Prana, or Life Force - Subtle Energy Bodies and Subtle Planes of Reality

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Prana, or Life Force
Subtle Energy Bodies and Subtle Planes of Reality

Prana is the life force of the universe. It is found on the physical and every other subtle plane and vitalizes every being, including us. This vital force sends its life currents down through all our bodies to the physical, where it is carried by the subtle nervous system and absorbed into the cells themselves. Our degree of health and vitality is determined by our absorption and circulation of prana. The more prana we absorb into ourselves, the more vitality we will feel. When we have more vitality, we are healthier and happier.

Prana is intimately tied to our breath. When we deeply inhale, we pull more prana into our body. Similarly, when we exhale, we are discharging it. We can use our breath to circulate this pranic life current in our body. This distribution happens naturally as we breathe. However, prana distribution can also be increased and precisely directed with our focused willpower. There are many techniques, called pranayama, that use our breath to collect increased amounts of prana in our body and direct it where we need it for more vitality.

We can also use our stones, along with our focused will, in combination with our breath to send this life force out to vitalize any other person. This is a basic and very powerful healing method, whether it is for the emotional, physical, or otherwise. We can also use our prana-filled breath to charge, vitalize, or empower any projection in our crystal and stone work. After charging our stones and crystals with prana, still using our breath, we can release and send it out as a charged energy current. To do this, we consciously collect prana with our inhale and send it out with our exhale.

The following is a quartz crystal practice to practice sending prana out to vitalize another person. We can also use this technique to send extra prana or life force into our food, our plants, animals, and surrounding environments. This practice can be done anywhere, but is best when done outside in the sunlight.


1. Sit or stand comfortably with your spine straight. Hold a single-terminated quartz crystal, or a crystal wand, in your right hand, with the tip pointing outward. Hold another similarly sized crystal, point inward, in your left hand. Center yourself as you close your eyes and begin to breathe with long, deep breaths through your nose. This is a particular breath technique that, among other things, works to draw extra amounts of prana into your body.

2. Fill your lungs completely as you inhale. As you breathe in, feel as if you are pulling in large amounts of prana with each breath and circulating it throughout your body. As you exhale, imagine that you are sending out any negative energy from your body. As you continue to inhale prana, feel as if your body radiates with more and more vital energy. Do this for at least three minutes.

3. Now, as you continue to inhale prana, visualize the person to whom you would like to send this vital energy. (If the person is in front of you, just look at them or any particular part of their body where you would like to send more energy.) As you continue to focus on the person, either actually seeing them or holding them in your mind’s eye, hold your right arm and hand up and point the crystal towards them.

4. As you point the crystal, inhale through your nose with the intention of gathering prana, then exhale through your mouth towards the crystal, blowing the prana that you have accumulated in your body into the crystal, charging it with this vital force. Do this three or four times, or until you sense that the crystal is thoroughly charged.

5. Next, inhale again and exhale or blow out from your mouth, sending the prana from the crystal to the person. You may aim the crystal either in the person’s general direction or to any place in the body that needs more vital energy. Continue to send the prana force from your body, through the crystal, to the person for approximately ten minutes, or until it seems like it’s time to stop.

6. When you are finished, put your crystal aside, dropping your arm to your side. Always recharge yourself with prana by inhaling it in and exhaling any negativity that you might have pulled in. Do this for at least three minutes and then relax. Clear your crystals, the other person, and yourself.

7. If you like, you can charge one of your crystals with prana and put it out in your room or environment to energize the space with life force.