Description of the Chakras - Subtle Energy Bodies and Subtle Planes of Reality

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Description of the Chakras
Subtle Energy Bodies and Subtle Planes of Reality

The following is a discussion of the seven chakras and the attributes associated with each one, followed by a stone practice that will allow us to open each one of them. As each chakra is opened, it is good to mentally record any impressions, feelings, and other information that we receive so we can further our direct experience and understanding. Besides this information, we can get to know each chakra if we place a quartz crystal (preferably a double-terminated one) or a stone that is the same color as the chakra, and then sit quietly and meditatively focus on it. While we do this, it is instructive to pay attention to any mental images that appear to our mind’s eye, any changes in mood or body temperature, any subtle sounds that we hear, or any other input that appears to us. As we do this, more and more of the complete system will be intuitively revealed to us. This way we will have a personal, in-depth experience of each chakra that we can use in our stone and crystal work.

There are many varying descriptions of the chakra systems, both within ancient yogic and meditative texts as well as in the more modern accounts. Though there are huge amounts of ancient and modern information about each chakra, a basic exposition is presented here that most texts seem to agree on. First, we should learn the basic system, and then use our crystals and stones to meditate on and work within this structure. When we are later working with our stones, if we intuitively decide to add to the structure or vary from it, we can do so. Our own intuitive understanding as well as the voices of the stones will guide us.

As with all stone and crystal work, it is important to be in the moment and check our results in the physical plane reality. We will be less effective if we blindly insist that certain pathways or relationships must always be directed in a certain way because that might not be true in each case. Each person is in a different degree of psychic, physical, emotional, and mental health and evolution. As we work with each person, it is our job to notice which parts of the subtle energy system seem to predominate and/or need treating in each moment that we work. If we have memorized an elaborate system that we are not also experientially aware of, we can become trapped in dogma and belief instead of having the spontaneity that is required for effective work.

First Chakra: Muladhara or Root Chakra—Garnets or Red Stones

The first chakra lies in the vicinity of the bottom of our spine. The ancient name for this is muladhara, though it is also called the root chakra. This is where the kundalini resides, and is sometimes called the seat of the kundalini, or the root of our vital energy. This chakra forms the border between animal and human consciousness and is linked to the unconscious mind, where our actions and experiences from past lives are stored. Related to feelings of security on the physical plane, this center is also related to vitality and growth, life force, and the upward movement of energy. The red color associated with the first chakra symbolizes the awakening of the sleeping consciousness to the alert and aware consciousness, an event characterized by the rising of the kundalini or life force energy. Associated with the element of earth, the first chakra is also associated with basic survival on the physical plane. The negative characteristics that appear if we are centered too much in this first chakra are inertia and laziness, self-centeredness and grandiosity, and an overattachment to our physical desires.


A red jasper grounding stone, associated with the root chakra, when stimulated brings security and stability. The heart reminds us that love is our ultimate strength.

Most of the time when we do any stone or crystal work with this center, it is either because there is a specific physical disease centered there that needs healing, we are attempting to stimulate and raise the kundalini energy, or more vitality is needed throughout the body. Like a tree with no roots, when the first center is not opened or stimulated, we have no strength. We cannot find our connection with the earth and the security that it brings. Without roots, we can easily keep most of our energy in our heads, thus suffering from headaches and various states of anxiety. Without a strengthened and balanced root chakra and the grounding that it brings, we can suffer from mental or physical hyperactivity, over-emotionalism, the feeling of a constant sense of crisis, and other similar mental issues.

We can strengthen this center to help reduce fear, insecurity, and other such mental/emotional states. When this center is too stimulated in relation to the other centers, we experience an overattachment to our physical desires, often to the exclusion of all else, thinking that the satisfaction of these desires will make us feel safe. Closing this center to one degree or another will help lessen an overconcern for power or self-aggrandizing. Usually, however, we find that we need to stimulate this center to bring roots and to ground ourselves. Opening the heart center will help provide balance and lessen any negative effects of the root chakra.

The stones to use with this center are anything red. Garnets are excellent. Red jasper can be good to use, as well as red carnelian, ruby, or red corundum. Coral is very rarely used here, since its connection to the sea (it’s not a rock) largely precludes it from being able to provide grounding. We can place the red stone near the base of the spine, visualizing our breath moving in and out of the stone, stimulating this center with every inhale. With every exhale, visualize a stream of red energy or light flowing from the base of the spine past the feet, where it turns brown or earth colored, and, just like a root, deep into the earth.

