Listening, Hearing, and Harmonizing with the Stones - Personal Preparation for Crystal and Stone Work

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Listening, Hearing, and Harmonizing with the Stones
Personal Preparation for Crystal and Stone Work

All rocks speak in the language of universal intelligence, their voices communicating through this essential unity of which we all share, whether human, mineral, or otherwise. It is because of this essential unifying intelligence that we can listen to, talk to, feel, or otherwise have conversations with stones. We have only to open our perceptions and extend our awareness as we harmonize with the stones and we can experience this.

From a spiritual and metaphysical understanding, we are able to harmonize with and do our work with crystals and stones because we are all essentially connected. We are all parts of the same natural world here on our planet; we share the same physical elements, and we are mutually joined in a deeper essence, beyond any concept of “normal” reality. At all times, we are both separate and mutually interdependent. In other words, though we are obviously different in form from a stone, it appears that there is lot that we share in common.

These considerations help form the backbone of our ability to harmonize with our stones and crystals. To harmonize with a stone is to feel a sense of total connection with it, as if there is no difference between the stone and us, no boundaries between us. Our total awareness is focused just on the stone. The boundaries between the stone and us dissolved, we know the stone. We hear its voice. Just like knowing ourselves, this information has no end; it is like a constantly flowing river of knowing that appears wherever we focus.

When we harmonize with a stone or crystal, this isn’t something that is done once and then we know everything about the stone. Each time we pick up or focus our attention on a stone, it is different than it was before. The environment around the stone is different, the person we are working with is different, we are different, and even the stone is different. All of these differences energetically affect the stone in one way or another, changing the way it will work, and also what information it contains.

So, not only should we reharmonize with each of our stones before we work with them, but we will get our best results if we drop any expectancies that the stone will perform exactly the way it did before or achieve any of the same results. It might be that the stone stays much the same in spite of the different influences, or the stone may perform differently than its normal tendencies. In any case, our expectancies can jam up the channel so that our work is much less effective.

This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t learn about stones, only that we shouldn’t let that learning become an impediment that limits our immediate experience of the stones. What we learn is best regarded as a frame of reference. This frame of reference provides us with an array of practices and techniques that we can try with our stones, as well as a means to communicate with them. In our remembrance of the various techniques, however, it is far more effective to remain present-centered, using them as the here-and-now voice of the stone to guide us.

Practice: Harmonizing with the Stones and Crystals

Harmonizing with a quartz crystal is much easier than with other stones because of its various energetic properties. However, we can harmonize with any stone or crystal if we have enough patience. The following is a method we can use to do it.


1. Pick up the crystal or stone you have chosen to harmonize with. If it is too large, wrap your arms around the stone as if you are hugging it.

2. Sitting or standing with your spine straight, holding the stone, close your eyes and take two or three long, deep breaths, centering and grounding yourself as you do so. If you don’t feel centered or grounded, do three more long, deep breaths, and so on, until you do.

3. Focus your gaze upon the stone. Notice more and more about the stone. If it is a solid stone or crystal, see every crack or change of color. If it is an opaque or translucent stone or crystal, look inside it. Look more closely at the various wisps, veils, and inclusions, noticing them in increasing detail.

4. Now, close your eyes and feel the stone or crystal. Without analyzing it, focus on the feeling of it in your hands or arms. Notice everything about it, the temperature, hardness or softness, texture, and so on.

5. While retaining your awareness of its feeling, look at or into the stone again. Let your mind be still. As you do this, the feeling of separation between you and the stone will eventually begin to disappear. Now you are ready to work with the stone and/or hear its voice.

As we do this harmonization process, it is not unusual for our hands and fingers to become increasingly more sensitive to the stones and subtle energy. Eventually, we may feel the stones throughout our entire body. This sensation may feel like tingling, buzzing, a slight breeze, a change in our body temperature, or a tightness in one part or another of our body. We may immediately begin to see images in our mind’s eye or hear the stone’s history.

This dissolution of the boundaries between the stone and us may be partial or complete, the main factors being our ability to center and focus. At first this harmonization process may take quite a bit of time to happen; however, with experience our ability to harmonize with any stone or crystal becomes automatic and instantaneous. As our awareness and ability to harmonize with the stones and crystals grow, we are able to harmonize with more than one stone at a time. It is quite possible to harmonize with a group of rocks, stones, and crystals, as well as with a cliff, rock wall, or an entire mountain.