Working with Higher Dimensions

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Working with Higher Dimensions

Because we are physical beings with physical senses, more often than not we are unable to be aware of anything other than the physical. To talk of angels, devas, fairies, gods, and goddesses seems fanciful and unreal. Working with stones and crystals is a good way to penetrate beyond the veil that hides these worlds from our experience. The more we work with our stones, the more we expand our consciousness. The more we experience beyond our physical self, the more we realize that we are much more than what we suppose. Instead of being a person solely constructed of body, mind, and emotion, we begin to know on an experiential level that we are much more. We experience all worlds as being a part of each other, the physical, astral, mental, psychic, and spiritual not only as interrelated, but as constant realities existing in the present at all times. Our experience of them is only constrained by our thoughts and preconceptions of what is real or not. As we continue our work with our stones and crystals, the tight boundaries that keep us solely grounded in physical reality begin to loosen, eventually so much so that we experience them to be just as real as the physical. No longer constrained by our limited thinking and experience, we realize that we are all of it, our being contained in and containing all that is, everything equally real and unreal. This brings us an ultimate freedom, to know ourselves as a temporary embodiment of an eternal consciousness beyond life and death, as love beyond all beginning and ending and beyond all description.

Realizing all to be one reality contained within the infinity that is our being, we are able to travel about freely within worlds, knowing that each world is separate only as a function of a limiting point of view. Realizing that each seemingly separate entity or world is only separate as a reflection of the one reality of which we are a part, we can meet and interact with celestial beings of light or Devic beings of differing planetary energies, because being of the same essential reality as us, our seeming separateness only a function of mind, we already possess the means through which we can interact. Though we seem to travel between worlds, we really go nowhere, but instead are only experiencing a shift in our viewpoint.

An analogy can be seen when we think of our own bodies. Our arm is separate from our leg, our head separate from our feet, and our back separate from our stomach, and though we can experience and interact with each one separately, each is all part of our one body. We experience each of our separate body parts only when we focus on them, yet they continue to operate, each with its own function, according to their own laws, whether we think about them or not. So, too, do the astral, mental, and other separate planes of reality and the beings within them exist separately, operating with their own laws.


Our work with crystals and stones allows us to lift the veils between these worlds, not only through the techniques we use, but also because through it we are able to raise our vibratory level and thereby expand our awareness enough to be able to experience what lies beyond our physicality. We can know these beings and worlds because, being basically inseparable, we already have the means by which we can communicate and interact. Using the same analogy as the above, we can move our arm, feel its texture, see its separate shape, and interact with it because it is both separate from and part of us.