Channeling with Stones and Crystals - Working with Higher Dimensions

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Channeling with Stones and Crystals
Working with Higher Dimensions

The purpose of channeling is to bring down information from more subtle planes into this physical plane for other people and for us. Our purpose is to serve as the means by which the information comes through. The key to good channeling is to have service as our goal rather than any personal reward or advancement, for any other motive will dilute or skew the purity of the channeled information.

There’s no type of information that we cannot channel with the use of our crystals, and any kind of crystal or stone can be used for this. We can use crystal balls, clear quartz with doorways, transparent colored stones, and even regular rocks like certain shamans use. Any stone that speaks to us with the possibility of channeled information is good to use.

Channeled information can come from other planes of reality, from nonphysical beings, from beings here on this planet who speak to us on the subtle planes, from subtle beings who enter our bodies to take over our consciousness to speak from our mouth, from information stored in the stones themselves, and from deep within our own psyches. Since thought vibration never dies, but once released continues endlessly through all planes of existence, we may use our stones to capture and then relate thoughts from any time and any being. Held within the stones themselves are ancient earth records, geologic forces that helped form this planet, and, because all rock is related, from other planets throughout space. As long as we have the psychic ears to hear and eyes to see, all physical form, all that has consciousness, has potential information for us that can be channeled.

Some believe that channeled information is not really from any source outside of us, but instead is information that lies dormant within our subconscious waiting to be revealed. Others insist that channeled information is merely our imagination. Others say that if we believe that a certain type of stone is to be used for one purpose or another, it will be that way for us, as our thoughts create our reality. Ultimately, where the information comes from is not really important. What is important is the information itself. What is even more important is that we test the information we receive, seeing if it is applicable in our physical world at that time for us. In that way, what is real is what works.

When channeling information, it is important to also realize that just because we receive certain channeled information, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will apply to everyone else, or to every situation or environment. It may be information that is only pertinent to us at one particular time, one particular environment, or in one particular situation. The same holds true with stones and crystals: just because we channel a particular use or property of a particular stone or type of stone, it doesn’t necessarily mean that information applies for all other stones that are like it, nor does it mean that no other stones will have similar properties or applications, with all people, or in all situations. Though there are receiver and transmitter crystals—channeler and teacher crystals, elestial, lightkeeper crystals, and the like—other crystals can be used to do the same thing. Ultimately, it is important to listen to our stones to see what information they have for us at that time. They will let us know through their silent voice that sounds itself in our higher mind and self.

The process of allowing ourselves to be a channel of information is as follows. First, we center, ground, and clear ourselves as is usual with all crystal and stone work. Then we prayerfully request that we be allowed to serve as the instrument through which higher wisdom will flow. Then we sit quietly, becoming aware of an increase of vibration in our bodies and perhaps even in the environment around us. We might feel this as an inner sense, shivers, heat in our body, or in many other ways. If we don’t perceive any physical change, inner sense, or other changes in the first five minutes, then it is important to not continue with the channeling. There may be some kind of blockage in our physical, mental, or emotional body that is preventing the free flow of information. If that is the case, we can empty our mind, recenter ourselves, stimulate our chakras to open them further, ask again to be an instrument, and await an answering response. If there is still no response, it is not time for us to be doing the channeling.

When we are channeling, after focusing and inquiring, we listen to our inner voice, or the source of truth inside of us. Some people will hear voices and sounds, experience changes in body temperature, or see writing before their inner eyes. Others will receive impressions or receive subtle sensations that have no particular form or shape, but that reveal information. Sometimes feelings accompany these impressions and reveal even further information as we focus on them. Remaining in a receptive mode with a clear mind will help translate these impressions and feelings. When interpreting information, no matter what form it appears, it is important to pay attention to even the slightest of impressions or messages, for the more we concentrate, the clearer the information will become.

The feeling we have when channeling is as if the information or impressions flow through us. Sometimes we might think of it as only our imagination, then dismissing what we receive as invalid. There is nothing wrong with imagination, however, for that can also be a form of truth speaking. If we have any doubt of the truth of which we speak when channeling, no matter the form in which we receive the information, it is important that we not communicate it. Our accuracy will increase to the degree to which we align with the sense of truth within us. Again, what is important is that channeled information be tested in the physical world that we inhabit.