Second Chakra: Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra—Carnelian or Orange Stones

The svadhishthana chakra, also referred to as the sacral chakra, is located near the coccyx (tailbone), approximately two finger widths above the muladhara chakra. It roughly corresponds to the pubic bone or the center of our lower belly. Connected with our sense of taste, sexual desire, and procreation, the sacral chakra, motivated by pleasure, is considered the driving force for the enjoyment of life through all of our senses. Allowing us to feel the world around us, when it is open and stimulated it is the foundation of our feeling of well-being in the world. It is associated with the element of water. Though its color is orange, because of its association with water, it can also take on a pale blue or, in some rare instances, white. Since it is associated with water, its opening brings us movement and flow in our emotions and thoughts, supporting our relationships and formation of identity through relationships in the world. Besides emotions and relationships, the sacral energy center is also related to creativity and the subconscious mind, where the experiences of the womb are stored. It is the second step in our evolution of pure human consciousness. When balanced, our relationships with others and with the world are centered on nurturing, pleasure, and harmonious relationships.


Its energy amplified by its clear quartz base, this citrine cluster will help open the second chakra (primarily), as well as the first and the third. This will help bring a sense of personal power, grounded strength, strong vitality, and potency.

If the second chakra is imbalanced, we can be entirely ruled by our emotions and, tending towards hedonism, be easily dependent on people or substances that bring us easy pleasure and be overindulgent with our sexuality. The opposite may also be true if this chakra is blocked: We may feel numb, unemotional, and out of touch with our feelings. We may feel uncertain, detached, and insecure, with an inability to successfully cope with any of life’s changes. Feeling rigid in our life’s routines, with this center blocked we often feel a lack of self-esteem or self-worth and find ourselves in abusive or unhealthy relationships. Unable to access our feelings, we can feel depressed, jealous, and fearful. Physical symptoms of blockage in this center include: constipation and back pain, urinary and kidney infections, gynecological problems, or impotence.

Good stones to use to help restore balance in this center are: carnelian, orange citrine, orange amber, red aventurine (which looks orange), or any other orange stone. If we want to open this center, we can place the stones directly on top of the chakra and imagine our breath moving in and out of this center, opening it with every inhale, and removing blockages with every exhale. If we want to amplify these effects, we can use a clear, single-terminated quartz crystal in our right hand, pointing it towards the chakra, and trace a clockwise or counterclockwise spiral the chakra, feeling it as opening or closing. Do not close this chakra, or any other, all the way; leave it open enough to be in balance with the other energy centers.

Third Chakra: Manipura or Solar Chakra—Citrine or Yellow Stones

The third energy chakra, manipura, is also called the solar center or solar plexus chakra. The color associated with it is yellow. Sometimes the yellow includes a very slight tinge of orange because of its association with fire. Located roughly in the center of our body, between the navel and the lower part of our chest, the third chakra is the seat of the will, of intellect, and the vitality of both the physical and etheric bodies, and thus is the source of energy for our well-being on all levels. It is where all seventy-two thousand subtle nerves join to filter, transform, and distribute subtle energy throughout all the subtle bodies. Fire, which transmutes matter to energy, is this center’s element, and as such it is also concerned with all forms of power and manifestation.

If the third chakra is open and stimulated, it brings the power that can propel our ideas and dreams to manifestation, carry our plans to fruition, and drive the manifestations of our visualizations. Because the use of our will empowers our actions on all planes, not just the physical, the open solar plexus chakra helps us bring the subtle impressions from the higher centers into manifestation in the physical. Tempered by the wisdom of our hearts, the strong use of our will is needed for nearly all aspects of stone and crystal work, whether it be to help us maintain focus, empower our intentions, or to maintain a quiet mind so that we hear the stones and the quiet guidance from our hearts.


The third energy chakra is also called the solar plexus chakra. The color associated with it is yellow, sometimes with a very slight tinge of orange because of its association with fire. A yellow crystal will help bring vitality, concentration, and strength of will.

