up your quartz crystal with your right hand and touch its tip very lightly to the middle of your left hand.

6. After feeling the tip of the crystal in your palm, while still focusing, pull the crystal upward two or three inches very slowly, while still feeling the connection between the crystal and your palm. You may feel this as a tickle, slight breeze, a stretchy cord, or a sense of buoyancy between them.


Pick up your quartz crystal with your right hand and lightly touch the tip to the middle of your left hand.

7. If you cannot feel anything, repeat the entire process. Be patient and you will. The less scattered your focus, the easier it is to feel this connection.

8. Once you can feel the connection between the crystal and your palm, try slowly pulling your crystal and hand further apart. See how far apart you can get your hand from the stone before losing the connection. With practice, you can sense or feel this subtle energy from across the room, and even further away. You can also pick up the crystal with your left hand and touch its tip to the right, repeating the same process. This will help sensitize both hands.