Discovering What Is Stored in a Quartz Crystal or Stone - Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Discovering What Is Stored in a Quartz Crystal or Stone
Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

Though we generally want to clear out any prior vibrations that a crystal or stone contains, since there may be certain influences that we wouldn’t like to be affected by, we may first want to discover what might be stored in the crystal. This way we can be certain we aren’t clearing away any influences we may want to utilize in our own work with the stones. Many times a crystal or stone has information stored in it that would be useful for us. We may want to include the earth energies of the crystal’s initial formation, for example, or find out if the stone has been programmed earlier with information that we could use.

It is said that there are crystals and stones that have been deliberately programmed with information for those who discover them at a later date, some of the programming recent, and some dating back to ancient civilizations. Some believe that there are crystals in which certain information has been projected from advanced beings from other universes or higher planes of existence. In these cases, we would want to be able to discover what is stored in the crystal rather than immediately clearing it. The following is a technique that allows us to discover what is stored in a crystal or stone:


1. Touch both of your hands to the crystal. If you like, pull your hands away slightly while still maintaining a subtle connection with the stone. Either way will work, though if your concentration is weaker, it may be best to actually touch the stone. Close your eyes and focus on your intuitive third eye energy center located between your eyebrows, roughly in the center of your forehead.

2. With your hands in contact with the crystal and your attention focused, breathe in and out of your nose with long, deep breaths. Feel yourself relax more deeply with each exhale.

3. Let all thoughts that enter your mind go until you are only focused on the crystal or stone.

4. When you feel as if you are completely attuned to the crystal or stone, with your attention entirely focused, have the strong intention that you will learn what is stored in the stone. Maintain this intention during this entire process.

5. You will soon receive the information that is stored in the crystal. Though this information may come to your attention in many ways, usually it is in the form of mental, emotional, or physical impressions. You may see images in your mind’s eye that represent what is stored that you will need to interpret later. You may hear actual words with your subtle hearing. Sometimes your third eye energy center may start to flicker with light, and you soon see images in it that represent what is stored in the stone. Though it may be tempting to dismiss what comes to you as just your imagination, it is important to pay attention to every input, no matter in which form it appears to you.

6. When you are through, clear the stone if you still want to do so. Clear yourself and the environment around you.

Selective Clearing

If we decide that we want to save any of the information that we discovered in the stone, it is possible to clear every other influence except what we want to save. If so, when clearing the stone, we have only to focus on what we want cleared. We can do that by holding the thought or image of what we want to stay in the stone and visualize the clearing as taking place around it, leaving the image or thought intact.

There are many other times when we may want to only partially clear a crystal or stone. We may have programmed the stone for a certain use ourselves and want to leave that programming intact when clearing the stone. This is very often true with stones used for healing. For example, we may have programmed a stone to work with healing in a certain way but want to clear out any negativity from the stone that may have entered during the healing. Other times, we ourselves may have deliberately projected information into the stone for someone else to discover at a later date. Likewise, a teacher may have programmed information for a student to discover. Obviously, that should not be cleared out. I have programmed messages and information to my children in their own personal crystals that I gave them as children so they can discover it in their adult years. These crystals are only cleared when negative energy has been around them, and then I only clear out the negativity and leave the rest of the information intact.