The solar chakra can be seen as a power station of sorts, constantly supplying us with vitality and strength of will. Like a magnet, an open solar chakra attracts prana, the basic life force of the universe, assisting our good health and releasing us from negative energy. An open and balanced third chakra can provide us the energy to move forward and carry out our plans in life as well as in our stone and crystal work. With an open and balanced third chakra, we have clarity and confidence.

When our third chakra is balanced, we are assertive in a way that not only leads to results, but also allows us to remain in harmony with our surroundings and in our relationships. If unbalanced, we lose our balance with respect to our personal power as well, demanding excessive control over others and over our surroundings. We can misuse our power and become manipulative and selfish, losing our ability to be empathic or in harmony. A person can become greedy in all aspects of their personality, and traits like compassion and other human values are shown only if they bring further recognition, ego enhancement, and the like.

The third chakra is known as the seat of the subtle digestive fire, so blockages in this center can manifest in the following health problems: digestive disorders, circulatory diseases, diabetes and blood pressure issues, issues with the pancreas, and metabolic disorders, because this center also governs the metabolism. Other anatomical parts of the body that can be affected by blockages in this center are: the sympathetic nervous system, spleen, liver, adrenals, stomach, small intestine, and the skin. Besides issues with power and control, other behavioral issues associated with a solar center blockage include shame, jealousy, envy, ignorance, spitefulness, tentativeness, and cowardice.

To stimulate or open the solar center, citrine, yellow calcite, yellow jade, gold tiger eye, and most yellow stones are good to use. Some people use amber, also known as “the women’s stone,” as a more gently transformative alternative. (Technically, being formed from sap, it is not really a stone.)

If the third chakra is overstimulated and we want to bring it back into balance, any stone that is light green, such as green aventurine, gem silica, light green emerald, and some peridots, are good stones to use. Basically, we should use any green color stone that is a light, “cooling” green rather than a bright, bold, more stimulating green. Green calcite is excellent because it is one of the most cooling of the green colors. Place the stone directly on top of the chakra, then visualize the breath flowing in and out of the center, cooling it as it does. As we do this, we can also hold a clear crystal in our right hand and trace a counterclockwise spin as if we are closing this center. If we do this, however, we should be careful that we don’t close it too much; instead, leave it open enough to be in balance with the other energy chakras.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata or Heart Chakra—Pink or Green Stones

The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest between the breasts, bridges the spiritual, higher energy centers, and the lower, earthly energy centers. Its color is green, although the color in the aura may also manifest as pink. Its primary energy is love and all its expressions. As the center of integration of both the earthly and the spiritual, when our heart center is opened, it allows us to experience both energies harmoniously, joined in an all-encompassing unity. The opened heart center unites yin and yang, earth and heaven, male and female, and spirit with matter. Because the heart chakra is most concerned with connection, relating, and integration, when opened we will experience such qualities as compassion, giving and receiving, forgiveness and acceptance, empathy, and inner peace. The opened heart chakra connects us with an endless stream of its own form of wisdom best described as a compassionate awareness and accepting discernment. The love of the heart chakra is not romantic, but transcends the individual ego to a limitless acceptance of everything, experiencing the beauty in every moment and the fulfillment based on something much larger than our limited self. It is the chakra through which we find life beautiful, and through which we both give and express love.


Needle-like crystals of rhodochrosite spill down a quartz crystal mountain in a fountain of love. This reminds us that love always flows and is never still. This stone can help open our hearts to compassion, acceptance, empathy, and love.

Our heart chakra can become imbalanced or closed through many of life’s experiences: rejection, divorce and separation, belittling or shaming upbringing, bullying, and the like. This is especially true if we attempt to have our life experiences be the source of love for us, rather than the energy of our own open heart. This imbalance, or closing or our heart, can manifest in such ways as defensiveness and overprotectiveness, relying on another’s constant approval, always needing to be the “rescuer” or “perfect,” being jealous or fearful of getting too close, withholding intimacy, and becoming judgmental and unforgiving. When extreme, the closed anahata can result in behavior that is antisocial and reclusive, behaviors that form a safe barrier from all forms of relating. Empathy is impossible with a closed heart chakra. Conversely, the more open our heart center, the more empathic we can become of others’ feelings and underlying motivations.

