Master Crystals - Metaphysical Properties of Crystal Markings and Formations

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Master Crystals
Metaphysical Properties of Crystal Markings and Formations

There is much debate among those who work with crystals and stones about which crystals are actually master crystals. Some list twelve of the crystal types we spoke of in the last section: cathedrals, channelers, transmitters, window crystals, elestials, laser wands, devic temple crystals, dow or trans-channelers, tantric twins, isis crystals, time link crystals and earth keeper crystals. Focusing on these unique shapes or purported qualities, it is said that these master crystals are teachers that have the ability to bring their unique messages of enlightenment to us if we attune ourselves with them.

Some feel that the only master crystals are clear quartz and black onyx or obsidian, because those stones open and balance both the top and bottom energy centers for the grounding and opening of the lower energy centers along with the enlightening upper chakras. This balance is believed to best allow subtle energy to move freely through our body, opening us to both earth and heaven.

Others focus more on the color of the stones, sometimes listing five main crystals as the master crystals: clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, turquoise, and smoky quartz. Very often crystal and stone workers name the most important stones that they work with as master crystals, believing that these are the most essential for complete energy balancing. The list of these personal selections, however, can be as varied as people working with stones.

My personal feeling is that because a single clear crystal can be employed for all of the uses ascribed to the various marked and specially formed crystals listed above, that master crystals are those that can be used to achieve a complete energy balance so we can be conscious of the higher spiritual realities, transmit and receive energy, and surround our body in a healing aura. Based on this, I would suggest the following set of crystals and stones that form what could be called master crystals or a master crystal set.

Five Most Essential Master Crystals or Stones

1. A large black onyx, obsidian, or black agate

2. A large clear quartz with a single termination

3. A rose quartz or any pink stone

4. Two more clear quartz (for sending and receiving)

Complete Master Stone or Crystal “Kit”

1. A large black onyx, obsidian, or agate

2. A large clear, single-terminated quartz

3. Rose quartz or any pink stone

4. Six amethyst stones: one for the crown, four others to place around the body in the four directions to form a healing and protective aura (top, bottom, and each side), and one to place upon the body where needed.

5. Turquoise, turquoise amazonite, or any turquoise colored stone

6. Sodalite, lapis, azurite, or any other royal blue stone

7. Yellow calcite, citrine, or any other yellow stone

8. Orange aventurine (also called red aventurine) or any other orange stone

9. Red garnet (a larger, natural crystal) ruby, rubellite (red tourmaline), or any deep red stone

10. Smoky quartz

11. Four small double-terminated clear quartz crystals

12. Two equal-sized or energetically equal clear crystal points

As we will see in later chapters, if we have a collection of these stones, we can do everything we need in our work with stones and crystals. When choosing stones for our Master Stone Kit, it is important to use the stone that calls to us in each category. The more that we then meditate with each stone, the more uses we will discover that it has for our work. Each stone selection is personal, so just because one stone works well for us, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will provide the same use for someone else. It is up to each person to find a stone that calls to them personally within each type and color category.