Negative Energy - Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Negative Energy
Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

Occasionally, we can pick up negative energy, either because it is in our environment, or it is deliberately sent to us. It is easy to tell what is negative energy. Basically, it doesn’t feel good. Something will feel off or out of balance. We may feel fear, anger, doubt, or any other such limiting or negative feeling. We may see black or grayness in our mind’s eye, or see fearful or otherwise negative images within. We can take it into our minds, emotions, and bodies when doing healing work, or it can be unintentionally sent from someone. We can be in a “toxic” environment. In any event, no matter in what form, when we feel negative energy, we will want to shield ourselves from it and transform it from negative to positive.

To change it from negative to positive, we can use the smudging method. We can also imagine negativity flowing into the earth, where it is transformed to positivity. If we are seeing a negative image in our mind’s eye, imagine that it turns into its opposite as we surround it in golden, loving light. We can also send out love, imagining it as flowing out from our hearts, to surround any negativity with its healing aura so that anything that is negative is banished and transformed. In any event, rather than fighting or resisting negativity, we transform it, usually with love.


Shielding from Negative Energy with a Golden Aura

One method that is very good for shielding us from any negative energy is to surround ourselves with a golden orb of light. Though we can do this with or without our crystals, using crystals will help strengthen our focus that we need to form the orb around our body. Holding two cleared quartz crystals, one in each hand with the tips facing inward toward the body, with each inhale visualize a golden light coming down from the heavens through the top of our head to flow downward to completely fill our body. Once our body is filled with golden light, imagine that it flows outward from our skin to completely surround our body in an egg-shaped orb of light. Any negativity coming our way is repelled from this light so it either goes back to its source or into the earth to be transformed. A variation of this is to see this golden orb of light as encased in fire, so that any negative energy is burned up until it is gone. We can routinely surround ourselves in this protective light, or we can do this only when doing healing or other transformative work with our stones where we may pull out illness or any other symptom of negativity.