Terminology and Practices - Basic Crystal and Stone Information

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Terminology and Practices
Basic Crystal and Stone Information

Terms such as “energy” and “vibration” as used in this book are meant to explain a particular experience that is key to stone and crystal work. Though science has come a long way in affirming these experiences in its work with the unified field, the relationship of space and matter, and the elasticity of time, for example, an energy worker would still not necessarily use these terms in a classic scientific sense. Much of the recent mind—body and scientific research, however, seems to suggest that the scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists, metaphysicians, and energy workers are merely using different words to explain much the identical phenomenon. A scientist might criticize stone and crystal positive outcomes as the results of mere placebo effect, yet an energy worker would answer this criticism by pointing out that the placebo effect is merely another word for the same mind—body connection that we use in our stone and crystal work. We are merely using different terminology to speak of the same thing. The difference is that a stone is used as a tool to manipulate the mind—body connection rather than a fake pill. No matter what the method is, both the scientist and the crystal worker agree that changing the way we think can lead to changes in our physical body, our mind, emotions, and surrounding environment.

Though there are a number of practices included in this book, it might be confusing to figure out how many days to do them, or in what order. As a general rule of thumb, the order of appearance in this book is the sequence in which the practices are best done. Try doing them one at a time until their full effect is experienced. These practices are meant to help us to develop concentration, centering, relaxation, and observation. They will help us find and harmonize with our infinite self within. These practices will also help us to develop the ability to discern subtle energy within and without, and to distinguish between the different energy channels within our bodies so that we may draw on their strength. The practices to open and sensitize us to the energy of the chakras should be done in the order in which they are presented. The kundalini practices that work with our basic life force can be done at the same time.

Once the effects of these practices have been realized, they can be repeated at any time depending on what is needed, whether it is for more clarity, more sensitivity, or increased awareness. We may feel out of balance or out of sorts, so we need to do the balancing practices. We may need to expand our point of view to help with relationships or do the heart-opening practices to be able to let go of boundaries that are holding us back. Or we may have a new stone that we know nothing about, so we need to harmonize with it to discover how to work with it. No matter what the reason, we mustn’t feel as if we have mastered anything so much that we have nothing left to learn or realize, for there is no end to the awareness that is possible.

Finally, even before we start doing the practices, it is helpful to first begin harmonizing ourselves with stones and crystals. We can pick them up, concentrate, and start learning to feel them in our hands and get in touch with them on a deeper level than their appearance. Each time we step away from the whirlwind of everyday living to be with our stones, we can begin to feel a little more relaxed, calm, and centered, so our awareness can expand. Start with the stones.