The stones that are good to use with the heart chakra are typically rose quartz, pink tourmaline, rhodonite or rhodochrosite, although any pink stone will work. Since green is also a color associated with this center, we can also use malachite, green aventurine, jade, emerald, or any other green stone. Watermelon tourmaline is also excellent to use since it is both green and pink. As before, if we spiral a quartz point either clockwise or counterclockwise while using our breath for empowerment, we can open or close the anahata to the degree that it is needed for balance.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha or Throat Chakra—Blue Topaz, Aquamarine, or Turquoise Colored Stones

The throat chakra, also called vishuddha, is located in the middle of the throat, or the center of the neck. Its color is turquoise blue, reminding us of the limitless sky, which is appropriate because an important part of this chakra’s function is to connect us with spirit. It is the gateway to the subtle realms, connecting the heart center with the third eye through the throat. The element associated with the vishuddha chakra is ether, so this chakra, if opened or stimulated, can connect us with the etheric body and etheric realms of experience. The fifth chakra is also about self-expression, finding our authentic creativity and projecting it out into the world. The throat chakra is also associated with all forms of communication, every day communications and also communication within ourselves, helping us express our own inner truth. Associated with the ether element, or sound, the open throat chakra helps us with singing, and all forms of verbal communication. When opened, it helps us discern the higher wisdom we find echoing within and to then express it out into the world.

Physically, our throat chakra is related to our thyroid gland and the processing of metabolism, growth, and the regulation of our body temperature. It is connected with our mouth, ears, jaw, bronchial system, larynx, and muscles of our throat, and sometimes the upper part of our lungs.


Aqua aura is created by combining pure gold with quartz crystal on a molecular level so that the clear quartz crystal turns aquamarine in color. Combining the qualities of pure gold with clear quartz, this stone is very good for the throat chakra and, because of its sky-like quality, for any kind of release.

An open fifth chakra means that we tend to have the ability to successfully communicate, both verbally and nonverbally. Our speech is pure and nonjudgmental, and our clarity is strong. We can easily connect with the more intuitive, subtle realms energies and bring their information forward into physical reality as we connect the subtle etheric and astral planes with physical consciousness. Generally speaking, if our throat chakra is open we tend to be centered and skillfully truthful, intuitive, and empathic, especially when balanced with our opened heart chakra. We are more easily able to follow the guidance of our inner voice, rather than the dictates of others. Connected with the second sacral energy center, the open throat chakra brings even more creativity as it joins the physical with the spiritual for its inspiration.

When the fifth chakra is blocked or imbalanced, which can easily happen if we repress communications, we may experience physical symptoms such as sore throats, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and problems with our jaws and ears. Psychologically, a blocked fifth chakra can bring timidity, excessive shyness, or introversion. The voice may be small or shaky, and at times almost imperceptible. When imbalanced, we may speak inappropriately or excessively, with an inability to listen to others. Our words may often be untruthful or aggressive or mean, or we may be gossips. We may speak without thinking, so that what comes out of our mouths may lack harmony, our inner discourse exposed without the filtering of truth.

We can use any turquoise blue stone to help open and stimulate the throat chakra. Examples include aquamarine, blue topaz, turquoise amazonite, turquoise, turquoise fluorite, gem silica, blue lace agate, as well as some celestite, azurite and blue calcite, depending on their color.

Energetically, this chakra connects the chakras of the body with the upper chakras of the head, and as such, when subtle energy moves through our bodies it can easily become stuck here in what feels like an energetic bottleneck. If this happens, it is good to place turquoise stones, or a clear quartz crystal that has been programmed with the turquoise color, on the center of our throat as we visualize our head beginning to lift up off our shoulders, so much so that it seems as if it is floating in a clear blue sky. As we visualize our heads being light, it is good to relax our jaw and neck while letting our shoulders drop. An amethyst can also be used to help relax any holding in this center as the breath is used to open it with every inhale. Once the amethyst has been used, however, it is good to then place a turquoise stone on the throat chakra. When the turquoise stone is on the throat chakra, use your quartz crystal point to spiral the chakra open if it needs stimulating, or closed if it needs to be less stimulated to be balanced with the other chakras.