As with all crystal and stone work, it is important to keep ourselves clear of any personal motivations and attachment to the information coming through us so that it doesn’t pollute the purity of the message or stop it entirely. One good way to gauge the depth of our personal motivation is to notice whether the attention of others is focused on us or on the message we are delivering. We should ask ourselves if by revealing the channeled information we are feeling important, more loved, rewarded, etc. If we are completely focused on our higher self or inner guidance, we will never have feelings of being unloved, unrewarded, lonely, or unimportant, so will never feel the need to seek for these feelings. Besides self-pride, we shouldn’t allow doubt, fear, or any similar feelings to interfere, because, again, we are focusing on ourselves rather than the channeling. It is important to be who we are, in life as well as when channeling.

When channeling, some people feel as if they must be “taken over” by another entity that proceeds to use their body to communicate. This technique is unnecessary and not recommended. Not only that, just because a body is not in physical form doesn’t mean that it is necessarily any more knowledgeable. If we are tempted to bring entities into our body, it is helpful to remember that, ultimately, we are all one being and it is from this oneness of being that we channel. Not only is there no need to create an artificial duality where none really exists, but to do so can ultimately lead us astray from true wisdom. If, on the other hand, we feel there is another being using our body and we want to rid ourselves of it, we have only to use our focused will to kick it out, making sure it isn’t our own attraction that is holding this entity in place. At the same time that we send this intruding entity away, it is good to send out love. Not only will love help us to be forceful and firm, but it will serve to protect us against all forms of intrusion.

Channeling Method with Crystals

Before starting the channeling process, it is important that we clear anything distracting from the space in which we intend to channel. We should make sure our environment is harmonious and allow plenty of time. If we feel rushed, it will interfere with our channeling. Clear the room in which we are channeling as well as ourselves. We can amplify the vibrations in the room through the use of any rituals that we enjoy or by placing special objects or pictures in the room. We can also help our reception of channeled information by surrounding ourselves with a ring of clear quartz, royal blue stones, or with any other colored stones or regular rocks that seem appropriate for the information we are seeking.


1. While sitting, place a large, clear crystal or a crystal ball in front of you. Place both of your hands near the tip of the crystal on opposite sides, or place both hands on either side of the crystal ball.

2. While gazing into the crystal or sphere, seeing more and more detail, allow yourself to be drawn into the stone so you feel as if you are inside of it.

3. Once inside the crystal or crystal ball, ask your question or focus on the information you would like to receive. As you focus on what you would like to know, feel as if the information flows into you through the tip of the crystal or from the center of the crystal ball.

4. If you like, allow yourself to see the information written on a screen in front of you, or you can envision a teacher who comes into the crystal with you who then imparts the information you are seeking.

5. Another method is to see yourself as walking into a large crystal room that is lined top to bottom with cubicles. See yourself as sitting down in the cubicle. As you sit, a tremendous force fills the cubicle. Meditating within this force, the answers come to you.

6. When you are tired, or it feels natural to stop, bring your consciousness out of the stone, remove your hands from the crystal or crystal ball, open your eyes, and end the process. Be sure to clear yourself, the crystals, and the room about you.

After some practice, it will be effortless to channel information with the use of our stones and we won’t even need to use these techniques. Instead, we will only have to focus on our third eye while holding the stone or stones and listen to our inner voice or see with our inner eye. We can place the stone on our third eye to find out the information it contains, or we can hold a receiving crystal in our left hand, tip pointing inwards, and then ask our question. If we would like to amplify any of these processes, we can wear a royal blue stone on our third eye, a pink or green stone on our heart center, and a turquoise on our throat. This will help open our upper energy centers so we will be better able to access the information from the higher planes or subtle realms.

If we don’t want to forget what we channeled, we can dictate the information we are receiving into a recording device or have another person write it down as we relay our information aloud.