A good basic layout that will help open the throat center is to place a turquoise stone on the throat, an amethyst on the top of each shoulder (pointing out away from the neck if it has a tip), and a clear crystal over our head with the tip pointing upward. It is usually also good to balance this opening with smoky quartz or another dark stone placed beneath the feet. If the work being done is to help access our creativity, it is good to also place an orange stone on our second chakra and imagine that its creative energy awakens and flows upward to join that of the throat.

Sixth Chakra: Ajna or Third Eye Chakra—Indigo or Royal Blue Stones

The sixth chakra, also known as the ajna or third eye chakra, is located inside the forehead, roughly the point between the two eyebrows and the middle of the forehead. Corresponding to the air element, the ajna is also characterized by luminescence and the soft white radiance of the moon. The third eye is considered to be the center of a superior mental consciousness beyond intellectualism in which we directly perceive the invisible subtle energies associated with higher realms of consciousness. When our third eye is open, we directly experience the subtle realms at the same time we perceive the physical. Rather than being two separate realms, however, we perceive them merely as two aspects of the same essential unity. This way of perceiving is reflected within the subtle body energy system. Energetically, the third eye is where the two sides of subtle energy channels, the ida and pingala, terminate and become one with the main central energy, the sushumna, bringing an end to duality. With this joining, the analytical right hemisphere of the brain is balanced with the intuitive left hemisphere of the brain, bringing a consciousness in which we have constant access to a deeper wisdom expressed as a direct, wordless, intuitive inner knowing. The third eye center is also known for its superior intellect, not necessarily because it brings an increased ability to think, but because normal thinking is joined with and augmented by higher, intuitive perception.


Whether gazed into or worn, the combined energies of sapphires and amethysts will stimulate the third eye and crown chakras to bring intuition and higher awareness. The slight yellow color within the amethyst will help empower the insights of the sixth and seventh chakras when stimulated by this mandala.

Because of the ajna’s ability to perceive subtle realities, the opening of the third eye is often associated with various psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and the ability to perceive subtle energy. The opening of this sixth chakra often brings states of rapture and mystical visions because of its sublime point of view. It is not unusual to experience extrasensorial perception, spiritual illumination, and the insight that brings the desire to live harmoniously in alignment with the highest good.

Physically, the third eye is related to the pineal gland, which regulates our biorhythms and sleep states, among other things. It is also related to our pituitary and adrenal glands, and by extension our entire glandular system, including the hormones secreted in our bloodstream in order to stimulate some sort of action in our various tissues or organs. Among other things, our glandular system is responsible for the promotion of growth, the regulation of our emotions, our sexual identity, the repair of our tissues, and the generation of energy for our hormonal and endocrine system. Being close to the optical nerves, the sixth chakra is also related to light, and as such is especially sensitive to any fluctuations, especially those associated with mystical experience.

When the third eye is imbalanced, we can easily lose our grounding, as more of our energy becomes lodged in this center as opposed to our lower centers. Again, using the example of the tree, if it sends all of its life force energy to its leaves and withdraws it from the roots, the tree will wither and die. If our third eye center is overstimulated, we can easily become so centered in the fantasies of our mental world that we mistake them for physical reality and lose the balanced perspective that brings a deeper wisdom. If this center is so stimulated that it is not in balance with the heart center, we can become greedy for physical and psychic power, and manipulate others with our psychic vision. When the third eye is blocked, we can have vision problems and headaches. We may have trouble with concentration and memory, or lose all or most of our ability to understand things on a deeper level. When this center is blocked, our vision blinded, we can feel stuck in life and unable to see what is beyond our everyday problems, or we are unable to find or realize a guiding vision for ourselves in the world.

Because we work with the mind—body interaction in our crystal and stone work, having the vision of the open third eye brings the ability to see into both the physical and subtle worlds, which is helpful, if not essential, in our work with crystals and stones. With an open third eye, subtle energy is obvious, as well as the way we need to use it in order to effect the changes we intend on the physical world. The more we work with our stones and crystals, centering and calming ourselves, harmonizing and attuning ourselves to the voices of the stones, the more our third eye will tend to open. Whether we consciously focus energy on our third eye or not, we are using it in this work to some extent, especially as we become more aware of subtle energy. If we consciously work to open our third eye, it is important to remember to balance it with an open heart chakra and ground ourselves into the earth so that we remain balanced. The more balanced with the other chakras, the more our third eye can open.

Good stones to use with the sixth chakra are indigo or royal blue colored stones, though sometimes moonstone or other translucent pale white stones can be used since they replicate the pale white astral color that is also associated with this chakra. The clearer the stone, the more air energy the stone will have. Likewise, the more opaque it is, the more grounding. Good stones to use include blue sodalite, lapis, iolite, sapphire, royal blue azurite, or some alexandrites, although these can also be used for the crown chakra. Herkimer diamonds are also used quite frequently on this center, since they are also associated with the astral planes.

As with the other chakra stones, when we place an appropriate stone over this center it will be stimulated and opened. For example, after placing a small sodalite or sapphire on the ajna, we then focus our eyes on the point where the stone meets our forehead and imagine that the blue of the stone flows into the third eye with every inhale, causing it to flower open. With every exhale, we can relax our forehead, our face, and the back of our neck to assist this opening. To amplify this process, as with the other chakras, we can hold a clear quartz crystal in our right hand, and after touching its point to the center of our forehead, draw it up and spiral clockwise as we visualize the chakra opening.

After we have worked with opening our third eye, it will help for us to then balance this opening with our heart center. To do this, we can hold a pink or green stone against our heart chakra while keeping the blue stone on our third eye. Imagine that with every inhale the energy of our third eye flows down to join that of our heart chakra. Then with every exhale imagine that the energy of our heart chakra flows upward to join that of our third eye. We can then imagine that a line of subtle energy connects both the third eye stone and the heart center stone, further establishing a line of connection.

Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra—Amethyst or Violet Stones

The crown or seventh chakra is also known as the sahasrara, or “thousand petals.” Its color is deep purple, although its subtle energy can be seen as white, gold, or clear. It is located at or above the top of our head and appears as a crown of light. An open crown chakra gives us access to the highest states of consciousness, to an awareness that is universal and most sacred. Mainly concerned with spirituality, it is connected to enlightenment, self-realization, and divine fulfillment. Through this center we connect with the formless reality that is beyond any limits, beginnings, or endings. Guidance comes directly to us from the divine source and life force pours through the crown, flowing through each chakra until it reaches our first chakra, reprogramming our dysfunctional patterns of behavior and thought as it stimulates each chakra in succession. Open and balanced, this chakra brings transcendence, miracles, and endless peace within ourselves. With an open and balanced crown chakra, we become selfless, completely grounded in expanded consciousness. Because both are the extremes of the chakra system, the crown chakra is energetically connected to the root chakra, and both should be in balance for the optimal health of the physical and subtle body.


The seventh, or crown chakra is located at or above our head and appears as a crown of light. Deep purple in color, although its subtle energy can be seen as white, gold, or clear, it is well represented by amethyst. This one-and-a-half-foot-high amethyst generator crystal will help open our crown chakra to reveal the highest wisdom and consciousness. It will also help bring calmness and physical, mental, and emotional healing.

Physically associated with the upper head, the cerebral cortex, and the skin, this chakra is mainly related to the pineal gland, but also the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus. The pineal gland is related to our production of melatonin and mood regulation and controls the effective functioning of our physical emotions and our mental self. As with the third eye chakra, since the hypothalamus and pituitary work together to regulate the endocrine system, the rest of the glandular system and hormonal systems are affected.

Energetically, a crown chakra imbalance may manifest as being unable to connect with the higher spirit, or living in our head while being disconnected with our body and the everyday reality. If this chakra is too open without being balanced with the other energy centers, we may experience various forms of psychosis or manic energy. We may become frustrated and feel a deep sense of unrealized power and potential. If this chakra is blocked or closed, we can feel constantly exhausted, hopeless, and lost, with no sense of where we belong in the world.

To open this center, we can use any purple stone as well as clear quartz or any other clear stone. Amethyst is excellent to use with this center. To open the sahasrara, we can place an amethyst over the top of the crown, with its tip pointing upward if it has one. A clear crystal can also be used. As when working with the other chakras, feel as if your breath flows in and out of both the stone and chakra, pulling in violet or clear energy with every inhale, opening it with every exhale. To further facilitate this opening, we can place a grounding stone beneath our feet and hold an amethyst in each hand, tips upward. Holding a clear quartz or amethyst in each hand, we can use our breath to pull in energy through our crown, opening it and also distributing this energy down through our chakra system, energizing each chakra as we do.